Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 12, 1840, Image 3

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I a_m__
GEORab•w: cYtn s ; ~auor,;
GEN., Air. 31.41. ItOiRiSON,
iritroiliis-lerrius'om WAS A Lair/rum,
tiIe causes kOduee similar eflectsi under Wash
. Mgt& the country was 4moseerotis and luippy.- - Let
its have anotherfurmar President and anotherage of
CaMp Meeting will be helit on" the land of-
Josepharieker; tie . ar:Churelitown; to commence on
Friday, the I.l.tit inst . Christians of'all 'denomina
tions are invited to auttlera-will -be per—
mitted to. come Within threCalleirof the ground:.
TH E _‘_ 6 l.4oG _CA.IIIIO,
' Will be liepi.:l3 . - pen . during'
,the Cbtift
weeks ' ever y evening from'. fl .10 In o'-
elsek. - Nemspallets froth-all parts .
-Montilry_ will bei = -
•: .;;T.lie . friends of Harrison and Tyler - in
Cumherland-- - OOunty,- -will hold a- county
meeting, at or near Mechanicabtirg, on -
Th.e . upperontl_lachad tWo_tueetings—.
the citizens of that section must now tuna,
• ,LOUt;
SliippenOuT,,,Souiliorpoott, Djekinson,
r' Thipewell, and, Carlisle, one and all, tort
--- ouf - and - swell.The - gatliering. • • -
The :Harrison Club of Carlisle is
invited to attend a meeting at Etrown's
'South: Middleton, on Saturday
.The tlistaitee is- about 3
- evening
--The Standing-Connnittee of the Harri
son Party of Cumberland - county is re-
quested to nieef at the. public:louse of 111 r.
Peter Weibly, C s ailiskon Mondlii : the
17th of B nest,. at 11. o.'cleck, A.I4L, to
vnako-arrangements- - for approachi - ng
Delegate elections and dounty Convention.
The :eofilmittee are, .George Bedroll,
-John Sadler, of .Allen - ;.:Geoige W. Crabh,
Colonel Armstrong . Noble, Robert D. Por-
_ter, John.. Early; John H.: Weaver, James
of ',Oarlisle..;:...Joinv..-•Mhiniek;-
. Henry :Zearingi of 'East :i ) ennshorougli ;
Samuel • Ma . rquart, James Culbertson,of
• - - Frankford -- ; -- Win.V..Rhyd,- - of
Robert Wilso,n, - Meellaniesbnrg';
Brandt,_Enocil-Young r _Munroe ;-
envy, ` Robert ; MM . if; WM.
H: WoOMMin, Anifrew - Co;yle, NOvville ;
Thomas D. - Urie,.U.trich - Striak)er, North
77- 311 - datety, - Joho, -- Mitlur,
N. Cumberland Saniuel skeraig ,
limb South Mittdleton..; Wm: Peal, Dr.
Samuel . McClure, Shippetisbu r,g•ij B.
A MOeshap,. ' •PhillipS,West
Pepusboiough..' • : • •
'-' . , ...I.;A.,Nr,'AS'J'ER.-CONVENTION : ,-
. • The Locologp:',l.Aipoaster Convention,
wits a failure .:They.eXpectpo:2s,(loo:Cle
th6n - d1i10264 persons, fell
short, of .500 Q.
• will be a Harrison State cinven , •:
tion held in in-Septeather:,that
heat the 'Tan Buren gathering all' t
;lave been requested to inquire ofihe.edi. :
torOf 'the Vohniteki Whai'beeanae ',of the
Van • Buren , eelebretion, at ;.Wunderlieh's
the_ . 4th of 161yI The. genile4
man' who tie,iod.:us to uaajte the request,
14:4,'Wartn_ friendcl4.*.irau4turen but;
hp° ing -th t, there - ivere'se i n
favor of iarkff,Nuoi one, of which •was-pub."
ma Jo t, 10,15 •now , what manic
0: 16 0 11 * /1 1 16 : 6 0 0 1 % ,010,Vini ; 4 1 ii.019itY :
MEnTINO '0 ) :1 4 1t
rhere !Pgreatiolitetkfi et'. the iieo.
,S4oritati,tas4i! The ;
e° ll t°ur B ":'YOf!:!' 66l #4: l 4,o, 4o - 111 tit 1 Ant'
the bulk" of ;New
,'iMß.',Dll4t l. : o 4::;'74,v2ffitA:4'(lAL , feiv :fit*
o*tr,pfite?ekpii.;fieil 4
a Itirieozi;llteetki4Otree erg toi;hieh:
n't4ei ..,4„4
*9,0 P;4 o ,thq*Ve 'iMYe
roe, ,South M ddlutor
toi6ii- i
14otih:Alida4* ‘ !' P r ei
' J''*Pt
lundrcils wCro waiting - for a.ehance to . jet
something 'to eat rat'. the second. and third
tables, the procession was regpriiiOd and
. . . ,
Marched to thc place appointed for 'organt4
iitig. - This is the time 'Mr, .Barr . and fifty
other Locofocos
..timates- , -:•whein . filar civil . knew_that _one
third at,least; %vete otdOt - ;processian. : See
ing so many of them engaged- in ‘.‘taking I
notes,". we took our, station .a 1- the bridge
and 'Counted.also: „Therli . weve three hun
dred -sections, 'exclusive. of 'boys, which
ivouhl mal3r,:s9p'posing..MiTy two men to
a section .. o3oo; buttli9re lwere' ma9v
ions of three, so tha . t there could
less than 620 - or s B3o procession
'Marching:to the place_ Of organliatioir:- , --
Mr. Mateo • and Mr. Roberts, both Loco
focos, we inlieve,maileo2o in /heir cmints.
Afteiivards -we noticed, for-the' space - of an
hour, squads of- people coining out from'
the . town: -and returning. Shortly. after, we
found-at ri: WOOdburn's tavern alone, a
full scorn of gob& Harrison- men, 'principal
ly from._ Carlisle.. --Froth- these facts we
infer - that•tlere could noiliave liednlas
-than 1000 . present;and they were all, tvilli
perhapiless than a-dozeri ex.eopiions,l-.vot,
Ors Of Clunberland. cburity: - The -cheer
. ,
provided by CoL . ;Woodburn Was. of the
best,' land amid gave universal satisfaction—
as we were not in any o.the_rbotel._w_..can,..
not say any thing'Of their arrangements—
but: We
s hmie nOtheard.a. Word Of dissatis
faction..4mill any q uarter. .`•
The proceedings of the meeting and the
names_ottlie oincers
er column
Six 'counties, to' wit: Edgecombe, Pill,
Beiftifoil, - 11 - de, and Gran
ville, voted on • the 31st •of Jiily. • Fifteen
other counties. voted. on the Gthof
,to•;wii:Colutubtfs; Graveti,aanes,.Gaeen,
Leniiir;:kla . rteret, johnston,. , italyne, Hali-
fa?r,:liertit!,..Norillarnpion; Martin, Frank-
111,4_ Warren; and; ash.• There arc sixty
five. co.untieS in the state, and of Course
elections-are yet to be ih - fort:ylour
counties. :Ire( the . ,LocOfeeosin Carlisle
pill a report in circulation opMunday_that
'they bad e!eciod their dovernor. Returns
have already been received frotri_eighl
6untieg a:the- twenty-one ch:. hay_a_
yheeie - night I counties, liai , e7gjyan
Morehead .3318, and - Saunders
g. . •
qcOfoco) 5150—showing. a Loeofoao .
alajoritx . Or 1781:: must remembered
tkatitlii.countiesfirst fang. , constitule.t t
strong h Old : Uf,'y an . I.3nrenie . m,,eild • ,the
Whig 'strength lies 'Porincipaily 'iii the - .ri,-;
niaining ecninties...- :SO far .•wcf.have- gained
one, member h Of. : lhe . Legialaturei Gut 164
slightly ; in ' the . popular vpte,-as . :erimpared
with the elections for four years past. The
Lciepfeene':rney'ciirry',their Governor, lint
they_lvill_have to light hard_foi it—the Le
gislature we believe 1011 Whig; and if
so 'the Neaps Itif Messrs. Brown and Strange
with'in Il►e jnited'States Senate, will ;be filled
better melt. 1837 the counties , to
bp heart] ' , from - gave a Whiginajority„Of.
_6,059,and _ 18as , the counties
ave a mitioYAty - 9f I
pose oir the
Vete, of 1837, , ie lilies; to -; he heard'
from ' in', ttla sanie ratio thatilV.haS
got) "idea heard friint, we, ••silourd - iiill•eleet
fgB4Br ---:
,-c9C9TS IO Ti . 0 11
"nikinglh 6 :v: ( o7c
eakettoid:to_lose;3l:lo t votps,:in.:everyleenn;,
head -bys2aPtiltrOjtiirjly.n., With therie'faefi
hefoie their eyes; the libeofoeos may take ,
all rti4"..ianaiiitifie&tifiei'eaa 'glean from
returns_ ofeight '.eotintis given
Mork :what we. sar.-Ithe'totintriea 'Of Gail
'ford,,ROWait- Ireden Batite - Butherfor4
Milltee; Montgomery WilfgiVe d Whig:
moprityl' , o(Anore'- thortSooo,l, ',What
' 00'04; 16 c4:001.ek . :akaihStytkla
majority mid
:ype-Presprvelhairisylvae: f ;in
Abe balance ` : of , t4e.stotel , They- trgit..p.,
OW;;i:L4i're "leeked .
ugh probably'-ser threelitiWdiett
fifty delegates:---cghippenahurg, Hopewell
and Southaniiitoii'eboitt
were voters of the Newville,Diatriet..' .As
itsual ,there are zVeriouA estimates of • the
strength ,of.the meeting; - differifig.ve4 , y nia=_.
ter ly from each other,''''VVo, - underataild
that , r. Barr wrote to the 'office • holders,
that there were “file hundred and eiglely;'
al( tom;inckediq boyB"=-4bis - 43 the
es , z intalev,a.url,vveiteeitate-not—to=ea
Is a gross perversion' •of the , truth-4-and
equally so theassertion ~that the 'rnee .... /ng
ivas "a total failure." We give as ur
ilapressioh,, that the ;lumber actually in
attondance ,did' not • fall . of 1000
pcople; and- the grounds mi which we base
this, behet.. : tiVe these,c Mr., Ask with and
another gentleman Wem . have'. as
qttred Usr L that thef•coiinted..: the .proeesSion . :
marching froth the:Depot
they zgree yerYllFarly.i"n their-count, both
making the .number ever . 600--,and every
ono:Who*? vies' present kpoWs:that , ::at s . -that
iirne , -the-towelwas 2 Preitywek- filled—whir
Hatrison •men - who - were not in the proees
s)eit. After those who, could get : seats at
.first . t.linner Aahle,liad eaten, ancl
- Western,'Eleetions c
••-• thriati ticiosimi:STATE.! :', '.'`
_ l'he7first rettirp:s frotillimAma and KEiq-.
Typo( Are evell',roOre 'cheering than We
had anticipated. In' Indiana we'. almost'
expected lose our'. Governor,--=but; if
the balance: of tpe 7 State should prove is
s-ound ai - the eastern' portion, , Judge Ma=
GER, the Whig. - candidate will be eleated:
by .nearly - 10,,000 So far ,his.
. it=
rison 111,1836,i When 'onr majority . was 8,-
803. Still the , anti-Improvement:counties
may elect. Mr: Howard,. the L•ocofoco•cari
didate; but We do tue,_now think - they can.
Kentucky we believe to- be safe for 7000
rnajority. We subjoin'all the itYtunis
have reached us.
fflto can
_stOp_the barrel whiell the -people
set inmotion
Pirrespondc.n4 7 of 7 lho-DAily.-Standard ---
,(If iliana,)
• August 4, 1641)4 •
;. Dear ir;--,The hattle As fought, and
whether defeated- or_victoriousi_thc.TlViiiki
0f . .. - the - casterti portion of oui.',State, Love
acquitted themselves . 'nobly; and if they_
have proved US's:true to their. principlei (of.
which we, a innot fOr! - a - titoment 'entertain -a
doubt)AliVoughout the" S tare, our triumph
is•.Coinplete, and Locofocoism- prostrated,
I hope, forever:-. 2 . -Behiur arethe.returtis-SO
ftir as . received. '• . • .
Wayne Co., 2837
Union, "
Harrison `majority : .1708
Part s:if Piiyette, de,. • •
- repents - . from7:Del a wia Ran:
dolphi, Grant ajid Rtsh, in all'and - eacit
:Which Bigger is_ahead.: pesides,l3igger's
liiajority,l the Harrison candidates for. He ,
presetitadve . ;- - -Siterilf, - Sed;;Thie =all elei>fe - ti
in every icounty we had,. heard from, by,
Besides these—returns, the Qin - chianti
Gazette furnishes the following :-- •1
,_, •
• - Howard..-(V.-13.)
Dearbortic co. 409 - - 420.
Fayette,-i 3301.maj. ,-• • '
Franklitii . .1.00 reported •-.
1,116 Townships4o ; be heard - from is sup
-posed will elect the Whig ticket by
last year 016.Vait Bpfen majority was 'ZOO!.
- --1 1011'ev!!ow Nh(i
. I .B.witzetiatid:;;Tiier' n sit •• i - the
county ‘i , hig,
Frotn - all'Mtarters, says the - Louisville
- (Kentuel4)
.Gazette,. we have glad tidings:
The ;defeat of the,Locos in the county, of
Jefferson; - is - TumwestiMiable. The Whig
swamp foi is cornered atlust. Keep him
there. . -
. ,
Front' Shelby. the Whigs hav,e_carried
all beforC - tlichi. The guns of rejoicing at
New' Albany, 4a., for a victory in Floyd
cuunty,, are tiovti,ringing in our ears.
• By•yesterday's western mail, we are put
in posaession of the following additional
liidiatiia asp l on. •
Bigger (Whig) Howard (V. 13.)
Harrion c0..-1.29'1 . - 992 " •
Floyd, -
.885, 820 - 1 - 2 - tnaj. • '
Scoit,. • I.Bl.tnaj
Jennings, 347.
Ripley, • 346 "
166 "
Pearborni 150 ''••••
Fayette, i •••••450 • "
Franklin 100-4,
Harrison's majority in,1,83.6, iii the c sanie'
'counties,' was 2019—shoWing a whig gain
since ten 617 votes in ten cOantieS:
The gain over blit . year's vote is troinen 7 ..
does.: Take: a. single county,Dearborne;
forinstance, _which lust - year gaVe-70 . 0 • for
tke.Locdfocos, atid' this' year 150 for', the
' '
the Seiolo Gazette of August 6)
The" coun ties• of Fakette, Bourbon, 14 1 1 a
d• -
ison, ClarkZotit. ornory,Bath,llarrison
Mas9n, •jcsairiine and ~i!oudforil = aii-full`
fikdefit (whie-.5451,
B.) ‘2705.
.Mason county,
s,'spoti day at , A 2 so eloc ig 43, yau
Buren. -9. • Dlielt9las; hig; po§, Van:
527.? Braciten, PUreii r
6480=1114 . F 404811 CV. IL];
• twelve countierl, first day
,108;LAllict-tneM,-tivolitt„ } -ty q uiti0-11r4 ou .
'state' of, OP: Pollis:ut,lroWiyille,
- drat night, ,w as 'Letoller (Whig) 1 470;
`for:l4pn'nft--{l4colVoe), , GOV,
aoin)th Lote,b•' 6 • lB t,e French',
TheY rote three days , in I i„entucky.-
Indtan,Mght • elde ,, up'., , ; ~ v ,
P. 5:'* 11 ,7 = V4 1 4% . kJ : A:TM7
E — %6 :10;
Patriot Pgtre!,- has this'' moment Feach
eii-Urith7retUrns trouto.3:connties,'ivhieh
give P 1 96 8, n E1Y, 11 , 1 0 aln4i 6 ritY•Cf7,l77l3
"b6rgini, , uglifor - one da#,"
(L.. F.)
.1271 • • '
-section:'- -.. • : :--- . ,
-, - • . . .
r'2oth.. - 'cliatAlm militia of. the
. United
-State's,- or-city-In:onion - thereef, - When• eni•.:'
ployed in the serviee or the; United States,
shall be- subject-10 the sonic rules and a.;.-
- ti - clea Of war" as :the' troops - of 'the- United'
_ •
-States;'' •i;' __
- - ••• '- , = ; '•,.
. . .. . .
~.- . .
.Wliat - ,are - Ahe_rules.'`and- articles of •:i_var .
to- . which - Mr., Van , Buren - would_ Subject.
tho•miliiii - .of the United' States L" Ilere;• is
oneor the •"rules . and artieles:”. . ' - '• •
. ,
• 'Uri,. sth; Any officer or soldier, who
shalt , use conteinpinqu,s' or - disrespectful
- words - against-Prosidnt of_tlia - United
States, against. die., Vice Presidenkliereof,
against -the Congress of the - United iSiates,_,
or•ngainst the. Chief Magistrate' of any of
the United States in which : they may- bel
qUaftered; if a commissioned oflicer, , shall
be Icashiered;:or-otherwisel-punitihed,--as 7 a
-Court-Martial shall - dirce4 - if a. 6911c,0in-7'
inissioned officer or soldier , he shall suffer
such 'punishment-as shallt-be-inflieted"Mi
hint , by the' sentence of-a (lourt, Martial.'
How malty citizens of the United Suites
does the Executive . propose to gag in that
way! :20.0:000, besides the standing army!
Listen to the follOviirtg . par4sApit,from. the.
last annunlreport, of the Secretary - of - War: .
- -- “FtiO -- p - ftrpWe - d:t.iirili - rideri.lie, -U. Statds
into eight military districts, and 'to organ
ize the militia in each district; so as to liafp•
a liptly of twelve thousand five hinidred men
•• in activei service,, and another of equal num
ber - as n'__rescr,ve. :__This _ wotild....gitie':an
• i ' ilititt_:faccc__of—Two-liundred T
"Thousand Area, so drilled and : stationed as
'to be ready to take their ,places in the ranks
in defence . Of the country, whether called
invader.!'., •' • -
• • What said Mr. Van Buren'to.the scheme
of his, secretary • arareabinet.cOunscilinl, In
his last- annual message be used the '
lowing language : ••• • -. -____..__,_
. •
.. -" - .The present conditiOn nt the defences.
Of our principal seaports and navy .yards,
. - Tipresented.,:by thO• • liccompanyhtg :re ! .
port ofthe
_-.Secromof , Wari'.eallerfor . : the .
s ,
early and Seriou,attention.. of _Congress;
,and-aeconnecting it elf intimafely-with this.
.subject,-I carinet :re oin Mend_ loci, steonglY-•
'to your consitleratior the plan submitted
by - -thaThlic T r, 'ter:The. rganitatib - ii - Oriliti
rmilitia - of - tlieUnite&St tes - ;" --- 7 -- t7 --- 7 -- 7, -
. ,
• This, '.,theti,.. is„thr: most• arbitrary : l : and
anti-:Republican leer et4r attempted by-any.
„Of Alm . Unioli• '
.It, 'is : the Alien
and Beilition.l&•of modern. Federalism,; -
as . odious, and ' yranntea es. ever was its
prototype: ,' What !, : ...prithibit by, arbitrary .
and . -. sevcre - penaltfeS;'' mew:from
8 iMakiilif ‘ , ':eonteniPtuouttly ;or disrespect-
_full"' ef 'Martin Vini , Tharen, er,of,the Vice
Vresidenk or -;Of- COngreo;.'-'or,.:Of- 0 . -Sb4o
Ooiernor !: There hae• been nothing . like
it since the, gild. fllue Lan* of Ccinnecticuti
,t it; wai'unlaivfnl for . a man: , t6,liis
hii ,'"Wife,,. - on •Stinday..*.,!.No. i • '!'here „has
beenbut one parallel'toitla•modern limes,.
and thetle-Nendall, and' ,N.iiSs',lenvin pro=
bib* t-slF'personelroni - Eirrying a letter. o .
fieiyOpnper.,'6,ii. -- enrY, - Mitit:' .. routei:or-on'-aiy
road parUll4,4b.-a:ril ail:. renl!,o4!l-41,11?1-1,/:!.1(°°.
Stiles - - :Nertly; - tlffs • 'Admin istration `out= ,
strips by,d,eightlaii' "distance; iiii?iite . tAtra . ,
Federaltsim:Oftlic R:Cigtt.of Terror. : • ' -
- •
*tract'ol" - Lettei• to the . •Etlitdr oftike l
...- .of
a au - tile - Titer 7ft - irateilk
county, dated
WoOTEtti f -Wayne. Co.,
184 0. ,
. , . .
;•-",flV,ltel . jaat-epytog i osclefed-yoar,,-2 4 ,
pay stopped; , a t•lfier:attil . or..iny-iuweripoo . n ,
year; , i,did 20 lit xonaequenee'or 0 1,e 0040'
being':eo hard ,; and. business , having,.: film • '
"ottsp,eo'niitreral4, X found it necessary
'to~ biirtait.Axpenies, , atiirtitoitkitr,l'Tekld
do 09; by taking less "papeis'. 'l3itt:"as:;the
contest ; ,nr.vPi34§hei.' , ..laott;tlJß . ..Pioppeets
brighten,and,,the'AeeTi, i'nloeat-Oerk;A#4l=
ricart citizen 'ilium; fed io'file c roptilt,ipeteas,
•0 0 ';;1.14 ,1 4 . 44Pfui 3 00wmither;11ortifieD;
land" would shalie,off 1.,,0e0f6,00
arraklidiJelt TWO', tfiar.7, liroad:,:lpOttey
liatrition . apiiir'„ll:4oill . ;!,,a4
anticipation,, ofj , egehf . r, Ivresult, ou will
Please p
yourbeniV•tifii, ri.six..o-01013
; ; ''" tt"
Laic 110.;
viir e d ;;
,BuRE$ B-87 1 / 2 :ArDIA` RMY.
.1 - iithertiS we' have Said, holtlittle pli t4'•
subjeel'Of the 'great "Military Des
proposed •liy. Mr. Seeratiry 'Poineett,:aod
sane ti e d byrMr.,Preaiil e nt Vain liureii4
but We intend from' henceforth. to, keep, the.,
,hefore_ the - pdople. If, is, riot of the
smallest . consequence, that °; C i aess_ , has
, agathst - : - the-measttt Tigress
re-Ohaiter'ell the United States- Banke--bOt
President Jackson took the 'reaPotisibility,'
and put it 'down... congredi , and -the
ple twice'oi thrice defeated 4,11 - e Sub Trea.;
SurybUt:for:all . that,,.Nr.•Y a h Buren, by
foree;:iiiiherirtid fraud;. carried it finally.
He haS secured to hiniself.,the money, of. aie .Nation=—it :is ; in his
.hands rand 1
hands of hiS creatures: - Rre . -eleot and k
. _ • • .•••••
tie very firstmeasure ' corieuniinSted Twill
ver stop till lio.has placed the WORD :19 his'
right hand as lie. has the rUlta.E itt•his
a'nd-then.=pause and :.reflect ,- fellow oiti--
zens—theit - what will„ bo .easier tliait. to
place his foot 'upon ,the necks of the pee
plel .12 aqiiin gr.driny of 200 . ,000 Men::
1 -, 72:lVittional Direct Tax! Hard Nancy
Currency--Low - Prices---.Low` "kra—
hiciustr# Paralyqd--- , qcnnirterce, .4 gri
eitttlire and Jl4zufcictures stifled.-with
the Radice'liSM, end :appalling Infidelity of
the, . . •
.what, lie...isli t viih:all - theSe in view;-what
are,urc tc,gain 'hot the •dire , curses 'of po,_
-verty ailtl'Oppression, from the -- rOelectien
of that meld hearted A ristaerat; -MUrtitrYan-
Buren?. We annex ti.feiv of the features
of - the Standing. Arniy Bill : •
GAIA • LAW FOR 260,000 MEN:
In-the "cletails - . - of the plan or.the organ-:
zation • of the: militia,” is the following:
I , ~,
se4syoullic -..antotintthe;;firStl:OppOrttniiti
ihae.ocoo.,;:•7lOn- inaY:expeettihiciUdo:,
'her Iduty - .oeteb - er;'. iVec tikc' pe
'and,are:e.ffeeting ii-AherOtiihrorgani,
b 6
Ev . ,en hi Old
aigfite'd4VaYne, exp6:a'catie
e qulininiStratieni :font:te eh e . i abo %e t bared l and 'Ohl;
,talented candidate for , Governotv_is;partyas 7
singreyery diStriet
. the stale; and addles
'sing,the real people, Witheli!elteet; who.
-- ttirty - out liphousands'io beloved
go :y:«s alle*entki ustamp, that per:
v.ailcifthe in fliyo't 'of Harrison,• is
unparalleled 'even in. the . daYs Of, Jackson
lap; and : You:thaf'set. - down, Ohio as .riafe
If or Tip, •and Ty by twenty..!thousfind at
y4m.We had one of the'greateat 'cOlleg
tions „Whidin -
this place elfthe fourth
of July . we ever - this county; , at the
sing of our Log Cabin... We. had, more
Harrisba , men in_te wp than NOe eyet,polled
vOtes in - Wayne county, and .it..had the
best possible__efibels.'•• -'
. .
. ,
• BRIOGEPORT, °timberland 'Co., u
__ A nt 3
5,1840. _
"Wfrik6 .90 n ame-fdm the.'Nottingham:
list:" - -- -. , " .-- , . ' '
Fnly4o.• last . 'Week's
.unteer,. publishedon yodr borough; V.per
ceived my - name,inentioned among :the- list
of locofoco"..delegates to: the tatteastei Opn-.
•y e ntion. — As never authorized 'my
:to he'.uscd or-publish - ad -- ak7i7d - eleg,ate to
said Oonventionj deem it no, more than
justice to myself,,and to my pOlitieallriendii
thati,never have,:-Ooni--My_lmyhoott
the present day, acted with, nor took-:part
iu any` of their political 'contests' either
_State . or Natiopll,,blit
opposed the party antLtneYdinous pintisfires.
Which they: espOliSett and allvocated,
inethat they wii - iihteventuapy
to our and
-not the present state, of. our. country.
.fullyrlesti to this_tact 1 • You•will all jbin
wiili me in one lend - and. deafening_aecla;
Anlititin:=Yr daiinit.: does 11,1 But -as
they...have . .usid.My name, dud consider me
one of their: numberOlmie only . :td say
.that,they will be left 'one Minus at the next
Presidential - election,
Veld for Alia. statesman and scholar Geo.
11. flAttutsciX, of:Ohio, and that true
philanthropist Jdnti_TvLiiii . of
- ' •:•
• - - BA Is; KS:
„. .
. _
. following - cornino_nicationWas
written_and .11 andedz--i ,
weeks ago; but press
Of otlfer ss : busine
_ - •--- ;
Mn. - M theieditor of the Vo•
lenient—rind his thick-headed . cerrespondent
••Ourtnit,” have taken the. fiberty;_in--thili
miserableatidienselessalteinpt 'at criticism,
, to publish part of_the_toasixtf—Nli,:-Williant
,-Ld ran k- a Vim r - flth - oillitrierelii.i r '.
'thin, I' respectfully suggest AO Mr. Sander-,
.sOn,-the proprietrotgiving.thirfigiailif
'publicity.: Thin. , nothing - inure
than an
,act of sheer jtistice t r o Mr: IV9nrtiii;
as the' beauties and ACIZ3f of the toast are
entirely lost-in 'the rnutilated.,_mannevin
which' it, appears' in the. Volunteer; Let
tliB'"teMittliiilli'.7.6 - 6 known. Let the toast
,to . the''readeri - of the Volunteer that
its 'editor is not ashamed_of - the opprebrious
epithet which Mi...l‘,L applies' to him. The
toast,..ith it originally-appeared iii the Iler
aid, and txPositor, reads:thus
" - By, Williftiu Ilartin-411e 'editor an, !..i11,1)14r-X
- of - tior - A - nwricool °Junk:cr. The 011 e n CONVICT
ED LIBELLERithe others, IIEARDIZSF; 131.11'§—their
tongues 'are no
Mr. 'Martin.: is- -a inecluilqc,; one who
" rns-his:breadby-the-aweat-ofltisbi
and '0 not at, ali. afraid .or. the .thaliee[thc_
abitse, or thelinpittontritiringa of the. Vp-
lunteer man,. his I . , ictStteriTiir.:the'lioit:Of'
"beardless boys" who • surround thatcon
cern. 'Cancious' that . he is eitgaghd bieun:"
tributing to:the - success - 6farigliteouieauSe,
he latighs at the futile efforts of those petty
scribblers - . 1,R intitnidate''bilu, and,. Would.
. , .
give them. to Am retand that n.-u he the) ,
strike, he is prepared.-to' return, the_blow .
with interest. I can a - Cebu - 1 . 44 tbe'garbled l
condition in which Mr M.'s .toast appears.
in the VOlunteee; In .no other way. than
-Upcitt-the-principle- that---ddiee4-prevented
his o sin time ; : end' he trecordlngly,,ptth
fished it, " stript of:its fair pruportions;".
fl'o this procedure Mr, Martin
. objeCti, and
aiks of the editorthii common : justice ) , of
publishing the toast as it inigillally appear
ed. • - '" . - " _ ;DETECTOR."
'Expositor. , „,
Fo ; , r
4 - , - • . rtlii i
' Mr. ,Crabb--'— cell a enbscriber•te
_ . , years._
the .Voltirtteer for n re:than fourten.
Sometimes - if was bitter enough against its
enemies-but it 'was-never so intolerant ttS
't- has 'Weil' einee„ it fell into the; iatidi et
Mr. Sanaerson. , While its former:6(4o)re
thought for thernselvei,. they
the right„to, otberiAb; de so' too:'.',:Thei
paid smite remc_et.lo_th_epiition*Uf_ utifers;
hut:they were not olice-lioiekrs.=-noi did
ili - e - ittoeteitee 61,420'4iiniketitrielf in:lhat
's Wee IV ; Xlibife, slay ic 'a - is It, Itakfii - Tifie six"
fas't Menths, , at least. , f The' l'ac:tis; that iie
.nuitl7,4ing.Ail:yfice4olget * , 01id Mr; Sdo-
durs6n is one ;,:as..ivell•ad `:those.-who ethi
tribute to his •press)..eau; as 'arf, 01!9r,' 66,
and 4 1 a0Bon÷ - .4 1 641 4i'eir, ithereats:iare. cm
distinet , naithoki of thq,proplf atiti:thS.oe.,
krikri.,!;lii: former tiß*E.:6l:44.loderi
1 -vtngfiliireel-tilii. 04,itt87a8.,iliti . - otervroltri*
the , -` s lieepli;•.anii.`3gterldlk:.ikke'd: - lieni, -
filiP./Wi.Y.,; - :4 illkft l / 4 4401.44 04 04
aspiiiie(44 . mit ixertaertikossvrt,taiitm:of
'lngslersr WiffliiifOgil',46l44o4` , tbpsr.
P°itrY'llilitit!tighk.'' ': 1 ,.4 6 9. li:;4.tttp; : )4o#i'i
-614 , 1 W- 11 : 2 ,g , :sythP0 111 ,; 1 ,sil'.'4 3 0Y 441 /t - fiii °F , ' - '
'ile94° l, liiniTietlfligiehatgArlq,Y.ao4l*.
efing ,, : , dfriatipg' . .desM, 4'`4!°' I`e
Fe, n.. 1. ii l 3'' .- "i',3 ) tlt.K' iii#,Y,'hq'; ; P#,ltc_iil.olY;,*'.
'Plie*lknkaoy,4fy.o l )r'cii*Ori -. ,“Vnit i, loiAt''
it ihoi meetings. got. uplqliivpr oUlleit , 'Bpii
7. tenti ; iiallik'Sr,c)9,• -, 5g5.'*0, 1 4,1'; 11 .04,0 .. '"-' : - . V*
enoo.2:• ,l aghtilliel, Or eOtrillli*iiii.4' - uit.: islti,
indeed f , But ‘you'itind,''o.4lofrqh-fers.'-6!
Vv, 6 i,Y':gr,Oie.. , itri - iitii,. ; ieiiettra,'rylA#:piq4
- prineliolS,cifrelmblicaiiiiun;lt*lteep',iii fow.'
;;~ .
• _
-.- . .. • . - 1
Fo,: the4l:il•ald & 11. 3 :iposriOR:
77.Stilit.ifg7tiriiiii - 64 Ili''' . Detill ft:,
- ..
,: What 'a fosi . the loCefocos-ltiek iiP.alioif i t
- A - . propositidn ;in. the. Ohio 'Legislature io
sell criminals -
,lcir the. penalty of their vii =
lanyl - and'ilhout General ljurrisoli'.o,lync
lion of it. But 'do they tell the truth_?.. Let.
. s ,
if .see.. - They say that. General Harrison,;
'-wishes. - la sell, POOR Dir.N_..for .tiebt; - when,
thelketTisilt -- -0 .. a5l- convicts', for their vil-.
holes ; and it. was ineicy - to. relieie'llitise
why had
,lieen sentences' to - ;the cells: or the'
_penitentiary, by' lilierating them to labor,.
-But, suppos:e: - Getreral' Ira rriso 11 7 leitr AA*:
_tioned . - .ihe. salt: r .of .'-eAtivicisHor ..eyen : of
.tol,ifle po:or.ine#,-fqx.4Aipaying ileUt 1 whielL
they'iad fraudulently or • iillanously con--
tracted,; - ,-there .Was more honcsly
,in it than
in the conet' a thosee - who syinpatlfizo
with itze' iv htise crimes. ninke.'them
_conviele,And 'elitt
ItraulitOla• tli - ei, -- fifid - Aa - f an . iiNlicni I d
r it,
every . honest tan;) thar Were . La'', legialti !.
- -tor-;:t,would,-v
lile , of any- white
mon, who Wou d -- contrect:n - ileht.r•withinir
tlie inttlii:oii 'of 'pitying it, , Olitoi cheating
the m an wh o had condtteuce in his - honesty
until he 'would, 'earn as mita JaiYititi id--
hor as wouldjay ` his VillajnoK._ cootrant... l
- 111iiiiyA7M - ii - R. takes. th'''' . l);n:efit:Ail the act,
--Whoshould 4to , made 7 -wokkOnsfleattol 2 -re--.
ceiv jog. thfr,,Vile4i;-iNiilol§ - Aoi firl
ydde: for
poor honest, Melt; int t'' - tv lii i c II cool, eaten la
- villains livailf - lhemselye a s: of, some
times at
_the, Orpense . of'perjut9 . .-.l„l7 ; iiti
illustrated ...ihe:.‘affairs pretty . well .in..yotir
las(Paner:-Andi iirliev - P - tht4o - nrf ,- hilt - fetir
______ - -
if aily,but knows that it‘nrue not foffiover
/lb but for. villa»,y, that, not pew' meil; but
convicted crirnina/a, Were to be made work
to pay the penalty of their- villany: De it
I may, enera . • arrisc - ifils now 11i tie
i3ueeessful tide that will carry himitito the
White Hou place be better deserves,
and has' there •riehly'earried by his suffer
ings and Itia,aervieee, than
. any man ; now.
-:The denree.hae gene forth', and
all the•finwers p _ of , darkness, - with thelnly 7
ing aid -fro m . the: lower regions, cannot pre=
vent it:So thikka„,„,:,,,f • .
O 1;, „
e FromSuigneharinA-Begister:::,) -
Boys ! , ..Do, you liear,ffiat ,
'The opponents;of - Harrisen:Mid - liefort
in this couuty,Are _continually , Our,
•!There are-no changes here- 7 .our majori
ty will he' increased! such as hear
thestrsfatemetris We would Jecenttnemr,
PeenSairnf.the following , declaration. ,froni
Twenty FiN6citieniii of
„Groat - Bet
'this:eounkir, heided .hy.lhe - name
the,•-nost respectable: leading V. B. men
(hitherto,).in Mat section 'of :cilentry...—,
The reasoriS - as4Pgiied for, this'
codoßt and unanswerable; Anil as seer :Ave
recommend .thent - the Attention- of. ~the
:public:,,. The . Taper ,
sent Uslor-iMblication entireti'
and. Wle.-eq , .. mfornted44:.addittOlythaV4ltere
l'were 'other, `Veters W,h4solnindi had under?
D ine a similar ` e, ,Gut'. vliii ltatl riot;
*chiiiien_to Make pintresielinn - ;fif
as' also there- were:many fo'frndi
I V;qhiliell.'o o * ll o* 4 1` . ( 5 01'..0 6. aud
otherti,4lM:woulditovvote. -
Chanike.iiiniilar to many -park of
811;4 ,4 0 wn. in- the t.,"// dril-•Ptto . con is
whoOike A riklol,lt: iUckSiit4 twi l<bear,:dotvn .
all 'Oppesitien.Woro him: . Air lhe Words_
:Or z -VFOgreotetit'- ,- -;v4p - roitpArbiovw_ - 10411.
• •
s' • ;
We', the,svntreitognicl..;citizons.,OlGepat
bend,s utotehd pe9titf, O pyorters,
iltgar.d r iy.7o -1 1. 1 0P 183 0 , . 1 . 1.- „.
Aalting, into
cOnetairrOohlliY ine;isnies
".airtlolPirittioni'' we Aitnlr - I,hilk L :ne , atiti7tlei:
(400-adiet - ,V 4 ill:004114h)
Riesf:Of Lio oldel:fere 40 of, idolki,
tics. 4sl4;portliiPtile"
1. We rye ,typosed ; 40, C'laig,::atantlint
army in' "M159 1 ,4 1 0 0 0i 7 r.
g i object tdoT,jlSuit44. 4. 0k, 4 0, 8: 4 ,
stem,, net. plaoitio. the ecniti4 of tho monied
• ~:k.
Itoo .o
' v the y 1411
e n en`place ot:ielting'ninars.gc:arOtn
coil around,
lv,aang t he ento uments .0 •of ceienn
"to make het:Vera of weed‘ an& dretvers
water "9 1 " .1 1 16 .2 1 ) 0411, Opeeting., ri:4
''Me,lro' . ;*
m4d6;Willing toolg to' enable: su'cli - 0
to be . their
Aharneeks;::<,. -
--- Are thepOpple-ivilling to be hood=w
to be kept in bliOnesO ?'-'llCati they racit:pee •
of the Shippenstatirg parade,, as 'Publitilaqd:
in' the last,"week's .Volunteer,?: "'Yap - Was'
Volnimaniler-itteitielpf the Van Bureti-parJ
ty,. therert.: Art Office holder, whoseances
tett were - 'itt l eppoeuf be, as loyal 'to, the
e: curies Of .our 'cOuhlry during 06,revo
_war, as he;is now to ! the man
who' wishes - to be e4lnianderrltil-dltief.of a
'Vtandini arthi; in !line :of.-peace; 'but he is
'not: alone ';, there you may see office hold
ers from di ff erent parts of the ebthity,'hoia,
Ink: similait;principlgai4l-Who, haVe'thehardi
-hood-to censure 'Generatiteriieen, \whoso•
whole, life;was, spentin the hazardoue ser
vice' of his' cduntiY; by," the authority_ , of
Washington, Adams,' Jefferson, Madison,
Monree, &c.,, of Wearing a black '"cockade
-the revolutionary-badge . "-under-which
niericad'iterees gained our independence!
I am no'prophet, nnr . 'son of a prophet
l'have read of the rise and fall-of 'Em-•
.pires-antl of Kingdoms,:and even tlib•down-
'fall of as prood.a...Ripublic as this is=-and
know that the-like causes will produce•
the like :effects-, and that pride, lukury and
waravagance, sugh- as our .present- rulers
Indulge bring. to pals „in this coun 7
fry, 'what has passed, in, others. The pre
sent adrninisirationi by, the - Sub' Treasury
Bill, lain 'tie:culled
_al_-_the_ revenue of dor
country to. .themselves and of the ce - had
-ere ;- and . let them go on, , with their .army
bill, a the - Y don't take the:- sitiord as_
VelraTtlic purse, and after that, our fiber
tits;:l xi ill - agiep that they have more put
iolisTn a --- thing - of which
they haVeittfyet sliowed the least spiv
tom. A 00 T llt. riv ri
We •call _ivoti the oid repuhhenne of
.Susqueilarina to the resciaei to unite • hOatt
- and - hantl - cleviiting an blit - and 7 W - 061it,01 1 - 47
eran,, _who has altvays enjoyed • the COlllO ,
derice of the people, •to the
chair, and-sustain tlie honor_ and characteit ,
of our country. :•. t • • (• •
Thomas J. ConlBin, laincg.elfark i Iti , tv!, •
ry Clark,'Elias Thoinas,'lsoac Vatiorsdale f
David .Riehards, Jr.,Evart I2ichards;lihttn.4
nun .Vennovy ; Peter Calder, W, B :; Cahl4
er, .Albert E. •Langley, simeori'•lV:4lel
Donald, Henry Battey, Stephen Quick;
Coriteilies Osterout, John Osterout,Abrami• •
Osterotte, --- Myton -- Mayo, Vaitatit ,
werrt. r " Elienczer • Brown, Jarnes'Browni
Eleazer Brotvtt,, Addiu Warner",
- Lain, Isaac hI. D.' Roesn .
4 , 0 n the 23d by the• Rev.- Henry Aii r.r
and, Mr. JACOB NEWeiBIER,iO Miss lilAtty_t• •
Srumr., all of Silver Spring totnehip, ; •
ZOn - the -- -itlritrst - rby-the -Bev. J. Ulricit i
Indiana (ousts I'u ~_to Miss'JANE; 141 4XE•,, - • ,
of.Carlisle; . •
;. ,
..-On the -same
; day,' by ..the same;
all of Dauphin Catnap', • -
"(In Priktof ey'ottioginse:,,CAttoiiiiii'
daughter of Ege_ L ogeti 2 yeale i atitt
months. • "
. _
11[17 lie putilie: tilt-Saturday tfip.'
Vir .:11i:t lay of September next nt,2 o'clock' P 4
the filliowitmtiescribed leis of ei.ound siutiste7ort.
West Hight street iii the lia•ioniittf
A Lot"oll7.GrOilaid
CimMe . diatcly opposite De ckirtsot: College;:j
stiljoiiiinglots of the Trustees of DicitinSole. Colfekitc,
_onithe_east, II ish street - oti - - the -iiefilii.-a-lot of ifte - fieirti; .
or-Jahil Fleinti%,:clec'il. on the west and itlfey on:
the south;yositaniiiig.
Yifiil 210 fiFet.TO trepth .-•• • •
A lso_it ;Lot- of--•..c.irouno 'botinjecl atuf'de-- .
geri6ed its ibllnvis, to wit:- beginning lit the' line Oftlie:••• -
warehouse lot' of 11'm. B. Altteray' and - the !Willi of. •
John nettling itee'd. 'on flight street . ; Attlee west' av
toni. Iligh street 280 feet to ft vend: o'M:it:Pomfret!
street initeseets -11 igh street; - thence - tileng Ptitofref••::..'
.street932,feeti_thenefi-illone the -
warehouse lot 197 feet. to the rtuce of Ilegintilllk,*ifil' :
antl - tlifee , teufhiteteti --
es. The tering of sale
,aretthe part:haw monetiftY,' . .• •
be paid on the 9th November next, it liett postessloitt
Will be qicen'and Deeds titkilit to Imi-chasers.. _
The title to the above lots will be tootle to iflielttli?' —
ellitscrs by 'Wtn, 11. Itlinii.ityiwbofowits die one '
ilettlialf, pare thereof, kildJohn H.Meaver; AtliiVe: ,
John .Flething,dee'il. who will'sell the interest •orSitlit:
decedent(it•hein thit - mther - untlividett , luilryikrt)
satt ots, MI pursuance o . ce-of• T tlie 4 .oefilutusr, •
Cotirt of (Motherland couAty. •
, Th. :thole described lot* See sittititc,f tlin'• -
Ynost pleksant part of the town for it ytriv isate rbsiviewse
• • . Ivikt. B 1111,JR11.AY, . •
• of . l ohnilecaing,Ate.4.-
• Cat•litild, August I'2;
a:y.3le* Baltimore triiweeklr Patriot •*:
above lit and sendthill - to thlgoitfee foe collection. . •"•.- •
• r - -..-acoGakaco 4
'Est(ilf ,of Paul Gher,.(lec'd. , • • •
2-41r.'iVEIIS .0P DAT IN's:KRA - T.lo* 9 . 1;- if 4 ese
tate of Pile! Wier; late of Allee•towhirliAiCuart.e
ticirland comity; have been issued. to the auto ,
scriber.liviuSin.thesaree township.; NOTies
git , ett to atj' halebtt4 to saitt.eittitte ti?..titake •
i tomedi site - pay ment e • theie •
mittat'saitl-estite .id.ptevent.thentat •opeilyautheotke.
Oatedifor 'settlement. • • • - .
. :4:10SE1,11 R. JfittStatiAtltivit":
APgust 12 „ , • *: .
. _
. .
- •
Bstate . .qt *lffort,•eti - ' • --
\Val ond Testa moot of Mielingl llbrref , Late of'
MOtiroo 'township; Cnoribei•land'eouiity,-(feeM:
been thO subscribeil 'residing in the 'iamb
township: ishoriCE is herchy given to all ilioselnifebtt;'
to the' alioeii , .eititte. CO , inike itnine:hare-paymenr,
;nu) to'alt oggiinst the estate to'
present thetrt, i ptypeik 'authenticated, for settlement.:
hliCkiAEl. 111 ORror1?je.r . ..
12; 15 rOlf3
"11,VgiiBIS 4U:;- 3. 6tc - .
,; s ~--.- t • -
.. • .
--• • UClD.ika,(9lll-i:,-,-
• - , _estate qt.Jevitir:ftliis6ldec? • •
..31,10 , Ttus OPADM:lNlelli4tOgieit die
fai 'of 3 oliti.Close,,lni of the , :borcouglijigt
elitteiebberg,. Verelbeeleftil, mottetz :dee'tl.. , have -been+
ksued tuAlleAtijificepieek.Adaik . ii,t4oNtl,lderyoup,re.
iet e il mk ur r -< •
40bietllo the' nbove etiqe
ell the4e . lii#in4
I.%giliailizip:OV - {kittlitiiii6ao • ••
- • = 4CIPII4-
~ ..Pr),i ; •
-110 .! . glift (#0.•;-4ie
101 . ~,,.....,e.„7/1;,,,i-q.
' ,....A ' -.13 fil 0 ' 41:PW-trrtftrf f rec( !qit . ;ll: .',,,.*,,
it:" ---° ' 4--- --- ii. -- fNi Altir'fiiii: Vie‘ ,- la:t -- , ..:_, , , , ,- 0 -.-,
.. - u.T:ER4s.•;,II lAm .... , '-- • ~, ii-.4,t7:..7:P-,
• , - wily-"agiii TeitrUikel4 Of ifoorv.llll,lter,.. . tft , ~.,:„,,,,,),
INtif..Pkitistictrou6-11..tpwstship t ,-04inberitiiid . • ,_ fr.- -. 7 : . .. g. ,
deliethltlyell'Aicen tkvm 4 ),Aca,j. l l!;,seitnriir,Mllo . :. • - y..: 1 1,". 4 t - 4 - :; - ..:11 ,1
. .,Ilkia
th o ie.i IJ
' a L .
t ' - , ' - i A t 4 i : . l 4lN c:4 ttp:lf)ie,,t 4At:.10,...-t-1..,y,° .'•.•A•.,;-ii*,lT_,Zlfi,-:
iepik 7.4iiittii49l.avips 0f , 0t0 ,- - 14 ,, ,
9`, 1)• 1 ,t llitre,itiemed,MreeTe4kA,',:'''
t u tß l ux - zslGLftw .
.;A1t0„.„,...„, , A .,
• ~ ..,,,,N l , 1 ,4 ,NlO ~ f--t,--,, , i , - . 1;;; 1 - 4 - i,-.r--,...54 . ,
''''''7 - t'-'' , "''.:,..'',,-1/P l''' 0
liffii - tii.:i - it4IP!)- - 4 - A,fotll-7,.1 , ~,;,,:-
.A: ' , 400111SLaboi*,ilibsto ~ ,q*5iterit,,,,, , i , ,,,, , .,,, , :„...,..,;,,,,,,
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P974eijn - lhe, - hipAA t•t,tb,e•
thtel.)iklifticing.Vier-Arinyt'aud E a a i t : e
ithrestrietett servicei". -••
• WO sliall,ti•pporin' 701
"beeanii freia hat willing Lb kailt;ittn,pciwi
atts nine, iii•neeessary46llleArtatntepanee
titu nst
despfso the' idea' of:a",iedifetiott
o i v agFol ol ;ariaiing;thq4q4:pgainbt (lid
7a--.=,arnalt are. revel'_" — '7
ling in, luxui:y. 'SaffilOP
SCien ; ioila W B tipporf;a l man'itlioltt gtasping
af '•arbitraty • power ..¢ tlestroying the',oiti
landinarks `of . dentgerady; and'ittrit!yii4
the. efforts of the, conotry,,' ,SnOndn:
tinder its. presenietubarratitiniqtatii,-,r.
:',llxecOtare alkali
support the ''gentiitie nernotraiie nokiina
trop; of Harrison and l'yler, for •our- -
President and Vice President,' be.lietittg ••
Gen. Harrison an honeitPa`rnipfi
an upright and etilighteried, Statesniati
patriot, who fought the battles of
try while Van• Buren "'was taking his sage..
ai Kinderhook, • •
13 - ntlfir
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