Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 01, 1839, Image 3

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. . .
• Frederick Watts, •Esq:—llis defeat • last' October
furnishes', tionchpliVe. testi m oni that bland anti gentle
. Manly
,Inamers,.slistinguished taleiita,' purity of pa-,
triotisni, Spartan firmness, and unwavering integrity,
are not the qualifications which recommend a condi- I
. _ilate to the'doniimuit Party in the 13th Omfgressional
District of Pennsylvania. _ ,
- ---- ivitt.WArrii;afterthe reading ofthis toast,arose and
. .. . . ,
____Addressed_theescietitigjorLupwards of an•hour, in a
;:strain 'of imPaisiotied eloqiienee. Ate ff ne elOse iie.of ,
: .f_ eyed the folloWing sentiment:
_ .
The ,fircliciri 77 --May public opinicin :preserve it s
trait it ' ay preserve the value ofpublie opinion. -
. . ,•;Fartriers, Meoltaitics, Laborers, -Merchants, Doe
tors; Lawyers, and Clergymen—The great compon
. " , tent parts of a• healthfill•community—all efforts to
• _create or foster jealousies hetween these classes, de-•
serves,aud shOuld receive the reprobation• of every
• - friend to order anti humanliappitiess. • '
. . The Beetles of the 4th of December last—However'
deinagesties may:attempt to veil their true character
-by specious -names, impartial .- history will hereafter 1
- record them 'as One of the most heartless and daring
attempts at revolution and anarchy.that ever disgraced
. an - enlightened community.; .. . f'• • -
The •weathercock and dough-fliced. Senators and
representatives, who from sordid and dastardly mu
•tives, have betrayed their constituents and deserted
. their diity.,. They are worthy-disciples of Benedict
Arnold. • ' .
•E!litors of licentious presses, executivi3,pets--The
- greater the, knave, the greater din pay:, , -
- -Assistants to the Sergeant-al-Arms; 'aliaS Jacobin
• - Committee of safety; alias riotous mobites-Legisla=
... tures'employ them; then pass laws to reward theni
- Out of the public treasury.
... The Spirit of our times=ltestless impatientof re
- straint ; euvionii, and unlesacarbed by thel milted efforts
of.thc wise and virtuous, will stain and. desolate our_
- fair land with such scenes as'disgracedihe French re-'
_, iiiilntion. .. . . _
, . The present Administration of Pennsylvinda-;-!
Brought into power by fraud;corrupti on and fore: - ---
: carried on-in imbecility and ignorance—the inevita
ble consequence ..orthe doctrine that "to the victors
..-. belong-the spoils.'_'_- : :--, ~ ~
- -
Party_Spirit-Had the people of not
• . forgotten die paternal warning of the father of -his
• ~ country, vicious and .unprincipled nienWould not have
, been- entrusted , wth':the administration of their 'go-
vernment in prefe nee to - the" "holiest and capable."
•••• )Thomas 11. BCC trives and Thaddeus Stevens—.
•_. _ iliii
Their efforts in the cause of popular education ['dye
-.- 7iediriiimiiileirfoTthera the_respetits-Wiritiriff :
every friend to his country or to his race. ' . 'Generations
'to come will rise up-and pronounce them blasted. ---=
• , The day..over us and the sesnery around us , --Well
.. caletilated,to inspire us with cheerful gratitude to a
- bountiful Providence, and to attune our feelings for
- -themijoyilieurof - a - SalidAitipet ,
- • Our Host and liosteas 7 -Their exertions to minister
to our comfort - and pleasure; claim "our thatiks,link
more substantial remuneration.
. • ! The Volunteer. towns will be given:in-our next. .
. .
• Baltirin ore; Spril 27,•
.FLOUR-=-The:bmiiness of the week from 'stc.res
has been-li nailed. • Sales ori ' Alintiday and - Tuesday
-were made R!.57,18,f a $7,15;- and since at . $7,J , 4 a
- $7,2.5: Most of tite-transactlens;litiwoyer, have tiCell_
at $7,25; and-We - quote this'-as- tbC.sprevailing dbre.
rice_ to-414,, yIIC road price and lots
110:Wagons are oCcitaionallytaken at a:fraction !Uglier.
Rye Floure—Sules . of lst at ss , ,6si i per.bbl. -
fGRAIN..7-Tntea.t::-- -, ln the -Orli-part of the week
a ilea of ,good to very pri me t•edt were made at $1,65 a
,68 per bushel. S i ce .n, en prime reds have beeit scild
at a-cent less, sales yesterday havh* been Maile at
.,674or'hotlyAed;antl Virginia. Two - ci. three par.'
oels.of SusquatannitWhest have just ieitcheililte roan
:ket, basis yet nottaniactiOns in them have taken place.
: - A-sale Of prime white. Virginia oil Tuesdarai $1,70.
Cprn.—ln the early part- of the weak 'sales of
Ivliite were . ma'tic at 6 etscafterwards at.B4 cts., and
- *nom recently .at - 82. a sq co:. 'Which last prices' we
"lijiititos4le current rates to 7 day.„considerable•ldeS
.. of MlFylandlollow. on MOnilay-and:Tuesday at -86
-ctS., and since then This description has ruled at,Bs
86 cts: Sales of Virginia mixed clOy in The 'Neck
att,B2 ets., but &incest BO RBl cts.
Ayee—Remaintrat:oo a - 1.00
Oak,—.—Sales earl iw,the week ntAll ets.blut_the
isupplica have siincelnufair, and juices have reced
4ed to 45. a 46 cfs. • '
. .
. Clover Scied.—.There la very -httile 9,16-
I.Trseed owing to the advanced state of the season.—=
We continue to quote virile- Western at t.l, -•to - $l3,
er bushel.. •
WHISKEY.'----Limited- sales of iitbe early
raft of the week at 38 cts. but we hove / now to note a
'shade of improvement, mud we.quot,./at 38 a 38a. cts.
Saki . or considerableparcels Ofbb .Lave takenpin'ec:
la 40 cts: ioach isanildvnce 'el the rate 'preciously.
prevailing. The wagon pri • •of bbls, continues at
36 cis:. exclusive of the barrel.. The inspections of the
week comirise 968 lthils./arid 1167 bbls. of which
965 hhds. and 707 Lbls % were received from the Sus
quehanna River, and .15 lads. by -the Baltimore a nd
Philadelp*,"april 29.',
AtEAL.—Theve-has be'drifict-ee!sential
eliange intlie price 'Of Flour this week, thyugh the
demand as been.less active, and is now limited. ;The
ealeafer expok and city use havo.been principnlly.nt
$7,50; witli • occasional lotiat $7,44, and of Western at
$7;44-a-7;976. - per - bbhTheiritiliildiErliEzT
• .r.oineinnderate. Rye Flour has heen'iold at $5,34.
/ Coro Meal is iriiroving—rsalesin. bbls. at $4; hbds.
• •
are held rather higher: • . .
GRAlN.—There bus been more inqury for Wheat,
aml - sales of SOutherO and Pennsylvania to the extent,
- • of 1S a 14 , 000 bushebi;at.:sl,o4.antlsl,os,for_thefor" ,
. suer, and . sl,6s a $1,09 for. the latter, for good to very
• prime: - Rye liiirsal,esofFennsylvaidtr at
101 .tind.Sonthern sl,o6 . losl,lo—slioWs an advance.--
corn-6-saleirof abciutli 0,600 bushels, at 91.1, - a 93 . 4 for
fat, and 95 . chi. for Round Yellow; White 91 a 9.2
ets 7 Oats—considerable sales of Southern-at Hitt 54
. v .cts. to day, 52 a 53 ma. are'tbe rates. •.
WRISKEY.Steady. Sales In Mids. 56i 87 cts.
bbls. areliarte; last eales's9 ets. . •
SIX'G'OOD REFINERS wantediromediateli at
Diokisison Forge. •
April 30, 1839
Notice hi herby giventoall persons having unset
-tledaceounts B. Milligan that his Treastees,
. will.rattet on 'Thursday and I , llday - the gth - and 19th
and 'on' Wednesday and-Thursday the 15th and 16th•
days of May, to adjust all such accounts as are yet un
settled. And they further give notice that all accounts,
. that retnain unsettled after that date will be left_ in the
- hands of tt'*per officer for settlementaud - collection,
without respect to persons. — '
• ••• •
• .
• • SCOTT COYLE: . ' •
. ,
- 11 ) 4 kOtt alDeallak% .
_ LL;, pe a r:r itt ns i3 ut indebi l toi the estate of .111.stritAw
f r e o d etoWnship;ile sa, dit ber
ondsouote,•or book aecountioreretpleit'edtoinake
- -payment without delabotherwise suits will be brought
without .ruspeFt ,to persona 'The vendee notes are
mint , due, and iwposseasion of the Subscriber. ..
- , • ENOCH YOUNO, Atitn'r.
Monroe township, May'l, 1839.- 7 3 w.• . , •
• IN puritiande of On order of the, Orphans Court ;of
..,..Cumberland County', Wilk he exposed to 'l)ublio sale.
tra Stitiy: the 2., cif ',May en the InTailaes,,
• : • 0.1 7 •GROU19:0 - , • .. •
frMiting BQ,fee,.op LObther Street and running 20
feet iridepili'to an alley, in the Borough_ of• Carlisle,
adjoining on the.Eakh-Olde_nhtit_of,.groutuLtin:Arhich,
the, fanaily,Of ;StOhen , Losh deo'd, resides. Sale to
conirnence it 10 o'clock .4.'74. wlieri due attendance.
mad terintf Of sole 4 , llll.ieniudelmowri by 1 • • .. '
'JACOB DOOEY, Adm'r. of
-, Arva 5 w01339,1 ,
'aol#llllolT - So7aool.a.
THE Committee appointed 'on behalf of.the Board
of Schmil. directors Ofllie - borough - of CaHiglictb -- pre; -
pare and submit to theimblic a general exhibit ofthe
Selipols,the satiation of the funds.of the-past year, amt.
the amount necessary tbr the ensiling School year, re,
spectfully present the following exhibit:
The number of Schools iu operation,during the past
year, and at this Fourteen-reach Sehool limi
ted to Sixty Scholars.' The number' f children 'on
the rolls are from 75010 800—during the.greriter por r
tion of the year the former number were in attendance,
While at the presept time from an- examination of the
Bolls of the respective 'Schools,. it appears theili aPe
about 700 in general and regular attendmiCe, averaging
-50 to each school. - Of the whole number about .175
are of the Primary,. 275 of -the Secondary
School Departments, and 50' of the Colored School.
'On a con - Mariam of tne expenditures,-With-the-num
ber of children taught, itappears that the average cost,
of teaching each scholar per year is $5,25, or one
dollar thirty one cents permiarter, .
The School Directors - labour under considerable
'inconvenience in procuring .courifortable and other
whe suitable School Rooms for all the Schools. Ten
School lloomsare now rented at a rent of about $550.
While Mit - Four School Riiiiiriiisituated on the " . 01,1
College Lot"-are owned by the School• District ; this
lot is well calculated for the erection omit of another
School House,' suitable-for several Schobls. The
Board have thus far been prevented, from building for_
want of the necessary funds. --
• • , •
It appearstlatt,thehalance in the hands Of the Dis-'
trictTreasurer at thP last yearly settleMent; June 9,
1859, was :$955. 05:1, in addition to this balance, a RUA
then considered sufficient to carry on the Schpols for
the year just ending; vraa levied by the _Board of-Di
rectors, and.the citizens, as. will appear frthri the
statement herewith submitted.. The committee there
fore recommend that the said balance of $955 05 he
set apart for the building .of ,an additional School
House on the" Old College Lot." "
• The following embraces •a correct exhibit of the
School Funds, &c. of the Plist year;viz r- ' -
. . .
Salaries of Teachers, - 52.988 17
Runt of School Ro_o_initand _Stoves, ' __375_50.
- 7 Vriiiiirtilitliiieidental eXpences, . ' 247. 26
Furniture, &e. . , 164 77
-Repairs to-‘9l(l.Collegei"-- ----- . ------ 1:94 --- 81 -
.Funds at present unavailable, ' •, . 230 00
. Whole amount,- WOO 51
o wfi itthe School fiinds of the'year ale. :
- apple, viz. ,
' Annual State appropriation of
1838, . • • .1, 783. 00
Levied by the SchoolDirectora, 1520 76
Additional tax levied by the
citizens, . 1500_00 . ,
From other mamma, -
.178 60
Leaving . it . defiCieney for the, past"year of V 211 3 .18
To enable the llolird to carry on the .Schools
ciently fyr the next year; the cininnittee; beliefd it will.
require a sum nearly equal to that ; of the - past-year, an
egnnatesif Which_expences is heecwithaubmitted,
4 - Estimate for , 1869. •
. . .
Te . acliers for 14 Schalk, $1 , 221 - VA
Rent - of Roonis and . Stoves, • 354 /50
Wood, &e. • . - • 175 00
. Incidental and other c;cpenc'es,"'
Fencing "Old. (loner. !priiperty;_tttc. / '75 00
Deficiency of last year per. statement, .. f 8 .15
'Who.le amount nec_espry,
To whichamount the following 61413 are
applied, viz: .
Annual Stateappropilatioa4 844 1:10 _
Levied by Scheel Directors, 15:20 76
, • . $2964.7 fi
flhdance necessaryio be raised, • $lBl9 31
..To collect the tax lea red the past-year,the Directors
were, obliged to: fix the dollarrate on Trades, Occupa- .
tions professions, at 21 millsontrou real and per itt / 3,1 mills.- 'The valuation of which '
property so taxtal-itt 1838, in the aggregate, amounteti
to , $916,181 cp, while - in - 1899 the. amount - of valnatfou
ita otirrecto , la $1050,'256 00. The tmmber o[ taxa
bles in 1838 was 783, while-in 1839 the number Is 8.14.
The increase in the valuation of property, &e. as well
as in thn taxables will enable the Directors to let•ktuttl.
raise Abe amount now askedior, at a rate less by half.
a 'pill than that of 1838:. On occupations,b:c. at the rat
of tti mills, while on real andpersonal property,llfe
sultiects of taxation, the rate will, be-reduced
about;34- mills in the Dollar, equal to iive Cents in,
-the hundred dollars less than last year,
The Committee therefnre Tettommend the sum of
$lBOO, additional tax as necessary to be raised by a
vote of the people, to-enable the Board to carry on the
Schoolovith efficiency duringhecomin ^ year, and to •
meet' the dificietity already •stab .
fd, its asthe•eree
lion of a new- school house.—lt is confide itly believed
that in the course of another ?ear a ccinsiderable'reduc
tion can be • inade in the exp t eilifaatOcompared with
the past and forrher years,theschoolabeing now plear-•
Iv all furnished with the necessary finatiture, apparatus'
and such expenditures in future .will be with little txt
caption unnecessary. •
• The committee having performed their-.duty-: a nd
made such suggestions as to them seemed right and ne
cessary,--in conclusion beg leave iii the language of a
former committee, to state that the plan upon which
our schools are conducted has fully , answered the ex- •
pectations entertained of it hy its fir ends; aid is conse
quently no longer an entertmem; but a system well
adapted to'the wawa of the community,,and therefitre
'We cheerfully subunit the whole matter to the qualified
voters of- the
Mlong:hof milling-to do -any
ilungVour power to promote so,great au object as
the education / of the
~ ,, ,,r eat body of children in our
town on the best-pbssible plan, so that it is essentially
connected wind :the well being. and, prosperity of the
.conimunity-and thatcit-isaluly appreciated by - our
low citizens.' •
• Tofiagiigt thop' Cil'Ormance of their duty,the Matra
earnest:Vial(' and desire the . cooperation of their fel
low citizens.
,Respectfully submitted. '
_ _
?-• ../SASON W. MA'', •
Ain:it 30, 1839. , ,
. • 7, NEW AND CHEAP . •
, .
. . . ..
. . . . ~.,
' ' - • \••-. • ;
. , .-.. • - I r giV: . 4 • -
r... • . •
a -.
' • STOR E.; •' •
. THE subscriber respectfully intornis the citizens
of Newville and its vicinity that he has taken the stand
formerly occupied 'by'lqr. Robert WlLattghlin, &-
ceased; where he intends carrying on the above busi
ness in all its various branches . ' carrying will manufacture
and' have constantly on hand a large and excellent
. .
.- . assortment of -,7-7------- - '
Gei Ulensetals, Ladies', alligses 7
... AND CIA,DREN'S , - •
! •'• .111V(01Paratarta300 . ' 1 •
~._., ..... -
' - - . AND DRESS PUMPS . '• ' ' ' .
made of the ,,- in st..neat anaiwakt-iiiiii
, Ake - mantier,consistitiojf Kid, Merger.° and• Leather,
all - of which he will sell on the most accommodating
terini:: Having in hiseMpley one but-the best work
men, he will be enabled to"manufacture work on the
shortest notice, and in the best style. • Altorders foe
work, attended to en the shortest notice.
He fl atters" himself strict attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, that he will be enabled to
give satisfaction to those who may favor him with a
which Ite.has already received; he asks a continuance
oldie same: . ~ - . '.. ' • -
. ,
, - •
N. B.—AN APPRENTICE to tlie - above businmia
will be .taken. ' None rieed.apply uuleis well recent;
mended. - • - . ' - '- . . ...1 . . - D. .:
Newville, April 56,1839.- 6 w. - • - - :
• .. .. •.
0 , 0 .tiro
. .
Tfigriire§tora.of the, tonrinon Scfivls in tire bor..
• ,ougli ef i.tippenirtiumxijoitrret i play
• • • 'SIX TEACIIEp.S •
for at feasta part of the ensuing school Scar ; eoiii
invoicing on t he first of, June next; three for prinutry
and tbree for secondary schools:: Applicotion it are der
sired to bernatle before the 20th of Nfay •
oy . ortler of the board, - ' , •
, .
WM - . J 4 N iN t Secretary:
- APrii 18.49.-- , 31. . • •
.44184 g 7.,
.v4ir,,X,..120.-*Tpc1( . ...iii.! . itkr4 '=
• The New::Srerk spirit of the Thrice,
4 Chronicle of the Turi,Fiehl Sports,' k i ternture and
WILLIi;M T._ popErt;
• •
Quaitolengravir4,B on Steil, of
. .
The Nintlf:Volume of ' this periodical commenced
On the 9tlfirf March, 1839. It iwnow one 'of thes very
largest Weekly papers in Anicrica, consistieg:of
twelve immense quarto pages, instead of eight, as here
totem' The present volume, will be illustrated lir se
ven Superb Engravings, of the most costly description,
on Steel, Platewof the - largest size I two-of the series
were published in the first numberof the volume,— •
one being:l.l%lpar Portraitof Augusta, the beautiful •
and celebrated 'cliinoeme, in, the character of "La Sjd-1
pride, -- the other a Portrhit of Mr. Srmtrflis' famous .
Illack.Maria, celebrated as,the best Four Mile mare
.of her day at the North, and the - conqueroriof•Trijle
in.the great Twenty Mile race on Long Por
traits ofJomi Bascomm'of:MlN6o, and of Imparted
MONARCH, will follow Black Maria, and ether • sub = ,
jests, both-Sporting and Theatrical, w-IPbe selected
' to continue the werreocwhich will thus form a beauti
ful and interesting GALLERY OF ENGRAVINGS. The
, engravings Will be thelargest ever givenin rin Amer
.ica•--perindienlithoim-already- published- beingi-:oned
thirteen inches by fifteen, and the 'other, fourteen by
eighteen. .They will be all elaborately and richly fin
ished,and printed on a late fine sheet, to aCcompany
the paper. Cakci‘will he taken that they :mese (recur
red fortransmission by the mails, that they May reach
I their destinat without injury, and be suitable, for
framing.; The body of the paper.itself will be Him- •,
(trifled by fine Woon ENGRAVINGS, of Racing and
Sporting Cups:Designs a celebrated Race . Courses,'
'and-Etchings of Horses, on•the plan of "Bel Ps Lifeily,'
Loudon," of Which the Race Cup annexed is a .spe4
4 / ' .l
The "SPIRIT or• • THE TIMES" • Co be
primarily and essentially devoted to the. AMERICAN
AND ENGLISH Turf. Under this general lecid will be
embraced-a-completeamerican - liaTing Uniendar - ftir
•theeurrent:Year, and fillreports of tlMilsiewmarket, -
Doncaster, Epsom, Ascot, CoodwooryLiveepool and
'Chester - Race - Meet ingft iirEitglatilliand. such - others" -
as maybe inte 'resting from the chat:tette of the horses
engniell, or other c - vicumstaieecof
. A list of the Winnieg Herseir of the preceding vear
will be published, rirrange - dAn Four Distinct THLICS,
••;-one of Pad. Mild 'Witifillra (meet the Three, One
of Two, - arartifie• of TliK se tables'
show at a glance the winner of every . race Of the list
•year', his Age, Coloy'Pedigree and Owner,•the Prize
won, the•W eight cariled, the . TiMe made, and the.
Horses Beaten him, together' with the date' and
place of the race, and, n reference
.to the page of the
preceding voliime where the race was origMalil •
lished. Die first ; or table of. Pour Mile Winners,
appear - 611'in the 2(1 n u mber, and it compristiall - the
'foregoing partienhiribi, the Emir Mile rrieli--rittilluei
America during the-year _lB3B. These Tables_ are
coMPlied . with infinite card and Mime, and zit great
(minima; they are of constant practiele usti
r - Crr-ttocirrvalue - every'Yerirbistml -- fi:
idgq Barites for the same year will also be published
• in tinTliiiTtirTaOirranged in the English form
A Table of Ameriratt,Troning../foroes; with . the
Age, Coloe; ..Owner ; Tittle Made, Weight married,"
, Horses Beaten,
.St.e. plc., will lie publishein this'vel;;
mail,um, nilian there Will be mail imbed tin -ab
straet.of Every Great Tnerrirm Perforniance in A
meriea for SCVVElll . years back especial refiFrenee
lo 'the, thlie_ made:. This.abOtract leas been composed
front several authentieanueees, 'rind will be extremely I
interesting no the
.only complete record of. American
Trotting - ever atteMpted- Tablerof. A irreriCtni
Stallions in the usual.form Will also appear an
early number of the volume., mid wilt be found con
vinieet for breeders RS CllCSignlllillg the mtge; calm;
Tedigree, owner, place and price of standing, of ilear-'
ly every diOthignished stallion in America.. -
- These are lint the . ,leading features hfthe Tune de
partment oftlie - -palier, -- of which the etbers . cwir only
be enumerated in brief. They comp'r'ise a complete
rednial. of all...lmportations and ell - Sales of Blood
Stock,--Sweepstakes,Racing anil Trotting Middies;
and Itaeingappoilitinents,..;--EssayWon lireeding• Mid
Training —Pedigrees anti.PertlirmanceS of IMAM.'
guished the current News and Ou
Jilts iii Sporting Circles, both it home and abroad.--.
-And to Coniplete the Sporting Deparment,
fall dt•tails;-
criginal-and selected, Will he given time all manly
_pastimes, asflunting,Shooti n ri-Fishieg-, - Yritchine,- mid
Boating, Pedestrian and other Athletic 'and m a nly_
Sports. 'There roam thus casually to hotiee
these eubjects, which MT 'CM/rite themes, and will
ever be entertained at length.
Another part of the design- Of the - paper will eip . -
be:memos fluridDettolawnt, designed to MT
mote the interest and Viluster to the - instruction of
Breeders of FINE: CATTLE, SII etc.
I lire itexi.prtiraiiient department is lIICTIIF.ATRICAL .
pap?, constantly devoted to„ori;pnal Criticisms if talc,
Dratna, and notices-mf the New Vosit •Theatres,---
,Green Rem liiielligene,e, derived lions an extensile
.theatrical Coli'esjioialciicii maintained Willi efe& city
imthe . Chinn, and by which the Paper is already fri;• .
vorably kmown and widely circulated in theatrical
eireles. The Exotisit STAGE, now so blended with
our own-by a community •of actors and of plays,. will
receive ouch notice as to keep the reader. constantly .
apprised of any new or amusieg incident it may fur
mob. ' • _ • • • • _ _
Again, selections will be constantly Made fropt the
inTiotlicals of ihis country and of England, and thus
he formed tt. lively and elegant literary department,
occupying , setcria pages: And lierc the (1.1131g11 Of the
Editor sell be to seltict flitch urticles only as :WC witty
andlight;spiriterl - and - interestingTsuelr - ttrticletTtlar
'example, its he has Ibrinly culled from the Pick:wore
.PaperS, the rellose-Plirsh Correspondence, ./far.jor
Gfrhagan'a li'enditisceirrcs,aoll the, like. The Eng
lish inaga2ines, nil , of,whiell Of :my celehrilK are:rogu
larly,received, will 111111iS11 a full sttpktly of such mat
] '
In the last place, an elrort will bo made to give the
paper eliarncter'ss an amusing, philistine journal, by
devoting much room to remarks ,u ton the,lncillents
of the Day the Gossip oftlie Town Humorous Police
Iteports,llll4l snelvelever witticisms as full within the
observation. of thd'Etlitor.' -This portion of the parer
will be aided by numerptis setedioooint 9 . ccalpyyjz.
mueli roori, but siire to be-•amitsing; - ,from- English
no w pill, of which-n very large supply is receive d
at the Mike. including - a good Many not takeii by any
other establishmanti tinil only seen in this country by
some rare rhymer.. " ' • • . • •
For all these varied departments- ample room is
secured hv.: the. immense size the present sheet,
vvlkielt for teinttv - of typographical excentithi and gen
eral . elegimee of arrahigement, is second tO Pone in the
Union. • •
No ltwal 'agents being einployed liv the Pro . prietors,
rntlemen wishing the pat .can Order • it through
their Postmasters, or rennkby , A number' of
Files from the commencement of the 'volume will he
preserved for New Stthsertbers.' This course • is
dopted, as the valuable STATrstie.M. TAMES of the
iniper nearly all s3ppeitio in the early part of the yeae.
Subscribersvishipg extra collies el' the large Faigras
rings will he suppled at .otie dolhuM trick' •
,Tgnms,--For One Year's Suliscripticn.: in advance,
;slo.For - Six Months' do; itiadrande, $5. — },.'oi;Ati=
Yertisingl.One Square 01.1ines), firstiusortion,
Everyaubsequent. insertion, $l.
CcROVEIVIZ Mtfintmig.
subscriber-buitiwreeaved i -am-ofr(Frialii ,
vertis of Messrs. Engle and CAteltian,A large and, gen
' oral - assortment of :-
F FS, •
Paints, 9neensicart,
FRUIT, • •
german Silver Table an4Tea Spoons; Common do,
' " .4,k00d assortment of Arm's, Lagllss i
eliii. ' ''' .• ''lll.Baqs' ant, .
* t l ll
Wholesale .or ,Refail, ' ( !' 2 '.:_e74.•
awl. other articles usually kept hi' c.roceriem:all of
which he will sell asloW as the buSiitess'wlll atfortl.4-- ,
He respectfully lashes the public to •cull and see, ;
N. B.—Country produce - taken infecelmui,,n , e. •
'- . .. . - i• • --.: ; WILLIA:M TEAL,
' IShipp‘naburg; April 3 4 :11559 . .. ,,, -3w,.' •
HOES Et BOOTS,.olo.aper
i 73 lisle, 971 q,
Shoes at 50o; just rcepthgrati4l for Bale.
26 ; • ' , • - c. oGnmy.
'THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens
Of NEM? VILLP. and its vicinity
. that isjUstopening
at his new building in Main street, a - large and excel-.
• . lent . assortment of
which he is determined tor sell its cheap as can be pur
chased elsewhere. • As his stock of goods are entire
ly and ltatie been carefully purchased, he can,
with confidence,.recomMend them to his friends. lie
will also keep
,constantly on, hand an astiortmel.4,of
. • .
such as. Co./MSc' .Sugar, nigh Salt, c. all of
which will_ 19.w_joe or exchange
country produce; • •
• • . _ ANDItEilt "Cola*
New;ville, May 1;1839 : • , ' •
, .
• A gt ( neral meeting ofthe taxable inhabitants of the
Borough of Carlisle;wilFbe held agreeablyto a reso
lution of the Board of School Directors of laidDistriet
- ,dt the Court -house, on Ti11:8111iy thti 7th day of May
next, t 4 two o'clock P..M...iVhiclt meeting shall be du
organized, and decide by ballot, how much and
I whit additional sum Shall' be raised. for the purpose'
of carryitig on the Schools forthe ensuingyear, agree
ably to the several acts establishing common school's.
- ,,Jrn'atra Hastwrow, * Secretary„ , .
Carlisle; April 90 ; 1839. _ - - -
1-00=-Piftes=of4 , ooo Dollars.
.Richotond Alcaderny Lottery,
• dam, Nog 3 for 1839. .
To be drawn at Alkandria, VA. on Saturday, 4tlt
May 0.339. " • . :
75 Number I.Ofterr-1.2 Erawn-Ballois.
111111.1:1ANT 5ClllitE.
Pt 47.4. Of $30,000, Ido $B,OOO, 1-do $4,000; 1. do
$4,000; 1 do $2,500;1 do $1,017; 1110 prizes of $l,OOO
-10 or $500,. 2.0'0f ti:100; 84 ()cam. ; & c: &O.; .
. Tickets, only $lO ; I lakes ; Quarters $2 SO.. 1 .
Gertiftiolin_angeg of 0 1...11Lbrde'Tirkets_41.10
1)o." • do 25 Half do - GS
Do. •_ •do 25 Quartcr ',AI) • • 32 50
Th.e Iwldci of the Cilpftal wilt.reccive
• - ' $30,000 'NETT ? 4.
State . Loilery t ,
Fer the benefit of,tlir PetersbuT Benevolent Median
- le Association. - . .
Class No.-3, 4 f0r 1839. -•• •
Tale 11ritw tt - at AI , :Ira,. on Satuiday, Ildr
• - • - .'• May, 1339. •.,
.75 Ntintlice I;nttery-At: Drnwn Ballots.
• • . - uittr.i.norr SCHEME. •
CA PlT,k 1. $ 551,294 $ 11;765;
. .* •$4190()-4, 5,000-A 3,0(x) $ 2,500,
orso prizes of _$ 1,000.! . ••• •
50 of $.250-50:of $ - -. •
41:444 only ;kl.o—Macs $ 5-lE4tiarteva - $ 2 50
Ccetificittes'of Packages of 25 ivliole Tickets $ 130
D. • (10 25 Hall do.. 65
-Do. , Jo 2S Quarter '' '32 50 •
50,000 Dollar!
- Lk-Aisity:-- 1 111-ItEtl - ran 1839. .
'o I,c drawn at Ali.xandria, Saturday-18th
• • May, 1839. _
•' 78 No. Lottery-13 Drawn Maas. - _
. CAPITAL $:50,000, $ 20,000, $ 10,000
2 'Prizes 'of $ 5,000, 2,477. • _
50 Prizes of $ LOW ! 50 .of 300,--,50 of 250
. 05 of $ '2OO, &c. &o. -
Tiekcts only $.lO-11alves $ 5, Quarters • $ 2 50
Certificates of Packages of 20 whole Tickets . s 140
110. do • 26. half •do 70
Do. -do 20 Quarter ,do " 95
$40,000 $12,000
For endowing, this Lccsburg Academy, and for
. _ ' other pOrposes.
.. .
Clasp No. ,$, fol. 1890. .. .
- Toliallfiiwii - jit7ATekrtialria,ii - Sitiny 25th
• . May, 1834.-
, .
• • 78 Nomlier. Lottery-14 Drawn Ballots.
.., •
_ ' . ' GRAND SCHEME.. . -
_. .._
CA PITA l, $ 40,000, J 2,000, 6 000 - - , •
? - _..
. ~
-$5;000T - ViNOTV27,500;$2,000 ; $f,769 '• 2 prize* of I
- $2,250; 2of $1,9.00(20 of $1,000;20 of s soo' 20-of
$400; 40 of 300; 50 of goo() ; 100 of $l5O. . '
'rickets only $lO ; 'haven !I'S ; Clostrtort $2 50.:-
Cortilic;oB of l'ackogo *
of 26 hole Tickets $l3Ol
__7)o. ' (10' , 26 'Half AO 65
1)0. ' . • (10. . 26 Qtlerter , 41 . 0 .. 82 51)
CO-Orders Ar 'Pickets mid
,Mares or dr:Orates o
- Packakes iii the-ahove .11agniticent Schemes will re
rrive the mostiwompt-attntion;and - an official ucoodnt
of sects DR Awnec srxr.inimediately''afterit il'olior to
all ,who order frOni uS. , Address; • '' ,
'.D: S.. GREGORY 8i: CO. 1111inagers. "
\Vashington City, D. C.
• April 23, 8 839.--Ads. _ .
et:02i,,Y217 LEI.4/1112
• .fil`r,ll), A rt '
. . •
:WESTlitigil grir., CAR.' LIS tag.
1 grit 6 subseritiey req,eetrully itiOrniti hits.
- generally -- tli th . 6 -
JIL frietidg stila the public a . e B ta
?ken - that well.knolvil tayern. sitind at the West end of
MO 3trect, in Carrplie, formerly kept by. Mr. Rent) ,
Ithodes, and that he is - nowprepared to accommodate
ti . . . ,
• • LERS, • , _ r. -• _
- and:iiiVothei . 'PORT . iiiiklisoCfr Min with a cidli in die'
..very:heat oninioer. . - -.-- . '''" ' ' .
Ilia TAMP, *ill be einistantly fiiriiiih - e'd - iiitiftliq
best t.h..74-e-Otittry 'can. proddee.• Ills BAR is supplied
With the choicest li q uors, nod his BTABLV.. ivincht is
hirge and conveuicnt Lle-in-chargeora — car
--itwalitttflti4i'ecTslYW.,,-, ' .' . .. .
' • .I-Ics fiattees , liiniit,lftfint, froin Ida eiperience 41s - an
inn keeper he will be able to render general satisfac
tion .. ....., •--'. • • . GtICIIIQE . SELAYFEIR.
Girl; sic p, tes9.--f_, 20 .
" , - Aril es
. - •
;= ' ~rr;rttotV
ATIIO' are ordeeed to parade at the publlehease of
inpoh Trego,on the Wahine - Bottom Road; on
Monday the 6tl( day of May noitint IQ.o'aio et, A.
M. A, coati ofanpeal will beheld at the:sprite time
plaee; Yeti will„ also paradetm
I•Mdt Reek for re-
View,and Inspection on Wednesday the Isibr l O(Mity,
with artis o and nonoutrerrionis nod °rade( 'Or or
der of=
.'• ;• • PAlit. •
A10J,.2.3, fttag. •:•'=• •• ,• ' • ~.•• • • •,-
' LAIKaI suP ra
PLY of Evans',Oaemile
Jost reeeivilpied for sale at tha otrtaa of the
230839 - -
NEW. (loops NEW 000D0
AT - THENE' W.STOREOR.i=j- - •
• / i sa Yr a .11 ai s‘ (f)
In Ilfeehaniabnrg. •
PURCHASERS will find a splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Goothi; among whiCh
be found Black Lace Veils, Fancy Silk ? Gallia, Her
nai, and Pongue Hankerchiefs, Bombazines, and 5 4
Black and Blue-black Italian Lutestrings, plain and
figured Gros delqaps, plain . and striped Swiss,JaCo
net and French Mtislins, English, French and Amer-
ican. Prints and Chitzes, Lawns and. Mouslin de
Laines, Cotton, Worked and Silk Hossiery,'Umbrel
las 4 Parasols, Plain, Cut Silk Tabby Velvets, line
Marseilles, Quilts,. 5-4, 6-4 and Plain and Da
mask Linens, Osanburg's and Burlaps& Linen Table
Cloths, Georgia Nankeens," a handsome assorment of
nr/EUTIE Cd 34,
0 . Linen Worsted and Cotton Drillings,
.57/14710Epis 014 TE%
_Beaverteens,-VelveeCords, Harrison and -Vsuilltiretr
Stripes, Mexican Mixtures, bcc. • .
, . English and American Straw;Plordriceßraid, Tits
, can and Leghorn BONNETS. •
. •
- China; Glass and. Queensivarc,
".. also - ageneral assortment of
• • • .-
Purchasers 'wishing to- - have new good and clie4
,Goods, will do well• to call at the new store of AR-
T NOLD' 6t CO. in Mechanrcabutg, as their stock o
' goods have been lbw, and they are:determined
to sell goods at prices to please purchasers.
jCountryproduceiakeniii - in exchange for goods..
. •
-Carlisle, and its .:Vitinity. that
. ehc hairresiiined the Millenazy
easiness in all itshranehes,
, e i ./ North Hanover street, nearly
opposite E.Hullneks
ker Shop, where she will be at
it •
. , ill: times prepared to repair
Straw and Braid I:Monett' at
. •
the sliorteit notice.
: . ••*. . ANN/A. C,HENWOOD.,
.Carli ale, April .23(1,1839.. „. .
. .She ieprepared to teach. La les...Acne o.r
Wring '11 7 1 . 4 Flowers ;"Ladies desirous of lestrnink the
I: firt,..eannot haiett better opportdnity, as she - is deter
mined to do it on very-reasonable terms, • .
k • •-• •
.. . . . , _ .. ....
MIRE Ist. Battalion 23d Regiment • Pennsylvania
Al Militia, parade at Mount .11061 c on Wednesdaey•
the 15th;. and the 241 Battalion 'at 'Shippensburg on
Thursday the ltitli'day of.Maysiext: Battalions to be
formed at 10 o'clock, A. M-. - r' .. -.-.
, -:.133t otler,of James Chesnut,_Col.-CornV723d list.
FIEN.II:Y B. REitucx, Adjutant
7 -
April 17th 1939.
YOH arc 'ordered Wparrole-at 'tlic Centre Siplari
on MONDAY TIIF raw OP MAY. Also, t the
'ARMORY; on•TCRSDAY the 1•1111 of aald month,
completely equiped for inspection and dvill.' -- -- •
• • . - fly order of Captain Crop.
• Apri1.23;1.8.30.
• •
• • • •
_ • • • ...e!;•••":
••/-' 5 ' •
• -
. •
Tith First Battalion of Cumberland Volunteers
are 'ordered - to parade on
.TUESDAY the 14th
day of MAY, in the boi , ough of Carlisle, at .ten' o'-
clock, A. M. properly equipt for drill and Inspection.
By order of the cotnniantling_officer, •• ,
R. - A . NOBLE , .Adjutant:
' April 17, 1839; ' •
Tall .examine for
. Yourselve . s !
Marble ..Manufactory..
TAKES this method of informing his friends - and
the public generally; that 'he still conflates to carry
the manufacture of • . • •
. .
ones,- ea 4f---- , ..-voi—Stonee4^6,
where heAtell. at all times be ready to supply cus
tamers at the shortest notice and on the' most-com
modating terms. • flaying employed Mr. WILLIAM
It. Ciarou of this baronet', my' agent - for
'the above mentioned articles, any orders furnished
by him will be promptly attended to—also-all orders
lieretofere given fie.lvork are now. ready to- be.filled
. .
-- Carliale,`NfarCh t'it; i 839.
. . . .
N.,l3.—Havang thsclunyed Jon 11.ATrtra.ti from
my employ, all persons indebted for • Totnb. Stows;
~.71ionuntents, 'fetid dud Foot Stones, &c. &c: are cau
tioned against aying him any intiuey for the same,
as the receipt thereof will not be acknowledged by
Inc. a. w.
0:1 Thd!‘ 4 4 thambeesiiiirg• Wide will piiblish the
Suture 3 duke and charge
. • .
. .
',A . CHARLiES itt 7 CLIURN;
. . ‘ idltotney at biw, _ •
. •
W1L1. 4 practice in the several courts Of etimiler
hind, Wri 4 J , and'Jitniatti counties.. He can be
Consulted at any time at his °Mee, a few doois west
ofthe Post office, iti High street, Carlisle. • '
April, 17,.1889. _ _L. ..1 ._____ .__
_.) ,
OAALISiE Altrlittatiti r e
VOU:fire, Mitered *Parade on 1, 1 '64 niMil
groultd, completely equipt, in summer
untformi..on,Monday the cth and Tuesday'
the Vith . May.nest at 9 o'clock. •. •
• i›.;
11.—No member will be received on
• .•:•
parade who Wet pith ca
idedividi a new p
ua the
fo t rn o :aeco a rtiing-to-thejateregula ,
Carlisle;AApril n id 1839:
AItNOLD Sc'CO.Carlielk
WOVID respectfully annOu nee tmliei en sti mars
ilud they . hnie now on hand klarge Stook of
Bpring and:.Shmmer Goods', mid ar,enow prepared to
supply all ddinandb the lowest prices.- They' have
this clay. realised - - • -
'do pi.-lin6 irieh Linctiri, ,
100 dteasel MonslinesdePinek;
.10d.doz.-assorted - Hase, - •
50 " ',Palm terip lidts;.
100 pe.Sumnier Stripes; '." .
.• 30 doe. Satin vial By9wLaiine Stoeiti; •
500: Catishrit
Main tuid geared lin 'uA ettii; -- • •
e "
Allay &heat • ' •
• Thread Lace atidtid.jiogs,'• . .
"' Qapp . aiintl Collara; '
Geen and NObitelllontl'Vaile. gre:gte:' '
• ..Ctirlible/A Fir SOth 1839.
the Seventh Volume of• WATTS
REI!ORTSpiod for silo by ' • •
• • • • • joilikr Er GO.
:- . 14?rillT11.111k '
~ • -
33argairis, Batgains,
-7-THE-snbscriber-itas-just - crprened-a - vory - laCgernial
splendid:assortment of new. and seasonable goods,
• - consisting in part of
Olive, - Caileivlfiit, lirvieible
• ' • • Green and Parsons Grey
. •
'• ..CLOTHS -
Cassimeres of all qualities and coloure,Black, Brawn
. and Green . ••
Satin and Marseilles Vestings, Malian Gros . de Nap,
Poulte-de Loi, and Gros de Blue MACS, figured and
Plain Rapt Skin Bonnet Silks, Silk Gloves Mottlelin
de Lamm* and Challysilrish.Lineni, Crapes . ; fig nred
Lawns,London, French & American Chintzes, Geor
gia Nankeens, Melbourne Striped
7 7
leathed and Unbl; I
Simonet, Cambric, Mull, and Swiss.Mitslica; Russia
and Gerinan Linens; tlegatit Stripes Linen Wlllings ;
French Wbrked. Collars; Silk Handkerchiefs Gauze
Silk - Scarfs bcc. &a
A large assortment of Leghorn,' Straw, Tunean and
Florence Braid lI9NNETS.
• ' .111ITIFIO131; FLOW.E,I?S,-
Velvet Cord's, Beaverteena; Striped and Plain Cotton
Drillings at all prices. , •'
Nei , Orleans
: and Sugar House Mohisses,imperial
Young Ilyson . and Illa&Tt as, Rio; Laquaira and Ja
va Coffee, Starch, Indigo, Pepper, Cloves, Nowtoga,
Ginger, Allspice and Cinnamon. • ,
*Tak4ll.l - 4;1101 7 45id - 60iiidia 7 .
. - TOBACCO. .
All of which will be sold at gieatii redticed tkt .
Market llousei and
directly opposite Major Itehrar's.Taverp.
An-the roorn:adjoiniogiiis store theardifieri , - -
her has just received nn exteiisly:e ussortioent 'of Shoes
by the ease, dozen or. single liair.-
Women's Purnell wed Morocco
at."37i, 50, 62i,..,15n.anil $1 25fliertailri Lonklloots
$2.50, $3,-and - $4l --- Men's•Monrraisr:Tid•SharsOlos'
and Girls Shoes and - Boots Chi Wrens Shoes of
- kinds. - Also •Black and White'llaigin flats, ••
_SILK AND .1111t' HATS,
Leghorn'and Chip Irats;l49* Hits orall.kinds:
. =C. 0
April 23, 1839
Is now opening a sple n did--assortment -asso - rtment of
gmting notr_Suittitter-
. .
the.Stndh:East, 'corner of - .llarket Square, wal
• • known asliredin's Corner, and recently .
by Getnge Crabb, _
coiirnts - mo "rAirr
Blue, Black, Bide Black , lnvisibfir Green; Aclalatle
~ • _ and-Brown
Ribbed, Striped and Plain CaSAimeres,a„ splendid as
sokment orillack; Illueblack„ Creen," %use Fawn,
Slate, Gro.ile Naple, Cro de Swa,Gro de Scm, and
Rep Italian SILKS, Florence assorted Colours, to
gether with a splendid assortment of RaigUes, Figur
ed Silks, a varkety•of Prints.and . Chiut2es, new style.
Lawns, Mouslindelaines, IThighams, Painted, Cross-
Striped;lnconett & Cambric Muslin, Bleach
edund Unbleached Muslin, aline assortment of
n superior: os.Aortment of Tells AO& tfaiulkerelliers,
u general assortmetit of Sumner Vestinr, figured
' plAiuNtin
71/10 14 i l as l adVe ,
Summer Cloths, Sattinets; plain and slriped.Linens,
Trish Linens, Velvet. Cords, lleaverteens,Chet*s,CM-;
ton Drillings, Tiekings; Ste
A generil assortment of Leglinrn, tl nseftn, Stniw
and Coloured Nun Bonnets, Pali - Meat' and Leghorn
A general assortment of Grorze,Manttla,-Love and
Satin Ribbons, sr splendid assortment of Rosiety atul
Groceries--Rio, Porto Rico, Java, and Sumatra
Coffees, Sugar, Suorbouse and Orleans Molasses;
Young Hyson, Imperial pal Black Teat •
'much cafe, and will be sold at such priceS is will not
(It'd to give satisfaction to those wishing to . . purchase.
lie is Very thankful lot: past fhvors,-andiMpes by stria
attention to businessomd _a:disposititm_ to -please-to
mithreceive_a-libmil-pluire , of-public patronage:
Carlisle, April 9, 1839. •
New Goods) Nevi 000fIS
J. Sr; D. *UNDER", IC El &
.Wear , the Rail Ron (1, anti oPpeisite .11i 4 , Pohl.
• Cothivee
A Splendid Assortment of
.16 1 Suisitner
. .
Linen Quarles •, Cambric HanilkerehierS t Bead
Bags; Black Lace Veils; Fancy Silk, (huriei Hrenani
rind Pongee thinilkereldels;-6:4 -Aril figured ien
tie,- 6-4 Bombatines; S-4 and 5-4 black and blue black
Italian Lutestrings; plain and figdred -Gro-tle-Napps;
plain and Striped SNISS, Jacouett Mid French Ging
hains;l English, French amid, American Prints and
Chintzes; painted Lawns and jaconetts;..Afonselin de
Lain and • (16 Marsailles• * cotton, worsted Fad silk
. ILlmbrelloa and Farappiliu CO silk
and Tabby ;Velvets; . bleiched and unbleached: •
, •
KO* Slump;
ittartrtilles Quilts; knotted eounterpanebf ft-4, 64
8-4 plain and Damask" Linens; Super' GrassClotlis;
London Cloths and:Cassia - terns; Vorsytite NsirdiinS;
handsome. assortment of_rES-71INY1Briintin, no,
.• _ _
- •
'Repellant - Cloths- Benverteensi ettra — Noper - .Cord;
Velvets, &c. &c. rind Amerieao, Straw,
.Florence braid; Tuseatt and LeghorOllO,V.VET . B%; -
Pahn-leaf aiiil-T il
ustottoodsi Men nod. Ropy' Dou
ble hell - in Tirhite - ttnd - :okdored 1404th9r11 unto Palm-lea
HATS; SUES; Littlid'and Misses' Kid, told Vie
torla.9ll/440.51 ai Children% Shoes, &a. ,•
China, ("Klass* Queensware. t.
' GRO-c t R
ibli TgS:
. .. ... • -
-- - --theblvesent steak of Goods !ins We dTW
en aeleeteltll—
intuit etre, and will be 'sold at pith priees (is - Val net.
fall to gke satisfaction to, these wishtni; to ..p i arehase:
Thertnestrapeetfully solicit the publnitti glro Ilion;
. a. call..
0 - Country firotlttoe taken In'exchange for grp(lB.
8111ppensburg, April 1,1899. ,
ClEmberland rottetitteria •
, fikt fItIDAN ilir
ARA DE at rieteli o'cloek, eopiplett.l3
17th ,• tp. • "
ctittipt (910 jOIIN F.Epsq, Atyutant ,
0 01149 i 18304 -
Kitotfttit¢ for fUttiteit
• .• N0.11,..}" ArrrnornzAT,
"Neal- the „Battle Monument, Buliitimee.
. • REV. JOHN F. IH_EV, •
Ltiteinstrupter Ilieicinsoninstitutitin,carlisle;ila.)_„l
early in April next, a Select Institute for Ladies.
• , Moinizekrtings. - . •••
Limited to thirty pupils. Lecturei delivered oil the
Sciences at stated periods throuo the SessiOns..Gerv:.
ernment mild but inflexible. ;mutton, four Iveekii
Frcpm the 111 September to- the 23rd of Noyentber:
IL. From the 24th Noveinber 'M the 16tit'Of February:
TR. From the 17th February to the May. , . •
From the I2tlt May to the 4th Augti I incluidye •
. ENGLISH LITERATURE ; fier'seßk ion., $l5OO.
Ancient and Modern LANGUAGES; DRAWING;
. • Vocal and Instrumental t at the usual rates, addition-
Proportionate reductions made for pupils entering
after the opening of n session: • . • ,
'Text Books, Sze., furnished, if required, et the cus
With an experience of more than twenty,years,iis a
teacher of both Ladies and Gentlemen; with the wit.
form approvals he hai received, the eligibility • of his
'Academy, and the facilities it offers t and with the in acquisition - of -use? --
fill and polite teaming, and faithfully to guard the mor
als of his pupils, Me-I - Imrpresents Mona' beforcalie .
publieniva candidate for a portion of its patronage :.
hoping not only to receive but-to deserve its 'support.
A few, pupils will be received as boarders, 'at -$5O
persessum, tuition included.' _ •
Applicatioiis fait.affiniasion can be made. at Arm—
strong ISt Ilerry.'a;ipr Isaac , ..P. Cook's. Bookstores,
Market Street, until theist of April, when
l .tions can be made at the . Institute. -- • • ...
G. W. NA.nii, Esq,
" BOND, -
Kn. F.,lsakzt,
--Atm ICiniir.Arin,
REi r . JOHN P. Dennis, i,neler. melt. cor.,:Carlisle.
cgoKm4ic washingtoc.---
- S. A.'ltoszer:, b __
llux.C. B. I'm:mese, Speaker Senate, Pa.
Judge S.llErnuitri, Callisle, Pa.
Hex. C. I%f'Cuint, • " •• • "
LYON, Pres, Carlisle Bank.
" • EMOlnty•.., el •
" M ' CLOrTOCK,, • P.1111 ' il•
'Bald morei-Ap'ril 23,1839.
• • •
N pursuance-of an order of the Orphan's' Court of
Cumberland county, there-will be exposed to stle,
on the premises, on Monday,the 6th day of May next,
atone o'clock in the afternoon, the following proper 4
The ".undiviclect :iMerest. of.. Jame§ZW . :.
Thompson, deceased, in . a.cortnin-tot of Ground, sit,-
uated in Mifflin township CuMberlamt county, boun
ded by lands of Isaac-Crislfp, and Andrew .111 3 1.1waine,
- . .
oontiunniF Room. - • -•-.;
- -
One aud,a -half Acres of land,
Lacin g A LOG HOUSE. thei‘eon . erected—. Terrai,
will be-made kilown on the day,of sale by • . ^
• - • ROBERT 111'11,3VAINE,
James W. Thompson . ,deceased.
April : l6; 1 . 839.-73 w..: • - • -
L .
fiubscrilier will rent for a term of years a`Two
• .Story STONll,llol.7SEoltutered r u.- 1
s .r-••••.• •convenient Barni hat . 'Sts, situ- .
• 'fre:;. ■ p:• ated a short .distance from
1• 1 Iron `Narks, 6 ntileirsouth of Carlisle,
. on the 'Baltimore turnpike. There
are about 60 Acres of LAW attached to the property,
of which about 15 - Acres ate cleared. This propertY
is raid . by the best to be weltenlculateitfonia----
cultivation of the N1.1.71..81111212Y, old . -
for-a.NURSEItY. 'Ans iierSOO
to rent the property for die purpose
fled above, will have
ance,antlevery improvement will be niallq
to render the tennotoon&totoble, • -
ppplieatien to Le made to this'subscriber, agent for
ratiownee, who rondos in Coolish., - • --:"
• . Carlisle, April '10,1830.-31e,'' •- -
The Lancaster EN. and , Herald and The Practical
rariner,Meclianicsburg, insert the above St. and
'cliarge.this office. . • • : .
Roar Arlib STORE.,
GEORAW, - S. 'TALL; r; ExT, • -
AS just received front Plaladt.lphitt;at his old'
al Stand, in West Iligh street, n well Selected as
sorttnent of .
comprising Gentleincii's Vine Boole I do, coarse do,
Do. half do. Gentlemen's 'Monroe" and Shoes; 110.
N . V . :dicing 'and Dress ' I.adies' Leather and
Morocco Shoes; do. Milani! Lasting' Slippers; Chit.
&ens' 1111(i lilSkillel3oot9 11111/ Slibiql of tile latest fast: ,
ion (Philadelphia make.) Victoria Shoes .j a new' nod
supply puidt, Who , . •
Me for the manufacture of shoes, such as morocco; kid o ,,
binding, and buckskin, in every variety, al! of . -
which will he sold low for cosh. • •
als6-for-frale-a*ent-ntriety - of - Kiddepinin.
ter'earpeti4, -- ,ottlferitetfitt pattern an .at e:nuw
ufaCturers priers. • .
4. liberal discount made to country Merchants nod
others who inire.lnise by thequantity. ,
Carlisle, •
April 17,.1 . 839. . . .
Irawin «;ul '~c~Entiu~
air. 'Trustees of the Catiisl6 Pemale'Semina,rs^:r:
hale ettog, : ed - '.lladeniolielleNrcronktcrllE Sr. pm
to 'Pencil 'find Crayon :Drawing
Pahitink . in India inkand Watercolors, -.„
Afadetnotscile de St. tinier. *tut a
„pupil OfIlte:
:111Oyal 'Drawing . Selma! of ; PaiN Mid "obtained, the
second prize medal of that initituthin,
Aifyitention may be nunle to herat,the roonis 'of
her stater; I.Tes. Brown, Teacher in the Prench'und
Music 'Departments of the Seminary, at , the resideitc'e
oh Mr. Charlemilarnitz, South .llanove,• st.; Carlisle:
Price of instruction per quarter, $6 Ot)
• .
liv order of the Boatel,;'
_ • • .1011N.—REETli - Presideitt,, •
Carlisle, April 17,183 D
•..•, ' • .•
rciesv Co A C-11.11 A hive
• xstabusheisenti7
_vAitiALE,TraorsYLvArati,, , , .
T. '''l l itly jl* •-• •''' •• •
• ••,1h . 4 .f.-s,,' - ' .' ' ..'
- ,Tzwilpit:. 4 ., 1
k e . ,2 , ,•,,,-, 0 .•-ip i , -.-.:. , z ...t. -
W,w;fo.. - iiiiiiio , 17•Ii-,i,i.A.trif.t,_,
z.. -- 5 ~,,,..,.._., . ..2-..,..... ~.....„,..„,,..„.,
: ......A.--r-..:-_,..v . - -
I , OHE siabSoribeF;liavingpst - iiiiiveofiNilitlietiit; -
,ALwith.. value that conb_l_be
procured, is.noW provarcd. to finish work bathe - most
tiobionable *le and of the best tnnteffe.'nlll.
iiranufactuioanf"thingitlhis line of biasoiess,sueliiti
Cars, Coaches.: Sulks;
etmi'Ca ' "
neeivryfloe nOWinitiseinn
ond.of the test spring' makertand - cose a smiths—,And as now in_thiSithte.---ilis.elaitges shall bgiti - ddew
rote and his work will all 'be.w . arranted.—
Nopairing - done , itrtiao neatest,: manner
desknatelt. -
Ihe Subso . riber"latanahlry, soljcit9, thei
the iitbtici for which he will tcattler:
' •' • - 14E1)1. 4
Carale, April if
I ,S"
. , m'AY, from the subscriber. "
of Now... Cumberland;
etunhertinul county,,on 9utularthe,g4tit
.of March lain, an indente4l apprentiOn . to .
the Tailoring In4ineos, - -
;Ale ahoy,o rennrdi but no , chargqt,witt gtveu
for tho qmoliencaiin of Paidltinaway.
.T.. R
Baltimore, 211 d
„ EllXt t
r: ; ~., ,