Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, May 01, 1839, Image 1

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MlLlttcr—WO% 99,4
Carlislt'llerafd & Exposior," w ill . be issued
'WEettLY, at Two Pot.t.,tits per annum, ifpaid #l'
;:igfivani;e, $2;40 at the end of six months, and $3,00 if
• not paid until sifter the expiration of the year.
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the usual rates
Letters addreased to the editor;po buSineis,MUST
BE POST PAID, otherwise they *ill eeeivelio at=
• The following'named persons hays! been appointed
-ilkOtits for the—tkCarlisleAterald_bt Es'positOr," to
'tl , ltoni, payment for SubSeription and. tuyertisement
•: limnbe tiotde. • , • . ••• • •
D. SIIELLY,Esif. ShiremanstowniCOnih. CO.
'Seem C . 01M6, Esq. New Alit • • -do
P. KoMrjs;ESq. Newbitrgh ' • ! (16.
Shipplontiutt d'o
JOHN W ur DEnucn, Esq. , do. 'do.
. •
J. MATZEN, Esq. iloguegtOwn do:
R. Wicsoie, Esq. Meehatii'osburg, do •
R. STVRGEON, En. Chute4town do • •
- Dr. ASA NVIIIT.,.I , IeW CUMberlitild
TA.96,I_3LACA, Esq. Bloomfield; Perry CiplitY. •
A. 1131.40 x, Esq. landbburg - . . • •do
'General Agent Agent for Pennaylvanilt, Maiyland, lieht=
• ware, fire: No: 3} South 7th street, three doors • be
' low Market street,lihiladelphia, and No.lo North
. - street, Baltimore, near the Post Office.
TArtnt f UtriventsiMenictruzser niz Burnam ;
WhiCh have diffainedlheapprobatiolaand lite corn
' Ineedinieti of tbattrandsovho have been bilred in Con
, ,tumption,d/loltiraMorbus,lntisunations internally or
...'externally,ltild all diseases oft hc Liv er, ; Yellow Fever,
•• • Gout,Rbtitinatisitt,Lumbitgo,Tiondoreaux , Dropsy
. -Bt.-Vitttairfiance,Epilepay, AppOnlexy Palsy, Green_
anal& obstrtietionsto which thefemaletoim
-is to distressingly liable, and.sVfileh tend so manyof
" the fairest pertion - of the - Creation ko 'their untimely
• S mai l Pot , Mead es;Whoopina Cough, Scar,
Jet Fever,,Astlima; Jaundice,. Gravel, Stone, and all
• -Urinary Obstrtictions,Fistuhi;riles Strictures, dim:
titres, and Syribilis in all its Stages,
WOO'S i-Seurvy,ltchi ng ; In, Xi ng's ; tilf;
• and' all. Cutaneous ;I:sisorders - ; - _in :shin*, every ir..Qhir ,
lalaiin which the ha an tranie r isto direfully sub ject
-• kooinder, all- their - Varied forint. and naives; as the
: • 'llygelitn:e:onviction is,tbat man is anblea-to only one.
ilittitte4 that is t o the iintnnitil of the blood, froth
- WheriCe springs every corriPlatitt . thattantostiblY
'sail hie complicated frame, and thatit is•the-pellietital
iittruggle. - of this vital, Tare streadi *of life; (tire giftof
. Almightylioner) to disencumber itself, of its
_:_l2acrid_ltimortil witti•which Rims become commixed.
• - This irablable - Medieiti<lieing composed - - onlr - of
4egetable Matter, or rnedientatherbs and warranted
on oitth, at e - Oithidning net doe-particle, of mercurial,
'Mineral:or cheraidatutibstaneet, (ell of which are un-_
tongenialte the nattlre of Man,andlhereforodestrue
• live to the human frame) is found to be perfectly
-harmless- to the Most-tender:age or_yeakestSrame,
tinder every . tlage of human suffering, the most plea
- Gant and titnign Mils operation, and at the sante ditto
,:- !the most certain
,in-searehing_out the root evety
'complaint; however. deep, and of perforrding a cure
that was ever offered to the world. This wonderful
, effect, piodueeilby the least trouble to 'the pa:-
'by merely swallowing - certain ntimber of
. pills, and being called a few extra times td 'lite Imp
pose of evacuation with the least ppatilile sensation of
pain, exhanstationhif bodily strength, and withotit the
• fear of catching cold, or attention to Brest or diet, in
any Way different tom their ;.aiieilstomed habits.'
--Theelerpills-rais=in-all-cases,-cannuithelaken - -to.
excess. - lilxperience, which is the tonchstohe of all
. human itnoivledge; has long borhe testimony to die
- fact -ektensive- use-ol then:than „already_vcititied_
its truth inthisconntry. • •,
These 'Medicines cure liv purglnr and ydt 'the
Areek,the,feeble,the infirm, the nerved the delicate,.
• are in a few days strengthened by their operation•
because they clear the 'body of its laid humors ; anti
_prodlice sound sleep/They are the safest
and most-efficacious - medicine - to take to sea,- ; prevent=-
ing scurvy, costiveness, Bic,/ -• • •
The operatidn of this mild Medicine, which
*eys immediate eonvietion of its utility, froin ('tie first
dose,. is as beneficial to the mind as the body 'first
e alming,tben curing all mental derange ments. eccen
• thicities,nervous affectidns,lrritabilnescund restle**-
-'—itessitrom,whatever sottret•;-compliiirtiswhich".hare,
hitherto, nnt been
,properly understood; as the Ilyge4,
. Ists hare foandthem all to.prolleedirom acrimonious ,
humors ht. the blood, and; happily for the; preient and'
future race of inaidtiediAiseoiered a aheirp "hid ini
zt.tvereal mode-of purifying; curing anti presenting,
. Theheing cured of any disease, infirmity, or sore,
persefertineeln the Vegetable Universal Medicines
will always restore nature to due course. The
literary and sedentary, of both sexes, whose pudsuits
~,so much impair the faculties, will find' sure reinedj , ,
in the Universal Medieinesfer preServingilie energy
- -and sprightliness of the imaginntion,_and improving
their health; old age will he attained - by - the - nen - Of
them and passed free from pain and ;
They are; net enveloped with the mysteries of Other
• .Medicines; they only require to be persevered in
,stidicieetly large , dotes; and the patient. Will
tome off well ; • when a' disc's . l* Obstinate, patientit
fre4ueritly do not takedoses hirgeentnigli. •
he' medieineri are, comprised in 'three different
Artielea-dhlyi Vitt in two kindi of pills, of different
strength or poiver,atteaignited by No. 1 and 2. The
first is a . :peWerful hat Most Old and gentle - Appe,rient;
_opening otedieine,•dentehing and,partially teeter
ing the tinge* ropy humours, whilst fhe No,
carry Mr thole and the krone ital . and vii
to the body,and eat 'tgether as .
.. • ferret in A *arson; Ogymireesfingiuntil every aVenue of
the, bunted frame is theireughly searched shod Cleansed
• • • • • •
• • The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are. of greatias'r'
...ftstanee'..ta patienta,, and facilitate, the evacuation of
tomtihrrooft - they:soften,: cleanse, -and detach the
4tOriniolliciter_filitegait_are eopling;_turut
' • thirit:' trio, 451 , * three powders may be taken
throughout! the , aY,;• lithleAlAulf. a, tumbler! of
wate r.. Tlie pills • •. •
4 1 f 4 •
are sold in Ackefi , "'d $3, and
25 and 50 Cent - twei former ("Unita of three
'loxes each, viz. One. box of No:1, and two bore* of
2—thelatteronelarger box with a division; the
litindscreilie in s e parate ,boles at 37i} "cents erioli; -
Thrt consemience of--the repeated soliehationi it?
the agents, and for the , conieitience of the public in.
:general ) ;boxes of :cents. and .25' Oonta each, Can
now be t 1 efall the. age*: • -
"&iiji parties• May be aPpOinteiVagents - On .
, by
; applying to the tieneral.;;Depot,'No. •
41 i159 4 .•§Pvetdh - ,-Streo - ,doers..below Market
ittSnet,ThiladelPhia 7 4lln at NOrtlistreet,lal
. tintnief, nearly . epptisite* the 'Pest Of ' where the
CentilneiiMeditine innY diviyi be , bike ined:
e9n,auenef of the .high. esti.;
rriatto,a in in,orrison'a Milts are 'herd' .by the
pyilliis`;` it , which
an initninciable host unp In=
otpled•boat.of counterfeiter's) tnitterapt
aedet deceiltiye, terms, tints tii-delnde the, alattax•ry,
foist their nostrunisTor fhe .Geindee - flyite.iin)leffi-.
) ..vine; in consequence- of theigent than .talten'
the precalitionary. tneasttr,g,pf, having:an, Extra. Ye) ,
•- • lON Label ' fixed'on , each packet, signed by the aliend,
Ofeaeli state arid district, and hylthielestibLogenta, in .
Orery iiiunty•; 'the imitation. of Avhich wilirsubjent the
.amitler to thesmverest punishment the law elm 'inflict;
. , ie fgslher,t , bPi-n9OOO, that none of thC,bc'T
"Medicines eitn, - be Obtained ihnnk'drtig'sniin thio9gh;.
'dui the Arniinn :the'drug titores heir% the ,principal'
- source through•mhich • the COunteleners yend - their
spurious articles. -
rim sale in Carlisle only at'dteistorn„ctCHAßL,,tB
MAllTlibr , lVirdLtlr, 'Mechanicebtarg, and WM
-- Tlf : lWTFlt;ll l lillertt - ,TPlartZ,county,TPE --- • '
. .
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• • „
Compound Extract of
r?it Celebrated, substitute for' Calomel.
. ,
• THIS excellent article having stood the test of 'ex
' perience elieu here; is offered to the public with confi
dence, that those afflicted with diseases in which Cult.
mei, or any of the peculiar preparations are iniliCated,
will find relief from its Use. Its perfect applicability
in affections of The liver,ond in fact in bll 'visceritl
stenctions, has beea fully tried andthe decision ofpub
lie - opinion, as well. as a grat number of the tiaost
silecbible Physicians; has been giyed b,its favor. It is
particularly recommended in liver diseases, °battik
dons oftho-boWels, diarrhoea,eruptions-of
ill -conditioned Ulcers,' and dyspepsia: Its action is
mild and perfectlY 'bare. • .
• The following; era a foluntary statement made ,Ity a
highly respectable and scientific Physitiam. and -im
tpeared in the - "Jeffersonville Courier," last Winter
TOTE FOR cattimer..-.4laving Modell trail of the above
article, I tel warranted in recommending it as a tisq-,
fut. andsafe medicine. The pills possess all the pur;
gatiye and anti-bilious properties 'of calomel, • without ,
any-of its injurious tendencies.' Persons who are id-
Ylibted to habitual torpor of the liver, and consequent
accumulatione While, and ,whothave -been -compelled
to have recourse to the Ai fre:rot Oreparatious of trier
.cur,' for relief; will - find Miles' Pills, a sate •anil'couL
Cement substitute. • • •
• • . NAT'L FIELD, M. D.
, . A stiptily.oribis trail valuable medicine just re
ceNedand for sale-bv OHN J. MYERS, tiCo,Car
liale,unil- by SAM.II:ELtYTIAON_St-Co:Shippens....
burg. - .
- Marelfi, 1839; • - •
(twitills 'anti their Pcslinctive
.- .. .lgraVa l difltZiOci .- •
I[ I HE - United teatimintrottheitliksitinnstitiongltt
ottt 'the:bilked States has .fully proved the fact thug
Vetere' 1 1 ,"egitaLle Pills are the only trite Yegtiablet
Pills which will stand the test of analyzation• Netted
the' proprietor' would twist earnestly - rge diem. for
the nutlet. of y, those who have , been .the of lteing, as "catilartiea Of ittietients,Altutiekdttietive and'
irritating -quack pills se generally advertised, and
which are at best but, slow consumers of the 'vita
unctions - , ant inutdetOus "agents even:to . the most.
Wale, it is tttse, fnost of them produce tt . pitatite
effect, and sometimes. transient folief I but in. most
cases they injure the digestive organa,and antabittial
resort-to—them must terminate in eudfirmed dyspep-
It is fetie.thattathatlierinnlaperlent:inedieinesare
Rix') t•elpiiredebut the nicest discrimination . should
always be observed' M . the selection ; - and if. this he
done,nothhig Hitt -tops can result
Ce from ilteh-gse.
To produ this much desired regitlt, Dr. cis
has matte It .his study for several iieitri;iind feels
prorLto . Say iie . has. succeeded at length .far beyond
hit - cripeemtions. TlMobjeit.of his pills is to super-
We the necessity of a frequent recourse to injurious.
Inntatira, and to offer'a 'medicine safe;certam, and
I!'lelisittat its-epee -Idiom -
) Pizetvtred hyJOS. PRIESTI. Y. I r. Ens, M
No: 10 Liliparl , Street, New , Yo rk. , _Ba,di b : ox
tains 40 pills. 'liriee'sonenta. , _
Ileattochei- Sick 'anti titre otts.
.Those who have loge - FA tind are weliry.offinfterlnk
from these-idiatreasing - eoltiplaiuts, will PE
TERS' VEGI7'.4.BLE_PILLS a.remedy_at once.
eertnin aid immediate in its'elfects.,
IN DYSPEPR.A. they - Stand unriViilled ;
ninny have been cured in a few weeks, aft6r having
sulrered.4inderthia dreadful complaint for teas.
In habitiial Costiveness they are decidedly
fir , to any Vegitable Pills ever vet discoireted i and
besides Alibi they are' recommended by all ,the emir
nent and leading mbittbers of the Medical Paeulty.
. .
*' ' ovie of Reason g:
Poi using.. Dr. - Peteo.o Vet ' tbrated PIE
- - - table - .Pills: . . .. .. -
, . 1 „
- 'l. Ilecatite they 'are exceedingly Piipultt, *Melt
proves them to be exceedingly good. .
, 2. Becuutd they are el:imposed of simples awhieli
have the pottrei , 'to do good in an immense number of
Oases, without possessi g 'the means to do injury in
• 3. BecittfSeillo - not a qtiac medicine; but the
:scientific compound of. a regular physician; wilo _has
Made his profession'the ittnly of It t slife.,• ,
' 4. Becaueetlicy are not umileakint to takeiiiii•llis;
tressing to retain, While they are most effectie to oil-.
mate. , , ,
.medicine, by the regnlar fiteulty.,
6. Because hikeeping thaaystem in a natural state
tfltetion, they 'Mire nlmoht etery disease *Mott is
Incidental to the Minoan frame: ,•, • . „
Because they are 'cheap and
_portable, and Will
retain alVtheir vnines in• full iigoir, in any Ciliate
and for; ataengtl . ' '.. •
8: Because, notaithstanding their simplicity - and.'
maliness, they Are (Me of the tediest purgative med
loineo which has been discovered:.-- -
. 9.. .because they arc an unfailing retrietlifciF 'ir& •
surind a good, appetite.. - ,
10,7fleettuse in cases of spleen or despondency; by
their healthy-influx:nee on-the exulted- state of-the- bo4.
dy, they have a most happy effect, in calming and in-;
~ .
vigorating themmd.- • . '..
11. Because they effect. their Mire's :Ailioai thei
treualattendants of other : pills, sickness and griplupt.
12, Because . as well:tabbin g . an rivalled purifier
of tee'gOterld, system, they ate a sovereign renicdy•
for sick h'efiiWch'e: .. .. ..., , .
...• -.. • .
• 13. Bscause. they.diffet: frinn time Majorrtynf Ilia:
Mines, in the fact that the more they ace knotin th e
More they are approved. . , . • ' •
14..11eCRUBe as 'their application create no.A . Obiljt3i
in the SysteM, they Inty be taken without pkodtioiog
any hindrance' fo'bustness or the pnranits •of every
dily life. ;' • .. . • _, ..
, t. 5 4, 16101 e Wlien•inven - iniecuhined• - biteit - famlfy,
liM r tt , ...,, }hey altalitt immediately hike the pre , :
*..l2lenee:o 'another mOdielttea in . genet , A, coMblifaufs.
" 16. Be . daiioe 'a number of the wonderful eureithey
fffifeeireolefk6m bb aubsfailtifteod without apy undua
means being resorted tbir-tolkbeeiire itnialid•testiCao ! :
' 1 Ir.„ Ileeins'e — tYtetP., ecinkaiit,ion' iii suili, that', ttey
*pie egnalliappliolle' - tO - the'ttsflitl dideadek of "inn",
cold,or t,eroperam : (ditnateik i.:- - -'-'' ' :,-. •': • • ~ • i
ill. Because ,tuinipif tltrVe`M'iiin Oli6:4ll 4 tifiltildeinf'
forts dOse-,-.-so tbat,niis' the 'caie witlilho generality •
id", tiitent'vnedicineo: 7 --theAndient is net .:lorapellekto'.
nudea - meatleftheiti.. ' • - . ;. : • . - , .• '
_; 1 - ,AleCauM: each - indivlduat pili--iii,p lit nif;ilnder"
I.libliteivOliate stlyerintendence of the prolinct'or p. sq
that no m,istuke tu the ,Co M psition; Or, quantity-anti
liossiblf cretn; through the carelessneas of a -less in- .
lerestetlngent. '_.•:.* -- '•• " " ~'''• '
.., , . •
' "20 - . , Becanse theffdirifytlie thine with Ont debili •
toting the ~ iy4eni, '- '" •• ' 'f . - ' • ::. • ' - •
2l: Beemtio,netwiiflifanding,their immense pop
ularity, no 'person' has everventurecl to raise • against!
them the breath of ccnOre,'WhicliVordill mit haVO'
been - Ilfe.fiser,fif envy ocinlirhaii AiSciiiiereiritilliena••
fl single' 'llaWtoeniilli.,*. - '•-•. :• ~, ' .." '• ''
'•22; rfer:s.ksearul 41AS:feet' is of the, nimniit I rn,:..
liPiiihee)=-lallies in' af. certain situation•• May take'
3!tires'; , (Mit:More - 6'oi lvvo'cir three at a time howev.
7e1%) 4 witiiMit in :did slightest - Jferree, •iimurring' , the
;hathrd of abinrien. -5 , .I,Vere: the Virtues . of RetZrs M.
ttttinutble 1011 e, 'confined to, thil2desirable endidene,
',lt:Wtitil( . l4 ;2 thCM ~ 'a decipeftnAvaittikr ..oV,er: the'':
• nieiTheined of 4fl'ciiiiiiieflt,ors, ail in no caghirjuithere..;
'mere'dadgei''tele•iitqweheruliil,Or. for :whieh nil Ibur I
1 ' 611 :n 61 1 6 g 'hsAheell , diiiciiitered;siis' Bib one"referred •
, -•,' 2f3,'Beinithe . whilet - tini• l 4:6• l3 6•ffi;f r ii.f i ftf,eli..cii:. -
ei•ittiiiiiii . with"lnitilti• they lki,
.4 the Mine' time•hd . ..
' ntlinidistdreff to'children andeven to:infants; in small''
tipaniitiek half ii`oill for slight.l-;
esethinger.' •' .. ..." —. . - '4 , . ' . - ,- • I
• :24:, Because their-
r virtues- ar e ' cir:iiMAloiliCel' tn'
.ett . Mdipre-nroinenf; for ;their upon [
!Men suffering, frOm•the 'mind changes
byttfecatf - dfromea - nvilW• t aw ybyT na ti u . e . •
•.. Deicatbei4;ls3B.--4i.n. '• •.• • •'Y•;"• '....-; ~..•, 1 '•: t: -t' i
Printed and Pab 1114ekl!), by 40oige ill. Phillips, in Carlisle, CatnliMand .Connty, Pa.
S S •
• - ..„ . • ,
'Choi - ries B. Petitog - 0;-
. ,
Speaker of . the State Senate, in relation
to''the,d fculties which existed at, the con
vtning of the State Legislature in Be-
Ceniber last, and in vindication of the
com'se pu*sued by hiniself and the 'Deno
cratic • members of the Senate. •••.,
•• . •
This rational Principle ties an indissoluble con='
'nation -between the ,nob of the Setinte .. chamber, the.
;Meeting/A the court licioie, and the Provisional Grit'L'
ei,nagent established by the latter. The subsequent'
'conduct of tliatmob: was altogether worthy of such a
,parrintroge: The meeting of Tuesday evening aitiourn-.
ed,tore-assemble at the same placenext morning.-
- These meetings were continueddurhig the entire
wileandel no tilde *as tiny change of ptirpose indi
cated those who werein
Concerned, or any condena:-
tion exi
k i
'weirdos' "On tli - eviontrifry,-oho project-of a military
organization was but too ntipaient, and to accomplish
this unholy object, appeals were made, not to 'the peo-.
pie, but to die members of,n particillei , party. , Toth ese
appeals a'favorable response was given in Several parts'
of the State;by meetings of infuriatedpertilans,whi
solved - to - Nise in one instance 'three thotisand, and
another instance two thouaind minutezmen, be
'Planed under_ the command and direction of "the Corn
mittee of .Safety." I rejoice ) howeVer, to gay, 4 .. hat
:'these resolutions were but coldly reeeiteil bYalle
-rent people, whogooa discovered - to their despemteend
' self-appointed leaders, that they,were not prepared to
peril-all ' , their : rights on the chances of a revolntitni.-4
••••.171int-diecovery ) .- together -With 'the riptliorich- of "the
' trocips,'? I have no doubt, exerted a decided intliithice
in proilueing a claim in the policy of the rioters. •
The adinocratic members of the Senate, with wheini
• I have the honor to n e t, assembled at a private house;
on-Wednesday morning, for the purpose of consider
ing the events of the previous day and deteriniiiing upon
the' course of conduct which it was properfur them to
pursue., We were aware ofthe_iletermination_ which.
bail been expressed at the.meeting in the couet 7 house,
to re-lill the galleries orthe Senate with the same
persons Who had figured in tbOtransactionsuf_the.
previous day, and We had every-reasomtd believe that
it was their feneW their deniandi upon-the
Senate, anil;if possible, to 'enforee them_ by liolelice.
We were told- that ir.NIC assembled, we were not to be
perniittairtO 'adjourn until:we were forcedinto Sub . - .
mission. 'We were advised' of-the threats of assassi 7
nation Which had loaded the 'atmosphere Of every. bar , .
- room ip Hafiisblirs;and we felt no hesitation in -dc
:tiding that it was oue:dhty to avoid the . Seinite cham
.ber, until - We were assured of that freedom front-re
straint *filch is : so essential to - .the muper....nialon_df_
eVery deliheratrie agserritly. _; . .. '.•
In t ontequente of this ilbterniinatian on •our Pori,
There AVoia -no quorum otrWeiltieaday;atul the - Senate
oteoursei i mmeilitdely adjourned: - 1 !fugal leries were
crowded by - ri_s_,oxpectrint but _dianppointed populace,
Who were - thus - foiled hi' their nefarirnia,purpoSes;
they, however, at once •betrayed_ the teellit'g under
which they had lietin assembled : ; Xo. sooner had the
adjoinCiititent. taken .idace _therei Bine .the.sante man_
iliiii liad hgered so Itirgely-outhri iirecedingeireniner,
commencedanother harangue to-his followers; - Whitili
was, hoWever, arrested by the dr Gen.._
Rogers, whose sense. of prepriely was' doubileii
shocked by this . second attempt to prostitutoucliiiniz
bee appropriated tohigher and holier purposes:
They yielded to .his remonstrances, mid adjourned
to the front of the Capitol. , 'ln the
. afternoon of tbe '
Same day, they anaerobic(' 'again-in 'the hall-of ibe '
House of 'Representatives, and dragged finini the.
Speaker); chair, Mr. Sliaekrilin a representatite of
the people; Who _went, nude' u.:temitation d eputation-front. Mr..
- Speaker - Crinningliamje — ailj urn the - llouse With
such goioleilie and uproartlid hey demean thetriSelves;
that they broke !down ,One f the doors of the hall
mid obliged seivetzil of tlie 1 emheiii,sif both .. politicid_
parties, elthougNll, yea in daylight, to escape Frain
the windows. • Suldi indit, t d was the tumult, tha t Se
!Feral Yen 'Buren menibers , who were 'then in the
'Senate chamber, and no -doubt aware of the lawless
elihrocteeof the- banditti Which thronged the kill of
the !lodge, were so much til'aiUied as to seek kalet) in
-11iF,Iittliroilirli-ilie-windows oftliatatnitrrient,ultlinugh
it is Situated atilie opposite extremity of the'papitol.'
~..The rioted; nett.marloarrittterriPtimori the arsenal,
for the piirpose of postessi fig themselves of the public
arms. They were, lio we vei4r.ortima te ly di .oili pia nteil
in their object.' Governor Hither, who bad been,,ad
vised of their 'intentions, hod- directed the keeper 1p .
guard dmi_building_fOoni-attack-Fand-imilet , that-Ua--
der, it was then earriscineil by,some thirty men. ~i.
Was ingested by four or five:„l' hoed persons, who
were, however, prevented froin doing any serious in
jury, save knotking down and litUisii.g. one of itildri;•
~ ,
o " - Oil Friday evening, a deOtathiti from t he soiree
(iiii*LrepttilT 1 in Wil rinlahm e t_ Aul d 4io,...orosorect_the_ ,
,propfietep; that if lie petlonitthe House
of Representatives; which had 'been driven from its
.proper hall,_to.assembfe; as. it -was understood thev
had thine, at a large - room in his hotel, they .Nou'hfl, -
level it with the. ground. That gentleman ..wlis so,
.4iiioll. itersuaded of the, danger which he would incur. ..I
lt L disregririling - the - willof - thOviUhal4t he - locke7l
tip' therlltrie' ivhich-had heen so used, and the memo;
born of the Legislatuire were perinitted_to meet there
liolpliget:: .
... . ';'. . ' ';
.., ~ . % 4 ‘,.,,,
' - •'On Saturday and Sunday, die troops arrived .frouf
, Philadelphia. -- The rioters still continued to throng
• the public himself.' They - were .at; the rail road in
great numbers when the volunteers ditleinbarked, and
they Were .heard to exclaim, on seeing
,then, that
"they could nom', whili the.damnedrinti-maions; that
these were .4iie oboya who had helped them tn-bit'rh ,
loran the Peungylyaniallath!' ;., i . .. ~ ~ ,‘ •.; : e. • They, however, soon Alikovereil 'that : the eitizen-!
Bi:diners:Wife hid repidieirto Ifarrishurg, at the,eall
of the Executive to suppi:esiiiritfrreetion and support
`the oontlitationi . Wer'e.ttet to iie, seduced into a rebel=
lion against the constitution` And the lawn.. •• i, o . ''.l
„. Th, principal pertpit!' i of the'eiote r p Was In t otthl,
fr om'the county or, Madelphin, qn the Saturday and'
• Sunday hefort Alm ,extraoittneement of the session. ; -It'
Was known that their transportation: had been paid for -.
in masies_to_the ownes_of_thedrailyoad linei.__Thei.,
'were understood fo be men of desperate fortunes and
of atrogiette, oloraetert- - glen, xiipi-.)04. • signalized
ilieniselies in . r many a bi ' olf, ant s . Nt•eiti dlsti,riguislied „ '
TOT' theMpOHonal•proweita and 'open' diaregard of. - the
, Imi.e4snobi: men; In a'. word, as,- to ;111Plionor a the',
itaftil, o.e tot in' any ,other. county within
ini, borders . . -, Thej Were . Waltorganizediatid,remain,
ed in 'Harrislnig• during the whiiie__Week, ready, for
tiny extremity m whie,h , their ieryiees might-be 're- :
Armed. If a towrt iii the possession of such men enn
be called peaceable, tNly yvbct so call it niust have a -
'strange idea of What constitutes peace. - .. „.o. „ ,
''.'These nien•Werti - tW4ironSisSell thitil ot h er 'Pe' Ok-,
riyalkof the, tronpri, ti r tol until it heroine necessary foe'
the rioters'tO change theif'pollini o and deny that there
' hatt beeri any disturbaneei in order to oast upon Goy.
' 'tinier the odium of marching "a body of armed Men, .
:to the peaceful - capitol Of, the; State," "the- miiet ; and•
! orderly .town" qi, Iliterishut . .iir- • ' '•- ' - • ''. 2.
I •'• The fleet oft eial information of th i s chiange wag
diseovered` in" the extriterilinirri Address. "to the
' freemen, of the .COminottwetiltli, by the Wan Buren .
nienthers of the Legialatime, • .The Committee of'
Safety, whose very existence inferred a Nitatienibin of .
all regular government; and the Sherifttof the county I
': chimed in with the suggestion.-..1t will. , be remarked;
that this singular address ie:dated, 9 Ilarrisburg,l)e—
-1 eerirber4fi;" Whiet Wed the .I‘tatiday',4o.-trie..m‘t•iiml_j_
t . Of the troops • •-- • ' ~ •. , .' .- '.- ... i
That eireiettftintieVillperlinyiti . dxplitin this itAilen '
fl` n "g••'l'f.efOiel',.. Silti , ,qq,Atf /40. FriditY,Pil9. l 4;,.
Mr.' enni eit;t. te'iehtletritin rilref)dy alluded to,. held •
' tfie•followini language in ii' lettee -to'olid of' his echo,
..stitnentst: , • ...L.• •-.- :,
~,-•, „',
"It ia. rairterell that there. are - armed troops on ,tlie,.
other side of 'the .river--;hope not, .„A.S . . soon as, they'
'osOt font cuithirfairleUf the river, blood will' flow: in,. •
jortY - cight"hoiirtbi:VAKLltentne_mtLYJll_Rowtaide_ „
• here, to oppose them. , I :Mu prepared, in • peace ,. or .
.'-'irtir; SO do my duty 6) iikii`e.tiiiitatMoie." .• .' : 1
ZMULIMINPL/421.7 atzumazeicao moor ao apse.
• Tide gentienian."lni thed I.eady, with tillsi in his,
hands, to unite With the ridteril do the first appear ance
'of the armed fOrCe ordered eictt by Gov.;Ritner.
That the deteentination stif. the rioters to. "shed,
blood," tis SOO tip tlletrobps set foot "in the orderly*
'town Of Harrishtirg,"..was abandoned with rzeltiotande,
is obvious fisird the' efforts which were, niade to tiling
to' that place na,tirntod force to act under the direction
of 'the Committee of Safety. These efforts. were
made in 'Lancaster, 'Jerks, NerthamPton, York 'and
Cumberland cod:dies: And itleast two small. bridies
of troops were actually mareheil •to Harrisburg, di'
therifis every reason to believe, for this purpose.
One of them, company of volunteers from York
county, came, us they stated, order
Gen. Diller, the chairman of the Committee of Safety,
CIT - their 7 iiiiiiitli at - Harrisburg on'
Afeeday;thev - accordingly reported themselves to the
Governar,,arid mere hire, lhatlie had not
authoriied the cell made upon them, and that their
Services were not then . .required; Toitheir honor be
it spoken, they at once returned to theirhomea. •
So ettk , eftingly difficult was it to restrain-00 vidl ,
lence:6r the in,surgenti, that on Tuesday the 11th, one
of the leaders of the mob, and who was alio a mem'. '
,be of the ComMittee of Safety, intrdded.hiinself
the.lobby of the Senate, while that body was in ses;
Sion, and wasaistually heard to utter language insults
ing to the Senate and interfering in its deliberations.;
-and on .another-Loccation___Sabseritiently,
Myers, a Van Ildieri-Senator, referred, in the cootie.
of sonde :remarks, to tile " bristling . bayonets!' Of
„armed nria"a;the pcletile in •the,.gallertes again inter
. posed; by -Clapping and kt;ttrtping,.lll 'to'ken of their
applause. Mr. Dell, 'ffrChester, and Mr. Myers,' ;
-turned-to them and-hdreated-them-to desist i tife-latterH
exclaiming - "do not intimidate dfeni.",-
During 'the delnde'on the resoltitid",lci appoint a
conintittee teinquire into the organization of tbe two j
bodies, claiming to he the - Bettie of -Representatives,
'in the same :week; Mr. 'Bell;of Chester ? contended
-that the Senate' hat . no fight to make that inquiry, but
whetratill - slibuld .come in. from one of the bodies,
lie admitted that the Senrite'wotdd then be compelled
iiiiigehle - Whicli was the true House; tuid,he remarked
with great emphasis, that the Sepate. weal then de
sidesameat its peril! ! ! • General Rogers, another ~.Vatt
Buren Senator, in the debate on the sae resolution;
warned the Senate not to proceed, if they wished to
.avoid a reetierence of the soenorwhich had occurred
in the Chamber:blithe first day of the session, and.
he added significantly, "that although many people
-had-gone honie, otlier were corning.'" -At that. time
it was_unilerstood that, the ruffians from the couety
of Philadelphia hail left Hart isburg..
The fireserici3 of thesemen had rendered it difficult
to inaiiitain gravely (lie position that Ilarrisburg - was
"quiet and erderly," and ittiecartie necessary, there . . -
.fore, to, dismiss there, and they were accordingly sent
. 0116 given_ have given Yed, fellow citizens; rbiriahve
of the- revoltitig
_incidents which characterized this
-ftrit attack - mien- your n- thepersoniof your
. representatives. I have overlooked many details now
iittlie.progress of_diselostura before a committee of
the Senate, whieli will east a still deeper shade over
theSe nefarious transactions. If you et:laid-have wit 7
riaseirthe drunken orgies ofthe-bir room, ihrovig7tl
With thinie itere,brottOrt to dri thii:Siork.tiffend r '
- ing the 'ear of ilek:fincy L,v obaccge Jens iintl tioisy.blait
pliemy—if you liaVe seen :the ;tivel'itif - of that
town, so strangelidinicribed"orderly and
on the night of that Sunday Sin which, aecoi'ding, to
'Mr:Flenniken, lisiiptr came at the head of (the hun
dred men from -Phthaelphia county, there is not a
lover of godd ardor - and decency among you,. do mat-
ter what, may hate been hie party. connexion, who
would not have- turned' from the picture with sensta
thous-of the , deepestliorror.--,Jf . you- hail 'Witnessed
such - scenes, nail heard the Cried fed: blood in' the
Senate Chainber, and the thit. .and coefesion Which
prevailed- - among ('.the nioitt excited popdlatioo .be-'
yotid.alt eantrOl". - V,liieliTaccording'tollie liiirie let
ter Mid -" entire possession of the capitol,"l
you indeed leive eielatmetl With - him, "Oh !I
deplorable condition of our beloved Conimonwealth !"
But yqti would hate', been still more amazed
yet more severelTahocked, if
. you bsid been told that
these men were..'; the sovereign people," that all this
as "popular indigo:l6on, baredmpon popular
"-the-popular tumult"--was" short
tilied"---that it was a mere "-expression" of "excited
feeling,". on the Tart of a " Spirited and intelligent
people.", And "that PeoneYlvania could
be mere quiet and orderly than Harrisbtiri." And
yet yeti have been dins told byffien, who in their pri
vate alid-confidsotinl comminecations, described
has eecurrancei.o tw
hat..eek_ Mille manner which hes
been already detailed: When yod era inforined that
these M neen eMembers of the Legislature; sworn to
iarpport the tionatitution, May you .not.well again
Oli ! 'deplorable condition of our beloved
et trtmonwealth ! ! !"
, And aiitd wilLYatiiay... ofsuch.wiineiseaLwoultlit
q too harsh to say, of 'them, in. the language which
Aiey have applied ,to.tlie democratic members'of the
'Llislature, that
," degrading party shackles," have
," imposed on theni," and that " a
midstl of truthjuidice ;and propriety; obitinalglY
peraiiitAl in," on, their part;has kmptirted a deepet:
3Onni to that "-fearful tragedyp in which the fiber
ties-nf the reo . plaliave - lieen. so - Anefuil3r — perifie`ill:
.If - their Conduct . deserves such language, it is ,nolaitit
of_ ey Inive„olioscif.Xlmir_owegronnil, and
-14firl'unt responallile_for the unenviable position in
Whieli,they have pia4ed.thimselies . ; in their address,
before a candid and jatelligetit,,,peole.--They:have
.thoiTglit Tirciirei; to . , as‘...\iii my motives! They . hay:*
endeavored to retiresent, theinielveslas the peculiar
elinnipiona of the people! Their tau:died anxiety . An
put on and Wear the much ablisednime, of cleniodral,
and fix upon me and the gentlemen with NOIOM
the !iamb of ftderatist, - . ip . too stale st-devic tocannoy
pi 4Psoonnow. m ,I can .freely . sey; tiniCA do now,
.and all'ayihave adhered tollemocratie, principles .
; ,
but I. should' inasider:myself pa -having dishonored
the name, and violet:id:the principles of that Party; if
I. had been capable. of Cipintengneing , the dangerous
and corrupting encroachments of the GeraPAGevetn7,
ment,,on'the liberties ofthe BMWS. I should ctuitilder
mYselfti.ecreant to' my faith - and &Me
erut, ill had countenanced any•.atteek upon
tlorii:of LIM representativewof - therciple, - or justified
the invasion of the halts of legislation, by armed ref
fiend, Waded by ofileori of the General Government . •
. Xdo not intend 'partictilartyttrinstae
tory crazy.effusionr of that bantling of riotand
hellion—the committee :Of safety: shall:content
the.exposure, of -themuptiness of its pre!
'tentionito piiiintistfiXit . ddisinteiestednessatiforthe .
Arti t e'and tendency , Of all such associatiohti tltld
combinations.l aka .de ! this foe the , most part in
the ‘elcaptent and :impressive - . language .George
IVashingtonAn that invaluable legacy to hikisonntey,
his fare.well hildress:", Listen to his, admonitions
. .
.', The - 148W of piii'politicateystemif is thatright'Of
the people:to altei.thete coristitutiOns of-government.
Mut the. constitution , which 4.,lt',elitioe exists,Autil
changed on cfplicitand,auetiUti riot of the . whole
Wople, re erect y` obligottiry,tiponlll:" The' very,
Wei of. the rower Ond,the-rlght . of:the people to , "es-,
toblish , govornment o - pee4upposekthe i duty
Individual to-obey the estitblusheir gi:rl9trileof.,
'All °bet : Actions to the eiteerlion'Of thelttiie-Xiili
COMbinidiens end ansopiatitnikcillidetyihiteiei idaiisi4
ble tdp6teterilvith the real design'. to'ifirecti Control,
Mizig Ocr.bravue, the reglatfr tkli4fationB , 'lind stc
tiOna the coitilituted atahoritiee, are tleatrftettv4 of
;hie ttoetttnieittal principle; ettid of fatai ,feltrktcti.—.•
They serve to erganizetnction, to giye it an ertitteiaf
and extraordinary foree,_to put in the place of the ile
legated will of , the nation : t he will of pirly, often ; 11:
small but artful. and', eiteerpritlng eolookity . .Of the
, community . ; and, sectn' therdtbinite tiriuinehg,.
of differetatAntrties, to 'nlia.cp..thts Dukpci 3 OdmViiiilktice
' tilt iitititor , of the ill4oneett:ed and mcongt , utinti, PP'
jilits - of fagtloirstiter - than . the-organ',of consistent_
Rini Wholesoine ohms . , digested
h y comnibn . eoundilti,
Mid modifieffB,*Motuol ibtercsli. - , , , -.,:: j . .
41 1-rifti;elier onmbrniitiotl,, oi: as'in ciao on,r, dr the
:above tleitotlpt in ni it :noir ,e,tiktlien .onsiret Vilifel ,
,eiill,lhey , ,itre Ai kin in thO qouile.9f, ti toe tiktl,thinsti,
tit beeoree potnt. ertkinel,,by„whiell conoing,tti o bi
ttotirOtell 3.lnprineinled men wilt be mudded - te •sul
• vert the.phwer of- die people, and to usprp.forithema
the,very esiginek'which have lifted themlo•hojunkdo 77
Minion:'!' . ' -: .' ' -' . ' ' ' - -
I warn you then, in the mune Of the father of Our
common country', to 'beware how you sanction any
telsoeiations i thd fatal tendencies of 'which are so clb
qileatly pourtrayed by him. = Go-and vote to sustain
them, and theparty which has employed such hishm
ments, and you will digits grave of your liberties.
It has been insinuated that l„ barbered the design of
defeating . the amendments to this constitution, which
laid received h majority of the votes of the people, at
the late election. . ° _
. .
Thie "charge 19 equally deditute of fouudationWith
- •
those to which Ihave already referred. The - act of
Aiaembly of the 29th day of March, 1836; required
that The' returns of the election-. for and against the.
aniendmenti,.should be delivered by the Setretary,Of
the Commonwealth, oil or before the first Thurs
day of the • next session bf the Legislature after the'
saiitreturns - iiluArbe — lo - receiVialTtellSpeakr
the Senate, who -shall open and publish the same in'
the presence of the members of the Senate and House
of.RepresentatiVed, on.the next Tuesday:thereafter."
•I-Niras jelly aware of my duty . under this act, !Ind'
although I had myself voted against the amendments,
I determined that it should be faithfully executed,and
that the will of the people, so far as I' was cOnceriicd,
.flhould be carried into. eff'eet... After the Senate was
dispersed on Tuesday night, when I reflected on the
'enormity of the outrage which had been committed,
and the incidents which bad been made the pretest of
it 1 was led to the concluaionlhat the trueinotive *is
lie found in thedesire of the - partizans of the newly
elected Gevernoi;leilereardieafocialttientei - and - r - e
steretliotie " spoils" which had just been wrested from
the jaws of nierbenary-band of hungTrexpectants.
I had, on the 'opening of the' Senate, in • iitinformity
with the wishes of nayfriends;and as wits clearly my
rig 4 duty, taken the chair as Speaker.of that body,
'and annoiliCuel - the.wrtts to supply Vacancies, Which I
had issued during the receitr.-4-hadrilecidrnithat gen
tlemen.who claimed to have been' elated toirie.its to the
Senate, had no rightto speak or vote; rntil they had ta--
ken the oaths of office. In this I 'was sustained by the
Constitution of the United States, which requires that
members of "the several State- Legislatures; shall be
hound by:oath oraffirmatiOn,to iiipportthisconstitii-.
' lion," and lly the' acter emigres, of the4tWoNtliireli;
1789, which provides that "the, members of the Be
s:chit State Legislatures and all executive and judi
cial offrn.era of the several States, who shalthe chosen
or appointed after .the-said first day orAugust, (Ist of.
August,.l7B9y shall, before Me.y p r oceed to execute
the duties of their, respective Wheels, take the forego
ing' oath or iiffirtriation." I was sustained, also, by
the .constitation of the, state,. width provides .that
"members of the General Assembly and all officers,
executive and judicial, shall 'be bound by oath or.,,af
firmatimi, to support the Constitution of the Common
wealth, and perforni the duties of their respeCtive of
fices with fidelity." - - -
Before they are so sworn or iffirdied i they are not
members of the Legislature, and 6+e meright Meet
'as such:
- If I had, 'ileOhleit Oihet:Wide, we 'should .lihve fiat
four-gentlemen from the.county of Philadelphia, and
four gentlemen from the eighth Senatorial district, all
.claiming seats, and all' equal' right to_par-
Urinate m the deliberations of the Senate, whilst un
der the constitution and the laws, each cor 7 these -dis
trictii were entitled to but five sriember.s. only.
~ I had;
mettover v decidedthat fth member of Senate email
not give in evidence, what purported to ben etrtified
'copy of a return from a prothonetary's office, to'too=
trtivertn return regularly transmitted by the Simi&
tory' of the Commonwealth. Such a paper coal(' not
be received by the Senate,. to show that the return was:
false, for the truth oh' time paper itself bight have been
disputed, and the (Ideation of a false return Conic'', al
I have already Arnim, he determined Only by a com
mittee on a petition 9-complaining of return . ."
bad decided, also, ail Speakers, that the member
fering such paper, could...not be permitted to =VIM
the question as thmigh, it, had been received. It is
plant that as the paper .could not be received in evi
dence-.-it was ont of - order to make a speech upon it,
I had ruled that 'a Member gould net speak. on the
question ofproceeding,te the considera t ion of a reso
lution, debate being,on that queition precluded by the
ruled of the Senate,,ned I believe of every other re
. ilditteliberativenio.dy;-,4-had - alsedetermined that
after one iudiirithltil,wat sworn as,a 'Seietter pri the
legal return, another person . Churning the Same tieat
had no right to speak: • . • • .1
.-these obvicruskrsitstaineu-ol
the constitution, Jaia and ruled of order, that I could
not, on reflection, aiwount . for the • violence which
"seemed to have, been particularly directed against
nie tip referring it to them. ' I had been assailed at'
their public meetings le the most pelt - nett mier—
their orators had sought to inflame „the of
the mob peciiliarly . agairnit - Alluaicin*Axed beets
made to the shedding of blood,-anon thy Were told to
mark die snit Mark me Well.. • , • --
Mfg should I have been thus singled out for Yen::
geance ?• , Why selected as a victim I was uncon
stiohil of ever having given the-slightest offence to
tin* Oho Sought to hunt .nie down, and 'drive me
. fr.onr - niy elation - Kir emseneative - o f - the - people. - = , . -
On the contrary, I knew. that 1 had always, us the dis
cbarge,of my nubile o(Ries, Minced towards political
opponents that kindness and good reeling which are
inseparable, front
„My nature.. knew that this' de- -
„Pertinent on• my part had, ieretofore; been produc
tive. of, a 'Correspondent ,kindnesi theirs. • They
.feeltrig?- Why then-was I selected aoW as thed . tjeet
`of such Moody and ferocious threats ? • WhY were
the infuriated - fern:ma; employed - in these, Outrages,-,
invited to assassinate ? .Nothing had occorred in
the Senate' hember_WhicheOuld furnish an,adequate '
reason for such persecution—nothinrik, ,pask rti in 7 . I
tercourie,-while pnblie life, With men of alipaes,
~,When I referred to the -duty which;,n* Speaker or
the - Senate, I was required to ,perforin; or receivin g
the returns of the election for and against the emend;
meets to the nonstitntion, and. of -openii•and pub:
Fishing them, us required by,the at - *Peary referred
to, I discovered in that eircuMttnuee a solution of the
motives' which' bid cidelisioneirthese outrages and di
rected thud so
against Me. ICI could.,
M m
be drivenfroy station,or' assassinated, the act of
Astemblyfn question counotq in its letter;-be
with; and thus, tiro official evidence of the vote
•of the-People enthe.aniendrnents being destroyed, the
will of the. majority might be disregarded, and, the
old _donatitution_retainet.with,ita eitended.Executive
patronage to reward the.niereenapea Of, "thkparty."
,I astir 'dblifirraeit in, thesetentarnaVe *oudtklett,
wheal lOoked overthe list of this namelot .thinsa men
Who hid so far forgotten what dtte. to, patriotism;
as to seize upon a mere dispute date the right to seats !
from the county of Philadelphia"; hi thefirstinstance,'l
air% preteat 'for preclidmingthat all-civil :government
was atmiend,sniti establishing . a:Perniaionalnuthart-,1
ty of self-constititted,firnitititen - lecnsarpingalhPower!
atidetting dtdeflaneetho eomnitutipo and this lewd. '
- Who are :these th - us attempted to
pose the lawful ~ and rroglitedliitheina‘eitai'
the_titleof a government / they disintereated
triota.NOW,FetuOre. becau they love theirm en ntry;
tomake sacrifices in „her ea , • ?
Leek at their oanabk ? yennot findaniong them.
mould* broken and despemtefertneeti;,nir of (Brno.;
lute habititend of profligate and abtildfoned
Is' there one 'among them:whe:wadnot .snaing ; for' '
Rome office Teem'inltninistrationoind' who
,wouldventurelo ask,'„atoppiiintrrient, under the: neW
epnatitution;•.at' , ,the hpiltl er the people theniselves t lf
Aeimilld get front the theie is anY ez
eirntiom it Will Mily .. ibe friend existing die officeri or
agents' f the General; GOrilimeutl
niy,susMeion tinittlie trne.object of,
these otigitigea 'We* the defat of theaniVeWilenristitu
eon.; when; learned from'indiiidiffils who' mingled'
,with the crowd; that these:Who appeared to he the pro-
VONA fustota,in these tkenesi were „reckoning .with
.confidence • on- 'their , impunity for an .which
. mightAks doneltpuriiimmse of their nerariona'designs.
ThoUkeputiveprerogative of pardon ivaulr'4fedili ad
vance Rea generarindulgence exPeeteitto be,i-tytaiss
fully ipyoked hi behalf of diose who
„rniehrbeefilled . 4
upon.* Phythe -forfeit ter 'Weir'
thrsPlikejiyalehnr,ity•Wil,l, liejleferniiiied-When
proper thrie,iirriveaforCtillitig open .tilhbVernittfil"for
the felfillin;e4 of tile:pledge: , , ,
ififi - ...patrioti.ini or dibiriteresiettness froth die
POilditet Of Tell , who outraged all laiVoissidleit free
government in gamest vital mid defenceless paint; and
:Were notorieustv'seeking the sponsor: 'office, even at
thciliartilien of the libertieSoftlief Peoplecivonlil be as.
ectidiary w, he'fires silioUise Tor the purpose of plunder
ing its corneae' : ' , .
It is very appacent,thenothat thechief object of these
outrages was the.,dcreat of the will of the majririty of
the people as expressed in•their vote fur the amend- I
mentato the constitution; and it Was equally, clear that
themotive which Swayed. those who wore concerned
In the eonspiny•was toidid and.therceriary.. • -
This opinion is donfirrtied by eveuts - whicli (Occurred
subsequently to the 4th, of lieceniber. The-partizans
of the new Goternoralegedd "that the amendments had
been defeated, and at Lamest& a distinguished :gen
demon of that party, in speech to a meeting;
political associates,Proclainied that stich Was indeed.
the fact, and that overnor Porter would be intingura-'.
40 under the old constitution." At this Same meeting
l art lid - mined thin tiro of the most conspicuous of the
rioters were present. • And-it was. generally tinder
- ed hi HarriaWg once initriellintely after - the very
day'on which the scheme had been defeated hy • open
ing and publishing the returns.. • •
. Believing that the fury of the•ruffians assembled at
Harrisburg, had been excited and directed against me.
.aceorriplitili this iiiramotra Purpose', deterrithied to
frustratethodeshm:' .-• k. •
I remained in ffitriiiibni:g . dinringthe gituiter inirt of
the first Week, going twine only to trammilike the ap
prehenigoils. of my_ s tantily„and.tnaidthe
11101de:tante% whichhetleteninined to twuraue Mr. die pti t.-
pogo of restoring order: My friends, who mingled in
the crowds which' thronged the taverns, and during
that week suspended":the ordinary functioh_of
ernnielic infer - Med use of their familiar use of atro
pious threats againiit me, - and strongly. advised me not I
•tp eltpoie myself to 'their fury.•, Besides the ordinary
prudence which required that I - should not throw My- ,
self •in the way of-an overwhelming foree s i laid a
high duty to .perform, which rendered it important
that I should protect My personal safety. from the at
'swifts of those - 41M Were interested in defeating its
pirfOrinfineec ,- Ireeeivel4the-returns from the Secre
tsey on the Thursday fixed by the net of Assembly; in
the presence of such of the Senittora as•eould he as
:tumbled for dun purpose.' '1 deposited these returns
itt'a place of safety, inonnitinienting.the fact to oust of
the Senators,-who•might-knoW.Wheta they ,were to be,
found; the trilMit --- of rany - perieMir CALI - jay to any-
iicll:, I Idoked with , great anxiety for the assemblage
of a sufficient array of citizen voltinteere at Harris
burg, before the daransigned for their publication, to
overawe the snob, who had had possession orthe Cap=
itol, to secure to the people the faithful perfrirmailee
of toy duty, and to the Senate ifself,thelaivilege of
assembling in safety for the stone. purpose. • •
extended to the Governor My aid In efrecting thik.
six days, owingto the desire. of avoiding the effitsion
of blood,-by bringing toilet:Hilaire. a force sufficiently
lorgS - to. over awe niob,add prevent any unfortunate
- Such a force. Was ordered, and.
the niril,, who at first leindrffirfinteil-their•deterniimi
thin of reSistioice - and•bloodalhal, - sunk away,• and the
hired bullies from Philadelphia Were promptly'
missed. ,„. • • - •
• r The people ctin'tioW' jail&
how far:.rim pKaegeble
with a design of defeating will or the majority . iii
favor of
.tho amendments, arid So* . Nolte-evidence
:gees to reflect that charge bitak on niy accusers. •
. Another accusation has - been brouglit against Me
equally destitute, of truth.. ;It Wes my duly -tinder
the constitutiontoopen'and publish the returns of the
'election or Governor.. 'This AMY] performed in the,
Senate chamber oti the:P2th 1114 of - lle:.
'6unber, the day, by a resolution of the Senate,,
in theltbsence of any legid or constitutional 1 1 r9Y""
on that subject: Ilutitims been alleged against ine•
that in the discharge of this duty, I so decided. as to
k . edUce the filiparent majority w hich Porter'
'had received at the late general - election. .
To this I reply, that no judicial powers are .rested
in the Speaker of the Senate in reference to this dutYt•
lie is the there instrunieni of the law; and his whole
authority is, as you will petecive by reference to the
second section of the second urtiele of the Constitittion;
to "open and publish therrilorni." Contested
lions for Governor are to be tried b r
be selected from hoth.illotises of the Legislature," up
on a petition of at least-01y qualified electors, "coin
plaining of an undue election or a false ret
(Act of f29th.Septembei l i7ol.)
was .obvieuslv pa iii?epeteof. fir the Speaker to
decitlil;on the question et "a falso.r,Kiny.k„.i's
. qf ail
eleetitin i" -- ttnii•if I had Mein - sealthat ftiftneriz
tyil-should-have-usurped power not:delegated to-ine
either by the constitution or the law, and certainly in
derogation of both. . • , • . •
% So far from any design existing on my part'or -the
chariMter.imputed to me, it is a fact, thud ut thr
time I was tie objector attack and my pertional safety
was constantly threatened hp the ruffians wino tor
rotitided me, I had 411 >iay_polisession runway of the,
Goimrtioes election frono m any comities', which hail
'hidensitto me as Syealierof Senate throUgh the Post
QlR.ce, ins Mail of belpg . ti . anwS . itt . ed to the Secretary
of the Comdionwealth as yequireil by, law. . ,
, These returns were guneiled•with the same Care its
those to which I have already referred ()film election
on the amondiiientatoconstinitii - ii7 - TfiTy - 7 ,1 4 . 1 - •F
deposited also in a place of safety. It ism, mini than
justice to retuark,becauae it is one ,many isistancei
which_ illustrate the wittth and integrity of Gov. Hal
tatheruridtheilme,With tfie.Litce of deposite
for these l'eturos house..:: Ile knew theavi
to be returns of the Governor% election, and I idler-
Ards received Chem from lilt liii - ffilic - thrlinpiTitir
purpcnie of proclaiming the election or his competitor.
When the returns from the Seeitetary's ofilee , come
„ Lc Opened, It wits found there Were man:Tram
the counties of Montgomery,
.Vcilango, Marren,
Crawford and Beaver:
rituired by, the eonathotion that the retinms of . '
- Wry - election ter.Governor sliniLbe sealed 'up, mull
tranainityol tothe scat of government, directed ''to - i
time Speaker•of the Senate." -
-The ttots of Assembly of the 1151.11 of February,
4th of April, 1803, equally relfiirf:! !Mai
terns to ,be I.ritlinriikitted to• "the •Setretury ilk ,
Commonwealth." • •
If I had harbored the desi Puied;! !Algid
have insisted, that inasmuch :tithe ilireCtion of these
nets had not leeticornplied Within:Vises), the cella-.
ties - above named, I eouldmet mien tind pd4diehi iie re-
Wens, papers which did.not come to MO thNingle the
Channel presCribed 'by the 10w. 4 . If I had-,4b . deter
mined, !It's withunt.any.great stretch of cotisOuction I •
.thightllrobiably apparent intijuity or
hlvid It. POrter,Wbuld have heen reduced seventeen
llMfidred and twenty-sii . ietes •
. Hut I did net so determine ttrefic., Myself back
,on the constitution, whieltady6u will perceive directs
_the-trausrubisitittof thatie returns, "to the.seof
ertinieta, dip - Med/rot& Spett4). of the Senate Mid!
antmg aruotig' th'e - ,retters - aildresstid ;46 ,nie - in that - Ca ,
plc Office, : what piiiliCi.ted to be
returnsfrOruNaose4l.onv_i4Ls l l.n . iVened
and 'rid : dished
thon)ll,ll,Bl{ch returns. , • It is, not.fiii.,
was right la this determinidienor tint; but t,".' ,
( 6 that; (Ile purtkiatlik 9fAtr.,4 4 4),* Chn l / 4 6 . nie,nigß
oomplfiniof the,te 11.1 I! 0131g41
to dinunjahlthiOpporiad ninjerio.,'
....Among die Teturns tielittes'ed to pte 4y. the Secrets.:
ry of thiLcommontrealtl4-was ono 01 the eleetton : fer
'Governor ip tlio•eurnlty,
fix ICI:61;11 jUdgCS: , , The.votre.on tllls.retnrn, for the;
resoketive pendia:oe were talitat dOtit ,bytflm tellerc
atid4terlite.veterpf all theeenntisedhad hcen 'tleelar‘ i
%d,l,stakeil that4wo sealed paltrrs hallti•ett sent in by.
the Secretary a day or.titio before, iit'aitswer, tt, re-;
soltaltm of the Settate.eallikti-bwilltA . :`CtiLfornislk,.te
the Senate forthwitl4.noy and :ilk, talititi; i'nt.r. papers.
addressed to tile Ss . ettatetofPetinsylvitntiflit.t;9latkonie
the Senatorial electionof ISSN 3', Altitt illigiritatters;
were tliretetl -.."t0 the Speak 4 of
.the.`,SintilF;' and:
that Lida maittieTrglitlltrectim) 0.1 ro ‘ tnt'as-el the t;ree
tion for Goydrroor. Felten - 4d liftse priltMliond. foetid
one. oflhein'purpoi fitgtohetrettirt erthe Sena ter
mat eleetintr,of ,tht county of nod the
tech signed
eelee t t e l i i o n t _ i t ii t i f i c e 4 s o . ." ;. e.y:iiy fed the saute...epubty;
„. ,
'"A'aenatiw Of the Ar s on littrcii party .calle(l'ltpon me
;to decide, betweeit retiirn received from the Sec-'
Tetary . ,signeil tic dis j9(10..5, and ti‘aasmitte4l.Ncolne;
ly acr,orqta.s. to )a and this p4per , wirkelf pat-poet - ea
',to he a return, but which had not heat i4itrtinsmitied.
Implied at once, that if the majority should. he tq
Vey, (that for David jtrl'orter,
rettirns,set down frena all. the teuritics,
importance how this miestieni alw
eould not vary.. the' i exult t,
..wetteLonefotAailithic : .
~ .
teawd, .1 ..... . ' ' A ,
.e.;q00.4 1 00
. .0 riciaa that - the";
„„,_. - I . ____ ajitatatnii_,tl.l,, , aa . that
.., 1 ••• , detinined• by a aommtttes ou
• • - • ' .
. .
Speaker had lie
zduaw adattunou vatim tucb--wrag esti
. .. , -• .
a petitiOn coniplainink of the said return . . ` Phu. era; '
so plainly true, that the Senator ity question did nOt.,
. ,
press the application.: .• .. ~ ~ . , ..
--",.. If I had assumed a right of deciding this question, •
'you-will perceiVe upon a little_refiettiori, the diffieulL
ties Whielrure in.the way of tat/' Sedecision •aitavaii . r
claimed aysonie of the partizans of Mr. Porter. .
It is true that'the kaper signed by' the ten jiidgew, - .
was, if referred to informntioirnot apparent r ee.the
paper itself, signed, by a niajoritrof the returnjudges
or the cpunty.of Philadelphia., That paper; however,. '
I stated on Its face, that the j edge i.i i i 'question had, re-
! jested the vote of•the Northern - Liberties, a district in.' •
the county of Philadelphia; *tali had polled nearly
tieiren thousand votee;sentlmber greater than the•vete '
'itflhe whOle county of Ctitriberland. 'Such sin Out: '
rage, thtle ilobluslueglycertified,h,•_;,these_inen,',as: s .--
part of their - . - donig - i on the -- plitinest principleti,vitiat- • . '
ed their return. , Professing to' be •a-return of the '
election' of the bounty,,it certified its'. own - .falsehood. .
by. declaring,. the rejection of the vote of the Northerie • •
Elbertieit, and by the,r.ules of sound morality and set= '
tied la*, being proved be. in .part . was fairly' '
tireatirriable to lie false in the whole.. Nye could lint ••
tell ll'oin any evidence offiCially before us, what tli
vote of-the Northern -Liherties-witii,imd p( - c - oursta , .
could.not.deteemine the _'vote cif the 'County, on -the' : -
paper siwned by these.teejtitlgeit.
.. . • .. ' • -
• . 11M iaitmous net of rejecting the' oie of the North- • .
ern Liberties, aittl tits. diafranchising- nearly seven,. •
thoustuitivoters,lu . ntbeen_th.e.aource: of all rite_olitra-_
- ges perpetrated at-Harrisburg. Ilut for it there *contd . •
'sire beets no pretest - for titeir commission :'_
,The' . •
men who aided and abetted - thal-act r icere prerieut; to
,perpetrate a still lileherenotinity by overawing and •...
controlling dui 'Legislature, and compelling the rep- of the people to receive t mambo plaim,-
ed under a paper falsified ai that which I have just '
descrihed . . . , .. .
r. - lie ii 41 de iCt divert - 3("riiitiS ..
A. vain attemptas e , a
.. , n- •
eat inclignatimi kohl the •infirreotia acief first cerruptL.
Mg the elec tive
. franchise-the - sourie of life in a re: . '
public, and then by violence anti threats ofblocXshed; .
attempting to drive out the -Legislature or -compel it'. •
into .submlSHilitt_tp the.COlLSlderatioe of the..question-'7...-,•:
.tilni had flu Majority' of the'jlegal• - iiiies iii - .:the - ,' -,- -
enmity cif Philiidelphia.. That • question Rink; ipso . '
hisignificaniiein comparison with the frauds and oet;,- . • -
•rages of thoe wlio Claimtlisit - uitijority,and talk an • .
loudly - of the fights .of the people. ,ltnuist., however; •- •
strike any eneriol man that it 'would very difficult : -
totlecide tlieqii - eitlint Mkt - had the isitsjority t ar,the • ' ...
persons Upon Whom you are to rely for m
i nferati en are,_ -
. the very - huh v idtialsttlioni 'themselves lia..e perpetra.- •
-ted-these-fiumistuitletttregeti , , , .. ' - ' -'
.... -., ..,
The mere bliateritheitignattipelty, ii - renjerity 'orate
judges, could not 'render the liaper in question valid' ,•••
ir it had been signeil'by all the judges, it would not have - -----'
removed. the objection. -If tlie•Majority principle
_were appealed to for•the decision ofthequestion; it'' '
might well'lTa nitedAlierthe - initijority- of :the, - wholer-:-- -:
peeple reitteseeted brthe return - yidl;es should con- . •
11.011 tile. action ciff„the convention ofjuidges. '• If the ant .•
judges represented distriete lanibrecinga'lerger.pop-... - ; - - .'
nlation, awl giving a larger 'vete:than the ten district
of, which the 't e n judges were the representatives;' -
filiiith is alleged to be the-fact, the neijority . prineiple• -
•wpuld entitle the fornter to thesreater consideedi '
!jut the majority priociple - reiredsm - irtin
.a sows . '-----
rule in 114 r=ise, even tinder the-most favorable Cori.; -
sirection. - As . well 'might it tre.-steid.:thaf if two
highwaymen encounter a single traveller ;and' roh . • • ,
lhi ip.of his purse, they have A ',right - AO thespoll - ,tie, •
iitirie they, constitute a inajority: lihe highwaymen; .
1 iii the case put, wToild have just ae much right to rob
the traveller - 4)l+k purse - as the ten return judges to '
Irob the freemen of the Northern Liberties, of their '' •
votes, and it might be made a question which of the;
two' as' the more itifiimons act, ' . .- . „• -
1 . : .-If 1 tied becuut libetty to recognize thepeperli .
Gel 14 die ten judges ties fraedulent on its face; the .• •
utmost that-wail(' have beep asked, wits to take Itetult • •
So rarma ,it went, and- to eonsitier - it in 'connection •
willt.theyettirti signed by the six judges,
.." And yet;
if 1 hell takim this course, it would have been irepoti- -
Ode; 11 , orii tht - paPerstliemaelves, tohave aiteerhuned • '
which einirlitleleltiel the majority. The one 'excltirl
-eel the Noithere Liberties, the other embraced only
-select miter seventeee districts i aridt., AB the vote of
_, '
each district wris.not net Out separately, there was no .
process by:which the - restilteould have been precise.:
- Iy - determined. The iteceasM7 - coesequence, there- • .
fure.„.would_bui . e_been...the_roiectienof-both,-Whicli - '
would have, been clearly Meal.' • '
TII6 i ' eti ti• 1 1 .ot the ani..jeclui-y - initrigularlY-made------ -
end .Kid - r'ear'ed inc through the cietrinel..preseribed - -
by ; the law. • ft presented no evidence on its face of the
rejection of any porden of the votes of the county. - If
was shit! that this reinrn.-einbrimmi the vetes'ut•Only /
Seven iliteriers,eomprisingthe large vote of the,Ntirth:. -
ern Litierties&•liieli the ten judges find. rejected, •• ikh3.l./_..
it wasnllegeif;ou the other iand, - thettherte siajedges,/
*ere denied the privilege of seeing the other retureS -
of the couittr; because they-refused to pertieipa lii • •
that rejeethim .if ibis ii . ere so; and they henestl k as • .•
far as.tlier were permitted by others, disCha - • the'
- dety - rettiireilorthairtyliW, - Ofiddieglip -- #1 elreT
t i
turns to 'di they could get, the disboneaty or, ißitere is
net,to lie charged nice them f and-their-returieuttaet .
such eire,nmatances vra4 a liiie retlirm , ftnt 1 again-'-' '
repeat ; t h at AR Spy/act:O. hind nb Mithorify , to travel be
the - official - - retire; suet; nuthcrites helcinging ns
bee been.already ittettyn, only tO it committeeof. the ••
-L - egishitin c. • - •
.I have Hula,
,telltitr-eitiv.'tns,teliettetl pee_ of ie
prilleiptil against ine, aiitl; .I trent, shown thlit
I lfeve Titim matledie object ore most unjustand lulu-_
men persecution i'T the moat:atrocious purposes,--
My reputation soil my pertionaltiefekr,eatt effect; eom.. -
iteratively speaking, but a small cerele.' They are '
tleili., indeed, to - onyrrrieeds - and - tet not - children ; bet -- ~
the transactinits whirls I have dese,ribed and the attacks' -
upon meto which I Etre referred ,: alpough bearing ' •
more immediately upoirtily perional,intereetkare of a.. -; '
fearful eonSeqnciweias !ley rtgurtl,.lle, very existence, .
of free goveemiteet._ An this View they . Tott
en, ?eel are. itniiromit to eve'ry 4iti,it,93' treVnite4
States and to every friend of- freegovent througly.:7 -- = --- =
out the World. - ......:_i . - ~
Under the-pretext lit lllVerrogeotil deaden, by the
'Seitaie, pato the right, in the first inatence,threplvient. ,
7...- •
it single etmitty, a {and lawlessmen, many of theme; ' , ........
I 'whit:, hired for the express purpose; and all of them. • • ,
'led on by ollietrs of the general, government, has as
's:tiled a branch of the Legislature, of Ili free State; or--
tiered. it e ith loud cries, to reconsider itresolution it
had passed, tu t admit to (Kati men-whom it had al-.
ready deeide:d not to beentitlesl, einnpelleditto henr.
speech from one who had no right, to lidtke.o9l) itr,'‘O.
'CireiaCed . for hlttorki ilec)ared the* intaution to' drench --
the Cli't s tidierwith blood; ~
' -.• ~ • . , - ~
• ..
.---------,-.---,,-, -,- •:,---2- 'i
Ctiti . yjMi,- my - fel lote-citizensontligine a sceneMere'
: preload with:general Anteater •or 'More itlarinthg, to •
Ale tire Of patriotism ? - Thesieforkin t)iat,•ateue,nre, •
Tii - n - nyFpuliMi. - 0 111 1,Z:Or.itt --- darlemanibrneve-damitieg---„
,erime item the assassin Who imbrues his handle in the .. •
blond 'of hisheother.'„Thei httterastroys but &emelt
'and severs only the lender .tieri ilhielt mrs.'honneat a '
ging/C . i ridi V; dina] 3Vi thqt(fitellOWNllll. thi• wotch . wko •
'raises Ilin, parri.l4liitraaigainst hie entmtir, `sheds
thelifethltigestherionatitution;•andessailstlierigliti ' . •
.mid SeetirtY, of every .e ili ten. - ,The friends offreed run
in v:i'tety - land wlici look to: our example, May-well-hi
tieentsiveraitelt a ermaatroplie.,._ ~ , ~,,, ~.„, ~.•,, ••,
'llie mo=t aetisitive and vulnerable. (Point in a repre.4l,
Senta,live gpverhment Hip ' onrs;itrita li:iialativo'de..- .
partrnem. The .reprem
seetives of fly people. ere
- s - iireoittided.,br - no - goitetla - bet,', - ,tlte - Cottatlliitiohargtiar e - .
mime. Which pt‘hvidetshat fir.; any thing said oe„,:done '-..
'ill. the pErforrerunie Cheer duty, the lkiiresientatiireiliall .'
itqe,bo:caltßitiii.gimaiiod etanvhfrest:. %Neither is this'
guarantee the i f - „Pesitnef privilege kf 'the membeil it i
the pri vilef., , e orthe people whe herepr,esenta. ' ;When
his teeedorytj'aase,s]ied,ite•is not so much thekaufferer
an the l'it'iorilelhejjkaelves.,-..,,Lhairperiffitive adwa ) ys bit ,
I aware thas - di7ttarettetwell aathe , seinsi,•:wo• - '
ler• inidlititione,..rentalletin, the , repreens , '
peopled4tbe legtalntstrit; , , iSo lo .....,-"-
tiVOS or th e 14 . 014::: !Ali' ,
sfitllo4 fear choir
are age.. WI
eed of -) -
~,,,,..e ' p .1 , 04 the Ilouse,of Commons ; ,
Bonaour i ..
./..Al•l l •l.. Ai ll 'i g,
i -iiin pc° -
,„..nattillifnfieey there Wan .
erAluidl•bilibertiernfthe pee- •.- •,,
„„„„ t atif i tutirpers have in Ali :tilnekroll „
, ._, rjr•lttklks, ii . pon that •point., , Crow -.,
expelled t a Natioiuil Aaattiahly froip its Halle. •,,Ileth,, '
1, 411
inane-lees renilted hi the eatalilialitnenttin delintilm, • ',' ' '
le•illteasea, to64.tlie,pretenee hair itiviiriably,lieen made : ,
if a regard for the rights,of• thepPeplei• - andin ofirrY;;;„ 7, `_
. ~ ,
`~~~ :,