Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 27, 1839, Image 4

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    .illaffates: Vegetable Ljfe Pills and'
id 01 ' 3 4' IX. TTER S 4 • q.
ST, • • - .
, . All tiatimis,Crem the remotest ngcs, have had ships
. but Columbus cep::: foam! out the Wart - it America.
. 1 41i•tbre the time of the great Spanish itavigntorclieti
• plc were only enabled to paddle about' the shores.
-Just so with the lAlir IMeilicines. It is but tirtlyenrs
einu I that ventured upon an unknown ocean, and I
haYo dise4evetl,tlitt'precious object I was in search
.of—liy..turrt,„, Vegetable' medicines Were'initeed
knOWn.when.l ahminencied my sear* but their' use
was not. By the use of tligni, I have not only passed
front the di:let:Mil invalid, to the hale, hearty and_ sis
• itiyh man of _business, but, coin parati vely 'speaking, 1
• >renewied my:youth. I can thus; with confidence in:
my own experience, advise with my follow-eitize s.
Does the reader'went pemif that-tbe VEGP.TABLE
•LIFE :MEDICINES are dititablc to Iris own case?
haveton 61e at my - office, 545 ltroadwity,•ltundreds
-of .letteva,from sauna Or ] tha most tiespectablecitizems
of this,: mymative lead, yoluntarilv off;ved testimony
of the virtues of A GOOD VEGETAI3LE
'CI , .. • ",
--- PiVs• - ma,srliose conStitiftion' have beco - iiesrly
ed by 'the "all-intillliftle" mineral preparations of
• the Chlt, will bear -me witness,' the hire ,\ledi
oines, and only, are tits true course to, permit
.stout groil health. - •_ - - . • ,
FAVS LIFE I'IL!.S & 1. 1 11. T .`4IX pri - rmits.. •
These medicines have - long been krioam and appre
eiated, for their estisiorilinarrand inunciliate: pow
ers of restoring perfect ;health, to per Sons sulfuring
under nearly every kind of disease to whitili the hu- ,
man &am e iii liable.
- 'even rescued, suifererefrom thevery verge - of ail un-*
linicky-graVe, - altee all-the deceptive nostrums of the.
slay had utterly failed; mid, to many thousand,' they
lose .pernioncntly seenred that uniform enjiyment of
' health, without which life itself is but a partial Ides
- ming. S i great-,:itidecd has th6ir- elliency invariabit
and infallibly provedoliat it ha, ailieured scarcely_
• lisis.than miraCtilous tci-those. who were Unacipiniiited
with' the beautiful
~philimphicial prirveiplo. upon
• - which th'ny Are \ sompouniled, and upon which theyerm
_ scrim:M-1y net. Itsoas to their-manifest and sensible
.actin in purifying the',speings and channels of. life,
(1 ti Ir. rel I isnve.tl_l9ne.a*.v.igor, that.„
ithey were indebted for their hank, which waaliestow
ed upon them at the spontaneous' request 'Of several
individuals whose lives they had obviously's:mum!. -
_ The- proprit:tot• rejoices in the opportunity a9in•d
-= eil by die - universal of the daily 'vivo's, for
plating. V lia•lriTABLE-• lAPPi PILL S' within
• ' - knowledge and reach of
_ercry individual in the
eoturkiniitv. Unlike ilie_luistorpernielotis clusteker,
.TiE9, whiefi• boast/ of vlctable ingredients,' the Life,
• Pala si l l contiTtivi - neither - Nler;• -
• eury_,_Antimori.:,-Irseni., nor anyntlice-miiieral', , in_!
evay forme whatever. 'fluty...are entirely-composed or
at` xtriliti.s.fvom rare and pirwerfill plants, the virtues of
tiring!' long
,ktiotii - to several tribh,
'and recently to ,911IC eminFirtlibarmaceol i en! chem
ists, re altogether nakamen to the ignorant, pretenil i ,
crs to in . :Aiwa nit-neer ant l were lower Wore
ministcreil in no eninliiiintian._
. .r. • to km- noots or
tie itust operatha is to loosen the coats of
ltolunch:analiciwels, Ito cations impurities and cru
dities constantly sidling ardtand them; and to 1 . 6-
, move the hardened laces which colle c t in the convtil
" simiS Of tlie'sniall Other inediAlieli 'Par
- "daily elean'se•theso, and I;:ave such collected masses
. behind, as tp
_produce habitnal costive:less, with n 1
of evils:Or sudden diarrluea, with 4011;h - tit
_.• nentAangers. -Not. is •Ivell-known. to - . A 11:41!;1111
ex:Shining licisfeli-Affer
death: hence Oh pro - pi:lice. of those • wc:l 1 Filial:led'
- agains,t___V-1 , 4.:1A4-11m - 4-4.4P-11•A•A-is"-tir
cleanse. the kllheys sod -the filaddele, 8011 by this
means; (lie: firer flint the lungs. the he:1101W netiorief
wliieh entirely depends tiplo the .11 , w:1:telly of_ the
strinaty orgAns. Theidood, which takes its re:l co
',for from the agOncv. of the Hype and the Itings bertre•
'it passes *tuts the heart, being thin purified by them,
and nourished by fond coining fronts rle"an stomach
_. courses Steely diroukh• the veins, renews every par .
Of the - system, ant trininplcintly - Mounts the Bonnet
• "llo' health in, the blooming. cheek.,
. The fi)liowinglare a !ping the distressing varlets , of
- Iminan diseases, h xbieh thA .l'ogetalde Life Pills
_are well known to 1?c
PYSPi•IPSFA, by,}-I hot . 4lily cleansing- the first
and second _ stoinaelis, Ind eventing A flow of pure,
bealthy.bile ' tinstead theTaale..and .aeritikind ;777'.
Palpitation of the wait, I,oss of Appe
'tile, liAart-burn rind Ilea:I-ache, Restlessness, 111,
• temper, AllXicty. Lsiiguor,•itild Atelaneholy,
arc the generel symptoms of I)yspepsia,:s ill 1811'1811
as a natui al. consetmence of its cure. Coetiveveaß,
. by clettesing the whole length of the intestines with
' a solvent process, and williont violence.; all violent
purges bate the bo - wellredstive - iiiffiTit two days.
Dicier/m.(lond CAviercc, by removing the sharp acrid
fluids by whichthose complaints are ocettatoulled.
And by preimatingT the liihricalive seer,tion. lif the '
'mucus members. Pr.-eness of all leimb, by restor
the blood_to_riigular_circulation, through-the pre-_
oess-of perspiration in some eases, and the. throllith
s a lmi/in of Aiiintestinni obstructions in otliThi. The
I.IIIP. PILLS have been known•to eitre•Rheininatiant
• permanently in three weeks, find Gout in half that
time, by removing local inflainstion from the„rsusefes
• and ligaments of the juintv.. Dropsks of all kintly,
be freeing and strengthening the kidneys and blad
der; they operate most delightthilv on these iMpor
that ()rpm, and hence have ever leen found n,L-r
-' 'lain rental , ' fdr the worst- cases of travel. Also
Worms, bow
- els the slimy msttur to *hie!' these seeattires adhere;
—Nation =Ana •Cl sit n pti o i iiv i T g-the -
solo of thelungs from the mucus, 'which even slight,
colds will .occasion, ithicli4 not rerwivedi becomes
, .
hardened, Mal prodifees those dreadful diseases.
__BeuEvy,iilrers, and inveterate sores, by_thelfertfect,
purity which these Life Pills give to the blood, and
sty the IMmors';•Scorinitin Ersiptioi,s,-and bad coin
that feed the skin, the morbid state of which sseee-
Arms all leruptive complaint,- Sallow,- Cloudy, 'and
other disagreeable :Complexions. The, use of these
'Pills fors very short tithe, will entire cute
of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a striking:imprnre ,
meat -in the CIUSISICSS of the skin.- Common COWS
and Influenza, will always be cured dose, or
by two, eien in the worst cases. Piles,--as a reme
dy for this most ilistressing and obstinate malady, the, ,
Vegetable Life Pills deseryetcdistinet and emphati
recommendation: It hi' wellAtnewn to bundredn in'
this city, that the Proprietor of these invaluable Pills
was himself affliated with the complaint for upwards
or thirty-five nerat!s, and he tried in vain every rem
city prescribed within the whole compass of AIM Mo.?.
it, to Medici: Ile however, at length, tried the meilL
(eine which• he now offersto the public, and he mei a very short
,time,;fillr his recovery had
beMi pronounced not only,improbable, but absolute;
ly impossible. by 'env human !SCRIM, "
DIitECTIONS VOR.USE,--The Proprietor of
the Vegetable Die Pills does not follow ithelmse and
xnereenary practice of the-onackeof the:day, in Slvi- -
• ,good medicine can possibly _ le.sa_re ' quired. These
. pills are. to,be taken at bedtime every night, for a
—week-- or' fortnight; according to the disease: ~The
.1141111 dos - e of these hittees 7 is half se wine glass . full,
in water or NOSS', and this erantite may be taken two .
nr three times it day, mhoot hailer; hour before Meals;
.or a less quantity may be takes at allßross, - To
' those who are afflicted with intaglio:l4i after msals,...
these bittcrit will Prove invaluable; ,9 the, sery great
increase-the fiction . oftlik_prinelpid._yiscem, hel p .
Ici_perfmn their fititaiouß; and enable- the
-mach so discharge into. the bowels eli4ever i s offei,
sive.. Thusindo.lestion is easily/and apeedily retno
. wed, appetite restored, and the mouths of the absor-'
bent vessels being' cleansed; nutrition :is facilitated,'
nnd'strength of body wad eitergy of Mind are the
~, lamp? , reStilts,further particulars of MOP- I
• •. 'LIPP; 1 P11,115, 'and 'PIRENIX BITTERS,
apply at - Nir: - 111eillit i roffree, Ne.. 16 Broadway,
'York, Where the : Pills chi be Obtaineit - for - 25 - rents; - 1
' centS, or, 1 per box; and, the Bitters forlt or.
$ per. 'bottle. , Niiinerous 'Certificates of the.
wonderful 'efficacy of both,- may .bethere inspected.
In some obstinate:and complicateil cases of awn
`and inflawintory IthetirriatisiM LivereoMplaints,
.Fever and byspepsiu, Yaley, Palea, tnjurier.
from the use of Mercury, quinine; and , other &senses
•of long standing ,it may be. found necessary to take
fsotll tint Life - Pills and Plicenix -Bitters, fn the doses
before recommend Ml... ••• • •
N.,ll,—The Pills and Jic Bitters will get all wicr;
out of the,system ; infinitely faster, than thelrst,
preparations of Sarsaparilla, mid are a certain reme- -
iiittrir,thetrnthinftsf blood is the head, or all violent
headaOhes, tic &c.--All persona, who are
- Predisposed to typotgery,ptitilt, should never be
WitheMthe'Life Pulls or the Bitters, fo`r one dose,
• :thee SaYelife Vi,ey ofpuilliie the circulation' o'
• blootiolifivir tat pressure frem ,the head, restore
• .pef-spirfitiotr,-aint throw-ofLeiery_linparity: by. the
uores' Of the,kkim. . ,
• For-rallar..the store itirS;tcritilQTT-.
Japuary 8,1839- • ,
- • •• • 10101. J. 1111YERS 11;@ titho SAMUEL: AV.: .
; y RANI':RS=IZ inti a,fial4 alikeTiett
fin Donk Stßtionary Atom, •, .;
'They' bilsiudss uudur thiftirm of.J(IIN J)
. .
iF Orwardung - • C Onnatib•81011
Pr4 r. - • • •
• r igg'
• • (1) Zt , a0 F :; "
• ' •
' • VI; r ktity aVi ~ /1 :e al ?nig. -
Carlisle, Cumberland County;.'have-la4cly
erected Ifoly'sd ; ri
10.11 • L -R0.431,3-.' ."'". • .
At t ie.freit end, of High Opposite .
Dick:town College, where they can at all times. Re
ccive ajvl Forwand olimchandizeAud Produce• •
Chenoersbz4rg; and
intermediate . • '• ' • • .
plying place' Cars on the road, they ;Fe enabled'
to_Pirward„goods'tit - Alladelphia`witheut 61165-ship
• . .
.'l\f. 11. nell• Toill Purchase Crain, Flo7lr,' and
country Produce, and koep; constantly 00 hand and '
• or sale Cote, Plaltem and Soft. ' .
..1110ret9 Lime of Freight Citrs.
rn l
RPA " 7 I W - , t44.4v 4
TilE• subseriher, grateful for past ['owes, respoetftil.:" .
ly acquaints his Wien& and the_publicrthat-lie-Ints-pnt
tato operation - oil 1110 - ITtiFrisltrg,„ Lancaster ,S•Z Co
• • hunbia . .•
• „'•.!•.' !A:10,1, k -431 4 ,
n -line of new DOUBLE CARS, which will run pep
larly.letwegn Harrisbnek.and Philadelphia, Wm-Inch
(loods and Peodnee of nil descriptions will be ! forwar-.
ded with-.cane and despatch, at thd towed rates of
fFeight. •- .
, •
f, Godsherecei at-tile-Warehouse of-TI-LOS.
J. MAXWELL, N. T. onl•ner Bread rind - Vine.
streets Philadelphia, nod forwarded to linerrsburg,
Chantberlbut, Baial intermediatO , places,_
by the 111.1mM/cr. • OWEN APEA.IIE.
llarriSbnrg, Pei:. 5, 1R39. . .
' SAT.:I.' AND PLASTER, oonstanily on
hand,firahnostrnil Isiutts_of•contitrY-pro--
4luce:' . •
Tit E subscriber,
.exateful for past tlivOr•s, respect,
fullv informsthat lie ling ngaift.coipuneile
ed the above business; in all its various
the horOugh of, Mcichnnicsburg, ' , there .I,ie will he
pleased to - ITN-lee all work entrusted to hiS'care. •
• Pyrsons wishing trut k. done, are - informed that as
H. Weaver, in the !nit - nigh. of Carlisle; for!
warded to him piinctually, which, fts soon as
will be roomed to that place; where:the owners can
get tlicpi otrthie same sermon as if left at his chop.
. Mcclinnicslturg, March 11, I
. .
THE subscriber: after fir sale 'Wholesale and Re
tail, GARDEN SEEPS of there.own raisin g , war=
- ranted fresh, and of did be s t quality.-
Arm porZed ErCUCh Sugar
1-41glr WAGIN.
A splendid varirdy of FLOWER SEEDS. Alsi;
of every description', Garden Seiiis put in papers by
the hundred or dozen-, for 6ountry itorekeepera.
o r ders punctually att e nded
1). & E. M%USSAV,.
Secebnieit JO. 5 South 5111 et.; .1: 3 1iihlelphia.
March 13, 839.L--fintLi_
- • • - - - - - •
• • .11 G 4: 1 1 1 I 8 -
/FIIF. subscriber,. desirons of disposing of his pre-
I• sent stork of lINTS AND SHOES, offers them
at greatly' i'edifeed priers for cash. A largeportion
of the above stork will he sold at rose.
C EollGlil W. -1 - IITNEII.
• Carlislo,,;ll:u•ch 13, 1839. ' • ' •
Di&solialioit of C 6 partnership.
rr uir, imliscriliers, trailing antler the firm of 1). &
B. Ell.ll..have this (lay 'dissolve(' co-pnrtner
ship, XIId herein , notify all persona liolOted to said
- firmitir - retne 2 foricirEt7itnii — makeltiVment; — niirl - 1
those who claims to present therm - before the - 1
pub into the hands of a proper person for .
collection. •
I'Vomleysbur,g, YOtniinry - 25, 1830. , •
T E REM D 1VE410,71111
Insured for On'e Dollar: . • -
---.- ilthiro (he Poo'imiiefkirakiari:
IV lL L b v e ttl: ‘ „ ° 2l m eTl c o c ii i tctli i . " l i :l n Y)li r eft em t?o li „ Pn a t c i a s il a teTo v
tho purposes of every Farinerond,to the benefit of all,
designed to introduce and "Irppigvite all useful and:
"indical int - 4711116mi dint: dining the Silk: Growing
13usiness, and the linproVeinentsaf AgriCulture gene
rally, antited: "THE MOUNT 'PLEASANT
Einbellished, with appropriate Env:airings.
' 7 MountP ni
leasinit Silk Fa Brunilonville;•Preston
county, Virginia. • •,. • •.• •.
• ' JACOB AIM ER, Jr: Proprietor. •
• JOSEPH MILLER, Editor.. •
. The first number °IAMB - Work - will be issued Its soon
as 1000 subscribers are obtained - ,300 - of Whietrare - al- - =
-ready-Prom iscd,SUG_liii..singlejcounty.L_Wil therefore_
respectfully beg leave to call the attention of Our friends
and fellow citizens; particidarly thOse:of Pennsylvania,.
- Mari - land; Virginia-and Ohio, to the praiseWorthY
•jerts . this publication.has inview,itial for the promotion
of which it will be commenced. • •
• The Silk CiiltUrise and Farnier's
published about the first 'of each' month. EatlrnuM-:
her will contain eighteen large' octavo pages, Printed.
- on - good - paper - and• fair -type with the addlitioo of a
-cover -for advertisements; - 'B.4c.,and'attlic-76ntl-of each jyolutue, al a
itleopage, table of eontents,and an index . „
order flr binding, will be furnished - to' inbacribers..
. .1.3i51-.--tine Pallor a-vear, payable witlijn 'hie first;
enniiis, for .single infidcribers, to - ',each: Of 'whom
will he, pei. mail' during the '..year, SEED
sittile!enVi,rw's9 Tree#;iidlVlGGS aufr
A iene P . 00 qIIX ., Fro . rms, which, if properly nian.
aged 'according' tO t. 7 initritctlonniven in' this iiOrk,
- "ill °W ile -e n eh n u"n 4 fr tf
eii•enteroTn 7 SMainiac
- into the Ei'llhliT 6nin ii; 5 -iess' to 'any' extent 'desired,
with-nit further 6.xliense. ! -; +-.
irr-,ktl orders for dila Work,p r ,...,4,,,,,S hrt p4:i.da t ',„-
ed to AvriiiSz
-- -r ni
P. O . ...Bei:Stan wiltrecenvo
prompt, r.ttentioili
. . .
Any person or Agent forwarding either4,.iletr.
mounts below, will
,be entitkid . to:tha resiidiVlZ
ber of COPIT/3 ,of this work; And an' etp,..l number of
Sped and Eggs for thelftilberry Tree tr. Silk worms,)
annexed to the respective. Whiehiiart be. fort y,-., mail to shy &Co' in theFititedi States; atn
fling expense; viz:
.7/o//ars. . Copies, ~ . Set;(l & :krga,
For too -- - -- - -,130- - - .7 - . 2 5, 00 9:
1 , -15 P°9 7--
.• " 50'- - 6 5, - r -.-,.10,000
" 25 - - - 1 - . 50 - -
a - 10-- - - ;2 5 206.- —I
, 5 - ---
. . . , .
Which number - of Seed and Ego, iPproperly atten,-. 1, according to the instructions given in this µ ork'
'wll,l,yiehlit profit farexpeedingthe amount of the 13413 - .
scription price for either - another cif coPiCa. 1; -- '
• • Wiubscrihers -tO the • abovii work are received' at
TILIS.CIFFICE;.or bywAt. gts44 bf,carAls}e .
whixis the anthoriz,edfat ,
_ • • . • ri;-1.1!
. t 141
LIfEI?AL I'RE f 1 Jit
6 - - - r '1,00C,)
Q 1 1,:# , 1 . 1;',.: 1 '7)_.***4.1 . 0.-`.:4*.0 1.5..= : *g-Je:',•o**t .-.'i''
11 • ' : ; 5.„.! r •
0. , A
ME -1/:
. ,
. . . . ,
Dali,ia.Einniiitger, 'Abraham BV.z.i.g,gotter,and John' Dunlap; Esquires, DireCtors" of die , Fdinand of the House of .Employment Of
• - • ' ' Cumberland-,coup y, in
,aceonlit with said county, from the kst.'da3i of January to . the • . - . ~ .
• - ,'„'ilay , of.4etielriber,.11 38,.inelusive,, viz
• . .
' .
..... . . , .
`My .purchase 'money' and for dead Tor. 14 ,acres-anci two ' ~ ' .
perches °nand,- ' c .-, . • !. , • . ..40,0% 80,
Funeral expense's for, out-door paupers, .. . • : 44 50
Plaster and potatoes,'.. .: . . ' . . .: ... 199 87 .
Blacksmith .work., . ' . .
• • 50 00
Medical, attendance for 'out door j)aluers, ,• - . .• 20. 25
To ainglint.duC, itistitutiOn sottletne.4in 1837,' by J. Ikon
• . • apn, E - Sq; Treasnrer, . ' 72.1
Do.•ireceiyed'of Franklin' county far supportOf 'paiiPpr;•442 . lo4
'. do 'of York county for do . 175 00
Po. , r , do '• - 'Perry county for „ • ,d 0..: • -83 132
Do. do of t apeaster county for • 77 3 - 6 6111
Do. 416 foi'daniage'done 'to sbeep,• 75 : 00 of A Ratn.sCy ,and R; •Snodgrass, Esc's, for "
- lil uk.~indeitiuros; To. • • . • • — V7T
,of Isaa6 Angficy for support of R,Robinson',.2s 00
Of R. Snodgrass, in part for support ofA.'
• 114!Cartney, • • 12 00 -•
ofkiss MasSy, for-SUpport of-E. thindson,' . '5 00
of A.' Blair; D.. Shrom, J: Sli row &
for bides •and skins. •11iL.:30-
Dol...__tlO.:__Lof_D.:Reisinger and others fOrlard&' - tal - R4;83" - 771
. 'do difaupers and-pension of ;)1.111itc1ie11,42.29i
Do.• .:-• :for Siberian apples and cider press bire,, - 7 11
Do. , • 40 . for flaxseed and •lislynets, ' • J !„:1.24-
for N . vorlintk,r.oo public rodds,, -
do for fines, shoemaking acid old iron,
.do for onions and ret: beets,.
do. for 'hauling, .
do' - ffont County TrOsy6+,,
. • - at* 817Tomretry; - 1.839 - : , .•
• 5 head of horses, 26 head of horned cattle, 5 breeding'
SO.W S‘ , 53 shoats, 29 sheep,. Failniv. U•teri,sila.4 7 !•!2
row Wheeled wagons, 1 wagon bed; I pair wood ladders, 2.,
pair hay; ladder:, 1 dearbon & harness, I,cart with gears,.
3 ploggliS„ 3 harrows, I..roller, .7 wheelbarrows," 1-win- -
nowing mill, 1 scoop, 3 log ehains,_o' se.t Ofyiagon gears,
4 set.of plongh:gears . ,•2 Shovel
.harrnwS; -2 11ax_brakes, 2 .
Set carpenter tools, 1 set . butchering : tools,- -ittid- a--AarietyL.
of,ivxes,. shovels, spades, grnithing . ' hoes, digging itons,,
Single trees, :douhle trees, scythes, cradles, forks,rakes,.&c.'.
To.balancedue couli.ty:, by Tream tuie
. . .
. . .
f.-1.4.18 5.1,0.t7P0N, - Esq...Treasarer or. The Poor Ifoucand 1100 e 'qf EMployment - -of sai(L.C.ounty; in account._ milk the bi
rectors of the said Ins:itation,from,the.lBl d_ ay of January to the 31st of Dectinber 1838; inclusive, viz,
- ... .. .
--... .
1, ormn - o - mit - drcallast'S e - til - ciiidnr -- 'H -- --,----
_ ~.,
Ti.ClunountieteiOd_frqrn county Treasurer ; . 1.- • , -0000-7-'oo.t *-Iliklanee_ifue•listitudon_hy Treasurer,
- kilMinirreceiTethillt — Fikiliiiiiiii 7 d - frism . di froi-. -- • "
• - ent sources- as exhibited inthe foregoing statement, 1190 62
To baraiice
. .
725 bushels of wheht, 135 _of corn,. 735 of oats, 105 . 4 potatoes, 21 of timothy seed , 11ax
of cloyerseed, 8 of flseed, 2 of turnips;
10 of beets - , 8 - of - parsniii, - 125 of - winter apillesii3a. - _of.onions,7l -, :iifseeit iitiii*, 2 - 6/ pc:is — 18 - .l=iifilitoiiiiiliii;fl4 - •6l:diWd . peaches;
120 gallons of apple butter, 52 loads of 10 of cornfodder, 525 heads of cabbage, 550 cucumber piaels,l9 barrels orgood add
water cider, it of-an acre•of 11ux:... .. . .. . . ......... __-___. .• .
... ....
_..._ s _ . .
. . .
. .
• • • • - ' • Eel",
.Pork, mutton and - veal, fattened.. - and killed pn_form in 1838. ... , i 4,... ~
.. .
. _
24 - beeves, weight 11,773 lbs. 46 hogs, weight 6413 lbs. 23 sheep, weight 1043 lbs. 46 ealve, weight 846 lbs. whole amount,
Weight 20077_lbs,L_ _ ...
. . .
, .
• .
. . • - ___________ -. _ ____ _
. . ..
_ .There was also made and liianu fi tclured in the House andr . Sliiiiit --- F - 7- -:----' ---,' ---. --" '--
. .
- , .
.i;Arglif2fL tow & flax linen , 515 yards of bagging, po yards of flannel, 31(Yards diruggs, 108 shirts and chemise; 75 calico
frocks, 67 pair of summer pantaloons, 102 pair of knitted stockings, 65 pair of footißl stockings, 0 •petheonts; 65 sheets- 56 aprons,
18. chaff bags, 45 caps, 131 feather yillow slips:and boletus, 3190 dipped and moulded candles, 37 - Comforts.. . .
-- - • .. _
.. • ' - - . - AIIC HAEL , FISH BURN, Statiird.
. . .
' . • . • • . . .• „ ,
The directors of the Poor, 4-c: of said County annex Pie following exhibit of extra labor, 4.e. performed by the Steward, Mat
,•,.ort and Paupers, from the list day of January, to the 34St day of December 1838, as Alleles, viz - : • •
, .
Filled up and leVelettene acre of a pond 1 , 2 inches deep for Meadow, Made 4-no - Wed-muse and totilliouse, 2 cabbins in the hospitals
donr,_±_smalLikiitslomb l _ . .madeand naile2l-1 - panuel of panic ,-
-for T elose-stools,-244-e—oems,-,9-large-and=2.o,LsMall_benches_Lpanm 4 .
fence, made 3 small and 1 large gates, made'iiiiik'46 fUed sheep, made fwbeelbarroW wheel, made I.Stuall library case, made 22
-spitting-bo±eshitade:lEl-pm-lidsonade-2-rakes,-glaized-the-Poor-pouse.and_pwelling,_cut_SOloads..of_wood , .made_ 7 4 lo _new
made 10 hickory broom, and .a variety of other_articleS mad and repaired,, mobile 3*,rountlabouts; made 40 pair woolen, pantaloons;
made - 29 vests, boiled 30 barrels soft soap, made 443 - lbs. 'had soap, colored all the wool and yarn.
_ . .
The'number of paupers.iiithe Institution Ist January 1838, (of whieli.l7nrere colored,) . , -
.. .
—Whole-number_admittecLip_to_the :31k_oLDes.e_14cr 1.8_3.8 inclusive.,(9Nriiich 29 were colored and-9 out claw •patilie'rs
. admitted at short periods, - i - ,- •
i • ,
aking_thel . wholu_ntimher...thrungh the year,
. . .
• -:
Of which 20 died, 3 ehildrep_bound out, 102 discharged antl.runaway,
Leairiug v, thelnumber.of paupers in the . house Ist - Januarkl t 330,
Out door. paupers supported - at public . expense:.through the, .year,
Whole.numbex supported istJaintary 1830,,
. ,
. .
. a . , .
WE thdOrectors.of tIM Poor and or the, House of . Employ
meet of "Cumberland elunty,' certify the afmve Si foregoing state
ment to.c . onlidn - 'ajusf,a4l - truO. ekhibit'of the affairs of the•lnstitu
don, during•the.period above stated ,according to the best cif our
knowledgo. .• Given .under our hands this Ist day: of i.janiiarY
1839. i-.
-. ~ -
• • V
7. : T - : ~-- F
A82, - I - AII4M-W-ALGONER- - -k-c/ors.
-- -
: JOHN DUNLAP, ' , -•-• •r - ,
. . .
. . ,
•... . . .
, . , • • • ' .. , . ~ . . . .
..„• . • .
.. ~• • . . . •
For wardink, fend Cekiimissioii' PRODUCE:4Si COMMISSION • Critig, 11 . 011isityrand • alakielii
. 9
• • g.. 7..,,, • . .g a,,.., '
••• ' itr 2Ai • , (i - - - - -
. - ~..•-•• 7 , le r;
Ml l., X ; : t t gi r „ - 2 yr a :--,- s . ,r-i,_-..*. .. : 4,, - 2V.Wir .-
- - - ', - •' mu - irw ' - ' ' ) fli" 4 °1:•• - drO•L '''' 0•;;"-` '-, •
• ' vsli.i.T. ......:;;;,....,
~.... . v 7
- NW ' . ZIA V al " . ID ' . : 44 4 :, - 4112 112 1131 t - t - ,!: .... ' - =SINAI) ;•1) liXii -,:',--- • - • - 4- -. t..h"- ,- ." ,ll .7.tho - 1 ,-:: •
Br odd , St:' Philadelphia.'
ItASIX talien dna large and cotiimodioulvAßE- ;, :: ~ -.;
.. , P.rqqd q4l,'Pe 1, Ph i l adelph ia :,': ' ,FORIV S:RDING MERCIIIN-TO ''.
asollt., . ' I acacullilat rs,grieG i rCElOCCulhq slinOrmelhecitizellS N os . j Ed' 4 c en t,., : d Br oc k
.li Li Plo l 4. S .t E lA i ftt i : i :Sf 64 c e t e l i e e s i t i o .° u n t: i s i tTe C pt i : li H id ar a t i Vsti l it i i4l : 7 1 : 1 1 i ii e w r i e 4
a e l f ce .y i l re e t ; Fran k li n I: ' :ktiiil F. t l e l i Q i ‘ fn v b s e E tlt i tid ll n e r o o u n :
i tit s ie t e r , ec ti4a n t e he. has d A u r c ez i re , g 7 r i e ii,
i t . l o: T it o ari .
t r lo e str c e ei t y te e oi. itiel ctihi
ii , t e ld. Fr ei
s e he e ti, t ri sa zoi l i.i 7 ,l e in f
n any 1:77
Omit, al.kangc,,,,i4nt i s'are pachlll at they:clip
foiwaitl;in'outicoNia-, m 'ei.,lo, fi diiie •4:itir firO. titdat above 'ireful street 1-11itel; . forthe sale'or allltititlS of . ; .. y ie en-
Country !Producei:nutivespeetfully solicits consign- ; ,c•ibe,id Advances will
All' gods
11. in wheal"' ftthiobiireqii,
' Phile44olPhiai, Pit/Sb*tk .Cbt A -. • mitts. t ,, -,:, .., • !,. ,„ -- , . ~ ..
!knit 'd 6 sti,o4, to thes,.l.l,6*iagplei&OS,7ll.: . , . ~,:.
' . ''' '' . .. until '
* ii-, • ...From his general acquaintance i
_knowletiga °fink
b jai 13. alliniOr ' ei Car i : il , 4 , - .Cbeinibe rBb u )80 •
. •,,,.g, coultlir ey.ereise. of his best tlffints to pro u.
iiii) ,; by. Rail Road o'r Quint; destined IVeit,' will , i'ecelie;l
i - ..... ..; --'.'2,iiiliti.:4l/:iiiter.4iiediittepiede3,,...._, . u nromnfattentioti — ' : --' ''. • - ,:••. ' . . , . -
, 1, e.. .4'mA-of Ins customers, ,lic flatters.luntsclf that • • --.... ' ', .• s• ...,
. '.., ~,•... , • ~ , •-• 1
' T'46•littie Ititeliederd into arrangements so nal :
, _r,.2:;:,.l%,t,e.i.'itti,render general s a tisfa c tion.. , , , ;'"ltobcrt Vkming,.
' ''''.‘: ',!; 7
..a . .C . 0 . 8• 1 3
. .E ,
. 1?
.. .LI 7 .: - •
.• :.
:,.. .,o w a ,ip tli
, q
:It rw : T o
i l
o sg illi c, ,,
g :
o n
ei i
), g ,l
~..-.. , ' r p. :_: .., ' . : i : i l . 1 :.
' enable *pm .b 5 send any . ..produce .tir gtmala. way. 0
, the - .Pennsylvania ;Canal and Columbia Railroad, to II" .:
,%•, _ -...
Philadelphid.' .
: 16 t o ki l n ' i
e e l l i ifl ': ei ti l .
i. 114 Chia m -A, f i :
,‘' ,,,,,..5 .. 6 a'
i t . , n Il i : , e ; x : 1 1 .
I i rr i : ri y li eu e s :r l Is t . . :
oe: C.
f i g. -11 ; r i
n t: l. 4A : i d t hi :t i l ib l
1 , 1 1.
r vg. o ß a lr b
i. : l i l : I l' . : ,i ' 5 , :. .
J R:Li v il i ti , ' ,.. o ll: , e:rl:4 l : ll : - o E k i 181--::::s.. - h 1 .1 1::: : . ;. : 1 ; ., '. .• 1 :: : - . 1,1 : - ; ,
j js s . ° . : . / ; . " o : B l l6l ; s in t; . : li i i.. l% .; ,sq ' ' ' ,:. . 0
a: . ,
el, - 4e;.,
.., ,. , T : - .., -- .: 117 ,. .. :
8 '
c!irllilkY111,11V11-..-lf,i-,i'illt-v 611ASi.c.. ' .•. " ”loi;,%ainl . (,c0.,,;'
,'"f. -. llinzen P- -. ..... 8 q• : - -• , -„ s • 41, .„.. „, '.. .qqpakat ,chambersliarg, Pa. ....
oiiiitif produce. Of' 044 dese rip u tionijeo t d.) , p °OW- . ,-
.1 .
, SOler,-,EBiyi :Di emcv ti v i.Q. . .-.-. .. - . - : „.1:4- hog Br, ifoirri6B, ~. ', , , ~1 ,;,;..,. , ..-
fish nd to for rule. . - . •.. , ~. , - - .:N... 'ltings, Higby..Bc Anderson • d' • •
atillY' ollllil A l ; 1 .4 7 .P1 i ,.Tk i n.,...,.. •„:,I____,._.- L.-A 8,,^._. _.‘,..,;Geir;_, wall - -19 1eXan .de r' . . artiste..--- •• „m uie wrorii , • „mq burg-v.—
PP . with; it large. ia.u.ll„.greru 0.% . 5 ,r , ..-.,-. • - . 1 _ .... , - Bg , ~, • . ~ • ... sR ;- , 71 7. ,,
,1 7 ;c ' e ' h . e . „ .... :5 .: ; --“.
1 .7 P • 1.. i t1 1 - . 7 4::V ;-l E Bs. j a: u -" itt treittrtted frbmthe'veltY ti oi sr P t —'.7r- li l i e l i a , t t le o l-
:,.11,1,f:it,,e•e6':00,,Enrs8g0,,,ri:.::8,....q. : 1 , 1.. . i . a ... rr..i5 . ,bii ,
r ' g ,... , . .
.. ,....14 . ... , .. 43 .. w. .
... 4,;:.et0.,..1
BOOT S ' S r ' I M P' anwi t,'l4 .l 6 l ; l er, j'i L'L nit t e l 'i v :l t id P r i a a 4 ", ::•-.• • , ••r? , ; ,• • .2.....„-- '' • '. • - •
SlitTerti,V n a k l ii ?q'• l e ctA)l ;iii be , sol 4, ebeeti !lA*
4 th e
a ° BL;i:7 -0 i. ..: - . t e . : 9 ' . , : 9 i . ;.r 8 1 8 1 1 :, j ,: a1 / 1 1 . : ,: ,• -mh L l ' , G 5 . 1. ° , i:s t : . l
cit ' ,
~/ L i t ::s7l37
~,. 2 .% . .R t .rt g e r c . If : „' ::;, t , ;e n y ' ij n ':Y il .ti s o, t s tvi ". : c i 'a y ti ti. sv . l e ' d. ;l ‘ ii,, i: r i k I t ~4. o ti ' L a . l--i r , ls , n : l ti c i . Y : el l
isPiv:Alatete.s,l:l3:jerlegiijiii.:l:::::;ia.:;:u.l.:.22;l,,,tilp. • e .
re tr ' l 1
p : . ' 1 1 , 3 1 ,, - 1 1 . 4 , i1, 1 71.r ..1.
r i i c it t . , i s ; o .l l_ o.
e .: l2 "r e :
. i ., c -7: 0 .t , ,: t r. , : . b : j . ..... : • .. , . : ; 6 ;-'
__ .: . B 0 : f . 1 . .. 1 1 ' f . . u i., henry
.. . .. , . . • , _ - _ , .
..., .
FOR .. THE: YE AR . .18.3.$
$7208 34i
'Schodule procecds.of - farin in 2838
• . • • . . : .
Shoemaking and
Support of out door mpers
Printing; ..- ... ~,, .
.. . - ' . .. . _ 49_00.
Tailoring and Weaving,. . 89 31 0 1-
. .
Justipe.and ceiiktahle i fees, . %. . - 136-.48.1
Groceries;'inerehandize,.ilrugs,luirdivare, cloathing, --. .. 1
belding and part improvements, . - . , ••' ..c. ,1703 86.
Farming .. .utensils, tools.and coopering, . : _ .409 701
feather,-.---- . _ ._ . .-- • lOl 783
_B l. ifildry_s foikitelien and 'Muse, expenses - in Waggon-
• •
lug Si 'settling with 'other 'etilinties, and postage - , 150 O
M. Fishburm'stew.ard and salary, hirelings, ." -' .
. . -
. • . .
butelieriiig; farming, cloathing &e.lor one._
year, 600 . 00
l'rers - nrer'ishllry James Loutton Esq.; 40 00
.__ ..._
MOlimeys feeF!,.. . : ' • • 5. 00
19 bo
Director R. •M'Cune Esq., for extra services for one
6000 Oo
,_;: - • year, -• •• • - .
. ,
Directoi D. Etnininger Esq., for extra services for
one year; ' -- 28 50
.— D i - r ee to crAlfrahnin - Iraggoner - pnE, - fOr extra - setv lc c s
for •;:np year, 21 00
k.:Jrt-Vateglunan for one year salary, , ,• s • ' 130.00
FiretOod and coal, . -, . - .45 45
- Stock, - • . - -..- - 8.04 65_
GJ•ain' grinding, . - 99 9 -59'
- , .
Munster stove, 48 25..
Roa . dtaxe, 15 00,
Materials; iiniirovements - and,postind - rail fon'ees,. 340 t)1
13alaitee due county:l . st Jan. 1839 by Treasurer,
105-1 71
1054 71
WE the A uditors of Cumberland county do certify ; that having
' "
examined the accounts and vouchers of the Directors of the Poor
and :House of, Employment . of said county ; from, the Ist day',. of
January to the 31st of December, 1838, inclusive; do find a balance
due said county by . the . Directors 'of said Instittitioii of one hun
idred and fifth-four. dollars and seventy-one cents ; Mid we .also
certify — that-w&find-a-btilatteedile - by-lanieSLOrrdon; - Treasurerof
thousand and fifty-fourdollarsiand seventy-One cents;
all Of which is particularly set forth in the.abcrve stared accounts.
Given tinder: our hands this - poll 'day of Japtiry 18 . 39: ' • : ..1 : .
WILLIAM' .1.U01i., . .!;„, , , • „,. ~ •
~. • ' ... •.: ~... GEORGE M. GRAHAM,.' .frluditors.
- -
-r4 • 11,4 zoli s 4 , •
44 , • .
General 11i1 Li lad, Dela
- ware, &e. N 0: .S mak itli" stviiet; three doors • Ike
low Market. street, Phigulelphia; and No. I.P•North
btree.t.,l3alciniore, near the Vo . st • •
sEcuitia) or Tit E UHE Tar. IlioEtAtOrr.c,E
-• TA KJ. I: LHIYEa 1:D1e1141:S OFTIIE B /LIT/ 1.1.
' :COLLEGE OF 1.1..EALT,r,,b).!:1105.
• Which hare obtained the approbation and the coin
annotation of tliniactipili, who have beau cured in Coil
suin ption,tholorn Moi•bus,lntlamationsinternallyace
bxternally, and all diseases ofthe Liver, Natoli , Fever,
Gout;llllCutMatinia,LuMibago;Tiepoloreitux . ,DroPsy
St. Vistus' IL nee, Epilep . ity; Appoplexy, Parsy; On.ten
litckness,saidall ohstructtons to which thefeinale form
is so distressingly liable, mid_which vend im many of
tilt: fairest portion of, the - Creation to their untimely
graves; .Small I'9x,Measles,WhoopingCough,Sear.;_
lot Fever, Asthma, :lauadiee, Gravel; Stone, and all
films, aad-Syphilis in all its stages, Constipated Bow
, ...,AtormV,Seacc-lieliing r oT.the.Skitt,_King'ti
and all Cutaneous Disorders; in short, every
Idabel. which tire-human frame is so_direfully_subject
under all their tailed forms and ;lames ;. as the
Flygeinn ennvicticnt is„that man is - anNect to only one,
real tlisrttse p that is to the impurity of the blood, from'
whence . 611110,Ti every 'complaint that can possibly
sail his cfauplicatctrfeatne, and that itis the perpetual
struggle of this vital, pure strewn of. life,
(the gift of
Almighty power) to . disencunther:itself 0f its vicious.
acrid-humors ; --- vvitlrwhielvithas breonic - commixed:
This valuable_ medichie,heing_composed.. only-of
vegetable matter, or inedkintil herbs, and warranted
Mt oath, as - containing• not one particle of mercurial,
mineral, or chemical substances; OIL of which are
CO10111:11 to:the anaire of Man, ainFtli6i-elb-rerilestruc
ti ve to the human' frame) is fauiul to ; he lierfec,dy
liarndesV to the most troder%age Or weakcA frame,
under eery stage of Impair sutferilig; the-most plea
sant and mid at tho same. time
the must certain in vearching ..out the. root of every,
complaint; howeVer cleup,':iddtrif performing a cure
that was ever offered to the,world.. This wonderful
too, is produced by theleaSt trouble tothe
'Gents, by -merely Swal - los?icg a - cerfain " - i:ninlii•r of
pills, and being called' a few •extra' -tithes to the pur
pose of evitenatimovith tha least potsible sensation of
pain,rxlifitistation of bodily steengih, add wallout the
fear of -catching cold, or attention to dress' or dirt ; in
any way' - diffrent 'Tram-their. - ft-01114.1mA -habits.
Thesapills.cur..! in all eases, and cannot be taken to
excess. Experience, - which a . the touchstone. of .all
hintini . .knowhalge, has long. borne tcStiniony to the
fact; and rstensive•llEC of them his already vet-died.
1-7-411. 1
lok 01),/
21 00
These medicines 'vitae liv imaging, and yet Ale
:week:the feeble,the'infirtn, the nervons,-the'dellent,
are - in--a w- days-stetingthencit_byLthoirJWatiolb.
because they clear the body of its bad hamorsFiiiiii
invarial4v . kodocesomal_slerp. -Tlicya fe
r . e the-saat
Mid utogt'ellicaidons medicine to take to sea irevent-
6153.03,1- 1
1054 71
inrileurey, C' (1: - .1V . Clic•SS, &c. - .
. -- -..ri, f operation e tif this 'Malt ila•dicinei - whiill con ,
yeys hnmediate conviction of its utility, foam the first,
dose, is_as_benelichil -to the mind as the body ; first
calining,then miring all mental derangements. octnt
trinities, nervous atllctions, irritabilness - and restless=
' nest, tnout ‘ whatet t-e-smirne;
.coialilaints Whittli---hidde
hitherto not been properly understood,- as the Ilyge
ists,likve. loin utt litmi,-all4o-prinweilfrcnitacrimonients _
homors tWthehlood,and,happity for the peesentand.
r future rate-olniankind, discovered a cheap and uni , "
sem:Amu:ale : of purifying,ctiringaml-preventing.------ •1
- - The_being_eured_ollanyAisease,infirmity,.on sore,
is now 110 1010rU a dubious or uncertain proceilu're
perseverance in the-Xygitahle Universal - Medicines
will al‘eays re - storti tiaturr - I-9 her due course. 'fir.
literary and - sedentary, of both' seXes, whose pursdits
.So much impair the fiteulties, will find a sure remedy
_in did Universal Attain:hies for preserving the energy
and sprigittliness of the imagination, and imprming
- their tie:Atli.; ell age will be attaiiiedliv - the rite of
them stud assed: free from pain-anti iidirtilities. - ,*
- They are not envellied with the my sterks blether
medicines; they only require - to be persevered, in
with suflicientlY ',large doses, and ' tip ' ' ill
come off well ; * when- a disease is 'obst
-frequei it lv do - ita take ilgses large enom
- Jimmicilicities are. comprised in tl
articles only; viz:, iii two kinds of pills,
otrength or power. designated by Nu. t s
first is a pawerfol lintmost mild and gentle apperient,
or opening medicine, detoching :mil paetially venue:
lug the billions ri - ipy liummits i whilsttheNo. 1.1. pills
carry off those and the serous acid and -putrid hu
',Mors-incident:it to the body, and art together as a
ferret in a WhITOII, lieVCr ITSCIllg" mita every avenue of
the human frame is thoroughly searched : o il cleansed
of its impurities:, - ' ,_ - ...s6:-:
----ThVe-egitable_Gleansiogyosyders are ea - great-its,
sislance to patients, ;mil facilitate aideThilifiiitiMr - of
bad humors ; they. soften,-cleanse, mid detach the
acrimonious_ phlegm ; are :cooling, and allay the
thirst: One, two or -three - powders mare be faken
throughout the din', mixed in halt' a tumbler of
The pills:ire sold in packets of ,1,-. i,t - 1, and ;:41,-anil
5 ;mi l 50 re n t boxes—the two foriner consist elthree
lime: each, viz. one box of NO. I ; and two•boxes of
No. ‘2 7 -the latter, one larger gox with a division; the
• powders ;ire in separate boxes at Si!, cents each. (-
cr - J•hi consequence of the repeated solicitations l pf
flue agents, and for the cOiIVCIITIerCt! of the public in
gencrat-luoVes--of-filty-ecuts-and 25!ti-vaehrean
now be Ind of all the agents.• "i- '
ltespeetable_parties may:_be appointed tigents ma_
.filicral terms, by applying to the. General Oepot, No,
31-South• Set etth Street, three doors below Market
street, Philadelphia—and at No. IQ North street, Bal
timore, twativ opposite... the Pest Office, where the
lleitititie - Meiliirifie m a yli
mat al .. obtained.
n •CA UTION,—Ia consequence of the high esti
matioil in which ..Morrison'S Pills are held by the
public-, it ha induced an innumerable hen of unpriii
'cipleil hoSt
,of counterfeiters to attempt hnitntions,
under deceptive terms thus to delude tlfe now:wry,
foist their nostrums for the -Genuine Ilygcian :Medi
cine f in consequence of which, the agent has 'taken
the PreCautionary measure of having an Extra Yel
,low Label fixed on each Packet, signed by the agent
of each state and district, mul • by their sub-agents, in
every county ; the imitation of which will subject the
forger to the severestpunislurtent the law' can inflict;
and it is further to lie poticed, that none of the above
Medicines can be obtained ill - any - drug - store through
out; the Union; the drug stores being the principal
source through which the Counterfeiters' vend their
,iipurious articles. . .
For side in Carlisle only'at the store efCIIARLE S
'0 OILTIY.: ; . .
MARTIN MEILEY, Mechanicsburg, and \VM
HUNTER, Millerstown, Perry'county,- Pa..
March . 6,lB3j",' :
8 37i
G 153 63:i
--1054-- k;;.
7208.34 i
•.: 3
:Having recently. returned from Philadelphia land
'Nf.4 York with a VERY EXTENSIVE ADM
TION-to my former Stock, I beg leaie to Offer'to:ilid
citizens of Caelisle and the Public generally; • '
.ii' . GENER.4I:
Criiktisind ey'eri'ai:ttele: in ..the Drug Rue, ushich
YY tilliMoseLorMAtinxsALE-or -RETAIL at the - kweit
possible rittcs. .Physidans;--imuntex Store'keepers--r
fullerS_and,others, rtre_resneetfu I ly. mired to_gtve..tue.
a call at the Old Stand' on East High Street. >,
May : 2B;lBM .
s ' 27 ,
.„ .• - NOTICE..
... - - „
Take notibe thSt we have tepplieg to theindgesOf the
- Conit - ofeeninion - Plead of eunnberlainlvonintv-fortlic
`benefit- of the insolvent taws, and the Court hai
pointed the 2d Monday of AVril nekt for th'e hearing
of f uti and our creditors at Carlisla; when and where
you may attend if you think prover. •.. ; ! '
• 'JACOB. SCIG. " •
CarlielciMarch IS -183 b... . !'
Eiiirte of Puizca»,ilgeased.
•-N- erten:- iS-herehir-givett-that-letters-of---AdinuoS,
• tration ott - the estate Williaiiilhentaii; late .
of Southamptontownsldri;enmbeigand coutity,dee'd4
have this day•hcen issued 'to triel.iiihierih'er whci re,
sides-L1 the said township of Southampton. All per
sons having claims or deranads against the :Testate - Of
thp said deeedent ; are requested to make. known the
None-Without delay; and those wlio are indebted to
Tiakc pityu»i~fb
.L ,
rtw • -
,Just Veceivod i ritispvimi;i;tof new. stvie London'
FAT.y . mpt* rimy, cht.:avat the gore of.
,•' Cabinet Iblitilin.r - IntOkiness
in all its'v'ariouebrattelies.' .11e Las lately furnished
-himself Witten -new • and splendid B[EARsig i '
& I .e. to accommodate_ all , those who ,may favor him
1 , with call.. Ile.,returnaltis , thanktt his
friends and rnstitmet . 93 for tk l libertil ; encouragement,
liestovied on bin„ anorsnlieits a e6ittititainee: or their
patronage: 'lc fattteri , himself that,hy:i.triet",atliiii:
tion to butiness and a - . diSPositioKto:•liletisej.tOlnerit
N'. 11. One or Two Journeytnen eabinet Makers
wanted; to 'whom liberal" witteS given. 'Ati:
apprentice. Will betaken tOcartt didtb ivu laiainessi
if,• well recommended.
•:• . . , GIODFRVIti
Carlisle, Novclnber 27; 18.18.=—Qtn.. •
- - •
• ,
- 11 e niuFt be miserable villain indeed, wh'o
e lit life of a filial: being in .
danger, for the . purpose ofinghing 7ilo,
* --7 7:77. 7 7 -7
. . .
iliONkt ~ C1T1ZE14 1 4 3 ., .•
What do • Denggisis : proye Lp - Inaking and selling r----
Coniderfeit Pilfspul'poiling!.o be
lst-That they are without...mi . :star tinintimon.t.
,other".medielne require . by the
puliFref or. , why do. not these "
other Oils 'in the..same ivay- they'd° )Irandreih's?
others save Ilrantlreiliq.yegetable
Universal Yibls ever effected the extraordinary cures
that these Tills are known.;--vrarzitßALLY KNOWN
to have effected. • . • , '
-- There , ne , ver - was - n - person - ilianised - .the , .= •
- • ••• •
Trho did:2l6f recommend theminlerms
- . -112 - most unequalled praise: •
Necii.hoes3, these •counterfeifing - druggsts have
done & are doing the character of the Genuine a gr&lt • • •
dial of injury.; 'but it is hoped 'that individuals will
not allow themselves to be deceived liydesigningper•
:sons, whose onlyttbject is to- make money . ; and who
. iireperfectly.ettreless ofeonsequences. • It Is -a Matter •
of no importance to them whether' the_poor child. ii_
•reseliedli•onrii: betlcif sickaess and restored to tile • •
yearning arins of its pareiits; or Whetlieiltiii on wliOrris -
a large Ilimily, te . ly solely upon for support, is pre:.
-vented cairn fillingrin early- and iintimelv grave... Mit:
time may come-when' the greatness of thcir gitilt shall
become clear, to their 'benighted anderstatulings, and
then it. is hoped they will endeavor to make 'some a- •
mendS•by 'the after purity of theirlives.
Every atltliorized agent has -a copperplate certiti. •, , t.
cate of agency, and has it exhibited in his storm
ver purchase unless thisis•sceif; and have some re
gard also to the Idiaracter the agtemt.bears among his -
fellotkiitizens..,_lle•mustbewinisevable_villaiu_tylio_, ---
would place the life of a fellow - creature in danger for
the purpose or making money,
Ilynnilveth's Offices in „
Principal, No. 8, North Bth Street.
• , Minor otliee, No. '43, Chestnut Street, near st.
itetriember the above officers are, kept exchisiVely.
for °idle true and geniiiiic Draiiffi•eth's Pills.
• . The•fol lowing persons are 'duly authorised Agents
for the noway of Cumiterhuttl;:hithe State - Of : ' •
sylvania ; •whoserespective names at
, GEORGE Tr. lIITNEI . ),, -Carlislc. • • •
. .B..CULBERTBO4.Ir,' Shippensburg.- •• -
JoHN:=--moOß.,e,._NewOie. . _
No driiggist, - ;,iiralleraty or p • cdlar, is
lowed-tits-sell-the genwine'BramiretlrtfPilts;fiffiffif ally •
eircannstances Whit•tever; Also observe *lien you
-pnechase of. any•ailvevtised Ngents, that they
. certifieate_Of agency, signed and sealed by me,
. • B. BRANDurrir, MD. , .
• • • , Vo.•8, 81/u
Angst 8; 1338.-11.- • • . - . •
SOITTII,. FOURTH. STREET Tjukt:Apr.x.plua t ~,_
- 16 # Th . D - Aft 11.4' E P - •
ES PET Fat X Informs' his friMl4lB.
pithlie„ that he has renuiVed from the Western
Hotel im.Market street, to that large and commodious
hotel formerly' kept by Mr. Bt Duke, sign Of the •
• .1 • na A UE 1E
This hotel is sittuded iu South Fourth strect,ilicA
tweed - Market mut hest : nut - streets in the very centre
of the business part of the eh'', anti will therefore he •
found very convenient for merchants and - business
men generally. •.• ..• . •
'lle buildings haVe beetithoroUghly and complete-.
ly repaired by the sithscliber, niol no expeose has
-,been4parell-in-arranguKo and' fiiiiiikhing the riimirs - ..
so as to promotethe comfort and convenience of thostl,..
who. may likvor the house with their custoim
Ccntlemen travelling with their families can have
private Taylors furnisCed in the- best Manner- with
chantbers au:idled to them, where they can enjoy
,privacy.andseclusion, or , the,compahionship of then`
friends, as may he most desirable.
• The 11l and CELLARS have been provided
with the best LIQUORS amid the choicest WINES of
every description. - •
The TABLE will nt ull_ ti swppliettwiti
cic`i j''.tPlic::cy which the season and itnrket chit 'al
tbrd,-and.ever_y_exertioumade to•pleaselltepalate of
for. customers.
The HEADING ItbailS are well snulied w:tit
the - leading journals of - different ciiiesias- well as-with -
a great vuracty of the comity journals of the State.
0 'Fhb SERVANTS will be !build careful and tsust
-worthy.' '
•Attached to the.hotel are very extensive STABLES,
ealettloteil to accommodate one 'hundred lwseli, and • ,
under the superintend:ince 'of careful' and attentive
3J. Al. returns his' sit iere . acknowledgements for,
the very liberal encouragentent heretofore, received,
plal—feeling-eonlitlent-that-Att.-ettn-furnish-his-gue s sils "
With litre which will lose 'nothing by is comparison , .'
with other homes, and that his_appartmenis . , and their.
liiiiiiiiire, nre,fully equal to thoseol:lmy other Varer'
in the city, lie respectfully solicitg a further share of
piddle patronage. .
. .
PAlladelphia, ,Alvember 13,1535. , .
• _ TE.ETH. - •
• RUPTIBLE ,TE4111.- -
hs lias fir many yearS,,been a great desiderata*.
among European andA metican Dentists,t6 manufao , v
tore '1 eethfrom incorruptible materialswhieh should
indtate the natural lining Teeth.
Many 'have devoted years to unsuccessful operi; ,
Ments, and-others hat e 'succeeded in manufacturing
teeth of materials similar to the porcelain Ind
genctally th s ey have. an opaque white appearance, by
which they are easily distinguished .frcra the human -
After hing rind teiliona.experiments, the subsrriber
ORS succeeded in riumullicturin teeth of materials en
tirely ineerriavtifile, and perfectly in itnitntion, of ha
map teeth.' '1 hey.liase a semi-transpareiley, and arc
made of variona sizes and shade
. In:Cases Ailere absorption - of the trecolar process,
or other causes may mauler it necessary,
of he.same materials attached M.the teeth, attifiei.ol
gums, which shall imitate the gum and snpply - the
loss of substance •
It is entirely
impotsible for- these r leeth• to change
their color, or cause foetid-breath.
themfrom one tb efifire_sets,inauch --
manner that they will Make irtiridatitin of the voice
perfect, and materially assist in' mastication;lind •so •
that they cannot be distinguished trent the most beau.
Oil natural Bring teeth tby the most .serutiniziog
• •
• He alsO perfornis all the' . iirions' opresitioni in
Dental Surgery, according to the late , scientific im. .
.00sententsin.the ar. , . . •
F. 14 1 7.*:.)1 PP, Sw:geon'D47744l,
N. W. corner of Charles hr, Fayettestreets,
. .
W'fa -
yr HE isubsetibe r 'iettiettfially . internsii tfie'infilibi•L;
Cants of G14, 141 0(4 and, the 'public gentrailly, That .
lie, nOlt reticles ,at him IllttStand * in Wortitliannyer,
street,ep'poSitti 1111 r; E. Eulliock'ti CliainAfarinfaeterY l
IVliere'be continuos' " •
~€4l- t pET.
rast received 1 bale Carpet chain;-white and itssor6e