Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 24, 1839, Image 1
:.z E 'h ~: ;; ~ '. 41 t _ :1 II ~. ~~ 701117Sitial Zilbllcb—Wrbe - Secs T EItMAW: ' The «Carlisle Neraldaf Eatinnifter," will be Lined WEEKLY,' at. Tiro DOtotasts per annum, ('Paid in advanie,..lo,3o 'tithe end.ofaix' inontliutind $3,00 if ot paid until the napiration.of the year. ADYEIBTISEMEI4TS inierted at,the usual raid Letter. Addressed to di! edlitor,on business; MUST OE l'OST`SlD;ilikerwi* they will . re.ceive no at- . • _ AGENTS: • The fojlowlng named personshargrbeen appointed a g ents for the "Carlisle Herald & Expositor," to . 'whom payment for .snbstrription anti t advertisement aan' re made. .A. SIIELLY, Esq. §liirenianstown,Climb. Co. , &•ort. Epi . • do • - - P.- K001:12, .- do - Tilos.-Viri-Hrßiii;tiiiVShippriiekorg -do— • -.. • Jolts AVITOOEALSed,"Esq. .10. do NIATEks,II4: Hovestown. • R. WiLsoW,Esq: 11hOlioniesbot*,. *scums' Ruroos - A; Erq. Hopewell do • R. Srgstacox , Esq. - ChOrcittown 7 'do --.- - Wnrri, New Coro - beaked' do: . Tstos: Desert-, Psi:•Bleomfield, Peiry:eiitity. Esq.l.4ndisloa4 do • IDOilletalato Generul Agent for- PennsylvOnts ',llfitryland; ' waeei SctvlV - 0. - 3} South 7di Meet, three doors"be— ,; - loirMuKet-otreeti-Philutielphist; and No:10 Ntitilf street; Hultimoire,neur thel'ost Office, HEAETtf sueVEZD AY iwi.trint Olr TAIILX illartreassx MSOICIN is OF T 11.6 BRITISH. Cougar. Os . ..HamTo, CONDOS. - Which have obtained th - eiippridnition &riddle tom xnendation of thousands, who.have been cured , in Con siumpticin, Cholera Morbue f lutliaustiOns internally to. externally; andiill disaiseloftheLivescirelloW Fever, Gent,Rlieumatism,Lumliao, l l:ic Doloreaux,Dropsy. St Vistus' Dance, p.pilepsy;Appoplexy, Palsy, Green Stekness,andall obstructionsto Which thefetualeferm' is so diimsretigly send io many of the 'fairest portion of the creation to their untimely &Tie - Cis Small Pox, Measles, Whoop ingCough, Scar let Fever, Atitlima,..faundice, Gravel, Stene, avid all tUrinary Obslntitions,Tistnia, Piles, Strictures, Reps nturcs; and Syphilis in all its stages, Constipated Bow- Woirtis,Srs• rvyiltching of Skin,•Kiiio Era; and sill - Cutaneous Disorders;: in .short,Eiery -com plaint whiCh the human tramelesodirefully stibject. to, under •eill =their varied farms and names -; (is the Hygeisia ii.sni;ieet to only One meal disease ; Widths to the impurity of the:blood, from whence springs every complaint that can iiiissihly mail hiietimplicated frame, and that it is the perpetual -.struggle. °fails witelqureXtre.sini r of life, ( of - -kimult4y;poweirf to disencumber itself of its vicious :acrid althea; which it has beehme commixed. Thisniaattine naeilkine, dieing composed only of 'met:age nuitteri Or metlitirallberbs and warranted on oath,:aseentiunhig_noteinepartiele'of mercurial„- 'mineral, or dhotaical sUbstances, (all of which are att. vongenialteothe`innure of man andtherefore destruc tive to the ;human trame i Lis f ound togbe lierfoinly , harmless .to'the:most ten r age or "realest ihanie, .under evera ,- stage ciffiuman suffeiliztthe 'most plea sant and benign in its operation,andlit the -same time' klie most .certain in searehing_out the-.root of-every- Acomplidut,'fiewever deep, and of performing a cure that was 'ever offered 'to the 'world., 'This -wonderful .effect, too, is produced by the'leastbronbleto-thalta *kilts, by merely swallowing a certain litintiber of anditicing called a few egtra times lo the par _ anise of evacuation, with the least possible sensation of pain t exhaustation of bodily titreugth,and_withouttlie- Wear of catching 'cold, or attention Wl:lnm or diet, in any -way different from their aceninomed' Habits. These pills cure in all eases t and cannot. be: taken to excess;' Experience, which is. thee .t onaistonerlif Imman knowledge, has' long borne testimony to the fact; and extensive -use of theta has already verified its truth - in Thiscpuritry„ , • ' These .medfcincs cure 'by paging, lind.yet The, week, the feeble,the infirmohe nervous, the delicate, are in few 'days. ~ .,aarangdiened,,bv their operation, , because they eicar tlie'becly' of itelsid humors ;.and invariably _re* laeaottnd sleep. They are the !Alit, and most emeations medicire_totakeioiscap prevent.:- In senrry,costiveneis, ller--- - ----_.._ ____,__Li___ '1 'he op_eratiol dill)* wild , riefficine, , whicli eon• veys imirnediate conviction of its utility, from the first dose, is as beneficial to the Minds.-die body I-first . Tel nu egithen oaring all 'mental Oilli*inellit. cecen‘ . tricities,nervousarectioas, arritiddlness and restless. Aeoi, trom-whatever-tourceT-cOmplaietr'whitlibave . hitherto not been properly underarm*. as the - 14y- 1 ists have found them all to proceed froinacrimenious 'femora in the blood,anil f happily for the present and filture race of mankind, discovered a cheap and uni versal. mode of purifying, curing and preienting. ' - I : • Tiin being cured of any disease, innivoity,'br sore ' , - is now no more a dubious , or uncertain pr .. ..ocei .. , ~1 11 re perseverance lit the-Vegetable Universe" Alesienles. will always restore nature'tolts• due course.. The literary, awl sedentary', of both,lieSeS, whinie.puisuits. • ,so much impair.the• &elides-will find it' sure remedy in the Unitersal Medicines for witterring the energy , and sprightliness ' of!thilfirniginsition, nod • improving 1 their health; old=agii..Will he attained by the use of them and 'passed;freefromPaiti 'and infiethities. -.• ' They are not enyeleped with the Inopt t tiesoato th et Medicines; ;they; on ly Tielitire' 4'. 'be de*sere"i•ie with suffitientlx'.lardoses;:ited,',the- petiknt will come offliell;;; : wher r• a,•thaesi*li - obstinate; Ifittfeets freqiiently4llelieittitedsineklfteeneegh;''.:•44kT'Vlo', The medicinei iri!!eniiitirbieil -in Atitie:diftereet• articles .0n1y,,,, , ,v,144 lit two konla . Of. p.ills"Of , diffe'retit: - strenohtre - wer; - deditutted litNo6, I end 2. t4Tyi3 - first is R powerful bne;ippifmilditodentleitiperiettt, .. or opening medicthW, , tletaching funtipi - irtially velum% log the billions ropy' himourst,nbilst. the No. 2 pills carry . olf those4aditheVsterous • alliVesel ',putrid lt*:•• more inelderital..thilie body, and set togethei nil ii' ferretin p warren, never. resting Until every avenue of the human frame thoroughly. Searched ant{ cleansed, of its impuritieiti .' - ',,.,:-. 2 ; ' '• , :, "s;',Se , • ;• ' The lrermthle'Clesnsitnefiew:dnra lire' OriVeat':yi-. ---sistsmoe-to -pitiertiriliallielikitqctlie - Orie*itiOlf of,, , • bad humors; they soren; . chemise, and " detach ", dip . scrimoillotts: , phlignii- ti : are _essjilingotitdooll,4ltlW thirstfine;' , . pro' or- tiiii ,-- ie,w'deriumPllie takee • throughout the-day, .- m i ned_in:-balf_ st..titithier' (it water. '` . * ' `'" ' L ...'" t - c ,, 1r.,..7. - c,;':';''' - The pillsareaeltlin ,pelleti ;kit ' tia , 414*S and , 2.5 and 40 calKtia".o—the tivatotipertieOgit'it three boxes each, viz. anti - :A*4:l%i', 3.;!" . sidriiia, bpxeilf No. '2 , --the jattor t oneilier ~ „: t . itlitl r tilyit _V!' koowders ire is teptirkteiLt*, 1 ~..• 7 m i 4. : liiii, she tigiiiii;AWfOrlltiiifkiilenee orate ifix date the , .*.k l- . i 1/ . 4' T`411." - . jrueral, tibireit'OClZ J. .i.i.fiti, .. Mit, tir; ~I01 k ,„.- , ., - ",' •,, --''; ' , :I -,-- • :" lirni iii‘ni.i.l * ,„ ~.,‘ ,t, 4,i, , now be hid oral* die, '` '' -J.% -, '• „, ii!onvitioam**filt i ~.,-,.,..,-,; .1,.,, .. fnetlMilp -,7ltiv.aftblet parti , 30. ,- fie - iiiiaiiiii.iieii ,iil, kritk,,.° • 444 iF i M01 „>. ,' ..,_l l O ,?,,, :., 6 17 1 EriPu t ilbalsilletruKbribitiS t° Thu Wewirslaleot; , N,j ; .•!.'wa di 6 9 fi*ve'.l l ' ' it.itTl ":4 1 litarsifite , J1 di South Seventh Street,, three''doirs: yaw m a rk e t wh " 14 a 9 1 '.', ! .. "410 1 4"inan street, Philadelpliii at Mx 10Idesiii, mac:, teeth . ~ - 4 - ).5.',7 , ':4... ..1- 1 4*.1.,, , ,,.. , ,, , ,t. tintore, nearly oicwwite. ,th , 5, ; p4t,g2•4 7 0, 4 ;Zitie4 :1 4 0 I. • • Afterz,l,ong 10' s., A , .i . „ , ,t 1, ,1 4 ,1suli4oriher Genuine Medicine riate: ' - I*,, obtanied, ~‘„:_., - ,'C 1 11 " MaC eelt.iijf - ,, y!.q. , ... ,NI ' LK 113 : '". 1" A - .. 46 :." ' OVAUJO ig t f ';'; '2.t""'"n7i'iiliel*'''' it "*": t,_ 4TOY,* r.f. , :. ".• AIW' 4, 7: ur ti joiatt l'lr l — l — nation hi" ' -- ,r A,,,. ,' . . itii public, itloir c id ~ : ,;: , „A j . kliiittr' 11: 1 4 , ' 1 '.k . 4 . 1 4 ::;1;. , 4 1 : espied boat ' '.-. ~ . ow 't•*tif the ,srlOkii*Osui under d rt., Y:heAvill rut to u t , ' , ottp,tl,4o tedbrvittOttiii • *Niel - . ':a 4_n-'4lco,olindssupplf,',4lo low ' abet . j .".`611,. Ogaiti 4l :tieth ti.Y , line ‘•of es:alibi.: ,4r rn kilo: **X' 1 ?)p ,". , ilk• . 'id Medici *At, .%, , , i1r..i..„ , soureedi a =v4,,, it , spurious 'dif‘ rt4 e thia-uoiebtrflo-i' tor . ' , lkowirar. am'. 4 . * '• . P lr g il do: l z , Yf*t7:Ff • ffl,"f 4 lit 44 : 1 0;4 1 / tgi*.» , :gre t aft . - r - E:T7. ---, :,: , -,•,i ) '.; I n' , , -- _, - : - .OGI If.----_- _--,--.f--- , --- 7 ----,.-4 7 ,-; l - ~ - ,- ~ , „ . ~2fj:!- - ___,- —'- --'-'-',, ;•,' •-• MARTIN' ‘blSPAY; , litiolvii4i3ibilit,"und 'llol,#l -, : N. W. AA ~ ..w+Tricr, ottriten l / 4 7Z4V;1 UUNTSlglitiltosin, p e r r y count , Pit ! : d,'l '. 4 . W. roomer of Charles & loyitte us,': , . • - dr-A''...--%. .. . , ' . , .. , . -.• , . •-. _ .. .„ _ ..--'• 5. - , , ... '..- -.: _.-_. - L . . ~. , ~. ... _ . ~..: • - . . . -.-• -'.--' - -- - - ~..' -' -='.- - N. ,-.•,' .-''• ----,- --.. , '., ...•..-,;:,-. ... ,•;; ..,, ..-,-,--* - 7- 7 t ':', . - .7 ___,_ .• '' - . ". 'n . .. ..•ii .. ____. ..... . .... _. ..„ ..• • ___ . A FAMILY'" WgPAPE lii7D*VOTED rriArkWS POLITICS LriignAmunE' 4= AR1 1 §; ,AN D 4atriHnov - 7----,—CES,,AFIt/CITURE, AMUSEMENT, &C. AC. Quacks and their . Destructive noce/atirmtN THE united testimony Of the physicians throught out the .United States has fully proved the fact thog Peters' Vegitable "Pills are 'the:only true Vegitablet Pills'Which will stand_ the test of analyzauon; .Itente the prOprielor would molt earnestlythem' urge for the notice of those who have beenin' he .habit of using, as- cathartics or aperients, the destructive and irritating quack. pilla so generally ildvertised,; and • which are and best Nit slow consumers. of the vita unctions, and • murderous agents even to, the -most hale.----Itis-triie,:most - of therm - produce - 1 Rua five - effect, and wunetimes transient relief'. but's,' most cases they, injure ;lie, digestive orGnins, and:an habitual I resort to them Must terminate in confirmed dyspep sia. - It is true that cathartic and aperlencmedicines are. often required'. but the. ,nicest discrimination - should always .be observed in the selection; and if this be done, nothing injurious can result from their nee. al To produce this much desired - resulti Dr. Peters liiririside it his study:for several years, and feels proud to say he has succeeded at length far beyond his expectations. ...The object of his pills is to super-, cede the necessity of a frequent recourse toinjurious purgatives, and. to Offer a . medicine safe, certain, and pleasant in its'operatiOn. . Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETEIIS, M. D. No. 129 Library street; New York.—Each box con tains 40 pills. Price 50 cents. ' • . lieadache. - Sick _and Atrvons. -Those who have suffered; and are weary of Suffering from tlfese distressing complaints; will find in TER;S".. fEcrr,.a.lize PILLS, a. remedy sirone'e certain and immediate in its effects. • SPEPSLiii. O they stand unrivalled; r many have een cured in a few weeks, after !Lavin sleeved under thistlmlful - .complaint for _ - In habitant costiveness the:fire decidedly* superi or to any Vegitable Pills.evo yet discovered, and besides this they are recommended by all the emi nent and leading members of the Altedieil Faculty. Jl Catatogne'ot Reasons. Fos; ysine,-A9n--P.elers' Celebrated: Vegi• , IL Because they • are exceedingly popular; which proves them to he exceedingly good:. • 2. - - Because .they arc composed of simplex which havetbe_power to do good in an hunieuse-numbe'r of Lases, without possessnig the moans to do inju'ry in 5. Because they are:not aluack - nietTicine, but the acleulific comitound of a - regalar - physician, who has made his profession the stet y' of his life.' 4. BecauSithey. are not unpleasmit: to take nor dis-. Iressing to retain, while they ore most effective to op:- • 5. Because they are recommemled standaril .medicine by the regular - . Because by keeping the system ins naturnl state bf action, they cure .alttunk evety diaeuse which is • Incidental to the huinan frame. 7, Beeninarther are cheap aud portable, and will retain all their virtues - in full. vivrcht.any climate' And for ;any length of time. 8.- Because, notwithstanding their 'simplicity and mildness, they arc one of the spetHestpurgative med icinea which has (men dtacoveced. If: Because they arc an unfailingrenrietly„for pro goring a good appetite. . ---40. - Becastse in cases a spleen or despondeticy,.by 'their healthy influence on the excited State of the ho .oy, they hate a most ka . . ppy Went, iti_ettlmingauntitt n . vigortiting - 'the - min - ft" • 41. 1 13etairicl they effect their cures . iiithoitt the tiittalaTtenflaids of other pills, sickness and griping& 112..Becatise-as well.stah'eing an ricalled• purifier of-the general - syStem;flterate a sovereign remedy for .sickltnul-aclie. • • , - • - - - IS. llscause- they-differ from the majority of rued :lanes, in , the filet that the more.they are known ,the more they are'approved. . 14: Became astheir application create no debility in the !system, they - mty be taken without producing any hindrance to basinees e 5 -the pursuits - of every day life. . 113, fleetest %lien 'once Introduce:a Intel% tamily, Or a inhrge, they 'almost immediately take die' pre- Cede:nee Of an other medicines in general complaints. , 16. Because 'Amber of the wonderful cures the -liave-effected F can-be - sulistantiatedwitheistue . skean' being resorted to - , - Ito procuroluilditi testinte; flies. 17. fic.csoise their atobsitton such, that_ they_ ' are equally applicable to theAlial diseases of warm, cold, or temperate climates. 18. Bectinte_twa,,nr_three-arc-in-general-sufficie itsiFtidose;r=tielliat, as is the case with the'generality of patent medicines—the patient is tietcompelleo • make a meal of them. , ,- 19. .. Beater each individual; lull le •put uji the 'unlock - Immediate - sutmr.intentlence of the. latoprietori no :thattla rubitaktv inrhe Composition, or imaidity van' iiossibty.o,ur,dirough the carelessness of a lesain4 .I.trated agent,- '-_---,-, - ... _ ~ '''2o.':.flecairse diet' , purify the frame without &hill 1 bittnigheitoistcrit. -.-, r .'. ' ' • . • : VAVACcayseihotwithatanding their. ,Itinsense Ptllr , ,• - ulttri*, l no person has ever. ventureiltO raise against 1 them the breath oUcenitOre, which would - not' halve ,_ been tlMease, itenvi,•coiild'have, discovered in them, ' * single flawrit'aviEat. _ .. .;1. „ . ...... 02. Beekuji. #6ll.,thistnet:is of the utmost - kr ilrikikri.9)-7,,kkilienin • 81-. j eerinin situation may take urnf k laot'g#e•ttinn two or , three Ida time howev- • er,) WI .09t, , ,,ri,ti1e . sli'ghtett . degree Incurring the Mantra iir4bitrtion.. 1- ; Were the'vnines' of Peters' in-' estimalst4illii; 'iiiin fi 'ned•to • this ileilrable• end alone, - ir woutft - 7 - gtiielthi**ltlOtiiaiiqiiiiiiiit' over the .'metlicjnes otlit iC'faft eoMperifirispitin. -no cases in there more deligeeiititireheitiletfiliktor . whicli to few' remedies Writlllati.'t dliiiioveredikii- 'the one referred 0. • '4, 1 4` ' , 1 • - .- , ~.1,, l ~-': - Ik , OTttiteivrhilethey' are se ellicientin their ottr , 4eratione with ,adults . thay : Mityjjat.-theitione:. time be adniiiiistereil. to,childrvi Said even to infante, In shrill quantities; hirlfa,..oift - fer::initoplce;WitTratirlite - allglit est dancer, , ,. ,•i.. ~-,,.,:,:,* , :• -'• . .:.., .• •-,; • • ••;;• ...,. • ,•-; :, .• „ 24: no,imiiiiie,oo 'iiiti4 . 4*;:tikriiiivlolol 46 4 -411 114 ,--lite;Pnli , ;roi7AhlifilT '.: 1 ij. Infliienee-itseif yountladieliL Aaircire 'f' . •`.. lf „Usual -chant% ,of life, an diffieik 'brs. ' lawsv; ~, v`lltOe: t::,:i. ,- . . • , I—necioiviiiv , taiV: l ; i --- -- •• - ~. I t k IIC P UB- NT EE * IIO ; , 'OO ll /NERAI4 IfeOf • Irian); j kell' grek delliderAtir 409 fig Enromiust AiliatioralehtlaNtdiniiiitirße Wye Tr6l4,4xotrin.c().llollle,natcriabwit!!?hAolllo MI6 itr li t tin ' # tale Fills; reostoat and Published, Ilitekly , George Maio; Caritio Cassithertand y res:•_ • - 9- :The deurit.erfelters.. He must be a rniserabk vi , llain indeed, who .would place the life of a fellow,being in danger, for the:purpose y Making MO. reY• . - TO. HONEST CITIZENS.. What - do . 'Druggists prove by making:and selliug , . I • . Brandreth 7 s' Vegetable Unit n - • • • - veal Pills' - _ .- lit. - ==That they nix:twin - 0411es. - • W.—That no other medicine ii required by the public; or why. do not these- druggists counterfett other pills. in the same way they d, Brandreth.'s?— Simply because no others save Brandreth'S-Vegetable- Universalyim. ever effected the eStraordinarycures that these Pilliare known—untvantutta li.NOWN to have effected.- There never was a pei•son who usetithe -VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS,- ; Mo - did iibt recommend them in terms of tAt most unequalled praise: ..• . 'Nevertheless, these counterfeiting, druggists 'have .dounk.are doing the - characterof the Genuine a great deal of injury ; but it. is hoped that individuals will not allow themselves to be deceived by designing per sonst,whose only object is. to make money, and Who :are peyfectly careless of consiamences, to a matter of no importance to then.; whether the poor child is rescued from a bed bf, sickiiessiind-restorid -to the, yearning aims of its parents, or whether him on whom a large family rely solely .npon for, aupport,f is pre vented fromlllingan early andiniiimelygraVe. Elie . time:finny cont,e.Wheat diegriadness Oftheir become cleiir'to 'their benighted understandings, and then it is 'aim! they will endeavor to make some a mends by the after purity of : - , -- Every authcirizeilligentindi - a ei!pperplatezertifi-,. cate of agency, and . lias it exhibited 1101 . 115 store: Ne ver purchase unless this is. seen; and have some re- gard also to the .character the agent bears among his fellow citizens. "lie Mai be a miserable villein aho would plane the lifeof fellow:creature iii 'danger for .the purpose of! snaking Money. - . • _ Dr. Brandreto .o.ffleee . Principal, Nn. 8. North Bth Street. -. • - 'Minor office, No. 43, Chestnut Street, near. 2d st.. fltemeniber the siboVe bffipers nee. kept exclusively fottlielliale.of the-Arne and gehuine Brandretft's Pills. . The following persons arc duly,authorised Agents. for the county of Cilinberbini!, iti the State of- Penn.,- .syliania, whose respective mimes 'GEORGE . W. HITHER,. Carlisle.. • " S. CULBERTSON, Shippent&arg... - : - JOHN fifOORE' Newine._ • . N.U. druggist , apothecary. or pedlar, is al lowed to-sell the genuine Ilrandreth's Pills; oincler_any eireunistsinces - 41intever., Also observe when you purchise of - any advertised Agents, .that they liave a certifiCate of a c inci, signed and sealed by nie ' 11.. - 1111.% N DREXEL U. 71. . • . 7 1 a o: B,' . .Vorth Bth Street; l'hiladelphia. August 8,1838.—1 y. • • • . GA KLEGA illll 03 1 Prepared only fin Joll.B' S. ..4111,LER, al Ids:Drug More apposate tiliarka - ilitiute, Frederick, dlf - - valuable. Medicine • Ilea already acquired a j celebrity td which few others perhaps in so short • a thou ever arrived, and its extensive use for 4ur 5 years, in various parts of the _Country, Cities, and ['owns, hi MaOtind„_Yirginia_ Fa; ,Lentuchy, Missouri, Soiith Carolina, 4 ni 1- abaejGeorgia, and New Orleans, which has attend ed it ,w ith unparelled success. Hundreds of persons have need • nine ouLof ten clues have been, permanently eared of lyspepsiti, Cliolien, Nervous 'Tremors, Lowness OLSpirits, Pa I-- 1 1 1 phenol's of the heart, and all those tiwin of Diseases 1 resulting from a.disordered iondition of the stomach and liver, or derangement of the Ingestive functions, suchai Central debility: or Weeklies's Flutidency, Loss' of Appetite, Sour binomial's aid Atitlitei* of the Stemeek;Coativeneas;lletiiiiichei;Jauntliv, Flu talent end Bilious Colics, kc. k. • To Adults and Children who are troubled With Worms, it will operate as a safe and thorough vet. mithge. It is entirely Botanical in its composition, and may be used by both sexes and ofany_age;_wilh_ ilterfeetTlaWnitltiatst any elninge_citheldlor_dict._,. - It is libt 'recommended like most patented Medi , eines as a mire, an but the proprietor _recommends it, for what he has full.conldetieg it will-and elias car ed, whiah ran be substantiated by the testimony of hundreds of persons, that have experienced its good It Is itently; pUt till in gtputte }AI pint llottlet,Nvith the tatme.hlo***l the gloss the - n o Gorlogant's of llealtliisreparell only hy .lohn Miller,tunk sia sigtetture'on a label, pasted on the outside wrap. ber of each llottle, which completely-securee it frian ing eouliteereitett, . A full and eatiatattorr Direction occompanleit cacli .11ottli.tttid - bythe asaiiiicar the proprietor anti ut ltia:ifteats, which are putt-. ell At the bottom of inch direction. • . , New testimony . .of Its cures two Iftxxitiently (*rely eft, a few.ef i winch follow this adveistiseineht, and .mmayinore tan semi the ittro4nd man s. AtiPop.--illir Sir..:-11ilo helechy.cel*, , thati have heen afflicted with layipepsin for the last' 4 0r,5 years, which has . been increasing on me 'ever ; since; to such a di...wee, thutfor for. or 4 weeks iireVious to using your-valuable Garlegai,t's Balsam of !Health, 1 I. am certriii.lhave_not eaten one 0111VCC.K day_ of any', kind of diet, neither 'was I able to sleep With any 1 kiwi. or Woinfort Amine this time, fora severe tKon. ' Sri my stomach, id fait. had given myself op . at ineti, , •l rithhe, 48.11myeliad.resource to so many di fferent 1.4.1. medics witheittanv kiad'of beitefeitilat length heiitli' of your Balsams of llealth,beingatifertised; E Mir.- ebasedu, - IlottlO of.yourtarat.W.M..:Miller- in-ll`-in., Chetocr... - .Yo. 7 —Allee talciag_ thelitbrOe..fiest!.docss I - found MY stbAacit to retool in some degre e , whin I . eat,tuut tlie . paMin iny' stouarich Subsiilitigleadualiy, ihdrtifter . tigong- ono and 11; half bottles, li found my self t Mit! rely : well,- a nd - have - eat - ,anytiiing ' Ihave an inclittrition tor, nad sleep" Wel at night • It • was our.' prising to' the- quantity' inorbitt ',Matter 1 ills ik chatied . from my stomach, w icht • once inclined. to believe was thick with it, wijitilt ,no, doubt remit:toil all diet iniligeitable. - • .'• •.-•': • ... ._. :,.. i . . Given under 14 bind; tiiiii;lst 'di* of Decemlier 101;6. " • ' , 2 .:• , .a JOSIK!!!-SNAPP,:- -' -- Living near AyinelkeAter ,tae . . , . , "'' Certificate of JV7chotas ll',"eniCer. ' ' This hi - to 'certify dealt:A.64oa tif , vour aitetit•st, Gotty s ba r g, several bottleiVeyour . 'valuable Ealsard , pciloAth,,which cOmBlPlelY,,Auked 11 0 of the WI,I* , pelisiai . .. l , ,hid; taken much of (Amt.' p li, t cn t itr e d, i 4412 f_ oiled Do - relief; until -- 1 - nilde . uife - of year.' 4412 l y .,Hcalth,:- which -affected, a_ radical, cure,. poidldlo recommend. it to all, those Who are troubled i Isith . \ tliat" obstitOtti#No t tuewspettia. -- _ --, .'- -,4 : --, , t'i v - - : '' -N. WEAVER. ~ ' '9:ett4aliU7'.. 94:140v. 2, i 836. '-'' - .• coptijfecifefront Chi ,llov. Il.'F. Slute o rer, Paitor Of ',',..'•,"-,,' - - '-- • ' the LagiertaiChe r atlw -,' 'e , 1 'e • '•, '' l . 4 / 1 4,, S. Jifiger,r4Ekiriclik r eTpl. deem , It Any•duly,to ,likfgrnk43o that-1 . etaifaililitutessuit'll B4ll,trn of gitstlthivrefiiiwty IVrthtziu",. peribr'liediolne. , . Nry itrikta r i s e. i ptpewittillikelbate,Atikte' , Ofs hisilthiiind '9(.*? • .'*Vitalij:mierii - 14:•eletried 011,410 1-3*e •, ' : '' 14 I 1 )Iir "9 * * ll6 lltriiin ii.#ol patent , ~!,. te ni e#4.l, : ; .. , ~;'ited imrebase ~n h', re 'hU.Sliiil liiiiitO r ' °AT .- ,hild‘herebi!eertt . 4 tat Nlrs_SlateN.e4lor s ET• . '.._ • l!etie fi t, ifigth 7 4,lte• ~ ,-it'thiP a 0;7- fkiiiieon . tolie:‘'. ', my, 001100 ' ie. i .t „..Acurc'Nfik•lfteatO,ltiV •rogarilaille disease Ildeuttottotou,il,Blitlitn" C.Will4,lFtisCd' in ' the nist .. , „ .v i e iiiftec„, , ,,-,..-..: „...-•....-.,:,.',„•:,, 1 „ -. ,''. :, , •''i , - , ,A. -` '',.:';'.T. - FK- ri - -„4-•--;.S,! I .Ii4EFE• ';' / 4 54ei1t.W 2 41,' f , 1 1 --:,=-7-1---,,, , ,,- , ,T , i0,-,,, - I .—.F' h -- —a,, u • , ~..... lrilny: 4wir..mi 5 . , .• if,.,- ieekod jtiteiioleity,ielliglet•perreir:sinitiury'elia. , 44.1ifetti.J.4 ivaritiiiitil iioleidigin vertnlNZY ,',', •e,':• , /. , •"i' tlikle )1C '" •''...; ! 44A . .Nt VALI EI.LIOTT.. : - Ceirlielta*iiiriber.;Sill&till...-----4;•- . VIOLEWITtrias 41/PMati 944-40000 Seriate r in relation to the ditficultieslOhich existed at the con vening of theSiale Legislature in De cember last, and in vilidicatson of the course pursued by himseff and the :Demo.- cratie members of the Senate. TO Tkl'E FIMEZtIEN OF PENNSYLVANIA; FELLOWCITIZENS . . . . , ~ ~ . ~ Every publie man has . * double duty to perform, a duti:to thelieepleefexplanation-of-'his public -cond; duct, and ildtity to himself of vindicating hit repute• Lion from reproach and obloquy. And.yet it is a duty which every public man, 'who is consciousof pure motives and. of undeierved cett= sure, performs with reluctance ; a'reluctance which imingsfrom. an honest confidence in that justice in olh era,. w hick he feels to be the regulating prmeiple °C hia own conduct. •.-• . . No one feels.thisreluctance more sensibly awn I do: [have long- suffered - in silence the outpourings of that common sewer of societyr, 7 tlte , party press of the day; diiregarditag its foul and unfounded invective, lutown to liave-tts source in the low_malice of unmoor-. thy men, whose ambition would'have been - ttifie.d anynoticeieven if/ the way sersion.• I rethiciiv - iiiiiiiriiined,bi the peculiar eirctivastani eosin which I have been placed by the.extraordinary, eventewhich litivebecinied,ind by the °Metal comm. ! quenCe imparted to tinfounded chargeengainit me by the'aildresief the - Vaii'lluren members of the -I,egis- , lature to the freemen of the Commonweiliti,to sobilue all reluctance, and•to ask your indulgent attention to the vindication which I am about to tiller. .. • Attempts have been Made to excite popular preju; dice and invoke popular indignation against me, and to that elliict repeated and inflammatory appeels.have beeireddressed to tlie - publiii mind. .& double motive may have influenced those who are ciigigeilltdifirnignst persecution.' Amoy have been their-purpose either to divert therattention of the peo ple from the outrages - which have been_ perpetrated hy theinielves Upon the peace and -good , order of so ciety, and the stability of free 'government, or they may Bare expected to drive from public stations the representativessif the, peope, or overawe them in. the, conscientious discharge o their onerous duties. - , So fartia I _am concerned; they will accoinplish neither- orthese - objetic lam prepared to meet. toy accusers face to face in the presense of the people.-r l ask nothing but the suspension of the public meat until gll the'facti bearing on these queitionsare diselpied in an authentic enjnner. .1 make no appeal to inv fel IoW-citizensof any party; • I address. myself to die cantliitand reflecting of all parties, who have,. I in truth a deeper - interest in the transactions to which Taro about to_refer, than any' Whieli,can possibly be long to'me-as an individual ; and L ariipersuaded that I shall be enabled to show that - my whole conduct, under the most teeing circumstances, has been gov -erned by a regardfor the constitution-an dlaos,which I have :IWD - into support, and which it is the - duty and . interest of every goodoitizen to sustain. - The grounds ofaccusatiOn against me are manifold. My defence Must necessarily be co-eXtensive wide the attack... I shall therefore proceed to examine the' several charges winch I urn required to answer, >hi the order in which they are presented, and, with as. much fullness as the time afforded me will convenp iently allow. Powt.—l have been charged with the design of sup .presaing.haqiiiry_iuto_eleitions.which-hadtaken-place;. for the. ne purpose of pretenting Mope *bp were duly elected f rom_ obtaining their spate. • Thiircharge is utterly false. -On the contrary, it is _mite sind-el Wareham liectrterdeidrelhat - Ta I inyestigation ;lamb) be Made, And 411 - frauds cora i-nnwed al theinte- election exposed, aO-fultati ble, in contesting the rightto socas in the Legislature, as well for the proper deterinination of the right itself, as for dr., purpose of disclosing more particularly the &fi et. which are generally admitted to exist in the .election laws. _ As the-presiding officer oldie Senatei however, I had no discretion m that matter I I was liquid to-refer dos determination or that question to the tribunal pro idea by the law, under the authority of the constitution itself. h seetioe - ef the . first article of, the eon- I . Amino of iiii.a._Sutte r -provides-that-"eaelri-Hottsc-- shall_jtiolge.of dienonlifications of its members; "and , tint "contested ele ctions shall be determined by a commie:et. to be'seleeied,formed and regulated In such mourner On -slialthe directed bylaw."" . • •-- In obedience to this constitutional injunction; the Jtetartheltthrof September,4 7910sairenacted-o;hich preseribea the presentation ofa petition "complaining • of on nonlife election or false return or a Senator Or Senators',~ brat regulates by whom' andin! what' _manner swat petition shall be pretientedi and - directs how, the committee shall "be,itelected• formed and . 9 're elated'.' motel'. the constitution... • . if, on the returns maileaccording to law, a condi._ Little helippareittly:entitled to sisesit,-he-obtains it -in 'the first instance, although it may turn out 'upon in. vestigrthni tint thaie returns are false. i• ',. - ! To SAY tlid,ternnwe It is - alleged that return* are Aloe, they may be investigated and set, aside a' sum' the Senate on the first day. of ! the session y. and in a s umo.: many way,.is to sac. that the Senate may disregard the Oran provisions of • the constitution and. the laws.* ' And to assert that:because the Senate adheres to that Constitution and those laws,. and refuses to violate . either; i hand.of lawless men is to be justified or etc . cused.for the invasion of its chamber,. and the, expuli.i sion Of its Members freiln their seats by. threats ,of Vito-. ' • knee and blood-shed, Is to .proclaim that mei have no: itniostitiitionand nolaw and that the rights Or the 11130.. -pie depend upon the will of any, Insurrectionary force • which may think proper to interfere With' .the . action' • ttf the Legislature. ', ,!-- • • , .-.! ' .. : -These views mar, be illustrated hy • a reference. to -the ruse of the election; of a Senator in the third Sena ilorial district-composed at - the rodnities - of. Cheater, ,Delaware anti - Montgomery. - ily - the retur n s regular- 1 i -Iv thaile' from that Aistrict, - it appeared that - thorns - is -- 1 . tt.liell, Esto;, a gentleman belonging to the Van Du. • ten party, _ bad. received it.:,taajorltyyer thirty.three 1 ow votes over Nathaniel Brooke v jEscji t ilheNtlittrandl;, j ;late... 1111i-i7.ldrooke alleged that this return wasililse _and tlint it was nem - Stoned by' the miitahe - bribe - ig th r ti.elprk • of the !..Trappe „district; 'in 'Montgomery. ,•eouiity t who,, in making outthe itiertifiCateOt. election,. , wroite in words at length two seventy.- six hundred - and 1 for Mr. Dell , instetid.eof two hundred and twanty.:, six; the" true _ vote:which be eeeti ved; . i%, , ~' -, '!' :.‘,i, , ,-,-; ~, T he Senate, however, was bound .byTtliiiiikitistitu , . bon and tlie laws,and Under then\ - rilr." Dell 'Obtained a seat and Me: Brookeisatlriven - tiiifte necessity of iweeenting die Pitititta aids 0 9 11141 t i !**' .. "01k iii "* tug ofthailin s seretttrip, , !4,:cionimittpe: : Was:thereupoh • ! 2 1 1 1 101 . 1 40 z ;anti thO tatting; ineMlier after& regular and pr.otmeted -iiintist,' duly., ejeetetlesiiii Mr. - DitiOke' was tothuithid to iiie seat.' Mieftatme law'whieligoitia ici- Mr! Del I.* scat on a retain then' alleged!. and. anat.: proved toti:have. been false; entitled Messrs. frainni,and ; Wagrier ; 'fronitheeintuity Of Philadelphia ; toibirsaine: advantage. i , .i i . . !-,!,, •• ~...:'",i,..-.,,, , , : ' .:-• .? , -• . f. AVould ,there.linve been•any.ettensefor the: Se nate ; if it'had ilisrelpirded the return on 'tiaNeVAll':.Pfzik, tank his neat, - midireteived•tiertifiedraileliar tintitill to show that such' return_ as false ttm., 03 , , ,;..p0rti oh' n ftheconstintents of Air, preolsei . had.,;:crowded lhe . iltries,thirtnniled their roghteind threatenediSena-' ! with id if they, refittiedat'inee tottdialthohit ' igation, tntlecideatieording,to MO will, Over* ,OOttioTtieen would hate; .. 11 4;•.lifK •plobitihie tAiisatotlonas itesisdoullita"nto!'ibalce-ralt ; ,ponstitntioluit goiernmeat r•tiitivtiiitietajokiikt,; , ,l tiirekY.speakingisitis•Orilatt.littihinelitent*h9; . l.l3ll 4 * 'the tiiPP•hehieh& 4 iiiiiinr -007iloor:.4,Lthe Sitoliatei.: - ,or • llonse.;• . but if ii Of infiatte censaituancieta•the Ifeilder t of;lirittoout , diatifittioti arty, thitlielrreptwilintatirer,, , Ott ii% • . should be - frieta *di .Onit*:lo4, , • oitriiihied liftthreideaf IF& 4 '.: , 4 " - . ' ';:•-' ',, '! 'x liiio , c'iiisd kiiii du% ' With, ' ill ~ ,kseite 4 &.th.' •Sehateidiatilliti on, the roikiiiiild! • oth ' int4With.'`, oiitit"leVieuttle:ttitil 4 tihe i rocrititi4.)Mtfliipifitailtie j-' i 0 0( "ifq !P°l'itt ahillictiKji r I4 X: :1400,01 1 trava11.:..,- Thegrosemiar'iprdse - ntatt • •orthe transactions of that alleiiionn and 'night, , and .. of, ; the six iniotieeding•, , 'days.,.whicio have .Gees; industriously oircolated,-' will - lospiegeaposedblar .. dielal itivedititioni. ..;... .._,.. ._ , . • . . ... . . , , '. = ~- • . • - - =lli A,DDILESS - OF THE . vfoicAliOrles it Penrose, of.censure or i gr tt d. ENEi , .iylTaccuieri aysperhapAforgottea,though it wil be, ~e,e, C illiA,l:Aeld'bythe peopleAhat for several 'days the; outraged iitilehWereetiinmitte4 inthe Senate chain beivand.tlielotiigiliA,ibritu aielwo*6 . ll of the 'gm , : i ig ernmentilirlit, I ittid , deaPeAte inefri'lefiere fully jUstified, as mate actionnfim indignant band Of patriots W . Assembled iit'flarrisburg iu the lawful sasiertleitr their'Tioltited rights. The: party .press abounded in language like" this, And the better to screen and encourage the usurpere, It was boldly , declared thit`there was an - end Of all civil govern ment; . thiittrrevOlution heiltaken Phicnin which the Veople hadiseumed to net foithemselfes, and ofcourse that Ate _performers- in- this-- drama, -(how--feari ful soever might be itiecenes,) were secure of impu nity, for all excesses, as they could not offend 'against' civil government, when such „government no longer , -- -Such was the Isingnage — Ofilie,first week ottlie ses sion, dtiring which appeals were constantly made to the people to arm and. march to'Harrisburg, sue= tain"the PrOiisional Government," which these braVe spirita and disinterested pitiiine, had - established for their benefit. ' The intelligence of the 'approach of a large force of citizen soldiers, whri'marcheil to =sup press the most daring insurrection which has ever Nab' cured in this country, and the fact-tat the people'did notieem disposed to engage hi the civil war to which these desperate Men invited them, induced there, sud denly to'change their policy,. and to cover their re treat froin the attitude of belligemms,by falsehoods 'as - hifamonsasthe conduct they . were',..employed_. tol' cover.___Thillipswhich-Were-not-yet dry with-lirtic lamation upon proclamation, that.- we were in 'the midst of revolution; bloodless aityet," that civil gin ernment wee at an end, and that the Senate had been rightly made to flee from the wrath df an indignant people, lips which had 'resounded with - irtinecc•eiinnsi and filled the Senate chamber widia - tioutaand hisses , and ' lotid cries( for:blond; .sitillnly :. breathed nothing buf-"peace and goodwill to men." They denied-that there had been any eomm tion ; they as serted that Harrisburg had been the Most - peaceful village in the world, until an Invading-army-came there. The discovered 1i fit instrument to commu nicate their fraud upob the public, in the Sheriff of ,Daughin county, who gave notice by hitsolenin proc-.: litination, that nothing-had occurred•in the least :to diattirb. the tmuspal trangrillity which had int - irked the opening of.the Ilgislature7 - . . • ~ If the outrages committed by thosemen Were shock ing tneyery lover of his country, the falsehoods used to conceal them are equally offensive to morality.— They, however;Who could-perpetrate treason against the-government, are not likely- to hesitate at falsehood to the_people. -- • ' ---% • - . - I will repeat to you what oienrred. in the presence of a cloud of witnessee,-and_vrhat has been, and 7Wilr bede proved by testimony which cannot be controvert . , . - The Senate of the.Statimet on Ttleiday, the 4th day of December sit three o'clock, in the 'afternoon; when I took the chair as Speaker and called the body. to order. • At-that - time, and Itsi am informed-f: considerable time previous, the galleries were crowd ed: These galleries, I should_think, are capable of containing about !lute i h undred people, and they were full. • - -The day was cloudy, atittiorlong after the" com mencemenrof the session, it hemline so dark, that it was-necessary to light the lainps in the Chamber. As the light of day_ declined and it becamemore obscure, the.spectators, or a large poition of t4rit in the gal lery became turbulent, and interrupted the proceed ing'sby cries of "hear him!. bear him !" - when a meni- . ber 'was called 'to order by the Speaker, These symptoms of tumult were repressed, but it soon be came obviOus,that the was in the gallery:a. lat body of men actin in concert whoc- s d .physicalpower.antl-the.inclinationto-com e ate to act according to their will. _ • -After-the lamps-were lighted, and-the night-had set in, theturbulence_of_these-pe_eple increased , --with -the surrounding darkness, Th ey . chititied, -they ihoitted: and hissed. I endeavored in vain to preserve order. I discovered that the officersof-the Senate were not equal to the task, abd.the pleb was not slow in making the same discovery. To one whom they addressed as a leader, they declared that if he would,. give the 'word; they would clear , the Chamber I - they' rushed' within the bar of the Senatel the cry was heard among them to put out thelights, ride the Speaker on aril; they demanded in an imperative tone, that•the Senate should reaclnd a resetutem which. they .had passed; and admit to seats in that body, men for whom there had been no 1 dor return sent in by thtLflecretary._ ley exc aimedt tat "thcy.mould.havetheir-rights I"- . dicy cried "row ! row! ' . They deelared that a re volution had begun, and civil , government was at an, end. They ' demanded that anindividnalitiot a-meine ' her of the Senate should be permitted to address that boily..___lnthe,midat of thistliagracelitl-anenei-thatiuu - AiVide - al attempted to. speak, and I refilled • to permit hint.' On this refusal they filled the .Chamber with criei of "hear him ! hear him !" "go on, Brown, go - -en t'' and mingled these exclamations with cries of !'blood,'! They threatened.' the assassination of the; 'Speaker and others, and when the individual referred . to, 'addressed • to them an Inflammatory, barangue,., which they interrupted by freiptent acclamations, they., - replied - With - is loud voice that they were ready to drench the Chatuber in blood, a . declaration which • their whole conduct . proved they were prepared', to verify. They obtained the control of the , fkillk` l eliamber,and several Members of the Hon se and man y ' ! Senators escaped by the windows opposite to ,the I trance to the,Chamber, which was then in (hi' possei; sion of these men Among those who escaped, was Charlex,Frailey,Of Schuylkill, a Van llama Senator,: ~ I continued in the chair as Speaker of the Senate, between two and three hours, during , which 'dine I inade every effort to suppress the disturbances which have' fixed so deep a state on the'reputation nrour , State'; and I left it only when I discovered that twati i. without the power ofacnomplishing tliat old! ct. 1101 i it when the Seaitors who' stilLremained, yielding , to . the apprehension of bleixisheif, of ' which the conditet ; of, the mob, proved . that there was! immineat danger, I agreed, by vote to permit tho individual 1 red to, who Aria not _a member, - tO make , ; a, .speeeii, • nominally to the Senate, but really to the mob,--whom 4 ,1 he,. addreased at hiefellow:citixens - 1-fidtitintLilte= 'A .Senate had degraded itrlf by, thisvote,and determin: 1 ed no longer to remain 411 the, chair, the offici•al Wit-, - ness, and instrument °fait degradatten.'t called the, &eater - firom - Htickii,TTAtic‘WOrs, - )ar VA* Iliireti - man, to-the chair. ~ . I ilidaodiecause I had confidence. In life knowledge of the , ritlea or, order, and itelfeyed him to be Concerned TOrs , the honor Of the Senate; and limped that his party connection Would , enri3O-.: ble him to exert an,infl uence; mere powerful dnut i any which I nould.employt as he had , made the motion to , permit Mr. Brown to speak he might yieW the trans 1 action' which • I , Considerett 'dczradirig to the. whide it Senate, In to differentlightiand , /night theref,orti:44l l r: ~ dqct it with.less offence to all.dtti Oct 0 , Pi'liK.6 l941 decorum. 1 On lei ' ' 'thchair, l' lid '' i•f - ''' tl '.' 1' ''" ik4 .7 aui ng e , t no • rave le c tam , Litt rentained fattiornetime araidst the raging 0f . ..,the,1. tumult Which prevailed within itisw,lll4 ', A.,..,„ , JS:tiltl ;interval:l:went to Me:Iiolleres1011:" - 101 3 I ' .. ^ "oecnitsttiori - of -, the chair, arid ,remarkidAtt': ' t - al:, fh) vni. • these melt : Were- of his party; and.' that he",.liisithC- 1 1,ti ibleto resterekOrder, though to trinvit', l warimpesso. , .1ile• Ile'vepllett , that I, "he'.would2try e " . ,9niti Added . ."getlir: fintroireti;(iitid,perhafiiiintithertridirititlil; but:of this' antnotconfident;)"and pi out 'Of ilietvitY."- Still; howeverll remained; but knight for „Me' 1 1 rowes; to apprise him of thei•ll, advice ittul, aces ~: ~---.. While; l ‘ .l . 4ll us seeking the falter kentleinitni . .w had alrealikieft the Chambers another fliand approathed i'O d intlie`AilatfrmrAht hresOil)*ltatt heard in the :crowd;., -11Itii,ight I was _ 4,thinhori and :iirgettnie 'i o , ..- • :11' •,r ikeitliehlfittilioNettkees Chair, was ,TIV ' -4 ~ .(:,;, : t,;lOtetA,lo4lrpomthefe situitt-:, '•"' )' - *',':i - 4,2,;•11:' , ". 4 ',,. 1 !4tir"... fie , l'l Velded a!•,1111Ss ' l .'l , ' . , . ~- `',l"'. • '-;'-'' - ' the . k . ,ii , ,. ' h cit 9 - ..4 ' " " - .,., .~, '' • thil•kilei,ii;• '?..,•::, ',' 'l', r ', ' I did i'otstk9fPFV; delis ihe.mobloul 'eonitiOterilo9l inAl adjoitinnienf had Like, until atleildWdlrOWdlitii 'chair,Akien ocicpiedly C, itithemehliirghelitlit'OTl they 'had filled dial lohbiet .bar,eadr-WhelhwithilreW tit" - -xiere.trisly; to drench 1 - a It might well be asked of these' indlythishi, it *Viet instant of thee and, where Attie leartle tragedtati es' threatened to be enactetcand who'were tmhave tom st - the actors ? were they an "at'inell Mob.". led on bs) t their political associates, anteing nitwit wets ofileeHi, , - .cif the Genersil - GAvernment? - OrAid - they ground their s''..' e apprehensiono he basie ef "popular nitelligeneell 6 . . ;,They might well be asked, whether some ofthern iitte:..; not *ware that there Were men lured to be tIM titter* s lit that tragedy 7 .--mmi of notoeious . Character, ithooeC• purchased wrath .was to be wichled.against theSetudos • . - of the - State, "a branch of the Legislature of the frees s• Let thesetpiestioni be answered "without a itrimb's nil disrect,rcl of truth, juitice , end proptiety," ant they must tell yeti that-the. fearful-tregedy "threaten - is; - ' - ial,'' was the assassination of Senators; the place - whe4 it :Was to be enacted, the ,Senate chamber; and the: - n' " hist ant of time" referred to, that moment hen a band ' °flawless men,, breaking over the barrier ofthatitt creel placii - , - Ctittsed it-to resmind with cries for:bloodi And for What Sod? Because the Sensate decided that -• - 'returns legally made, conferred upon thepeg.sons.o4. ;,1„,. ,4 '" turned; the right to seats in the f; Ittstance,ktultiatie • t hinie' who:contested' that:tights WerrAiettleeted thew :- privilege et:tieing lieartiOnt" weresrefeered tOthe pro... -per •hearing, - Willa': the ;constitution and thit , letvsf--v. -• ' Such at least, inedequatedniugh it be, was thefeeble. • ' apology Made forth° outrages widish have - beet de.. , ' • .Anv_othe:r z coursi - then - thatpurouse - d - Etr:tfieSeistatei., • and Plainly pointed out by. ie , constKution and the'. " : law; would obtiouSly lead to "detifusiontitey d ry open . .. •- ingoftliti`4isislatureoinitif escarps, made on the re.:' s'i --. prciictitatlyee-of the;:people ere to belustified-on thiwi. • maretVtine-free:gdWernmeut."..iiill noon be overthrown , __ _ in thectittesta which mitst-iirise'apon every itich - new ...: citsinks." ,• , ."-;:s;'s:f -•••- , " */- . ..: . :1:.".' • • -;'. ' 91 Intre'dWilt imnit•the teitiinorpfitkoisiguirkofthe4 ; I.Cglitaturo orthe Van Ilureq.4llity,not Iteesittie oat*, ~ testimony is intrinsically bet *r thimsthatofthentutor ‘..' respectable gentlemen, who luptelAkeidi giso-eil,- , 41,, , , , deuce of the sante gatiltut beeinselifere oeitoottitia;• - . 4 q' bees have so far forgotten wlitttrisilue,lii.rtruthAtii: r ;" - ..tice and propriety,'ills ' tii "olgit an 114ftrVeiip! , tt sth.. ',...,•,. freemen et theeonnitonireitith,"in-which,WaSiout'dd...,:!.: wing,-they to tortureandtperv.ert..titentrtitlk;Wittofti .. ;- ntslistuthoritil to - their* partizatielbr, sesertieg_ adiftE'' they now ile;that in . pate Cof . diiii, ~. unAttatilt: or's;riot- ....-: took pace. :-,, • -,,,-.-.--:- i!u - g 4 ;'.+:4; ,, p.:'. , .'- . ;'*'_ , ` - ,l:' - --: " 1- - - It. is hot surprising - gat SiMieWlio treet_tl - .ii TeatfUL --:- tragedy, threatetted*to be enacted ins the.Seastte theme ~, - bey by the"MnrderottOleset,” (if therepressiinitivo" ~, -\- of the people as it spiciindidentinitimitieat "Artie& -- s: who itostity it as the_pen*lraiter",ptopeclar.liM.,".;, dictation, based *Moo . popular littelligeppe.t l -and' • ..." who oharacteriae - die .illiturbirrice' •hi • question 'se-. •.. '., popular tumult :of "a. spirited and 'intelligent' pee: -. : ' pie," gentled to a ."disorderly expression Of feeling,!! , ' : should ouffer their testimony to mingle:in associated W.."„ .7.'• I/0111[y, Mittl•••tilitt , Alr_VlOL_WOilly IrUlietiollatif;llllo64ir • . Criblll'On,_4l 4;4'1'49 . isf)iii him strthe - cleclaratiotiodiet t Ls..: i for three' ~daye *we to, the,arrival, Of. . thel.roopicf - -ss ?'notoWit hi - Pentulylvania,eobld be moreijuieliolid:or..,:: l• derly thatiilarrishing!-";•Th'dsheritf,,to be anti.; cov.i."..i ''' era the whole time, but these - getitleniertso silent Illilf - s; .... to the two first dayi:of,tlition, • .31fete eyittendt . st_.,.._:____ i_ollthistappytrat tailityli:eindinedVith'e7tGree laSt .s•-• - day sof •thes, ;•s'Perhapo theitimitislon - Tnilithe;. - - be well suppliedliy ie tastimonrOf 'the "ainatenretk , - from the county of I iladelphia,who afterpartieirts . tilt intne_exhibition of "popular indignationilisest ' %Vets Itipidar ireiligenee," irtthe Sentitexhatdatijti: s' "-- 'this evening and night et the fourth,' fotactlin the,il u t oc,: . Aria , enmity,. through, the generous heipitality of,,th - e ...'. , ~ aforesaicl.sheritta_pitt* of repose. as welikilgiire;nl44,,,:. ;for the exercise of the , 'tile eat • sor"itelfoWence.H isenr'"• • . which they are.6/Ild to plesaillarlt sniflimpri s ki, ,tr., ..,.,:,__ 1 4 Z.t .,. -114, 1- s be wkoti Si - PerlsMe_stiftlititet•-•.. supplied by bv the ." Ittin dredslneithilittlelPlaist; • Leouttty, and the head-of whoissonsebking tclthe'teoti...• . many of-- . .l'sfr,-Flenniken;einee , al/ _- sirestins,Leiper•:-- that-same-slbingstredas OttnelOtet . 2"7 . . . Ol the Cnmoslitee. of. Safety ? - Doekd would unite with_Sherillteelmin irillie"atteits on? . Odle order mar quiet whiclireignsull o th a t mo a t 0r ,,,„„ , derly town, lincrtsburg,frotn thettme when . this Leer.: islature should have munmeitieditsseesofini„ • -.... - Ilut I appeal to. all'eandid snen.fa• say whether Oita . ' ' I:Millinery video of :evidence would net Aisctedit At. ' - testitnowv of men, whp hr their own showing,. stand, .. . courietell of `4o l OlOinuiir . otn,of eauddr in, the Main - , ••!. treametion ? lithe:v. ao cleseribethe sisenes of truer ' _ , thty,the •Ith. of Ihmember, as to preyert, if not to slip .:-: ' : - press the truth entirely ,bow eon aoy - eoldidenee hero , - • ow, it. their....representatiOn' - oValutfloci d e s ..iftiewerdo durtng-thettanteireek - ? ------7 • • •' ' ' : Hitt whatare thmsfacts ?' I hayeileulyreenuntedtheit' • ' ' incidentroof Tnesilay,sthe fmrthof..podombee,-,,,j,,, e t.-,......,---,- : me now - inytiV your attention ,to the proof 'that the' . : , ' ' 'Lego trollies of dritintinatr_age4ort-ther-venilikof .that • - "- -, yi - 1 --- ftihri - el 7 fiiielaiinettAt t d perfeeted their orgini. ' • en ti on,.thes object • f a hi,rit • was to ordeals* and moutd., the legislature arca/416100 their_srlll,laml4that_tho;.-!,,A-1-,---•'-: 'did not abendon thiate „Ittlpiietter. ihnintetheir' plats ',., , i,, ' of operation's, tintillttWeswelltiS'eertitinecl that a body. ~ .T. -.-•,. ..... _ "Ilannisnotto, sth Detvlntb.v. "mlt tonAn's---r-;-Nw Actual fighting bus Yet ef ts' lti ze" m ddirrl'-'4 l l l eile"tifeeMerousteeesist,thent.; ''- ' taken placeat liarrisburg, hot how long it will remain' i Were 'on theirouirth,to, I .l."l.7f,ig l MT*, 9%4'0 's,...atl,ill ll r. ,s • 5.:,.. ' : '- I arrived thrice ~„ - , . ...•,..., - to, Cod Only knows. 7 lie people have entire posies sion of the Capitol. The .Senite cannot inee.t, DIM die : °TV hisn4llr. Tli•Oirn had'irittittutte,il liiii;titierit to:' . , seceding branch, or mtherthe frattitinal (or factional) 'the nob Ins the St i Onte . ihilliheti4llK. , llo,4OrCliektei.;; -. s!' trench of the House are not permitted to meet. • We , moved n. otliourionent of the Senate, 4 tnotion'whiels, .: ' 1: met Otis fiistorning,it ten o'clock, and trinsactril anni€ was relitiVed he the.mnis in terms .ofprofiote Vittlene e n., . • ~ business and. acijourncti untilto-morrovr . , but whether War-itch Mr' MA helonged tollt - ettemepitlitieldpirtjt- ' ' .'.',- i 'we ' will.. again be permitted to meet, is O.Strt;11 , 11 1 11); ..,:O'ltil thellity IVO: the exchiniation, ateempaniett Itic an- - - kl,doehtful; • •• . fs.- i . :,: . , ' • ' ' . Moth ? W:OS . 1101r flare you make such flirtation p.!•,.,,_ ilia , ;,. ~. ' "the ntilitiaencler the Governor's requisition are 4 , nej , tarrnient wee. bewrver, clecimalby die choir te.„ -: Min' on'theie marcli to tide plat:Wand' see expected to 'Tied. One efthe le:uteri °film popithocy, an of.s. - , ' • be here to...night some,end early intim min:ning °d ol l., -.. fire bolder efl tt lie • Gencrel GoVemen4Atheletnei ' ' , '''.' . ferl ie momeat, at, armed force .r9aches here., thrre., man chin had in -. the ninroinp waisted in., ititidoCtitir „ s will be ssollissioit' 'end 'bloodshed: ':'011-1 'deplorable = SpeaktT flt,pkb,sto The chair lir the IlOnse; apt; who .4 i 'condition of ciiiistelywed (:ommnnalitlth.' I Loire th: a.. then tolettaitker Cnimingllinithat he shoildFitever- "' afternoon_mad#: inyiltqat:-Nif , rts, itilll,l'.Woolotnittee scrim:Hitt be parinitted to ticcilPYle;s.,then ;honored .:• •t the oPPositielitii;ttratiV,the,peace anflorder of ins ,'nf. the INA s f (the- Semite, wit hitt/int* .44#01,sid e s,„. ..,,,. l c native State; ' 11'010 'broke of iiiMi s e very I:oint of ,telration,”wc, are:in!the milli of reiolhthitt. 14bodleaso ' hope'. - !have Vioftir,:as 1 FAIO st. , e) to look ' . . to but stlies ' aft yet," ailtire'ssiii the moliin a itralo, l l . teki t o i ne tji,,,:- • • ..., ' most fearful scenes tilbe'eMcteil,hereos i :s- .....c,, - • ';!,hrgitinitig t in Iteroncltisiew of Idtia Lftilol, the :Std:,, i : • "'What`trilreatlfal state of, things ye have real , hod, ,FliMitAto.'Meet. , ,im'the . soled. , eeetilittriii the .cettit,,,..., , ~, _ and alls:4ltitt on necount: of theltervetrie obstinacy' of • limise. . They met accordingly!-and werkagstinTati•T - 7if* --- the Stkeetary °tithe , Comindawealdi ' to - withlin lai iittrtlriA sivdli i• langur ke_ealetiliited flosprittroke- clittordec - 7 -------- tisOnist i jority:retiono in hie Possession h.tfm - the cotinty -,,.e i nti bitintialte4l-.7ley-werottclil to.rettiro:to'lhe'S - er - , - W - 777 --- 4,1- - r hi adelphiaFfronit - Mlrltraitiltes - 41 - 11Msta-y 'a i's.litiothets , no the , <thorrow to.,itimit A and "ettforte . ',l' tare. ' Had he preduaed both returns, no dillicultytheir tights,M;distrgard the Stawker's Jitdebanonee. .*. . ~•,. -would h ave occurre d; • -=,•••„---,- ' ' . end ifliet - ai. were, toiling the trearst froridida qeliale'' .0.,1 can write uo more at present. .... ~. : ~,. _ ;,. ~....-that titt.yi , lmuld place their liernic theneek oUtliet . s.'.'. , • . • . i. . • .:. ,--7 , - ,, r:sts-.7,--nyt-n 0 .,,,.64,1y;".. , :.. - .5 !. s' . - 's •, 1 , itsratu;r Tile sdenes whiels hod attreadttalten pleut.4 . . :',.... '. . s::s 1 . :',..: -...55. , ." '' ill. P. I , LENN/Ktl l / 4 1."1:5.' , showed a hat tip* . pride conceivedte.hetheiretetto, . • 1, i 1 ' . - ,•• - , s •- . .s,". .! -, :. .„, 4. .;-...i,and what tbey_mulet steal' td lie,ilitort etiper,Mians or b ~ •... ...• (... ' s:' , f 's ' ~. - ''s ""'"'-' from " " - s' '• - ''''''' ehrovin thettis.'i Those riOttowerethe orelitilatitton; ( ;'• . °The follOyiegPre extracts f r o m lett er °,(lrt e d liai n Of the 1 g Ulan; .e - tic . 1' ''' tth ' ' 'sell' d e ilt - 's . "•-:. ss: rishurg,Hedettibms;.,lB3B; i pedliolaetittitte-Waolng-.1 • ‘s t rg. Ir . l i . • t , e 'r.lp,P l CAYi '. t... 14.4 ., , if 0104 ~..: '; - .ton; Oahe.; With'iitairki ofektiltatifo, :'. ', ' ' :;.., ~ -''' 1 Il i k . vo na ":„ , , V 1 .,, 1 1 . 1 ) , 1 Z fi t 1 "„ ' t : ) i ii.l e u.° "!. , . t ,;9. `me e t :P.,1 .4 .1'1.....,• . i !.q'ho.;Eleuateittet MAN! aftertmou'Athresetect.elins r a f i t iik , i li t yt , ti ir li i.,,,...?" i • rr. 7 ,„;;.:.,, , ;, ;( ,.:: 6 .r ~. tt !...,.,,,,., - slid Wheit tlte PhihittelP,hte eteMlY'r et lttlho were I . ' l° l l 'Mit t 1 'i.o,?lvs---iist.,*lictr Glycol: of ij th . e i tarrepte l ef k u t.,•e i t li ct i lutlutry: •;;. ' i'il.Cfore‘ Anal action ,was h e ypoirk:tlicp,', mint ,delatte ? i !. I . i . .a '‘ ', toolcidace on ili'Pl'o4'6l:l6'Pe63fiats,iptvl,'lto=. :;: , '' ,. . , e.F.: . .z!p , T.ili'aiiiiur - ii;74221.1.,;;',:i.74'.:Zet:f1;: ' t . ia‘s,:etcp=e.r..l.l,`irw....7t7,'"7:l l to' 4,ge.,",'Zi' riiirr. for , *hii.ll rkti,4i. - ,o6tittittowmooa.irik /- ' ". t- r.••-Ittatts. ttonstito tulgosstentpent '4 ' ' ,A;(10tiljr•0 ci *Mit ~e. r • . ",, . , the county Senators, were . Metit l d. , Air. Ilrew`" dr- , '• t' - .• 1 --' ,• -, ' . ,-, _. , -, •.,.. - • •.,. ",• initial:of heisting endives refitiecl:- "The i Heitt%iivits i'tr,s, e ' w oss,‘llMP' ls l. ire.r-tert-fretoz-lue . ,fir,cretatyytLthei..4___,.._ '-itt Merrell *dog their i'lghtti; the Couidtutiotismil), , Y ) P"- I( ."TTithl:.Pta,m vi 4014, tfliith,Woie ilitgettri _- ~..:: .-. 1 , , __ ...__. - ._ , . L -.-.- •,. , he,pv Ills othetcotytioulo to''gm M. their ', 'O4, ly th rp - ' *, itoi t o c tsuiarpe e ' t"j9 ra, ri g t ; r o; t he ll ' l d s' : l l u Zl ini Ortit i 5771,, UR ' 7 ;1 1 k u jiili.71 : :' l libl"11-11(46.1) O n the'Se" ate-P - I .the fiAlewteßletitt' 5',.,.. s\ii.' - ' . isase, Stevens end Burrows,, the )B)4,ellat,cht w as -s erf" !Tord d oit -bPth.:T r opTiittgo!,. ,14,,..e ; ppoinetl, , c n e . 4 , k , , ~ . t smide.theirtacape out, of-the lied s^ Windoiriattiskwas . ;- . ; 6 ' °- 4 ° l'& 9111 ' 41 !!), rimtAlv fiiith'ittrei's rr. : thetitter '.,.., -- , the : Ic i a .„,, kair no t t h e nv, ,-, ',,,,,:.,:..,.„,,-,. ~,,...,-,, : eats to the Seditieeloonhi.riatid tad- eitirolykrat , sil t 5' 4 .„ , 17 , ._... , k 4 1 '; .!. ) ;,,A. , , , ,,,:. ......t..4,, , -. •.•:, - pateditt the Ontrageti there committed. ~,..' ..., . ••....:: • ~.,,,,,- ...,..f . Li 1 4 .11;1i itiOrilin*thelieSeilibl;lieiTit4M 1 e i g ht amo e t t 4s: . li t e mph of theSenatn, Chamber is thus 01ite4,64i..,,',-. i y,,,d;si,`'. citi)Emorefnume eo na thin roitAight,When they rt , sol- identiArd)citti the Meeting at the eourt house,i.;;,,,, t tirn , .•• ' '...isedi that they. wool, ..haws,tWe i ,richtsipeaccably.if enusetments esiablithrnent vf littro - visionlitt',?-,k -, ' ',they tiOuld,forefittsi i 4/tezt or . oak , ';;Ttt'ey then ',repair. , inentl l / 4 ,s,lts actors mad; graters ,werebtitto.,''''' ed to. The Catittol l :7t e Iheues.,sforc , the .meeting.of the . -s itmt 4 ,lPd - thi'rfitv„.'4ltlldviit4ifii ~. .„..., „ I .'4 o.l 4 tAw" * "' 1 Senate having errjyed, and ..14e;.".rittleitini.depute d .(n• ' same , the tal4thilr.Miet‘ 3 4ll , lo;'" act aaSiieidteri (for Peninae;thafiiieaker; it)os. afraij tiiiiiv inttswcylpstifieil,;:..Y tkoho*hhiss4 l ) appeared and „ftkriurstedithey iStil:4l4 ~ ,T t i s. : d m ii*iin4ll:l‘ , --' - 44 , 1441 1 P9rginig.:',' •'. - , , ..',',:w.i• ''.',:. ' ' l-2. '' - 1 idiuktlltiires• -- . - t i kiff" - I had scarcely withdraWn Until the window witasur-, -xourided by some seven or eight 'men, uttering, the most atrocious threats of vengeance. - Finding- thatl' had, eseaped,they cornatenced a pursuit, from 'which I was-fortunately•' •- sheltered ;by 'the darkness of the, Hight itatttha slutdowofone of thepabliebUildings. I Iliad' iithstined in the Chamber I em wellassur-• elltsat hitUffljtieuld have been shed, not 'my blood, "only; but that:Ad Many who would have, been prompt: 'protecting by. their natiural imptiliesto share in'the danger - of 'protecting fhnee Who, were the chief objecte of ruffian violence, I was aware dual. had no masts of resist= +lgen attack; and I. fat convinced that by yielding to -the advice-ormifrienditt would - save l'he - effusimrof • 'blood and monstrous coriiintiences„ and the .still more aggravated, disgrace which such a catastrophy would "have brought upon the e.o.untry.'....: • • The - magnitude And emnuttened.of the ,peril may be' inferred, not . merely from the' language of Mr: Rogers, (himself a Van Buren =IN) but from the, descrOption. given of the - scenes-at Ilarrisbaft by mem.; hers of the legistatureOf the same' party,:liefire the idea was _conceived of giving toillem a new character, It is but fair to presume that the advice of Mr. Rogers' ; was dictated by a strong; contdotiou'of esistifigdanger... That he entertained such an opihion is apparnt from the fact, Visit he afterwards declared, in the-presence -Of q mutusd friehd, that he had saved me and others by :advising that we should leave the Chamber, and _moreover authorized ttuit fiend to make such a rum. 7 munication to me. . -- — Another,: Senator _of _thesaine;partY,' - Chester, iildressed it letter to a - friend in West Chest er, lie gave it as hisdfdelitierattiopinicif,”•thaf "if Stevens, Burrowes mid PenrosehailllS, :escapo by a hack window; they Wonld'haie been ntur tiered the spot."- _ Other letters descriptive of-the outrages which which oe eerred at Harrisburg during the first week oldie set- Sion, from the pen of Mr..Ffenniken,i'Member. of the House of Representatives, and also of the Vail Biiren. party, addressed to his friends in Fayette - coinitv, have el noel' einnmennedwritingthisaddress,been . published at the former place. A like effusion was published in she Globe, obviouslremanatinfroin a member of the legislature,andof thesame part . . These Productions are eqMilly strong With thatof ensitorßell, and I hare _no_doutit that the correspondence of the members of that party; if it should ever see the light, -would dis close many others of -a similar character,and enough tifshow that these were never exceeded .in - atrocity . ; that they Assailed the independentr, and were designed to control the free action of thel,eos lature; that ruffians wereemployed toeffect that objeet ; and that if was designed to , nsurder tneznbera on the spot," for resisting-the will of the mob. That you rimy:he - enabled to Judge for yoursehirs, I subMit to you such of these letters ashore been already. Pub l' l l i i ll e jfe fol . lO . wing are eta - from . letters written by R. P. Piarfiviicatt, of the House of Representatives, to _ his friends in Fayette connty.i • - . . -.- . .. . • . :.• - HARRISBURG, December 4. _ . "Leiper came hero on .Sundarat the head of one hundred men. from Philadelphia county; five 'hundred more are ckpeuted from Adatni Intl Franklin." . 9_lt is expected the opposition will bring in men too." • - _ _'!llophins was -cnnducted to - the chair by meri - Ao weitld have Inirled Cunningham headlong - from thi seat lie desecrated, if he had refused to'yield it. Here the _galleries rung with the most treixiendotts shouts cif applause." •• • 4 1 four n Pennaylvanin-Legislature wilinever. meeti again until the close of a revolution.” - - • • "lliieTewpteri, Decenibj: 5: .7 .. "We are in the midst of a revolution-e , worse.t.han' my- fears ever realized." • • "I - haveitpprehensiiins _that- before to"-MOrsitair thoilood of our fellow citizens will flow in -this tol, and in the streets of Ilarriehtirg." • --"The members are-arming - themselves with Aves - P ,- ons-of death." , • _ .4 fear, the daya - of Penrose, Burrower and Stevens are numbered." • • - - • "The people have possession of the Hall of I..egisla.l tion." . • "Hiamissono, .51A December. are doubtless here in the midst of a (earful revoltition,• Tlieiown of 'Har risburg. is 'crowded with the Most excited population beyond all control. They yesterday , drove out the Senate. Th e • Governor' h as, it, is ;Mid, i;sued Ida peNdamation for five thousand milithi. in housatulbefOre-night-thisLtlayi—l-fear-Ma _blood-will-flow-frerly-in-this devoted place, -- (extener relating tiphis family excluded.) 'I have labored un til I can scarcely stand, to preient that state of things, -but all In vain. - ITear the days - OrStesens, Burrowcs and Penrose are numbered. • Yourv,trulv, • R. P. FLENNIKEN nuavr 131111MatitZe Irteta4 l acr-ViZe Saw ~... ,'•, * 4 . ,t '!.': - F, 9 1 ':47 4 41iZZ.;::.:,,, , 1 4 ',., ,Amarationw otoho , 4 " . .°,7-'44lcll* ii#ol' :',' '',., t i-, l b. : ~,...,3 f,, .-..) ~;, . . ' ' I . " ':''''' :,•'h27, 4,--;,1 , 21... t , .. 1 / 4 (I.OIA .00Vor , .) ', '•P '`!. ' "": I ' ,l ' ,•,, 3', , V; i' R. - . . , __ l- - ~.- , , ,` :', 1,07,41cit,",", ' 1 - 1 - 117;) i''"A 0 1" , ". -- 7 ,,,, . 4,.. ~ e- '.41._„. , %:.,,;,„,,, :110,4e0b)itil1411r, : Fign. , o,p446 l aleti*llii.kiiii77 1,4,1 , 4. 1 ;•ps oriVil-,,'llislSihtAilmOkor,,visistElAw•P44l) .k..;' , ''A ? , / ee Nii;fit4ttiliiifitta thsk N I cu r Ihe tt,e,itlytst lAEINII.'?.4I offiorlitharnei Amt itteyt<plitrel"i't IkePwbia r nrl4o, ~,,t;,.4 4 , iolvik 191,1igi,-Evyqii6k, , ankttdmitlOiroll,,..„. , v d t;! , , lit ea./in:lna crest or.tile cetttn, tut Arm nlik eis: ;,,, 1 . , ,,, , * Nwit the et erlertreliW, treelth °tilt tidOk ' • .‘,• " , ;',,y.,611 —•. , • .. i . ;,-..-,-1, -,,,..-egti: