Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 02, 1840, Image 2

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: . On the 10th, lai st intelligence re
' • . ceived, -Bustaniente w s given his liberty;.
. and the Centralists W re Collecting their
• • ' -- forees to nnake.a deSpeitite resistane.o.*_: -....
- : Upon dio -- Occu.rrenee. of theSe important
events, Santa Anna left Nera Cruz, imme
diately in ladiligencia for the Capital. •.,
--- Generals: - Wall`,' Condea; and - Canalize
-.1 .
have left here for. the city of Mexico.
• •is a-very' small forceliere, under
.the c t orn- .
triainFol--Fitripuldo,--and—Matamoras,l as
- sure you, is in a very dofe•neeless state.
, • Arista,. whti is'expeCtetl . here, is reported .
. • . •tei: have left 'l:ainpico•for the C•apital: - . 7- •• 7
.• • •, • . - ..40, lltifi• is, glorions ittiltws. for • Texas. `d_
-.-• . s3oe.:they will nob •att'a.ctic 41.11 A •PlPge ri, for
. , . ttec.judependence, is now upOn the eve •of
. .- , being 'acknowledged, and it is necessary
. . --.;• that: she ad with great' caution at- this mo
- -• „ - . - . . . .
- August 1; 1840.
The express arrived.. night
,befOre last.
from. Tampico, and I have.-dates. from die
Capital up to_the 20dAlt.. Urrea atilt had
possession 'or tlfe7palace,•and - loe cases pub
licoq .that - command• the great square of the_
,appearances this,, are.ot
then 'gloomy_ feature for him:,
Santa Anna,,it
,appears; was . eagiir
. 14
his, proffers of • assistance -- to the Iriloveric-:
anent; but was inforinedlliat;the revoliition7,
ists could be subdued without his aid. He
at Puebla.- • •- .
. • From the Nemi.tirlezma.Bultetin, Atme6l 13.
whe:Mexican Revolt. , •.•
•. C re'a . i:Carnage-- , Teii 7 Diiiy . . - Contbitte.d
.• " I .
Fighting 4i-the Capital. l•
• • : By the ~arrival of the , fine schrt DOW,'
from Tampico ° , we have recejv - enat - er - Wil- -
• .vices from Mexico. 'Our dates now come
----7diawnitc.27th-Jely, %Pe give below trans
: . rations - • or- the 'letter. 'of .President 13itsta- . ,
• inente, and the 'proclama'tion of Gen. .Va-•
• lencia; - shoWing7that there was continued
- fighting iti the City. of Mexicb M'Alie . latest
.Our readers shotitillbear . in
- papers from which nre - extract are. all Ceti
. tral Journals, if - featly , established. by
. usurpers. in office. =No communication
has-yetreached. us. fri:inn the. Republican or
. Federal . party, ,though the Central 'papers
7 ---.-mention' the Documents :fliai•are issued . by
• • the revolutionists. - . „
Mexican Government Diaria.of : ihe
- '2sth: , ofliciallyTaiiii - otineeS: - that the
-- PrOelarriation ofthe - , - Vederarreader F.ariati;.
+skied the day previous, is not trite
•, Statement that . the =Central troops are .not .
willing:to fight for 4he Gavernment: . -
rias states that "Ithey - riierely intend: to .
_ maintain their position in the - line,and are
-averse and.cannot•be forced storm :the
adi.rocates of the Constitution of.
_'24."--4 .
. This the Government, paper 7 =ileiiieS . , - ; - and
• , ,avers that thejegular troops are .not only
. brave i .hut, are ready for the confliet.
_ 4ccordinglto the - Central--prinitr j-- everi
' ';"ileation.o the Republic is preparing to pour
• in troops for the rescue•of the. capitalfrona
- the handi of the insurgents.
Feubla 'sent a detachment—another had
arrived from Tabitea = -all the troops at
. . :- . Miehoacan were - proceediag . ' with:TOreed.l
Marches ;: - Guadaloupc Victoria was pro
--r:-ceeding with all:his:disposable:force from
-, Vera Cruz. Col. Cortazar---withAoo -in
fantry and 200 horse, was pressing on from
• : Leon; Santa Anna was using all his influ;
--ence 7 and-means--to-enlist-two-lx.eginaenis
' nearTeubla, and was to push for
. the capi
tal as soonas he‘eould . embody his Men. •
We gather from all. the accounts. we have
had;that - the utmost ... pithusiasm prevails
among the patriotic insurgents who: are,
• .within the walls of 'Mexico. One,of .the
papers states that they use' the papers .in.
- the deposite archives to make, cartridges,
_ and then fire them at the•asuipers -them
selves. •The civic militia •appear to side
- h - therrralm - ostunanimously. . And-such
are the fears of Eltistamente and his brother
usurpers, that secret orders 'have, already
been issued teaprronandants of . detachments
Teeming_ irlfrein the . : criuntry,,in case they,
should be attacked by a foree - Otit — of . the
--- . -.- eityi - to - falPhack . upon - certain lin . Ota indi-.
Cated to them.' .
' ..The - : - .Governer of the Department of
Mexico, on the 20th, July, issued -a notice
to. all persons coming to the city with:pro
visions, &c. that while thcfFedertilists.beld,
possession Of the strong places, they need
-nerp - a - rthe - accustomed - Trluty - w ------ _ ----.--
\-- The -- Governinent: . Bulletin 'of: the • 21st
u W ; has the'followiug liestseript:' "After
':our form was made up,'we 'learned froin
--,..-mn-titulciattetseurce,_that 'the . insurgenta
have demanded the furniture•-and,
silver plate'.of tote Holy-Cathedral; with, a.
- :.--threat- that they:would take it by . foree,
less their .demand :was civilly' `coinPlie~i_
= W.A.:469.00
, . ' - S'unday, 4 o'clock P. 111.'
.___ aur city_ives_the scene of an accident on
Saturday afternoon,._' entirely unforeseen
--2 , ---and—atteniledr-with - fearful - lass of life.' A
few minute's Before an'clocliolie liaiir when
• iiteThriiiiticTirS litifliiiiii - , - y - f6F - Ne - iii — riiik;
-- a, lutiatie:Pitnek Cavano,] in charge of
too - gentlemen frum Oneida county, came
uRoM 014.$:4in : a tre etthridge ::. just as • they ,
reachadthe draw (made in' the centre of
the bridge for'; the passage of -canal boats
and other .Ncssels),- thei Innatic, who had
.. hitherojeniained Verfectlyquiet, suddenly
itail__him_ in
. • 6h arg e. : ,' Ti l er immediately 'endeavored' to
..... , b4ndqUif him, and stiCceeded• indeed in the
~ : • •.nfforti lint during The struggle klarge Crowd
N , -- e r iAlectedaronnd ',the ,party, and , thaTaraw;.
~. unable to beiti thelidusual Weight, - stidden-
-,-,,.. lyj#l,re ? way and precipitated nearly 'alFfhe
'', : ,_;,,11it ,,, t71 , on" 4', 94, - it;,beti . dekiwb"catle and a!bag."
4 , •4401,10,49n;' wig! the ' ll oisei•alutch 4 g l ;:ilih)
-„, e;f4'4o#,L.ivater,beneatn. ' ~' .1 ,:- . •
~,‘ .4. ~,,,.. - -
', 't?',;),; - ..Thit., .tlratr. is Composed ;OrtwO pieces,
, :'s . :WriiTiin'eletting down. itOrin' the other, form!. '
1-';, - ", - ).-„lnf*lli t itiarelt,,iand :raised; when ''neecesaiiy '
!r," ; ` , Z , ,lly&rifeittlfrif :clittins 'attached to a high &mile,
qi•ZS.ititilt4ifiil(ntfthi' , pernianbit part - of the
r, i l,!iritliii44.',l4llo4`Opose.Othat.tli n great,weiglit
'',' Al - 44108, 0 4 0#4:040#'441,11.j bridge against which.
.' , 0 d raw," liii;alitiffirl, f il to give Way gradually
' ' . . iiiiiilttied . . ' l 1 . . s 4
- . olii4htt.,Alrttivl
~ .3 - „set-to -a- eye -,nit
. .,T # l 4ol 4l oktffi - 10ifiio:' . eaAtpi'n.u)Cist
~,,' i `;'4 4 V:; , `',',..'''L.."' ,-• ', '. , ,ka ' ' -- •
half of.the draw"fell first, and
"as the. per;',
sons. Who,had fallen into tbeov.ater„‘Vere
strUggling-to the suyfbce, ; theother7-httlt:efl!
the: draW fell tifinn ;them, killingjustantl?
seVeral, and carrying
_others to .the bottriMi
'with . . it. This :perhays „e'xplaitt • The
otherwise:num - mountable fact that of all
-Who__Wereid.rawn. lifeless from, the
not. one
,was resuseititied - ,7allhough, every
assiStatice ihe power_nf oar citizens and
physicians was promptly rendered.. ..
As to the precise number who lost - their,
jives by, this SuLeal:tmity; there - lis ;yet'Per- I
hops" sotne 'uneertaititY, It is ;supposed'
that' there were from siTtY to seventy per,
sons on the - draw. at the moment of the ac
cident. -pivvOty-inle betties - have been
!bond, and, with one :exception, Identifiesl.
'But there are, several caps and hats a' the
Plty:Pall still unclaimed, suitrie.of . Which,
beivever, doubtless belong to personeAvho'
effected their eicape.. •:_,
041tt Val*
_ .
-Fromt,'.lhe Baltiin arc Patriot. . .
~jiii•st fkiiits Qt, a SlaiO4ig
~,• - ( 1.. -•- li . Arany. . ...._• , .
• 'l,- - ilja i rli : ///.Ll i aa in Tall linsse, Florida..,
- . .irrhe Talla'hitsse Star of the 11th, gives.
AIM details of 1 4 most dX:tr aoi (Him y proceed
log Which ante °win. that townduring the
present montjtooowit : the assembling,.liy
- the -- GoVernor - Ofi - a - large - immber - of hired
soldiery int ' hestreets -rot' Tallahaese, to
overawe-the! eitizens,..under the pretext of
preserving tl, c public pea Ce. - , Thc - details'
i ,
are to l'Oluinittous; but we - bubjoin •the
material' poitits. '• .. .
' :At a locofoco meeting in-the vicinity of
Talialtasse,.a[resorution.was'adOpted declar
ing that_the_,Whig . S .011;1064a had lo,rnted
a union widdlie . Abolitionists of-the North.
Some two ;r- three Whigs- Called .on jibe
editor of the'pa per in 'which 'die resolution
was published to -know the 'au thOi of 11M
resolution; Or. at . leaSt Itipon whose audio- .
rity• the resolution *as made. ' - The editor
,promisedl.lo- give the name the
-Next day: the gentlemen-. ealled-ag01,;:: but
the editoilwas note visible. In his stead
was 'e . ,letter declining - to• give the desired,
inforMididji." .Tlfi4 ;created some - feeling,
and the *lnk poptilation 7 .were indignant at
the font aspersion mist tip On-them - In, the
course of:the day a. Whig met a'loctifeCo with:
whom he 'had quarrelled sonic months past;
and sonic an,gry words'. passed between , ,
ttiem„ and some of-the. by-standers .thint
that the .Whig-.made pull the
locofocu'.s nose. -This: teas -.the sum ;total'
of the --breach of .tlic 'ru;ace; and it did •
net allay , the :popular . feeling. -.-- Night
came on, the citizens went to beitesusual,,
determined to await the appearance . .ofthe
editor on the morro, - ad_ho_. : Was
,to hiS room. on the plea of indisposition.
tThe next m rning came, and a
with it '
lorgeliiiinhel of the' United Sfa/es.troops,'
who took up their 'quarters around the Go=
vernor's house, and-established sentinels all
ovet%the'town,.and subjected the whole, to
martial law r
.The surprise of the citizens
at this extraordinary:novement was not
&dater than their indignation.
ascertained that the - troops had been Order
ed dming-the night,-from the - frontiers, by.
-tbe-Governer, to overti.w.'p7the-citizens. -
large meeting was held in the reiiFtiing, -. at
which a iommittee ivas_appoilited to wait
_tiport_the:GoVernot,antl resp_eotfully inquire
his reasons for withdrawing the troops from
the defence orthe - fron - tier, aint quartering
them im . tbe capital. :The - committee, after
many delays, obtained an audience* of his
Excellency. They- delivered their mes
sage., .:The_Governor replied, ,that was
, responsible to - the President, and-not to the
people of Florida, for his measures—and
malting a bow to the committee, turned
upon his, heel, and retired to- his private ,
thecorrithittee wrote a riote'.4o his Eivel
leitcy;with the view-of nhtaining his rea
sons in writing.
To. this note of the committee, the Go-•
veinor.matle - a reply, in which
,he says, he
doetinot,admit the right of. the citizens to
question him -" about the eroploment of
militia;"'. but that his " republican prinei
ples".lad.ilecs him to anSwenthem - on the
subject: -;And he goes cn to state as a rea
son for the parade of federal troops in -- the
streets of the town, and"the. establishment
had On the Previous day geen-
But - Of the •Charactei or extent of that -al-
leged : 7 -yiolation, he is altogether silent. • On
the fact of such violation of the public
thc,Polt,ernor Ind
the citizens of Tallalkasse, .at direct
iseti , Therelwas, as ; the • latter .say, in
- . mut of-facioto violatiOn - or_inter'rtiption of
the : peacefar leSe76.ity ,vhich could by
arty possibility jitstify,,the_calling. qut.of.the.
U; States troops, at the virtual etiteblisk=
nrieo of niartiul lati'in - the town.
-,The reply of GovernOr Reid produced
. great dissatisfsction among the citizens.—
And there was, for a moment,eome gronpd
apppiebension that, through the irritation
Produced by the uncalled forpresence, of
the soldiery; w,ith the insufficient reasons
thatiiitlfiralided — meastur - e;The
public 'peace might indeed be interrupted.
- But, 'fortunately, tho - excitement of the
citizens was calmed down, and a commit
tee of leading men (at the head of. which
, was Ex-Governor Difvall) was'sppointed,
to take - order; Tide Committee
Was' instructed 'to call on Governor Reid;
- end - insist - 11pm! -i.the-instantLremovril-of-the
troops.o_thati-end thei-addressed-a-re
inonStrance to 'the Governor,next day,(tile
4th instant) in Which thek'reptidiate:the
idea 'that 41 ,ilie4uldieLpeace±iMtl-been-yia
lated," as. 14ate4iby"The Chief Magistrate,
.and call for the.: proof The eliforoßlee of
'citizens declare., that'they know e .no at-,
tempt atl' ll uslence On,the part•Of any petb-
SOW, exc t the;Goverpor's own officer,
-Major.E. 'E; Blackburn: . who, on that day
they ch4ge “With hiviiig attempted, by
~.knife, and by= air
stilling, 'and 'menacing' matirier,, and= traii'
,gunge; to intimidate` the' citizens..
rertionstrance, to the„Governor agriluel±,this
high4tanded iierrthe' committee say: ".If'
our peaceable citizens are to be sirested by,
1116`1iildiera tinder ur orders in ;the'
streets, -w4ide4fur.-„ong theirordinarkinuii-'
tiese,:oy" in.tareotirffie with
; 0: :: 10 : :,c-, : : : ,*'It : -I•,:-X.-.'11: - Ii - li.;::„ - 70:*•-:',v*. , ..11!:.07 . ''...4 . *t. 7 Z(7'.:W.:*:,41:',0,..:.0:-:(i.::*.i;it: - .
. .
, .
.each otierif
the . y
are to
e t hreatetie . dby.•
l l solleitrit :
on • - Ofibilie' W eoy uti lcztrz ns -
armed scntiiietS:g.thiky ,do not i34-- , ..,if Or ;.13ht Ob.:deputation - appoihted: hilhe . .biti:-
citizen's are, like.e s iiMinals, to beeondticted: zens, - y9shitigte'fie ;fully triftlrmed'ofhis
before-the officer ef..idu r guard, beforb they purpose, deemed it theiriluty,'.ile nt4e=.;the •
artftPermittecTur; . go about their °ion. [ini-:, beinmuideation'which they had proposed,,.nessif they are not - permitted to see you 'a 'copy . of; which is anaexed thereto, and
and learn the cause of their arrest - --;-wii'are,'dated._ the efilt: Of _Atigtist,....l.B.4o,;_and_ad- H 1
indeed under a military despotism unknown 'dressed by the committee to the Governor.
- Hitherto in theNnited - States:" ------ : -- ';-, - , - hkeommitteeviaited'ii-theGMMmor4.4ll. l
~'To thesectetaila in regard to this extra-.- this cemmunication, - and only received :a
Ordinary proceeding—well characterizeilai „Verbal-answer ' -that„tlre,troo,ps had just then_,
the "first fruits of a Standing' 4riny"-- I ,been' s disciiiirsed;'.and . the only..,reasoines-
we . subjoin . .'fiern the .'faliallaase Stariftlie: signed' for his' . extram:dinary
.coriduCt, Waal
letter from the cerninittee of citizens. to_the ;that. the. Governor . had . received some
President of the Uhited States„gOng an ohymous threatening !merit, biwhialiihe
account of the affair,. and,..remonstrating ;ithd . ,.been so excited, that his reprise' was!
against ibeconduct of Governor lield.-- ;disturbed for several ; nights. . And no 'as-
This letter.presents, in grave and measured suranee was - given against, the . recurrence
language, the whole case, and is therefore . of similar scollop for the future. A farther;
worthy,the attention of the whole
.pgirple..,.comintinieation'„was promised ,in writing,'
of the United States; as . well-as their Chief ~.birt has not-yet been received. These hovel
,Mpgistrate.. In giving it a placeove would. been- ,the grossest ,outrages upon the per. ,
Challenge notieeto_ the - extraerdinary coin : - . ! sotto! . and civil rights.of citizens, ever per-'1
cideneea coincidence big with warning to 1 petrated," by eny .. .Executive officer. since the
the friends and eupporters-orfree - goYerir- fontulation'Of_theßePublic; and scarcely a
inent-that..this militairy dem.onstration ap-Tparallel . caire befriend in the arbitrary' con;'
pears to have-been, made, or the'orders for "ductof the British 'Grvernment in ' the - in
were, at least,.issped, on the same even- cipient stages of ; the. ReVoltitien ; and the
:iop,•that a - political 'meeting -was held, in 1 emuluctin therepreaehtatiVes Of his British
'fallallase, with a vie. w ,-to', organizing . _ a_ Majesty; . less in Vietation - of their .exinting
party in opposition - to the Governor,' This laws, and less wahtini t. '.thet with-the ready
point .alone, coupled •Witlitlie absence of any- airdindighant resisttike. of the- people: -- - --...
violation -of the puirlietice,. is worth a , 'Our regard for :the . GOvernirr's personal
column" of scommentl With thinking-men CharaCter, compels us to belies* that
. the.
-it will probably-go-far-in explaining the-mo- anonymous - lettere - mentioned . must - have.
tives for what is pronomiced in theletter to. been a :Here-pretext;-as the spirit . Of Mao
the President, as among "thOT . rossegit out ,. hood the idea that our Goieritor,
rageS upon the persona and civil'- rights the cominander-iri ! •chief.:of__ . our_People ;
of the citizens ever perpetratedlciany ex- while War is. raging, around ua, whose duty
eetitive Officer, since thefountlatioti of the it is •to -protect us front the ,_
savaden who.
Republic." .. . . - has even now proclamations in the papers'
_ •
.• .__._
.: .-.-- --- . • exhortind the people to firmness, Vigilance,
Adler of the Committee of citizenS_Ypl-i IMO - ecturAm:in - firmeoing themselves upon
lahasse, to the P);esitlentof the Riled tits : frontiers, 'Could exhibit Birch` a degree,
. -States,. renzonsHating against the eon- ofpusillanimityJas to - withdraw trobils front
duct •gf - -Oovernoi. Rad.: . ' . -. , those frontierS;_exposedto a - real and terrific
To M. IAN BUREN, PRESIDENT OF TIIE foe, to. prOteet s hita in the bosom of dpeacca
•, ' - • -.: UNlTE l ? . th*A l ts.:. ''' .• - ble conuittinit• front - 11re idle threats of an-.
, . .... .
.'. T;il,iirliSSi.,Fii. And:lo 1840: .-. onymoas and childish scribblers; unit could
- Sin :—The constitution -of:the-United permit sense of propriety to bs so' far
- States•lias placed"the 'Government Of the `distorted-by-his fears as-to induce him.. to
'ferritorieg Ootirely..Ontla the control of arrest peacerthle and innocent citizens .at
Congress—and Congress has established a the - point of the, bayonet. -- LC !dile - half .
forth . Of
.. go lien itufity.for.- - Ate:Te rr ii tkr y_ 3. ,E . and _for : ourselVes _ we...repel the Mr p toady n .
Floridn„lry which all the civil' rights gu a r .. upon our Chief Magistrate. Cnompon sense
aitteed by the constitution-of the United wonld.have - told-hitn'that a lurking assassin
'S - lateg to the. peeple of the :several states; could have perpetrated -his=-fell--purpose
:areeiteirded and secured to. the.people-of heretofore, or might hereafter, - as he could,
this Territory; although they have - not the not always- remain_ fortified 'in his own
satire' political pri - Vileges. .
.; :;,-,.,..., • house; -and that a permit' entertaining such
Theacts'of Congress profess-to secure intention, would not have warned him .a--
to.our persons and .property ample pretec-• gainst"the'ldOw. And. the_ least inquiry
'tion, butt deny. uS`the privilege of ,electing would haie_informed him (if Itieigifirrance
our Exectitive - and. - Judicial . officers -- Tlre . ef the people he ;governs -teas such as to
poiver of ..appointhient, and remora! Of. of ,renstOr it'stiecessaryo that Old :. peaimAle
_titers, and consequently of control and re- -citizens Would have turned qutto
sponsibility so far art-they exist,-are vested protect thin_frona.the violence, of a,mob„ if
in- / the President of:he United :States; an d there had been one, for their sake, if
.the officera appointed, by him' are not - re "°t'fer his. - ••
Sponsible to the peilple of Florida in any Nor can we.suppose Governer Reid to
respect .- . _ - have been actuated by . ,an - idea so stupid as
. This state of dependence leaves the peo- that of establishing, a permanent petty mi
.ple Of this' Territory only the remedy of iitary despotismln our Territory., and that
in'future,"Exectitive power was to be man
complaint antLremottstrance to the Federal
. Diecutive, of Misconduct:in office' ifeated, anti' Exe . eittive will executed,. by
()lithe part of the Te - functionaries ; innetionaries-,7116.-MaFglrbsY°l4l-illurnOtrwhithertlT
and the ultimate right of a nopti ..coiotaii,.3:, 1. 7 *l,. mort4 . , iollueurx alit:3lllg from, the
a that a free people always stand.
-which nattire -gives nil'- - onty Olen .knowledge
ready with . their lives• to sustain 'their. pub,.i,
their' grievances become too-burdensome-to
tie functionaries in all lawfal and just acts )
be. endured, and their remonstrances are .
unavailing with. the "power Which should orpower. .. . • -,,___
_..._ .
.W . lll humif ti, and mortifies-'
‘ --1
grant,,relief. ____±..l.:__•___; r . ._........__. '.__. _...:W. confesse.l • ', _ k ' 'es -
Wirth° only reasonable or plausible
,. _ Suck being . our situation, we respectful- tion ,
ly claim a right to call tile purpose Which Wb can conjecture - for - his
Excellency to the recent conduct of Robert attention of your
is as grave and portentous, as the '
two former' have been - ludicrous, and co
Raymond Reid; Governor of this 'ferritory.
temptible:: 'lt may not be unknown .to
We refer to the Onnexed documents, and
the following-statements as evidence of.the io.u_r_:.•F_x_e_eleng3',tbat_We ArO.ttivii/et). here,
nature of that conduct. _ as every free people . inust be, into parties,
It appears thiit the Governor has, in a
each struggling to maintain its,
nothing had occurred of a more serious own opi
dine of peace and quiet in - , our city, when . nions, acid each doubtiesi-for
part' equally. conscientious, anti anxious
-character-than-a-few-angry-words-betw -
een ol 4-for--diegood_o pureommen_country,_
both' as -to •territorial . affairs 'and general -
some few of citizens in some cause of
private quarrel; •Withotit calling. upon the .politics. ' •
Governor-Reid is among-the leaders of
civil authority; -without-I - Issuing- or asking,. .
one of these parties; and has - Manifested in
for any civil process; without any attempt
all his. actsi 'official as well- as, private,. a
by civil means to sustain the laws, which
indeed.ercised his military authority, there had been no attempt to vio- deSire . to promote and sustain - his party - by
late; .ex
an d every. means in his power. 'Although we
calledlicto.the city an armed troop - in- the shorildprelif that our . GoYernor, as he is
,sent to: us bithe President and not chesert
pay of ilio dovernnientof the United States,
ourselves, should, as far as possible, hold
and subject to his orders, and stationed . 6 3"
from; and_abbye . party influ-.
them•about his houses, taking.pbstreasiofi himself aloof
of the on. the - capitol . square. and - cute ;- Yet Wo- shall not complain, so. long
os-7-itr.does7not:-.lead -- him-to . transcend' his - -occupied-certairrot-tiie'fitiblie l- streitirwitir
()worn, or urge him into Rots of- oppres
lines of . musketry, along Whicli' no citizen P
was allowed to pass without his on.
, sion. But it is a remarkable fact, that the
verifirstOttehmi at organization made by
pain of being shot. That he •at the same
party opposed' to Governor Reid,. was
dote sent expressee. into 'various, sections the
made on time .:id of August, as, ,gill be seep
-of--tbe---to--of-eertain---of-• our felloW
citizens ; supposed to t
be attached,
to id s ;by a notice of mpablic 'meeting herelyitlL
•person ' and political party, . but- pUrsuing enclosed, and that . .same evening the Go
- their - .peaceable_avoeationsi - not - in - the4er---1-iiernoes_expressentwore sent for the troops,,
arrived the next moriting:7.his;'
vice:-of the-government; _and- not . ,Subject to 1 101 " .
'feet. that `expresires - were
-his-except; to topel_invai kin iar Sup.'-,. / . 6 1 1 11ed '..with - the
. Sent to . the,cntintry at die s.arifelliu-e-eallihg
prese. insurrection , with orders,'Oi tequeste
. , _ , ~. . . ..
for them to corner armed to.the city. . .. , lin citizens Obis party, (whir;•we•arehap;
surprised an d py to. say, ,lad too much good, sense- and
, That lkilien rtur • eitizentr . ,
s a nt , patriotism to come, ) , scen t to . establish . a .
excited at these
,unusual movements,
connection. - than - acciderrMl between
three . respectable gentlemen, to hiquire'hi:.
i die . ; two - , - oceurrences; - ond-- to. -stamp-that
to the,causes and .. purposee of tho se opera,
connection uith epolitieai cheraeter. , - And
.they:Were , haughtily . received; and -
told, in reply _e i ticlu i r k i _thkh a li v _ alt... ; we are . :_led lrresistiblY, to -. the'. conclusion,_
i that it was his design- to overawe and 'prit
not amenable forhisoonduet to the People
.I . l._, l l_dOwfulty-e-tirnely t exhibition ofloree . and
of Florida, but-to the T'Osident of the
power, .t 1 .•of
' he 'first' 'ine an' opposition
States from- whom he reeeivetthisappoinf
; because for the fitilt. time organized, *hill
merit,' but' coiileseeinlett to 'say :Wet llia' life ~likely he formidable for . the first tiMe, I
ho !ken ;threatened,' and .summarily, dis-:
. 1 ther- hope . -that.-by-'his-r-interference.-with'
missed.thetu'Without .firithe r . .repli. 7 : •
~ peaceable.eitizentS....the, exercise,'
- : That . Subseqnently, milli° evening.ef,the
anddutieso :
timid; ,wavering, .and ,
4th dayrrif Aligirsti he ceased...lrib oitizen . a rights
t r. ---.41 1 - 97 doubtful-crldlit-lre. eterred-frona-opposing,
M -,- . lfirfflarrested - briihrormed - soldier
easum i ondt_44larza:class obiAirly:
rweroliiisilitig-were-peaceably,lO-the i -lili -37 9
; C
them streets; , and. -riii . charge • was .Made i nini peaceable . iii
,charge prefer to f endurb
against tho. , and netiii. has lteeir'„niade: the evils Of:almosay gotierirmerit; to the .
.sinee f 4n4--,no-otlierLreasonlelimin - forit - '4archy - i , confusinn , stul,btoodsrlicid - iireiiiit
except• the will and - pleasure. of the' Govet , war ,- inight ielliaik(l lespent, : in preference.
not::. ~• „- -....., ; . . . • ~. • -.—
! to li joining-or ; . estattl Bing , any - party,. die
iience - Of which ight;. - by possibility;
. • 'That it Was.ohly when our people, justly i°
indignant and alarmed at these invasions of Wad to Oisaoyous co . equences.' •.':) ' •:' !.
.their personal. rights, this
.violatiOtt:''of, the I '.. If! such-W;s- , hisi p rpOse;% we ' subenif it
;constitution ,and laws ofolhe 1004 :by the :to your gxpellenny, t say whether, it was'
' authonity Sent tOprOnict Oatn,',llo'anleain::i becorning-,iir,a Demo atieGoienrciti- . , We
ly;:deteginineck in . .'seif.deferiee,.
.to 'i - esist,Sre:!fully satisfied:the'. - ogle Of rib ' sate ' in'
rciOg's!)y - flifee; - : .,,aird.: .. vv . bie preparing,
,with i lthethron; nofetthe: Cited stritee;.wOhld
'becoming forbearance ; and moderation , 4i,,i..folerfite it , ftwa..monjie 'hi ilreir`resPeCtive
: forp . any innocent , Atand . ..Waii Shedon : .send t!Chief.lllogiotrateol.v',\ .- e have ini. , ,power,
another oivil;anit reapect4ita
..l deputadoncf, and Oa_ n. cYonly..Teprese ou
x,grievance - s to'
'biien3 . klearii,lC.possible,,the earebe'Otlle consideration„ at ' o• ,Federal Exect i. these `outrages, and 04pirg*ilianikenti , :crin4 ~Ont- : .njatfer:'iy:' h ain been - the .
orile -- fronpaotaC'thowere*:loriis;rurpime , OUViiiiiii td, (ffir Sti . 'io . et --- be
„,.... ! US 7 are:lnforined , e.tilhe . ear.nestelres . POt.'t l l o Oo l 'l l ,to Pe toexplain) ° wb!ite
. .• . .
left to.:eopjectitre'llitt On duct „Won
inevitably lek- had hot_lietter cOnniels: ] pre:7:-
with.lii - ti at th e ' last moment, to gtosß;.
results; .tind'We', prey' Heayetiiltyjits
!Mercy ave'rt- a similiar : erieie from oc-.
curritig in our • country • again, as we are
Aitell.salts - fied,that„not : only the sanctity of
- the GOverimespersort,-wOuld danger;
folibeing_v_iolated_there,b_k;butthe livei of
valuable-citizens be'put iti
conclusion,- we-assure your Exeellency:thst
liostiliti. to Governor:Reid, and if confitted
to hie legitimate pow Ors, his political feel
ings would be a matter of utter indifference- 1 1
to - tisins-that 'of. .such 'a• functionary could
possibly be. 'We heard, at the-time of his
appointment, that he was, selected as..a ci
vilian, whose duty ,it would be to be peaee
ful himself, but to co-operate: with .the army.-
As. hir, as . the,enerny is -concerned, he •is
Certainly as. peaceful is could:be desired,
but his civil knowledge has not taught hini
realm - C(l'6 - r civil rights. .
Tb.wardS-the people ho assumes a.
- 00 - nl — attitude, employing- die ,troops----in*
parading;aroundhis . tionse;, and
, .
streets; to the terror of-our peaceable cut , '
zees, misnppTyltig,.the trine pf the' military,.
and squandering the means of the Govern
ment, not for the -defence of. the ciiiiens,,
but for the purpose of - misrule - and oppres
, We, therefore, sill:milt these facts to your
Excellency, ns ie onlfauthority Whichim
recognizes; 'and - the only. one -before Which
we,' can civilly .lay our grievanees. We
respectfully request . that we may' be in
formed, in such manner and' time as may
snit the convenience :of your Excellency,,
whether...the conduct Of Oovernor Reid,
upon this occasion, incets_with the censure
or:npprobation of the:Cliief EXceutiv.o _Ma
gistrate• of our-Republic. , . •. • •
ef ot .5011.
- •
. 7 Chicinnalu-;
The - followiiig l
we. would .commend . to
the,attention of all those who have witnes
sed the calumniation, by Sonic - Of our op
ponents, of Gail. Ilaufison'S private char
acter: .NIT. Colby is a'.nut of unimpeacha
ble integrity, and. entire - relraiiee may' be
-plaeed upoit the truth Of all his siateinents:.
To the tditOr of the Le‘ifell Courier
. .
Oti -taking the- atuge„a few' drays
at Nashua, I' was so:fortunate . as to find
myself in company with Dr:Lyman Beech-.
Cr of Cincinnati,_ and knowing_bim to be;
.universally known in the community, not
Only•as a man of great talents, but-of high
moral - . worth, I took occasion, in. the
..-.course=of=eimiersation c Ao-remark,;-:_that,
there were conflicting statements - .amongst .
us, in New Etigland;in regard to the. pri
_and public .character.of Gen. W. H.
Harrison, and--requetted_ld . un_tet_giv6 me
his opinion, Upon that subject, giving him
1 - to - mulerstandratrthe- - -Cat6---,time,, that I
others,' if I chose so to di). After paUfting
a short time, he. very: delibertitely• answer
ed, as follows: "Soon after I-went to Cin
cinnati, I met Gene Harrison utliidge Bur
net's and have known- him, persOnal,x,
ever since: - lii the - private - walks - oflifen - .
know be•a man of - whom even his
enemice_can say-no harm. 'As- a, moral
man, I' knowliiti character-to. be uublem-
isheil.• knOw him •to be :a member-of
'regular, standing in_tha:EpiacepaLClturCh,.
in Cincinnati, and I have repeatedly heard
the clergyman, of,that Church speak . in the
highest, terms of respect, of the character
- of - General 'Wm. H. Harrison. • As
zen' and neighbor,,l know him to be uni
versally • belaied - , and . eSteemed. He . is
hospitable and generous, esen„ . to a •fault,
and his benevolence . is `'proverbial,' Where
ever-he is known. As a man of talents,.
lie -possesses more of the cool, diSeriminat
ing iudgment, the honesty of purpeseolie.
determined 'perseverance in the:conscien
tious•'discharge Of every day; and•more of
the high-minded, noble traits •of the old
Washington school Onion; than any other
man; I
,have ever seen. • As. a Writer, in
every sense.of the.word, he stands among
' the first in-our country. .As a public man,
I . need net, speak; of him ; for
,knows Character in,that-respect'as well
its - I - do:::- . -TheAtiiicirijal_his _country has.
settled' that- matter, • beyond -controversy,
- and-nothing-that- - „ltis-enemies_can_ say can
tarnish his 'ffard,earned repUtation. And
now, having. given _what I' know and be- -
Hove to belie character; let, - Me:say that I
believehint to ' bn jest the roan whom we
.neetl-at the. head, a Opr.Goyemnent, iu the
. derenged—etater:;of - ' - our 'country;
and Unipe_ and trust , that_ ink_Nevember_
. firwill:be called} like old Cincintta-
tin,' from
.his . plough, to the Presideney,q(
the'Vnited States.".
.'The :above in the inilmtance of-what Dr.
Beecher gave, as his 'opinion, of Gen. Bar- -
, risos; and, 'an' near as I• can recolleet,'l
have endeavored - own Words.
I leave the subject without note or' coon-
_ - .PrOin theViricinrusti Garetti.,
, We hive a letter :0
fromllomM., a do'-
gate. to Nashville, from. which we extract
what- follows; 'this'ls thw latest Howe we
have* of , the Convention't'.
Neenvitrie,, Aug. lifith, 1840.
DEAR SIR:--WO reanhed' here iti aefety.
after fatiguing jintrney rice heavy . reade,
madeneo by.tate rains. !.. Mira Lodieville
to Naehype . 'every thing in:tioltticalt," tit*
is :WPat (inthuifilet# , atong'the' whole; road;
in favor_of Harrison. ,,, -Even,on sat lir.:
et," we found many . b4r.d"cicier ,b 6 Y.t! ready
to transport the : epoilleta -to head waters.
I . Kentucky iisiketut of her recent. - victory;
And' - welt - ehe - *tiny ,ba.:„ u , ea a Log
L tabii.liiiilt.on the Cap:of. a tree,. with ite
All itf which is respectfully Si
WM. WY.AI."I', :-
D. F.
A.. M. • GATLIN, .
qs -- .. -- 811011K .
From the-Loirell -Couriji
**ler. timid, :WA-String; dt,C. G real, elta Il
. ,
ges . laking pldee±even:-post me*,
tera-rireeihing over; •; Grie„ . et:whosedoitt •
,ihe stage" stripped;'-:enquired
. would bo'alatig, salving, '1 have done that
marl - great injustice,. and :Wilth - :to . take him
by. the hand And tell him
has ,beetka proud day for 'Mr: Cray
-,one of the proudest_ of his life. His etw
tythig - afte moan - w a s truly
Magnificent.' Met a mile or more from
-tetv n se i i tary -- corit pe nies-7and
citizernkort-horseback and carriages, in
about 1500 ; bp entered amidst. the. sound
of Inartial'inusic,alie . roar •Of cannon, tbe .
:of- bells _ and the shouts efrnatry,l.
thousands. '
At The Mayor's Jioiiie this afferaboa, a
.most beautiful flag; - with a good likeneas of .
Gen:- Harrison; - 0n...0he - side; atid - Alog aab; -
in; , being. built; on the-other, was presented:.
.to the Harrison' guards of the city, by a
young fatty.. ..She-addressed the company
in' a ma n ner
,highly creditable to herself,
aad,theledies she. represented:- . The.cere
many was. ntereeting.; ~° ' •
--- :•A Keil t .- *Set, the'o REA T '0 HUY BIT: li
arrived Ii aateamboat.• .A.n immense crovkl
&Joke!' t the wharf, to receive the present.
It is an ohject of . gfeat ctirioSity—and much '
anxiety had been - expressed to see it.:
. - The-city is aiready:eroWiled:mith string-,
era. Large delegations are here from Lou
isiana, Mississippi, Alabama, IllinoisiVii:
souri,iliidiana, Kentucky, East.TennesSee,
&c.. J:ly Monday riunning 'the adjoining.
counties will .I)Qur In their thousands.—
What a change Is lierel; Ten years ago,
it- tvas hardly safe to name Clay,_' Harrison,
or: AYebsteri:'excerit- in terms of abuse.
Now;'at thq' hour of inianight, I hear the
&I:Mildof the - drum; the cannon, .and . the
loud and
..repeated.hurra for. Old .Tip, and
for Clay ;• end - nothing is thought or heard
of the "second section. , " • ---:' • ' ' '
Mr. Claystayed tho springs last night.
Re:erquired.of • Dr. "MeNairy Felix
.Grundy- was'aboidr wPravelling through
East Tonnessee„defending"the Adminikra,
was the reply; "Ali ,"" (says ~ Mr.
Clay,) Felix "is at his old. -husiness=-di
fending - Yours; &e. _
03 =
JO 0
E . :A 3
a.' Q. 3 '41.3
,•-• •
L . ) .5: •
A PATRIARCHAL PiotroiimAx.--A foreign
paPqr states that a short time - ago : ar iris"
habitant of the . village Of St. Mullet, in
the Crew, desired fine of his sons,-who
is seventpnine yearns : Of - age, - -to
horses put ,:to the Plough; and went, into a
field with it,,accompauied- by his. family.
He- the it held the'plotuih, and when he' had
•Worketlfor taking - Off - hie'
hat; !ilktf:childien i let us return thanks to
fx r ail;i Tell your friends that yourailastor:
after'his:hundredth :3 ear; ploughed:the field
giVes yoU subsistence: • 1 yesterday
reachtd, my liutAdrud duper.", :-T,
Valuable r
Fam: foe.
IN" pursuance 'of - the — last will nnil.testament or
George Davidson, late of ' West Peinisbcrough
township, Cumberland County, dee'd, will .be sold at
public sale, on Weihiesduy the 7th day of October
next, At 10 o'clock A'. 'AL of said day;on the premises,
the following despribvl 'real estate, late the , property
of said deeellent, vizi
!Tract of Ira t rate
1411//113STOVE ZAITZ)
-situate in - Westpennsborough -township, Cumberland
connty„Pa...abobt.Z.ntiles west of Carlisle, and. one
mile noriliAif Mount Rack , containin g ationt
. 190, ACIVS • •
. . _
bounded by lands Of the heirs Of WilliatriDayidson,
sieetlillotirert-McKeekaM - and - theAseirs - hf - thelley; -
Joshua Williams, dco'd. There are about IsO acres
clearest, in a high.state of cultiyatiomand under good
fence; the residue is covered witk first rate timber.—
The iMprovementsare a large twa story - • -
with a: . ‘Vdi - of good:4lder near the
door; the Mount Rock Spt4iircrosicessiiitorm near
ly in the centre; yithina few perches of the house; -
also a double barn of logs, nd other out houses, and
a good besiring orchard of choice fruit trees: further
.description is not necessary, as persmis will view be
fore they purchase. Attemkinwill_b' e_giren„an
terms, k nolvn on day of sale, by
. • . — JAMES DAVIDSON,'Z Fecr „
August 19,1840.—td5 . . • r-
. 0:1' .- Lancaster Examiner will publish tds and send
bill to - this office for collection.
Orphans' . Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' CourCof
Cumberland County, - will be exposed- to public,
sale, on - the - prernises,• on Friday, Me 2d . of October
next, at 1:2 o'clock noon, the followinvi described real
estate late the propertf . of 'John Davidson - , de
. ..
71. act df Lima:one Laud; Weptp9raistioro'
township, about 2 miles east of Newville, bounded by .
lands ofSamu el M'Keehan, S hes, Jacob Lel
and John Myers, containing fifty r si acres; more or
less. About 40 acres are cleared, the residue in thriv;
log. timber---about-20 acres sown with clover seed.
last spring., There a well oh- the premises, which
with a little repair, would .afford a constant supply
of "water. The soil is good and produces equal ',.to
any in the neighborhood.
Algo, on Saturday the 3d of October, at one - ,e'-
clock; P. M. at - the house of ;Col. Wm.. H. Wood.'
burn; in Newville; .be.offeretlat -public- Safi: a
Lot of afeaikrw grottad; ithciut of a mile north west
of Newville;.bouadedyjantla
er, and the Connodogumerettiela, rontaining, 8 acres
IriudM_Dp . xclikgs,*oll' Ottelesedandiget4grassJann.
Also,at the same time antkplaie; a lot of 3 acres
of land about half, a mile north east of Newville,
. bounded by lands of 'Alex,' blenn's heirs and 'Samuel
Davidson. . -
And - oli Monday the sth of October; at imel o'clock
P. on the pretaises,.*ill he offered at public sale,
lotof. first rate meadow hind, on-the -Mount Rock
spring, boundetrhy.landtiorWm. - Davidsoirand man,:
sion_farm.ef_tleceased r eontaining-6—acrea-and-131-
perches. • ' ,-
Persons wishing to purchase are invited' to view
the above property prevtetis tothe. day of sale.
~.Terma of sale prescribed bb the Court; One half
the - purchase money to be paid owthe confirmation
of the sale;
.the balance in two equal yearly payments,
without interest, secured by a lien on the pro-
perty. • The title ,will made and possession :denv-.
tred-on the Ist of_ApritlB4l-- '
" •- By order of the Orphans Court ;
• DANIEL-Ir-1r
gust *9; 18410;=kdb,
' . 'ciewnymAik.slor AGENCY ‘.; .
Peuttable trniver.
• Sat ANUS
.4 ,Arts held by-the follinving agents. in theierespeo
tivc Counties. As numerous counterfeits' 'cif these
pills are attempted to he pitlpsed - uPori the communi
ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the recop
nszed agents, will be apparent:- . • •
Cisinberland Coiinty—Geolto*,;iiitner.quiialci
A.' , Biegel,,lllechsnicsbitig;
Cvellsertsion, 'Shipponsburg .P 4
Bretsnen'nuf l New CUmberlandi Isaac Barton.,
burn; M; .9i Rupp, Shircintiostowni.L. Riegel & Co.
ChurolitOWn. s'.. ' • • -
_ Perry - Cdituity--A:l4ander Mhgee, Bleonafiald
48t S. , A. Ctsyle, Landisburg.. < - . '
, Log Cabln. t ans..
nnui'imbiscribei l in k ve . jastrecti;tedikfurthetlnip
'plrof,Log Cabin itsittons. • • ,
-Wi"be- Bold, at pubfie sale, on the premises . •
on Saturday the fith. tlarof September nes --
at p P, M.' the following-,desepbed loti o • •
ground situate on West High street in the - boroug; '
of CarliSle, to- wit 3 • . .
' - A Lot of.thzoond
(imniedialely oppdsite Pielcirison' College, •
adjoining lotaof the Trustees of Dickinson ;
cmtlie.east; H.lOl street on the north, a tot of the heir;
of John Fleming, deed. On west and an alley or
the . .south, containing 60 feet in fronton High atm'
mlO4O feet in depth. .
. .
Alao ajiOrof 'Oroonil bounded and de.
scribed as follows, to wit ;;,beginning at the line, of tin
warehouse lot :of..Wm.,',l3..Murray,.airid the , lieirs
obit FlemirleAlee'rl• nn High street, thence west a
long tPgli st• point where Pomfret
Street inter thence' along. . Poinfeet •
street:332* c line 'of the aforesaid
waeeliouse no of beginnmg, con. .
taining orn
purchase: money :t0
be paid en next, when possession
will be give to:pima:seers. • -
The title to tbe above lots will be made to the pur.
chasers by Wm. Murray, who owns the one undivi
ded half pant thereof, andJohnlif.Weaver;Adner. of
ohn Fleming, dee'd:whow ill sell the interest of said::
ecedent (if being the :Other undivided half part) in'
said lots, an, pursuance of, an. order Of the Orphans'
Court of-Cumberland-county: , •
,Tho above described lots are,situated in
pat pleasant part of the town for a private residence.
- .
of John ' Fleming, dec • 'd..
Carlisle, August 12, 1840.--tds •
Wati l aCOM4 •
Estate of Michael Morrei, dec'd.
LEtTERS .TESTAMOTAItt-on the bit -
Will and Testament Of 'Wane! Morret, late of
Monroe township, 'Cfiniberland county,. dec'il.• have
been issued to the
,subscribers residing in the same
township: Morten iszlierchy.giien`to nil those lndcbt, „,
cs) to . the above make immediate payment,
and to all those haring claims againstlke estate to
preSent them, Properly authenticated, or settlemerit.
Erector • •
August 12, 18.40.--6 t.
. IMOtealiata' .
tat e,-of-Renry
.(fec' (1,
'ERSI'ESTAIVIENTARY. on , the last.
Will, and TestamOnt•of
.Henry Miller ; late ol
West l'etinsborough township, Cumberland county,.
deed : Jtave been issued to the subscriber reshling-g, itt;
the . satne .township: NOTIGn 6.ilelreily , given, to.. all
those indebted to the..above'estate to make immedi
ate payment; and all those having claims to_pretent
them, properly authenticated, for settleinek
: Ul.)V.ZOLtica: , r
. ._ . • . . • • ..
• tate 4AP:int-Cher, late of Allen tOwnshipiCum
berlarni county, ilee'tb have
..heini issued to., the suh-..
scriber living - in:the same.township; NoroE ie here= .
by given•to all those indebted to said estate to make •
-Immediate payment, mid-all those -tiavin," FLiim . s a-,
gainst said estate, to-present them, properly athenti
ttted,.for settlement. • ; •
-- ------:-;--'-''--------JOSEPLI . R. aNESON, Adm'r. •.,
August 1 e.;_lB-16.-60 .
• • •
• -.Creditors - take Notice. .
• _. .
HAT I - Italie applied to the JUdges of-lhe Court
- of Common 'Pleas of Ctunberland comity. for.the
benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this Commonwealth,
and' that the• said court have
.appointed Monday the_
9th day,of. November, MO, for the hearing of me . ;t
and my creditors, at the Courthouse in the, borough.
ofCariisle,-when mid - where you' may Mtdnill 4 you
think proper. • : •
. •
— ( . 4 Il D)
August 19, 1840.---pt
UNAW AY from thesubscriber 4:111• the-evening
AA of the 2.1 inst., a negro girl named Catharine;-
vile is about eighteen years of age, of a black colon.-
(notverY LINA) sibout,frvefcet. two inches in height,
good form and face. 'She is very lively and Awaks •
Joint when in 'company of- her assocrates. When „
is_i mpert hung. in her-tvianners. —She basa-twar-on;
one - side of-her neck which. was canned by a burn. •
She took with 'her a variety of clothing, principally
for-summer wear, amongst them were severalealicoe
- dresses, a Wliite• under dreas • with scolloped skirt,. a
white swiss apron .with Tamboard worked borders
and a Palm Hood Bonnet.:
The above slave absconded from the undersigned
in the tOWII whilst passing throng!.
from Keiducky to Maryland ; she, no doubt lias per
suaded to do so. The above- reward will. be given
for her, apprehension. •
Any communisations on•the subjeCt addressed to '
to. . • • D.; IL LEIGHT.'
Carllsle, August 5, 4840.-.-40 • ‘,
5 Valuable' Farms.
1. A. Farm ._or 165,~acres Of—first rate •
Limestone land, situated in North 'Middleton toWn- • -
ehipli miles front Carlisle , adjoining the Poor House
Parm, Brenneman; anttothers. :About 115 acres •
are cleared, the residue.covered with. n ...tiod thriving ,
timber. - TheiMpriiiietiients are a Doable tog House,_"_
a new Dank llarn, - a - yoneg - thriving - orthatid;
.40. feet deep ofoever-failing-water. ' • ,
2. A Farm containing i 65 acres of Slate
[rand . silted - id in miles front Carlisle '
adjoining lands of George Wise and others, of which •
120 acres are cleared, and the residue in thriving
timber. The improvements are a large Frame House .
and Kitchen, Leg Barn,Tenant huuse,g thrhing:
orchard, a never tailing well of Water at the dOor,and
springs in every field.- - • ,
I - 3.. A Farmcentaiping,224. acrea , of first
ilite:Aiineatotie land, a little mixed' with ; slate, situat
ed in said tOwnship 5 miles from Carlisle and. one_ ."_ _ __"_
Canotle- • .
guinet (meek; Peter Hettrick and others. About 150
acres_are,oleared, and'the residue. it, heavyAlaiber..
The improvenientsafe ii - Storie - House - and . ICA - then,
a-good-LoglarniStone Spring-house, with a never
failing spring rtoning through the farni, and .an• Or- _
chard of choiceTruit and
• Other improvemeuts.
Farm of 265 acres Slate lead "mixed
with timeston; adjoining the last *mentioned aid;
bounded hy the Catiodnguink - creek: ;• 140 - .arres.sre:% '
cleared, and the 'residue,.covercttsvitlileasy -timber; acres is first . rate-tneadoiC,landr - -Tiii)
, raztraenta,arir,a, good. liltrtt~i s'
' pring House Irish ti;ncver failing, spring pear. the '
door, and an Ilerliard. 4 this'lritcro 4111 * •
cation. for. water -works., , ' • .
• A. Farm of 226. acres Slate: 'lan .
mixed.with Liniestone, adjohiing the last.mentlmit-04
and•Canothiguinet emelt. 150 acreTert - eleared andl
the resitie.m geed timber, about '4O pave -which
are first ride meadow impro v ements " ft
are . -
Double: Log-House and-'loeßirn, and a ',Spring •
House with a",nevcr . failiug spring t and an orchard of
choice fruit -tree,, -'The last mentioned tbree Filtin
i I be-sold-tkintrately- , or together sta - ii'M'aj'rowit•Por. '-
chasers: A - pod-:goantity-Or meadow ean-be-- .. -
-muhrofthe-sibbillfauraTong thiTtia-11-oree!E7A„,.."„rfie
quantity of locust id growing On the last thrcewlenwow- •
ed_Parnall.—For-furtlMr-partididariapPly-16Almonh: •
scriber, one mile, east ok,Carlisle, near thO'N. '
Railroad. . '• -5 • • •
MIC.IIAEIf: •Paaeaßlissrd;:l, .. •
• ' for ilie.iiimeriK• • •
.Augl, 1840.
'N. B. Mile) a number. ,
of first rate Limestone, apde
Mate Firine pod. MW Properties far 45ale rt 111.
. .
; <O, IP 11 441
Eatetie4f deorke
tate G come G tete efThekfordtewn
e ip; Cutiberlaa'ketogy; 40V-i havint bm. ol *led .
to the subeeriber , raffles' Wield' totioshilit '•Nivritie
herebfgivee.tcHilithesOntlebted ft) , setirestetri to •
mate inuiteithittiOtOntet, led Chow he'yitivelliinieqii
ipreeetit'theab'preperly aotheotioo ft . * eettleteefito
r. ' ROST. 'LiAll,loll;'Adeei.
• JAtivet 19; 184 . 01,-4t •• ' ' •r 4.•
ONEY--ef! fine . for %lir