Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 01, 1839, Image 2

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.1,44•,.W ;
' ililt • N 4 4th *
'..t'ree: :,;: ..-%"••-•-• r-r, .---- --7' , ...--.-.. - ^t- ,,, ,r:-.^- , . - 77 , 7,,- -- , - ---, -- -i
ki,7?: lie:1101MM thE ABF.4I4IfItS Of :theh: test right:l:as ; iodeee
!;4..k ., .., ~. ' - .their hist:l46.Mb! .
,- • ... . . .:, •. .- „ .• .
4 4,
'., , . 2 . 4 ,„ 10.1,1t0pe..1.: 'Shia be .pardoneil, fellow : eitki - z.fis, for
x,i' . that the 1.T0:11'44a a sacti OOS id }lasi . Ab q re,.' futile
'•• • 4 • • . .,• - ',?.• Inspired •rne with the tot melancholy fir:dint : links .
f,;,vas?'•llsr your welfalaciso `the Vie preservation of Amite in ; I
..i i r:, • stitiitioni whiCh were Purchased at so much expense
!"..,.. of blood ;nal trtaisurtiby rme.ancest !VS.., -•.. 1
:':' : . ••: Fir the first tittle in the history of one republic _ lilts
m i
' , the freedo of 'a L'egislature been -in Vatted, and OM
, - Pepresciitatives of the people of n'scivereign Slate
4friviiii from the flails of legislation by. a lunidttious !
'rabble. Quiet, it is Vale., has been at leor t tli restoreil,A
• ..
but I 'lurch fear that it the quiet . whi c h ••denotes 1
• • •; 'merely, the pansein thiluirricane, Th e o k ii i ieu ts Of .
• -:•-- _:., destruction are exhausted, only to 'ie : renewed with
Treater fury than, ever.. 'Quiet is indeed restored, but
: .. in its restoration '
we have to *Millril tliestieetiSsful is-
' sue of_thairg442lie 11.10tL,agiLinst the law,
A . 1
. , • 'precedent li o ns now Eaten established ; the weak
'.• . . i
nest of the legislature s now. nilly exposed, at d ilt--
-. ••• • Lure desperadoes are invited, by pilSt fIIIeCVSER•It, to ro
---- ,-- near the aiticki, whehOer. nine fethey d ilititrisril - tei
... relieve finalise's:4 , s.ot
.1 he Mr mveidenee of ati..iiiile- '
• .: pendent Seunte. or-Aonse of,lte - kesentati yes.. „
• • Tlyi interference of the Geoeral.(3,nvornineut is II rit 1
liman„,isllie least tif those circumispiices comieeted ,
with'the transactions at I larristairg, which arc video-'
.lilted to awaken ilii."F. alarM of every reflecting citizen. I
" Ttie enormnifs powers of the Federal Government;
are now wielded by Men whose alarming profligacy
. ' hai been recently expoStal. to adextent not heretolinw 1
. snspected.•,Lia those men escape with impunity 1
~. from the ecilisequences of these outrages,. and they t
will be enconrage4l to ^ fr esh inroads anon the ,free-1
- , doMand independence ;if. the States; which are in
- ...,,,,, deed fastfliding a the concentrat; il Feder
alism of the General Goverotrient;
. • .• My sippreliensions arcstill moreincreased by the : .
knowledge, that:tits mob which (Imre mit the Senate,
and took possession of the Capitol, was . a party mob.-
' 'Piro:incanted -and - paid- for-lky•-tlie. party-leaders' id
l'hilailelphia,andl regret to say, (Minden:weed and I
defended lie the leaders - of that patty idthe country . , •
with n• few" loons:dile exeoPtions. These leaders
,_ • , either justify the lawless crud ict oldie mob;.nrileny
altogether an outrage .rilieli was committed hi - the ,
. •preselce. of 5CW: 4 1 4 411 - 1111 1 141114 - WitfiNFra. - "Scrtittes' it
disregard for truth is one not of the least nwhiiicholy
features of the picture which I have.enstenvored to
' • ' tit:scribe: ----_..- , ..
If the-outrages"committeillind-livedat onee ..con--
. -- dimmed by ,men of all parties, and the principal ac
tini visited with the ser v o gulf indignation which•their
. - conduct AO jostlyAleserves, we might hare found some'
_ consolation "in thelivaltliy action of piddle-opinion,-
sent we might. have inferred that the disease itself was
only partial, and had mot diffused itself through our
whole political system. ~,, ~. / • - .
. • dint the mantle of party has 114` ,. 41 . •41111.15 4 11111 4 0111141 the
- gwilty, and they who have slioatil theniselvetithe-worst
• enemies of the pc . ople ' arc
: exhibited by the party
' • press, as the patriots of a resiOlution, "bloodless as
. • iset,"•:but wi:ill deserving- : of the ennaial gratitude •of
. those who have beet.' so deeply injured! -"
• - Whenever they have Since appeared -hi that clutur-.
• • ter whose:sanctity the,y hail profaned and whose fluor
- this , hail threateneilto drench with tilimil,l reg,i'etto
--- , - say-'that theymre:heels greeted by : I":iii iliiren Sena
.- ....: ' tbri,.,iiitliPeesilial•sYitipilliy: and by,
. have been honoredfor.puttidg dishonor . on the best
instinitions of thidr . comitry, and trainpliiinivipoit • the .
- • • -hest interests of the - people. -- • .
.. .Itis to the demoniac spirlt of party; i ,iarpened as
. , • .it arwistils 014n - tem:en:ivy thirst for office, tli:it •
' ' _ -.• the fearlid•seimes •or t ye last few 'weeks may be rettaie , =.
ed. 'And hi:reap:am WI; have fresh psamtiof the wis
. ,dom of that ghat man, wlia:Se hleinledinitriotisin and
sagacity never have-beau and meter will be equalleil.
.foresaw with - prophetic distinctness the ,evils
' • /• - •••vadliell'tlieateinitt you; mid he has left you a :solemn
..,___. • admonition agai list-. theni.-- 1 1 Veldt-to; G ocktliat you
would impress that admonition no your hearts, anir
suffer. ; it to regulate .your lives,! Ymt a ill "find it'
yelw, Seealitl Tuesday of OctOber. It
is a tribunal ,/that is, or should be, disgraced by 110
violence , ..or,outt:age. .It is 'it trilliteal esttiblishpil
the poi-Watt:6 4 Ni 1111E1 111 e IIi:VS, audi is the only one
which the sovereign people appear in their
persons, to give judgment _onpolitical question:4. if
any portion of them atttAiipt to act separately or to
reVersc the ilehision of the - whole by violencefie other.
wise„they.: urity the rights of the 'people, contemn
the authority et this tribunal, and Subvert its
'mate prihr ii•
lliiiVe-hing venni:dell with deep concern the alarm
ing trogress ortCte deltWititis tow hich I have referred,'
I and have al wny4 lifted Ml' fi,elde voice against them,
On the 13th of January, 1837, - I tondo a report oii a
then pending qati:tion,-iiti which I 'Considered this
'• I
I t icct,:ini • ould now, with a.heart-felt conch:-
I Boit of the tt•iith of the views then. expressed; util
TOF t lOwliilrregict-that-theAniportaince=tif - --the.uidets_
been so strongly she %VII by recent events, fedi You
turn your•attentitm to the latigua:v of that report.
" It hats herit urged that the peoPle'of this district
withmit any, law f it. that pulite:ie.'', to'
elect a 'delegate to this cetiviattion, notw . thstanding
the provision or the art which provides for filling a
vacancy when if occurs. -
" claim iii•restedl neon the tinalientilie and
indefeasible ; right of the people to alter, reform, or
abolish their government ; it right which - exists; in
dependent of all, constitutional declaration,' although,
it 14 in flirt declared in dm• constitution to lielong to
the people. if the : people of the district have this
power, it must be.hecause it is above the con stitiitibil
mid the laws, and it is no tir,„ , minent - , ine the interie-;
'score of the Legislature,, which is sitliorilinate s to
We do not deny the right of the. people to alter;
reforniror- abolish . - their.- governinent,-..-whensoever
that 'government no longer- conduces tii the great
ends of utll gpvertinient—the peace, safety, and hap
piness. of the people. It is. it right which they de
rive from ;native and nature's Coths,On its greatest
limits; it iiivolvei nll government. Cinifined to our
own Stlitir.iffits operation,, it - may affect -- onrStgur
Constitution; but is restrained by the Comititution
of the Union, whielt can only be altered or abolish
ed by the people o: the'United
" Wlwther it he considered in its.greatest extent,
or in its least,,,it. is a fearlid power—a power which
an .enlightened and yirtumis people will never as
sert lintextreme cases; ' •
"It 'be remendwred that-,thiso Wit =u=nlit l
right, of. revolution; and that however 'sacred it may
be,, when it is exorted to• that. extent it prostrates
all government; it t4es front us• the title .by which
We 4011 our lands;
,it removes the legal security
which we have Cr oily 'private 'rights, and leaves
them to the protection of our own strengthodone.'
"'The la4cless and revoliitionary spirit which, hiss.
of late infested • our country, - cliiiining protection
frorri public indignation, tinder the. sacred popular
right to alter, reform; or aliolish the government,
when it becomes destructive of the entlsof till leg i-.
tint:Ate - government, is rebuke() by the cis:dont of our
.revoltitionfici•:ancestors,,who,tiltlioligh nohle.
declaration, they •assert and initintaiti• the right of
ti.'e•poopie -to alter ol 4 'abolisli their :goVerliment,Ss
emphatically-.hail' 1/I'lloollCe will dictator'
OW; 12;Wi'eeninenta - lonk - estahlialicil,- should--not-lio
chaugod. le r light and tranNient censer:', was
fully " - wheti -a long Wahl of alitises'and -ustirpations,
pursuing invariably the sante object,' evinced a Ile7
sign tut reduce them under absoluto - despotisin,' that,
they asserted .` [huir rigid, and ceiiiiitered it their
ditty to thri - ny oll'sucli government, and-proVide new
guards for their fittore
•• "It Isom. glory that they - Ili:I throw off am : govern-
Ment Ii• - • ivrent kin and I the intw•ginirds' - hliirli - .
they 'provided for the Ititurti'soctirity of the rights' of
the people, are.thosdforms olconstitittional freedoin,
which, while they :seetfre those rights, represS the
-spirit-of-law hiss vinlence_and disorder.
". - Weliii!e enjoyed_ tbe bhiSsingi - of - this -eonstitu
tionitEfretsloin.'; Mid the_best proteetionlof the rights
of all, are in "their • preservation. — lt is these sveitten
constitution; of 'government \Odell distinguish iii
fr‘nin every other republic; which: has in- succession
Sunk- beneath the tide of time;' nod it is ..preeisely
. constittitiii - ns _of gOvernment., the
trite pittrlotsfetinifs his hopes and prophecy,,
That our_fitte.will he afferent , from theirs--that our
1 - 3,Tiveritnient 'will endure, while theirs Intro
. perislied.
e 5 Are they to be consigned to the keeping of that
class 4pm:tended patriots who fire fin' ever seeking
topicsVflor pulilical agitation, tpon which they may
float into °nice ?..-And is that great right,to alter;re,
form; or abolish gin:et:times - it, which the-yoriots of
the ytivolution reserved as a right with which their
creator' had ' - entloWeil them,' to'be exerted against a'
government which minded a design_to reiltnie_them_
under absolute despotisni,' to become the familiar
'weapon of every demitgove who may choose to de
nounce the insiitutionsof his country, mid invite his
partizans•to outrage the laws inal'consemition ?
''To tioittittitiance such di:Thine - is to degrade tlie
glory of our revolution, to sanctify the nth:deeds of
'riot and confusion, and to raise the' leader of a law
less mob to the dignity of a patriot.'
"It should ever be borne in iniful that all history
teaches, that, although it •VtiVcillition' in it despotism
sometimes terminates in n repurdie, a revel titioit hi 'a
republic generally ends in it
" The silent providence of constitution:and the
laws, is the' best pro ec tou seems y for the rights
of the citizen:. It is that constitution - and those laws
which make all men equal, its to their rights. Pros
trate and destroy them, and 3-on rem'ov'e the only de
feni6e'whieh the poor and feeble have lu iiiiist the rich
powet•fti. . • ,
"But it may well bicileitied nett tlid - Pe ts'ety - war
in the conceded political right of. the people 'to
alter, reform or abOlisli ii their government,l to :mtlior
izeirregular action, thy this purpose, in
.a portion of
the people, contrary to law.
"The declaration of rights concedes this right • to
the candle :' but who are '0).1: people ?' • In refer
&Te-ci otiFSTrit - fcrilirlißlPlPTw n
e ot thirelikeits - of
township, or Cowity, or district, hilt-the citizens of
the whsle Slate;, Sz in reference to the United States,'
'the people,' are not tin-A:Wiens - of a single State,
hut the eitizens ofthe Union.
• "Itiliffhws . ;theit, thittlie - Whii.mitlertak'es'to assume'
the right or revoltitimyto act -contrary to the •order
" riot untMsurrection,” is dignified by modern hartv established by the constitution and -- lifiVs - Tllm - BraTtrr•- --
demagogues with the name of " revolution ;" and that pose Of obtaining an alteration of that' constitution,:
the outrages which lie so - properly described, when- assumes a fearful responsibility, which mar render
yet they assume a. political party eeinplexion,nre him amenable to tlwse laws as a dangerous disturber
the cstlmatiOn of party men, oily the lawful action or the peace
of tith heople to preserve snit vindicate their rights. "The known existence of the lawless spirit of revo
hie fattil - ildhistd - ritt fr
lileli - so onnently-conntroint- - -Intim', which we 11:11, 'endeavored to expose,, , must be,,„
tees - these - daligerous..movethents Tie's 'been gaining our apoiogy: for the extended tliscussion
,or, au Impor-^
{mound to n most nlarming extent in this country; and laid principle, lithidentilry introdticeditito the con
, it. is equally amazing and deplOrible dud men in sideratithi of the principal question. We thiok that
other...respects rational and respectable,,sltould bate - 'there is occasion liw of aceountof the•conii;,
been,inditeed, by the of patty, to give thein the It:mince which this - spirit lets received, and thnt
sanetion an respect:llJ e name; winder gni:our:ins-meld good men should endeavor, to arrest its prog&ess: Tithe
arch"as. this. the swrird isticeln one part ' of. the light or revolution, (lie right tn disregard tl ie.constitu
• country lies been usurped, and the judgments of the lion and laws, bpome familiarly established, might
law, instead of being' pronounced on evidence before may beaubstituted. for right, m u d the streing, arm of
-st competent, tribunal, are dealt ont by an infneiateill military power, under the pretence of preserving tp
snob.' and eveditted with-every variety of tortime ' the people. the right, by popular impulse and irregu-_
Which the refhwmonts of polluter malice can Contrive.) lar.action, to alter, reform or abolish their govern-
Tu windier part they deride questions of religions i moot, may be wielded to destroy our dear bought lib
faith, in -the holy name of routine rights, and wrap cities." •
intl.:Tr , . !louses devoted to what they adjudge to be '` ` - :tmtfellbw eitizen , s, impressed With a-Melancholy
minuided . • earnestness on the tomes which I have 'submitted to
- In the _cite of Nei' York they break 'into ware-. you. I have no motive of atubition_to hoodwink my
house's- and. destroy'. 'in - a 'season of wareitv,, thou- judgment nr influence my conduct. I have been long
Ratidt, orlawrels rif, Seim. nlleging that therights of , enough is) public life to know that the path'of duty is
the - people - are -invaded-1)v the-farmer-because he ; not trewed .with_rose.s.for_the feet of the public man,
• • - demands a price, too high for the necessities.of Jim and !shall hail -with satisfaction the advent of that
rewereig,n people - Of New York -- ,Xilio were erigeged i n —Moment when -withth-aw-with .honor-from ..the:
thin ant of:impolite justice! laborious Station fo which I have been'elvated by the
In the city of Baltimore theartmellehision assnils approving voice Of my immediate constituents. I
ily r but-in-
Cruise this self treated grat
eated tribunial, in the fervor of gratitude to those - Who have honored me. with . their
-- popular excitelttent'svithrint-evitlence.vithout--eenfoieyee4-woill-d-aSS-t-i e the obligations' have re _
trial. has nze- , inneed that property to have been dim- ettiveda& their bands, by warning them of the preci :
honestlx• acquired. pica upop which they stand.. Ido most earnestly 118-
In the State of .Penhavlvania they horn a hall. der sure you, that .I have conjured up 110 idle' plutfithoms
retell - to the frectdisettsiion of an tutponular:nndto alarm- you.---irhe aoher-- . reality is -fearful-enough
: noxious took, and has prohnble tinployed some . o fiwithellt any. attempt at exaggeration, •Go read 'the
the chicriostrovnents' of that deed of violence to ..farewell allikess from which I lotve-io
.make an irruption intO...theAalls of legislation, and drawn t - pondernver its elomient truths; .reffect upon
drive opt the represeritattves -of the p eo ple.. b renos o,. the rap iul succession - of incidents.-which, -terminating
they - would not deride a tmestien of constitutional' with the tlisg,raceful scenes at Harrishurg,luve char
.______lnwaceording_to their, opinion of its true interpro - - acterized the tastiest.; years of yotie equotry's history,•
lion• . • and you will-see that there isindeed danger— . 4langer
This dettai r otihas aliendr covered With mitmitiiy ,the most ittirohient tOYour rights and libeetiee: - ;"7.
enormity--witieh'iriailitekewthelistriry_of feel tite,peril to bAtio ho m e.-
~.., if, ,nnt arrested, bring nor young - iliate, - thatr: !filinielPrlt;
republic trims . enrly - nntl dishonorable grave. coaapaSs, it should reach every hill.and 'valley 'of the
—mv fellow citizens. prepared to make., Commonwealth; 'it should enter the habitation of
• . this "right of rehelpon,o the plaything of-every tle-: ,everycitizeh; it should appeal to the tender •mitther
or the fan-Oiler instrument of ovary crowd, Whose . present
. eoreattesta her. concern for the future
heinflamed-,either orance"-welfare - of -her ofTspring-1-It-shotild - addreesitielEto
the anxious father, in tours of. the deepest
. solemity,
of von are ; ypil,yriust soon aline to he
incite language of themost awful adrhonition ; w.ould
er 7
, • '
that A t iltheslite lust Ma to deny the nbligations
Jut 4 1"e"1!',„ 0. :. 1. .- . 444n, the right of
t tit people. anti, l say to them, awake from your false sectwity,ere it be •
too late. Yow- may slumber for a: while, but your
orbs'the rteotos:-.lniittls . publie conduct. But
three. hundred men.,t unlit of two or Weeds are pillowedqntitensltabfayeleatto--thenext
' Senate . Chimhee, from' the,'.stilni:-Ak t oc er y: of t h e : eruption Will leave behind it nothingrbut agigantiernin.
'Are. Thera' body of menetingreteated c ity. ? Dolou ask how you are to . guatilagithist there perils?
tavern , Oro coootop,Tptage , reckin*.ww, deng4 eure anawer thla the remedy ts,easy,andltusbeen placed '
end nrive•talty:the oginfoy or Royoe. ,', p i r , m t-rarnini:i-pby the:Constitution in-your.Pwrthands.-ThatremetlY
" Who lOW Professes some claim to restieeinhillte ? intklea_itt .the ballot box.
~.Cast tattle ignoble , bon- .
: •
they are, then _indeed the initraierst. nt Frarrisbur
countil, ici! t rty . ; look only:10 .the • welfare , of- your.
Were . nerpiefrMedlWthe neOttle: lint these . men ar'4 -1 the-p r op er preparedAiXadminister_itin.
, nnttlie people: It ' is nii . hisult to the; 1 ". 11
. peop g. to en •
and- vote figain ' llititc, You will limo go to the Oh!
7-7-itionliwthilirintine,7-,The---trferp-etTplcTlire--tliElliip-' matter:on what i i,„who, no_
liontired and: filly thousand voters of the .Titate, anti' tenanee their employme
_ ‘."•-•!linloy mobs or noun..
ut • as utstku‘...uts o li tidai
• ilbeie,properiplqMpl it Om .whielfinentionly oncd p4ver. •
. .
written hi his Farewell. Aildre'sii, i . n the following
0 . .
launtia3e. - •
• —!
'tit's in the state, withrparticidar rekrences .t.o. the
•:thilfiling them on geiVraphienl discriminations. -
limnow taken more compriliensive view, and warn
you;the most Sf)leriiii
- cts of the-spirit generally. - • • .
spiritiunfortiniately,is in friim our
haifing•iis toot inthe strongest missions oldie
Man - Itexists under different :dames in-all
goyeilitife‘.,,more or less striflgrl, controlled or re
- pressed . ; but in those of the popular form, it;-is seen
an its greatest rankness; andis trtilythdr.uoral enemy.
"The alternatealomination - or one faction over
pother, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural -to
_ 'Orly dissension, whieli diffifreid ages and coon
' • tries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, • is
itself ti faightful despotism. But this leads at length
• disorders and miseries wilichresult, gradually
the Minds of men-to-seek , security and remise in the
Absolute pokver ( - don ; and, sooner or
ler, then lder of some•prevailing faction; mote-ails
or more thrttimita than his competitors, turns this
, disposition-to th,e pierpo'ses of his own elevatibii fiat
the ruins of public' liberty.
!Without. loakiiig forward to nn extremity of thIS
kind, ( whielitievertheless ought not to be entirely nut
• of sight,) the common and continual - Mischiefs of
. of party are - sufficient to make it the interest
and duty of u wise.'peopie to ilfi courn oi, ant i restrain
.• "it serves always t'o ilistr , el the public:Councilsand
enfeelile the public 'administration.' . It' agitates the'
community 'will ill-founded jealonsies Mid false a
lienist kindles the animosity of QilC port againstßooth
tir foments ocraqhml list and invirrection- ,It
: . .!ji)t." 111 090I' fOreign.
whi racilittiterl :iceeF;S tri 'the griCtirtitneiitil
thro Phil
u gh the, channels of party passions.
llte policy mid the will of one country arc subjected
- to the policy mid will of another,"
If that party spirit exposes us to the danger of
inning the poliwii coil will rigour government “cor
. rtipted and soldeeteil" . to the policy_ nod will of
. coontry, diicw 'Much tiore. rornii6life
danger to be apprrhended to the , liberties of the pro
. -,ple, from the same source of party spirit, which opens
tn the influence and corruption of the Gene
upon the, State GoVernments, and
. gives to the . ,
former no absorbing influeoce over the bitter.
nni.aware that what General -VlT:islihr-ton calls
ry ~ - -- -- -st::4: . !p„ : :',4u.p:- . ..p'*.1ir ; ..0.0 . ..p1At . 0:1r ..- +:
ed 7
• .
I have now discharged a duty Which l owed ti yoit
as well as to myself, by giving you a full 110cotia of•xposition'of the motives by whiCh
it was actuated. I have, perhaps, exceeded the Inca
pure of your patience, in thu extent to whi%li I-have
been drawn in this discussion. My . excuse . will be
found hi the that, that nnich as I value my own repu
tation; I have not been less concerned for the protec
tion ot y 15111.1400 and the preservation' or those in
stitutiens by Wlilch they are secured: - 1-knnw that f
have been singled' out as Ii victim by the untiring mal
ice of 'a col rupt party press.- l'lns has , occasiontal
me uo emotion.. Had been so unfortunate as to he-.,
COlll6 the 'objectof kthighthave. q uestioned.
tliti integi'ity iny laiblic -Conduct, for I should have
shared 4 in that 'praise with men' who disregard the
commonest ohligations of morality id are notbri
•msly destitute, -of thaeharities orsilitttlea.of _public or
Arivate_life..___lam_indithment _to its censiire,r[dread
nothii - 4 - VitiTaliatur. - 71'110 -bat er--might--11111-Vthe
fcit'iner carries its own antidote, in its prove'rbial dis
regard•of truths - Ind decency.- , • •
I would plant my reputation in a different. soil. If,
tlitl,4:ourso of a long tour of public service, my hum
ble eflot•ts may 'have aecoMplished any thing for the
'benefit of the people, it w;ill be remembered to my ad
vantage, and will enable me to live down the "ephem
end calumnies oftny.accusers. If I shall have achiev
ed it6thing,•• those who know aid iql.imately: will a
least award to me the credit-of industrious effort :nut
honest intention. Whether you will to appreciate
either my past eonduct or my presjuf appeal,.is not
for MC to conjecture. I shall, at all events, enjoy the .
.Visfaclion efreflecting that I have not been wanting
duty to you, and I. leave the issue in the; hands
of that Providence which controls the destinies ofna-•
tiona;and has conferred such unnumbered and unde
servedhlessings-upon the peolge of this favored land.
' • "Youerellow-Cifizth l / 4 . • • .
At‘a Meeting of the Tippecathie
NO:. 1, of the State of PoimsylVahiai-held at
ihe Indiaii-Queeri - Hoteton - Fridareveniug;
the 12th hist.; the following Preamble ••and
:Resolutions were submittedhirJ Washing..
ton Tyson, Esq.. : which ou. motion of Mr.
George Everly,• seconded by Mr. William
Robinson,WM.o unanimously adopted:: .
Whereas • a presumption hag been induc
ed in _the public mind, by some-cause as un
known to this. Club. as it:: was independent
of its ageney, - that its membera.refuse to re..
Cognise, the authority: dd - Democratic
W ig: National • Coriventimi proposed to be
lieldlat_Harrisburg in - beceinher next, - ana,
wilt not acquiesce .iriorsubniit to: its umpi
rage between the various
statesmen-named as Caudidates for-the Presi
(Loney, and, Whereas, with a as it is
believed ; to projiidice,the 'claim of Gcneral
Harrison; the impression has been_inditstri-.
duslY.bictilMited, that the memberS. of this
ClubhaVe...coalesc ed 4. and now act -With- the
State - , - ...and have
adopted - their . organisation and-peculiar pg
litiCaitenets—thereford. • •-• ' - • • '
• Ist. ResOlvect, - , That an aSsocia- .
tion of rDemokratic --- Whientcrtaining- -
and aflianeed to' no other li . arty - whatever.
liesONed,. That -Gen'eral„ Harrison
N'VIS 1836 the aeknowledged DeMoeratiO'i
:Whig eandidate,firSt flout Mated .by the
Antimasonic . State Convention, because, be.:;.
lng acceptable 'to them, -he was known to he
preferred bytheir Whi allies, midlhat.noth-.
ingl has since -calmed to coal-,
dunce_ of the Whig party in thO.soundUess I
of -his political creed ; or the purity of -his
political morals. •
--3(1.-Itesolved,—That:the profcrondef-thei
Members of this Club for General Harrison,
is the result of an -.acquaintance :with his_
great . civic and' military qualifications .and
services, and a ccinViction, of the policy of ,
his . nomination With a -view to the ascend-1
eney of Whig . principles, and that the pub
lie manifestations of their preference, is but •
the - exercise of a right, - Which every - mem-'.
tier of
‘ ilfe party. • possesses in the, absence
of an auttioritive and final nomination.
4th. Resolved, That - it is now - as it has ;
been, fromthe first moment•of its organiza-:
tion, the intention of this Club to bow, to:
the decision ofjhe Democratic Whig Na
tional Conieetten,, properly constituted t .
but, in the meantime, they claint•the right,
as expressed in their Constitittion, '"to a
waken the public sense to a proper estimate!
of the distinguished claims, the peculiar lit
p a trio tis nttif that veteran statesman and sol
dier, General WILLIAM HENRY HARRIS 643
df 011i0,:4114:10 seek ••by_ all legitimateutd_l
honorable means, te• - Wecure his
,noMmation !
NatiOnal Convention—believing that • the. I
triumph of our cause would be - the certain
coiisequence, and it i 'imperatively tlue,
not only to the public will, but to the pe
4ctfliar claims of that ifltistrious,patriot."• •
• •
vtitli7T - Retelvett; Thai the • Democratic
Whig State Convention; proposed tole held
at Chambersburg inJune „next, is deemed
by this-Club the best and Only legitimate
agent for the si3lectiOn of delegates • to the''
National'Conventien. . -
On motion of JaMes P. Maeauley, sec
onded by - fleOrge•Wevil, was , .
Resolved, That the Editors of . 811 Ddfho
cratic Whiepapers of this city 'Ad of the
State,be•requested to publish - the Preamble
and Resolutions just adopted. - •
pa motion David S. Hornor, • the Club
then adjourned.. • . ..•
Extract — from tie minutes..
=Secretaries; ---- -
Henry IV. of France being out one day !
on n-hunting match,-lost his party and was;
,riding alone.
_Observing a country fellow
standing upon, a gate, appareiltrY the:
watch, to see the, kink, _ Henry asked him!
what he was looking for. s l'se comehere'
days he, 'to zee the king.' 'Get up behind
me,' replied the monarch,, and I will soon
emdila yo u to the_place where you maytl
seellim.? - Hodge„ witheot anrscruple moue-. 1
61; but as they were riding along .Ire - -,put -- ,
this sagacious question ,to, his companion.
‘TheST_lell mo .11,e"s, got a power of .lords,
we'urn,—how may abody know which, is
he?' The king replied r 'ytnr, , will be •able
to distinpish him by seeing that all' his at
tendants take dr their hate, while he him
self remains uncovered. Soon .after they
joined the hunt; when all, the circle as, May
well be p2r.peeted, were greatly Surprised
see the,kinglinnddifhtteiiited. - --- When'they,
.arrilied‘,. his Majesty, turning, tntheclown,
- Weeditirkt,if‘he could "tell which wp the'
know--(answered-ho) '=but
faith, it'must be ,one of us twq,wwe'e
'high gotour-hats on.. -
BY. laltit;Z:'AL PIMA APS
Iu our next we will de taiked account of the
proceedings of the Dauphin County Court, in the ease
of the Conitnonwealtirve the Rioters. _ _
_ . .
I:rrlVe would he'partieularly obliged to those of
our lidends who have liomovied books fronvus, - if they
ivould return themi as soon as possible. Several liotaid ,
yohnues_of-Waldie's LibraryLwideli.are out, w_e:should .
.be particularly pleased to handle. . . .. .
( . 0"-We • have received a atiimitunicatimi signed
gOnga ilescription of a " qrand;qiiial
gantation Faney..llpl4" which "mottle ofr" ." the .
1 . light of the mbon,"•on The night of ttieadtty the 2.3t1
ult., a little distancesonth of tltislforough.
nega" sleseviption °flint a correct gnu, it was
truly a disgraceful affair, and we sorrylo-say that
it_A_ns altcitdeifliyaome, wlrtcfromi their position in
society, - siMultl be the fliatto.lkown upon--sitch-vmht
i nous. o dt.ceticy mud morality: • Mitch as wo.regret
rthat such disrepntable scenes -are enacted-within the.
} 'limits or our borough, yet we think. that,the poblica
.tion of-the communication in titiestion cold do no
good; and must, therefore, respectiiilly decline coin
plying with the author's wish, especiall) - as lie has
not favored us with Itis•Petti dame.. - • •
A DETE . 11:1111 4 FA) SVIC-11)E,—SOITle 'weeks stnec, 11:
;Ccriikati, namtid, < ), rOtling: this borough,
attempted to commit suicide by. (ifting his-throat
-Ate did_not, howeter,siteereil,Allil had we believe
r entirely rctcuccrell from the i:freets of Lilo vi
learn that on yestilday morning this,unlamn mam
again made as attemptat destroying I its `life I '•
lantging, hi which attempt lie was nit too
It is said that bc.wna pyoomnptcd ici time commission of
the by tim:4:9,t,rce . rotiiis'rei." jealousy:.
.co• The 'Boston rapers DANIEL
NyiiisTen intend' - viiiiting - Europe - this
A'c,ll.ANol Ton TlMPErrEn.t—We lcni•n'frmn the
Albany Eveaing'Jourtial, that the Albany Theutre,l:s
about to be convprted into an Episeopal church, after
ele&nt plan-by .'fir: Rector, the-architect.: •
DAstaut:s.—Mr., Anima C Hall had damages to
'the amounf,of SWO awarded -to- hini,• against the
Connecticut River . teanlbont. Company, by the jury
in the Superior Court at 'Norwich; (Conn.) The in
jury complained of, was, that on the boat keeling, the
chain lutx got loose, and striking Mr, Hall, - knocked
him'overboard, and broke his leg,
' n`•• The Word/teat editor of the robitier, by
gurbilug 0 sentence in our paper relative
.. to the Bon.
11 . 1:NUT A.'lVise endeavors to' make it, ...,-e'
appear- that
we COillltCluill'ee the practice of - duelling, and>webor
dingly,ke remis to us a very_ pretty lecture Anion the
impropriety of our conduct, and all thdaort of thing.
If. the editor of that self-righteypincern will again
Iliad our article, and thatcarefully, he will find that,
so fir from cohntenaneing ditelling, we abhor it, and
CollBilleV it a relic di• ancient barbarism, &e..•`: 'We di . il
TsiTliO•iii•yric'iliiii*Cirefir" - iitifibarintliacd - to - br- -
herethat there were eometimge circumstances which
rot only palliate lint even justify it." But since we
liefined_that article we iiiive relieCted - more deeply
upon the Molter; believe that there are no cit.-
! Annatimei•sLwltiolt-,can—either—palliate—o •
,:. • • .
a resort troleadlY weapOns. No--when such a nom
its the editor of the Volunteer -stabs at the liar finite of
the gifted and virtuous of 'ourylatid, the only proper
course tore pursued, is to bring him before* legal
tribunAli of our country, and have him--as he hag
already been—BiIANDEM.AS 'A ,CONVIPTED
1 • -; -
ELECTION IN New-YORK.Speuking of the result
,• , of the Neir-York election, the able And indefatigable
editor of the Cincinnati Republican; holds the fol
lowing language which so fully accords with our
, views, that we give the article a conspicuous place in
'our columns. The Republican says :-!-"Enough has
transpirecita satisfy us.that both parties have behaved
in a most disgraceful manner. Bribery and corrup
tion were resorted to Openly—and money used 'to se
nitre a party:triuraph. We are identified with a
party. We' would struggle to the last for its success.
But if bribery be the the . purchasing of
votes-ls to be the condition of thiceess, we say,
tatingly, - openlY; - let-eta fail,:-We-cannot and welvill
not lend our feeble aid to treachery serbase---we can
ritot_andWill.not.beinstrMieental n ................ tbe:
American Ige.
`i`alk about
_or the success of loco.focos. . What is that, compared .
to thecorruption of nCtod7 Better: far would,.
that Moth partici should be annihilated tluin tharthe
system Which both side now pursue in New York,
Should beconie tiniverial; That would be mercy, - in-:
deed, compared to the vice and degradation and low
=condnct, and abandonment of ell principle which mutt
mark.the Ainericau people, if such things are to be- i
come coiaTfibillivour'country. We war against such]
•conihicty,?,Lik 'it come • from what' quarter `it may, 1 ,
- Srhigior 100 - o - lbcoove shall derthunce - it - as - unpatriotic
partunholy-ns edit/tin, - if : carried - out; to-ruin-our
py, hod rob us Of inir liberty , -
'We learn from the Philadelphia Inquirer that on.
dark have been,reeeived for the Commenlernent a
siezini frigate and_ploop ofiwar at the Philadelphia
Navy Yard, and rhiat alremlY.a number of worluxien
Iluive been engard„:
. .
DEATH OF LINGTON.,—Ve learn that
Ithellon7 - Isaitu — ltrlingtouiT - President - Judge=of-.the_.
thirteeflikjudicial district, composed of Chester and
belaware..connties, died at hiti- residence'. in. West
isChester a ion.satut•ilureVening shout 9 o'clock, after a .
191116 k illness.' Judge 'Darlington was inthe 58ti4e - Fie
of his age. • _ , .
SPZEC.II &FY.' presume that ore.:
thiS, meat of the citizens of this county, have either,
heard of, or read a speech, purporting to have been
delivered in the. Senate - of this State, by Genet 'l'. -
C. MIT,LEII4 011 e of the Senator's fronktilis - district, and
ti Member attic far-fhnted ComMittee of Safety. We
infer, this front the that besides the speech having
;‘beelipublisl7s4tt the only democratic paper in tbe
county," inuneaenumbeis of it have been forwarded
to dilll.l.ent perkens"lii this couniY; by the young gen
tlemen NOM had the .ilunor of writing thiis b facicgti arc/
,production. fol. General Miller.: .Those who have
recd it , no . dotibtlhink that General Miller must be
nn adept at biackguat:dism, for' We have never reatlst
more scurrilous article in our life-•:-the editorial, of
• -the-flobotteer antl_Keystotte_lways excepted.__ •
• We weßt,in the. ; Senate clitimber at the time it is
said ,Gen. M. delivered this speeeli,ittuloi thiNiest of
our - i•ecolleetion he myopic(' the. floor butpir
inoMents, and how he said all that is in his oilited
Speed' in that short time; isino're than we 'Can tell.
We giVe the following-iTniarks from the Ilarrikburg
Telegraph Upon this maiden ,speech of the General.
Every person acqintitlted with General • altillet:
knows him to be possessed of very limited natural'
talents; mid. still less eilucatioit ; .that lie is incapable
of making a. : "speech" on any subject, if he could
collect: ideas cnongli; which is doubtful. And , every
one ,vlfo heard the debate on the Ida for die payment
Tiflhe troops . kii - Ows;lbarGaicil - Miller's - renuarks,
in reply to Mr. Williams' dissection of the itebel
Committee of Sall , tY, wits nothing but a'recital of the,
names of the committee, tIM dinner " sticeeh" . of Mon
would be time enough for Mr. Williams to discbtim
coinpaidonship with kiln when lie asked it, and the
'question " who is this young bloodirom Allegheny?"
This was the whole:." specti" of , the Senittor,from
'Adams k and yet several columns of the Keystone of
.the_tOtAtstantover'e.filleilw_W wllf4.lPlltpirts to be
" Remarki of Miller,. of Alamp," which for in
salt and indecency of language,hlander,falsehood and .
.tlefamatlon was never - excelled by the most polluted .
and disgtisting streets that disgrace our country.
Since our ~ I . t tentiottwas 'calltaFto this specimen of
low 'Scurrility 'and lilindignardism, •we -have taken
painsto enquirn.of sevcralgentleinen who were present
-in the-Sciatic; when'Mr. Miller "ope'd limmouth," :
and nothing canie out worthy- of nstice..or reply, who
all agree that no partOf what lippairs in the . Keystone
hisipee•cliWaS spoken by him.' That the epithets
. ,
I -purporting to have binaitiseittoward s. Mr. AVi
Ilte"-Senntor from Allegheny, were not 40; and that
the black and malignant insults thrown out apinst
othersvete not made. If they Sad been - in:Me and
suffered by the Chair, they would have -railed forth
such iVreplyfronx the "y'cang blood irom the - west,"
as would have etrechially y}lbukedthe insolence Bi. pre
„auaildion_Ofthe most ill-,bred Had malignantthatc r fer
held a seat_ NeitlierGamh - dralitkr - nOr
other- ilia!). Would dare attempt to put into the mouth
o f ihe-Seilator Ppm.4lleglieny, words and sentiments
_whichhifo,ser expressed, nor, a "coward?:
and a "pnlh-oom.”' None but a brute would use - such
langua , re nor - as it used by 'Mr. Miller towards - Mr: .
IPilfithn . B, or -any other Sdnator. - The speech which
appeared in' the as 'Gem was ,ne
ser spoken by-Jinn—not Min) a part of it. We were.
.present and near him, ivimn be maileatiattempt tore
ply--whicheonsiSted entirely of what we ha ve stated.
above: We know whiils tlie author of the specch.-- . -..
It WAS Written by a young Locti Foto of this -place
khuwirto linve a serious lack' of brains, but a most
ezcalted opinion of the few committed to his charge.--'
Wevinderstnild that he is an tipplielint for; offcci
presume has take .this means shoiving Ills abilitg.
and_ zetal.:___Vnfortiinately far Mr. Miller who has
chosen to let ,this• — yonng Loco Foco mount him. to,
show his slight of baud, he,iiiso Prand of the produc:
ti on that helms haboast of-it. Slithis:Mr. 'allows
it to go' out to the world us ails speeelfr..we presume
that at the re-assembling, of the Legislature, he will
be called upon to avow 'its adoPtion or not, as the
Senators implicated and ins so gross and-wita- .
ton a manner, will searCely be expected to lie under it.
FATy.dectbeivr.-We learn from die eat 'Clips
et:Record, of Mriidnesday last; that r On t to Saturday
previous,a melancholy accident ocenred on the Penn
sylvania Hail Road; by which Mr. JA ES &MTH, of
Philadelphia lost his life. Mr, Ssurtt was agent for
one of the tiimsporting companies, find Intsleft
and tinnily to lament,his loss. The accident occur
red as follows: • the train had stopped near Oakland,
to leave out sonic passengers or nu:rehandize, and Mr.
S. got off the cars. •In attempting to get ou ngain i the
one leg upon the track. The cars passed .over, the
limb, mutt ini r 7. it in a shocking tawnier:below. the
knee. _ llewasremoved to a house adjacent, tuAl Drs.
:Kibg mitt BrintAin,. sem tbr but the - elforts -to•-res
tore life were vain. He • died in about fonr hours •;-
his body waa removed plait on the .ensuing.
day, fo'r interment.
AN ATrtnitrT TO Ron.--We learn from the Chem
bersburg Repository, that, on weelobefore last, nit at-
tempt, was made, in the night, to break WO - the Louie
ofMr. IkteryStiirgr,anaged respeetablu fairinef;Wlio
resides in. Guilford township, within 4 miles of ; that
Borough. Mr. Snider had a considerable sum of
money in his house at the. time, for the purpoie
paying for some land he had purclnsed, - whieli Was
doubtless known to the villains. They had succeeded
in forcing. open the shutters of a window and tied up
the sash, so as to render an ingress and egress easy,
when the faMily heard,them, and the rascals finding
a stir in the house became alarmed and tiecamtteth--,
Had chq.cli!erdd, no doubt they would have corkurnit;
ted Murder to prevent detection. Such is the increase
or bad men in our, country, that it has really bicoOke
Unsafe for men in isolated situations to keep large
sums of money-by-them:
irrThe Governor' of this State has made the fol
lowing appointments for
„the.tertin of tlireeicars from
thefeidlitifitfay nest 4 ,, John - Klingensmithiof-Werit..
Moreland county, to be. Secretary of the Land Mice;
•.far:ob Salltultiy, of lierkTicount - Y;to he Surveyor Gen
eral.; and Geo: It, Espy, of Yenango, to be Auditor
General. • . •
papers, contain a notice to Contractors, that,. on Ate
15th of,, May, specifications of all' the graduation, ina:
sonry, and wooden bridges of the Baltimore and Ohio
'Rail R oadibetweenllarper's 'perry and Cumberlank
(467mileis,) will"6e teddy for - deliveryat - the - Ccino=
ay's Office, in Baltimore - rand — that = sealed'proposals
for the said 'work: will be received at he same office
until the first
Rapes ISLAND ELFcrioN.--The election of 9over-'
nor and -members of the Senate-and-Assembly- took,
pliCe iq ithoilelsiand on WedneShay of week before
last. There were two Whig tickets run for Gover
nor; and one LocO . FOco,oonsequently no election was
had. Intim Asse mbly the Whigs elected 4.9, and the,'
Leo Yocos 29; leaving . he Whig majority VI. ' The
whole Whig ena °AEI said to be elected.
Sprague and Burgess were the Whig candidates for
Governor, and Mr. Bullock the Loco Foe°. Thein—
Clemency of the - weathet'preventcd alarge-vuto-froni
being taken. 1,,. the Ciktizeits,
'West 11.)01i0borol TOynsOiip.
A large tiumher of the citizens' of Westpcnnsbo
rough;township, Moienribled at Mount Rock on the
15111 day of Marc 4 last i viith,a view of devising soils
inotle of ,expretising theirrmipent for the past services
of Ex-Governor lllTNEti;iinti welcoming hirfinto the
township as a resident thereof. . After the organia
ionTof the Meeting, Mesos. George - 'Linn; Matthew 1)a.;
vidson and Lewis 11. Williams were appointed:tem
' mince to invite AlrNitnertO.a public 'dinner, tit:silt:4
time its Ise Might. decide Atop. Alma reason, and
Jolla 'McKeehan, •Estir 9.. and Colonel John Wynkotip
were added4o_tetid committee to ‘ make - the necessary, !The co spoodence between that
emnituttee'ffilitiMe.:Ritner is given below:
•• A, • • MAlicil 23, 1839.'
I iostiqi , ,RlTNrit ESQ. ' • ,• •
Sim- 7 -At a:Meeting of a number of the
ritizeu of iY,e - st Pemisborouglif township,
held at Mount Rock. on Friday the 15th
inst. the undersigned .were,appointed a com
mittee to rcquestyou to meet with the 'citi. 7
iens of . the township, :opposed to*the•des
tructive, measures of the present administra- -
thin of the general .governincot and to' the
riotous and, revolutionary proceedings enac-.
tedsat Harrisburg in Decemberlast; at the
-meeting-orthe , State-te - gisl*re".
In accordance with the de - s)gn of our ap
pointment we' respectfully 'lll . /he ybu to
-join in suet a'meeting at John Paul Ann,
hid - whoTsiqhmVag - to - -hotify-mrof-theltirie
it would -suit you to attend'. • It would meet
the wishes . of -the,people to have the meet. :
hig as soon after your removal Into the
township, es would : suit' your convenience..
The object of:the meeting is two (old.-
mencing an acquaintance. Audio express
thei view's of this district on . such imattgrs of
a political nature . .as-appdar to: us ominous
of-evilAwthe-interests of our-highly-favour-.
ed, and happy country.. .. .
- , GEttrrLENuN,--Your connitunication .of
the 23d ult, hae been received. •
• Veruiit. nie to thank you, and through you
thO' - C:iiizend of West-penitsboroeugh town
ship at whose instance - you — have .addressed
ine; and I beg - leave to assure. you, that . the
Invitation to - Join a„.mdeting of the eitiiens,_
at the - publie-house'ef-Johni . -Paul-r-forthe:
purposes expresseil in your cominunication,
most agreeable to Any .feelings;. there
fore...eortlialfy accept. of !y_oul
_Mud_ invita
And -in-ac4orclanee, with Tour wish, and
of those who intend to - participate in the
Meeting, that I should an early day to:
unitei_With you ahil- them, - I -name 'Thurs
day..the. 25th iustant,,ap..the . day, A:) . ij which
I can make itconvenient to meermy
6orts at the place and for the - purpose ntUue4
id,;your letter.
• • lam Most respectfully. -- -.
• . " • - --- your fell - ow citizen,. :' -
• •:,-• :- :• • JOSEPH RITNER.
MeSsrs.'Gconou ZINN, Jr.... .
.' . L. IL _WiLmAris,—Commillee,
lii pursuance of the" above proceedings, n large
number of citizens of WestpcnnshOrmigh • town . -
ship, together with ,others frOm different sections of
the county, convened at the hOuse of Mr. john-Paul_
in the township aforesaid, on Thursday the •25th•inst..
The meeting was organized by' the committee of
arraffgeinent calling SAMUEL McEEFAIAic, Esq.
to the Chair; and the appointment of AIiXANDEII
DANIEL Donyeno . ,Vici?Presidents; and Comp .31:
Phillips, Isaac Shellabarger, jr, George Zinni jr.
Thomas Greason, John OE . Woodburn itndJoSeph
Sey,sq. us Seci.ebuies; The company then sat down
to a sumptuous dinner prepared by Mr. John Paul.
After the cloth was reinoved;' on motion of Fre
ilagek-WidlSTEarif." g - Feiniiiittee - orfilleen - ivairstip= -
pointed_to report an address, &c. expressive of the
sense of the meeting. The chair' appointed the fol
lowings.:perions teembers of - said- committee,Lviz
Frederick Watts, Esq. Robert Laird,".lohn McKee--
hansissEsrFEdwartl - Mr - Biddlei - Esoseph - Shannon - i -
Lewis 11. Williams, Esq., Samuel BOWers . ,*,Dr; John
-1 'Myers, Samuel Wild, George L. Line, Matthew
Davidson," James Greason, .ESq., George Rea, Col
William IL Woodburn, and.SainuerSmith.
The 'committee. after retiring for a short time, -
ported through their chairman• thefcillowing,-Which•
Was unanimously adopted:
Peacefulli to assemble and consult about public men
Sind:political me-naives, is a freeman'aright: when the
great interests of the country are endangered, it be
comes a freeman's duty i and when we can associate
with it the payment or a debt of gratitude to a faithful
public servant, in the shape -of a' hearty. welcome
amongst us as a neighbour and a friend, it is then a
freeman's pleasure. We have assembled with 'feel-,
ings of interest in the political Condition of our com
mon Country, which we believe is at this moment gui
-_ded-by,selfislx.-men-who,desire rather to promote par
Ay purposes than public, good ; and we have invited as
our guest JusErn Rrrrmit, the late Governor of Penn
,sylvania, whoshavingxesponded to the call of his fel-.
low citizensUndlionoribly filled the highest office in
their gift; has again retired to the peaceful purniti of
Private Life , Made *his - home among us. - In look
backtipoti tlfeWitital history of our.cOuntty, for
the short period of ten years, we areforcibly,renund
ed of the fearful changes which have taken place and
strongly admonished that the chains of, power have
heen-gradually add - secretly but most surely 'wound
arotiaAlge bythe influence of wicked. mensi n the coml.
eils'ef_the - General -Govemmenti feel thatour supplications for right must-be
to the throne of poiver instead of 'to the unbiassed_
judgments of a free people. . • 's
- ',._WhenWisdom virtue and patriotism isharacterixe.d
the government of the country, we were taughtto be
lieve that power emenated from. the people; but now
money is the source of power, and pnblic officers,are
made the instruments to give RA corrupting influence,
rind' this is shamelessly asserted to be the doctrine of
thedominant party in the Senate of the United States;
and the people are taXeilto iarry it into operation:—
We have just cause of alarm when we find that the ex
penses Of the General - Gifferrilicefichtivelanireased
since-the Administration of Mr. Adams, fiont.tivolve
upwards .of thirty millions'a --W,O..sce,shs this
demon of power, the Source of corruption which yeast
corrode and undermine, the institittlons of theCoUntry,
until they sieken Mid:die.; it has run into every vein.
said artery which' have herehiforeinpplied the health
fulaprings of action; mid we have already seen itscer
renting --tufluenimupeti s Public opinion to an.exterit
'Which is alarming.; We watched Its march up to the
place of Publie discussitin, to dictate what should and
, Whatshonld not be the. subject of debate.. --We have
perceived, this same spirit in its riotous course tolear
down the press,because it ventured to publish
iOns not in accordant © with its own; and we haVe honk
ally seen' it in our own state, embodied in.a molisof
lawless desperadoes, bursting into the Haiti Of Legis
lation, driving the representatives of the people from
their seats, and feasting their hellish appetites for
wickednehs, upon the disgrace of their own. State.--
Theses are all-the-necessary consequences Of , trusting
the Government of our country in the bands of design- ,
' •
Arßiv3, 1839.
iaig men; li - hose - purpose - it 'is to clothe theenaclVis . •
With power and wealth at the public expense.- - •
11 It is pleaslmt to turn away L from these Mils which •
threaten us and look back mien even one bright spot;
. 1 •
which has "now' passed away, and which we trust may •
not be forgotten, but remembered as an example of _
purity. cf 111'110SC and energy of conduct which
serves to characterize our worthy guest and requires
Of us our strongest, mark of apprObation- JOSEPEI . • '
ltierNza hopin the very : -----
litumblet sphere of life, without any other advantage,
than 'those•natural endowments Which nature . gave
him. llis strong Mental powers'atid private virtues -
soot brave Mß' fellow among fellow citizens; -
and amidst their cheering approbation, he marched
with a firintielis of step; energy-of purpose, and deter--
-ruination of - character, through all•lthe conflicting de- •-
meats of party; strife, up to the highest office in the •
State. Here, unloved by the thrtattungs. Ottaligiker •
hower,lestudics b preserve the honor.and.dignityrif
is native State, And fearle.usly-Ttbukee
,Alb attacks •
'upon it: 'And now his task'beingdene, he has retired.• • _._
again to the peaceful pursuits of.agricultural life, to , -
end the remainder of his days thus far so well spent. •
We.pledge r hitracre_our_hospitality,.ourAinditess,
and our good wishes. .
- 4.fter the reading Of the address, Ex-Governor
,ner rose, and retained his thanks to the meeting
very happy nainnerv . a skefeb hia speed,. we subjoin:
•MY Fitinss : r --The welcome . that has ,
been extended to me adds very. much to the ~.
pleasure I feel in resurtiingllte p.itrituits 'arid , •
avocations. Of-my former life; among my es- .
teemed friends, and acquaintances of West .
Penneborough 'township. .:It is a subject of '•
i !sincere joy•.to .me, that the changes"' irt•lny
Condition oldie last diree.years'have result
ed inTlacleg-me so near - thn - spot - frerrshich . __ ; __
I started, an obscure individuahtlyout thirty
four years ago. During these thirty-four
years, I have seen life in almost every con
learned, that no 'event is inoreagreeati
the warm And cordial greetings:of. old and
esteemed friends.
• To a public man when his-,task is thine, •
and 'when - the absence ofpowet leaves him
w holy -onthe;ground-ofhis4nerits and char . - --
acter, upon the paitiilitrand- attachment
'of early and warm-friends, .a..keception and
Welcome, such ,as are-now offered;'give rise
to emotions that I cannot express. ; Know
ing my own want of merit I attribute this
mos( agreeable event to your friendship, and
in return can only say, life' of • toil
and _exertion in the .public service tvOuld be
well repaid by one 'hour- such-as• Inow en-
You have - been 'pleased to :advert .to - my •
public services. - II lay. claim,to no . praise in
-regard-to -.them litherilian-Ilia Tdevoting---
all . mr.time and -energies,.to the discharge • .
of the-duties assigned inn, and baying been- -
at. all times and in evniy, instance, guided - in. _
my conduct by, a- single • desire to promote .
the commoiigood, and the honor and-1)64 r ..
_pithy of my native State-LT-here hasmot - beeri
an executive. term . - -since
,thelste4olulion,‘ •
within„. Which-so ',Many embarrassing . and .
perplexing questions arose as
-w-hich-terminateccddinlaiiiie y last. But my
friends,. throtigh..the mercy and guidance of
n alwise - .Pon these were 'all met and dill
posed 'of in such a Manner-as enables..ine
to - looh back upon-lhaf Pali of my life,_- with,
an' nneliang_ed - confidence,
.that the Jutiire,
will - do . -the - -.Hatjuitice•and that
' dren and friendi will net haie. cause to re-.
gret the .existence of one line. of the 'history -.
of Pennsylvania, with whichthe.
their father or their friends,-is connected:
The events with-which my life - as chief
magistrate of the State are conne'cted,,arti
so recent,-thOs it will not be- expectedriliatt
should dwell upon themitidetail.; '-And the+ .
administration of my s.uccesiiorls too new,.
so hands an exposition of the
principles 'and: measuies, upon which ha
commenced- it.
ardent and. sincere praYer..for the
stale,. is, that the present' execntive may
have amore quiet term than mine; and that
when retired from the difficult .seat he,oc
cupiee., the.commonwealth may he prosper- .
ouS,..and • he feel the same. peace .Of .mind
that now accompanies me to the plough. .-•
I will not detain.. you longermy_ friends
than to offer in return for your sentiment,
one, that seems to me appropriate for the
The Politteal Plough—Every good cit
izen should deem it his duty to keep it going.
Let it not' be thrown .by in disgust, and a-
ETei 671 e - d - far - U s decay 6bcau'se =ono
Crop' has failed, and weeds and' cheat, in-,
stea(tof .wheat, spring up from the .furrow. •
Trylt-again--3'urn-d wiv the Cheet_and nos:
ious weeds, and .a, more rich and abundant
arvest wt
e your rewar
The committee 'of nCtingement then reported t(io
following toasts)
• .Teseph Ritner, the C incinatus. of Pennsylvania—fie
left the glough to save the commonwealth, and whelk
the_taek was eflated, being rcktid whit ingratitude,
slander, and threatened - assassination, he returned to
the plough.
Penrose ? Stevens, and nurrowes—Their splendid '
talents, exerted in defence of our constitution laws
and legislative rights, hnVe drawn upon their heads
the tuutthemas of l a turbulent, corrupt, and desperAto
When this, Mr. lirrstut arose - and
apologized for the absence of Mr, littmtowsm,Statlng
that he had reseiceda letter from that gentleman,
formin; him . that private business, over:which ite had
no *control, would•prevent hint from being present on
the ocension. - Mr. Ritnerspokehigidior•the•ehar;
acter of Mr. Burrowes, that he knew him well-that
they had Nen intimately connected together:in busi;
ness—he knew his worth; and- pronounced-him to bo—•
one of the best .citizens Peonserania ever
thanked the meeting for the manner in which they had
noticed Mr: B. • • . • •''
' • Tho followingletter.fromTstanba‘usS:S.E4rol,Esw
SthiPartinune, Apal 25,1839.
• Gentlemen:—t had come this far, in com
pliance with your kindinvitation, to be pre
sant at Mr. Ftrrrinu'i!,"l'Veleome," but hay
ing been caught out in the rain last evening,
I am 'Very unwell - this morning, mid am
compelled to return home. • This I regret,
as it would be most gratifying.tome, to •
'witness_the_receptlen of otirlOto go_Yernor
among Ins neighbors in_a_Manner honorable
alike to him and them., Please present the
following sentiment to those assembled.
'JOSEPH RITNEW , —HOIIOIed and esteemed
alike by all good' men, whether in the Ex
ecutive chair_ or the field `of ihe husband
man ;,too pure for the comp: - and - rebel pol
iticians of the present day ; the heart of pat- •
riotista will follow and bless him in retire
ment, while the servile sycophant atone will
do homage to his successor. •
Very, respeetfully, . ,
A Your obedient servant,
Ilessrs.lVlLLisat' essui—