Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 01, 1839, Image 4

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    . .
• • liaif e' . Veoeta Ite Pills and
IrlitINN11)14111111TTEItS'-' •
' - '2 , *CON'FRAST • •
Aillintithisla•nui-thereinotesitiges; hare:had ehi
hat, Voltunbu e only - found out. the way to America..
Before the tintelef;theigreat Spa nisitnavigator, pee
te,w9rn...Only enabled .tu 'paddle about :the shores:
, ItLis'bet ino.'years
first ventured lifniraidliki . ToTrnaii, 7 liiiiff"
haviidiaiirnieredr the precious object Imes in search
-yg g. p_table Medicines were indeed
Wen - if when I commenced . thy search, bnt'their. - use
was not. By the trie of them, I have not.only passed
frOm thetlejected invalid, to the hale; hearty end ac
tive nun of business, hut, comparatively speaking,: I I
renewed 'nty I can thus,,with:confidence do
MY own etperienee, advise with my fenow-citizens.
l)oes the reader want vent' that the VEGETABLE
-LIFE - . AIE BICINEB 'lire suitable to ibis own. ease?
There on file at' nriroilice . , 5 . 46 Ilroeliway; tuindre6s.
=a letters, from same of the mostrespeetub'le Ciiirsens .
of this my...native land, yoluntarily offereillestiniony
of the virtues' of A. GOOD VEGP.TABLE
Persms - whvie - oldititiltionhevelmennearly ruin- .
rid . by the "all-infalfible'? mineral preparations of
thelley,will, beat ma witness, that the life Medi
oines;and such only, nro the true course to persaii
nent pail health.
• - 'These medicinds have long been known and'app
elated,. fOr-theinlextruor.dintiry_tinip
ors of restoringrperfect bealth,to: persons suffering
...' under nearly, every kind of disease to which the he
: man frame is liable. •.. • 1 . • -
r In many hundreds of 'Certified Itistanees; they have
- . even rescued sufferers from the very, verge of an nn
timely grave, lifter al' the deceptive; nostrums of the
. day had utterly failed; . find-to many thonisuidd (Way .
~. Inive.penmaileatly.securedthatriniform enjoyment at.
health, without which. life itself is but a portial - bles.
- sing... So great,-indeed has their efficacy invariably
- _ and. infallibly proved, that it Isawappeared 'scarcely
• less thin_ miraculous to those who were nnacqnainted
_ with the beautiful philosophicial principles upon
-----•.-whicli theYerecompounded, and tipon lyliichthey con-
_' , setrently act., It was to their manifest' and sensible,
action in purifying the springs and channels of life,
if - and - enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, that
they were indebted for their name, which Wlla bestosi
" - E . - PA infon - therti - at the - spentairemis -request - - ortevdra --
- individuals whoselivestheylied °Woody . saiiil. -
' -- • : ? The proprietpr. reices re dmo_ppprtimity greed
. ell by die universal (Infusion of the daily; reSs, for
• • placing Ids .VEGETABLE. - LIPEIPILLS. Within
ifie knowledge and reach of eyery individual in the
---- Cor,nratinity. -- 12crilike the- hest - of -Pernicions_qoacke
- rice, whitili boast, of vegetable ingredients, the Life
• Pills are solely vegetable, arid contain-- neither Mer=
carry, Antimony; Arsenic, nor any other mineral;'in
• ' any fame whatever, They are entirely composed of
.. - .extracts from rare and Powerful plants, the virtues qf
7 'r - which - `,"though - long - known - to several-Indian. tribes;
- and recently to, some eminent- pharmaieutical diem
, ists,.• re altogetherrunknewn to the ignorant pretend
-. era to medical science; and-were-never before ad
.- 'Ministered in so happily efficacious a combination. - _
1 ..- The first operation is to loosen the coats of -the.
.- ' - stomach and bowelit, the various impprities. end Orii
• dales - constantly settling around them; and to M.-,
:` ' move The hardened faces which.collect in the convul
• skins of the small intestines. Other medicines par
-- ti fly cleanse these;anifleave.such; collected_ masses_
',behind, as to
. prodnise habitual costiveness ; with el
train -,- - its Of e vils, or sudden diarrliten, with its immil
' 0 neat dangers.--This fact-lswell allegula-_
• - - anatomists, who examining the human bowels after
- ' death: hefifie the 'prejudice 'ef these well - informed
... •... men. against- VEGETABLE
.Lt.FE PILLS is. to
~cleanse the kidneve:and , 'the bladder,. end bY I this'
- • means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action - of
- • which entirely depends upon ,the regularity of the.
, •.. surinnri 'organs. . Tile Wort, WhielLtaikesits_retter.
• . for from th:Ci - igericfrif - theliverend - thelimgfrbefirre
-_•_•.-,it:passedloto" the heart t being thus purified by them,
= ' andnourished by - foodfdmiogtrore aclean stemarli 7 ..
-courses freely Otrough the _veins, renews every par
of the and .trhataphantly mounts the banner
~ lo health in the blooming cheek. •
- " - .1 - :" TheffiliMaring are among the ilistressin,„varietv- of:
' human diseases, to which the Vegetable-Life Pi a '
Are well knoWn to be infallible r---
- . DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first
'and second atomache t Ind cresting a flow of pure,
healthy bile, instead a the suite and ecrid kind ;-
Flatitlency,-Palpitstion ofthe 1110134 Loss Of..iAppe-_
. --- titejleart-burn and Ile:id-ache, Restlessness, Ill
temper, Aexiety . ,_Languer, and Melancholy, which
ire the genercl symptoms of Dyspepsia .williimish • TgE_ZIRDLA.I4I SELCIPIC
es a natural consequencai Of its cure. - Costiveness, '. . i, .
.by cleansing the whole length of tho intestines with - ..,- t x t . 'at .. •
• , -
-A solveig process, find without violence; all 'violent 2 ,.,,,, - „s, Sp y For.the , prevention
- purges - leave the bowels costive within two .lays.. f ~ . - •n
. ,-• .• e t and cure of Coughs.,
Diarrhea and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid .
fluids by which these complaints -ore occasionded --':* ..V.` . poi Colds, dstinnas, Con
and by priamoting the übric.itive secretion of the a P /it hi • sumptions,spitting of
miscue members. Freeness of all kinda, - by restor- .*•.'
~ -1,, . ,
.. rt .. , ,
~., ~..4 , -.. ~,. -. i*, AV ,,..' Blood, and diseases
log the blond to regular circulation, through the pt;a
seas of perspiration in acme cases, and the through -'. . • •.... - .es.? •;., •,' of the breast . and
. ~ n oludonor nil intestinal obstructions in others:
.The - . _ ' 7 I,
.' . " '' e /1.171 P, 4 • C. '
LIFE PILLS have been known to cure Mum - inatm' a - D octor CLARKSON Far.Estste, the proprietol , of the
permanently in three, weeks, and Gout in half that ,
resided - upwards of Tour -years among the
time, by removing local inilamation from the mnscfes sPee ifie f
tribes of North American Indians, and With unwea- -
*rid ligaments of• time joints., Dcopsies of mil ikivds;
rled dgence used 'every means in his ower to ac,-
by freeing and .streugthening the kidneys fend blade ,
quire aknowledge of the different rem edies Used by
der; they operate most - delightfully . on thelse impor
er 1, e ,, r e m a y a eer ., tnera, for the cure of the sick and wounded ; - and
more particularly those which they .nake to prevent
ti n : °Tga rented n9 ; R f n o li r h th e e ncP wo h r a irees e e r s of Gruel. Also-, and cure the consumption, and complaints ofllie
- Worms: by dislodging front the turnings or t
ets the. slimy matter to which these creetures'ilaedli!er°-4 breast, and lungs. He observed the Indians were
übjedi to numerous' and similar complaints to those
Asthma and Coninmption, by relieving the air vas-
of white people; and front their mode of living, and
sets, of the lungsfrom the mucus, which even'alieht being - exposed to the inclemency of all weathers,
folds will occasion, whist if not removed lieccrnes
many of their complaints were compliceted, and Vies
hardened, and produces those dreadful diseased.
1--7titwUmereomd.invettrato_sdresi4l,/lieperi/eet lent Although, many of their difiesses were of such"
a' mdture as weidep - with - a - people - in - rr civitized-atate
• purity which these Life Pi a give to the blood, and. have to•minated in confirmed consureptione; yet, du
aly the hurnorskSoorbutie Eruptions, arid bad com-the' 'me he was , witltthem, he did ' not hear of
plexions, be thee , . alternative effect upon the fluids ring t'• .
-- '--diat feed 410 - skin, the-morbid 'taste of-which occa- a e 0,., allTaPtu"'"
”o* -- ther in tilde-
--- "incel -- Ethydßet -- tomplairiqStillow;;Cleiftly;" - titid" --- ao - naPPY --.--1 R ..---- 71 r;
ci cerizin 0 tor t, (..1
dies, and s . .
other-disagreeable Complexions.- The use of these
time, that it maybe mid
Pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure - "a true -. mitten ..
of Silt Illienifi,Bryelpeles end a striking improve: ease ' R orer known er., heard among them." The
__. inent in the Clearness of the skin. Common Cohts truth of this observation:
oust be corroborated by all
• and Tellnenza, will always be cited-by
have htmlhad the op of becoming negainle.d
''' be ' kid h the
Ibi , two; wren iti the worst eases.' Pilestittifl•eme- with these - people - t naay the): - tla 7Y. ey
r 'ill ' complaints ? The reason - is
'fly for this Iliad distress beg ttnd - obstimite midi*, the are pxonit jec . a re u m se
the e y ari• ii,c,m _- 4 : d, , ititely, for
•:Y . egetalgis
... Life Tills deserve a distinct and 'empludle anima •; .
and_prevent_thosev . complstnia7 l nc..110....!1 8 v* _412::;•
1 • i• • s e - jOvirider
• I yeeatrenstiett. . his well known'to7hundiethritr
- thideitY;ttiet the Proprietor of-these invaluable - Pils _ ti n and bring on incurTibTe conr
mine the constitu co. ,
~ . . g
...„...Avas Mimed( affilated with the complaintfor upwards auTßti. arh. ' „ - • , , tge.,ac.tha..
- eit adrls•-vearr,aiiii (mu tria in vane very rem- --$3lllB- eac h-bo ttle
. y T eacn-00
fie pointing out _ m deonstocuous. -manner,_all
'44ll3..P rr ri . *iihiwthe Whole compass
hie.. l S h peci .' i 0 in the ditferent sta es Pf these distres:
is' hr sdistii , :juttioietiver„ atlength, tried the meth - . e 11 T,TP m° ' . . .F .. . t . •
" 4- 'll4liie'iiihWhe tigli• riflery to the - public, end he WAS -sang nutcases i also ?particular - tu . reouons reap , ,
ec trig
• - cured - in toiniiir abort time, after his recovery had ..Die
_ . t andelteren S h and how patients are to conduct
Seen pronounced not - Only improbable, but absolute- ti,le_r_•_,"'el" e sta*c until health is re
-IF° 11
6 Id bethe • '
•b• impoiseible byeny human means'. --- , SlOrea ; for vain and useless , would
DIRECTIONS FOR lISE.-The Proprietor of tions of the ablest phiaicia , °raps:flied by the moat
alre.llo fa i t hf ul l y „ A t piresvhdils i/fraPillirdnes not follow the base and 1 1 17_erf rad ei t Tedilducat if Wall:lb al - f
-----encreenery-praebse of-the,, in advi-- --'Jae
informedthat the r eposi ions
sing persons to take his Villain huge quantities. No a Th - public are - - 1”" 't . o f
• • good seedicine can possibly be so required.- These two h und red and eighty-seven persons have been M
ORA ere to be taken at bed time - every night t for - a. hetehef theproper authorities of the city of -Lan
- week - pr. fortnight,„neeording to,the disease. , The • caster, Pa., all completely cured of the most.despe-•
I • .1 ta
- ' usual doso.of 'dick bitters Is half a wine giant fit); . rate cases of consumption . ,..somoof' wut t arri. deil
ti, water or, ,bum ma i t bi a m me tity m a y b e ta k en two , I ed in the Wills accompanying tbe bottle.
orthrhit.times:a il t r, about half an lamer before meals, The price of each bottle of the INDIAN SPE
. eifie is One Dollar, pod each enveloping the mine' ge
or ir lee. O&M may be taken at all times. To
.... si . gn n ed . b_ e y - .ELr. qtrkson Preeni -
_an _ i nn - d the
---- . 'Am - aro afflicted-witlf indigestion- after _meals', _slr.a,.'„fla,.„ lB .
seat 0 . 1 each bottle_ , . Bone can
bitters will pis* invaluable, astheY . very great:. trauma I; F. 0 tO ,
be genuine without this signature; a base composi
' the ;sotto_ of of the prnicipel, viscera, help
don h.sving heen attempted wale imposed upon . the
to perforteithebreinctious, and enable the sta.
• opatiltiarßeiterge into_ltitthowels - whatever Is offers- Public h 9 a co unterfeit
. Imitation of this extraordinary
rem ,. - r artiele: . ---_-_____,,—. .
• 41196.-;;Thtts ladle :seen hi easily and speedily
'' '•at supnly of the above snecifie,m kept co nstant
ao. Sale by SA . MUEL Ez,morr: of iCarliAe
' 916 tien1, 1 vessel l*dit s e be l rnest rell ie, 1 -- tintesl ilind ti " :l ,, nutrition elwtitha
tlfit th e e it a ita b red r : . - .
~ and by ... Samuel Wilson, Shappensburg.
• and,,strength.ef -Bodj • end energy of inlnd- are the
Da results.' Ent' further particulars oFMOE- I • November 50555-iy: .
-:-.--rxr*--IXFZ-11131A..fitid-_MTZTIX BITTERS, I -
ppplyet Mtf- Idoffiet office; No. 16 Rieeilii -- myr;,wo
- IforkOr o the Pills elm be Obtained for 25 'cents,.
- 240 - firma, Ortl per box; 41nd-th rs e-Bitte for,"•_St or
"".$ - ,•pee - bottle. -- Cam
Nuerolui - certificated* of -the
wonderful efltearty of both; may be there inspected.
• kr toleadobstinakt and comp sated eases of Oro
" isle yid inflamed:eel Itheepratism,Livercomplainti,
__ : ,_,Fiver ani k l; pyspesisia, Palsy, Pike,
7 - ,, '• - froas illiiiiii7 - 1 ._---niiOttey,,--otiitiltiei-and-Other-fhlicalaski • .
'of mtg..* Itz e; t may-fie :found - -neeessary_to.tiike I .__CABINETI:III;AIVITEACTORY.,
both-thfis rind and 'Phainlicititters, in ; the does ' IrrI HE subscriber respectfully informs the intilibl
... • birdie rireOhittieuded. ' • --' , I 'l, taiits or Cluiisle, and the public - generally, th5t
,;:•7,:,„.,-,,,,B;Thellillwatiet the Bitters will get all ta 6 r - ' lie stilt resides at his.. Old Stand, iii North Hanover.
- • , . - ,Vg - opi of thesysteral infinitely faster , than;the best . - --street,opposite Mr. E.Bullock's - Chair Menufactory,
••, ? 1,, ~, „„„,. -ir of.Sitriaparilla , t and are acerta . at-rrue - • where he centirmedito carry on the, :'• '• "„
: ' ••• - Of blood to thahe ad, head, or al l violent ,
',, .. 2 % u 4 elY k Oft* -,,,,.',. ,&e,-;All
persona who are 1 'Cabinet . . *flaking Illtiglinitisst
.'....,,!':.,,"-----.lgri:thoik: lA — y e ' 4, i lk E,IL' tr 4 :03., choiddpe . ver•he ~ in all i ts various '
branches, .1 - 10 has lately 'furnished
.... m•sim. a imgr e v. , '„T*Aaltteraf Pr one u° B e la himself witka" ow* and spleedid HEARgp
Bte to aciornreodate all th' '' h
; • ;:;;...-,::=.1 e l eg ...i ;, - 4 1i t • * 4 i - i v ' , evao e . - • ;kVA .
... eriLre d ultiti si on o t , .
may ra!ait h is
I::::,.••:•;;,p,'*a:rt,ifteitiklii." - •1:•_*: -. ....;,,-, .. .1.. ~, '`''."*.• .1-.',4', , ,!, 7: we frienthynnd enfitenures for the libersf eneouragemerit
1 . 17 - :. 1- "'• •: ,7 01,_.V4T.;_titlar - fit lie' tiOrre.'ort4;ELMOrt.' bestowed on him, and solicits Continuance of their
I` , A-"'*-?..Niiii n iiii•*ll3 , l9 -- 7 , . - ;=:f ., ?- ,---7,-7' c i ,`-,f;--- Kira /i 9 ,,Patter a ,. hinuelfahathy-strict-atten
y?.....•.,-.;. • ....,
_ L ,,,, • ~ ,-.. .:.-- -.1 , :::_:.: ;.4„.. 1 , • ••*.,., f• ,, , .f.•• , • ,•, f t e areee r v Aems and a difvflition to please, to merit
*,:',".•:-.,•:•••S-s,'.'17/1'1:.:lf,: :A maiilisli'lee'l , ri 7 7'il , .. , ke ,4 4. ..:; ,' 1V Ti ' ni.... , 4 , I) ollo4 l ll , l 4rPhageh '-
••• „
~ ,, ;',l. : l 4 ..t " , if i a r . -, 0 • 6 4 .4 1 ,- , 244.1 1 • 1 ?. , "_.'-: car' CO . .• •• •
~, •,' '. tI, "i e r.." Y'l," 'rt....journeymen Cabinet Makers
Me luiluesharg t haveltistre!..}.,Wan ,u,:to t iv,,aorrt-sf.erin,„„ eree e i ll b e i ivnn. . An
~i;a7 e - d ::.ic.';lirige. : afitortotenr•of Tie - align . Militia 1"!IfPfeldf00-Witl,he taken to vt..,4 1 , 1 b„:b b ".- -
- Chetike'llte. - vrhielf tbser cOop T e a * lows 50.•ematelb‘i it welliaciniutterided -- r- ' • - • - `'' a °Ve " nes°,
... -.
..inumerprodinin k ~,, - •••• •, ... - •, , - • . ''•••:'''. !. ' .... ~, :-.; : •;....:..:•--,.,- - - ", , fatalyrßErft' it . • • •
• • . • 4401 si t Igo - •••:' -,- • ' - . ' ~ , - 7 1., ~1: )'t u•-4 14 . - *:.•
'' -. ' •' • ••:f• &• •:- - - ••;-*' :' -- •'. 1 ,, '" - t,' ar. s v .01efaber. 4T,1838.--1 m. . •
- Tho - Trite - RichieS -- ofElfe -- is
.11E - A1 •
We knoio thatlfialth,an d the ability "to
labor-is the eiicalth of the great mass of
the' people in slue as in 'most other coun
tote' .To Preserve, therefore, that health
by X.tITUIVIL means, is agrand moral'
- and' patiea &done. , tb fulfill- which- ire-.
quires our utmost attention.. - : . •• ,
• THE unpaltalefed reputation which Peters' Pills
luriO - acquired,as a Medical Restoritive, is the Most
unquestionable proof that can be giVen of their im-.
item importance . to the afflicted in 'almost every
class of (hackies.. The number of letters -received
Ifrois-patients.recovering throtigh their moans is real.
ly 'prodigious, and, the, complaints which they have
cured are almost as varied as they are numerous.—,
But still there-are Some,ln . which therare More
especially beneficial than 'M others; and among those
_maybe named_the_too_ofteo -fittal .complainta of the
I stomach and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, and
Indigestion; for which they a not only a certain
but ,nif ininiediatecure.'
`lt is well.known that frorti the disarrangement of
the -stomack - and-bowepti . ari se-nine7tenthaof all-the •
declining - liiiiiilqiftide is the
foundation of Platuleiniy, Spasmodic Pains, hullges
ticinfLoss of Appetite eto.-, and that those in their
turn give birth to. Dropsy, Liver Coniplaint, Con-.
sutoption, and habitual 'lowness of spirits; therefore
Peters' Pills being the' very best, medicine u hick has
over been - distorme,d - for - theincipient diseases of-the
intestines, are 4,1&‘ siire - seprdeidatives of
those dreadfol,apil also general disorders, Which em
bitter life, and drag so many. millions to untimely
In speaking , thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing to
- hint - Self - that has - not - been ciinceeded by the public.—
He is no needy - Attack or unknown spectilatorovho
cornea before the -world as his own herald and wit,
ness; but is placed hi a responsibility of Situation by
thepatronhge which- he - . has- enjoyed -for - .years, and
which is increasing-" to an extent unprecedented in
theanuals pfinedicitie, thatmakes him careful teas,
sett nothing Which is not borne
.q . the. most in-_
Callable proof, and hence he does not fehr - to be put
to the. test 'in any thing: whiettfp has promised re
specting-his Pills._ ,
Dr.Peters4s.mOst happyto be able -to stste;cm
the autharitY of-a great number of regular - physi-,
iOtrodurodithey . have almost Superteeded the adop
tion ormercurial experlmentS;for their peculiar fae
ulty_io :sweetening: die blOod t .and - -stimiilating it to
expel all noxious jucies, and in giving strength .and
tone to thenerves, prevents disease from acquirivig
that strength.' which must begot under, if - at all, by
dangerons remedies: -- • •
-- WPrepared by - JOS...PRIESTLY. PETERS, M. D.
•12 4 4 - LihrarrstreetdsiOw York. -Beek box contains
40 - price 50 cents. -.• .•. • - .
These celebrate d' . ar , sold. by nil the'peinei
pal Djaiggists in Baltimore, Philadelphia, - Washing- .
ton City, and throughout the- United States, the.Cana-_
eXasi-Mexicoi -- and- the West- 'hiding; and -by
LISL - E; SA MUEL-W4LSON., Shippensburg;
- DENIG, GEORGE GARLlN,Chambersburg.
December 4, 1838.-1 y. , • • . 7-
TL':&. -1..,...1-7....1:::..;----.
G") -
6; ..• ) ' ' 1„, •:, ! !1 1,1 illill11111!!iiiiIIIIIIII I ' I ' L li NlLLil li ll' o ; t , ': ,:t.
c i
• -=•- - 0.,.. - ik - s - T - - ---- - -- ....' .:1;,...-,Y
Er...4, - .t.,....,0147:::: . ,4t*1t.:404* - :l,o**4l:•'_pi.4ltiv:lwie,::*-02,0 7 t.*J.0*.4.
BALZAtit 111 11 11.1a13i.
'Prepoired end" by JOILY S. Alltil,Bl?•atlaie Drug,
--:.-Storeopkielte-che 2 .7llarkittlirorthe i -Pi•edetick i .lllV.-
JIS valuable Medicine has already acquired a.
• 'oelebrlty to which few others perhaps in so short,
a.tolne ever arrived; anil its extensive use for'4 or 5
years, in ' , lariat:Ls parte of the Country; .Cities, and:
ToWni,iin Maryland, VirginiaiTeinisylVinia;Olii6 ;
.New. Ydelc f Lentuckyi Missouri;South Carolina, Al-' Astute, Georgia; mid New Orleans, which has attend
ed it .w ith unparalled success: , • •
.Hundreds ofpersonsliave.used. lt,..and ;nine Out of,
.ten cases have been permanently 'aired - of Dyspepsia,
,Cholics, Nervotts Tremors, Lowness of Spirits,.:Pal
pitations-of-the heart, mid all those train of DiseaSes
resulting "from a disordered bolidition ofrtlie stomach
and liver, or deran,gernent of the Digestive functions,
'such as General debility or weakness,' Flatulency,
'Lose of 'Appetite; Sour.baluctations and Aciditees of
the Stomach; Costiveness; Ifeadaches, Jaundice, Fla-:
tulent and Bilious Colies,4o:tt.
To Adults-and - Children - who; are troubledth -
Worms, it will, operate as a safe and thorough ver
mifuge. It is entirely Botanical in its composition,
and may be' used by both sexes and of any Age, wills
perfect Safety, without any change of ,habit or diet.
It is not recommended like, most. patenteil .Medi
cines as a pure, all but the proprietor recenanends
itjor what he has full confidence it will'aud bur cur
ed, which can he substantiated byile testimonrof
hundreds of persons,. that hilve experienced its good
effects. • • -
. .
It is neatly put up in squarehalf pint Bottles, with
the mine blown on the glais this, Garlegant's Thal
liaiti of Health; prepared only by John S. Miller,and
'six signature en a label; Fisted on the outside.wrap
per of etich'llottle, Which completely secures it from
being.counterfeited.- •
A full and satisfactory Direction accompaiiien each
Bottle, and by the.quantity at a discount of
the proprietor and of all his nents, which 'are Mim
ed at the bott9ra of each direction.
-- Now testimony of its caresare freque dly receiv-
cd,A. feiv of which' follew this' advertisement, and
many more :can lte seenon . the directions around -
each Bottle ' : • - , •
Dear Sir:Ll:dolLterehy eerticii
that I have been afflicted- with - Dyspepsia for the last
4or S•L-ears, which has been incegasingon me ever
since, t 6 suc ha degree, that for 3or Weeks previous
to_using_yoursaluable:tarlegantla Balsamlnf Health,
I nin - certrin I have not eaten ono
. ounce a day of any ,
kind Of diet; neither was I able to sleep with any
kind-of-comfort4loring:this time,- for-a- severepain
in-my stomach, irrfact I had given myself u p asincu
rable, as I have haul resource to so manytlifferent re
medies without atm kind of bend*, I at length heard
Of your Halsam.Of Health, beinF Ifdvcrtised, I Pur
chased a Bottle of your agent RM. 'Miller • in Win
chester Va.--Afler • taking. fife', three first doeSS
found my stomach to relAn 10 some degree what
eat, and the pain iirmy-•stomitch . tiubsidl rig gradually,
mut-after us ing one and a half bottles; I found nty•; , .
self - entirely and lave earartything - Thateluti
•inclination for, and sleep well at night. • It was sur
prising-to see,the-•quantit3r—ormorbul- , mattcr-ldis-•
charged from my stomach, -whiclif -once inclined fo
believe. wh's thick with it, Whieli no doubt rendered
all.dielindigestable.• • • • - :
.. Given. under my, htunl;_this Isf'dav of Deiembux
Living near IVintb,e4ter, Vn
• • CelyificatO of JVicholas
This is to certify that bought of your agent
tettYsburg f v.iverril bottles-of your.,riduable Balsam
•of.Health,Avhich coMpletely•cured Me of the Dr - -
plisitt. 1 had taken much of - other patent-Medi
cotes; hut foutuLtio relief, •mada,ttse - of ycur
Balsam - of - Health, which atfetitcd 'a tadical'edrei
'and do recoramend it to all those:lVlM are troubled
witlilluit obritinate disorder , Dyspepsia. . •
• • 'N.
Gettysburg Pa. Nov. 2, 1836. • .
Certijeatefrom the Rev. .S7igePr - ,Ptistsr, of
- the Litthe-ratt Church.' -•
itter:—Deur.Sir.l. deent it my ditty to'
inform yoti that I consider Gatiegant's Bal.r.ttu of
Health, prepared by . you, a suCrior medicine.
'wife - has long been in a_tlelicate state - of health, and
of-course no -means were left' untried of which ve_
could - bear; myself' opposed to nostrums andvatent
neierthefess consented to purchase a
bottle of your Balsam of Henlth;nrl do hereby cer,..
tify-that - Nirs Shaeffer derived more-benefit...from the
use , of;it than any• other medicine: - My opinion is
that if a cure can be effected, ns regards the disease
you-'mention, your it used-ist the first
stage of the disease.
• Frederick, Aug. :23,1886
F. S. fused tlic Balsam in my own family . and ad
ministered it to sonic indigent person.: and
lily found it ItITIOBt efficacious verinifuge. •
-HClirl isle, December 25,-183g:7-Iy.
The :Counter-Teiters.
He mast be a miserable villain,irideed, wlio
would place the. lifee a fellow being in
danger, for ther4ose — of making vio-
. .
What 10 DrUggists prove by making and
Counterfeit Pint purporting. to be
versalPiHs ;
18€.—That illey are without-1'07..1 . E5? and 1401:0 1 11A-
Itcx.vrineilde. , -, - -•• • • •• • •
2(4—That no other medicine h required . by the
public ;--or why d'o• not these druggists countet•feit
other pills in the same way they:do Brandreth's?—
SinNly because•no others save Braudreth's Vcgelnble
Universal 'Pills ever Wetted the extraordinary Cores
That these Pills are knoviti—utairsnas.l4.3rissown
-to have elected. - - • •-• •
There never was a person - who used ttur ---- % • -
-illiotdidliot-reccmnendilterri - irrierms - of
X eve .tthelemcihese counterfeiting druggist have
done &t are 4Qiuq the charicter of the Genuine a great
deal ofinjuryi but It is hoped that individuals will
not allow themselves to•be deceived by desiguingper
sons, whose only object is' t.9plake money, and who
are perfectly careless of consegeences: It isa matter
of no importance to them whether !Ile Puck-child 13
-rescued froanli bed of sickness and Tegtered - to tee
yearning arms of its parents, or whether Win' on whom
a large tinnily rely solely upon , for support, it
vented,froni filling All early and untinaely grave. 'fbe
time inay come when the greatness_of their guilt shall
become • clear to their benighted understandings, and
then it is hoped they will endeavor to make some a
mends by the•iifter purity s of their Eves.
Every authorized agent has a copperplate certifi
cate of agency, and has it exhibited in his store.' Ne
ver purchase unless this is seen; and have some :re
gard alio Oa the chanicten the agent bears among his
fellow.citizem He must by a miserable villain who
would plape the lifsieta fellow creature in danger for
the:purpose of making Money.
• Dr.'Brandreih's ()flees in Philadelphia. •
Prineipai, No. 8. North Bth'Street. . •
• -Minor office, No. 43, Chestnut Street, near 2d et.
- itemember the above-officers are kept-exclusively
for Elie sale of the,tru e and genuineßraiidreth'aPills.
• The following persons are duly authorised .Agents
fardie - county - of Caunberland,-in.the Stat_e
sylvania, whim respective names are:- ,• .•
. ,
). - 8.-CbTVlEßTSON,'Shippentibigrr. .
• .10111S1 1110PRE;'Newvie:
No'ilniggiat, apothecary or: pedlar, is al—
circumstances Wbateyer::_ Also..CabSerVe. Whew yen.
puecka of clip advertiged'Xgeute; tllni thy, have"
certificate. ofagensy, signd and sealeillaY. me, r.. -
• • . • B. BRANTIRETH,-M. D.
: JCS:-8, Norto3th, Street, Plaikulelphi*
mirg iubsaiitki;.on' behalEorfriineell raid. C.' W.
MORGAN, offOrskti„inda attlitipanonnon Trots
Works, squareiicasnif and Rai. - rolibil iron„ lions shoe
and. scalloks•innri l • Aksisodit:ing,:rods. ,N9s-Anit
Orden - adilressidqa Clark's.Feiry,Airiy cOullti;
pupptaally at*nded ,
• -W:t:T/S#F 4ll :-'
• „ 'N. Wanted—Awo
Marak..7, 1839..;•-••6Tr. •
[Harrisburg I'elegitipli;}
. ,
• '
:1104ret :4 4, !We n c j acii fo,r ,
.IFgravariting4l - nd"
c r . o 7 ;r4 O : t ip
alumna!? 4• :IPLIBAL4*G9
Carlisle, Cum berlafiil •County, - have rely
erected a Ware Hotese:on the'
t . .Ti; 0. , 4;1) . "
. .
.gt the West- end of, Ingle Street s direcilll Op/ ogile
7oher, y_t,'Ky .. .enti 0.771 time* Ile
aitd Forword dileri•hanitize - and, Prodttce '
• •
91413) YE111.1411:10 TEt 3 47_
-• and all intermediate Plain.. •
Having:placed CARti oit the road whieh w:11 mat
regularlyltetWeon Carlisle and Philo delphia,liy wbieh
GOODS AND PRODUCE of nil' descriptions 1011
be fortarded with care and desilatt& • .
GOODS will' be received at tliiilYarehotre 0f,10..
SF:PII. S. EL . o: cOrtiar Drelll and
Tine Streets, Philadelphia, and to Cif
LISLE, CEIAMBEIISI3(7IIG, and , :ill itt&.it.%;• !Luz
N. fi..T/teg purchase- Grain, rou, niv.
coiaary .Produce, and keeycondantly an lo•id ants
or - sale Coal, Plaster and dull • •
• -
7 1.71r - o — ati Street, Philcidelphia.
TlM,undersi,,omed respectfully inforiris thecithens
of... Franklin and .Cumberland that he has
opened a WAREHOUSE - in Rrisid Street, next door
.nbovellroad street Hotel, fondle saleof .all.kinds of.
.Conntry'Yrodoce - iand - respectfully - solicits --- ronsign- -
picots. . • -,• .
Prom I ipin
his general atiutance '
Siness, amt - the exercise of his boat efforts
orts to - promote
the interest - ofilitecustomers, -- hollatters hionselftliat
be'able to render t;cneral satisfaction.
• • Phitade Ain May, 1838. • '
• REFERENt'Eg. -
• -David Halton, .&q; ? sp . - •
Tsq3 sp. -."g•
Swoyer, - Egmliteirville.7 • .•
Sahel-..lksanfler, 1 .
-W.- M. licndersoh, .Esq. s_ a : r
. 7'.1 - aeoblluppi "
• • llarrisbutg.,
W..-4-Layirg, En.
• •. - • •• ---• •• •• ,•-• ...• •
- . 51 p . r I 7 1 4 N
E4:4 . Centrallilac - AF, 4 Broad 81.Plithatelplita;
Are prepared to Tegive and eireet salea arany--Ero.
doer, .Provilribns, or erelian dite, -whiek-may sca r
to .•
brtul Advances be made, when requited;
'sales are effected; to b& fur_warded
MI Road' of.: Canal, 11Zstined 'West, will receive
qttention. --- • • • - -•
'ltobert Flemidg; • . .
Catherwood & Craig, - .
SqmlierSinyth, .
Wm. It. l'immpson 8: pi. •
Johnston-8c- Tingley,
'Samuel ltispham,; • ,
J. - 1. - .6"un Smith, Esq. Ca* 'ell —
Chamberaburgi Pa.
RitigSz Holmes ; - ") d
Kings, Rigby & Anderson, py iestu . r3 , ,
Al:testi:me & Kehlvs,
Edward-G. Fail,' &r. Co. •
Sterling, Wade. el Beebe,
. Ipew y ork :
Samuel 31'Allister ei Co.
Will nurcCrooke & Co.
3.Produce let at the Wlnrehonses or henry is, tarlisle,Owen - .lll'Cabe, flarrisharg, or E f 'ys,
utz & Co., -Chambershurg-, for us; shall receive
d attention.• •
I a - ctel ph I a, Dec:A 0;1
I ii
by Ili
Wl', II
. .11 , tit , Line of "'m a
ight Cr
r a .
ta-Alal..3116:1 1- 311/120
TILE Subscriber, grateful for past favors, respectfitl
ly nerpinirps his friends and the public, that he has put
. operatitticTilai - Thlitn Lauclint.Wik --- Cb=
'-.- lumbici
' AU . sO" ithd '
a line of new DOUBLE CARS, which will run ino
tarty between' Harrisburg and Philadelphia, by which
Goods owl Prioluee ofall . deseriptiths forwar
dcd with care and despatch, at did titres& rates of
• Goode;-ill received at thelirarelicluswo6THOS.
J.'MAXW N. E.' corner of, Besatid,.,:gtd Vine
streets,.lldladelphia,. and' forwarded to 'Harrisburg;
' lisle,jarambersburg,__nud Antenuediate.. places,
by the subscriber. , OWEN M'CADE.
Norristown. • Feb. 5, VW. -
laud. Cash paid for. almost all kinds of country pro
Canal :and Rail Road Trails.
, •
AVINGI puroiduseil "kabob's decifed line • o
_ ;Union Caual limits, and built a large number o new l i t ilread cars,arettilly prepared id carry freight
fromPhiladt:lphia to liarrislourg;Carliale,
shiPP'east,flArg,'Cliambersburg, arid 'air imam - MU - Me.
places as up: did Susquehanna and Juniata
oanals,.either by 'canal or .rai! road. • • •
Their boats will leardthe'Muehouse of Harradan.
.E.l' Hays, Vine_street.wharf,Sclitiyikill,Philadeph ,
'daily; and the oars - trill also eta - it - ally' from • the
warehouse •of Poi Si Curran, Broad. above Race Bt.,
-philadelphia r wheremerohruits and otheractirdartling
gOada will plenie:Call. •
They also continue tereseife at their Warehouse
_arl feyward:irithlhe utmost despatch o alldeseriptious
freight - WI - My polnt - on - theintblio4nProsernents. -- :
_illarrisburgi„Marehlb,-1.839. ' •
. •
.Thbrough-bred Horse,
"PETER PARLEY, --2. _.2.
. . .
• s.tilk
. •
VlTlL.Tisttuill' the inning seasori in Car
V terms set fortain'the hand , • .
• •Pant.i.r is'•et:ttle•verrfirist racing' blood.:
He was got bP"Oaratn . ;n his dam "Biros: WiurEs,”
•viastij• the celebrated 0 13MAncur,1"--his grand dam'
liy."Bettiomis" , his 'great Wand dam by'"lDAnx Ds
• vritr Ids great'great wind, dam bp 4 l.iatremmiran,"
his grmt grestgreat grand' dam bi Syrtis' eWitoan."
...(iThe:stboveipedigice is anthentm 43 "till be seen • -
a' refereuee to Ihe American yuceßegisler; - .•
_•;•._ForSurtltezleoAlcularrapply ro _ •
••• • JOSEPH(' PEES • ~
Eiiiistb,AtiriPPOSS9o4-11na: •
el ARDEN - seed' it ,U 1 their ' variety ( amok wino,, Ottlioest ettoliinbee 'chide) a' ani4l lot of
flower !le:edsUr. be bit 4 atititi 81e re
JOILN GRAY;ll.4ent
SOUTH 'FOMITII::STIitteTI PiliTLAbbi,Vl1 4 0,
_R ' •
- 4- •
VIP F43PtTFULLY informs , his itienihuand the
that he' has reritoMtl from the Western
Hdtel in Market street, tothutlargeand•commodious
°IMO form. , rtitepthy-IVir,B,Dtike i -sign-ofThe . -
Thia hotel - is -situated' 'in 'South Fourth street, be
tween Marketxurd liestriatitreets s in the very centre
of the, business part ofithe city,ernll wO/1 therefore be •
found very colegmient , for , raerehmAs itnitJusinpis.
men generally.
The buildings havelicenihoreegrDand.soMpleten.
and ly repaired by the subsOriber, m no expense has
been spared in liminging, and , furnishing the rooms
so as to promotethe comfort iu, i ilcotriciiience of those
who may favor the house. with their austoni; , -"
. Gentlemen travelling with their families 'can have
private parlors furnished in. the . best manlier with
-chambers-attached-to- them, where- they can- enjoy
privacy. and seclusion,- or the companionship of their
friar:Lis, mi . irrty be most desirable. '
..The B,tllt .and CELLARS have been_ provided
with the,hest LlQUOlifil and tke choicest WIN ;S 0 4,1
every description:,'
The TABLE will .nKall timea be supplied_will'.
every deliwtoy which' the season .and market can af,
ford, and every exertion made to please the palate of
for tustorlors. , •
The - BEADING ROOMS are well supplied with
the leading joornnts of different cities, as well ea with
a ~r ent vartetrofthe country journefs of the State.'
The, SERVANTS will he found' caref,.. l .... and trust
.. Atte el led to the hotel are extensiveveri STABLES;
colitulated to oCoonimottate, on e hundred horses; and
imam the e - superintendence of careful and attentive.
hinders. '
.. -11. returns his • sincere 'acknowledgements for
the very_liberaVencouragement heretofore_xeceived,
that he can furnish hiagu . ests
with litre which will lose nothing by a comparison
with other Houses, and that. his appartmenis, and their
furniture, are fully equal to-Those-of nny other.hotel
in the' city,-he respectfully solicits a further. sham of.
Oldie mitronage. . • _
Coutpimitd 'xiract
. Tomato.
• CALOMI 1.4 , -
1 T is'well knoyn that the Yellow. Tomato contains.
abundantly a cathartic principle, highly useful in
Jaundice SIZI other bilious diseases.- Dr. Miles has.
succeeded. in extracting this,principle, - SeNtrating
from the impurities of theTomAto, and formingit into .
pill,hich has proved to be of great bene fi t In Dys-_
pepsia,Liver Complaint and Bilious affections gene
rally, and is a valuableisubititute for calomel, n all
such divea , ses; . • • •
It. should always be taken inthese affections, instead
of Calomel,„,The_ one, calomel, - heing injurious' to
health. The, other, tomato; - being. beneficial, and a
proniTileFOT generarlfealtli: -
- The following letter; recently.received from Dr. S.
W. linrext ea , a graduate of the .Cincinnati College,
I ish - speeimen of the success °four niedi.
tine in .those Countries where_ditieases are acute; and
4 - 11SUMC thiir vroirst form.- - ' -
- - -
lir. I/aukins becarde acquainted-with - the medicine
whilst a student in colkle,and took 'with hieka quan
tity.of it to use in his practice, on.. his return to hlis 7
—-• • •
We Int — tereceiVeiltither.letters frofirlirn,
sing leis regret that Iw has not been able to procure a
supply in that country, and also giving-us an account
of his slicers* in the treatment .
- Affer .alludhig tolhitowit_sie lt ness, he_proceeds to.
-",Sinee My-practice-has opend,-I-have-hail-army-i
9portimities-of trying your Extract
. of Tomato, and
in every administration; have been gratified by its_
operation. I-find it sent upon the,kidneys,.us well as
l 'the liver. Sonnrafter-17 got tutlid& - place, Lwas
1 to see a-youpgg. gentleman labbring under Nephritis.
adniiiiistered a - potion of your Extract, and repeated •
tie BP me, using but little elseasan-apperient. Abu*
cases of long-continued Chills affill'ever, I have found`
to relinquish their citadel by it.continued one ofyour
pills. But; arrown:me'f - mu -cinripelled re
say that of all ormiAsis in medicine, none have frail
the same happy restorative tendency as yourr - TFinuto
Fills. In their operation, I experienced no disagree
able symptoms. -If was mild, yet effectual.
Very truly yours,
. . S. W. HA.NKtifS, 3f. D.
0:I-The above medicine is (or sale at the Drug
tore of-S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle,: Pa. ••
March 27,18:19.
rium subscribers have just received from theEnst,.
.1 .n large .variety.of-Ciirtien See consisting in
part, if the rolhAvisig, whisk will be sold at very low
Beans:—Frarly Yellow sic
.s Means, iced %far
roufat, Refugee or Thousand from one, White Mar
rowfat Dwaq, Dun 'Coloured Dwarf, Sweet White
Lima, ilotticultural or Poles
.Bects.—Lon- , Blood, Turnip, Early Yellow.
Cabbage.—Early York, Dwarf or Faris, Early
York and Harvesti - Early - Bullocks - Heartifarly
gar Loaf, Drum lkad, Red Dutch, Green Curled Su
Carrots.—Long Orange, Blond. • .
Cucumbers.—Early Cluster, Early FrameXong
Green Pickling.. 7 • ,
—CeIery., , ,White:SCIIikIIOSC_CDIQUAL Solid Fine
Teninip Mated:
Egg Pfqnt.—Whito • Ornamented, Purple
. .
Loaf. - •
-- Nutmeg, Large Yellow Cantelope,
Water. •
Onions.—Yellow Skinned, Red Large,. White;•
Straw Colored. , •
' Parsiep—Curled ' br Double, Parsley, Dwarf Cart-
Pecan—Early_ Dware: or . sir wecks Peas, Early
Frame, Fall Mariowild, Rhin Imperial. "
Prpfier Growar-Xayenna
yaite Turnip t Blank-4panialr. -
. - Rhii6er - b -- .Mitir—'WgeigtitEo'yateror - Saltrafie. ---
Squaah:--Eauly Bush, Summer Crookneok, Win-*
ter Crookneek. • •
Tumato.—Large Red, Large Yellow-.
rtrruPer—Early Flat, Large White, Large En
Herbs.-Thyrrre.-., Sweet Marjory, Summer Savory,
Lavender, Sage, Rosemblirry.
•• - ' JOHN J. MYERS, & CO.'
— Carlisle,Marili - 19,4839: •
1114117013 a aiittaut. .
• CAPITAL $600,000'..
Tim,. North America Insurance" Company cr
Olio:digit!: their:agency_ in•_Carlusle
continue to Insure all kiadsofpropertragainst the risk
of FIRE, such as Iftkists,lfousehold Ftirniturv, Stores,:
JlStrchandise, Etc. at their : lowest rates of premium...
• The whole expense of Insuring $lOOO worth of pro--
Veit , will only. cost from $4 to $5, dependiug upon its_
situatific,:iid,alDp_ohoies Cali be renewed" in*Caili46
without the expense•and trouble of sending:to the city..
- Application to.beAmtleeither*person.or_Byktter
to . •
Carlisle, February 12, 1859:`,— , .3m. • _ : tL
D irN LAP' D Ara •
• Attorirey. .at Law,
LtAs his office in South Hanover street, two doors
south of the price recently occupied by the Hon.
el .Hepburn, and nearly • oppoafie' to. Men's.
(formerly Machirlinh's) Hotel. / •
• carliale, - Ist April;lB39.—s
• • • 'NOTIC110.;
T.J... - 0 - ei•sofficiiiileuto - in any way.tdthe Boas of
.1 - I.Gronus W. CRann, are requested call Mid"
settle the same on Or hefiare the 15th of May, until
.that time the . boolis may be found at the ace of the
aubsotilieri in 'North Hanoveratree, opposite the store
of Jacob " • • ,
rai,ll39.—t. : • •
'MOW subscriber desirous. of dtsposiog of his pre.
ient stook of FIATS Ani SHOES, offers them
Ottgreatly reduced pricee for cosh. A largliiiirtio4
Cif.the übove•stock wit' be sold ateiiiir,
Olaf S:
3.1C0 . 1.141T0M 3314:111C,'
• 'AND •
_sifiriot WB_lol _;SVITU.I7IO.7I-;
No 66 Soutliv , ith street PIiItADELPHIA.
‘‘. • CAPITAL $e51N000...
Open4akly.for.the transaction of_bitsiness frail 44 .
.M. to 5 P.-M.
'rptsdtes of montyreccived,for which the follow
irate of Interest wane allowed:
. ryeak• - - • • 6 per, cent. per annum.
4 months \ - -
— On'buslness tie!' treitA;lo'bd` di , Aivgi at the Illenoure
of thet depositor, no interest will he.allowed.
'rent Notes of Solvent. Banks, in every pdrt of the U
States will be received as Speeittl-liepositenTon 1111•3 -
:terms as may- be agreed •On in -each pinlicular ease. •
. .
• " :By order of the Board,
• J. I)ESSAl,•Caillier
Philadelpl4; Des.'l7, . •
1 M 8t .'71.111,111) .
THE subseribers offer for sale Wholesale and.ffe
tail; GARDEN SEEDS of there own, raising, wfr
ranted fresh, and dl the best quality._ -- • '
I,lmpartetf-FrepOt. Sugar
MANGOLD Wirßrikli.
A splendid , Variety' of
Prtiit ¢ Ornameittql tree * a, 47irubery, - 4T,
of every description, Garden Seeds put in•papers by
"the hundred or dozen,' for country storekeepers.
. -
All orders punctually attentledto.: ,
• • • D. St E. IVIAIrti,A,Y,
, • •
S'entstneli.,Nb. 5 'South Philadeglijda,.
IHAVE just rec6ired irnm Me. - Landretit, an exo
tensive assortment of Garden Seeds, consisting of
:Beet—Long ged,Early TurnitE, French Sugne...
Ileana--Long Pod, - Ile(' Valentine, Chipa, White
Kedlng„Cranberry, Carolida, Lima;
,llorocele or .Ifale. - • ' - '
.Cabbage—Earfir-.. York; Early ... Sugarloaf, Large
York, Drumhead, Flat Dutch, Ited Dutch, Curled Sa
Cerrot--OrappisEirly liot n.
- Cc:WOO-Ever. . ' • -
-- Triiiiimben—LO ng Green; Earlii Frame,
L'efery- - White Soild,.lled Solid. " •
Crcia—Fine Curled'. • •
l'lant—Long Furple, • . •
.Endive--Curled. • 4
-lettuce—Early Curled,Grcen Cos,Early Cabhage;
Brown-1/itch. - . .. • _
Afelop—Wafei, Natmeg r qtron, - . •
JVimtur:i - '-. • .
nunr. .
PeaB,-,--Extra f_4` wiy, Frarne,•Barly Charlton,
Liu' a Mat!rowfat, Dwarf Murrowfat, Blue .hoperiaL
'PepPm---Large Svieet: ' - •••
27 adielieto—LonkSa nioni Long acarleti•White Tar- ,
ip Red Yellow Turnips•—
ithusar6;- . -S t
Spinaeh—Rount Savoy, 'Prickly Heeded. - •
— Squaah—Early Bush, Long Green..,- •
75irnip,—Bitrfy Flat, lfed Topped, Yellow Sweed
--POrliinfwv_ •
E u(Sirr,
__February /6, 1837. •
•DR. I. C. I.oolfilig,
-- itlenti - st. • ". •
INTENDS residing permanently in Carlisle, and
respectfaly 'offer his professional:services
to the, citi2ens of the place and watnity.
• ifeclinui taken rooms at COlonel Ferree's - Hotel,
where_ he, may. he found at all hours.
Persons-requesting it will he waited upon at their
residences. •
Reference,— ) RFT. THURi Tnonrrotc.-
1 DR.
WWOLESdIit.E • _
..YO.:st•; Xorth Third Street,betweeti .71Iarkei Fl'Jfrch
Streets, Philadelphia. .
TIIFI Subscribers be leave to state that 'they .liare
on handomil now abr fOrlailo, at their store, a large
and general assortment or_ _
. .
--- 'sw
:- 1 111aUlaatWatatUl •
CP .
rtodParasols, as prices quite ns cheap, and warranted
to be equal iir material and.workuumship, to any inrin
ugactured in this c ity. The patronage of COUNTRY .
MERCHANTS is therefore respectfully solicited.
1 — PftiladaphinTreßTM - 61.19.. m.— .11— I
.Estate of PETER.. BLOSER, Died:
_OTlCRis.hereby_ghten,..tbatielters Testareeft.
tory on the estate of.PIIfER,BLOSEIt, late
of Frankford toWnship,Cumberland eounty,deceaseti t
have been issued by the Register in and for the said
county, to the subscribers, the executors appointed by
the WILL of the said - Peter Bloser, deceased, who re
side in„,the township of Frankford aibresaid 4 All
persons haying claims or demands against the estate
of the said:-decadent. nee yequested _to make' knowin
the same rithout delay, and those' indebted tirmake
payment.' . • '
...Erecinors — ol:Pciefillower; - dettastd::: -
Aprg 9; 1939: , -6w, • '
The subscrifier.returtis his thanks to his friends and'
customers, for past fivers, and' respectfully informs
the public that he has • removed his Soap and Candle
zmutuktctory, a few doors west of the Volunteer
-Office; in ChureliAller,wlierehe will constantly 'keep
on hand'a supply or.Oandles, and' Stotp,which he wilf
dispose of on •accommodating.terms, tb'all who. rosy
favor,hitnwitktheir ettstoin. • .
The highest price will be giyen for Tallow,' Soap.
Fat and Ashes. ' •
Carlisle; April ; 11,1839.—Zt. . ' •
The Plaster'Mill t on Ponodc4iiinet creek one mile
north.of tit . order to grind any quantity, on
tile shortest notice; ant) on the pawl terra.
There is a quantity of Plaster, for sale, at themill,
where-plaster-will-always.bwkepti ready -ground—lt,
will be disposed of at Carlisle. price, either for, cash,
nitin ,cichange for sawlc!ge,l'ocust.timbey, maple dm
ber-,bfack-oakbark, spanish oi-rock oakbatie,grain
CARLISLE; MitiCh 6 18,39 '
• `. .
• p will give the higheit price for BLA.. CM OAK
IMETlceidwer delivered atcave mills, one. rnilonorth
orCiirdial ,e Or safely piled up any where within 15 miles.
It must be put up dry, free frcim mould, and Of a
good, color--and be well secured from wet—lf the
rose is shaved off;•I will paya fairrprico,fcir thework,
and hawlthe --- :.
'1 will also buy spanish, and: rocket& barliciwed
plastering laths,-chairmakers stuff, stuff' for cabinet
macre, and other turned stuflrare always onhantl.
- ..iNtarch• 6;,, 1 839. •
. •
Estate of- WilTiain Duncan; deceased.
‘' •
oases is. bereby given that letters or...4l4minis
tration• on the estatp of WiNamDuttrait, late
of Satliaitipterftininithip,Chniberlandimtintyillee'd.;
have-this-day-been-issumL-tn thelaulkFiriber :who re;_
shies in ace !mid tewnship'otSoutheinpton. • All per='.
sons claims ospdemandi against the.estamot
the said 4ece4ent„; afthreiluested to:tnake known'the r
same witheut delay and those. who 'are indebted to
make pilintedito , . • ,
`• ALEX. P. KELSO, • ‘'.
• Ailminktrator.
March 4,9, 1539.-15:6W.
• • PRffrifiTE:
THE subscriber offers at private sale the: following
valuable real estate: -
No. 1. . R farm of first. rate. Limestone •
Land, situate „in Etiekinion township; Cumberland
county, - containing.
~ , - -
7 1 - C - good Log !Tome and Barn, a good .orehard, a well .
or water and other improvements t • • „
No. 2.. R valuablefarm situate in. Toil •
PeitriabOrough township; on the east of Palm's Tavern
-tlie great-western turnpike passingthe-dooricontaining
• . - •
ofdoo Limestone land,. a good Log House , Orchard
ant other improvements. •
No. 3. JI farm of first rate Lim e estone
Land,,coutnining. • - , •,. .;:, • : "
in 'Westpennsborough - township, Rig Siring (tlutt, •
comparable stream of I..iniestone.water, always, tilt! •
same andnever *ireezing,not eilualled by .any sprmg in •
the United States) passing on the western margin.-r•-:
The improvements are a proportion of cleared land, an
, Orchard, a first rate : • •• •
bzoelling Arouse, Barn and.Stablink,,Miltere Nonni
Cooper shop f.s'c.',allnertrlymew and of the first or.derk
this pioperty is two and half miles south of the Cumi,
berland. Valley Rail Road, at the Newville depet, and
holds out very flattering indueetnentit tO,
1.. and 2, will be sold 'as the property of the late.
M'Pandtish,deo'd. prOper
ty oytheanbscriber.
_. • ' . • • • .
• - J.KIIOIS-itiPER 4 ...
Pig , Spring, "march 2,18.3D—tr.:,`l ,e village • .
. Wee . ord and.Laneaster tiaminer and
Herald, will vuldisli the above iii:weeks.raarkiwied
and charge:this office. • • ,- '.' • . ' . ,
X 001 ) ZOPZI
o 1 en
,F otiorie,
J Culberton ti , t7t• Lindsey,
. . .
AV rented the 600 d Rope Woolen Factory,
. "
la situated - 4Milea west of Carlisle, on the Conotto-r
gmnetCi - eelc, beg leav - e to inform the public Ulm by_
t h eir lang-c crienceand unremitting , attention.toEbu- -
siness, are tetAreg to execute - all - orders - in:the line'
of tlitirp" . canon:. 'Tltey.are prepared to mittutfacturit'
FLANNELS, Bliknlielmi Carpets and Stockitt.Tarro , - -
• aa M antaTi ato'' •
• • •.
to in :die bCtitest . Manlier and at OM'.
Customary prices. - ; —•' • • . •
They will keet constantly, on ' hand .st _variety . Of
I Cloths, satti netts; flanel,Stocking - which they' •
will giveii) exchange for IVOQi Way fat; &e: - •
.LCULDERTSON: still !continues to.eatTy"
on the oil mill. Ho has constantly on hand,. oil
rfical';itholesaleor _ ,
I _, •
I •
-Dissolution -Of P'arintiliiiip: •
-.Tfie L partperahip heretofore existing.lietil'i'en Wm,
AreMosul' and raitinormling under die him+ -
- of PattowV Afaitiliktry, has been dissolyecl by-mu-7
fuur consent: All persons knowing themselve.sitto
indebted,nre reqnested to cal and Ae.ttle with the ity• -
dersigned. .
77774.±., McItINSTRY.•
Centreville, April' 9, 11139.1 - ' ', •
.11.9.1? NE S MSNU--
The undersiped liegs•leave . to iitfOrtn.lis friends
and the public in
_general,thart he . .:.sti.ll_continues
carry on the above business at the ohl'stand of Patton
& Afettinstry ; in• the village of Centreville, nearly
opposite the tavern of Mr. lindrew G. Miller, where
he will constantly have on hand an assortment or,
. .
' • StddleB,. Bridles. ; and . Mimes.;
t,wetlier•with air artieletrin , his line ofbusinessr
Work made - urtp'otkler on the shortest: 'llO
arks a eouthuntnco of puhlie patrolinge:
Centreville, April 9, 1839.-3*.•
RE - MO VA L..,
THE: suliscoihen , begeleays: to infbrm his, r 1151.0-
filen and 'the Oldie generally, that_ Ile has removed
Ali store to the house lately-occupied by. Judge
Hepburn, and formerly by. Mr. John Gioy, where he'
is now oixming• 14rge and extensive assortment..Of
•Sp ing and.Siitikainer Goods,
which•li willdispse Ce_at tticlowest , priccs.. Ifir
.tiprii«, IS 9. •
• \ . attli" - - - ' -
• .
0 UST . recei . vennitl'for safe a quantity ofiramily"
FLOUR, n supply of which' willi3e, kept eon.%
ktantly on hand, and•deliret•ed to.familialn any,pare
of the tovn by
• 3iinuary 1, 18:19: , 1.
- -31 OTIVEL • r
plliOed -- the-liands-of4Acton_:_______ 7
-S e ttu ae tßE,- Es o, -for -;ettlementi, - Those likving claim*
agibiif, - O - r - 01641 - 6 indelitiirto - said - , tletedent, - are' Are' re--
riposted to atllirrimedisitcly. for
A. ,
AdvitH insB - tratri;T . rfactid: decedent..
Citrlislei April 9, J 839, ...3ra. _
lIsTFDRIVIS his friends an+the public, that he haw ;
resumed' the duties, of hiir.professioit, and will:
give- hfs undivided attention to thd innetiee 'of
several branch*; .1 • „ - .
trHis oniee• is in *the stone di. use adjoinibg hit+
Drug Store,' and' one door from the Post (Milne.
Carlisle, Feb. 27,189D.-3m. • ' •
The subscriber; thankful foe past ; farku4,fespeetfully ;-
informs his Mends, eustomors and the puhlie enerwl••••
ly,that hebas rernoyerl sTin,SheetirOe arid
Ware - Mainifattoyt;frrthe building . thrniOrly, Occupied
by R. D. Guthrie. eir. Son, in Nerth lthinover. street,. •
smmediatelysippo'site John Cornman'alfotel,'Wheteher
will be happy a all times to wail upori those Whb toffy •
be-pleased to favor him with ri.eall. ; • • •-, -
Car~l .
-.------- _ .
.• dric SON
- 7
- THANKPUL'for past ' ' , Arlan? tuft
(he citizens, Of. Carlisle
the public.' generally, thw
they-have removed their
mENT, toNo. 9, HUM
llow r where all work inda
bus Mess :will
i i romptly. attended to.::
Carlisle.; April 17;7..53,!
Inutnerstitp beret
eutis'eritters t
'JOHNSON, ,wati(lisatai
2d insti!nt.
thet-boOks„lteconriis, notes,
and to ritiorn , finjr,mentitt
••-, • • • • Nrit.44.4. - 1..
N t ewritle, "," ••• • - • I
N. }l.—The stitisceitier continues to do business,*(l!'.;
usual st'the old stand ..• ' • • • .• 4
• • ' ,•31
. .
• / .