GEORGE' E'dittpre ..4E.g4i.p. : ..0t,'E POSITOR. CARLLIISLE. WEDNESDAY, §EPtEMRER 2, 1840 - , - • Ourtiatiner Ifoati prou'dly-ca - nie rally around it, -- . ,lOr 11130 h from. the contest, till LIBERTY'S WOll4 . ' frl I :.'ive , place our. -country where ,Jackson first • .. . "found it,' , . , tire HE and VA BUREN their follies begun! , • _Come smcc EN.!:11, yet . yoti - vould . .clicrielt,„ ~ • : . . .. . ' ? o r bow down .11S aufvects• on Slavery's knee ; • Cootie rally! come rally! let dri& only perish- 7 . 'Who fawn on a _ tyrant. and fear to be free! -,.. . u ..._! • poN. WM. 11. HALI,RISON.; 2 -- -- - i41.9 N . . J - 0 EIN - T Y LiE R, GEORGE 'WASHINGTON WAS A FARMER YOUR ADAMS WAS A - LAWYER. • THOMAS JEFFERSON WAS A LAWYER. JAMES MAY/MR WAS t A LAWYER. • .LYMER , MONROE WAS A LAWYER. O.,ITINtiY ADAMS -IS A LAWYER. • . . ANDREW 3..seicsort IS A LAWYER. • ' MART I N VAN BUREN- IS A LAWYER. - . WILLIAM H, HARRISON -IS - A FARMER. Like causes.produce similar. effects; under, Wash= itigton.the country was prosperous and hapy. het us have anotherfarm Presi dent er and (soot her age of prosperity and -plenty. • " • • HARRLSO - N - C-LU-B. The — 4. fLinHISON CLUB" of Carlisle will the, LOG . CABIN on Friday Evening the 4th inst.-ar 7j -M.--_2_L_- 4 • HARRION - • (of South.. towitship,) Will meet at Mr. ISaae Weakley's tavern, 4 miles southwest of Carlisle on the. Walnut Bottom road, on Saturday. evening the-sth of Angtiq, at 7 o'clock.. . . . • - 1 GEO. EGE, Preet„ . • , . . __ . Hairfson Convebtion at Lancastei... . ~ .. Delegates and-others who . wish to-attend the Mir rison Convention, tome held at Lancaster, en .- . _ . I Friday-the I'Bth day of!S'eptpinber, • • are hereby informed,,that • the Fare An—. Conveniion Pavrci!gens, over, the- 11arrisburF,. Portsmouth, lionnijoy bud Lancaster Railroad, trill, on that occa sion, be reduced to - RALF, TIIE USUAL PRICE, - 140100.) _ tlarrisbutt, Sept. 2, 1840 The County Ticket; • Formed,by 'thp . Whig Convention on Tiles day last is a very - good one:throughout; and we trust will be cordiallynnil actively sup ported brevery member of the Harrison -partyt indeed by:nieni*s qf dtparties, Who wish to see the solid . interests : of the • country advanced.. The ,object of every Pennsylvanian should now be to. establish • a PROTECTIVE TARIFF, dr:a SOUND. sivhieh, when ••ae•eltiinplisheel, with honest.' to administer the Government, ,will insure dreviVal of all kinds of business, and a, fair compensation for- LABOR of every _Aescription.--To,secure - --these-blessings-,- which unwise legislation has destroyed,We require representatives id .the State Legis laturb,who will have "nerve enough" to yeti e instructions to our Senators and Rep fesentaiives in Congress; and.coll uponi the Executive of the Nation, for such action as Vie 'American people' Wave a right -to-expect • from. an enlightened and patriotic. Chief Ma o, , gistrate. We take it upon say; 771 hit limilikuOlickT; • .• et for AstrerOly, itill,itclected, do all they ...can to_remove-,the Stitte Taximpesed•by the last L`egisl~itiie, and cak l upon the:,Na 7 ..tional .Legislature for. a ,Sound Mixed Currency,s& Pennsylirania'e quota of the public f.andS.. Give - us 'our share of the public domain, and the Tax . lairs'of the last session may be re'pealed, and the prinCipal and interest of the. State debt extinguished.: Itis _therefore 'the in-; - ierest of. every man 'of either. Party -to` . vote the i'Vhig-Ticket-4er the 4Cefuees, wet _know, by experience, . will make things - worse,L9Ket•yyear_they:retain „. . pin) TREASURY 'subscriber iii Hopewell reproaches us for, not publishing _the ! SUb : Treasury_Bill. *hp repreeek `;We published 'the Bill before any Lopfocopaper' in dm state ventured to - po. Our correspondent will see it . 44 :0,11its fair proportions" in the Carlisle , fferatireini "Expositor of ary 5, 4 540: . retilly.danuot afford to,publish 413 e - orneotien at the visk of being 'taunted • ; , ABoustoN. , ....Ort-Sat- LOOQir . Itrdny a ft ernoott last, the Locofoeo Office tieldere and others of their party; enjoyed, skiii'fh,lreat in asetalieeeh from ,Jgr. qP g.l; 4 4l ' , " 4l ".`gOiltielnan . 04 color 1 'The ripe - wife was di:live:red immediately in front of # l #brl'*- 6 00, 0 :' 'OM those'. who Mut tii igb°4: l : 6, r lll /! ;l #:'4air., , ailigiult : 0 4Y, that theliiiithini; er sonilivas , praise` of the,' rneieuree of A.dminietralion,,,partie l ularly the Soh Treasury and bitter denanciation J O(i e, °elf e lind Prac!ic of Federaliatut *OOO, Clelan b d declaim hat 'fiedbratista;` Whig eryi ` Vie., tha t many ' , Prowls - shreli'd l S! ri/.1911 ,lhe,speeeh had' Peen; expressly , ' •-• • - - - Oft PRESIDANT; S. ROL A, Np, See).- Supprityendatt. 11120 written for him by ,the,bii gulf or the party, Captain 'Ramsey himself,,So etrong:a simi larity- was there betweenthe sentimenti and la nguege_oLth ese-two-wort long the - giintleman would have continued to edify his ipparently delighted audience we are unable' tik.say, had net some of hxs .Bable brethren, indignant at 'the dispesition evinced by Henry to amalgamate• with White folks, fdrciblYconveyed him from the field: We hope the locos mill now cease prating about Abolition, Amalgama :t don, &c. &c. . • • (c We• decline . ptibliehing the comma; nic.?tion of "SNIP," canvassing the claims • nd gualification's of'Squire BELL, the le cofoto candidate fel. Coroner. We deem the 'Squire rather too small an affair to be 'made the subject of , a newspaper notice. 'ln the -event-of liiselec . tron' he will answer as well as any otherto hold, an knqUestupoit the deal body' of locofocoism. - - tol. U. M. 4Fohnspia; Volunteer_ last--week- -pub- Halted what purported to be remarks of Col. Johnson nta4mblie meeting in-Ohio.• We calk attention to the annexed correspondence on the subject 'of theeeremarka.• It will be seen that when • brought direcilk:rci" The point, Col. Johns e on declares Gen. [fedi son. to have ;been a " BRAVE". and•ible commander.-. Any man who says leas of him; •eontraqicis history; and lies in the_ face of thousands of recorded facts.•• - While on this subject - we - rill remark, jitr - fei•ence to the Caoolintst correspondence. of , lBl-8-and 1825, that it was the i! . emanation- of a Min diseased. by-thirinteniperteTuse—or-ardent spirits. , In 1825 • CROOHAN cut Iris throat W 1010 .laboring `under...tin : attack • .(if mania potu. It was shoitly before this sad oceur- : Vence we believe thaChe wiotetoGeneral Harrison. Who can wonder at the style and character of : his letters; with a. gnowl edge of these filets From the Cincinnati nepitblieart .COL AOIIIII.S . 41 . Chillicothe. '-Wo'expressed the' othc day our strong convictions that Col. John's:3m could VW., have: - been . correctly re ported in the speech. at: 'Chillicothe, which was - con- - wined in the Chillicothe Advertiser of the 9tH inst., and in proof of our having just-groundi for-thus-be lief, we arc. gratificd'in the.opportunitrof spreading the following correspondeUce before our readers. • His well known-in Kentucky, an well 'lO in this State, that Major Carneal is proliably on terms- of greater intum.rey with both General Harrison and Col. Johnson than any individual in the, 'West -His conduct in o:o'6lld:wing corrqpondence adds to the claims which his services as a Quarter Master-under General Harrison in 1812,and. as a Senator of Ken tucky, give him to public respect: • • DEceitirtaTl, 24th August, 18:10. . . . Dear Sir--It was my object. if practicable, in ad dressing,the enclosed, letter to Dol.Jolinsen e to•pre. vent any unpleasant fe6lings, between two gallant. officers of the late war ; who.from,my - own - persocat knowledge etertained aligh respect for each other. I am more than gratified to find I have not been tin ' successfulln the attempt. Without comm 'eating with either of these gentlemen, I take upon myself the responsibility of authorizing you,to .publish the correppondeocefaud-mm- COL. C. S. TODD CINCINNATI, Aug. 24th, 1840, CiN.AV,. H. lisiutisox .. . . ir7-Immettiately-after-reading the substaime of u.speech,.said to he intide by Col. It. M. Johnsoii, at Chillicothe, I addressed a letter to him, a copy of which is furnished.' On, I received his an swer, whiCh with pleasure I you. I view it as putting to rest now; and forever the foul L s r anders - thatinivcrbeet - anat - nnw - are - cifailiitiiiKii., gainst you, us regards your conduct in the diirisive and gloaiutts battle of the 'fluidics, and my judg, mentleaves no good grounds for controversy_or pleasant•feelinga between two brave officers of that, gallmt army.. CINCINNATi, Aug. 24, 1840. . f hafe'reiVirthe cbrrelipinidenie betiveen wni self and Col. Johnson, rehitive to him at Chillicothe.-- From the perusal' of Col t Johnson's letter 1 ain.satia:;_ tied-that he intended the no injustice in the nipecli. referred - tO,Airtliiitiiis - iiiiiiiialis and sentiments must 'awe been misrepresented... Thanking you for the Merest you hare inanifestedinAltis Matter-4 return he Correspondence. - 1 W. 11. HARRISON. T. D. CAnNEnt. CiriFiNNATl;A:tip,% . -12 ; 1049 MY DEAR COLONiI. • - I enclose youe.speech as published in the ChiHl °mile Advert.ser. The reporter of your speech, so far - fis• Yowspeak of-General - Harrison, has surely misconceived. you. I not only so think, but have so said. An inference may 'bei liiirly drawn;tliat you arc not only in deubtAis.regarded his.ceurage i but •that'yon liadibut bale respect for hiMain, command ing General. My personal regard for you, induces me' alone:to.-,coll - your iittentibn to- the subject; and fiiiiiiiili you an opportunityll correcting what I ( . :qii-. Ceive to be an erroneous and garbled report:of 'what -you did say inChillicothe on.the Utrilust. ~• • • • From' the enclosed remarks of Co!. C. S. Todd, yoU will at once discover that'you take' issue and widely differ.' if - consistent •With your feelings, fur nish me. with your, views on the .subjeet.• They will be publisheod or notas you desire. • • .• • _,• ' • Truly, yOur.friend, _.,_ _. _ - -*,::7'-• - : - - 'V. 1.); CAIMEAti.• , Col. 7i. M. Johnson,; V. P. • • . .": .M .. • . antfield,olilo...' ':.:. , ..... ~:. . ~ . . . . • • Blatterimm, Amnial. 184.1 1840. Mi. DEA* Sin :H I VOur favorjißS been received, in which you observe, that by my reported speech ' s,/ infermicoluity be drawn that I , am not mil,y in doubt als,re,;artla the courage of Gen. Ilarrisok„but_gukti_ -hall-butlittle-reppeetng Ge iiraj. I am' happv to,haite_this_opportunity,ofiri forndur 'you-that ,dariiirsiiriteTviee-falth-Generid- Ifarris,on had rause4o-dotibt-his-courage,,-hut w—iiirder. him 'it brave man and I have_ alssagg pressed myseT to that effecl:4itor . have I ever disaft., proved or cetfored any of his measures he command. , tag • Generaliri the pursuit of Praetor, or in the battle die Thapire,r , every, thing / saw; met: entire atrObagon, and have,.tiesi'y apokea it it in iskp ot rternis. iipeakine.of the Mottle:of to Thamesi and thsPart actedly,itny , regitneut,,l did Mt , iiitesut tqinerease the merit of that regiment, Or tO . :tlittiinibll the Merit elaimed by, othersoliuch less did I intend to imply that Gen. Harrison, Or Gov. Shelby,ctr-uny, officer attachg4d to, avoided duty or danger. Each , ihad his part to ad. andLshould. feel myself' ' m0017;1041 to suppose; that. they did tiM.pertipm, their titytharless.ortlanzer,-.-nor have 1 ever *doubt ed; that these :galbucollicers were 1 - Taoist:lV' where duty - Oiled. them._ ".I., , ogret i that n' Stich 'Where ottr. Oufitry, waaraletorious, that thrye becikeoutofersy -about the merit duo to•the , aCtora in thatiuttne..'l.ol4lro the snout Soldier, wtio - perfortoeil his duty' DO 'thßt ,i3cestatehi: ealthly.Consideridlon eieO , inducer mth, kriaithisly to do jnjustivi to the commanding 'offiner4 GoVertior Shelby, or any other officer in,' thatirmy. have. tarns confined myself to Boast remarks? not Yours, resOectfully, • T. CAIiNEAL Truly, your friend, 'CAIINEAL Repolved t. ThaCgoverned gy, no 'other 1 motive than that of Tesuseitating our_ fallen . cOuritry, we will not loavo atiY thing undone which can , be,lionorahly ,done i to .pro Cure the election. of WILLLI23I IL .90 . 1174 4 ;-- . 101111. ' - TYLER, - To - _ - tlid"-offies of-IffeSident-and Vice - PrtsidenVo - f6e IT St4tor---- that' the pros pe • the _ country depends upon their SiO/O,sti v Thaf theae. proceedings be published - In. Ms :different. Whig papers in the county:. • - • . • ANDREW FRAZIER, 06. A%'ere(dry. • ,CUmberlapd, Md., .dug. 11, 1940. ' .MR. PDfrOlil:r mutt - riait , inform, you thut there la iLcompletejeforination in oltl Allegany. ' Last;-night, there 'viaa•tikanty eight left ,tho spoils paciy;,and . jaine . 4,the Tipfiecanne Club. Antang!.Wholn was an! .019ce , hohler. Cfayernor Griyaon7B 11).. ininiing, :awl ; two sons•'of another:oalee General Ooveroinent. Mr..l) lo 9bAr. Lneofoeo - eanilidate fOr flit "genate 644 it4liiiedi Otillins as- hiq Char - knowing in what particular fact, injuStice is seppoid tO,'have 'heetr done - tO:te9..Harriion, :alionld • bp' glad ,toicnow, is iikadi the.repoked speechiresheit non'_ en - ey.' ac sas atritty.OWn pe.raonal, knoWledgc. _ and. What I understood' from ethers, and net 'to ten sure or criminate, but to state the 'truth as far as know'or believe the facts. I expect to be in your City on Sunday;.. the 23d, on my : way home, and I ,shal be happy to see .You. • s." M JOHNSON. .11f.s.t.'.Tho. Lt. • CAIINEAL. . • 11 7 .:big,Coilniy Convention. 'Pursuant, to the Notiee of the Standing Committee, the Whig. Delegates from -the different borough's . and tewnships of Cum berland county, met in the County Hall, Carlisle, on Tuesday thefirst of September. The Conventiou _Was organize& by ap pointing ANDREW FRAZER, of Ship pensilurg tp . . Chairman; and Major SAMUEL, Gairts, of South Middleton, Secretary: , The following delegates presented their credentials, and took their seats • ./2//en , Daniel Haymaker, Captain Andrew Fertenbaugh. . , . Carlisle—S. Dunlap Adairjames loiTer. Diekinson-111. P.-Ege, Adam Coover. East Pennsborough—Geo. Sherboorne, Benjamin Erb: Prankford—Abraham Buwman, Henry Snider. Hopewell-Jas: Hemphill, J. Laughlin. Monroe7-7Stuart.MeGowan, 3. Houser.. • Afifilin—Jolui Rrown, Henry Knettle. • Meehailicsburg—Le . wis Zearing, Adam New Tumberletrui-Sam. 7. Williams, Joseph,MOsser. H. . A r etvvi ll e—Lawrenee H. Randall, Jaineizi Widner. ' - . • - North . -Cameron,' - William M. _1 Newton-Samuel' Wild, - Samuel-Piper. Shi:ppenibtergc-•-Milliain MeClure, Jos. , Shfpperiebitrg7TOWifshiji - 4; Fraiier, - Josiah H. Rlutn • . SoiithOmjitoti—Preo. W. limeS, . . Sotitlalifigdlefeir- --- --MajerSainuel Givin, amuel-.McAlpine. ...- -. : - . •" . • - ' 'Silver Spring—Jacob. Miller,' Satiiier Culbertson. - • • '' • •- - rnst. Pennsborotigh---George . : Zinti, JoIllOaul; -- 7 ------ : --- 1 -. '•' •-- --- 7 -.-- - On motion, the Convention proceeded,t9 e; ballot fo - candidates for the different:lA ces.,- when the following gentlemen, having received a majority of all-the votes present,, were declared to be duly. nonoinatml,:-! . , :-, '7. '' - ' • • - - .. .7... 77 ss,may, Benjamin Beynolibi,(Siiiiiinu.rg . Dr. - Jsfieob Weaver, - (Mechan'burg, ..• • • -Cismniiisioner'; •-- . . George *Brindle - (monoe.) -.: .. • -- Director of • Ac. Poor, David Ifulz l ,(North Middleton.) • • . • - • '-- . . .dialitor, . - • Robert' Laird, • ,(Fithlkford.).; - • - , , ...,, • Coroner,. . • . . Jacob Bretz, (Carlisle.). - .. On motion, Captain-Joux-I-L WHAVERi MICHAEL G. ECM, and THOMAS IL UftlE, were appointed' Congressional Conferees, to confer with similorconferees front Perry and Juniata counties, at such time as may be fixed upon' ,by them, as to a suitable flers9ll_l9...be_.pliteed_opon_4l:e-Whig-tieket- for Congress. ' .. . • . ~. _ . . S. .thmlap Adair, Esq., Wm. M..Htht-• derson; and Samuel Piper, were' appointed a committee to . draft an address.. Illn motion, the following named gentler me64ere appointed a tantling,COnarnitte . e_ fer the•ensuing year, to wit':-•-• Nicholas Udell, Dr... Larae, •Lener,. Al len ;• Dr. John*J.' Myers,. Wm. M. Porter, Carlisle; . ,Jarnes Weakley, Wm. Gilleland, - Dickinson --.----- Simon - Oyst - or - , 7 1 - a - Ciitißi t spp; East Penn;borough';: Daniel . Lecky, David Bloser, Frank ford - WM: W.-Boyd, Jacob Hefilebowar, Hopewell; •Sainuel j i . Miller, John Brandt, Monree4,_Sampel J. McCor,. mack; Jacob Wagoner,. Mifflin ' • ': Robert Wilsen, George Singizer, jr.; Meehanics burg4..ilenry ,Breneiirian, - LOweitt - Yoblig, isle w..._CumberiOnd ; John Dunfee.,..lnseph: McDarmond, Newville ; Thomas D. Urie, Jacob : Hershey, NOW: Middleton ; liaac , Koontz ,- Cliarles - Brewsteri•l\lewton;-Dairid Mahom - ben.,,Robert Stuart, Shippensburg borough ; John Raum, ENO Hough, Ship pensburg ' toWnship ;40bert 5.•M - cenne i Michael Ziegler, Southampton rPeter Mc- Glaughlin, Isaac Cauffman, South', Middle ton ;. Christian Caufman, John .Martin; Silver Spring; Lewis 11. ,Williama,•Capt. Wtm G. Davidson, West'Pennsborough:' The convetition.,_then adOpted . .the fel. lowing resolutions : - Resolved, •Thafihe people of this conj. ty, - . ll aie;ropeatedlyrdisepproved'of,the nq;: minetimk,of any . individual for the Office ,of Sheriff,_bnt .!.refer to_ make_ theirOwn--tie= lectimi, and in obedienye - M.their, will we decline making, any nOmioation for that: of: .lice, trusting. that public ;Opinioe 'and 'the friends Of the'volunleet candidates. will meheajudieiouS choibe. • Resolved, That disregarding all personal feeling, employ every.honest_ and available" effort:to secure, the'election bf our nominated ticket. • . . . . „ . . . , son. but. hels about to - remove to 'the. went; 1 - I.uz2a if old AIL N. , ,And„ put _her. 10" We commend ,tho follovving, article from the MobilelAdvertiserrt‘theattention` ,of our readers. Every syllable of it' is true ive, may add, that instead/of - slopping the circulation' of ''Bank giv ing the country more specie—ilia lying, fhisving; hypocritiO4 imbecile administra tion of MARTIN ;VAN , 'BORON, \ 'haS stopped the circulation of 'nearly all :coi‘it among the people, and•niade Rags" - and shay; ing-shop shinplasters their . only entre/Icy. Evon the National Treasury for three•years past has issued Post Notes as 'a currency —and there is NO AWO to the officer who received gold frona'tlw goveintnent, presnmes to :qtTer paper to •,the---citizeß." The President and all his sOeers are guil, ty of this swindling cOnduct i 'd'irEY • re ceive TOO, pay outpost notes and shinplasters "to the citizens,° - an - d the Globe is silent, becauseit is 'benefited by the huinbtigge - iy - or Deinocra - OY acid Hard Mon ey. . . . . HOW THE 'PEOPLE WERE IfthiBUGGED.-- if ever•a people were cetnpletely deceived, and to all intents and ‘ perpdsea mostegregi, ously humbugged. it .was the', people-'of the United States.: For years they had been 'presperous : and 'happy:* The labor of the mechanic was well repaid ; the-pro duce of the ,land• hero Ziatisfactory priee;- and the commercial interests of,the country Were well protected: In-short industry re ceived its propel' • reward, end -high, lew, iick.and.po.or. were ,happy and contented. The eturener - ofT-the - einliiiiy.,was . sound; and a dollar •, in .Bottisiinia - was.a,elollar' in 1 „Maine:- a dollarin•New York: was-a.dollar, id,Cngland, France aria even China. It I - was a mixed currency of the-precious met als and paper- 7 a currency which' was -de- - stroyed •and which the Vines at this time arc restore - to the country; 1 For reasons satisfacteryjerOen...Jackson,Hl it-was thought proper to, destroy this. cur-_ I I rency, acid raise hpii -- its - Tuinse - " - a•better cierrenc,i/;" and in 1829, when the c.ouptry 1 1 tv .. asLprosperous . and_ . _rapidly. .tisingl . ..iitto'. l peiWer and: greatness,', he-commenced his 1 attack upon the existing state of things -ht.' these words :-l• . •_--:'•-* - -- • 1 - "The charter of. the Ufa of the 'United, States dzpires in - 1836,andlits stockholders Will prisbably apply for arrenewal of their 1 privileges: in 'order hi avoid the-evils , re-.! 1 snltini froin prdeipitancy in a ,measure in , velying such importeint-principleg and , stieli deep pecuniary interests; I feel that l'-can , not, - -in jitstice to the parties interested,_too soot: present it to the consideration ,of. the legislature and the people. , Both the - con, stitutionality and the expediency of the law creating this bank are Well questioned. - - 1 by - a -- large :portion .of . ourlfellowroitizetis, and it must be admitted ball that it •has failed in the-beat ad 'of establishing a uniform aitel sound atirrency." . ' ' This' . was followedhp,; year after', year,. Until the Bank. of the United States • was - destroyed;andit -vacuum created to7b - e- - fit: led up. by the:distiitglished General-and transcendent financier ! : how was - it filled? State banks -Pere multiplied, and fostered by Government'. , The public money, was depdsited.te their_ valilts, and 'so , successful was the first i cexperiment;"' that General Jackson in his• message to Congress in 1834,,u5ed these words : - ."Happilyit is already illustrated that the _agenry-ofsuch-an-iiistitutiones-the---13arik ,of the United States),is not necessary to the 'fiscal operations of-the - government. The state banks are found - fully adequate to the performance of all services__ which were - required of the Bank of" the United States, %life as promptly and with the same cheapness. : They havc---maimalue-d--therii -selvesand diseberged_allthess duties while - the - Batik- of "the ,United States was still in' the field as an open enemy; and it is . .not possible to conceive!4 that,..the3r!-_wilL. find_ ,greater difficulties in their operstiohs when drat enemy shall cease to . exist." •-• " ' ' ' • In connezien.With the State banks, which were to. be - depositories 'of the National "treasure; the people were to be tl.oubled no longer with . "bank rags," they:were pre dated - a ." OOLD . AND. SILVER CURRENCY," and the minds of the people were. prepared far the _enjoyment ',of_ the goldew7age e by high-soUndineparagraphe from die govern-, went organ, the Washington Globe, one' 'of which -we-copy:.,- ' .., •• ' • - 1 : ''' . Erpna' W.,: Wiushiniton Globe of July 16, I ii 34 .- 'THU -- GOLD -- Ctittuustei.-_-_While_•eveix part of_ America rejoices—wnk! every heart not enslaved, by:the scrub-aristocraay . of the paper system—While every inde pendent an&patriotic.',eititen,•exults. in . the .recdvery and4epteration t . of. 'the Iting-loit •gold currency--the West,• and all western citizens,- hate° the. ,deepest , :and - ;greatest_ cause: for piiiiiir,Oxiilliition',and-matilii,-,re-, joking at ihis':.proPitintiii event. For, of! ;all'Aineriepi:ther - Westia;tt part Whiek'Peed: --ed most, and will-profit most from the cit . - Milatiod e1g01d...: ell apPily) - they - hbVe. , 1M t few banks, in th4y'Vest. - The emigrant-li' 'reMovinglio , that great region will . all carry - gold - ininiferette - TO -- efthersAti,er or paper, -for-itis-lighter,-.-tiran T lsilver.---aotliae t7 th en -- Intper;_2L'lteAand..,OffieesJviil-beeent - ceptacles and .reservoirs) : of ''gold ;,whititee it will distributed to•the country through the'gtivernment disbursements,through the inilitasyythf isuryeying, and the Indian, de= ,partnientsiiind we to' the officer Who, ,hav inUreeeived: gold:.4ffem the .gevertitnent, sholf,- . preohme , or dare t . o, offer paper' tothe 'soldiertior eitOens,' l ,,:,..Thetta'g . realaircorn, egoicrioiltflow•. - up.the.,*BB 8821:411r0-i .New Oilednst arVitiffa*its 4 , 1 eiiii, 'lke sreal:Wect:f'':Notilif erf_the - I,d , e6iii-. .age of the,neWeeiernMents ef,fifle. addend ..South ATerida, - . .lieinßthirco,inwage'e • rebel 041).viii613q Ofin9;t:-.19::0.1'00'_.0p,04:i: O. \ ii tiny :. of ~ her,•dopah Oneies,,,,and, therefore; 'Oil _coute,:tty the United States as its nein= rid 'apktm3t, itippktitg , ~--This; rVill,:fill ',the - Weet.'%vith'dOnAdenits end„-Iteilf,imis ; •titi4 ifidiklit oritinsinaithis 6=iint7 . this uirtei•eyery outiottoitiiic',oicizOri . *:111 -. IfivO.'-0',114-irillimiii• F;mnium purse, ff,e o p interstices of "whiel and-ilif lie free from the pestilence- of ragged, filthy; and counterfeit -notes. ; , Every eubstantial man andcvery aubStantial,ntan'ti-wife and miiit travel upob goV. ~ithe sa tellites of the bank alone, to show their servile subjection to their liege mimarefi, will repine at the - loss of paper:"- A few "Benton mint drop", were scat , tered abroad through' die 'land to -give the people a taste of .that -which r they were promised, their- fill of. Thus'ivith State banks 'ad treasurers of the nation, and gold the circulating Meditina,- the.pooplb-:Were be hiessed. • .But the seeds of*. destriteliOn• were yithin the system, and. while the out ifide 'was fair everything went 0n..,We1l the Worm.had - not Yet pierced thelind, and • the.rOttetiness of the inside . _ was still •unex poscil. Until- the 4th of March, 1837, -the .systeni appearedio_work-to-admiration,, : and General - Jackson, in'retiring from the ,c(ares,:of' state to the silent .. shades of die flerinitage was forced to_ At • the moment when . l surrender my last trust,-I'leave•thb„kgreat.people.prospor-• ous and happy." . - . . ~ . - :Viartin N__lf.uan ren- took - the - reigns — of government; pledged to " follow in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor;"' and .to carry -put .that .system General Jack-, son hhd so gloriously commenced. Alas !, "A chan g e came o'er tlxif spirit of the . . _The . whole system exploded k worm pierced,lhe .rind, and' the seemingly fair fruit fieeame amass of. '• • • -Dutit and bitter ashes'.!' l'he.cnirency is destroyed,.confidence-am) credit has .received 4 blow from which it can scar4.lY'recover and -worse - than aIF, the . --.ivery= rnen -who.lwought,this,:•state'Of mintinuance; and still cry out "GOLD, GOLD; GOLD;" "HARD CURRENCY," hoping again to (lc earn the people - by their - glittering hum , . 1 .- • . • I . ,The - -Whigb, under Herrlicon and Tyleti mre_,endeavorini to return to tllO ' ( good old paths:'? They present no humbugs to lead the people astray; they wish to restore the eountry_toits fOrnier-proiperity end - former_ • g reatn e goi :in ea su les which experiencehas proved to be the lfest, and ff will people-are true fp:thorned - yes, ther . will Niue off vletoriotA, — ,; „_- •-' Ifoi. Mc . Het;ald .E...rpoBilo. . _ ' The last "Volunteer" hr hying toliarry the PrQc itnation of James Lumberton and William: Ramsey For illuminating tho_lioutnis fti Cat•lisle,_ in_ 1819, to Itenor of Harrison's Victory,- puts forth thefollowingir 'Who now think you hung their lionseu in ,saCkcloth I and shrunk into darkness and 'obscurity at the time of •the , patriotic rejoicingf• Why the , very .siime men of the old federalrpirty who*at this late slay arrogate to themseiiiii the haute of Democrats ! Jamoi - lltitican, the leader of the federal party, refused to illuminate and kept his house in darkness; the -.Maims—the - Postlethwaites, and others of the, federal party, did the same." ,- The Hyena iti'be the 'filthiet beast of the brute creation; because it violates' the 'graves of the dend to find its nauseous food:. lire men here named have all been consigned to the . tomb ; anti-Most or Ahern long since. •But ffeit does not . gkeAhe.oniyug Iv feature to theliliel. 'flint fitiy Duncan 'should ye fusOo illuminate his house, or. to do any other act, under the authority of one of the signers of the proc lamation, may be true, and not very remarkable: But how was it as to the others mimed Col. Ephraim Blaine died in 1804; he left-two: sons,—James, who removed to Payette county in. 1807, and Robert, who residctiet--the CAWtut - dtd7norvni - ciVe' until 1817. Col. danmel PostlethWaite died in 1809; his family - lied all previously removed 40-other parts of thecoinitry.-- No one of the unities or the Pestle , thwititeti resided in Carlisle at all-in 181.9. • • here their is a base libel of the venerable dead, so notoriously false,''that almost- the slightest inquiry would have etiabled,the writer to-know_the- truth.—.- Even if the facts.were true, they-would not answer the purpose for which they 'are oiled.:. The deseenthints and friends of these men have' no cause to blush for their patriotism. The libel, then, is false; it is use less, (even to the. writer;) it in upon the dead; it is a !igliant. It is not Said to be a • coMmunieution t . it is _ eilitd r i t t lFitis - the - edllor t s - own: -- It - partakeirliirgery of the Hyentiviltaracter. • •• - (From the Charle`Efen &wirier of . Thigtly last.) preadful News From iFlokida Indian .1(.e . ,.y Destroyed', And the liiais I .:Again beco mes .our - Melancholy ,luty to recordthe bold blooded - blitchery of men, T women 'laid- children; ,by the -- sanguiti`art ,SeMinoles. Again- has the :treacherous savages bathed their fomithawks and _scalp ing Itnives hilt deep in hutuati,blood, burn ing !Muses and .destroying, property, and_ been. .allowed deliberately to. retire in" se-- curity: ti, 'theirilastneases, to' prepare' for another attack on tho defenceless inhabitaPta 'of Florida, whenever a favorable_ Upportn pity Shalt:offer; These scenes may, and probably willAe.reiterated time Mid 'again, unless some• more' in ergiti !item res pre adapted to drive - their - 0 frontlie Territory, or the_inhabitants. nee from, their , *homes and-Country,. leaving: . puted. possession.. fhe intelligence of this most dis'astrpus occurrence • was ,'• brought to this'iiort, by Capt.. Kenyon,: of:the. . victoria; rived' at • Qearantine . .yesterd'ay,-.frem Key West.: He • states that.a,..n'reckinr yesseli arrind at • Key . _ West c .froltelitur r irey, 7th inet.',Wktit'.a' W few of Airrvivorc.whp ' stated ~ that:.,al.3iumbersi pf Indians-in their danues,.attackedintlian - K;y - ,'On - the, night of, the i:kilt.and after. inurderingipiirt , the: inhabitant s;. arid -111 , 1ing. 'their canoes `witti.,pl.notieKburet'the . '„wbcat.,settleinetit, consisting ,of about 30 honsesi:dwellingS_ and. stores. T t he ,Indians - ; . remained until TRfen th - e - felloaftet jeff - :durfrig . this•timw under a wharf, and leftiminediately:sfter!,the Indians departed, for KiitYVVesi,, Our inforMant not Navin :eon vefeed; with. ~efif or -the surviiors, is unable:4p. gi Ml' a' more detaileir , secoUnt„ It'Wes!'stated Key.. West,: that: tipioti.two or.,three : aof?:time`inhabitants at Indian Key htul - madelbeit'peapin 414 ' canoes Ithe immediate vicinity. , Uttitaaro`r. Sassott.-4 . trasis se7lsowof .thoj ', , sdien:Colds'attd.,Couglis are contracted to a•eattiv dogma:llolo4d than steatty period: of the , predispose .; sydietoi' to '• Boristpti pdetti, whial,. the approatitiog season' is wolf ealeatiated to ing oder: 1 here !is oo greater 80994.4 *wiliest rats 9 ., of diesesoroplaint,s thatt_a_pOre !Milt / 6 0, healthy and :Sigtiroiiit action ot all the ttettstis of nature; ,and to ,secure edstaetliettiO inOre they-. °uglily ealeidettki thke , -.l44.ltittErs's VEOBT:t •_U1 . 1 . /TIF.MAILKits;: , r -r , ;- • Plus fame vf thisittedielpg extteitlaititiiatgittoottite,: IMM Carlisle Female Seminary.. THE'• branblu of :this_ School.. under The care of the subscriber*ill reopen on Monday, September 14th, in a suit of rooms in the basement of the , M. E. Church, contiguoui to the school roam, which -will be:large and airy, Will be an extensive room for exercise;---all. of which, with the pounds' -c onnected7xvith — th - CyF,WoiTerjoirig. repairs ,and' improvements, With a reference to conienieuce, pleas antness and health .— Entrance Oil High Street. By a recent arrangement-orthelrrustecs i the school' will belnijirefully supplied - With - apparatus - for Blow tration,.the coming quarter, than heretofore. • < ' 1 For further-and-more particular informatida as to the diameter and objects of her school, the subsCrib er has. been kindly _pdemitted - lo make -refeeenct: to the following:geklemen f==llev. FresiTerit Durbin and the 'other members of the Faculty of Dickinson and Wan: M. Biddle Esq., of Carlisle; Rev. Th. C. Thornton, Rev.' G; G. Cookomp;ltev: ttob ert.Einory, arid.R4v. H. Slicer of the lialtimore COll. forencet Professor Thomas Sewall, of 'Woihiniton City, .D. and John. Zug, Esq.,of Baltimore. ,• • ' - , , 11. I: , STEVENS:" - • . • 70ing of,Tuition. - - . , • Common English Studies, as Geography, ID tory, Grammar, Arithmetic, OFthography, Reading• and Writ ing---pe:r :quarter, $5,60;,- These, neoeinpanied with Rhetoric,-Algebra or Natural PhiloitMliy, with' • Eiiglish Composition,4l,s9r Botany; n Vegetable Physiology, Vbeiniatry, Astronomy, Men tal' or Moral Philosophy, $lO,OO : , ”-histruction in SpaniSli,, Latin, Drawing, Painting or Perspective, _wiitin wave .an. extra-charge-of-1;2,50 ni beanch of the school, lessons :are given. in Music by' teiicher,for, an ex- ' • rf-Turnox id (hi:3 - 119111km( • 111 AD, VANCE, deduction is math -in case of sickness. carli SePt.l 2,1840.---3 t • . • eubscriberi executors of ,the . will and . test intent'of Daniel Shireipan, Wen:hitt; -of. Allen township; •Ciiniberland coiiiitY, deceased, will ex eto public sale, the following real estate, on •theitcenlisesi-ini-Saturday thed - itirilarof - Ocather licit, tit- 1-'2o'cl ock noon, in S hiri nanstowu Guinher.. land County, 5 Utiles welt of Harrishu ,g, to ilk Porn of I,7xdellent .Liniestorie, land, cbiitLi,iipn aliout EIGHTY - ACRES, haring thereon le'recteifit Two Story ) ) welling Muse and double Log Barn,-and other out - lionse,sradjoiniiig lands of Jacob-Merkel., Jacob Shopp; Dfui(l-Shopp, aof the lots of Shiremanstown, • alavero stand , -01 Sliite- ..... _ . .. , ~ . . . ManstoWn, contd . ' 4 4 acres and 131 lierclies of first Tate laud, whereon is erected. a large. Two Story Mouse, double Log . Barn . ,, Slaughter-. floifie,Ailieds and other outbuildings. .' .. : . . _ ... .. Also, 'a I.'wo — Story House' and int - of ground - in - Shiremanstown, containing about, 63 feet Wont, and 103 feet dcep,-with ii" Blacksmith Shop thereon erecteil, and it well -of good water: . .. Also, Four LotS-in.Siliremans lown;two-m) Main street, 50 feet from and thattleep, and two on Second street, 50 feet front and '2oo' deep eueli. , \ Also, .a Tivo ..",9tory.fro4se and . lot of groundFon-the,nortli - side - or - Main street in Iriretnalistonto,Clilitaiiiing 53 fe4 in front mid WI feet deep witha 'B&W. • Also; '"a - Two- Story ,Ilotise, arid lot of ground on the north side of Main street in Shiremanstown, containing about 50 feet in front and .200 feet deep, with it stable.- - - Alsp ; Siciey.llOuse and lot of ground, in the horongliof keeltaniesbtirr o sitit: ate on Locust street ; containing 80_ feet in front:and abotii.VAXl feet deep: -• ' ''• Attendance will be given anti terms of Sale 'made' known 'on the-day of sale' by JOHNRUPP :ceeutors. - GBORGE jutt.l • B Sept.. 2, 1840.=-tiii. . I.l'. B. The house mid lot in Mecl;attiesiltiretilill be sold on the premises, on said day,precisely at 19 O'clock in the forenoon, ollerche Lancaster Foulk's Friend, (german paper,) autf_YorklLept9sli9nritiser‘to-day.of-salerand-vitarge this office. , . BY virtue of an order of the - Orphans Court, of JUll Cumberland County, the following era! estate, , late 'the property of Henry Zhninerman;'decoaSed, will' be sold, on the' premises, on Saturday the_Sist day of Octebee ut 12 o'clock, noon ofthat day, to-wit ;- - - - . All that obrtain-,f)lantation m tract - of land?alluate itrEast Petumborougli - tocinsbili Cumberland county, albt'esaid; bounded by'lantle.o John Bolts, Murtm Renninger,.leaao Lonvieckei • ' One — . gundied and 'Fifty acres•p:: . _ more, or lesi-i-aboutone hundred 'acres of which is cleared'. land, and the yesidue well timbered. The improvements are a . • , Tieio‘ Story ..cpg, [lf . ti;• • Hose • •• . a double bog Barn and other out :builtliags. There is a small stream of excellent - water ruminig.near the house; and also a good Spring. There is wfirst rare iiplo'orchard tiff 'the premises, and other: friii't tree:s;. l'he, tennis of cale -are . as follows:, kwo hundred dollart 'to be paid on the confirmation of the We-. pia: third 4he pureliadc. money, to-remain in theilandi. the interest WherOor is - to be paid: yearly mid. eiliry . _year- t o -the iltditigriter,lifbiainiliiteire6r-tb cOniinenee Ist of April next; amid the principal. at lice death to and arriong tho.heirs.and. representatives of the said lietiry'Ziaimerman.. The residue Of the. purchase money - on the'said Ist of April next, when possession w ilk .be. given, and Oatil. which . that: 'die . rent id: reserved.. • Said ; payments to - be, sedured by' recognizances in the Orphans Court. . .• ANTHONV:CikEINER, " - Vrust.ine: .• , , eplefuter 4 .2i - . .•: • . • Will he exposed to Public Sale,- it the residence of _the'..suhscriberi- in Newyille, on . Wednesday 'the quo day of , yeptendier - inS4a vurietrot • • llousehold-dr-L-Ketchess- . U` 1 TAT . . 1 . , . etatsiating ofjthefollowlag artieleif,-viz:;*------, 7 1aurertiorit Tialtite - oiS_WL, I 77 . --- (Hairs,. Stands ;•. - Stoye and Pipai. CUnking .utensil#3 4 4l, - SleiiPh• ,'. V & 'Ho " • , .:,. ' ~:,o w • .- gs, -. , ... . td g et i terwith.a grent varkty 'Of .tit lair artiele'd, not accessary to Haute. Sale to conanetice itt l) o'clo k is, A. M., a nd a liberal credit given. ' 'ziAlsOs ou the Elßine 4 4, will iie oared ltit.."01?; ilk' , 7•: - . ,•• -;', 'Lot 'House, and . .ttl: . . ...,, occupied by tlie.6ubsctiberi. antl,o9lol c0,d,,,m i be, . ria" ititri atitiktli e s st of(ipril itest . . , ,i3a,:ail*lai, • Inialeltijou: , ” it tla(da., itc;taiN,l.T . ',, '.- -- .. • , ~.. •• , ' ,' 'IV , 1:k. r:AIOS90 411 -4- , rJ.L'. ' 1 40."-ri ' tli; '', • ‘ 1 „ -‘t, - , , f ,- _ ' ',-,...' .r.. ,- .:•' - ';'-'. • (?,141 OEM LEE t • unsettlitl; kubscri iII 'i)leits6 pretient trielp, , for:. :selflerAt j t. A t etw6,ol Npv,tanbor' pext, • ;:, Septeintio.V . ,, 1.8404 4 , - th e -- soldattest the genetiit tniecess which attend their use, ' • .; -Itetitenttl e t, F illes o - Pilis7are , tiot-sold-gettuineLitt-ttoy. Drug StorO'Oithei. hi the city or cotintr • • • tliem "in earns e, of (;moo V. llrrrizo, or (if agepta poblialiqd iu atiolleir part of this paper... / . . • MARRIED, Oi - • Vt Thursday, last,, the Rev. •Ileniy Aurand, Mr. LEWIS' Roinvsox, to, Mrs. SO,HIA,DUNCAN, all of Allis place. ,70n the 25th inst. : by the Rev: J;. Ulrich, Mr. JOHN W. DUElti to Miss ELIZABETH E9BLES, all of 'Silver Spring townshipa s' On the 27th 'inst., by the same, Mr. GEORGE FISHER,Miss MARX •Bninnn E, all of South Midleton .town ship, •'- .runzir Orphans' CourtAlle.i..: Public Sale: ... • , , -• .: - REPORT, -, • • , Of dig Viiftors "appoinfed to visit and report the cdi*„.:. : — ilition . 9f-the-roor-Howmand e of em loyment ... of Cninberland county, Made agreea ,y to usage - to • . • the Court of Quarter sessions at its 'session in Au wist, 1840,'ati allows ; via:._ . ft rof,/relio:iliiictitiWtiiq Vialgelfof the. Court of War .' ter Seeeionetof Cumbeiland County; , Penua. • We the undersigned, appointed, by sold Court, as visitors to the Pont.. House and Houte of , employinent of said county ; respectfully make• 6:6 following. i.e. port': that we briVe+llliliiiihargt - of the duly assigned us, frerytiently iikiteil &TN institution ih the last year, ~ and have Adeueure in saying thiit we alivays found every thing in ,order and good condition,- thatthe in unties ,91 the 'establishment appearOd Who well treat- iiiif, , comfortable and eoideided-,we beard no tbrire . plainti from any one, the attentive steward gave mi . every facility and information we could '‘vitili tor eon. ; corning his elrarge. WeArink fro does-his duty well so far us-hois toneerned. .. - . . ~ ': . • . • GEO. D. FOULK, • • • .. JOHN. HAYS ; . . - C..II.IACFAIi LAND(' ' • Atigutt 10, HW- . • . '-', ' .• . ' Famberiand Fount.,;tia:' • ' : ' - .I'. ' • Si , Willis Potilk; CleA of the - . Coulq , --- :. .., tit quarter Session, do . he'reby • certify _ . ( (list tl I . ' '''' ' - . l' or i +'=` . , .. .i.. le a 101 e is a true copy 01 'l. ie.ori :•'=.: :. . . gins( - olifile hi my. - idlice:' , Cirela under. . my liniul and seal .of office this fMili - day, • - • ' ' of AugiAt, 184tY.: tiK .• (ie.undersigneo.-will ex-pose -to . - public safe, the premises, on, Thursday the tat day of Oetohfr next, at 11 'o'clock in the forenoon; 'a tract of part Limestone anti payt Slate Land, • situate in, Middleton - township, Comberlandt county, bounded by the .ClOnhodugninct creek, hilithe of nosy Can - Merton, Abraham Larulleftoiaileklmoir heirs and , others, Containing • " . _ . . . Two leundred_thlirty-iiimitt „ rlcies and twenty-seven Pettliego . . strict mektares - having - thereon. iireard a ' T W 0 • STOIW-41OUSE-Ole- 13Eluti - AND STONE, , Fiume me it a 2t and..,s7able, . • There is a I. , ,wei- iltiliyg,stwi pg.; pp th,g,itretitises, mial — i(gdoil" . Well iii bitter with, a: ptilllff. About eighty acres_ ?II this - faiiit IS cottred with young tbriving tinil;er. ...• -. , . • . • ~ • . . half of the pnrelinse money to be paid on the, _confirmation' of the stile, arni the balance in three equal annual paxments thereafter, to, be settired. by recogi4linces ill. the Orphans Court with approved . arotrily. The ge;itiv growinp on tilt preiniaed of the ' tiiiieoi-snle to go to the "Purchaser, eXeeptithe tenants' share thereor;whieli expreasly r, served to him. lioxxession will be Ilebvered on the Ist' day of , April, next, or, ir the Iniveliaser should • preer it,.he -- eanAvare—Liossossion—itoineiliately-:altdr—poinply•ing' • with, the letans of sale, bubjeet to the balance - ,ot•the• • • Tregont_tcnant;:wlttprlf-willzoxvilir,entirtlfe'lst- - 01 L Aiiiie" -- nerxt. • . • • - - - JOSEPH. SIIII.OIII, jr, Carlisle, September 2,1840.--..-tas. • 0-", r ThElLinittniter'Exurnincr, Lebanon Courier?. and' York Ittplablican 'trill publish tile (ra ) + 'of &An,• and forward bills to this office for collection. • TATILL•b• exposed to public sale, 011 premises, . 7 bj 1111 . 0Pder aptriz, orphimss.;ourt . opeinnbev-- 'land (Jot/litl, on Snttledray tlitt..3(otforofo6tobei.:peki, n the 6,1104 , ing, described proptil., • gat •TracZ. - of Fir.4l Rate U.Ia;PAZIPa.(OSita.Ut 411 . 1.11) shade In Dickinson' townbliiii, 0111;606d 'coniity;. adjoining lands of Wm. and odicr land -of John' * Galticaitleir licirs,containing: . ...„ FIFTY FIVE ACRES, witli.a good Dwell Mg •Ilutise and Double Logi%Stable titereon erected. -Thereat-L.:l:w° fine springs et Iva ter and a, large apple on the pretniies.-- About t wenty acres of the land is covered witirprime timber,. , and the .residue is'under' good fence and eultivatioo.- The property ofrered, for sale is, the '-north end ' the Simi .01 d °ha Galbraith. dee'd.; mid is, equal hr to any farm iu the.eounty. ollsalr..areLottelialftlielatrehuge-itoner ----- to be paid on'the 'lst 18.11, Whey possessiom w ill be - g yeti,and the residue in two timmal•paijanenttr • without Interest. • . - • • 'JAMES'WOODBUILN-,. IVILLIAM LINE; Guitrd inns of the children of Johil Galbraith; delft!. September 2, 1141./.,--tds . , . . , .. . .., S hereby given fliat - thelnirtpership that exiated between Sanlb uieleiiibton Rini Archibald BriCk-' . 11 el'o l likt• thy firm of Diiiidboil & ljliciiet,iii_the..bu,_. sitiarofiiiiiiiriTkiiil - itiTr — Tly 5i,, , ,.it Newvilte,Citniber :land Co.]'a., has been dissolved. The said diusiqessp .will in-future bee;trehab , eh lir SFehdifitit treiadi,;.... for his owiinseravute - al -- • 0 ' . ~. . - . ' ' SA.SWEL'DAVIDSON; • , • A 1tP . 1113.t . 11..11 BRICKERt• • . Newvill c., August - 22, 1840.-3t."' . .. _ • • niy bed. and: I - r!ar(j'.9c;.Nontlfiy.'--- the . ni3l.wife .Mett,• without jußt . cotoe or. proviDeution r -7 . A1l ,persous ;Ir.& liereby warned agninit. trusting Iler o 2 my account ; tudiAnydeterinitted to link tio'..tielits of her coiltrneting,- . -: : JACOB METZ - ; Septemlcr 2; 1 840:! • • sobsedber.baving become ;igent for the above Line of 'Freight Cat•„% - yould restieet:- - fully.inforni the publie, that - he is midi: Unt throes' to forward lumber &d.-to air tibittetrihjig the eurn6 - herland Vallei or Franklin .Itail Roads,- - Orders addressed as aben'e,,will meet-with prompt'. attention. JAMES . CREN'lll,:Agetit: Atigust - 26;9840:---3t ' • Zhilr 4 •.. • t i laiitlia of Thomas cruiptheto ". - tfattle - , -- treioscedits ticilowsr,:. •• .. One Spreckled heifer, thotet tilyettrs 614.. one Red . do. about - 2 years do; one Ilittek docabou t yearido;i: cme-Ited Steer, about;.one•Spotted about I year do. No marks beseen. , The owner is ilesirtortcrecoriefiit4ard, prove pret-'-:` . petty, pay. eltat:ges And take them away ;.*lietwiseo. they tv.lrbe disposed of not ording.tklioe..-' ' • • •• citAtgatAW. Augligi ---N Vi . 'w - ig, tr- ' • • A _...• ' ..- - , EY , aLe 0 ,f Jatob rah's; c'etreaxed.- T T. Ett"vv.itS OF ADAIINISII'ItATION- on the eto" - ..: It/lige of Jacob •Pahn, late oCW6t l'enntiborciAlF7- - ._ - to miship, C;tiffiberlind ColuitV r ( 1 0 ,0 41,' Wire been:lA. , ' sued to the itahteriber.realdinint-inthl-tntansltip elkr-o-- • - Tr , tit,. is berm given, t o_, nil iliose iildehted tO -4 4 41 , '- . - ' , , t,,1 -ustaje-to-Inake ' nutnediatr-payment, and all :these'. -Jr ..1 77 . Int mg -olafts-iiguipst: said' - estato - to - thetS;;% '7 - N. J -1,.' - ..- 1 preporly r nutheatinated i for- - settlentent. ---.. I' ~ ..0 -,' ' GEORGE:, It EA,./i.dia'r,., '''''',. f,- .11 - `,ugnitVil',lB , lo....--6* , _-- - ' ' . ' ~,, 4 1,..„.,,,„„...„ 0rp,.... Court; began. anelteld- int.- 7 ' : 44 " 7 , i 4 .,, .11.1ointfix theinth (lay of .Ang4t, 11340 :1it'Pf6 , 7i,..-.. .!'•: . . ,1, , , %``'- . li e hi,untl fbr Clim li ettnal,Couinty ; lfelbl'e theltint: , V4,l6 1 ,:. , ,e , ,, 8a tunotlleitintrn :Presideat, and -.John Stink Lind 4i, , '''"X . k Jobn Lefever; instimlatn Jitlges_bythe *mei:Tr 0- I ,t . .:-'` 4%w! .1. - , 4 , ,alAnetl &o. the follOtAikitrinamldiug awe r4i 3 it'iur, 4,;.,.....; •,•teti. Augubt i R4o. .= Ilule,Oß alf the'arriti, lt heri.l ~, ''' . :",.. , N..p., , Xiiini z trong, decenapil l , skew- Lame al *he iiext,lsTlin'.„,..:.,-,.:,., ''-'...,,, "dialnki`niire whY t!iv, It* 4,4l 4lPrikobeo:Atlu"' •., ';` itk% .atrupg ii4SE,alioald 49C,1/4 in l,l %Fe'B oo *L'4o4l64: ; tp'!.., - 2).4.,,t4 , 1' - i b e iwr,ctr oii ikll,lNe. lAdlidi 'l"4o!k"Kal*t4ini-114M-g'll,i,',-Vi.?= 'miles, and rniikit,oillers ill tnreine t a l?.oo l l"4#34)o ''' \''' - Pi% tit it, eneliefe', rot . ffiur Ak cceli V i S'o o 4"4* l 9Ni , o*s , 0 ,1 ;Ccfni't ' ;.' ' -"' '• ...k•2:r]i.'4` : ' - ';.'4,;.n4',.qfkitrfi-IT «,,-4,U. c , e, fir:. ' Culu PF, r/ IP! d qP ifi it Y•i r ;4 ' ,... g •,-..,- --. A v. ' :- . 3: p?*;.W i i:,! - ~ .v.:\+‘,-.P : „,, . -1 ,, id , c0.16-,,.4i-enipafpri* , oii...:.ifp,A , i) ,, s- f .. 4 .py Inked 'fro Ann*e-..-R*ltr,:.4fiiiii.A*7-;-.'k t,,,w,i „, • ,phons.-Court ItVaidf;en , akin kinn4y4.4', .`j, , '."4ii, '',s . ' . l. .., 00 t,. c(,...., ‘ ‘ 1. ."'Lk feat 'ilit-iebtigniit lieretlk Ww;Y:il” ,o , '`k , ,r„ .1 5' 04 . nix .1,0 ;;TpicrieliVitriiiill aalitt.l4 l 6 - Rr\t,,144F44..i : Z,-,, '', Chteli 8 yii 140141ey flr:Atiguatatl4p.F'palV,%W. '"'...-'-''''',r; ~ , c,r.„:,•..:..., .. • , fAc i rk, ore•ouva. . I L ~•,....,, .., -', X~~iet`l4,aB~iEl EN3 Clerk of - Court - Sale: PUBIJC Nottvv - .iii'a(igepoii Line. SZE ME S2 - ssoi — s'e