Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 13, 1839, Image 3

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    HFAALM:',I&: : txpgs,rtog,..
Gco It.q,,E 111;-.1'1111,,L1
. . . . .. -.
lowing - priocipledand , .e.enditiOns.. :.,Alrper
sons under • the age of -twenty '-one . years
yivhose pare'its or guardians . shall -beciiiiiel
IresponSible • • the trustees for the preserva:
l tion'and s" fie return of the books; Shall be
eligible • as., 1 etabers , and *entitled to • the
privilege +of :talting'but: booksfite.of
—and all persons ahove'tho age of twenty, )
~one years, Who;e.seffil aniztirel contributions
Sliaffamount to fifty cents and opivar,ilp,shall. , • •- • . -' • DR. ,' - . -- •
be entitled to'the privilege of :Merifbership,
-o, To -- ;nhrnt due.institation•at Seitlementin -1837; by .1..L0u-
atld of taking out books under. suitible . re- •
Strictions: (Or their prese.rration 'and l'Oturn. lic; - don, Esq. Treasurer; .. ~ • 817 72i .
.. :redeived of Pranklin county for 'support of pampers, 432 04
',flue Library now contahis.boot.four hop-
Do. -.. • do; .. of York county for --•--- " do ...::• ' ..' '. 175 . 60-,
'dred voluntes,itfid as it is the ap-, ,Do. 'do of Perry county' for • do,` - • B3 13:1
propripte.the semi-annuat,contribu
I.lid-recent of dm most Tc.ocat.l'raypi ! , .
tiP4•lO. . Do; -•• do , .of Philadelphia city for • do ,-.. . 35 ,5
and-all•otIler new-and interesting. works, it ; D o .: •
D 0.,:...... do: .of Lancaster cOtinty for •.'do ' * .. " ... 30 00 '
is thought That ample yentftneratiotuwill he do ' for•datilage-dOneio - gfeip; - ' • • -
,--'--,•, -7 i6 5- - 5 0 .7 0 ;
./ 1/o, -. do " of A Ramsey and R... Bnodgrass . , Rags.' for .'* . •
afforded. contributors, in the use of "the li-1 • ' - •
braryl, for the small seMi-iintitialcOntribution I .
now solicited: : -: • . -....•..
.• .' - Do: blank indentures, &e. - .
Do. - do • of Isaac. Angney:for'su pport of R, , . Robinson, 25 00
. .
.lo .of R. Snodgrass, in part for 'support of A. •' ' '
. . Whett:it is . elrisidered tfipt it is only by ' " -
eduistratiou.. • •
.. , . • . means.of well selected" eiretilpting - libraries 'Do/ . do; :'• 1 1 11'.Cartney, .• • ' -—-- ig 00
Nlr'.'Lyon ? late D4titY Collector, to sinailar que
time developnients r:nd infprovements of , . of Mimi Massy' tOrSuPpert of, ff.l-lendson,. 5 00.
ries, Similarly 01 I ieeted to, replied thus: . . the' present day can liertnado : to* Do. .do• of A: Blair, 11.. Shrom, J. Shrom l &-. 13...Rutz
. • .
. . accessible. r
I -have frequently been called on to-contribute to , h ..: , ,
te. greater. number- of' our ovens,. espect- D I: - -• r i D • • •
i 0.---t 0- . . o .. others ters for ar t•a low, 83 77
,-political-objeets while" was • Delray -Ccilec - ter, as an I all die- -ou +, - t• '. hoped; thatthe'd ' I 1 ' d& I:' -• ' '
•A- I_!_la_,__ plan . Do:: do .• of dec'd paupers and pension of M. Mitchell, 42 291
--•••••••• 1 Mile er of- the Cdstom-llouse._ The amount was - 6biii -i Y
•: now • ro ose 1 will meet - the .a ) i• - b:rriii -- ri' -------------- - -- • -----• -
. , i p 0.... t t
;I j Do. , do .for Sberfaii - opples - and - cider - press-hire,.,..--- --- ..7-:14 -:
. .. .
Idle citizens; and that they
i Soo to Veo. 'rite tox was pro .ra day' Reinriling J 67 -- --- 1 . ) ---P- .--- - --,
y. 4t flora n proportion offsom I to p per cent.
'Vrill EM 0 irk L .... .ZCA.TB .- ""1" - i. -------. - ' -
. ~c arrying it into bffect That tlfe
will' assist' in .1)*().. -- 7 - 11 - 6 --- fiii:415.5i'SeM - and - fish-nefs---- • ' • ' L/ 0 -1.2i
. •• • I frequently paid a part of the:nmount t When it was '
i - do- for working . ..on public roads,
•.. The PriatingOffite of the - ‘ •
too higl h and-MOre than TeOuld afford, lur lll cm '
g L - ( 1 ' •tee
have an opportunity of doing_ao; a cominit-,..Dcr.: 1 . (19
.'for fines;_ shoemaking and old iron,; • .1.4 • 01-`
of the Truste9s will avaitupon them fOr D - 1 • f - '
.41E 11%114D . A . EXPOSITOR' to - rednee i t .in one instance, when I was assessed . . 0: t 0 ._ or onions. and re beats; • . . . • - - 3
- 121
: _their signatures. .
R twout - told the collector of ' • I DO. do - tor hauling, &C. ' . : ; • - 8 2fil
TIT 111 811citerLY irninit;lNfoVe.o To Tut: twent•Y- d 'olia.cs' MY'. -wAr .. , ,
the tax that •,$lO was enough for me to pay:.----For ,-a : . -.. .
TY - ,ituttamxt; INT 11.13'.ut OP .I.ltil 6wr.t.= POORIIOUSE - VISITORS" - -.--
- • few years hack I !Hive not paid -any. thing to the G'cii., . ... ..
- lANG OCT_UPIED Ey . _Ti• REPORT. .--.- •- .- - - .
— .a . mmittetjause I:e611/4 . ..A1:A.90.9:4 _WlP_al._ in . . • S7cith on Farm Ist January, iBs9.
because reotaitr,-, ...-3--,.--.40--._-tne•=ll-onorableAlte----ludgesroHlfe*---entirtt---s‘ltead-of,horsel4,-26.-head.;:oLharned..cattleE,-.s.l.ireedingt___,_.:
-.iouslylonger_ sustain the party. The• colk c- ..
~ . • of Qiniffer sessiOnS of Cumberland coun: I sows, 53. shoats - '29- 1 1' r Ute nsi l s ,---- 2 ' 7 2
, , s teep.-- - armtn- ens: 3,- 7 -- nar,.. .. r _
--..- i t..
~§- e r-the-T:trnatity-1 lall-Gencrbi_Comnitlfe: (._2lle - t.. --'r:. -- —l_ _ _.., .. . I.row wheeled wagons, 1 wagon bed,. 1 pair wood ladders; 2
—.l:llerlast - otlietaLv tait - of - • - tho-attalersigietl-p- pair ahay-ladders-,1-dciarbonliitaineSsiAyeart-with gears,
• .
of whom waS John-Becker, called on bie. several to the th
.. .
Poor House was to ids in lime 3 ' • • '
times. WIT . I. Tyack once or: civics collet! on Me to o r ' re • . , • early. 1 ploughs, 3 harrows, 1. roller, 7, wheelbarrows; I yvtn
iiici moraing:of one of b coldestl
I , the, Lays this , Ihl . ohwing.mjii,:l sooorio log eh:drift,' 6_ set •of wagon. geaTS,
cellect die :annum \i'‘lill WhielltWitir lISSeSSe4Ii
'Clerks Were similarly taxed,xml-generallY paiid`wltat ter.- . -91i our arrivaint _the establishment-it: 4 Set of 101 l h.. shovel- harrows,2flaz brakes, 2
assessed. It ~,,,...,,5i, , ,,,e. t i by
trii., 6611 „,„ 1 .1wasOutal io be.avelf.Warmed. by . t 11.6 (time .set carpenter tools, I set'butchering tools,' and a' variety
- [laden of heated air' in eVer • 'apartment, CVen • o ' -
COmmittee of Tammany - Hall, and- for the -support,. . __ . • 3 _ t aces, shovels; spades, grubbing -hoes,- digging._ironS,_
of the.Titmmanv Hall party. It. the it.thtithmi a . oll to the, sleeping rooms on the - attie, and' in=r'. single trees, doubletrecs, scythes, cradles, forks, rakes;&e.
Indio the.various lasso Yes and nl'ontioe • . . , ... •
not. pay. Ow tunonnt - lie iyas taxed with, the Collector C, g • ' i. I:, , 1-7
throughout the .establishinetiL . All appear- --
woutil r‘infork;yoit Witt be itetforted to the General
etVerlieerfut and contented. 'Po o ur private
Committe d and
. cvery holy' understood that '
enquiries as to their comfort anti tieatine:it,
1/iiVieitltloll would follow. The - Collector .ef the.
General COmmittee has an alphabetical book, which WC received nifqualified assueainie of perfect
satisfactton. to the inmates. __The eittaldish-1
-contains the 'names of persona taxed, and lite amount
- -- - • . meta•is:very-full at the present .time-=its
•,.,.:-- - - ~,.....,.. • eaehltutividted is required to pay.
I - 1:T: Tie," eon RePTAL Or LieENNE I,Aws:::•::It is"'
-- . inmates' numbering 'considerably -. uver - -one7
earnestly requested thot T itily-petitiOns_whiclf !MY_ lie . . ' ... • ' r . - - - ,--
-- I t •0313) 1 / 7 NteATION.. 1 • - - Itinfdreff --- , - =anti -- more eonflistini was_ to_
in Cli;eidation t1w0n7..;11 .the comity, fOrs.repeal of the ' - -2- --: ;- ,- • . ,„. - , :.-
- . . - TIM -110 tINDA It V- Ny . :,k, lIRA-RE.; -_- .. _be , expeeted than ordinaryi hitt - .hone ayes I
1.a ! `11,5 , Laws, hel nimediatcly left at the. Drng• Store , ....- . . •
• ,1
Ido not - think., Mr. 11,1ftor, the state . o f things in , discernable, 'the business of time eritablish
I d Ille;.,:sintiel,Ellititt. , . • .
. - - --.• • • - -,- - - l-Alaiiie,,isquiteumlerstood abroad. l'in . • . g . pnpulatio . it .
inent . yroceeiting with app:irent system mid ,
" lit:a it.ett roll TUE Dr Teil i'7 ? -1 1 /leSOII Aillidee- 14 of ii_very iliffel'entrhariteter fipn that of the.4:eir . rep aray. - In tile. apartments- appropriated
I.ev-, wild has again beciiint a .11 - inisho.,wriiiiig home
fulls. :11ie.3. have-ties at home: They love their , to the-stet: a great. improvement lips - ,.been.
'to some of "the faithful" hi oltl-:,1 lyrics, says---- e . e - '-‘, - "ti - , 'Their habits ar'e neither hostile nor pre , ititroduced, ( - the ingenuity of the . ste.w
"Triute:Meta:titielf, the:Prime -,Nliiiistee, is i etiv_po- thitorj. :''.(4. farinin Aftlivie - inns- he held" Ili many art who appear, alWays..l4 he
_planing for
..,..iite;aiiil 90qtre the members of the coisii„ diptoeut h itte _generations - , and linle-neighborlioollif , mild the comfort of the tinfortif f eit aeio--
-=-all are Greatly Pl - toliti.:(l . nild surprised at my Ger-, so united in relationship as to tbion - but one. - ftirtiilY.l
'mail, The trunk is, r.)p..akil ay well as the Zest
,af On . their borders are floating a Set , of rascals-"the
iliSni ; t r ik..."Vietaiii(liftleet is worse - thah :LIN Yee heal~! 1 el"kera qrs a loit-peace and "'-e- I 'lln--w-9/ 1 - tr--7 -1 :k: 119 -
• - .
in' America." ' - - • • - • kin or country---beither Yankee nor British anal
- - .
•, • maiiilest- their thieving proptinsities in - stealing tim-
Ant•WF• Ii•ES9I . Rio WAtt ?-The 13ritisli Navy her, only because that is the readiest mode, of tuis
's - '.' 3111,11 "s 49"•q'il'e ef_theliiie r niore i: put 100 frigates, chief. These trespasseisi or outlaws, imiortunately,
06 st r ain vessels and minor (trial airebinting to more. heave -been 8,1 in motion. by - Ciiiriiiiiiii • fiat:riot - ism,
then lOW Sail..--Our-Navy contains I I shifis of tilt' and Seem now iii /1 fait. Way to emb - roil the notion..
-line r 46 [l:lg:tteir, a largelmi'lion of. them - not fitf_or• wh at ; m a i l'c t hi li k - s p c_ t h e ivi atter i ran assure ) - .011
immediate serviec,l 6 sloops of 'War, 9 schooners and from 6 years'residence there, is well eSpressed by
5.c0up16 of barks,„, Some of these are building and . that - ; ,, ,•-ootis Whig, Governor Kent, in April last Jul ,a
--‘.----ilfitile----retittimilAlllif:. Aild to-these facts ; that our' letter . to Monsietirtion-commfteil Van Buren, '
- - whole -A dant ic-e r oast.,froin - Maiiii'W.TeXiis i is.-tutt1en... 1 _,. , ..-Sit,llie peolde,ef.M'aiee.are riot dosirous of nri7 ,--
' f-iiited--farts e7ll;ts',.,rti,l flint Mile a rray we h a ve Ilia or war. Both ii t - theirliiildis andlheir principles
they loyr and whit for• peact ! !mil co l wan
cfseW here eitiploYed, and Own s'av---mx , T ee / 1 :m1V-it;
--- borders. - Thee ar.e. not ainhittotts to win laurels or
• 41. war? - • to acquire military-glorY, byWAg_ i
ts g war' with theie
....-, . iwi g hlmrs; and leiist or all -arc-- they--desirotis of a
Nsw-Yiins Si'lltlT 0 5' T / INTI3II:S.-Thiswxcellent Bei/DKR - warfare'
which may be the means Or seer;-
• living human life...linil engendering ill will, and bail
juitrisit • has again be t :ign-41y enlarged mid linage!ed,
passions, so,
with:mt bringing-the . the
cootmyei.or to o
, and is now really the yery best production of its kind. elusion.' They ore scattered over one thousand hills,'
ha the world, . It:appears ti he the great titan of the en g a g ed in thjir quietaml petieefift_laboes, and it is
Edito of IlieHi Times" to distance ill eompetition, &:.
tine "firstt
wish of their hearts tp• live eacealiy with
r '
it men and all nations. 1 hey have'iin anxiety to
--make_his.:papia• l y'the p a t ro na g e of the Sporting" extend' our limits, or to gain territory bv,cm . upiest.
'.. italilic throughoUt the union: The "Spirit of I - iii - i - lteraleyFis a ii . rll,l . ll , P • lelerpin • et-elqit-I • 1 ?-1 ., 1 -y1: , T7_
. Times" is devoted t' . .) :the Toil . , yield 5p011,,,v.t0r0., I n h t e t .:‘,.tl ai l'n i l i lt r t v p . . • ,K . Th ' e l , l,tiri o T o ' s ( v
t ; ,,,i n i. 71 . ,:,,,E a5 i I n V ti o l
fiii'e and the Donna, and the talitorappenrstqlwthor-
. h ttew i„ g . d„*.aiiitaiiitaia them,' „ ith a calm rights and
Lwith.. - the duties of Ida station. The nation and deliliente I nirpolieoind they. appeid .with
first menher • df a iiew.voluMe has jolit. reachA us and t i t f i islivinkinrconfuli:nee-to-ilwir-sister-litates r iind r la,
I government which binds them together, for cflec
. is accompanied with two spleitiliil engravings, vit.:•:-: tive support in their'intypoSe. 'Die crisis, as we be
-A lancy• pm•tralt. 'of
.. Ainirs - Ts, as ",La SyliAllite," here, demands firm and. decide/!lairguagt", and the
d ii h ()Nil
, an . sketce celebrated "'illack7,Mrria.".• we. .. i . exr,r.ers,,tilc has
to 4 c (i citlei,sl
e n ii
h of u at l o e t tc i rtif
ve design.or to Dianne
h e artili.Wishfrienil Poilts•siteresSi and will do everr- plainly ...and distinctly asks for a specific stud definite
1 liingiti 01;.poW cifcc - aid - hint - bi ii.cri'asitg the circ - u- :.action, In performing what: I conceived tel boiny
..., 4" .', duty, I have been actuated by entiee respect towards.
action of ; the " - Spirit:6l'o'le Timm" , , .
'the (general Government ; and-by the single tiesire to
Gentlemen who may wish to Patronage a' w0r,13 of - expkin a nd.i,,,,foree, as well :is I was able; obrwislies
thiit desi'iription, burl havenn opportunity Ofexamining andour lights. '1 can only addoliat wetritst the .Ge
ea _llibg at this office. 1 nerar Goveriinient will /11;g111Tle tile ped01•11111liee Of
a spechucui number .by
1 the act specified in the resolution, and relieve Maine
' from the necessity, of an independent action.":
K. It.
NViili4p4i,3llAircir p;ll3*
7 .- " .-..:FOIt,PRESIDENT,
WIC. H. 11.6.7..11=4:1T.
oned oor Xortii - ok Jl4
• •
im -IX
Rl' ini . , ES-.1PC1.7)7tr.,A.11) A D,I N' (-; •
F : Ei 1
.Itlrtreli 13,1839.. , • . -
Owing to o disappoint:us:olio the receipt
liove,been - unable - to issue du!. paper this
week (ovate regular luthlleaiioU aziy
r. 114tettra,ons.—Aire 'leilii iron the Ifarri
burg Intelligeocer, that a petition yil% 111
tat #
lielaid on bachelors over twenty-four year's of age,
' was presented to'the Ilouse,ef Itppresentatires trfew
days: since., eltlairported tiTeennefrom aingle lathe, ,
of Somerset eetit. 'The fair petitioners represented
tle-treasuri of the . .StntiV be, in a weakly . tiondition i
. and,ttred the taxation 41taej.tilors its a mode of re-;
'... plihtiShing it ;' 'winding .hp. with a dectiration. that I
they " tlieinsel , ?es Wanted Intshands. The;llouse laid
the petition - On the table.
.Some of th'e'inembers .
werd; foe: granting, the..*r4er, on. the ground tint',
luxuries .ire .a proper. subject" for flotation. The;
• ' Laclado: me nolierti . ..argued', thus. !.111arriektoett.. but
seldom ,copsider' Celibaey,:alitinry, Yo.• opr parts, '
whether celibacy he a Ittxurrortiot, we are infavor
of the law prayed for, if ii would tilieoneageor rather,,l
enforce matrimorty. - Too ! many . flowers witlieon . l
-the steaks in oar :simply: . '.: -,: , ...:,- .:_ , •...' :
1. • GRZELLT; We. talented and industrions,
editOT, N'env-ro'ilce) , ;llllllding to ilie . peonniarY.
iniibirtassrneats of 'editors, thufeloiluentlyJliscourses!
' to some.of life pdironl;
,":I:fts'l*F.l37, l s l opr.pyttseitzitrats:•;—:lt those of our'
eitalillabmeb4.l4):iy.. t hi ti kj
tlief 1100,F. ticf(!g.r 9.° l4 )74!"!ril i l i Tke7: l l r4l ,eitriiia
-f9P9M/It7tih.tcAa j ,d! 4 c B ,4l!!g i T,ll ) Pl ite,l l ;et r'in"!ti''
ion our boo 4 ,',4110311 men pTr, and , linOtt; Why:
'AO they` terpleionad eltbafraii tfa by gioaa
not ions otie; nod din.:
eniitliate the pape; if'Y'our earinOt;afforii te'reeeivei it?:
t litinbo;Cillie#446t'eertil to en , bulle . those. Who atle:poor;
and; leave hint :without;
:'Utanlriivitillihg;;_ivtith Any, deoebt tiighway rain:
` allitletertnineit take.
:ilutinuat offioipit: measnrea to exitibit tf t e:tibiliotte !k ty, „
ofvor kl e of ooteliii.e . tencletrihin•ons to the.iate of a not I
,tve;:tirneot: t l / 4 !qC8S:0111', I
. plitAtfrpak, tv A a teal f tlii*serve'etliet:FV9in'T- 1
feting by, the same ban(lo:',' •
Vlfieluirc tnlintdk itirantfer the:abet e. to',
ou t own-eolumos, ne itappllet,tvith tin cat'tilatli bud
inillhytat's 31'110 bilVe neeo - forf
f)looiiiflft:9)l44 7 4,T t o' ieud,lt.•
bell *(t~ co .
Iwiestibruting Committee of - Congress, - during--their.
brief session tit New )(Orb, establiBll6d, by testimony
tin Mode which "tlit. - p3troaage of tlin General
Gpveriiment" is brought
,!fin conflict with ii:ee--
dcim of " - • . • ~;
They naked of X.'S. Dc Beyster, a Custom noose
tifieer; Whether 'the tin4eil' Stittei officers of the
"tot* noose w'ere ' ritlietl ou" te , ' , iniy tiny •Tiart of
,their salatipi for . Orti-,pnti)* . s.
",The Arno Boren
members of the committee, hi :their nnxtety tgitines
tisyite, ohjectetl:lnn. the titiestious were pot'upti tfuti
The f t :Molibrs ivere''esiiled on te-pa;sl.s - eaqi for
the support of the birchen, mal
I%anderpeol; the 'Deputy Sut•veyor, observed that I
o • aglii2M - ZOleibler' - wlMtlier my:51,,500-pet.amoim pnb
not worth - paying' $l5 for. -Upder the impression
hint it urns the price of my aitantion,,ljiiiid,it.' — 'llae•
above-occimi:Ml tbk. last spring - election for
charter sau•-many of the weighers pay the'
tac Q1:51.5., It *as 'intended to be need 'to. suppovt
the.eiectien of perons attached to' tIM present
• .
On Thin:.'ay thelth inst„ by theTter. 'Henry Au
mini, Mr, John. Nenitry, inerchatit,)
Allem w It; Dan pithi countri-to,Missliebeccoolaughter
of 3fr ileikes; of NVestpeuosboro' township,
Cumberland. county. - •
• Accompatling.- - the above' notice we rpeeived
very fine slice of Wedding rake, for which the happy•
couple lowa our 'warmest thanks; may peace attend
tlicin through '
• In .1.,& ,- atiurk, Va., on Monthly evening the:4th loft,
by t h e .11,0% Samuel Keppler;Mr...l.. Dentoie Mani:-
.blia,ttiMiss Oclaria„daughter of Mr. Jolm Tili,il)p
-ter, of,thhf borouklt. : .
On the 211th ul,t, hy,
.tho Netr XVI! • Ro p c nini I I e i.,
Mr, Christian Marty; to Mis s Jan Chesneg;,bOth
of,Dirkioaon township. • • . '
On the sth bid:, by the. same, Mr. . Williant ~.1. rick,
to Miss alairtrat .. , iloot;i.,ho 11 Of StonglistOxfn.' '. '
-.-, On the 7,th Anst. v .bv the ann. Mr..lbrahatn dart-
dli; to.:lliss Rachel:h7rieinker, otli of DiekinsOn-tp;
...1. - . , ..
tjr," : DIIRDi
- In this horough,nn Satttrilay eyraing last, of p 00..;
Itty. ou.o 3V,toilVt.s.,',the '4'id . year of
thislideoagit, tin trriilay . ;be 2q(l STrs:',.. 7 iini.#,
-this_4sti_year `fit' her
age. * Abe bore hetil
and resi'lvtation7diiiiiig:lrerAirotracted-i I tegsg.__
. 1 0a
. 3 Onday : eveitiog'ilie'l 4thi;hist,;:tdai WhitEsigc
Trillion-is, daughter (if Le*js 11. Williams, of.yest- ,
tewnehip, aged A years and 4 montlis, of
At his residence in.F,eeetlom iownildpiAdsntnien:,
en 111401.1i' inst.', niter , a long and iniiiift\l which
he horn with ehriatianr. fortitude nnd .indienen,
• Johal . larpsr,, , in the 7 4 2nd year of his' age,
' Yitreoctitiledinf: C. - timberland Ounty.. - .
. ,
The -offipers•and.,inemtiers of this;,asso-j,
f the benell tioltpd nd IMO to-,
ges.tha't tveel tl;reetilite the eitlie es youth
or Q ;fecktitlite.Otatilistinieni.!or• ttwelf
selecteil;'pdblie library; Wive determined t
ramentk too constitution. or I tii6t . iirciiet,Y; so as' •
I Jo , p1,(.;'e . ,,,t46,1tt) ry , tire lade t.T. the 'eO'it
tral:of Tres teeS; ' .5e elected an ntinli?";' , .
po i to with , dispepse,' the . exercises of ,
praCtised liy
the 1116:iiSSoof
tioii.'B i ati of <publie
a'chessible to all yilio 7 titay':he mlisj)oseif ,to
of e t 1.,•1 It c..10:-.1
4--litri . ti-Z-x-1-o-0 . 14-.cil?'+
Mitted Hs care . - invention 'alluded
to has - Wmistuid - fri - Hoftensi‘4odonr which
ap teiretthEretofore to he lose. )arable from
, .____
these halls' (if dista•ss, and - will largely eon
I tribute to ihe•eotti fort of those who are-enn.:
fined to that apartment of the establishment.
We tihise . this,our last report wish unquali-
Tied approbation of the manatrement-of—the
establishment. ,
- -
• C:1•10. MRE ELY .
J:miiiiry•lBth 1839.
, 11allimore, March 11.
FLO U R—The generally prevailing store
price throtozhot4 the week has heen $7
. 1121
Although occasionally a pare;el,has been sold!
at $7.50. 'l7o-day holders very generally
7 continue—to_as7_62.Linitwe are not ad- ,
vised of transactions to - any t!;c tent. The;
; rail-road price ranges front $7.25 to $7.37/,1
The receipts by wagons are very light, -
— O - RAI - N - 747zrat - Sales-of-several 7 par--
eels of. Md. and, .Virginia - reds, have been
made iii the course. of the week At• prices
ranging from $1.65,f0r gOinYup to $1.70
for ,strictly prime, and Aro inate_ the same
rates to-day. • .•
4l of Virgiida s t r o a - colon red
-wcre -made ononday_at SO 82/rents ,
yestordaylwo cargoes of •the -same, were
sold' at 80 a 81 cents ; and this ',Doming an
other .cargo at . 80" cents.• •Sales of-Mary , :
land white, have been made tbroughontthe
week at 80 a 81 cents;, io l stay.a pritUe.Tar;
eel Md. white, was: sold at 81, centi 7 , •-•Md:
yellow is scarce and•wanted;:,ott Wednes
day a:sale:was made at 83 eents, and to
day a sale•at 1351 cents. ,
• Rye.--,We Mike\ comman to good' qua-,
litY at $1: to 81.03 per •
Peas A' sale of 8001 littshels•black.
was made early in the week arsl.2s per
40_ cer _
$2.,751 'a $3,
per , busber..- • •
111i11.KEY4..--4n the, early, part . Of '• the
week Mla: were.sokl at 404 e,; and 'bbls.
from stores at ,X4e.• Slime then the market
has leelirieti ;k trifle, aiul WO nine small ta
les. of lihda, at 40e; arid of bbls. at 42 a 43e.
The is a on ~riue, of 3'; ;. exclusive
:Of the barrel, ;-,The hispeetioria',of the, weak.
geomprisd 2,0 nriii•B9o bhls., 'of wbich.' l
242, bbls.'•yetc, reepiVed by. 'the
alit! , ,
• .
,eil Sh s ireelt,', ° at , e7,7s,)at.. vate sales
o e.*iorttritera • !Some parcels loive
i-tieen obtained f4i, - 444.324 -a , 1;50.
most_holtlers , are Willing to take.s7,so per.
' 1 ) 1 4 c; 1 ..4e!' 0 tectiSetu•S'Uil at that price.
'QO, 3roatl.street $1,50,is the common rate. I
Rye Flour-=sales liar° .beeir made' at $5,50 1
Ter bid'. meal—fair sales of bbls. at
$3,871, old stock. 013";(1.1:1:1',505;
edefi• , ,
s,aia'.4,houthektk . :Yrteat "at
s.l;6l.4'per bushel, afloat; showari'deeline.
'A tot,Of 'foreign said
ing, Ilya., Receipts Or Ono light s ; sales
or round from store at Uoseenta,ilatyeltbw ,1110.1TARY., NOTICE.
-88- aftait', and white S 4 aB5 gents- PST' 'bush - tTheine.mhei•s of 1111 1 '1 Elt: liattalion 4fiCmttherfia4
al. '''','„ . 9,ats---Seiferal lots ; Alava - sold at 4,3 a,' Volunteers, anti others., are respgaifully invited tosat
‘R'fi'64ll.being . r 1" illiiw°vernent.tend atinn„tTNl:
- SEED§;...L.• Fair, sales. of = Cloverseed; at ih titibn the ttnitiret ortrrlering , , the. serviteoc - of Alit
bil k sheit: flassead has been
Sl ,07 - Iroif" • 1- 1 , • request. ,
Jtattaliou tn . the r rieslilent tTie United States.
11(11.1titliFtS.r.-.4Whitikey, Aales at,36 in - . . it. Colonel CononandEne.;
jtl.tiis.,Mttl' 41, it, 49 bbis: M arrim 130839:
, ,
'JAMBS LOUD 0 -. N.t L'sq. Treasurer of the Poorllcntse•cuid, -
• rectors of the said Institutionfrom the do . yof Jit
To :imciti nril tie atTlnst gettlCryient. _ .
'l'o a moitpC county - '0000:007
reco ived - of- -Fishbu ro-stew ard from _darer- •
To bOutice doe Institution.
_ .. . . . .... . .
• 72P,Inisliels of wheat, 1:35 of corn; 735 . 6 f. Oats, 'lO5 of potatoes, `2l - of.timothr seed,.lll of cloyersced, Bof flaxseeil of turnips,
10 of be'ets, 8 Of parsnips, 125 of winter apples, 36 of onions, 2 of seed onions, 2 of peas, 18.1 of dryed, apples, 1,1- o . f dryed- peaches,
120 gallon:4 or apple hinter, 52 loads of hay, 10 of cornfodder,.s2s heads of cabliage, 550 cucumber pic.kels, 19 barrels ofgood and
Watercider,l of an acre of flax. ._ _._ .
~ .
. .
. ---.
' '
._„. ..
.BiTfi pork, mutton -and veal,"lcittened-dnd-killcd-on-larm-ja--1838: • . ---
...... , 2,4- bee weight 1.1,773.1bp. 46 hogs,wnight 611'1& . 5. 23 sheep, weight - 1043 11i5. ; 16 calves, weight 848 llis. whole -ainoun
weight 20077 lhs.. .. ;
• .. .
_.. . .
267 yards of tow St..lla-linen, 515 yards Ofbagging,:2oo-yards of flannel, 311
_yards of ytiggs,'l9B shirts and chemise, 75 .calico
6.0c1:8,W pair of summer panttdoons, 102 pair of knitted 'stockings; 65 pair of footed stockings, 9 petticoalS;6s.'she(As:'so - iiiiroitu - ,
18 chaff bags, 45 caps, 131 feather pilhiw slips'and'holsters, 3100 dipped and moulded candles, 37 comforts:
- —' . . MICHAEL FISIMURN, Simard. •
. .
. • . ' - MARGARET EISIIBURN,; Illatroii;
• •
. .
. .. .
`The directors of the l'oca,"4-e. of said Couil - Ivan:lex theiollowing exhibit of extra labOr, 4.e. performed by the Steward, Mat
t , .61 i and Paape'rs,_ froin - th - c the - day, of . .7144utery, to the 31st day cV . December 4838, as follows, viz : • •
. ~ :....,
Filled up and leveled one acre of a pond - 12 'inches deep for meadow, madn'a flowerhouse and - toolhense, 2 calthing in the hospitals
! for 'close stools, 20 coffins, !.large and 20 small benches 1 pannel door, 7 ,small windows, made and nailed 44 pannel. of palling
rIEIVe - iti, - fille - 41 --- s - mall - aild - .1-large-gates i made-a , feerksheeponadeA___w_he_elbarrow wheel, made 1 small library case, made 22
spitting boxes, made 18 ,pot lids; mnde . 2.rakes, glaized the-POerflouse'and . Didelling, cut , 80 Toads — iifivo - O - d — , made 700 7'011 new rails;
made 10 hickory . brooms , and 'U variety of other articles made and repaired, made 3 roundabouts, made.4o pair : woolen 'pantaloons;
-made_29-ve_Slq, , hoiled_36 barida_saftaciap,_ ti;karli t 43,16,i)ard soap, colored all the wool and yarn. .. ...._ ..
. . . .
. .. . .
. _ . .
Tbe - iiumber of paupers in the Institution Istlitnuary . 1838,
,(of which I7were colored;) .
- Whole number admitted. up to the 31st of December 1330incittsive, (ofwhich 29 were Colored and 9 out door pagers
~- , • admitidd at short periods,• -, • - ~r: - '. 1., •.: '- - . .
Directors offlis Poor and of" ite House of .Employ
ment of Curnberland - coil nty i *ay %the n 'above & for,egoing state
mcnt. ffeOntairi just and trite - exhibit of the allairs.Of 111e:Iiiititu
tion,iluring the period above stated ;according . . to the , liMit of our
knowlethe— Given under our hands this ' Ist day of Januarya !"
. •
0-A . ll,'D MIT „7 1 :AZT
•••••• , •
• I
THE subscribe . (ger Sur sit' lq"AirlioAesßlF;ctiiilAi.,4
tiAltl)llWSEl•ll)B,ofrliereignyji - z rait*pinsiTri
ranted fresh, and OC.tillt.,bk.t4 quality>
x i 1EI(!c1L I'l.
- liaporeritt - FJ•cticit-411:011 4 .-ItaiiiN
. n
• , ir i 3xfsea
A - sptesl4o variety . ; of-Y1..9 1 •VE11 . gEEDS.
.Fruit 4^ ();•strunieitial teeeq, ShilYbery, 4-6
• -R01610S , !"
'of ever:l4l" ewritittor, - ,Glii4e4 Seds - p*in R . 6103544
• thi• hundred. or 4ozwi, Or. countiy,etprekcept:yo. •
All oiliers : • •••-•
• • E4E;
„.• Beedoneo ,
. . ..•
. .„
.. -
David Einniing,er,-Abrall'ani► Viaigoner and'Jnitn Pacinires, Directors - of 'the Po l ar nnd of .die Honse tmplnynient
• Pumborian - d - county - , - iir - account - witii - said - pounty-fioin-the Isr-day-of-Jatitiary-to_thr
81st day of Deeenafier, 11'38, ineinsive, viz
l'o balan'e:e due county .by Tfensiirer;
sonyees exhibited in the . foregoing statement, LI 62;the whole nundiEr through the year, . .
OI L which 20,diek -3 children bourid,out,•o2 discharged and runaway;
Leaving the number 'of paupers in the, house Ist January 1830,
Out door. paupers supported at public expens 311rouglkthe year,
IVito supported Ist January 1836;.`
-.: -ABRAHAM WAGGONER, - --Directors.
7208 34i
Scledule showing proceeds of Arm in 1 g3B
There was also made and manufactured in the House and Shop
G 4-4 ;•!* AI; --7,
rpitE.Bo l eribee desipotti of ,dispOsingliif his lire
:JU 6tqa 'stock : of HATS - AND !MOBS, offeilktlieni
at, greatly redittied foie . porticio .
o f abovo,stook , will OF Bola .sa eiOsr. .: . .
Gm) u.r. W. xrn.)r.R.
Tenrjfelo-olltutell -14j-03D;'
soltetiOot of Copailiserobip.
Tog. guhlicribers, trading tinder the firm of D. Eg
R. ERB, liave•iitlitliitj' (111461 em;parlder-
Alio; mid hereby notify ail, persona indebted - to - said
firm, to come foritard aud,mnke payment, and
thoseito , Have claime td ,vivesent them 'befritoltbe,
first day blAtiril , siest, or' their.Tespeolive
be vitt into , the hands'of a ;prOper Iverson for
eollectionf , . .
ERE 3,
~ , • ' BENJAMIN, ERU .1
'.ivorioleysinirg, Fe:bromic 18711.. , . , •
TliKstitiserihcr, gentefilf Thy ling liiVor OciOccV•
fittly.itillirnis the onlille, tlint he . ints hgitinreomtnelie
tit the 'above' inisineo in Anita varions
1 . 11 ,borough. pf, 'Afeefinniestitteg, wheTe• Wilt 'be
phitsd 'to tvitOive,i)ll work' eutrumoil l to Isis core.
--Persons wishing-work thino, , nro infovnteii
itemtokwe,. nil articles, iett:nt .the,stnre of Mr,. John.
11. - Wealier, in the borotigh of .0411444 - for..
worded' to 4im 4nontui,finisites),
will he returned to thstp4ce,,wheen the
get them ao,-the N4~c lepiu I ; no. ir
. . . .
CIL r '.':' -.'.••,- .-•,_
By purchase Money: and
. for deed forl4 aeres,and.two - •' •••
.., •-. . perches of hind, —; •, . . •,:: : ~•• • . • $l2O 'BO
'Funeral expenses for ottt-door-paupers ' : ;• •44 50
.-- Plaster' and POtiiiiies,• ,: '• ;•• :•• ' • ' - . • •1•199 87
= BlackSinith work; , •:' •-. ' •••• • :'
,'. • • ' 50;66'
Medical attendance for , out door paupers,' .. .. - ~ '26 25
• 17 764
Beef, • • ' ' • • • :,• , . ,'. . . '• :
_ Shoemaking_and_hatting,_____-_, • • • ..-
___. _-_,.
~I,' ~,___ 194;.092,
_ r __,__
Supportnf out deor paupers, , ,7' •
.. - •: 119 401
Printing, . ••-- • • . ' - -• ~- ' .-• • ".- - :49 00 _
. . . • ~.
Gtailtiiingand Weaving,• • i
. • , • 89 314
'Justice and constable fees, .- • • • • . 136 484
Groceries; nierelandize„ dtugs,, hardware, elonthing,
bedding and partimprovencients, •- . - • ~„ ••
Farming utensils, tools and coopering; 2 . '' _ •
Leather, • •• . . !.=•• , •,-..,
.•' ' •
Sundrys for kitchen and. lionm, expenses in waggon
' ....-ing,..* settling with other. counties, and postage, 150 - 08
M._Fishburn, steward and Matron salary,. hirelings, ; .• •
' • . butchering, farthing; clotithing-&C,-for oneyear,_oo po ,
Treisnier'S salary James London - Esq - , -- - - - - ---=--- .7 ------40. 00.
Attorneys fees, - . • • • • - 500
- -Diteetor-IL - '--W-CunelEiq.,,fut extra Services for one
... ~ year,
'Director D. Emminger Esq., -fOr extra services for
one year;
' Direetor Abraham Waggoner Esq., - for extra service's
for one year, ' ~ • - . 21 00
I:2l:lglimalirOr 'one. year - ial - ary . ---- - -' -. "------1-30
Firewood . an&coal, ' - - -. -- - - :--- ' • -- 45 45'
• ,
...Stock,--._--- ' , • • ... . . . •
Grain a nd grinding ' —_• - :..: - '.. - 8 0 0 9 4 9; 6 509.
.Monster stove, _ . . .48 25 _
.Itoad iaxes, . • • ' - -.. --:---- 1.5 00 -
• Materials, improvements and post and rail fences, • .- 340:91i
Balance due county I§t Jan. - 1830 by•Treasurcr,
1054 7I-
fouSe of Employment of "said ~Counly, in account with the Di
nitaiy-to• the 31st-of Deeenibei-1838 - knclueive; viz
_lay 'cash paid on Di "rectors &do's as stated aboi;e, 6153 "63/
' - '7l3alanee'dtie-InstitntitnititTreastirer, 71:..
1054 71
. ,
WE the Auditors of °timberland county do certify, that having
examincd-the--*Ounts-and.-Vottelters of the DirectMS of the .Poor
and nonse of Entidoyment, of said eotinty, from. the let day of
Januarrto the 31st of December, 1838, inclusive, do lintlAt_halan6c
I due, said county by, the Direetors Of. • said histitution itun
-Ircd and' fifty4Or dollarS and seventy-one emus ; and we also
certify that-we find a bainuce,due by Jamestoudoni Treasurer of
sl.inatitittiOn,during,Said terMi toiilie Directors thereof amount
ing. to one thousand and fifty-fourdolliirsaud.seventy-one cents,
altof !which is pmticuitiKly 'ad forih in the aboVe stated, aecooots.
crven.uildet our hands this .26th day ocranuary i sap.
•, : . - . ,-. WILLIAM „LUSK, ' •-, : •,. ; •
,• ' H .' :••• ".' . • ' GEORGE AL GRA:IIA I M, • • . .theditorq. .
•:„ • JOHN, CLeN I DENII, .
• ' •
Edate elfllimn Duncan, deccaqed.
, .
. ,
NOTIQE .herehy Oren tsar letters of ALIIINIII{S- ,
tration estiite idiain . Duncan, kW ,
of Southampton toiviiship,Cumberlatul enmity , d(. 'J4
have this tily,lieen to the soliSorilier Ulm re.,
%lila' in the slinl tovvtishipof Southithipton.
ins having elnimS or demands against the rstiit..t of
the.r.aktl-deeet ent, aire-requested-tirie_w_thir
mkt Altos& Iv ha nee .
make payment io
March 13, 1839.-114 w:
7,- . . • - • .
-rwo'racc. •
Take tinticit that w . e ‘ haye applied to theJtalges or the
cowl. or Co in Pl4up C;unlberiaini con ith.ltir tile
heuelit of the itisolyent Laws, aunt the Court Las ail.
iminttal the , of 4 oil' next for the hearing
of usand - nor eretlitUritat Carlisle, when and where
you may prover. . ,
• • • : JOSEPH UAUFFNIAN, - --
Carlisle lfarcia.ll.6.39' - •- •
two•to learn the Chair-Nilak
ins business . ; about:l6 sl,ars °rage. Those who cot
ajw,ak the German -langmatr, would he nreferectk- 7
lilone hid lads neatly habits peed apply.
. Also, one; gootl , Jt.)llll.N 1'...5.1 , 8 11- 7.^Oe IS ti•
Turner Aroeld-IM vrtferrett. tntittirt At this ,
, •
ace. •
111,srch •
rat lyand InsporlanClPioeng
• • 30,000 Balk:es:, .
PRIZES OF $30,000
rle exttaieges throughout the United Btates l oang
MOW equalized ; F:mory . Bc Co. are enabled to nnnounce
ti, the pnhlic,that dur nit he mouths of Mar& and , ,
needing l by more than 'One Million of lloisTalt --
series yet ofTered. ' The liberal. patrooage,afforda
by. the public to th is will-known - establishment, ren- ,
ders'it tat imperative `duty to spare neit6er. trontdo
Reuse to disseminate the really iraportint" inform
motion to his numerous correspondents throughout
the United States mitt British Provinces. . ,
}floury' & Co. respectfully urge attention to the
schemes now placed before them ;,anti let there he
no delay in , forwarding ordere,-which will receiver
immediate and punctual attention.
It bemoans nmeasary to caution our -correspon
:11JI7 OR Pt/
2,...V0rt4 Citlvert at: opposite BOrnum'a Hotel.
Ss°, ci0'0”..5.24,000r!:
f or int erna l 1 mp p 0 ,,,,,, et ,!. in tllenisll4ot of Colam . -
bill. Class .for 1839.
1703 80.1
109 701
101 - 781
Tithe ponitivety drawn in the ciivof Alexandria, on
Saturday' the 20th of April, 1839, at .3 o'clock, Y.
-1). 9. G4P,OOIIY Itlarioxers. •
UncEr th . Styperiniendanee of Conitnigsioners..
-nniLtLANT_SeItEnT. , • , '
1 Crat of - $BO,OOO is $BO,OOO
- 1 Prize of 25;000 is 25,000
1 du , '20,000 is • 20,000
1 . ...Ito - 15,000 is is t ooo , •
-•• do io,ooo . • 4., to,ow
• do •, . 9,000 ,is • —0;000
1 „dO • .8,009 is 11,,000'
1' do 7,500 - is 7,5011.
1 tln (* ).„ 7,0716 ia 7,01'6
2 l'rizes of ' , 5,000 are 10,000'
4 : .___ s ,&M)' are.- 12,000
5 do • 2,500 "are
'lO do •, - 2,000 are 20,000
-20 -do •'• 1,500 are • so,ooo .
so ' I,ooo are • 50,000
• 50• -- r -750 ,are • 37,5*
- 133 • --- do - -.- .500 - - are' - 66,500
65.' do' . • 250 are- • 1 6 / 2 .50 . •
65 •do " • goo .are 19,000
65 do . /50 " :/lre 9,750•
65 Jiak. " - 106 nre 6,500. •
65 do : 80 :. are • 5;20
• ISO do 60 are 7,800
. ISO do' • ; 50, 'are • 6,500
4185 . do. 4 ore e 179,400 '
- •
27040d0 - • _ are 540,800
21 00
'2B 50
1054 :71
7208 31
;12,396 prizes amounting&
..- 51,217,216" a
Tickets $2O, halves - $lO, quarters-15, eighths $2 ,60, .
_..._ ... .
. A rerthiente of paek - ng,r , is of 26 whole . 11 - acts in..
th Mammoth Scheme will be sent f0r . 1.280--Paeir, -- -
tige'ii. of Ilalves,Quiirters and Eighths io protiortiOn. -, -
Athlress ' •-:-- -- ' EMORY & CO. '.
Xo. 2 ..?I , ' Calvert at. opprmiteL Partpities. gneci, Ralf, -
- WREIII;AS the Ilon..lmts the then PreaiL
tbe•Court of Coeuinon Plena "of the
counties orClitlierlandiltatibla:taid'Peery;Ttintl
John Stuart and John I. , efeyee-,,Jutlgeit'..ot
the said Court of Cominou I'lens of the county of
Cumberland,• have issued theiti precept ' bearing date
the 11st day of.lantetey, 1839; fled to Jae directed, for
holding. a (;mart of Over aiut Terminer, and General
iiil r lYeli - Yeerottul - Generat - Quariter-Sessiona-of-the 7.
Peattc ' at -Coeliac mithe . sceand.9,lanttay of. April . ,
1819, belle , the Bth day;) at 10 o'clock - the fftu-;
7208 344'
to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables
of the said county of Cumberland, that they be then
and therein their proper person with their Records,
InquisitionsTEyouninatimis and ether Rememhrances,
to do.those things which to their offices,respeetively
31;1)cltido. those - who-are—bound---his-recogm.
zanies to prcuttlente avtinst.the prisoner, ihat are, or.
- then may be, in the Jail of Cumberland enmity, to,
be then and there to prosecute against the as shall be
. Dated at Carlisle; the 7th day of March, 1839, and
the 63 year orAinei•kan Ihtlepentleuce.• " -
JOHN MYERS, Sheriff:
- 1 0 -to O,E; f 1 E
ANA.WAY from the subscriber ; in Newville
- on Satin-day the 2511 of Fehruary.,
1 11. k, an itkiciited apprentice --to the
Cabinet ;11akiiig . business, named
JOHN ZAY4 • t . '
lie hail on when he wer:t away as olive
colored einitce,dralrpants, with dark
stripe running down the side of each -
leg, and a one brush Fiat. lfe is stipposol to be ,
about five feet tivt iui hew iiigiOrnin built, dark cora—
'broken tinlii.ll., re—
ward will. t r given for the deliveri of the boy to-tue
or pia into the jllil at Ciarli:de or Chum—
beraloirg, where., ran q.t. luni again.
Ntiwvillc!, March 13,-1839;=-=.60
Electicin for Echool Directors. •
• Porsuent to the provisions of the dd section of the
act Of the tleneral Assembly of this Commonwealth, (,
entitled,'" An' net to establish a general system of
Common Schools," passed the let day otApril, 1894. ,
I hereby :rive notice to-all-the citizensin the.several
School Districts in- the. county of Cumberland, to
meet in their-respective townshipland boroughs, at •
the places where they hold their elections for Super- •
rimes, Town Council, and Constables, on the TVrtf
Friday and 1.51/1 day of March inet.,Then and there
elect TWO CITIZT:NO of-each School District, to serve
three years ns School Directors of said. Districts, re-
spectivelyt which eletiotts are to be conducted and
held in the mine manner as elections for Supervisors'
and Constables are by law-held-ated:condnoted.--
• . -JOHN 111YEJLS, Shen".
Sheriff's Office s March 1899. • "
- 3
. .
• TY - 4
. - 113, - 63 411 ,
,11 . .
}t of the Editor of the Herald SiExpositor ;
. :I%tareli 15, 1859.
T. RFED; being relieved from the duties orbis
late office anJutigeiproposea to resume the
. Practice or Late,
at Carlisle, rennsylvniiili. - .
ite tenders his services to ILL who'may thinXit
their interest to employ him.. •
Ills office in his pm houttc-,;'opposite the
le Law SchOol,under T iaenre, will be contionert,
'mid he hopes to be able to bestow - upon it'inore as-•
interrupttd nuention.'
Carlisle, February.27, - 1839.--8n , ..* . • •
. -
• . .
THENALTIALE: :.,,._..._7.,_,
.._....._.... - ---
--=- fiy - tiPertr - iiittiate - iit.theetoiter or . _
High and Pitt streets; 111 - the'llol^ollgh of Carlisle', late
I the property of John-AVilson ; deceased.- The-lot is .
- 60 feet front on High Street, and.44o feet deep on Pitt-- .
strcetonlnning north to Dlt .inson Alley: • There-are
~,. _.
erected In this preperty a Two Story ..'..
~,v....4-2_ STONE OHS Emith a *lone Kitchen,.
T, ' t IU , ft two story BRICK HOUSE, with are
'.l.. i,I•C • ,'''. era/ ehopr, , The. lot is well eatiLlßad. , '
y , . 0 "•=.....',....- - Containing a variety of frail trees. i here%
is a never failing well: of cieelient wafer to the yard:
This property being situated `directly itilfront of tite
Cuakherlatiff WHO - Rail Road, at, thopoipt *here Oar -- -,
cars' stop; It offers tv most eligible seite for a'Stotein;
this borough. Possession sivv.qq on this ht day otA-•
.. next. .
. . , •
'• .of.TisiHOßlit i CH.: earfisig i Staivi 5, 1 339 • , :
. .. .
FMA NIS hip' frjeildsliiidthOPOhlicillit}t.e hem:
i„.l.toned the duOes of .hia;ptro esaion, Od :wit/ .
give. his liOdhided`idterdion to 'the'idliOlEe of hi, •
severdl tit4oieh4r • , 1 •
kdfliii is in the "stone
! dts • •
UM% Siore, door fren. o ttke post uts% _
c'lirlioO . ;YebrititT . 27i 1841).;, , ,,4ea.: - • •