Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, March 06, 1839, Image 3

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"Evente connected with - the same old'•
feretinitihnie indieed the Governor/Gen 7
eral of India to ,take measures for protect=
' ing British interests in that quarter of the
world arid-to enter-into-'-engagetnerits,—the
_ fulfilment of which May render military
operations necessary-, Far thia purPosa
• such. preperations have been made as:" may,
be sufficient to resist aggresions flint), any
quarter s nod 0 maintain th'e integrity of my
- Eastern domain.
"Tbe:lreforni and amendment of the
Municipal Corporations of Ireland are es
_ vendetta the interest of that part of rny do--
%op Mee& •
•'klt is also . urgent that you should apply
yourselves to the prosecution ancicomple
tion of those measures which have been
recommended , by the Ecelesiatieal _Com
missioners of England-for the purpose of
increasingthe efficiency of the Established
Church, and of confirming its holders upon
the affections and respect of my people.
"The better enforcement of the law and
-the more speedy administration of justice
. are-of the- first-itnportance-to-the-welfare,of
the community, and I feel assured that you
will be anxious to devote yourselves to the
examination of the measures which will be
submitted to you for the purporse.cif attain
ing these beneficial '
"Gentlemen grille House of coMMOns,
"I have directed the Annual Estimates
to be . prepared and laid before:you. '
"Adhering to the principles of economy,
which it limy desire to enforce in' every
- department of the State, I feel it 'my 'duty
'• to recommend that "adequate provision be
made for the,eiiiencies of the Publie ser
',. vice. I fully reAr . on yeirloyalty and pa
- triotitim to . maintairalie effibiency ofahose
establishments which are essential to -the
• strength,and securitrof the country. -
"My Lords and Gentleinen, •
- "It is with; great satisfaction - that I'm ena
-bled to iriform youlhat throughout the whole 1
_ , _tat.my_West Indian possessions the period
fixed by law for the final and complete
emancipation of the negroeslias been , anti
cipateff`by acts of the 'Colonial Legisla
ture ; and that the-transit from the - -tempo-
. systern of apprenticeship ,to entire
Treedona has taken place without any die
_J___. , turba'hao „of public-order and.trinquilitY.
Any . measure Which may be necessary in
(order to give full effect t0.. - this great and
2bitieficial - change'will, I have_no doubt, re:
come your u •attentton, -
"I havelo,acquaint you. with deep :con—
cern that the province of Lower . Canada
has again been disturbed by insurrection,
- and that hostile incursions, have been made.
into Upper Canada by certain lawless in
- lhabitante of the' United States of North, A.
merica. These violations of the. public
• i,eace'have'bem promptly suppreSSed by
the valorof myiorces and -the- loyality
- my Canadian vsubjects. - The 3President of
the - United'states'has cilled upon the - citi
zens orthettriion to abstain 'from proceed
ings_so incompatible•witlh 'the friendly re
' • 'lotions which subsist between%lTeat inrit-
an • and Ate lbnitbd - States.
"Vinive-directed NI information upon
all these matters le-be 'laid before you, and
I recommend the present •stitte of these
'F'rovinces to your serious coniideration.. I
rely u pon you to support my firm determine
' lion to maintain the authority of my Crown,
and I trust that your wisdom will adopt.
'such measures as will secure td those parts .
.of my Empire the benefit of internal tran
and thelull advantsges of theirowr.
. g reat natural resources.
"I have observed with . piin the persever
ing efforts which 'have been made in some
parts ofibe country to, excite my subjects to
disobedience and resistance to the law, and.
to recommenddangerous and 4llegal practi- j
.ces. For the counteraction of all such de-
E .2l2sign,ldependsrpon the efficaor of 'the law,
.which willbe my dutyto enforce-upon
— llie - goctl - sense - and - right - dispositiorrof - my
people-upon..their attachment to the prin
ciples of justice, and their abhorrence of I
--violence •and-tlisorder.- -
• .”/ confidently commit all these great in
terests to your wisdom, and J implore- Al
. mighty God-to assist and prosper your
- After the (Lord chancellor'had conlinen
•ced,reading ihe 'Queen's Speech, _be was
interrupted by- . • , •
Lord Durham, who wished to ask. Vitt
count IVlellmurne when it was his intentM
to lay upon the *able of the •House the in
formation respecting the affairs of Canada,
referrett to in her Majesty's Syeich•
Lord Melboiiine, said he could *not lay
upon the table the-papers Until Ministers
,--hadlitade-themselves masers -of , their -con
. Lord Durham 'wished to havetheireport
laitt.upen the •table,. which he had sent;' resf;
. Reeling teanade, as the Ministers
time to tread the - report.
Lord.Bran i gham ;was of
_opinion that her
MajestY l ,o l fanisters were • perfectly .cm:rect
indeciding that ..the report 'should not at
present 'be {aid upon the -- tiible; at the same
-• time he vtae 41 : opinion thatriothing could,
be mote honsirible than the anxiety of hiS
Noble Friend behind hirri'(LOrd
to`husfe the ''matter before Pattie
ment4ithont 'delay:'
k-wdt from a Select q • 'ttee has been
reported `t he. House o reeentatsves, -
~`;bl arch .1834,
away 'front - the
• oitartet,SeisioritrinC,Pdayora i - - 0011ite the
Pqweito • !!T,t'i * 7 do ot
eat, der4 06YA 'that .'th°
04441 1 ;0 0 0 lioittgin4 wards
AbbsperminonWeldth'o l o ll ,, I
,atutually; , -st aiirt4ie and place of •electing '
aunetuhleoirtipts a written or' priated",tiejtet
labelled Po 'ouleide,• 4,License,"'
e containing odtbe, inside the. Woid
•O' they 'are la .'faVor of the , re teig n ,g.ovii.
tiuor. within ; , their ' , horouglyTot
and “No Retail,'":if they ave,sgsinst
The officers of the election Shall make'
a return or the votes polled to, the , 4i:tarter
Sessionkor Mayeil'sCourt, which Atheit'
next session, may, grant Rcenies Wherevor,
majority ; efvotes were given for = 44 Re-,
il," - sulljegt nevertheless, to the, s am
lieges thoglhoy are'now; but notourt can
gra!tt any license inty place where ,
int,llority,of votes were, oiled for the Words
__ ttlin
H E - MUY'& -- EXI 3 OSI TO FL
-'BY.GEOILQB 11.f..1714L1AVS
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.. \
-;-:_ ._ CARL t$L-E-.„...,..--
*r: 4ppointntents by the .Governor. . •
John J. MuCahe:nand William J. Leitier of Phila.:
delpidit, to be aids-de-eampto the Governor.. .
These two Men were ring-leaders in the Mob.
MeCak„en made himself i)otoel s byfii.s inflammatory
..speeches t ittitt.Leijaer_was distinguished as beiogthe
leader of a band of one hundred Philadelphia bullies
and blackguards: • • •
cO-IGFoxwa:W. Cnine,f,sq. will please aecept,our.
hanks for'c•arious'intcresting public doeumeeta.:.
-calt would seem that Richard M. Johnemi - is to
he dropped •by the*kocos as
.a candidate -for the Vice
Presidency al the nest heat Whilst: they . are about
it,-they may' tos well drop .Martin too for old Tippc.
canoe will beat /dm all hollow. . •
criNeighlior Sanderson,-of the Volunteer, who is
a corkict for a libel nion CHARLES W. - PENROSE;
EsciFith- chafacteriatic - . malevolence - Omar - Alp - the.
blackgnard slang 'against this gentlennua r to be found
iiiWis'eiAiiirigeptgri..s, anal serves it up: - to his rett..
ilprs, - ::1:his is reFenge beCause a Ay) , •of his
fixed tponA4rri foiii of 'a black.
-0:7 - We learn that resOution N s - haveheen * introdueed
into the Legislatqepf NcirYorlt fiilly , appre - i:ing the
contluet of Maine, and pledging theState,f a resort
to military; force ikfound . necessary, to matte,. cont
mon-cause with .Maine.
and soloraiard.lfurch ! • • .
The ~ V olunteer announces, with.a' flourish, the' N •it ,s i s a die-inohth, when the-crocus , creeps out of the
rernraWAstura. Gry.tri, Esq. front dui Post Office
.i frozetten. rtil- and l(fts_up its yellow head to the sun.
at-Kiddershinater,.because he:i s - at - a lOCOlopo, anciiinue and the :Vielet look Modestly_ forth:
states that a sound democrat—meaning a loco Thgbuds swell ) .aral the blue, bird and (licitly mid
has been appointed POstmnster at New CUmberland the swallow twit:tel.-in:the sunbeam: and the Ttelds,
in_thsgplace of theincumb_entattlhat who does Pared of-stiow, : heginyiefil-their:russet coat to-a
not appear to be of the right kidney. As usnal,.the living green: •If there a rm:lay 'bhine out in this .
editor Of the 'Volunteer Makes•mention - ofhisfavorite !Wa
many-weathered month, the tackand the feeble
classical figure; hoping that the.Augehn Stable will joice in its, gladness; and the new life it gives, cord;:
he cleansed " effectually," and leading his readers to biped with the revisal of earth,.is..isiltf a cure
suppose Wattle has some idea oetorning ostler," to a thousand ills. The mighty resurrectiotN:(Na-
wOulthadvise good-Whigs who hold Post. tune is beginning to be accomplished. The
fires to-resign, as that department, with Amos Ken- bursting from: its covering—the wild-flower end thel
dal at itellead,.is a rnosfearrupt and rotten concern,garden luilb are breaking from the cenrments of
and,the sooner decent men getaway-from-it, the bet- ' their graves.--and. all things are obeying the call of,
!er for themselves.' • God, and coming forth to an untried existence. There
is a striking moral in thiS anunal resurrection.. And
unless a matt can cloSe his eyes to eisrth;andhis
to reflection, therewilleome in upon hint a thought
of his own resurrection from a wintry grave to a
spring time of eternity. Gentle render! as the vine
shall-again - be green - on the trellinoultliTi - rWe - bleom
in renewed beauty, so shall thy spirit come forth - to ,
blootnin perpetual, life. Let the thmiglit teach thee to
so lay thyself down to the icy grave as that a spring
time of glory shall call thee to Jl•enew.ed life. in the
'warm- eunlight-df - heavenT — ATiirartiglitnTriul,
- FORWARD tifAlllClll-7
MONEY IN In—The Postmaster of the -large toWn. or
t roecester is a leader of the Vaniteshi - Massachusettal
and.late a candidate for Congress. He has been for
years, says the Boston Atlas, one of the grand
priests or 'the Loco Foco party in that Common-
weilth;editor of '[he Loeo Foco Republic:in in that
county, grand manager of caucuses, dispenser of the
spoils, member of the Legislature, and at t'he election
last November, one of their candidates forte State
Senate: .Nothing was dorM; and nothing Could be
brie;:witlidut.hiliiillTaTiTngton. He was the setter up
and he was the puller down of men. This man; fol
' lowing in the footsteps of his masters, determined to
dies for the counterfeiting—not of Ain-plaster?, gegtle
render!t-uot 3vas_a_true_disciple_of_the Ben , -
tonian school.. He,went for a hard money : carrel - my
and would ceuntedat nothing hut- 7 11:11f dollars. /lOW
rnany , 'Of - these went into . the Gaverninent Treasury-hi
paynient of_Post Office:dues—ft-M:6041y knotri - t.
is the Way in Makiinoney in Office: • -
An accomplice having been arrested. in New York,
the evidencenfisisguilteameottt. This evidence Was .
taken possession orb) , another Bentonfin
,With iCto Woreester,.and it is said that he
illireatened the Postmaster with exposure if he did not
resign in his fitviar. The Pcnstmaster did resign:: The
evidence of guilt vita given up, and in due course 'of
moil anotherhardmony lorsr alp reign in,his stead.
3OOt •vays are ndminintriition paths,. often trodden
--their clid is not yet, • •
.MAINX:"."-A 1‘46 , r.from Augusta .
dated February 27, speaks thus of n review of-troops
Called into service froni Kennebec and .Somorset
counties—a strong Whig district: •
"The troops made a good appearance, and were
relief animation. .• The Kennebeckers, you know, al
ways 'unto right; and will of course jfkiit refl. . The
Call their services . Was promptly, responded' to.
About half past three o'clock, ,they were
by Governor Poirfield,-WIM, triode a strong warlike
speech—'-he -told them 'to: "go and drive bank the
Aritisbr myainldrini l " to go guittiltifend at therpgintof
the bayonet the honor of our State.' Now we iVirigs
like thur-; has been . Our,ground for years, bia yort„
know' thO have : •
These diftitultice ,, it, is aril understood, have re
gsltectfrota the timid and -
-, Po o
General . ' Government. The Whig, party -In .Malne
have always...aeteUfaithfulV.nnd..feweleasly,in_Mabi...
Mini:lg . :the integrity of the soil. 'lnde'ed_ that Wit
funiManly coarse of civerner Kent Viet 'year 'was
strongly aPPraia'd sisal u s laranglY,,,ip- .1
- poied,by the Loco tiros. to-tho haPdai' , :eomitiefc
however,. be was epTlernned'hy, ;the Van' Buren-men
0a liurenen
for,unt taking granger. ground and plunging
time ' o siPtry.intOSi wear. And on the tide of this hor
cr.a*:faeling:o4l4p. Rower. The
ipe of Ahe:juPPOsition :and the 'Aiim-cant*lta!PallaY
„lin*nmen s t, induce a the PreVincial
*atliarittO they might safely_ take a higher
eu n, Ai an: ilktbtration of thla feeling;: it is said,
brhuglit,'.Mr John limey's
.."Piln*.as:gla.iaaaa!raltY of P „, 16 5 4
"eSpeeialil, at that *
.evineed by th*Legislature
101**Smge of the raSolutiOns, ~ They
Abeir 2 :.,iblitelte.: :And unless soMa eiolljelan Keel;
i•gidy talten:plaee, thei.e is no fear of a war.' They
,are not "fool-hardy' enough to :light three''Aimes their
number.ln the forests of, pitic; while the atir-Mid
the rendering the. country?! ant . And
*foie reinforcements can arrive; itloAresumed the
heat ollboth, parties .will have e r ooleir lit4eicidly to
, '
: 7 :a.ir_.._:e.,4y41: . 5.4 -,14. 1 (1x.
,a,stg 1g1*v:.0.0':.1.t,,tp't..4
Nots-oosistrrrst Dorarr.Tlie N: Y,Gourterass „
Etiquirer,has the followingjustreinarksuptus_Vietli
ren's Message, in yelation to the Maine Beendary dif
&Slides. By this Message it iMuld:,,appear that the
claim Sir . Jahn Dm" ; or to exclusive jurisdiction
over Disputed Territory is denied,snd the contract:
of Gove . rnor. of Jiaine in calling out .the militia
disapproved,. In short, ?thine hilsoth applauded and
reproved whatiti - Mi`appisimverY. inconsistent
and derogatori to the , General Government—tie
President, while'he;believes it to be due to both End
Lion of Maine should be changed„ simply Makes aye
guest to that *effect upon theGoverpor, instld Of en-.
forcing it with the power of the General Government
It must be nianifeit to every reader, that this !nes.'
sage is far more in keeping with thepeculiar charac
ter ofMartin.Van Ilu . ren, than with the dignity of the .
! President of the United . States, whose duty it is to
watch over alike the honor and peace of the'Country.
If Maine is correct in the attitude she -now _ oceu-_
Pies, then was it the duty of the Executive to have
attmed the whole responsibility of that attitude and_
notional affair7.;.-btitlf on the = eoattary, as
is to be-Inferred from the message, Maine has taken it
position nett warranted by the state of the case;--then.
Was it equally,incumbent upon the General . Govern,
meat to require That that position should be forthwith
11:irtof - the Eicentive has notithuit_anted ilnitilanrai; -
dopted a noediurn,non-cOmmittal course, which in our
'estimation, is not only derogatory to the General
Government; bat - calculated tOhave an - injurious influ
ence upon an amicable arrangeMent of the question.
• ab . We.,:pre sorry to learn that GaMomlTitostes . „
C. Altittn, one of the members of the - State Senate
froth this district, is detained foam his 'seat, in that
body by severeindisposition. • • - \
March—h6ck ham,
Comes in like a lion, goes out like s lamb."
• , OLD Sdral
Inconstant, coimetislG„March• has:come, and 'With
r her Spatrio. Variable to
_e Proverb, she has long
held a cracked- - reputation-even among Poets., , .old
Churchill calls-her, • . - -„
‘,‘ March, various, fierce . iin4:3old, with Wind-cracked
cheeks; ,
fly wilder'Welshmen led, and crowti'd with leeks."
And quiet Clare, the rural poet, '
" March month of many weathers, wildlytornes
In hail Snow anthain:" •
Even those wise lines, called proverbs, which• come
down to us as the collected wisdom of centuries; rest
-not-:Without a - jibe - at-this"respectable
month: . '.' A mind} , , :March and a showery:. 4 mil
.makesat the - VOrkehi re Man.
And 'our 'Saxon .ancestors • taught us--!' a-bushel of
Mara] dust is worth a monarch's ransom:" a pro r
verb founded, as some One nays, On, that remarkable
truth, thitt.the (rusk from an honest hat is'
good'for Sore;eyeS,' But March means spring, tind,,
spring means life, andlife gives)iealth and beauty,
°lithe '2.lst inst. by the Rev. Henry: Astrand,' Mr:
Westpenniborough township..
Accompanying the shave notiee; ricei ved-a_ rnost- i
delicious slice of wedding cake; from which we infer
•,• • •
that thehappy couple are of that portion-Ofthe human
:race who never "trgclike•Brinter." They have our
• •
well wishes forthcil happiness through !Mare life.
In this borough, on Wednesday evening last, - bythe
Rev. William 'f Sprole, Coloncl JoloCrWiT,to
Miss ELIZABETH MBA PHI*, both orlfatrisburg. •
' On the evening of the 26th, ulf. by theßev. Robert
Cedden, P. R. of Chiunbershurg District, the Rev. J.
CLAtut of the Baltimore Annual Conference, to, MISS .
MARY H. AROLE, of... Franklin County.
Otaluirsday last by the Rev. Henry Aurand, Mr;
XAN, of Silver Spring township. . -
On the fist ult. at Loyalsocic, tycoming co. Pa.,.b ,
the Hutleori, - Mr.4: Shoeniaker,Elifor , of
the"Muncy Telegratth," to Mi as ..I.largaret H., daugh
erof Ate late Ileniantin •Ikttria. " •
. -
' bltil_, - - -
.Suddenly, on - yeaterday evening, Mr:- Wtt.u.sat
-Duarce:c:orSoutliiireptiin - towliship. . .....
-On Sunday the 25th Mr. Prileit-Tarrr, ef W ..
penimboroufili townahp, in the 84th-year of his,* e.—
A Soldier bl the Revolutionary war.
On Tuesday , .evenitig; , ..the 12th ult. ,I 1 4tuutuT
BAncLa' of.the,revollition, • 4 - about 27
more tan
B. was a native of Irela , et had been
for more. ian.ludf a century a real ent of Carlisle.
. ~.
. ACA D.
- A leyture will be delivered by JUDGE REED, in
the:“Etptetl Rights Saloon," on 'ruesanytraing next,
the•l2th blatant,
Rtilfeet--" Infireniv." ' ,
• -The piddlii,arevespeettully Invited to attend. •
1 q
----a-.! ---7. ..- .
THE VALUALE property situ to at the corner of
iligh and. Pitt streets, in,the:horouglt of Carlisle, lute
the property of Jolin. lyikttin; diieeased.::-The. lot. is
iptyfeet front orcit atea_ i;014.4(Y : fee( dee."' on .Pitt
'street, running no Aitilleicitil4fAlley, '• 1 here are
'- . ' -". cit. I ittintilliii property p Two Story
• Ifs , -'r-L'' '.--•STONI3I-HOUSE,',vatifatsttineS/alktied,
't' r ) i : '... a.ti"VastorplitlCh. HOUSE, with ifet..-.
i- ~ .05 1 '0."0.41 ihop#: . : . TR& lot' la well .'eultlVitCtl;
! --- ~...-.:- -,-,.: .-, •-.. contitlatki variety 'aro:tit:trees. Tbere
1 is a never failing well' of VxCellent 'Water, in' ti yartl: . !
I l'hisl.o,roOrty beirig".eituated :direetly in . fronCof:An •
Cinnbeifitnd Valley - Rail Road s sit' ihe point .wliere th e
oars seetii,'itiiffers it ;most eligth/e seitel'for.n Store in
this - borough: ~,Pcisegasitto.:giqn ttn' dity:"!!"-A 1)1. ',• " : :•.:- ' ' '''; ' ;ICtill , ti4t3l)o* b O .
~.,.. .
--7...bi114C10,11.fa1e1i-5 - 18.59. '' -. • .':.-.-,-. ....,, . , ~. ,
. - •
310.* - tkii
INISEPII:•MOSEIER, (4. AlleitNiw4ltip;':.rfunt
birinini'aciiinty, haring, on the 4qtlicitity brTOrtioi . y :
altirao;iiie Anted In a ssign ment'of- perty
of evert;s r leseriliticai;t6" the'snhseriber„
lir , of has creditors; as will mere'fullY 'APP9 I Mb•Y, , ,Ihe
said assignment which is on rettord‘ r. Notice hOre..
by - girtin - to .- alf - Ahaselutlehteit'M - theida - AOSPRIt
MOISSEIt„ by note,: hook .neeount '.or'.,otiteriOise' s : to '
inakSt Paf Ment without delay, and 'all those haribg•
Claim,* to present, iliem for settleimeat,:to' •. •
• '•''''''''3oSEPll WlllsLETti,4saignes
. isash-6t;
wartztamlta 634111t1.2%,
~ „ ,
' - 11.r...auliscriber_heingaboutto remove' t o the west
will offerat publio,saleat hi-4 residence tivo miles wes
of Neirtille, on the State road,'On Wednesday the .90th
day of March,the following perional property, viz :
, , .
Shee . .
-..* llokees, Cows, p 9 111`7140 . 9
.TWO - ipcilioniV'Tioughtt,' `Ha rrows,", and
other fanning Utensils: * , HouseholdAlso , l and Kitchen.
• furniture, - . such' DR Tablesi : hairs;_..---Btire '` us,-'•
iteids; oStoyes,'
Beek Case;Ctipboard: Draiwers,l3echliii)
and - rotifer kitchen furniture too numeroust enume r
rate. Sale to commence at 9 co'clock,when die atten
danceind a reasonable_ ci*lftWill he given by.... _
March 5, 1839.-3w.* '' - • .. .
—The Coramissioners of Cumberland county; will re
' ceive propoaalsat the house of 'John Common, inn
keeper, in the borough of Carlisle on Friday the 19th
of April next;betWeen nine o'clock in the forenoon
two o'clock in the afternoon, for the erection Of agood
and sitbstantial 'Wooden it across the Conodo- I
guinet creek at 'the place where the State road from
Landiaburg to tGarliale,- by waylof •11V:agoner's Gap,
-crosses said creek, iri.the Township of-North-Al iddle--
ton, oldie followingdimensions, to wit: To contain in
length abutment to the Other 190 feet, - and
-16 feet wide in the clear, the abutments tobe obout ten
feet thick each' or more if required in .a !playing
rection; with a regular - slope,. and to be eleven feet
high from the bottom of the ,creek; froml whence a
wooden arch is to be Started and to extend acrogi said
creek - from one abutment to the other, if procticabi6ir
- not, thereaball be two. +pans of 95 feet - long, each itup
ported on good and substantial stone abutments and
pier, the floor to be double floored with two inch plank
the upper floor oak and thelower pines:the _sides _and
gable ends,to be sufficiently high to admit covered and
hay wagons to pass through the,same, say twelie and
a half feet in the clear, to be closely- weatherboarded
and painted red, the whole to be well roofed with good
white pine4shingles;, the - Whole of the; wood work 'to
be well isecui•etiwith iron bolts, ready eyes, &c. From
.the baekof the abutniebt the filling, shall consist of ;
earth and stone, and tobe well supported with titling,
walls tlf4 — c feet filling ot - Treneh side, &
to extend in that manner, on the two extreme sideis of!
the bridge until the filling and- walling-shall meet 1
'the road, with an ascent and descent not exceeding five
degrees elevation from the *ad to said bridge; the
woodwork to be built of sound and substantial timbers
: soh& work of - large Tied stone, - lime and - sand
mortar well .pointed. The party contracting to give
such security as the Commis:it onerS may . require for the
faithful perfamence of the workiattnahp and perma- - !
ne.ncy of saidbridge,- • .1`
• Proposalsto be accompanied With a plan. Should
none of the' proposals meet titer approbation of . the
commissioners they will, lon the setae day, between
two and fiveo'cicick in the afternoon, expose the •-said
bridge to, and ell the same to the 'lowest
and best bidder. . - •
• .
, • _ • ) Cominissionere 2 i
- Attektioimlawnl;.Clulk. • -.• •
Carlisle, March 5, 1830. - • •
• • The Plaster Mill, om Conodogthiet creek one Mile
.north of Carlisle, is in order to grind any'ijutimity; on
the - shortestno.troo, and on the•usuall terms. , • -
There is a quantity of Plaster, for sale, at the mill,
Where plaster will always be kept, ready ground—lt
will be Oat Carlisle price, either for • cash,.
-or in exchange for sawlogs, locust timber, maple tim
ber, black oakbark, vanish or rock oakbark, grain Ste.
CARLISLE, Afarch, 6,1899.
• Et
will • — g ive the highest price for BLACK, OAK
BARK either delivered at cave-mills, - one milenorth
efJarlislc,or safely piledtip env where withie 15 miles.
It _most -be-put•-xtp-dvy, free--from- mould ; -and-or a
.good Color—and be well secured from wet-4f the
_rossi s enured off, i_ll4ll pay a fair price for the work,
and hawl the bark t 7 .5' miles. : .
spanish, and rockoak bark—Sawed
plastering bodily clinirmabers. sttilf, stuff for, cabinet
makers, and other turned stuff, 'are always outland.
Applyet the mills, or to , .
Carlisle, :Ravel 6, 1859. • . . •• •
3urt begun suld 'held on 'Tuesday
ry, lB39,und - held at Carlisle; in
flnty,beftre the non. John
the 29
:Intl fr
Esqui id Aim' Stuart and John Lefever,
Diqui. _ --....., .edges of the same court, &c. the.
.e rtti
following proceedings win •had , .to wit:. - • __
49th January, 1839. In t t ease of the writ of Par
tition and_valuation, ou the rea "estate of Henry Long-,
tiecker, deceased,. on minion of-W:SF:- -Line, - Esri.—
Rule on the heirs to accept or refuse to,tmeept of the
said Teal estate at the., valuation Itemof. 7 tree to be
published in one Newspaper in.Carliale, to thzse who
reside out, of tlte county, for three successive 'ereeks,
retarnalle next - stated Orphans COurt.
. ,
- Cumberlan - d - Dathity - Lt
. .
-----7---- "rticPCZtify . the above to be a true Co,
• . •.•.. py of the original taken from the records
... : of the OrphanV Court, in and for Cum.
• ,
..•• berland county. In' testimony 'whereof
!,„. . Thereunto set mytand and nifix,theiteal
' i . of said office at Carlisle the 2d day of
Morel*, A... 13. 1899.
Ainrch 5,1839
Y-virine of sand!, 'writs of -Venditioni Expop
. tne:direetelloastied out Of the - Court - a •o•
mon Plessof Cumberland comity, will be ex
Public sari, at the court house in the boron. I
lisle, on Saturday the Soth day of Mare,,
o'clock,A. M. the following •describ
The u n divided fifth • tof a ,Traet
Land . , situate in North Mi tleton .township, Con,
Leiden(' county ; bounded y lands of John Jacobs,
Philip Zeigler, Ada Kunkle; Jacoh:-Smith and
others, containing o hundred.tintl seventeen acres,
more or Less,: ta ng' thereon erected a Small Log
House and' other out houses.—seized and
taken in exe O don as the - property Of - vlbrohani al/e- -
Al , &Tract or Mountain Land, illoate‘l
in 4 township of Southampton,Ctimberland county,
.ntaining twelve hundred Beres, more or less, ad
joining-lands -Of-James Clark,-Esq.--Conrad-Cleveri ,
Moore & •Iliddle, and others,--Seized and taken in
execution Ratiteproperty orJames Miter.
And to be. sold by me, •
3011. N. MYERS, Sher
• flherill's Ofl3ce, Carlisle,? • • -. ••- -
February 28,1839.. • 5 .
.. • .
. ...,,_
. 9 _ bUIL alog , , Beet-• ngßed,Early Turnip, Frencliliumte....
fIY virtue of a writ of Pieri Pacilis to me directed ~ ,, Iletm. s tl-Long'r,.o, Red Valentine, China, White..
issued out, ot• the, Court or Common Pleas of . D ' e j l i o n ,„!*,„T u l t ., v eri Ta L im a.C l l 94 l !• /4 P • . -••-: -• '
umberland county; will be exposed to &Win sale te ca •al• - „,,,,.° r- ttc,;• 4 1 ,, ''''' .. En ' 1 E 3 1 i', u
the CoUrt Renate, in the boromili of Ctirlisle;mi, Sat- - York •t".' '
urtlay 'the .30th thty of March 0139, tit ten o'clock,A. , runilmail, ‘la patilt.„ Eetl :Patch, Curled Sit- .
M. the following deacriliettlieal Estate, to wit: •
• •'! °Y.. • • - , ts - '' • ' • - • ' •
. ... 7 , 0 .. °TN, t rl, ugar on , rge
. 1 . Corrot-arange, , :arly4lorni .., • • .
-.• All. the interest of jesee :Kilgore in alma 1 ':- C,,alliffiow, em- • -
.-.;- • - :-- - '-• - "•• . "
of land sitnate in Newton township, containhiginne - tdiam:Per-- 1 4 1 4.‘ tireno,.Early Praise. -e, , - ..."-
hundred and, twelve •acres ; more or. less,. adjoining , Celery---White Solid, Red Solid: •' .••••, r , -,,
. •
lands of Samuel - Me - Owe, Jacob Sw.oyeicWitrt Siiiiili-•-..Cress--Pine:Curlett '
and others, having thereon' erectetta:t*.ti Story . Log. . ' /...,.** Rant - 7' 14 0t PurP • •
liousc,weitherboardO,LoillarnithdStoneGritiary .c"../ 1 1./i've,...euriefl• • • •'• ' ' ~.„' Early :. -
- -- —------- -. .Lestime--T-Early - Cuirled;GreenTi...vicCabnage;
{rbwn Dutch.-
, tll,,telon-Witter:Nlitrrieg,•Cition, ';•
Alutturttipig•--Okra. ,'- : • :
~• ••• • ' ,21 - •' .. , ...-:.
Onion;-Silver' Skin, RettAnnnal,Largliyellow. .
Parile,y.-:•Paraltip-Fine Seger,. • - , '
Petis.-Extra Early, Early" Frame, Early•Charlten,
Ai* MarroWritt; Dtyarf Marowfat, Bluo,lmperial. •
,Ppfißct-r-Large, Sweet- ~.- •, - • . ~ -. . - •
- Rachakee--Lor,lgBfilumn, trig:Scarlet., White Tar
ap, Red Turidf), Yellow Tuttilp., -"•- ' '
.17huerarb---Saleafe. • • • . , ' • •
- SPlOtichi;•-• - •ißots,•Sikvayi• Prickly Seeded, -----
Sounit-E,arly flush, Long Green.
',Trirn,ft-.-Early Fast, Red ToppOi YOloii.Sweetl--
Altio,ell,the'ieterest . of•Jesee'.Kilgore
. .
eigli - tieep-aerni of-Mountain Land, More or leis, situate
Ho ell toweship, adjaining,latids of Jacob
ltilgore's heirtrand'ollers:'.- . •
Altoi:*.`ijtit of Moueteiriterid; situate iii
Mifflin tcriOnship; ,containing elk aerea, more or less,
adjoipinglands of lichert AlioFtirlane, Wm: Greasey
.and other Cu. 'Seized andtakep ekeoution tho•pro T
pertrofjesse.Kilgore. And'lble sold by me,
JOHN. AWERS, :Sheriff.
. • -.' ~ : LAW. ,•ltiorilllGE.
iijite,t . 0, - 1, - f . ii i 4o'iwroifi , ':) 6e'.' d'uties of his
: lute olliee as Judge prolibies'to resiitue the ' - •
rt•aceice:;of Law,
~,,, . A CARD.
at arlisle'Reditsylvsuia; •• ' . • • ' -•. ''•
~ . '''' ' '
_.. .., .
•:•.•,Pe tentlereldik services to ALL • yam may. think it. ': .7. - • ' "'l9 ir, • Johkr lll / Ir ;'-' lllyero. ~•:.
theirliitereit 0 emliioy•Lhitia. ',' .• ' ' 7.
. ' '' . - '-'7.
*ii, hail':
--Bri-om-66-ifiir hi EFOW iilibitie7 Opposite die College ' „ j- L NE°llB ' hi ' a-trie ' i4"466)i**P ' bibis pr t
C ounkpip, , . . ~.....
... -..... resumed the duties of : hitilurgeliii T.tiiitt'fiiilyi
• ' The tau School, urge'lliis . car t , wiii be tined ,'_qtin“• give bite Undivided attentiinv•te 'tla3;,,tieqU'e• of• Ital
and lie holies to be able'to begets. uau it• mote' U 1 : 8 "-ev1:1-1*-111"--nsh. " '' ..
: ' '''' ' '' '' ' ''' '' ''':l;'-'' ' ' ' ''... ' ''' ' :tr- i'' '' '4l
interrupted attention ~- • , . I .... n--,/ , .(o4ll . *Utliiits , is .l4 'the iitane:FtutttiliAahijoillie - i
-, t, ' ' ' t ' ' -, ' Drug .Store, smut Ofib'door'froni . the Petit'Uffia ,
•w, Carlisle: rehriiiiirs 2,T. 1839.—dw." ' • - ''''' ' ' . ' . ' ''' ''
'. e '.•
' '
All, that MeS9tlie, Plantation and Tract
of Landolitolde in the township otSouth- Middletoti,
in the county-of Cumberland, bonntledmuldescribed
as follows, to wit : Beginning at an ash oak tree on
Mountain creek, thence by lambic& the heirs of Chili:
! McClure, - deceased, south. fourteen and a half de, •
greet, east, thirty•tliree - -perelies, to a Post, theneo
across - said creek by land of John 'McClure and tbe
heirs of Joseph Knox, deceased,• (calle ' d the Fatter I
Mill tract) south, seventy-five ,degrees and a, half
West, thirty perches to mountain . stone, thence along
the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike Road, mirth nine
and a half degrees west, fifteen erches and.two. tenths
to lime stone, thence by the s sme Of .I%feClurei
-and-Knox's lieirs:suntiveightywnine - diteelYs — Watififly
five perches and .seven- tenths to a white oak, thence
hyslie saine land; north
..oneatul -a half degrees cast,
forty-fourpercheimmae yen t molt S,to'tt post,shence,l
hr . the same latid.,SOitili . eiglity-two , ahrd three•:fourthi
iota-degree - west: fifty-three perolies.,and five' nibs:l
to thence by the 511:111e bind-north - nine degeeeti
west, twenty 7 five perches and, sift' tenths to a -post,
thence by land of William Moore'sheirs north;fifty
five degrees- east; seventy-eight: perches' to n-hlack
oak, thence, across _turnpike' by the Knife land
north forty-three degrees east; one hundred and five 1
-perches to a S..paitith oak; thence by hind of the - IfeieS - :
of Philip Reieliter,ilecensed, south fifty-foortlegrees,
and one fourth east , thirty-threo perches and 141...8re1i
tenths to a black:oak, thence by the same land north,
thirty-two degrees east, twenty-one perches al I seven
tenths to a stone-heap, thence hy,land forinerly o f
Jacob Joab,,soutli sixty-three and n half ilesrees east,
twenty,six peeches.nnd seven tenths to lilac on - the ,
bank of Mountain creek; thence up said creek by its
Several ennrses and distances to the place:Of begin
nine, containing one. hundred and mght acres -and
eighty-five percheinfid.allawances, together with all
and singular the buildings, .woods, water courses,
eights, privileges__ and_ nppertenances;--whittiocver-J 1
therennto belonging, or • in nny way appertaining,.
having thereon erected a two . story Log Houie and
two one story Log Houses; and klatp brick bank
barn.. Seized and taken in exception es the property ,
'William Barber, jr.-and Sampson 'Mullen.
_ Tract or-Parcel of - Land, situate
nod lying in - the - .to-timillip of Dickinson, hounded as
follows, to'wit: Beginning at a post, thence by John
Zeigler's land north one degree and three fourths,
east one hundred and nine perches to n' black auk
tree, north sixty-four and one North degrees, west
twelve perches and six-tenths to a dead white oak
tree; thence by land of Samuel Weakly, north - lofty
nine and three-fourths .degrees, West sixty-two and
two-tenths perches to n Spanish oak tree, north eigh
ty-three and, one;ltalf degrees, .west twenty perch,*
to-a post, thence by Adam Keensey's laneonntl9sfo.
and one degrees, one hundred and thirty-five
perches to a post, ,thence by land of Mr. Free; south
eighty-five degrees, east fourteen perchepfo a ,post,
then& south three and one-half degrees" ; west twen
ty-nine perches to a post, thence age * by John Zeig
ler.'snnth eighty-four degrees, enstitine perches to a
svhito oak tree, north eighty-onp-and one
xtypercheitlpapoStfr:d '
_ place i.f..beginning-_,-
ViiiakiilliiitY:iiine acpei . 111111 one hundred and
twenty fierclies, atricttnensurp, together with the :IP
uttrtenanct4‘theiqut.ef behinging.—Seized and taken
in execution a t e: property of John - Croniater, 41e ,
4,// ,
ceased. And t ,srdd by me, ,
.----.-- i ---- 301.119 - MYEARS, Sheriff,---
- Sheriff' Office; Carlin e, . .
-----F, re:My-IRO - 8A - 5..... .
outae l -am.
Of Common.. School ./2pprOption due
frnn the .State to the different
Districts of Cumberland
County for the School
:rear, 1840:
Alicis t ° $273 85
Carlisle, 506 92
Dickinson, 328 liS
U. Pennsborough, 293 . 2t}
Frifrkfsrd, • 188 39
Dopewell, 1'32 07
Mechanicsburg, 80 92
191 69
Monroe • 199 40
By order of
Commitaioners o.„Rce, -
Carlisle, March 5,1839. 5
fi of Cai
41839, itt tc
,Heal Estat
3 HAVE jut reeelVed frOm llr. Linnlieill; nn ex=
tensive r:lssortment of Garden. Seeds, consisting-of
. February 26, 1.839
IP R rat T
THEiutiecriber Offeiirat - private sale the followin.
valnafale,'real estate: • •
No. I. "4
fakii,e firat rateClAmeAlone
oAnd, aituale - , in ',Djokinson townabiti, •Ptnnberland
9ounty, nontaining „ - •
gOatilk.og House.and good . Orchardi.A .1 1 ` •
of,viater and'other itaprovernents, ,
No: 2. :/2 valuaOlefarnieittiate in West
Pennslioreugh township, on the eaiii - efPalin's Tavern
the great western,turniulse passing the door, containing
180 - AriliEgi 2 MORE746R - LEgg,
of good Limestone land, a good Log House, Orchard
and other improvements., - • '
No.,A . 4 farm of first rate Limestone
Land, omdaining . . . . • •
in Westpennshorough township, Big' Spring , (that in
comparable' stream, of: Limestone water, alwati lbs
same and never freezing, not equalled by any spring in
the United Mates) passing on the :western margirt.—
The Improvements area proportion of cleared land, an
Orchard, a first rate • . ' .
riounzim ariur,i, •.• •
igittilzlfoure, Batli inta - Staling, Ibuee,
_Cooper Shoff CA.: . Ml:nearly new and of the first order.
This propertyls Iwo and half miles south of the Cum
berland Valley Rail Road,at the Ncwville depot;and
holds out 'very flattering induceinentsto ehpitalists:.
N0.,1. and 2, will be sold' s the property of the late
William M'Carllish,dee'd. and No, 3,as the proper
ty-of the subscriber,
Big Spring, March 2,1839--if.
• The Village Record and Lancaster Examiner and,
Herald, will publish the 860.e..six...weeks, mark price
'and charge till's office. . 1' •
BYB, .
virtue of sundry writs Of Levari FRC/88 to me .
Ja directed, issued out of the:Monet 'of 'Common
Pleas of Cumberland county, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, at the: Court House, in the bbrough of Car.
lisle, on — Sliturtlarthe - 90WOF-"March, 1839; at - toil
o'clock, M. the following, described real estate,
to wit:— • • •
D 2 3 -
Pot 110.64 n
xtraet - Of a letter to the Editor of tI
Herald and'ExPositor, dated -.
• HARRISBURG, March 5, 1830.
Dt AR Sm :--The nomination .of .11;00F
.HEPBURN,has,this moment been con
firmed by an.almost.unanimous.vot7 of the
Senate-=--Mr.. Williarns„ - ofl4llegheny ; ..a,,.
lone voting against the confirmation., Mr:
_ Penrose: siiiiirised ,the:
zeal he displayed in eulogizing - Mr. H. both
as a laviyer, and a christiati., Ii Was stated
in_the -debate on the nomination - that Mi.
Hepburn .had not been .a warm partisan
f ilo — withis_grievous 'misrepre
sentation was palmed upon Honorable
lors I cannot say:: , ---bnt certainly you and
the peep le of Cumberland couniy will beat
a great loss, to.eonceive. what constitutes
ttfirtn partisan if • Judge It has.-not ETen
One. • fain his personal friend:4.wish him
hope he may 'acquire honor on the.
.13 - etielt=;bitt I should eonsiderit a gross
1 der to say that he .has' not__beettla , warm
and alinost a..rvitiotts imert,
sAN.. If he figs.:not been; then •-1 have - .not:
- been ; for certainly viefenrielitls been my
course, I' have alioys InOked 'upon
my'friend Hepburn (andj knoWle.4ill not
take •otrence at the •assertien) , as yet more
zealous . ana combustible than,thyself.
a -trttee-to fetrospections---let "by:tones be
"bygones."" .Mi. - Ilepbtirn isnow „a - Ridge
in : lsracl,,and as stud; ' (independent of my.
„Personal friendship for him,)- I am 'disposed
-to respect him and.give ) -iiint.:72-fair-tria6 ,, ..
ciiriv . eyithy - -i6p_kets'tu 11.6not;_atid let
him - know, ihrengh the medium of your
- paper,-thaj,rshall rejoice if he add fuStre to
his name,' and grieVe if„_ by sinking .the
judge in the' demagogne,' he Should slain
the ermine a justice for,ltim
• _ _
self an infamous reputation. -•
• . •
An Act giving to the President ot 'the Ut l it..•
States, additional powers for the de;
fence of The United States, in 'certain Ca
. ses e againat invasion - , and for, other pur 7
_poses.•-•.• • -
Be •it enacted by the Senate. and
• House
of Represent. Ives-of the United - States of,
'America i • Congress assembled,'•That the
Preside of the-ll rifted States he, mid he'
herel is, authorised to resist any "attempt
ot lc part of Great Britain to- enforce, by'
• rms,dier clam to exclusive jurisdietion'a: l
ver tliet part of the State Of, Iffaitie. tyhich is. 1,
- in dispute between the United :Stales and
Great Britain; and, for thatpurpose, to em-.•
ploy the naval and military
_forces !Oh,
'United States antEsuch portions Of ; the mi
litia' as hp may deem it advisable to call into
Service. •
SEC. 2. Arid:be it further enacted, That
the militia; when Called into the service of
the - United States, by-virtue of this act, or of
the act entitled, "Am act to provide_for,
ing-forth the militiato--exectite-Ltlje-law f
the Unioti,_suppress insOrrections,
_vasion, anti to repeat the act _now in force
for those • purposes," inay,s (lin the _opinion
of the-Pilsident of the United - , States the
public interests, require it, be compelled to
serve for a term not, exceeding six innoth.4
after the arrival at their rendezvous,
in any one year, unless sooner dischaged.
SEc, - 3. - And be it further enacted, That
in the event of actual invasion of the Terri
, tory of the United- States .by . any, foreign
'Power; or otimminent danger of such inva-'
• .
shin discovered, in his opinion, to exist bet.
fore Congresss-can he convened to- acfnpoti
the subject, • the • President be; and"- he ie
hereby authorized,- if he deert Me-same ex
pedient, to accept the services of - any 'num
bei of volunteers not exceeding .fifty thou
sand, in the"rnanner provided for in an act
of the United. States to accept the services
of volunteers, and to,raise anadditional re
,- gi m ent'os , diagornia' or-mounted riflemen,"
approved AlaY .•• _
Sc,p 4 . ...;And be it further enacted, That, -
in - the'event of either of the 'contingencies
provided, for in - this. act; the President of
-the United-States shall•be'. authorised to
complete the public armed Vessel . ; now au- 1
'thorised by law; and to: equip, and
employ, 'in actual service;'"_all'Alie,. naval
- , fgrce - of the United Stateiland'''l6'. - build;•
inirihase; pr - Charter, 'OM; equip, and man'
eneti.;itiiiisels - and Steamboats on lie-North-
Wattirs — conimi
nit:ate - With - the' United States and'. Great
neiessitry to lite
teet the United States from'. invasion .from
that quarter.. : • '
5. And beitfurTheremacted, That
Newton,. 188 39
Newville .- . ' 98, 46
N. 7 Middleton, • 229 83
.S. Middleton,_;. 299 10
Silver Spring, . 238 89
ShiPpenslOg bo. 192 . 28
Shippensb'g tp. " 18 12
Southampton, 197 46
--W.Penneburo' 257 02
the Commissioners,
!lIN IRWIN, Clerk..
the sum of ten millions of clollarsis hereby
aPPrPpriated and placed, at his disposal, ,for
the purpose',4executing , the provisions of
this act ,• prove do for which the:Secretiry
of the 'l'reastity is authotized' horro:ar
money. - Ontihe credit of the thjited , Sjatest
and to cause terticissited celtifidateeiirtte*
signed by the Regietee of theTreePertiffer
116 - eWliftflfelfe - rroV:#oo ll 74int,i &tg,rll
and the sante'to tie'sekimirnt 11 *Y0t1titthe
that olaY effelP.d.# 4 o , for
proposals fgir ,4 l),P Patrkel':illvitied.:'rliat Ito
engsget rtrtiltek eholl ho intOred in
whie.htehe.ll'oe.oluilit -o*' , 'Y6iftidOntes
'herl'4Wed'A.4o thEi''AXPlrOc r ilCOPt i leeiie
rate of neiti ‘ 4 olnAttitti''
i'4ll*f , litioresti.l4 l),
, „ Y., 0,,
.1. 0
"Respectfully, M. Editor,
Your ()Wt. Servant..
SEC. 6.: Andbe it further enacted, Thdt
the sum of eighteen thousan'd dollars be, 4,N.
the same, hereby appropriated, out of any'
money in the Treasury not otherwise ap
propriated, for outfit and salary oflt,spScial.
minister to Great Britain : Provided, The
President of the United States shall deem.
it expedient' to appoint the same. '• . •
_BE°. 7. And be it further enaCted, That in
the event, of otherzontingenciesprovided for - -
in the first and seeds:Ms of this act, the.
President of the 1 3nited.Stateishall- be ,
- Waxen; apply a part not exceeding Si,
000,000 of the appropriation made in this
_act torepairing_or_arminglifortifleatips2a=
• long the, seaboard and frontier.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, that
'whenever militia or volunteVie are balled
into the service of the United States, they
shall 'have, the_organizatier,Let theArtry_of
the' United States, : ond receivs'4he
same pay and allo*tineee,
Sc.E b. And be - f it:further, enacted, That
flue several-proviiions'of this a z ,,-.liliAlUie in
foiee until the end.of sixty Aar' aftPr4 ,l 4:,
meeting; of the first session of liqgtprtrt
gress, and no longer. ' -
Speaker 'Of the House of Reroserttetitrea:
Wlll'. R . •KING;
President pro tem of the Sella*.
Approved, March 3, 1839:
-- • • VAN---BUREN.
tiM A RiKE_T_S:,':.:_
- • Baltimore, March 4:
FLOUR.--The last accounts froth' Eng- •
i end; by , tlce Liverpotil, have still 'further de.'
pressed the, market, and . -put a, stop .to .pur. •
chaser for export to 'that' country: • • Prices
374 to 50 . cents *under the i ntes current at ,'
the time of making . up ourTast Weekly Re
port.,--Ori-',Menday last] sales, fruin stores
were made 'at . 57,871 - ii - nd in an instance or
two at s7,7s.•,::Since then 'there has been:a 1,
'further decline, and yesterday. -sales- were.;
made-at.s7,o2a.fand -also_ at-. $7,50. TO.
day sales from stores have -been .uniformly
Made' .at $7,50',, Which appears to be the -
ortiling_price,,a - ncl' we- quote accOrtlinglyor....
The,. wagon . and Rail i'oad price, • at the
opening of the week, ranged.. from s7,6ti
• day ritica'at 7,25„/ -:•;.. -7 7 .
GRAIN.—J 4 teat.---The only transee- .
Ltions._ol7 tile, eek. 'o f h eh:we-are-ad
were two sales, of On-Monday,- at
1 - 5,1;75 - for common quality., -, §lince the re.-
eeipt of . the , news . by late Liverpool,'Lthero •
has- been.nerie in market, and we, 'cannot •
niaka an accurate quotation. • - .
Rye:—N 7 Te quote common- to. prinie at -
'sl a $1,05. • A parcel ofextra , :prime was
taken 'early in the Week $l,OB per btuiel,
• 0pta,...-Rather . dullA r we quute at 40 a-.
49 coma, •
..:.:Cial,_e?_:.Seed..,We_ihear : Aarsales of gOod .-
imported Seed . at $10,50. Lots -- tif prime -
Western Seed, free -of ripple, hare - , been•
sold during the -week at-$l 4. We contin
ue- to quote-the-gtore-priee. at $l3 to $l5
per bushel, asin quality: • '_ • • .
Tithothy held at $2,75 to $3
par bushel - from stores.
: 1V lIISKEY.-;- - -The downward -tenden
cy indicated by the market in. the early
paet of the week has
ri -
been -co - . med.--
We have now to note sale of Mids. at 401
cents, and of-bbis.-at 42,1, a 43 cents:- Tho
wagon has also fallen, - and now rules
aC3S cents, exclusive :of the haffel
inspections of the week comprise 37 Mule.
and 816 bbls ; of which 3 hhds. and 366
hhla were - received - by .- the - Susquehanna .
Rani •
Philadelphia, gaich 4
FLOUR & atlyiers
I . from - Englainl show a further rednetion in --
the prices of Flour and grain in. that roun
and the market 'has become languid and
dull. In the early part.of the week, sales
were -.Made for export A s B,l24 subse-. ..sB,...which latter rate has.since
.$7,75 fOr export--4hougb
refused by. several dealers. We quote •
Flour, atsB; and a limited demand to-day. - -
Fur'thersales'of Rye. Flour at 8545 a 85,-
50. Corn-111e4,---Sales of Brandywine in •
•hluts. to . some extep at $lB a $18,75,. and •
in bbls. at $3,75 a 3,874 each. _
GRAIN.— N.-- n Abou t 1000 bushels Southern
Wheat sold atsl,7o in store. A ,cargn of
Southein Rye; was taken at $l,OB afloat.
Corti'Ctimes in freely; and the demand is a
gain increasing.• 'Sale's of 10,000 bushels,
comprising Pennsylvania sound yellow at
00 -- ebiftSSOlitlierital 85 - a 88 - for yelltimr; ;-
and 84 a.BB forwhite per btiShei. •Oats—
about 3 a 4800 bushels. Southern sold - at
,44 a 42 cents.. - •
WITISKEIK- - -Whiskey in bbls-., sales •
at 42, and in lids. 384 cents . per gallop,
.n ONY- he1d.74.39-conts.;
TRUStIgES'? 1141.4.
.1)6, offij•ed at pane ht the borough nr
NewvillG on 77turodaythe t4th Vag of .Ifriic4., 1839,
the fo/ItiWing real estate and piyaosial pr.olierty, viz v..
aituate in the borough of Newellle. haYing, thereon •
erected te,LOG.IIOUSS: St KITel-lEN, Mack-.
%smith shop, and'one Intlf of . an excellent , well • r
ter, hounded otr.the.wes.X b.Y.!Ot /4; o )iPed by • L ' •
on the nOrtliby Cove' alley; on the' -eon • by
lot No. 24;OWnell hy %Vitt.
on the south :hp Alain street, 'Containing 6n, 62 1 it; i nk
front and 169 • —.
The fiereonal prOperty consists or •
7 Tlirasliinr, Machines ant' Horse
Rktiltte. Turning I.athe-vilth' the ntletisary tools,
• '
Libe.turatg.- ' • •
prsc .r lio ; wer for turning lathe '
2 6
elegant Buggya,. Lned with fine, cloth : a ilk ;irelli
neat Dearborn VVagons; ' . •
lurue Frond Wheeled
seco4-lueoded:Bitrirtutiei- , • Y , 7 : 4
• .1' , •
4 ,Seis elegunt ",, , :hite-stell6wlnoiintedifareesti o.
A wininlniref tl'.Ying Bridles' StMititingalesz
let cra ppei'P. Flincl4lll4.
Fa ads ank • Flaltrri;
4" - ; l44* .t.i.''OrSraith' i r.4o o o'-'..aett or Onstelismitit
!:•44/I , .tk.jiatif,OfV - affientere. Tao% •
tlttchtti4oo beadteer* , ' , s ••k
kletteand-tiesctip,--- ,
• , ,
elegantinvf fushiatted . :ConjtiniSireire;
Househrdd and Kitchen: Furniture of . varlona. lthula, • „
givi•4tnnity qtticer. gvtides iricntitlnTel,
-The above tirtielea offerti , on:_the . tih4)!e
iTiOnti9 l l 6l l:tth ftilo . -.tdForkii or !thumb tiett
ilue-attenslanne.givert - by-fte-Tenitona of William H ,
, M444-ttlt 14 :KERF4'
.• e •