tlls • . . • • • • . • = ~-4•_• r • ;' .; All nations,f rein theremotestirws;• hitiedisid ships (hiliiimbirvenlyfforind , nut 'the v‘iii•ito 'America. f,,,Apfoyd.ttie thne,of the great Spanish navigator, Pee - phi were 'Only enabled , to paddle , about the shores. , Just so..with the Life. Medicines,. . Itis.but two years ' Since I firif ienthred upon an ' nknown 'Ocean; and. 'I • have discovered..tile preci'ous- . object / vas in search :Vegetable niedieines -were indeed know.n - ;wheir.l commenced, my. search; but their use was :.Bathe ti Se ; Of them, I have not ; only, passed '' "Mini:the dejected' the:hale; heartyrind 'tiVa ji nn of business, hut, Comparativelyspeakingil .:renew,44 my youth. limn" Mils; with confidence in :raybwri 'eperience, advise. With .mv fellow-citizens. DOes the retitler iinnepioof that-the VEGETABLE f—LIFF,NEDWINP areztatitablei'M his own-case ? I have 011' file at, my office, 546 - llreidiVay, hundredi of letters,from Some of the most respeetable Citizens • of testimo n y : :0.016. vi r tues .. of 4,0001? V.FGPiTABLE ....Ahrsotis_whotte . constitution have, been nearly ruin= „ the mineral :preparations . of thelllay, will - hear me witness; that the Life Media , 'ernes; and such only, are the true cou,rse,to perroa, nentgo4 health. . . . . _ ..__.. ‘GENERADTIF.MARKS RELATIVE TO MOl 7 - . • , .PAT'S PIM .PILLS E 4 PHCENIX•DITTERS.. .•,,,; . These medicines beim long been'ktiown andappre _._elated, roi. their, extraordinary. find iipmediete pow ,. ers - cif. - feliteringlfflifeet - tfflaltlicto - persons. - mi ffe ri a g. . , , under. nearly every. kind•of disease to Which the'hu lean frame is liable. . ' ~ -, - •.• . . . In,Many hundreds of certified instances, they have even rescued 'Eufffirers from the very ;verge of , nu' un-. -; timely,grave„,after al • the deceptive nostrums of the ' • day had utterly 'failed ; and to many thousands they .'- • have'perninnently Secured that uniferm enjoyment of , health, withbut Which life itifelriabut. a partial blea --, s ing,. So grMt,indeed has their efficacy invariably , 'and - infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less thab Miraculous to those who Welt unticqeainted - with the,. beautiful . philosephicial • principles upon • which they are compounded, and upon -which they core! ~,,,, ; momently nct. It was to their manifest and senSible :. • action .io:purifYing the springs and channels - of life, • nnd enduing them with renewed tone and vigor;that theywerelndebted foFtheir name, which was bestow `' ed upon them it•the.spontatiemis request efiavern • • individualtiwhoselives theybad obviously saved: .„- • - Tproprietor" rejoices iii the opportunity afibrd '. • eil--hy_the , universal diffusionrcif the daily press, for .-. placing his VEGETABLE. I;IFE ' PILLS within • • _the knowledge and, eieh bf every lifflividnal biAlie: conutibeity.'. • Unlike the-limit of 'pernicious - quaeke-, -:-- ries,..which - boast. of -14 , mtable ingredients, the Life ' - Pillsere.sotety.weretabre, atid - rocintaih 'neither Mer _... :Miry, Antiniony,Arsenie, inn , . apy other mineral; in --- anyforia whatever.: They are entirely eoinposed of extends from rarenifflijowerfulplants, the virtues of 'Which,lhough. }Mfg known to several Indiait trilieff e i • sod recently to some eminent pbarfflaceutical client- - . istiV,:;•to ',altogether Otiknown to the ignorant pretend el, tWintiedical science; nnd were,ileirer-berfore_ad sniiiinterain s,o happily efficacioes a combination. . ..ri - The:first. operntion 'is' to loosen the coats - of the.. .;-'-etentilnkiobowels,•the various impurities and cru t•-,-ilitietbixttett(htl3k.settling _around them;-and:to re; .' °L; ;;liens facds.which collect in " the ctinvul ;-.•,,-; ; liens ,40h Of ' ntestines. Oilier meicines par ". =il,•tiaillfalealik‘ ' Indleave-suple tollected= masses ling, : . ..beMinl . itc to? *,., ... f i r , mbitual 'costiveness, with al: - 1; '• ,rife ITI - tosz.k .t . i -.den diarrieseti, with its immil. l it -;-. ent - , 410, A1 , '' . well known to all egela siitsto V 4i . ,` ` - a' - i 7ag . 11,b liumen-bciwels after -. oletivxi-• !"...!'i • fifhiiirelifflice - , - of these well informed - , •'',.siteit...againtiV,VgoE'l._,AßLE LIFE ;PILLS , is to •i . •:4 , ,,eleilose:Ahii , t kidnivt"Misdi.,,the bladder , end 'LTA's •-••• .":k.f.,ititicati‘thiliiiii atitt.thei - liffig&the healihfulaction of , .:” . •;:valich,entirelr de ends upon the reg,idarity of Biel ';'...,,ioeinaiy'ergiutti.` - • 0 blood ; which takes its red . . :: • ' forfrpm theegene •Aj`the liver and the lungkbefore ---;.--;ii--ittpitaabainfolhiließqbeing thus purified by them; •-:"..,::„e„tillnourishelllif.,l4".l.ectroing from a clean stomach . coursesfreely,tbmikko veins, renews every par.. - . • !. of: the, stem,; trimMilliaritly mount s the harmer i ; ' ,. . hi liesilthlu,the7hloo,liiiMieek.. ~ . • - • :-::•••,,-.The,folleitot litliittkatiMie distr . essing variety of --7-91fit-talltiAlat*o;tko•irl464lPO Vegetable Life Pi a .....k--,ii4Vollitiiii*n to-b e '' - 'Mks:—.______ ,;(7DyspKtiaggAitihisithglity cleansing: - the -first - iiill 'ifeiOndCstilmaeleip;tOd erecting a flow - of pure, " . Mtl ,ealthY blle,inateerLOOlie, stale and acrid kind I— „ffiatabepoi,:pulpitaelfinAttihe_heiut, Lose of Appe •• ';;.,lltelEltiSirt-thirniand .Thild-aehe,...Restlefisoess, 111. . '-, temper ', AnxietriAMigoor, and Melancholy, which ,?;"Ar9,ol,fienerel, smite 'nis of Dyspepsia, will vanish • _ ' .as s alMlitral-OtimmOuse of •its cure. costiveness, ~ ',;;;btOralobling',4laiiittsolari6gili of the intestines with :.`7.:,,ifikOttglltAlroo6llli .1!,q4:., Without' vielence ; . all violent '.- ..,ftftgettlemile'Ae-',lfiowels costive within two day,s. .. ".. - :'Attarrhint, i4stS,Atera, by removing the sharp acrid ..: l'iliiiile' by . .xyliiti*.these complaints •are Occasionded • .`...'„' `land Ity,.prdMetitig the übricative secretion of • the . - -,. mustius ilk's. - • .11 - tenon - of all kinds, - by restor • cess of,perspirsition in seine cases, and the through . ... • . solution of. all intestinal obstructions in other& The •' ' LIFE PILLS have been known to inure Rhemnatism permanently in. three weeks, and Goul in half that time,by removing locatinfiamstion Ilona the muscles amid ligaments of the joints. Dropsiea of all kinds, : by freeing and strengthening the kidneys. and • bled • der; they operate most delightfully on these impor . taut organs, and hence have elver been' round a eer tain remedy for' the worst eases of Gravel. Also _.--..-----'--1- W orms „-by_ffialtidging_fram_ffleturnings - of the bow els the•sliiny matter to - which these creatures adhere"- . Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air ves sels of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight colds_will occasion, which if not removed becomes • hardened;lind - produces those dreadful diseases. ' 'Scurvy, Ulcers, and inveterate sores, by the Pert feet -- : ---,--purity--,whieh--theite Lit Pi a 'gisetio_the blood, and aly.Oie homers”, Said:mile Eruptions, and bad coin ,. • : plexion% l i e their 'alternatlie erect upon-the .fluids that -feed the . skin, the morbid state of which occa sions all Fienptivei complaint; ,Sallow,, Claudl, and other disagreeable Complesioatk- - The use of these Pills for a veryallifittime - , will effect - au entireeure :.--_,..-......ref,Selt.B.lietem,_.Erysipeles,l, and a striking improve __ . - meat in . the Clearness or theakiii. - ' Communion Colds - ' 'afid letluonsta, - will Alivii - yilie - tifreil - by - ope - dose; or by two, even in the worst eases. Piles,'—as a romo 'Ay for' this Most distressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills 'deserve it . diatipet arid emphatic • reeommendatiors.. Ills well known to hurffireds is -- -- this city, : that the Proprietor of , these invaluable Pile ' • ,Was Itimmlf afflicted with thefm . m . plaint for upwardi ' ••:, of "flirty-Ara yeeire, and ho tried in vain every run .. •: cap prescribed within the whole compass of tho Me lt.* Medici..;,lle however, at length, tried the med - 'eine which ' he noir offers to the public, and.tie was '_. *-- - 'ifiii•Editrirvery-short-ritne,. after his. recovery had beeu pronounced, not MAY improbable, butAbsolUte- -- ly- iinpOssible by. an human meatis.-1 - ,. ..I.` , . . DIRECTIONS FOR. USE I -The Projwieter of • • • thb•YreettOfe via Pillidove not follow theliase and mercenary practise of the musekeof;the day, in'tidvl- ' , , sing persons le take his Pills in large quantities. •''No good:ingdiciiie can4voniblylie-80-:l7CqUirek--These pills are to be' takenfit bed time every night,' for .1; ,week or fOrtniglic ii tiOrding - to - the - Aisease. -- . - The. --------,--asual-dose Of . them b itters is half a wino glisi(ful.; , in water or Wine, and this qnautity maylie.takeitlwo ' • s ire threetimeatiday,ahout Nam" hourbeferomeals, •or a less quantity may be take's at - all' times:, "To . tlio,se who. are,afilieted with indigestion-after .mealti, • . ' - these bitters will proms invaluable, as they very great !. • . 1 jogcasethe; action - tif the prince al v iscera, help e neto-perforertheir 2 -fliriiitiontirand , enabl4 L theato -- ' •rnech so discharge into the bowelikwhate.yeris -; • sive. ;.„Thuaindigestion is easily and speedilYierno4 , fed, appetite restored, Mid, the mouths of 'ffle ablioif , . bent' vessels:being - cleansed,'nutrition is facilitated, • . and• strength•Aff.; body ande energy 'iif.; mind ;,sirethe •• happy results: , " -tor !further particulars 'tif 1140F:.' ' .'-'• , .1 1 '41;7$ LIFE. PILLS, tirIiCPUCENIX. :BITTERS, - . ,- epply; at Mw Nloffia offiee,4se;•l6 , l3rciadviity;New. • • ' Yerk;wheretheftille'ean. obtained 'for 25, ',cents, " ---- ';'';-fifteetititibr $1.,-Pee4Ox-'"-iandAle-BitteraTer lfiL:or. . ; l•ifigi-ner-ilhottlo4lolllumerons _;dertifun#o,!•mf : thq i*On4lofal ;eftliisoy,.of;.'llittliiantiy,liiitherg.intriot6d. ~.. . • . .•. In some obstinate , end complicated . mace of.chro- . nie4teliinflarilatkt Dlietimatisiii, LiveriantiAtiritiii • „ _ , ',VeYer.44l44.llgite-,,OyStiejksilii.Palsy,Pttes,:sq"Arioji. _ . from - the use of•meicum,timiiiine,'titul other'S&Orises -.• • , .o.riotiffatantlingilt Mar be fOund,' Ikeda: My. tiitake . ' ''''.lll„oth . the Liffi;eills lirift. 2 lNetilipittera, in I s the dotes - ` ..• ,-,e ,-• "0 017 )' ; 'yile (1 . '' • ' :•'• -.- . --. :2. • • •„', • ~,, ~ .', - . .....,.. a ; 0 4 ~, Btiand the Dittet4Will 'peat' nier. • ~.. , 4a i - 4 - ail, i,sif th 4i .„ ‘. .infiiiitety:ftietei thitilflje.litist ......'S..; '• Thdeheit,lie donate"' 'alid ide•a - eoitAit4'keiao = : . I's,•: 'iiiiOdispo4od - falotalit - othg`,"piigflTY! rer lat . 'itide?ft. __ . :_±.l::::''''*.tlietititeLife•Pillii'crilhoDlt - , / 614„t i , v 1,. 1 7,T a , ~,.• • 'tititie Willliave,lire:t be equalize .;,;- ,Oe.blood'is•b4 4 : 4l P:Prefre frAiiiiheiNeitidi - reeffia•t • ' ' Peroir oll "fi.. 4ol 4 . 11 ,4Mw'pir . .a . veli9iiiPiiiiV: , bY ' : PereaOr'Oe 5ki1i.1 ., .`.'.'... ..,. *,,,;. - : , ..,i.; , . t' ., .:' - thee''-`.. ..... ...' V9l7:!_o9, L ...Kilbe: , otoiwottir it aLtiox_i t .- ~, • .s,;: ~ , : . .JativatY. 1:14113391 ,5 4 , '" , i. , - , ...''k,..•;: . ; .;• ' ..„ „...1,.; Yi tiA'AILL , -." , i'..i ~' 77.."ja jiT,, . , ox4otccr ,- . "..'w , .- ''7- - V": , ~ , r 1,;...-", g , ~..,. At, theft now . stoic , in :11"Ineholosburt t ye,instre. nnivva Iv • littlo:atnynitncntifil.leksfigni;4l1 1 5 1 4n5, '' • )1010148134 i i- 0 7 ~.' ~, , , '-fiiiiiit i t itd, ~ ... r ., eileented, • ~.- ~,.„...,„:,,,,,, , ,-..34 ..- ~..„......„4 „ ,__,,, . 4T.,,. : ..,.. :; ,..,... L .-,,,, if-_-,, -.,-,,i4. 1 ..„..„,„‘,,r,,,y,.....„ 7 .,,,.,, ' irii i ' i ls A i • -.', ini-',:`..^" , ..f - ' ..t - .10, - autulvflesuAlev lUiligiLlf ir l i llt ~.. f C''.• -- ' '''' ~P " '•: ; ' '.',V , ', •,..y 1. '')fr , " ' ,I t ' • ;•' • 'EP ' ' illelrKP orouttfe . . 4'„..,, . :,, , • .lO ...„- NI ''-..,''':%' , "• :: 11: 3,, - : 7 ! . : ::::'.' ~ ' .. .-ilt ` 2 ::',‘ : ~: . ...'l ( '''''',l - 0 '"'"'". P`t '4 .-:-. ~.--( .:,•': .'' : ' ~• ~, ~ , _ ~,,,, ~,„T hii ~..,,,,,,, , ~,,:,....4,, , ,g, r fr*, 'A v • ~L ..7.r. -..- ~:','.,- ,L,7: ,- ;,',' , 't %,• -,., ^ `fi e ,7 ,r 4, ''l' ,i() • 8( i .,... ' ,°•'±',...'.i. , , ' 4. ' ' • , . ' ' ' t : ‘,s':":'::: '; '.2 ' • -,•:."....°,,,1 . c ~,.. ,'.....- 4 , 'i, ' 1. '.., ' ..,.. , - ', ''',!' :'''' ~ t ''` ,''"; '' ,' ~ 4,2.•' ' ? ~, s ' ,r ,` , ,,.: ~ •• . '..::-,l' . • „,,,... r , -i ; , , • , . . , , ~ , 1 , . ' - 'll r '' ' ' ' )'‘ ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' '' :'' 1 ''' ' ' '..l . 1 6 1 4 OF HER , ASSETTS . 4 , 2‘ .. 1 P tialance 4 tirtreenzea , nd;outstandtng .. _ , ~..., , ~,., .. ..,. ~ , .;,,•,, ~, ~ , . . , „ ~. , ~, ~,,,,,,, , ...__,.. l*. A. ( 1 : i ,.: .7 „ , "9 . , I _ '-' 'lrr:::t4:llE . : _ , P,' ' , xl :_ i . __ . s' 'T.tiN . _ G -,74D . kiiiT' DENS: 'O ii irr - i 4. 01 0" tc.otHwil AN,D.- T ili . E.. 4-P l : ° ;P., ,:i-. .. 2 ,. ,- .. , , :.,, - • . • A. ME WM MEE To'whOle;Amounfof small nOtisidsued at different ;times, I ' - ' ~ rfel4 due - F: - Waits, Or ,moner advanced forredemlitiiin of ~,.. small notes;' ' • ''' ' - , . • • Debt•due Carlisle'..l3ank,. '-,, - • - , 2500 00 'Balance m•favour of !Thomas Trunbie,Treasurer;... '• ' • ~ . 4 45,1- The account of Archibald .Ramsey., Treasurer of the Borough of Carlisle:in the year - 1837 , exhibiting - his receipts and expenditures. To balance against liimj on settlement,. April 7,;1837, Amount of taxes for the year 1838, (John .Reighter, Collector,) Proceeds oflian from CarliSle.l3ank, - • Cash received for Licenses to sell country produce, Proceeds of Hay ScaleS, i . - Stall rent on account of new Market House, TheSuna received on account of sales of_old market house, Cash for a_o4 lb.'weight, • , Stall rent from old Market house; Balaticp due, borough by -account on settlement with his adtpinistia:- tor, 24th'MpOlt, 1838, _ • . . . . . - •. - • , . N... 8; - .1C he:COncil of 1831 paid the Carlisle Bank two nottil, each on - e thenSarid' 'dollars,. but of .the proceeds of the - borough issues ; ,one of which notes Was, a loan b the Council 0f.1836; thb- other a lean_ byrtho Connell of .1837, on account of, ildni ' r. ,--.• - . , .1 - . .., - , .._ , •• . _ - - The account of Thomas 'Trimble treasurer of the : Borou g h of exhibiting-his Receipts and Expenditures since his appointnzent Dec. 1837. as the suceessor of Archibald Ramsey, Esq. deceased. To amount of taxes authorized to be collected for the year 11338, (John Peters collector,) • • To.amount of new borough notes received from 'President of Council fdr i redergption of old worn out notes, 'To amount of , money received from 'John Hays, administrator of A. —r4-tt-Treasurer,-on—aceoutit-of,balanen_due_from said Trea- amsey,- . surer on settlement, • To cash received from Sarah 13olander, Eliza Leyburn, John Sellers, Hanna Swim, James Ligget, and John Proctor, for licenses to keep provision—stores, , •• • _ . . To cash received from David 'James, Jacob Garver-and-Simon Shalley, • 6 oa . , for licenses for keeping oyster houses, 2 00 Cash from Isabella . Wormley for license for a provision 2 store, _Caildi_"iren; E. We ise fora'jicense for one year, • • . .- . 00 . To cash received from John Reichtet,late eolleetotiof borough-taxi-it— _op To cash' from Chief Burgess" Snodgrass forlicenses, &c " • 21 01 Cash from John Rcichter, late collector,,.• 43 00 A • . To cash received•froM . 1 T. D. Hamp ton for John Reichter; . 50 To cash received fey stallierit inMarket house from . John Kozer„ Thos. BrowN John , 'ffyrikoop, - John liaehr, George Heckman, Charles Murry, Janie' 'Hoffer; Samuel Gould, Samuel Shulenberger,-Johk Zeigler, and .11odzini Henderson, To cash received fro McClan balance against him on settlement inAhe spring,fl636; as street commissioner,' • h d . To cash received from M. Dipple, clerk of the market house, and keeper • balanee:against him'oe Settlement in the.spring_ . of . _ • •.• Cash from R.„Snodgrass, amount of judgment against Michael'Beltz i4loovlr • ' Tocaill received from M - ; - ';DI kite iii l Julf;lB3l3 . „'for weighing hays -- Do - -'-'--.-from-nohad-Mattliewslor choinfiloohl ~.; dun from , Chief Burgess ‘toilleenso ia-Budilay, Hopkins , :k' Co. for exhiliiiion; -. Cain fram loon Kissinger for stall rent;' '• ." (3Pkirr!).4t°nlPAloo6'fPlr:lo.llo 'Ochibitor ' ' ' Cash 1"/Ti.Burrui110eeire160;,,TC:641 to exhibit a ijo-.trijittrmkiri:dc=Banielfaritookso-n.ii 4- , 00 • •:•• • .*.")(. 00 Cash{o'okeo from iii4ioViiiaft;;4o6i . ihi . 'ni 4 oot#4 `keepser of - , MOnerrOpeived,,fF*Ptewri'Mso'citre-o*ecoiliit'dfti'ople of .oldii!aTliet . .`.P'l=43* 'e..k.40.* 6 4 . 6 ,, 4. 4 1.;. ; ; , .*(rit:ltt aft fin oo WI collected, : „.. • ';2'po a house;'. Cash received frOirfAilitniof';l43,Kiii4,•OhoilOis:Morfejrzleiiitaltrent,',q7 'l5 50 4aiktsiotle co; , fi r , s i:4 l t Pm1:4104,0x4et.,'W0404000-elPiri" ' ,- 2. 1772 .;53,..t • • . :; ' ,• : - ' . r ,;, 7:rt7:7-''-",- - ' 2- • • • - -,,,8410411 'Data:ripe ,r 1: ,• , •.* ' '1.04 BEE =I ES ME MENEM IMEI Ell MIN IN . s . / C =- C15,203.45= /4 EMI lEEE ! , ;4 ;;; ,„ ; ';;.`,.... i,,A.,iq,4.-.,b, r ?4. , : t.: ; .....AlNrii.s