Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 20, 1839, Image 3

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    :- . . . .
- •poSpitAciN.:4:o l ,4-tE- , ..*HEAP-PAX - 1 7 '.. - -•-?- - -v•* . :'-'''' . •--F
' ' lic - iiigibar,ractirleats,,,• l 4tatteittl op, -:• - • .
- : liiii!df-tiliaStik' r art; 6 - Meledefildiahle;-and 1 4 - - '.- '.
it ilt_gr ‘ eatlik•bq 0404 that n2ltittiody can. "-.....--.-=`....,::-.471-1EtTUR,K5.......... ..-
` -b :liklirc4iiile,d'iii'linieto:avOtTlfe-14iiiWhieh •r • The folloWitißitipiritedlsketeh 'froth Hie
' ' i'.`,'HiieWnit'fbe' - acdi(or 44: OOMitiOt4iaitli. Pheli'..ff`lfl.ol6,ntsrOf. l PaYO l,l ..dfi ts eribesthe
/tbe'fiVe'Valende : '' tit '‘..L6do'''Peeticsth' l hiis, ,grilit, 'changes av kielt.itreabotit-talting;plaee
blighted the fair prospects of our State=:'omorig the follewers - of.Mithatiinied,,edder•
cheektill. Wei' litlOtreiiiiiire 6 'ilitilAi62-:'wealt4 , the:thiglinf the present '-§ttltant::'.. '' .' - I ‘, - Li ._
....and Itheßortaiice; and inflicted.a.: wound - itport:' l ', ; "`-r,he-i1aY, r ,he0:4 , 00 .1 „),iii;44:44:004 - 0,.
. Nr-f rOr r,. which-i'viill-:requird yearti . t6 re.i.' t3,7.,lVlU;sUlinan sp.urned faind;periieutedD the,
. _ _..,a4it,j_.. , 11 1 •_e - 1 ;now 04 :be Ithlc a l!,!tbq thuMiiiating -"Christian -Dng':? , l l -. 2%,f?*,;yent'ditineei'i::-it
. - spectacle/Stan : g*dcu,tivo, pf this once proud `, ..Wittilq:
,t : 4ifii.,t-f,06(11"Oit,t189: PfyiPit:aiintifig life
State, begging.'with' 'aljecfservility for the: , :tocaOrt'Prill:lMatti6p.ettsittf..•.turkOy:::iti. a
. -.Joan , :of -,e, trifling, ....pittance* tO csilenee - • the En ropean . d ress ;--rbut - revethe[Eithepeat t i 'is
claims of importunate
n Puldie''Oredik9o*-;; ,loMc'ett 141ofi114 . t i djili, ito.,..4',.,o4oi'ii:'.fit ,to
t "i1: : tit 6641*(1E4a : 610 ad(' is -;-.' th 6 sum.. isk' ed ,l;ig%isiiii • ;tfit a thin to : :Ith- :respected., t• And
..and that too'• , butfor-a temporary : , period;• it .thell'eat.;!3tudy-ot. the . Sultan' is to. ' intro-
As: unavailab l e; ijoiwithstandino-. nth .iittifOsil:linee'f.nierien etisto,orty, •••All;'tbiSY:Oba,iige
:.:.eir4i*f.'Of .00;: : qPiier 1 : 1 9; .1 ,a04i•V4- 7 ll'ilslU 04i 6 4( 1 : 1 1:-E4PPeattcr bore:. to the. des
..__haVe_been....erroofg4 'to procure , . itl , :: ;It , iwitrueticin of the Janissaries; :bolt -1 ,, ivould:eity,
not in a 'dilirit - ..0f 'exultation 'that we" : fefor fthe' - destiiicticiiinf ifieliniSTeatilffk - kinire
~to! t liic matter;:.. i tve fvalim - .. - tocilijglily the I•ittojdothal - eitetinistanoe,Tand - ihat' ,- the:•t•true
good: name of, ow beloved-out'\nativei cansels:Steam - Navigation: , !: --, ••- , ~ : 0. •
State; :to'-izie tepable_of 'theelang - at' h er' .
ea-' . "'Hilt,, however; this, r6 . o%'be, all ,ye . ,Who 1
•-•-• . lam itieS,`! - It :` Is 'Willi - lite simple view, of ' ' w ould r ii66 l :!th4..„'r,iir,k.,:Of iVlOltemniedt:- the
callirigthe :Serious :attention of the People Vlluric. who ! swep.t.the - plains of 'Asia; ~N viici
'.toplC.etintlitiOn,,of . the . lit - Oie . 00(filt, - ; - o, la t ileaned -on ' his: bloody sword; before The :
-.'we allOtie to this. lituniliating eircumstance.; l Wal,l,...'ef.Vieinia, n't.i .il)real.,peii 'ate Os.:
_. 7 ..T1i0-roign-and-. rule_oMel
mF.ocoism • has. truetton .of -Chtistendoin in -Europe- the
`produeed• this,•Ciate of 'things, and Ore, ',Wa ' Turk of the ; turban. the , pipe,, artiljilie
,are quit of it ,. it will bring still deeper. .dis, soragliii; eitnee'tquiOltly; ro:r. he ,itf . ,;liticiclnaing
grace upon -us: We look nponitas almest• anothei man.; :/ I' - -.. , •-, • , 'fl '- • ' --'
•,theiritable,thettlie pnblie`,.Werlie - mbit . l*'ip. A little tenger; and the great 'f,l`,firactpi'is
, '•
,!..torter.-andlltis advisers -will.2not_bettble!te- tic'distidetions'iVilf be broken. dewn-I-the
procireifundif for their :prosecution;
._ mon- , longpipe, the handsome - pipe 7 beaiTl 7 , - :' and
. ied•indiVidnals'or cerpOratiOnS at heeti4 :and' the amber mouth-pieee, are gone, arid:
,p .
. .aliroa - di .IMvp.-:tio 'confidMice in , thecredit or death. to all - that is heaiitiful in - Eastern :,,to ,
the StatO'Whilst its affaiiii 'are administered lmance„the waljs of-the Seraglio are prdstra
..- ty reckless "deMagOgue -OokiniPled•l-ted' 'the dog% of th e'harerr t • hrom ti op en,
, speculatoti, ard .he ithhold_ th eir the black eunuch acid the , .vetted .wom en,,
t'ajd in the present ' extremity . ; - Porter and are noniore_ceen,..-While the honest Turk -
:his friends are the fierce •anil,"linPlaelible 'trudges home from , a quiet.tea-party;•Strip,
enemies of Corpothtionsk=tbOy haire ativis. Pod,eflis retinue of fair ones, with his one
cd. their . .destructiiin time:, andl..again,: and. anti only wife, tucked 'limier his -arm,-. and
-.even-at thia, moment, whilst they ..are suing. •his head drobping 'between his 'slieuld4s,,
fot aid at their hands; they are - ministering, taking : a lecture •fer an' inVolinitary 'sigh to
throtigh: their partisans, to the Morbid '41 7 the good old - days - t h at.are - gotio," - ,
petites of . the evil disposed - anfl factious, . .- . ' -•-, -• --:-•••,_
.„...:-,"' '' 7; .-' .- *: •
asstriving to engender in their.breasts,„the, - ' •-; ::' : -. 1 . 1 : . 5.' SCI •
worst - , possible feelings of ••.hostility to/ the .'lt is a sing ular cit'cOnstanee,and : ta
-Banks!' The consequence-is, thattltitigreat ken as an evidence' :Of tie . - increasing -as
- ,S.tate,is. now forced - to go abroad; - begging - -peritr Of poli tical _• - parties,. and. p...groWitig
for a -paltry (oar of sevenlyifive thousand disregat d tbr the laws*,:ii is a •paitifid. Tit , '
• , dollars i 7to - repjenish a bankrupt _ Treasury! cumstance; that at' this `moment there.' ere •
And this too, whilst a Stotelnstitution, ev, fiee - stateS Of the Unien, Which Will have but
-et Mindful of-t h e public dood; - stdnds ready one member eafi in• the, U- . . - • Senate, at thO
..and willing-to-relieve:her Wauts,Tif-applied, eonitheneement Of I..bltelftsesiiint of Con'2,
to in the proper - fitamier and - spiritl---•.-T he re ..gfeii. ---- Ifi - Petiticylmania, a ini&-of---aspii
:is-a4ay 9f-reckoning in The ftiture, . and Da-. ing,ltnaveS attempted to overturn our state
: „..v.idit.:-Piiter.l.and his- bultieB, whose:, out- government, and 'preV.entod the eleCtioh. of
lawny has brought upon ns.this- foul dislien. a CenetTir mi . -the day assigned: by the -law
.Or; will be made, to aniwer for ,it- at the bar-1----anti - ..the sameindividuals who corn posed
.4)1 fiablki!pillion:—i - 114.T.Eii:Siar . - and - upheld that - mob; feat .to pass•-.a-new
- law for diatpurp.o,se,-fearitigthat an eke- 1
ti•on might result - Contrary ' ;to . their wishes.'
... In New: York, a loco-feco senate, tran
iled upon)the - laivs aedemitnitution Of thCir
'state' and ythlatid,their Oath's, 'by: refusine
to go ;into -an • election for senator-;-and
New York is left with but one senator.
- In ;Virginia; the
. parties ate so peculiarly'
constituted that-no p&ty 'has a majority,
and no one pa r ty Will succumb - `t2 - the cith - = I
ens, and thusehetween- :Whigs, CottierVati-1
..yes_and_Locofocos, Virginia-is -deftriyed oft,
a ,senatOr. ---,-- t . - 1
In Delaware, Locofoc oism, with its usual
doilleinlit„for ' the laws; and - disregard-,of'
public:opinion has defeated the election' of
asenittor. -- ' '' • . ': *.
In llichigartparties appear-to-be as-muclr
divided into fragnients . and in
- Virginia, , acid no senator can ,be:ciected,. ••
..,., Tliese
,vacancies _cannot be, filled. - until,
the legislatures ofthel 'respective' - states i a
gain_ a tidetrible,'itC:•thieelatice`in th'e U,. S.
,giVing;llM: - governots power tO
fill, vacatteiss, relates only to vacancies;-oc
curring during - the'reeess of the legislature..
None of tiiede.Vae - aticie.s . ..hoe so &cured.=
BradforilArgn-sT:" .' -. .
- DISAPPOINTED $U.134118A- .
" .
.• .
. .
-On Tuesday in-otnihg officer A. M. C.
:Smith reeeiired aletter - ft* the ,eashi . 6z Of
the Albany City hank, enclosing a' Pollee.
warram, for the arreat of a young man num.
•otl Sylyanui M. Spencer who' had, recent
7y'col'nyiittcd.a forgery _OiL ti ti on
s and had..iled from , the 'city- . The check
=which was paid at the Bank for $B5O was
---drawrritrthe name of the-firm Of
-1 - alenbake. .. _ ••
Kr. Smith set himself to-work with his:
us , tiar . ieid 'and alacritY; and'soon.ascertain7
id that:Spencer has arrivedin; and:
• „also •the'place of his abode: , reachiing
:his lodgiogs,lir—Stuith. : _waSinforined_that
ilic.young Ma i n was then out, butthat. the
_ • neirt. morning 'he •wa ° B to leave .for Tescas,
Yesterday morning Mr„,Smith.fvent tn.-
. the Philadelphia steamboat landing,..previ
ous to , the boats leaving.: . ,:.',lle 4ad i nOt been
166 g-there be'fiiie a coach drOve and
jumpetl,;a. man, whose person answered
, 1
ven , bhp. th.klettsr
6f Spencer:
• .....,41r...nnith .W:ts , ,a total-stranger; butweii
.. .
—tutecr.o.sfamilintsuluelnf"'"' '' . ~;. ;
""-"liiiiii‘nie Yilkti'lVti 'fieiiiiiil' •
, --.•.."Qilite,well,".was-the ;reply: but, sir;;
‘llow'ir silis Il ...You certainly 11,aveith0 - U1:1 i
-Vantage" of inii';', •" " ' . 1 !'-f , .-1,5'.
"And to Iceep it,'Ltaid.Smithaside.
~.... _.. ,
"But, why . so!!!
.. continued - he, 4 cdon'ki
.• ' ::you know - ins ir- 14(iiv. , drO, all .the folks in'
_.,e? :."--. .f: ~..1.1.:i ..:r.- . 1,,;-0,-...,...
• "All welU When* lefe,":said Spencer.
Where pre; yo:g.cring,r7aSlt
.I,', I 'l'4o, h. 1:4Or ;- to see
what that garden: of the- wOrld's made, trf.!!
• • •';"•Nir rteit l dmi r t, ._rviort6Cr'Staith, with
wortl•pf,-•nnarli . for. ;the Pitiv: Priiionv , : the,
• • yoirrig'ttilth•it"ebrirfiiett'lWitir"thill!reAii.rsi-,
. don., Ivith, the 'best grace ; be could, and is .
-_-____.,,nctwZonillisdway, , to , Albany. , tir await his
Y.' .o.+l2oea9' i ' r i
t9 purl ; egis ature,,pro- ,
ceedings, it will be seen that.llresolutions•
, be'en'ofTered
oirfo , appOint .4,TaniniftistOno.4O -- .go - 71o : i
England to negotiate a' loons' This is the .
Of the' folly or 'tam'§tate
'The"schime is so . absurd
th ,
-- ---at-we'verilrbelieve•itis lite 4310 t of , shine l is another . arid , it, ', heifer. world !" h7Tell
ilesigeing' office iniiiiiti' fe''Create - a" iiiiwcor lifeless on the ! 'stage.... The andieh i ce!'..sup-,
4 10 .,.,,1f!, , m uc h
• i , i ; 4. ,
~ LPosed-forA -msuent,-.l,ltit,Wfall_was_utztlit'
ingide're thid e'stlialle4 ',Odditioli 'to the
_ .l', YY 13 mh question. whether there ;tie.
-morn- . than its, men in
_this Stdte who Tart; but etieiiiiiihim eitrried'aff in deadly
have sufficient character and standing in ", Stiffnessk• the,titipoSt'aittrtiehronik"liitlpr
°E, „-nea:o4 or 411 Y: o Wei,' part' Qt Eur9oe, tn: ' l # !?eenq!ele.P. l o9 4 l:J4 , oN4o.'poopie94ce•
• gel`eYok,,A4lqt, , *:,lttan. - npAdir the' "most The, lifeless come was eonveyedufrom ;the
f aYi)Pqae:Llo,„..._l4 l S.P,„ B ll, l l, l(l ,,,d'44iare„:all,suctfe'stag e ink° the.,seeneditiatr:l'olllqdical,a'sais
-9neWul vitittlkciii* ( LT hey, ' talico #0 'im ufc di a telYri "priieWl . o4:44l3'.
24.4..tqaits,,44• 0 _ 11 Betki" "all% 'hanke I ,;ivere oiene4, biit 114i - 31411W notar;i4aingle
- iioll:theisuitnt 'driirr : of blood ;, and , eve,ry ,, , other Attteaus , .or
hjs;rintlnip, c-,Y, Ir& ' "lr; '4eatiabitatienviere:had ie,'eoUrile tWii 4 out
• 'onO, mur rated th imire.nt , ,,s The-gentlemen of the.facplty, , tind-
A 0 , 1 . Oah „t e _0 ,il r t ingaVery , eileay.iii , ineGbffilirAriliallfafr •
' • ilf4'P,l4ll death. 7 '
: a'biaineas‘; . and . lheigivingTaf:thie!RB faith ! . --r-.
~,, ~,,,, 11,
• ful partizan '4lll' tirotii)iiy'biior 0"; iii•iiih "' ''s"'' Tli, B )BUPRIIME: COL/lints A
iniptitllittgri Vg thaiiiiiitor,iiiilii . k4tl,ting :1 1 cid'itb A . 4 314 s q psi ml 91 ) ; :,,Sapmday.
i,,,0f, the Rpm iti,ein .- -.1 , - '"' -, ~., , -2 , It" , . fast, on which'ilaY , ihe - .Chiellustic ewes
, tte4PloriiiiitellnUutAiali 4 fiWii
i )
tnua% • , , ft , “tr - - - --- "tr tt •hn0, ,,, r •,• .t t,tr; t- • t•t , " a een
i,l ,
~,„. tmovit IL E t w ok., ~• ; , : detained f soveo/ severe ' indis
3-'•i', Col; , At - TrJtixinabltil .wner - ntituTtlol447 t positioi . 0 L.t ,11 il Ii it -
s :044;,,e14,004,1i,),lielOiak`iiifilent'lliSO4na, I . we Me 1 11 11W* Pni 9544@1 ;Mort of tht
--- 111rant4ha:43ilir - Aenaiorialf , Distkici,. almdst ' last dnitiki,i'aftiliii'Pdtfrf. '! BiStdee the Ala,
• • . without oppositiott'q,ln'''this , borou,gll;,3ltatblnta r natieti I,).Or l yePitOrtdAti. - 6,c , ;eiigtiiie
'...`YVlcig ) #:A a illi:ii,:' 64 !). (l lo4:7';:if 4r.1",',X',0 . 04 - P,jka‘r i fiA4 , "). l Al4giic i iihr , ' , . l . l i4.Poiirt , i , i4s
• • . at p,resdn c p 4 , Qo p; ro c, o , r , bui'^somei,ofdije i ueliv,ereattu'lhaeolubratekla ette,frourini l .
frienis are afraid-'that whe'ni begets Wong , noii9,,llßoYftToOtilY,',':,o")kelileenififini
• . the W like in ihalSWllite, he will "turn a'. ; ;,'Ail4? • '', frA",4, deolniiikift,•l44OPPritS4Oi
-• • bout and wheel is he, "Useilt`d . did7 'ited . States,. and, is.,upon,such principleil,,We
- '"when he "used yr J.viia", ','lc,',.Etlertiliat.: r.tinderstand'i'as' tebtvednelueive,egairlaf, the
'OP4riit ,r.Btaftgt Et'lito(ifcm.'„ -11 , I- ttt% . tytt , S : iiiipiTsiii'''paity in the 'Wii=..ib..'
• i ---,--''• .• ! A • v. -; . t
AivE&iii.iF Aiii ifi i)-o - `f Till f . -81. - r t if? , ~
14 r. John - Palmer; well known-as an deto'i
!iin 'the 'lsornioirVboards;, c.t..nilnateil:his dia-,
in tie',eareer:andliialife i ; on ~ :thek'tiN:erp6el
stagi2,Aigti:,, On the. porpipg eflhe day
on - winetrite'lWW-'to- intro ' lierfOrrned - rtlie 1
`-'lrangei,'",rlip'teei4ed theiii,str.essingiiii
011igenee' Of 'di l edi:nth of Ms second son,., a:
youth :in . lv hom .lii - S - Itefite - S tliofetrweretrin =1
te rea l . 1, and
~ 1 / 4 0inse ‘ amiable mart ii erY '. It tiiii 1
broliklitintS action .the . eiiilereet,iffeetionsil
; o f 'a ..parent. . The ylay, in consequence- Of
I this, was deferred -; aidtddrihetlie interval, l
'he had iri- - ,raip endeavored ioealnilhei f agi
itationl;tif:?•htis';'inind; - the.:;44ieeii,S ,,, vr itii_
.V.lliett.he, performed ,the, part...ealie(fli'or a ;
second retlesentation,An , .whlch . he 'fell , a
! hs3tiiiite l to. flr . e', kighatiei Of' liii: ' o #rt'' feel
ings, .tiid" in 'which' the = audience' were
divimeillo: Wittress in enlusfroplie which' Was . ,
truly tnelaneholy:;“-`.! . . . • ,
In the fit,rdi act Baron , Steinfort. ; oh- .
tains atilh i tViiiieWi44,Wthi Sik4P6t' , wil (‘ ?th.,
''he diS'eiiVo`.i'ic;l4'llis'ad reilitid: . I-ie..11,1 , e , -. '
HAis'.(iii 'biro' lii',ioriter 'the' catise . bf'ne - eltision
:from din"' Wltild‘,.',l .- iii' - i - liiii'rela . thin—the—feel-L . •
Angs-.of - Mr,--Paimei'-gwere.--visibly , niuchiagi
I .• tittedil 'and 'it tile' # ,oitiicr , i . t.7lid,:rne'tiOotied'
his wieeind,C:hilAlren,,:liavini,..,uite t ed;'(hs'
—in-the-chafaelii) "evertidi .0-0-kilitr:there
. .
. ,
. , . .
. .
. . .
~..-17:::"';'."2-.',1,•-'4•`'':.73,-fil'... .
.. lirarl,ralir,l, . ~,I f i r, ,)
. - m• - ip - r -. .......t5rg., , ,,i•aari , z5...,,5 , -:. - -,,....,", , -.^ . .'"?.. i" ,,, '''.'
...,. ' •
.... ,
:f•T•'', , 4 ." -.. 4 1' . .o rd ~ e... .'" , f'>• ~- t N. -: , . 1 ,* . ' :- . ir , ., • i.f....!? , _ 10.. , 1, r, .. :. ' ",.,..., v 7. tt , : ~..- " ( 1. 71 '. . 1 ?f;:t '..''' Al "Off' I,s ' ' '. 'i ~.`- ." 71/ 1 IC ' . ;:ilitr,
11,EA_AO,_ „4„r:L*''
• • .11'')()(1. , •. : ,
is . , FOR PRE S IDENT, .
• • Wit.ll%, •?'
1)41412 .— Z 1 '2114t2t1t;::..
. -
1111E - 11111•IA
• * , 41,,, •
The •
, 11-re.11.41.14D
Oiie door W'rorth of 'the' ~St9rO:r •
- • Of aroold A'Co.
'111a1;11 130.09.
THE' Cior..--Tite United States
Gazette of Salm rflity; stntes nnAkoth
tioa: before Judge RogCrS, of the Stipreme_Court i and
ihe r argatOei
nui-wia-be_ionitnaticed:tel'y.soon. : .:_Greati
iSterst.. coiitinues to be intinifeited in; the Case, and
conjectures are formed of the result, --
ISirowr,ta - r DreisioN: Kett - :-.--Judge-.
Tlumpton, of Indiana, at a late sitting of the-Circuit
CoUrt, which he Jiresided,-gave the ft:lit:wing de
ei;itn : "That if a subsc:rilir toa periodical failed ft:
nntify l the eilit4 to discontinue the paper aLtlie end of /
the term 'subscribed for, or pay up the arrestragesdie
was bound for another year." _ -
1.1.11141 . roe UPSL . T.-.7lTile i'41ia(1411111 Ledger
lays,tll4 the Supreme courtr:of tli Voitetl , Stutcs
have aflibined . .the verdict of! , ,spoi:?cl damages for itf
juries' sustained by Mrs. Salloostall in' the upsetting
of a stags cotiOtTieTOnginftCT . ginekiiiii;StOkei - Ec:Cii.-
rf he principle is now estahliahed,anit we think Stait - ,
coach proprietors will be careful to provide, in future,
prudent. and temperte driiiMs for'their-coaches. .A.
regnrd 'fr• their pockets will;havc more effect in
-making tbem - doiliiiitlMW ansideilitions of humanity
ever haul. ..: .
. -
pears:, Triiin an estimate made, that last_ twelve.
years, since the e'Analp in INTe'ti: couTicted,
the valdp,of •IetItl• aiftlyt4W' ,i 35 'per rent.
say frciiii.si99,s‘2s'itil •
(b-We leain train' tile ;that it:bill'
Prohibiting the haiiiCif a iireti nail ;IA rits
,11`iiil;'111 . 1's been` ii_kned! ;he $101 . 3 veliter, 'Mt
id 'a: la w:'‘qt , tiitilerif
ilays I.liti it t i iii'Pebytiaily'' 'p'riiiSaid `df phis'
that atate,a6d pat-Ocularly in the city ofuSliricht4: .
was introduced by Mr. Foote of !rinds county, and he
at - liekson, tlfe seat of - govircr-'
_ m mt.; ._2lle ocriviiii oils Crely .
gild its penalties .severe, rind the pro s ecuting attorney
t76 - Vfee of 'p. - 70 - fo - r — cvoty - conviction;to-be-
Odd by the part; candainned, and in default of pay
hletit, he or-she to stand...cOriirnitted paymelik4e
made. .
LATEST rnolt E.^ -4 . 11C copied
fram the. Washhigton Globe of is the latest
intelligence we have from the seat of war-:-Inittn.qher
eoltinto will he found two letters to the editor • of-the
Roston , Atlas, by which it will be aeon tltat.Governor
'Fairfield sent in hie , megsage , to the i LeF)slatpre on t the
itch.' the trit!sagti , ' ' r
~- i tali. , , ,pit'c's 'hy , , Infl'.4og'tit t
1' ta.,,4lsi",iip4 ;il;:fij:til'iii,'B'r.,iktie - t . ' 9f ,,..:ibl l ii'iij it l i.,- .1 ,1 c ,-'
eeedings at'affltighitt' 'on' on. "ilid:tioXecl Oeithe tiotan
-iltit4'ciifficitltills, i,ia ik4 ; iii 4. Ilikiiictids'ri,U Olein i
I' ilia itini.e.e . hd'ilial : Vtithi - iiiirette. l `li. ',litli , iii the
whole 'subSeck ili tit‘l'y'flantli4 t iti;d u eNpi.e44ii iiii;ql l :
l_ling-ne.sti to cart`' Onfahyin4itiiii:e Mei innii . li'fii: io ' '
tidoptbiii'itlCCto" 'se c tii ici'n'ito `lesi,i)iiiihiliq' t ihe I
`GtifeFifewgi‘ , WlitivrewiY;ll -. 4lariikitc l- ‘ ll `' ,-,-, ' .
!; , • ,,, i; 1) , .......k i ii,,,di . ••1:' r , ~,1.,!;,‘,. i •i• ri .: i ,
rote the C10be..,. • - -
{lV;r‘ ..r . , 1ii.1..t.: 1, 0 ;o .1;;i'; ?iil2, , hc
NetyrnzAlerErtx IJOUNDART..rW.e - juive.ple l p Prr:
milted to-publitthilie_foliewingliiite'fttotirtAl "ot-1 - 40,;'
nerttitlEtirt'llohne 1 - larjrity',,t4iGiveitibtMifit ia,:ii, ,
which the readittess ol'thg , f9mcr s to l glgellflltot•tpixl .:-..,
informal agreement entered into - .between Mr. Ftix
nn ~.+14114 ,ClT.oll.V.lAltKillgtvit..CiW.kni;ttnr. - :
mendable spirit. - . ." •
. ..
0 , • - -
tlarvey, nmento r his; :
liPiiittfielit; and lo refeeiene,
1 .0 tetttudeitd,,iit
gitU siilst"l , 6eire(rirow,.
'heVMajeitrifittt f
or Mr,-
;FiteltithSedratir,'Or-Sint t e:ittirf , loOcix . co tfnining_
terms tti accoiSiinoda ion i+ccuidirj Sir nig ,~~"t c: c-
`t&itihrf;`tcitodMioi4dliileld l'rgspOi
jogilp. sax, that:lto rill b e hank- V/ en ,
arnica le . eitiorinoileittlon with Governor Fairfield; un,
bO v iliO'sfilite6t as nuty condor& to, tke. nttai laraprd,
very desirable and tinpottiant l alijectiberelif
to be effected. -- - • - '• • - -
,• "Sir John 119tife*Ittiii 'lllt.tfered Mr. Fox's c00t,..
lP 1; 11 ;: i ttil ! e ek l a l h i e 7, l ,lti I , o27agg'lc;
Wrt ViD
:t .. f " B ! rlrb4 ? " # 6 i l s .. X l4l Fr l M*.q . 714 r•
ibis note by theatt . therititieVlTStateof Maine htid
bcyrt*li44' klpifialvices of the Governmektt.
'kit._ Matt ant o the rtiost confident hopes°, 2
however, thattAliti taY,ticivtlbdispositiops of Sir
„Harvey will, be iordiall3Pl.44itit i oitited ir btibOi, ) ,:tutd c
rrogw.i.t.of,the tifi'.;tucPKiFfV;P§ a ilicrcepsa*,
Molise`over'thut dispittedite ( t;ritt *herwiltbd n)!0 6
„sicel.p.,.liisintatA Ale ~, , p,r;toio Iriofm9ll,l, ; thel ,twp,
us?Untrlsll,l I .• r ',III • ';! 11: 'l . 11{.(i
111(..0P04egi'k.,111.4411 1 .54,fi.'5. A:
C A R - L .I.'S L E .
' ~ A ~~~'DNE9DA'Y~'~AIi'C~H' ; `,~~;:rI.~~4: ~,' ~~
the psovicions.of. a hill riportc!l io.the qexutte,On the
lth Oinititittielti344,Wihglogitiitfiq
kAtiActiniti +4 l:*
N..vtga -ock..nd Foremen "- or
a copy of the bill, eve Rre indebted
„to odi old friend .
.. Gitotor,V9 7 4Ctinfitiit wht vcilypECtice
fciPlhti:tti" (Or iHheirliublie doeu t de'asl l ol,-
• rd d u
A)srT P
i f fe l 'erry ll Otr l s; : t i.r die h LC ' nti C 62)9°.
Railroad, •„ ' • , 69.9°0
' '
ItcildAt •
+ 2,218
1 19lia 'New •
at Bridr-- ' • k
-.wing.. -.lank: , fridge on ';
'l4; iltiniqtail `. • • • tOI
Itobuildingbriiitesit eM same rail
(,,twaypi;for, ~,, 500
creek aimelhici,. l ' • 27,000
4?oi-ropairing bridges aria on !the; :
- di 4 * ; 1 ' '2S,"
For i4eoaira on ihe French Creek feeder and •
i:r:FrOn'etk : . creek division, 11 ' 1 •`; '' " 14 . • 6010150
•ttepairspn'lthe.l3l;;iver division 4,0;000 .
Itenewing- r lakailueilnet on ihn_lii4lan:are di-
vision, _ _'
• • ,
New, - 14 1 .brlys3n finished lin'es;pay .
q ‘ bommi4sititieri,iappraiiei.s and enginters, '
ecmnegthl.with vitetisitihs,
ii!eftairetitadedurilig tlie piisi yitik, other than .---- 77'
AtlOun!lata.bretteh, ; : i ,•• 1 i 100,000'
'Pm! th¢; purchase - of ten - rObantOtive - engines, 70,000
IPsiymeiitiol,..dantages, , : -,,-• 2 • -, 50,000
I : Tiithe - Shenangd line.ofthetrlu eaterision, • 500,000
To : the..Cimayaut line, • . , . • . • .400,000
; North Hrancheanal,to be equally divided bb- -;' ;' • . i , •,:
•tWeetythe Tunkhatmock and Tiogellitai,' - 500,000
.T....), th.,,11,95e.p0 k 0.,0 kino, ' . --,:- .. . ~ .2 .40,,:39.,
Sionemahotiingextension OfthelV:•Branek, 250,,X10 ,
,To airailroett from Pittsburgh to Oreen*: .. ' • '..1 ,
burg, with 4 view of connecting with the,. , :;..
•• Cumlrrland :Walley ' railroad at . Chem- .. • ,
• bershurg, . - • •••,• 300 , 000
3'cp ayailroad &crp the eastern-termination ) . ; , t ..
of the Allegheny Portage railroail,,at : Hol- , -',: ,::-, •
~•: I idaysburg, along the yalley bettreenHrush, : ;-, „
, :and Allegheny . niountains; Rad • dOwn thi . • -
•,• '
valley of the little Juniata river -to Hun- , •
' tingdon, ... , ~ - ...... : . • - • • soo,oop.
Cnnal from .Pittsburgh to.l3tatver, 1 ' . -.-- 250,000, ,
To a state railroad frord Columbia to ?Hid
- - dletoyvn pr I larriabOrg, • r•-• • • 1 • -.„ 200,000
Subscription to the A tock hi' the Colon canal ; - '
iii tr*iin:s7lo - t , n I a - 17E 1 7th i. - . - ctin airy' -oti . di
. _ ,
--w , -' - .
___ ?______
Subscription to the stock of the reninsyiva
To'meetlhese appropriations the bill authorizes.
the Governor tO'borrOw'a sufficient sum on r Mists;
E Ni• LO.%N , reimbtiNable in twenty-six years, Ma rate
of interest not exceeding'ZlNTE per cent. per.annum.
In the Ilouse, on Saturday', HitiTON, Chairy
man of the Committee on intental'lMprovemenia,
I •
potted'ao appropriation bit), containing the follow-_
ing -
To avoid the intilined plane at Columbia,' '39,030
lieserypir .(p.Etr(erii and ,Western sides of ,
AllegheurraputitUiti at_the termination of
the Portage railynall,, , tad other new 3:rork •
on finished lines,.
' For hey,
whore' necessar,y;
'iividiiiipleeing . patt• of the North track of
— the Coliniabia road, 400,000
Locomotives and ropes on the Colurithia and
Portage railroads, . . • "144,000
Repairs on- the different•• liatis . or improve- - . •
, men required onilst : l?c , broari, 1839,
Repairs vvhich itnarbe ruquired 'dttriag :the, „
pay of-Canal Commissioners, ap-
praisers, 8:e. 80,000
North Ilraneh division, ,'• -970,000
Sirl.l.}e. l l ll lYoning•extvasion (llreakfiratich •70000.'
i 1 riu cr,teptdon 1 • ‘A 950. 0. 04 1
, fe . t:tler; Opn satac 4 a , balp, , hc, F ,-,,,, •
, r.„T i tersdcd, oping!lOf‘odp i -
• .
view.ik i attnncctipg
titc,'AV - tv4 I!tattnit and • Aliegiteny, •
y,r,l‘,. re..,serveyleP,the,ieeteltetweeelPittt4
burgh, nod Chambersburgovith. a view,of
1111geAdentl.felLyptel Lever • the, '•
or ' .a..94nt!tlueat rtiiitoadt!
For commencing suid mitt oarl at' Pittsburgh' '
and extrlntling_costattrilly to Ligonier, 30
tulles tobc put cinder contract, . - 3 0 000
Subscription to thostoc ; lCcif fhV,,,;NF,op?pgihe-i;-, .• !• ,
lainavigaiion company,
Pennsylvania atitt Oliici'symal.compar.iy,„ ; I :.-50J000
.Danville and l'ottsvi I lecuilroad, ic.pirpyßisy v I ~81/,Q0,9
Bristol Steam Tow Boat and Transp ortation
' The Governor is also reqUired to subscribe to the
stock of it'd Bald Engle and Spring. creek Nadiytittion
.efumainr, .1412C0 3 abates,' the. iraquey to ; be , drsivn
sunis,na shall le t n4cessary tolnatyy ; ou and noni,4
M i l e(! - !hroworlf? OLP 49Fk.0r1be.X. 1 .4 1 04
i c t4l C l n n ) a l) Yt 5 99, rstar9l the WOPPY. to y # lw expended
t in oak:it:ging tlr,"c,:aw4yr,qc ; tl)e,canal “so, as to equal
,the §Usquelartia, illvisipn'of the .Pennsylinnia canal.
'9ll Topey,for, a t ppropriations to . be,borrolv:oil
4 -- r t i,..l! l N t T st , -,l l l ?l .e iFs edi PgP`o'ite r A"s °PA Pfl'•
ntaucut loan to rurv,thirty year a.'
h;• . ,
_ .
1 7 1,1r/islr.•:--Our readers will recol
lect a recent visittm dC us bythbn. l.. ./tpost)e - of Peace,"
-and- the - gratification-i-iveMby-his--publio'-lectures-in
this borough, He pail sites the following account of
his- impressions of niburg and Carlisle, in the
1 "" Harr , isburli f
, w ‘ beft . se" !!. tti!, ali t mouth,
,I,sAalT , i.ur to lAq i:alluie, Tittlistd pn, the broad Si}.
iteli)iti!, hitt hanYi , tiodik' like an; tiii r vig :I)l;enetit- i
';-.k.4+ uri 4'BliiiiAl'hit_.4.lht
,w9uld plittheir.honors a, vi,sit• arbe +4111 12 ,..1" 88 '
iv 90erideitIll'etii i ir of‘thite brisk buildingli,ispit.:
mints and tcifertdifyli:Oseune, but TA, by any means,
equal ta..our idato house 1 n A uguStia::..The...§eiinte.and ,
, IV'7 n a , t il 17ii i tleffi e t,: , r: l i,l s l a w fj A n kj 91 1, 1 i Igl n i flt e r
vp,t, l tle liiilliußilicee FA -alk kviurj.;lT,l!ktt:4;e 1 , . d
apidelpeilings A irhiels etivered the. lloors, , Use J? in ' es,
ths:ttre.fisifi!ill:'illl tfie 'spzieet lel flethe;borerelits
'lM9l l ,i4rAtieh , kii;:!1144 ,1 :94g, te :04 4. 1 0i91. 0 1 44- 1
I ,geati.stitlyle4p4ptipposeAhey hoe. notThe t elx;elososed
since the sovereign people visited thens,idtlto ma
jes7Ai:46bl tiqew - tvikengo. l ' ,:
4..rist"Aliel litilifiling town of about 4,
lighabitants. ' •H4ll qv diegreiligt 7 ilitialribi, 9,
4 1 a
l i rint'Tpanirg -,,,. efiall Pirmeure,.,it! ,
t 5, , t,, , CV r sa l
~ t sl , , Ti gkO r i , . t',aprara sk" ssi g.
PAily'Aili'f4.4,4tivitimirgiloC, l ,4‘44atiliTijh°
barLrooni 8 , MrBllo ispielOns. ma •1411.40 f) ofiblenseelocrs)
.- e i thie ti , i ,l fidillilte;iir'ille*AC' l :lsii'l , and , iillif'd
c i ii 4 V4A,Fil?li t ill:;! t Y. ', Aiiilk. o o:9ol: l !. l !:;9.l 4 *'.
sod 1 10,1 gib it. MNrubl. 'II ;Pol./ 1 1VMM , 1 0,,11111 We i at i
';'i*, 61 , . ablt'sireftidkat'elitlisleat•holtpast telex nct
Tfloti'ivAti ilibittioytOotictquitsbip r „ '
, I ~ 13 ii , Li ; , k i,
anslarrtiOf PA 14111 1 0. a;; tw , rfnglargr./.; yoroilifnel,
:, _tit [WI qlf r, r,Efiu -I ,
. 11 1C!9.1, , 1 1 :&eO.tlY-011ing..2,7.,.T.he...fitrinaJuld.fiebia`nro
large pod well fenced, with post and rails, and so far
,Kil . cOnli„W s iii e i t ,-,,, ,, o cultivated The
giitsee aik 4 fair iMficfelhileisreerre4generally of atone,'
naked 'and rough, or rough'-cast. , Lime abounds afid, ,
is much used as manure. The barns 'are generally I
'brit one Ma farm; but • large and also of stone. 'I(H
miss the neat, little tillages, the heuvenWprd,pointing
epireTtail l tilWriniSph i ocil han'46'iieglaCk Engiii l Mll ! I'
,11 . i . liiii'Mie'iiikciol liouse'and one. ' institute,' in the ,
whole distance ream 9 i t elphia to Carlishi, lie"
miles, but I rode the les A Sm iles hr the dark. ' - '
'. .M.The2ki`rough efoodrilshisidntainioaboutf4,o6b la=
-hallitantsil' Iti , hat Criinel'illiodEif public worshiii ;
stmengtihe , ,iist a Lutliei l tin'l "ehiliti;;'Where ; a Gerinan .
sermon iirikeit . t.hed Obeli ii id'rright, bilt no Eiipiists.'
The.collegel buildings etaisiii of two 'site edifiCis of
rougiu - stquiri ini the'ebnimbli iollege' ityle, itmiille a
hamlet:4km; building.for,.the'rclassicablichool,•xibi'ph;
wills!..tfie college '. and; theclaw , ithooly!.numberi 223
'FehOlare.44Tlseaollege hia-foutinstructors„ineldding
the;president,'..l TwO , . or. the Profeibrs, Akessis.'
Cist.pv!st,s'and‘Axiaa's . ; are li•Ma Maine,and.scr is the
:IZy;i R f . U. Rittsaitt.stm, pastor of' . the Episcopal
church, so thaildaineliiery welfrepresented here . ,
Tito philesophieal,aPpartiiiis flit...exceeds that at Bruns-'
-wiii,i; TM library IS small; but the deficiency is in
part suptilitid ! tirthe liirge libraries of two literai7;
soeintiest among cthe scliblari. , , The course . of 'study
i'S:lilin that of other' callog;s: , Till if college 'l.wiee
failed. Under. !the patronage of the Preibyteriatia, but
it is noWflodrishiiig in .the hart& of, the Mathodist,'
i'llere-is-herelan estensiyeAdirrack:, for-soldiers; and
it inpile:of-the' depot ler new"*.reeruits and. lii.Okeri
'doyn-solersers,.and is_expeateCsoonAti ..becometthe
head quarters ofthe„linited States Army. ..;t:. , ,
I :4 6 Lutlmesin atrtone Of. the Presbyterian . ebatirehes,
heve.beCo_open 'to me to preach Peace en; the 5i , 11.?7,
4ath . ....iyhe.Netlisilist minister though ii Strong peace .
man„feara that agitating* the subject atlthis, time, will..
.he_onfavorable to tha,effects of a: pr . otraetell meeting,,
now In progress. , Tins is. often the, fea r ,befere-Mi,
,= 5,000
,nisters-,bear a peace ; ,serywn„but .seldoroafterward:
oh,Monday night, Irlectured ,to• the, seltulars in: tliE
chapel, and afterward bel4 a dischssiou on the' gospel,
principles of ; peac,c,in - all -apouttbree
_Wyly a,-- Last.
night I lectitred in - the q.lho Sohitty of Equal
htl st . co .ss of nationt4 p6d a Lar • And
auenOve audience, but procuf•ed only $2.? subscribed ,
fo'r publishing the phiz'e essays on that subject. 1111.
less the friends of Pence do better them this; sacrifice
must fall heavily somewhere." , .„
irY"The Delawaee,dounty Repithlienh, alluding tl,
the case of Or. Ehroxr and his .. , 71/anneci Labor Bank; ,
has the 'fol [Owing eery aentdhle.reiparks:. .
,readeri:witivLseen.lDr.A: YYottl - advertisement
publiehed in.magp ofthe papers,. of his ec - fiemelOrit
Afanuatlabotz I. rie6lloet -an -cstrac-f-,4tit
of a letter . from - General Jackson, then President of
theYniied States,aaviii that the plan met his entire.
approliation, ns the true Cliff . 4ft;und .
ing -any banking institution. The-prophecy of: the;
General in this instance, as in many others, failethand' l
the widows and Orpitane,VtotruStrAltiosir hard, tdtru
ings with Dyott, on.the Stith of his recommendation,-
,now heaping. coals of-fire on his head fur thebase
imposition practised on them: . •
"The application of Dyott for the benefit, of the
litiolvent fasrs,"has mid with that oppositioit Which a'
. almitar - applicittion front-all rascals-should ineetWitb,
I ', . When they attempt to defraitd.the public hi - the White-
Washing process.. lie has been for the fast rimier' five
daYiliefore the "court, during - which - tiose - the - most
astonishing disclosures - Of - frautl'.were -made- that we
ever read::: The old - plage, 44 ; set' : catch a
ttgue," his proved true to these y otter in this case:
Dyott it appears had some difference with• Stephen
Simplon, his Cashier, which ended in a regular blow
up, and Simpson has' been subpoenaed to give evi
dence against hinn :Sirripson.atates on oaths ihitt the
whole aMount:orsperie_eapital Of theilasuidal LittO r r'
Bank, WaS lead thud thr4e Inindredndtdlars-Lthat;poli s
notes were at one time emitted to the amount of
$115,000--that the whole issues of the Bank.. were
between A and 400,000 dollars—that the•Dyotts made
ititiqtbdo.x.,MeneyasaMtat'ithid-the. Cashfee (shift)
, grt.avi mconytt of them-;»that hcalsesforall the Dyot( 4 's
tvvre i p rcltnned,with„post • notes, (fictitiOus,:issues)
nes.vr„pitiA.ithatstores and coutents;werettansferFed .
Dyott's.stere Wasail last.fitilt theSuildnntl
' 'of which was: estimated at $2.50,000--dhat he, SintLh
son, ,had Dyottla reeeiPtlor i:$1,30,000 'of . 11 cPPlitrAt
'mostly in'small sums from poor depositors---and that
~ .not".svett seventy thousand, dollaesi ,of tittle issues
.cotild,have.been redeemed. ;:”
- - alter =Tells :Still zhefore Ahe--court, and our rea...
tiers may expect to bear the result of this villainous •
12000 •'
c o-The Bid timore Patriot r one of the oldest and;
the c:Okilitiy; he'etlitor t•
iiroiiably'Snoett iitith ) die politics
of Pennsylvania than any other man out of the state,
thits'tiofices the , pre:kilt 4friCtriernor Porter. 1
with respect to the State,Loan Governor Perim'
appears to bebotic4irprized and vexed that the Pettit
State•Loalin latelytautlso;ritellikvasinbt taken':
startle . .anpri , tnktotagel Oh) ttto rfttitioct: to '
'the liegislature,ln-whislt,
llation' hail bue4 enteredliMo•hr- t ! l 9ll l oks:orthi4
state, with x view t to that resulti 1711 c; Assumption is%
altogether gratuitous, toad in all .proCabilitnthe
v s etse , Af net:: It „is' Aot the legitimate business
hanks t_cc to josuslpf . this kind ; and in fioint of fact,
!nmprestipite, (hey' never do it, when they have a sit=
ficiency of legitimate business for the emtiloyment - itC:
capital--which Is now probably the case through Out
Pennsylvania.% . Goverucr. Porter says: ' it Is .cOnlo .
cededthat_money_ißJ2ot scareeiand the credit of thai
state is .unimpaired.' Money must be nOl_onlyitoL l
scarce, but plenty, before banks can Propetly touehti
five pet. a6r.-103antr."".1Asid ttt tiS ARE ettifirnt'lttg M 10,...
1 - beinkr„.*lftpairetV sinK i the4scendaAsy 'of loc„o n foUp i
1 &kith's's, <hates A A k t/110eBelal 4444148 bfjACliiriii . litini,,;
. ,
-versal. - •Whetherlitr.reftutlyof the loco foe() tnimi:,
niStratton and p'aiii,4g,...pai:the troops called in (fu,',
tiourse,s3fla4tia.quell.the insurrottiompt, Htrrisburg;
UniftheAttimpt !!lif ihd:.4.ifiltlifilttittits; lb tog. ihe ,
insurg erste, whii'giiiiie'd-tinlii r rinittei? - iirerii'Jt calcu.
1 4*(4 qt.litrig)ii-4tetrecoditlkfltrelTMO s3 ?..
sty, be wellauestipltest. ,Tlitwt i t
. entlei g loy ofSher .
1 Afslislo` 114114the':14ditas'lliny ottiiJy : Afti lini ..
charneleoo. l orniSyli#oiajll#r'Ainttb . ! be a dotibl,.i . '
'!Btil. thUre is another' view;ortte - subjecti - whlOt '
itltlOW'ihritti l 44( 1 4;414' (Vitkirifeil'iPtirite, duifit s :
,11 9 1 ,+, to)64'l6ooo‘l.l2t,i'A..Bl:q9lApsellof., ard.ftlend..o
The Ihulcolf4O,,,lijoilol,§at,ns.ikbutuil by its al If'
inoorp6r4iian te fitlakeinitlisid tit'64A, to .n n txtellit,
1 1,14,i0rAir* t : er - ni. , :' tiiejlikttei ' Was *iitilied ;
ti;it:/) . 8an 14. ,k 9 .447:Pri11' + giifil`,TOP:lWo.c*„ 4- '4,
, - hiStrOttiditidontains.tbi's provision as one of:.i.';:e cniii.. :
.18itIlili6'bith1E Ottnii".-Anill'yhydottiot irw; L 9 90 }Seri ,
!Legislature and . Governot'ittell',#:4' "ALI &A te ,
I ./ - 400±440 . .'4“ . . , 'iiiin - la .- 7,. - 04' ie
atio467 - d'eAt I.lls t 4 fltild f ieittsing l , f lb A r proposals-.
i. 4 '1 1 : 16 li.cenLAl'Llitllf I.l , tniti '` itihlbt ‘ t*y.!iiisj4n is
1114'ilt: 1 1(t t r 4 OINFigkliA T , '''
°liiirt. 4 lP : i f.*" .
4 +4t.: 4 l.,,,f4;glsklialit, jiI.,ALL As;ps of,
1, 1 , ---the,11,016 totiy:Adetioft)teilutte4iikytmotAilfi,
tiiiClsli, , Ailli.: J r:4litti:64it'hitiol 'tliOkititittit4 It'll*
ciyirltts; y-iffshi; littestiAn should ever be iwilttfl, wilicb, l
•",:,,vci.,::., , ,p01v.3 . 1 ht.o,4eD AA:. I ~ • . . - -. i "._
hurite;er.:it -7wilt.apt,icwarrid of epirraeb 4;11e for the
judicial tribunals in the lost resort, to
31161 . 4ti t islitit'e mot Governor ciottld have 1r thidg t o.
Rl', Bank: ro'r
!-ir,Fislat . etre*l"49.overtlori atilip tett ef
tforilplyaiopiewthi:o64iiiOyireirMilsbiz'w iyhit
)ilis,:',-,fr,u14,4,if they';pciiiir,,it9d how; far
Ottifrilks' 4(4:"Oarieiit.
--• ' -
.I%To‘i , lhg.!fOcigai p
ruleitio.ft VennsylVati ►• e , upriteOks t e ,eo(p.*::erelsittll;on,(4,n,' tga 'oh*
• , • - 4 ,,
frnomeOt to eatylo partftrvfott ,
qttirregta; how
.f4f - ilte.iii . seziivulei-iof,Oiti,t'sj.l4:eit!iiier it - ..")@vitiot'i
" ' '
rlefo ni (Va.)-Pree treaafatatea, thal l
-the-DavenPqst:,:irarrie, o o fAibouterea,_the_sarne_us.
advertised in our paper of the lith of Noventher last,
was.' told ht.; sivittioni Vot *leek ior $19;038 00; 'upon
termenettrly: equal in 'eti4l.' , Call', Esq.; rqu T.
`l , "l'inchester; Ntna the purchtitiei. • .
• Ballinzgre March 16.. - .•
Vt.ouit.:-,ifi the. early: - part of tio.,-Nivek i r ! ativA
,frpr F .l,l 4 or s p, Were made at ; $7,50 a . 57,624 ,1 but ain66;
then the, store. priceAnt,a,..aettli.d., ; flowt to %, $7,59, at
3 4 :111r 5 11..sares.ha_te,becti .otaqe, and_are'..ntaking... r .-The
,wagosi and rail Toad price is ttniforyn. $7,,t!.5.•
• GRAIN=-.. WY/leaf.--;Two ,oaroliioepritite,lll4ted
bare bteepSo..the r eintrselot the week for.foreign shill
me ll l, oPe on:7 l .fpoday ut51,71,, and:otte.yeaterdiTy tat
$1,70 ~per bushel,.'tiro uot disposed,
however,,,the present pondition'Of the Flour market,
,for,the,satife deseription...We quote
the, range, of cot - Amon to.. prone, at $1,60 a 1,70.;
Corn---SaleS of Aftf.: white. early' in the,weeic; at,
83e.•, and ptyellow at 85e frtthday we-quote white at
abOut 8,5 r, ;, and, yellow at.Bs a 116 c. Sales of several
iliOnsfiiftbushels Virginitt - Cora - toptla - at - :81-and-,13'2‘..4-
and. for one Parcel at '80; centat the fair quotation •to
day. for.Virgiiiia is 81 ii 82 centg.. . .
11,ye."--ye,quotiS , at 95 a 100 e. .• . -;
Outs.-L 7 Sales at A 3 4.5e.' • • ,
„Proi. 7 in gond demand,-sales at SI,37LA.
Ileniu.•T Sales 1441,75. per bushel'. • .
,of Clover-aced have been
made dnrilig the, week, al. prices Corresponding. with
our last Anplation, 'good Foreign at $l3lO 13,g0,
.and prune Western at st4-to $14,80. "
_sales tare makingsiis2,7s to
$.9 per . „.• ,
; market. leis lieen exceedingly
dull .througliOut the "weeks and Intrehasers have been
!ioltling hack Underthe Oxpecfrition that on the receipt
of supplies from, the Susquehanna, tirices would be
lower, than heretofore rtiectl.-7-On the Wharf
Mids., are held nominally at 40 cents, and tiMs . .;iii 42
cents. In 1-loward' atseet,. sale of bbls: have been
-made'from stOreaat, cents--,--Thowagon price
of bble. eiuly, in the vvea.. was 89 cents,. has,
since_deelined 2 tetitS, and is now at_.:36_cents_ per
galloO,,exclusive of tife - barrt 1. ?Illy:. - inSpectioes of
the week comprise:WEl hints: and 'l5l - 18
Ill29:11htlik; and 435 bbls. were from the :Susquaatiiia.
river by water; and 36 itbtls. and 477 ; bbls. by the Sus
quehanna rail road. . •
Philadelphic,'MorCh 18
FLOUR br. MEAL.---The . Flonr marbet line again
deClined, nnd the demand lins• become more active.
The'receipts are.tilsofip the increase... Saks early in
the Week at;'s7,so per' bid..for shipment- and home
coivihniptidnOater viech ,at.7;373 7;2.5; •ith
occasional Sa !es at 7,50: :i rlitring the hitter:part of the
week has berm the general price. To.
day holders demand 9;37}, and rrfnyc to sell furless.
Rte 'FlOar.=-7Salpa •at $5,60 ; since it :5,25 per bid.
bi3ittg•_ti'Cora Meal—Prices are stea4.With
rrinderate7sdles: ' ' . ' - •
'GRAI.N.. 7 •Wii have herd of no sales of wheat of
any extent . ; prices areLpwee and unsettled. Rye is
also solcs at .sl_lQ.dt I .08 for.Sinithern.
- and rpt nsylvania. corn remains without change in`
prices; A - shle of round yellow in sorest 90; flat
A flo a t, 85. n 86, and white.. 84 a 85 ccots per bushel.
Oats, gloat at , 4all and AS. cent a. . .
WHISKEY.-:Sales in hhds. nt 38 a 571 cents, and
in ibis. at 40 cents• stock now-quite-light;
• iOn Thtii sday. his!, t e'RevAienry Aurand,
Jottr.R,Apin., of Soutl;ddleton toynshitt,to
A.Nti c PTlA F tre,ooler t tll Middh!ton township?". ,
t ' t 'eveniUi; • by thai.t.ime, at Shepherdsinwn,
lt.frWide.t.Nt.vkg. COLTAA, to Mmtomtre.rlitolvw,
all of thiaOrunty. •
On the 7th Instant, by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr.
tolNlissßenzeoN BEAn; Viotti of
Westiientisborotigh township. : •
"On the iUimn day, by the astme, Me: JEASE
to"Mis . s.'e.tritAttimi. KEA:met:run, both.'of
;On'the 1.2t1) . inatttnt, , bv "the • ame , Mr: FRANCIS
licirrito2) e" ' v; •
Oin'the' s 14th ituitatte;' by! -stime,Mr: 111Ailim.
S'rtitair.:ofOhio.. to' Miss!. MtstetitA Pim Ell, of South
lriddlet,htOwnship.." . • • •.
JOll - IN. 3,lll`,VPirkft,iis . pkken SA Nit'EL -w.
iti 11)E3brur,, Settioicary store. ' '•
Llie 111-00-pnuti.p,m 7 ytudey-i,12R2J4:11 - -,4-49.1DL1,_
AlyElls,; • . .
Ctirlipii;Marcky,l4l,,4B , 99.-0!:' . , ' -
-;N r4:1 1 4 1 .' 00 OD s'. • •
Joie Y4oeivadi . tm t.tyle. • toitidop
Feints 'i'llibbotis; Bonliet% 6 ; 4413.
irinw , Jety ,ItetapAtore „..
••. • , •
qi ell ItLES 0 GILBY.
) "ISliti•6li' 19; trig. • •,;••?‘• • .
''Juitieceited f bril , 44)tlict• chrittrilthitetndt.s4rt
eil,coloi,„ ' „,,! t 00(LHY.
i F /. • •
jl.ot. ithlibi•Brilish Hints of ikiteht
flistiicaonti mie by v: .• ,OHAS:
-• 1r" IT4NildiotOetorood.fiYiro tite!oity. of. Philaticl-
MBlidatiorgO ttenirol usabrtmea. of
I 3 O'l .&• SHOr,S, umeniq• which O rel adv'it.Plabt
SlitipOtroMorbiliEo, - Vlotorinii - Misse 4. sool
-ill'os.44`itiJkiOds,•which Yin be.'SOld bbeup by tho
`atatietlotOii ht. rotsl4;io.Soodulttobrer
,1!• 'don; ;1; ~,:cnA,RLEs..l.tivsiTz...
- t
jaftisimPisztrtsiih,ni;iiai - eintaiitivat -- . 1-6 _ , 3 - .
t i.%& , ,:g . . : ,Slittil No. I,Cod Fisli,i4id.Saltntni..for Ade
6, ,, . 0 ,>•',',.. ' ..A ..•' 4 0 CHAS.:HA H NIT.
, Pri - ust reaLived,,ernotis.and roikktiges; pm' f3r
• ' ur CHAS -114111Nr117..".. -
•• . .
At •
d fteetived C.a. - cases . of Bova' anti
Lisataeliair,and-Broatl:al_otl_b ni, anti .for Role bv ,
C4r W.:kit:Nat
• 1 1 11 i 1; " r'• '
Received 'from t a ra dtti . af,.op,,, A splan.
Aidassaittueat of Dralt . Slippera. „
aid` . iy,tuse
• •,,,„ •
' I, A , 71--(0.9
' .
. ;.• - , - t, ,, , , , -,,, ,r,A4
-- - • -- ------..- -..- ~...
, , !ATE (VANE' , II II:II lii,
littArkXdJitlois#,,'lcto‘ d;llied , . likid l it
~_ Am:IAI,, .Itotits,,ittA let'it bu r nhnibrFf 1
iiew r ratlrpii4 tars, Aim 11.11(y piell:.l , d, rO — doidPfki t•
i:ora PAlatlehiiiiiito-Ictit t pal?itrol Carl isle,`s6 , o i le;
likitniothow, pliatoOrrahursoqui 0 1,111104netlitite
lates as wrii‘ uti the SuktietireiniV`,oli!lilidni
i4t9lllllNßityr,by nal or rail road. , '
riik• 1 I ''
1 •••411itir oats vi 14$ effipWarebouse , o( Ilarrallati
LO_ltny,s V,llig,streptziguirllSelittylldill; l'hiladelphia,,
daily; 40 ( 1 the Will , N ulsti' t-tiiii daffy frbto %WI
warehouse oP vow tell
at..titirrso it I)vond above Race st.,
miludebiblliooliertionerehontgatillothprifoiwar ns
goottsivAr ifi4e riall. tE IVO it. .rfit , -4.
druiThOY, Bll4o qantlituo.ta reflgivciAlAcirt M i rk° 16 e`
abdformiaLivrttli *4 utilles4lilPV;Ml!sifflifiecieriptibtir.
of inilgta, to on poinVolAe INERIMPKAPiernqIAtO• it
's Harrisburg . March 13, 1859. „ "; „ , „I ki1„.,„,. i 1 • , 1 ,11
" 7 :irtZti - P-tif- , 1 , 1:101/ qiisito +di it , s i -virfti) pii 1 , - - -, - A
• yy
•;•,• 4; 7 .1; 1 . ; ,:•• • ..-
•'• • •f- • ; •-1••( •ift •l• '!::•• •
• ..•• •
By 'Asir ' raGirrs EASTERN
We: 'received 14,1ast night% eastern nutilolte.llosd
top 4'tlas, braturtlaj- fast from i - Oileh we leariiithat
11 90 11 i4,pres ' ei4 appeaitinccs, the late 'threatened
hostilities oti, cud Eastern illtordert,seem,likely to be
'settled' without great tdruslon oChniinol.
liy the folloWing letter, it will be seen' that , a large
tllO troops have , been discharged r : .
•;,. •.1 • - C.'qrrefponi lenie of ' the Atlas, ~•-• ; -.-
• c/ '''' -• ' giui.iii i -A ' 'eti - '
ousE, VOV Ap I ,
. •. . Thursday,March 14, I S5l),
'.:::,40.u.r borderlroubles are assuming a saoretiuiet as.
I pact : , Notwithstanding our Governor is tome what
belligereilt, in.soine:parts othiarecent_neswige,-his.
'bete are of . a blare peaceful character.. , The . detach
*tent of troops from the Scimerset Division, that were
„Ordered to musterat...Skowhegan, have been diimiss.
ed. , A part orthe force under the:command °reel. -,
Jarvis, at the Aroostook, have alio been discharged,
And there is bin little dilubt that the detachments nov? ~
here from Qxford and Cumberland, will be discharg
ed in a few . days::' The timber that, has been cut by .
tritipassers,cin the Widers.of.the. Ar,oostook, will pro: .
Imlay be protected---but there be , tio -move
ment on the part ofi-our Eiecutive i to atop the, ti mber
duithattbeen autoittliewitters of the St . Johns. Here, -
j I.,learp,:the - Principal, eesvassers have been - commit
led...„and if Sir John Harvey and the Provincial Goi.
commit of NOW. Brunswick, have sucCeeded„iii.l,tigitt.
. - eititit:he authorities of 111 ante -from - interfering with
their'operations in thatliart of the, disputed territory, ,
they will he perfectly, satisfied.' By the Resolves •
,pawd:by_otir_Legislitture,...bhivar.7_ll4oand February
.20, the . Governor was required to place a sufficient
force on the :waters of , the St -Johns, .to stotithe de
.predations that 'Were being - committed there. 'CAM he
give a satisfactory reason for not - doing it ? The Le
gislature voted A sufficient amount of money to defray
tlid expense ---and the promptness atalwillingnesa with
-which the:militia of- the State - have turned octet ,the
call of the Executive,' Must have satisfied him t that the
people - of - Maine - were ready -to sustain-him-With-their- ±- -
lives and money, in defending our territory, and in
protecting our public - property from further depreda
fiDIE suhsiiibers have. just received from the East,,':
1 ',a • lare variety ,
-w of Garden Seeds,' consisting in.
part, of the folloringhich will be sold at very low-
prices.- r
Beant.—Early Yellow six weeks Deans, Red Mar.-
rowlat, Refugee or Thousand from 'one, White Mar
rowfat Dwarf, Dun 'Coloured Dwarf, Sweet White
Lima, Horticultural or-Pole.
. „
• Becte.—Loog - nlood, Turnip, Early Yellow. - •
Cix,b baqe.—F: ark.' York; Dwarf, or Paris, Early
York am) Harvest: Early llullocksneart,-Early Su
gar Loaf, Druin-lietid, RedDuttli, Green Curled Sa
vov: -
• = -•-- - -
Cucumbers.—Early Cluster, Early Frame, Lang
. • -
Green - Pickling:
atery.--WhiteSolid; - Ifoseci,cituied,--Solid Fine •
Turnip" noted.___
Plant,---White 'Ornamented, Purple Oral
l ettuce Early^Curled Lettuce imperial, sugar
I4M r..
"I.4trrt Yellow Contelope,
. _ „._
Onions.--Yellow• Skinned,- Tred::Litrge;.- •Whjte,-
Straw • •
- .--Ctuqeil or. Dotible; Paraley,DwnifCurl
___ _
Dwirt — - six - weeks Peas, Early
Prann-, FIJI N;arrowrat, Blue Imperial. - •
Pepper Gran.---Cayenne. . , • . .
Reelivhes.--Early Scarlet Salmon, Rose poiored,
.White Turnip, Black Spanish: - -r i .•
lU rtberb •Piittit.Vegetitble_Oystr_or
Suintnei Crookneck,
• Tortnto.--I,Arge Red, Large Yellow.
Large-White; 'Large
• -
//erbv..»Tlivrne, Sweet Marjory, Slimmer Savory,
Lavender, 'Slide, Roaembl arr. - • -
tarlitle,Xurcli 19,1839.:
Thar --- Aror
e - - - rorkeri, --
oN Saturday, the 2.9d0f Marth,will be isstiedihe
.first number of the sixth annual volume in. the
Polio 1 . 01100110 . seventh - semi-annual volume of
the:'Qmirto Edition, of Tux Nzw-Yoatuan, a journal
of Politics, Literature and Gettergl Intelligence. The
departments_ of this - journal ,
,1,./..iterotore l —Under this head Willte comprised
extra - its new, works of interest, tied from the
mogozinbi'and'reViewa of the day ; including all the
English and American periodicals allow, which are
regularly' eceived at this office. To this department
we are. enabled to give great varlet, and .freshness,
from the abundance and excellence of the materials,
cnntinually coming into our hands. In addition to
_theae_r_esoluxes._or r igittal4tapers, from veil-known
contrifiutori; iegulitrly our.
columns. Tales, sketches-of- men and Planners,
poems, reviews, anecdotes end. eseay it of every 4.
' -
syripti g n constitute , the staple of t.his depart - tient.
Editorial notices.of all euturate of .tnelle immediate
national interest iu litemtune and the arts, add to its
completenesttandsahie, _ • r
the politiCeltiott of - our jour-
nal-we aim at record, rather than discussion; *veld
fai• es may be, merely; partlian ,, viewei and ~
presenthig a COrtderitth resieter 'Pf Congressional. and
Presenting only matter the most deserting Of remesit
brunet', in a form the. most convenient for. reference.
Tables of election returns, an impartial_ account of.
,the most inmertant
.political movements throughout
the states, a nth the nominations and conventions of
both the great political
_parties, render thin depart
ment af The, .!*4 ew-Yorker w correct and Glithful aro
, niche of the timett: '. , We believe that it is thus made . embody_a variety Of information, thatwould done
,render. valuable; and, in the .absenee of aityrsiork
.eorrespontling to the English:Annual Ilegister,espe. •
einllyuseful for public libraries:anti for all who have
occasion tOcuark- the progreas'of political events.
ill.,Geuern! Titteigettee—A. condensestsummary
of foreign indite:nestle news of substantial interest. •
It is the object of Theltlew.-Vorker to embrace as •
many topics as may be adequately treated weekly
journal, to give it life and variety as a literary peric
' dical, :alio:tatter enough'of a awful - character to:ren
der it nortby ,of preservation. Of its plan we feel at. •
liberty to speak; rind :we believe that there - is til) pe.
ritalital_in_thosoluttryiwhith combitteiLsO' 'treany__ •
poilde of, interest, or to 'mu ch that is calculated to
read awaceeptable-visiter at-antftrehide.- Vow -
far die.execution may correspond viiihthe design, tho
pnblie ; ratiat-ttelermtrew , ;Thatlt tuts :not 'Other
nntecenssfaly executed, inavint inte frotTl
-At , r , fse.thatAienjoytrat-thepiseetifiiiiitifitiitiCiiiitaiiii,
liPP'f'r 4 0 0 0 oc!Pi„,en 'anti' this teem the ltaillmate. and `.
aftarty Increase o f unsolicited , enbiscripilots.' It ap
rcot:tr.° be time .WelUndeptedte supply nposltire de. '
mand in tbe tommtmil. • - • '
t' 0 V.0..11q10 - )V 4 6 e i .7
"''Cite ttitiorto-'Net:Norker,raintenutt ice elbeely
f..i•lnted itagei o:original and aeleit44 hi:Ater, with a
,page ,Or now, .and hopulae Mitsith Fold'' Dollars per
tramp ; the Folio four pas , earotaining nearly the . •
tame, main+ ,rivith the quarto, end advertisement , .. •
Ttiree, 'per kiantun, de4l4etion fifty
eentii priteS will be Made to these who.,
punctual y. , •
• - • • :
.(1 - .`,(Ql s an•lntliteeirannt tomPaidett inite,ip
opeii - ithe QOatio j or-five_peples erg-•-
the Polio edition of The lsteW-Yrirkirewill pent to ,
, -any ei•der, encloishig-Dnilitrit.whiph comes
,to Ts ~ 1
free 4pesOge othet ,
la* warAtic•c.
nt AddreNS -7- . - • '
7rhqkr;.; - :.
that I ha*S sopfilfeite tßes
!Jedges, of the Colia, yie plaid ofeletelieslitea
drii itt for the bektrflti.of the. i esolvent. fttpreienill the,
hote'evitiiinted v the ~*l-ehiontliky',ef'2Aptirntnor
fori-the.heerkin(of_reetekt_tirkr,ftory GOD&
; w h en ,tohere yfte , nuly,attend Stcratithiiikirmelr..
-0-21 t r, ' i t1:.1.&34121i cite.vra.
Ciirl i sleiarstith4l4 t.8301' • IT' •
VVVl l giVit*Mtbrikl i ttiV r •,
OtiVi)Werral k aicESltiliti - 10‘ti Dian Ptak-
trig bUtitiebs, about 16 yea a ; tkg4. y'rtfprit "yho can
:sneak die Germatk larigu".o woulhrile
p rgaredo —s
Ift - 311i - 6tit !side firet#l '411411,11144 ap •
Also. tine good JDtThNEY t N.wose who le
gor , fiVrutitecwoviet kis vgAreter. vZstirit Alt $l:,,
'141104111k.:90196% ,fa aO.
.)Pi11f.:...-!..!: ; I r•-;.,.. *.e iviE-ii:..ii'el.