INRS taking nicto Edward's s, , vitve, she had '• always avoided it in our I knew slut iarcultilJ vfirited it•as fregiimmy as ever, alone. tier • step-was now mire. hawncil.than usual, as ifsliefear-' sektluit_.hekpurporremai3ini-e-ilefeattalpial..l4l , ll6 - weil -$ tattier. side in silence. Onseachilqthe elnirch - she led the ire yationg then tarpow path.; coining . .sto the. grai.e, kneeled. de WII ,'WithOUt 610'111* a wird ; steside slab; ntitt.gimed . intently 't or ueVerat - tailititesteirep the name - i - tlimiliuryinthwthW:hTliTA; hands anitqcisting th li em ver the railing whici; - .rotttaid-ttie - initrble,.iyuret into ,tt4iirSFT - Ictieeleil .. 'down by her, and wartedtilie Ante:merit of this par - feeling : . At length slie looked up; and though the sight of tlnu, ih that position, seemeil,to al _ feelitetas B oX,P b. ame More, composed. . -4 feared that it would be so, Remy. have nerer to restain_ntY 2 griefi,w-lien-kPee l4 3 l 4-:1" , - side this grave :.why dirt to do it necslHow ieVerfjt:ity,past,,:anil -Pain: glad -tint.ffott,•are7.'here.=7; • - You seit . .i.ltikireelliigii-the . Plagieawukeini. Think von thatiliii-heact tealleVer Ild true to'itipt, if false to flint . that steePtil . 's-Het*, again,' I warn you, that I can never • 'be to yoUbitt is a sister. Think.of me only ns such. • - Now. leayeme, 'Henry: it often.go home alone from 'this sot."'- I imse from nay knees and walked silently away.— . (Onntirdiiiorke edge of the - wood, I looked back, and an* Alice ge*Ong after me with - a sorrowful eye. I. , hitqled inriNit had gone 'only _a few steps further, whow4larry Browne Suddenly..appeared• the..path befoiatue pereialvesll; sit once: fcoal the expression o fhis face that he had witnessed the _sedlie at the grave , _ "Miss Alice - Whe r re is' Sllss - _ltlelintond P! said . , ' di left hor.sit the grave— liow_did yad — know ' that alte had - been with Me .N.,.' - .. .. . ', - . ! 4 11toiss , did I knovi ?' Do t`no't Reciter with yodevery. day;' and 'she talkii to you, and smiles, and,ou call • her Altie. .-0111 - 1 - am- afraid. sometimes, say' luiadt -- sv,ilP-burst i . You , have ~ tleceived. me—you loie Alice !" - ' . . / . I teied to peadify the poor. fellow, ank he became more calm. Sinking into ti. mournful silence, he . walked along by . - my. side for, some, time, and then left me ,to pursue - my way - alone:- 'My - spirits, were scarcelysis LainYant aialten I had sctout with Alice,. —=liar Worifiltthe_gravetitill trettilded. OA mW ear, and more, perhdpS, - than.evoi.previously„l despantled.• - - - - (TO DE CONCLUDED' IN won swat's) . • - 7 PENAT'Ai: LECUSttiTUR3p7. • -- trAARISIMKO7 Feb. 1839. • , . Mr. PouLsox.—The business of the Leg tb-dny: was very • unimportant.—: Mr. Fraley.,. in Senate, introduced a bill to the 'Pennsylvania--Institution , for the gdication of The Blind.. • , • Mr. Ewing. one,. to' employ a - Moral-instructor - for the" Western Poulton- - • tiary,,and. to make'rin appropriation to finish • Alia: beildings. The-, hill is accompanied with a report upon the condition and man agement of the' prison—favorable. • . - Bills foil.the relief of the' Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Hospital, n and to; amend the _charter of. the _..Wyoming Coat Company; and supplement tO charter: of-Pennsylvania and Olio Canal Climpany,.piteseiLfinarreading•-- . The partial-appropriation, bilLwas. up in trouee, , lo. 'consider the amendnients liy :Seriaie - ,.and - wai - then — postponed — to -- Wed-• _ : -acSdhy - tn.0.1.4:-,;__ 2 _l7lo:___aine e t - :—tc. stop_ --the Avork Be strongly opposed._ .A. resolutian was offered to adjourn .sine • dit oa:the 26tItol1ltarch. .• • • _ Besolittions_passOd to' inquire into .'the propriety of divorcing the station of state _printer from the newspaper or political press ; and to' inquire into - .the reason why - *he Qenventiondebates have not been print •` ed. _The. first referred`Cothp judiciary committee. the latter to a select ecitninittee. bill to charter . the' Washington Insur --aneirPonappy:--passed -committee of the . . w hole. . • _ _ Th - elloard - of CaTial - Corrintimai - oiseraltave 1414; day appointed. T. 14; Wilson, • Editor of the Reporter, as- their-clerk._ . _ . The applicants for -canal offices appear to be numberless--vastly more . go away sorptvingthan rejoicing. lIARRIBMIRO, Feb. 5, 1,830. _Mr. PouLsoi4. 2 L-There was a short see= etoi. of the Senate this morning, AO but 'private bills" considered. • In the absence of Mr. Penrose, Mr. Strohm ,teek.... the Chair and'acted as Speaker. Rothe house, a resolution was submitted by Mr. Fisher, ,that a grand Committee, - consisting-of one-member-front-each-Con gressional: District, be appointed to -take Zito Consideration the 'propriety ofAmoy: ing the Seat of Government from Farris burg toa mere- eligible place, and that the Com na rifee7s6 - thithiftifed - ro — receive - fr - e - n any city,,borough, town, or county in the Commonwealth, prciposals to erect-within the sarnesultable buildings for the .use of the General Assembly, and to report to the The House took up this resolu , trop for consideration and • without opposi . tion-oxcept-hy--Midutinifig,tiainof-Mer • cer,) it passed', 59 . to 30: The plan of re ---rnovingits'init new, and the agitation-of-the 'question has Often been raised-from Various motives. •Sometimes to reduce the price of board, sometimes 'for vilashwiaman's •44pairel; and, always, heretofore, without sufficient cause. But this Legislature has cause for removal. - - At the " commencement- -of this scssion, a very large - ,minority' of 'the members; if not a majority,vere beset by a gang of ruffians • and bullies, and their per r sons jeopardised, and comforts' destroyed. The respectable, peOple of Ilarrisbnrgi saw , • -this state of things, and though .they were • , called upon for pxotection, yet, few of th'ein . raised a hand. then Let the now suffer for theirfolly. , • ' , 4 Several resolutiens werelabtowthe table. Bail the tfiaiVr = l Vailliirig-, ton Insurance Cpropany, . s paatied linal--read _ ' $: HARItISBVIO, Veto. 0, 1639. Mr.'P,outsow.—The .Hooso - of - Rept - C-7 ism:natives' to-day non-concurred in the amendment of Senate to the partial appio priation bill, so - far: as it--went to tliscon tinumthe, lkonch line after the twer `tieth'instani: • Th - e - vote to • non-concur 'stood, yeair 57, nays 3L The Senate re failed to recede;'ls , to 13, , and committees eonference were appointed. In Senate, ' Monis. Btrohm v Pearson, and ~ IVlillert, of 'the city; . . in Howe, Messrs: McElwee,' Spaekaaan and . Siitiwden. This_ comthit , lee r will report Stro4ni , reported'the resolution' to* discontinue „the ,r(rnityslittra road, froni' - tlie CoMmittee ;Int bland.ittl4vkation, - with . ; certain 'amend ,ontraetOra `&c:' '.The bill' to Medieal , lege.Vaseeil giiidrP4ding: - Under the retie .. :tion . pf FialitiAf yAstertray, relative to. the refpoit4 of he $6,61. of government, the • ppilfg Flab et.; •• :Ryan; 7 1 0 a Or n "? urnrlenter., Rteltardson', 'Figilly;lteddii, Shearer, F.s Mirth - J 2. etinitingliarn,'^- pot, AsyStow, Megilvypey Hill, fle4ep, Lyre, g'. :S.; GiTnnlO,liarn, Doug!asti; . ;t4eCuiniiiitt . C. groin tlut, corn- ' ple:xion 'of, '.the,2110n10 . judge lliata7rlp - tifFliTiTriblo to LliCrem oval isTeniTif be . • ' • . . The •Himie sperittlie , remainder Hof,- the session in. the•diseussitin :of a'resolutipULto_ kali/prise the 61M - renter to open corres- Iporidence:swith -the Governors of-Ohio; • In diatia;:andiliinois,•on.-the-project-of—a--20il- l Epail from. Pittsburgh" to St. Louis: This subject, w • aslhiroduced into the message of Gov. Porter, and*lie fespiutioti was offered : yesterday. •It.raiSes a Magnificent topic for discussion for such my), as Hill, (of ..West.) McElwee, Flenilcen, and otheisuch wiseacres .as coinpoSe•tbis Houk ofßeprc sentatives. They cannOkstray froth the subject while the map is before theM,• and stifficient_ force. of in ind_ tO: come": to--a con-- clusimisnot row:tired, • They• debated it' ae though natur"- was before them.--; - Sonieof the more •senSible menibers • calleTh the previotia•qUestion to-day, but they were on too strong a scent,. andliad'too broad a path before: them to be-diverted by such a trick. The previous ctUestien •Was sus- Wined, but;': as the, fox; dinner/ were more irresistible, they finally - gave , iip their amusement. for. that, labour. Ancfthe (Ines- Lion will be again up to-morrpw. .- . lintutisituito, Fel): 7, 173 . 9. Mr. PotyLsoNL.—Alr. -Fraley - at - tire city; by deputation,;tcted es Spcatier, ut the ti.b series of Alr.•Penroso,ylio is ., -confined to his' lodgings by indisposition. The .elntinnan of the Committee of eon ferdnee, appointed _yesterday npon 'the ap-. propriation bill; to-day made report." ,They. agreed - A° reduce the ramount given, to the, Sinarnebaning line..b° 30,000 dollar's; but to leave that to be paid in carrYing on /tile work without. limitation. - - So tliat line is placed onAhe.same footing Of allitui-Otheri a disposition. to-day to fling at . the, north branch lines. -T , hey - are called "hunt- .• . --.• : bugs'-'--by some who have-heretofore voted NOT SLO-Wz.—As' a train of cars was for them: But, they say, they have .been , passing alung. one of the rail roads a few mistaken in the importance.of the „days since under full , head way; the engi north. Inanchand doubts are raised-ivlteth neer 'ohserved an, old_ woman -running-to er-the_State of NeW York Will.ever form a wards . the train from a Irse he-was about junction if it is finished. • I passing, waving her hands and exhibiting - A..resolution passed in the liouSe cat- great anxiety' lest thd train- should. geo'by, tw ivpohtlie Canal .tlommissioners /or without stopping:. Supposing. that her formatiottof the-steps Yak ! rand Was important., he checked the locomd in 1136 preinilieS The -aniffilitt-of dye . Moved - as--slowly- along until the to-day p.nssed is, 1",260;000, audit is - cal- ',oldladY---Wbo- : had-nearly! Itin irersell . out led-a-tempcira,r_y_or_partialLbill,-„It-was,JeLot_breath=gradually" approactred p_orted hy._ a: me in be r, 1.111 llll ......... 11 nisi ti `N0.11., warm ,r_.cried-th -place, and-did :notcomp from 'a committee. .." - condp clot “WItaTTOlo you Wantl',l. want;_' The two folltiwingareAlle rules •adopted replied_the dame screeching- at the top of by the Senate: itt considering, .E,xecutive.her voice.,.!.`l Want to know' if 'you want to nominationS4— • - • • " rimy any-squashes?" • !Pile way the steam 1. Bionediately-.aftCr the nomination to was put on theTheomotiVe_for the nest. on thc - Scriate - iryllitt G u vern - or - of - any- -- persmr - ntiles --- Wast - a - eau dun-la-land-P , t Bos.::- te fill a judicial station within . this: Com- - . toii - Transcript. monwealth,. under: the-- provision-Of the . . eighth- section of the second article-' of the), I3UCITA NAN A NI) 13ENTON.--Trou- Conititution, l the S'peaker 1 , shall „Me is - brew hare. 13n elmnan has been announce the same-from - the chair, - & - cauze -- named in Pennsylvania as t candidate:for the message with any accompanying, docu- the Presidency after-Van Iluren. Benton ments to. bc..road„. and lahlAnthe table, it is well linoyin; is an assistant editor of •2. At anytime, after- the expiration of the. Globe. As-a • heavYThit five:days-from---Actime Nir C : flint the fllowitig: being made and announced as 'afinresnid, on; "For ourself we can sly, that from our the chair declaring that original'resolutions early school, boy days, we have "never had ine ord - dt-T any nidinlier may move to go , but one opinion of -the Federal party. We into the consideration. of . executive .busi, ', have always thought, however some among nese for the purpose of acting on said .theta may disguise it from themeel i veS; that - nomination and- on .the- thevoy_instinct a - greed to, said nomination shill be consid- - , of the.pat ty—was identical with that which ered the-first- of the day, until finally '.dispo- has robbed the people of their rights.civery majority where_in_the_old world and all its efrorts by,a majority 'olthe §enate ; but such busi-l - tend to the Overthrow of free * Government iu nom, when - commenced, shall not be post-.,this. country. We never voted for a Fed poned for more than five days, except in ; oralist, advocated a Federal ,principle or case of an adjournment of thP body. kir 'a , supported a Federal . meamOt .and, with longer period. God's blessing; hope we-never ' A. rule Was reported by Mr._yearson, to! What an onslaught .this will- make with call upon the Governor for the recornmen- 1 all the renegade. nations on which4lie Made the nominations mu Party!- - --k. Express. itrwas,'upon.debate not adopted. Id • - - -• • . • „ . _ was considered that ibere was no power to FROM TEXAS,—The schooner Teat -compel-lira to produceHpapers„an_d such er-arrived-at-111ew_L4rleans:on_Ihe-2.711ui1t, as he might feel at liberty to P r6 d ucelv°tdd i bringing dates from Galveston and Houston have no efleetin satisfying_the_requisition's _ i to the - ISth .Vanuary. of the Senate.. . 1.. Congress was to adjourn on die 21st ult. .... . . , ...ingresb The filially - , after a very long de- The 'Senate had passed a bill fOr the . crea r bate, - dispoaed. of Abe subject-of. the, grea t l . tion of a national \bank, being predicated ori Rail ;Road scheme .to connect St. ' - Louis, the revenue of the Government.--„ They with Pittsburgh. .- - They adopted the reso : i had also authorised the-President to negoti ate a loan .- 'The -apprapriation for, the expensei-i - of-thgov-- ! erninenfamounted t 041,5,00,000. Ex-President. Houston"had announced • his intention to visit the nited States. The papers say nothing of - the Indian dis turbances on•the frontier. •The escape of tivo Texian citizens . from-'the dungeons of, Mutarnorac4. is mentioned—they. reached Houston in•safety—'-7their names are Davis and Hedr;ck. • . • - A Temperance Society was organized at Galveston and-twenty:five names signed to the pledge'of total. abstenance. Late Galveston (Tcias) - papers - state - that 'about a thousand . emegrants - errive monthly at that - port 'atone:pant! that . the.ninnber of *LvoeselLinLlfitrbeii. averages- twenty-five -rapid" growth. of_this ietv_itepublie_on_our_ South Western': border, .perhaps .. only. •esfullied by-_thee results 'exhibited-'in some our own Western, and : South Western States.-Ba/63`Piitiiai; • - to.luiiou have the • Oovern_or corfeN — torid . With other Opyeinors . up_on the subject. If thii administration nets in immortality up- on . such .a project, it will have a 'slim foun datitiii: It is apiece of . humbug. Humbug all. _ . . . Mr. Spackman latd before the House an amendment tea bill budet 'charge of Mr. Butlei, to effect a liability on,the part of, the Stockholdet's of a 'Coal Company, for the corporate debts. He said. he_ Should _vote. against his own ,amendment, but to try the affections of the ne*frienda of Mr. Butler, and to settle the question, 11%.offered-Ahin Mr.' Hopkins showed . Spartan „Wood by de . larina he Should votefor bit the ques • tan was not taken. ; - .• Th`e - Lo edrroto - House otßepresentative ordered-the print ing of fifteen thousand ; copies of Governor Porter's' address, anctreused to print three thoilsand copies of GoirentOr Ritner's Mes sage; on, the -subjept of calling-out of the , Call' you that fairness?..,. How. diffeteiat does c'Mr 'party act-:.-always will ing'to.givetheth sides ajearing. In the Begate our 'friends' - ordered Ave tkoUsand _copies.k.GovArnor,Portees T addross.---Our party is not dfiaid to_let the people see both sides of all queStions. But fill! rebels are. Their policy is,tokeep light and ;truth' from the people&Hai. Chron. ' . • • StIOCKING DEATH. 'ERIE; Pa.; Jan.111,1839.—A man by the naMo of James C. . Bedford", 'Canto* his 'death iii this place on the 9th: instf; 'll4 , ;ft 'the following • revolting and shoeking` 7l Cumstances co m ppion ,hi5...131,7t:4h eL , name of ffif - Mn DancolitOifered feirpaYZW. a quart:-Of hiskei,-pr ded Bedford - Would drink it] the• Offer was aecePted,• the whiz:- key {trunk; and in . •'•a. • few; hours; nowith standing, medical :dawns - called in,..themtia crab's being w'aa a , :corpse:' , ..• The: Coroner lield-unlnquistilvertilterbodyi Who - repnrt-' 44;in accordance 4ith: thep, i sboVe fiats.- ',Prelifie . ,diell•ais the fool diethe-irrie •,Ga .01.0. • • •• 4t,p...X1e" . ..9..p,:i-i =: 10-r. : *,,;, 'i liiIiEEItIGA:4NO-CoanrkrTtli.—fliTig4 . , , is'pli i i.i . n 4iiris mar/Jib - 0' Sity.S, it has in t er-: ; .., nation that thc;lnViiiStigatinir Committee' now, at work. iiiT - I\WYZtr ----:---. aVe..makirig, imlibitant discoveries—"PtichaP *ill Make. thOlibebYticiiPlcel- deep Ternorsti:that they _did not take the : early advice of tlibir.,,qpin darn friend's, the C.onserratiVeS." - .,.. • That paper, which certainly O - Ooys ebti: -siderable-facilities - inj - coMinglit tlieinith‘iri that partieular, more than insinuates.tbat a portion - or the •public money- employ ed 7 by Swartwout, went to the. aid or '.building op of the Globe newspaper!. . 'his within our own recollection that abmit the time of the: ;establishment of this Official organ of the ad ministration, 'there, went.forth a rumor That the ljiiited .States , oflicc-holdeis, and espe cially those of New York.. the 'heTeditary : do mi n ione-of - the - hCir - apparent,. were pret ty-kJ:lie-rely .eked in their Meows, ;for,the t_suppor(of - this newspzipei'r -- enterprize. ; if ; that rumor was . true, and we believe it' ii. a-, .i.grceahle to the usage of the lacksoii_ Van 1 'Buren administration partics-Alie, same ap peal. having been Made,;and tax leVied, for I t . the Telegraph, w i f; so, likely to he pompell- I d to "bleed; freely" as SubtreasurerS wart , -i. .wout ; whose „ q qies i . VCl3.s ' upriiiizied to7con •tain millions?' It would ben pretty chapter in the revelations brought about by- the in vestigating Committee,-;if;it ,sliall, be made • to appear, as - the Madisoniam'seems •to-afi r j ticipate; •thai---one -eause—of -Leg reasurer Swartwout's defalcation, was owiing to•his I contributions in aid of thb.eStablishment of Ithe Chiba neWspappr. - . -- This;me,sayovOilld be a pretty item, of iriO.liguice fol•_the, "4 1 mei:Joan peopie,", of whoni _the 'Globe used seine time EiflCC,:todiSCotirSe:SO ' CliarrninglY: Lilo, if we AO'no - fgreatly err, stranger and more important developinents than that, in I regard to -the wasteful and. corrupting- rule of the spoils; adminiStratiimi, for years Nit; 1 will crown_ the laborkpl the Juvestigating Committee.--.Batt. Pat.. Cure for Pe/644..--A plaster made, of soft soap and' theatrongest lime thatcan „bet ; rocured.7—Exihangepaper. 4 recommend,Vo thiboveirecelpttp - fire attattentionof Coagr e i ss, tab° ehgraffed ,n the bill aginst defaulters. The first article, can be ,obtained from the President himself in all its purity, and the 4atter . Mr. §peaket Polk has on hand for 'die .use .of his white washing coMmittees.—rMiiierk,Tortrnal. . 1 111 titc'./Verericel—The State:Treasur er• paY the order of ,'Gov. Rimer ilefraf.the e4eitcc:s of the military call: Cd Alte'loco Honse are wil initla-papAlte,Wries,--o(a•kicked--111"P all the riot -aftb - e, rote' of.:r( . dollar, and a half per day. 4 , l oh . .C.Onsisterk 4 y, thou art 'a jewel!"' --Minerovirountitt: . • • rizr i 5.0 PO•COPtea 'of Gov' yPot, is In au- , gur.4laddress wereltoted . '49,The House,, and only=;luO- f ,c, o v:-,iiitrter's--spealal Message. The.former contained empty promises, the latter public business of importance.—Ni nets Jottoal. i 'toy t nutnett ~ ,xpross reaild neikhboys - iopth'e'k.!anaila-'w a ri" front winch_ Lecture ut).l we ke . :th e foll Owing extract:---- - "Friends and fellow:citizens—Keep cool and doret - make, fools - of yourselves • in the 'your linsinets: B,tay-nt . yoUr own' afrairs-:- - --keep', your - nioney don't tear yourshirts;•hor Inirralt befpre,you areatt t - of the, Wocids. ; fOrm 'Many' se cret societies as-you please, &petite your winds, netts and grips_ yeti_ pljase, ,but dbn't,get drunk---don't pledge: yourselveS trust - Yourselves - on British 'ground, They Aandle,guns very. -carelessly On the" other side 0f..-the boundary. Them Brit;•• ishers•hliways hut their eyes before they shoot,-and there is no knowing...what they may do .if they'shouid . shooting -but- - lets:7les perfect - My to get in the .way of a gun in -careless'hands-4okeep sitady—. don't join The "taunters: " don't go wander- ing; off aW ay Toni 'het i° "about voar baiiz ncss.;" don ' t "have :as good -a .sight to be in. one 'place as another:7 if you want to rook my - Su:Hods; look so at your • Wife ; -if fon want. to , shake•your head, shake it at your children. Do. business on-your' ,- own capital—pay a • sufficient respect to the soundness of your skim=take a newspaper and payfor it, and'you can learn all about those matters us well as if. You.were on the grotine,' THE TREASURY ROBBERIESTIIC • llos . ! - • ton AtlaS haS - thelblloWing 'very just re marks in relation to - tlf6 recent defalcations of the Sub - -Treasury , . • We have•ofted heard tlorthts- - expressed ,of - the . permanency- of.on rrepu blican insti tiniinis,. and the violence of Party contentious, there are, some who fear that the tnion must' fall. But- in a spirit .of "tope, of faith •inour - raCe, and'in • the God ofnations ) rwe; ,- have = always sustained -the belief, that. the great experiment of a free government here was to-be-successful - . - : A time hoWever is shortly. 'Coining when We think a test is to. be exhibited, of• the s't . tilf Of which the American people are made.-- ` Odo !lot refer - to the agitation of any 'of' the political questiobs,- 7 —bank,. or tariff, or slavery,.---out , of which kays often. arisen - what.have . been Mulled t!erisee,”• - in which all was to he lost; Tliese•co me - and ,pass away like the thunders 'find lightnings of .summer._...Btit_wolOOk . milli intense ty to the niacin which 1116 American peg ple•will. receive the official accounts of the cnormaifs fnuuts....whiChSaie...beeit.przetis-ed 'upon - them iethe name - cif - dteeracy. rook, not with a. partisan interest, but - with a patriot solicitude, to the course which the American people will pursue towards that :par,tyA, thatadministration, which has coun enanet,•id acts having_alLtho wieltediff highway-l'obbery. , When • apty "robbery the one. now in paw: -er in this country, is detected in crimes ivhieh sant defiance •all honesty, political or . privatewhen tale after title . is - unfolded of robberies , of, the public treasuries, com mitted by, one set of the officers of that par ty and connived at by' the rest,:•---we- Ljtayie-fronv-the-treatment_which_that _party receive at the hands of the people, how far. the latter are fit for freedom or free govern feenive the story quietly and submissively-'--if they wonder for a day and thin forget----if. they ceaseinttil they have ferketed out every_corner:into which the haSest of traitors-r-becauSe traitors to free- dom—have hidden the_ eVidenees of their profligmy and corruption—and; above all, if they continue in power and. office tffe men wlio ha - ve thus . been- false ;tto liberty and.eheated those whim they swore to serve,—then indeed is the republic lost. Its basis, its' only basis-'-the sound heart, - the quick, true, honest, moral sense of the. e - ople ,- - -- ;-• - is - gone; - mul - the - hope - - of - the - icy= oftintentiis'goite. with it.. „ .. • A Nront.—The - Woods of Lancashire are - 4 distinguished - family .for character ; - wealth - and - talent;the-eldest-sonriohn Wood, has been returned memberilf Putrid meld. for Preston several times, and proved himself a steady supporter of civil-and liberty. A laughable circumstance Oticelook place upon a trial in Lancashire; where the lead of the family, Mr.. Wood; giving his name, Otti well Wood, the judge, addressing the reverend person; said "Pray, Mr. Wood,. how' do you spell your - name ? The old gentleman _ . O double T - • I double E double L - • . double. U • - double (JD' , Upon which •the astonished lawgiver -laid (kiwi - fills pen; saying it was - the most ex: trathilinary name he had ever met with' in his life; and, after two Or three attempts, declared-he was-unable to record, it. The court was convulsed- with laughter.—Gar dlno'.4 Muskand Friends. • ' . We rccornMend the . following, from a a . Loridon - Paper, to - i,bni - e - ablit — feaders who are afflicted with Aeafnes, - : hoping ;that it. may be of beneficial advantage to them: ' lit 'a.communicatica,in this week's VariL .cot, finni Mr. turtle, 'the surgeon to - royal - dispensary for: diseases -- of-- the±ear.,- ' l Whin from his situation niest have had great exporieneeht this line of, prOtide.,.. an , ea-, 'count is given '.of the employment of a new remedy for diseases lir - tli - e — ear,' the—value nf which hasbeen - exemplified' . hi' several :''After.. ~ . , . rerriarking'on the prevalent mistake .thqt.these diseases are incurable; and the conSequient.negleet of ,them; to • which' he 1 attributes the greater' number • of cases of deafness, he observeslfist,one of. the prin.. cipal and most coniton.,catiseenfthatmala 'dy is doficienc', ' of :the natural secretion, arising fiern 'a want ,Of action. in' the Cerium , inionsllsnds,:ow, retnetiar . of ..wiiid., . the ileafitess' geniiiilV — di - s - OpearS. ).. For — tii — e purpose of ekfecting thisi Mr. .Curthrqms, latelystriployedn'stiltitioni t crebiote, - the applieationof which . does not .Cauie. ;11.0:7, i) ie tif',orisinarting,seasation, the only sensi b e_effect.piodUced.being.a.feefing.ofogrcea-. 6 .wirreth. The ,preparstion excites the action 'Of ,the. giant's, and cause's an abuir: - dant secretion of cerurnen; thereby - . restor ing hearing.. ..... . . ,' ' . . . ~. :KEKA,L,.D._Ba,;EX.F. , ,I9SIIrd.(i.. DY GTORGE DI. PI(4T.IDS3 I= ZW=IM Vltic,n:licstuv FOR PRESIDENT, vn.A. ' FOIL I ; OISII)P.NT,,. • DA1T1Z1:.°7722,11112.. tcf . ..Vte•dre'itgitiniititlelitetl tot Loth SERGEANT, -for-very iniportatit tblicJ - _ _ fle •sill. please tweep thanks. .11ppointigent I, l le.llllotney_Gcnerol.. Esq. toihe Prosecu-, tiiio Attorney for ('uinUcrlanil county=: MoxEy-W.ItTSTEu.•.-Our subscribers, arid: friends—We have • nothing to say, those indebted "torus for advertishigind job: cause is the:for - Mite of piditical • war.— printitig;will shortly he .Waited.on, for the7Tliis is the true •doetrineof the loeofodos— aMcituitthie-us--. ..We liope:that they Will be "to thevictors - belong ; the epoils''.:—arithno • • psepartidit.) - trufet us with a • lyelcono L ~ and man - has._ preached. it up with more - zeal promptly hand• over the "Benton than the - editor. of - dui Voluntesf..--- He: iSH drops.' '= • • - now glorying,in the work of "regeneration" . that is now going oni and seemed. to exult in his paper of. the week 'before fast, that tsti,i)ireCtora of - the Poor supplanted M. Bititile,Esq: , as their. atterney—se.deeiil 'ded jahe-for - carrying the.-work of.proserip-: tiOn:oitt• its :.. 00rnost• extent. „Tut :Atte _Managers _of the _rail etoMpapy,..,:w have an undoubted --"rightlo'appoint -- xvhdro. - -• they- please - as , their' offiees -and:agents ; : he stigmatizes in the severest and most tinjuSt terms,and, while - Striking at' them, strikes at the 'Very prifieiples . W114:11 he is now' and has. been-advocating ! ! ! • - 11_71Ve the attentionOlour frietdi, to the card Of Messrs: Fisher and: SWainc,.- inserfed in.another . eolunth of . -to=day's pa „per. ktriend ivlo has already had deal ings With the firm, assures usthat- ihe Set . cllauls - of our county ,- --ran deal Inora - 16'fileie advantne in- that establisliMent than with senior par , t- Fisher; we are well - acquainted, and -know him to - ho in obligingian, a g ood jud g e of the articles in his line, : and a- very felloW." We 1101;0 our merehantS ESE Mll, 1101 -TILE INVBSTIOATING-COMMITTEE.--r-N-14 apPointment of a comniittee by . the-1 - 1 - onso I of-Representatives.of the:.Uilited States , to i investigate the defaleafignSiif. Swartwout, • has caused the _greaten uproar and outcry! ---- - • amongtheloco=ifico - pressee - in - the - eountry. -1 ap_pens _ __ :;. _ ..4 - . „_____. • . 7.l'liey" --- vineonost:pitermslyi --- .end -- rallege to be one of those kind of rascals who too , often forget to pry the Pridte r.' • He stands' - lloOnslead of, violation - of is a violatio*-tlin - tlfe - appointment of the committee by ,indebted to us on our boOlts, to the amotint- 16 . of $6,75. If he does' not sliiirtly-"Arti us of ail 'former preeedent, and alins a deadly the amount ; we will be compelled_to_place blow at thcininciPlekof legislation?", They him, - slung• with soniirer graceless I seem to Maintain - that bodies have scamps; on a thfilr; - Which we are.abon ti .not a right to alter or amen 4 their own rules, -when-necessity-or-expedienc=may-require- - .I it, or when 'the object of die:majority impe riously demanded it; But Mr. LEGAREi Of South Carolina, in a late eloquent and pow erful speech on the subject,: completely --knocks-this-groinuLfront_under_them,_aud_ leaves thein nothing to stand upon. He makes it*Jelf-evidenti. that, by .the _existing rule, "the Speaker is charged with the ap _p_ointuient of ,cOmmittees, unless the house _shall see fit to order otherwise, in which case, they shall be chosen by BALLOT. , " If- Speaker Polk had sppoini!l the committee, it would of-course-have' comprised amajori :ty of the devoted friends of Van Buren, and ,thus:any-thingeulptible or-criminal on-the-part: -of-the_prineipal agents' Of the_ government, which might be detected,- would have bedit either smothered or white-washed. The tocositistly dread.a etifilinittee of • holiest and independenmen-theyknOW the - guilt of some of the I *gli . agents-.of the *govern ment.!t in speculations and frandi upon . .the . United States Treasury-=and therefore they lookSy - fill — terror to the report - Of rthe'Com mittee now sitting in life . customliggte of New York., .• , ' • • • . • . NOTinEiThe Post Master at 33urling ton,Xerktu—eky; infornis us thetacertain fel low by the 'lain° Of!fohn refus es . for lift the -papk'clireetedio,l4ln. Unfor-, tuntadvior:us, this man_ Gibson _ 10111,„CigNERAL POST OFTlCE.—Recent facts - have been ..developed in Washington, which prove that.the General Postbflice is -bankTupt,-notwitlistandingihe-- Pompous-ac,... 'c'otints,Of Amos Kendall as to itstiourishing condition.; In 1831, there was a"nett sur plus'revenue of $BOO,OOO- which was in 7: $1.60_,1100.in1838401,,..mt_The first_ Lof January 1839, the mail rolites and. ex-; penditures greatly .decreased—therti, is' no •, surplus, to be f01ind6424 miles of mail route decte'aseil-- 7 and.-still there is -an in- I , -crthee of expenditure of one three' hundred grid forlys!_!!== '.A correspondent of a New York paper, Who is intimately acquainted with public - and Priv* affairs at Wasilingtoni anti who is generally correct in his statements and con= elusions, avers That Amos Kendall keeps no. regular set books, but has a system of his own In shorthand, such as no com mittee can understand. It is agident from] the ".signs -Of the. times,"*: that Kendall and his - nnPrincipledaSsociatei in Plunder-, ing the publfe, are preparing to fill their' pockets and make off with the "spoils."—;. The evidences of this fact are too'glaring to' rhenlistalien4lhey are - getting rea - drfoti start.—and- as soon- as-a-committee-of_ con- :i gress Shall have co►nmenced the investiga- , tions Of the Post Office department, they willbe o off in a-jiffy, - preparing. . , Goon Dime. lY r.,•• , -The New York nal of Commerce says that die Merrimack 'Company in Lowell divided in December . , last 40 percent, on. their calAtal*sl,6o9,- 000,13esides.reserv,ing a l surplus of $ too,Ooo for the . pyrchase'of-- new Machinery,- The Company made no dividend in 1837, but reserved their profits to ;meet: thelessesther were then exposed to from bad debts brthe general distresses of the whole . : country - - in that year. . • .": • IlitP,The Alhanyeerropendellt of, the . Roeliestertlemocrat says • yeung lady, attending bpardingselio,ol irt the .litst. od city, suddenly.expired few dayS`sined, 'while sifti►rg at her - 'Tie last note .of.the-inelody-sheTwas playing-hadTsChred- , ly ceased, when . her- gently spirit, its eternal ow, floating and • Autcertain ie.lifc 1- • . • ~- I tif.toitAikE, . - 4 ito, e " editor;of lie'tYolunteerr - displayti.most gross. nvizinz - 6 - 00 - enlpablehzeoitifnaito/ in his remafks . • about certain removals and ap pointatents in this'conn(:,ry.;'HO, evidently maintains ,tlie.doctribes,Ahatthw . loco•focos iri,'entitled' - tO, the "spoils' , - ..undet;,..GOy • Piiker,' - hbeeausc'they 'denies' 'the right of the managers of the Cum-. - ,berlaud' -.Road.,a majority - of whom aid .viilfigni to aPpoint their.friende an agents:BLO. It his eyes that Gov.:li>orter,remciied Messrs. Porter, Line;, And giaighead, and aPpointed Mesars, San tierion; Angney . , andFoulk in theisplacii, but he thinks - it cruel - that the Managers of the R. appoint. Mr..Craig head weigii-master in, the room of Mr. Ant ! ney, and E. M. Biddle, - . Collector in --- the: rooirf.Of ''Eby!- .11e calls it• ft.!deral:ty faiiny, proscription,and all that sort of thing, I • • and wakes :a very ',pathetic appeal to the "democracy" to frOwn,it down! Whoeyer heard such rani; nonsense? Whoelicr read such shameful: incoltnistency ?. Whoever I . oitded :through diatribe of • folly? ,-Witiletlie-Govertiorii - removing_ourfriends: from the:vieounty. ollices , by: scores—while the 4ttorney'. - -General is - rapid' Y: Idinoving all the deputins in the. State--:andwhilethe 'canal.commissioners are disbanding every _agclit_and car-greaser Mt Our improi,ements,, and tilling the - vacancies. with .their Own fa They Visit 'tl Alt PAM AvaADAESS.—Unilpr this, appropri-: ate- hamOlte-Franklinlßepository-Says: L'he . Ba. Bank of the United States is bound , , _ , ay, its enatter, to loan the tate, any iumanf money she may want ht-four per cent; but the.prejudice of a majority of our Legisla ture'agalnst the Institutionie,so great : , as to induce them-to pay s /hie per cent. to - other banks in preference to npplying to it. This is truly absurd. ':Such conduct i s as silly, as was well Temarked by amentber;iii that of.the Inariontho undertook:to break. a_bank_ he disliked by ~burping all, its notes he, could get into his possession. ,AVo learn -from the Baltimore liatrief, thai,i'daring attempt Iva's . made on Friday evening, _the 2t1).. -to Set :-fire to the bank. of Michi gati. The. office-of Messrs.. : bates & Talbot Which is'in the • haiement, of that institution, was, forcibly opcned# and fire communicated to papers hiseverat parts of the 'office, itunately ' no - . —datriage , - was - tioneLthe papprs,having : been hutrr; Bally cOnsumell,.in—whicli'state they were found in the following morning,. When the .oftice.was opEnti,tl: _ . ' , ,•, . •""" 1 1 10.70.yr , lq,9410AIRderion erthe Vol. ,- • • iiiiitegliaa briraitit tOrit paper, a `l;vty*xurufuLartieleillepvliaLhis_plinqed tostyle" proscription extended the,--derae , cratic Officers 'of 'the Cumberland Valley'li. l'Ee..e.ry: of lion is rather lamusing when it comes front - the Senior bcl4ot`Of the ,Volitnteer; who, has . , • just superseded in the office *of .Prothonota-7 -; ry - of this eounty,.an ahlo and efficient oft- • ---.. • cer, and - One in evert nianaertis merely forthe. - salre of . political - H'e has. alit), 1104 . same paper, .a. inghly proacriptive article, censtiriiig the loco loco Governor of Kau - land for having appointed to office his political opponents, and ,ur- ges that every publiC•offieer in the UniOn! . • who-does not think pOlitically withflie ad ininistration at Washington should be („0-: chayged;• "until," as.: Mr. 'Sanderson very • .despicably_observea; :"until „the, Argeao.:.. - 4ablO is elfe,ctuallyand diroughlYcleaUsd," • Of this principle e wepoweii . er do not .com plain, beiog•willifig - to concede the doctrine • that to the victors lielbrig the spoils." • • WO. merely notice •these facts the con-' sistency.Of George:Sanderson and-his ad.! EICIUM the tissertion that-Reined: '• , :Angney3nid:_hison W.:Eby'zycrilreiheyeci on account of their - political Principles•ale - ac - 4 7- - -is. untrue; We understaml.that -the:Board' of Managers - at ts --- recent - burg' arranged. 433eu , _ system, Air the transac-... tion of the business of the company, tieces sarily reqniring.neiv appontinents. These____ Were. : given to persons, selected by _the, - Board, - without- regard to any supposed rightof'Preferenee Which Mr. Eby-and Mi. Argney, appear,,teiniagine they had. ; -_lf- 1 4l le.-Boaid of Managers are not competent - I to decide who be- their agents, or if I-dicy are forced-7tcrTpppeint. men - Merely be- . • cause they:are "deinotratieOffieers'! : ,atl disgtisting . 'political brawlers,. and if they I : would consent - to have men in their employ . who are sedulously „engaged. in villifying . , 7 - them, we say that theyare unfit.for the trust repoSed.-ir them. • -, ...,Andependeatiyi _other conSidara - tiens., ; - the-app - captment-o - cone:44: these merry at least, _would= have heett- -- aerdrary- to --the well tit/Own - will of aitia-tenths of the §tockL woeld have been 'a Want of self respect i ittr:the:Board of Managers,-.sornd of _ vv holiOiave:been i assailed••by him in -the ,eoarseSt: and grossest manner. Ilis •inso k nee an . d. overbearing . _behaviour : .to._Mana , - -- - I 'gers, Engineers, Stockholders, and pdrsonk having-business-with-the—company; have_____.! been. prOverbial, .and the pi►blie voico de- • manded that- his further• connexion with • the company — should-ceasesome-men, however—imagifte—thitt—nsolence- to- th*--- empleyers display an independent spirit. • A PEEP )3EIUND THE.ScENES.---It will s recollected,. that the lion.. F.O. J. Smith . of Alai lig- refuse& : to sanction. the q.ub-Treasury : scheme forfeited the ecinfi-. - *ll6'nee of the spoils party atliriashington.---: . Thereupon every Utnintstrafion - dog set — iip . a - barking at him and during his recent ab-• sence in Europe, with characteristic Magna nintity,- they libelled him hi 'sogritss a manner that lie lost: his re-election in .his o‘itn argtiTeyby a failiiirinaktrity: — kexed i--- at this defeat, he has . turned "Stiztes' Evi-. ilence," and in a series . pf recent letters - ex— --- poses the corruption of the party Manage imntsitr-.111-aine--=a-• specimen,—by—the-bye; of that of which -we aie-tasting. - . • ThelSwoEdltors,Of whom he speaks ba've . bptii been rewarded by the Van Buren dy-- nasty for their fidelity; and present us a les s ti.of, what we are to expect in the Key- . , • - 5.1.i1e10 get at - the truth:and the following re-. , marks of .141 r. Sinitli show the coiTtipticirt _upon 'which Van Burenism is based, and the little honesty - there ,is in their 'yelping *ink The editor of the Argus, who has. been outraging_ alltleceneyinhis sbuselof me dur- ing my. absence from_ the country, as also - the - editor - of - theAngnsta - Agei - who has been .- doing the sane thing, are both noisy parti zane• Of the-Van-Buren- sub-treasury,- hard=---=- specie, ant4bank • scheme, which _strikes doArn alnrost'the Whole diedit'systerr4—cer- . _ tainlk the, Whoic opt ainong men who have not specie capital—and yet Oro •'selves,not not-only utility. to the - rising gepeidiion, , of the credit - system; but . 11ave-beerinestLSignally_de- • _ pendent upon With. their own bread,,and for' • that wherewith to feed their farnilies! 'And to aggMvate the baseness their inconsis tency in . thiis matter, and mark thein mere effectiial ° t o ly for°' public 'scorn, — as con- 'ids of hateful ingralitade ' man who. is most abused personally by them intheir war upon the . credit and banking eystenni of thee - cOuntry,' is. no, other than' ilmanan tivho . has .e x tended to each of.,,thern;,*6.ftiot and moet:inycirtant,' credit and loan'pf . , capital' that they have had in their Jivei;.WhereWith to commence business in itte ''upon"n re . epectable feotingand and; their, own nan es!. ikeredibte' as it tria.Yeeern frthir,the tette . of these two papers toWeide.ii* . l.S.M; in truth, that iW 7 requiied 'beee6enii oftheenificitiiies• cirei,en;" the Aigps,play,; - _truly;' ho. sail ''l ti ver dollars of ° eed the Eniter,k . Aigus came in--. to the state;he-pprehasetVtipen *lend ed.eredit of, mere,tilin• tWo.- yearS; j arid it was of Myselfiliat he..sOught, and ; ofnie,,that . ,he,:recti.hed'exery - delbr..qf that-pre.(l44 tits recollection ,of you, :Probably that . restabli shod. the - Anus- • ta-....ig0 on -the ren4ovalvf 'tire . legislature 2