KB ~.. . ' ... . ---' Orkw. Liardavaiw, Grocei•yotr - THE subscriber has just rettie(l'from ''' lL ' : the Cities of New York, Philadelphia' mitt Bal timore, and is now opening at his' store room S. E. Corner of 'Market Square mar Main Streets (for -r snerly oecuPied liy. Geo, W.A.fituer,):a general as , • . sortment Of -: i . ••• ,•• ,•••_:._ • • • ... :*- .., ; - • ~ . . Hardware, .' Stone Ware," Cedar. ..Waref . . _ . . . ~ ~ .. . . ~., . :: -• nrittanza....Frare, eirgeiries,- Oils, '• ' ' Priioti,.rgniithes,,Glas,sl, ,B , rudi- • ' . .._eq,- - 11 7 14.9,--,Canes, - Larnpefor ' • ;. burning ..Cainp*e • Oil, _.,. : _. . • mut a grat yariety oriirtieles useful and necessary for furnishing and keeping l house.. He lnisarso, - and ~,' • will c onstantly keep on hand -. •• - , - . • • • -- - • Camplaiiic . Oil,` - , . • , a Cheap and elegant .substitute* - for._ SPerm oil, Oa • having heen appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers • . and Brother of Newark N. J., for the sole of Jane's Patent Lamps in this comity, V° is prepared. to fur • BIM LiniTim and Oil, at a very,reinionable ratelo all who may.wisli to.use this now and economical light. ' - -..• " Having selected his goods himself, and:. made his purchases for caSh, he is able,,and, is . determined to• , . • Those havingtheeash : to by out will find it to their . advantage to give him a call. • . • . , , . • :: HENRY DUFFIELD. , , -- - Carlisle; July-8; -143.10.--tf; . ._: :17' __ ~__..- .- , : TOrthose who like to ride easy! • =SAMUEL ENSMINGER 4 L.Le • R ESPECTFULLY informs his frietids and the pUblie. in general, that 'lle has ,purchased the,. ----- . - Patent - Right;offlobert -WI Isow- for-Cumberland "-co._ ' •Lr constructing anew and improvel! • - • /Spr in. , * Seal . • .. and that he is,now prepared to receive orders for the • , same. • The improvements claime . a.,arc .applicable to '• : . .,,,anY:of the. saddles now in use;and•consist of springs of a peculiar construction in the seat, 'wayeanteo-to be good, durable and superior to any ever': yet invented. . • , :Peratin desirous of exalt - lining - the above named sadlle, are requested to call and - judge for themselves, at his weLP known establiiliminit in lligli iltreet, near ly opposite the Post office, where they catinlso he aonimodatid• with any article* hc the - line - of S'addte, . Jr.nryierie, Effe. on the most reasonable ternis: • • • , The saddlers of the county are most respectfully .:......-invitp.d.to_callood get:LAW& excelltfot"..improxtment u. .• • . • ;Reference; na fo"the ease and superiority of thi improved spring,.may_he' had to .. .the follovong.nain-: ed'geritleen :=Hifh. Samuel Heplawn, . • ren,-.11. G.Ege, in .loseph Ege . ,.Tholnas Greason, Hen ry.Stulibs, Hen . ry Buttorff,ll. - Yoiter, Stevenson, and Benjamin Peirce, jr._ • . • • Arne 24., 18-10:-3m.;- ry--- • • p r itz, SUBSCRIBER . .resPectfully tenders Lis ji grateful acknowledgments to the public' for fire. eeryliberal-share Of patronage lie has received dor , . „hag them his professional sZrvices im.theimvatioui bran: ••••`',' .01e - satins residence, N0.•7, Harper's How. Iletiles,l cleginseb, and plugs - teeth, and inserts inenrruptiblill . - larker .metalic artificial tectlyin the most. approved —Manner.= Charges always' Moderate. .• - . ! • • J.• C. NEFF, Carlisle' March 25 184 b.-.—ti • - ; IMPORTANT TO MILLERS & llitiNurA.cTußEßs • ...11o.waVingi roved Weiierlineel. . .subWit)yr Ittiyinu)iireltriscd Alf the °vigil - Mt -- . - Pptentee the right of • the above Water Wheel -forthe.state ofl'ennsylvauin,.xill diSpose of individ righti or counties on advantageous terms. -- Thiel water wheel has lieen fully tested and proved to lie so far superior to any kind in its poweti of propelling -machinery; - liaving a- greater-forceithan .any-otlum. -Wheels in proportion to dierquantittel 'wet. applied: 'lt is. calculated to be more particultlfly useful at mills, haVing frOnt fwii to eight 'fret head and fall, and kozvcatlLolrviate the inconvenienies e,xperienc ed from Mk water. It is c - ciirifiTe — Zr if. hylliosc Ii v= big them in use as one ofthe most iinportaut improve merits that has ever been •iidrOducedfor its simplici ty, strength, steadiness of motion and durability. It is constructed nitogother of iron and not so expensive to Make its an undershot, anti operating - with about Half the water and riot liable to. be obstructed by ice in the winter. The subSeriber will devote his attett lo,cal Is.for_thcse_whcelsit places aim:l)7 v Ue reauired. - , • • - - • MICHAEL' IVI'MATII; Harrisburg. reorrA _This itko certify, that I have put in one of Howd's Patent Cast Iron Direct Action IVater Wheels, in place of a Reaction. Wheel•, that the Direct Wheel --does-not flood the tail-race-as muckby-three- ;Mlles 'AB the reaction did, and that I can grind seven hash= • els with the direct action wheel an hour, and drive two run of stones, where I could not grind four bush els in the same time with the reaction and drive one run of stones. ' PETER PAILNESTOCK. AIIoWitYMUTS;IB3B:" • This'may certify, that I have been engaged in put : ting in S. B. llowd!s cast iron direct action water wheel, both in the State .orNeW York and in Mad ' gin, and can give it as my decided opinion that with 8 feet bead or under, rightly put in, it wil do . more businesCwith the same water than any 'other water wheel which I have yet had any experience in, and in • reference to backwater, is second best tq 'none that Wife yet tried: referenee to guarding against ice, •= --- filei.e 'can lie. no better operation, and it is very easy to be kept in repair. . STEHEN.AILES, afillwtight, Allmay . , Sept. 30838. This may certify that I have had min Mill one of Mr. llowd's direct water wheels fortheapace . of one year: luis mfiVereet Wheel, and - I have had a' re-' action in the came place—l have-also had Wheeler's Union Wheel, yet I think Mr. How.d'e will do more business with less water than any other I have tried. It doeswell in back water.. I have had from 5 to. - 6 feet, head: rthink we.could do as much work with Initiate water as we usedio do With the undershoot wheel, which has also been in operation -in my mill. LAWRENCE RI I.;EY. . • • 1. Lyons; Sept: 3,183&. This may. certify, that we have used one of S. ' newd's patent water Wheels since December last,by. the i 3 i(lo',tif a re-action wheel; nod we. think,thot . -do : double . the-business-At ith the-same _.water that there-action - wilt dto - k tir . vet) , • near. We. . have but and can grind. with that eight buishel Per hour. -- We are suhiect to back water: This wheel will do as good busineis under . _ baik.witeras . the re-action, and - We recommend it to . the attention and patronage of the public.- . ' MILES-S. LEACH---z -. "NMI W.. ~18PAGSTRESER,,, m ill-wright, is . ' agent liar.lha'abore mentioned water - Wheel sin the YiliKaial will at all. times be'ready terattend to their lade and eree „ tioit; ,afthw 'shortest notice, by addressing him at Shepheedstown, Cumberland eounfy, Pa. • • „.' • . ' ' -lY , „... . Ai PERSON - brought up to.the Iron titiOitesswishes ji!,,eit.ustio4 at stnlron •-• , .• ENRUIRE'DF- - TLIET4IIIT4)II. - . - • , - - . ~, • ..FICTTER! ••ITGH !---LETTER! Lieltly!s:l4eiebrated—TETT_Eß-, AN:nlrre MENT,'fadaily becoming more popular...:Ao ----114losiumerous huh 'ldeals atop and in the,prn. praetor of its great ' success in removing and eurhlg the `• ': y:: ': and ltc ..• , `•'• 41'i*,,l , funkerizustestimoniablinight be published - tifjliqll-: &say' butfor- Alm delicacy felt by- lndiridnidor having thole, namespubllsheil i conneettolfWAilliloathknn 17' 1 ''' 1 4Iditr i lPral ) . ) V4lect i °0 16 • a n d , .11 16 'rMled Ividl - .lleriPlii:Pa Young t ; 0 10;eia, upon infaiita o siontaining no- . meroury or to -,-• er galtienl substations. N. U. Leidy prepares it • •;.;.'"hdiOnelf; and knowing thingnposition; most coofident; - /.1? retzlillltOluls it as superibrto any other remedy for t/le' llf_ettneisidlish. • Prepared and bald at Dr.- Lei. des:kiii - milktimA)*lum; (Sign - tf •the Golden Eagle and:Seiliotitir i ) - NM49I• North, Second" stree4 below, , • ' ' • ' Car ~- . "`, -t r-Alißrle:'2o'i•- 0 018 a 80th... . , • • _ • • War (11(.01)/DOO UST)icuciv6l' 'some , desirable: pp pm ‘suitOle for the st:ltioitiitt th'e store Of ,RICIIARDS. 'July 15, 1840. ' . „ , , , „ •lla au yw to StprittE,s - -'” - -G-EORGE FERREE - Lito , bethato , Bioii ;Howse, ctirlble, PA.; - -iptspeOltillv informs his friendsand the Petah: generally, that'liC line leas ed the above narnitUestablislititMitwhich' he intetith °peel tg, to r the reeeptittifof vi Siteis. 7 • TIM preinito which enibt:ece . aliout 60 acres of ground, tire sittiated in the ettititty of New Castle;Stuurof 'Delaware, mid the facility of rettaiing it front all' pollute is equalled • tieing ahem #otinles from , Philadelphia' and front-Baltimore' stiniut 70' -miles; viiiterirto the 'Springs ere conceit:it by the Baltientire ncrai I road, and thenee - in Qmetbesses. Vote]. The house it, on an elevated find , command ing,situations , has upwards of op sleeping rooms, 'exclusive of:out-kOnses, a dining room 60 feet by 30 •a ball 'rooiri :40 feet 14.30, several large partners and . sitting roomi:and vein.:spacieus the;Perticdia one'of the finest in the United .States, beino6o test long, 20 feet wide and hilly fee - high; the grounds are ibentittifully laid om i tand - are covered with titirieliberY, - fine shade trees and thickly lined evenness, the'roadis to and front the hotel, are•entnerooS and .Very excel lent; ,the other haprovementti'donsists of a splendid pavilion, two benutifut-cottnges, a large mansion fitc." ing the road, tt . miniature' Fair. Mount. water - Works -whichrsuppli es the whole establish in ent_with the; beSt" spring 'water, numerous fountains, statues; AMOY walks, a large end complete bathing,eitablishruent, very superior ten pin silley, two eicellent billiard to ' files,. .a• number of :beautiful. arbours and :setittner, - houses,4ll - one-of which-will,be-lbutat the_celebrated, Chulybeate Spring; connected with the establishment is'a -large stable calculated for , 50 horses and veld : cies in - of: - experincedOstiernr.the - stthscriber - his also added a number of gptinniorseS•ind iielkii,•lo for the accomniodation of .those visiters 'Who may'nOt bring their own equipages.. The .wines and liquors will he of the very best tleseriptioM, and - no exertions will be spared:to render the stay o f, his Visitersplea-. saatt, nt, and-the house the very first of the land i n the • . June 17, 1640.--tf. " • MOIJAIR GLOVEN..: sumeribers have. just received 'a - farther . stip; _o r of real Mohair Wove& • .Also, Tape, Rib bons, Silk, Fliiinirl s ' 11inding . . with t variety of othyr articles. & 111ULYANY. July 22 1 • - -- , 411 civ. "Atte' of IPrei —ht Cars _ _ uTaeAu malaLqttoumate TO PitILADELPHIA. -- , -THEsubiteriberateflfur_inqt thvoitiirapeetful ly 'Ruiah its his:friends and the liubli, that he has put into upeiution oil the Harrisburg, Lancaster & Co .- • • - Attinbia . - . " lmaammam , . litie.of new',pOUBll: CAitS;'wl:ichwill run resin larpr betwjen Ilarrisburg and l'hiladellihia, by which .:aeons and l'roduce - of all deseriptions will be forwar witle`care. and ile,spatcli,.at. the lowest riltes of freight._ „ . _ Goods will be:received at the Warenouse T 1103.. J. MAX Vt'ELll..., N.L. corner of Broad and Vine streets and. fciewarded - to Ilorlsburg; Clainihersburk,- . .attd .- iiitertnediate places, by the'ssuliseriber. - owEN, M'CABE.. !Terris!) in,___ iSALAci). -.5.11;39. L7l AND — PLA'STER; cotistentlypn. !Muth , . Cash intid.for almost Jill kinds of country pro. ! .duce. - . _ . . Craig, - Ilelins A Co'. .60111EMILSSION FORWARIEI-. ING MERCHANTS, _, laveremovell_hrthe Capacitnis,Warcbouse recently occupied by B. & Co. t. the nortipiwest cortdr of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia. Front the facilities which the location and internal arrangement of this -depot-afford, 30-to-410 Burthen ii 7 r7caiflfelifitiomrnodated to unload - mid louttat the same time with sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels of Flourond 400 to 600 ton of Grain exclusive of the forWarding . depirtment. . Produce of every description will he received as •usual 6n consigpments r andliberal advances made on receipt (if required) until •'sales are effected. • CRAIG, lIELLAS -& Co. • .% North-wesf corner of Cherry & Broad st. DrinT. REIFIRENCES • W. S. Colman, Cashier. - . Henderson & Parker, • cartsare... .k Henry , Rhoads, .. • Saimilemon & Bosserman, . . _.•..Jeioli.SwoTer,..rezimine.', ..•_-___:,-_ --. _ _ . ,_ . David Nevin, Shippenaburg. • ..L.Hogair Smitli,Esq. CashierZ cha _ . MOO i_, 810 UT. Eyster,'Hutz .&. Co, • 5 • :/liobert Fleming, - Catherwood &Craig, Philadelpka. • ' —Wm..lLalioinpson &Co. ___ .... _ _ Waal' 8.: Brown, . Produce. Wanted Imirieqjately. CASH will be paid for FIVE THOUSAND bars, relsTsfirlfnifiTEN - THOCSAND busheltrofWheati TEN TimusAND - bushels of Ilye, and TEN THOUSAND bushels of Corp, by the subscriber, who can at all times be. found at Ida-Ware-house on .the catititlyetween Wuluta and State streets. ^ - OVIcEN:M'CABE. . llarriabtirg, Aprit 1, 18411.--:41 . • .. „. Is. !emitted staid or, restored, and the head. kept free .from dandruff by the genuine OLRIDGE.'S BALM ,01 , COLUMBIA.. ' . •Remember the genuine as described Velcivr. This is certified to by -several Mayors, Ministers of the Gospel, British Consul, Physiontits,and a great 'nutuher -of our most honorable citizens, to be -seen 'where it is sold. ; DRING FRAU:Di -;Thiti article 'lei been hilitnted by a ind e ripus'entuvl , teacher. Let it never be pttrebased or used unless it have thtiname of L.'S. COMSTOCK; Or the siy nattire:of_CONlSTOCK & CO. oktitildelidid'ivrap per. This is the only, eiteinal test that will secure the puld ie from detelai on.. • ' • ' Apply - at the wholOale and retail Office, N0.:2 Fletcher street, lear Maiden Lane and Pearl st. - . - AdtiVe4P; COMSTOK lit CO., , " • - Wholeiale Druggists. for , -atle,by Stevenson AiDin kle Carli . sle, P. • PPC.. II i-839. ly. , Encam The first Regiment of Cumberland Volunteers in tendto,_fyrmitnEucampment at Neiviille,to continue :for. three days; commenciag on. the 20tli id August next, It is expected that several corps from neigh -bourini-coUntleir‘vill unite .Witli — lhe'lligiment--tin abundance of tents iviltbe provide'', and every eflbrt made to.import interest toile meeting, and, render it agreeable to all concerned. Militia afticers generally, are invited to participate with uwori that occasion. Persons desiring ; any inforthation respecting' the ,e6-' eampruelif may'aildreas Col. W. 11;;WOOdburn; Cap tains John Bricker and W. G. Reed. at Newville: - .. Col' W. it. WOODBURN; •. • • • • . ERE; j • - - WM.- WALLACE ' _ _ Capt. GEORGE „MILLER, • '• • Capt:JOHXBRICKER,': •-•,.• • • -•" ~.Capt. DAVID CLEVER,: . • ' . „ • Capt. JOHN.,HOOR, • • , . , WAVIACF,; , • . - • •• , • Committee of arragge*ne.',, IS .} . e. . ' • '' '... 'Den Ir t y' - - ••• ' ' --- .... .. _..,, . . . ;,., .: _..D R,,!.1..-..c,..- Loomis; _-....;, -.2 •' --ks - , iet.,,,,4ied to Carlisle , rand willw as heretofore, : lttenti ".to, the. practice •of, Dentistryir ,Hd. may. Ili be.. clued at, Colonel. Ferree's }lota.- persona ' re...- questing it, will be waited upon at their residefiee:' ~,,,,,,ii " ,....i .„ _f1a.: OrcotoE.h al, ... ~-..,. I +-4 '"'`".", "Da: DAvxe N.. Memos. - - .'.. ..: • - ettrjiblAfaidiAli-Pit9. - - 4- - -=--,-,- ':' ,',.---'--- ••• - .:_4'.,,''...'0',:*,i:..,.: : :_'4,.: 1 ,*:7:,*4', 1 :*,, - *:',.:.i''' .- ,:.*,••:.T::. - i'*': ,, # , :'::::: , :.iiii4:i;:sp': , : . ', , , , *:._*x*:., -- ,.. 0 :','*. -,4 ,;' , i4.. - ..i .o *.'4‘_ . 1 DRI BEOHTERN . Vative:-;. ortha Breinfoisil 1• •• 1 • • fNsgo a r odclur • Ca . isum . phd:;.• • 11E . . imnloAd it the above ctioiiE4 , ,..lol . kooi' but iii tiklo to mike it . more:. generally TiFriliek-thifiks - lt -- nevessary 'proofs;"Whieli bin 'a. Weill . oOftiaii.ar th e . testhriony thid Might taipliluctatiii,prOof iif 'iti iireaighout: - Cerniiiiif it is tiseiT'alid , - eniplifyed` 'more thinfaby other tii‘epin'itlion tititllV;.tic.l and is there so ' well known for its efliciiey,llnit- they cid!: it "'Om Lat so Ve reserver." 4 .. •_ . • • :. ' Price Gents ft Attie. • . _ Pi , ortith , United States'Garelte. CO fMUNIt:A9'IhN TO RIOTtlEltSr : . ...11tiving seen, mitli6'liiriitiree, of 'this - city, of •Dr. BeChter's . Pnlmoniiry eservative,, for. Coughs, Colds:"Astliimis,'ltto.;twas indedeiTfrere reading it, to make n trial of it... of seven small children, there seldom poises a out having io.giii-linfigi_tio_orTilitun '.so ut ethint theiennerotis affections ootnnion to children, Or all the.dilliTrerit_Patent Mesnoike, - 1 oovi;;;,iiinint cine;so' get-lin:al efficacious, I not only'fciund it serviceable for Coughs, o'l6, Ste.;. but also very - beneficial indeed for.tholid Diarrlnes'aiyd restlessness, go cern, Mow to imall.children on. hich aectittut shall tieVer be without ithintle orit. It has,relieved me of , street blesonie cougl4slierfness of b.renthing,and pain, sid amf breast,' with ivllick_L. hive . been troubled nearly twelve friend's.. 'no phySieinos ofihis eity attended me.for it without - effeilt: ',T r aceordingly . ..discharged them; and having 'tact' .four. bottles of the above medienie;, was entirely •relieved to flit - Er - di:lli ilinee weeks. Very respectfully. .• ' L , : • Signed, • , • " gastott, NiiveiriGee 16th, 1837: lii. - N;D:LElDir;Thilii - delPhia , • • Dear Sir,—l.:should.coninder it ungnitgfall, if I did not inform you (find with my consent:ollow you to Publish this,) that nftel• ltiu,t tag tried by the ivcomtnell of my Mends, - almost every kind , Ofc meditine for coughs, colds, &c., I never found relief until late-• ly, having Mimi Dr. 'Becliter's Pulmonary PieserVal tive,recorimiended to mu by yenengent /II this - place, and which - cured me of • it. violent , cough, spitting' of Wed, pain of breast, mid shortnegs of breath;'"ritliall of i . vhich I been afflicted for tWayears past. lan", however, enjoying' "ni good hen 'as emir,' and one my recovery to the above valuable medicine. •„.., - Signed, N. ATWOOD,. 'Translation:Cron' a communication in Derinan. • - Pittsbuti, -- June 26th 1839', •DIL LEIDY, at Philadelphia , : • nespeeted was hpleased after,my orri s-it-in this county, - to find that Dr. Ileefiter'filvalitable preparation,so lang_anciesi.fully-uScuLin-snatiy . - earls , ofGerinany, is now cure by you. -1 luive_seen manYilinderful ciires made by it ni the old ciiiitrv. Many persons whose lungs were. supposed most entirely destroyed, and iironouneed'incurstble;. have been restored to good' health by 'it. '. I knout ,Where one case was beyond:OM hopes tf ever reOnv eririg, and was for years helpless..and.confined to bed without being able to sit up;- .. but, was raised by the wonderful eflects - of Dr. n iriOC llechter's•Pulinonary Preser- . vatlie,nd' So far.eureto be able to yide walk about. A'great' many instanees.have been cored in the various pulmonary affections, and .. .l . ...have myself received great benefit from it, both here and in my native country. I hope it may be successful' in tins country-as it has-been. .Germany. properly.. •known no family.will.lni without it. - - I'. S. 1 get - it it. this.place TA; yotir agent: . Yours•- . Signed, S. SCIIA:RRE,: . DR'. N. 11. - LEfOY, • .. On your-recOniinendation,i made pee of Ott Becli-; te'r's,l'Olmonary l'resi•rvitive, 'and.altliongh I bad Other remedies for: my cough,l -never found rvlief-e-soopt-oiv-the-above.. medicine.- I have been ninelibenelitted •by it, -and lhave'recommended it to - many others, who have suffered with pains iu their bresista; clittOthig, spitting of bloiid, difficulty of Urea-- tilingi coldsonfluenzaii-keinudzaltlitiVe'been speedi-- ly cured thereby'. - - ' • With respect,. yours,-Sc, . . _• . S igned, "• • HOOKiNS. •• - Trenton, N. J: Oct. 1839. , - Friend LeidyThee will be much:surprised nt my ccimmunication, when I inform thee of my perfect re coyery, after having used six' bottles of thy medicine: 'Tee knows,how miserable and tlistressed, 1 pale nutt - siCkly, - Witliout appetite; full of - paini with much cough; and oppression in . my,cliest, eloping in my throat, .&c. lam now eiijoying good health, and though 60 years of age, feel young in spirits, and must attribute. y good health to the goo d= effects of thy PtilitiOnifrYPriFierVatiVe:"Thy friend-and well Wisher. Signed, EMLEN. Lancaster, Janwity. dth; 1839. Sir-4 must inform •you of the recovery of my Wife, Whose case I described to you in the city of Philadelk phia: The hoerseiniss and soreness oilier throat, with which she aufibred many months, has entirely disap- Peered; her cough . is-not so' violeinti neither has she. Ray more_pnin breast, but is mitireLy cured.— She used only I/C7Bechter's Pulmonary Preset vative, which you so:strongly recommended. I remain yours. Signed, JOHN TURNER. • The above medicine is prepared, only and for, sale, D wholesale and retail a; Hr. N.. Leidy - Ye Health Em-. porium, No. 19 North Second.street, below. Vine at. (sir of the Golden Eagle anti Serpents,)-Philadel ! Oita.— Also for-sale-at F. Klett'sWitg Store ; 2nd and Callowhill street; J. Smith' Br, Co's do. .2d - st.. next - Red Lion - Tivern, J. Long's St . .A. Fairer's do. Lancaster; Peter Pomp's do. Easton; W. H. Pomp's do. Milton. Also, STEVENSON. 8t - HINKLE, Druggists,: JHALIPENGE - : --- 7 - 7 100. Dollarsrwill' . be 'Forfeited A - 05 ' To any individual who mill produce a treparittloit' So also When - m d arbitllium ci o t r u s 4 e i re r, t i l l i eti ow os i i ) t a e i d ns u , p i o n n: equal to Dr. LEIDY'S. MED .. ICAI'E . D LX.I TRACT the mem br ane an . musc les , 1 o OF SARSAPARILLA . It ilk DOSitivelly - 7 .. h . g.".. - stro e : 4 4 , ; l - - Li r tm , m ti t: e do il i i i d sin ta i n id v - s e ir ge el ta lind: i c , a i l i t i e s d rjui llt y ieu b ni e a rv ti i s i m et ip on ou n t a i cat preparation i n . existence . ofit..,bottle Of it is ' 1 .a . 5 certain to give relief, and if persevered with, to-six pints of the strongest syrup that can: . t , y and numerous individiude prepare from it a syrup w ill most assuredly, and without fail, m F a r k n e m a th 7 t r o fe t E o t t which they_ vet in bottles of differem. sizes and . s t hapez - tt i nfre ot • the above painful maladies, selling it, us_tkiiiiiireparation, when in .reali . .y 'Vs six of said Indian:Vegetable -Ptlictokeli every night . go gto bed, will, in a short . time; Completely rid the preparation of Dr. Leidy; the syrup g e from his extract, ii receipt forwhiell'ac . Om b p e a h n i ir:s m each the' bo dy b l o n ify . tof a c tl . tri v orb l i t d ou tui tif il or t e c i b e rnt r At su llu i r p o t t o s , ; l;:tr an i 4 t. bottld - of Dr..".Li:itles - pirepsu4itiottii ilierebylf a syrup Ittetirinitisni t on ani .c is wanted it can betriade at an expense of , tww_dollars . disappear as if by mag i c • a gallon without paying for it at the rate of 50 to ;75 . ain lit the side, oppres.. cents a bottle or eight or ten dollen:a gallon. - ,-, ... Dr. Leidy's „Extract. of . Sareaptirilla is. unus ua lly ~ fills 1 tstT aT ale certain ! u b e i loss-of- appetite; costive renatoc.mrekbsieereoesivdetipud the Indian Vegetable 1 osaut to the taete,takeneitlier by It se lf orm a glas s : n si ile n ,it ne y a e u ill s rw, a t7i l ige ic ef . t i the ' skin and - eyes, and every pI. , . tom of Liver. Complaint t because... they of water. .It is useless here-to speak 'of its medical ether symp tom lirtues, as every roan, worntui and 'child Who ca a n i rea l .. 1. knows of its efficacy , its qualities having L eon u 4 ' ' ' ----- ..ti deposited upon , the Liver, are the I motre w hi ch ; ii. w b eu . rniri.4ifroin the body these corrupt - and. stagnnitt lim. daily Using published in all ' newspapere t : . dangerotts complaint. They are It is particularly adapted to the spring and summer i- also seasons, being , of a more, puritylog nature thane y I 11 , 44 „-,„,„ ih „„ ehee „. ‘iff t i 1 obstruc., other medicine. ever . discovered.' Its character , and . ---- ---"' ----' — th e . se cau of at rush, or deterr 111 11 re °Te ventivl - t ra t o u l in ex o y u a rti nd w e i ti e d . ten deMbi ting (l i e elrcullition, are „t±e_ ..., , sire t inur elficaiy, is wet 1 known.thrOugheut: the , United. Statos,raination-of-blocidlo-the-neoll-.7gl."ume t.--. if.being„in general use and preferred' to O of 11 000. throughiiut the South' und,West ; upwards ~ , t ."' loss of memory —mifl i x rdrr ti tor e t the Inim ti ,: t., . . t. 111- others on turning su y. a , . 00 0 _ • - ret . n ,..... in . • ddenl round-lbtintiness-,-drowatness bottles having been sold tinriag the past 12 m ouths . r .. o!y, ee4 , every °diced _ff, Numerous certilleatesTrOm Thysiciain and- oth, rs, 7 :7 as %vellas full directions acCoMpany upationoirekept muck Extract of a letter_from_Dr.J._Balanl ill' _M obile .: . l'hose whofrom habit orbcc r , . theyr __ _ ti , i _ ..y _ ing erich bottle. • 1 . ..Q*E - IVORrp-TQ' THE S EDENTARY. ~... "Your preparation of. Sarsaparilla is the most elk-. _ breathe an atcdosphere.Whiclila .WhidlY. l ". ot fort at cacioustof any I have ever employed:. I have 'movie _within dbors, shouldVrernembe - .thiat t t r .t eqeit . i More beneficial resulti from ueing2 or 'iri:lffelOtilen'inZ: 3 battled of 1.. :owing to want of exembie,tike.boielstirenot s :: than his been effected in slinkier cases' by a . dozen or . proper expansion -off the lungs, and .at th More of othei extracts and 'syllips of Sarsaptirill o a ; 7 l a ache, indigestion- palpitation of t thdlieart, and . mau l Extract of a letter itOM' Mr. James C-'Malsf . 4 - evactiated--:-the bloed.hecomes'impure, ana. he* d.. - liighl t rrespectable.Merchantin.Haltimore. - .. . I other dieagre . eabl'e . aim - Moths; t t sure to follow. "Having had frequent occaeicin to eniploy-p_r_c_partt ': .. . ,: T___LIEANDIAN VECIETABI.E, 'l ll l . _,_ - flops - of. Sarsapatinti . t o t o y iiimily during Me putt ten, :Relit a'clionser of the's_tomiteli:tuid.bOwels,anda di. rtalif tiot-aulyto'rew years, I list year .triA Joon,- attdi:fiiund. _sitie.botti , e , ,:equill'in - effitiq - kTfive of tiny other,that I ever used. :-.. ri..m.pcvtepurraiifinerbr-rodfitoltfrojetis.Oor..:,nere ce , body, , wl7 to keep . he body-free Extract Of a letter from Air. Sulferd'of NOrthampton:„ 'hilt if .'used ; occasionally ,.So us .kiful frOm the the . . "Your Extract of 91 " il I i f ;1 'ilerit with.ine; haiing rdstorer ;me" to perfixt health, ...dy Wider liewien, Y w ill most tuitiuredlly proniote w:0 11 ,- ..from thbsehurtiors.whielarethe causeofetery male 4.., though for six Yea" 7 : llll e v te ll 'l l l:s a. ; ia L P :O ir :le r :r e i - b"'.to. ' such a ' just and life, will be. enabled • to having tried almostOtre• - those who lead a sedentary. of . ... • you, and 'during-:4bat time: ...-__ _. . -kcal' , . . eq ual cireulation. of the blood. , that d 1 I - Wind diit as e • any ; !011( 'lv t O 1 7 111 1 1 3 S Os ;Oat afi'loUvlog received 'l ll l. l ll - 1 1 u 'oo . , enjoy spun ma ,t . , . ..:.,. ,„, . , : ',,,, /11 .: t ' attendanee, daring - a great portion - of the time." , '... ' labsulutelkimpekoble., . : ,:. ... .. :',. ,,, %,: ~,,,: • • - Numerous recommendations anitextractefrorn - 11!• - ... : For sale byt t - 'l4. - ._ t_ _:•_.__ _ ___1...._'_ iti.,... k ni ,... 7 .. .rims-Tor--tha l7 .-- 7 ---. .. - -7-, ~- - . C . IIAItIZS . . eciuiLn great expense attendiag,newspspero , • It is inoparell'indSsold:Wholesale and retail at . rr.: I: ' p--r• 'OM co' au' d , Clenerat Depot,' N 0.169 Eace , ittreet Leid ' H Itli. Emporinth,. No., 191.: North:Second • pbr o do r d44, - -May-20,-1840....1 . lyif.. t . y 0 ea -Streetibelow - Vinm7Ablolorviu - hy7 . ,_. , . . '.; ~..... , .: ..... ~ . LE ,_ . Toni ci. rimar., • ` fred!ltltlett„Druggist,ecirner of Second and Pa' . ,FMPCICT*NTo I E IA :. ',.- Lansasteii.Peter -Pomp . ; . rugglet,. , Elidian f 4, , '',.,. . , man Apt. rient Pills. '; Tho_se pills remoVeY all those 11°wIlliV4riet3 '" 4411 1:16.0 1 1 8 ` 43 Vatier 'P ru fk B l.;" .. , Al' lieles ConspoundlStreagtheame Tonic', and Ger..' '1 Also br , IrrpyrlTp.og.:ag: DINKIA , I.D in rugr"., .aftliated . 4iih; ' They I morbid secretions V°1111) ' r '" ggilet " Miliwni ' ''''. v- ' '''' '. isle g dietreSsing diseases Which „Vema tes are' liable. t be I;c61°1 1 mse a number ordisell. Carlisle ,ll ' . ' ' 3' f ' (.3.i.. ...: 1 1 j4 . 2.9 '.....' A1T1 : I Which:whew retained,:sonn !it induce _ ha and 'ads. , , ..... Pfice - '94e,nollar',a . ollie.:. -; it - .: , ~.. 0 , 9, 400040. 1 " o. re ,,, ,.. 0 cr . . 1, ema t etit int ivy ~ . . -t 'WORM 4 " - ' ' •' ' ' '' , -.. ~ - --., .. • !orable all'thuir hires.. Those:pills : Oiled a . iicord l i ng to • ill 'd rectlehis iiii - edia'tdlY ereat e ,a. newanu heat .7 ea : , 1017:13 : RII , Ikt; :,, ~ - 81,,. WORMS ... ~, . 'A t , chef wile :,, by: le, B(CW:by' .o,u dying `fir 'Vz:':Toritatoye theew.triiiibleikwest.siad'ilangeiduk,'ntion: ,.. throughau I d ad'Oiying :strength. faith° 'totem_ - - add' lebabibuiti Of the otoniaek land'boWOlih,,ithiqu'rf l N l l l: t tk ie-u - 9 9 ' a ' ''"'• t i - nevingthwpnimintli .sitle v ' - hi drew attires:sum 11lare . toteJOWOlNlttit?°,Ye . O .( c i tl4 s ll " ilUi t tliAle- pre= Itr • to i t s . proper ".fuitetiOns , and restoring . l ii i i r ithlliki. tile b‘ilth iifid' * °B:"!6 liveB ctre " I " bowels, k, and loins, giving.oilietite, and invigorat i ng the paratiosrfortheireismial Of t .4*atiatiSkitideefwor __ , :i .. : ,„ ,:.,, : : ..,,, , ~ , ,1,. , ~ ~, . , . ~, ..,. . _ d)ritiep : sia; seat. stottitieb:'Wallt, Of :9pothe.;)9l...iplip.? ~tr. 4 1 . ..r , 1,!!1:.!,..., r ,„:.,,,,,,,, , .,,,,, i futDr.ll'ar • 'licli's' k Cot, A lls.d' §t,Og(l, 9A7 ' , reser Midogtie t tuid dibility of the:slolMlOll .' ll l l "' U r r... .ti . i l 4, F , Z e r nit Z,,Zi i i".74 e i r k zit ,A lls ... :: ~, -. • , Va e n i tr ir d: vd . .4 6f e t 4 it e ir a i ll'o' '-'1 ;;, 9 b . 6 i , -hB - 4 ,_ ' !: - ,7.7; 21 ' ) : . ,.. 1 . j.., ri: T oll i tt r o oi m w ee;: a 9 t o th . ol2 l :liiii ir ELth s tl 6,o , ;:st 4 t .. l:,P J. l . l ,3 l4 6 ers l'i Aliiiitolialiad of Stimuel - 41 11 0 1 A - , 111111.- tevPmn" V i r i a .. , , 4 • .,-. ! . ~ !.'" [Nov g0,,1839. : T . ' I,..ivt ir la i d e , pm , , , • . •••-: [ shay 13 1840 .., • .'c.r.,. Car l is l e, .,. . —, . • _. 1T1A'111.1147 -vip3Diqi-vmm _ • Prepared:nrilibi 0 . .inynq; lz,zv.entor, .a4.' 864 . firnprietor, S'ootfi - no:v4 'Bll7:ept, ar4.l, tpo,-;:tkjiad '6l ELLIOTT and ills° of Srlyr.E.ffi 4"tiN DruggiitiVar- Pd. - , - These medicines are reediiiinefilled and 'Citensive lyused.by the 'most intelligerratina iii the United -States,"-by' ninnkfinfl Profe ors hind : - Pkesidents of Ilifyincennki of • thi(A. and Navy; and Hospitals - and Almidunisee, and . , 14!01, : i3 thud thre 11untired•Clavyinrii - ofvariontid mrniniitiotiff, - -They are'expresilf Omni - wed fotAlimilY use, find' haccacqquircd"amtinpreecddented poliftfarityr.through out the United' ; .1v; they tire i so- ntlittirebly to pitserie itmiiralu and etwe .fitniilt_should-ever'be ly . ithout them.'- The prome toe'ot entiolt at one.of the hest Medicakeolleges iii the•Uni tell flitatta, - And`liiii had fift.t. - ati reaEe ckpbrretwd in an extensive:and diveolfled prticticeiny he hashed ample oppdrtunities of siegturniK a . I)6lCtipla know Eagt t'ettledieti b icatcitlated to remove (hem. • •' • ' theie'Prejiintioils Consiei ' JAYI 4 /E'S fIXPUCTOR . ANTiii valuable reMedi. for 'cough; colds,- .. consuMption, afithnet, snittinx of Weed; croon . , lumping congli, liroiriehilifi, pleurisy and inflammation of the'ltimgs or , throat, difficulty of limit.; thing., and all diseaScs of pulmonary, organs.—Price One dollar. • . • TONIC ; for the preservit tints;4rewtltand. Lenity of the hair, aind-Which positively bringnew hair bald. heads.,-Price one , • • • - • Also :JAYNE'S , TOT•I1C - VtriMItILIGE . , Et' cer tain and plea r wortu sant•romedy fOsidYspepstilddles, and many other diseases._,•-reice 5P cents. si certain cure for bowel and summervomplainni, diar- One, dyeentary Orarims; sick sour stomach; cholera morlms,ind al derangements of the stomach and bowels, nervous affections,Btc.—P ...e 50 Cents: • • " • AIsojAYNK'S',SANATIVE, PILLS, foe Female diseases, liver complaints, costiveness, fevers, mntitrotn- glandular,;ebstructiousolisettscs of theaki to, Ste. and in all cases where,-an alterative or' , purgative medicpie is required.---Vrice.o cents a box, • • • . ' May13,t840.;-.-ty :WAY NE'S Fa PEC TO RA . NT.-I"liii 'UP • 'medicine has alreadyproved itifelf to be all that it has lxcen recommended, by , those who have siren it it fair test in this country . , and the demand for in creases daily . . We have Just beard of- an, important lina - lie - eneffetted - liy the - use - of •it iii n neiglituiring town- ,- -th - e,case WO that-Of a fe male' who bad for a hingtinie been .unifer - the - care of a-plivsicioo,buthod received-iin relief, and .tier. case , was beginning to , be considered hopeless. As a fait resort she purchased a bottle, of Dr. •18311 . 01ENpeCto-: rant, which caused lice to expectorate freely,grmlusil- - IYrased her cough, and is rapidly reatornig her to health. We have no hesitation in saying this prepa- , ration of Dr. Jayne, for the cure of cot.iglis; celds,• fluent, Asthma, Consumption, &e t .is the most vitlua, hle meilicine ever offered to the Anidricanipublic.....:- 'rlierclk no quackery about it--11r. Jayne as:one 0„... the most skilful .p physicians in Pennsvlva- Mal' and wherever his Preparations have been ihor mighty tested,- herliflooked upon ash, grealpablichen- - efitetor,- , --[Somerset - pre.) - Journal. - --- For - sale by Sanitierlilliott *mid SteVenson kle, CarlisleMa. • ... • [may IS 1840 - The liidttf