Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 20, 1839, Image 1
El 11 't c-1.! GtOi 4;;"'' . ) L 1 lit •,79 1_ r4L.:4;_: • ' ••"(h 111;11 1 4 . , :L1 7' •-; ' ' ' - • b : • :1 • • MIMIIII Lel; I:r.trio,i':..;-11":1,,I IMMERIBINI =MI:IM 'tli,fU i ,i t : 7:; -i! . . ' • 1,[:„ - i wawstaila ..;14 . ")4. ;W . 1 11 1 51 th'i ' it , 7 ,; ---4....;,...1.4-2110.!_Tizr/kkrgeraff,i_y_X-jj.Nsi!or;',',7evil be i,areq , • *EPillAcctittlive9.*L l 4lis. PPY , annuoilv iff# d in *it fuscarKs.o. Eft the rnd ofsucmoiitha, and IMO) if • , • .hot,pai,4 Antil fa. (ter' 414 . 40 potion of the year. • I..I9 3 Y;E.IiTIS4If4DITA ku!'9lq4 at, the . ial'ratcs' Letteraafhlre,9l to hje, editor;gn bpapliesEi, MUST ' 11E POST PAID, otherwise :they 'wilt receive'rio.r4•;. eitti on *N•Ta. , " ,•• 1 .. • • • following ,Onnied persons have lieen appointed 4ienteit irlstintlimrrient for inib'serii)tion - and! adve:rtisenlent • •'• '$ pwsIIE Shiretriansto Comb': Co. - • • .teorit olLf, Es 9 ., Nbrville. ‘, , 1 .; - Koorrrziksq:!l"Fr.irburiTti, 00 TIIOB. ilsq.-Shippeitsburk • Vortic:Wviarotiii.ten; Es(i.r:; . , do. 1)::. do. r• _J..I‘I.OvrEER,Fq: lognestowil do ; • vIi.IV.It.sON; Esql , Meelianiesburg, `do i: • Wti.Lxiist liopothettw do.. 'P. 1 ~11.18soncEorr; Esti; Chureidown 410,' Cumberland •do - I'nos. BLACK, Esq. 1 13loornfield, Perry county. • ' it:l3:fActr, - ESq: Landiflurt do Conio.losion' house," .'L . . " M 7 , 1 f • 177:.. * Vila& 7 .1 4 U"SqUil lt A l a tlß T . takeir that large r and. commodicorl "WARE , HOUSE, lately ereeted.mi thtt Canal and %di ltoad, below The laorof Che . stnitt _ t.leuir arrangements gMe spelt that they can at all tiner fortvaxd prAcp-Ailift_.thercliandize-:with sprolukpleos. 5 prolukple0s. und.despatelt, t 6 the fpllowiiig.plaesim, • .• Pii Is'bttr ' ;Ng,_Bc - i - tiOiiir c4r144; _CAkri s i/thrb'Eing;= er4e-diati haye lately_ entered into arraogeMents so as tc : l ttiiy...preiddee rot , goodttl *ll b ' l'hiladelplita; at the same prices charged: by other .e.ompapies naming on the •Unieoe - canal t tlitts gainMg Three days •in time-; Mid deliverinegoothiln ;3rOad (ixpensc of Imulingfrinnrhe , - • "IT'LL .I?unctrAsr. trour, add` Nountimproduee of every deseripti, mid keep con - on•, , plaster,. fish and 'silt for sale . April, 2, I.93B. = fift- . 18: &, com.yrissgrt ---, "15117. • " WiVt 1,1 ediab - - Street;Thiladelp7,llit,-.'i . • iinderslgned respectfully info . rmd thO citizens, ut Cumbeelninl, counties, 'dist lie., has tipcnedA . AV „T AREIip.USE ittltrond Street; neNt clod , • Street'llater,ior the'side of nil kinds Of - .Countrii relipcetfully Solicits , Prozu nektunintance,, knowledge of bu, - theis; And the eserclse of his best efforts'to. promote Ottstortiers, he fintters himself that. _;, lie r i rcuder. general satistitrtion.,l, • );,, • J 001) Phil-Wei Ntay 1.838 • -• R4FP , RNeg§, • . hi i /30r/ip,i,P4,o3,l;)ersbtlfg. • , . I. ~ • 1 ,f, 7 4 • likkrsi,k l ,,,sui:.).! 1•• . )it') I • 410 s erg - 4 • I Ce l2 f.. ,, Sanz'i .gle,iO4dert 111: . , „ .; • ~,Ta4c4 ,Aupp Pg. • • , • . cea,g, Bemis, 41#44fixteli f t, GENERAL ' COMMISSION AND - (-• Fir,E FORAVA RDING MERCHANTS, L .... ~. i i ''iMoi:'3'&4'Veriii•al Moil-, IBirociel 'St:Philadelphia. . .. o', rec . :Ark preparea teit:e anti effect sta of any. Pro, ki.4tit' l 4; () Fisi,'init',°r•lgthx/laildirt''Yb. 4 Juq 1 ) 9 Pt'i. - , • - . trusted to their enarge. , -- . 1 ." ItilAiill ' ;Adtitne6 ,iiill'h'lriillh - Lii.heii'fc;o(Wtl; -?.etifilisates:are - vtreetell.',. All;goolls I to . s,be : forward d iill.'t :tit.1,,,0,),,...c,..,,,,,,,..„ed Iyolit, ..r . ip rflieltp, . • pro t' li a tention., ~ , • . i r '', (.1 t•,. tiiVapnbi l ii n wil ?i.t 3 :' ',.. I . 011 - I ... ',.,. it .SI l ls e v;I fi rn : u. O, ei TtiO T iaii ii :/:' tzt ;l: e9. . .. ' - . p . l : ii .,.. ti _ d . e ' 1 1- 1 .1f ,. . ,ei , :, : 11 ! ; I J°1 !Illt" k rri WF.Y. V. '''; ~% 4iim el Ilisiitrim, :. ' ' 1.-.1..‘301ii Siiiith,fEsef 'Ctia 'er,r 1 ' ' ' i!' 1 1 ~. ‘t t -.. - !!1/flankiit',ChanOtrabarg;".P.ii. E144.- -1- 4 113 ‘9, 0 i .. • IS' fi ..:1 7 1M .../;',; )4 '' . .. 'Kul p, Ilighir . 6.L.A,n0•50n;,, - ...4„..,_., _,____ Nitahttne ft. , KMlO,' .-.' " 1 . ' • Ir." , l l Fg.uPg:, I Atwood, jaites bieo. f , IP .-,',....? ; ' • - •7'T,. - 7,7 -' 1&11 ;V g0 G ~.cili r elpi ri p;.in, t , . ,:i -.i.,,-. ,- ~ oterling IN ire , ey,tiv....,......1.1...... 1 Siiiiiiiiii i srAriii ei- Co."' •."'""."‘`." ''''. • tiVViltiramCkteiketet Co'.l: .-:. ,ri ..! , :.p. -., - •. , 3;--yroplopo t lety,,ot.tholVa t relioofol.filf:Atenry li' cotl e t,s (;.,01;%eri rif?Chj)4, Irorrlsbqk, or •g).e. 7 r tet:ek' ti.; - elitinb6lthit ;tit.' ti4,ilinilli-ieceitp it atitentietii!J.!% - ) tioo7. 0ui.,... , t! •, - 11,1: ,, i1 , `44oo.4oßefrillMP,l B lti7nT , 1„Ifo;, 5„ „ ! t 'rri? •11 " ;14) EMS RI • - "R‘i. ' I • likorzt - , , l'":''''Aireiqi4liff ', de Coiiiiiilt .' isiii ink . f f .-..,,,) Flit ItO • 71:1 1 , ' -7; ~ 1 1,1 'I. :071 , , I'7l t :Z!.; • i th ...--.: rl 0- . ) rif,,V.. ,c i,_ r.::;.,`,'..-2.. 4 ti',':•4l-:.. ;. • -L iii „-; 1 ;;;-;..." - 1 - ,---- -- - 3.-r - . :Vailt I C.l Id 7/- 9 I ,;W rib i ltietiv ti i 4.11_ , A ill_ i , 00 , , ' ,!. . , -. 7 i..l.2n.u.lii,•iii.t.i__,M._ .."4! .c .I'_e;fif t;:l! • : ... JP/iirrowoit ' lPLefusitag •• 0 • '''' ... ,10., .• . _ )044 f i nrbff2pzkii : Tim Ailely .141 ' 1 - ' 1 ''ectd l it' wit Mike: on the -iliw 4,12..:;;1i• - if:Ailairupti'AlN T - .4it:r .:: . • ; 1- , r•i f ,4 ,- - ; ! •"( -Ifliii t i gireit l JtikPoA4 l l/ • , o,44cifb Npornee aiLLTAL'Outtbrikftepadientiribtra.vatitAt limn. , Ito vina.64 - 65 3 4',AMPAArd.§.4V..71;eilICOPM. 4 ,egi ; I n I,4tiiitigN i j a #OßAT , PIifROCP/PY_ligrAP4i• all I)lll n tarti f i a M A .cetrr ito a !,-,-) ~,is: I( ~ r, i• ; :1 ; 1 1, ri . tv ' 3 ifizoidrai l p a AiNelpfiT 4illi e olf Wirliti S ry - - ..r, puinfil i i h r... , ( cf; II biv • 'rill 1i • .1:1')11;') . Gila() jip, i;fit; Ailey 11544fir044 8 4ArifFillitRionte+ *1 ~ "tor vpurres Iva kg,' cojiitgroly, int , ;4411bc imisr -Aire did ' al;'1 1 111.41&ad` aft: ~' *` ' " !""" '1 • ' 1 ' ' 11a. -' , " , cart un II ',`,",', +'• ~) ' ,,, tt . 1 .0 * , ,(1 , 1i 'r .- ... old n'ti 1117 :Etiti:-11411.7if i Int ti1177-i; 14441 -0 1114,-iii, •,..:,, 11,9:11•{r 'to I(fAlovejait. -. 4116i6ii , :rrti•fri I 9f{ ; - .±,l 7 lbrivineetb . sliektiiiiffe4idsiiihitessiAlOri AA; ini- . ported by Com- I " 9 e / 21 .%4Itiottof6vmheriortilil a " r ‘ i irit i. 2 P AVYl7-MitArtnirs 417; 14e il t v ° vv . ' dthweate ' ,. 1) ilailbsoll4U.iilftliatlEiVel(by iyillipg;fga 4 tfllirni.; 'lig lii;tlr64l4;rl . li; r n-,1 or i 1 i lii . (A ,'• - • ci, ~t• e l'2i 3.. .;. n . .: . , . I ~e34,1,;' ~ , 4,,rytA•,,, f ra.,tiq'.7,...d b!Tt , Isivyto , tl I 7: i '31.1f . • 'l'' '. '......,", . n ovii" ,1 - I,s, ~„ • e. • 24 * . • .1 ,, t,.1• :r . f ,7;..-r- , : , : :-... , 5 :; , , T- gp,‘,. r ej;j. 2 ,,..', , ,e ; ,1., m.....i :, 2; ~+ ''-'-`,: t", itii , :.. - "71 , ti ' , s. rl' Y . ',.:1:;, , •,-'...tlic, . •.q1 ~ ,IT ril-' , .. , '. -. , . •.. .• . • . ‘..,... :.- ,,..- ; ,-,,,t i ,q.). t..,..--. ~.; .4 „..,_ , ...,, . 1 ,.... ~,,,, v 1 . ., .„, •'7.' . ~'.•.. . ' ... . I . 11":-_..^4'...':721 . 17.' -,-,- , ;•::, ..:. ... i l ' f :,,,,, , FY: ',,,, ',.! Ltr, J(i ~,,, ~,!,, ii ,!•; , 3 . „ .3 . ,3:.1 ~ •;?; :.• .i ? • ; ? .- 1 i ; l:: : ; 7 . ; :i " ?V.:‘,. - ' i • -1.,: 44 , -,..-- 1 ~- .... :'• II 1,1• L;) • /' . .•.' - •- - ' ?! •/ . 1 --)1,' • 1 ( 41. • 3 , ' L. :.'3,1/0 : • • ll' % ; t.... r • 4 .: . 43 ?".• ...::( 0? - L Ills ly i /.1 '. J. ).1.4. .• :./ 41.i1T(' ,!'t ~ , .1. ii...:1'3, - 1 0.1'. ,. . 1 •11 •. .. t',••;.:XV, . I`. -, (LI - % - i - , f i : ''•'. . • . :••:: ~ .. .• 1? ' 0. .R• •. -1 ',:! ?.,.,,) . < . 1 • 0 ii. , ..;;; ; V?? ••.•411,/i i: •fl ... 3,43,1137 i; - 01, ,;I' ' .. S• :.." . ..- ' " '''' il it , , i,„ ...,.: . .• -,_...' 7 2_ • , ..., , ,,f., 1f_L.,,,, ..? a a ,—.—_, , _4__ • —? . •'' `....*•: ; ' , Q 13'..1 ' ,il' . 1 , 1',...:110 11,:li- tip..l: ....'•';.:,, Ortri,..' ,, ,f - , :i'.:','l'7 , ;nl '%1'.1 i 6 ;.• , .. , r!.,1 ~I f, / -•,,,,' ) le, ,f; ;•: '., i/-1 , :1-: e,,, , ,i q 191-1.0 , ) • f•,-,j)3 - m - ?,?mr),? : • • •; •''. l ..-; '..: L- , • ,- - I .' •1 :". , .• , c.' v.'"'—' s,l )', Pr , :::• ,,, ..k .,,, i ,__ i -,. : •-•:':111' 1 :;1 (~!•.; '.l :41 C'. •'; '' :—. . . 1! / 5,1.; EIMIEI EMI MID t• ' ,'. , ,• r . .(! ::.:i _ -- , 40.1' . 0 •;q P . l' - '' - 4 ,, Wkl ' +':.C , i'.', .' :, f ..i.;,„ . .,,' ,„'.f ',---,, .•,,,,:•• -f l „ i !i0 , ! !,. , 1k.F.;; - . , J ;, :i'.;i: f.; ,t , J::,'; f ,- 1 .• ,, ,i.i .. ': ' ''' •' ' .. IV:VAItI4,NPWSPAPERDEVOTED.TO, , NtW i , riniriles LlTEitAncuruil • grifig;AwrgiArtil scigNego , Aoftiotrx, . , - Iviusgrvigy -.ii* ~• Al '9 , , 76... 4.. -______ - • ' ff '~ I :;- :;f1 ' -- 41i - A' 66 . i 4 el-4 t-' C Eiro' UPLOUd iIitaIitAILVD7LBO .le,THE ri bscribey ; kratefulfor.pasi.fovoii,fesiieelftil; ,13 , ittepuunts' hi 4.lends and the riblie, that he has put into. otietatioit' imi''the. Harrisburg; Laneaster & CO ' 134111,,Xtactil -''.• ri-lintof . nw4Joll}lLF. inn regu.,:. larly.'between.Harrisbur and,Philadelphia, Which. Gouda attd.Propuee of all descriptions will beforwar da-Witli eare and deitliattli, at tho lowest, rates . ''L ,• (foods Will be rOceived at the Warehouse of THOS. . DIAXAVELL, - Isi:E.; corner Alroad and Vine: 'streets,Philadelphia; to . Harrisburg, Carlise; Chantberibtirg; and interthedifitO lilaces, bylhe subseeibelc. OWEN',3I.'CA.I.IE:; Harrisburg, Feb. 5, 1839.. , , r , • I • - - - 10-I.IBH,- SAl..t--ANI)-PLASTER,_eonitantly-on hatith 'Cashlatid for almotit all kinds of connky Tillelflo4l9, - TO - FrEdit, • for..oy Soili-la:the-roar. and-the-Rich, . , e commenced Ivithin a few . mothln;u new ,valu A ble At (malty INiblteutoKildiipted tt theyneposes of every 'farmer ' Mid to:the beuefit'Ofain d . qhigoed_ to intruduce 'and •pecinigate' till' useful and practical Inforniation'. 7 concenling Alio Silk VrOwing Business, and die iiniwoemnaids.of.Agiiculture gene ! . ially,entitctt: AllAJN'r I'LEAS,4O:T - Pl-1 AND PAIIIViVIRS'eIIIANUAL, . - Embellished with appropriate- Engravings.. , •Moutitpleammt.Silk'Farni•,iteDrainionVille; - Preston . • . ;, - •••• - • . • . - _----------------------------- Proprielor.--2- • • -• 30$EPIT SITLLEII,--Editor.• The first number ihis Work will be issued_ns.soon_ bb of wliiclv.are al rettdy.propiiseil, BOtTin Wangle, county 7 - We.therefore respectfully keg. taste to call. the atttaitionidoiii frieiiils •tinil fellow citizens, paytictilarly thoie of Pennsyllania, the iiraisewortliy oh ' 4ttcts thilftililitation has in YieWiikild fcir thepromotion of which-it will lie commenced. , The Silk Culturik and Farmer'S Pfnnniil. will be 'published vibetittlM firsti3f each mouth ' Etteli naafi; ber - twilLeontaiireighteen far& ..obtavo-pages;printd , on. good t paper , •onil Pair- type, with the addition of I',cover .fiir advertiseelits; Sm.; and at the Mid . each sI s'olittiii,..alliteialge, ii.table . oreonteigs; and:ltti iq, pedyr for bintli tip 'will be furnished siihlcribers. Tuna —pan Dollar a year;,payable witliip the first six months, for . single ;subscribers, to eattli of whom 4ill-be-for_wardtid tinixetir; SEED . _sitffitientfutt3oo 4, 7 ltTitlhirrq Trres, and EGGS.suf . I ficient f 6 T 100 Silk 1 : 117118- upperly aged a c cording to the instructions given in this work, will enable each subscriber to enter on a 'small !Wale lad the Silkgroiving;tiusiiiesi. to, any extent 'desired; witho‘tt-furtheri expsuge. „ L • •••• 'trrAll orders Or this work, postage Prod, riddress ttiAi.vim 111n..bittc';'PrOPrtetiir - and Editdr,Dran- P.- 0. PreSton, County, Vieginia,.wi I Vree.eke . iliomptitttention. . IBEdikaL - - Any pcilon Or 'Agent - forwataling eitlier'A.tbe a mounta below, will be entitle l _iovtlie yewithin unm ber.-of, COPIES • of thi 9 wurk;bnr/ on equal number of Seed and Egga for the Alber/V Treebc- Silk Worms ; 'annexed to the.eeprieetrve pima - which win b'e foinvur (led by bihil to'apy the UnitedStateViti n trl fling uttiduse, : viin - •!'i (,; (.1 ,! " ;'.: ' . _Derma. • • Copes.. • • Seed e.e..F. , gks.r . For IN., ASO * • 2.5" k) ...• 100 t..ij L 'SO.- • 65 10,000 • 't , SS, -,-• 30 54/00 " " I r o - .I`2 2,2410 • 6 . .)4 . 1 ; 000 talittlittr 6f: Seed and , Fi*P; aittro lreAtOraceordiitg-t%llto-itiatrottlioptigivetilo-thiaxork,• will yield a prtifit far excedding, the amount of thrasub seription price for either ottn:ther of colties. ::r Subseriberg to :the above work are receiveti ills ()F . FIcE, or by. VV.M..l4NlilX•sq.., of Carliplej, l Tlto ip thit: 1839: :,"1,!;:. siTEStri s. YAAtoflyr . $TA.,.Lcr.Mit , -- - y POCHEinqctg. LqVAPt ; g '. .-:6 , c 11 11900 , c;t11(:: Ininitises,,C ass •.,)`o foN. 339: he'tlrawn qt 9irtithlay;93(llltitialilkl39.•l lirillingt Seheras—Capittil SS ;IzsgiS to ( KIJ 7, 00 0 !]; 5,,12..5,;ftprW.e.,1 p ;1 001V, ,60 ;TX'‘2 .10! . . - t 607:ir '41p0!:1 7 21 - 0 •s , ) , ,t ; Il l icketAlon15 :1 0() 'halved .V.MOuifttie . S geytificates4f,Packligespf.26-,Whole 711eVtps fad-0 .1)o ' ~d ' " 24,11:df . ,(„lo • 70., ' g t? o • " STATE 11:ieVitY . EA' "" ••" of Tow ?) of Wedtibdrt,,; . ; • 'tll • : • Illamrl.ll3 48.39; .I)e..drawn,ll4 A 10.41014; . ..9at9rday,; ;.'3otte ••••-• . • t ; 1 "Mr.e11.18:)q: . 1 . $'9,d,066 ! o,boo! 6,0001 3;140 2,500! 2000! .50;Prizeti7er.$11100 '; ; h4vetti3s,ll4l l lalitcr.4 Pigott Zertikesd.erk rfacknototg.4,7*Viigla ,p 0• & , f 4,5 I !al( „. ".„ ,OS •; - do ' • "25 latihildr "." 3‘.2• D;:i•liPileitrigitieketirdnit;S•kaltes a): eertiXi.catea a Paakagte.ia , thd etitemes will re .PCiTft thtstATMAt PrOßlP!MSAitlAilkand arf yf laPh efran'ilWit is o Yr i. l° 'IP •ti'het Oile'r'rrp`rn ue. Address,', • ;, • :1-;/;; ;;t !) D.,S;.GTREGPRY 14:,C6141fatiaiei• , 8 •1 •: ; • 'I; , ; 1 •a "1 ,WOOPAIVAin OVA). 91VJ (,;;{Tl'l ; Pith' tist JatinaiffBA.4 and; litilden at Carlisle ; ;in Awl. fan . o'Amtherlati ennutychnforn,the, goo. 'alms ,En.y rresiqyli ? John,Stelvart„ and John lA4dt, E r sq s.,;Sspriate Jtidgett tif the'same Court, Ikelthnrfiii Oriel tiroinediiiiiintrer'es had tumid - gray Jappary A 813 girt... • !' 4- 7 , . ; , c l l7l - 7 , :terip , On Aption 1 9f ,farita,(t. Tkv o r„Ast, lattorncy of Fredelelpf: BlirAth; of the t;i6.'ACitieitretatti;-tti*lto,m Millittni. , Shrnm ?and:Harriett:big trifeillath Harriet St iVirpapn i foldmdtransferitalallAho;katereatiof,thtl said YVAShrprn And, jlarri,et irolismr es. ) 'rtaW fir ltarp; Yohnly limit litt'd of the bilcsroilgh 6f Cafl, decd, Whiehlittltheritty takdti ftit fife wartatibn and appraiiel) Intig*VPottlbY. , n l . 4 ._VPlV4AYMW.Pi Mcfpd sat~pf sail 111.::ttg/4o to ragtiflitlidil.'Plianr: ditfileiMpettlifirsharesi, fan itrultjninlPp'ertion :Jtfibillio 4 PlMl4knntt o 4:fitliTlSTll. t 9 ,4 keti4 l .4 shp ~ C oN ~qxt and es of : 1 / 4 si thitd W*l Isfiratio t -middl t aietnis ;mei" !1•11011.11. slat lim!frinititisl Otlittii oifil a .1 7 4 1i0prick inyvpinfameas.transferre i ll. lvitereppon t i l l ettW'rettiratteld3ol.ll`An'rllo. 39;P,titittie' to '64 • I it k Carlideobit;, -0/10y.01 1 / 1 0-4090/I.4i4ii,;(*Mindi-,L t ,, IT H-.1(;,, A, ,s l It 4 3 1 i l l; •,,!; •• 1 rao e9lfy Net tlia•ht tineicofij• ft IlliqVigiPliiMASCD,APll , ol97WoFdftog V/ the Orphans Coact ,nt ,said randy i t.B- ;gob . timony whereuponl. hive' liNeinihrt , signidu re ml(l_oo:tied the.adal of said court) P .Tl'. • . Ca ;iliac:the:3th +!F't;.hruar) . .' • J 839. .12V. VOCJ . CIC, p, b. co, to ; '• • ' • t.••. '-• *" „. „ 4. •.,.... .: , .....• , , ,, 1k..-..4....L:. - '• , ';'"efiri.. 1.-............ , , , , -0. , ',,Tr..” -- of io; l oolo o ff . ; y , r o „,1 ti t 0 ; f ,!, ‘4l „ , Ilifnekly4llbil I fleoP - o . er ealliste"Cigiltke-1004**141iti t- -f f ie t-7 7' 7; : • if: filf"r• ••,'; Y t', , • ME 1:E=IIIIIM , M ..„ ;Sll l ./ FACT ORVA.N.I2:ITIIIS,ILO.F TIIBRECLAS'& W i AItAISOLS:. ...Alj. 37-, ..;'V9r,i/t wet,betivecn,:kriwket;ef ,drch. TIIE. sul.iscribqs b•eg'lpaVt4 de state that; t akt , hare • n, hand, and now offilt- for sale, at.: their: otoreialargO. :! ••a ir,-eitcrul r ossortinent of - wmalultatillao 9 L., 'end Partieola;l ;rieesi rynitelts Wattiffoted . fir he — talhair •nattterial - antl•Twor ufactorod io r, 7)F, patypntrge - p..cOUERY MERCHAX'f S. letriefefore iqspectitilly scoliCiieft • . • I ' ' 1, •". 1 Ffe • rob, 0,• t11.59,A. •it _ . • -,.iaintizinate' ak - gia. , a.41;6 - maii , '. Y Ililaic 4"a'N'vrit'of FleOrdiitd to rile directed; 1:1 6 laAheill:ontlof „the !_ledurt ;of Conmulti Plena of 'untflorlapil eptioty i rhiji.he,:enoseti ; to ihthlielrale, at he Court Honae il ll.l'Allli borough of COth4e,,pii ;Sap 'ilict4' the 30th illay.oo March; 1839, hi . fan O'cloilci A: -IL the folloning.deseirlirEil.netif 'Utah; t.oiWih . 1 ! ,;:: 'All. the inierestef-Jeeseliitgore irtla tract cilarl, SiOnCo; Newton !virfiniNp,•o o , l lt4i Ong . one; Ihitalred ninlrtwelye nvrk4,,, wore or, lieis, a . ll,joinig, shrihiirof S'itinui4'. l %,lrcuh; Jactib,Sroye.f, I'VUri. ~.'hurrili' aniLothers; , kiting. theittfai'•et*e'tetl hlttvo Stinik- Log' MoNto,,, i ngatherbottrqullXogilniiimulStnneGrhipary.., Etlilt4,9l-14t,thp:, irttercpt,pf,,lesse. Aiiilgpre, in. eig iteen acres of-11.1ptinin,Laniti,mckqpr loANahuitte . I:l6P4ll' .. toilliship', iiiir iiiihg la l hdk orifieoli Hauth, ihisae Kilgotjeitt bore antrotliera: , 1,11 vi • '•-', '' .' I ' ) "Also; d.lot'tif Moinitairr Laud; lSSttyAem Clififfiiii , towntihili;;Voutti l ibingaiik nerbillintire , :or 'leis; ,fuljohlikig hinila9f - Iftittert-ArtieFarbinejWitti Grefiaey, - t,iiiil otlirra, Serzockaud u tr4en in, c,iceptian as,th . o pro- perty.9f;t4i'Klikore•, Intl to U hohilty 'me, ''.' l- ••'''' 1. " ,17 "JOHN' 'MTEVS,: Shiqr. - .. . . ,Slieriff's Offinit;tiarlihle; ` - i . ~; .f !.„--..--1-± — :l7 , :—....4 7 0.4110ryr9t448391TT - 1:;. , .!; • .-- • • ,- 1 1:;' •• i .1.• .1 1 ] - CHtA,PEII,.).IHLIEN ' !leg iijrorm that we 'have amociatedriiiirgelVisuritlil/ifietien iifSH EA r: gIiERALSEIVLWZifor"-:ibeiiiirpagealriAvdutil%the,: Piertisql**orat Phiqr,lfm4cA - c vc:vitco, puni, ntlyiseeping.otilian9 a Jay*. And zettera as ote.o C - / 111;')!I !.11; t i H rtif- q ° 0* 6111) 1 4c Ni . glAte 4 I loilye cart: 'Yti - •Itt,, r ;O:pbl.loCgtipAFFEß . itp .7ftWi‘ •)).•,; ...);NafflUPPgoClit'M,W,ThAtil'lPPlO;• )!1; „. 131441tipselcoolvog thems elves,ioe.liieg.t9 mr 4an'iiiake'i4i3 , lllCnt'iretheiStalle; t aiith&Bbeplie'rtk , ler' irelue; t *sr, , . thi [e:tf;'; 'fii of 7 ' 'fr;l•--1,,,•!;{ ".1• . !:... 6 PN.ifg;' 4 : 11 V4gPW I tirjr k . , t;;;MI) 1)01 . RIT,Q .. • • - • • - edividiihdTd4 , ,fai4l6 , 4loind illrite stain alines' !!t: b• V .11 • - • .14 1" tp ..- 0 1: 0 6 :itj 4(1 - 11 .. ) 1 4. 1 4. IMO ii,a4MalEl.9o4'2age94." ' ' 1 1.,;s)1/ 4N.t l EVatlVSl l oliEt ' ' '' ,'f :~ 'FI:(~tJ ~,i;' kiMil • • • • • ' -(('‘H,t; . The suhspriber respetftdly,infornisl,lia friends and the' juddje itigelall'itl; that, he: has. opened'it* • Zi l th i ce)ll : l2o ah).. S trite; r&his 014 shin ; (corn er'of Louther' , hniFßclif= ford) where he utentlA, keeping JOE . saleal(hpite -and Rge ;flour ; by, thurh,birrel, or. smaller, quantity, 4itctr.-- 71;Adat sinitedrit meal,: chop inie Biyl t i;Corn, 'Rye and; Oats iqends • kdepitoo 'constantly' on Nandi. and Inapes to receivett, share Of7the - pubkie - pat • Tie banal c) . On hand kW . Ilsicel for-Sale.- . • JOIINTROCTER.. - 1839, . : •", PI 8.. )Clestill continues.tntamy on the •SIINETV L'A'S ING at .the old „stand, 4tlld _hasi . consNonly on . aild a kood - 4Sortrrient'of "visited saddjiwv, 'such a ;STIRRUPS; lllTTS,linineig ethlQh . work. - /„Plathig foi.;;coach - niakers+dOne the. best ronener and Jyith. dispatch. ."' _T - :: -- - , ;:.i,pAß,ll.9wsilis.e.,liF4-s, I . HAVE' ;rust 'receive . ( l frin] Lainilretli;- in ex toosAye. iikriortinentolGarclen:Sueds,consisting of ... - •asparctkiti. • • Beet—Long Re(l,Early"Turnip, French Sugne. Chute , !Ceding; Cranliet•rs• Carolida,-Lima. Boroci* York, Early. Sugarloaf, Large Yorki - A e undicad; - 1100)utettOtedlNiteictUrTed Sa . • . •-•• " Carrot—Chimgei t. •• . • —CtioinzberL4,ong,Gr66);'Early Frame. ; '• • -1 • , Cresst,Fine.Curlial,L . .y, Pleat—Long Purple. '• • .. E t ndiitg--(:urled; — L•ettace-; 4 -1•Iarly-CurreiMventoti,;Early Cabbage, tirown . . , . Citton • • •. , Onion—Siker Skin, Red Anniiiil;ll,llrke •Parsley..;.—PrWsnip—klnc. Sugar, •,• • . Psari r •- , --t,lxtl.a Early, Early ll , raine, Early, Charlton, •Larke'l'tfarrowfat, l)warf Afarr&wfal, Mae • "Pepper--LarO:Sweet:', • • • " ' • cip 'Reil , - • - ..-Satsti fie. . .‘"S'ithizich..--Itottlid Say PRE , Idy - seoirm: . -Squash--Early Ru sh', Long (4.(31.1. Flot, fled cII9T.STv ea-, • 1:iot lierbse. ' Frbriwy ?SP • • Orphnns'•(Gourt.bej to and lield'on Tuesday -thc,29th:day orihnitaryoB:3 l l, mid held tif-Carliideon and for Cltimberliiiiil county, brfore the Hari. J (dui 4eed, Esquire', President, and.lohn Stuart and Jolui Lefever, Esqtdres,•Asiineiiite Juaikes of the tame chtirt;- Sze, the following pCoceedimo were.lind, to ' • 291.1 i January,. litLi9. In the case the writ. of Par itihn'and valuatiou, (hi The real vita(' ofl hairy tiecker, deceased, oh motion or 'W.. E. Line, Esq.— itufo_oli.the accept- dr refuse to aceepf:tif the said real etude at valuation hereof, - -.7c1)2,tg : be, published earlisle;.to those who reside - ant of 'the thhitt;,for.'iliree-Anc..ctaiii•c.weci:st returnable- liext stiffed Orphans Court. t, • , • COVICI'. Cuirtbdlctiul .014itly, , thl.c . er . lifY . the nboye o,he a ..true to-, icomirt i l c ~,, 40 . iv's' 0.. l he orzglnal,tni,sen from the records • ...41' ....of:the' Orplifiiisi Courf,:i wand for' tini= At / ,lierhunl county.' In , testimony , whOreof , o -Nek. ... I hereunto set iny hand And alfix•the.senl .. .00' , of: said: office - et earlfsle the !:, , (1 day of littrolcATl/T11339 ---- ' - c't - h -, ' --- , 1- - -a • ' r ,-- W: ,, C. 0. C. ~ :; - (;',l4: l l4,lg.iislnrelt 5, 1839. . . ; • ~ . :.- - - .... • ~ • , _ , r ,,. '` 0 P.11.11r4 „ • ' ' ..t., t sgbscribec piers at ( private sale tfte followin g :. I/ • .•-: ;/ 0. r farm Of firetriite' Limeete#6. .LaAtt;!iituitte In Dickinson - toahaship;' Unribt'.riatid couaty s edatidning • `j • -- • - 1 . 48 - ACRES, STRICT MEASURE', a good Log and Barn,. good . Orchard, "a weft pf water and other,irnwavemeata. No..;2.•,"ilalitcol,6:lorm Tien, l'onislKirOuglx idwi r odaip,', on the elist oeValm'i Tavern the great western turnpike .6tissink:the*.d6cr,oliataiiing, DSO A,Cttps xdoppl - 03a . t.,Ess . ~ of_ gOod„LitneatOpetaal,-a-OoLtig-HOu.sZ,Orblouqi and other iinproenietits. •.' • •• No: 3. sr farm qtjiret rate Linlestone Land, containing - ' - . 150 ACRES -MORE .OR - LESS in Westpeansb6rough township,Big...Spring (that in-, roituparahle strennl of: Limestone water, 'aliwnxs, the tiathe and newer rreezinu, not equalled hy any . aprutgin ithe United'. Stateg).pasilft"on ' tlie•Weiter'n , ;The iinprovernent4are n prciportion, of clawed hunkan .Orehird, a first rate , • • : 1, f , : FAG OUR 1 , ...VG 01111,,C, : • ihuellii,g House,4lm*.ond-Stabling i -Jfillers :Kona; -Cooper Shop Effc.-ell nearly hely upd - of the fiest order. -This property. is two'and miles south of he Cutn brrinnd !Valley Rail llond,nt the Necrvilledetint, anti holds cnit. ,, ,rery flattering' inducernentA ,40, capitalists.. - ' No. Child as the property of the bite Wi I I inm,llfrandlish,.dee'd.'nnd No. 3;ns the proper ty of the sitbsgtiber, -- . • - " • , I.A.NIES PIP,Fat o . Big Spring, March 2 1 839—tf - • • . _ • • • • The Village • Itecora Lantastei E xami nerr and will publish•the nbove stx Smirk price eliarim this °lrmo. Cdnodogninet - ereelCiiiid inifc ribrth'of . Carlisle; is in order to grind any quantity, on the slicirtesinotitat, and. on the. usual terms; d'hei_e is a quantity 4 Plaster, for sale, at tltgptillr gtast'er will always be kept; ready grotind--It %ill be - disposed ulai or ill excliam*e for sawlogiNlocuistiirober, maple tirn= ber, black. tiiikbark, spa ni sh or rock 'oakbark, gra n• Ste; • • CAltLlSl.E; . :llarelr i ll, ti3o. . • • - g ive ithq - higkest - price foe BL - ACK - Oark lIA RR either deliterell nt rave mills; one inileoorth of pielisle, or safely pi led tip any where within 15 Jmiles: It 'now. be_ pu( ~- O p • dry, free front „rncitild, and ;of a . 06(1 color—arid, be -well tecured, froni owet—,-If-the lima is Analet! off,will :pny a faierprice for the work; and hawl the.bark smiles. • • • - - will also b l y, s ,: paniali, , and rockpak bark-- - Sawed . latbs,cliiiirninkers atiiff for cabinet anti other thrtiett - stuff, are '•ainqiya onliand. Apply: at the mills, or to '• •• . -• • ,•H. : 2.• SA:111:EL ALEXANDER Carlusle ;larch 6 ;1839, EMI V.LIAOTT .''AS,9IrGIVIEE NOTitk; DOSSER, of Cum: Verno' county 'having, on the 18th day of February .ultimo, eicecuteti assignmrrl oof . .althiai'property. Of eceryir- , ai!rheriptiotictortherauliseriber, for tire- ene-- fit of Ills erttlitoni;llS.N‘ ill morelidly appeal'. 6.* the .teaid itn l gemeei which, iti, on recoil', Notteeria here by all .those, indebted ,to said JOSEPH' •MsSili, by note, book account or 'otherwise, to li make wymenf 'nitltotit delay, and; all rtitoov having , chilli - is to present them fur snitleinent,4o r • • JOSEPH Vtr I-H.S'LBR; . 488ignec. . _ . , , ' • VW. Lt3aStk < ' ' . •Cliff E iscribei.' la;ttig nboilt remove to the west will OfiliC:at public sale. iat his 'tesidencetivo IniltiCwest of. Ne %twilit; on tlic' State read, on Wednesday trni•2oor, day of Melt, the, folio wing ,perprnial,pcoporty,,,r,iz::. . . . • •• • !gorges, Co.,ws, Sheep, Hogs, • Two . wuk, 003 3 /Plalegh.r i • other &fining *was: 'Alec linuschbldand Kitchen liles,XituirtyAlur.raus v7 ll)esit- r 'Houk ,Ca se, (.:u ear(' I iralrers,lle(lsti;aii w 0 §tinns, anti Other kitylten furnittire trio iiirn*roas to ei;licana= .Salti;fa eon - anemic ut 9 . o'oloak4Olien uttttn danoe,anti rca a vanable orttOit YiJilxt.giirCn .! 1 - . . • , r• NR4 Tookti , sor • .. • . elik.a 2 a4UM, 1421- Of d om" so' oig„' r-ii:i_,;itti_,;(l_uJ MEM I Ctirlisl?'; • l'eunisboottgli; 294 gs • , 1 1 8 39 . 32 07 Ateclannieilint , e,' •' 1 8040: .AlCiffi _LI:: 414, ,14!otrg?, . V)9 . 49 .s :".1•14 R 9 l W, • 4 . 1 Carrislc Maro, • aiw/til''41F , "(1)411a 11 -1Z For traal— at ..dprg Term ,J 14 3 9,,, rir B , ,ll!eel t ,,co2n7ncilctitg t1ip,844,0 - ..s Aroore , o74,l,intn k 's: 3tdrory. '„ • 1 ;`• i's.V'Vreekly et Clark, ';Wise h. .i .-* Ol ' et t ,al vp ' htoore, ct . Ciippinge - 1 L 11fO'ctra ; .1 , _ Cr.An'el , ) fi ,l 4iNingi ZSt.); Ts", AWNSIV., ; •J ill:L Lamb vs . Dusky ,1 :,;i 1 • „ 4 . 5 : c c a:Ah l ailq ;‘.f / O .O'PliZ SECCODI ‘Vi.:kllll.ll.,9uKtemp,i,og 3.5 th .4.4MLY Nl.rge'p,e:? , Tr7,, . - ! , II '.'MgcAPFP 4-4 4P 3724 '1: , il' tranes , . Ns 'Keifer •' 'Ctrok — aiiil wife , •', ll4' , Seros9ex"rs - - t 'Woodborar • , .; - Np ,• ;; , 'ller , Pl4rce..' ,A , • ‘ J . • N 5 WaploskAn; 1, :C.• 4 a1 1 .4 1 0P 4-; Shrte - vs „ i Dobtrs6x 4 111(mrtai . ' l!e; a,, WWI V. till '7.61 Shine, NI floating). ' iypiht t 1,1 ;Jolt; 9,12 ; tit s t,l/6, 6 ,-,i t Oa, teelerici tuirt io 0-t )1 •I n ma** yot Loic r , , • N s.. Loy, surfriiini, et al Itetlat I 3 " 4 4 4 ,4 1 ,' I rtizoie 0. ItfcCung 1;; e , Jr. )`l‘ , 44Fign/Pgh 4 . r; t 7IP) AtberPfl Init . ° ILeepell •treirroo et , 11. to ;S; VS 9 I,V ?I;k .Croti,er• Ns Casey . i icl )SP2pg. ll : , , • ‘ . 0.4:(1VPqr1 2 161 41 1 IT 6006610 ' , l•sw Htiston Tim f or r ii r m ;;:._::_j_,l.J.__ll(4. saf n eitni.: 11Iei 11'I t)tmli: overvihlter, , , ) •l‘, W,elol' re et rsc , ilfo4ol ‘ ,- " ,r Is Jotint4 " , .1) _..... _.......__ '-' A iR 1440 . 1 rdieSl'etn l lu 1' , .:!,,, 2 _, , , _, , . i . 14 ti4sortnactt or the hest titintitkAdhijte red . liiii" ./ !i AP, Ilw s:ale'lit lflekinson Vo,klo;:prtkes, a 1,111 ., Ithotle'p,lluil.Rolitt IVarehouso. ..„ 1 . 0 , 1i1 A . : ~,,., coalo t : H ,getoller 17, laaB. , , : • . ''. ,s;. , l' 4 , r)::; D.ti,:r.:::” 'kit .11r;;Rnei , I 'lO •, i. • . .. irLitsTER - Ntitrit. MEM Gozogyjo? r f 1 505 g 521 328 88 ont .or , ,e • 'Olll 41(41! ';ir .E3' A. 4 4 4110010. gg 9 10 ilver,Spki 238 sq• fiipOnsbY, ,o. 192 28 141iitiellibigc V': T 8 'le: 5-(,kithannAtcrig 197 4( W. I.!el‘elbyr9', ,/.7 02 lie Ceminfe'sioners; AN iIIWI 4 titmdc:: .ttc,7 Arr Wrifif of 4!. direeted! itliilett2pdt P _lie lade; ist'thil`leclitet• gehisd,'lri.the'boi•ough of Car , Siittirk.ilo;y:the '3Qtli of - Mitic l l4'lB3l,',it ten O'cloCk, 'A.; M.' the ',forfeiting .4eicribed.'keil estate,' ,• that' yllegtaogqp,plantatidit Tract' :Of Lend„sittlate - in the townsldp of SOoth, Middleton,' in, he county; 9f,Cuinbcrland;,hottn4l and.tlescri bed as follows, to . wit. ei Peginning,at an ash oak tree .9,p Mountain creek, thencelands of. the heirs of 'Chas. MOClure deceased • Smith' ramie= and, tt, half de grecs, east, thirty -theep,.petcheii to ,it„poSt, theace ficrosysidd creek.l4land of, , JObnMeClure and the JoSeph,Knoxi ,deceased, PaPer. Ah,tract) south . , seventy-fe* , degreeS and a hale West, thirty,perchesto mount a in. stone, the nce slong,. the Ilanover.and , CrirliSle Tu'rnrilke RosdinoritAisine, and a halfdegreeswest,4fteen perches and two tenths to lime !done,thence by 'dm ,sage littuf:ol . ,McCltiee and Knox's heirs southicightuttletlegfeeawest., fifty fiVe ,percles and., seyeniteoth,s b i white Oak,thence San* ltind,,north one fwd. a half! degreett least, foety-foul'pereheeiind fie,vee tenths, to po&titlldnte, liy the same aghtifttl'o,and three-fourths. 01 degree west, .fittltr,ce. perches, arid five; tenths to a post;thenc,eby, te same land north nine degrees 'west, twentyrfive. perches and, six -tentha f to - a - post,.. thence' bY:land ,Williatn Aloore's:heirs north fifty -t, 'five 'degrees' east, seventy-eight 'scythes to. ti black oak, thence across said ;turnpike ; by the same land --tmeth forty-411'sec degrees= east, , onehuntireslAnd . five ,perches to a Spanish oak, thence of the heirs .of Philip Relchter, deceased, south and one fourth east, thirty-three . perches 'and seven tenths; to ,a black-oak, thence by the same land north, .thirty-two degrees east, twenty-one parelfelinu&seven I tenths to a stone. Ilcap, thence bylandjormerly of . Jacob, Josh; south sixty-direc - Ind n half degrees east, twenty-six' perches Ind seven &albs lora - hole on the bank of Afouniaits creek, thence up saidereiticliy its several' courses and distances to the placc - of begin , • 'sing, :containing oiie hundred and eight acres and. eighty-five perches and allowances; together with all and", singular the IntildhigS,, woods, Witfer,iebOseai. rights, privileges. and ,;appurtenntices, whatinever theieu,nto. belpng!nk, - or .4n•ony - was- appertaining, I:ll . 4l4) . *_ti!enit6-erecteil_p..vvo,,storylogillouse:aud. two one.' story Log Rouses,. and:a , large -brick•bittik• Seized anittaketiiiieit - eciiiiii:n as the prop:eery— 'oe William Il t _lyber,jr. and Sampson Mullen. ": Also,,a : Tridt Plitdet.oflattai. siftiatei and lying in die township of Dickinson, bounded as fellows, to , wit 'Beginning at a post, , then6e by. John fand north.. one' degree. and .three.fourths, cast one hundred and nine perchei,loo a black oak tree; nOOl, sixty-Iniseqmti: erne foorTb tregfecA, West twelve peeehrh,kod to . -a tk%d white, oak tree, thence by land Of SamiselliAreakty, north fOrty ,nine:'suld three-fourtirstAegrees;;lwest sixty-two and • two-tenths perches ton Spanisli'oak tree, nottill eigh-.. ty-three anti-:one:shalt - rittrives, , meat twenty perches to a post, thence by: Adam Keensey?sittne,-south two; arid one half degrees, one hundred andd-thirty-fire perehes post; thence by land of Mr . Free, month eightyzfivc degreeN east fourteen perehes to: a post,. `thence sontlahree niid one-half, At:germs, west twen ty7iiine,perches io. legit* (+pip-by lee, south eighty-four degrees, east tune perches, to a white oak; tree, north eightyrone Enid one hallltlegrees;' east sixty , perches to tlpost, and place of beginning-- containing,.sixty-nine pores. and: one. hundred and twenty pet:cite*, strict mseasue., together with the ap 'Utrientuncei-thereiintO„-belongsng.7—Seieed and taken in execution ttS the property of John Cronister, de- ' I ceased,, And to tic sold, by me,' .101-1'& Slieriff's.Office Carlisle; ? February, 28,1839.. .5, - • • vlitue of intrillry writs of Voiditioni Rtprln!% . s nee directed; issued out *of the 7 Court 'of Coru-: nion I'leasbf Cuinbeetand county, will be exptiserl 16 public sale, at the coUrt house in the boiroogh lisle, on Satuillay thit.'3oth itni'of.lllnrcii,lB.99, tate') O'clock; A.' deiciltied .1161 gsfitte, to•witth— • • • • The lindivide :fifth; .P' 1 1..0.f, a, Tract , of. 'tands, situate in North 'kllitldletorL;tow.nsbip, berland coludx, bounded by.l . mls of Jobn ,Taeolia,• itkdam. Kunkle, Jacob Smith and ot iers, containing •onn - lititiaiVil and iktiventeen acres,' Ingro,or less, having thereon ereeted._µ small _Log' House and Ilium and tither out hottsea.—Seized and taken in ttecutions .. a . " . . e,',itebliertv of .1/traktni..4l6.• Also, :a a Ifr.act .or:Motinthin Land; Bitii to iiiiiie - townEhip 'of Srimhtimpintv, oonnt,-;. containing ,twelve ~I,tutulred acre% . more.,or Jainec IKa9,..C4in,rad cit ier '- Moore Biddla i atill .otlmesr---S.etzed t.tiken , proprrty ! ilf,,Tfiniesioh*r. Awl to be sold lty,nne e .'7 • , Sherge . . t •••.F.'ehrtitir r y.lB, 1.8004. '•••• :IT . - "" 't ,-.• ' , !, .TO BIIIDCIS BU/I,DElt81:!.1 ,, .'...; '•' ovi ,1r ~, ,: ~., : . ri •• • •,' 1,./t t!iiiiji 1/•:,;` "•,'I `s A , T) l q c°ol l t 3Bl 49erli tC AT ll l er e q4 3#T V lV P l ;rbl.'l ciypi . propps-4.1.1 to clip )totile a. 49 . 41,,,r ( ?t•ter040; , illIlL •• 1 ..hcein T , h t the,horottAoSeniii.fie pit 4•Fitlay Alto 11th; i of. 4 , l l r4die-,'4o , ,Ft , ,veYi.llll,Lfe.ft„,'Jqfirk In tkie;:fprgtwon . B=' , ! `4,wo, s •Ntoelc, I R tne 4,ttqmptwi,wr,tiv,f r rlitettps,ke4p.go&l ri, , out( sphs,toutiyl,.WoOleO itiyntgc Ailro, !LI; gic l , 011Q 4 P, : , seqnet et*ek ,ne,ffie RIR% ‘vtume,ttle,..;k r t9tp gpacl 1 friiiii I Xanksintyg I.9,.Citi•tiite. ; .l,)y.,,,#•py• lA'. _VY tkppqr!i'Ptp;'' crosses sAlil creek; In't749"OrPg'hOh Ilitidle7l ton, of the tipowinei lepsions,, to lyltz To contain 'thi JengthTr'oin binb`tititrtineni, to'ille'OthtirlOW f4 - et f . nhd 46 fiet Mae iti'the•cletfid;th nbittiiienfitiiheabotit;teh feet thi'k Ziteri . O.Ytiore!if requifeditlit.'holiiying arr. ' 0 - : . ---,---.----,-,- - ratiofi, - with - kreZibik..gloritc'llilf to lieeTeteif feet{,' - :-'• `=-'1 1 4IRMXIVIVIArie.Wit ' ' ;'-r I 'high frbwrthebottora.of--the, cO r eek,--from---*lihne.e . - -"''' `'` l " '.; ''' ' 2 ' ' 4 ' 1- 1 ' " ....'" "! 7°00,441) i,4 (Plies:ooo 6 4 iull t 2 e,xtend Oros poi F ,I ~ Elia/0116r - E ).61 S 0 0 1- tifireCitiran erttl titter bile ihilhhhtif fiftite.otildei ieliteitidienbte, K 4 li'ursgent to the - br - Offififins of ' die od section of the 1 4, il l , q:C:O a ktint 3. T.OW I M ql s t f 9ff t° nFl'i'" h 5 " - Wct . cdtue . 'titirleriit-Ai31;(44. MOO tlitinConmiono eai ty, 1 ;Ay e rt i, e.4 li t c oti fr te:tl , ft ,:bti ntllu l b th st i rt o ti fi t tib l itil ite li d tO io n i e t i. i ttZm, h ats : .and eu , fl ied, , ~Att i ! et-tilbreablitift ..a, penerst I , 'iv nte..,tqf theqPPerifloorionkontlitheloYff.littiOne the. , ii`tt"ix'siZt7 . 4 c P rP uan S''C'!r:l443''''''49ll the . 1 " 1 491. 0 . 1. A ; ti9; l # ,. 4 , or webus'zitic,`,l,ofe,t , QA 1, Ole,44l,7 t tim.ti, e Inwetittd , il 4 ll 4 ,l ,‘ V v c nt ifi ns ?Vi tc t . le pi'sl Pl :_tt e t"r ie h i gt l i tt T4 i e l l n 7l :k t i u - k t. 'rt,; .7 ', 6 .l7,,, ll , a tii i 'et it n PNll9.4r,Pfitlfitl* l )-01 1 1; , .c. 0 0 1 -FfiF•tVi i i r lit e rkf l fi t i .0 , , 'n fildffee:ilin'the , kififi,l6 , h - O , WWI biefill4i4l6Arir6 - 4 ,-, V e c..l. v '''''' d AßT' E- . 41 ;"1%" ': " e t' 'c qt innl Pai9ted.l7.ll:6irtWitOle oi 44Ni f t*fe4f!ffi s thigcitiO 'r! c tr''VP• Z e • t 7 1R., t 1:-..,,c , , ,, t0....v01natipi.t ..wk,,,,in,,,,pe?id1if,,,,m01,,,r,i.piti1,,..m.14....,t6....v.„,,N:,),..4_, TI AN 4.1 , 3t1 L., antp, , ,81 , 01,,„:4 h,,,/ 1 1 , -th3 'v ei l 'ere.t 25 , 1 1 1 - #4O -111 4h; 4 ' 14'0 ;e'l,&:,'ilAkij-..'-flcicui I>tfcf 4 Y 4, 4 ( cf .a.t-,_ /E•c4,1+P(.0 101,0 pd,0 10 ,: ,, 1 oil! ! tack , or iti ,, amitnietii - thdifo Im p .. nt i,, c4 , 0 _ 1 ,,,,, _,: niece Two emzErt's or'. epe. .chool 1111,.t hoof Dircc is, of ,trtet - , to:strve hMrth-hoti-stAkeportd-191,0,07Kftivorforvfitit", . 4 . 74 111 , 41,ther . r . enr.sistricts, re whlkl, t,hreefeigh a b five th e Ili % qp , oc h *iii‘igillseknop,TWPl.F4.4h`ctiqt-thrut • t xthild 1W flu4.ll4lluniP . thi 'W/ci (ktetstik.• sides'' he 4°111""1,4!"e14-1,11Ta;18,elfCt19.1)Pe" ittig.E9,ilol's brill 010 1 1.0V114: ligi ne lghif 4 tia l li t illi h iiiV m &e. t*.4:q01104-pf S.'. l i , re; ~,..1 „kfit•lll,sttti condnetvo.',l,'-' --(1,1c0?101-iwith.fin, ascent ontisteticgoi 'hot iT,c - fimt"l‘fle , _ _Ao • '.r - i' '''c i A:'•is '''-'7:':.;,..R!1P1.3.,‘1,17-ff4,5....4141,ii- ' figriff, : n:OhYiei -, A41„ k* 1 1 14 4, I : ~ I , ~, .P , 1 , :.... . , ritTPfi Mafl9,4 frOtrf I sownod to A id f htifigO;_thh 4 : , .99ir,w;or):.. id be ifitilt.oftqt ifillitidititittpriberi ` : :' ' ,' '''''l4l4V t litiOritlP - `' '' ' : 1 theritto(l4 lithft:tif liirtto , zhiddi iitonti;+lffhlehinfitsalfil .'"' " n -I i' • J" • ' ••'' •'• ' •' 1•• •' •• • ''" 1 inthrtnilWealpiailitio,. ‘ . .1^F 0 ,0) 3 4 y ,„00 3 ,6;,,i„ti t „ . k.t0, a .h.d! . .i ~Ti .inV,Ell'i being , telfefe - th fronithit , dtuitte Of his, stlrlfkaAlsPArrAT44iriTrolpir,roFtlid: lots Offiiitt lies adge.,, In,o pOsei , to l'emour thr '...,, '...!'‘,1 flu fu 1t• or A i , • t 'wcirkimisiJii) -aild t t et:ttinV "" !"". - "•lifiiiiiitffer'fie tilitil' kieitcslolstii liNdige,ilY .1.:101ii,i)(1 •&ez;•!..fx.•,•.,..), It, ; ' to., ,ill, ...,1,-,An, • --, -,,, •.; ~ ~--1,1- , ;• .: '•'•!, 3 fie, G i•,4l4o,p 6 ,: t o j ino tk in i t i, a i ,v antri ai i iiiir toC-Untlisle w ilennsylvanio... , ~.; a 7, ~. 'm 1.;‘; ~ ~ .ir, :. , 'it '.*:c i nopeolf -tir,ltuidx t fie.t th e nfir a l ma t ti62 ~i.i. l e: t iindeesilikiseryjciettto..Al , ..l : who Inky think it tronitnistioher 'tit liiliff;bin n m V dtt t ,C,, jp he . .lw&Ti tilvn',l o tiNe 6 t - tOmtoPloS'AuP ,: ' ,.i " , 'l'd' ~s.-.::, '''.• ' NitiQl Rik) The fin'ithhlft4ii66t ffitititlikeAlie isuid 11is office is in his own how's; opposite,the college IrtilirtOlill i ril4alti*WhitOll..khelant l e% Vh'llihtlimet . "I t "' . "1" --1-•-- ' ' . • •' • ' ant \ 1 ....b i1 l e t . , _,,, . ~ , , r. y T I F I,llw l choot tthler ids care irill he elntintfi•ii . ' *. ASCO 4- §'WILL,te \P. 'l ,, Sull!IP-liQiIr 1 °.. 14 .0 4 ,19 , t9•lfistPri. uncf ft Itibre . Aii . , ".1 .\ ~',.!;%; k%' , ".1 \ )1%14 .yl?Talir.rac.,,,s..olol4l:: ;inferriiiite. rittentoli. - - • '1; L'l iI i ' 510111 -••--i.: 4' 11 ,Jou*, cplivoNs,, , ~,, ,ifiltql'id..efrit',s l 9mg , ff , ..Mil?r7AwA * ' OMNI' Olympra ' ---- ;Y k ttlesti-4 " .;liii ilvt , l4 l 4. l o4;k ti Ir ' n-i " '' ' ' ' ,( Citilisl6,4lltikck 5010919 0 fii f.) ;I- e Igy,Ll7. .rt.,-i -,.. ~,> -II qf I AP:iDRI7GtSII" •• t 44 •9iejSii bfthe inPst 11#1910*S12,949KLY.AtAniii , 19 1 : e g Ppcfpa, norqFFao9l4)lore 'nra , f o i v l lt t rAlltuser,Auct t totWilliautitai s pop AIN 4iotj treqlgiyo, l 4lrltjqindligr .-14 ' i tillEMS15kfi t ;g 1141t45th5113°Igl " eF I- I • ' ti\';:fit'i'o' , 7l , • . . . El SEM ak flif4Pait ...':•. t• CAPITALS: 71- '7 . • - • r I Wi.r. 111.: '..11 I.SSO ILSE 1111111 §Ev - Eist, pitiz zs .. op:ow toy. — EACH. The exChunges throughout Alio llnitcd-Statisbeing now mjuitliAed;L'tnery be Co: are pnahlettuuntnnunce to theituldic,tliat l durlig the - ,rntiths,ef ;Alarchand 4,0 a 1 tirlllant .a drttult; ex.- Ctrding T — lti-rnore : thatt one 'gallon of Dollitiis, any seriel, yet, offered. ^ The : liberal pstronded Gy thit,Mthlic to .this well.ltno?.rn establiilnuo e, ten der.rit an imperatire-dnty to spare nuithrk trouble 'expense to dassetrtinntr.the rmtlllltnportnnt, lnform- mation to tt tcroup.correspondentd ; thrtnighout the United States mul - I3ritisits;klh , Orinee •-• • ! • '.En . toryi , ,Pp. - xi:meet:64ly urge •attention 'the schemeir_pow,plac'ed, r befcire them ;.and let there he 'no dela,- tit vfoi•warding •orders', , ,ubich immediate and punctual attention. • _ .fieeoMes.. neceSsary, to,. can don -o • eorrespont 'dents to h,e,particular,and address ..., ;,. .:• • 2 - Xorth COvqr! . ff,sliposile.l4Fnuiri'4:llotel, . - MAMMOTH SCHEME: ; .' • .• $ 44 0 1 00 0:! $ 2:=5-; 0-0 0 ! ALEXANDRI*-LOTTERY: Tor Intermil Improviiments ip,tlic Vostriot of:Colum - • _:_hia._tlaaa ,- 7 • ea tively, drawn in- t city rie,.nn 'Satitrday• the 20th.otApril at 3 tflideidt; Vg 5.(411E - Oditlr ZTiii7ri t7ie Stsfierititesulan'c'i itrcommisiiOne.r . v. • - . nnitt.titirtnvltE:llo. ,• A. • • , • 1 . . neand Capital ot\4flo,ooo, * ' 880,0001 Prize of ' • .25,000, • is. 25,000 I 'do " • • 20,000 ' -20,000 f 1 do - '• 15,0011 ft; • 15,000 1 00 •I_* . • , • 4 10,000 , • in ' . 10,000 • - -9,000 •:ia••• - --ROW ' '1 dd_ '7,500' -; is 7,500 -- —7,019 2 Prizes of;' '5,000 are - - 10,000 3 do ' 12,000 do 9,900 -are 12,000 . -11 d— •.-111:6 10 ' - - 4,000 are ' -fAi,OIXI • 4 0 _. 1,500' - tire • 50,000 . 50 •dd ' • l,OO O. 50,000 - - 7 .50 nee' -' .97,500 . 153 • • 500 • .yre. dd- -• . '250 ,ftrd .1 - '19,250 • 65 '• 11) • . • 15,0110 -- 150 ' 'ot•e' :.9,750 do - - • • ; .100 . . - '0,5191 . ' 90 fire 5; 1 200 130 • ' d 0 • • (U) ' " , 50 -- 190 sre' 6,500 4485 - ilo 271040 Acik • 32,39'6 Oiiet 1041011titiag - $1,217,216 TickeiS $:5); haiverslo, quarters $5, eighths $2 50. - A certificate of Ockagas- af-26 i 'Cickcba- iu qs - tliis 116 scliemit will - lie relit fo'r . V.7 l Bo=lNia- - (4-timers tuiti-tighthsia-ropartipar .:Address •EMOth 4CQ, - Cati4;rt 81. oliposiid - 'PROMAMATtON. •thel loni-Jonsr-Itarn;.the:thun_e6isi= .dent 3tidgeot.ihe Court •of , Cat - anon of the enmities , of ~Cuttillerland; - Junuita and PeVeir; and-. !the.Hom J oho Smart-rand Joker LefeVre,. Judges of, !the said Court. ef - Coinfaren !Pleas pt. the-county of •Cumberlathl, have issued •theiti bearing- date the 21st day ofJanuary, t&49, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Over and TermlneC, and General hif.Delivevy, andtGeneral Quarter Sessions of .the l'eav,e, at C:irliite on the Second Ilfmulay, of.. Uri 18:39", Ifth day,); at . 10 o"efock . fare: neon: • • . N l / 2 :lTiCt: HF:linlll' CI Crr'rincr, jltstiebi . eir tint] Constables of;tlio 1.41(1 chanty of tlipir prop* person with tlteiF Record's, 'l4quisitions, l'.*ntninattoostoidaatta galtn;mlarloWes, •to do' those thinA'S ltialt iltoir‘aflices reS f ttecti virl7 . 'apptrtitin.t •Atlthinfe; 44;6' al+e' •liritaiti ti.ttni-,, zances to proseettleto;hilatt the prisoneis•titat tire, or then inityfie f in tht Jail of - Caintrerltmtl comity, to anit.titero to prosecute against - the es -shall he ~ • ; ' • ' Dated tit . ° 7th (lay ofNfatell;,l3 , 7l9,.allti -the-GS-yettritf-Atuarienn-Intleprodenae.-- , --- , • .i••.•. • ; 7 i' • 4J011N,: • 110'1(AOLLislitS IiEW a Itl'ili . pi.ANANirAit. from , the sabteriber;.in -Nowtille mi Saturdaythe ttSti,ofilcAirrtiarY ' ....,...: ' . ott,i• no . inthintaraprtrenifee , to, this' ' ~ ' • K. :Cabinet Niaki lig :NW ;leak nammi - -...-. , tti; ". .v.1 , 7:7 a " . -.'" 4-9 1 A X . :;ZA :- .Y . * ' ' : ,k : '•: ‘ ii ' - pe iniii on #idlyffe i p;o44 .pS'mi , ie,f,:.l.l , . ‘'. sokiKeli p (?ineci'ilßb jprlts t .WAYa 49rk, ..,. 46?(Ie . :1•A‘miqkig (limvA,pe,„i,de . :,or raelt „7-...-t,—..,„ T' ~. legi.; . anil, ,a.,' ; ori.,bruali , hat. ; '1,19, is ,Nnplf. o lo.,AP ne aboutftre".fti , 'll'fir.iiitveiiligit; atom'imitt, ttatli, ioni plexiqt, mai tip,eitita biffilien inglish, ~, I.!te,abM'e re: )6p1:,,a , ill IN;.!,..gkiet:fpr tin,45..i 'very pttim AO. 0 lilt., :0;--7i!id.Ni,) 1 1,fg. oc . pin, jag:omA! at Cttritaie or_CimatL;. YqqPikrg; # l, l.:rdrcniA, wiliAilif.m4l , , ~., - .. . ,• ', ..i, . JAMES . lI.EARblik ! ' ~ , Newvilio i 'autar c iti kit 1.830.--,30. , .. ',..,!. ~, •• f ri7 Jjt-701:4140•XP14.014POlt!iinetitlY•ihc.Arlitillk; Mt • itrtgthi tOnteOgltlAPbfre.R.lloll:ll.lldetritientiVSerit•iotit li to t cifizeno 7..llo:Jtkati.:442Pnir.. ms, at GolondlPprraths‘lo4l3l; wiloe he fp. id 11 ,; cp•YPOPlllll.v.clgetithyg,, it . 0111i0WIlit i eti l litiqa•atiiiei'e, resi'detteo., 4 ltvetu,-- - d 1;111 s7llll.'i uto, billtYr7 ;/1 , 111 1:N4'04 14 ' 9 1 ,dP.OI.ItE,I &A d neetencri‘ - ' 14Y-I:I I ,9O4FUP.S=.9 1 1v.Ele: .4 404 f.g4:-D T 4,l'.f , it:lS 41.fi1APS'1/4411, gum agautaatbo4*D'ah."oo—SAlDG:aei,‘ _~ :(: --a+) ME 90 am TIMM ; : '1 .v,jl ;;;;" EOM IifOt4TRIIMS4 I 2,,h- • • • - itlansAlbrought,_ ditt. , ..tlief-United. States has . fidly;proved.lhe fact thog Peters' Vegibtble ,Pills. are.the only true Yegitablet Pill; :which will stand S he „ test Oritualyiation , hence •-.. 'the' plv reprfelOriiuld 'iniistearileatiyurgiltem for - theLtiptice'Of who littid/heen Intbit of using; as . cathartics or iijierlents, the desifitctiie and irritating ~fpntqlt.pills so t etiiollll7, adgertised, and which are 'at hest but .slow consumerstif .the' vita •. unctions, Said' . sitenti'..even to the 'taint bale: ArttOnost:tif theriPprOducelal)tir effect; and 'sonvetintes , tianftient irelief btrt in 'Most -cases thel. injnre ille ; tligpative ottiont, and an luthitual Vitort J.lteinTintiiittertn.lnitte - In COifirtifilrajapepx.. It is true dint cafiiikiehruf ajirilent inedietned:firri . often .retptircdt, bat the nicestdiscritriintition, should always be olnieryellrla the- ' tieleetiont!andlf , this 14 don e, tiothitig injfirtous euitrelalf from tlieirttse. al -. , To prodder thia!nincittiesired result, Dr. Peterti has his' stud.? foi devcritl years,.and feel 4. Pis ex say he, tat s -s u cceeded ,a,tlefigth: beyond his expectations. .The obje ct of his-0118.1s to,super4 cede tlii!..ii - ec6iikikir 6(4:frerptit. recourse to itijimoul purgatives, antlto,ofter a metliehie. tate, 64taini and pleasant in its oratration;.' • ' •;• • - ' - No.-1 , 49 LibrurV,street,-New 50 'ceitti..' • . - . . . fieadache:,,Siiit and- Ativinis. . . TIIOIM who have' antlered; and are *eat* of suffixing froiii these - distressing ennijilnints, will find in PE• -TEAS' VEGfraBLE PL ,1i,9 a re/Trudy at once certaittiial lininediate in ifa - efrecis.- -, ~.• . ..,..., , IN tolli-Sili*POir:.,OfioS. stand finiiyalled i r . neitly have been cured in __alew weeka t after haying, sufrered-under - thiSilreadfill-boraiilaiot-for-yeara.7— ,- In habitual - e . ostiyeaess they iire,4lo3idedly stiperi= or to any }'editable fill's ever : yetoliseayereq, raid besides diis diery,nre reesommeniis4l bi-. all the emu= dent mat leading members - of the 11Iediefii Faculty: " _., .1 Catolokeot Neasons. - • • . •- - • For.- g Dr. , Pet ere tflebnitd Veglz proves them exceediugly good. , ; 9. Because theyiffe otrpOsed of simples. whielt, .liar-the powerrto g:004.,6 tititrtherml --- cases, without iosseitsnig thwmetutii to 116 . injury ._ =B. - ilectilla.q.thiLrafrenoto_4 ck_medietne,_but the scientific compottiiirof a-re,,mtlaP. ttbysiciau, who has - - -- made his tirofesaitin the stnifY 'or his - life. . - - - • - 4. -llecause they ar' not iinpleasam to , take.nor din.; , tcesapig to rend), while they are moat elfeetive - to oft= ' eritti.. - . ~ .. ~ - - . . • , . - . . 5. ffecatiTe .file+ aPeeeiscittiritemied Ai tr - stritiAteti - ractlianit-by.tlin-regular faculty. ::: ~. •'•'' ' ___:Aiilkeyaturcify,keepiag thg.tisiali titre natural state' . is) . ctioni - thereure - nlmnstr-evertilieenee-Which 'irt , piadenfal l to OM human fiNanta.-, . - , ... , 1 , . -:' 7.-liecautia thef are cheaP, and por:taltfti, and wilt ' itr retain all their. %mes in fat :agar, in any climate • amt fof any - tengift ofiittiel': ---- :-.' . . . ----., --- 8. 11.ecanse, notwithstand7ng tliiiie ol!'irtollolly and - Mildness,' duty are one of thettpediest pu,rgatiie rued- iftittesWhicri has been discovered. V, Because they arZt'aii unfrilifnr, ramCfly, for pros outing a goini•nppetite. : . 10. Recall:se . imeattes of_spleciror iteopohtleacy, - by, . their-healiby-indtrence.oit the.eocited_state, of the boa • tly, they have ft atom: titippy • end, hirliffing !Main: • vtgorating the Mind- • - __ - 11. lieeatise_.tliev efli . tct , their :cotes - without the • ustedittetithelts'of after pills, sickness and gripingo. ft!. RecaffseL as well as being an rivalled purifier -of-the-gerteral-systenSifhey-area-soier:eign-remedY,-.-- lurosick:lietid-ucho...-- - : -': ,:...,, -f-, , ~ fl. Ilscause they_difier from 'dm Majority Of med.: '. • leinefii in' the fact Ono the &ore tTicy are kite/if n did - - more they, ;rep ..400 , 01 , cei, : . ' 14A :ke:mac as their iiiiiiicittion creat,-.r. 6 rid ii4tlity „,_ in the, system, they may be taken toil told Producing! ' any hindrance to Itasiiess.M.: Iheloorspies of every day life: 1 1 5'. )13c cause ivfit.n 'once introduced .into a ramilf; 'iir . :i village, they ithWost inimeditieely talre , ttssi pre-: cerlenee of till office:Medicines in' general Sothplatnts: t 16. llecatule tr inartlier og the wonderful cures they • hard effected, tin tiertaisfnutiatedwilliout may undue' ' meatiTit - Ong , resTuTEdrioTicrpr — .l - airt — t liiiiilaffedidro .:. 17. Daeause their' einiiiiviiition 'pi Spa . , tliat -tlicyV mai are eilly appliesfitelo a m irritiliid l ileitietiOrtrartni coldtoatensperide afirmitelir - - - : --- * 7- .if . 18. flemitnie - two,ar tisr . aelnie in gaiteral Sufficient- . fora dose4-4o that, nn lithe &Vac with the generality' tif - Plitatiftitedieitientlife - patitentitmerl taratielled t - Mike a meal' of flirt's. - ~' .: • , '1- ' t. - - • ! 18,.11ecatioe each individual pill. ill put tip under . , the-huntediatet.suporintenslence , of,theprofirietor;.so . _ _ that no ,miSuike mitre, composition, of etnantity can'; • possibly :oceitr thrtniglr the &vela/mete of a less in-' - . . terestemagent. , . . . ~ 20.. BeertitscAltaf Ptiiifyitta, fritim , Without debili fitting, the:, voterat . •.,. ,':7---' i ,, 111, Iletante, notWithstandinOlteir, ittomaitie pap-. idatity, i no, per t m has evert venfurCd, to, rAllio , against .theirt- - the hrepth,or7actititlf ; eoy. Mat Wilttlit Tol-hilve . lkeitllip,eitie; itutivy, could l* , ir.riiiortePereil broplitem‘ • a !tingle fhtw,to'crifil nr„ ,, t; „: ~ ..,' „ ~ „„ .. , , ; .11,. . . , • 1 .22!....11ecuttse-,(and atm, flat: is' f thii;tifil l iostsitrel: - Phi'istueit)-- - radiett ,lit, a, certain. tittintiop ine titlie. - 11 !CP!, (119t*.kiTritlitn. tayt : ,kthree . a t a l waa **g r . , rry).}WitAotitt•) , , , ,AlW.lo4llAPgt I . ogl i eel VOlCUilliVitlha 4'40. Pt IttinFOOPIA:j . . 'Alrfrit:ba,SiiitiVewuriett4rra':in- ' FOiltualtle,RON - Onftue , trerv,do.s - deoiralthr Sidi aleme; it, waniti!otio ; ;Alrern,•ri tiecided4llls l ltetage:: Over tthe' , itrktilaitro, tall ciarriPetiforif,,a4 jp ;:n .cBll4 o VS:thee& tum`p, dame ~.tabe,apPOlteiitleilorlatlWrnels 'Sere*, rcllMAimitllWY. o llecOrliocavcred; as the. otte.ttArrred 1t07 ,.; a . li`vallW . while tilers':M a: C .l W efficient': irttimir l op-:' ,_ertitiano,tiltjt. ridalta guty l nlisy at tlie.oattle. 'time be atheinistci•ti,d to children and eien to infaiito,inamalr tmantities, lialfa,parraOho:tartee, - widtacilli t olight' - - ---- esfitrinifF' ' ` . , ~' ~,, , . ,', 1, 24'.'fir;iiitti'6' 'ffieir 'viiiliki: , eire hektiowledged t r it', stand lireiOriiinent, , foi . , th at; sotithing.inflUrmea upon . 1 . yettmtelirliestwhileitfraiing , :frnnt.iliohntual'elifilletmo t. „ of 1111t-narlieCeterl , hrillelacro ktf nature:'; .'- '-":.! - ' ' - 1/M;riiihfit.441884..,.... , ii,.,' f,,,: ,ff. ,:i.i , ,f• '.. 7.:.:.1 . , . 17_9,400 .5.40,500 PaTO2l, - s:ivit• wywrie.riprit'a • eilrisk#l6 v250'9010! opiii4tili I'4* thetritinneticiiiiif,biliitAls ..ti ItE tb Si P 7. -•. ..' 1 i. ' toll w" .. ~.1 '''`•':•jveti.for...--uhit...lo P. ° 1)01;o511-Clielr,K4b,11c,,iiiirifj,nijilfd.:.,,,.'11,-. `lira., 'ivz rage of ints i re !, - ", -....• ~, ,:vve:ii ,4il,A,''j,. m.. 1, !.1 Ti06.16 0 - . .' , .4 ~,,r ,u 6, ' F ' ' i , r: , i'a: d : rtioi t arts7,,; , ~; ~i! ;'; '` ..1'; ,„;„:, ~p* ..„,,, . -, s ' 'Lis.' t •';‘ we stveries(sure, 1,:, 0, - , • le , v„..i m ,ra . ~ . ,v iieue „ ~ •• , - ), d pot' i• - Iv aliommi• ' • • (,011,1!'l!'ttl" tivi c .. - wealtl•rest":0111 - 4 ' ‘ - rt,tie the 1 U; of'tfit• tit.Tinh,‘. l ). ~1 B ~s ' qq•B, 1,,, c o r.,... on eno 1 nt'Notes Ql,PlYre!lt l iF i cifyi ..,I fl' c .„• '-'. ~, wil l tititrecfkvedl t r.. id , twitaSW! .., .I,fiefre'liatc". Pli'udrir4lte crlthi. .. ... _ ~,,„„ lt cc • •••., .. c ., , ,;,„.,,[, c”,i ....,.., ) ,4 1 ~ , L,,,f84.6„;41i; ' ~,-,.,, ..,;•,.... ~.'iititiaidpliG,Drc.l! • . ' i •DELyttiquENlsteinivitemoliq slicheoillyi flia that final iettlerrient'of tharlulefeittes are' made °nor bifiuli the Stirderpr4Vrlllieztaeitesiires I will i eteketi : to - teteo4llAllYrtiOl f lt: ." r i f l e •Ilyfordei6rirtfibiCommlikkile4l 17:A°. `l , : n : 7 .3 ' i 420Eigni! 91401311.42Afigorreitor. f 0 t T etel;: s id il.filiretstiteri3Officel :tor/ atue .: ,•11,tare1v,601,839.e, ~rNi,i.l3l - TerebtaiskedwoesmiltAlifli Ats • 404tpeurt 'fore. , diisvy,tq!APP?V;WliqtEYA''lbfmtp viet,iyt; 4., 2ablisa r tyl 34Fro • 1.0 u:•k ••• • • WM "'; =ES ME ME FIEIIII =I