Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, August 12, 1840, Image 1

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~ r i~ 1. '(1:5. r. i"%u
'4',‘}”"¥"‘-N‘r~" *q.,..&A-VLVAHM_MM;T;
>,‘.. ‘:"."." ‘.
74ivraviala z3.ibriaci4tte 4,10
„ .. . . .
I'o the Ekciti1 4 1.0 f: eginbeilaild'Coitiztk;
Ficitoii C1T12161184r71' . lii*, ofrerr pelf to'. your
Eoniitleilttloki Aso, :catitlidii:te for tlie'6 ce of S ,
kW shall tie tluqr.ful fotidur tiutpori: ' ..” •
. _
41.11cn . .towbehip.i
.of Cumberland. - County. ._
IFEztow-Cntrzess offei'myself , as a Candidate
TOrlhe !Ace of.S.LIEMFFiisf Wahl'. county, at
the eniuingteneral Election, an d ?thankful.
Toityour support.' • • • •..
'WM. M. 'M.ATEER.•
Southampton township..
i ay-40~ 1840.-
'lto'the :Electors, - of - CU inberland.county.
-FELLOW--ernzEttae—l: offer:- tnyself-aa-a candidate
for the office of) Sheriff of said 'county at 'the'clasuitig
G f e nentl'Election;and.will be thankful for putt P9P - ..
April - ,its 11140 .1 :7-7.e ES' : " .. -1 .
• 4DY'
. ,
. . To the-'.Voters COiniterland county._
FELLOW CITIZENS offer ;nye& to your 'con
- -sideration as a,'Candidate for the•office of •
. - -
at the election in October next..f electedirOledge
perform the dittiis oPsaidoffice with fidel
ity,-andimpartiality.' •• J - Yours &c.,
- - PAUL_ MARTIN. ,_
- Shippensbur"g, April 1:;1849.-'—te •
. ,
--To the Electo,s gf.Cithiberland,.:Courity.
for the office of SHERIFF of -said county at the en
g General - Electron and will he tlianicful for yew ,
Newville; Aiwa 15,1840
. -
. -To4la , Pre( and Independent Votera 'of
ettritherland , -co-unte - '
. . . -.
-IDELLOW-CITIZP.NS;—.I submit myself to you'
XI - considers - 1101;ot the - ensuing:election, as-a-tan
- didatd for the_offtee of ' --_ 1 • :. . , 1
'-- ---- ' 77-4 a "111C1FiliFF -'"--
and would res entfally_soliO. our auticitgaloi , . the
same. .
.. ,
South Aliddibton township
April 8, 1..840..,-t!
To'thc - Blectoroof Cumberland County.
• FT.I.Low CITIZENS:•; -1 offer _myself to yoUtr
sideration, for the office of*SHEIMPF at the ensuing
election and respectfully solicit your support, and if
elected will - endeavor - to discharge the duties of the
toihe . beit of my jiidgment and abilities.
• ' • - -PRANG'S EGKEI,S,••
•• •,--- Silver Spring. Townphip.
' • 'April 1,A134( .. • • •
... •
ro the Electors of Cumberland county/.
FELCOWA.CITJZINS:—At the earnest solicita
tions of a number of friends, I imi induced to offer
ruysellas a candidate for the office of
Slap rid"
of Cumberla n d county, at 'die neat "general. election,
and respectfully solicit your suffrages.
=' , - aolm . --s t ounDEcK.
New Camberland,? s . - -
April 1. t840. - • '"
ilii—Eleetoftrortriiiit:Ntich;cl. County:
• FritoW.tlrrizENs - :—T offer myself as arva candi
date for the (Ace of Sheriff of Cumberland county,
and•wig be-thankful for your :suppott..
of Ilrestpenn.tbootigh.-
laurel' 1% 1846.—te
To the Electors of Cumberlond county :
rellow,Ciiizene--1011Fee myself t 9 yotir consiaera
lion aro Candidate: for_the office of SHIORIFF
at the ensuing election, and will be, thatikfol for • your
----- .. .
' • ' GEORGE MATTHEW.S . . ---
' ' Carlisle, *archV, 1840. , - , .
- ,
--7..T0',-the',L•Vigets_Lof • CFrnll 'erland
• .G . EN' 1.-4 do hereby offernayself id the next
steers) election for the office of SHERIFF of said
county, and would be thankful for your support _
- . ----• • ABRAHAM LAMBFATON' '
NnitliMiddletcinT townsh,ip._,l_.
Alardi 10,1840.
Cumberland Cotnit:
- -FELLOW CrfiroNoi---1. offer. Bo n, cant a e
for the office of .;" 7.7 - • -
*;"f::i..1*:• 1 Y--:- • Sitian I F
at the ensuing poneral Election; and ,ii'ill_ be thank,
COI fOr your support: --- • -
11111 i mtewnehip,?____
June 3, 1840.. S 2
itte ,independent : Elector., of Cumber
, •Cz 'offer myself as it — iinaidideffir
tju Off)ee of .
• - ILIEWURF' "..
at ‘tiMcnot gerferal _election, and sha , ll be thankful
for Yittir Suffrages. 'Should Ihe deduct I will
Ohirge.llM-AutiesLottke..olffee to' tho best of my
judgMent and abilities: •
„ p
." . • 'Bondi
July 1.5,-1840
Thilttet"Celglithi,initaborg: and
"..irhitaigeriir Or 'flatiinaori..
OR. ,C4X4Li
na t io.subsiiiberh:gratertriloF",ool,„Mvpre,
' , beg !cove to Inform their friends and the
. lady etwee lfeoluiiiiceliurg and
1 10tallelpfiii,otrIfileimureiVARbiub glx)( l ß.and; Pro-
Once stli'sleiseriptiops, wilt be, inervurde4, with earn.
e_iod desMali at ilieloweit, rites ot: l frOg!.4 , ; r , 4
, • , Produce will be received • at' •
lnur are: Houses
tolMeelisetastiurg, and , forwarded to either Philti,
• , !ttolithia or,' ths ,, ancoidifitt. to the direction of
!e , *rut* ' 4 . - • -' 2
'peril:will given for -
, ; W heat •.,
" • k
WO for' ilsllOrnit . (pii et
_ , •
. , .
Dip it oution* of Park e 11411 .,P• -
mil iv Busidess.
TIM 00040.44 ip ih,s , lA, Immo;
• „ emora - o e.,
*111."1lJOD dirsZtvet
11;iSOuth' liddlet4ll t°":l l l : i sin i etre continued O le l ilt or l o:v.' :T h e 011 EL sativ.
11140, , , .• •
, ATTEPfTI9N 1 ,
I t B. 4 * 4:14 74 '
° : 1 0 . -Eiwoh
it xt j at 4he PIO !e!_ r - 4 0
4 h ♦ 4:-F A I T .A Id betweo lumrs
,4 0 42:0K n l B
. 10 Li et i4e4ot-for said
' Aft 811 4 417-17 '
Atompsnyo.lo_ ininester.
order.og -to° - JOHN 119 1), , r 0 P 1 .
gprhoid satoth July 1840,
. ,
~t; 4,.
, -,,,,..,, •• - , . ".''' ' ' '.' ..
' V 'f
'.' :.!!,‘ '' F ' ' 1\) ''
lor' , ~ • ~, . . .
~, _. .
'' .•• , ;: c e- ;:''' • . gf, , . '. i , ,Li .-.,.:•,.', ~,, ~,.- -it
_ ,
L..% . " [...... )
„ ~ .. . , . .
. . -
... 1 1 ~- !'-..,'''. ' : 2 'l- ' '-'' .'
-,-- .
~ . ~
r .
- it—
4' ." ' V
.•,',,' • -,.:. 1 1 '. ,1- . ,',. •'^ - 1,.
. . - ....:
. ,
.. .
~ .
, • -, ,
... ~.„.....4
-- - • • -. • -.- ---------: - . -- ------- ---• • --- ---- •
A. oAio:ktt.-*EWsr*rxi.- 7 4,p*trO*.o**q *toitiptlic* , .4 . oo.***tit'A . loo-::Ao***s - .o** Atir*Orptitioit; :Otirs**kiii*:' . - io4oi.'
egsters -, 0
..,\ CARIMILii. July 25t141841k,.
Notie-ie hereby ,given to , all Legatees, predltors;
and all other. persons Concerned, that Ike- following
acconnts.havb been filed in this office for examination;
by_theaccounttints • therein -panted, and • will' be Ore. !
stated to the Orphans' Court of - Cumberland ',county
(or clanfirmation and'allowance on Tuetiday the 25th
day of August A. D.'1840,' viz t . : •
The supplemental Administration account of Leah
Bransi.Adnatnirtratris: of Owen Evans, deceased-
The Administration account 'of William Brown;
Executor Of Magdalena Walf,deCeatieil...
The Administration' account of Fredericks Won-.
Administrator of . , Sarah Spring; deceased. •
-AdMinistrator of Capt. John Smith,.deceased. •
The Administratson account of David,Rume; Esq..
Thu ,Administrationsiocount of Curtis N,,hornpson,
Administrator of Jane McFall, deceiseer. '
The Administration account of 'Jolmlialliere, Ex
ettior. Cif Oliver DeJancy,tieceased..,..,.
_Tke - ...Adinlitistration'account of George Kcish:,.Ex
center of . ,John. Niekey, deceased. _ „
The SuliPlaidentitt - tuid'finnl—Administration-:a&.
Count of' -acid'
Longiteckar; 'Administrator . . o f,
Henry Longnecker, 'deceased. . ,
The. Administration. account of GeorgiMhtinnis,
Esq. Anministratdr - of(Robert 'Litivton, deceased:
•Tlie Administration'necomd.'of Jacob Longneclier,,'
Administrator of Elizabeth Longneeker,deceased...._,
-TheAdministratidn- account-of- James .Wetticley.;_
Administrator o(Josepit!Shaw, deceased. • .
The Adminbitration account of Andrew Blair,
- ecutor vf Robert-Barkley; deceased..
The Administration . account ot James -Graham,
Executor of oney tari.;:deceased, filed by Dr.-ll.' G.
The Administration account - of - Mrs. - Ann Galin,-
Executrii - of Thomas MC.Murryydrceased.
-. The Administration accotint -of 'lsaac- B. Parker,
exander, deceased. -- • • "..e
—he-gupplemental Adminiett4tion account of Wit;
Liam Line Esq, Executor of John Grieger , deceased:
The Atinanustration.account_of_David_Clever_and
Deere - Waiters; jun4Administratarso(Christopher
Walters, decemied. - . -- •
• Jacnb — Gm'is - r -- 1, AZ;
ministrator Of Elizabeth ,Barnhart, deceased: -
• The Administration account of Levi W.. Weaver,
-Administra tor . ot - Nancy Weaveri-deceased..--
The. Guardianship - =account-of James Graham, -
Guardian of Anderson Orr, fried by Dr. R. G. Young.-
. fhe Gtiardinnship.' account •of James Graham,
Guardian.of William Orr, filed by--Dr. E.G.' Young.
-'The Guardianship account .of- james Graham;
Guardian of. Martha Ann Orr, filed by Dr: It. G.
The .Guardianship'account of Andrew Blair,
Guardian_otßebeccal‘loore. .
-. • - . ISAAC . ANGNEY...liegister,
';..---•"'"—,•,= . ' ,•;,--. ----,; — • - c — " - - 7 - .4.:z4;•,-,-_-,
. .
.... ....4-_,
,•„, _ . ~, • -- , .:,, 50•4•••;' ,, •':-•:,,,,i'' , '
• __ - .7." .:- '-
":- -F • '' -:- , ""i 4 .-„
- o --t • •:' - ' ,„::::' , i 1 :1ti . ,...... . r.
..i___ .._!, '•-. ' . frt-,.1.1! : 11 ••;-. • •
--- -m - :-. ~ ,0 0liPPitt*,;‘ 7-77- '- -.•• ;iirriii
" - Ar' ~.,,I : v.'''''.': , •'• , 'llii - T.
.:. ' :•:: ~ ~6:111. 1 ':''.! iii 4
,L; 14 1-,. , I , •'- t: - ,-,- 0.11 • 11, - 141:i"::, •ty
:' -.,-;.,•,' : , 4, ..- - --)-....7# i .d0tt......P. a, •-•-" q, l'
•• :
,;,•_. , . ".•.....--;,,
4 1, ; -- --: lw 7 .. 4 ,•,.:,,,,,-, •-
•cis_b-P; ,- .27. , ,,,,-.',•, ---- - - . -- -ii.L - --- :-.• i i i ,':- 4, - • 9.,t0,
A•-•!!':..-,,,,,,:-..,...,,.., -.- . -, :,:... .....,,,,,, •,--.‘
~,,,,..--:—, • , ---i `.---'----,----,- '-- -- ' --- -; -----
Fresh :Medicines. • -
-Tlie-subseriberlias recently.received large'addi
Illedigints, Colors, Dye-Slog's,
Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, CoPal Varnishi_Pain
tersr Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Hand Brushes, SiCiT
tpaceti Oil, • (very fine) Spetra . Candles/ Soaps in
great variety, Glass Lamps, Cap and' Letter Paper,
FrtiltAsiices, - Perfuniery, which he'will sell
to Physicians, Merchants apil;others, wsto4r.ssi.r. or
by-amvim, at the: lowest rates; having pOrchased_en-
Lively for cash tho will. offer bargains to; those who
wish to wholesale.
August 5, 1-840,
TUFFS.--Logrooe,, 111:azil.letto,
gua, Fume, Madder,: Mum, Cochmoul,
Lae Blue Vitriol : CopperUs, Indigo, - Oie of Vit
:viol,' Nitric Acid; Murtatio do,, Solution of Tin j the
above 'wilt be sold low for. cOafi,by
__ • •
' :
ITr. lt. —Beet . Pickling Vinegar kept
constantlytok-salle by
• 4 ELLIOT-T.:
aike sualliy, for sale
Creditors take-Nopee.-
TAT wiluiVe applied to the JittlgeSaf the•Conet.
A3f.l3emincaLPleatt.of Cumberland'conntY, forthe
benefit or the.insolventtaws oft& Commonwealth,
and that the said court have -appointed: Monday the'
lOtli day of August, A-.'l.k. 1840, for the hearing of us
and our , creditors, at the cotirt-house hitlin borough
tenrlisleochen—and-witero-you-tuay-atte.nd.:l4o l l.
think proper. • , •• '
1!'... , :... - Lrs s
• , WHY
-July 22, 180.-3(
BATIIsaVeyyiIQ.KSA ordile firti
' • •:• ELLIOTT:;
Oa r 'gptl:4*.N s T.4irl.T*l4,S,'.
35 . 2 .
- •••' - rirrzzw , tnuofft Bildoi!e• • - • '
Clans B for 101 •'To to , - arawn't9 Jane) City
on Sutnetlny, Augunt 22A;18 , 4.9.. 75 No::-Lottery--,
! ? .ottery-- ,
I 5 Drawn
. -
4 ti; _s(rtsGalMOV:4l.oo;loooi&b%
wize(); ;sil ,230;.50.70. 2.M;5074
160; 60.0(150,. 6110 ,L
• Tiike - 10 6 ; 311 s(o—, 'Laves etio
Cinii6eates ol.Packageoaf 24' lidlc'TickoLs, l.
.do • • ;25 Half :/, 4 , do; •::- - ,65.• •
:...25,Quarte.t.41,9;,,,,H , 4'...32.: 50
---- '''vlrAilid,aks l*iiiter.-.t o ottery. , -.-..;„
i",or Endowing 'Oe'Laca4i4 Madera); "aatllroe,otka,
' • • , -, , '` - ' --- 7- -- - - - 7 1iiirPose - TC' -• " - , ,•• ."'
~ '• ' ~' .`' c /Etta ISToe'lifoi•.4B4o.):- . - 2 2
_•''' i• :
- r - ' ."6•11 . 1-1114; t 1 44 31 VgAtandt*Y. l 449 l s__Soi‘fic d sei . ,gpifi,_
'..---' ' . ".•_"' - r --- .8611441; ,11440; ..,. '...-^ - e"' , , •:,' •., -,-
'.'.., i 1.5 :JittinAltr',Lotterit;--IVDriora4 pagotc :
, '... ,;, , i'.• - •i'‘C,;` , 4 1 2.4
Catitl f 0 : 900 'Dolls '
jcirize4'sAoo,. ibSelO• 4.670 i q,000;!45 00 . &a; ' • .
ilte..H . :Etirlaas of Stsoo; 50 Pr .2 ' 50,"60 or p0; . 6.1: 6 F
. , ~, ..15003 or 10#0, tie; Sta. • !...,..' ' ' , l J . ;
'-- Ticketislo4-bialves $5--quorters sw, s o .
Certificate" or P.aeklget of 25 Whole Mipketo OW
' - '-Do . t . • ' stla , ' ..- 25 Half •', ' • do,
Do -;',.. ,.:‘, , do; • 'IS Quarter ' do' '35t10
: ----1-7---- -'-----,
.. -- 7, --- '7'. - :, - , 4,--r-1-
"-- fki* Orders !or T ickets and sbarei er;C,ertApatea
of Paolcsigia irk" the above Lottery wilt be prettliAlY
atteitted to a ntl'Alla drailag seat Imirtediately after, i
-- ' --' ~- S i G totinY;t zve.,Cllgnagere.
...... , :,•- ,
.Alls ingtplicitF, ll lC..4,
,• - julig9,l, '' --',
---'-' --- ' - '-- - - '---
' ,.. '47.0it,..iiiiit'10t4i#4 , 04.40: - Otie.:_::,PO4,ko.6oi. Ok ,*ooi , te:4 %it .044,..r*i .- : isSistei: i • onke - Sooo. , ****: iii - : OA;
.., : .. ,:,..., ,..„ = ... : :.,,.,,,....„ . .,....,. ; •:.;i.- : . 1. ,
~.,, ..;.,..:,.„,.--.....!;:, ,;;;;;.c:;•.,:::'.
~„.:'!Z::.•'''',7 : . -;' . ..,..,;...:'. -. ....L ':.,;:.?- ,
.. .. . .. . . . .. _,_.. .... .
. .
Patent, Ilkirse Power. •
T•HE. great' acourageinent heretorcu'e received
from the =le orbit' machinesiinduces him to of
fer to the public a new and im proved ,Horar. Tower,
witigh'ean be shifted ingear . or out of keys,
and shift the band to 4ive it five different revolutions.
And he has tic, hesitation in assuring the Farmers that
he is,now able to furiiish then' with an article far in
perior to those matinfictured heretofore, L' Tor epeed
end clean threithing and case to the itiories,'ho fie:
lieves .hinantehificalcilie
His price is $l4O--,- a eventy dollars to be paid cash,
and the balatiee in six months, for which 'a note wilt
_interest, t :Abrp'erscin.purchfisiti g a
machine and, Upon a fair. Arial, no t being . pleased, can
return it... He:will at all , times be ready to iernish
'there on the shorfeitinelicevlirders..trama_distancti.
will be punctually attended to..' He will . alsci repair
machines on the sho4est natice, .• . .
Newville, July 29 ' •
-.ololphane - Court male.
IrNiiursita' nce-ofn'vrder-4.4-theiOrphaneSourti
:of Cumberland county, will, be -exposed to
Howie, on the Pi:emit - x.Bly Public Vended or-outcry,
on Saturday the •22d of August next, at 12 o'clock,
noon, the 'following ilescribed . -real esnite- -late the'
property , of John StoughiSon. deed.; viz i ; ~
No. 1: ; A . Triier - of Einnestotie — Latid - adinining
StiMglistown, Ncwton towdehip ; :in said- county;
blinuded:by lanris of- John I.4l"Culloch,- Sharp hears,
Brownawell's heirs, lie-Harrisburg and Chimberi
burg turnpilkeroait," 7 ‘iii - d - olher 'propertrof - Ilie - said
John Stough, - - deo'd., containing 105 acres 944 .perch=
es strict measure, of Which about 100 aCreinre clear
under go - ottferiCe - , - nuttifigninUtultlyation'. --- Tlm i
. , -
• .Two Story Stone
I#l., a ttriern, a large BANK-BARN ;
-TWO-FRAME -8-TABLES - and-other-out houses.
A fine young t APPLE ORCHARD iindAther fruit
weer, - tinTlTneler failing..wre - Inifivater.
- No-2. A tract of Limestoile Land in said NeWtOn'
township, .bounded by • lands of. Skiles Woodburn,
1-Jacok•BeltzhoOrerifolly,-Fulton -and the-Harrisburg
1 and-Chambersburg turnpike road; containing.. 71'
neres and-29 7 11-10-perches;_of Which about 42-acres
are allured, in good cultivation,.andTunder excellent
knee ; , having thereorrerectett — a — T my - STORY
good Orchard and tides , Preis on the prenilses.
STABLE; with .2, acres anal 677 perches of land
thereto attached, situate. in Stoughstown aforesaid
bounded bY.landa.of Mitchell Stewart, Sittunel-Mel.
nugget., and tract No. I; aforesaid.
The .terms of tale -will - be. triode known at the
tinte.stad_place n,q, :of j. s4l.-by
of John Stoug , en. nesm - - - . 1
ably 15, 1840.—;-ttls • -
A:Fa iWofil4 l 7 - 41cretr of Slate
. and :Ziniestone - Loard,'
Situateln North Middleton township; Cumberland
co.; two 'mile,' froim ;Middlesex mills, and
Carl i do. The mprOyements ayes good : '
under piirt stone with four 'stables, withliriCriiidrridtt
sheds one of which is a gratiary, with a cellar under;
. _
. .CELLINVT__. • -
together witli other improvements. • About 109, acme
are cleared, tinder good fence and in good state of
cultivation, the remainder is covered with good tim
ber, a pinta - which is Locuati springs in . nearly all
the fields.. The Conotlngui net. creek bounds:thisfarin
on one eitte-252-pereliesiwilieii-will-si6owl-st-lOcation
for water works. Any person wishing tO ptirchinse a
farm, of this description will dowel! toicsamilie
I am determined to sell. • ••
Application , can be made, to. Valentine Shay on
theiarmer to the-subseriberin -Carlisle.-- ------
. ..
• Julv.l 1840.--tf
~, • .
.I:o7.The Eximitter;taneaster,and tbe,Esigle,(Ger
man paper,) Reading; .will'pahlisli the above till for
Inc,-antl forward 'bills to this office fOr-eallection—:--
Estate of . Conrad Eckert, deceased.
_ ' Will and. Testament of Conrad Eckert, )ate of
t orough of Carlisle; deed. have been: Issued by,
the 'Register of Cumberland' county to the .undersign
, in—North -Middleton,-township,
all persons mulebted-foxaititleceteotinsoa ncirestPato_
make itnniedinte :payment, and those_having 'claims
againstlliceststc, to present the same; properly .au
thenticated'. for settktuent. The Executors will at-.
tend at .die publio house of John Cornmso, Esq. in
Parlisle, on Monday the 10th of August next for tho
-purposossforosaid. ' ' • ' ' ' • . -. ' ,
7 7— ail1r 2EIGLER, .• , `
• ,
IL) .Thio can be • .effectually • thine by DE: Lehlyos
season, thp Spring tipto , of year,.,when • this gross Int
more of the system Might to be removed Wpm the bo
th, 411111111 e blood nitrified, tlius yrefenftiftlie—sin
giatir and unpleasant feeling commotilo.altine
dieirness, thoweinessapeculiar heaiiness of the head,
and tither feelings - giving
.rhio 'to whikis , generally
calledAhe , Spriria Fever. • % - , • •
-.Dpaardi or. aoocio - or -4 1 9 6 d-p lll5 -.
have been sold dur ing dte past, par, at. retail: alone.:
Orders have beenrrecelied fr am,the'SbutliandNest,
during , * Past incintli; for more , thin 100 grass ! thus
showing,tlingreat demand for , them, and proving that
there-must be-some -Amtraordiratri-eauSo4 to- prothwl
it. It : iseasily thPIL
safest - purgative; as :Well Mt; the tsost_Thettestinu is
eleandi sir andpu,rifyinehebkMd,nnd miming-dm
prinelpa causes of, disease ever di se,tivoral; • They,are
safe,ber uthey are warranted from Minerals,
and may be taken Avidiont,diet, restraint ictito oceutta,,
tiph„pr a fear of taking Sold frOnt their neell , They_ ire
not debilitate system do„other pills and:Purge!.
operation late - Oda, but slislifs eWuttnsi.
.Thay haVaelleitigialtierouiftestiliotif
SielanS*o - otheft4'Wldelsatatap — qr tho reo _onr,
snd are confidentkysecommended , uf TtheumatiOAf
feciloatiifteroftila;:y..rtiiipelita, Jaundice :Heartburn
Diettisesolttholli4i4tikin,-bonel4lo4 . 4lins E poii of
'the sides t along - the back end spine over thiimegiOn‘ of
the heart andatoniaehjawaid,fevert,baillaide In , the
Mouth; foul Want of
Appetito;SoliiErnatidein and Acidities of the Stottit
Aoki Illteroussorealfthe.nose,itbioat 844 bO4, scaly.
,Eruptionsithd,bintehmr of-g amic*, 47 and watery_
pimples anti puitultdiefthii face mid. bOdy,Tetkrang
Itingworins; bardiudig or the.glaniftiof
the neek,lifttio 'groins; hreusti'list4Adkoldask Cough%
lolvereomtlitiiiit,,Waterkratlikligiv 4 0 0 3tio 000
train. of - diseases, resulting iron( Impurity of Dlriod,
Zonstitntienal Diseases;lito.VonlYin , PhiladidAti,riit
Rl*-14610 111 eilth Einporiankild below Vibe et,
.4lso sell by . zitlett,Ortig g lif:l2d - itiid - CWJAWhiIk
bleeetel.l: - Long - I,Bt - A: - Fairer, Dreggiaticiancaiiter;. ,
Peter Ponip,Druggliii,zEstitogi
gist;Dftltoii: :•, ' '
.ti • '%4fi
1 •
AlBO gqE44.7/0041 ,3 / 4 AnctotisDMintiSi l 4 -
Carliitr;rn. ' ' links gg',18:404.-pM
priic Ceiiti - e%riatter'
' =:••••1
Ti-45VAtakaZ641:2:vitibIlinattes . 41c , t041titt 46940464
ZiOrdit'lliid4leton, July 15, 1110:-01
, ,tlt 11 i
Who' Is -
Aivivoat; MARTIN: YAM' iixittesi
And.,le,t 7 eyery tuitn fo4o
~In-the scheme of a Standing , A*3-, re-'
pped by Mr. Poiniat, PecretaiSfor Wari.
during the session of Cengress just closed,
are contained in the . 4th Section , the 'Allow.'
ing provisiona
Each, mem_ is required ‘..‘
jar , and fashion -to be determump by. the
Brigadier General commandingthe brigade.
to _which he may belong," •
The -I.7th,section_gives tosbe:Plesident.
the entire control of the army.-.,?iit
,--I!:).7th-lhatitte_Prei3i.dent of the
ed Sfates be'authorizad to eA'LLII'OI7 - TH
and .SSSE MB LA such members of ,the
Aar] FE:, _fOrce of . Ihit' - milftia,- ate such
places.--within-their_respectitrelnistricts, nal
at--such- times, not exceeding ,twice,• nor,
—1- days in the same year, ASHE
.31 .12- .Y . LIKE ~NECESSVIR.E;_ and
during including ' - :time_
7hen going toandr.eturniugfrom the Oace
of rendezvous,_they shall _lie_ deetnett_in
the, serv o liteOrthelA - Stritesi - and
be subject to Preei.
to such regnlatienetia the
dent may think `proper to; adopt fortheir
' instruction, discipline, and improveMentin
military. knowledge." - • -
-Tire punishment - tolw intlicteiL - by-the
,any .of the requireinents of.the
scheme, are • to be' found in the_2Bth4iiii.l
29th sections, as follows:
"28th. That "eirery ogicer . , nen-cotn.
,officer,- artificer, musician, or
private of the militia, iho'shall failterobey
tkeorders of the United States-in the'ease '
provided, for-calling forth, the farce
_or_partethereof,_(in_the.47th_head) shall
be FINED, atill:'forfeit a sum not-exeeed
ing three months' pa, ,*nor lees thee half
a months' pay, a4cording to the *cum. ;
stances .of the easel as a Court Martial may
determine • and that every officerttion
missioted officer, _artificer, mosivian; -1
or private of The militia vvho 51-01' tall to
obey the orders of the President of the .U, l
States, in any of the caseecitedin the 18th,
andl9th headsi• shall forfeit a -Sum not ex- 1
[ceeuing one year's pay;: nu tot less maw.
one youth's to be leterinined' end ad
judged liccording to the circumaMncee of
Ithe case by a court martial, and such of
ficer shah, moreover, be liable to be CASH- ,
lE.RED eenteoce of a cOrt martial, and
be-Zincapaciteted 49110ordini 4 'c 6 unnis'''
shin in the m ilitia fur a term orriiiiFfeiiiiit .
at -- the discrtitioiref the - said - court :end
-such "non-commissioned officere-and-pri
votes Shall tie liable tolie"imprisoned by
the sentente of a court martial on failure of
the payment of lifeeidju - dpdTigaitist thurir
for one calender month for every FIVE
DOLLARS of such fine. ,
"29:11._Tf.lit all fines assessed, as de:
scribed in the preceii iijheud, Bali belier=
tified by the officer ordering - the . court, or
the revising authority of the, proceedings
same, to the marshal of_ tire. district
whick—the ,delinquent shall *reside,' or to
one of his - deputies, and,take-a-re.cciptrfom_
.the said marshal or deputy, as "thecase, for The 'same; vrhic% receipt and
duplicate; cif the certificate_ furnished, he
shall transmit for record to the adjutant_ge
nerai of the militia of the. United !States;
thai . the marshal,'or his deputy, liav,ing re.
eeived the said certificate, hall forthwith.
proceed to LEVI ME &9'D FINE S
i tivillireo ~ 1 31(;, ,D ISTRg$S AND'
costa, and. the manner of .proceeding wit
tespeet to the sale of goods distratnetT,'
shall be agreea6Wto, the Jaws of the state
in - filitelt — thr - satticr - shall ,
'ease - 111;a distress yell when any non com
mii,lsoif ofEegi-it'ar private shall be ad 7,..
judied'to titiffer imArisonntint, there being s
- no vas or chatties,to befound; whereon
- to • levy;the' said-fines, the marshal of the
district; or his• deputy, shall COMMIE( SUC4
Welitlquent IQAril; durieg the term Of.which
ho shall be do,tidjudged to.iniprisoninent,
Cr' ptitil . the - fine shall be. paid, in theileine_
`manner as 'other - Persona. condemnedto
6tie 'and imprisiMment at the suit' of - the
.initedr - Stites - may- be-. committed
," Of this. whole seheitia. Martin' Van
Duren 'dies. records his entire approval; in
has last anneal ifieseage. When speaking
ti the
1 44Y 6—; - —. --;;;:-- ----------:,----- --- : - .7 -
- r cannot recrunmentl too. strongly to
per attention Abet plan submitted by that
officer,' for the `organization of the Anilitia
pram United States.' . ';, •-. ~ , •
. Noir, vibat . are the, facts? I latenaltirii7
sOnliii,----ehltrited:Aviti-beipg--injfaVor or.
"Whi t e Slavery," 88 It; Is, tormsd,,because,
liiv?tc l 'ir iii, Ike Senn" ) or Ohio, wh en . .the
reVisibn, ;to punish_ infarriot4, - offenclip,,
Olivia, and pilfeiere by Pie and imprison.,
Meht,; instelid"ot involuntary lei,ViOler as
the I# - then iitotiti. - _The peniieetierY e3l,
tense! ,ieeo ,iperceoleg ZeiVlY,• , eqd large
apprOpriatona,WekrequiritP.P3. meet their ,
deteends. Vo,curiait ttioo*hoodity* of
the hilifefir Ptniftlit eceearg Telier.eiter - it
°Will' be 19 t T g , bl Itli li PP b8"4, 44 - 44, 0 1 7- M."'
'4 4.4 i 0 ;44 411' ,ItWaPoronosill'AbAt Novick
forificimill sr lzitlnclli,littimtd,i liie*lailTir
beingPai: y , A pP'ef 6c*o. u941,0be
atodeetea 4).,finait and'imp!ieektneeti -And'
7y, toye - , tbeyt!ceeld ' ne t : pay!,the 'fieer 2 oiit
soils; as their" sentence, required;
.vices Wertio2,lie ; given:to :inch ',Piranha •in
*it)l4,l their4y.,filio4oo
;'g. 0 0,4 1 - - .lkiiiteini
they i+OrCeontOnlledloivok: until
. Tbinritninal:Would:
lflbo:4o;bePoPJo - '.the'Jitigriiint htivehatin.
a uponlhaii,tatiiigbatAilelthei-eldif44
,nnquhing industrious hahi444lo,uld :40*
incessantly :.iodehiPtjtlTY
money;-=and-,onninig to - r;hi
emaciated, pale, *eAc; anti the
of a prisen he might ;have:lneli , .pletting,'.
lie * *Old come forOt etinneand;hile,.?iind
it intiy be with his lihandmiodhahits 'Chunk._
- titivideir - thii":00141114 - :70(70tiurnTsiii
.itteasp moral, industrious fluidly/ ':--"This,
.was what General Harrison Old or-which
he is said to-be in favor -of 'wh te slavery.'_
Look now 'at 'the
. .
Bente& of-tha Standing Army seheme, and..
:say whether Martin Van even: is not in , -
Inynr - of'the4orstr - kinci -- nfi - glaoe:eyprO...;_
screptivestat,e,m, Ite ptand
.ilig : Army; an require s - everylnanto equip
JiimateV E -_aut of : Jda,pwn,pecket--The lays
dowir_ruletil and, ..regulatlons..fori: their. got
- vernmeat—Lfixes`parntles-=enuthorizes
aelf to_ draught men, at any time, and hay
mg. given__ to himself President] : the
entire contrelof. Arrny,.he - .affixes.
pawkier:, b y which every man _win! will_
--notlbOiv_to_:the_EireentikeZtiod.4llold_ Wri t
I licit obedience to' the President,and_,±he:
subject to such the Presi
dent may see, proper to adopt," "is to be
committed- to-Jitilir. untit 'Burch= Obed ie n oelie
-yielded-I—lf-this-be. not an. enslaving_
- clielne r -ialeuhAed-40--shut up in `the .filthy- -
enclosures of our jails, for life, all those
who willnot y their_ o p ion s _even _to_
proscription,: then Herod's slaying edict
never Was
_published, and. never Was exe
euted.• -It id an attempt to subjugate every
freeman in' the Union—to - establish,- oqe
grand system of White 'S,lsovery, -which_ a
tyrant alone could coriceive—an-oppressor
_olOne iyould,ilesirc_te_eiecute,_inuLwitich_
'a .freeman cannot brook.. It is a high '
handed'attempt Under color of enacting: a .
law protective . of the Union, to make it
and its - subjects to do' his: biddiogei Let
every men judge for htimself, whether
'there are not thousands *he could rot meet
the demarnisaf this project, and who would
be situated, as is depicted with - fearful
truth, 'in the fidlowiqg • sketch - from - tire
Harrisburg Intelligencer: - -
“TheePriiiiid - erit's -beck and'tiod - ituit
be obeyed. The people must 'destroy - their
own etties,mindir their ncighboordef
populate whole sections of the country—if.
he commando, If .any one refine' to obey,
the President, Court Menials will all upon
ease, and he will be PINOD and /18 - -
P.4180117-14ailiteir-Miseretion.•- 2 4
poor man,-and -unable. to, pay his -fines-and
tostsi-for-disob'eying-perhaps a -Nero -of a
Comer, the threshold of a prison.will prove
to him what the 'Bridge of Sighs' in Venice
proves 14 the unfortunate beings'who cross
it—he will never return, unless theztbarity
of the public, less heartless and cruel than
the publies.masters, contrihute• the means
necessary for his-liberation.---Itt the 'noon
time, his family may be suffering: DT - the
horrors of destitution and want.. Famine
ma • sweep off his children—grief, expo-
Postird and poverty will bruit: the heart of
his wife—his aged parents pass from earth,
with none io comfort,: none to close their
'eyes in peace, but their , gray hairs sinking '
in sorrow to the grave. , And all this in a
time of profound peace, when there.eould
be no necessity- for rigor so severe,, or re
gulaticirts so tyrannteafraiiifilin-iflielliii
i.thit•poor 311811'ff only , ohne - hes been intl. ,
Witty to provide the accoutrements required
- 4'We ask the
-reader to read the sections
we have quOtedrearefully-t-to -reflect-upon
the_ condltion liundreds; and thousands
who will coin°, within the
• scope of their
operation—and 'then - oak himeelf whether
we have not spokei_truly." s -
An Excellent Kent lnie
The late anniversary of oueDeclaration
of Independence, has been extremely fruit
ful-at-excellent sentiments,:both political
mere!, temperate,'and jocose. A:Thong the
beetle 'one , by Sticialifit Winthrop of Mass.,
which be delivered at 'Bridgewater and
prefaced thus:
'No Massachusetts Wren; he sai•N could
fail to. feel a pecpliar he, cast , his
eye oiei4he great.Beclaration,'Which had
;utak this day_lmmertal,.at .finding .at the .
head of ttie,rcill - ,,' - end written je That noble
hand - Whicli,seenied heyO.heen ;destined
for that ,=precise the naine of
lehw-itaneock—ptie-ibroie_iitos*lxol -
Massaelittlietto-Patrio!i c :Wholit_lho
General exPrerely excep ted from his - Obi
clatnatien of Parden'in 1 75.. Now, ii wee
owing to the act of Beniiituin.;Harrison of
'Virginia,- lb° father 01 Henry,
that sassechusetts enjoyed U proud :pre=
eminence on Abe rUll . 4...lntispen4epei_24t_
was :related, tbat W,heit the * - Xontinentel
PongresqVcic about io'ckieie
'Bepjafititi Benison ieeigned.: hip own Fe.
liana," and 44ttecti hint, ju the eiralp 6 e**
cJaidlltif;`,",WO show ,Mother . Britain
hoW,Vieb'lise , 6Ki,,iV
'‘,A.l6o4lhi'ileto s he ad un justly
Mr. WinbtOp.tholl l l'4oi l: o l4 holulinw .
ti su s '
The 9( v ieraqicAtfiiio-41 4 iim
wilim:thloy-A4 1 7#9 1 ,k
prPhiw wt*
how'o l : l 4oh ' :"° a t:C "It ' 1 01 , 1 1 3r
•ouiTyCithl,to tlle ,`man,;v llo l ll :•.Prt
so , un i iiiitly pieseiihoG"
. • ' - , rro_nf MO iThaca tomvs 4 .f." , -
'' tht.:NimE OF2fiAliiiisorr
Is not: now Tor theArst time associated
with the
,:pureat • • pijikinies .of libert.y_indnf
-deep devotion: , fpf the;inalienable rights Of
, man. cilia jtatifi - itifttifivileo - 111tel.f to
Perutie,rwithihs keen inteiviii .which" it is
calculated/10 excite, Act-pitied 'of the lit _
'congress which. met ptimaillr,'ltt Caipen
-tees all -in;. libiladelphia,, op MondaY,
September 5; , 1774. To Mil liCidY the ae-
_yeial states, or colonies,* they. were then
designated, sent -their choiceak spirits, as . Ii
glance at the,names of the - delegates will at
onceiridence,---Virginia,,who lo -thiStar--
does not tiro
,in , the pioduction of Men
ot patsiotista , 'and'-intellect, appointed •= to
that-pure gathering of the patriotic . fatheiti
of Our infankcountrf, tits men *hose names
-are mentioned in,theirlcredentials,-which
, we extract' from the work which- we
hiFe above referred, page 0.
---- - - - --- -NIRGINI A
, ....
IVlormAir,Titz IST OF Ave
1 our Lord,
— AC a general meeting of the delegates
from the different counties in this colono,
convened_ in-__the city of Williamsburg, to
take, under ..their.consideration the pres.m.'
critical and aterntini situation of the conti.-1
nent of_ North-America.;.Bone Perrort,
,RANDOLPHI, esti. in theChaii._
_. _ _
-be-meeting-proceeded-to-the - choice - of
delegates, to . represent this Colony is Oes .
neral _Congress', when Alm. Hon. Peyton
`Randolph, - Richard - Henry. Lee, 2 George
Washington, Patrick Henry, -Richard
Bland, .-.llinij amin-Harrition,-and- Edmond
'Pendleton, esqrs. were-appointed'for that
purpose. - _ ._„
HARRISON" who figUres
with :Washingfen fand Henry,-and Lee,
was thelatherpf iVilliamßenry Harrison,
now .a • private-citizen, but soon as the 4th
of March can. roll WI-round; to be the - Ex.;
ecutiie of • khese'Stateiti. It was under the
non • whom -Virginia associated - with
her Washington, that Old Tip spent . OM
earlier, the mouldering years of his exist
_once, and,from whom, and from those with '
whom ilia parent had daily intercourse. that
'he imbued theArue_and unsullied republican
principles which .have ever been •his creed
and 'hie - guide: These patriots. were' the
father's of our country, and. Old 'rip was a
-child of the Revolution. • _ _
MA we ptireue our eartrieteilind find - on
page 394. 9f the aurae volume, a fact which
welhave.never racten. mentioned_ else w heritz_
Thit :Congrese were_ then about to do the
great deed of the age, for the darwaa July
4, 1776, and none other could be called to
take an actrlte 'part id a matter of such gi
gantiaimp4i,- but-one-et:their-mightiest
-men;and-we-copy-the entry..inad at--this
date -
"Agreeably - to - the order OP-theday,- the
Congress resolved itself-into a committee
.of the whole,to fake into their farther con
sideration, TE DEPLARATION ; and
after some tune, the president resumed the
chair, and Mi. HARRI S ON reported, that
the committee-have 'agreed to a declaration,
which they desired him to report."
The immortal document folloWs this ex
.tract,. end it was_ hus the, father of onr
Harrison who ushered the •worl, t
, In the minutes of a subsequent session,
page 537,) we find the. subjoined.
TUEEIDAI November 5, 1770. :,
Benjamin Harrieon, esq., a delegate from
Virg . inia r atto *
ndeila- . preclueed
denuale of , hie: appointment, whi?h were
read follows - '
.14.°*2114e:17:ouce: - 01,;Oelcgates,
Thursday, Oct. lii 1798:,
The itonse, - according to•the order of the
day,,proceeded by Ballot to the•apptitntineri
of a delegate to represent this state in de
!feral Congress, in the room 'of Thomas
Tefferson, esq. and the members having for-tho person to be ap
pointed, and put the, same.. into a box, a • •
•committee was appointed• to examine 'the
same, who reported, that they had a com
mittee from the Senate =in the' conference
room, and had, jointly with ..tham, examk
ned the ballot boxed, and,that the numbers
appeared se fellows: Vol' fienlaiiiin Mr-,
risen, esq. 09_Meriwether Sititlifesq. 5.
• ' Resolved, therefore, 'That the silt Ben
jamin Harrison be appointed a delegate to
represent this state in general Congress. ,. ' .,
Resolved, unanimously,'
,That the thankto•
iir this baulk, arp justly due` fa' the -said
Benjamin Harrison, for,thediligence, ability
an&integrity, with which he ea ecated the
frapottant — trnetreposed in
,-him'as one - of
Ike iletekateS, from_this-countrto the gene-•
E rid 'Congress. -' ' _ ' kesPY : -
• , - , c-'3014N TAZEWE Li '
aerk of he Home' °lode s tab:
Resolvid; Thai Mr. - Harrigan added
to the: board of.war, and, that lie t bS,Sostis'
Vad is - all' e- thisi'T Sti*disrestills $1 0 • 011-4
Which i lle•was- s tsPtltberi •stlieS .l ie
CstiffrOrs:-•,,_ . • -,,--,,, ';•, -.
404-ddsre, atic-' _*nom +irginial einth
• to- lofted , iafreritoth an tswits,M fiii
4 ililigenes i ajillity ,auti. Integritre AO,.
'T34 l ,m 4 n* e * l 9 l .r ied ' 4 o ' grl4 l4o et - TI
''" ) 1" 1 - 0 4 t i ter /PP ali 4 OtildkrlcAint,to ,
eltiP 4 r-otP l l fe f' i!' 47 man' 01m 00 1 1
fOini>etl, had niiich better, retire 0 , 8
4, 1 0 t Caliitt HOw iniielt dee/it'll" r# B
ili t tOte‘ngt“iiicked in the Ofitilki of tett;
fiatilf,' •
- -
Should l tat - lora., eat nieriti:
frolietOtiv6,Wl)ligris.-thii:Lesdoroco raaei
1 3e(r.PCf0 0- nlol lBl r frofultrist9l , 4*trii ,
hQe iptiiect n favor of and '
Waritammameh lesaao 44—Reg bele
mone), uses f9lloVin giiiiio g ge Fel
specting the tfelfeh, htborek t
~,, . •
:: It IS true,',slr, iliiii'd grenteti imrtioil'et
the i titiofeiir of PrtidCit tife . depilqiliit i ttid .
use of ANIMAL ''FbOli ; but doe 'it, f011ovii;
that, es i'whole t the y are .the-iotrise ojY '
-No, sitz—so far, ridth It, i . hove Bit Aitho;
.ritt tif, aid Engliih,st"aleiinidn; Oho Speakii
from observation 'and aieriticateicartiinatiort
of, the subject; thit the reverse is the case." -- ---,
If Senate). Buchanan and 1111%;;IVklkiams , '
can persuade the meelinlilei by being
laboreig - i,
that they would be better off bybeing NO -7 '
piived'of animal food," and . fed on 800 ,
them - to Work. 'for the - rich at a, leis price;
then' we have iiiiitakeer the !halt and in*
"telligence of our countrymen. .
Calvin Edgon, under this Locoloco does aiype of what our_siiiiily_.Yeez____
manry would be . inadei if the Stib Treasury •
schemes of the Tories. were. Eari:iid Inta
(ult. : effect. Verily, the times of fitaraoH
have come back againj when the !can/eine .
of the itiov,eFntiietit aie to - iiiallovi - tip ihei .:.
fat kine: Mr. Van Buren seems to be 'emel ..
of the opinion - of Jack Falstaff : "Care I
. for the= limbs, - the"thevrs - , the stature; thd : - - '
I.ig, assemblance of a inan_lt- -11611 i ,welt:
.to-me- this-half-faced •fellow,, Shadow; -,
=give me this' man: lie preients no mark
to- the, enemy : the foeman may
,with ati
great aim level at 'the edge :of a penknife;
The Purse and the-Sword:
At a Van Buren celebration-Of the" , itit
. atf! Bush at which, --
Brown.and Vrundy of Senate,• , . - -
.-present-arnong-nified ••
Billed in the eenttsyrvanian of the - Bth Ins.•
Purse dnd the
Independent Treasury and
•ed let-the people. hut keep the p_trriti
stringslt and pitd •th sword in - iliti777
Qther4 and ltib jt rosy bil defiance to, hank— :
aristedraey at hoine, ani.l a hireling soldieik • •
„from -abroad . g'. • . '
•,The eleveit . foot blistiiiiiitself aii ttiie ^ ies
markable expression. his-one-of the' re=
gulag toasts of the day, and
. adinits 'what
-we:have long apprahandedi that it'-is- the
design of:Mr: Van
.Buiien'e palieytti •
the - OW.4e and: , the,sUrbrd.- • Rightly inters
preted, and stripped -of .equivocation, the _
toast looiilil read Bina ••,• .‘ . •
' The Parse and 'the Stiohl.:"
treasury_and a Standing. Artik. or. 20.0i00d
- i - ot.. : ihe..parly. but keep_heiiurie..__ •
strings. in gni) hand and the-stvard the
tether, - bid defiance to,
0 giye tne iha-spare,nieii, and spare hid
the great °mi! —11a510n.41 . 16: . .
teente_eos ,
dress AVIS remarkable_ii" ftir ihti- •
'desperate atid.reekleSe depaituie.fiern thii.
truth', and 4anton-per-yershm of the reecirus
or the country.' Jts effects may 1.16 d'eefi lft
the fo)lowing.note: . ' • • • •
- To - the - feitori-of thb. Lpuisvill;
FRANKFORT, Ky. July 15, 1,840.
Dear Sirs—zArri . vinghere-yesterday-frafri-.
Pike county, Missouri, and being inatt
fatigued, I concluded to. rest: .1n the Maid
of the . da I came across addratil
the DemOcratic Committee , pr, LiiiiisVille:
and perused it diligently, 'altiriitigh ikith
pain. I could not help _ feelirig4mitgitani
at the gross and, low dishonesty of . d
party, to which have ever belonged;,o"
malting and spreading such gaibled and
forged exts.• against the good cild,paiiiot • '
and father or the, ~ Nyest? GeneiatVilliturt e , ,,
Ilenty_llorrison; . • •
The fist Vote I &et "
gave (at; for Jac&
-son.-:.1 also supported Van thiren i. butLl_l2.
will stand it _no hanger; Lain neiv.forevei -
done with , the poor man's eneinieii # the •
ptesent Van littreu spniferN. *Little; did I'
think, when I left ray-hoite; that 1 lmulti
ao,inon feel constrained to change lily` poi
litici, brit, thank God, my eyes are opened (
audit) November next. if J live get-to -
the pells, I stiff give , tilientif, the goodi, -
the i grea t ' Gen e ral ilarrisu'n, : 44 . hearty
Support. • ,• .
-I look . tplinY'' ttie Addiela o{''- ilie-fietiti4--
. e.Mtite Committee of. Louisville as being
ne or the darkest . &MO tie'
, guilty of. • Such an attempt tit gull and.
mislead the ptiblie and rofilhe dAvitiOte and
friend Of rny own tied ttaio,,..Mitioutr,, of 1
his laurels . c cerises ,me te.,refleet titi loot
tioeX Opoq gy t past follyin adith6dline se/
ruinous: ; &ta11,80.:7:ht, - . I :M - thil) ; # - 6 4 . *.u 3 Y - 7 -
chains and, vaillAin.freei -. ~- , „ ~. ; ,
• ' ,' , -eirpri,rcispeetfolli. komw.i4e.-. , ; ..
' -.• , -, lAmp t s :c..sairrit,
rietibits#p."eti t _,.pu 1?
-7' ,
Bat o( nipepieri:
114vd*Vindotied" Val; 0611 1 find the
1104 e44§4sd,ttie6B4l3 Hit?
siscin Refocus( , ' •
..... ,. ,...:,,,r.. , ........c:."-, , ..,74;::-::: .j . , tii,:ig
'-C01.':'...- .:' ~:i." -i4o7ititt44"-tltstire-uFF-K!N''"
di..._ 0; ~...- ~.1,Li. . t...:_, - ' l -- , 44 t i'- -- ilap,lr