Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 13, 1839, Image 2

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14.- ---'l 4Ti --- N 4 A. di A -31. 1. -.Sl l .4i.l'ilifil. E--- - - • I
• i II . 7-----.1-
.: • - 1 SENATE... -..-..--. . e wet,u in to ( , ,tt
Pr Eiil? A v, - Alateit 5; 1831/. • ; 4
the atc•nto t Utt ragesspoko , isf thtfeetirsfr
of 41e . 4-iv •' . '4 l : '." •:' ... " ' i
p.61,,,:tw-proee e tled to aetopoil the - ~ I • J r..) ?. (Av., `manors- ;; 441 , i..' lie or
'Oymination- •of Siiiimel II e pbu hi, by the " !.., . 4P l 9. r t ` 4 9.l• N jit"; l ''' M .5 .14441 : 44:12 ' . * 4914 ' i ' l '
2 Governor, for..l:tresilleift , Jiiihre of the Judi; ! I / 16i " smit4 ' ; ' ; ' , .' l. " 4 ` ii i Aithdlin i ll7ls;44leal:'
to the mob, Mt the secono. week after
vial HiStriet 'composed of the counties of/ h g• '
jetiantii pereyLaitti 4 tfliiina.
_ ...,; „ . , ✓ t .
the erecting of the •Legishiture, requesting 1
theiVl . _not - te . "frighterr-Ilie-dottgAfaeeief
. . After'spnie discussion in Which Mt:Altit-
Burn was opposed
.im account of incompe- : the Se'ljr43,":""titl.P. 1119P.stTl!les,fei3rilitr)
i a recurrence of the nets .of violence; ent ° -
teriey';.the -nomination wits.eoutirmed.. . . rage,.and rebellion. He reftiired to acts •of
.. The resolution, for, the z peyment•-ef the
the 'Governers 01 other -states ; wtio- called!
expenses -of the VoliOrteCr. tromps, of the
, out troops to 'protect arsenals--Mo) said that!
firotAnkelereittit.,tlititi , ,M..of,Pynn_syjrania
. f the - 1..' , . utuherl•and county--volunteerS, protect
,militia Was . talteil z up. • .. * • , . -
, ed the .irsenl her
• I te . crest un tuaai ; ton the motion of Mr.. ..:- •' ' ' , L. ' • ' • .-- ' ' .
. Mi.....11r0wn replied:- lie woul,l oppose.
. Brown, 6 etil Le .. out - the' irooPs iii" the-Ith
ttie (10111 . 4,1,418 mi
It leers.. , i the payidetit - of - the trocips-at,all:_events.. = . I
;J o l l e , ,!..hargetl the Speitlier_with taking thin
"!:-Mt......Porwesti Said, • ill:it as the Motion fo
.and :..iirganiiing =the . 'Senateirit'. the
sfrike out the II di division from the bilk , ,:t-o...‘ir
thecOng ref the Legislature, contrary AO foii
emiel;vneil-:the•citizen • sitliliers of Camber
usages, and contrary to;: the constitution'.
,anal; One of iliacenuties he had the honor' nier
• ttfici.resent„ he 'felt it ;hiS' ditty to roply_ to 1 '9- (1,- 1 4 `r s ' ~•- .. •..,' • . .' ' •
, L 'lle said' few insane Men went] have urine.
. the argitthent dl', ilut 'Se moor_ front _fifeJetiu 11- .
01.1. i •Bro.witi)':altItough . .he. had not-, the 't • l '' e 'Mt of l ' allM g mit the°"P' - ' ll.. ' lll6l
' friendS' of thelate Governorealled it a iniid . ;
"linnor 'Of hearing his •'argtinteritl--tor -the
-ciatidemnedit. Ile,laigited that . officers . '
. ' pleasurp•of hieing:enlightened - by. - thef S.enaL .';“ el • -
from, st:stlyi o n, ... oil.. Freito. , ) ;,„: ll6 i . were not .to het, because: they. Might:43l'er- I
said lie Ineiv; not the-aanSe.' that ' had itidn- I B.l4l)th.eir duty. :
.. '.''.lr. Penrose replied to'lte'idlegations of
. • .1;el the alistinOtied in.thernind'of'the 'Sena- 1
Mr.- 'Brown,
~vith a most Withering:torrent
- 'tor from - tlie • ern' itty; •betatima- the-troops-of: .
rite 2d and the-11 di diVie . ' }finless't lot s " r "" sm. .. / Fe lichl.h t msaf re'id-iY stagy
tow. I was • time
;were rot to justify' los course . ; . and offer- .
that the troops of . thel . lth division .
it , itti . e , the troops ei . the 2d !ed to inVestigate.the
,principles of tlniSena
from the coantry,
stitittr h ; tor. from the e'onnly, - WWI . , lie, 4 'w,ere.
division ware,. from it eily, Or the
; infinitely more destruetivuto . i f
or a city
-reason would not , ep' - -
..ply :to the -S.:natal ; from . Schuylkill,. who the ' fl ppli c . a tiun :of -any military furee, hk
etintinaluter-ikef 'eciuld he,••princi l
reprosentod„a;•rnral , :distriel, and. aliaril. ; . 1-' I Y
. yeltruttt . j „...
. j.e his case `he - e . euiti . 5ee .. 11 . 7 6 . I files
.. that would lead tulle ilOtruction.of
u .- 11.. I the.dountry. Ile_wooldundertake to' slmw,
cause fir his .linsfdity tOtlie.resoltitien;
to proVe,:tti demonstrate, thatany atv•whieh 1
—less - at bq th - ltAte-inilitiit of .the, county of I'
l ite may have performed-SW.llm _Qbair,:of,thel
of ;e d •-• , C•untherlandlilil-boowsingleASEett-a..vic.- . .
tam of party., 4 But. if a, a; legal. is : to .be Offer- V i.41.67- • -.1. ‘ U STr. ' 7II T -eli-iiiiittelir •W ith44.6 l
-- . -4..;41-:•-opi-vir-as , .-it,striiii,a . e_tiittaliey_lta .1
_..i t,
Avs,and:-const - nution of AlM:cm:to try.,• , „Ile .
•Ivengentlefnan. Were to tali e . thell elm, We Would
't.-ed to sh (3 w_that.-w hat.' Bre Wit prefer
oil .i
il the .volti n leers' 111n5or'land , •• ; - select-_-; -
Mr. .Fraley , (Si liuy 1.) px pi a i pe a. li e. tf-itilfe'stormy -- Seirut:;-demooraer.:4 - that
lnid not• said that. he . would vote fiir . any
'be ..enga Iplicil in inextricable .destrue
. part of the resolution: . Hunow supported Is. i.'"
the. _minion
.4o : -strike out - ;." - itird - - - ,when..thei ---°" '' ir- MIP 1811 * (1 ' miser y .
.;. Ile w e nt into ii,- ' •
other came up lie itgainst Abel:
also:, ~ He 'would - not,say what -course he the l'''
Nvotil4_p.orsucu:,__ L. r- . . . ,
Mr. Penrose Saiil4ldriiiiiit talte - s - tielf.light
...n,Sille . Scnistorfroin,•Schuylltilf, - . - wriipped , up
--- in .his',official. dignity,' might reveal; and
kVait7tiiitilite Tnit-on•hti'gliifieiis-rsv.platlon•-,-
- --
whew - 'the :qttestion of ftlie.:eity voltinteers .
came up, for brilliant disclosures: , All that :
• lie is Willing:to Say new, IS, that 'he is op;
:posed, to-the payment , of the Cumberland
county volunteers. • .
.• : ... - -
- Sir, said .Mr. P., if ,victims are to
..--forda-up,• either to appease tlic wiath.of,riri
_ Oended' mob, or to . .gratify the spleen of
their- abettors, he could - assure -them that
they *Odd tiod . none more
,honorable than.
- the- Cumberland county volunteerS. ' H e
woulltell the gen - denten; if they were not
' acquatitted.With• - the history . of - this - country
• and its - struggle in .the cause' of freedom,
that the Cimiberladd voluniders -- were - :the
first to . go to battle—that Capt. .------. :: . 15f '
Cumberland - county, raised the first comps=
uy of Volunteers in the time oldie •Revolu
- tioti;: - Wito 'marched .to . 411eltee ti nder-M on t- •
• gomery, and gave up, their lives - for their
coulitry'•s liberty- , -milthat - many of - the
eambeidand county volanteers bleached *
• ,heir bones upon the plains of .4bralianz.
'flint' id the last war, -they did not hesitate
to. obey their country's call. .At 13restler's
field, Lanly's lane, awtet - the sortie-at-Fort
' Eric, they covered, themselves .with limier,
and added Write glory. of their country. .
' Mr. P. said that_lie. - spoke:whin:Mt-refer
_ . .
ence to partyos, many of those who march
ed Imre, of the I lth division, were the Po . -
litical friends of tho , present Executive but
• • If .the Senator, from the:county
.wished to
offer up as victims, the volunteers of Cuin-,
" Berland, let him apply the torch to the bill,
- end 'a flamentliragellitat
the 'whole community. He said, let the
. Senator -beware that lie does not , kindle a
. flame that will burn . the .. lingers of his .
-Mr. P. said he, was not greiiikistirpril i 4
Iti , the' position taken by•the -Senator •from
ihe county,- 2 in-liis- attempt tct_raL.._oir. t h e
- ' - 'troops,' from the 'county from:those from
Cumberland: If that Senator was the true ;
Index - of, the feelings or principles of those
he represented,:they . .differed as-to the great.
fundamental principles of Tree goyernment: - .
just, halal(' to tie. anything but bonerable
aniljust: 'Mr. P. went oir to Show:that if
the -principles Of ' the Senator, from . the.court
ty -(Brown) were to prevail, the country
would .go'to destruction—anarchy 'and-
.petism• would soon enfold us. ~ •' . . :
_Mr._P. said .that the claims of the •volun. -
.teeni fron' Cninberland atorthe city stood ,
upon the same. footidg ; they involved the
- same principle's-a Statute. law, rind a ethi
stitutional iiroVision that could.riot be con-'
traiened: The Senator . from lithe county'
bad confounded 'tiir . o• principles in his tirgu;'
tten't4ad, placed' the constitution of 'the
...i4f,e. end 'the United 'Sonia' ',together=
•,. • .._ ~ -- • .......
atil - lnin ortffe''State r-
1 MI g_
the Goverinor .power! to sup press'. deniestic
. ile here went into an argunacut, relative.
to-eonatitutional. law, .atiat.sliowett. that: the
Legislature : had • ! nocpower
. over. the (lover
. nor in such-cases—that the power was•con.
- .. termed the constitution,; and , aboVe.. the
• law . power—and , that, the . matter
was - Merely put into the- Legislature out •of
etutlil : _itetiide• as to tlyi_propriety of !the
order of' the:CoMminder-in-chief. He was
•eontrallisd-tis - tuthe , 'Cniergency,;:- ,7 - -
Nor. dotild - the 'Military be made -to suffer
• • frbittlany Command, they 'being‘,Subject to
' .orilers.'' • . • J.'
said, he:Governor.
ih this
,at ::thre . •Seat or danger' He
- r u thi e s tp(ilil des e era ti g. th e'ea i to!
and :order--- , ,Prostrating
.•ffite..goverimient—trairipling utidc feet the
ganig..iiig_allirulealticiiriLerde-rand aim
divert,-tim.funetions of the govern- .
meat, to their, ,purpo7
".res . ... r ,;' tie
. .coutentled •Goveritor,
iuhen% 1e au 'Was justified; in interp6-
• . sing,thilitary,forte—that the time. had
' for, hire 'to, eiercisethe constitutional
" if 1
..••• city. save. the, curnirionwealth. • ,
;4'6**M - 111k -iitverlaWfUlly
lle went into the histOry of 4he-aets.of
the 4th of December, and said thellie4 . oolt
tli~ chair in sttlitt eonformity to the laiffiif
theAtiod-'-htit-when-ithere,Hlie refused - to'
peitnit the . . Senator from:the'ecnutty.
those who had no spats-ther'ateo.:, addriis
'the Senate,.andLtheniobin confounity;_•to his
sworn duty; wlirelf - Ava - s - -aqtriitoiiileitnause-o-
the-invectives-dischargedagainst:hhit; • .41. e.
$14(4. the :that:mere by-the Se
nator- fro in the County, w.ere ready for blootk .
l!hey ,- called:- 11-T (WE AIM R 7-..•
RIDE 11151 ON 'A 17 AIL vwere 3 VStl- .
Flat that ,SenittOr, Who gays -that this
mull , and tliefitelmiyilitteti — of - Safety;":
Will be .honored. as
. Ratripts = wilr stand as
high a - nil as itimorable as .Washington,.and:
the patriots and heroes of the revolution. •
'Mr. Brown •iikplainetb--,said -he-.did-not
compare. them to-Washington: --
My. Penrose continued :- The Senator_
.the ..county may Aptly it, best he , d
say-that-the s flood-of graiitadti-With
the people, will them with the heroes
and patricits of the rei , olutioo."..But he-Mr:
P..) would say, thautheir names woby"bsi
associated with infamy— r thai their acts were.
thfamons, notwithstanding the Senator frinn. l
:the county, .had deelared thatamongst that
mid) were found men of property, and one
of his ,c6nstituents now found - to: - be—in a - ,
. ,
SenatoriaVlhdir. •
. .
..111r. P. sAhl,_ the doetrities 'enforced, by
the.-" , Ciuntnittee Of Safety;" were the same
doctrines as \rem - . entertained by the• corn-
Mittee of the - same intineirpthe rerolutirin
of France that deluged that•land with blood.
We found in'the histeryOf thet•revolution,,
that when the people-threw off those Con
stitutional restraints—those " shackles" bf
letr' and, Order, as • they were Called, • that.
then they rode upon " the' ste'iniy'Sea', of
emoeracy-'l.-rif_the AeitatctifromAhei_Com -
ty, until the • guillotine was glutted with its
offerings,•andtheitreets run With the' blood
of;tens of thousands. :' He said;' give;' me
rather Ttirliish destiotisM'ilian"thafffeiMi- •
eraer thatttkeS-froni'llmvarit4O'kheirtv- -
,• ful constitnted'anthoritiesthat drives their
Legislatures from their seats. '':Such anar
- eliy - would'soonlnadTto - destiotiSm'of - •the_
darkest.and,itipsvdegrading Ithid. ' , . '':' •
Mr, P. ',44 kith :WaSliittgion!S t'are• , ,
well Address, that'Tiart warning tile ,Liebple
'. . .
lagainst „combinationa and'-associations .of
men against the-rogitlar,constitnted
.autho 7
rides, which he applied with great severity
to the' Senator. from, -the; Onnty,-.and
I confederates ,in crime;_ in their
vNis against t m,Government.', Bcfrire I bc,
borielnded;hogave.way for an,adjpornment,,,
and will,••„ritiis4, tits remarks when
jest again ,conics pup,..
J-Initaisniqne, March 5,
Mr.•.•Poutsori. , •=-'Seniete. , - I —Mr. Strohm
'from-the , feerreleittee.-tin. : Rciadsi-tpriag,es; .
made , repoit.of • ahlropria
lions,loll a'''grantrecale-if which three ,
hundred 'copies Were', otclered to be printed.
The following ato 1 1.10- principal • appro !
embracingin all neat four '
••-: • •-•-• • "'
'Egtension, . :'• '990,000
' .The-P-ertland : (Maine;) Ceurier: says, in
explanation-Of the - Present' : seat of border
diftionities ': - ' I,' ''' ::•, t •• . 7••,• • •
'The' .ninneS 'Res'took, .
SrobY took,' .1-
iodsl4 and :/lrimioogh' Mean the' 'Annie ......._
thintr. and . 'are'different iiditleation.s of the'!: 7, - • -A , • • A. venera
to• •••, . . • . , ,• ,1•EvP 1 x 11 94.4 1 li•ciD9Til• - 7 ... ,
,Inclian term for the river which rises in' tie ik, A ineriean.Jtke rel.:l6s tIM I tellnurifig],
!C eunty:Of
,penoli,sioialittle: north af 3,fount 'mein tionary anecdote :' -c 4 The,,,,:inrrning,
liCatartlin; in about 4L !leg, of latitude: l t. 'Thil o.w i ng ,th e
,hattle,at Norktowns,l,44: , the
t•,iins.nearly an
,east course across, thP, •curiosity ~ to ~attend the dreOeing ~ of,',, the.
- q. 4,,,, dounties: , of 'PPllo::.:§q!.,,ai)4..lV 1ii900. 1- 1,1, ';wounded:;, and.amougtothers,,whose ,Illphfl•
litho ugh .one uf the; htpfit hentlting, .'% 411 -11e,1 ur'iwere so much ..injuredias. ha:require. eitqat!
r -,had;,' '
4 , 110, ' •Unkted„ . . S„,ta. te'sp, i ,re.,oeiiiing• , umneretts, itation, was a musician, w to Neel{ ed.
',tributary streams; and dischargesitself 1 4,7, l a. musket• ball in•the knec , .-•,, As , : was' usual
Ito, tllgAt. 4ohn a fcity wilesApye the mouth lin•such eaks; preparations :Were' melting to
;of the Tobique river. Itsjoopth)l
ifiviouiles,,east Of - the hountrary,,elaipud i
13 f(MT. or, lash him tlown,to 'the table;tof:previint ~ the;
by , possibility• of hie inctiting,:• .1 Saya.. the•t•suf-„
.-Maine., , The priAciplt trihlitark44ailliAnC !hirer, ANow-Docter;-wha-would4ett-bei
lirnestone,4littleAludamiaskai-grgartd-,14 I. 4iftiM - squililltn 'going-to-take ,otryour
tle'Maehias, and the St." , Croik,!,bi Ps Ie
Jenate then 'took op: and confirmed' :have ,-Akeen-• surveyed,,,, and: laid,,,cut.,,g,4_ _gl;: an&l.'tib , necessnry_•,•yon should be
. lashed--dewn.” , - "I shall , consent. td no .such,
Lithe` nomination of • Samuel' , Hepburn‘ as 7miles',above or, north of the. , Arnestooh , :hY, ithing , :i' Veil' may pint& 'my' heartfroth My
President Judge of the ninth T.lndicial; Dia- authority of Massachusetts! aot 1 1 111 ° 10 °;roil lbo'sern,- but you'll-notcenfinei Mei- Isltherei
trict, 'coinpotedrof the coMitfes , of Curiiber; ourenstern line.".;:, ',,, ,•,•-I ' . ' , ,:.. ,• ia fiddle in'the' terra 'frau, briniitio me.";
liid; Peity , and • billet:B;i, in 'the plade 'of - - ,', i ':! ;r . • ‘---"-r- , . •' J , ....:; - - , 'I ' i A Viblin , was-fdinislied,' and 'after , turning)
John-Reed, retrieved.' Mr , . Williams alone , .-! IMPOR'r.AN'r , '.ICLUAL.. . ~. ~ •,,, , it; he said,':'''Nesi, tioefor bdgipsi't 'and 'he ,
voted against etinifirnitition.l. He ' ststed his '' On lithulayc'the'dbe 'between the two : continued' le nlaY untiklie operatioif; Which'
reasOna 'at senile 'length:. '' - ,li ' Wei; 'for 'the branehes'etliel•Presbyterian Olinrdli, , eame leek'. abont fegy` Milhifeit,'Wina''',cPuiplcted;
want Of, lige litil 'experiened‘of .' mf.i'lleiy , - up bet A iii3 the'Siliiretile 06iiit ' in the 'city; ' witheui'nrisaing'n''nele neitii.iV i iiigaMOle':
burn.:'' Mr. , Penrose IVas in . fayor, .of 'the jodgellegtlis' on the!'bettelf.7 ' The'mern ' ' :-7-,--- 7 . , ''.',' ,•-• '
nomnation,,and heiiigia 1-6 - liese)ilAtive_:_of ideiVtid-eonsuitied-ii&firttleavtifs' to iertilian- 1 ''' Marc'' , '"`;'''Clikknitsiiiia,,Pa:lh - ( 5.'
the distitici ? 4 . settled the n - l ette r , ', : ' nel_a_ pry.,,
.The,paneet'llaVing 'lretl i ti''''p f *- I '''''s2&l l 4/`' ..,o'cit/14.0iiii 'atria ',intifferbuS ,
I - thelrill to `pay the - iii)hans , ler"trooPs cal. : , h6Steil; the - chnit 'adj4rried" until; TO ;o' 7 , ''Faii3iiii.l4o(i.t)efi ni ' thiC ).):04t._ itiLtlii#. l
led here to put down the mg!). 'was ~,tigtrin clock, A. N..- on'rtaestlily, 'Olen' the Airy 'plebe 'f i nilkituiliur i gli t last,' ytieek l ', - ttiok'''9l
considered in, committee' pf the wi‘qae,-..., was selected.'
:JoSitiklte4dOtiltl:".leein. , -, • hundred li,punils l • "About' 60,..,limidred%is
s4meches at length, but not confined' tethe inencedl his oliening .. ofAi case: Among the.,kent'?r,a i l foad!takeii: , lii,e,"ditl net learn,
tAkhjece,. matter , befOq ttle, , Senate, were other ilistingmilled ' - gentleAletiebf :the: )pat; the name ofthe owfici. of the team, lint ode
made b:v l M,r. Penrose, and' Mr., Brow,n.,m — •PYIOn. W. 9, pe6:5 9 0,.. of § . .?„04-,_p4pio,,, w itter,prip l ic,,,ix l bic, TAlinttn rlppe4rdd,
Frey both dwelt. upon,, the :eirep*stairces na, wAt -- .4p#ar,f(ir one of,theparges ? anti I perfeetly,:competent,to the, tarik.4-7/rppAi
, -itten mg the m0b..,.-'" r. r(li 1 ~.,, _ , , t12... ..‘ „ _CW 414. ) 9r! )e_o other. 69ti., ,
d - M
B , rdefendiug Mr -1 4 /$4..1 I . N I , ' i c ' t• i k il , 1 t , . ,c. • •_ i• _
i' NV isconificO; • ---.•,----.--•--.---. -.• •••.-:••-, '..2114000 .
; ; Sinneniabotting'Extotigioni•-. • .'•' 250,000'
"i,Uilintr'Canalii .-, i .•i , .. •••.:•: ... ' • .30 0 ,009
Pitisburg , St,Beavei,' ••'. l .T'''
, 'i r..7l' ' ':
. 250,000
i i
Rail R. Plashttr.o to Greensburg*; •:300,000,
- IL RAlollida);slVg to dliu ti , rigtlcin•!3oo,ooo ,
Malconing'Canal,-;••,,,.o;•,. , • ~.•,:; -...• .•50,000:
French . (30ek', . . ...'. .•••.•,•P'%• .- • - ,T,'•imgo,ooo
Rail-1C •ColumbVi - tol - Middotawiti72ooAoo -
Avoid Cbluinbialncli6d Plano; , . !•.40,000
'The Q- - • -
....„- ~.,„..„-,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,i,:,, , -,; , .....',1-- , :_: - • • i' , . , „ . ..:4,f4,, , .. : ; : ti.,..t....t.jtir . ....tvi t0 ,......
. .
. .
. illial,asSerriblagri• . . 4 incl• Air. Penrose -
p, s ura ..
,„„7 '• - ' ''''''''• " ' ' ➢ • '‘' • • if" I.' • '•••1 - and he
From a t t. .A. , 127,•-i,pk•nuov ,_t, . - I,,nicl ...1 0,011
..,..rt 2 :mg- . ~,. ,
.flotriicitit'it , in ' teruis s ` 4 I o . 4luent deela'lo ii i R1,1 7 . 7 icq- 1 1,711 .- X7Alrl
. folif!lfqlSl'7 „ l : ,K.' s p:i.: 1 . ..4
~•., ''.;;.'....-::.
,:',.'''2 . ..• - •.10-•ii sftl' : : ; -
t bon. .A:mnre forciblet..ap,6,bch --- ilianithati 1 I' 2 ! j j•lj ;;• ; lj 1.,.p . EIS ( , 't.l I , ;- i , •,- i ~. i 104 paDvor i t4 yor .t ivEvi s.
-0* by, A t li:. I' . enroSe ,I. : lloe.rarely liti . eriLf.,ll
. td6', 'A/New TOik-Metnber,,of Congiess' p .1.
' 'lip . ei';': ; eleCek;' , lL--All e shall - '4lo. \ -•"..WitlierUt f:' , ',,r '•• I --' •• . 1 .-- •':- • .. . 1 '• 2 ' -
. _ ..
I e ' • • • .. • n relation to • the
atfr,aiy elbow . declared it equal to any .` :;B°)ll7 " 4fili:l)iief;rel.3/ " 4"14;:141 ' ( 4 1 ' °./r,, J j "lii , ina . lo-4 ye 'll4O
,a3,•_,.'..kirliili itS 72- .With,
thing types,. ink; and. the litn•in of the graver I-M. I iturt.l--r exciting' rre.v .s.''' , i • • ,
I he had heard , at 'Washington.
...,Mr. P. dwelt i_Daguerre, it Paris, has of all .that
.._.„ .
upon the danger ( it' liarfY, p..jrit?"partientar,' p a lmi ti nr: or printinsr eini_aeliievel_by_means- tions .t'vere itt . .progre ss:linil. it. w.i1 . 1_..fie,__914 7 .
!aline Prontier. .Fttither. warlike.prepara-,
..1Y 3v,hPl l flse#:l o 'f l o lll llP'lgr9Slllaftsi°Pl.4 - fi.iif. iifeitilMi - abbifet4,."PaSSlng . .flielgtit ifp6si.. L
q fir VC (i tiltl i tiOC VS ''‘' 6 k i t) ti ' tli ; ell.'M lilirriiiri
lle read:from the faiettell speech of e s feoige I a metallic su ilt, i 6 e, ra ,,,, re d , w i t h a • b lack
Washington witli , gretif effect, but „lam,not ; compas i t i m • "'LOS upon this lilaeli stir-point in dispute: The steam
I ,able to liketeb i(in tftelint its .01 . a'.letter„--, I . fati-ti the
I Fre hid „not concltideil When - the:Senate 'ad: I tit* tlie„stitar mystlt*Ws,iiryilite,;;More' fFitpl.P..:M4Pta.h44.,lfeefialeip-atelfetl to'Entl•.',
of less ptise;;:all the objects. •upon which l an d, aMI-all was bustle and' e . ,7•7ei T .tetneiifs•al
~.. •
. i ,tlie object-glass-flen I ej- s (1„r cies!. ._. rile
Journed. -
ffotes.c.—Tlic• Cenlifillfee apPointeu. to .sliades• from thite,.to bincli..?iire. giVen•
,by. -,. • .4 - 4- • - f''4.• p . .• •. . •
audit and settle. tile .acebunts Of the ': C .. anrpl ilh.6,tilinhin.alti,y7jd of Tight ...r . t. 1 -14: Ati n d 0 „;,;_, • wen ib New•l3rims.wiek mid Nova,s_cona, , tpt.sanaDs\t,i,. iON 111C,C.S. •-
i ,
The .drawing finished, and it -is done in a .. F t'!" 11) c -r15 ."`7.._. (••.) • . ,
lifutsch,. are MeSsis. Cos, - L9nga ,v
-'7- l'er -- iii'd'i. -7 - - - 1 - r - - - • -r• 1 --• - We lint -ip - rivate letter froi Lot
, sew, minutes, as,ig it preserving varais i. Is. • „ • ~ •• • .., p i : iv • letter , - .a •
; ICIeElWee. ' ,Th ehitirrean - "Of the coni - Ii:41 over it,..tiitlie'iin;se remains iirst- er 'Canada, Which . siate,4 . *that t l re,l6th ,niul
' 1 ' ' , '
(.' ` ' ' '
1 ii.ittee on
. a,co;lnts, Mr. I. ar , ag i nt re
. o , - lave a mat y- to
: tackable . by ; the . action *of the.alr or Of ligiii. •t• 1 (I,s lll l - 1 .1 . . ;„..,., , „ - ,
ted- a:res 6 lution to:PrOrid:e for lite payment 'TheinteuSitY.of the : light IS '.4,f.'. f i r ,„' ? : . ith_ . Ali# .: (lisriuted territory,and Ant thc.,llTedea
of the •leaders, 'inider,the'ehafticter cif • Per'tanee,;iii ; the'apParatus (f , M..D,agnerre, steam rrighte was s ent to .EVI II II I - 7,:- • ~
assiStantS to the 'sergeant • '`at • arias: -'The ft6Ll 'fo '' . A! . iliiti,ss'„“.q.„,, , tii,(ifie',,„, ,G. ' A speelat 111esseitger; arri ved . at. Montreal.
„collet has been mereaset s nee 1. w a re- ieet , 4 .11. twit at eight oteloch at , noon, ,lnd ,I the 11 T ilt., ' f,1.j.,e. f 41 9,..c. • rTf l
..... t
~ ,• • - . , anti .• . , - • 1.., -4, -r., •,' •• , • , :••', , •
,•_'',,,,• .'."-; • .."-", .' T' 11 l • se t' I -q F• el enc , Gov the committee, ts , tietv . ,.a o
. 1) re'.lo . l.w.o'etoeiti Present sucu,tnyerences,..tink • olin .i o hi r , A,,c...1 ). ,the
$00f): ~ ','' , t ''''- " ' ' ' ''• t" ••1) • TO •t as tune of ili - eby Are
, • , • , ~ 1 11 : 13 3. • c Jut i- , ,l • • • . , • , •
ernor ; General. Mr. Miller,. ilic,bearef :Of,
.Mr. Cribb, aniemberof.thegerninittee, . ; ..;i;',.
oPesi,ssonto, if.'pl a e6;"::ll. Arai 6,41 .1 , e c i e .,; tiumi, pei-lefincd - the' jettrney
in ,the short
j deelarcd.tbatlie - linety•=ii . oVtif einten tion i
ofinnety 7 tWohours.,• • ~
...` • ~•
to Make this report, or lie should haVe,•pre 7 . - E , ,§ i,.. a . 2 .- 4 . 1, ,... : 4 j i. ,-
~ ".; he : -,operatlon. Of,.111„ ;. '.. We 'also - learn tharthei:l -, is
pared, a counter report. At„„ f the itigge,l - 1 D.aguerre,resehibles,a.g.oo4l deal _engrathigiollielvd 1 .`,1 March the same
non of the Speaker . - 14e. subject ,_ wasithet-Ifter'tlie '‘lilaeli lininneliet . The;Colorsarejdeodeatj o l l •. ; i .• • c;. - - , . •-•
postponed, to allow . the
_minority to • nnike 1
iwt, reprotinced„ says. M. Arag-o; iibjectS I .
A letter from Quebec., _received here .to
their,report, • , The. Com inj (tee in their . 'r'• . 1 iire.„enty ,represented by., the, .combi eat ions. IfltlY.r:inetitions, . that tite:,poojA .of Maine
p o r t • s t ated in ""Y .f a i . st t ll6 Ot is l i ii , r ef° ;.'et'e t ' t t ° l of . lisdit .Ind of shade;, but the .precision is 1 haril f iikeii po s seiiiqp:gf th e : 1 4 1 .W1 1 fe 1 1' 1 eTii
theAtipb:wltich-the-miliority _will 4,efittp.- 1
1 1 bityfAtitl-atiy Ming - that ca'n bp expresstid.-- . , ierY.--lvi lll a force pf g,OOR. . 11.0 .fighti,
- ,..mi , .,Niae1in)4 4 ,1.0d before:, tile:l-louse, a 1.-
joint resoltiliiiin;•, proffering full ,iiki. p,,,, it.b,-, o • ,..., , ,ect tiot. 'the design may he ex- l is 01ereldre fUeVittitiles,-.-.,- ,
I fitniiied with a ltici:roSeope i and the details .1 . i'romthe-Quebee-Mereury,of die 24inst.'
j edinitenance on tile 'part .of the ICOnarnon- - lose notititig.ttl their: ti•6ttinipiting - netittitts6;: A part of . th e .11 th..-Resriitient,, 'Whitth;
I Wealth of Pennsylvania, to can .on a war, 1 w ith r
e.raril 10 the exaefeess of the. Pr o Per , ' since its , arrit'al , in Vaitili4: his been sta.-., 1 -
in case• a contest with England takes . Pr a c e ' ,ti . tilt . .9;' it is: mattleintiticl. • This iostrumaut-hi on ed at William Ilenry :flak ; elialfililY,•l
l:llwas.-tti..keti upy and an ainemlimint--offer-„:410„ - deeitted _ the = irtiportinit Abet • -thot—the-i-iii.- 0 6Ti t ,rmy,v.-16 c k , .6?LNe*-,--:.l3i: r -iii§i - iiijk;-_-- ,
'•ed by. : 141%; 'I% Smith, and was'.then P ost- { noon's rays haveactiatton the. surface,. ,of i The-first ill - visiOn iis expeeted to i n 'vit'e • here'
pored to be printed: • • • .. . , 1
. • Idle ottith. by .. their light • and heat 'l'llev - .
NT tl, - I the, L t •A' ' .-It' . •
, - on ....on . I .l,_av 15ml .ptts -ma ~,___ ,1.9_
General. Melceml,-intLAlr.L.Wright_oLthe--
! . .prnilite'et4Wiftnreoal!efartfteiL'llThirge":frillte- = said-that s'isinetlivisiiiiis,:Will piiSsdo'tvii the„
li. States Senate; Mr. - Gr:iy, member' 'fif. srMt'on the"blaeli surfiice.. Allilove let t ers. ; soutlislore'-'orthe St. LatOrenee, bin viO:dri!l
.oongress 'froni New Ycirk, and 6 even 1 '.. I
",- must. be :Wriiten bytiltis nioonlight potver, - I tI• • i• flint ant l Pre aralidii4 Lhave_:_been I
. ....., ..,,, , . no earl _
... p , .
the 'Pennsylvania members •of •Omigress; - ! -
made for:their' tratistutftahove prat f s evv. 1
:were..at_the_dapitol . MAUy..I.• Mr..-,-Nitriiptl_ . ~... ..._,
- The, - nocesSary -- nrrangements' are, -we-L•be--
received much attention from the members i ;
lieVe ma d e for,:eonveying ili`ent thence on
of. helocoloco stamp._ __L___ . .------i
their - rnarelt EnsWatti." ..,,,,,,„„,, •• "
.' - The'Qatiadisur of l a st nigh( says, that . - a
perseit.wito.lisis'..arri ridr',from. tlO -Lines, .re".
Mims thin the ittitiihritie.4 . y.Maine had.sent
wo'rkniett tobuild a . fort .near the A meriqatl
-11?-tiota4_31Lal0,t cid. New - 13itttle it s, ,
. • wick:: - ..-•- . - -
.'Somedays since a gentleman from the
'Wesf,' who was stopping at one, of our
cipal hotels; had-retired-to rest, when. some
one.entilet ns • (Tom — opened- its-pockeu,
and took from it , sitte: 'note
were,:severaljliousand - dollars in 'the book:
at the thne,..and it naturally excited wonder,
that any of itshould liave been left,
ditys after the theft he received:a note, •stat-..
ing'that a person wanted toti4ee- -him near.
the - Western Hail after dark, , on :matterS of
importance, and requested • that -mei ; ono
should accompany him, ..Thelall• -request
'was not,' however, complied and the
person_ robbed, taking a 'friend with him,
went to the• place indieated. Upon arriv- -
ing-there, they:found a young man; well
dressed and apparently- wO:educateflovho,
at once., 'without reserve, stated that he hail •
comm itted the 'robbery. That being dis
tressed for money,.he had in'a moment of
desperation., - entered his rob m- and taken thy
',Money . front.this pocketbook. Thai he
-bad no - -ide#-4t the-time of the-.-amount•• he
was taking, but upon examining:it and find-.
_ing, that what he had. taken was a five him-.
Bred and two Imudred dollar :notes, and
then-reflecting on the .infamy of the =crime
in liad:continitted,..lte: was - eonfounded.--
It was. in 'vain that he ,• sought to -selace-Itis
mind _ by urging', Alm - necessity which.
' - prompted - him to the -act - l - sleep:was ,--- ban- --
-ished from liis eyes, and a miserable being.
• he'lwandered . about shrinkino from the gaze
of.ere6f_one he encountered, and expecting
every' moment to be arrested.. Shame pre
vented hiip front returning the inoney,• and
he took it several miles from -the 'city and
ilii - s7brought no qui - tolds .-
disturbed conscience: "I'lte - thought of ;his
• gni] f AV as c Vet. u P perm pet i is mind,"d
he had deterMinett ' te - retnin the: Money'
_throngh_thole_dsLoillei;Land',..d.ur r AlupahL
ericlosej, it in: .a blank sheet of piper', for'
that purpose.
,'llWhon'e4ty, having, so 'far'
to `go- i ftirther, return,Of 'the - MOhey
would- not relieVe innOceqt perSons;:wlo
ulightlM,Anspeme.., frono strspicum,--and
it, was - this - refreedoiliad, forced. Ititu AT
hs iptprit* ttripity -' person.
Saying.o is , dip yppog.tAp. 04cp.A,Ah0.r,119-_
ney in.-the ;. iands of, its..true,, oWner, • and'
fit rthey, remarked,' that.he was In his
er;--and, !leaked. ,avoid
ppos he • merited., The
no mere.'.'.l-.Polliniore Rutriot. ,„ ~-• „
ronoivir g -is-takotil-fkinr-anEn g liglf
A N Flctex , rate -- C - ICArt.te'rEa:=-Pied, on
1-Toesdayi•attis , residence, - WilloW.C.pitage, -
neaFElthat,:Nr.,Jonathit • alton,.aged
62 - years - . In early life he formed _an
staelunent to the daughter of a gmall,fartniel.2
-I at (1 - rayft - ird,` but ''friends being Tavcrge
J-t-o--tfii)it4iiiini.4t6T - W:tittsetTrto;ther ,- East.
dieS,. Where by Perseventneehe • necentida: -
ted a considerable
ty-tWo.Yearitvliielt witis'aWient he rein ;
tarty' corresponded With . her ;: but on-his ar
rivalla I;:ttglandille. was : :--Unly in ..tinie ,10
• pay the lusttribtite•bf.affeetion to' his'belov.:
-eil, she having expired two days protiou's:
F.VeiAerlter death he•seclitdhid
art .- tiding - ;ill society - except- her
w . brother's, to
whom he left thebulk his-frtune, a
.' upwards of eighty thou - Etna
pounds, subjectlo' the, payinetitOf two ail
nui tieSof seventy-ti ads cult, to a
mate-and femaleserVant-who mere his•only
dom eStics - for. nearly. "twenty yetirs.: 1 . 1 is
house was Milt in the (mune sittia
-ted at - the: cXtremity, of a sin,tl4grove'l
anti finplars,"abillurnislaitt 11 tTcc
mestiiinplemanner.,, The Window kshut 7
- ternin fron t•were- never suffered to be - ope-iv. ,
• ..temperate; consisting of
breath_ and- .for breakfast,: one • dish of
Boiled meat and soup ,for dinner, .tylth
whiehhe 7 allowed himself of ale,
and coffee in - the evening. lie }t'oulil, not
perdit either or. spirits on the liremi
-ses hut, far frOnt,beina • Pedurious, he was :
belle r&clur .ofmtnly. poor - persons - in
the neighborhood, whom he supplied with.
fuel and warm cleating in - the,. winter
mouths. allowed.his , beard to groiv,
except . of re tipper ;
.and„lrts hair,.
Which : w i lts light. auburn,, and -.very lung,
hung in. ringlets raver. his, . Ilis
usual .dress was: a. looec - ilark, gown,. and
when seen which .was but:seldom, herhad
So much. the 'appearance,of; a rieripit, :Oat
he .was.knoWi .titany personS 'in tllO.l.
inforMed.- . .person,‘ and:possessed, , a
incst: • excellent library,' • which, with his
-liousehold-furniture i —he!has-bequeathed.-to
the medical gentleman who,wes particular,
ly , attentive .dtiring :his' illness.
- Liverpool,' al, sum). . IASQ.
(irk" plaeli;
et 'Phij - 4 - Oxfitril, - itreitent=
ed' tn . tier cotiiiriOider; 'Oap't.
, Silver 'Vase; this in='"
' ".•
scrilitinn :=
••Nepentek by . the' 6bin:fitihietigers,
cif the packefibiit.
'plorcl,, from Nqw York ,•: . tis• — a• , taken
their es tlin i - *el..; lit
and._ condun't, up_ .a goittenriun; Afirouglintit
ihe"t•ciiitige; particulaily so d4riiig ' tlie gale
"Fol„,theA,l, tivnitd,7ol ; itistunt, tylten the : vespnr
!AY, pf!, Ciyiye r n fro er ,an e o nnd:
. qtrandn4 . .!.!; . • 1.,„t
Correspondence Of the New Y ork Expreks. •
• - 13Axn6U,.11Irireli
Thi's morning, Gencril Biiwyer, die
.yeyor aenerat ofthe publiaT o tinds,-rtwrived- 1
froth naiista With orderS from Governor
Fhirlieht tO lu'o'iieed at Once to selee'ra post
and- erect fortifications at, nrneurthe place
here the ,$.3 - aint • bilin crosses' the line of
New. Ifinits wick The Governor hes also
(hreeted tlth,fortilication of a post at forks of
. the Kenneherr c iVer, aniP.ortrered a detach- I
4 - pent-of-GOO-- men: .to- that spot. • Colonel
Janis lins now moved'down the AroOstOok, I
Mut established his post within hall . a
mile of the line. There are . also slight mo
tians-4t ITie lriotlth o e liiiTeMartaw aska;
Presrytre Isle and little Machias Rivers.--•-::
, -.Pre2sitenow-eltosen for the 'principal- for- I
tress 'is •atlinietilile fora defence, and gives
a coMplete command of the As I
ooStoolc. t
is an eminence hereinfore - a•part of thefarm-'
of Filiberhert; at..,yliose house Mclntyre
and Ids companions were taken. A' Thick
sminfp•• or h0g,,, - rentlers it inaccessible on .
one side, and you can rake the only ap
proryAll'-t-o_i,ffora long distanne. •
. .• From this place. to 'Mutton is now
,a tol
erahle road, through which our forces are
moving, 'ColotreParvii will soon pushup
road. to the St. John, where lite • will soon
:have tolerable fort. Af FitzlierherCs
found titnherand,boards and,othermaterials,
84o11c.o'nstffieteil a fOrt, on
whic' are inoniitecl three, pieces of
nith•'Whitilt they - can . • - rak'e. theline
ofittisprinteli fora mile pr More'distant. The
• Milf-aceeSs-to-this-ftjw.frOtiHiteLßritish-side
is'by coMing. Upon 'Mid' lOttit'sitle the river.
A Santry' of TO oi`ls tnett'iS posted on each,
taiii••:to'iyard6 each toxins' of
military etiquette, rhe Kennebec:detach
ment have to- day: been•sumilied froni.: . the •
Areculd are Oiled-United Soy§
arms and"agyicme,rifs,
i3peeteil have been f).9fprming various ovp
niarelOg., and .counter marching
through our streetsgiving.oprlown. 'quite
Military,,,app i earanep, ~; ! ..rite,l e titnberland
. dell r ellP l o,enlqoP4 ill. 4:44Y. or:tWo.
i wo hundred, men. fromll ; General
•dettgqiilPetlt§..ilati.:Teaeliod • larvies
ptitti,.:,,',l'hejreaidne of the, force tinder - his
'eom mantl."are, engaged op ,:perfeeting , them
dieeipline: - .. About,' one:
• halrare armetl7,withyilles, andtheirexpert-,
ne4 :,excites terror, in the
minds of tile. Provincials:, ;
,pur,:stre.e ts are. aitectdly “crowded and
..eltehed i with, teams, .con a tan tly. arri vi ng and
Aeparti .with arms., and .ammunition.,:and
tores..forAlle.Areostook,r. , SoMe.2oo,Oii
'.36o•.arelloatling.,at : _the "same,time,
JO ll' I,t
Mareh 691';'9'O'relock;P:1M.• "
The I expretia'fine 'this Inortient brought
1 16ticitii froth ";lloul toiti; dated t 10 o'clock
hived froin"Jart;is' Camp,'
4_tha__eaptitreTh3ft nritike_tresliassers
It was - United and theilie 1"1th
Of British regulars had' arrived at Madaiyag'
/kit, from Qatiaila, and the force
iTobiquid hacl, prineipally i
ijuin -;''fhe'BritiOli”fcirees are-ecitiebY,t
igone t rough to , • , s ;
'Dere:was qui4larrii night lil'erelatit
Woddskielt; tkat r ,ciUiareb'Wdlildlitt4dk'd
Utilitid4iti'6it','_'ad4'...b r offi;"ifiee''' bitand
Not' aword hari"ii'66,oB6"etver om ,
. raiifiki!
• 'the
rho Rivet outs was rising very
rapidly - -
::11,` .. 5", , ;dui.,.,.., .. -ixf,
;1 .
.., Feoni;tlf , !ef . 'N'itrfit - t,t! Statestn* o •
;1 . ' : •1 2- '", # 141K"TXNI . ES. ' -'14P40.:"iti"
I _ L : i t . •
i •!,!- s i." i'l 7* PreS:S. '•ii .
'•' , .:' ,7 1'.: . ... ' '."'. ' 4 -: '-'' -•/- !,;,i '''::: -
I • hafir lasf.nturiber, tliC ihillien6 of 'the
'newspoper' press`n - thig country -. nr,as par
' tieularly -noticed, and it.was.shown that
thiquete:might Iteinimeitsirahly. increased.
'by regularl c4ratilit•tiiiiii - to `their 4 oittm n s
by the literary, educated -andlalented:.mert .
, of t tte Country. 'That they do iiot so eon- 'iiibitite, is a fact winch might be easily yeti
lied if necessary.
.; . ,
' Is If .considered, in any part of •the 'N''(:)rh.l,
not very reputable to scribljle for neWSpa-1
tiers ? 11; hell and 'iVlis , aid this strang'e no
tion originate ? ...Not certainly, .When..lun- .
, his i •though-the-columns:ofthe Public '..:Atl
i,vertiser; made all Etigland.ring'lrom side
i , to, side,' with .the fieiceneSs of his invective.
•-and , dip., splendor of, his eloquence ; nor
1, iv It en JaY;llarniltohOlarMadisiin, publish;
'I. ed the numbers of thpVederolistin,a hews
tumor. lsisltcr - Ames 44:, embalmed his
: , peinory in the,,hearts.'Of.lpi COuntry - inen as
i much by his ;newspaper articles as by his.
Congressional speeches, : Nlft . ne of, these
'great men - thought At. beneath them to
1 4 ‘scrihble..14 ,t_lte_ ; .inewSpitpers",,, , ,. I:hey
I_6ol tly:regar.dellithaLath e_tnetsr.,,effec tive_.
means of influencing. public Ppiniqn. It
I Was' a• 'mighty, 'instrument; - wherewith to
eperate upon. i init, v ilit - timsSof People, and
they- ,
y used it with .a !Urea and manliness
Which. have, left long results: lris 'as po
tent now as ever, 'oh& piny be: . made to: ac
complish as .. miudi in as - :iible:hands. • This :
catal(igua of personS .who
: have- - gained'
eeleiirity and accomplished great by
I employing thenewspaper press as-the ine-:
.;- - dintn--of---eonittliMication:--,-witlv-itie-pub-:
' lie, might be •gt:cialy enlargek'but ear pur
' pose does not *mire it.L . AVti,will.. not,_
however,pass ovetthe - tiiiiies•orJohe Tay;
Ilor, antl:llazlitt; and.Lamli. I : . '.' ''
Should :this 'great instrimient s' her aban 7
Edoned by.-the great mind' of otii•coiintry; to
:those who ivrite : ..merely for 'omuSement,
'. without 'ank.'definite object In :iiew, ' or to
1--merelledlings ; otiv'erst of all,-tomen'tvliO
-I,arelnifill'orcnt to the . good.qf,society- r - If
!;the : pen has. fallen .into the
_bonds . of_ such
persims, (Whieli we -do,..nhi. intiniate,) . and
' if this be the. rya' sob why' tliC • best writers
of die:day arir reluctant to-contribute to thei
newspapers;' then-iris.' high., tithe--that-it_
' should he mien - 401%a Strong arm; from
such contrel. — ltiliCTlMinhlius of.' hitt:Ali:T.
'genet; -.have :heroin - Lt.. oirbid
,or - poisoned;
shall - they ritothe instantly:Cleansed - OW pu-,
rifiell'?, If, on the other hand; there be a
mere -absence of. , assistance'from the
I sources' to the original uipartment
Of a
newspaper, theft it. is. high time that the
I . great intellects of'. the country seized this-
Potent instrument togive an unp_ettis tO..the -
a ire
_and the . world. • In either _case,
this;Apathy on the part of literary men can:'
Inet be - justified.: if the steath engine, which
1-hos-aeceinplishetl-such stupendous changes
lin .the affairs of die, world,-were now - hi the
I liana of unskilful andincempeterit persons;
or'if only half its powers were . Alevehiped,
, Niralitit:iierte - th - coniti i faro tuti m perati ye'
I duty of the competent and the' . skilful .10 ,
rescue it' from them,-or bring its - real uses
! •
, into atnion? Not less clear, in our opinion!,
is`' the duty .of -all .our first minds to
ppoor-themselves-forth upon_the newspaper
I press. , ...They are alike, in the Vast and
- benign-inifuenves-which . made
.toroduce, There is 'a single foot, which
, will. place this subject in it •„,strOng-light.-L , I
fltere,is -ona-- newspaper,--M-.. - our- coil n try,.l
Lwhich numbers 'tliiity-two thousand
. .sub-
scribers. Every contributor to _its col
umns addresses himself to more than 100,-
.000 .person'S: Not a word is tinlieord, not
.a• syllable lost. ', An audience 'of fifty thous
and- ! . Can any. man devise a -scheme -by
;Wliiiiiiii - s - productiona -, sholt - be -- scr - exten- --
, sively diffused, so Univers:lllY readl , It
1 imist be a matter - of . - inAnite - moment,
. whether this netVspoPer shall Contain trinh
I -or error--,-Whether-it-Sholl-be:Caletilated•-to
.clevate or to .destroy . the intelleettiall and
t. moral li:miers of its 'subscribers and I ren-•
ders.- -And-the man -who stands tamely by,
and 'sees this or any, 'other_ paper in our
country;' pouring forth a -weekly.' flood of
even useless hintter, Who. hasthe talent and.
- themeons'to' - better ii,- is''nin A iiltUrging .
hirdtity OS'a-nraff Of' a: citizen: -:: • ' •
The talentof-writingyell, is ; like
.every '
oilier falent,giveh tp, Man. by - his.; ()rotor.
It is .tq be emip,loyed,. ~ Itis i not tO „he, bot
ied in , the earth.,..tuyiertheipenalty denotm
ced in the
.oraeleu, of truth upont this primi
ng iridolence.,.,.The,art.of writing,,,, wieh
-slini.L-pitptiNate: popular...attentimisA talent,
lof inestimable worth...iWith what . eager
pass .e verr - prodnetion 'from, such... a gifted
penis sought Ton i , and -, Avitir : what-,acidity
devoured. Millions of minds are influenc
ed. in, fain,lfy.,lll4,.,productions of,' stick. a
writer: If 's man possess this iiower,l.' and
instead of ing itforthe , .gOiad of
.race,. abandons' it i mseif • to silidolance,: if . he ,
sufler,it•te waS,tn'pm . a.y., in action,' he , fieitlin.;
er'perfornis the part ihthe, 'gre at . .. dra - una..of
hunian affairs, which - I,le,,,!.hitorf
self, or, to h is, feliciWrinnm.,;: Of, w hatcusn', aye
hisemiti eut 'tale nits. ? •, - ,'e not:mend:.
Fortin rtlie,iturpcones of humarkekistenee, be
': • . • .
l inight asivi,ell,be , tin; the 4eep'bosonver the
mneaKtilltqled. l, ',lo:EiTry man has, li is , ifecti . ,
' 'liar dojos tolierformr,bis dutic tot - himself
• •
o :his,:tot Ilia:Rea , —
Theriare of:universal nnithiudinvehho ,4
"..tiott:—Bet_ it:is:the ipOrform'ance Int :Alt of
Aorapinipomel,way,or.piher,Jo, some-...p-x
-itOnt,OrOtherilmihicili;),4in Abe •1 language ;of:
, E4iittitilliirket;tbindst.the , tnoral.. , elements:
iof ,the*rld . together.- it is . the 'perform;
altieftiiittliii4iity,offraidication, At? hielt, : ha.%
6 1 •010iiiiitherveratoits. presentihightin,
4hlldOtiii . landlitiorel i elpirtioni and. ,which ,
'ipiatterni;itEnOW. , from;:Telapaing auto:: bar-!!
:bnriain.:: .;ScippoSe,for a. moment,. that i all
elt should . ct , ,oneetaase , to- writ&i:On: 130
publish; in what condition nreuid , thei*ati4.
•beltitteitly - enes?:;icTito anti : ticmeriting; and
liiihifiliiiit,Jtv those , `who caltwlites , , , is cti4
`obVibiltdtaAity .. W.liieh we -evie: tq our feln
ItAiiirt bit oat .iiiir 0 theiv - du ty: sof - thstq.eluss!
iked - pfiii7:htetitietil -,, tantlitte ;Wile: lea ves , :n s'
hi'ilix'Otibt thittitiin*ty: regnircd , of ~
byltitrOdititi 'dour iieiag,!l. -, ,i,c;,. , i : . 1 ,;,.• ;:q:
.-:-.llhl iiititti iii ere idle ok : only.: .'ut , ".. itis ::o.‘iili-
P.rtruAe7:iii",,tt+o4-1014,:sitro_ng..±,oriiittgli* _Lore
thia;ttilikinee' 111)110 ' ti nter Ult imie , ;!itrton,
in';',o,4Vrvidk; ito. tethar',. : 'Aoki olhepti*: celi-
biateithifitiM,...thaV-readiriglnalteeeftilt" '
man, conversation a ready man, and .wri-
Jiii g
.a correct man, is a wise saying,, anti - : •
tr4filiy. Of 'all acceptation. Nothing so ' -
di.4Hubs the mind—so corrects its redun
tlaite es--so eradicates its errors as writing.
0-...,.,10 t remarked that he had: written on al- ~
i'rfost . every subjectbefor e he 'became 'known- -
as au author. • Lord, Brougham observed in.
his. address at 'the Glisgow'Uniiersity that
man would generally speak Well in - pro-
portior,t4 Jas having' wiiiton,:much,- or
something to that .effect,' Writing, in a
word, is an indi - spensable. requisite to -the'
highest . -infellectual .improvement.. Even
to those who have obtained eminence in the ,
literary. world, fi:equeot : excreiseAs,aliso,
intely , necessary,, both to maintain 'the fa . -
mil iy...lisel f,:,an d; Pre s4rie;the h.a1406 .6 r the
mind. Letthose.who doubt this doctrine;
try the experinient. " '— • :"' ' ' ' ''•---*'
hi those Who Call write - ;-;-•-alas!. how small
ti - ritnbor the world over. .The hand hatid. '
iif hibordoes' not often wield the. pei'ro---,.
The poor, the' ignorant -This dimil. is mat..
for' - them: - ' - The .millioni. wife , 'have : , p)-
§tfttgge , tbi'their daily 131 4 ead, - this - duty is
not for r the . m.". BUtOpen :yiin I' yd lien 'of.
leiSurc,-in your costly' libraries, ye men of'.
education, - ‘vlio. Were - 7 - treading academic"
hills, when they.; were
iiiinS-to -,'sWeating,in-,:the
fieliliuye-mcn-ip-milianii.Oad houiven L in-:,
- tillect,ao - .110 ose it, 77 - it is, tipiit
i you they call; with 'a ihtinderini'iiiiee, :foe
the blessings,, which, you ern bestow, -- at so
little ,sacrifice, 'in elcrating,-,enlightpning,,
-and ennobling their tilinds by, the use_ or__
your own. : • •• ..
~ ,
. ~ •
MUSIC IN.CIAMON Bcuopr.s.--,Ani sqty.
not?--WVliat asks. the
. . Boston ,Board' of
Ethi . caiion'?
.' thegrreat ,c tid - of r:sykent .
popular instruction?. Are our schools merit
t?•be suhjection .by the laW
For brute force - . autl- the'.stated. drudgery. ot
oise a sterui -tyfilts . ? Not mi.': they -have 'a -
Therf:are vUtUdble'r•fitjhibly , ; •
ilf.La pi:Oar:Won of ilie_riung,
spirit. for usefuhlesS and 'hapPincss.iit .cont
rhur. life. Now; the defect 'oc'ont, present
(system, admirable, as that system, - is ; is th i s,
that it aims to devcldPe the ittteldectital part.
lof nature solely, when for all, the:
true purposes of life, it is of more , impor 7 . '
tepee, a hundred find;.ln- feel- iightly„:_than
t f to think =proliiundly." Besitlesi-humn_life
We ea IT 0 bring .up -a T•tip iLyeeum
lectures:snlety,Wholesonie though thnt
may be.'• . :Man must have agreeable excite-.
mew.' There will" bb rstereplien When the
. .
toils Of the ended..-
that recination be? Soar then as Itinnan-
life is concerned, properly to Alifect the-
Teelings and amusements,' belongs to every
system which• aspircs tnthe.naine and cha- :
racter if a wise 'system of public educa,_
lion. An initiation into. the _elements
-vocal music at school; in the opinion of"
your. .committeei-seems -hest-fitted to sup
ply that direction. ".MuSitt",_ says a mod-.
ern . German 'writer, "is the gymnastics or
the alreetions,." Music and the lovpof it.
knOws it• not ? • Guard.' it
,therefore, guidd
it, lead it into theright . channels. But be
not guilty of the illogical deduction of argu—
ing from the occasional! abuse of 0ne..0l
God's. gifts
,t 0 its. diSuse.. No.. Let
all parents'understand that every pure and,
refiaed pleasure for which a child acquirts
a relish, is, to that ext lit, a safeguard. nod .
preservative, against 'a 'low and' debasing
one. -.... •'
In Germany, the - most -.musical country -- ' •
in ' the WOrld,,inusie is taught like the al
phabet. In Switzorland and Prussia, it is:
an integral part of the system of •instrtic-.
tion. • liegenerated
. France, has, - since the
revolution of July, appropriated the' same-___
idea. ' Iler pliitoo - Phic7statesmen - arc - try
ing to rend-the-darkness and _prepard_their
country. fur the future that is before her.=—
"We -cannot, says M. Guizot, .hare too-
- many - „co-op crators-in-the noble -and-A iffictilt— T
enterpriSe_olarneUding popularinstrnetion,"'•
England-stilllialts in, the. march, of: reform. ' ;
We ask, the attention _of__the_boarit , l to_the : .
following passage rfroto a work of extraor
din-I-try eloquence and• power.. recently - pub • ...
lished. in England, Written by . Mr. Wyse,... --
afneinberof the, British Pitrliament. - "Mu--
sic," says this, ,writer, "'even the most ele-,
mentaryoicit Only does not ,form au,essmi- .
tial part of •education "in this countryi.blt:
theidea of itilriidueing it.' is not even Afearnt. • .
of. It is Urged ; that it would
,be fruitless tm
attempt it, because the . people are essential-'
!y - anti7unisico4:, But,
,rria3r. they opt be art
ti-mnsieal,, heeanS4it i lm's net hpert, attempt
ed-?,'-.The peoptCtitar.andTscreltwbecause --
they has'e heard nothing.. but,roaring and..
screaming, no,,mttsie,ffem..their 'childhood:.
Ie harmony , noti . to -be.taught?! .llit.not to
be .extended ?..i . ;liit'ii4tai ite''Oeoera . ,• ,-,
led ? „Taste_ is the; liabij, .017' gOtAtl. ilitngi—; .
"je ite'suis :pas ta:re,Seonaixt•fai.vecu, avec , .
elleh-itia't9;,,ltii,;(6itett.; ::00..t....0e incietla. .
don "„must ..aotnewliere , rbeginp.l It S. this,
'epatliy. aboui'begiu" "orgrat , ia l ci3nsurable;
ql•P':-..4iitel-14-51:'fi1.0.001,t,iirk ~ilieri- , ' it
'boa, onus appeared.: . 'elipit.ifiATidelii , •
;any o4rActip.o l ,l,,. and ..then :we complainthae.theleixilui_mtipipatneing !felt - elm:S. .';')lf •
typtild- .110:`,11ust. 'as . : reasonable tit.eieli4le
igramin'aryand then-46E41;de' titatlfe: -hat/
; net - graniinarimok."', - ' ;
,-: :''' 1 ,;',?'.: '.,;
! - And they conaltule;,,,theii 7 ....repciri4i'.,they
ISchooF ' Committee.; of, 13 ; ostem. witklit&le
"resolutions.;:„ -''',-; .--.:;"'''• • '' • -"-: ':" ''''-: „''''. ~:
t -- Resokett, - :,:rtatiAti*Livieitrt4o - 0 - I
iSilitia - ) ..
Committee, kilt
. exifeatent - to . • try
!tile ex perifueiii - ef'ln tredbeihg Vocal
. m . iiic,
}Y''pOilie. , :4o 6.4 , - txi " # , Y:;o# : ‘,4, 4li ..f,*.r: b „ l
of publie-ituttruction r IrIW,MOCRYPPP.O( IIOOI ,S
o f • t tiii•bi ts ,,,..,T,, ~,„ ~ .:., • i ;.: ~ i . ±;....,..! : .:. f: v, ,, :, , V- Fr... 1 --.,'
- -,,', 1 ,14 . 40,111 . 14, ; ., ' . 7l!h.dt the.eXperitOilt, be, tried ..
iii,the. fat- lellowriii' B . 4tiOeff4: ll i4l - 14itpeal,i! - ` '.
'School; 'for , ,Girl'si is , -11anover. street.; -.the -
Ulig'eqlteel , for BOp;' . „iu INltiof.Benitettit.'3 , .'
the JOhnson sehoPl,. RM. GA t rliyill . ',llt..o4liing; :
toil street; ' land the -Haweiechoolpfor Boys,
' 'litn l ,
"' t' - .
! !j
avid dirla;atScithe 'uopt . ? „1 .
, .
;!!..1,,.!:iA. "r.l"r",'''''W r.L.lti'ii,;'f
Stegmbpat , apeollission
4101fecaniredbetWeltrithe : Steathititleoftee ,
asceeding and . the,..Oceoli. .doing,dgiVAtv.a.!: . -
bout six', mi/el34rom:Ap,alachicialat fiee,eral,;,,
,lines ...werejf kst,„: f - ," ; t1 ?le Mie
,frprtt Ote•Ps - Onee, ,
and. three !tram :tlie.O . .
0',0.44 - ,iizOli*f
roivlied. ,
The ; iatterlmat :was: litudS- - -; , tlam etltlie,
-fOrfficr,sery , little,. ' 4.,„ , ...,. ...., 0
. . -... . ,