Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 19, 1840, Image 3

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.0 . 8 . 11111t6E .1 . ;.A BB; Ediforb
-' ,. .V,AR111.8,1;,1E'
,FOR ntEst'DiNT;
;"• ".. FOR VICE'' PRESIVENTi" •
0:;N:* H N' 'TYL
.. .
.. .
loun Ai:4m ;WAS A. LAWYER.
... '
' ' ANDREW,JACK.SON7IS - A LAWYER: ' . ' • .•..
-.'.01,0 causes produce similar elfectsf under. Washy
, iington,the country -was prosperous and happY: , Let
- . • us have anotherliirmettrresident and another. age:Of
- -prosperity and plenty. • . , . .„. •'': •• '
Delegate Elections.-
Pursuant tos..ptihlic notice, the Standing
-POmmitteeof•theAVOg_Party.ofCumber ,
-land-county-onet-at the-publicliouse'otMr; - 1
Peter . LPeibly,,in'Carlisle, on Monday the
• •
-17th instant.' • : • • • •
GEORGE' SEELMAIST, of.Allon, was
vpeinted;Glidirman, - - - and CRABB,
of Carlisle, Secietary. ~•
On motion, it was •••—.
aisolved, -That tll6 citizens ot,CuMber-
I. • •
land county., friendly to the erection of Gen.
Will lain - 1111..11arriOia - aid John
o Tyler, be requested to meet
- P speetive: . borkingtts_anil„to.w Itips; - . at. the
- • opipl.
ternoon of . .
TaRDS 29ih.o.4..drUGUST,-
1840, and elect Tree Delegates fur each
_duly it shall
v-be . --meet'Poupty:Cortyetitioiiiift
'I own nail; Carlisle, olt •
Septembr, 1840,
at. : ll'9'_Olbek ietke . forenoon.'for" the -pur-
-pose ofriominatingn CQUINTY TI C KET,
-to be. presehted to - the -people.of' Cumber
land-county for their support, on. the 13t1i
.of - October next.' . •
'Resolved',- That these, proce,edingy
signed . :by the -Chah*an - and
,* , crefory
and published itt the "Herald," carhBle . ;
"diiivocat6 -r . r lir:Viaiiiberlim(l4._.nd!_!Hero
of Tiifiecaime,"...Shippeipburg.
_„ 'GEO: IV: CRABB, Seey. . • —_.
" - irr7 - The South 11.141dleton Tippecauoe
club + . / 111 - int: at Churebtotn"cm'Satuiday
morning next, at 9 o'cloch, p_reparatory to
atonding - theGreat Meeting at Mechanics
burg. Verymerribek is rhquested t attend:'
_,:—.aricitanicAltrg •110eling_p_t_:_
A . ireat meeting of the p2ople , Will be
held aciViechanicsburg next Sattiiday. As
this is . the Inst of . the great district meet
ings,,we Hope e ry good Harrisonrmaiiiii
...thecOunty will b present. The I;taco
foccik Say they will , Ilnw us and outnurn
ter tie. Perhaps they willbut let us
make ifivery troublesonfilob.tor Wein . -.-
Turn out!_ turn out! " One .fire more;
boye,and"the:day'e-our own !" -
Strte Cowry-fiction!
In Lainaster • - eity,•Friday 18th of. Sept.:
I3y,.or'der of the State Centrak.Comint:,
tee;-11t c..friends T uf--11 AR:RISC N. AND:TX:7'
hoill-a.State ConvenW3n• in Lait
caster Ciiy*On Friday the 18th day of,Sefi.7'
. .
/ember : , Let Cumberland, county_
• repare to send at least 3 0 0 delergates
di.- . more,* if : poiSible. • We ;nniiiit twat, 'the
Zoccuf- 7 :-toind that, boys— r ,alihough
western counties will be represented in the
. ,•
rie 'Convention: The •EtiStern counties
alone, must bent • State': Convention - of
theLpCofneos.. 'They can dO-it.'-•-and,:they.
- Saturilay morning I:m44out Oidifink;'
iinoMrofq), ca t yo,looo:iii pilgrim Ncofocos ? ....
tOolt,:their departure front • thWidiainotid for'
IVei Ville ,: T.ll:e TroCession was composed
of,citizens:frhirr thejower_end,_N_orth_nuci_
South Abdtllet(in' and the boroq
tinges, barouchnsi gigs; - Aearbornes----nnit
wagons. ,Tho long linp.of sombre- looking
(woo ronnnded . nejorcibly. of -41, 4unerol
p,rifees.Sioii- 3 —, and really looked aa,,thougli
they had''.:‘ come to' Martin, not to
__praise "The,etief mourners, coni.
_prisingthe (,1900ty, , And,pcierkil Oino p 9 1 7 -,
wernin::front,===ajew - Sheriff aanth4 -
-dete#'Ontl;eilpeetent4-15f-etheri)arty-Ifet: , ore,
composed these . (most
nuglertfue ;who attended , the funeral for
bledehoys,:atid little skaynrs:;rutdeetivelkie,
x?pri ehT.e an . , sorrow e.y " ! ,1 0 , 8;
and in silenee„"andsorro*Ahey returned.
tiole funeral
We 11
trltre` nu'yobeke
11111 M
In tharehing,frem., , toWn to jh'e'.place'of in
terimut,,,they nuMhered,"!'apeording .to dif
ferent-eountS,' Ci764587 7 --680.-and 1100.
156.hiirkgivenllie, higheit,touni.o.s their
netael strength, : w4ielt,'we not
offend them. , They - probably:diftnittiribered
bot they- had .nuttibers'Proth,Pciry..
and k'renklin.edunties,'Which we had not.
Guldiagl4er, Esq : of, this placeim;e
was quietly , eonsigned
to - kis 'iolitical
. graye:without a;tear. or a
Our frieods_ and neighbors'.-returned
in the : same good order. in_.witich they left
=and • we do most sincerely' regret 'that
they ; were diiturbed tho'.f.,og
Cabin, by a Parael of 'boys •tvhe had :put
up a pole, there in the
n 'nfjernoitin', and had
tsken poSsession. of the : premises . .without
They find not „the . copnfenancei:pf
the:plity, believe of any jai : -
Vidual of the party. On the teittrarYi.'
. Capt .
Bretz, who we believe , was, only qar,.
:,the. cabin, " :vain by
threats and entreaties to : keepthe:young ,
rogues -1 u let It was , an - occurrence- which
was not expected, 'and Which . could not. tie
.against: All the
,ean_do into re
gret-it - 7 - - •-±
show: what was thought of ,
lIAIiRISON,, and how tlie Abtory af.llte
Tha;mes was estimated . in 1813, 'we sub:-
join frOnitbe Cumbeilipid Register, (prink-.
ed• by the- lute ARaiIIBALD ; of this
piace,.-s-soldier of the RevofutioU, and-the .
-recognized . . organ - or- the- , Demoeraey - r of
- Comberiandeau . iity,) a pruelamatipn issued
by" . .Gerwral ,Tanzeo.:Li mibfrtoti,Chief •Bur:
: ..cnit;9e . y ;; -.ssis-,-
taiit - Dergess - oftite-Irarmigli3t `tlim true:
- 1111 - : — Ramaer:afterW,ards7relite - aentett.llll - 3 - ,
demoeracy of-this district in Congress, and
Geneial•Jantes j.sanherton, now acts with
the,partir that .deno.uneeti the man for_wbosp
victory-bp -.ordered an igurnivatioa of- the
tow -Ilere is-the,:precious
---read_ it ;
. .
Whefeas, in the wise - counsels •of
Ildayen - ; - -it'llath pleased Diyine Providen . CO
to give e.eom plete VlcproßY to: the A - inei
ricapc.- Army., commanded =hy M A ,1-0
- 0 E N It A ITA. 124 S - 0 N,- aver.
.the Prillsh - A rmr'ald" their savage - allies
.continanded liy General Proctor ;
b_on . e . eglienco:of- which r applicatidn
liaili been . - . made for-permisSien to il
luminate:the .brnugh,' ae• a testiinoky..Of, • and:.appt'obation of the Aileasing
news; • . e - •
"Therefore' we have edneeivedit propei
to give thiS.publie notice, granting permis,
skll° •any and every person -within the
bounds of said Borough, to: illuminate their
houses ; on:Vrid - tiY , oYeiiingilie• 22a instant;'
" Given. -Under. our builds . at Carlisle,
Friday. morning, 22d October, : l lBl3.---;
• _ ... . BuPgesses..
--: 7 -4 'Agfeeablf to - the - Au - ye - poll ce;-cMilions
were fired under the.directlon 'of the Light
_lnfantry company of Carlisle,' who pbrad
ed in'uniform—bells rOng,and.the public
buildings ..brilliantly illuminated, together'
-with-overy_house_and_Pollege-itt thebo.r
.rough; (with ? only a :iew- exceptions, the
names so exmting no doubt , are taken
notice "Of; and . tii~ali probability will be
•preservedin the archives„ of the dry'clocks
_ol.l.fitmberlond=c_ouuty4,__An. oleginiLband.
of music, playing in . the publie buildings
until 9-6?clock,-whenAlicy-turOed out and
marched aloog.the streets,' playing patrio-.
tic tunes, accompanied by number of
(,citizens :With lighted candle's; Moil. thq
limited hour arrived (11 o'clock,
when the whole asseridilWregred to their
respeetWrabodes;.;io thereatest'habliony,
good order, and* de - eorTu.:,'Cuniberlatid
-Regiiteic•Qctol?er 2 7 , .1813, '•
ror„-a CertifteaTe_
of the eltaraetei of General Harrison,' as a
soldier and tireitix.en; Ivo refer to the result
oC the recent electioniu . Kentucky an l
- The north.waStern arniies.were
co'm'posed ehiefly of citizens of those states
---the battics'of :Tippreanoe, fort *kip,
and • the ThanteB i 'were fought , Ary :thein
aedrnow : ihey-have- : given larger TnajOrities
than they ever - gave. before,.for the Hero .
wlio led their in war, and the Stniesnaciri.
Who.govOined then! . peace. STIVA
add -this,that :H lVl r Gene ral.,MAtOmo;
Who w . att . hereO 'O a, tour el . inspection on
Saturtlaya and 'Manday last ? speaks .in the
.highest.terinti of his Old Tellow•selqier, and;
• •
along' with .
the way, we had almost Uegleeted to:
.resu uoulha t the gallailt.Petieral:lllMihtte:
K. an emiliced)ll - Mselflkfatr
ier:Of' the•old Cull
hero' lie:
with.liiiOn all his ; expe~l ' itions against'the
Indians-Was' su pperter Ora.
'and was
Painted bY.lllM.:GOVeriiei
. ,
warmly-: attached le eneral, - q;:tol110:c0s01
or did tip,. that. he as: , tual taken', the
istli Mir !:*' ; and t
s~ieeeh delivered; by him recently
~in I hila-
lie laughed - at 'tile
23" my: w
• a-w
- ~
A)lt '
Jackson r said ° his, ‘.‘fiiikis were lonshert,'!
and :that' if'he supported the, war aisall, fie
did- . jt by,tqlk ! whilst 9en.- Harrison was
periling his life in 'defence of his countiy.
Wiiile, Slavery ii
1 4 20'L SHE S':'.'o
• • Bdeirl
'l,,et' those who talk: so,
ty o Generalflarrison,
the merciful Conduct of •fflartin, Van .Bu
rem: •General liarriSon never permitted a
scildier to be - flogged' • •
. .
. .
.„ . ,
Fleming Lilingsten,'ati, - American. Sea
:man, was yesterday madel,lic!'itdergo the
sentence of,a N' ourt , Martial recently.
convened ,>oklyi.and, approved „by .
the President pf the United 'States, Which,
for cold:bloodeil.cruelty; has, we trust, few
examples in our'ntival annals.
. . . . .
- 4 - 31 -. .eyeiVitriess'.tik the, barbarous scene
has dpieribed , it this morning-in language
that chilled ifs .to- the hebit. • -
.. • . .
. . . .
' .. The'pttnishm6iit was inflicted 'on board
the North -Carolina :at :New York.: _The.
victim w
' as . :strippett..nake4-.and ladled, to. a
staiichcon,• where,:undei the burning ;sun,
and, 1.11
; in - 6 presence' of the ollicerS aOd.
crew . of the North Ciarolina,l2o LASHES.
with a Cat were ..intlieted.ppon him, each
one of wrileb - ctiiihofleihrio ih bone!..o:o.
inforinant states- that with ahhast,,every
pieces of flesEii,;th'iriut fr om . - the
bitch; and scatiSred:htiout .tlio ; ileck of the
vessel, while the •agonized.sefeams of The
sufferer could be 'heard fo - r half a
tart. .. Merciful Heaven in ‘vhat.' , ltge, iir
what' entintryi.,:do - •Vve live? Are tlie'days
of barbarism' never td end?. I'ol4
boasted progress. in hiimanity and civiliza
tion? In-vain-is the citizen .protected - by
.the conSti.tution agaihst Cruel ;,and unusual
punishment-in vain have.:the,
Mu 'screw been banished„ from otir
tr - Jin - our. codes-of iiirisprtidene'ci.
iiiirea rdrell orour country are :to be
made the victims of inhuman .atrocity
_ .
this . .f.l •
Recollect; : sofi-herted lOcofocos
ye mci of ritereiful.bovrelt—that . this most
BARB - A.ROILS:xr4 - O - 13_,14.10 . 0 Y
1), -SE
NTEN, c'E Fag .appi•ovey by : :1 - an Bit
_Will. thit fak stogy you, front
for 'him? ALo, ye hypocrites.- - ,ye slanderers
doiible4liced Whiners—were Martin
Van-Buren .to shed: - an ocean of innocent
blood---fire' your corniirwfteliiiii-Hiavi4
your, wounenand : mnke slave . e,of , YOur
would still 'shout hOsannas
to-his no tne, an d-iiralte-t elkin-ring with
the -cry of Van liiercikand VaiiocracyP.'
• The Editor of the Albany Evening Jour
nal, has ..just. rettfited from i 4,topr
through the western portion of WO state of
Ne"i!-York, thus speaks of. the prospects
of (reiteiill.llailiSen in That region. NeW
Yoik is safe for 'lo,oo.o:*hig_majority-at
least The "Ball Won't stop until Van
Bnren's' infamous -' Administration . is p.ut
;down. . •• •
onnticS -- uf - SunceOTW - ayne -- and.
Yates, the contest will be •qlose. and the
result is .douhtful. - • The - Whigs
eyer, doing their' wliolc duty in each of
,these counties.— Nor are they doing battle'
;done. Their efforts are seconded by•
strong. Conservative- Sentiment.. In the
Whig counties of Cortland and Tompkins
.our majerities will be handsoinely-increas
.eil. Ontario will give a niajority worthy
oflWrime meninikcifies L . days. • lying. -
ton, always true as -steel, will push its, ma
jority to, the highest point. Alleglienyland
Cattarague.are good and - sure for 1200 ma-
And -.this takes us into the Eighth Dis
trict-the free,- uncollared, - indomitable;
.gloribus • Eiglith • There the
watch-fires of freedpin born bright, and high.
Thence the eyes•Of the •naoon turn. • There
the _hopes: of freedom rest. ..A nd _ these
hopes-twill .be ablintlatitlyyrealiiad—,,The
:Wliigs- of the. Eighth . District Will, make.
'one concentrated, miglity:etFort ta.redeetii :
the'Republic: They kept their own soil
free - , in the worst oftimes. To their fidel-r
its'and perseverance the'etatd: is indebted
fer.its tlisenttrialnient.. , On them rests, now
the hopes of the Union ! .Yes, the fate and
destiny of this vast BetsUhlie - isiii - theliunde
cif - the Electors of the Eighth District! , _The
vote of that District . will .determine the: po
litidarsehiirgeter.of the Empire State. The
:Empire State will determine the Presiden
tial Question. This .a high and sacred
trust.. But, thank.,lleavO . ,,
• stfteLhards. have .- known the f'e.Bt'
longaudintiniately.' . 'She is as true,to dutY
trust Wer faith. - For . twelve 'successive.
years, 'Muhl continued defeats and disaster,:
when ‘,'Treedenf shrieked" tit ever :'other
part - .of :the. •
on, 0.. Eighth. s District
-stoodttoitllr Mitfron - the7folitiTl4eiv
- y . fisticyslieiring - kpietneeptirerwiSetd - alls7lM - 1 -
cheerless, ,TheZ,Ns7.liige of: the Wesi:are
now:: "iii sight Of . . land:" '• They
the firoilifotio Harber,.•''O s ite
616 - ,..6frort ! hring s thetti,", .sutelY,krita
That . ,.etrert : ; Ovpf
Magle.r: Ji,Vearipak.iiimfitle44 of the:West:.
Under a conviction AltattliC:_ollilcialeanvessi
will verify'stir ol?iiiiol~,; :we unhesitatingly.
estimato,;General: arrison majority., in.
eeee;:ll,lMiree, Niagara, and 9 - o,6io,,vyilicti..
compose the EightluDistrict ; a(Mbre.thau
pxygN •
ki4 e the'tifteer,,CoMi n
BAND.''Anti;Wi thig'eferWitelMitittrhig .
vote. in the .west, cive leave the Jiiocnclie sc
4,‘Cretri”. out, a - niii,jiiritY,foi'Vaii 'Buren
the imti=ifiNeff,col.4lb.iii?ii - 7 4,enitti
eat a
- 1 P 1 '011411.10-,ltre.Bl .
'-Ai Sport-as the
,returns of the
6160064 i jir I{entucl ► v,, Indiana, Illinois,
thiSsouri,7 North Cainlinei ' and „Alabama
aarc,iOcei Yeti, .
believe, from the., imperfect renitrii: befere
u,,that the jidvegainetllargely in Alabama,
Illinois and 'Alissoltri: Kentiieky. and In
diana.are ours- beyo:ntli .. .tii,Tute, by unpre-
6 - 461; ted majorities=and. „tve'bciieve. that.
carry .. 'Neyth'garoitnafiy - from
4000 to "6006, majoritY, the'. returns
ree . eiveti; confirin,. us in' the opinion',. that .
nothing but tleathicati: preVant, Gon:' Har-, i :being elected President of .the
:United' Staes..• . Our 'Blltintiore: papers of
Monday haying.fajlei.l . to, feaelt Its, we:
brief - - - s - ufrifiiary'Of re
turns-J-I;6M' the Philadelphia> Not iter of
Monihiyintorniit , „ 7 .‘4ly ..:. next
Shall. be able to , tell . Our readers the precise
result in Illinois , andAireliablYTin North .
Carolina,, Alabama ~ and-, Missouri.
By-last :hight!s• -- mails tire - receiYed
furtherdetails of the elections in . the.'west.
:The triumph' in Kentucky. is mere- over-
Wilt:lining.- them:My:thing -we re,netaber
that section'-o1 the Union. 'The majority
thus fir is 15,1 . 0, votes,- with 27 counties
yet to bt whigs have_
- electql-"Er SenatorS, Van' PUren.
ineu-onev--1 1 he- -- lfer,rescntattYc's --- si - and - -
w Van Huron:. • .
_ _
• -- 1111iittiS. • - -
in this - Staie . the friends - ofjtarrisnn have
gained - very*, e`9nsiddiiddy
,;•-• hu fit
"sible:Lto : with., th - e - tinperfect details
before Us ; - -the. exacCresult• - wah. regard
toTtlid.tegiglature, (hUfaggregule
The last.Se . nate diyiiletl, and
one-ticeonnt before'us states thfit.the \vhigs
have 'elected . 5 Senators and .the. Lneolneos
be" 'lilt - the
Lion, thus whigs haVe - :10 mein-
her 4 and Ibeioeofoeus 21. A Whig guim
of,one: • •: • : • •
A.pes,theript tile' CleaVidandlierald "ef
the sayst--"•Wo have just seen - n p;-et
tlemanilof: this:city, -wit& -coup passenger
in the dleaveland front. C;lticago,.which
_op Saturday, 'arid who isity's,4retio. in
telligenee - iben - rceeit;ad Chieago-,' it: .was
conceded, by the locofoces, that - the State
had 'given whig majority of from .1.1000
to 5000., • • • : • .•
crtir friends; however, sltbuld, not be -.toq
sanguine,,as it is almostitnpassilLs -to forth
`any thing like a definite opinion, with • the
scattered and imperfect rettotts4eforei-ue.
We have matic-a comparison of the return
'f 21 counties which gave--a whig- majori
ty:of 757, The Louisville Journal'receiv
-ed - last night says: • . •
• ;. ''i , A:ltighli sPectable gentleman, direct
from Illinois, viaindianopolis,.firings tit=
tinigW - 66That in • - , - erle ve in The.
North Eastern part of the State, the tic=
torious Tippecanoe spirit has swept
thing before it. We cannot .untertake at
present to say s A
vliai is the general. cliarac
_ter.pf_the,reqult in irast
that her whig. voico will mingle,- in the
mighty elmral symphony, that. is -going up
-like the song of . a redeemed' nation from
the great . valley." - . • •
Zlli*son - ft
• 'As far-as 'lteardiferint We have- carried
•St. Louisi St. Charles, Moßtgotnery;'Ma
lion, Lewis; Beione, , Pike- and Cooper- 7 -
•and the LoCtifoCos:Jetreron aiid Washing:-
tOn,CoUnties., 'We do „..noti,expeet to carry
Missouri,now,but , 'Wheti,./larrison comes
forward; we give `'the'Looos a'titird
shake • for: • . . :
'.A 'letterin-the Globe 5(1 7 '
toit,the a s sign unexpected tilitti)ro
of the.Loe - olOco.:. het Lenin ille..Thurnal
of the late s t date inakei :'the.ag4regnie. ma
j ty; of J edge 'l3 i b ir44'ei, Q 314. votes.' ' The
Whigs l!ave:At3er.nat 14 •i 'Ointors", , 'the : Vim
Buren men one: The whips have..eleeted
69 -Representatives ; - Repre,senteth*,- an'd thO Van-'Buren
. .
The . lltelli,,irence 'from this, state eontintles
'favorable:,' - . The Richmond. - ,Whig sums
Up' the . returns, .'
Van. Boron .rells,'sinee - 1030..
` 4 4ln Werien, 07 iii
;Eclgeeombe y ' 130 ill Nash, - iflimifort,
614 fin h tis ;
Whig gain since Greene,
437 , in • Pitt;-3 in Franklin , 24, in Wayne:.
277 ,- ii:jobtist6 . 6;,4ol .
-hr-Lerioir- 4 -4854. • •
ar gam
Q 77: And in • the '.tioubtful • portien2
the Btate.*here -1110 Pcdf# . 6 1 1 Pected
neeossiottOl etter tile • Observer,
Cif,: the.,„l2tll; l from Well. _ we:. hike these
the matter "setttitr.:”.
aril- I ; ctrcli~ il:clec!,e4,liy, itVipco majority.
spealts or.iplipense accessions
to the 'Whigs since 18 8 38 ire;Alie western
from - - 14 - iiielFw,o ,•Itave • nof-rylet
4intin t
ga Wi t Alio.. Le gilna iti r9v , ,• 111 Hstli
fai a, in 'N b i•th a tnn
id. Bertio . l; _ , s:
:Mk , * los OM ti bu s;' 1 in .Lennir
'and Gie6ll,'
s ,
I'here is a
..c oubl. of thei Whigs:
divin'g..theii oiNttliriAvstX
Rouse; - antbti&r.*ntipitm of =tho,r4initod
wirraltag-A-Inti clarp-4115
- 0...:i,:'. - o,'',gj,,op:s
I Hudiaua.
-lNorli- Cslrolilia.
~. :3:4:, _. ~..
_ - ~ ~~l%:
Statesl.. , i.qc•the , 'LOcO'l'eatt-";•look: , forvittid.:;Jß
v.hope,. .sheml be
sorry.ttf.d9p4yo r theto of that ,soprifort'.
The, llidtmo'nd • '4/11
el4sted Gpyrnor . ofU'ort.ll Carolinaliy,trEiro.
.6, :to" 16„900 majoNty, nikl 'with a. WhiV Governor; a
Whir Legislature, and 'so largo - ; ti ins
gust, un-rational man can dpuk tliat !Goil. Barri
Whi'aenbtialfa Imporn the'Sati;;BP.6fie of - We'ev 6 4 as
certain. ' Viigiina•itnd North Carolina,' who have so
long aeted'shoohlpritwilioulder Will not he separated
iii Nevemher; ....Both Will vote YOr Pen., flaiwtson,
handsome majoritiee.' , ' • -
. • •
Ilvin the .Eliiabeth y .c.) • :Phaiii.i 4
13eitycy•Aye giye. the ipturus room reamilewouindy..--
completelyyouted. .Mtireheatri
niajni-ify over Sounders is, - 3; being 93•Totes - niore
than Rayyer ,got , over SaWye last:, yeari showing
Whig gainof 92 !. . -
_ • ,
• . .ror G.avg6lar. •
„,: . 'Morehead (W. Saundoes
;• Couit House, ..XOB ' 55
Canal Bridge,, ; 134 _ •ba
Oki T"1 1, 282 00 !'! -
• :.
• CC?l , Vbal: a glorioes ‘.07/IDuip" „ irfi.est be !
efinneelbr the .I{,indei*Ook.- lhaiVrafi
we, learn that majority in North
pi.ohn ~ne
increased :6y the 'counties - yet to be heard
. -
• from,from,'.lgissotiri,has.gon e i,
as . .every. body
expected, for Torn penton....
The-result- of - th don. - Nertli — biireli:'
na, we should :think; would open' the eyes
of'the Licelbcos 'to the fact, that the days
of their-idol arenumbered:' ' • .
The Gl.oi•ititte W.i4l
- :fil ARRisoF4tily-
liasajuet re=
turnetlt.o . Carlisie,.afteije - 7residenee of two
or -three -years Ili Ohio, remarked the other
day, that there, were 'only two . eaodidate.§ iii
the nest, GeOral - Ilarriso4 and Old
Fhe snbjonieil
confirinllis assertion : ,
- 'A 'lady .titlto reeentlybeen travelling
. • , .
in the west; upon her rout tn was
asked : by a Van Buren .mon "who:seemed.
to' be the choice for P.reSideoll • She "r&-
elk Oil 'that. they wore nearly even: 'v:.
,betti - yon tbatr• said tbefriend of Van•Bu
ren,. to some persons standing ity. "
-mlidanOto: you not think- that -there are
rather inure personS - - in:favor of Van Bnren.
than 'there are- for liarriionll7--___i_Vaallap:
ren ! Vae•Buren !" said she,' "I do not
know—who-1m is;- but as .I,passed through
one.orthe -.totVits. eiety 'one ••tvai'huziaing
fQr Harrison,. ant:ln - 111e next tt,wn every
oae. Arad- huzzaing for Old Tip, and - soon :
-throughout, ._makes we doubtful
whether Ilarrisoit er Old
setr by _ 1 - ,
• td.To" . show - that the Locefocos• eaku 7
atetl=c,n• earryinginiliana; we .quote -the'
Wowing from the, Globe of July 7th:
. .
"The uprising of,the ; people in that Slate. be. universal . ; 'and the party of
'B - hunts - and alittsee will iria - reery show' their
hendsafter the August ,eleciion,•unless the
-``signs of the times" and the: opinions of
-our fiTencls•greatly deceive us. The ,-ao
ticked letter is bat, one 'of the. niany,tis
-,t, rof j tiiutriplilint result in 014
_The stThjoined..isalm. t4lOsing • paragraph ,
of the letter mentioned by AIM Globe: —
. "You may- *pencil on it. tird -tan- eleei
Governor by 'from seven thousand
tai ten Thousand. majority, in -August, •and
give•tO Mr. Van •lluren in Novem
ber. The democrats will, have in The, Le
gislature fromtwenty to twM4-five • majo
• • •
IVI _tit it lED,
l'llursility ;lost, by • the Itev. William C.l.len-;
net; Mr. Wzt.t.t.or DArts,
- alt - of - Newv,ille, thie — eoutay. .
t Ifriday.6lll hurt. by the Itev.•ii. - Deesbitch, Mr:
linK ItY Cltt.l. - , to 'Alin .111.1itr.itter, botli or - this
Ott the Same day, by the same, Afe. , .lonit Citter-•
Max, of' Ctiinherlatod County, to Alias - ELIZA nLTtI
3t sonar, or York. tionnty. - •
n the 't Ithlust. by. the same, A.
Esq.,Of 11fartijhurg, lledtbril County, to Miss t:Lt xe
Muria, of Cumbeiintid county. •
in,lllis -boTough. Oil I Itursday
evening lust, RRCII11311.1.1) LOUDON,
. .
The :deceased was...a-Soldier 'of 'the , l,ll-;
dian arid RovolntionarYt wars,
which Ire eeryed:'•ivitlr:distin,guishetf.dretift'..
PlCiiously to and ilia late Nvar,
conducted t h e etoriberlantl-Pegisie .
the otg'an of 0 deltroqiitj*' :
cotiniy,:4ith ! cnnaideiaikle
teemed , ,
those hint; as: ,nn.
honest man, a, usettil citizen; end:.ll Tore
patriot, • .;• .; •
- .
. e I
/rh Rev.cronttF..-A.LUD ma. died at . ! !
• : The'deceased f •tyo9 a .:natifp. GO
id: nt any
Ate' miaq, an ...accoinidishe-di and.: ay
exemplartnititeir,2-1-10:::CanWhe ' re:.a - feiy
11111110 m agcy;itrinignr , 7 ,-,...ati4,1 - ia 7 ,bfkin rise
'fully. employed in-' giving ---.histrtctim in
in'. teaching =, the"-anciOtit, and
'faithfully. and ,well attended, and hibtifial
w ntp
accoan fqrr_ns•.iniil . I
respect' which xsteem- -for ..his
.. ; ch;nacte.i. , l
• i:49lll'suggiEtt.. •••.: .
• this
of his :rel~ytjve' s : `„fir 'p tiiuliir,f~icn s, they
inkY;L69 austi Ili nee :tl . lllt.
7:1e1 attfitledAthicLentil4thigatn_
tlsopedi in the in einory
:E dirt c ,• •
,LEip •rTE,r,ts,
' 4110 TdStlliT - I!..7!lt ' Or,Nliciael t ,• ' 4\rprilAclatifeac
Vera. i !licpp - na.
In' ti!e - abei‘v .ealalu , to nolkis",llOlilediiitti payload,
"11,1CfliFLA1011r rr J .-.
, ';',4recytOrs
- 1 T-,
Gun:6o.llllW : - C.Oun ty- Poor .'RciuBo.
r•Direciors •Of , the.Pdor and of the
Hone! of -• Employment fdr the• Connty
•• of qiiintrlancl,
I take this motie . alkis,iitling my office Its .s.toniril
ac.- of the sidil - PooiLliouse,:to mho 'elriict"
Morph nBll when' inv 7di yelir ends; mid' o sincerely
rettirii thy 'thilyiks - to . fhnnOnoptupity and . all the for.'
ivell.ns.tlio!,preselft'llii.eictors, for their ,long,
inclukehec,forbearuneComil kindness:6oNi, the time
I have held said;i3lficei mid 1 doidedge.hipielf
chsirge,iiiy , duties ns usual ; to - the best -pp soy abilities
&Om tlie,end'ef my . said 7th year, 1111(1like
do I:Promise to sill ossiSt that 'for the
good 'of thminstitotion 'the hitnutes there - of to thii.
besrof my abilities - if i•enidred by 'My successor .or by
tliejiy'esent pireptor or their' sitecrssors. ' reason
Ilk giving 4lotice of my - resignation So, tlimllq,y ,
y i
is to nf
ford you n mull °ppm:polity of maid ng
of a otwayd in my room; unit' .hare -d 'single:
'resign', for , my: 011ie agninit
March ,1841,,Ja
and that I Atish to employ therri.l4 something else
Vlach, ttiorlie more beneficial and:. priztletit- for .theuir.
than 'the einplOyment nt,tifisVidreni. .
Very ,respectftillY; your obedient'servant i ,
• - . -: miefLAELIISI.II.IIWIN,'
!Oa Poor-laa!ise,
'liable Fai•ncror girtle.. •
Tursui nco.,of the last, will, awl, testament of
I,,,Georgearilson, late ...or-Vest Peimsherough
township, , ' ritheAtoin -county, dee'd, wilt be - sold at
,on, Wednesday the 7th'. ,day of Oetobev
net,ht,itt o'eloek 4. M 9' gait! clay, on.tilepremises,
the fellow,ini. described.. veal estate, late the • pfoperty
of snit!, tteeedeotoiz:,,., ,
~, • • ,„ .
A. Teabta first: rate
, • -
: ZIMMStOIIt tA - 11'.1) .-.
. ,
situate in Westrienaslierougli township, C um beriapd
v.butity,,Pit,_almttt 7 ruiles_west_of ...Carlisle, aud, .Une
itilie_eqetiroLNleunt4pielc - iiiiitainieg about- - '
• 90 Acres, • . , •
hoUnded by lands of the heirs of Willjant Davidson,
deed, Robert Mt:Km:lto ; and - the heirs of
Joshua Williants; dee'd...- There are about Ist) acre
eleared; in to high slate -of cultivation, and under good,
'hence, thet•esithte is-eovered with 14•strateilinln•m;----
Theitupeovenietitsarea large two story, •
STONE - HOUsy: .- : . Priv I
- • 5 'A
with a well of : good 'water,iiette , the
door; Alle .111Ottitt Rock spring eeosses sok tam near
ly iu the'eentre,.within erfew perelies of •Ilie homer
also a double 7 barn of logs, and, other oul' houses; and
aiood benrmg orchard of 'choke fruit trees: fnrther
leseription is not necessary, as persons -will view be
fore.- they,purehaSe. 1 Attention will „be given, and
trernts.madtiliuown_on_dity..atale;_hy: , ...
- JAMES IjAN.IDSON;?-,E x t rf r
: --3 T,
• • A.u-tistA9 , • - •
Laitietu.te,g,lixailliner will publish tda and send
- to I.l4i:office for-collection. ,
- , 1321.1171C-ITOTIOM:
agree:ll)ly to the tonstitotioil
nia,-itiftt. the .titpekliolders- of said inttitntion - intend
npplyiti6,to - the next I.egislottii.e of the - Common
lwealth (twit feneyaleharter,yiinii_ , -e
- and title to "C r- timberland ley IT:hilt;" increase of
envitsf3md geimeva disci : muting nod I,nukiug
. pri vi
kgesoill under. site!' restrictions as the Legislature
tiniydirelt. The übot.e instihtooil to be - continued
in Cuidisle,d,"ii.
•—• • • - • 3:011Y J. MYEItg;..
Aug. 19,1840,--fitn.• _ ' . - -
A k .r.T a :stale& Orphans - .Court, began and on
NloklaY the -10ds day of August, 1840, at Car=
-lisle - in and for Cuinberlauti County, before the lion.
&mulct. Hepburn President, and - John
.Stuart and
'John Lefever; associate - Judges cif.the same .court, as
signed- Stc.ther following- proceedings were had to
12th:August 1840. hole on-all the hdirs of Robert
.Arnistrong, deeeased, to bhew'eituse - nt tho
:.-ceinher Court 'twit} , the Iteal,Bstate of Robert Arnt
',Arcing , not be iudil; personal notice to
he served on all the tiarlies — residing' within forty
,iniltl,and for all others in tuunewspaporsinibllsliOd
iu Carlisfj, - Terr four successive weeks preceding said
. -By the Court.
Ctuitberland County,
,51 ,.. , 4 1 1. .1.,r t,,,,..e... . 1 -- ,y l t -d u i. ktsti certify ..,li t'n4 t • l
i n e bo r i e t t lef i l: o' br a; true
(Jr.. „Pouts Court iu-alut for said county.. '
A 4 ,- In Mull - 1161y 4 ilfeeeofrluiCe Idireunto
1 1
tt t . l. ""lN ' t i p '. Set inY iiiilli and seal of mid e,burt at
41111 - Carlisle, the t
14th (Inv of Atemst '12.1(V.--
, ; ' • • NV.• I. OLI LKI..,
, _ . • • ••dClerk of Court.
August 19,4840,.; ' . . .
N'pursuance bran' order of the Orphans'. Court of
Cumberland County, will .he exposed to public
sale, on the prend - ses, oit - .Priday the 2d ,f: October
next, at. o'clock noon, the following described-r.eal
estate latethe Properly el Jan Davidson
ceased, vlz:—
'Pract of Liweetone Land, in WestpeausbozO'
township, about miles cast W
NeVll,le, bounded by
holds of g d
ame' Mi'Keehan, Sites, Jacob Lehman
and John Myers; containing., fifty:six acres, mare .or
less.' About 40 IiCITSZIIT cleared, the residue in thriv
ing timber---tthout 20 acres Sown with elover . seed
lasttpring.: There is it well 'on the premises, which
The --- Roil is stlpd-und-pratluties-' . -equal---
any in :the, neighborhood...
Also, on Saturday the 3d of Oetober,, , at-:•.one ,o' l i
clock,.P. :M.- at the house of Gel. Win. Wood
bent, in Newvilln,,tiill be :offered at .public sale' a
-Loref4fradowgromad, about of a mile north west •
of Newville, bounded by lands•of Woodburn; Walk
tlic,Connodoguinet creek,,contitining, 8-tteres
mid IyL perehes, well enclosed and, good Kru-ss
• Also, at the fame time and place, lot•ol' , 4 acres
Of land about Indira mile north east. of Neciville,
hounded by lands of Alm GlCnn!illeirs mid - Sandie.]
Davidson.:.: „
And on - Monday the Ali of Ocoldr, atone o'eldck
On -dm-Premises, Wilt be ofrered-at druidic
a Idt'of first rate - me:l4o%i land,-on 'the: Mount' Rock
siiring, bounded by )souls of Wm. Davidson and man.'
stow filllll of decensed,leontaiiting . 6 • 'acres and - Or
Persons wishing to IT - oh:lse. are invittal to view
01 - o.a - hove pt ojtin:lf prey ioug' to, thetlay:-01 talc. . r •
. ;Terms of Sale,prescribed ht . the
.Court. ;Pt= half
the piirithase Money to be pant on, the confirmation
pl the,stilei, - I,ltd. balance in two erithyearly payments;
'without, intet.:eSt, sectiredby,a the prct.
7:__Theditle will lie Made and Possession delir.-
ereif - ou tbd4,st of Apii4.ol4 , • -;•.
, • : • •,I3y. ardpr of the Orphans ,Court, • •
• * • D tmed
„. ••• - •• • • • Adniitiit..f*ors.
A 1014
. 19, 1 810.74ti1h
- 4
—, on ,Stitutlicy te.sth next
id folloP•plftleseribetl
_lots '
grAtinil 'Sit nate on lArest street. in the liorough
of Cavil ,CiiM •
- -
c z ,! t f,
tlie,TrOtteeii' of, Piekiinion , College
plo,t,.llighateLit._on:tlie . itardtoilet thqiews
_or JOin.flesottiti , cldo - on ,flie weld. and an, olley.oti. ,
she"eblitaintok9l): 'feet froiiien-ps . G:strect,,
sin! 246 ?eel. in.deptli. - !J! , , •
! Also a Toit.' of Lkitiyitr- •and
#olic pf the'
W, Wei!a*of
eed. 'On , thence n!est
JoinOliglatitet OfiVe4,;iitziiicilmaiirotuft•et
acovefilotertiertstliL4i •stret:t; Vsiee! along Po - nal-et
14trect -the lr ot , the tfoc
,`.llcrelc,ll,4s hit _I t t' 100
-144 1 ;11g :cop tuUtdco . lo'
= I
on,the 2.41N4.v-- . .
lieziccy.fititt. , l3COftiUnde
title to theshoip lots will be innfle to the por-
Atscrs 10-W nOrtvirifvoroi Vo
11: ckOrsitie ofie.'6lo;o-
ilvirlctlf j perpecOof l uttil.;l.oltli :Wo'fe Y, : : NOtivr; Air
.1 'oh whei4lll lokilect ;of Said
tlidoaclalt (it . ,b9i0gi41,14 "otheK ontlividekl, half part)46
10114, titi iltivstintict 'br , order, bitlheOkpluros',
.c.fpo rt. :ofißutabeclkiut county.;' , V
IcEr. - 41041 tlthielibed lots Airy
Most ;picas:tut .part-nittio town ftrO a prFiqiiit ri.4ollr6i
‘O.-. 1.'1;17:
• . „ 1, , '.. 1 . 011N Ir. .WENVKII,, , 44I.tier.,.
.7, -- Carlisle, Ai!gut 12; 1840.:.-;-ttls .
Grand 'Califfila Tor .- September. •
0001 ,
sALiAiei.r.. For the .benefit -of the. Petersliihz I.tenevoNot, Afe::
: , • ; thalnie -
To be drawn at Alexandiia
Vu. StituNny,S . epfemliF oth
➢R 4.1A'11 e , ;011t inE . :•=eA ;
;,"1 Of 40;600 160116. i
• •,;
I dd. , 's
1 do' 5 11 0QO ':do g
. do . ; 2,500' do v;
11. ' .• ' ' • 4,297 ;, , de
. Priz e .
' • do ' , ' ' ' • 390. 'de! 7
§1) . .• 110 ; !!: 2 . 00
Cickete ss•Zaionriitrii;2 50
Cc - I.a tiente aof Aie kages, or 20. W l'ieketi
Do',` .• ;AO' - • 20 Dell' ; do ' 65
• Do. , doQoartor do, :32 SO
.- . ,
~. . .
• .. • - Viirr i iiiika Stlite iratitittrY.. - • '''.'-,'
For. tholiieriefif of Ihe W...l.ei•shurg Itenev.oloid.lle; , ..,
eflailid...7i4 . 3dellif iiiii: 2, 4 - Clsas
.stii -- ,' E S: - .6ii':184 , 0'.4a . ti:1113...•
tkitwn id Alexandria, Va. on /3atetydiy . ,l9.ll/ - Sopi
teiribeicl.B4o. ~... :,..... - . • ;.l
-Kr!ii3o Prizes of 11 -- ,6061:c,Ct"
Ist - O. Fie: 66 No. Lotteis.-10 Drawn " Ballots.
Tickets - $ . -:—,
Cero4eittes of l!ackivges of22.Wiiole Tickets sl2o'
" Do• • ttw Half do'
Do.. -:•• flu ' 22Suarter
-., ' - 3
0;0'00' 0614..ii:t:51
Igr.loo Prizes of:1000,4i
. . „
- . . . ,
For:the lign'fit or - the li..frrtiburg- Benevolent Mc
elkinleAssoelation-74:18xs.;:lo. f.w 1340..-To . be' ,
drown at Alexdtdria, Va: on Slutnrday , September
. • . sc•IIENE.
30,000_ Dollar s .
1 l!rivz'of $ 1 0,090=--5,000-3,0u0---2;500=1;017.
cOt lOU Prizes a-MOO (101):irs, Etc.•. •
'rickets $111)--Llitives 155. --quarters .$2,50.: t. , ' .
. .
eertitientei of Pitt:kites of9.3 . Wlioll!'T Facts .si[soLu: •
-.100 '25 1111111 ' ;do
• • '
Capital it)00-Dolls''
Vi 17
P •
ar-the bentlit of lienevninnt -.Mn- ,
nlihnie. - Asonintion--,,Clii:is No. 11 fnt 1040 . ..--Ti3: - Lid f
dru~~ii at Alexa n dria ) Va. Snlntdw , qctii Se*em.
I)!x,18-10. 0: •. : .•
11 Drouqeivos... out 01'7e. , • .•
$ lO , OOO -L- 42 , 0 0 0 L.L-6,000-4,000,--3,0110-2,509---
000- 7 4 . ,769.-1,600. , --ood. - vorious 116811i.r. capitals,
such Its 1,500---2- of 1,250-LLI of 1,200-L-:TU of'l,ol
X.l--120 of stlo-20 . of 400-40 of .300, Sze:"
Tiekels - $lO-1151vvii - $5-44.0arter44 . 52,50. • '
eel:lol(2.sles of I'iickagcai f :16 Wliolo Tickets $131)
do :• 26 ' 110 • 65 '
Do.. • - ilo - 211 Quarters do-- 32 5U
llers for Tickets Hurl 1411:trrzli•cir-Ci•rtigesdes
I . 'ackages in the ithoye Lottery' will be , ..prontidlr
allotted Co and to a 111.1 i wink gentimniedialply rifler it'
is oi•er.: - Address
, -
Waelditt;tott City, b. (4,
• .I.'io!e of George Cifilleitiie,gee'd•: . • "
14 lute or George late of Praiikfot•d town- .
Cuniltenhind county, fice'd. r itavitir, beenissued:
to the 'subscriber residing io said township: 'Norici:
is hereby given to nil thoseindebte& to 'Raid estate'fe:'
make immediate payment, and those having tti •
-peesent them properly:a•tlhvntii:ateti;'fnr settleneht.!_
• ' • ' nowt!. 141103, Nttin7e.
August 19, 1846,-6t • . ,
I' .cr
• • •
forffiT I have ia,pikci totlhe Judges .the Court
EVOngituu..Eteas_.4l::ltialita•la utl =nutty.;
heucfit of the Insolvent latti 4 it of- this Continonivealth;.,.. -
and that Ow said court dairo nlipoitted Itloaday:th'eo,
9di 'flay • ti,PNOtreintir,.. bearuir of, .
and. toy ere,ditoes,:at the 'Ctitirt,liousein thVbordup,ll.
of Carlisle, when and t, here you may attend'. , .
think proper, .
• •
• ErZytell(VM 4 • ,
_Estate -.qf Jphit,Closc, deed..
OF Ai).)1ItIg1 4 1: ATION on the es-
Tit'fi:TOT the Inn•ouqh_ of •
c town, leetr;.
issued to the subscriber reiding ill East Pcnnslibrottgy,,
township: Nortro is _ hereby, given to, ill. Omit:, tn., y
dcbted to the tibove estate to Make : linniediate
ment,ival all those living claims agahot him \ tepsr.
sent them, properly authenticated, for si•ttlement:.
.1011 N IiPPP,
;L:Aitgtist 12,•1340.6t . .. . • •
Estate di. C•i' CC. • •
k' ft" - )1•11 • 'd \'
-Wilt suitl , Testament`or - Heiki7
Rio - tat - 0 to4:ifsNif;:etuOieetuli4
- *Ol. tilave' Eceri s tsTOnl ;o the
•ikentimg towohhir, Noricy. is hereby 'giyon to nil . ;
hose indebted to tho libove estate to make isnm'e4l-.-
ate payment, and till thoio having eliding-to -prettept
thein;prOperly.ontlioltiented;fOr settlement.: .-!'
• ' .EltElAtllleK -
A uguht 19., 1840.---6t* 7 - .
git(4)2111 1 1.12 c ,
G ker,'
tate of Paul, Gberdate otAllen township,Chtn,
kuz-i•butil eonnty. deu'it hate been 'issued .to the
sceiberliihie iu 1104,ViilapiOnSiliikr>tiOTiCiiplierer.,
by given to all thme indebted tistAtei
mintectiate payment, mat all- those haying
viunt - sahl - estate - to - present - therrri - pr . operipuihript,i , =- -
euteil, for settlemerit.-. • .
• :1091'1?..._filt. 'JO i lkSo3"t, 4 1 417. t!.,,
Jl:hgnit . ' '
.RPoltors ItetVol7(
• . • . • •
;11 - 11Uis A:Alr AY from the= . resittink
nivirdotlA - 10. thitt ,furtriinclittiiiiistf44nlo
liarbriritig or truptirg on my
11;4141111)ot. no clnrp . . d. • .4" . !• • ?!. • •
:Atigtu . ct:4la4o.;.; . , • ..
• -
-;:- ~..-. $lOO iIIEWARD.-------f-7- -, - ,, !,
. t _ t uN A tm.ay .fi,., ilie4,lb..4ibrlLthi 1,,,.,Fq-'ls,t .1 , ?? - .-. , ,e
4 r the get4i9 4 . 4 W. , fre f iro o , i-of-I.—Pi z A , •,,
1 ~,iiiqo u Leig h teeiLymttnikur ;o f4ll,l4ickia` . .I t a "•,:'
_(trilgytfrthipok)silitytr'fippleig tveo (11W.V.01 . 41origlit;`±T
..: f _
o•CatlidirCriinnt iltec. .811c..r . tola-ery livid.): Auld 'oilmokw . ,;, .
_food_ Iflteh_iil -.c. 61 111 ,1 14F-: 0 .11 lwr.,115111 , 0;. ~,,,,, 1 .05.', V 11014:
I. dia-'llo44l.ol ll dialad*u.. l ctolt Aimuullestvpft: , ;3,ll,...
rfil,itillllikilleellk.iik!wr nil , PLlga: '. She lino A °eat!, !i.'-,-
C - C.' side tilt' tier:neck " ; iihich. was 'Conseil tyly - ..,;44,,1ip,
She. took, with, hCF, , , , 0. vrivicty of olollol,vigkOrto ly,1.1,11:;:6., ,
t Og
for, symtnec.wcar, itnicisgstzillcsqouirr sevecoVcsk 1m. , ,...
dressijasl ,'*'dlitii.'innler .41K4'ilcstIOOrsitti_i ;pc4,44iii, a .!, . .
*kb , IN ists.a prim I witli '!ElitylOskiliLiobl4.4 jiogitleilx,s. : ,
sildio I'nl.n flood 13-06iiet.ez'4 , *,%'ITre4sliV.Aff'7,:Tcli - . 1 :,.'
-.T11,6 4 1:c0v,e slure-..lkirsemolotr fliatootlo,llol7 l 4loed .;" ~;;
1bR,p4.11, of Cavil:4p, l'ai, !rt lo4 t - Illi 4 throup',',j .
f#loAtvotio,rky lb:441140 i 'tlzil'iits, A Pa t. *labs "*.'"'!./ '
ir st iiio4lo ;f l ik v. 1. wi N . liliCive. 'pewit:4l , loA elnrggven; ~
1 'eti' her 'apprelienbirkn. . ...i , ii).:il;pi.-: I' . 1 !::,......5:' , . ;, i '4
A,n,y,liomyriiintrittioiis 'on liNitliblegaß l ; ; ~,:;.'
JiiCtils 8 woOe t io tit,litliktiotwirio;!.,,l
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