Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 13, 1839, Image 4
LI • . • .. _ • . • ___ Nell ex . ~.', . • • , .Ib, Oitipc4ii.' u3,ulLDEgs. I, ?;,;-., . The Cgratniosioneriiiiratnnbertin&enniitt,'V , dl re ;•:,,IVC proposals at the house of John tolannan, lno _l,:epfai,miltelioraugh4Carli SI e - O M-I*llY-i- I ' o - 1 1 2 11L1 4 April next,thetweeo nide:Weld& in the forenoon & ' --• j : WO o'clockjolho afternoon, for du:erection of a good, - r ,-,uft substantial, N Wooden ,Pridge across 'the 'Cornila-' rennet' er.eeic; ,ife,' the' place, wherii the State' ikaid n'Oin ~. • i kinliAuX•g;to 'Ciirli,.sle,':l*, itifif el:: WagonerN:Chtlik crosses said 'ctiee; 'i lithe Tolynshitl,of Nortli 11. liildlii toil; of the. folinnibgidiFrninsions,Aci ,Wit : Tti 'emit:lib, In - length frdrii 'anti ahnintet:i :to the 'other • 100 Teet, ,, ;and' tlifeet/Wi de'-iti-Allehti-tire,abittinentstabLahtilttten_ eue.t.tiqck 'eliqf tit' ilia& ilittlitired in' a splnjidig"di-' • - reetionMill'ftnYde 'sfojte, 'and to be. elevenl-fect • 1 14laroaffie'libttorh' 'of•the ',Creek, from ;ivhentie , a WOollelf`'id be 'startetJund to extend across r said ' • creek frolu one abutment `tolli other, ic Pructiliable ie liat; there:4olU. twotlmlllin 01'93 feet long, earl, 24)-1 Orted'eni good :Old substantial stone , abutinents'• nod piUt l ,llici floor Wile double floored with two inch pl,,ink 1 • • Li in tipper floor . dakiitnithUlower pine; the sides AO ~.„ al& endSliine-sufllliOtte.-Idgit to admit covered and 1 ' ' • lay wagons to pass thrditV,h. the sam:e,tsity twelve and 177, - _,Fhaiffecit - iirtlfii clear; to be'clos,ilw 'weatherhoorded - 11 - 's‘ 7 „. o ilf, 'pninted red, the . whole to be AvAlroofed with good , i, ,-, $ tri' to pine shingles ;.:the .whole &dm- wood wrrk • to ! r,,..-,,h0. well seinred with, iron bOlts,ready - 'eyes, &t. From , the Imeteof the" abutment the -filling, shall. consist of I 'earth - mid stone, Mid 'to he'welrsupported with rising f walLs'llue - efeilt high' abOve 110 the tiro uwdu Sitlq tk. to. extend in (l :ft manner on the ttiro e , Streini; sides of ' - the bridge untill the filling and walling; Shall meet 1 , the road, with au ascent aid desenet noMeeeding five - -' ilegreei elevation from the road to said bridge; tile, •, . wood-Work to be built of sound and substantial thubeil . .. . the stone work of large good - stone lime and sand • mortar well pointed. The party contracting to give such•securitv as the commisSioners rrniy.requite - for the fuLthrtil performance of the - workmanship and perma- I _ fiencwof saidhridge_ i„ ' . Proposals to be accilmianiedwith a plan. Should . none of the propols-, meet the approbation of the , . two and five o'clock lu the afternoon, expose the said . ' •, bridge to public; sale, and sell the same to the lowest ~. .. - s - andliest bidder, Carlislo, ! ..Nlarch 5,18344. T .1 LL: ITTIERiiIi - scriteroffirs at prtsatu . sale'lliu following valuable real estate; • - farm of ,first rate `Limestone Land; situate in Diekint;on township,, Cumberland county,,coMaining . . . HS ACRES, STRICT MEASURE, good7Log House and Ilarij; -- gfiiiii - Orclittrd, a well. of water and. other improventeids. N. 2. 12 vahiablefitruz situate -in frest Pemisl ! orougi t townsiop, oti file east Of POWs:fa -. on the grettt western lupin k - o paSsiiik the door;containiag, 180. ACRES, MORE QR. LESS, of good Lime - gtone land, a goOd Log !louse, Orchard 'and ether ingiroyements, • • • . . 11 7 6: 3...4 farm of first, rate Limestone .LandicOntaining - -,, ~,, - - 15* ACRES • MORE OR .1 - XS'S; ' ill Westpennsliorcnigh 'township, Big Sping . ( ilint in comparable stream of 'Limestone water, idwqg thi ViiieiiidikirOrtrefthig-,notequlled by any Spring in the United -States) passing:on - the. western margin.—. Tim improvements are a proportion of cleared land, an 10rchartket - FLO U111.3"G - (1 Dwelling Hoase - ,..liarn and Stabling, .71fillere House, Caper Shop ljc.,:illneuilv new and of the first order. This propertyl 5 two and Gaff miles south of the Cum-. Berland Valley Rail Road, at the Newville kpot, and holds Out iviryllatterin - Ondneenients to ealdedists. No. 1: and 2, will bt! sold as theproperty of the line Will i:un dee'd. and No. 3, as the pro-per tyroPthe-Suliseri kr: . . ni g -spring-, M;n•ch Q., 1839—tf. • The Village 'Record and Lancaster Examiner vital Herald, will publish the above six weeks, mark pilee and charge this (ace. TitePhibter Mill, on Conoclogninet,ereek one Mile north o • Warlisie,is in ortlvr to grind any quitntity, on the rshortesruntieir, - an(l - On thr usual terms. There is a quantity.of fluster, Me sale, at the mill ; hur'e plastt r will always hirkept, reativ ground—lt AVM be disposed niat Carlisle price, yither fin. cash, nr lit exeliangt. timber.; inaph• tini .ber, black oakbarkolmitibli erred: eakhark, gm in S:13111EL ALEN.ANDEM . CARLISLE ML,ruli, ti, 185'J. • Stlfitle; I will give the highest .`priee for RACK OAK BARK either delivered at cave odlls, taks;mile north of Garlisle;or safely piled np anv Where within 15 miles. It toast he put up dry, free from mould; and, of it good color—anti he well secured from wet--If`the Cross is shaved off, I will pa) a fair price for the nialti. and httwl the bark '2 5 miles. • 1 will Ms() hue spielisli, 11111 reekosk makers, and othei• turned Mull; are always otthimil Apply at the mills, gr. SAMUEL ALEXANDER. Carlisle:March 9, 1839. • ASSIGNEE NQTICE. ' .. JOSEPIL! MOSSE22, of Allen, township, Cum . : berlaiid county, having, on the 13th day of February • .-- ultimo;•exectited - lin assignment - of all - his property • ' of .every deseriptiOn, to the subscriber; for the bone ''r fit 2 -oFins - credifore; will - nrore - fully - app - ear - by the said assignment wh oh iron record. Notice is here ' by given to all th e • indebted to the said JOSEPH ---- MOSSERTI - e, -- liiicikaccoitiirtir - otherwise;- to • make payment- without delay,•-and all those having - claims to present them 'foraettleinent, to ' JOSEPH WHISLER, Assig,nee.. • . •. ' Allen township, March 5,1839,—fit. • - ` 1P111.21L110 1.11% THE subscriber• being about to remove fo the west Will offer at intblio sale at hi. residence two miles west of Ne.wville, on the,State road, on Wednesday the 20th _day.ofigarch,the followingTersonal prdperty, viz: • Cows,Sheepillogs, • •Two ivagons,._Ploughs,:,..l-jarrows, and other farming utensils. Also flOasehold and Kitchen furniture,' such as Tables,. Chairs; Bureaus, Desk, Book Case, Cupboard: - Drawers,Bedsteads,two Stoves, and other kiteheT furniture too_nutneraus to enume rate. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, when due " often -,-'dtinee and a reasonable - credit will he gine by • ' 'ALEXANDER TEIOMegON.,-;:' • ~March 5;1834.-3w'! • .„: , -:- -- adt.availlarate • - • Of Common: Sghool:. .4p'p)'opiiivaion- dug ";Min, ihe'Slate - ,40 the,diffirent, •:. .Disiriets. of tiunzberlan s d j .. - ' , —Vounikfor the School . ''' - "l'ecii.;l.B4o. -- : . ._. Allen, ' . $273 ,-- 1 - 5 Newton,: .' ' 189 39 Carlisle, '. . 506 02, Newville - ' , 98 - 40 Dickinson,. ' 228 88 N. Middleton; 229 89 E. Pennsborongli4 4 ° 2Q3 28 S. Middleton ,' 299'10 - Frankfoed„' ' .z . -- 7 188 '99 - Silve:k Spring, '2BB - 89 Hopeviell; ": ( ..I - '132 07 Sliippensb'4.lo,l92,2B. - _ .. - .1 .____ . __—:-.-i.---Nechnlficsf--:thippensleop.•7lB7l2 - --- Mifilin e • • Southampton, 197 46 Monroe,. 'W:Pcinnsboro'l2s7 02 the Commissioners, - ' ' • MN litiV.lN,'Clerk. , , , ~, • • - nirgi - .----- , :let: - . 94; OgCalsiD MEEKI(om omeneingtsth April.) 191 3 M. Ege's mere, . , ,vei McClure ' s talrex. :. • 199.40, IlimeS ' '" ' ' ' ' .- 1 ' is Keller, f Bank ," . -; .'•, , ' ‘.. vs Ege et al . 0. Cook and wife • vs Serena eiOra '; , 1 Wobelburn ." vs : Noble - . ... .Meixell • -. '" •.• ,;• ,v - s'irAliller ' '• . ' ' . • :. I -7- ' 7 = ! Builbek- vs rtin'et al . . ~ '' • DR. ; I. - , C-i;l' toolltifir t ' --.,. l'Pielce ' '-,' vs silks .. 7, • ,:-;',. ..,-; ~..; :4,.'- - • • ••'' , • , ''' T. , .. ....: ~-. ..• :; IC. Ir. Rail ' oad .' • ' . '! - 'vis ' 'Melly' - - ' -.'r.l: ;'7 - 11estlis li , . - ~,..',.:.,' , I Same •.• ' , - • vs Nevin ,` • TXTENDS'iviidini ,Perinaiiently in;Cirliple' ~nnd. 'Jobb'" ek'r,l • , .. ', - ` • :','Vs'•!• Eby, ' surviving, 8M: itiwould respeetfully,offer ids . profeisidind services , Thompion - • . ...Vs2illipi o is.',.... t.. .. ~, . to'the'ellixOns of the plide - intli'minity.- T'•• -'---- .` --.-' X' V • i tai./ A w k d • '-' ;',.' '''‘'' , A " re- - - fie - liatt ' taken vooms Sit' Colonel 'Verrees Hotel Same'' ' ' :, ", , • :,. ~- .., ' .vs, 2 .110iCOIXIb . where he may, befonml, ;4,01 hours. •. : .- . .' , Dysert ', • - - - vs ,Dysert° • Pa : tiolisiequeSting.‘it will be waited opop int their -. LeP ' • • residences.' r" '' .., Q 'Hush vs Smi - . • , . . D. - 1 _ , . . , 0, ~ surviving et . , • , ii:Gioiiiiito. folt l LKi,. 1 Lovc . adm'r, '' ' vs . Eby, survwmg et al ,: ; ',..: ~..„Vs, ',Anderson . ... . Reference, :Riv.: -Ttlibc. , ,C. T,nonsvort. " I , _Cf ett adm , r ; ., , i. , ~,,,, vl: :. M00re ,_.,_.,, : .. ...1 L------v---- - - lla ,-- - M41104 - ... "... -• I MeCune'-'- ,, .. , _'l 4:--- '. - '- - vs . .-, -Mal . ma -. " " Elleabaugh - 7T„i ...! .4., ;! , vs . I .Atheitea '' • . , spa.: ... 1.. ; , ' , ..1-: , ' ;',vs: Herron et al . Alsitin,::::! • - ',:,--4 !;;,.;:. -; vs . 7 :Wilspnl ; ' ' ~ rotzer, •,;;;. • . vs i Chsey, ?Rout*: :. -.:.. • e. :' ' ' :vs : Moore era"...r . ~, 1;. .Goodli.enirtt'.,. ; •..." i . . ' ' vs. ;Huatoaraam'r 't • ' -Pliillipa for use . - vs - Same . Meixelk ,; • ,va Wier; .. ;:t : „ ...,;t ;Wok& • • ''' '. .' vs MCIOV2'• • • • TtifoOre .-- - ~ " vs Johns,: •, „ Commistricers ftficei, 'Csuilgle,.lllteralt 3,1889..5+ F I\T"BAR IRON ' FOIR SAL _; ' . .t 4 14 i " as-2,11)0403 c eq qua 3 ; 1 , pi/Miele( . • qi•011. !VP gale at' i.)4itison Forge iirtaar, 1111 0dO's Mill RPS; (I , I 3V•Pire"W„.9: . en,ll4l.4.,Clejtobei. 17, I ECEIVED and' for'salei poldp;il wt (~ r ; • • • 1:11.M4. ii'AHNITZ ^ " , , , ~, c ' MEE W11.1,1,9; --. HURT. I'. STERRF:I7I", JOBN CORN:VAST, -- -- C'onimisgioners.7 JANIES PIPER . - .224,0c12 - !CO - T' , Oil.11631Mta'. For trial at '.Sprit. Verni, '1839; trsl Week, commencing-the'Stli.of Sprit. Duncan, adm'r. &c. •vs Moore'e atitnior s. Moore et al vs . Weekly et al Clark, , vs Wise. 'ChurelOsurviving, vs'_ Cart - ' Harlan, ; et al • . vs Moore, et al Clippinger • -;., vs Moore Same - • vs - Patton. Church, viving , &c, ..vs 11~cClilne LamV, • ' vs , -DanlapHl, Katz. vs Comma =ERN 13 Y - 11 ii UR; of sundry walla Fifeins to me directed, fustied out of the COurt of Common, Pleas of CunNeylantleounty„will be exposed to pub= lie stile; at the - Court ,Ilouse, m the.bOrough of Cia'- .lislb, on; SfitiMdliiithe 30th 'of • Airch;llB39 ,lat Welock,. A, .4. the following tles s evili6d. re4l.ekanti, to wit:--- . . All that mcsiauge„plantation and ' Tract df Land, situate nit the township of South Middleton, in the counfraCtriblicklima;bOundedlitid--dettiribtal-; 'as follows;-to .wit: . I.leginning at dsli , onk 'tree - tin Alountniti.ereek, thence by lands of the heirs of Chas. McClure, acCeaked, south fourteen ,and , { .1181 f de-7 greEs, eiret,t thirty-three perches{ to a post, thence 'across 8111(1 cre4 by heal t• John McClure. and the heirs - of,tfesephl(link; deceased, (called the Paper. Mill :tract) south, seventy-five :degrees and fa half west, thirty perches to mountain stone, thence along the Hanover mid Carlisle Turnpike Road, north nine and n half degree's west, fifteen perelics and two•fetiths td-lime_stone,thencehy_theilsome.JatuLoOfeCfneo andlitiox's. heirs south, eiglity-iiine degrees west, fifty five perchLS and seven-taitlis-to a white oak, thence by the same land, north one and . a hull degrees east; : finly-fotte Pia:cites and seven tenths a post, thence ' by ; the same land, sonth eighty-two and three-Out:01s ' 'oft degree.weSt,-firtv-three perches mid five tenths to it nost,:ttitine by the same land north nine &grebe west, twenty-five perches and six , tenths to it post,. of. Will Mtn Meore's heirs' north,filly, five 'degrees eakt,.sevedtp:eight .perches to a black oak: thence acrdss mid' turnpike ',V the same' land siortlelbi.6--three degrees east, one by five perches to ;Lb.:1,600f oak, thence by hind of the heirs of Philip - iteittibt , , deccased,.south fifty-fourilegrees, and tine Louth east, thirty-three perches and seven Mt - lilts to - blar k - oak,•tlitaice - bythe sumelatla north, thirty-two degrees Cs st, twenty-one perches and seven molls to a :tulle heap; thence by l aud formerly, of Jacob .1 tedi,,seuth_si :ay-three-antra half degrees east, twOnty-six perches and seven tenths to a 'hole an. the bank of Mountain creek, thence up. said creek by its several cranes, and distances to - the place"of begin ' intas, - .cottai lung one hundred, and - eight 116(01 - 1111(1 eighty-five perchespnil 'allowances; together with all and...singular I.IM huihliugs, woods, water coili•pqn, rights, .pri vi egefL. inid_apintramanuesiliatko exec thereunto belonging; or nr sey - wity -- toefutiiiiii t t; hinviiig thereon erected a tic°. story_Log [louse and two one story Log Houses, and a large brick bank barn. "Seized and taken in execution as the property - 'op.Villiarn Ilarber, jr.,and Sampson Mullen. - - Also, a Tract - or Parcel-of - Land;sitnate• Sunny:Mg-in. the township of Nekinsotr,botinded ns tbl lows, to Wit: Beginnin . _a post, thence by John ieigler's lat Lund north one degree' nrthree fonrths, cast one !tallith-ea and nine ,perches to a black oak tree, north sixty-Ibiw and one fourth degrees, "West twelve perches and - six-tenths to 'n.tlend white-oak tree, thence by lanatif Samuel yeakly,mortli forty.: nine and three-lburilis degrees; west sixty-two ann . two-tenths perches to a Spanish oak tree northeigh, ty6thremntuf-osimlnilf degre - us"'"West.twenty pet:clues to a post, thence by. - Athun li."eenkey'sbout - , - sonth two and one half degrees, one -hundred and thirty-five perches to . a post, thenceby had of Mr. Free, south eighty-five degrees, cast font:teen perches to it post, thence soudt,"three. MOl one-half degrees,-west twen ty-nine perches tO it post, thence agnin by John Zeig4 ler, :Muth eight}-fotimtleeees;eaSt nine perdieit to - a white oak tree, not:Weighty-One and one lufiftle4Teint, easl sixty perclws-to-n post-anti-place containing Sixty-nine acres _And One hundred and twenty perches, Strict measure, together with-the therition-belonging-- - tSeizestindif7takeir in execution as the property ofJohn Cronister, de wised. And to be soldhy . - .1151-11\I M Y - ERS, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, " • . February '4B, 1839. S SIREN t IFIPS SA LES. , Y-t•irtue of sundry Writs of Vemlitioni Exponas 11 to me directed; issued-out:of t te Court of Com mon Plea:tor Cum6erlsnd counts, will be exposed to public sale, nt the court house in the borough of Ear ou Sattirdaythe 3011 i day - Tif o'clocic., 'A. M. the following deseribed,lteal Estate, to 'wit:— • The undivided fifth part of a Tract o situate.dat„North Afiddleton township, Cum held:toil comity, bounded 11 - v holds of John Jacobs, • ' Philip - Zeigler, Adam „liookle, Jacob Smith -:iud attici•s,.coidauuaig one hunth•ed and seventeen acres, more or. h•se, having; thereon erected a :titian Log House and dlarn and other out houses,—Seized and taken in execution :is tin, property of:I/iridium Ofe -Cliatork.- • ' Also ; a 'Tractof Mountain Lain], situate ill the township ofSouthamptio,Cumberland county, containing twelve hundred acres, -.more or less-, ad juninig lands of James Clark, Esq. Conrad. Clever, Afoore & Biddle, and, others,—Seized and taken- in execution as the property of James Qliver. And to be sold by me; ' . JOHN:. 111YERS, Sherif: Sheriirs'Office, Carlisle, February 9.8, 1 839, S . • • -oulimatalioa49at . .1]) Y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common. Pleas. of _Ctunlicrlaud_county; exposed.to_puhlic_sala, La. the Court Mouse, in the borough of Carlisle, on Sat urday the 30th day of Marc!,, 1830, at ten Welock; A. AL the followinecileseribed-Real Estate, to xit: All the interest of Jesse Kilgore in - atract of-laud - situato-i ti—Newton Aciinship,_eontainingAme. hundred and twelve acres, more or less, adjoining. lands of Samuel McCune, Jacob Styoyer, Wni. Smith and otheps, having thereon erected t two Story . Log House, weatherboarded, Log Born and Stone G MI nary. Also, 11 the .interest of Je'sse Kilgore eighLcuLacrea of nitaiaLtualonore_orJosa r situa Hopewell township, adjoining lands of Jacob Ilaui Jesse-Kilgore's heirs' and others. .___Also,:a Lot of Mountain Land, situate in Mifflin township, containing six. acres, more ,or .less,• adjoining lands of Robert MacFarlane:Wm. more, - mid - others. - Seizedund taken in execution fis the pro , ' port) , of Jesse Kilgore: And to he sold by me, .; • 'JOHN MYERS,. Sher if " Sheriff's Office, Carlisl_,l February 280839: Noiricc. • !:,• DELINQUENT COLLECTORS are.hereb'y nod , . fled dim unless a final settlement of their:duplicates arc made on o • before the Bth day of April next, measures will then' (-taken tO 'compel payment: . • By order of Me Comoriesionero., ROBERT SNODGRASS . Trecer: • • of Cumberland count Y: • Treasurers'Offide . -- . .N,l3,TaverO .Licencos glinted- at-the,--last 7 Court are now ready for deliyery. . . I=IMINIM=I=IM e ear tislt st tie . • P;':1 f': . . •• 'Ofthe lieceffitki. and Expenditures o, letshib ( ertand .Cou. ty., ),; By the Ooininissioners',sahNouni, from (h ld eof thc.3lst of pe'ecnii)iy: l ' cf .1.; D. .1838, inclusive. Se.f RAMSEY. .ESQ, TRFAA - Stßialt • tit= • , . •, • • • • • • • =MI • Tit italanee 7 due county, received 6Om fornuie ti•ehlnii"el_,. • ' nitlatide df tax 'otitatmling oft tbe.lot'ofJanuary, 1834.- ' Atimunt of taxes nsiessed fitr , 1838,, , .. • Cash received on loan from .I:ttisrt, Esq. . . )•Do - - . do. ; . 11.obeit Armstrong. , Do . do," 'Do' -Em an estrayfrton Dorisl Httnie,.Esii: ____.lFees due.rolinti fromdelimment'eolleetors, -- ' - Do l'ecenTiii . mii itiiaiiied lands, &i.1. --- ' -1 7. ,' j • -.. ' Doixerdiets) , rideivial in :tlde.o„iairter SeOions,. 'sr': . Amount of - A. ikb's iliac duo Velnliary,,itisBi,reFeivp:l; on Coroner's Inquest ,' . . ' ' ' .... 9 1 1 'EPP Duc epuniy ptTs7efi eJ•onoyaionp ; Dick insoii; Silver Spring, • W. Penusboro! Alien • . F.. INittishorotiol., Frankfovil, • '• • • • 111.0;iroe, - • 'llfechatilesliiirg, ;N:Ntithllpfoil, • '.• fiontlipmptaiL L ., Sill in Spring, :Shiwiensbitrg bar.- ' W. Peiiiistionnigli. DUE COUNTY 13Y 'PHA; I , 6IA,ONVING-PEiISON ' S, V I'll. M. Uolhnb,Esq,lote_slieriff,:forfines ond Jury fees for -1-837, 1;105 12. ITMyt•rs, Esq. Sheriff, for Jury feesfor 1837, - . -•• 44- 06 .1. I:obortr, ns k.t , tl)Vr or penitentiary for 1837,. , 66 '44 • M. fiord( for costs, - . ' • „. , -6t, ‘2.9 , lt. Aides do. • . ' . . ) .'2 -15 : The Comely fitands indebted for balani.e of loan to W:Bentz, V 2.000. 00 . . •-• balance dnG comity liy . W. S..ll.limsoy,Es9r, bite 'Treasurer, - . • fSilico paid in 1011. • tSince pat(' on account—NVillimmTritt, William ~rlomo, George 1 7 ,u iitg, ' Pavia' Martiti, • Jimies Montgomery, John Saxtom _ . ' itaum, lON .We the Auditors of Cumberland county, - having - examined the several accounts and ionclicrs,of William S. liapisey, Esq.-Trea surer of.said county, from the Ist day' of January to the 31st day olPecember, A. D. 1838, inclusive, do report and eertify.that 'we a-balance : due said-county—liy—sai&Treasurerf_one_thousand and ninety-three dollars and fifteen and a half cents as above.stated: Given under our hands at Carlisle, the 2Qtli January, - A; It 1839; WILLIAM LU.SK, • CEO; M. GRAHAM, .driditors. , • JOHN PLENDENIN; • - 1111E=IF111101 WITOILES:II4E MAN UFACTOItY AND STORE: br 11111111111ELLAW - & - PSIItASOIA.C. 0.3 T, ;71.."0il Third &rye:44l - Imq! & arcli 'St/ I M's, Pidiade/pda. - • THE sul?scribers beg leave to state that tbicy Lnw . 011 .1 1 au t l, ut.• their store :dame . . 1 17ZIBILIMILILLAZ and Parasols, as-prices quite attelleap, and warranted to be equal in material and workmanship, to anv mnn -4:toured-by& is - eitv=. --- 7`Fite - patronage - of - COUNTRY 'MERCHANTS is therefore reafteetfullj , 'Solieited. , FISHER & SWAIN. • Philadelphia, Feb. 12, " 7 I ' . , . • . 2: 1 45M GARDEN `SEEDS, - I - HA - VE - justreceired from -lie,Landreth i -an-ex- i elutive:aasortateut of,Garden Seetla,consiating of z .48.puragn4. 7 • • • Beet—Long Red, Eirrlv; Turnip; Frenck•Stignit. , _lleani-4..0ng Pod; 11(../1 Valentine, China,• White ji edlng'Cr/mberryi Carolida, Liinn; . ' • • 21,orocete or Zale., . . C abbag e —Earl York,- York,- Early 'Stignrlonf: - Large York; Drumhead, Flat Dutch, Red Dutch, Curled Sat voy. , . Carrot—Orange, Early Horn. • • . '. QM/X=6% . • — Cucumber—Long Green, 'Early Frame:. - Cetery---111/ite'Solid; - Red Solid. ~ Cress—Fine ,Curled: • -'Egg ' Plhnt-LongTurpte..,...• • . Lenuce•--,Zarly Curled;Dreen• Cui; Early - Cabbage, Brown I)utch. ' • ! • .Meton—lVitter, NUtmeg, Citron, JVingturtruak-r,,QPris. . Onion—Silver Skin, lteedimiunli Large Yellow.- Parsley.—Paranip—Fiue Sugar. Peas.—Estra Eatiy, Early Frame; Early Charlton Large lilArrowfatipwirf.Mtrqwfa!, Blue Imperial Pefiper-;LaigeOweet.- „ , RarValsea--I. l onkSti*ni, Ling Sitarlet, WhiteTur4 oip, Red Tuebip;Y,olloNi , Turnip s , "..; Rhnbarb--Salsafie, , „ Spi,nacls,-Round Say prfeklik - Seede - it. " ! " • ' Sgunals-En tong Gror r o., , if • . • • , ThL•ni „, . t t „ S. ELT64OI7i. ''- February 26, :1839. ~• • , BIM 6 . , . •TI E. • , '.utT 'an:Orphans' NO . Court begun and held onTuesdv the 29th day of Janitary,.lB39, and held _atCarlisle, in andfor Ctunherland county, befOre thellon; John Reed; Esquire, President, and John Stuart and John Lefever, Esquires, !isoliate pludges of the same iourt, Ike. the following proceedings were had, to wit: Jainuttyll.B39,-In'the case of the - *rit of Far. tition and vahuition, on the real eat:it:6 , 6f Henry Long 4 necker deeeased,:on motion of W. - F. Line, Esq.— Rtile oh the ikeee9t or thfitie' to , eecelit of,the said ,rear estaN at the .valuatiokhereof. to be published Newspaper in Carlisle, to those:who reside opt. o:the ,eoutity, for three' successiye wetehlh retut • utible , n4t.stitttaKOrphaniCouit---.- •, POTTVII%' Cumberland ,Co:iinty, 718. • “I • " tbi thehbove to hon'trite • tni,of the - original,' taken froin the records ) of the OridianiO'Ccintt,; in find for Conf. ' herland conntY.' tetititnet i ti'‘lihereef i liiTeunto. set my blind and a x the seal I . • . Sahli office Carlisle' the 2d 'day of March, A. D. 1839, - . 7 - • . , "W. FOUJAC, Ca C. I .• RE ME IM====Ml A .• MI El 00'rSTAND1NG TAXES;" ". UM op Tower, Old December, 1838, suldectto the amgrint.imsessed fol 1818, ' Coil lfif Jrl fillcates, :third Diti)lnp; 1. Motitgonicrit,t ' NielicilasThkii;t • N. Mcssixstnit,lii , : (Ico. Wl'l4'lll.ol, 'mid Sharban, Daniel Lecli4;'. • Hblivr(Clarki H. D. Daelhouseu, . David Aritrtin,i• • Adapi Iteigle,i• • .19hp Ile .Grorgit John Johnston, • Willhirn i;ihi . 'll•itt,#' John Aixton,t Tlionni4 Spencer; John Itinninj I==IMI and getienil assortment of hso $:503 .54 4 87 04 1 . 1900546 30f 00' '5OO 'lO QU . 4. 00 'soAd -7,85 En ~ .Inet wit statutinti. v. ` 2l )` 2 7•29. 69, -319 7W, 1138`, 64 359 97 41)1 74 1 687 05; 1837 $lOO - 847 1396 97. 1811 74. 1787 05. • 519 , 2NA 411 13 . 4'20 90 1357 83.. ( . 246.73 149795 i 160 431 - 1835 . 30 t, 1075.95 i . 180 874 -- 385:25 173.80 1430 00 BM sfif 73 246 SGI MEI 1:300 la. 01 964 451 873 103 MI .$19;105 96• :16317 70. A VGA" 11} ,5,:t?ii,04 . 7 , 01 - _-~ilSlO.'Ll5~ 100 1 SO ‘.2 11 .1 175 B.LITZ ihriv No fife South 4th 13 trixt - PIIILADELI)111A. $'250,4i60. Opeittlak for the tiom M. to 3, P. M. • • • ,De'posites•of money received, for which the follow,. ling rate'of Interest will be allowed: • 1 I pain-- , • Giwir-etint,il64 - annum,-- 11 months' ' ' f ~ " i-1 • , 1 ' On liilsioo4liigiosites; to be drawn at the pleasure of dui Aiiionithr, ilo interest will be'alloWed. Unenr irent Notes of'Solventlianks,, in every purl of the U States will be received 'as Slit•eial Deposites, on sue' terms as may be.agreed on: iii - eaoi particular cape. . ' By'order of . the,flonrd; ' J. DESSAA, Cashier _ritiladpiphiik, Des.'l7, 1838-17, FLOUR': AND FEpti, resi)eitt;iity iiifortns his fi icnds an 1: the public iu pa:Tal, that lie has 'opened a • Store, at his old stand, (cornerof Louther and Bed ford) - where he intends keeping for sale, ll'heat ant Roe Flour, by die barrel or Bundler quantity, Buck wheat and Corn ineal, - Chop and Bran, Corn, Rye and Onts t all which he intends keeping constantly on hand, and hopes to receivea share of the pultiie pat range. _ He has also on . luniirile - irbiisligi — tif — §PßlNG WHEAT FOR SEED, which lie offers for Sale. , • , • ' !, JOHN PROC . /I%M' Ciiiiiile.lnnitarY 22d: 1839. • '' I'. S. Ile still - coutlndeato on' the . SILVER PLATING at theoldustaTl, Jut& has constantly on hond.a 'good atisorhitetilet ' plated saddlery,. Stich as SI'IItRUPSi-BITTS; harnes4 nionliting;/ 'and coos' .ork. Plating foe cottch . Makers done ',in the , best 'manner and wall dispatch. • - - • • • •. 11 0 18(0111 111' •.., • _CAPITAL $600,000a.. "North 'America liisurancer Company Philtidelphia;' throuW tlieir 'agency in Ctirlisle, continue to Insurenll itinds'Of property against - the risk of FIRV4 each' l la~m~uhu~c, Stores, .71rferehandire;' &Lc at then; liiiveiliiitcit'Orpremium.:. The, whole, expeOtteef Ihsuring $lOOO worth of prb party"-, tvilt cinlY 'cost from $4 to $5, depending Upon its situation; and alrpolicies eau be renewed 'in-Carlisle without the expense and trouble of sending • Application to be made either in person or by letter a te. a , • . • 2 ,7011N4-14,YERS. Carlisle, Febraarp 32A94611151P2634 AtDRUG. STORE situated ir, 0,t0wn.41 inic.Of.tbe .niost fertile Verticals of • PeSIISYKSISIS, is offered' llor sale. To aliersoh of moderate capital; there. itre l !but few: more deldrable situatt.. House and •Lot wilrbe rented tetbe puralmsei 'if required, and pas isesaleu thereof given at • Fer further iartir Wars apply to the Editors of the Voltititcer, MEM =I .i • • ' By visit pai4 .- cni • aikiliiii . Woizer 4 s"e . iy . I eri •dt, r, e; tri.i:', ''' :: • -•;.: ' POr tuition. ankst4tionitry . fOi• poor eliilitrOG r.' - :- $ 495.59 tlyand . and Traverselitrersimy, ••''' r'.".' ' '- . t -- '- ' 2244 26 • ittiditors,forsettling.abcOAntsLfer 1837;' .- ; ~ ' •45 00' ' Witnesses fees in .eriniinal prOsecetielts; r ' ' '• ; .L. : ' 'r ; '445 21A-‘ J.:usticei! , ' ;•/; • dO - . •' - . ,'llci -' ".. 4. ',:'. ''' . ? ': " 5904. ' 'OtinstableS!- - -;----'do-' ; ' •', ri.l6' •' •' " ' -- ' - ---L,113.,242. Printing fur county ; • - . ' . ''` ' '•' ; r • ' '132 24 Constables for malting. qUartei•lyi rettifitS; ' ; r'• .- ' '-• • ''.' '66 09' Repairs.and hicitlentitl exp:onses of public buildings, in-'. l!'; ';-•• '!..-- c 3 cituding. Court Crier'S fepsi, sta tionary 'fur oflice;.; '&62 ' 226. 6if:l, J'olin •Al ill er. for road ' damages, ' • • : ' ' '" •• . . ; ;,' 7.590 ,' liikuests on (load bodies,' j• ;'' " .' .' ' , - .. .. •52'64 'E. , State Penitentiary for support of rconvicts, ' r.'•• "268'96 Sundries furnisbed . .cdutity jail'and'penitentiarY,' ' ' ''' .201 56' , Bridge'over yellow Breeches creek at I. l 4isburn,•ilt full, '.''.666'66' Assesiors'imy for 1838, ' ' ....±...., . ' ''• . r ' ' "672 ioo2'. Taxes . . • , . 5100 Expenses or Vreneral & Etection, . . 235 5.6 .f. Myers,'Esq.Bll'll; for stippN of prisoners, &e,1838, .1084 67. Joseph Lobacif, Esql.!salary'')asiCeiperyf.Penitentiary - ; - :. 200 - 00 Direttors of .Poor ; for support of paupers, &C. • '-'6OOO 00 :I IL; M'Onne, Esq. salary as Director of the Poor for 1838, 30 - 00 David Enuninger - , --- Esq;il6 ---- t ---- - - 7do • 30'00 --- A. Waggoner,•Esq._ do. dO • • - do 30 00 Jadob Zug, Esq. pay, as COnimissioner; in falli• - • - Jame's -Willis, ESq. pay as / do for 1838, - 120 00 Riihert 'Sterrett, Esiff: - • . do" do • ~105:00 Prifi _ JoIM onen, - -Esq. •-• : • -._dyfrOm_22d..Nov*.-to -- -,-,;31 - S(Decenilier;lB3B, . - • .. • .. 28 50. Mtn Esq, salary as Clerk to - Commiss'.oners, 260,00 James H;Grabani;4;sq. salary Attorney-to-do:. • - 50.00 Craighead: jr:-Esq. fees - as Clerk of. gyar: Sege, - &c: 119 24 S. I)..Allair, Esq . . -fees as Depuiy Attorney General,. 5360 George. illetniag, Protlionotary's:fees, . 15 75 Doctor-Stadigerfor appreliendingllorse -- -11 - 65.06. 1-lon.. John, Stuart-, _ ~tip 303 25'_ Robert Armsiroyg,. • .110 -- 511.95 , 'Joseph Clark; , • do . .601'60 .1. 11. Grahain,'Esq - -.', fees in _ease. of writ,of error, • • 7.50 'Viewers. of Roads and:Bridges, • . • 95 45 F-tm ortlCrs,' ' 79. -. . . '' : VI-hole ainotiut paid out, By e9rriinis§ionsitllmi , ol , Treasurer; E-xoneratimts.tillowed-Quileetots,• -- "1 - - ---- - -- -- " ---- - .- ` -- 7 Fees ' - . .- ' 7(1 . 0 '- • - , do' -. , . . Balani.e of taxes - due by eollectorSiper_se)bedule'on • debit side, .. . . . -- 13alhne6 in hands of Tieasurer (017N ; I'1", S`S: , . . . ~ . We the Commisioners of . Cumberland county,. do . ,Te ~ i tu t t ''o certify„that the above and foregoing exhibits irtrue and ,re toi: "'i•. * . >. correct statement of the lleceipis and 'Expeuditures of ' ,--1,-.-4,... 0 A. .. - sintl - countylor-th - e-term—above-stated; = its--also - of - di o ill i , : Taxes assessed for :the . use of the county, together with iheaitiiTirille of fees mid exoneratiiins alrowed during the said term =and 'altio . the amount of the ,several taxes ,entstanding anti in. the hands of the respective Collectors, as above stated, according to the best of*ottr knowledge and judgmetil.. ", .. - . . Witness,our - lunids and - seal . of office; - at 'Carlisle, the 7th day.of ianuary, 'N. 15..1839:. . . .. ', _ . . . . . . • * JAMES WILLIS; • •• . . • ROBERT U. STERRETT, Commissioners JOHN CORNMAN, • - * Attest—Joi-usjavirr; Clerk: • " AND MIME =I SPLENDID LOTTERIES. VIRGINIA-STATE-LOTTERYy For Endowing' the Leeq.burg Academy awl for other purposes, Class NO2 for 1839 ._: 1'n be drawn at Alex andria, Va. on Saturday, 21d March 1839. Brilliant Scheme—Capital $35,295 ! '12,000 ! 7,000! 5,525, 40 prizes of 2,000! 60 of .250! 60 of 200! 122 of 150, Sze. • Tickets only $lO, halves $5, quarters $2 50. . Certificatesof l'ackages of 26 Whole Ticktessl•io • • 1)o--- '- do - • -26 . half do 70 -' Do • do 26 Quarter do . 35 • VirtGINIA STATE LOTTEAY, of the Town of Wellsbur' gi - - • Class No 2 for 1839. A • To be' drawn at Alex:011114N Va.on Sattirditx, 30th March 1839. . • • - - Scheme—Capital $30,000 ! $lO,OOO 6,000 ! 3,f40! 3,000! 2,500! 2,000! 50 Prizes of $lOOO : Tickets(Usly $lO, luilve'S $5. quarters $2,50, Certiiicafes of Packages cof 25 '%Viple Tickets.sl3o _do Orders for neke4 and Shares or. Certificates . of Paxkages -in the above Mat nificent Schemes will re ceive the most prompt attenUommutan official account Of each drawing Ben; immediately after it is over to all uha oilier from us. Address, D.S. GREGORY & CO. . 7 lfimagerB, Washington City, • • • NOTICE. • • • • • , Aeon Orphans ; Court began' and litchi' on , Monday" the 14th day. of January, 1839, and holtle4 - at Carlisle;, in Mid for Cuniberland county, before.thel, Hon,' JOILN. t ES(I., ; President, and 'John Stewitit, and John Leferei, Esq'a., associate Judges of. the same Court, Eke: the folloWing proceedings , were had to wit. 21st • JanciarylB39.... On, motion of James 11. • pectir, Esq, attorney 'of Frederick Shrom, of the city of Cineionatti, to whoina William Siirom and , Harriet his wife, late Harriet IL. Wilson, sold and transferred all tkeinterest:of the said William Shrpm and Ilarriet his wife, in the real ea tateofJohnWilsoilitie Of the bortnigh of Carlise deed, which is this day taken ittlfhe.taliiiition mid appraise inent thereof, by James H,Wilaoli, second son of said. intestate,Whoentelintn,rlognirancejn the Orphans Coart, with tipprerred seetirity,lto:pay the. other heirs theirrx4s*tive - Skantr - yfore on nil persona. inter ested, to appear tat an Orphanatourt Mho held, at Car lisle on the 30th day of,. April text, and show' cause of any they have why their tumittaarliecured by reinignazan, ces Ate : 'Said ;Win. Slaronriind' Harriet' his wife, should' ant be, marked' the Use,ctsald Frederick. Shrom, fo'Wlaom , thesainc is transferred. Whereupon ride awarded returnable 90th April,lW3o,tantice to he publishedln one neWspaPer , puldished In Carlisle; for sax Weeks„to µll concerned..., !- .. . . • c Tag COURT. Qurnberliindroilizty SS: I do colyfy dant the ohmic is aktrue copy Of the original taken - front the reeqrds of L . Q. 3 ' . the; Orphans' ourt of mid 43tatity , tes -• timony whereupon l'hov,e herrto taut my ,sign4ure and nffi ced the settle( soul court carbide the 11th. Februai•YlB39.. • • ;' r • • ;: ' • I % ' W.:•FOUI,X. C. ;Clirljele • • ' THE taibaceilieiiknow. in pOssession of n Jdek, irn 'ported ; by Coni.. Jose D. Elliott, from ; the Island of MajOeka. The - Jack'thelorgest, eyee.,ltnported io this country, and 18 but 4 years ' Per sonif,desitous'of, raising MULES, Would do well by eallibg to cc bitti • • • .• • , " • TA Afro A ,IS'A MIN $17037.50- -200. (10 1053'34 6311 7O $24953.851 1093.15 a $20047 01 23 Half 25 Quirtiter do BEM Welteg.lenie, to inforin the 01)&3 in gehenti,' that wt l 'aye associated ouraelvea undee tlieli ern of SIEIEAF FF,II. SIIULT4, tot.. the, pty pose of eOnductittit the. 'l%l6o,itntil,e Ihisinesai at - place, - place,. 11, , ,Itep . ;ive: intim& 'eonatantLy,ktieping on hand -'4l -lin+ tel*ral -1 1- -.4111,11194-11 • • • ' „ t•I • • 1 7 ,:• - , ,•- - , , ' 11 .0"14,1141,12"X,'-' Jo, , • .% r ` Vt' atChainberitairg for 'Pittsburg; a ninlabur: 4 24 . ,: ... 4 • 1- 4 a • • • N ” 11 1 :mg.e• ,-r, . . gissmber,burg• N fa i, l 7ci‘ 4 11,r ' 7 7 fig ! .`.'F. j v Y 1 g'israt,4lUTZ lit CO.? . Carlisle,: February 4000e , .-4T... • •`7Q.. • • lPoi.ivalitinn•• and COnintissiOn house,, I. I , 1 i - *l6O SI - . - .71) 6'2° T/ 1 4 1 4,a 11 11e9 SuPabaktße . TIAVkI taken that large anitcomrpoilious WARE fIO,USE, latelrevecteo pn, the Catail.and 1,61a1,' heliiw the foot of 'eltesiiitiestreelliat•riSbar, where' their arratigenten s itrirsifetWit-they can at.all times. forward produce:Auld inerelbandize u idi, prornptitest 'mat deipatch, to the following places, l'i•z2; • bia;Balii»iore, Carlisle, chaniifirabiirg; , ; • rind, jlace9. They, havelately entered into, arrangements so as tc enable them scud any .raduee *oi• gotids by 'way o tlurPetiiiitylMniii Canal' attil Columbia Railroad; to .utl the sumo prices , charged' by other - oiiittfiii.liTrthitiiiir iTtlf — ,l.4 three. 'days in tinte,.tntd delivering. goods in,,.l.froad street, tiVoidingihe usual eijimise of hauling-from the ! • P.I.III6IIASE Grain , Flour, and omott'y pi•ocltti!.c ert , p!i.destription, and keOp cOn- Roily on hand coal, - plaster, fish 'and' salt Toe sale:. , ApriP2,l33B.—tf.• :18.,,i PRODUCE & COM3IIISSION ,4 • fir • -• . " Brbad-gtreet,..Philadelphiai ttntler'si;loed i‘eslieettitlly informs - the - citizens of Frunkl hi nod 4:41101)(0*ml counties{ thst hu has opened n WAIIEIIOUSF: jollrotlELtreet,ne-xt door Above Broad street lintel, for the sole of. Al kinds of timmt6. Produce, and rcapentfullysolicits consign . ncrnl of hu .• From his , acquaintance, knowledge.sitiekr-ml-the:critrciSC-of-liislietstefforts-to-promxim- Urc ititefest of liitMaistomers; he flatters Liiusr.lf that tic-will lie able to.rentieg general satisfaction: • . I.RCOB BERLIN. • Philadelfd May, 1838. ' • - • REFEHENCtS. , . Philip Berlin, clutinbersbt!irg., • Amid Mahori, Efifi t i—• • - Geo. utes, Esq. •• N ! l PP enbu , r g W. M J. &toyer, Gen. •Saal ./Re.vancle,•, 2 Carlis l e. Had erson ; , ..E 6ll ::- Jueob Rupp, Esy, • Harrisburg Craig ; Jlartol, GIOEIfiAL COMMISSION AND 'ft 0% Iprec.2, • - • FORWARDING - I's. .3.F.1, 4 Ventrat.ll7torAillivirni St. Thilrrdr./Jdriu Arc preNti:rit to'rect.ive 011(1 i•frect . salt:s'of arty Pro- . (Iticeiyrov4ions, o r . AisTeliatitlise, - which may ljc 01, trusted to their• elt:o•ce et.,111 Advances will- be made itnti 10 It prom , • a 4. ‘ ' et. , et r..-.•.!- --- . s o Kt nrwarthUl it Rout! or Canal, :It:stilled West, will pt :Mention. ~- itohert Fleming., ... ... . Cather' F.:Craig, • .., - Sumuel SM‘l.ll,• Philarklphia.- ' • W . ra.. lt. ThoimisinC& Co. 'Johnston S.: Tingley,. - • . Samuel Itispliam, - ... J. LogBll Smith, Esq: Casaiet•;. . • - - Bank at Chanibil•sbiny, Pa. 'King Rz Thames, -) Kings, 11 igby. 8c,,..-lerson, ( rith s b ro .. g . , . • MaCSIIIIIIO &KO IV s , --; i '• AMOOII, 3 011eti & ijo. . 1 . •. IIIWIII . II G. Fail.. & Co. • ..... - SterlintclVmlF - & - lielamr - -- .i.. - --- Satonel•3l'Allister Cs' Co, •'... ; rin .i: . • . \V illi a Crooke Cs' Co: ' • , . • Produce lell at 11w Warehouses - of limn,' la, Carlisle, Owen M'Onbe,llorpisbung, or .Dys iitz Fc Co., Clionibertan.g.', for us,•shall receive it attentibii. • - '" - ' • . • - adelphin, Dee. 10, 1.538.-6 m, • .. - '"' - Rho tt Wt., If prams Phi Vorwardivig ; & Coaismissimi • e "' • 11 4) • - - - • .ITurray *V Fleming, Cumberland• County, have lately , erected a Ware House on,the 'llflirViioArc - -- • „It the. wed 'eiul of High .9reel, rlirecily, Opposite Dickinson College, where" theg erin:4ll all tunes Re ceive and Foru;ord Merchanilize:and Produce- To Philadelphia, • Chainbersburk, and all Ver- iliternzeditWfir lilacs Cars on the road, they arc enabled to forward goods to Philadelphia without trins-slk: _purchase Gain,—F lonr,---auf country Produce; and keep eonetatitly on hand ant or sale- Coal; Plaster and Salt. 'Yew Line of Freight Cars , maaut MAIBIEIIIOIBI7 I IaII PIIILADELPIHA. THE sttbscri her, glitteful for past furors, respectful ly acquaints his friends and the public, that lie lias pu into operation on the Harrisburg, Lancaster & Co leimbiee . nittLAIA4 I n line of new DOUBLE PARS, which will run rep. larlv between I larrisburg and Philadelphia, by which Ciaids and,Produce deibript_lons wiltbe forwar:. - did - With — it - ire and,deppatcli; at tlie - lowe4 rites of freight„ . = • • • ffonde will be received at the Vir,arelionseil l THOS: J. ALANWELL ? : N. E. corner, of BOtutinitl.Vin'e st.recis• Philadelphia, • and for Warded• to • Harrisburg, ClianibersbOrk, and - intermediate: fdaces, :by the snbscriber. .' - OWEN M'CABE. , HarrisbUrg, Feb. 5 7 1839. • • _ SALT AM) PLASTER, constantly oh for-almostall-kinds.orcountly pro-_ . • . raiIiIAIUDIMOtrICIAVDIOI • • • • • • • DRY GOODS : GItOCES Ate. .. , . \ve tia • . .; I CfIORPEOSHEAFFEH.,. : • JOSEPH 5H1113.141., N. It 'Ail those koowing , themselves inflated to me, call make i)ayaiketit ut the Store, as the Books, 'are lef GEOIiGE SHEA/4441., . - . I_COIINTERFEITER. He must bea miserab l e vz nt who • a would 'danger; for the purpose of irsa#44lnß 7 .- TO HONEST VITIZIEM: • • Wlint ¢o Driiggistiliivie by; iripking stv,l4lolog Coittiterfeit p6rpfli7thig •- , • • BraUtli`OWS I r egfl . ook , Aoll-.. , • • . •:a s • - .. • Itat..V.hat.they are without figaistrt 4.Attilota-- :Ja LE p • ed.---That - no Other , medicine. 1111,Veturea e public ;, Or. - do, .ptif the* druggiith ` it: ether Ote - *oo;:iiirtheitpilKiithic4o9.:- - , SiTplrbeeataeilo citheiesstvgilrfilith'olo6Nr l r Utv %Trial 'Pill!! eiel'efrectid ,f 3 .5 that their; Pills are - khowit-4)lffi't -to have effected. - • - - There *never was a persorr Nilo used the VEGETABLE' "UNIVEBSAL`',PII ! LS, , 11 . 710 in,10708 . of • _the most *Unequalled praise: • Nevertheless; :filmic 'counterfeiting tlrtwists iav o .1)011C kart! doing the character of the Ge ttttt :lel:great . deal ufiatjtify.;,:latt it it howil That Ia:HA - 40100R • • not allow themselves to deeeiVedby'lleiillnhigl:iir 'sons,. Whose lady: Object is to make' miiney, and who are'peictle careless Of eorisequences..' It it a:tatter of no iniPOiltnee to them whether .the-potir -child - reSetiell'ilvm a lied Of sickness" aml• rel:tored-"to. the, • yearning 111.1118 of its parents, o f silethetAlimon.whom,-----L a Tiltki;thiitilr relysolely ,for support,, is• re vente:Pfrom filling an early and nntiluely grave. Thel time may come 'when the gre:ltnest - of theiegnilt shall • _ become clear to their benighledinultMitanffingicand then it- is hoped they will en:tem:or to make some.a mends by the after, porky. of their lives. Every ifilthoried. agent his a copperplate certif . : catmof ageney, and !mut exhibited in hit store, "„Ne4 vet. ;inn:base' unless this is seen ;'and lime: simile • gard alsirto the char:le:ter the agent bears among his - fellow citrzens....l.le mast be.a would plaice the life of a felkiii treattifc itt danger the . purpose .of nio:My..,-„ , ' - I)44.lrandrellep 1 , . -Principal, No. it.Nertll,Sili . Street.''' _ Dlirtor office, N 0.43, Chestnut Street, near 2d at,' Remember the above officers are kept. exclusiv_ely: fon-the:sale °film true-and genuine 13ra ndreth's Pills.' -"- The following persons are duly, anthorised-Agenti for the county of CuMberland, in the State of Penn=_ sylvania, w M hnse respective anes Ore: „ • . . , ''''GVOR"G e B : TP:=II/TA T ER,OtriiBle-. CU.LII ER TS , .7 011 T •MO 01? R; .Ne si)v ie. . • • • N. D. •No druggist; -..apothecary or pedlar, lowiul to sell this gentiaie Ilrandretlrif circilinsiliniec Whatever. Also iilat:rve :when you, 'purchase of any'advertised:Agentir, thief they have a certificate of agency, signed and sealed l!T me, • - lL Ini.SNblitTli,Thi, 1).. Xo. Bth •S'treet;•• August . INDIA - N - QUEEN HOTELL SOUTH Y01111.T . 11 • STREET S D F - • •• • 414u444-114 poi) ic, m le um mingled from t4o Vefiti'llk I lOtel iii ,Nliirket . street, to tlat largrifrul colummlious hotel formerly' kept by Mr. B. Duke, si,g,frof the -' - .4,11_41.9 E E This hotel is situated in &Mitt:Vidila street, tie: -tweets Market anti hestnut streets, in the...very centre of the business part of the city, and will therefore -be lotintl - very convenient: for merchants slid, buSineis itten generally. — The - buildings have been thoroughlystud complete , ly repaired by the suloeriberond no expense leis been spared 'in arranging and furnishing the rooms so as to promote the romthrt and convenience olthose who may favor the hotisti with their rostrum, (ientlemen travelling with tlwir have TrivateliatiorsLioi niShett. in.:the_besLmatiner...witlxj. chambers attached. to them, where they rail. enjoy . privacy and seclusion, or the companionship of their friends, as May be ihost desirable. ' The ISAR and CELLARS haw; been. provith•d y . with the beSt LIQUORS mid the iihoiceSt WDIES of e verv. lei•erit akin. • Tin! TABLE will at. all times-br—soppliethcitlk. every delicacy which the season and maidiet can al"— ford, antrevery exertion math; to phase the-palate or ell4olllleeS. , The READING ROOMS art• well stipplied_with the leading journals of dilfercitt citiea,as a great variety (lithe country journals of the State. 'Pie SERA ANTS will belbund carcfid and trust. _ • • At ta ted to the t mid are very extensi ve. STABLES, calculated to accoMmodate one hundred horses, and under the superintend:nice of careful and attentive hostlers. D. AL rettuits Ids sincere acknowletkeefents Ptr -the-Nery—liberal-encouragemette.heretoftire--reeeisett; -- tutV feeling confident that he . can furnish- his gne:sus with fare-which will lose nothing by a comps ism other houses, mid. that his appartmenis, and theit htrniture; are fully equal to those of any other hotel in the city, he resLiectfully solicits a further share•of public-patronag Phitatletpliia,Xvivniber 1.4,18,38. TE E - • . • farirlotvit TitErei!Lic,' RUPTIBLE TEETH, Is has for many ) ears been a great desideratum • among European and American Dentists,to numulac tare Teeth from incorroptilik• materials whit:lA.4mM ' imitate the natural !ix ing Teeth. -,Many have devote 4 years to 'tinsticcessfill' eperi mentsi and.others hare suceeeded in snanufacturing ° teeth of Materials - similar to tliti pot;ci•WO'irore, but ,•• generally they have an opaque whits whith .they are' easily distinguished from the human teeth. 7 After long and tedious experiments, the stitscri er has succeeded in rnannfactitrtng tee& of materials ' tirelk.inchmlnibleomd perfectly in imitation of by • ' man teeth..; hey have a sent-trtuoncy;a4 arc • made of various_ sizes and shatlei. ' , , , „ . Li eases where absorption Atir the•-,iireohir primess„- • iir'other eatiselimmy:remlor it neeFtuu47;be,irill.eijsit of he same materials attaulted,to.the' teeth, artificial gums, which" shall' imihAte the gum null supply the. lois of siihstahc,e ' tt-1. 5 .-PAtirglY`imrosaibkkr the;e_tmaitf4.:.obooge their color, or. cadge foetid breath.: , Ifqvi I I insert them ono'to entire se s, to wells manner tiat they will Make itileuhatioo of the voice perfect, and materially aslitat 'or mastiention;and sor 'that they cannot heAisthigttislieti &ere the most beau tithl.tiatural lit-Mg-teeth by ; the most scrutinizing ob server. - „ . --- He , alio..perfortha rations . iiiiration's fn ,Surgerv, according to. thc-latO scientific im— iirovements m the at- • . I"4:ft Surgeon Deuniot, I,l.lV—ostyiker pf.Cjituief lifayecte.streCtSpi,”, VAB — INE ' v it'NESS . trOAC t rtntlriP subserib respeottiillY . t.iiitibrenAlitc;ritnirthd!-ptiblic edstrillyrithst he still rosiderat'shisl , old 4Sifindzin North klattoy4r strcpt,oppo,sito,lttr,ll.,ll,4o9Pp.s.,:Mir /4T.Jmnfinopr-4-, •I' vl i e *! ) e; t iq ut i!'!!o,?4° , ?; ar riOl'i! h P-. r.; .; all its, vAriona Thtnitcheil. ; lie ha, latt tA ftxiqh - 1 0/iistg, lvith'n and :11[ &c. to oeeoirimilitiite `al l dins& ttho snny;W with 'call: , ifir' - rotnt'll4 his tii4cere ; thanks ..t&- his friends nntrenstotners for qlnnbe,ralliPliWkrair.4 l / 1 42 1 r bestowed on hirni.antl:soliniiti cAntinnancegof,theii ) psi rolutge. ; Ho finttefs Witt • by2itildt' ..116nAtchnsin6Wani14_!tritipOSitinif_Att;,prerise; to ;mpiit , 'andifeceivon skim of ptihile; kintronno... ';,; • , 9. , d,Qr,wwo .JouriwyPiru'vo4l9 wante(4 . to:nitnin liberal' wsgos given...' ; b iik ; bn'tO r iehrn'the shove lathiest, - if:well re9ornmelided„ „ .0011FREID.,11AAO. ''' 41.1e " 3 .6 1 .P "• .lkT °VellT. . (l ,t' L Y ?VOA.- r,hifildeilibia whip -yriiinathe- , slaS , siligt ~• , • - • ,