Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 06, 1839, Image 4

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tige . ar-e,ll'etteetctive
. ''•
THE..united b;&tiniany pkysiCiall9,tlll.ollght
nuf-the. TtitlrlT.gycd the filet tbag-
Peters'.Vegitable, Pills ate the only trui,Vekitahict
Pillb:whiCh .ti ill stand the, t.cst.of atail4attuil; heuee
the pcpprictur mild most, ailiebtly,tiegit; them' for
the notieo of those' ulio''.hav'eF!been' the ;habit of.
nsing, as!•ciiibactics or..akrients,•tlie,(l&stritetire dad
-`iriiuttmg trick . so , generally udyertiSed, , Una
Which 'are Ait heSt but slow.cOnSituSrs Of tlui Vita
unctiolia, Irbil , miii.iffidtl4 , 'nolifi :even to the moat
• bale.... R , is-,trae,: j rnost , of thetu iiratluce nt pur -ative
. .114 . 1ctim'es,.trunsitnit, relief ; but - in ..most
cases they injurellidiglistike - ol:gtins;and an habitual
resort:to , llieiiiii r Ustlerniinate-in-iiinlirmeddyspep7
-sit• . •
. •Itleti te lhat,eathartie and apeigent medicines are
buttbe nicest discrimiliation should
the seleatiam and
'.tioneknotlainglinitirious can result feoin Odle use: al
..itior)t desired' result, lir. Peters
lias 3»ttdC it lds . stirily'for:'si2veral years, and reels
prottitihTtlay sued:Nide - al at lenp,th far beyond
• hia.M4Metations. The object of his pdis. is to super.
purglitii-es;MAtsroffer a'. mediciiie cafe, cur ti in, and
• ,pleagailt tte76o4ttioit. •
'II 3 r.kparW',)JY.,IOB. : ,PRIES'IIA r: PETERS, 11', 1), I.
c r t.Ceet; .IN'tiw:York..—Each but. con -
l'ac,C so cents.'
Iteitdaelet.iWieirif strafi .I'crec Hs•
. _ . ----
Ttiottvittatit;elniffc.retlitnl arc: weary of ittfferin!.;
from . these ' ttlit'ressing eoinj,lnints, Vitt - P
TE Eci.I7I9BLE PILLS-dretnntly at once
certOyinal'iminellitite in its effects,
DYSPEPSL4:III4 stand tirivallea;
many linA.;.e. ken U cured in ' a fe'a• wecks,'after having
stdry.rkt,Ktttititaqiiis dreadful complaiid fin-ears:.
. . ,
In LnUilnal costiveliess they are 'decidedly' titieri
-or- to....aurVer,itable Pills ever yet discoCereitouid
beside, Ihie tey-arr recommended by all 'the eini".;
members ef the Medical Faculty.
, CterqEog a ot,.l4'easens
For .nsing Peters' Celebrated 1 7 e04-
••• • ills. •! •
1. Beenuse they...are'-ekoetidinglypointlar,
proves them to be excsainpAysood.. : •
- Itaitiiii.r,ihrSTirorn
have the power tolid good in nn immense nuMber of
.cases,:without - podsessieg the means to oa , injury in
•• any: • •.
. S. Because they are not a quack medicine, but the
-scientific compound-. o r physician r whO has
made his profession the. Study orbit life. -
4.: Because they.are not unpleasant to take-nordis,
_ Messing tb ktain a .while they !UT 1110 Et efreCtiVe 10,01).
- crate. . .
!i. Beemise they are recommended as-a '.stmuldrd
•rnedicine by the regulactliculty: . , ..
• the system in a mitural.sthte•
of action, they cure , almost crery.disease which is
ineidental to die human frame. , - -- • '
7:lke/lase they arc cheap and portableouid will
retain till their virtues in ans . climate'
anirfor any length of time. ,
• B—Because, notwitlistanding,their simplicity and
-mildness, they are . orie ! of tho spediest-purgutive-med
• icities
_• •
• 0. Because' they are an unfailing reinedy for, pro
curing is good appetite.. • .
10. Becithse,iii-cases of spleen'ait despondency, by
their healthy infittelic'e• - on the:excited-state' of the but.
•;ily, they have a mast hippy effect, in calthing iq
itgorating the Mind.
I.l...BpeauSe effect their cures-without- the
'usealtttenidauts,.ofotherpills,.sicknessfelflgrgnn s.
- - 12:"Becalset as well tis- being an rivilled purifier
-of -the genentF*l4tero, they-are :r-soi•creigtrrebtedy
for sick head .ache. "
13, Bsciurst. they difiCr froni the majority of Med
icines,in the - fact that the . More they ere knoWn7ilic
more they are approved. - - z'
-- 1•1: - Ilecause - aytheir applieatinit - create no-debility
in-the system, they may be taken-without producing
any:hindrance_to badness .
or .t.lttA pursuits of every
day life, •
-15.- Because WIWI) *mica iWoduced into a family,
-or a village, they almost immediately take • the pre
cedence of all other medicines in general complaints.
' 16. Because.a lumber of time wonderful cures they
havezeffected, Call be suWantiatediwithout any undue
means being res6TlTid to, to procure invalid teStimb-
,17. Because their composition is., such, that they
• are equally applicable to the usual diseases of warm,
=coliloir temperate tlimates. •
• -11. Because two, or three are in general sufficient:-
for a dose—so fleapits is the case with the genernlitv
of patent medicines—the patient is not ceMpelled-'t
make a meal of them.
O.... Because each individual pi is put up under
• the immediate superintendence of the proprietor, so.
'tharmouistake in the. -composition, or quatitity can
possibly Occur through the carelessness of a less in
terested. agent. , •
9.0.,-Because they purify the frame withiaedebili
taring the. - system. -
21. Because, notwithstanding their immense pop
ularity, no persom has, ever ventured to raise against
• them the breath of censure, which would not have
been thase, if envy , could have discovered in them
• a single law to cavil at.
2,2,-Because—(and this:Let-is-AA the tamost_ifri,..
imrutnee)—ladies in a certain situation may take
thetmlnot - more - thim - tivcrorthreerititlime - liowev. ,
er }villa& in the slightestdegree incurring the'
hazard of abortion. Were the virtues of Peters' in
estimable pills, confined to this desirable. end alone,
it would give them, a decided advantage over;,, the
medicines of all competitorS, as in no cases is-there
more danger to lie apprehended, or for which an few
" remedieS-have-been-discovered-,-aethe-one-referred
. 'to.
-29. Because Niliitellierare - sti - efraticialirtlfeir - oif=
. eratiOns with:adults they may at the .same, time be
administered to children and even to intlints„in small
' - quantities; half a pill for instauce;wit out the slight- .
‘24•.- - 13ecausethene_yirtues 4 are - : cknowled_ged to
-stand - Pri - i=eminent i for their smith' ig• i n fluence upon
young ladie&while suffering from the usual changei
, life, as drected by the laws of nature. ' •
December 1538.-Iy.
• ..
C.' 360011115',
. .
. .
,NTEN I 4HS residing permanently in Carlisle, and
-, L IL-NvOuld• i 'espectfully_olrer his JU:ofessional services
to the ci igeof the place and vicinity. .
• He r: p
s r aken rooms at: Colonel Terree'S, Hotel,
- where 'oMay be:found at all hour's. . • ,
;Persons requesting lt will be - waited upon at their
• . ' R. Czonnz D.
R F.outtre, , ~
.. " • effrence,— Mt. Timmons - Myrna, • -
...,,r.l ;.,.. REV. 3.-.1105..D.:YD0R11T0N..---
~ ~ .
'.• '• - -- :. DD. DAVID MAIION7
, .•
. .
7,7 a — r ( r)
7 an_
. e,(,,„ 4 •
. .
• The subscriber respectfullyinfoitaildli frienile and
. the-public: u general; that helia'iipeneir a -
A10111,1""11 0 111110II) .
Store,-at his old stand, (corner of Einither.' and sed
ford) where lie intends keeping for sale;- Mika 'and
I?ye Flout, brthe barrel or. smallerip e ninth.y,
' 'wheat ankrorn Cho ilia _Stah,Cptu,•
*Oats; all which 'he; intends keeping :eon:shindy on
i - a
handnd hcipeiterreceliti-share-orti ,
tie a, few buellels-"Or,SPROIG
W.1 1 1 2 4T - Pplt EEI),,, Ichich 110 afreis for
. ." ' ' JOIITp#OCrfEII....,.
..,. . . .
P.'S4.f,lleatill.Condati9atiicpyrY . tl~e SILVER
pL.A.T, theald , tdand,..and basrfatt.i,ta,fdlY on
hand a good assoktznent of , platsd"liaddicry; int Eli Ivy
. STIRRIRS,BITTSOIaraess inotiiail*..-pfd conch
ivoi*.:',Platin# for poach. malierA.ldoe;; Inc\ .thaz. , liet:
MAN,U.F - APTORY;ANDF.Itirt, E. or..
'll ME :13 11,14teF*;j1. 1 !21#41. 4 t! t :
A. 4 on•-.21Cooth47 ? ii , d k.reet * Tbet:fereiirk.'et 7 &l . 4,l'ch
."Stiveis;Philpikl . p r:7110:-.• • •
TUB 'autisCrihere beglenve to •atato fhatztliir4lin*
oti haad, and 'non' , 6ffllnfoebalo, at thelir`attngqalft:
• - and gennt*fasmktariant -
7..5)11411 1 V4'
ana:payasom i -50-.-prifei.-9 . ulte as eheapt nod warr a nta
toe equal . in, niateval and y.atic..nianahip,"to any Man
' ufactutedin,thht Tlie,patipinign of COUNTRY
111EIttfrANTS 18. 7 therarprotaap6etrail.r . .
Prefia . reficOzVbk.lo.l7.N! AZILEIat his Drug.
Store,oppoelle Marketlarouse,'reticld.
.. • . .
'already : aciptired;,a
tielpbrity to vhich fewaberi.perlapi in so Short
a time ever firrived,,!i . ml its xtenitire use, for 4 or' 5
years, m various parts of the Country, Citids; tied
'Totims, in hind,' Virkit Tinifittylyania, OW;
New York, Leittucky, Missouri, Soak Carolina,' Al
litniniri;GOOttia, mid ..Newprbatos, whicliliasitttetid4 ,
ed - it - witlturnparalled - sacpsst - .. • •
Hutidreds of persons have useil it, nine out of
ten cases hare been permanentty curedof Dyspepsia,'
Nerrthis 'Frentors;:Lowness of Spirits, Pal
pitations t.f, thelleart, : and all those"traiii of Diseases
resulting from a disordered cawlitiOn of the stomach
and liver, or derangeknotd, of the Digestive functions,
such as •tleneral . debility or„ weakness, Flatulency,
Loss of Amietitd,.Spur Eductatkm_s and Aciditees, of
rtliirStrmTali - , - Co - srivoiltiAlltaddehns; -- Juutrren;Flit= -
tiilet,t . Colics,E4(E. Sr,. •
To Adults .and Children tvho are troubled with
Wornis, it will operate as a. safe and thortnigh van
nl.'llll4'6, It iS'edtirely Botanical in its componitibic
and nit).- be used hylnith sexes and of anv age, with.
'tiCrtititin7feeli - arge
• It in i,ot r'ec, - Airuniiled., filo ionSt
eines as a cure, all Gut-the proprietor reeonitneuils
it, for what be has full conbdence it will and hits cur
.ed,,which can be salintal.thded by the tmtiroony of
hundreds of persons, that have ex perieneecrits.good
It 1811e:illy put op io siputre half pint Mittles, with'
the nameltlown on ihe. latis-tlinsrtittrlegant's-Bal
sant of Ilealth, prepared oily by Jobb S. 'AI
his sinattive oil a label, pasted on the outside In-lap
pet; of rack Bottle, which completely st'curcs it Iran
being coui terfeited.
fi full runt:satisfactory lljeectiou accompanitis each
Bottle, Mot Ity the quantify a liberal dtsebunt of
the proprietor nod of all his aktents, n Ilia ate pm
tal at-the bottom of each dirt ettom _ •
New testimony of Its cures arc frequently reedy
*cilia- few of ,which Mllow ,this advertisement, ,and
many more can he 'Siam on. die di . reetions around
cad; Bottle. •
. .
Joh ri" -5...31i1! ek .1 . ) or .Si r .—I . do hereby certify,
thatl.have been nfflikiteil - 73 - Mli'llyspepsia tier the last
4 or -5 years, which - hits been. increasing nit. ine cver
since, to such a derv:cc:off:it:for 5 or 4 Wed: a preVions i •
to . „_usiUg . your 3aluable Garlegaiit's Ilit)ifiiii) of licaltli, 1,, 111 3' T 5, 15 5 5... _ . ' -
' I ton certein I ball!. not eaten one attrice a flay - f any i 1 i''' . eari'l li .Y l , - lif Aiio.(l..t, I liffEeliesed ft out J.
kind of diet; • neither ' - wSts I able- ttraliteit 3 cith - t i ny ' I .E. Prof fv - fq. Co. oite •of th eir threl,liiiig Atinclitites.
kind 0f. 7.- eiuf6ri - fliiiiiig , this 4 lif - fiC, ror a se veri, s iathitv.. l th i liliist-qf thi'llieti•bing grain for ilifriirefitrarvnerS:
mill some tinie iii Ararch lieit — lltiring :that- perhal i
. iii-buy stiminelh•in fact I Inftl given' Myself tip as :nett,
Table, as I - haft: had resource to so many dilThrent eo- 1 tbre,:bettfibont.lifteen Midis:lntl liMitels-of- cheat, rVe
medics without tuiv kind of hcnefeit; lat length heard., and oats. My expose fill' IlfatirS of both the
o f yo i n . B o i s/tin of 11, 1 dth, 1,,,h . g a d r e i •ti, e( r, I i „._ i Alm•ldne Illal horse Ppwer, did not exceed fn e 31e1-
( l ime d „ . 13 01. 0„ n r - s y our agent Wm. milh. t .,sin wi t , liar's, and y.livii I' sold Ahern, (ii hich Nt.4 ( B- hi INIItl•itli,)•
chester Va..: 2 " . -After taking. the three ihi st doesii - I , Ti'f' ini w iiiiwi:3" elTeiTefl to' in, nrnt ly as :mail iii , it atthe time I bought Ilivii . i.
found niv •-stcmatili to iiiittili_ in 'some degvee„ 'What I ! The li hocill in 'the'
cat, and the pain in my. stomach subsiding: gradint 11 1 ., r horseTO Wel • WertAiMlit.llV . sound :lad' alllthtalltilit, -
- fiTtdltfttrFri.tillgnne - alai :a - half - hrittles; - l• faitur - nve., - -';ife'l•-el , MfAl-- 4 A 080, -eNtlittiliatlCltt,. l -could- nOt-dive.ovee
self- entireltwell, • And hale . cat aii thin , I base ni t , th at th e cogs leifiorn- iii thin ' 'slightest ittygErtee. I
inclination or, and si t ep well Ittiii g lit, •11. anus Slili'• : I t :id '
prtibr - tusee - the - cintitify - ' - of merb4t-patterJ iris= tnri'm,.nr- atilt t , lle (1 ,„ 0' 14 t K11110:0 „ -:•enicliics,
chargedli•ein my stout:lets, I%lrchli.faceini•lined
in i '' hid Tit fill!)" tried; 8 . 1" 1 1 - 16. 1, i'iiit , ifq-Or eertiry ded•
believe 11:1144.thick With it, WhiCh 'no doubt retitle:v(l
for durnriility, . sell ice..inal.saa•tly, 16,1 'clean .tliresh,
all 1114 indigestable. • - - . .
..,. ...i,ligi . I list fievf-; - I•uSeil or: serif any that, iii--10-opiii-
Giyetrulider my hand,
this 1 ,, d;iy of nu.,,,,mhot, i _ pin, will
.at ,all compare
,iidtli the one 1 bail NIA sear,'
. .
836; ',:. : • - .- •
.. -, jos t'. Ii I I'.l'\.' pp . cualess it beosic of the s:11171C kili'll.—lf 11th:1160111a g'iVen
1. - R i ng , um . Nyi,,,i :s i.,,„ . _i',„, Ito die machinery,-it appears almost-impossible
lin• any . putt of,them to gut out ill order:
SA.AIt 11. 11OLLINGEll
. . ,
'.. . Coq ffiratg, 'o f :\i'd,,Vl s II eaver. -- ---
. Thisis to &airy that 1 liii•Oil 'of you r - agent at
Dettysburg,_se_yeral.bottles of..yatie..;ralinil;l, - ,lliilsitiii
of Dealth, which esimplkelv cured nin of the 1)s
-rieitlia. - I- had ialien-mliefi of other...pat ent:Metli
nines, but found no relief,: until I made use....of y cur
Mika in -of 1100th, which alfeeied a radical_ mire,
_ancl_do_recotnlnelid. it to all those Who - are:trcubleil
with -Chat ,obstinate disorder Dyspepsia. -- • -
.. .
a ettes.bury Pa. Nov. e,183G: '
t ..?
.. . .. . _ .„
ferti fi 'cizte P I
o the 11,.21. P.• Shaffer, l'astor 0 . 1
tile - Liilltiilvin. Chrtrch. --- '
• .
John S. :11i11er.-11car s'n..-1 (1, 0 11 it my duty th
inform you thatl consider Carlegant's Balsam of
Health, prepared by' you, nanperior medicine.
wile has long been in a delicate :State of health, aid
of cOurse . no Melina w_ere_left-itntriiA c
could Lear; myseln;Pposed to nostrums and patent
Medicines-.4 - nevertheless consented to piirchase- a
bottle of-your Balsam of Health, and do hereby cer
tify that Mrs Shaeffer derived more benefit from the
rise of than any other Medicine. 'My opinion is
that if a cure can be effected, as regards the disease,
you Mention, your Balsam, will, if used in the fit'st
stage of the disease'
• Frederick Aug. 24 'le3G • • • .
This Aredicine has betheused by' many persons in
this vicinity, and invariably pi,am
V. 8.-I used - the Dalstun - in my ownfluidly and - ad- -
ministered it to some indigent persons and invaria
bly found it a most dile:loons vermifuge.
Carlisle, December 25, 1833.-Iy. i.
lle,vzust be a Miserable villains indeed, whO,
'would place the life of a ploy: being - in
danger, for the kurpose
,of making 712 0-
----7 10 - 11[01.1MCCITIZEN . S. -
- What - di - Druggists*Oveliriiitiking - rid - sOlfng -
Counterfeit Pills purikotling to Pe- -
,Braudretlirs • Vegetable Vali
versal Pills
101.-I'6l they *are without HONEST and pirsory-
DLL principles. • . -
2tl.'—That-no other medicine. is required by the
public ; or -why :do- not!these..druggists counterfeit.,
other pills in the. samuivay they. do Brandreties?— ,
'Simply because no others save Brandreties Vegetable'
...Universal Plias ever eirectod the extraordimuy cures
that these rills are known—univEnsALLY 'KNOWN—
to hwie effected. -
. There never:was_a person whomsed - die
• .
ha , not - recommend - thent . iin - . term,
the most unequalled 'praise '
. • Nevertheless, - these counterfeiting druggists' hove
done & nre doing the character of the Genuine II great
-deal- qf injury i ..- but It is hoped-diet -individuals-will
not allow themselves to beAeceived by designing per-_
sons; whose only to • Make money; Mat who
perfectly 'careless of consequences.' -It isamstter
of no importance to them whether, the poor child. is
rescued tilima hettnf sickness and: restored:to . the .
yeiirning (mink of its parents; or whether him on whom
ti ..... he ge family rely sololy upon for. 'support, .is pre
vented from tilling an early, and untimely tgave. • ; !FILO
.i.lno may' conie when - the . veatness of Mei r guilt shall
diecotpe their, benighted an(l6l(taial inks, amt.
'than. it:is lioimd they-will 'endeavor to nuttce _some s
pends by the alter purity.of their lives.„
. 'F.PYery• authorized agent - -lais-a.
,ctiliperplt t certifi
cate of agenos,Mid has it eihibited in.his e. '. - Nc-.
ver purchase unless this is seen ;' ' and li e -sommre...
Bard also to the , chafacte.r , the,ageiit b arkanumg, jiis.
tellOWeitlietis: - .-Ite must be . smiserable -villeiNntho,
Would placelbe life Of tifelloiv creature in'titingerfoi
•th urpose oTtnakingioriey, • •• . ', O ,- : - '
~ . '• .
'7 bf - fieffitlfretliNFO.Feeir.iti - .1-yarcidiffihia. ' '. . ,
-- ineipati;Nor-iiNortlyatli.Stiide - c7..T. - ' 4 , - ' ...:-
' . linor.oflice; No. 43, ClieStnnt Street,'neai2(l . (ii:
Remember thee - above 'officers are kept exclitsively
for the sale of the true and gepainellrandretli'ilills.-
The followingpefsons are. AulfauthoritiedAgiaita
'for the county of Gantherhotd ; TM the State of Venn,
sylvaida j whose respective:names area
~,,:. . -,.
N . :11;r No iliUkg4o; apothecary" or ':pedlar,
w to'ii4,lll24&uuhiolkraililrettesYllitt,untic+.any
Alluo 'obOite,, when; you
tniii,hUse's • Or,ioy Age Wis, have a
oeitipeaje'O'f,4enq, o'oo clod, to;uled`hpule 2 .,
vit" i3RANDltillril, M.
8 7 :*4rt,h Bth A,SY'reet;:::/ 3 / 4 i/uttrefphiti:
eiato 'e
JanKe*tettiti: L 'Of teodettiOly:*494lTed
ii punt 4Zotickriliercirb'L )thb , -ticct;
those. pei wk?: lisive• claims titid.Ottittpds:pkitinst ,
1 1 16 ; 0311 4,qt 1 04 1 iteie4, the4llo:ol44o,,s4fitibittgil .
er ta LI 4. W.*
. • • •, - .1 , • • . •-•••• , . :•-•. ••••.•'-•
received diiring•the ; lastyear to
chin&S, indOteed eltiCitsiie,,preparations.
to meet-theinereaSittl•dOMa4 .
time, eijitittsit'h4 lieeiv:Spi*C4ilteOte;,thit:
very materials the
work - Men are.6sPerienWeiranti of character,
anti they; hatie ; no-Ihesitation ; inittssnri the'Parmert
bail:ey; arQialtilablpo fit sh ilMni with ant article
not only equWli l at Tceidedlr sigmripk - ; I;Y,' Mit&
manufactured itt this part (Stile country: ' • -
For speedy and dean thrlishing,'Vtlth•ease to the
horses, they believe their .Machine to he'.unetmalled.
Their price is the same as last year, -140 dollars,
70 dollars in rash and the balance in six riniAtlis;:for
whieb a note Will be t•equireth.• The machines are in;
stwed Tor tWelvi months, or until they 'shall 111 We
tlireblted -tw•o•-th oi tsand-bushel s-of-graitt.--4hey-have
now severalmtiAtine :Mtl red& far*sale, and will'at
all ti
mes he ready to l'orOish- them ..oa . the 4horteg
mice.. Orders front a instance, will he ptmettially:
iittil•litled to. - For 'the' 6111114; sum of FOUR DOL alb] id ,to the prie - e. of • the Machine and
Power, Liii laruish-le-fatmoe-aw hdilitioa-that ti ill
enable him to shell his elm'et•Seetl. -
The subScribers, being desirous cf publicly eolpu
teracting the elforts-whiclr are secretly made to injiare•
the charm:ter of their roachine,hy' persons who tip
per to be. aiituated by • unfriendly feelhito town •dit
0.1TF:45 . tilc -• ••
. I cella:rill:A I, last yL.1117; used one of the Trim:oi
ling Atatliiiies.maiinliretured by J. E. Brady & Co.
and the seas m,- there wit's threshed on it
about four thousand bushels of :grain, mid shout
two and five bushels of 'clover
seed; and i am holly satisfied that, for the l'armer's
rise, iris s'imeri or to toy other 'Machine I hare, ever
seeivin this part .of the ernintry. I further certify
that M Ilenry I [nest, one of my nei:tlihors, had six
Ailtgoti loads of t:lover seed stuff cleaned at a clowir
mil!, and the yield was 22 bushels, and that thettime:
tiiiiirtity of Anil - .win threshed on my ninchilie; and
the 1 - If - ittiittlie opin
ion flint the stuff 110-haul - et' to the mill, was the. bet
ter lot of the. two. • '
• .
1- f labt.year, purchased-bed the - th t•eshi rats .
Ih•aily 1014:11 1 still have,)
mid NI!) , 6-sfa:a„l them. • rue,speedy n,qelenta thresh- .
they are,. crrtainly, a superior arkielo, anal out ,-
that is alga eat seri ice to the, Furnier.- I (muskier it
the beat artiek—of the_ kind-I:hate:ever- se at iu. this
part of the country. I take grcat pleasure in ralolll7-
nielldilig it the Fanner. > • -
-DANIEL W. noYE - R.
Ajar 1, - 18.39. -. • _ .
• I eei•tify dad Alr. Andrew Davison and I purchased,
list "November, one of .1. M. flrady Co's tliCtishlng
machines, which we fully tested, having threshed
heat; ryi , , Oats and clover seed on it. I ani 'IIIIIS ,
thittitTs.twerviliblet.o any other I have • seen
is operation;- and it stii . 'artioo. that will repay
the Fin•nwr ample, far its price. It threshes clean,
is not lialire to get out of order, and is, upon the
whole, an article.- that 1 rte., \Vail' great conlldence,
i•eeennuend to the Favii.(l , l%
. : - AunAtlA:u
June IS 1838.. •
.Nfr, lieujntitiu llanuiltminnd I, lust yehr, eprclutsed
one Of .1. Brady Sc Co's threshing machines, with
which there wits threshed nofli.!titt: than - WO:bushels
of grain. It is an excellent . article, superior,iii
opntion,io nos of the .kind I have e er seen. One of
its chief excellenceis, that it. is not liable to go out of
(mien. - I have no hesihttionity recommending it to
the FartiMr... •
June 14, 1838
Other certificates could have been procured, but
it was deemed unnecessary. Persons 'a ho wish to
inquire into the power and quality of the machines
- 'fire'referittabto those -Who-last-year-used-them r -end_
' .purticularly,to Ate-following-liamcd•-•gentlemen,-vizt
Messrs. John Feast, Frederick I lyers, Adam Yonder
ale, Emanuel Sites, nod Samuel Diehl, of Guilford
township;" MesSi.s. John Hulier and Jolui YoCkey, o
Quincy township; Messrs. Abraham Stoner and Isaac
Frantz, of Wohink , ton township ; • Meisrs. 'Jacob
Ihde: Jo mes itchel,JamesAllisomEmanuel
-- :foluillinehle've,--llenryLandAtimes-Betittn-Christilm
Hovel' Mid Chu istinu lloover, of Antrim township;
-JacelsOy ger, Esq. and'llr.-lfenry--Wi ngert i of-Green -
towiehip 7.11 r. Frederick ;Deck, of Letterkenny
township ; Messrs..lohn Rhodes and Conrad Gold
smith, of I lamilton township ; -Messrs. William An
gib mid John Philipi, of Montgomery township;
Capt. .1. McFarland. and Joseph Dunctin;olPeters
township;-Messrs.-1V ill iota-Dowers and - JwSeacrist;
of Warren township; MCSSMl:jacobana John liege=
, ries, of Metal township; and DAVI& Hunter, Esq.,
and Henry . !Winger of Bedford county.
• • - 3. E. 1111AD1' & Co.
. •
- Cliambershur,g, September 17,1838.
One of the above makes is to be seen at the burn
of Mr. FraneiS Noble; lit' Carlisle. • Any person.
wishing - to purchase am, can have it set up and it
sloes_fiat unssyer_the purposeuskspeel fied. r we tskeL
it away free - of expense. to the purchaser. There
have been upwards of 100 Of them made and told by
'Brady & Co., within 15 months past.. A,line
ed to the subscriber will meet with Prompt attention.
Sept, 18.1838:—Gm. • Chambershiiri;
Famoys Caine' 'tor the Men-.
•naansm and other Irains..;
Al UCH need not be said in relation to this wonder=
remedy),. the..proprietor feels confident : J,lo.
when app ied, it will, as can be provembythe,ituinhe
of reSpectable persons, ,• effect, an., , entirisCcuie of the
•Uhenmatio and other Tains. It had not
been his intention, to make it public; hut :by z , the - 11•0•;.
• (pleiit applicationsaf bliineighbors; and the wonderful'
cares it has effected,be +feels.', it (hay lhe owes „to
slchaas well :.tts,to . -liimpArOi. mAke.itmore'reetie
rally. known, and at the . Sanie tinie liarelt' ) tit.A. near
as Int n•within dill•riaitch - Of all Who' umy eafflipted
a ith that pitinfull . diseaSe. • •
Hundreds of names publ i shed , of persons,
beenKho. have - • Cured. by .this Celebrated medicine,
but the ,following are seleeteir froin ..mass, as be
ing amply sufficient to attest its poWeirt.:
C. Stoller, '.:-, Jeliii - .CoCer, • • Saimiel:Fenely
Aaron Render; . :-.l , l;indeniiitlfjr.'... - Samuel Wang:
liohereDvsurt; ItAtichardsoni Jacob Worlich
• "Jacob -Miers.
Christinn.Crgani .:4.4llestand, • - ;. •
....MotititleY,Augnst 25; • . • ' ef4-
All.orders4om distance addressed to . thetab,
• aeriber,.MOUatJay;LanchaVeceunty, will be prompt
fitithfollY attended '
Mount Joy, Feb.' - •
The oipxe.mpoidno-is elan
tti(6 , l:6 l l:ite(MiktitAka -
ADRUG' 81r - ORE - situated tOwn in oneortbd
rnostfertlle sections , of • Petinsylvanin;la"offered
or snle. To praii' of moderate eapitat ? there
but few more desirable situstlons....',A titintie and Lot
1 :10 . 11 .be rented to tbL likirchaser, pos..
2sessipti.tbereagiYAni. 'at any time; For further
, :iipidylifi'ttilf-Etiltort! of- the
fo . ;,sitlc black and‘mili tiiitin Ithoe's
atOtqt 0 Cr.,
To 'the Plaine.
The "Tcgie Pin icikt's*--oe .#4l . lb is • •
~ - T l:l4.knoth thatliealtlicand the ability to
great 2iiuss
Vie: people in - thls Off in 21108 i other ifoun; -
tries. n pre2erte, ihcrefore; , that health
by N..2777RAL means, is a. rand:Maral.
and *Weal scheme. .to fulfill, which
quires- drer'tetnrost attention.
TH E niMarrelleled r . cputatimi whidi Nterg' fills
have acquired as a iqedival Restorative, is. the most
mapicstionable Moor that can be given of their. int ,
Meuse impotioince -to the._ afflicted in almost. every
class of diseases. 'rife tiiiber.of lettOrs
from patients recovering through their meansis real
ly prodigious, and. the: complaints, which ilicy have
cared are almost'ail varied as they are numerous.—
put stilt there are some in which they: - are more
especially bC4ficial than i n Quails; and among those
may 'be named the MO often fatal colOplaint of the•
stomach and bowels, such as cliglit'llittiletice i and.
Indigestion; whleli they :do hot . only II certain
int-nu-immediate. cre. -
• It is...well know n'mi thetlisarrangement of 4 ~,,,, ~,,,,,
the stomach and, bowels, arise nine - toiths of all till ... .-te""4l i karilW 0.,Witt.1„.. f .,,5--.•-
maladies or odoit Win! declining life; that this isthe, . , • • .
foundation of Flatutentspasmodic Pain,lialges. 1
.. -. 1 - 5 .,-- c% ' -.4 l( ii % ys-1,-',..41,--iivfp-1 -, =: -, -'
Arai, Loss of Appetite etc., mitt that Those' iii their . Q." •=4. Z0' 20.. . - : 4l ' 14 P 'LI, -u--1 , -40 . -.--
turn give birth . to Dropsy, Lire'. Complaint, .V0:1- 1 Ito - Wills his sinerre tlainks to the cit izens of Carlisle_
surontion;'aini - latbitilal - low n e ss o f sp i t ith I thrrefore aml.ailjoifiihg.eMmtry, fin. the mostlibta.alpati.onage
P6ters'Pills.bilng the Very best medicine a filch has' which lids been bestowed (upon hint, and wishes to in=
raver ever bee" dise°"Ted ror the iaeildent diseases of ( be form the otthliegenemlly 'that lie hits replenished his
ititAstini.s,:lPC necessarily the surest praciitativea of stock of (.loorb, and flatters hion.elf t ha t 116 will he
ti " °6e iimnill ' l ; and nib " ge n oli lllsol•ders, whielt um *ableto give entire satisfactio» to all who' will call; at
-bitter life, and drag so .. , inany millionS unnwly to ti
, ~, his SlO're, both in quality and price of g,oods • ae-hi
s h
i resolved to-sell4iiiv-for cash.- --- ---- - '
ha ,sPeakiag thus D
-P 0;arrogates nothin g to I 'Call at the old welwii - Stand of ..Harlan , in
hiin "`" f lit ' it I ' 3 ' netahe'll' by the V ebile ' — *(tlttit- lkinill.. i
lailover Stri , :et, and examine his stock ,of
lie is 110 neet)y.nnek or unknown speculitt_vllo -(;Dods;-lus-hits4t-r.1neral-mud-euinplete-4ssortment
.cptiles before, the world as Ids OW_Il herald 1111(1 wi t-, , of, H ar d ware, ' •-. . , • .., _:,
,but• is placed in a respoiiiibitity f,lsititiairm ny_f
_. ; • •
,„,,,,,,,,___;__„. ~o vnic
_th,.. 3 ,Bfronn g e-whid, ifeThiti,--eniff -- yat-foi' years, raid 1 -- „ A's° R.V.l.ixt- r . l3° I i 104 Jr- fps.
Twitwiris -. . - inerensing to :ul - 'extent unprecedented in , of:the-best quality, which will be spltrat witok's:ale
the'nurals of medicine, that makes him carettill to us- or retail.
sort nothing wlibill is• not:borne out hrthe most in-1 .1 le has . also the Nets: CinnlierlroWl istailliiit thilk•
Billable proof, and hence lie does not fear-to•be put- and examine, each one for-liiinsell
to the test. in anything-. k Lich lie l e ts piontised re-1 Carlisle, May 14; 1,838!.--ain
, •
SP e e tin IX his Pills, • . - ' • .
1)1.. • Peters iti ITlosi happy to_htf able to state; On
. ..
the authority of a great .-number Of regular, physi- ,
'chins, that u•lwrever ins yegettible' Pills have been
. introdiiced,,they have alLuosfsaperceetlett the adop
tion. of mercurnd exiieriments, for their peculiar fac
ulty in - ,sweetening,the blooil;•mtl stimulatiog' it to.
..A:xpel all noxious jucies,..anikiii gh•ing• strength 'and
"lore to the nerves,,prevents disease from acquiring
that. strength n hich lutist he got untler;if at all, by
. . ..
dangerous - remedies. • .. _ _
Preplred by .10S. PRIES'[ LY P.In'ERS, 'M. D.
1'29, Library street, New-York. Eitch.)ox contains
40 Rills; plaice fit) cents. • • ,
'lbws celebrated Pills at- - . sold by rill the pririci
Fal.Draggists hi_llaltimore, ,Philadelphia; Washing
ton City, and throughout trw uliited stnws, the Cana
-this, Texas,. Mexico, find the \Vest baling, and by
JOHN .1. MYERS, SAMUEL. ELLIOTT, CAlt;'S A M L.T V: F., 1 1 :11.SON; Shippensburg; I,I.IW
, GEODE RLlN,Cliamberslairg.•
- December 4, 111 fitl.-1y
1111!)6 Indian Specifi,
.iy ' ' For the prevention .
f c r- 6 `"o,' and • cure V . Coughs,-
14 '+'‘ colds, .dsthmas, Con
,%;:k sumptiOnS,sp - Wing of
*Y- • Blood, and diseases
.of the breast and
°- "ir , • 4sti lungs, ,S-c.
. „
Doctor CLAnnsott rIttEM .
AN L UIe proprietor of the
Specific, resided upwards of four• years among the
tribes-of -3.Zortlt-AmerMan_halians,,nutlxvitiUmweg
ric&diligrace used-mery , means in bia:_power-to-ac-.
quire a knowledge-of :the different remedies Used by
_them; for the cure el the sick and -wounded;.'-and
more particularly those which they take to Preieat
and cure the consumption, and comillaints of the
breast and lungs. - lie. observed the Indians were
subject to numerous nod similar complaints to those' ,
- OTWldlii - pimplunual from timi; mode - of-livingcan& -
being exposed 7to We, inclemency 'of all Weathers,
many - of - their complaintswere-complicated arid'-vio
lent. Although, many of their diseases were of such
a nature as would, with a people' in a civilized state
ut; c term i sited in coo Moe& consumptions ; yet, dn
ring.the time he was with them, lib 'ilid not hear oil
a consumption. . • •
theitin'their 'knowledge bf-reme.-,
dies,au&so certain of their,effects—when'implied in I
time, that it may be said "atrue consumption is a dig- I
ease never
. known 'Or' heard among' them." The
truth of this observation must be corroliorated,hy all
who have had the oportunity of becoming accounted
with these people. It may then he asked why they !
sae excmpt from these , complaints?'
..The reason is
. because they immediately seek for relief,
'ffrittprevent - those complaintswhich-Insensibly under-
Mine the constitution , and bring on 'incurable' con-
suniption.. . • . . • •
Bills of -direction accompany enalt bottle of the
Specific,- pointing out in a conspicttoos. manner,
` all,,
the symptoms in thotlifferent stages of these.distres
sing diseases; also particular trectiona..resPecting
Diet and.liegtMen -and 'lieu; patients aro to condnct-!
themselves through every stage until "health iare
stored ; fOr vain and useless would be the prescrip.:
tions of the ablest phisleifin;accOmpanied 4 - k the most
powerful medicines, if his directions are not faithfully j
adhered to.- • ' ' - • •
• .
• •
-The public_ arel•inforined, that the • depositions of
two hundred and 'eighty-seven persons have been ta
ken before the tamper antheritioae& the,city of Lan
caster; cempletely,cured of the ; Most, despe
rate eases of , eansanipticm,aome of - .which are detail
ed in the bills actiontpanyntigthe_boltleL• • ' -
The *ice' of r!ii,lak, bottle, of the INDIAN -.OE.
Gibe itiOne;pallitri'and:eaell 'eat-eloping the,gennine
Specific is sighed Olaksoirriveflum, and., the
initials C. F. on the:Seal - Of each bottle, 'None can'
-be genuine without this signature; a Mae' tornpotil
tion having beeti attempted to 'be imposed_ upon-the.
public .by u counterfeit nuludicip of this extraordinary
article; , • - . • ' • •
- co-A. supply the ahoVe speCifie;_is keptfeetintant
ry for 'sale ,by &MIMI ELLIOTT of. Carlisle'
: 4 7R Ovepribeo; 1838,qp • - , , '
of„Shadi Grote Sehbol.
ifouse, situntelniSoUthattortoti-.tOwnsltip,...ritinliliti
county, end within Ihreii tUt.le`i cif Shipp . oos.hufg;,arg.
desirous of , emplci)d'Vig;a'qon)petent,.Teueher Mice=
charge' of. the ealfogil:3, , , One
and Gecilltphy;lii,nddition to, the sual . , 'hranoh:-
:es taught in prinnar,yiselloOls,'WlWhe preferred; Ilkhe
can be, furnished with a dwelling house ..liear `,thO ,
school house. ;, • , "
" ' JAMES 12:'MONT,G0MtRY --,1 " ,
• • • • • • . "."Trkilece?
Take neccee thataintve applied to tile . lintgairidthe
'tinni of OommOn Ploasof.CumilerlandOnnty for tlic
benOfit of the. iniolv6nt Lois; amd,A.4,6'o9kArt.
P_OlidatlAO,g(l-11 , fonitay-of April nOirlifoit,3ll6 haritlng
of me and thy eraditoradt , Cal l4lll ( 3 , l4 lo.l4lAl?#her,sr
YOuln9 r .alTteildif YO4, thiPa - Ptiv .._
Or , -74'...,' . ' 2 ","',
JOFIi-- •
Carlisle Jannary 2241839:,
Tnst ixceiveliTi•Onva
tin•v n mast snlenilld
alaa4l - 21 - --tiatetaagteam-6), , '
1, 2 4/ 1 14itY'and Yi'l•dst G . c;ippany ofhiladet ,
•• :
- , cheifilist
' ' CAPITAL or.0030i9fOi:OCO:
. .
•-• Chailee'rerpetual„,, •,:
NSURE grant
1_ onents anti. make contriictitgeiteroliy.that involve
the-contingency-of life. -Accept 7-s.uits.asitittliciFized„
by the charter; front individuals; corp Orate bOdies; 'or
ecinvts of Justice, and execute their agreeably to the
desire of the'partius, and receive Ltepogiles of money.
intrust;and on interest. . , •
LIVE INSUBANCE.--Ilie tei•ms 'dee. as lon , as
those ilfaily.ofili:o in the Union.
funning $lOO. .
• • t- Aintfallh;
20 - . so. 01 so:9s' 17 - '
25 - 1.• .12 ." -2' 04,
30 1 31" 1 . 36 • ' •••
: '1 2 - 75 - ,
40 • "1 69 - " ' • 1 - 0a - 3'2o'
:.45 '1 '9l - 1 96 ' . 3 .73 - ••'
• Jo_' "": 1 .90 ; , - 2 .09 • , 4' 60 .•
- 55 2 32 3 "21 5 .8
Fin.ther information can lie obtained by uppltettioti
nt the
• •
. • 13. W. Pres%
. -
.1011 N J ES, . Ictuau.
Cr.onrin W. Any, 'rreil:surer.
Junell, 1838.—Gnv .
II 14. WA: M
. ,
tl, \\‘*
\ Z \
FETII.I).IITE Follaqia
I • Taut taISA4IIII4:
~,,,11,'Icita”1. 1 atitl lArst-ritht prOpiTty, called
Hotly !rata Sit 1.1:0-(4 11110111.. six
ntiles.sontn-east cl4lfsle laid the Cuniberland
having appurtentint'about 8000 Acres
o' fitiedituberlatal,uud lutv, veted shereoult_Eurn_
nace tool l'orge, , I Smithshop, 2 Ciirpenters' shops,
a ‘Vitreltonse and (Alleel2 Mansion houses of-stone,
a Ilaukßarn and Stabling, th Teneittentit'lin , wor
kers, With a stream of water bf . kruat powur,sullicient
for an extensive dtol ling: 3 till, or a National Fiiundry;
aiid also "several hlinks - of Ore.
By the payment-nf a rensnnable sum in hand, a lib
time will be given tbr-the-renuthitler-of-the-put
chase money. ,
•- WEATMEY reSidlito - tlearKiddermh
sier• Will Minty the place. •
4plication (if by mail, posi.paid,) to be ninth! to
• ' • - Wlll. GIUMSHAW, -
Harriablirg, Dec. 31,1838.----tf.
• - -AND' •
Np 66 Small lilrstreet
' . CAPITAL $2 0,000.
Open daily for the traninetion of business rim 9, A.
M.' to 3, P. M.
Deposites of money reeeived,for'whiellthe follow
ing•rate of Interest will be allowed : . •
• I year 6 per cent per annum. •
6 .montlts , 6 "
.On business deposites, to be'diaWn nt the
of the depositor, no interest will be allowed. Uncut.-
rent Notes of Solvent Banks; in eVery part w•the
States will be received ns Deposite's, ou sue
terms us mny be agreed on in . ellOl partieular'ease.
7 . . • • By order of the Boittil;:
. J. DIISSAA,.Cashier...."....
Philadelphia ;W, A
Cleaning and coloring" -
Si/ks l 'frapes, ater . Mots; ant
Woolens of all kinds, also . .
MRS. JANE -mt mu nu'A,,Y,
RESPECTFULLY infornisthe citizens of Carlisle
nod its. vicinity, that , she has commenced the color
ing atufsconring Drapes, meilnoes and all kinds
"oflvooknaolso 7aeoldlieink E? Scouringinnll
ous brnches,
_She inuy_he hoodittlior.residenco,in_
Chiiiiliao4;n few doors belowjhe Grocery Store
of Captain .George CrabbOvliere work will he
thankfully received, wad oxeeuted in a neat and hand
some IMMO.:• '
• • _
Carlisle, OCieber"3o;'lB9B: - : ;. 6 .
. . .
• '
• • (f.l a l z ,-7 4.21 - zO 4 .
• THPfinabseriber. 'respeeifully informs :ids 'Kends
and the I;4l3ll . ogenerally; that he . has for- sale, alai
Qqal andammber Vardoni-the-hankot.the'.Suiiiitie
hanna town of Wormle sburg,
. „
2000 Bushels superior Sul' lib'
• ,• 4 •
Pannel and c.:o7nntO n Boards.
Poplar;. l4nle and Scantling;
2000, go.4"quality, seasoned .
rel Slane? and_Headin :'
All of which lie will dispose of at lOw raieg: and on
the most o pooniiiiodati ng topui:
at ,
rlroliase, -would dower!, bi- (111/11110141146
bar, and exiiminellia qtook beforeithey,korchaao
where. '
UE - TRATPLEVi -= ; -
Apol . _ 19.
„ • ,
iga ilt;i 2)2l l C) l 4V ll l l -1
New York , with : A 'NfoitY''' EXTEN.SLV44ADDI-;
.-TION•tq rnY fo - rmei'' Stook; thegleamt.o okt . ,- totkO.,
pf; .
niiticiti; in tlicOWliii6ltilliell
*ill di licO'd . g.;, t 'lbiretr.:*l.l4 ' 40 . up'.91 .
aitilikrat4EL.F.t44ol4l;4auiitry,,fitAtu,k4titigfB - -2
+ Fellt:raa'aiiotlj rare.rcap6 . oll4lY 10i1.600eiTemu.
a'Pailit!th‘ttla StdiA etaaflliglifSirebt.; - -r"
• 27„ •
Yr - 310T1C.U;... • •
• ~ • ' • "
•T:!:pe i fElep‘iifiltlitliiiik'ration on thdeslate. 'Dail:.
'dOo'il, Inio'nf•• Franklboll.townshiii;
tothe snliseriber,realding . in Frankfort).
..tOwnsliip; all ,fieilitins•bitking Oiling') 'against said.vilato
r ill ,Presol4. - Jitgilifor,*ttloitidriti quit tliose 1,49 , 407
• • ,•• •;
Atteiti r '
- .
, 'Firi- 4 69/YEtta" ;3 lftalge 2 STZP,
1.••• . 4 •
OPPORTUNITY Is nOW : idritred of iiiipplYing •
tintselvektvith - WOODCOCK'S:,,, , •
elu3 hat (irtielereverff'ered to :the .F4rinerkin ,
' .".this eeetion of th : •
-The . §6:Plopiglis will not nhokiimer:eartl7(litt,,and
the draft is about one...third less ththitho Ploughallete
tofore in itse;.two horSes doing•the work eltheen,
fiold - rtafd'afottey,dit;:lkenping .
them in'repair,• he pointait Share cint,he.put .611
itt five minutes, Mid- besiderfeest only'2s cents each,
and when (hill can be turned and repeated until worn
•out ;•and 'even - then will he taken impart pay-for non(
• . The following named, persons_ are among those 'who
have purchased (Mclepseddie above Plotighs during the'
last season„to whom Farmers nre referred flie hifoym
nation respecting their?, viz: ' ' 0 . • .
townxhili.—PhilipeWinters, - Sphid irm
stron,- Samuel. Strickler Joint Little,. Henry Beta,
Willium' Slyder, Philip "..Mr, "Miller, Mr, Ashway, John
rmitioffElliott, Esq. • ,
Letterkennx—Michael. Grove,' Daniel- Kremer,
Mr. Shields, Isaac litniore, John 'Miller, Abraham
Ilnover, John nodes, Benjamin nodes, Sath'l nodes.
Oiler,.lames Dunlop, Jas. Pur
,vinnce, Me. Hither, Aim Lesher ' _GeOrge Trace, Jo-_
seph Wingert,•George Fetterhoof, Mr. l'augy, Geo.'
Dull, William Byers, John 11. Cook, Smug Geae-S
man, Ilene)! George, Peter Baker, . ••
Green:--.Jacob Oyster, SatunelPnrviance, Jacob '
Dare, John' Reichard, Jr., Joscjh.lyicely, Alexan
der Thomsen, Ileni7 Wingert,' Martin Wingert,
- Charles Ileticli;Mr. Smith,--Mr. Clark, Mr. Solaber
ger; Samuel Lemy. • ' ' • - • • •
! YouthivnEttpi.—Sainuel Thomson John Orr.
• 'T/iontits:=4l(con
We hate also secured the right bf - Adams;. Cum
hurbind, and Dauphin ionntles, - Mal - the - rolleiwing
gentlemen in Adams have used the Plonglisduring,_the.
past-season, to wltoth Farnwra in that contity are
, •
.Abar—Two Taverns.SaintliA Thither:lw, Esq.,.
,Tosepli,-Coshum.Alexantler M'llWitilii4Jacob Keller,
Esq., • .
.A ear .11///—Frederiek_Deil.
Iftaaerstown.-3:moi , (11„1155. .
GEIstERAL TiElifAlikS RELATIVE TO - ,kora - -
- These thedicinewhave long:been-knolin - andappre-
ciatec4. for their.`extraordina7and immediate p0w. , .. !
cis of restoring perfect' heal I, tO,..persinie Suffering '
wider nearly everikjett_of..diseatiefo,Whieli-tlie-hu•.-- ,
ifeinTrifne is liable.. - . •• ,i, '•'' • •.. - , ~... ..., "-, ....
; 'le inanillundreds ; 'ot i .certilledinstiincesolie.i. bail"),
even rescued sullbrers front .the very verge of .an un•i• •
timely grave, idler all- die" deceptive nostrums of the",-,
day. luitt utterly failed; . and to. many .thousands ' they . •
iayeperitinnecitly_secured that_nnitorrn_enjoythentot_ '—
health, without which
,life - ifOrliliiit - ii•partiat blea.„:.:
sing: . 'So great,lndeed has thei efficaliy . invariablv,; ' ,
and .infallibly: proved, 'that - it .lias.iippeare-il 'scarcely.. .
i less than miraculous to those *lie were lime/painted
with..the beautiful,'PhilosOPhicial', prinCiples' ifinier-'' . : - -
wli i el i they a reCompiou n ded; and upon *hi idi they con , :
sequently was to their•mnitifest: Mill sensible • • •
action. in - purifYinglhe springSatuldiannehref - life,
and enduing them With - renewed' tone and vigor; that '. theirnarmiorhich :i4llB. betitotr-•
ed upon them.n . t. the spontaneous retpiest of several
individuals whaselivesthey had Obviously saved. _• • . •' _
- The. 'propisicter - rejole - e - slii lliiiiiPpOrtunity afiliird.i.
-NI bythe universal; _diffusion .of theibiily. preas,for •
placing lila - Vt I GETABLE LIFE PlLLS',,witliiii-: •
the knowledge and reach elfcig' iii'llie- ;.
community. 'Unlike the boat of. pernieiiiiii quacke.- . '.
ries, tvhich beast:cif vegetable • ingreclients,• the Life ,
Pills are solely vegetable, and .contain, neither' Merl
eury, Anthtiony, :Arsenic, nor any. other mineral; iii, •
any form Whatever: They are entirely composed of.: -
x - traets from•rare and powerful plaids, the virtues of'.
which, - thongli long known- to' several radian tribes, , -
and recently, 10. some eminent pharmaceutical chem
. •
.re filtegtthe . rtifiknown_to tlie_ig,norant pretend.. .'.
e'a'rn mediealracieecc - fand - Were - never - beforli caw -
ministerecliti so litippilteffie...aciraiii a combination.------
Thu first operation is to loosen 'the costs of, the ' _
stomach and bowelsolie.various-iMpurities and cwt.. -.-, -
dities Constantly - scatting around• them ;- and tn re-. . -,
movethe hardened feces which collect in tlic convid.
sionsof the small intestines., oilier medicines:Tar-. - ,
tinily. cleanse these, and leave-such collected •mar ; ises - •
behind, us to.produlie habitual Costiveness; with all ..
its train of evil'S or sudden diarrlicea, with its ii inan i., , -
nent dangers. This fact is well kiinwitto,all egular . '
anatomists,. who eNainining the human howels - after. .
death: !mete !the- preiniliccr'of ilieSe well informed .
men against VEGETABLE •LIFE PILIO hi to
dentist. - the 'kidneys an& the
_bladder; initl - by • this.'
_ means,- the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of'',
which entirely, depends upon tlic 'regularity_ of the •
- urinary organs. 'UM blood, which takes its --,
for from the: agency .of.theliver and_ilie_tungs beftire *-
it passes...into thelleart, being thus purified bythenn, , -
and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach,. '
courses freely through the veins, renews every part
of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner
lo health in the' blooming check. , •. _ , - . ...
--- l'he - lbliowing are among the distressin,,,l; Wide& et -
human diseases, to -which the Vegetable - Life' Pills •• '
-nrc -well -knowii•to-beliithllible :---- •
' DYSPEPSLI, -by thgroughly cleansing the first* .
- and. second - stomachs - ,' and 'creatiiig-i flew of pure, ,
healthy-bile, instead of the Istale_and acrid_kind r,... _ .
Flatulency, Palpitation of the lienat-, Lcisi .of Appe,-,:- - -
.tlte, 1 lc:art-burn and .11ead-ache, Itestlessness Ill,' - •
temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which
are the genevel symptoms of 'Dyspepsia, will.vaiiists .
its a natural consegnence of its cure. Costiveness, .
by cleansing the whole length, of the intestines with - .
a solvent proceis, end withciut violence; all Violent
-Purges leave-the - bowels:coitive - withln - tWO :ilays
:Diuriggra and _Ctioktn,by: removing the hfiarp.aeri 4_
-fluids by which these complaints are decasionded,
and by .promoting the lubricative -secretion of the
-muscus-members. Freeness of ull- kinda, by-restora .- ' .-
ing the blood to regidar circulation, through the pro;
cess of seine. cases, and the through
solution of all intestinal obstructions in others...-The
LIFE PILLS have beeirknewn to.cure Rhetnniatisnt
permanently in. three weeks, and' Gout in half that'
time, by remOving local inflnination from the imisefes
and ligaments 'of - the - joints. Propsies Of . all'. kinds, .
by freeing and strengthening the.k.idneys and bled+ ,
_der_.;_they opicate_mostitvlightfully_smilicsa_impor..:
taut, orgims, and - hence, have ever been found a cera • -
faiii remedy for the worst wises of Grav'el.. Alio
Worms, by dislodgiiig from the turnings of the bow-i...,,, , _.
els the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere t .
Asthma end Consumption, by relieving the air Ves ,
.sels.of the lungs from the mucus, Which even slight' -
• -colds-will...otwashim-whicli,if-iiist- removed-becomes---
hardened, and produces' those dreadful .diseases.
Sciirvy, Ulcers, and inveterate sores, by the peel feet - -
purity which these Life Pills
,give to the blood,•and . •
' sly the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and bad c0ra.. , ,• .
Plexions; - be their alternative client upon the fluids .-
that feed the akin, the morbid state of which °tea--
shins nil... Eruptive complaint, Salto*, :Cloudy, and . •
other diiii - greeable • Complesiona. The use_ot these . _ . _
Pills.fer a very shorttime, will efreit 'an'entire cure: ,
of Alt ltheinu, Erysipebs, and .- it striking improve.'.''r.fitr the Clearness of the skiff,' ' Cemttion Colds
and ',lniliienf, will - always be cured 'by one dose, or , • •
. hy.twO•even in the worst - Case - a:- Piles,-.-as a reme..
dy for this most distressing and obstbinte raahly, the
'Vegetable Lire-PAls•deservene diitin'et and emphatio ..
reeqpirneilditio.ii, .It - IsTwell'ltiOwn to hundreds in •
lidtreltycllio: - ..tlie - Pro - tilititor
.ifr*iiii - InvaltifibTPPillii -----
was liipailalthAlicted. with the cetrildaiiit for upyards •
Ot thir;y4r4, yearS; and lii•tried mi-talirevery rem
.•..•-- • . • . .
~, ed.rtimierlhalyithidtheNdiole•corniiitis of tile Ale.
INDIA-N - : . '-(inEN . HOTIELv.' Aeo.i iii ,r..„: 4 -61.0vevr oq len g th,lried the pied. '
; .• • • •-•- le u'a • lie now oilers to the, public, and. lie:a s
r•-• -
Sou Tit to onft.T ' •,.ST,it*iv,il.';'Pil ILADi . L , liiliA.: ' .qOO- 41 ' 3 very 'short' tittle; tiffer'lits rectivery had -
~. •:, ..,. litten , VierioAtticed '
not only improbable , but absolitte- •
13SV001 . - lit I ILiLE h. i... 2 • --; 1.i7.-iYilltAtible,:by. , ani human menits,....' - .•'.. -:- . , •
.IrIrESPETAILLY-Atifortrisliisl'frierula_and_thell _' ,PlifliiCTIONS . Olt USE:- -The ..P . roprieter of .
,'public; that - he liaS - removed from - - the Western; tbe,..Veketilb:Te - VA'rilltWeiiliOttoltoir:therbtise , ant--
Hotel in Market itreet; talhat large and commodious. inereeparypractiee of thePqno9keoflbo.44p,l4:a4vi ,
hetet forinerly . kepkby mr: B;lliike',sigirtif thii,, • - . sini..oeraonatd take his Pills hi.layge Apptitlea; , • Na.'
- - ' - - --... idoil-Piediciiideadtsip.sibly'-lie-so-regnifedrlVse
-7'. -*; ---. -'7 -- .1.1* - D - -ILAN :1 11 :1T ,., 7 E I -1.! 1: . 7 1-M - . - "--.''-' r' ' -11 ' --
fa - 1 - 6 7 Oien af„bed - 14 too' eyery. night; torlit
i,. '
.'.. „This. hotel lijiiltiiat6d,_in sooth - .pourth-stiket;' be4wcelC:gr , fortaig!it;itos*ir . ig -t9,thli,,.'4lFose. - ,,,The.. . .
' tween Market and liestnut Stireeta, Id, the very . - Cell - ire', usual 'Or:tl,Ntse•. bitters, is .110,1,f-,ii wine glass MI.: -• .
- of the business part of the Plty, nod 'lvill',lliereibre•he ,Ain, brlitliie,'-'oiiif thittgaintity'464. be taken two . •
found , skerf cOnveident , tor merohants ' and ",'•liutiin'esi or three. tholes a 'day; alma half in hour before•mealsi
meifgentrallyf `: -: . . :-'•• : ;- ;:',-,.: - t••, - •;"..;; •'4 .-- ;. - . •,..• • - Or. a- , leiesiiantiky tuRY:•b.O2.-laken, ht all : times; :',I 7 P _.
:•:: TNl.puildingl hitie:beiniboi7bilgikliaiid caupplete lliOsexli . O. :are ailliidettmeilidailiPstiPP., 4e . r.# l enlN ' • •
ly-rptimretE hy . ,..the iiiitiiieilbfk, Mid ::no".C..mielidel'•liiiti .theid.bittersiiilttiovOiOtalitable, ps. , theylers , ,great» •
been, sliared 'in - arranglplool- furaisliiiiethi:iloome, lyinereSse the:stifle4.6f gig Jiiincipal , :ltisoera; help
.0 its kiiinnta.On'iuqutapf ahticonyeniewie' Of thete them to . 4ierfortn' 7 oehtftir= o . oo, 4nd. enable the sto- ,
pito. May, liiver. tlie, Jimilre Viiii - , their,eustiPm - ,:,..; ...".....,• : . i n i3Olt e ddi - salipite-lpto:the liovvr.l . a*hat,oyerillolled. ,
Gentle Men travelling . iSitlillieirApilliel , •'Caitlitivii ,aii,s•-‘-!!'"Ttnialaili ~:eatlioif ii•elisil,).:and itieedily,resipi.., •
private,ThrlOrs.:thenished -lii''the' Lest 'Manlier' with yogl,*p . pqtliti restored , Alk - 'o l6 lths' or Ole abs° !..:- • -
hiliiii.iers' . 'alliteked ? ,6', , thtim,mhcre,:t4eyc:liiiiPitijoy, _he11,..v.e,5a.e.1it,•!.0.1.'-idFiOselit nutrition , is f ilCY l4 l* ( go ..
.P4ii*ati# heteltialel t ca;Ake epopitniopaldp4l,.their:' 'and Strepgtk . . -- ei . caused[
iiiliiil•:; . i . ,r_eL :
t i t
fsmo;* thi_t r ba, bet desi'mble . '.•'!.,.,- .. • ,•• . •.„ , 1.•,7j,_: - ,.;•••.•?.-•.• ~, rynyz..reiadte4.= o ortheAartiOlati .'OICMUL:r
-. •ThALBAir . 'Mid; OELT : ..4.lis'..)litiVal,linna ProVided: • V . 4.-fr•43:, - ,Lagri;P ‘, ..ii.14 _,-, . , TraK t l . 3 . „..., , ,JK,_f.,•E:ltsiT 41ikthO' , li,4t;LI ORS'Aiid.the,oliiiiiietillVDTE,STot - , - tiplily. - ,ile - W,XplliMilllP,4.zier: 1 ."-IMI" 1 -3"Y , ` - '.' ew
everYrdekckilitto - -. :' - ••••'; , ' ,; .'ic i 'Ar': ; •'t:•' - :.•' . `::,:• , ' '' ':;-••-•-,..--- '-,';'-'-' .-
Itorki ct1ii.,e.iNe'.',1111041u153.44411e4j1#. 425 - 4 tiehlos ~
-. ,-;'l,fiet:Vl . 'S•it;lille..i4V.:o4'o,ll,6 7 ;iiiiiiilied i sii , lth - to - 2.brits;ivesr:;.lloo;44ofi',i,itkftth44,iit**ifr o 'fi r s 3 i : . '
veli .'lliitqo s 36-''•l3 ,- a 'S'Op'.add - P - iiiik:et'citiviir. .42.,!peRst,A - 901. , ..',014t;tittrp,u,i•:„.;.,tar.„,
,e4q,._,_ ~
...... -
1. 60,'61 - Id•ee.riilei,ek'tion . ,idil'ilp . ..*tileatfkllie-tritlate* ,_,..,,,ia0r0 •. e flittiey , or ', 41- ,- ~...-4, e ‘ ..,:_,._,,,,,,,,_,,,... .
„„„.u,t0me,....,,..„:„,,,,,...„,,,...„:„„,„.„,,.,....,,,_, f-.1.......1. - .; ; ..7,;::.r--; '';' .. -.lll'.licirito• - ob - t4iiiattill..ank: "• " ?•"-i' i ''''''`' 9 "!'' P ri l i n
TlieUrliAntii,AClOALT'sre'w . ellt . 1119pliek*iiili ;.t_.s6*;:itod . :„ltiillttmttOtlA.4o l : ''.:,, •••,;40., ; .;•,'t i ti-• ' -
, ~ .. t j lea ::•,, .
the, kgkktifejlikivior,'Oktfdreht• Oitie :'m•y,ell itii•Aqtli- Ecitei,„l44 4•„ : :s7,e..='Pl i tP• ;I:'''' l, . ~ "4+•"diireakies. -
o' gidskt vitritti'4, 'doPittrtioorrialtftit tl'%&Staire-;:j, :04.07),.114,,'..4.:. ~:w w , .. ,,, ,,' ;-_,., ~- ,- —, •, . iftk
.'•541 - e.sr4tyAszrt, viurbe...filwid eqefoll 'bud ,tioef ..ritt . Ag'Otrp;i:a3tbe4belt i ., - 4-i__ ..,tary,...4 : . e
~ *Ar t hy, :.•• :.. ,:. ~.. :-•.,.1 . .. i - ,i , .,.. - -„:-., .....-:, ; ' -',...,,,,,,'„.,,,,; '-''.-'„...•,;i.-.;-.‘.: ' , hotl4.lo444 , 4p,giklout.A':fifepi.4. , Atti: o !! . !rff - l i . ,
„ .. Aitucked fo the:biite,li4feyek;yii,teiofoestrlßEESl. :botorei*offinieritlo:4.::„..7,....,...• , r ,
.. , • ~ •„,,,,,,, ...:..).
baletAate4 to ooti:tOixieMe •• one:, bilbargil:ll6oo..i;lkikit , f.e.*;,l3•Thor,iffti and iii, IP•tieri:•*ill:4o. all tn,e_r!-:.
mitlek:thei.;!stiperinteaditiof'ciireful4i, ~ e,rkto- 4 i iiiWii,a.taiti11efi1yi1004.44. 4 ,44._.„.. 3 tetc . : •4 1 1,_, 241 _1 1 . 1 _i.,,„,, e .'"' ‘ , 4 ; f1 .
liOstlekt.,-.,;,..-: • . -.,. •;.: !.!.::.:',:•, C.,..:, - ;;;.: , - ; ', , ,k:;,1 7 "g:.:'4 . -,,tmi . .;z•L . ?.:,',t yeriiiitt9,lokoArtiatitii4.ll s ci•nekr.Okx.":'-9V:tis e ;i s • •
•." D.: 01:4 4 •etuens' lifrsiiineroieftrieoeidgetileniaAt ;' y':,,toi.',.:ol*,f7t. ~4 1 /41.4. 1 /r24,.,,i0 , 109. 4 t :',feagqrz:,,,, h6 ., . .
the irenylibeial'enenutijiaiiii;it 40,1 1 .40'm,1:0(44.042 - fi , ; ofoldche:sil - -P er ° n d . 6ii.• : bt,-- , •,
and ..goliiig crifiiln , urtlatt, - o,' - '... -- ap - -7ittipptah'izliiiiivilatie $ - Hafalip" - r ., ,_ 'iti!iNoo4l l o l- 4 II , •
with, fare 4ICi h ',,5111.7105e iiittblng:;l4t,W444oo6 ° 6K *itlipu!AitiPrifi li z i), ! , :l/Tk'R. d05e1,6 0 e A' 32,1 : 9 F . 9P1 41 } • .
lit elife..... The , e uali e tikrou ation o ,
with OtherliO ISCi•aild'iliiit.'ltialiii-p0tn4;44(11 It JX,r 4 l" - .., It - •-• '' • l'•- , A.,•-••.qi h ••• It t,Ed,'i4 l it o i e . .!.
flittitir4;iit'dfullY,Pni4. , feriktist'iirtii.:*vie* • r.t-h,:-.,0040.; 4 1 0 .. '• ' 4 - ''Pv. o ,..r C m .,.•• e • '-; .. t h e • - f : .
'in thre'cili; lie re§KetfalrsaliOl*i 3 tiii 110 .. 1 ...V4`d,,,.. -. , :liqllPii_it,„tl 4w iltr d '*r w .>!_„••7', lni l". ult Y''
, y - ' 1
pone mai , oage. . ,-,v,• - •,...,..;:„ ... .., , ..,..1,.i. - „;. , ,,, , ,,..,•.,.J4). : !..,!.,N, : ,...'; ,poreti•i?,:l•pii...,P.... , i , -:_l , -!:i:r.., ::: ii , g ~.iii . .i.i i i,l.,
:Phifodappia,:ll(spen? ei' 7 '•l B it?.? B .., - -;•-:: - ::-,4 - -.'..,, f, , ',!,•;:g 4::::: - Yor.i!P ~ ' •, • Ati* ,P / 9 i iii f' or •P , ••• A , , ~ fr 7 ' ,
,---; •• - ..-• • . . ::: _.... __,,_•-:•..„... ', % • ..: „ .-,•;..,-.• •,...., -, i . , : 7, 1a"iii11ik:• 1 3,4 8 39.:•,,r ~, ••, • • . 1 .;'•?:• , • ••• ,-- • . • • .
•,: ••,,";.:. . 2 _ L': : , 2." , : ,. ~ ,eitp- e pw;;;; : •, : :, -' •, ~.,.•:.,:,:',.'.'. ',:,-,- •_:-...-.•• • ,--, •'• .-•,,, ,
~,....._:_ -
.- -:: ' •,,,,..•,. •;:-,,,:::, : ,
~.,._ •
-- '''.‘ • 1/i: :-• .'" qua n t it y4o , , iiiiiili - '•r 4 '; , •• , ....iiiii iindk'Foria,:s ' . .--' -,.- - - -
uge v reew , , p sale a. , ...,.
„ 4 , _ . ....
..._, , ..
';- - r. 11.405 'AiltilarPr'which'''" lll; Pll`f* 4‘ • 4o "': ,;- : ', , '' ' 'Ti , 'l - 4 , ''''' - 4 . '`e - t. of flie bii Paiii ; il - 0 6 11 .. i' ''l 4 l e. o • .
t otoi•biliilli putt cteliy . exie4 Ao fiotlltiot! Ail: Oy : :,00.• - ., 0 t..... : OP tl" " .- ~,„„, k . • 51 ..., ) _ . • • ~•
a . 60: t b1r, i. ,..,:.,:,.'2,:,,,,,,,,-„,,.„..,....;,... ,; „., :; ,,,,,..4 7 , , ;,„,.,..,i„ .......,„:„..1,. Ic on ihr..5a1e... 14 .-.-?-!•Fl l n,w r i s- 9 -V- 1 ; ) -t-4: 'i a - t- - ", -----:- , - -.
74 '
al-ways In. , hail at the
Pont:lbw of W. SEIBERT Sz CO. Cletinbersburg, of.
,I,OltN HlNE,llardware Nfereleuit, Carlisle, and
gettlieek fie:trial', and if,they.wilLebtretaltii_Yfall,
a nil entire. satisfaction, -no charge will be made; if
they break it is 14 our expense. \%e trill also pay aey,
Typinep tor ;my Ttiabiages or Liss of, time, lie feat'
susliiin in'trvikkg the Pleriglrc,if does not like - IC:kr:-
ter tPial. There have been sold in Franklin and the
akljoinitig county, upwards of ONE :nfousit - ND of
-these.l'lukiiiis, Within .
JOHN DENIG,; .Igent.
•-% Atigust‘27, 1831 —Gin. . -
Is haft for: Many eara been a great -alesiderann
linean antl - A f - perceiiii - Deratists; to anantithe
tore Teeth froncinvol
imitate - the naturalliiing Teeth: ,
Alany.have'tlerotirl -years td'unaineeessfill eperi
inents, and others bate sateceiiiled iii naannalleturing
teeth of materials - sithilar to the - pOrtelain 'ware, hut;
generally they have att-opaajne:-whiter appeaMnee, by
which they atm : easily distinguished - &ma the human
Alter long and tedious experiments, the suliseriber
r lms sin:ea:tied-in nmnulacturang teeth.ormaterials,en,'
tirely.incnrruptible, nil perfectly- in _imitation of hu
man teeth. They haven semi-transpakency, and arc
-made of various sizes and shades. - .
orcases where absorption of the 'aveplat, process,
or other causes may render it necessary, he will cast
of he same: materials attached to the teeth, artificial
gums,. which shalrimitate the gum atl._ supply the
Cosa of substance . . ut-entirely impoSsible for. these teeth ..t.o . change
theireolor, or cause'foetid breath. .
, .. .... . -
Ife will insert them from one to entire sets, in such
manner that they will maker articulation of the - voice
'perfect,- Lunt -materially assist „in_mastiCation, and-so
thai they cannot be disting-nisheHrom the most beau
tiful natural living teeth by the most scrutinizing ob
Ile also performs all the various operations in
Dental Surgiery t accortling:to the late scientific iut
provenients tn the art.
• ' F. grirgyaii Dentist
. N. W: corner Of Charles Er. Payette stteCts,
_ _ —4laltirtiore,-
subscriber respectfully informs the inhabi
tants of Carlisle, and the , public generally, that
he still resides at his Old 'Stand in North Hanover
- streetciPp - osite:Mr.7E7Billlock's - Cliair - Manufactom'
where be continues'to carry on the • •
Cabinet Making -
in all its various branches:, Ile haslately furnished'
himself - with a 'new -and splendid ITEAUSE,
accommodate all those - who mayJavorliirh
with a call:, lle returns his sincere, thanks 'tO:lbis
friends:and . custamer&forl-theliberal encouragement
bestowed on him; and solicits a continuance ,of their .
patronage. lie flatters himself that 1* Arid atfeM;
Lion tolusinesaand a •disPotiourto plcase,.to merit
and recell.o a share of public patronage. • • -
N. One or Two Journeymen 'Cabinet Makin4.
wanted, toWbom literal Waged, will b& given; • An
apprentice will be taken to learn the Minya:tipsiness,
if well recommended. - : • •
, CaiiitleiNeYeraber SST,
nurTinLy, TEETH
• -
lifvfatt' :9 .reget,t2l,4 •
e.,: ,
, ,
-• All rentthereMOtelst •
but:Coliiinlius only folibd
the`great Sisitalshznavlgatommer4';iiP •
pletineg• o PlrAnable ll-4 4 5P 4 0 0 19: 411,0 , , it • ;
Metlicibes...".,D is buCtiVii years •
since Ventibfed 'upon en tinktiatvicedein4, anif r';"
lia,op..discoverektlie. precious object twos-lir ststrobil..Li
of—HDAETI4',.-Yeg,etable, tile., icinea . were indeed.
kilowit,when Lcommenced ply geNroi , ,butithel - r-use - -
was noC - ErtlinAise of them; I not onlylivihed•
- froni the dejected itrvaliktol the hale; hearty antf !ark .
tive man' of business, but, comparatively •
renewed -my - I can, thus, with. confideirice in,
my citvii.e',,xpertenee, advise 'with my •fellow-oitizens.
Doiiii•the reader . iiiiiitTiooof:tbat the VEGETABLE - I
LIFE MEDICINES are,•,:suitable-, to • his o3vw,case .
I have, on file at • uty,office, ; s46 Rroadway;hundreilti
of, letters, fitiii some of respeptable citliehe
of this my nativeland, voluntarily offered testimony
of the, virtues of A GOOD NEGETAIILk.i..SIEDIoo
• l'ersiMaWhose - ConstitutiOn - lutie:been nearly ruin.
"a' by the :"alb:intlillible" . mineral preparations' of '; •
the day, will' bear me,witness, that the Life
chies,,and , such onlyilirp_the true, eoursp pernia.s.
nerd goOd health. " ' • _ , •-•-•