Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, April 10, 1839, Image 4
M+{y;tFHu;.h~•7:4l'tiJsi~r:ri:t:~~:3;_, • , r{ r MOM 11 Fir • iljt P lll 4 / 4 /11 7 e 1 E; ' $ 44,1 • 13 ° THE Butmoiiber offers. at private aale ,die ( h ollowing 'Valuable real estate(' •';•. - . . . • No. 1. :or ta es t one 17.i%nii7eliaie EicizmediFto -- tvnahiPT , Curnberhual —l4B ACIVEg;STIRICT_2III3EASIII:t hgood.LOg.llnusnandHarrlL good,t_ . l . ronardy. well-- of water and Other '' • _No. 2. A. ablefa kiii*tte d . Tres, Pennsborongls,toWnsliip, on the east of INdm's Tavern the great western tororkepasainzthol'iloof,"enntaining 180' ACRES ;,;DICIIIE_.'reIt.LESSi of good Limestone land, a good Log•llouse, Orch ard and. O'Velitrifii7O*Eliyen:tis. , WO: s fe'.l far* of firii. rateiLiincstdne Land, eontaloing" • • • .15a AertE4lmeirtE , (111 - t; ' ltrWe,alpennshOringli township, .ais• .sywitg , ( that in'- eomparalile stkarn .of Limesto n e water, always ••the same andaniihi freezidg, riot err inflerl , by,sa try npriltg in ifliir4.lolo*-Otntert) paosing on the western nme,, , rtn. 7 .• The imiii*ein,enPlare prop orti qn.of cleared land, an Clrebaid,wfirst rote • • •• • . rt,o-171ZIA^G 0.1 L, L, • - •Xhomq- "Algid; Rim Coofier ~FhopVe.',nll nearly new entroftbe firAt mkt.. prokrty is two and - half Milea sbuthof - Ille ;Valley Rail, Road, at the Newcille depot; ainl 'Ltd& h cait 'very, Itatteing indubeineots to' egiifnlist:r. •"••.No. rinnda.,Willhe sold as theTropertv of the late • 'William M'Candllsh, dee'd. and No 5 ty ofj,lui,subsarilier Big spring, Marcli • Examiner mid Herald, will publish the abode biX wet-kis, itntrelhirge • a-itti-Bp--porr ~ F.s 7..zp.; , p_ - ::- - -: - : 7— :' , :. -- t - ;‘,8EED$' - , '..-':-• - :THE subser64;:#:olrer roik:snle INliolesele and Re aARDEN-SEEDS. Of. thei.e !own 'taking; war ranted fresh, ninl of the gest quality. Ifinliorted:p7exidt IVIANOO.I.IID'WEIR:TZEL.BtET, -12:ASZ, , • SEMS. • Alm, -Fruit Ornagtental trecs - , Shruliery, ,FLOVit r -g4171 71 . of.t'very description, Curtin, Seeds put in papers Ly ithe,huault.ed (ltzen, for country storckccpcili. All ortlera punctually atteatilril . • . MAUSSAY, • Seedamen,Xo..s Squill sth st.,Pliihzdiqphia. March IS, 113:19.m. • • - - ..._ .. ... 7--7i- - . , 42421 -1 --:-... 7 vrAßrovN-..5.y,-spo.p.s; • • T.HAVE. just received from Mr. Landreth; an eN -- letisiveasSortment of-Garden Seeds, consisting of :Asparagus. , • . . • Beet-Long Red, F.tiEly-Turnip, - French Snipe. • - --Beons7--Long-Pod, -Red -Valentino,-China,-White Itedhig;Cranberryi Carolida„Linm. • • . Borocc . .le Kale: • • , Cabbage--Early: Ynik, Early ,Sugarlisafy I.irge York, Drumhead, Flat Dutch, iced Dutch, Curled Su . CoirotOrange, Early - 1101m. • _ - , Glicumber--=Long Crerl, - En,rly Fame. Ce/ery 7 .-White Solid, Red Solid. • Croff-= - Fine Cuidetl: • • • • egg Pktit-.-Losig.rurple. •-• .„ .......r:4o4Nre_.oarly Curled, Creeri Cos,Earli Cabbage, Brown. D utch. Aldon--31rater, Nutmeg, Citron; Araztturtriim.4-Okra. • • Onion—Silvet: Skin Red Annnal,.l..nrge.Yellmr: Parstek—Parsto—Fiiie Sugar. ..Peaa.---Extra Early, Early Frame, Early Charlton., Murreqrfatillyarf Marrowfut, Blue Imperial. ..Pepper—Large.Sweet • . - Radiebes—LongSaltripii,LimgSiariet; WhileTtu.- Op, Red Turnip, Yellow Turnip.. Rhubarb—:-Salsajle. • . • Wiac4---Rcapil Savoy, Maly Seeded. Squash-Early Thud), Long Green. , rurmYr--;EarlY Flat, Red Topped, Yellow Sweed ish. Pot Herbs: =MMIE *FLOUR. AND _PEED STORE. The subscriber resieway informs his friends and • , the public in geneid, that he has opened a ' ' .Store,tit his old standacorner4:Lontlier and 'Bed , ford) where he ridmids . ki;epinr.,,. mi l e; ;n e w an d • " Rye Flour, 11 the bqrrel or tinnily, quant ity, Boa ---wheat-aml-Gern-snecarelop-and4froce,., Oats; rill which he iritendS keeping o,onstantly on hand, and hopes to receirt.: a share of pat `.,roage. • * • He has also on hand••a feW blisliels' of VirtiKG WHE.437- FOR SEED, - -which he offers fi'r Sae: , - , • L_• .10111 i •PROCIh , • , Carlisle.,January .02d, 10'977 . • . _S. He still continues to carry on the - SniVEli, PLATING • 11118 constantly on '11:914 . i:good Assortment of . plated - saddlery, • such as ti . STIRRUPS, mounting, - and 'C'onali • work. • Pistil - IT for conclrmakerii done in' the befit . numnerand with dispatch.-- - • • J. Y. NOWICE; • Take notice.tluit we baye applied to theJ Odgei of die . Court of Common Pleas of Cumberhuutreomuy for the .. benefit of thelinsolvent Laws,-and the Court - has sp-• . pointed the 211 Monilny.of Apri},mukt, for the hearing of us And otmereditdo St Carlisle o .'when and where ..: yptumay attenti if you tiiink properi, .4 ;:• .• - - . _ : „. • • ~..JOHN I.l*.Wl3Al.i.dkr, . 1 • ...• • JOSEPII • • , ADRAIIAMBILLIIq.:S, • .• • JACOB. SEIG.• • •CiiiiisleiMarpli 13 1839. Dliqcqn,-,deceasefl• XTOTTen beraytiverl7, that of -Adminis,tion -on tile-estate of 41-71fiain=1/7inron;laitii - OSnuthamptaktOiVillalip;CUrnherlaild county, decd:, .„,have this day been issued to the ,ialßseriber . wito re v.) 'idea in the - said township Of .Southainpton. All.per= A2TOI - having or,demands against the estats'of the attid decedent; are requested to make known. the ' sitrnit — ivin those' whO are indebted to.l /%frTelk 13;1839 —,15:6i,t. -.SILK :DIMING & SCOURING: THE siitditillier 4 , l gratifol pa is efavo'r s, respect irtilly:inforinstikeyublia, thathe has again commons 4.PtI the above butmeas, in All .itplvarions„branninm; in thw-borouglx..,ef Adellinniesburii where he will be • . pleased receive all Work entrusteAto i bis care_ 1, Persons wishing work done nEe infornii4l`thai ns lieretoTOWitll"afit * elekleft.,4.,"tiftfore Mr, .lohn. ' IL Weaver, % in 'Hide will he for , - r.waedet Eitt them ofi".theilarne terns as ;flea' htlds '' • WILLIAM ' LES; •• • , , Meeliailiesbitrg, March 11;484 . . -• • if Ito al 11011 S.. CMS:PMI'S APirti .SITOESI et•IIIII-11Kaubtariber; desiivuiv or thaposint of bfit pre tlirieat staelt-oCHATS AND •SHIVA; 'ZiffeEitriem t'fatltreatlYriactved prites.(qt , oft he al)ove'itoak'aillAba add at ; ;; f • L ' " ''"••••• otoacrye. vy . 7 ' -Marah:l3; 1839. t - • •-•!' • 1; 1 I 5 7; gktVE.iuo ,ittreVi,f9r4l,;,Azp, (oity of .Philade - .f. .uhio' witli, , se.. orp. ;arid '`generur , aseortmeni or .• qTB.k.',o.l4 o Poroeps -i l i ell*s..Pl:fr ',l rk . ~...,-, kik:ocrOs., epso, 34,oroks,*,n1,1:q , 141 , ns' 1 . 4 '7" bed final kin . ',...*J09)17 , 011..X ,6 ', 5 . 01 •fri , V1CAP. V!. die 1"..." .• - 'toe dozen tiC,l 4 elol',l,n Sdiitli'lliviiowr,ptrectbi . _ •. . 1 - ' ' CkARLEA . Y . BA,INITZ: t., -..— • Moro; 0 1880, ••• ''i - • - . . a EMS =U • 'COMMISSION ;1144Af WA/ ,%; "ri t • . _ Crimber!and Comity,,licnAlegkeh • the' Treat end of nigh Street,' directly' Opposite Dickinwn College, where, they ran; at all times Re-: ceive and ForwardAlercliandize and Produce . . 621) V TAIL MD VA 1ATE2121.1 .. . , ' liming placed CARS on the road which wilLrun 'regularly between CarlishnuarliilittlciPhii4bY4llielli. GOODS ANDvitopucti.: of all- descriptions will bc-forweelled with'eare-atidAlespatch. - • ••. -GOODS will ltercinilied at the Warebouse of JO : : SEI:1•1 S. LEWISOr: lk C9.,..cornitir -of•IIrond. and , Vine Stree6,VillifeNtliiiiit, mid eat4fliiiiili-th CAIW LISLE, CHANIREILSBURIGi and all. interrifediate ... ~,...,,. - places; . • • . -- , ~ . . .. „ N. ..B. They -.*ill.;;lntrchaie : Grain,l.llour, and eouidry Produce, and keep 'constantly on hank and or sale Coal; Plastir kind - " ~ • .. - JAMES FIVER Mil _Fortvegrding_ eruct Conunission 1 fiorse, ; • c all /Li TIM o 'HAVE taken that large 'and commodious WARE IIOUSE, lately erected 6n the Canal and Ran -hoad s below the foot of Chestnut street, Ilairislairg, where their arrangements are such thatthey-,enn at all times forward produce and inerehandize with •preniptnesk and :despatob,lo the folio - Wing, • • "-s. eolarz , " bia, Carliaer-Chiimberdurgi . "d - rd 1 internteilkite . - They have lately entered, into arranp,-einOnts .as t.e., enable them to scud 11111' produce or goods by way o• 1.12 - 0 Petitisy/vatibv - Cania And :Colimilda;flailroadi-ta firikos - elimr,ed.*by - pther conilaudes running on the Union canal, thus gaming three. days hi time, -.and delivering goods in Prowl street, avoiding the usual expense of laulling, from the - • • THEY WILL lilifllliMJl:SF. Grain, Flour, and ouotry produce of every it-peril:6on, and keep boil.: antly on 11111111 COlll, plaster, fish and salt for safe. A pri 183 8.--tf. . -1,„ S. ,ELLIO:1"1.: —ALFA:: v. . Alinimptralor. ,a. ..:;L':or. K'lh:d+','.E:.+y`i~oi+'X?~*f,7'".r+ob'['.th7&.ti:Y"--4;~i`?~~.i4Ca;'K'o`R'_:ts'%~rTC':'"~:: ~3't_ .. _.. . - - erectedo Ware .1101.188 oit tte r, - . - -...Lz,:,:EA70,4.ip,.: - ii,:: di M A PLMA1:k:, 4 4 . ,,-°::::, - ; r.p5:311 l.ti.t and till intermediate places. PitoDucu a_caLzalissioli • • txtit,..{7 6 . a IASI& • VA:4I I I42IECTSM I. . _ . • - • Br owl- &reit,- Philadelphia,' TT respecttidlyjnforni4Alie:cititeas' of Franklin and Citiriberland eismities, that_lte.has opened a WAREHOUSE iii Broad Street, next - doOr lame Broad street Hotel, for the Sale of all kinds of Cpuntyy Prisduce;mitli'espeetfully solicits consign. - - From'his general iterpinitfil - 110., iknowiedge bit. - sioessi and the exereiite of his best efforts to promote the interest Of Ida customers, Ill! flatiersiliimsell that lie will be able to render general s tislitetion.• .• .I.a COB _BERLIN. _ • REVERENCES: , Philip Berlin, Chambersliarg.. ' 111ithen;--11sq.-61 et - • Gee. Tv ifinies, Esq. • urg.. • Sweyer, Estp, Newville. .• • ' • " Carlisle* /4: - ../11:.itiendeisop;Es4. , lacob . -.Rupp, - Esq.. • Geo. FIT: Layng i .Esl. - . • Harris burg.. Craig, yelias,'and GENBg:AL COMMISSION AND _M la. PORWARDING . MERCHANTS, .Aros.,3 4 Central Bloelc, Broad St. Bliiladelfiliia. Ave' prepared to reCcii.c and circa snles of nily Pro duce., Provisions, or Merchandise, which may he en. wasted to their cla:itte. Liberal - Advances will be made, when required, uutil;sulys, ace .elfected.. All goods to be 'forwarded by Rail RCA or Cautd, debt:haul West, will receive iipil.W.i tri n .. . . . ' rb:l36et i lem ino- . t V"lei*°Pd&Vraig, •tmuel.Snlytl, -- • Pla/adegil u' a. WmArhompson RC3., - - • ,-• .t. Johnston /4. 'Tingley, • ' Samuel llisplatm, •. • . ' . ~ J.,Logan Smith, Esq. cashier, • .13a4-id - Clianibeysbitrgrl'ii. . Kivig & Holmes " • - L- 7 --- 7 1--..-------:-,-: King !TR igity-W4k4164501i, 1 -p it . v i nf .,4,7____.._ '.l” ae 0 Inn 8r.,. Cells.% . .„ .. 7- 7 . ' •' Atwomi,Jones ti... -1 ;ot' _ ' .• , ~. - - Edward G. Fail. , &Co..' . • - .. Sterling, Wade e? Beebe, . A1 4 0 .- r0 ,, A .,.. • • „ 1 Samuel M'Allister el Co. t,...yilliam Crooke Ef?. Co. , • : • •-,/, • it--i'l:oiltiee-lett.:Ati-the-Warelmuses-of_litimr_ 111/iXt.elisle; Owen M'Cabe, I larrWmpg c or.Eys- Raz B =o., ClumbersbUrg, toe us, / shall receive •mt :Meath,. ..., .. / t . l l i.ukiliillin,l'ke. 10, 1858.—Gny.' , .. • Eiiii2 Whoa ter, 1 prom Ilk 4. Orew Zirtii of Freight Cars, ./YeacazauttAuilaritzwvaa t' , • TO :PHILADELPHIA. • . l III: s . yberiber,graieful for vast fovws, rcispedfui= acquaiia, his frieuidi anittlic publiic - Gatileittat'puir, ;Int.o93fieraition On the. MEM ..M;40 : 1 1.1 %; 1 000J ' n line of new 1)OUBLE CARS, whicheivill run•reva;, -larly between Ilarrisberkand Yhiladel his ; by whioh Goods and Produce of nil deacripitina will be forivar- Actiiith care and despatch, ati ; the _Wriest rates of freight; r • ; quoits will be received at the - Wareltoase - of J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of llread ;and, Vine , Welds Philadelphia, and forwaidMVltiy•Harriihiirg;tl Chambersburg, and intermediate:Cphicief‘ ky . the Subscriber. Ilarrininurg, Feb. 1839. . ; •.' • • . iIt.rTISII,S ALT AND'LASTEli;Cimitantlfii paid for almost all-kiwis of country pr - 41110;.... - " L',1;:11 '1: ~L=.4 • • • • L , Dition,cri".:-C'oyartstea'shiP.' ..aulia6:,lll7s;_tradii)k_under_the firma...WO: li:'l:7?llTtlinytAtiOtWiditisolipti:! q oipadnerl Iterelik notify. till persona itulelot,TLl.,,t? pn id 4t eciine` .forward and;, make payment; and ;tin) • haste' claims to preientakeht .befotettib' ,first(. yof 2tipril ultit, - tir, their. retmeetive ikteonnts, put into the hands of iliroper.-bermu_cor J.. • , , • b,A.NIFL ERB, ' QTAliiihrtnleysborg, February 25, 1899. GOODS.: , ..:`STEW - E- --- S.'• ; :'4llist an assortment of new style 'Londlin .rento,,Ribbons, Cassimers, Bonnets; Bilks, now aching vc.y cheap at die stOre of ' , . . • CLIABLES7OCAI& TI Ech 1 9 18S9. •' • o,tyr liTiisollattmtn;) yury a most I,3olendid rntlaiiiene w ufa slay al itellei,iladiete:uail aye 0 e"..11, . And Or • '; .k' - ' , t• • ^ ' 'IV le VICO-TV ,may.' X -1111 - 714- af% , ' cif - , IMMIEMEN litttq,oirppsiteCli,stkr t lYpinufT:tory , obtitiPueet.o dar. 1 1 0 9 1 ,0 I %ti : , B Inaking. atshiessy ' i u. ol its %grime) brancheo. 'He has Leidy fdrnished Ittmself with a new bed splendid HEARSE, &c. to apennunotlate all those who may tarot. him • with a call. lie _retnrns,ltitt sincere thatt4 to ids' frittiitl'ilirillicitheonieits•for :the liberdl'eliblitiettticifielit liestqwed him.; qfttroolieltit.ittleptifintlitaee'br their patronage. -Ile flatters himselfthat by strict atten, 'tiOttlo,dntsiqesitn}ba' } disposition merit and rectd,Ve a share 'of public. iddroiwir. ' • ---N,41. , -Oldt-&.Two-Jonritaymthcalitbinet lipqral.twages Au iipprentiee )vill, learn ihe.Above basuress, if 'Well rdebiardeiniell.. : '':(.4ODPREID.:II2O G. 7 " T? .11 .712.:.711111:TCr.M . .13:11"Z . - - lA* TITU 71 , • No 66 South 4111:areci. PHILADELPIII A. ' -C . /11 E 17 , kt L $2505900." Open daily for the transaction of lininess from 9, A 'Dept:site's of money'receiCed, for Which the follow ing-yate of Interest will be allowed: I year - - 6 per cent. pet' nll2llllll. 6 3" , ' • 4., ,ig - 11-basi n lss-depositos;:tw-bd:4lrawa-rtt-theidmsnre_ of thr-deposilot, no—allowed ' la rot.- 'r(iti. Nines of ecry part of t he, U States receivesLaS Special:l/Tr:site:i c on tte' terms as may- be agreed on in each particular case. • • By order of 'the Board, -:1. --- Pldladelphia - ; MCAT,' LAAV, rNoTtcg. J.' REED, being, relieved froth the duties'•of his late office as Judge, propbseato.resuthe the liv't•artice of 114atu, • •at-gatiiiife,Pentisylsitnia.":* • •" • He teridet•s his'serviees. to ..41:LL wfio may think it their. interest: to •••• • • ' (ilea liouse,,upposlie the Colley,e. tamptis. acid lie_liopf4s to he able, to•bestow. upon it mare un littel•riiptethittebtioit.-- • • •••• • •••••• - Carlisle;4 7 ebeithey er; 1859.--;;-Gw. 4 • • , • ••••., .D.R...1.:.C., -1" 400111L5,-. ._'•-.1 .._._ -.. ... • - • I/octal/sr— • ..• - INT DS resillilig :perrnattently in Carlisle", still . would respecthilly offer. hisTirofeskicinal services to the citizens of tit(' place and yieituty. .. ' .:,.':' - lle has taken rooms at Colonel Ferree's Hotel,. 'where he mayite round at all hours. ;... • . l'ivscingreque . sting, it 'will b.-waited upon :tt, their residences. . . . , - ,-- •.' (D it. C r.onn 11 n.:14)171„ . ic r, • litference,—.) Rex. Tiiiis, C. Tnont.:rox.- . )_l)tt DANtn. NI - Am , : - • - - ltre7lo-ILESaide • • • • • - 111A,NUFACTORY - AND sTortm OF . inn= ELLA Si tte.-; PAR A SOLS. .57, North Third Sheet; between .711arl el Er; .Ireh ' Streets, Phi - • • TlTE'subkrlbersin.:g leave to state that they hare on hand; and' now offer f'or sale, at their store, whirge - had general assortnieut of • • WI T ZT.2 I I.I. 102:1114 1 00 iiiiite . htrelloaj, and' wiirrant;iil to be equal in. material null workmanship, to Mrc Man nfitetnred in this city. Thc. : palrourtge of cm:RI-Inc .111ERCIIAN'PS is thereford . respeitftillys9livited. _ . FISHER St: SWAIN. Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1819.-3ns. • I • • • . • ... . The Plaster 'Mill etu Conodog,nitiet creek ' e mile . north of Carlisle, is in order to grind any qn6ittity, on the shoilest notice, and on the usual tering: There is-a-quantity of Plaster, for sag., at the mill, where plaster will always he kep4:7itly ground--It will be disposed of at Carlisle pm , cipter fttr, cash, or in exchange for 5.141(0, loeitglimber, maple ti ni her, black oakbarli,spattish or 6ck oakbark. grain - Zs:Al, • S 4 1 / ' P.X., i;;11211. • ' 'CARLISLE, Afarc,h, ft 41:09.. ; OA: RARK.: tlKAhlte'srpriee ( — rfir 7 lll2.Rffc'T - AVIN.I IIARK either' delivered tit cave mills, one milt north I of Catlisle,or jaffely piled up pnvwhere within I n ; It must be Ott up. dry, face from mould , Ruff of _good 'color°-,tinii he avllaceured from wet-4f the rossisaiiared - ply tt fair price foe:the-work, roul 1)01 the bark 25. buy:Apanitiltran&yoOkna 1 16 0 z—S-1 40 d, At,laitteripV.littbs, Olotirmakprsstuff;' stuff for cabinet Arniikra,'and other . trifrueff stuffi - nre - itlivtlys onbrind. -Apply-nt theinillsor to ; • • „ • • . ' SA,MIXL ALEXAXDER. Carlisle, Mor'eh d;'issp. • . •• -7-7 OTICEV:7 - TO' BRIDGE 'BUILDERS _ • - The Coinmissioners of Cumberland county; will re ceive proposals at the houde of John • Cornman, imi keeper? in die borough of Citilisle mi Friday the 1201 of r April next; betweennifie O'clock:ln the forenoon & two o'clock in the afternoon ? for the erection of a good and. substantial Wooden. Bridge ricrosi ;the Conodo guinet creek - at the place where the State - road front Lend isbiug to Carlisfe„ by way,•of Wegener's Gap, ercisSes,inid creek; iti‘the Township of North Ikt iddle ton•ofthefollowing dimensions, to wit:. To contain in len;tltfrom 9nc abutment to -the other . iOCE feet, and Iti teel:Wide totlo Clear; die alinfineotEitobe ahout ten feet thick enact& Mere if'remdretl In • a- Splaying di iretction-oyilkttregnhig- slope, - ,nrt tpilie,eleven- feet _high - franglio bottom-of: die -creek,-from t witence woOden arili i>j t.ti ho'iterted - tmittfrixtend - across -said- Creek.freininneabutifient tbthe!Other, if , practicablelf, iiot;there shallbe two. spans 09,q f e et long, each sup ported on Ood and substanti4 stone, abunneuts and pier; the floor to.ho.tlohbleflooredWithtivo inch plank the uppertbiirbak - and thelower pinei.the' aides and I. gable eodsitetbeinfficiently high tontlniit_ omered and . hay wagonsta piss utrenglt : the same, my i twelve and. n-half feet-in theelear;lo claselt „Weatiterboarded and-painted rill"; thewholti to lit , well roofed with good White shingles;. work to pe. w e n secure!" with iron holts,rently eyes, From., 'the hack cirtliolibMirient 'the 'filling - dhalit consist of , eartkand'atoitinanilio l be well aupyirted:With rising walls three feet 100! £l.lP9Te..o.filititg on,encht side, & to, ottend in,that manner on ttte , t.*o exlintne, sides pP 'the - bridge 'the`filliii,g and Walling . :dhall meet the road, witlretraSeentand descent:riot exceeding five idcgreo eleration front the, reedit° Mid :bridge ; the wood work tobe-builtoraminilandsubibiptiaktimber; • the stone wOrkefifirga' good , stone, lihie and' sand mortan !welt peitineLl ,ThgertYMoOtratitieetei give •li seettriV-es,the commissioners mayremure for the . Atithillt,performatice of theworkship, mulperma ueWey of • '-'!' .71101p - 45Mb tebe , accoMpaniedwith ta, Plan, Should 4iette!Oli,tl l 9 Itt.'9 t rls 111 '1°k: 010 1 ftl ) ,Preut i on o f t i l e ' eontmissitumes. my will, on the, sain 'day, between Mound five O'clOoklid, the , afteritoon; itpos'e' the said %ridge to laddie sale, sell theasmolfe_the ()West_ andbeat,bidder.fl l :l,.r - 4 ' • • ittl‘itS • i: , :;:‘,".;,...;itoBT . ,ef.•sTERIIETT, • - JOIINI,CORN.MAN; Commiaßionera.?• ERIE 41 t:(A241i4aint. , • Attest—Jonrr i. tari!alq, rdhich 5,-183g • BAR MON.FOR SALE ! , Heimmered liar lAL3Trin fbr Bak at D'ickinaon , Forge. prices, at H. 1010eNyail ltosd Wareltou: . .•• • Oatobei 17, 1838.- EczrvEp . and,,Colokriwater,br.::-, • . CHAO. • BARNTrZ MIME M. to 3., P. M •.••;"'"1 - • , Wosk•- ) 1 ;:0 2V , Ihrfenrg_ll47„4loi7At.`-.4.. 1 4 4 0 ft' ifir s --V-0 1. AO A 1 ri-ifitnY,••• • , tudi ." Aro Ea? ;,9 SEVEN. PRIZES OF • slogioy.Acti. vi t elivigiu k Aropuliiitit.tiffilnittitl.44,ltesheink itflOttAi t A ddie, that (hiring the months of March amt April a brillant galaxy of Prizes will be drawn, nx r.etletlitWh'v Oritre,itlmiL'obe series . yh'offered . ... The liber;T'patronnges:afforiled. by the ptiblio to this well known eTliablishinent; von does it an imperative , duty to spnroyeither trouble expense to disseminate the really important itn'orm itnntiot Amp,. cmye m )...dents lhroubhbut Tiers;.the IJiiujtil`b + ta{ s and Ili .9 9 .,rospectfully urge it . tqki.tion to, the schenies• iiow•plifeed before 'Stem ; mid let there be no lielay in forwarding orclet•s,:whiell'vill:receit'e: imtfiedinte.nud pnnettil t attention, • • . It becomes ot:ec . :ssark to. caution our correspon- dente tq be particoliii• rind:D.ll4mm • • I . ..yro catvert.4l. opposite Bitritttneo l lfatel. -311213:11110T0 SCHEME. • 0 0011 S - 2 5- 0 0 01: ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. ron;iteilutl improvement?, in the District of cloluin . bia. -Class 839. • To be posit i ye! c (Ira tlic City NI exun thin ,on i t -of-A nci1,1839. 5 -nt- 3107c10 ek, _P. AL - A 1 VS. Olt EGO Y Unrkr the Soperintt;nelance of Comousaioneiv. ' 1111111.1.1 ANT 11'211t:11E. 1. CI $BO,OOO. 'is $Bl,OOO Prize of . • 25,000 •IS :25,000 1 , 410_ '2N)OO IS ( 20;000 1 410 15,000 'is 15,004 1 •do .•• • 10,000 .is • 10,000 1 . .(10'. • 9,000 is. 9,000 . • JlO : 0g . ,0 0 0 :is • 8,000 1 • (lo •z• . 7,500 is • - .7.,500 1 ' sdo - , '""7,016 is 7,016 f:P r y..rizes of. ", 5,000 . 4 1( OW' 5 (10 - :12,000. nre- . 1'2,000. ~ 500;•;•••.Cic•,. • 7 . 2,500 2.100 : are 40,0')0.1 1.5b'1 arc 1. - 30,1100 .: arc • . - 30,000 - .. 750 • arc .• .37,500 66,500 250 arc 16,450 • :eOO are 15,000 150 are 9,750 .100 ire • (),500 KO ai•c 5,300 - • ( 10 " are . 7 igoo 50 are • 14A 00 . 40 179,.400 • '2.0 540,600 ' 4 " • do 20 .do _ 50 • do • 50_ do - 115 - •dO _ • do • - 65 b 5 !Ic 65 do . ' SO do 4485. do , 27019•• • .do • . • - . at2;soP ' lll . ll/..5111 11,1 t1r1e1,r, to - .$1,2i7,211i Tirketic V 24), halves t;Rii qua.l3) rter,eiglitlis; ( 4 A,eritilicate - nfixtekuftes - bolt , Tidivts iu ages ofilAls:es, Quarters anti Eighths in pl'ippition,.. Add rAls3 _ • E I ilve;tjst. oppot:ite Hotri, Ball. • • ENC:I IA NI) PitlZ! Fl IC No. t?Q3 . 4.-Ci I LT, PI I I S. pc: P To tlle tTarle'rs. of !lie. Carlisle Herald Es' The ininiencec :Thais ccultai,nr.l in the - subjoined - Seltentront4=t cnnintanti iho attention recvery person desirous to securest' I.NDPIIT,.Ni)7...,.NT.FoIi,TV.SA, .hesitate -not the r l.4 . -wo to'senil „a,'l .oFiler fur, 'Tickets, irithout delay. Enclose Cade pitnr,thof pityinerit in this crt‘:,- Neir York,"or 1 inithoure, for the tickets or certiticate'Of psCkake,s,yott toot- re- , 01111 urge your friends sod to the same.. Remember that the '‘olhonkjDotains tili- - -cirSrilsof - nno -, :tittLifiX -- of '1)°1 - 1-Allicilie most lt rilliant:schetne'eceplirsArtritt - the - / yti ited ' States. Yours, .'" M'IN.TYI2P., .9:lll,oi•ized.9grot to th .11intagers ME , - EliAudi:amity/66 Co n g . ress t MAY:3IOIPa SCIIE'I3IEI - aap 17'.H,. rielz.l; s • . 1 SS° ,0001 . . $25,000 , 11 $ 20;000 ! !: $ 15,00.0: Al MX ANiNtIA ,LOl - 11.11tY, Class No. 2, to he oattively,dinekii• in Alio city:of :Alexandigai.l):.C . ...on Satnethty the 26th of April, 1359, at S o'eipck, I'. M. • I).S. Gregory Sr. Co. Suceessors to Yates tc 3leln tvri,' Managers. George Mclntyre, 20.3 Chesnut s, ti t(ect,ghilAelphia, autberized Agent for the sale of /ticked and payment of priies, to whom all orders are requested. to he Addressed. - •- TIIIS :iI'I.ENOII.) scrimin CONTAINS • ._.l Capital l'rie.of $30.000 , is Fio,ooo ' " 2.5,000 . 1 - " . 20,000 " . • 20,006 1. t 5,000 • " , -15,000 1 , EC • / 11,001 . . / 10,000 I " .., - . : 9,1101) ‘.‘ ,:, 9,030 • 1 " • 8,4 V)0 4 ./ 8,000 .. . 1 '" . . . T. 500 , ~.: • ' 7,0110 1 , " , 7,016 / ". 7%000 :, 0 Pri7., , , , _, li._ .5 ,',l($lA" ' arc 11) 0110 111 .50 ' " -50 " 133 " 65 • • • •,65 • 115 - --- • • • 65; - • . - •13. " I".i3Q •• ‘i 4485 , • •, 27440' " • 3'2,306 PRIZES,LAfi, m ES, aounting to . , • "$ . 1,217;219 78 Number LOitero—l3 Drawn Millais: ": • - Whole ticket.s ; s26 7 -If r alres slo.:—Quarters $5--- Eights $2,50. A certificafecif '26 Whole Tickets 'in tim grand sebeine‘ , Will- be • sent f0i.,5'27.0;• 26 Half tickets for $135; '26 Quarter Tickets for $6B; '26 Eighths for $3l. All orders wilkumet with the Trost prompt atte6- lion, and will be'confidentitilly eiccuted•by ' GEORGE McINTVRE, , • 204 . .(.o"The official:drairings•will•LeseiTinpurchrsers as 50011 as . • Mar& 27, 1839: 1 L4d, ' •' • •• • Rich rind S:pllendidot ery._ . . __C - A - P I T_A L P_ R I Z_WS .-- , ._ '''' : r -L $ 4 B .000. , ' p ,000:'.52 ,000:2'$15,000:1! 42' .1 ' 0 Alexandria .Lottery, , 'biash No. 2 fo'r 1839. ' .- 1 TO be (yn rd Alexandria, Alexandria, D. C..positively on Sat 4 twday, 20th April, 1839. ' MAGNIFICEN'r PRIZES. ~,,, ,'1 Splend „ ld Prize of $BO,OOO ) 1, Prize of 25,000 °, 4 ' 1 ~ ' do. , , ' A 20,000 , - i I'''do . . 15,000 , ', -.1. d0. . 10,000 , .t. r .4' 1 _ do. ~ OMXII 1 do. 8,000 ' ' i 1 de. _. 77. 4 : 1 0 ~-. 1 ' 49. ~ 7,010 - 2 Pritisofr ' ' i , 5,000 ... , .ar do. , 4,000 . 4 do. _ 3 .000 5 (1 .4:A I,‘ ' ' , '‘, ' 2,0 0 5, • '• t O 2O • do. 1,500 0 50 do. -----,. 1,000 f, 50• do. , .yso :, 1.13 - do• .ic!' 't iii._, , .. , -4' •-- AA fiOR _ • Besides Prizes, of $250 ; 200 ; 'lso'l'loo ;80;60 pi , A „..„ A AA . A ., 50 ; 40:1t)ld Loirest'Prize $20.. It..r, r ,, :1 , . • --• t• "t' T. , ' 41. 0 L 1 1 , : , 7 1 ` , c&W Antr• -- • 1 t, 4 - 03-Drat/In Nurinbers op! 04,78., , , , ... ' ' I ' ", ' ' ' , llr -, ilfoliiiif Ji-111 ,-., Tickto ly $2O, halt es $lO, quarters $5, eighths 250 • . • _Yers ,, ltz 1 , ~ Certi cat Bof Packages of 26 Whole Tickets $960. ,,, , t " r tighislif, iv en d, yth ervi e im bue ; t iik - oci 6 / -,7 4/o , , do „, 26 Half do 130 _ 32 5 ° 's several branch s. .1. -, ire4ined,tlte, duties Of ',lllB4lr9fSiSion, and-will O va` V do • 26 Quarter do 65 A . v e lis god mole& attentiOntio the' iiiiiitiee Of ; its _1) 0 ..2 do _ 26 Eighthh, do _Ate- Orderafor 71'cloeto and Shares or certificates of 'i e - cizrils office is itt -the stone !vane adjoining ;lUD Packngeo in the, above Splendid Schemes will re- Drug Store and one door from the Post Office. / . seive the most prompt attention, and those who order I Carlisle, 'Feb. 27, 1.839.-3 m. , --- ', order fronrus, may rely mion havitikthe drawing sent _1 ,„) t .„ . , ~ , • , , them , immediately afterituuntr. Send ortiers_earll—AlP ARDEll:seeditiu?li tl;eii. vdrietv (among which bud address ' ur is the choicest octimber kinds - ) a small lot of 1 ' I ,l' D. S. GREGORY & CO. Manager,i, flowed seeds to be had at the store of • A'A '-, -- ; Washington CityAVG, . ~':•, : 4, _•AOHN GRAY, Ageni. I Corn*. !.grit b,1839. ' , k .Mardi 6; 1839. ___ ' . dl . ' Tr iVtlalrx — ; - .. A.A.'ppN ' iiii,2•l4l.4erfircfifigi,i6' ji.igt:i,;e.i ,, : - ..11 front tIM Fast, ' * -* I Atte ~variky• of , Garden Seeds, consi,liag. in part,pf the following, Which will lie sold at Very lOW prices. • • _". - • • . . , _Jis_a..—E'arlz Yellow 43: weeks 'Beans. Red Mar i; , viiii:Wrigfe or"ElMilidiulfroti2ront,;•,,WAitt.i-illar ' vfatUlikantilt,_ _, o.o l A* l 44l"affi A`lict ritic 1 ) Linta, llortictilttirlil ofif - Ei . ~.IcetB . — L on q Blood, Turnip, Early Yellow. . c ...• ::tTfiffiig .—Larly York, Dwarf or Paris, Early *Yci.k.:atiitl (arrest, Early Bullocks I leart;Emily_Sii gar Loaf, rum Head, Red Duteli,Dreeit Cutlet' SA ., ..i rhtit.-:"on,?, Mr,' 1. 0 1 0 i../," • . CuctemberB.---Early 'luster:L:l)k' Fratite, Long Cr e e l ' t P 7).-- k - i l i l n r l. l " ;ita Sti . l - i - d ;Rose COl s or . e v ii • , Solid line, Turnip itootea. . . . . Egg '1"1ant....--IVitite Ornamented; Purple Oval Fine. . . . , -..., „./.:etp44,.zr.:,_EiStyly Eurlp.,(l;LettMe ; Imp:ilia], Sitgrr ': 7 oe//i,')/Y. 4 . :;141iffne,t, , , ,J..iiii, 7 VUilduef.eaiitefope, Water: . •- };,,:' ii" , •••-" • Onions.,--Yellow Skinpe'd,..Red, ,T4trgtt, . White, Stritw, Coltm;(l,., -* ".; •' ' ' '' ' ' • '. , .• '',.• '''Pdr.sia-P--'-Dttrleatri'DO'idilr';Piirslev-Dwarf Curl - Era • ed. - - . . . Pen.l.---narly ihener--nr •liii A1T0. , .. rettS, -Early Frame, Van . Stared - wild, illile'linperial.--- . •., .. 1 Peppee Grass..--4;:tysviii,,._,_ . • . • ." . ... Ratlig/em.--rEarly Scarlet,Sillnion, Rose Cploro(l f •White. Turnip, liltlyk F . :panisit. -• 1 ..* I?lotherb Plive.—Vvgettible . Ortor or Salsatie; 6'qutish. , --Early I,ltialt, Sunnattir CrOokneck, Win ter Crooktii:t.k. . -, - • • • . • • -•-7.6hidi,d.-•-I:nrAc-Tittli.:l.Lrße,-Yelto W.:— _..._- • ' ' l ' w rfliPM...--Ilarly Fla l, Large White, -Large i'li - 4 glish. • •.. " Ilerlm:.--Thymi . , Sweet Marjory, Sularner Savoi•j - , La'render, §age, Itosei4lnre. • . ' , ''''' • , , - 1041\,J:- - .NIVER S . I ; 4. c . 0.._ . -Carlinle, Marelr 19,1839. ...4.1•,, .' • - ._. 1211110 " P2PO ) )') 44 .11,10.) " 50,110.), " 3/ 003 " 66,50 J 4.:1410 /•;.',500' 1,50•1 1,000 • . 750. 500 250 . • " .16;250 . 200 150 " 9, 75 0 100• . 6,500 mom ZO a. ' 40 '2O " 7,800 " 0,600 " 179,40 Q " 50,800 •- 711171)iiii-Eiinn—inr-Fourselve Marble nil. anufabtory• 'EEL LtY • • TARES This thethod of informing his friends nod . the puldie generidly,thnt -he still continues to eatery on; at: Old in East High street, Carlisle, the menufneture of -••-• • . •-- .. • V4.71,1,)a1atiT5,710 YO7 l ' l ' Sion es d ;4 7 Eqo - 510,e5 . ,: ,S , c. where be Anfi - -nt RII ihnes 6c randy to sopply'cu,..: toincrnnt the ',shortest notice ancron tin. most Itccom, 'nod:ding terms.' Ilach* employed Mr.11 . 476/0! R.' Canino of thisiborougli, Agent foi.-the:Ale a.? the above menticined artaclen, order,,ifilrnighed hy him - will he—also nli ()niers licretopre given for work ure now re:Ailo be Plied up. . • Carlisle, Unroll 27,1830.' • • diBchniged-,Toilx li.vrrynts from my employ; :111, pelf:cons indolited Ict'-7'antb;Slynv , s; ~.:). /, _Mew/ - are eau, tioneiLagninst,--noying hini any.".ritoney. - for :the :Sallie, 'os tile rec6pt thl.reof Aiqll: not be neknowl , (b-ril by me... . - • .1.--N. ill..publisll the 'above 3 tin - K . 3111111 C11111:ge this oilier.• . -77 00 - 17-_Ai.:rit-t , ........ . _ - ill iN V_ A I .1.3A1 .I.':', tiefireptv satiate at the earner of .11V,01 nail Pitt- striats ' lir the Loroti!!;11 of C:lrlisle, late the I,reprrty of John AV ifson, deeensed. The lint is 110 feet fOll nn 114 ,, 11 street, "and 440 foot deep On Pitt street, running; nnrol- to Dickinson 'Alley. liiere tire cW - erected itann.thiisproperty a 'fiVir_Stnry -1414.),NM •, 1.4,..i. ; - I lOTTSE,7viqta stove Kitchen; 1 : ' A ir i # it two Story 1311ICK,HOUSF,,with,sev , . I , i n 1 r rill, ehripsr; 'The lot is well 0110 Iv a -ell; i? l ' ~ • e;-4 / . . "-k. contain n;; II so nrietv '0 Ifr itit tre e9,Titere is a net ec - failing N% ell .or uxur,llNit watr i tlic yfird. ilds.prriperty heiiiit situated directly in font or flio Valhi' Will -I.liail; at-ilie pint where the, ears stab, it"offers n most eligilil,e:srite - for a Store in this borough.: Uossc,•ssion Own on- the ISt day of A pril next. . _,. JOHN NOPA..t. & CO. Carliale;llarell 5,:1&D., ..,/ : ~. : , . Canna- and .I,;ond 'Trans • . • _ AV , EAVER AND AVINCi. purchased Bostick's decked 'BIM of Union Canal liunt. ,aiid built a laitea n iniber of new railroad ears, arc lolly priliared to carry freight from Phillidelphia to lllllTlsburgcCarliiie, Newville, Sltippenglium, Clitimberstintl.;, and all - intermediate places, as well us up the 'Susquehanna and Juniata canals ; either by canal o' 1.01 mil. i Their boats Will lerivn tiM Warehouse of ilarradan ! E,r Ilays;Vine street wharf, Schuylki l'foiladelphia. daily; and the cars. will also ',tart (lolly Wont slue ,:truitenisenfalos, Js, Conlin Brand aLoce Race St.. 111.11•11•111.11T1.1.1•111 . Philadelphia, wheroluerchato , ...._ goods will please call. They. also , continue t9.r5..4.iye.nt. their Nljurchous( i llutforultr(l - tritlr:thelitur4 - 4feippatelt,ull 4 lui4. l 4.oruit oirreight to Ray on the public imprOioffents. Harrisburg, March 13, 1839. Dissohltitist?ot rinlttpOsittp. TIM Partaersbip of Saddle and llarness making, hexetoforeexiiting under the: firm of Ditildson and! Kennedy, is' thii day dissolved 'by mutual consent. rserarbtivinglairas.:lolast 'lnfirm will *Pre - - selit. diem- ,immediatelyforiseltlemetit; And all thoSe who are indebted to the'firrtiivill cone forward:and nuke payment! on .!ir before Ate., 151,' ;day of .401 next, or their itecinials.pill be placed in the' :hands ofttu_aillir for nollehtion. • . •• '' JAIVIESNIS T KPY: New tille arelt 120; 1 1 /199. , - - • -7 , : Tile business willhe curried an at the same I place as, usual 'hy the..suberlbbr. A young man of good and'a good workman woaltlineet with consta*Aypris, by applying to . • JAMES KENNEDY. • March $7,11.8:39.=3t. • • STRAY . . . E. tc! thei4atation , of the subscriber, Fast 7 peansborougli, township; some- ti in'Sejitet'aber lase,' a - dark: • • . Britedli; Steer, • • ,••• With wpiee.e.sitipetroitt ottife_antl6r.SitlO,oi l tikright' - ear; with lon g horns C xftttding-forwsr.ds.--Thete was. a broad scar ot) ltis.hip Wh . op his itair.was sliort„ Ho isaboat 3' yeiirri b1(1:'1 Tlie to'ciarpe forwartli prove . pro,perty,laty, sharps and take•itim away, otherwise lie- will lie ,`ray, of, as 'OM law •••- • - ROBERT YOUNG: 7411artli - '27;18317 - • • • - , • (•• • !', 6 : CAPITAL *6,009000. rit North 'America .CotnlntitY : o i,PititadelPhhikhr6tiglrAeir -agency, in' , catlisle , ,- ,Cputinue. Init,ire(in kinds of pro erty again:o4 tbeyisk' 'of FIRE; all' tislfolO;/foitabho ' titteatcref, /lercitancfi# o ,:cfcat,gieir',/ , ,ily:CEs , rntett.q.!prenitiurn.: ,7 The whole expense oftriisuransl.oooith of • Pfo4. perty only cost front $41.0 ss4ePenahig-',upon, its. sitnation,.. and all policies cad' he - renewed. m • *Wield! theleiliettso tahlitroultfe'.of ietid.ig.trpthVelty. • Application to be made eitherin persoa or byletter • -","' :1 0 - I M;4'l,MO it %' I carlitre,TUA7. . - - 11 ..• . • , • ••• , • to #i4:l6* . if Aftke , ) •-'l")l4 4 4Mitilirgel4o l34, Mtir - : • 2,44 ;1411111111t0-19,M'..; ' * l'-7-:-.ho,useiln-4.hublii'dkiii;h.of-Gbify§t4itg, int =I'LL flay 11.1114,9filffiik/PVTEOP"iIIir, 0041,y al at' situate, in Metlaileais(7ivimibli,, , iiiiara:;iounty, known by . the naive 'et" d , reeft6orr , `.3l.lllV:'i L'=' . ll'll6 Farm-ec!n- Wm , NIIVErir ACME'S, TQFd-, • • , . . 'rite'improvcrftentitare:—.:i. •,• • .' , Ifisrgew&ivotiveniettt • •-• 4 DirA'L,LtAtalfoe;S ; E, - " I „, v9 ,g.,b K 7notalAling and other otit7-I;ouses,-a4k.kitAkt ' •P: k7 ,o ..1 4 - 211 ;;.1.# 1 4'1 5fil i v c i V AY1 : settienieo. OpiktiOtt'ui Arc(q t ,ii. - 4,•lo F dt, of.tent...9rthcf • •21 ACRES' OF , WOODLAND, situate I. 3 ;l:mid thiii a:shori . distaiigepf the aboit'OefWribeityiot?da•ty.'•i , . ' .• • • lri'''rlietee'rns•tiliiolt tivql,6 , ,,'eti . the -day 'oC sole:'%liy calling upon Ni„eClellat4 Esq. GtAt.,liebttrg, • further tutor mathin:wilFbe •,1 ' , et • ' • . A tiBERT April., 1.71839. [AtiamsSotitZue,l.] „ • • . • REGISTEtt.S'AVOTICE.' , . , • 7 IttdiSl;Ello • ' • ' CArli tle, Mitre!' 40;1839: S--' • OTI6E-.IS_JIEItETri••CIVE Isega Oen, . - Creditors (I other Persops,coiVerned, that:We' following at:Omits have l eeh fifetfip thia'-office' fir ,examinationdly ate accountants thei-ein Minual,ptid w iTDar.frtortuntlrent - - hold eotinty,;. for ,confianatitm and,., nu Tocadoithes:ldtkrloy z ej7. - /prit, .9. D. 1439, ..- Tlie•iulniittittrittipti account of Isaae, Adams, Aflmi _ 'lliStratOr of-HtrkudisAdains,deceased,filed bylletty Anhiths;:itintinhdratyii of sah i sane., • -:, • tteco,untiirJohii - Dasitisoictol. - mniisti OM ' Boyd; (1,0etri2.11::":7r,--- • - The ';),,(Jtnittistratiit Recount of Hem . ", Jacobs; ad- MiniStrattir Of Wiliiitin - BeiSline, deceased. The.administraipalaecoiit of 3olitilittevely, callnr:Of,3aeob Abrahams, deeCased. / The advithiistratiou necOunt 'ol• Aleiumili.l.7 Sharp, administrator of Wm. M. Sharp deceased. adminisfration tiebomit of AlexiMO!. Sharp, - adininistrittorpf Andrew...Sharp', .deuce •• -The: adnainistratioit account of John Slippy; folmi nisti'ator of inept, Neidig, (keen - Stat. •-" TIM orJohti.Linc, adminis trator of David NeriwittigTo,Ltieeeased. The administration account of-Jacob C.:•-•Daoeyi 4 administrator of Stephen Loa], deceased./ • - 'rite admildsitlitiott neendot of NV Cal ;ul - 11 intraol.. iic.ophgeo., • Tbit It cob-Y.4;40i 41ilinilastratovsliJacOli .N, !Fite, administratiou fleet - MIA' of, rittroinistrator:of-Catitarine _ -- Tlitratlnd ai strati on' net-Auld Cetirge and John • - Beelipon, nistrator of.liteob * Deelindoi dei:essed: • • The administration': account of David :11artin quid 'Henry 13;t:wr, everittord - of Thomas Martin ; The supplenn•fitat admitil - stration iteeramt liouser and Jahn Myers, •ailniiaittrators of_ John TAtidig,„ tiersaCed; The adiciiiiistratinn 'account:if liettrr Breimennut, administrator Of:Martin. Brettnemitm, dee:comb 1116"admiiiistration aecount•of Andrekv Cross; ad ratdi4 of Crofis, deeiattd&_ —TheadardniStrittion-aeWitint-ol.loluiß.; r •oapteOl e administrator of lltairv.Longnet key, dereased. • • ISAAC s ic:NO Y , 2 - . 1111,4p . ectorsI .Orders.. r$lllE - enrolled inhabitants subject to milithi duty , .11 reMdijg. within the bounds of the lit Brigade; _ Del Division, P. M.( - being_ Cuberland mid Perry . counties,) will, parade in ontiiiiiies wider tbeiF re spective 'commanding officers' on the ILA Mon.lav in May next, (being the Gth tjriy of MN, 133%) and the. Regimeuts-und Battalitins will paritac fur renew mid • inspection trainings as folloshi, • The Ist Battalion 116th Regiment Militia and the 23 Battalion' Cumberland Volunteers, on Monday the lath day of May: Th 6 21 battalion 81)th 'Regitnent M ilitia 'and the •Ist Battalion: Cumberland Nolunteers; ''Tuesday the 14th of May. , • • :• • - The Ist Battalion 23(1 Regiment militia on Wed nesday the,lstkof May. • • : The 2d Battalion 2.3 d Regiment militia, otii MOM. day the May. he Ist 11tegiment 'of Cumberland-Volunteers, on -Friday • s. •., .The tat Battalion',l39th. Regiment_militia . ; on-Mon day the '2oth of Miy.. The 123 Battalion 59th Regiment militia, on Tues day the ..11st of May.'., . ' • „ . ' ',The ed [Winans' 1 15thillegi ruck militia, on Thurs arm the 4 .23 - of - May.. , The lst Battalion Perry county elonterray on Friday the :nth of May'. • The lsillattalion 113thltegiincntmilitin,on Salm'..• • , C.&Maatidinp,' othccis of Re,?,lineitta-er independent Witialiettorwill- designate _tlicir_rerptc...crit.._tilarts'._r.f. parade, and will Bite ztt least - 15 . clays' netiev• -di e t-et.r,compaajeS , er_t=r , 9l - _flotittlaelteth to any Regimeat or Battalion of V obiateera. trill pa.. ,rade with the militia bat Ohm iu Use botuida arta . . the reside.. ,• • • , idjutuds'q;al'efuirmanding officers Ori•orn imply s . . • tivor, make their returns to the untler , igited oci tlle.bay of their respective , Regimental or Battalion p trades. Pfeced of artillery must be in the 1...111 fur • •-•r'o4'hK"- BffiE=UME Brigatfr/Fißpgcor,lsifiriki Of. Inspector's Office, 1 . Carlisle,3l"arch 28; 1839:3- ..• Miles , 'Compound Es. 'etLtartATED- s ,11STITUT-E. POlt CALOMEL. ' ' • . T is well known that the YeiloW l'omat.) contains iL abundantly a cathartic . principle, highly useful' in jaundice and other 4 bilious diseases. -Pr, Miles has succeeded iti'citracting this'principle, , aepitrating it from the impurities °tithe Tomato, and forming it into a pill, which liar . prcived.tobe of great benefit mDys pepSin, Liver Comfdtant tihd flittons affectiens*gene rally', mad ,valuable substitute 'for calomel', ia all such diseases.' ' - r It should always be taken iniheseaffeetions; mate }il ..of ("Minuet , one; • calomel;•being iejnritnts to health.-4-Theiotherrtemato,,being;lieneficial, ..antIAL proninterAtif- getteralitealtin„ , =- . • ,••• • ••, TIM following:letter, reecutiyreieive4l 4 fenta Orl .)llt.d-lartaitsaia gmduate.,of the. Cincinnati College, we publish as a specimen of the successsif onr mitedi 7 cine in those coantries where diseases tireacute, and aSsume..their'WorsEforati .• • • .Dr. liatikins became-act ptainted with the medicine Whilst a Student inCebtlege,and took with him.tttpcm-, _tity'ofit_lo._use in his P_metice, - on hist return to Alts sissippi. • -- - Weltave receiv'ed.other letters ~ frem ltitn,Zeimes ping his regret that lr pas not.been able to procure A supplY 'ln that and • alai, .giVing.tut ad-account of Ins Sticeess in the treatment of Sylitiihs After, alluding to his own'sickneas;ltepilkeetis, to ' ,' 'Since . my . practice has opened;llilfrd that: imam)+ Oliitertunities_of Itiingiour , Estract! ot Toinuto, and in lievery,7l,didinititlation";7ldie,:beeti•.gratified. bf .operatioit, " Guilt it zeta, tna well it,Si 'the liver.' seifin,after 1 , 61t0 this place; I watts:alto; Yi-iiinikentletiilf.lutiring;undcejNephritis. • lashitinliteieWit.PotiMYof yOur.Extmetittud repe.atett: the, ssme, xfsing hut littlolseatita'apperient , ; , W.unf rever,l have fouint to reliiiiplish pelt eitatlek : ilytt continued use of your, pjlls.s k or;,tp ,toyoafp: case I 'ant .conmelkeitto, say'. thater'till itu;ined.ribiti4noneinive.had, the same happy: restorati,ve tendennY:teltiti yr.X to ema • l'ills.---irrthetroperation, I experiencettuo. 41 6 9eVete4' ,alde:aypitllrsivi,l tAr truly yourti;'•astrtkld; yev elle t p 4 o,. ••• • - • 441c"*("%i . 4 114 D; rr tei:above , medicine Sat.': 441.:Pzi1t0 6 'Pr"; Steraol Su LLlOTT,lCarVisle,j*j4; i '27; 1 1 .39. :T2') Sr. • " "-, ,?q mariti it: • , rcraivet and for aale_ht . , arch 26. ' piottma BARNITz-- _ , ,.t,.u.c::"s!r...r•'rarrw~:: .:;.. ~•+.n.r.To.:a~'Y.n^. ^~~;,n~?7~a+akvr '•:' :d''dCtrti: Tonialo. WEIERE ITM (0) 10) • . • 0 0 (I ti ri• IaSitIijef.AArtjNDIEBIACII46tO , .I;i , Worl ALlrt tEItrA'AD - .Year - theltailliotid;d7ittdit'c'ebtlydpficriitt,Nr:llobtj • t•!•,:, • „4„.• 1 , I— A gtoPAtita - • - :••,:, A Aryangp.ilitqotmeolciav:o), , J.-•,!:4,- • . CatiklkicA•iiCatol.OeHindlacrAiorst Pugs; PIPC4F- 1 -4!6eYYiki . IFP!!cX §illt;Grl!kier } , lertt,sni Pongcu, I lutid)curAtteis; fiktiretc toilet/ lie. - .64l3ofrithezincii; SL4ititifTsL4"-bliicklltill.bltieblitok . • Iti:lfartLutestritiesi plain und.figiOtedsgitAtte-dpikiti -' • ;dal!' nott 14 ;;!0 1 bunuip, , FintclN, !toll itmeric:;th riots 'mut fattielitt . de . cottoni , vv,cozsted , tualesilk , . - -- licsiervv:l f itobrolltui and Paralaisyti/Pia;a9d cut silk uud yil.dly-yelVets;::pluttgliFd su)d,un4l4ap!ied , _ . • krOtaft. 'Afnetto • • - ;QUilts; uottnterpsnc4; 3-4, 6-4 & • R~hjilllitirlietturlieas; Super Crass Cloths;. LOodon assitocres• Voysvtlie ZiauYit)l4- a hatuliorrie nss'orttilent " - 'el - toiirebt.ori . 9l4lllllis; )-t . •7 yr, R(lrclingt (,laths TIEN; • • 'l3i4ivertetnar oxtail - lover :Cord Nelvei4 o &c. - See. L .6tc.—Vouglisli-uod Florence bril "VitscUti tool ; 3tlOiL:lektf fidoili;' Men. and' 134s' 1)6n1 Ado briiin white and colored Leghorn And Talni=leur ' . HATS;.B/10/..:Si'ludios Unglaills . scik',Kid•aud - toria Slippers; -.Cfritiffi7GfrOS:ll3.eflite.etllS.WglV• • • • • • • ALSO, A: citNritAr; •• • . • GROCERIES.-. stock of roodsinisbeeii sclectea with much care, tunlvvilltiVffilit itt - Sueh !nitwit Rs to give satisfaction to those wishing to itpreti4se. They niostvespeetfulty,solaiit ibe public tiigttiethein irellll7 -7 - en,.. fr Cnnntry produce ,Inken ineseLanorJr goods. Silipponkbuicg; ilprill,lB39. , . . NEW - GOOD NEW GOODS, NEAV GOODS. ANDREW" - Ricarons; Ilitljttat - mcc:l7l 7 ;d at ldk ver Sweet, (at the, South.:rre.xt : • . 1611arket..$inared D IiSOIt.TIIIENrf 9F . . Wringc tnio',Sttit.vt.tter -• • • . ••• . - . . . rnung which mar'be- found, Muslims, Llnent, Nut. , brie; enntlirie liandkeecititili;" Ilkek bilkAlabzu,jtntl".l!onguu Ilandkerehiees,lloinT Inntta, Italinn 1.-tuctringn, - Jstoenult - and Fietieli Gitt - - barns, Cliintril:paintei'cl. , nulfs Nt nose , : lin •rle Lain and de-Afai'baillen't Cotton, Worsted- and Silk ,1 c... 1 ory, Cml; rat tuitt l'arasol4, Silk St: Tabby -Velreta, Ilook Lontiou Cloths a,nci Ca> . ssixneres, Sniped antllilnin - Iltialadan .Cassintereiri Sattinetts; §ilk':VelcO and Suitt jA WZA VC, "It PAncii ' Wrorstthr. and 'Cotton Tickin - gq, Chuck's, COrds,l3l.llVeriCti3; Alarie and elite). IgVe 'K . 1111164_01 . , - . 7 Tuscan and I,egbrirti itoainetis, , toile f and -Ttisiart hoods,MPirsual-llo%i'llshite 'an 'colored Loghoras (;rn presCnt stock of 14(100.51i:0 - u la• „much care, antl will bp multi at snub pm pa - as trill not fiat t° gateatisfartion to those wisitins; to intrplinse. lle most respectfully .wlipitz a share of public patron., - Carlisle, Aliril 3, 1339, IRON AND :NAILS. HE subscriber,-on 'behalf of himself awl C. T .Sitne(:AX, offers for sal.: at the 'Duncan ion Imit Wtirlts, square,rounil and flat rolled iron,d'inrse'-slie: and seallop-iron. Alb?, sl4 wul .rads, Nails and spikes. 'Orden addressed to" Clark's Verry - rem . county, AV illiii.. - punctually attentle,d to. iv: i FISIIMIL N. 11 \Panted—bioor,tiarearoood t"...rgrtru:it , . March . • Telegrnpti.l ' A' JACK. TI 11: subscriber is'now inlinsr,ssion rfn Jsrt.,int. purled by Cunt. Jesse Crunt ti.e isitnul or Ni.jGrkit. Tlic.litek is. the largey.t evvr intliprt,4l to. Li e:ar•tri., and is but 4 5.:.-urs'obl,tltiirsliving. - I cry sTin desirous .r , f raising .IkItiLES, would tlo well by 4, 46 :tr s .IAVIn A. GAT: - Horse, . PARLIFX.I" . • , • Wll.l. stand the. ensuing-seasooln earlist! on the' terms set fitti in the hind bills. _ .is ,of the cerylirst racirr,r, blood, WaliOt by "t/sciAlt,'f was by 'the celebrated "Sta. Aucitts . "--his grand dairs, by "B4Drpnip';',' ,grent gr.pAilara by. ,, atar . wit," thl - great great grand, dam -be "LiAIqI*LIGILTR , , " lusgrcat,grehttgreat graricillani l'he above iirdigree, is ;imbecile, ps,Wiit he seen hy , I : tliTer.fte to die Ariwi';:til Register. Fo' ftirther partivmbirs trimly . • .10S1.1111 iira.Sllll:l",'Grootn Carlisle, Ajiril I,' , • ~' • . • . . • ~ . elLites 3 Compoitaut Ex,lavrctof _. . --1: - ... The'eWebiqted sub:9/itti' ti, :pr Crio2:ilit, -.--;rtits excelleilt article liaiinistond the test of cp. tifrience "(;.IS'ela Mire; is offered*, the .public with iona , dunce, that those alilicted With tiwases in which Cal-. um_el-, -- oi. any Of the.peculiar.Weparadens.are. iindiested,,, wili•Sed relitif froin ita-ase.--ITurtArl-apilioalkitity iii niniiitiiiiifor,tlaCliVerifiuo iii,F 1 - in - all - v ascent! ob • strUctioas, has betui'fially tri,Ctlia the deciii4 of wth. • lie opinion, ap well aka grcsiOntipber of tlio most re swatable. Physicians, has beeu Rlien iri itsfaver. "Itis , particularly rpsounnently4.3n)ivtlr.AitOi44, olitiOc.. tions OC thellowpfs; OiaiThoCa, s 'ernp!..ioali.r thin 'alibi, ill-ootnli,tioniql, utcni:a, and - tly'slicreda: :',4B' - 400,14 lb . Yialtl4uuhierfectly_sarC:. , : _:2___ - .I, y a • rig Pllo.wing, Dia valuntari spitcment mane e . highly,reSpectablti aindleintifie• Physician - ' and lip leaved iiri the'”Jelfersonirill6 Ceuricr," lastvrinter t-- , .M.ILES'EXTRACT OF TOMA'l'o4 7 =A4tharrt- Ttrrs veil' ostolitt..4-11aVing. aiatleu trail ofthetabove , article,,,lfiel warranted in-recoraxnending itArta iiiilse- ,- 4,ful-nntisafefmedieinev—,The pillawissesaaßthe. put.. gative Of allibitieyis propertie,sofcsdomel,' without any-of,-Its Inyurfoustatidenclef,, 77easonawho are ad. laiakd'io 14140 1 0 tOiVor,hrtlielli iettliild'ecaurquent iiceutniatiOttsiif bile; lind -Oho fistful *ten - 0040.,.. lied le'lltfilfreeout4"to' the diffarenttweratkratioas , qmer . • • 'iury,' fderelief, , aoilj Sad/ Milte•Psliss azfafel and :con Velnient Substittittuovi *'is ',.t. r:,..7:i....i .., ..0. - 1. ~,:;..,,, 1 .' '''''" "'/ 1 1 ''''''''' I. C:1 ,, , i;41, , . .. I.7ATI ' i: il l" iEtINT:OCA' IlLkintliiiiirthia tridt - valuable ' iiiediane:i ii+A ,re. , Colivil andfof side•by. .... -;:i,,'i?rf i. i,.?ef. hisli; ', , ,i./7 3 i•r '' ='. 7 '',;', / .t= ''..r'11)...: 1:1: 4011 P; itp2fINTRAIp;4O. .': , Carlisle, 1ktekre1i28i4839,1:42.-.:14 Cl' .14{FeLr4 '',.:711 7)34: 41(p, , `Piiiiritlf;llo4lliai. OinMines, Cordials, rind va. rielyef other 'Lignites, for` stde , at•Witit'stoie Att . Me— eTtaniindinl•-•7 Tavern — ;keepers --and:•othera -are re.. speetfullrinyttAtnpaC7(te# C O. • . ARA OLD 'az C .. l'!Vt Vok:ODER byrthe idirkeiatiol*Hlintilfoi emly istoie' ,'‘`)C,Ch.11t....,. Gtirllsle, , sogrogt&ak - Arm , April .).418.30.4r. C - . , 1 4, 11 sitl: l 4i l 4 arl ANDEL% B" PP Y tt VaPt il i in g4 tl Y 364lcl7 j of ijiin,j.:GytiOr:Atectu kie42" =I MI BEN