Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 13, 1839, Image 3

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    , . . 'lt was done at the urgent eolici l
' iation of many, Merplieo4.o,oi,, , YePublidan
:•party. AfteT : fliis:" Paper 'wraajeille , `ltql
tide, of successful .
experlment,"- and, hadi
shorn- et.'en `
,the Aiihs_ of some ,fietitous:
- pint-nage, with •whi - cliVertalgc.,
• tempted to adorns' it, the preseiTtOlili%;of
• the . Age, George W.'
. • vornmended - to me by•pertaiii . ..friend&-of the:
!paper as.a suiMtde.perscht:l9, - .purehUaeiiito.
end : take 'chime 'obit.; Ile ;was then (1832)
..a young4eart'otr,Oiteetaletita and indus-.
Ivy ? but without' eripitat.' :The ~ PurchaSe
:Was*night'by him, but. upon ,credit, satis-,
faCtoiily. .oectrred; - "Tor the greatest' portion - of
not. a short eridit-the siity, days:
or folic - Months credit upon Which our trier
. - 4caritile and trading elasSep are willing'
' • 4 pendi but. upOile'creditef years=--.of, 3,
. 4'.years.. To this I assented,, altheugh
• the timp - Vas subsequently averaged-upon.
one, two, and three years:. Such credit, was
given-by-myself, t,00,..t0. the limn who has
. been for months, .and'iti'my Sbeonce, heap- I
lug all sorts of obloquy.upon my_haine Under
:thepretext,of my Oppopitiontp the t3uh-treasti- ,
' ry.anti-creditsysted! •NaY., the eiperienCe I
-'• of this'same -man, in:the very- credit that_L
exiended - toliim, to -enable him to. get 'intol
• • ibusiness; - and for which at..tlie One* did
- . not hesitate, to -say to the when , writing; '` 4 l'
obligeirto youfoi: the kindnees andfatr
. altieAyou have ehownnu in the traits-1
action;"—his... eiperienee was such. that,
about every itoto that heeame. •due •
purchase was left unpaid for months after:it'
became due. 7 --and . even the three-year 1 ,. :,,i0te 4
. 2 . -- .7.7 - .xemained - unpaid - Nein Atigliartintijflie fol=;
—„ it Was -due, Mid nil - illy - I
was constrained to take ite,a.n4uut 'in a six i -1,
ty day draft on 'Boston 44. - accommod'ate one
of his endorserij:,. : And when oitAtier find'
t"day of September lest, the -notes he was I
• - • • -owing . rno-fer.„the capital thus. advanced be
' cam .'due, havingg - run without . payment
she July, . 18313., -- .so i - . -fsr•Tiorn this -reviler
of the credit. system and of banks being able
- to Hire upon the 'vide system of no cred
- it s .ancl of down with all banks, to which
• all hid . professions lead, not., twenty-five'
cents oir the dollar of . My notes could he
pay, but he again-threw- himself 'Upon. - both
the credit and-the banking systemfor further
help, and sought and•obtainett , Of the Bank
where my notes . wore-deposited••a renewed
'indulgence! .3 •.
. . .
• MODERATE`Y trios.—The., distinguished
vzoitifittion of certain-Whigs - in relation - to
deserves the notice,•-•-whi
• - . Dean, Bsitift . takea of the moderates of - 1711.
Ike iipeaksi.hlis• - !sf the.tnoderaOt of=his time,
. .
tend :we
_ _ ! sideratiOiTiir 61 - r -readers:. •
_ -w .
— "Neverwas any PocirliitfffileSsordsti .
'tioisused-as - rthe word-moderation-has-been,
We meet with it but Oke:inAll. the Scrip- ,
Lures: and even "in that plaCe,.if_ the_ Trans
laters-had -so - pleased, another word ~sould
iave~c oue as well; and ycCtiiere'siuure-stresh
laid , people,-than,--upon gill
11i6 - :Bibteliesides: - moderation:i
. bc.iinderstood.oquity; the avoiditigof
.tremes;_or cattiness and evenness of temper,
it is undoubtedly a_very exceltent
But if it . signifies indiffernnce, orlukewarm
lness, or cowardice in it good cause; or base
-------Ilmiesohen.llLederatien_is one of the gidatest
- - vices that a man can poSibly be guilty Of.
. • And- this- account of the matter; for aught I
• -know, may*do the business as well. as* all
• • the volumes that 'have been written :upon
'that subject. But 'tis Astonishing to -con
--sider, how many thousand ftiols the Sound.:
-of those -four syllables' has made. I have a
nephew whp, at six or seven years of age, •
*seemed to be _a lad af_prety parts, an
•old nurse in•-the family taught him that
-word; and the boy has been a
. perfect
• • Chang,dittg ever since. But the;- greatest
Wonder of all; is,. what I have above hinted
;at.` : Same Men are so unfortunate, that they
%Cannot:be 'allo'ived to be moderate, , though
they . behave..Theinsaves 'with iitl - th - e --- e•ot ,
ness, 'charity and temper. imaginable k -while
others, arc
,s'o happy, as. o prhve
men of Moderation:by the: most violent rage,
j .
. . partiality and injustice , . and by G utting
. Alielliike-Orialrellialrfdr-tintqlrinkingiltnntia
•tton , to
HOW IT WORRS.-T149 following from
the NeW York . Cominercial Advertiser edn
veys a-better idea'of the. Government Ex
- 77petirmints-for'itintragingAlin•-enrieney-- .. 4ltan_
• • • 44UESTION.. •
ton g'ress .-Hin the Senate, - '6ll - -Conurty,
the Vice. •Presidelt .cornmuhieated to . the '
-Senate a'report fronithe Seereitinir of the,
'Treasury 'in 'obediente to a resolution of
the -4th instant, calling . for
"relation tO.theitnodes'ofreollecting arid dis,,
hash? g public money in foreigireountries.
• A'NSVER. - •
./The , Spoi/a-of-Ticioty?„ - Hly-e.-learn-trorn
I 'it/al-fool ;that Mr. .Swartwoue. has given • a
grand, banquel td"his friends `in; that city,
the price sof which-
Was . severrpOtinds-aterlineper man', equal' to
:thoierthart - titl - rtyr,qgq;4ola,g4krztiae_ti-.4Ve-..
trust; aftor this that our amiable, friends of
:the 'Evening :Post and
. Argos' •will tease
'howling at the ten drillar . dinn - di'at
Bowie. '.The Whigs are no touci i ,.t all to
- •the'.Agrarians, in mit'ter Of...goiiiiandiz
;ink.'...” Milt:enjoying Of - e
.spol4; our - friends'
couhlronly, - pay,td.o;lcits- , f0 .1-- Lih - q.:'sgreatest,
banquet eyer, got.up at "the A.stor-liquser,l
-311 t en i Jackaort'Allet
not aI.TusRTXs
,- • .
OF WAAL ,TN appears
`by the followi4 extract from an -
„ officia'P in
struetion addressed by the Land Agentc,of
• :Maine and Massachussets to some St'atei
bffiearis, that the British trespassers on the'
•"itiipt/ted z tierrictoii/' Will'bo' ilisturbea
their work of pttiliden,,,
,You are r hereby'•authotiieil an'd,uppbilitpd.
,_to.:Fitnested . to the • . A . roostooKßlver,'and, see
tb .— on—th%
_fiat' , eotnwitted
,Tosiinships belonging to Maine &Mahood:::
tisette on thafriver thoeonsuing wintet.:
You are authorized ititbeeotirs;nedes
nary to take of the of
thoseLfound`'irespasaing and''s°6ll , the iiamo
at aution.
'LATEST-F*on, MAXIC - 30.-1-13y the
Express' mail i¢e'tt~T4e Slips frem New. Qr
leindliapers fitted-
The sehoerier Eliza Aln;:Ciapt Fjoyd,
at New Orleans' on the 28th from
Mittnorst - yvhettee she sailsa• on-the- Iflth
The Gover,nrnent troops held possession
tf.rtiteonlOids, 2,liut were ;closely beseiged
'by the INcleraliets,,Wito xvere etufamped in
tbenelghborkood in,,; , ceinsiderabhifoyee,-.
Gen. relisola 'wag in eommand
rison; amounting , to, one
Vrequeniskirmishes' had occtirred . betweeb
'the twoarmies: ' "
The Fedoralista under Ahe command'
Gen klutena•Mendez, made an af,fVance.: on •
Metamoras ow the sth ult.,-and,weiente4hy.
Felisolwa few..ttiilea front the city; when an
engagement took place. The action' was.
well contested; but •not result in irnPor , •
tent-advantages on either side, aS
ed the'Victory.. Alitiost - the' same loss was •
sustained iti.ltilled and 'wounded' tiy - :.each
i - party; -- and Abe-capture-of two p,ieCes olcaw•
'non froni the •Federaliits, was contiterbal
: anaed by the - -fall of several of Pelisela!s
best Officers,, who were shot down in:the
hattle.'• . • _ ‘. .
f---.-A-7 f .;roin9r-c‘ment •of - :three hunlreil 'Men
had reached Metamoras in command'
They had retreated from
rTampico after
• suffering a repulse- before
!Abet -place,- an d-on--- r -way --itarroicry---,es
.cap,e_tl.iliScomfiture frhin•a-body- of .Federal- .
t ists-led The •dc
tachnient - by the fatigues and perils of die :
march, . had. been greatly„thirmed in num
bers, jatid• - preiented 4 broken and shattered
aspect. - !' • • ••
The potion.ofthe:armies,:it was thought, ,
inust •secon ring - . the contest to -Something_
decisive.- Their' 'immunity to each- Other
oscasioned daily encounters between small
detachments, Which.would soon bring_on . a
general and decisive enmement. " • •
'the Authorities of Mothmoras -wpm • exe
.cnting-rigoreasly • the orders;tor expelling
the French - from. the Mexican territory, and,
only fifteen days were allowed them to tleSe
their - busineSs - . &hong the pasSengers•in.
the' .dini were the 'French Consul at
Metanioras and several 'French residents.'
IVlajer Gen. \VOGL : Ate French - officer in
the Mexican arniy,T . bad - resiimed„lti . s - corri,
inisib - n,'.fioni an unwillingitess - ict - ftglit
gainstlii4countrynien.._2. _ _
_ 'fhe'pcirt.of Atoka. Cruz was open to emu-.
'ineree,•aild . vessels suffered arrive,,and
duart . Without, molestation 'from the block
- ---
This djpuTption'ean S.eatee
- be - , - .ho
--• • ' • . . • _
Baltimore; Pebruarz
- • FLOUR.—There has been a fair demand
j-.1111:60 - ghoutlite;Week on the part of shippers
' to Englankand the market has .b'een quite
lively. Several. thou Satiirbarrels havetheen
taken forexportrup -to-Wednesday-inclun
sive, at the uniform store price of $8,25 per
bbl. Yesterday, however, the market . be
-cable-unsettled;With an upward tendency,
-and-though-some sales were_made at $8,2
others were - effected - iitta - ,37.1, - rftt-tiFf'-thes
market is quite unsettled, and.while holders
are very generally unwilling to sell for less
than $8,50, buyers will not offer more than
$8,37:1. - Some holders reftise to • sell- alto
gether atthis time, llreferring, to await the
result of advices froth England; now
daily expeeml by the Great Western: . Jhe
ship Bowe ,r, iliel'adt . vessel up for 'the
English market With detir, -- hitifitme - eam=
pleted her loading:-4000 bbls.—and there
is now no.other vessel up for thlit destina
The wagon and. rail road ~prices were
uniform, early in the weak, at $8,.1.24. 4- the
but th'e wagon price has, advarked, mid is
now about .$8,25. • •• • •
_ _
GRAlN.lPlieats.Sides Of snitilflotg; . ,
brought by AV 0g0n5,.at:51,75111,80 for-01) - d
.to best.'reds.
Rye.—Thete'is but one, parcel inpa rket.
that we khow of. • We have no price to
name, but the article is wanted.
Corsk.—Sales of several parcels of M i d.
yellow, afloat, have been made to-d.
87ie l nts. There are two cargoerar - V - ii-'
nfraw'colourcid corn afloatiA;r Which
!highest offer made W., lc.
bias': -Cargo salesat 48a50c.-_____
Clover &al—Begins ~to , arrive more
i'reely from - thit Nest, and is Cvithoutchange
in price. We quote prune Western,:s'eed
at $l4 `tosls„ . petlAishel. -- A lot of 100 'Ash
'els prime Virginia Seed Was sold this week
at $l5 per bushel. . • ,
. .
Flax Seed.-Continues to arrive in Frn4li
lots and is sold from wagons at $1 56 to
10,2 -r,7M4 the price from stores contirmes
Si 69'.to 1 75:per .bushel.
1„..-WIII§K_EY...--The- market has - leet-z-411 yield it
. profit rar exceeding. the atilt...,
i quiet througlamitthe Week, and prices with-. - settaida price for either nitrober of c6pte4.. - -
out Change, We quote bhda. at, 41'cents; P-Subscribers tb the tibove work are received at
and •bltls. st 44 a 45' celittf : •' `l' he - Wagon -.
t r vi l it l i s s • tTe .. MiTerenlYa A t f t : o! li e N iii i : l )llo l.C ' uiisie '
tprico of bbls. - colitiriott , '4O cents- ex- - • I? •11 • • 12, 18'39 - ' • ' county.
; -.lusitie-of l the,-;Jaarrel - ,,, .'l„'he',,,,iusgat i fon-.-7Of ' '----- • -'-''''''':----- ' ' - - -
; the week comprise 216 - glids; aiid - 1177.bb1ik. - , -zialowp.,4l.l,amil- 1 - __
I Of Which - 34 - hhtlS.'and 459. bbls: were 're= '.. ••
. • '• ••
' .''' 4 - - ' - '4 - - -
f l it tr -
--- ceriv ---- eillitt -- 11 - 0 -- ,S — usqtr - 111 - - iiits - Rsil -- ro — a : d. :': , • ~ . -. - - - Ahy -- : -- . --
..... • . .. ~.
:CAPITAL f 01341,000- ..
, .. Pluladelplna,, e
t . • . Tim" North Arneric.l ftisurituce 4, Co oip. lily of.
'- • . FLClllit ' elVitAt- - -- - --'l.l-m-Floarllarkeru Philitilelphiai• thrpugh. di* nency !n C 1101 5 .11,,
0 1 Ptitit = 4 , Viti r er - y 4't eti v e . 4 llll3,. we e k,4 B =b° lll -44= --tc atti lir s e ir 9n , d 4olza l eV i ellin i rt i ;l s •e t , t rto . r7•s k
iliuyers-for e.,i.port • and Sellere: , Mie. dispased: ....,fiferehantlize, &c. 4their loivest , ratmorprepium. •
'Flic w . s i v i r
o l i e l expenV o a l llntit o iilat)op l -v d t i o l illt of pre,_,
to await the.reeeipt of
. finther advices :frOrn
- Europe-operating largelY.' , " Sales of I . ) .; t r l io : ;,,ati ' d ) a ., l l °
p s o ti ie . ie n. L. b ,, , , ,: efi r ed . i g le i M i iii e Li
sevoratlots (M.'e - x - p - orrat-' 2. i40;', - inOUtling -- withoitt - tlie - expensevincl_troubli_of_sending_toAlte_cityZ
' . Application to he oin!loeitliFv . inperson or by letter
•sevaralblincired bbls. of 11Shiniore'iroward•
street '.. -Sales for City use at $9 l OO Co 8, ; 75 - . "-, - 3OHN"I. .Nlrßli.S:
for common. and fancy brands.. Holders . Cnriisli., Februiry•l2, 1839.--Ona. ' 1 - I t
! to-day_genefallyieftise sB,s¢, but no sales - ' • —,----
of soy' extent have - been' made at ,higher -
:_rates for fair brands I - Rye Flour—sales at •livi
1145,A9 per Meal--a Corn. Meala sale in bittli. --
nl - 151 . : -..A. sale .of.leld stock in. }able. at.-. . o f
.. '
- GRAIN.---,',The :drain Market is again ' • . f
destiiute:Clinte'resti - We ,nave no sales. (It
,tent iire - .COniing in: tltye is . Wanted, and
'the 'market is still: ',ltSve, ..1t Wotild. - .hring: -
- sl'ls - a- , -1' -16 . ",per: bushel... Corn.-Last.,;
=tilales . 'ivereo - ,VO'icen6 for old 'crop Oath. i t
§Sles;froni-Witgdna, at .46 - ti> i 48' cents : per
•linsiteli -, ':' '''.- ' ' "
i_A - .4.,,-,0 : :,:v.::i ? ,1.* . .14104.:;,, , V.t.1" - ,T0 .- i . :.ii. , , , *.z.x:-:to::o s ici --- o't: . i.:***,
. . . .
- On Monday morning last; at his - reSl
- iit Southampton - township; Franklin
coufity, Mr. DAVID MCCLAY,. a. worthy and.
respectable inhabitant of that township.
. . .
The 53d Anniversary of the "IlEugs-Ltrrnrs So-
ViETY!' of Diekintion College, will be eel:t.:4M on the
evening of the 22d' instant, in the MF.THODIST
EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The public are respect
ruHrinvited-to tittenth
• . "'JOHN F. TIERD, ;
• WILLIAM TOY;-- 'C ' 34.4 .••
• . AUGUST US n.II2I'AIID - , ',S - •
„ ,
Februery I,8 . 89: •• •
O.IIOFESSOIt oA LIM ELL will fieliVer;t lecture
"Sky , and Dl eanii,"in the "FAS At RlGirre'
SALOON, on TuEsDAY - F;VFNING next, the 19th
instant. 'The public are Tespeetfully invited to attend.
earlide, Feb. 12, 1819. •-
ATI lEREAS Geot•go W. Gmbh did on the t3th day
of - 3tuantry lst, execute' Mike subscrilier a
'deed oraSsignment ()Fall his effects, including his botilta
And-Accounts, for the benefit 'Allis credit Ors. Notice'
is -herd} given to all those indebted to the said George
W. Crabb, by boat, note or- bobk acconot, to call on
the subscriber. and make payment ttithout delay.
- mu:l,w Powq.u, 4ssiowee.
Feb 12,11307 - •
. .
.11)188'01stiioti - of toporlatershili.
Arlin'. Copsrutership lierOdthrc existitigiTtwea the
subscribers, undurs the - hult of John 11.-Wenver
nod Co. waq dissol - vettliy -- mutual consult ow the- 7th
lliltasq`callJohn-H.. AVeavr .41 whose hands the
-nolouitts,luttui, tlile.hkilfh.S:c._:ire left for.rollre7
tiopoind ustp
to whonneot toast IT nude.
- • JOHN H. NV1.1.%.11.111, -
N. 11.--The subscriber continue:l . ln diillitstness at
the old stand. 7 • 7 .1011 N 11.-WEANEIG-
T4'l7 E' ojl D TO SP, :IL TO'
Insured for . Pne Dollar:
Both - to - the-lioor mitt the Mehl'
Orr, be commenced within a Ica. montlia,..n new
. 'and valuable AI onthly Publication, adapted to
the purposes of evet,.l.lirmer,and to the henefit of all,
thiSigifeirtb - 'ilitroducemiol - propagatemll-tinefulzand ,
practical information concerning . the-Silk_Growing
Business, and the improvements of Agriculture gene
malted: "'PBE mouNT . PLEritS AN:1"
Embellished with appropriate Engratings.
lloaidldeasantSilk Farm, at Ilrantlomille,...Preston
county, \ irgiiiitt. • .•
JACOB AITER„Ic. Proprietor.
JOSEPH 111.LLBIl, Editor. • •
first:number of this•work will be 'sqid as soon
as loot) subscribers are. obtained, 500 of which um. id- -
ready promised, 300 41'Si ogle county: We therefore
respectfully beg have to call the attention of otirliiends
amills cittiois,particularlv those of Pennsylvania,
Maryrand, pratcii'W:Trthy ob
jects this publication has in view,and tar the promotion
of which It w ill be cornmenceti.
'l'lw Silk. Culturist and FZIVIIIIT'S Manual Will Lt
publrshed about dui:first each month. Each
her will contain eighteen large octavo pages, printed
on maid paper and fele type; with the ptldition of a
cover for advertisements, &c., and Millie end of each
N• itmeTtrtitl c - pa gc; - n-thb f t-01-eot itents;-iviilim-ind ex
in ()Hee for binding, will' be furnished to subscriber s, Tmois:—One Bur a year, phytible within the first
six, months, for single Subscribers, to each of whom
1 .011 be forwarded per mail during.' the. veal., SEED
sulliciiot . fin. 300 Mulberry Trees, and EC GS suc
Me:Vl7w 100 which, if properly nnui
e/ uccnialitigtittls ons - giverrin-this-work r
will enable each subscriberto enter on a small Irate
htto the Silkgrowing business to any extent ,desired,
si Mona: Further expense. .
orilerstirthis Work4o4age Jrarrl, address
ed-to AtTrm 5.., 'Matra, Proprietik and Edevir, Brim
donCille P. O. Preston County, Virginiai - Will receive
• . •
_____—____LtitEß.lL_EßT,Orium • : • .._,,,, '
. Any person or Agent: forwarding eithei3The n
Autumn; below, will be untitled to the respectigiNum
ber of Comi.iThrthicwork - ; :Ind an equal 'number pf
Seed and Eggs fur the Mulberry Tree'St Silk Worms,
annexed to the respectiro sums,
which can be Comm , :
iled-by mail to any place in the United Stites, at•li tri
' fling expense, viz: . .
/)slims. -: ,
, : eopies.. Seed & 1..;4.45....
. l'or 100 - - 130 - "5,000 .
" ' 75 100 -- - - p.- 15,000
,c .. -
- -50 - 7 . 10 000 .
' ' 30 -. ' 5,000.
' • " . fb.:_ 42 -
.- -.- - - .9,200
ti 5
W hick intother Of Seed :old 'Egp,O4, its propety'alten=
+ri hi? to thd inbtrtlidions gh en iu this .wo k;
Mr. JOIIN Li CAS, to
.all.alSoutti Middleton toyvtiship.
On the 29,th ult by ilie.Rev. *-Quin ,,
'F,!matt; bottrof. West PeinisliorOugh totvn;
On Ilia ls,t Ult. by the' Rev. David
berof - the=enate:of - PennsYlVariia, -to -Miss-
ANN EiIZA, . d'aighter of the Hop,* Joseph
, 111. -, Mcirrison of Redford... : ..*
Itoba'borough ofNe4iille, On Friday
the Bth iust iMAßGAßE'r,;daughter of Jas.
Kenoqdki ,Esq. aged two years wanting five
On'Fridaylaiti . t; Mr. Ti.o.pEtrr, MeLiwon-
AN, of thetoro4i of Newvifie, aged about
47 years. • .. .•:. •
ATOLT are ordered to parade at.the
On. , ,Fridgy (lc
(111 Ntl
• . By order of Capt. Crop, .1
B, Tr1ON14 1 80N;
splendid IVIEDNT:wiII
• shot for on'tliSt day:
OftheA2eeeipis',,andLExpeiriditortis,of , Ctuitberland Caltaly
13y,tlio 'CornmiSSionors Of said. cOunty cram thO Ist day'of,lanuovy to.;:the. .3 Ist day 11 - e - ternber,
.A.• U. 'lBBB inclusive.,
. ,
5 '
To balance due County; - receiVed - froniform . er treasurer $ -.503 594:
:Balance:of tax outstanding'On., - jan: 1838 ' 4872 681
Amoint: of taxes assessed :for 1.838; . - . 19105.-_46
Cash received on Stbart.,; Esq., • . 300 00
•Do *- • do • 'Robert Armstrong ,590 0.0
DO. • . do loseph Clark. ' -'665 00
.. DO . for an estray from DaYid:llumei Esq. 10 00
Fees (Inc county fromdelinqUent.collectorS • -13.37
• Do.'received .on unseated-lands; &C. . z .15 05
Da..(verdict,Sl received in the;Quarfer_ Sessions • . 4 Q - 0
AmOunt of A. EiVs note. due Feb. 1838, received- • .50 00
Fees refunded on Coroner's Inquest - • • • '7.85
. . • —*mNfeettietifireettee , .- • • .
• 'SOwd tile Or outs tan in Taxi! • •
Due .countyper return,, :of 'Treasurer,. - 31st -Dpeembeic
1838, subject 'to exoneratiglis, wilh the amount.
. Ipr. 1838, viz:
• -To7einft hills ; E9't- . Collectors:t . • .
Dic kiiihnii • William A/Vocdst
Si IN' er - Spring — I M a Ili irDiinlap - 7
lA'.l'6aislioro' J. Montgomery s__
A llen , .. . , Nicholas Uricht
"Carlisle ' ~.. P.: ICi_essersmith_
Dick inson . Gen. Kinsinger-
E. Penushoro' .
.ainiel Shorty n
Frankrokl - , - Daniel Leckey
1 .- 1(4), yeti... .., Robert Clark
Mifflin • li. D. Daellmuser
Monroe ; ' 4 F , Davin wyti. t.,.
.N. Middleton- John Lelia .._
Newton , • G , eorge I?,winp#,,,,
Newville-,, John .Joluistun -
South Middleton William AtOorci.
Southampton William Triti #.
Silver. Spring_ John Saxtokt __
Shil)lwnsW 1 1(21_
g . l'homas Spence;
Do. townshir John Itairu.t.
W. Peinisboro' J. Beirthouver
• _5.1.9105 46 op 70-6
. -
Cotiiily persons, iz
M. Ilelc-oitib, Esq. late for fines
.and Jury fees
for 1837 105.1.
'Myers, Esq. Sh'ff, for jury' fees -for 1837 - - 44..06
J. Lobae.l);*s . ke - eper of iienitentiary for 1837—: 5(1 491
M. Boyle for costs 3 = - - 36 9.9
Cbc County stands-indebted for balauee of loanto W.
----Bentz, -
_ .
u balance due C:uunly - by 'lreastirer,*
-*The balance due county by W. K . Ramsey, Es(f.,
late Treasurer, , since- paid to his successor in ftill:
fSoice paid in lull. ' . . .
- .L4Sitireipaid cou n t== -- -Wil limn - I'd t t.;---
-- I vV--illiati3-Moore--
•. _George Ewing
. . .•
David Martin.
- c uollißß 14 ND -00UNT.Y, gs..l •. - '-',. - • .' .- '
t L i b n o iti e ss . i i ne r r
slv.t 4i , irryWtrrtitttlihCe t s ;ie tf o C i itt r n b e t x T h l i t u tt i t t tl s c i o t o r t u n i ):, i
i t 1 1: 1 )
c c , e )r r - -
- ttz, rkrect--Eitatetnetit--of-the-lle • ceipts-Zal_EXinuiditures_of_saill.
.-; 4 7 0 —N..-'. county, for the term above l stated, as al't'o of. The Taxes
'." ;assssed for the 'use of the 'county, together witht,
gregate - ofd . ces, and exonerations allowed during the said terns—and
also the amount of the several taxes outstanding and in the hands
of the 'respective 'Collectors, as alaive'stated, ac - cording to the best .
otonr_lantwleilge.antl_judgment. •• - - •
• Witness our,bandS and seal of office r at'Carlisle - 1, 1
ffanUary, 'A . . D. i 839.
JAMBS . - WILMS; . • , - . ---
'ROBERT C. STERRE. T T, Continisscioner:s.
JOHN CORNM A:N, - •: ' - .
Attest— . RHlN
- A - JACK.
• Tlltsubseriber is howin possession of a Jacic,•ini
ported Tiy Com: Jesse th Llliott, from the Island of •
Majorha. The ,lack•is the• largest ever imported to
- this - cotmtrypmd-is-but-4 , -venps-oI(I-thie-spring—:._Per._
soimilesirous of raising MULES, would do well •hy,
calling to see him • ' ./ . 7 - z•••-. •
• TA:3/ES -- .117 - GA - LL - A.ll.Eit. *
Feb..l2, 1839. •
'lra OIL E 511.16
I ----2ALANup.AcToity Azip stclitr,or
111131111{ EL LAS & PAr.ASOE S.,
No. 37, North' Third .Street, between .11arket & arch
• •
1:11 . 1.1 subacrilitTA Iwg leave to - state:that -they:lave
onlian(l,taid now effcr f9r aalq, at.theiritare, a large
- - - - general iisgdetrnetit;c"/ -----
If Tr, r it • •
. .. .
r ..-- ---- 7- - -••••., ",••-•-+......" ....P...-4,11 , ...,47 rt . .7r.'11..1 • s i . it
...0, lir Ip, . : N. 8 ... ,They mill :& , , n; ",b as t e, p_xain-,-7'P cow,' and v...
And Parasols, as prices quite as cheap, and iv - irrafti - 41.T. ----7 11 " --- . - . — "'''''"'""'" ---- " ---.- , -----,:tt-Proti,ni , t.tfani - 'atantly on.-hood luid-kangt.---
... •
'to be email ininiaterial and Workmanship, CS'any man-
N excellent
lti cAiXei I . PI ANO FORTE,, mann- or aale C oa4llasla . a .
nd Sala_.
ufacturedinthise l itc: Tlppatrona,porCOUNTßY-A facturedinLomOik,`"wititadditiGial:Kga 11f8tCHANT thetefoeerespeellullysopcited" ••,, korpartieubulcnquiie•at
' ,
......._. -
4i,tr. Crabb's store.
.'•' ~ ' ~ . .... • t...F151.1E11. & SWAIN.' • - - Cmjisle February ci,,1P.59:-:•-til ' - . '
- •„: . Pltitadelphity, -- Febl 4 2Tlti"39,- -4 3ni: -- 7 - ,-.---- . 7 11 -4 t-- '- . r - r" - .. '.---
~ -
cootaiait übaiit 'tate hill a tail" stores, bo. the same. • -
T rp oo ,„ „ d
o . g u ll.• -, :3 ,„
~: e(o.lourzi,4 l. .
sitChiubeksblirgfor' oNvsToy i ,o 6 oi6, :,
. a z to ,
4 „.„„„.„ . „
r INctiblvg,
a . ,fiumboi• of , Shereoh, beit!glato. the, patate 'of, poorgo • gl'aurip; '''',C'. DRUG STORE . Bitgattii ill a 1,0311.).n:0n0,r ,4 1 . ..11) •Cj
1• 1 1W - 7 4 - 1$ 2- (NrWelit---dP:ed *Y9llllq...hase.,....motryls3_b_kritjl_4llll:4:ilii! . the_.. , A .mom. fertile sdctions,.df Prona:yhttovi„.l4-o , f•weit ...0,0 ,
yy , -‘,.;,/ 4,T,1 gd 0 'confirmtition_df_ tbo sair . - . , _Sale - to 'coma:mace' at - 12 . . for•ialo..• To a I . ) . TiTicifi r - a,r filliatiatO y. 1 1 011,3 .4 ttilYtv'tiPP — = -
I, ice . l . ook.'of . sald'llii):_, lillea due iittenilariao - willl3o:giren but few more - tlealrable. alioatioda:'' tibusi; and•i.ot.
6 .
~ , will lie•rentpil to the
,purcliaser,,i( reqairod; and 1 . 1-,. , o.?
, E ;k l l s E,l l ),l 2 . l .li tt iv:it tn .A .z m a ly c a o i t . ho_
'..”' ' 5 : . 4 ' ': -, C hai n b6ri l bur g : '' . '"':' ''
' '•
'''' "" j-LkCli p il E C4 C lL l.P,U ß iTi:tl .9‘ e l t i "rl: '. : ti l ln 6 r i s ° ' l a l p il pTy .e t ° o r 't g h i r v • Cn ElTt e o a rTO :i f i t fr° lto l. o l l l) utt il e i t r ti lui .:" .' i'ltt.tic.;.: .
V .....
Carlisle, FL:hroionr 5 10 4 ) '•-• - li '- - ' ' ' , ".it, :' ~,.. '• ~ -, • ,', vl klirOil
... , . , t to. .
: .. -
• !Jaaitany' 1:1th-. i SW. -• '-',. -"•• .' . . . •Pc..l)roary 5, 1..881:1.-lar..- ;.• --' -• ..,. . ' ' IQ
Tov Awir froight.
WarciVouse of -
. . .
CIIEAPER THAN, EVER. • • - istiogriclo;- • . • •
- • - ..DIS801AJTION•: ,
..We hew, leave; to infolin the riling that " ,;„. • • ' ' ',,; ' '-'• .; .•• ; . • , • - ; 2 ,
we liitven4)Ciuted our sitliTH'Yliuler the fi rm of t snliseriher illffmilrocAcmtuit9polnr-'w partnership neretoiot.,e -•oiNttitg:netwt , enrtite• •
- 1.1?..R . St StItTLTZ; tlteliturpon' oondoetin , ing‘takon 4qt.°l* 8 ou thte efitotttoft vo ~ .subsei•lfl.s„, under (tic name. pe:MoOr'9tunl 'l{o(ll'9'
Walt t tk te, z if deed.;.berebi.glites notke . ,:•this dn . )• dissolved by nititiial con;erii: All bicaineas of ',....---
Meretuttile'ilttsintss, , at 'tititt place, where ne intend,
to alt ~Ilientsitivip indebted to . tliF..4ttke r i m
coliEtantly keeping on band a ' large find general Ins - isat.intl : by , ilohrt Moore, . • •' ••, .
.srettnent • •..• ;: , .-., • ' "estate of'voitt•tico'd• to borne; f,orwiml nod' ' JOTIN 1k10011,g,:
430013,c4 . 611.0cEltirEs , , Air tho'se who have , 1 . 3,10
MC,. tate will present 41kom 10. the subseribt , rtility'auilien-.'" Cni
• • • tieitteii: • ' _ 4 •'• • • • 1 ••' •
• • ..cmotttli - F". - §TitAls',PF.Ar,- -- , -7)polgr-Azzvt,
• • lOSEPri Sit ULTZ:; Monroe township, Dee. '2.5 • "' '
Nii•iiint Rock', rebniwy ' . '„'; r • t - ebtritne'fiest'tif April the two titot;y., Brick,
N. 11. .1.,11 thostiknowing•thetnse'keVinilebteiJ to Inc, •• • t , , rei,eived, from u.Pi l liatfejillt4 ; wliip;mtititiftle . "; art'Aii no* oPthlitiedl4 NFL
can make pityment at the, Stm , e, the (looks n're tOry n'inost splendid. lot, of . slay, switOttes, Indio:and! !AfFrappl . y, tb ,
there:• • • ' • • ' gentlemens wh ip s . of: the oIORINF , tANE.
hide by - - • "•CIiA •B '•!'. '"--
. .
, ' .., s ‘: . . ~ -
... "......"-)Z '. ' ' '',i.., ":..:,.. '
~/lin'ut out:
, $ 20245
H 729 . 62 -
349_ 79:3
138 84
386 97.
961 74i
1 837
S 1820.84
18 , 1 743
' 1787 053
411. 16
420 '9O ,1
1357 83
- •248 73 .
1497 957
946 - 37:
T 835 SO
1073 95-6
-:1829 87i
..173 80
.1930 00
$264 114
.James Moiitgpmcyy.
John Saxton-• •-•
John ltaun►
R_. TI
R , Y. JP
• •
70U re orderi tartlyonAnnt usu.. r ap , ~,o,.,c„..ttyAy ;th . , inst., at ---tM * 4 F ..
. . -
to o'clock A.ll. completi4 etptiypeti, m ith _
:art liczat in
• ,Vierragi N.,Fkm , itig; . --,--
Carli,gtike . r . land , Corrazty,.lavi lafel9
ei.ectc4 a Ilia: . e Haase on the•
• 'RAILROAD, - .•
`..11. .the - Westend V . lfigh Street,' Ave if - pporali 1.....
pickinson College, :where they con ' tit al nu .8 Ile.• 'CO
(rive inn! Forward alerehandize.nnil Prwitiot ' . ••: ...*.#
To Philailelpltia,,Cliainbei.sbarg,.aral all • c 0
intermediate. place .1.- 2 .-- --1. ...., ,-
Flayin g pinctl , Cam. on the' road, the}' 'flee cont3h4r °l ::
to forward - goothrto-Philittlelphin-without trans-ship, 'V ''
Bstaiiiif Ala' till'irti Young,'deiii.. . ..C.) '.
-- - -----------r--- NOTICE.: - " ;- '" - , '.--
.--- ---'
. .
v . ...
t ' .of ? • • .•
I . • '
' '
p iiii g i p) ,s f t LE. ~ , , . ..ette r A n 4
,1 - Jnitn,%tintinn. att,i,,ng bnen..urnnteit ,tn ' c... ll Pis
...." . - , . . • • .• ~. ~' .- • • • thelniliselibey •vestrlingi,n.,..,Monr,in ..I.6vinOkip, Cpok , Nay
,1111q_ssilliItt_publia,onln Ott
„the pitelti)sas,on...,snt- ~1; 1 T
,tier conty,,on, the c4tnte,t;f. Mathias You,n4., hite-iif •••. '
~..,' thq."-Wi do,,Y 01.-- P r KWi.r iffit 7 4; ll TlTorlittoice - orloth s ttntrrigtriir,-(inecl..•••--4,tliis in - is ---tA-• '-••••
rder:ofith:s3 °o9,lPi'o';,,"qi,irt• of. Cumber)upd enuntl.', iwrsonn.indebted, to. snia estAtte ick.niltke pnyinecil 'lnv- ' , cal
Tikitetioielpiii - 0.6 , 01 • -GO.Einird, , ,InAndintely, and-th,bse having , eili..y4s.'wil I prebent tlkent. ...Z: - . •
..., ~, , . z . •
~. ••
~,„ ,
~,.. . :nritk r i,,leht.o kniintlyr nutheiltiollt.' - 05). mettlen•nt. -4.0 ~i
Itaitt_NeNtton,T r ommhip,in HIM! CoNtityv ndintn- •• •
,t!IIII4OCIE OlJNt, ' Ail lit': :
lulls Or C. A q•pai,l4-Orency.^nnti Jumei.-\\Ttni- • '
. .
, .-, • , , ..gly . cask paid 9i z ,Cammissioai: . ri r pj,.da'rs, .4- c. 1,4. n-
For tuiti o n abilstatibrifiry. for poor.ehildrepl, .:. S 495 -59,'
. and Tr A ixerse. Jurors pay , : i ... .. . .. • .2244 2,5
Auditorsr settling acciiititS "for'r 837, ' .'• 1 : . 43 :00
Witnesses fee's- in criminal ,prosecution, ' .: ' • , 475 211
JUSticeS' . ' • do- .. •' .dn- ' . . - .. 59 04 .
Constables' ' Va . ' -2(.11) • - •• . - .. •.l r. - ; 24
Printing for county, , • - , . . • 112. 94
Constables forinakinir quarterly returns, • q : ' t;(3' . 69
Repairs and jlicidentia expenSes of public buildings, in
. eludin c , ir Court Crier's fees, stationaiyfor office '&,t....' . 226 661
John Miller. for road damages, s 00
- _._ ,'-: ' ' '• •
Inquests on dead bodies; - . . .-' - , 7
. , - 52 64 -
E. State Penitentiary for support: - of - convicts, ------ _
-- - ..- 268 96
Sundries.furnishe.d county jail and'penlientiary,. . 201 56
Bridge over Yellow Breeches *creek:int Lisburn; in full, 606 66
Assessore•pay Ilk 1-838, . . ' • -, .572 00 .
Taxes refunded, .' ' •° . . - ••• .-- .51 -00
Expoises•of GeneraF.E . 1ecti0n,2435 '5,6
. .
John Myers,Rsq. BhlCfor an ppbrt of prisoners,&c..lB . sB, '1:084••67
Josephl.obach,-Esq.'Saiiii-Y as_Keeper of Penitentiary,- ' 200 00 ,
Directors of Poor, -for supptirt of paupers., - Kr,. •' - '
_.• 0000 00
It. M'cutte, Esq. salary as Director of the: Poor f0r.1838, • SO 00
David Erninipgcr, ... do . . -- -- do - ...30 op
.8:. 'Waggoner, Esq. do do. - ..".' 'An' - --3 t) .00
Jacob Zug, EN. pay as Com Missioner, in full, ...- _ : 93 00
James - Willis, Esq. pay as _ .. :•_ for 185 . 8 - i . . 120 00.
Robert C. - Sterrett, Esq..: :,do. —do I'- • • 105 00
John Cornwall, Esq.: • - db.frotu 12th Noveni. to
246 363
''- . - 31st . December, - 1838, .._ • . • - •
John Irwin i Esq„-salary -- as Clerk-to .CoMmissioners,r -
James H. Grahan,l4lSq..sUlary, as - Attorney to do: -
T. Craighead, jr,..Esq. 'fees as 'Clerk
. of . Qllar. Sess. &C.
S. D. Adair, Esq. fees asiDeputy Attornerifeneral,
George - Yleniing-, - -Esq.Tro,thonotaryls-Jem3i -,.-_-
IDUctor Stadiger, for apprehending horse' thief; - • •
I.W..Be.nti; on account , of loan with in=terest, . .
Hon. John Stuart, do do
,Robert ArMstrong; •- , • do . do ~ - . .
Joseph ,Clark, • . - - lan • do '-.. - '''.. -1 -• :
J Graham, i lif. Esq - fees in
- of writ of error, --_-
Viewers. of ttoatts,and BridgeS, . .
Fox. ottlers; •• . ' .
._. , .
332 37
1390 13
931 95/
454 87/
103 80
I • - • tiii17.037 50
By ctiminiSsions: allowed Treasurer,". .'. • . - • . •.. .200 00
Excinerations,Jillosved Collectors; . . ' " ' -345 al
. • ._.
Fee:3 ------- 77 -, - - ilo -- , ------ . — ilo ' . --. ~------.-7 - ----105di34
iiiilunce of.tiOies due — lijraliillectUrs, per schedule on
-- ..,
_ debit side, -• • •
in' hands of . Treasuriw,
41693 15.',
47 - 5
Welithe Anditors of:Cumberland' county, having:e . xamined the'
several accounts and vouchers of \Villiam S. Ramsey, •I
surer of said county, from the -Ist day, olJanuary to .the 31st thiy
of Mrettiber,A. I):lB,3.inclusive„do report and.gertify that. we
Ilind a haland;•due Said county by said Treas — urer, Sit one thousandT,
and ninety-three dollars and:fifteen and a half cents as abtive stated.
Given under r hands . at Carlisle, the 26th January, A...D. 1839.
• • •
/WI LL I A 111.LUSK;-
he o
arms in goo lying on e, •
• Ily order. of Cai BIDDLE
Feb. 0 1839
FURAACE iilreßGll7
F r alAT well,knolva and' first-rate .property,' ealle,
Afou.24 Ho//il Trott Works, sittiated'about si - .
Milosnotith-'6vt Carlisle and the Cumberlaudira:'••• •
ley flail Road, having appurtenant about 8000 Acre •
tit. ine timberlanctidid having , erected theeou a Fur.
Vace-an.4l,Porger 1-Srnithshopr2-Carpenterstshops
'a Warelleum and Office 4 Mansion !Muses of stone.
Bank Bari - int - id Stabling, thirty, Tenements for won: ,
stream-of water of great. iweroitifiluient_
fo`r ameAtenaiveßolling Mill, or a Nittional:F4undt7;
nod also several batiks of Ore. - - • -
BY the payment ea reasonable4inm in hand, a fib
%mai time will be given for the remainder of, tho pur.
chase money.. Mr: \Vat r resat
"Wrautiv,reiddirig near Klddermbi- -
sier, will show the place. : • • . •
'Application (if by mail; post fisitl,) to be made to - •
..,,Harrisbiwg,.pec. 31, 1833.—tf. 5
'"" ~ n' .
. L 1 . 103 VAlLlitce
;'% TILL be offered'at public sale' on reef unday thJ
. 7 20111,41 y . February, next, all that vatuablo
igrilllClrty, the corner of High andPittistreets,
in. the borough-of Carlisle, late the property of JOHN
WILSON, deceased., The, Lot, ia.6o. feet front o:,
High .trect, thit.l'24o feet deep on. street-r-runnia, i :
north to Dickinson Alley.'The ff are erected upon
, this. property a TWO-STORY
t T '401 . N
; 4 with a Stone Kitchen, ti TWOS TOR
witb aevcral SHOPS.- Thelot. is-well cultivated, cen
tiniur a variety of FttUIT TREES. ; There is a
never-failing. Well of excellent water .in the yard.—
This piliperty tieing situated directly in /rant of tlet
Cuniberhual Valley Rail Itcad, tit.the point =here'
Ntojr it offers the scite.fora Lrot..;
iiithis couinvi,ii is entirely free from any incuiiiltrance,
auff:the titlattillaisPutable•
• ..4korneyin fact fiw fames IL
1112 "naltimoreTatriot" - and"Philatletphia--nqui.-----
- res" will •iniblii3li• the above -once a-week for Ore:,
iveela, mark pries, and iiliarge this Orrice.
Sal 17. 1, GS-JITA SrITUTIOe'd
• I• ' o 66 South 4th street PHILADELPHIA.
'2B 50-
• • 260-. 00.
419 . 24
'53 00
34 . 40
4165. 00
- 5 - 11 65
691 . 60
.10 '79
. ,
Open daily for the transtetion businesal'Forn 9,
M. to 3, P. M. • '
Deposites of money, ;received, for which I.he folio
ing, rate of Interest Will be tillowial -
I-year.,• . • . 6 per 'cent : per annum
-6- inofith-s• 6 . -
. .
Itusiness•deposites„tti . ibe tlenwn nt tlfe.
pica -
of the depositor, no interest will be Allowed. Ur '
rent Notes of Solvent Banks,: in eycey Oft dr . o, .
Stides'will be received as S'yecial . 'Deposites, on A
- terms - as - may be agreed bn in eitellipartieular ca , -_
,-d --__;;
oter of 'the - Waled,
• • - DESSA:k, Caehie Philadelphia T)ct~ . •
-1.838-4 y • -
.7_,: , .. - NEW.-‘-i(6.fli•OD : s%
flrllll , l - iiiit , jlio; !do jpst r,etteivi2d 416rge: lil] I -
_ • . • •
-which is•geilinfrehenpvi—than , vm—ioi c ri l ,
-town or tipiffity- ,7 -11is-sfock-confristalfl.part of --
Super pluck, Blue, PplishOreen,
CaSsiniii;rs_ •
• T. - Sallinets .
(if all colors and finalities. • ,Sdper 'French, Cic. •
and Eng-Sall Merilioek; light - colored Silksfdi ! . -
dittli:how ship; Black and blue black reptSil
black Italiaii•Maidini• 414 do do. super black
'Velvet; diandsoinc'ealori , d Silk Velvets and•-
for'bonnets; Merino and brocha Shalt•%.
-fiS 1-i • -i-E),l
$24953 851,,
1093 151
• . .
C0rd..4 5 .-
•Ilea , crtresis-,-Flatinels c lllatiketif riklerino
wool Hose; French and ItlnrinirCliintz; -Silk: I',
Vestiogs; Stocks, Shirt-Collars, Suspetale'rs. 1.11 ,
&e. &v. Also, a -guiteral assortment orrif F A, rfr
rtes, all of a hick will be. bold on acconiiranhv
respeetfullv intvileil to call and Lciiiiihip.for
selves, at tile util'eaand
house, and :lireetly opposittiS Drug. Stoi
• . ,•
CHAS, 06'11:3Y..
Carlisle, Okober 83, 1838.
• I'. S. A very large and Fencral ifssortinent
I latq, Caps, /foots and •Shoci, just received ni
opening in the room adjoinitig the-store., s,ltl wld
Sale or retail very cheap for cash. C.' (5..
Cleaning and Cawing
- .
TI - ooleti,q of all kin, , li; . alyo
Wool &
MRS; rig frill: A'
and its vicinity, tb:tt sllc bag commenced illritOl
ing and scouring siik:9; [wolfs, mcrinoes 1u:dull; i..
u.r;moletta,iilsci .71.,Pcii'dyein .740 Scortringiu all its \
- OUSI/1:111011.!8: - "Sho.tuart4found ot her .resi tierce-
Clllll ell Alley . , a few,dnors below the Ctorecy Sin
of Captain Urorgo Crabb, where 3york
, •
Aople. wanner. . •
-.Carli.yle, October SO, 1858..
- (glee.
, .
WHEREA S -Jesse, If. 4h:ision 11i(i the
IP V day of November, execute tolhe snbseriber.
Ileed of assignment of all his .effects,
• eluding I
looks and aceounts, fOr the benefit:of hi; Credal
,Noticr--ia4wreby given -to-all-tloso-1041 ,. t.h)J-to-1-
I , snid Jese H. Johnson, or to the firm of;Johnsten.
Newman, on boincncitemr hook necomit (a mmakel4, -
mentrwithour Man and alries
lie ,
:against the said Johnson, or against the firia'r;f Job
son & Newman to present them for iklif '
.C:n•iisle, Jan. WiNf: M. TORTEN
4tll, 4839. . • •
--- - rtincia, 7 climi-6mmodious via tC ,
- higli-street .iti the lieroug t h 4!I
Post' otrico,-liaying extensive back buililiofts'ilierein
Tiiihctcalculated foe any 'kind of bilsi 'Pas:
I.A.'4qy of 4311 cxt, For ter'9lF : !mil.
agent cif j: L. Toe , •
Citrtisie;JaniuiiT 22d: 1839
imbscribers, Trusteexof Shady Grove SeLi•
Ilniise,-sitttat'eAu :Soittlitalptoti Ito:911,414), Pr t o.t.'
'etnnity, , and within Amen milts of .Sltilmentltirg.l
dnbirotnt pf-Mott_kTiovi'cionipetent-‘l7.:_mher_ to
atarge c7f , the school. Qoe tittalified .to4e , aelt tlrt
tear atnl:GeogTaphy, ip addition to tlw'astial brie
CH taught iii ertnot4 schools, will hoiprokrred, sr I
can4:m4+1111;010 - 10A a divelling hotiSe near II
;;t- t
. . .
ir F.TrERS eAdministrnt:,n t .: (nt t h r , t ”Ato c r o csn t .
1._41 of , AVLIkt Perri i I ,
r(Jugit. tow oblatit,l'olls(ll,.lo
:orru ~I,k)-11 thy I:; , l3§crihi .
mihryvesiiies in tcwindlip,
Satkill'y A I/.
,p6146/1i1,11141,41g.04 tiS'Or "frip,l47d6 RP'
itit , estittc : of '9 l, e,*iitilleitt,etleitt',oßtql to Nun;
li t aisw, tl th e f:limc, those intlebted:
, t . tidesiat4..ttiquty,'-bbeir i,iti;tl.thAft.s
11 , 7Luitms, Adnier. •
:Dccember tsls.-r-fiw • •
-. • • NOTICE,. _
'Tnkt , tlatiO Mitt bilV6 appihtli tP. "Jud g es ofo,
(4:61tr1-01A3osnnmn-Vivaliol-04,v3biMrono;.tv for
'benel4 or.the knadtyclit ws •-hailthe •
.rsornled :next for tike heal • • •
of *l6 audtireAlitorlant Carlialic.l ! chert. and wl
you may atiewl if . , •
. • 4
~ ,M 1414 trikals BA L'Oir, '
b Aide •Japil'io- 2-Ela 1E139 •
13.-MINTGOMfIR . Y,.