Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 02, 1840, Image 1

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7Ulta =alarscb--itag Vo4
To' the :Voters. of .Vuinberland :county.
FELLOW Offer 'myself to your ooir.
sidcration as a candidate for the office of
, - • -- • -
nt the election in O ctober next . 1f cleated, I pledge
my_selfto_pnrforin the_duties of tiaideffice with= fidel—
ity and impartiality. , . Yours
Shippenshurg, April t 5, 1840,—te
;Co the•Eleqtoreof cinnbeyland County.
FELLOW CITIZENS :--I Orr& as as candi
date for the' office of Sheriff. of Cumbeidand .county,
and tvill'he Thankful for your support: . • •
of .IYesffienniborolfgh
Marck.l.B, 1840.---te.' • • . • •
' To llte Independent -Electors of Cuinber
- .
lan-d Ciianty. • • •
GENTLEMEN - -4 offer ')myself. as a canifidatd for
- die office
"• • , SlEltlP 6 , • .
at 'the .next genera i election, an shall ,be thankful .
for your suffrage,. - Should Ibe elected 'I will dis
-OlirgFilie-lhittek of the offiaoThrthe — best — of - tayl
` judgment and abilities.
July 15,1840
.To ihe Electors of Cumberland county.'
• FELLOW CITI oiler myself as a -eandidle
. fur the dike of Sheriff of said county-at the ensuing
General Election, and-udlt- be -thankful for your sup.
.Newville, April . , 9.2, 1840.---te
. . .
,To - the—Elect°, s of Cumberland. County. -
. FEL-Low-crrizENs-:---1 O nce myself as a:candid - au ;
for the office of SHERIFF of. fetid county nt.the en
' tothig• General Eleeljoh; and will be (brit:Tut for youi
, 7 tupport.
'TNewl,:jll6: April 15, 1840
To th
- e --- Fi'ee . and independent - .
- Vitniberleitid counilf. : .
-. - . l . rizEN . s:,-I . sTiIIOCT . Ttib_if .. tiqiiiir .
ili 'considerationot the ensuing,electiotii as R can
didate for . tlie office of .. - . „... . ,
. .... 9 • .
.. _. ..
. and Wlittlti ' respectfully . solitit yptir suffiiigeo for the
saine. - ' - ' . • --- : . . '.
South Middleton township.
Ativij„B, : lBo.rrtg.,
To the EleelOrs.of Cumberland 'Cowlly.;
FELLOW CITIEENS:..-t Offer myself to Your con
sideration foC;the'ailivic'of st the ensuing
election and 'restiectfullk solicit
et sujiport, and it'
ulenvOr to discharge(ltiliespe the ,
.office to the best of my judgment and abilities.
Silver spring Township.
I 84(
: .. .
To the Electors of Cumberland county.
.FELLOW-CITIZENS:At the earnest solicita
tions of a number of friends, I am induced to offer
myself aaa candidate for the office of ,
. - Shelkitr , • '
of Cumberlund:Conntyottithemext -- general • election,
acid respectfully solicit your suffrages.
Nes . w Curnberlatid, t
• . April 1,1840.
• To the:Electors of-Cumberlant county :
Fellow-Citizens- 7 1 aim mytielf to your considera
tion as n.candidate for the office of SH E RIFF
at the ensuing election, and will he anktul for your
. support,
Garlick, March 2.5, 1410, • . ,
To the' Voters of Cumberland
County.' .• •
GENTLIENIEN:-.1 do hereby Aim myself at the next
_geneisd elc'etion fin' the office of SHERIFF of said
county, and yrniffirTialiniffiffil for-your support.
North Middleton township.
March 10,1840.
To the Voters , of Cvntbeiland County.
FELtOW CITIZENS: ---I Offer myself RS
for the office of
. . •s U E.R . I . •
. 9
at the - eusithag - Gcneral-421)0tion, and , will-he-thank
ful for your support.
Ali(ilin-township, Z 7
June 3;1840. - S •
Fresh Medicines.
Thtksillaseriber has ieCently .recidved large addi
tional supplies of "
• t
Medicines Colo] s - Dye-SO.IR
Oil,.S j da..Turpedine, Copal Varnish,,Pain
tersqlrushes, Varnish Brushes, Hand Brushes, Spec
. tnaceti Oil, (very fine) Spei in Candles, Soaps in
great variety, Glass Lamps; Cap and Lettet; .Paper,,
_ Fruit; Spices, Perfumery, &e. Ikte„ which*, will sell
t 'Ph Mlum
ysicians, erets - and - othersi--wdottsaii-tk
by lIETAIN at the lowest .rates,havimg-, purchased en
-tirely for calla ;-helvill.offer_, bargatnaJto_lthoseLwlio_
wish to purchase at wholesale,
. .
,Allgust. 5, &VI
Idechattics urg Line
. ,
eietas ~ 4 7Rechistiffnditty, * aitd
P'hiladclphiat •ot.'•Baltintoi.C:
• rzry: Ro.a:p Olt CANUL],
t[Hasu6sciibers'.gratpfill, ftii:iihst:(4yors,
...begleave to p . rom their friends and the fuddle
ben era 111 y , that' they stilt;continue to run , a line of
urtheii Caris'regularly-iietween Ailechintiesberg and
- -.l'hiltulelphitt . Orlilaltjorre, by which goods antL.nro
' - deed Of all deacriidions will he'foryarded 'yith care
and tfrsfiatli at the loWesf rates of freight.: '
Ptrotjuec will iiireV;eived tit their Ware Houses
' iit,lVlchnureiburg, and forwarded . ,tii either Phila.
On-,Baltimore,keordine to the direction'-of
The higigest ,price Oven - 40r Wheat
. ' • ' .D'RESBACII
• N-11.- I PlaAtOrtokettria and , Salt lwa ke ton
Aland; . (TicRA! tit.the
July 29,1840.:•-Iy. -:' • - 04 4
lAN' Eff l tR,;-Beit' , Pick)ting:
odnstant y for salt bye t : • "I . :- v "
Aft; 111-1 6 e 4rt ' OM,
WiigitPaN CarliileAavhit Fend Soviet,
;011.exp„ire 4t1843.:,1, otio9e•liereby.giverr
to thoeongitotion,eoil jaye"cifPtioneylvo:
11 : 1 P: 1tc#.1041dq . .4 af
ikpl,tll9:XleAtAiegitilleture, of lbo, c omi o n „
I fj.enewal,of,eherler,elutegeof eltme; PtY.3 e
an IPVielierleooValley;l3aoV, iocreesolif,
eavltiO4o)(ttleacrol lutipeoentitig and benk
ie W privt
leges,"tiodei such restrictions ne,the,Legislattire
Itierdireet...,The above ineettittiOn 'to be • oontieued
On Callieleirsc. - ' •
'Aug. Li.,.1114ft..-41n: ‘ , • • •
. . . . •. .
..:'.l.r. ' . I.'l'
. . • .
, ' - • . .
.- . •
,-,;.,. ~,4. , . .4 . ,.,.." .; • -:2,• ~..,,',. f‘„P. . • ~;•- •••1 : r,, ,, 14 • r•s•: - ~. ..,,,..., ~,..
, • . . , •. . .. .
. . .• . .
' -
. .
. _ •
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~.. .. , . . ,
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•... ._ _ _,
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. 14...... '' .
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*".' ~.. .
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.. • ~ .„- 1, . . . . . , .
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~. . .. . • ~
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. .........•• . ,
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...... . ..:,
. .
South Middleton township
31 ES-liI.!:ED-
Voters . of
010 • . 111illiganls improved
&.Patent horse Power. • .
. . • . • .
THE -great Clictitiriigement heretofore _received
. from the snlii of his thaeltines, induces him terof-;
ler to-the public a new-and improved • Horse-Power,
which' con be 'shifted/in gear or out otgear by keys,
and shift the band to give tt. fire different revolutions.
And he hits nOltesitation in assuring the Fanners that
:be is now iible to furnish them with an _article far Su
perior to:those minimise:hired . keretofore. . For speed
and clean threshing and ease to the horses, lie be , .
liercli his machines' to be unequalled.. • .
'His . price is .sl4o—seventy dollarti to be paid, east) ;
and the balance in six montlii, for which a note wilt
•lic.retjuired With interest: Any person purchasing ti
niselntie.and upon:a tiot_bcing.pleased, can
return it. He will at,,nll,timen• be ready to furnish
thenn,on the shortest notice; orders -from n distance.
will be - punctually attended to: He will also repair
machines on the shortest notice. •
Newiille, , •
Earns Of 147 .4crcs of stale
..and :Liniestane nd,
Situate in North :Middleton township, Cumberland
co w two miles froM Middleacx Mills, and five from
Carlisle Tbe improvernents are a- gciod
;10' 13077.5 E 8a .. fit
Dollble - Bank Barn,
miller part stone with four stables; with back-and front
sheds, otMorithich IS a granary with.a cellar under;
' j;lt' EXCRLILDX7'
togetlier with other improveinents. - About 100 acres
I are cleared, under good fence and in a good State of
cultivation, the fonsinder is covered .with
-IMr,-trpart of which is Locnst; 'springs in' nearly nil
tlte fields: 'the Cooodogoinot creek bounds Oda farm
on One side 25'2 perches, whichlwillafford a locatiOn.
for water works.— Any person-wishing:4o purchase
farm of this description will do well to y examine it, as
IRot determined to sefl. • • •
the farm or to the subscriber in Carlisle.
-, 184.0,---tf . -
. . -
- -
, .
.I)IKtTIF F Vi a-
1 , .„ II IZ , I
iCa 0
At 11l ;i,. Cochinenl:
line Dy 6, Blue VitriOlMilipdvs - ftc - In - digniOil -- of - Vit
•riol, liitiliAcid,.llfurintic do:, Sohltion of Tin ;'the
above will be sold low Ibr Cads, by - '• -
• • , . S. ELLIOTT.
-HAW! BRICKS-=A supply :of Wes
de_ for sale by -, - - - - •
• AVOtnt(9/11,c,,- -
Estate of John close; dec'd.
tate of John Close, lute of the borough of Me
chanicsburg, Cumberlinal county, dee'll. have helm
issued to the subscriber residiug in East Peiinsborough
township i NOTICE IS hereby, given to Mt- those •tn
detted to the. above 'estate to make imnsediuta4g . ,y,
meat; and all those having claims against hiM to, pre
sent_them,Tiroperly authenticated, for settlement._
• . JOHN. RUPPi-Adm'r; -
August 12,, . •
Grand Capitats 11:4- September..
$40,000.! !,
Virginia State Lottery,
Foe the benefit of Abe Petersburg Benevolent
• chnnie-Assorintion, •
Clmpt-No. 8, ror-1840,--1 o - Ite - Itr4lt Alexandrit
"Va. Saturday, September sth 'lB4O.
.1 Prize of 40,000 Duly
1 do . ' • ..• 1'5,000 do
1-•-'-do 5,000-do
1 do • _ . . .3,000 do
. 1- do. 2,500 do
. .
• 1 do - . - 2,-297 do '
.• • -
50 Prizes of ' • • . . 1,000 do '
-- 150 do 300 do ..
~ 50 do • , 200 - &c. - ----
Tickets $1.13-Lilalis - s.s..,Lsai iiii•ii4q; $4, 50
Certificates of Packages of f,•,..6 Whole Tickele4l:3l)
Do !lo - , •26 . 11a1f • do' • .65
--1)a--'----• -do "26 Quarter do _--_•'
_,32 50,
. .
. ' 'Virginia State Lotter*.
Poi_ the benefit of the Petersburg 13elieviilvit Me
chink Aisociation—Chng No. 9'foe-1 . 840:=TO be
itrawn'Aii -A lexiiiidijii ) -"Vnv,oti- , S. iitiiviloy, 12th - Sep.
tember; 1840. , .
20 . 000 . Dcithrs
voizesr or t ,000Z0
&c. &e. 66 No. •Lotter) - -10 Drawn Balfots. •
Tickets.slo—Halves •—f/tint , ters $9.0 - •
Certificates of Packages 0f22-Wholo Tickets $l2O. ..
Do•- ' • .2,2,11a1f do- 60
do • : 22 . Qu.:rter . 30
30 00_ DColla
vr• too Prizes of -1'09(1:40 .•
. .
Forllie benefit. of _the _Pnirrelnirg__llenevolent
emote Association—Class No. 10 for`lB4o.-=:TirlW
drawn of VIC-on Saturdriy 'Septetnber
19th .
30,000' Dollaißs:: - •''
1 Prize,of $10,900-,.;:5,000—:,0661)-2,500--1,017:
(j.lOO dullaire;
- Tick - 6U 1,10-11kilvei - $5- - --Quariera
Cerlificatca of l'sickagesof 25Miude Tioket.4l.3o
' - do .28 Half do 65
Do. '• do f2O Quarter (10 I 32 50
Capital - 40 - 1)00 ' - D - 011§; -
Vir s i n in
For the hedefit of the .rairrittirg Benevoleat'.
tunic-Assoolationlaia4.ll4l4 -- for - 114 - 0.- - - - To - be
drawn Rt. 'Alexandria, Yu. Saturday ? 260 i Septdin
„, *aim Nos. out of 78. -' • '
smaller. (*Vitals,
mach aa11,500 1 --2 'Of 1,150:..-1
I',ooo - - 20 .0r 6 99-- 20 : .
.1 4 irketa 00-41alves 4 . s4,latiartet.S ~..;
ccidfiwe. of Packages of 26 Witoto'nekets $l3O ';
• do . • •26 Half, 65:
• do - 26 quarters do' J. - . 32x50
Orders ter. 104,1te.ete. Olulrelf ,dr,Ceriificate's
Papir,sigewieliVe•ttVere 'Letter, will 'be, prokeutly,,
ntteiltedko 'letid the deaw emit ite,teedifileitetter:,it
-*Aimee, -- ,
C GAEGfinit t ,& Co.,,*tenagers,, •
• . AVashintten
Auatfa,`l9 - 1 8 0 . • :•
PUblished for_ the;' bp
.l,--11/: - 'O• 4 / b -- in fJl 7ltiele - fluntboilanil County Pa'
. _
Jayne's Hair Tonic,
For the growth, preseryntion and restoration, of the
hair. This is an excellentartiele, and has, in nu;
merous instances, produced a fine growth 'of hair
o . n the heads of persons who hail been bald for years.
. . . . .
..LAMES .1 . Iklll GENTLEMEN --Do ..
you wish elegant,
luxuriant and beautiful Bairlluiow yon - Wiginswer'
p i
ye&-Hea ,for one moment, the cause or its loss, why
it turns ' ray, rusty and - Coarse, harsh - ahtl impleasan
in -its a mimic?, ml:finally falls off: .. Each hair has
'a root in Ara Ail); and is itself a - hollow-tube; throne'
which therein a constant Orculaticat of fine blood.--.
By.thia circulation the hair is tionrished , and held
.fast, its glotsy colour is given and preserved; and it is
eoVeled with tfitrfiiist:ini... -- Now any iVltiehin
jurei the slain orilm.hetl, or - dlierts or takes away
the blood &Mit, will prevent.or impede the iircula-
tion throtigh the:titbas Ofllte - hairi - stop - it‘ groWth,
and e'ause it to Tall ()Tor turn gray, or both. geime
it is that any cause that obstructs or weakens the cir
culation of blood through the akin, or that diverts the
blood to other parts of the system, will take away the .
lively, fresh and youthful apjpearance of the hatr,
relit its growth, turn it gray soonor or later, and -in
thousands of instances!Cause,premature baldness.
' For_ st! leby. - ' • _/ . ' . •
• ' • S. ELLIOTT,' and . .- - ' 7 ' 7
.. -
Carlisle, Pa.
Afity 13, 1840.---ly
flair Tonii,-Wc call the attention of those .af- -
llicted'witloremahwe baldness. to the excellent [lair
Tonic preiltred by Dr. Jayne 'of. this eitv,- flaying
.used it ourselves, we can speak of its 'virtues - by - exim
rithiee, and we unhesitatingly . pronounce it an invalu
able remedy to . preient the' falling off of the ltir,anq
totestore it from a dead, to a fine, healthy appear=
attio; - We can alt) . Weak from personal knowledge
Of the cases of two or three friends who were predis
-posed to.-baldness;Yhoz by the_nuse.ot:Jayne's Itair
Tonic, have now luxpriant-hair—We_have-no &KM).
sition to puff, indiscriminately alliduds Of, remedies
for all Aliseases_which fle'sh ie licir tai, lint when we
have testtd the'Virtue:of an 'article, we arc free to .say
it is goOd.'--4aturday Evg . liu Post.
Jiiyne'e . have, heretofore, mite r
.bored onrselvestunong those - who believell.thid:fite
ilaitTonicAirepared by - Dr...layne',- was ,0ne...0f the
many quack ,nostrums - whose virtues arenever seen
beyond the fulsome puffs of theie initliOra: We are
aflengtheo-Makupuhlionck - nowledgmentof
the error of our lieljefi,.• An intimate frieinl,Sonte two
or Ilir(i0 timaillts„since, all time top of whose cranium
was as bald asp piece of polished marble, maugre fill.
om.: jesting and..ridicale. - of the, idea of. attempting
to 'cultivate-so ' barren a spot: purchased_a_bottlii_ of;,
two:of the liair Tommie from Di. Jayne,and aecording
to his diceTtitionitimplied it. During the preseat week
the same friend ushaeed lUmself into otiepresence, and
uncovering his hitherto naked keinkastonished us with
a thimtliousli luxuriant growtlivr -lisle; from one _to
two indica in length—upon the very premises kve had
believed as unyielding to cultivation rts the trackless
sieuttlist skirts the AllSntie. — This
is-no par, but is
religionslytrue,and to those alio. donbt,the gentleman
can be pointedout. - - Wbrit is more in favor of• this
"Tonie," the case here cited was notone of tempOra
-ey baldness-;--no sudden loss of tlit; hair-Ad was one
of yearsLstanditig,-theingli the: the gentleman is but:
farty-five years of age : ---Philadelphia . Spirit of the
- • .
• \VAR ! WAR! WAR !---The'Wig makers have
declared hostilities against_gUr
on-inannint ofaiislitur.Tonic, ulna( is "(necking all
their business into a "cocked list." "Athol and 6en
tlemenold and young are "locking to the Doctor's
standard..-- , Hdiarda long_divested of even the first rudi
ments-of hitir; . after - using his Hair tonic soon appear
with new and flowing locks, which Absalom himself
might have envied.---Bear dless. boy s_ arc seen...with
large and-bushy whiskers; midltidieS smile again
brouglithei r_own_aYen Tingltt4A - Chre,inwtirotnimt
bewitching thin ever.. Bald !wails arq dolling their
Wigs and-throwing them to The almoks-and the buts i e"
while the Wig makers stitnd aghast as they biihold
the demolition of their business. •
he,the consequence of this: war we.know
not, ns the wiggles are outrageous, and The Doctor re
mains firm, and deelares..thnt "some things ran be
done as welLas-others i nand-thaviathEiteads-ma)
well wear their own,hair as that of others.---[Nyeek
ly Messengpt. >•
jayneB hair Tonic.—We torp4.skt almost every
when perambut the streets, men wearing
'ley seem to •be n•otid.
,inn rtii - v
d vie with the glossiest
.2st. It has puzzled us
to know the secret of all •those wondrous crops of
hair; but . Mesirs. SANI7S,•7J and 169 Fulton street,
have got the remedy, *where all who are curious in
such matters may learn a valuable secret. —New
York 117d,...n•
Sold in 'Philadelphia at 20 South Third Street
A ---- I , ORERCNNEit
'of' CONSUMPTlON.— very
much like a common catarrh, it generally commences
on ordinary 'cold, with Eassitude,
slight .ough nod oppresai .nod tightness about the
hyena - t .Inmany instances the di taxi se seemß at fi Mat ko
'Very - serious character. As the - disease °anti nues the
oppression in the breast inereases,the -eountetincee
becoines expressive :of- afiXiety, the . respiration be.
comes more - and More labOrious,sometimembeering'
or rotting sound, as if the , Itir was _forced. through a
narrow, aperture clogged with viscid fluid. • To ne
glect this disease it may be of serious consequence,
but by a' timely applicatioci to Dr. Swayne'o Coin
pound syrup of i 1 Cherry, with a atria attention
to the'directions, ull these .unpleasaint effects will be
removed. • 'lle careful', ns - sold at no place et
eept at NO. 19 NORTH EIGHTH.. Street, or.nt the .
ressective. agenti. , • . ,• •
For sale at the Dog
,Store of Mtn 3.' Myer &.
- Cfr , C artiste', Pa. [Nor. 20,1899. -
TIMi can be effeettuilly dom.. by Dr; Leidy's.
season, (lie Spring time of year; when the gross ha-
roues ofthe system ought to be removed from the bo-
dy and the blood purified;thus preventing the sin
gular an& unpleasant . feeling cdmmea 'to. all, of a
diiiinessi - drowsunessAieculiar heaviness of the-bead; -
and other feelings, giving rice' to what is
• • generally
called the'Upring Fever.- , ~.
-- Upwards of ',IOU,OCIti orDr. Leidy's Blood:pills
have beeif,sold during the past year, at retail alone..
Orders have been received from the South aud - Westi
during the p ast month, for- moi`e than 10001)SO:thus
shoiv ing"the great deMand for theca, and' proving' that
therecomst: he some esteitordiaary. cause .to produce
it:Lit. lit ettaili T eSplalned, they are . the mildest and
ithist mirgative, as well -as - the most effectual. in
cleansingaud pttrifictigthelphioti; and of rt rooting the
principal causes of disease ever-discovered:. They are
safe,because they are warranked free from 'minerals,
_nuLauty_lteAtkra_witliettlActipstratotirtalteiettlat, .
lion, or. Blear s of taltiageollfrom their use. -They do
tives; _their operation is gentle; but alwaykeffectual.
They litiVe elicitedittutierous testiomn* i from phy
sibians,..itisditherit, tyWcit necoin . he directions;
a l dlice confidentlfrepommende ' 24 in IllieuroaQo Af
-fectiontOirefollt;-Itriiy veins; Jaundiee,lHeartnriii;
.I)istaises of the liver, akin, -bones and glans/Pain of
the sides,almig the:batik. and spine over,'thP regiotimf
stoach,ln wail] fevers,
bait , tasty i n the
mouth, foul breath, Flatulency; 'Wilk of
APpetite;Socir.Ecuotai ion andAcitlitieslof the Stom
ach, laleecons.soklaii,f the OOsei,titroatamlbody,Scaly
Einptioi.itind 'blotches of the skin; Dry.and Watery
pint plea Mid 'putittilei of Ilia:tee and. Gady,Tetteiiind '
IlingwOrtusiSWellingand hardening of the glands of
t . he rieek, in the groins, breast, Ste., ,Stornach.CMlgisti
Livereoritplaint, liriterbriish, tie.: ~ 1 ,. MI all the whole
teak . ; of aisetigiq fesultitigaijirit 'lniputtity of illOad,'
'COnstitutienal Diseintes,-,,te.,,ouly.ini , Pitiltulelpiday at
Dr; I.;eitly.'o, Wahl' Emporium, 2)lhelowNine et.. , ' ..
...Alseaplil;Gy le. Mett, ni•t#tii; ` gliton4-tiillii, w hilf,
greets}:l,o* f4,l„o.V;Pairer, , ,.Driggosts;taneasteri
'T:Cter .Y, PicUlD.Nr.ieiLii:rdStotti:NV4ii PoipP,:Trttg.: l
1 gitot;Mily.m., .. , :,., ._
~. ~, , , :,,
~. , . ~ : , :
-Also ',.by• STDVENSON . ,tt - DlNleLl!;,; , Ditikkiiti,
Carliale,l'a.'i``. ~' ''' '.' :-.. (Ja1f,2911340-=itit, ''
. .
Fries .5. Cen t o:ll. &Ilk,' . , - .
Nptuarmatomiwzmumitas a emPomanasugui a; 11341.4
SEPTEMBER-2, tB4". ',
Ity order of the'Stater,lCentral Conaniii
-tei;thOfriends of HARRISON itt0:111
LE;It will hold a State:Cony' entionln
caster city on-Friday the 18th day Of Sep;•
'tetuber next.. Let Cumberland :county
ftrepare-to lienttat least • 3 bO. delegatei
or:nrore,if.poSsible. We must beat the . '
LQCO3--irn i lid that bovx--.=- - althottili - ihe
es te_r_n_ conatie - e will be fetifekeii ted •f&tli6
Eric - Conventions The astern counties
alone,-must-beat-the State Copirentiou T -of
the.Locofocoe. T
_ hey-can
will- do it. - - •
_:,State Uurulcntiof!':-
ha .Lancaster city, Friday ,18th of Sept.
. .
• Tlie follow in , * Preamble and ResolutiOns,
eubot:tted by 5.20140:14 were
adopteknt a speCial - ineeting.of the 'Aunt
stni - Club of Carlitile, held .On — .lqpinday
evening the •17th instant. 'fee attention'
of the. different Chtbs,_and of our.friends.
generally throughout the connty, js earnest=
1:y requested to : the object - which they .cOn-. ,
TOtcrtits, The - friettils - ntrdigiipicorters- of.
Wil .
ilvirrisen mid lollift-
T3ile'r, in the county of Lancaster, have
deterittined - upon balding "a large .County
Convention of the - people, of said county,
in the city of Lancaster, on Friday the 18th
of September neat; and to which, they invite
ell the-friends of O h l Tip and Reform, whn
"reSithi to the ' iiiinieflpte Tip and
ties, twattend and liarticipatc in their der
liberations. -
Aid whereas, The
,(pot-the poo 7 .
44)- which . still adhere to the 'Zia-ins
eased ,and - 6(Pisittripted systeni - of Martin
Nan -- Buren, - , - recently - heldiathateitv7Wlmt
-they-have-been-pleased to calla gathering
of the people, • but which we are assured
was-nothing more than a meeting of office
holders, together - whir:their miniOas aiid
de endents. It ilieiefare be i- •
one - a - us, having at heart the good of our 'gem of the late War, iii - Centending-for the
country, and possessing the spirit of free liberties which we 'now enjoy, you will
republicans, to 'make an - actual .4emonstra- , not be surprised to learn. that 1 cannot be
`tion of the Immo ical - force of the free pen- I come your patron ! I have always gone
plein that Gibialtar ofourcaup. Therefore with the democratic party ; and if 1 am_
Retiehmt - , -- Tli - firDictrillie . o2 S. .11. --- itrait, -- Tiving, ant mycrutch and oncie - Pthe oth-
Caplain . S«nmei Crop, and Geo. W. Crab; er having been lost while fighting for my
be'appointed a committee to procure and. country) will carry me to the pollS en - next
publish the names of all who are willing election day, my' vote shall be .given for
to unite with the freemen of Lancaster William Henry:Harrison, for PreSident of
county on Friday the 18th a - September ibese, Uniied States;,,Jle
,is a Democrat
'next: • • - I off - the genuine stamp. I know hitt) well_„
• Resolved, That we recommend to' ihe - —I have, MI a daily Witness, in common
several - Clubs throughout the county; - the. „ with his soldiers, of his' noble bearing,
appointment..of- one individual from each goodness of heart, and &vet - foul.° his emu
-club to act with' the,sbove committee. I-try• ~t 1 it is. with the deepest regret that
- h have seen the base slanders tittered a
ever been'
,ittached.- ..God forbid ; that L
shoeldliat;e-the ingratitude to do aught to
propagate them.
.Whattsyitidertlfe - W- --
riot Who bared his .bosom in the front of
battle in defence of: the rights and privi- -
leges which you and your children now
enjoy As I - wish'to avoid,Olllmpntation
of_that,lcind,-.1 have . tltettight preper briefly
to my ungtmlifieVslisapprOval of
such a . course; and you. will
.pernilt. Meto
ask, in conchasionAioty many *ties yoti
have.been engegetl in, which_shoOld, justify
-you in -alertest Alaily-abOsing± . One-who--bas
never . faltered when his defenceless coilu
try Me- demanded hits services, to
their - homes from the ruthless enemies eSc
tending along, the entire line"ef out:W*oM
frontier, - . 'Yours„Atc,
*Suitt f t. D 1 F-FEt Ncy;.—.'fbe'Keystorie,
of August 12; - :1840, in', 'giving an
of-the 7iininensel failure recently held in
the city of LaneSsier; says . :
`‘'.ildnntscouniy delegatQan also deserves
especial notice., It was about FIAT
'ED Strong, and presented a proud air
raf•of sturdF.republicins."
The AllMori eotioty . Comitiler, a locitfo
a-ittiVer, of Apgust 11, - 1840, - speakitig - of
the same convention,-saye: .
county . •vraii repreacnted
about FIFTY of her unconquerable De;
mocratic eitizent4'.7 - •
It is in this- ninni - 6r that •thO, K. stone
and kindred Prints rnagtiifiesh convention
of four or. five tbouSand citizens, into opb
of fifteen or .twenty-ilioutainh: ,The: troth
is,:tbeir'dattiering acLfinfaster was a fail : .
-ure;', and henen • {heir ttanrpt to .:intriose
upon. the people by • •
, .
1 ' irrAt.the . close , of tie American Reio
.lutiOn.,J4M)rge__theil'hlrd calks! -scirne of
he_iiiiii:iiiglidi t ariee_eLdig:el_Mtchitogethilt,_
~ a d ordered then' to ptoclaiin Wday of re-:
1 • :
gieing and thanystivit.' "Fur what, your
1 / .
. ,i e gty;tt,.askt ( ),,hial three—theAlisliopio
rojtultnt,,solne:. SOF iSe• " Pn account
i'fille termination of he American war,!?-
nsyvered the-4ing. , ! indeed rsaid'Alie•
liibliopv. 4 . 4 . wh - the ankeei _hair& bet;ten .
a mist' sliaMetttilY.' "IVell,. We11.."!,‘ tie.:
4onilmi liisi*ajati !Are,,w , iiLthitnk God,
hat,it:}etie , wurse:i. _ ~, “ . _ .. !,,..
' Precisely so. is it vith our :friends. the'
deofecrea.:...'„Cifeyli ' , c been booitind that
they Weuid'etiqy at ~ ge • eA;e6 o ,wiii , iti' piiil
southern - state fur, 1 r r ;Yin Buren,,
m and•,iti .
soe twine `aFtu'all went 80 lamas to: roz
qure - materiplo for. onfiiOet owl illomina,
.tions, and lo.! the, rows aid in, and INDI
CAROLINA have 'set the seal of reprobation
upon , nefarious measures. Butihe
locos -are--determined not-to be--baulked-of
their sport,l34 some of them are -" crow
ing'!. most manfully. It would so' at
a -genelifTejoicing_ had—been_ ordered,-and,
they are thankfpl " thatothey: have been
beaten no worse"--that even a 'grease spot
has 'been- left of diem. Queer fellows,
these-locos . ! .-
• t'ALL Tnr, DE . mecnAcyl!?'--At-• the Con
vention ofieffice_ holders recently field' jh_
,Laneaslet, James Buchanan, that beauti-•
ful..strijile Of „primitive demoCiiey, in the
'Cbtiren'of his remarks,-said " Gentientee,
krisivVilik you are ALL Democrats if.
you 'were not democrats you *ould not be
liere.''• Iriiinediately.afterwards, General .
r Tqsplodi , fleliveretl• 'tlin following
catition:'"° My friends,, loolt' well to yotir
pocitei-books; there is a host of pickpock
ets in our nsitieti itiOre:than twenty neck:- .
eis ." - Rather un
kind'this of the-General.
" prrTho •"Viilage Record,"?
Chester county,., of Atigust I.B,•has the
following -- : - - - •
••- -
near an 'old.-Soldier
. .
_The old soldiers of the country are speak
ing out in favor_ of Harrison; See fhe let
frr-vW_ • Walker, - add ressed 7l to---A os
Kendall, hitherto One . of the,t,armest,-sup
pOrters of• Va n ." Buren; Helipeaks ontlike
, • r.
-a man and arsoldierbiTaced the British
cannon, and-ig not afrahlififaeCAlle taunts
and jeers of party tinderstrap - perg, whii tit;
tempt -to bring odium upon- all who - break.
rits boiids; and obey - the dictate of - their
own consciences: - Mr: Walker fau , glit.With
Generalilirrri - son—he knows - lain to be a
good, brave, and., honest man—cnd When•
!Ite found. that Iris - flirty
der and 'the foulest Anse, to blackenihis
',charaCter, he bad no 'other way but.crimin
ally, to remain a silent_ spectator to an act
'of such gross. injustice, or openly to re
nounce, like thousandS of Miters, any fur
titer allegidnce to• Van Buren. WClk
-er reiideig
i about foui mileti'lliok of AVosi Chestetv
I• ‘,‘IIIARSIIALTON, Alid. 10, 1840.
Mr..-Anos Kendall:
Dear tiekithWleilge the reeeipt.of
the 'package of Extra Globes, which you
were politeenciugli'to send the ;• as I
. - consider that it would bean pet of ingrati
tude to Contribute to the Support.of &sheet
`got up for the.purpose:of th'e chit; -
meter of the. man with whom I had thcho-
Mr. Preslort'..B citeesliott.4ll—_Soitai short
tinte.sinee in . the Snn'ate,,Mr. Clay, of Ma . -
bania, , rei)lied tel. a :speeeh
l'reston; m 'OppOsitien ',tlte:,.tattchilit
Army ' Mr. Clay, haOng; : beenlaic,e'p,sT
eivelylaudat6iv of Mi..7Van;- , ati'd;
40_0 uelit tOry
ing profferettio- answer. any 10.1 . 66:ii0fi that
l'i•estott: . migtiCsiTe7ot propose, 'was:
ea tee bleed . bk the Sonth . :.CarOliniadsorn,e 7
What 'aftei, the:following fnishinti:f '
AtouLate , e-stifiporAer,of hitirtin r -Van-110-,-
ren :, do you approve of : hie instructions: to '
Rufus. King .to vote against the atnission,
teMissoiai into the w ith' the ri g h t
of holdirig 'Maris.? ", ' • "'
• - Ajahaton',ClaY;,
, 'pees' the SernitOr from Alithihira arrirove -
Of Mr._ Van' support' of. 1)e Witt,
Clinton tltetpeace'pai-tp eauaiilo'te, against;
.lemeri'Matlition; the war, enniliiltite
' 'Does . iiPerOve • Of'Mi . .; V,
vote lir'referenee Ri the toll, 62 1 :cic . , 1 11 , 1sil' • thl
Otninbe rland "read, 'arid hiiinetinni,k per ll
while "ft member O:( COI! kreirs iir refet:enet
Does he. approe 'of Mr. Van 13uren's
vote in favor of the Tariff of 1824 and
1828 ? • •'s • ' -
How then do you support Mr. yan.Bu
wh when yew:denounce - every'acttel - hi4
life ? . • • •"
Mr. - Clay' answered that Mr. Van - Hu"-
*rep was - npto ionnd npo'n_these eobjects;,L
---- '4IoW-lknew_yott that ? said' Mr. ;Preston;
and is it not as proper for pie to try and
adjudge-- - Mr. Van -- Buren by ' , his - past • acts
as it is in you to try General Harrison for
acts of 20, 30, and'4o years standing? --_•
• - To - this - Mr; Alabama - Ulay friide iio an=
ewer, and -was as duinh as an- oyster. '-•
North Eas4ern ndary---Prospect of
• war between England and Freacc—
Fresh 4 Dielarbiinces . Spain,
. .
T,li. .
e—gteamships Acadia and .Pres'ident
bring most important iiiittligencefrOm En-.
rope. The_ 4_ iibjOined . extracts - will . give
•mirreaders a good id .- Cif tlid . stateof4 . - 1
fairs' on the continent: ••• ._.
The London Tinica.givee -the annexed
OUtline.of the report of Messrs. 11ludg'e•and
VOetherstonaugh, - the - British Commission
ers who were appointed to deplore the dis
.duted boundary. • • •.:
They have . 'sitisfactnrify ascertained by
a • strict iliestigatiett of thec:face-of the.
country, by • an . indnettious perusal and
comparison of • charters treaties, - transferti
of :territory, and Other•histokical record, the
ahsolute antrindisputablel conformity bc-.
4weenjli - of,
1183 and . the Aemerksiiione of territtity .
.orighiellY coiftended for by CreafTritain;
that no''portiOn of the "disputed" disttlets•
ever could, under-the atithorkty. - of thee trea ,
ty,- or with any colorer 'juStice, - liave been
claimed. by the 'United',States ; 'that the
atvard,,of the King of Holland, which-42ns;
ferred to tho - Kepublii 3 abOut threnlfiftlis . of
the "disputed territory,!!-• was founded on
erroiteous-date r and an, entire,igriorait,ce..of
feels whichlitive'been subsequentlTireVUT:
oped; and the•award_ of that Sovereign, if
'accepted by..4he parties, could never have
been executed tinder any circumstances,
the_ structure of. the country interpoeing
theretophysical and irremOreablti.,obsta r
eles.that so far• from the smallest fraction
oldie disputed territory fulling "within' the.
line of the - Uifite - d7Stetee,..a rigornits =conk
struetiatt of some auiltorative - dOe'tkeents.
would actually . prove_e Just on. the
part of England to-a portion.of, what has
heretofore been 'regarded . as pail of the .
state-of-Maine itself. - :
All this matter, it tvill be recollected, is
referred to
_a Dew-commission, already ac
lively engaged in-the disputed
Revival in the Export of 111antoractuml
Goode to
. the United States.—The
iny.-olmanufactured- goads- exported to the
United Statei, was I•emarkably small dur 7
ing the first six: months of the present year.
Within the last. few weeks, however, the
quantity has increased, and now there is a
- fair - export - to - the - stator. -- 71M - Pitskleiit;-
steam 'ship, although- she charged; 5 gnin
eas per ton,, got not less than 1300 paeka=
ges cif manufactured goods on freight. The.
'patiket ships;; as well, as the transient ves
sels, also . got a fair 'share of gOods. -
trust, therefUre - , - that,wQ may hail the pre.;
sent rtkvival of export, as a•syntiztont of re
turning confidene --- ein . the 'UnitedHStates
market, and thet.the cousymption - g - Bliiielt
goodi by our
.. trenslantie'. brethren will:
speedily becoine akekictisive as it Wag' h
fore-•the season.:OHlistress.—Liv.
Disturbances' in Spain.-- , - - -Loi.innw;
'July 2,9.;--A revolutionory:movement has
_taken place, in gpain;: . --- Espartero. has de
elaied himself Diettitor,,Ond the Queen-RC7I
gent - hairdirtMlS - IE - d - her ministers. The:
following, Ore theinamcs of_the new catil
' net-7-Antonio • Gonzalis, President of the
Catmeil and 'lllinister of Justice; Marks
do Oriis, Forergn_Atrairs; -Veicente'-Sonehai
ivlitirster of the Iriteridr; Vitletithie Ferras,
Minister of, WO,' Finances ;,,Ar7
mem, The 'Paris . ,
prettrgenerally agreed in eptidemningflie.
flag,itious Conduct
. of 'the : rebel commande r; iinti;if we may trust these buthciriPal,,the
-European-- CottrisLtaho same-vietv
ibenvietirei: "
771 E tik - Al? 1N A 41.4.-4110
ing eiirae'kfrom2The Ptiris letter:l4
- York - Courierand - Enquirer rijil - ki . ve some
insight into the causes :of die, atipiehended
trenbtes, in Pi cipe and of the recent more-
!'Areu I:emember: that some months
silica i
,4 was proposed tliat..a Col erence, or
91, the ,fiyy: great'rk'ure- ,
t a' " ) 1 .-!"exa.:-(FPneV•-;Flogiond , Amiktria ,
'ond„.pitisa6) should . takO.ploce in
arrange'.tini,ntrai.P of...Tnrkey
and: :4344. '.:They.,niev,.aecoi•dingly,,
the" Vienah Got9rOment,, refuacd to .concur'
rt:,depriing,,Melioniet.ll!i, of ,Syria.;: and.
ibis, %pis, one of ,the-- . gramest
Prot isions , of ilia contgn~j ► l+ited_r.ea The
,rep,i•eaenta,tives; pow ers ; PrCr,
eeedetCSviiti;o9irlatiois, told,
four great
bonnil...libehipol v:4; Ox,:treaty,:.-,t4
I*n ;04ggypt,',in itt)6o 4 -,
.§i; Sean. O%A:4#
fbe-lcnowledgeOnt Onpreaty bad been,
.coneitinea.taine . ppon .us,witn Analsinmen
nees-oLa: amulet clap, on, Mondqlast,,and.
mow intizaaazio \f(1041;Q 414-Mq eloo
. ~ - - . •
. • -
has 'elicited 'on die . part. of: the press, 4 - .-
France, of all 'parties, expressions of all. • -
that rancor towards England, which Ithink --.---
- I . have often *told. you ;Was entertained-" in .
France. The Moniteurt.-..the-'Moniteds..2'
-- Parisenanil 'the AVlSesager--he Official
papers=have..aftin- refrained - froirt - i 3 Oin- , . • .
ment and invective—but the Constitutianel _ :
.and,,the'Courrier Franeais -I- which , :tre - 0-' . ... -
-most equally with..theiStr• juiel-nentibiteil;"
organs of the ministry-rival-the
_National •; .
in - 'their.. declaMation against' u.perfittio - be % • -
England.," and in cries ' for. war; widds - •
they say trance is .eapable of_ sustaining, •
against the. whole work!.. ' -
IThis storm hasbeen long brewing
cellecting, but•all be . Much -disappoint-- --
ed-if-it-yet-Inirst forth id 'noel lioStilities, - -
•-,, In •their rage some-of the trench minis- , • '
terial Journals accuse. Engitind,,an4-1-sus-
peer with
_truth; with discontent -at the
trowing nayalpower of France; and aieribei
her junction with
,Russin and. beirabandors••• '
1 ment of trancetolhat - feeling.' England
lie, lidwever, not displeased in - tbat' respect-F . --
only,- with-France. 'lndependently of her-
desire to defeat the designs of France on'
Egypf,' she objects - . 4 proceedings at . •
Buenos Ayres, and on her retaining and.ex. , ' ' 1
tending herself in Algiers. I I shall. nut,Say , .
- Whether England be in the righs er,•,hrithe.•
wrong, in .thus decking to counteract tranee',.. 1 .--
buil. - shall give - yen -the opininn of: every':
'unprejudiced man, that if England were to ,
pertnit FranOlci go on increasing heriitivy;.
and extending.her bOnqueets- in -.every -di
rection, shewonld, ere long - -L-that M i , w hen- -
' ever it shoulir.please France kr throw ; ear • .-.
the madk--4ave•tofight for lier-,exietenen -,
as Mistress Of the Seas, and f .fer' the pre . -.. •
•servition - of :hiiialies ft:oth the'itufroachr; • - ,
-event-Ali is-lier_.-g tea Erica 1,• .5.,:-. , ..- .........-„,;—.- ......,;: _.
: - While this -is going-On in 'Europe ' , mate' ..•:.•••
tern have_assuined an ,nnpremaiing aspect-- -
for Mehemet Ali nearer hinneZ.• -The Chris- -• .
' people _of .Several - districts ,Of . Syria: '...
have revolted; and have defeated-the - Egypt; , . •
inn' troops in every Skirmish that had yet:.
occurred., 'They; even threatened. Llamas-`
eue alid eyrou t..;-bU t brava.. noir'. resold te'.. •' .
as they are - ,' they -want-,-want-,leath-rs., 'having it , ...
_their_head_on4. - _seme,inforioruative,chie -.
- and- - two,-Ereilchmeri , of : no ,note. They'
• have declared* thenakivei--the_snbjects of •
the Sultan, whose rights they' say they' .
will' assert. • The principal' among them
are from Mount Lebanon and its vicinity:.
So serious is this revolt deemed by Mahe
met-Ali, thaillie.has despatched - 40,900 Men.: . ;
from Alexandria in fourteen fri g ates (nearly' .
ell•Turkielt) Under his youngesksort. - Soli- : -
. man
,Pasha, a' French renegade, liw
fon 'as '-'-'-''
Colonel. Selvis, had, beforedie arrival - or
this reinforcement—that is on the 22d and: -
23d . June—attempted 'to .erush.the • revolt - ,......_
but found he could do nothing-, and althouglr
our accounts. ffiim Beyrout come down
_to , '
the.4th instant, they .contain no. puthentic
account of - tiny - thing • - a - ellievoil:by the NI--
gypsian. army .over' these jnsurgents. On' -.-
the eotiiiary, composed ate it is. of hetero-- , •.
genous Materials, 'Albanians Egyptian
-youths, and ethers notto:.:be jepentled.•mil
in grave .eircurnstances • ohey may be deem- ,
I%d not likely to o ff er a determined' or af---_.,
festive resistance,' and indeed.in_:the_a_c- • :•
dons that 'have .hitherto taken! place,. the -
Egyi dart troops have dis Ployed• We mosV.
scandalous paltroonely.' •• ''', . ..
._ :
: ; 7This insurrection the English
_rareifif; • '
cused of,having created . and fomented,-ands
the presence of a - • British squadron. op die . .
.of Syria, under the Contimaild of ,',
Captain Napier, would. give a color to the - •
.report ;that ,the English` contemplate pre--•
-vetttiiig t•lia . landing of troops and supplies.; .
ifoitbe Egyptians. ~. . • --- - -
• • ow the-matter is to' end kis. diffieulet
- tti -- sa Mehemet Ali :now apitettra_dOnm,--"___
edlo.:•gtit - intion, by the..formidable irciali;i
lion akove mentioned t• but still it _is not':
quite ; clear that France will quietly look on.
wl.tile the English : end Rnssians crusli-tbiw .
unquestionablygreai'mart.. Still,-the !pea'ee• •. •
at. any _price, '._.y stem of Icj IT Louis Pli di' •
ippe, is against, : the,stipposition or:belief: —
that France will io, this conjuneture , seta
'lteiSelf upagainst'BiereSt•of Etii - Ope. - - TIM'
enemies cit M. Titters already triumfilt• int
hisfiill,. and
,say: That' when he shell: Bain: '
been supersedietl.bY Cattitt.:Mkile,-the-latter
-willliave-i-planeibl ekettse for-subinittitig, - ---
td, CI rcu rnstances. ereatOd-bY . I *-i-. 1711 q 4 " --
. ,
Itevolittiott' In M e ico; .. •
'Pile New Orleanilitilletircol - Ahe -- 11ilki
furnishes further, awl highly - -interestit% de-- _
taili - of -- 01e - O
ret - entinsurrection in' 0o- : ••
MATAMORAS Jelly , 50.. •
-An -,extraordinary express. arrived •lierm
on the 26th . „ three days from Tampico;
bringing the imptirtunt• ihtelligence that Mo. '
city. of ~ M exico wain: the hands ..or..the , ,
Federalists ~',4,- ;:.:- i - • • .'- 'r '.
—ln_tity jut ,ciircurhunicatiipt,l.ouLregplre
.I v Ect_ke , to •you,lit lirreat . siving you an:l44:'; , '-, - ....
coontiiViliot General •since liis- escape. 477.
,the battle of. Acajote: , . It '
.appears: that- hilZil,,,-.
was ;latoly released ~from '• innpribintniein4 .A , ..,i
ollowers r -bnme‘liately , -flocked-arbund-til
anti' Ow opiTit of rebellion ;issuco,-foidu. ioi '- - 1 ;
the Neri , Aettrt,
,of,the :eapital'..., - , ;,. ' .- , .:, , :..'':'.:1, ~., ; .1.
Op;the••athAllrrosiAssiiite,l_4,ltk", ,
adjutore f potnee ,Padrasa t ! ex-Vice . :ll",icate: , '7
!dent,„ an d • - goattki_ purinavisloolhi*l ll 4‘.i . , ,,, ,.
Palace, anti. ilte'RA! ) firo (l 7 ,ol *genient; '.r,lif .. ,';'i
which, 300 Ingo : aro reposed,to,have hpfile::'f,
*Wed; 13usialneete.*P0. - , faltett,,OFiiicttet
~, Jr , .
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