Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 06, 1839, Image 4

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    • . 3 r .. ..yttalle•4'ile Fills. erg
1i.'114011 IX 13 .I.IP [Wirt 3..
All nations, from thereinotest isges,have had ships,
bat Columbus only found out the way to America.
' Before the thne of the 'greatNanitill navigator, Peo
•.• plc were only enabled, to ,paddle about the shore's.
4.4440 with illir.Life.gednsiues , .11 is Litt two'years
Anc,e.l•lirst v.entured, upon an unknown oeenn, and,
Isast.tlisobveredrtlie . pri..ciou s • Objeet-1 was in searels
meilielinsit'. we're I
was.uot.. 13y.the use of them ; I.,have not poly 'passed
Pain the dejected invalith . tp this hale, IMat'tv. and ,ac-
Cy(/' man of basin*, but, cairmarattielk'slieldting, '
rencwad my.,youlli.- I can thus, With confidence: in
my own . eicperietice, advise with :my Tellosii-citliens.
Does the reader want proof .that At.,EGBTAEILEJ
LIFE:34EDICINL'S are suitable '.to• ftis own case ?-1
'• . I have on filent my office, 546, Woad wny, hundreds I
• of letters, from some ofthe Most respectable citizens'
or•thi q my native land, v,oliiiitarily,(lAe'stimqn . y.)
“ of the virtues of -A GOOD VEGEITAI3LIi-ME:DI
Persons ,whose.constlitnilott have been neat iy ruin
ed br,the,',M4lll4tifallible!" mineral, preparations or ,
the paay,„*ill: bear mo witacss, thaCthe Life j Afedi:- '
einea; and such only, are the true col'il-so,to, perma
,nent good, health. ,
- .FAT'S .CIF,F, PILLS' ze tint - ESltx 811710.6.
These medicines have loegbeen known and appre,
' elated; far their extraordinary and ininactfette rIONV-•
• ers of restoring' perfect- 'lF:lath, to persons. sufferieg
under near's , every_ kind of disease to which the litt
- -man . frame is liable.. • . • ...., 'l
•• In neus3' landreds, of certified instai.ces„they have
' • even rescuer] stitreirers'from the very verge of an as
' titnely_gtstve, after all the.deeeptive nostrums of the
day hurl utterly tailed;. and to' many-Us trust - ads . they
-' • have permanently secure-4.01g uniform 'enkrymmit of
health, with Out which life itself 'is but a partial Ides
- sing. . :So great, indeed liati: their _efficacy invariably"
and inf a llibly peoyed, that it' has appealed scarcely
• less than miractibusto those Who were unacquainted
with. the - . ,tautiftil -, philosophielal .priticiples upon
----- which they are compoentled, awl tipotms I deli they con ,
sequently act. It was to their tuanifetti and sensible
• '.
action in piirifying - the springs and channels of•life;
' and enduing them with renewed' tone and vigor, that
they were indebted for their name, which wasbestow n
-: ' ed uptin thiMs tit the spontaneous request of several
Individuals whose - lives they had obviously saved. •-
- The proprietor. rejoices in the opportunity afford
- • ed by the-universal 'diffusion ; of the daily presi, for_
placing las: vE,,GETABLE . LIFT.I PILLS :Within .
• the_knowledge....and_r_eachral_e•Yervjlidividnal !!). qlb.i
, coin's - amity.. Unlike the hostof `pernicions-yeiricke
rice, Which' boast' et vegetable ingredientri, the Life
, Pills ai•e'solely vegetable, and contain neitlfef Mer
--.: miry, Antimony,-Arsenic; nor any ether-mineral, in'
-- any form whatever . 'They are'entirely -composed of
extract's from rare andpowerffd plants, the virtues of
- which, though long , known to several , Indian tribes,
• • and eminent pharmaceutical chem.-.
fists;:rtealtogether unknown to the ignorant - pretehtl.
erso medical science; anti were never before .atl
- ' nsi astered in so happily elTicacietis a combination.
• - The first operation as loosen the cests of the
- gornaelmtial bowels ; the-various - imptiritiesand ere-
Aides, constantly mettli lig arated theist ; and - to -re-•
. move the Nees which.colleet in the coniml
-sioni of the small intestines. Other metheines par
/ tially cleanse these,-and leave studs -collected 'TTI•I4Bft
, behind, as _to produce. habitual eastiveneas,,with .all
ktstrairr,ol-evilit. or sudden diarrheea, Witli-its,iinmi
..tieitt dangers.__This:fiset is. well known_ toall_egelar...
anatomists, who examitang• the human • bowels- after
- - :deatlirhence the prejudice-of
.these- Well informinl%
...Men against. •vcozTAitt,r, LIFE; - ettt,s_j*_. tl ._. _..: . _ - •
T• - IRT H 'i
dealise tho . kid an the bladder,- and ,1)y this ' • _ " -- ------- - - -
- meatelotre liver and the longs. the litaltlifid action of
..9 -,10115 111XTAIN19, 0:?R ISIIIkRAL
".,. which .entire]) 'depends it the regtilarityef the ;• . . • ~ i tur c umx . TEET it.
urinary orggis. 'pm-blood, whieletakes its red' co- I
. • for from theligencyol. the liver and the lungs hefWe. ' Is
,has for mans - years been a great desiderata
it_passes into the heart, being thus purified liy them,.• , 6
among i•mi•opeati and American Dentist S -- , - to mantiftie
-mid nourished .by_food coining from a clean si•rmach, 'reeds from incorruptible materitas which shod:
isnieite the natural lit ing Teeth. • •:' -
courses fre'ely flu Hugh the veins, renews every part - A 1,,,,, h.,,, ( 1,,v,,ti years Ii ;6 5 ,,„,,m - o - ox i t!i i.._
-of the; systeni, and irieroplauttly mounts the banner '
10. health in the blooming cheek. .- .- „ I meets, :mil others IstisT,lVll!(!'..l`tili in histinfaeturine
• -- • -fereeloin ware l int
teeth of materials similar to the ; .. ,
--- • The•e.amottg the diatiTSllng; variety-of • :,., ti ~
enera,,v tney navt! 111,1 (1,1,1,5 W White appear:4ller, by
• human disease tin which the Vegetable Life Pills i 1 a
Lice toe F. -• • • 1 • I' CI •mished from the Ismail
• 'Mc well knotittito be infalliblit:- , -•- -.• • - I 3 art. yasi 3 .. c ts . i t,
„Lieetb.,__.,. ' • '''
. -
• Mi ll i' I ,;e B c ll l 'E nT S S -I totra b oTss l , li a l t r ur g e l r ' t i rtin i g 'ea ls aB ll " o 'g ar t o l r prints,' sic Ling and'tedions experiments, the subseribeN
• ' licaltliy- bile, instead of die stale and acrid kind - ; has eeetl'ed iamatintliettiviiite teeth of-materials en-
Flatlteney, Palpitalion of-the heaat, Loss of. Apps- tort) incorruptible, and perfCetlP In imitation a tal 7
man t 6,, - th. -• They have a s••nsi-manspareney, and are
--- tite,Jleart-burii. and Head-ache, Restlessness, Ill
made of various sizes and shades. - • . -
• temper, Anxiety, - L m m
aor, and. Melancholy, which _
--In an cast•s winee absorpti:ite it the aveoll'ir- fl
--'MTI":FtIiF g4IVISei ay:sleet - nes of Dyspepsia,
will vtartish' or other causes
uses may render it to to 1M Will casti
as a natural - rionsemmnee-Of-its-cure.--Costivenerr,
of he sane materials attached to the teeth, artirilfilr 7
, I ";,.,; , l l ,, e .:, l ,'.: t 3i l 7 L .,,, ti r s , ` , Y n h i l l e .,, l i e S i g o l t i l l t. o v i i r l ; i ll e - e nc ; l e l l e a m i l l ne y s io l l e it n i t ' ''
itms, which shall imitate the mini find supply' the
loss of : substance .
purges b
leave:the _bowels .costive_achld tiv
' frG.l.rlar I and Cholera, by renvivitig-ilea'srinia-lo(tMatid --- Irto4itirelY - irmpossible - for these:-teeth-to Chang':
- . ._
their color, or cause oetreath.
fi Ft ids by" IA deli these complaints : are oceastonded, 1 - -
_ • and' by_ prometi ti g_the_lebeicathe scere ti on 0- t h e I Ile will insert them from one to:entire sets, in such I
mnsens memliers. Freenessof all I,i4als, by rector- manner that they will make attealhltorilie soles
mann . . .
log . the hhod An regular circulation, thrisugh the pro- : I Perfect, materia lly assist ' mastication , and. so I
tbetlistinuislie ' ll a- frims the most beau-
that they CAMP._ „g the .. t. ..
.. t . . . 1
ce-al of perspiration in seine cases, and the through'
' solution of till intestinal Obstructions in others.- Th e , tifitlnatural laying teeth by nsos set u intzing oi- .
LIFE PILLS liars been kensen to cure Rhcomatism server. . ' . •
- _ .permarieutly in three_weeks,and Gout iii halLthat •
. Ile also_ performs all , the various nperation sin
time, byremovnglocalinhatralioitimhthemuscrei Detal fge smeo' * t o -'l l - e - I -te scientificlin-
and ligaments of the joints, „Dropsies of alt kinds, provements in Ilie,tirt. . • ' .
by freeing and strengthening) the killtil•ys and Wad- -I P. IL • li:A .- ' l 7'P, Sttemion. aliast,
.. _ .
, der c they.op_erate - most delightLialv on these hips
_tie-cornerk 1 N. W. of Charles l ~.a vette streets ,
lag organs, and hence have ever been' founita cer
tain remedy - fiar the worst cases of Gravel. Also
;Worms, by_tlisleilgieg from the turnings or the bow
. els the slimy matter to N 5 Welt these creatures adhere;
• Asthma and Consumption, by. relievieg the 'air Ws- ',
sets of the lungs from the mucus, which even slight I
_ colds will occasion, which if not• removed becomes
'hardened, and • produces those dresultia diseases. •
--- Scurvy, Ulcers, and inveterate sores, by , the peel feet'
. , purity-whieli - these - Liferills: - ,give - ti - rthe• - lilood -- tuid --
' -sly the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and bad cora : l
plexions, be their alternative effect upon the fluids
that feed the' skin, the morbid -state of which occa
sions' all Eruptive complaint, . SallOw, Cloudy, and
other disagreeable Complexions.' Fhe use of theie
- -Pills for-a-i,dry:short-timerwillfrect-an-entire-curel
of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a striking improve- I
ment in the Clearness of the skin. 'Common Colds •
and' Influenza, will always lie cured by one dose, or .
by - twoseven - in - the - worst - cases: -- Piles;--as n-reme
. dy for this - inost digressing and.obstinate malady, the
Vegetable Life Pills deserve a distinct and emphatic
• .recommendation. It is well knows to: hundredi in
__L__this•city,thitt-the-Proprietor of , theseiniallusble Pills, -
Wasliimsalf afflicted with tine complaint for upwards •
--='-- of 'thirty-firieyears; - rind'he'tried -- m•vidii=everrrein - = -
- edy'prescribed within the whole compass of the Me--
' fie is Medici. Ile however, at length, tried the med
teinewhich-he now-offersan-the- public,and-he was
-... cured ; iiv.n.very- short -time, after bus recovery had
, been pronounced not only improbable, but absolute
. ly impossible by any bunion means.
• DIRECTIONS-IFOIt'USE.—The Proprietor of '
. the Vegetable Llfi: Pills does tint follow the base and ,
'mercenary practice'of the quacks of-the day, in :idyl
- sing peesons to take his Pills its large quantities. No
.. good medicine can pessilily he so_ required]. These
-pills are to bejaken at bed time every night, for a
week or . fortnight; nebording to the. disease. -The
- usual dose of these bitters is half a wine glass full,' •
in writer or Wine, and this qhautitv-may be taken-two
or three times a day, about hal f ari hour before-meals,
- • or a less qiiatstity may liti_talten_-at_all_times..___Tq •
those - who sire afflicted with indigestion after meals,
these bitters will prove Invalunblq,.nsthey very great
_ __• •ly increase the' aciiiiii.Of the principal viscera ; help
. them to perform their functions, and enable the sto
_ __ltnaeh_so disellitrOnto_the-linwels_whatevemia ellen ,
- • sive. Thus indigestionis easily and speed4reme,
----- ' - vett i - appetiteFrestoredount - themotiths taf--the - abscir.. - -
. bent vessell„being. cleansed, nutrition is 'facilitated,.
I and strength of hotly and energy of mind are the
- '•
• 'happy results. 4 , 4)r-further. particulars of ' , MOP:.
imply' ht Mr. Moffit't ofliee,-Ne. 1G Broadway, New
York, where the. Pills can_ lie obtained. for 25 'cents, I
• 50 Centadm $1 per hex I mid. the 'Bitters for $1 or
$2 per bottle. - 131 Nutnereus-certifidates of the
,• . wonderful efficacy.'-of both; may be there_ inspected..
• • -Its same obstinataand_coroplicated eases of eliyo;
• nits and' Inflainatorv- Rheumatisris, Livereomplointsi
Fever , and Ague, byshepitia; Palsy, Piles, uijuries
. , of langlstaading,it may_WommL.necessary.-talat4._
both the bilis -Zits':ad Pluerilx }Bitters, in, the doses
befW,reermamentletl.. ; . ,• -. _, • ._. - : .. , .
' ' . ' N. B.—The Pith and the Bitters Will get nli'mer
• ens caitar!the.aysterwinlinitely faster thair:t g
he be
preps , tionS of Sarsaparilln, and arc a certain reine-
Ay for the spiting; of : Mood to the head, or 411 violent
• headhelienli - eirq . ..e . , 11ce,7:-Alliiersons w ho are
•'•-• . predisposed t.l ktitjulEslt,ll.d'o.oltonld neirer he
r . without the'Life P IS•ethe:Bitters, for one dose in
time trill 'save life.'-. Tlief equalizdthe t oireillation of
the bleqd;drasy al preskure; from the head, restore
. pth'sifirgioN; and row off every. impurity' by the
itr y tg b.
pereebf the-akin.l, • .•-_, -.-.;;,•• . --A
- Fdr tial6 ''it the „4ot . e of T
January 8 , •1839'.:;;:!.. - '-'!'
, . .
MMENT;', 7r.
. • That taiga TWO Storyhriek house, situate on , the
z4outit .NVest corner , of ~Lonther streets in
the I,?pizoittch of ;Qin! yOr ,Intrtiettlars.ingnito of
!Ittberiber next itodr,
—.40 1 9* ) , j01,.7111,1,63Ver.1‘L.;.
.11!321:1 tio y ,elr .g.gtrests
47-E ," 1 573.3i.'23 9 -PjEtalY42I7P9----
A .
_N oplonTur - :4lTy N now Offered.of supplying
•AL yourselves with , WOQKQOWS
• , Er4Mattelting
. •
Heing.thabeat.arlide_eromtfm : et l .to the .anyntero
section of the - State:
Thesg - Ploughs will noCchnke nor. carry dirt, and
the dtkiet is about one-third less than the PRmgh; here 7
ilinfirc in use, two )I.#F.C.P:daing the work . of three, be
itides a great saving in tinge. and money .in keeping
them in repair'. he Point and Aare 'can be put on
in five. minutes,: and besides cost only 9.5 cents each,
and when' duff:inn be,Wheil and repeated Until worn
out; and' even 1.11..ut will be taken in - part pay for new
. The follewing ram-:1 p-rtions are among those who'
have purchased aod used theaboCe -Ploughs during the
senson, to whom Farmers are referred forinform
talon respecting them, viz: • .
Hamilton tovinghip.—Phil.ip. Winters, .Tohn Arm
'• strong, Saimiel Strickler ' John Little, Henry Betz,
William-Slytler, Philip Miller, Mr. Ashniay, John
Kones, Eniiion Elliott, Esq. , .• • •
Letterkenny;7--Nlichael. Grove, .15:iniel Kremer,.
116.. Shields; Isna.. BCR011.•,- J011:1 Miller,- Abraham
Mover, John Rides, Sam?l nodes.
J:i',v Jas.
viance; Ritiler, John Lesher,George Trace, Jo
seph Wingert,. Get:lege Petterhonc life. Iltugy., Geo.
Dull, William Byers. John B. Cook, Sain'l Geese-.
than, Henry George,
Peter linker, • •
" GPeen.—.l:l6ob Gysterf, Samuel Purvianee, Jneob
Dark., Jobn Reichard, J.r. ; "Josepli-Neicely. Aletari r
der Thoinnon, - Hen r y,: Wingert. Martin 'Wingert, -
Charles lief ch, l% fr. Smith, Mr. Clark, Mr: Stilabei
,gee, Sainuel Lemy. ••• •-• . •
SouthaVton.—Samticl Thomson, John Orr. • - •
St. Thonzas.—Xle,6l) Shirk, 31r. Gallager, Mut
NY7e havd also secured the right. of Adams, Cum
_berlntid,. an!! Dan i counties, and.. the follnwing
'gentlemen in-Ail:tins !lave used the Prouglfs daring the - i
:past season, to_whim_yariners that county are _ re- .
_ _ _
.101IN':AIC . 17AT
. _
•..711,vir, 'Two. Tavcrne.--Snmilel Durboraw,, Esq.,
Joseph Eoslain, Al. LI icr Alllwaine, Jacob' Keller,
Esq., Jac,o,l4real.y. .
, . .
' dVear-Atitiv.folva.--4'rerlorick,Deil_._
Cana aborc Plorarh3 ran alu;ays be had at.the
Foundry of W. szilima f-t•A7.o..Qhambersburg; of
JOHN PL.T.:I - NP:, I lardware Merchant, Qarlisle, and
of:THOMAS JIARRIS, Meeltanieslen-F.,—Where
'Farmers who test the P 1 ought, will please call
and get 'them.nn trial, and if they. will not ,render full •
arid_ entire ii‘lislltetion, mi. charge will be . _ made; if
they break iris at our expense. We will also pay any.
.Farmer for, any damages or, I of time, he rimy,
sustain in trying the Plou g h, if he Ales riot like it Jit . ..•
teL fried: .The r e have been sold in Fritiklip and the,
adjoining county, upwards Of . ONE THousAwD of
these Noted's, within I Months."
• JOHS - DVN.M, - .lgent:„.,:
Aim-t t 7, 1838.--61 we • . •
••• t . I . A
mHE tubocriber respectfully informs the inlinbi
tents of Carlisle, anti the, public generally, that
street,opposite Mr. E. Bullock's Chair Manufactory,
where be continues to carry on the • . .
in all its various branches. He has bit+ furnished
himself with a new and splendid HEARSE,
&c. to. necommodate all ! - Ilinse. who nifty llivar him
-with-a, ca 11... He returns his sincere .thank's to his
friends' and custOmersfor the liberal eneoura‘ , ement,
bestowedTinliim;andioliCifs:W•Conttaifteit' Of 'their
patronage He hatters himself that. by stria, atten
tion to bueiness'and - ft.-disposition to please, to' merit
N. B. One or Twtt• Journeymen Cabinet Makers
wanted, to whoin liberal wages will be given.. An
apprentice will be taken to learn the above business,
if well recomtp9ds4, • -
Carlisle, November 27, 1838.—Gm. ,
11LES1ETVULLY informs his friends and the
-10tel in Market street, to that large and commodious
hotel formcrly kept hy-Mr.--8.-Dukeoign oldie
.110.11 - A ITE E
• -This hotel-is-situated-iO-South- F...ourth_streel,be
tween Market and hestuut streets, in the very centre
the Witness part - ofttreCity,liiiir wilr - therefm4r ,
;very convenient for merchants and busidesW
men'OneraWy. •
The huildings have teen thoroughly,and completes
ly 'repaired by the .subscriberottul-no-expenSP-hits
. been spared in nrranging and furnishing thei•ooms
so as to promote theconolort anitconvenience.olthose
. who may . .favar the house with their custom.
GentlePten travelling with their litinilies can have
Private porters furnished
.the best 'Manner with
-el tambers- attaeltisl- to -diem,- where they -can enjoy
priva'ry and seclusion, or the - .compaidOnsfilp of. their
friends, as may be most desk:ile, •
;been provided
-with and the, choicest-WINES:oi
-1 everV description.. • "
,TABLE at, all, iitnes be auppliedivith.
an'd Which the sea Son 'and . maeket - can
e 'dd every exertion mode to please:* palate of
I ttstomers.
• The RE ADING ROOMS tire well supplied With
the leading journals eidifferent cities, as well as with
U. vent variety af the ,cmintryjnurnals of the-State.
ilie SERVANTS will he found ,careful and -trust.
Attached to the hotel ere very extensive ,
enletilatedAn accommodate ode, hundred liorsesond.'
_under The auperintentlance of 'careful: and titteuti#
D. .11.1. returns ) iS 'Sincere acknoWlefteirieritirtir
tbe'rerY)iheral diiconir4einelitlieretoferF . received',
Mid -feelingemadelitltiarrinrcein'rforatsliliii.gttcats
; With fare . which , Will lime., notliing.,hy a comparison
with other houses; niiilthat his appartmenis, and their
furniture, are fully equal to .those of any otherhotel
'in the city, he , reapectfully eolieita a furthen., share 3 ,
piikkilic patronage. , • •
I_oBB, - •
:',1 . t.1-::''', - 1 -- :, -- t7.. - ,- - *** i :, - : . 440--..:',4: - :4:-.ti . ':':It*:..)'*',:0:-0.1ii:***-;
.-U..t22,M aUtkriitillillMo
rziluity aild -. l.ii.s.t . t..'Ql)?pppy eft iltfae.- ,
i..... 2 _ ,
_cl: -t.: , '00_0,150, - chthithiat.9l,Ter.,. , _ -.
' .•. -' .. t. , ' ,641: - -':- P L 1111 4 . -- .1 "611 i. 7 . - , H 1. 10,14 - 30 '. Ai 0 :-.-
1 : . .- -': ' 47larre r ..1:,;e . ipeiuttk . )7 ,.7 -i-,'-, tr--."'
- 8 - 7 , ..tqraw LPIES,! grant ,:lAniti,tlea' i and' Eiulow
I .:.
11 - l i i - en fa .;Al if I matte - cknitracts gerrerally,that involve
tlm . entitinvncy.:of li fO. ,Ae:eept - TrUsio niiiittiliorizeil
-Iyrthe'cliarteei - froniititlixiclualS,` - dOrimpaieliwilies, or
Courts M . ',JusCi•e, and execute them agreeably 011ie
desire of the parties, and-receive Depoqitee.ot, . money
'• in . tilk; itiol' no into.Tek. • • .
‘., .
' LI PM INS ll H.A.N( ll.—The .terria a dre as' low As
those °Sony] office in the Union. ';'.'.. ' ..• " ' . •
• 17,4ttesfardizinrittg $l.OO. •
'. • Age ` Fore 1 %rear -For 7- 'rent., Whole zip
. . Annuakt . l.' . Annually. .. •
. 20-% $0 91-... *:50..05 - . - •.- $l-77
' '25 -1 00 - • 112 204 .
•30 , I'3l 1 - 36' - ' 2 36' ' '
. -35 1 36' ' 1 , 53 '.. '. 2 .75 .
. -40 :.. .1 69 ._1 83 • - .3 -20 - ..
• •
45 ~• 1 1 4 1 96- - 3 73 - ..
50. - 136 '-2 09 460 - '
-55-•--...2 32 . ..3 21 .. ...,e. 5 -18
_.,Fklutbkrjutform;itio,i) can J2etri on.
rit.the office. - . .
B. W. RICH ARDs,,Pres't,
JOHN F. JAMT S, actuary
GEon?v. il 7 .•Asii 'ereasurer. • • . •
June 11, tB3S,—Gm
ge m,
---netinms !du-sincere-thanks to the citizens cirCarlisl
h. flit adjoining coeintry, for the most liheisti'liab'onage
which has Lein bnstowed tilion him, and WisheSio 111
form .the publiygenerrillv thatlie Las repleinshed his
stick of t:oral and fratiTrli - liiiiiSiflflllTlC - lin
- Rifle to give entiiii fill who will - call at
his Store,.both iu qualityand price of goods; Rs he is
l'ea'dtgil,lo sill low_for cash._ . •
--- , Call to the old. Well known - Stand of L. Harlan .
North Ilannver Street,: nod examine his stock of
••„( mo; s; as he has a general-and complete ussOytnicut
of -I lardwalx-, - -
• Also ROCK andriN-FI POWDER,
of the hest. ittiality; whiekwill lii! so -at )vhblcsale
or relail. - " , .. _ •
fle has als.) the Nest' Catilherland r-Ntkils—bat call
and,cxhatine., each one for lihaaell.
Carlkle, MAy 14,1818.3 m. - • .24
, . •,..„ -
Ns.: 11'm: Eta sr Ciiiiiiintete
- sO‘ . 4lk Or. nerves - a sensibility, and
I lullfy tile , "tlerves oic - motiou: 'Fite powers of
p . :VA NS' 6. 7'.I(:) . .VIiLETJ'ILI:S, are surictlintH the
the tremulous Ini - Ml, - tliC
and the fluttering mind, vailish 1;0'>:e them
like tir .-
ions vaprit4.Ge6re the ISnign it , fitloNe.of•the
ing Ellll.
•-• • -
i'ln'e medicines, - Lc their rcanimating - powers, in !
Nigorate the mi n i, strengthen the body, iinProte the
tnemory,-and enliven the irifugination, So that Ow
-1 whole facilities Leconte restored, to their pristine
tone and vigor.
me.. nAr. C.4.110.111Lr PILLS
fin; ail .Vei-rons Diseases.' mall ciMs Of' Ilyp6-'
Itotalriaeistn i -Lour-Spirits F PWriltions of •
t ..errotts Weakness, Flour Al
-Ints,Sentlnal Il eakness,Chiarnsis, Flatulent' nrifys
tef;iral Paha higs:,lllisteries, grad 4c:he, Hiccup, Sea
, S7ek9iess, '.\';glit,ilfare.,. Gout, Rlieuntalism, Actlana
1 - Tie—Bolorenxi - Cramp, Spaentodie--.3feetionsoake
two or thrife . Camomile Pills before each meal.
These who arc victims to that most exerntiating dis
oilier; Gout, will find relief from their suffering", by .
a coarse of Evan's Medicines, commencing With a
few. Eval:s 2- Family Vegetable Aperient
Anti-billious Pills; and the Camomile Fills is above.
Nausea, Vomiting, Pains'in the Side, Limbs, Head,
Stmt or llimness
,or Conflision of Sight
Chillness, Tremors, Watnhinis, A gitation,' Anxiety,
Pitch Dreams., Spasms, Will in every case be relieved
by an occasional dose of Evans' Camomile Pills.
Ladies that are inn delicate state arc often troll
bled with Siekness,, Vomiting_,Alearthurn, - Head
Arlie, Hysterics, and other troublesome symptoms (
,Etans' CaMnmile Pills.
Those that wish information concerning the above
invaluable Medicines, are Jequested to call at the
Mike; .No. , IG, North' Eighth,_ near Market street,
Philadelphia; where the testimony of thousands may
EMns' Camomile ?ills, annIEWARE OF IMPOS
GeoPgetount,-.13.- C., June 48y4838
lo Da. WM. EVANS
. Wsiiected am truly grtitafictitlint
eetnrui ni). , sincere thanks to you,.wito have been the
cause of my be fig restored to PERFECT HEALTH.
FOr five months past! have been laboring under u'se-
vere Chronic Inflamatory Rheumatism, attended.
with dehility,loss of appetite, loWness of spirits,
Haying frequently heard orthetruly excellent quain
t), of your CAMOMILE PILLS., I nt Inst determined
to makit trial o t f e;
__theni,althoUgh iiOt without censid
rabic opposition - from - my physician and family. • At
'last, seZdng my. determination, they ogreed•to the tri
al, and upon using the third pi4ch;4,c. I was aliogeth
-r rest owl to health. flow eit I express My' grati,
mill sincere reprd for such a saviour &human
' filmes My-case was altOgether hopeless; and I
must .confess myself surprised- tit the extraordinary .
result. Nolieeple: were ever more blessed - than we,
-are-wh.h_such-.rcmeilies—The_rnanylquaek advertise-_
lujeopi_2lch• OPpear,in thepapers Which I' receive.
from yoitr elty, deterred me from using your Ills'
before I did. I can truly,,say . , thift tie medicine in the
known world has bra slidh n, bertegelal effect 'att your
.andAperient Pills. WVhat makes - the - Crure
More extraordinaryis,that I am'rtiore than forty.y ettis .
of age, and for the last. four. years could. just , move
about, rend only at short, lettervals.tramilit Ipreitent .
entirely ant
i • my'hopea, t4t:YOU_taTiay_
enjoy ;a`loiig'and :prosperous life. -If ~•
-Wiltialmohlterbdolv come to Ppiltidelphin to see you
-L-If:my_ame.and.lettetwill helof anY sOylee yolt,',
you are nt purred liberty to make use of them ; and .
all rctin•do totild youovill he done:With unbouritiell
Your inoA truly greafful and tumble servant. ,
- • WI Lid A.Al' 0 Ft 6*.
Nat. •Original Ceilifientes tol6 seen Nirni.
OffiCe. Rh& General depot,' No.. 19, North
Eighth street, Philabelpbra.' • '
(.0".• The above jfedicinc can always le obtained
th 6. Ofnce . "or•tbe esr EVPOSITOR,
- ED EIN6 about to remove ' to my own, house, .mx
Ull pregent residence will be 'offered for rent int"!
lihe let dal% of Aprilmeit. - A.'
. ' . • ,'.-'.. '. '.: . 3..: ELLIOTT....
. garlitile batolia, 5 1839 - : •• ? :. - . :. •
.' :. vausiaitiitimiliid iitiOniiit'iiigilti*,..
, , ,neO
Meelved•dueing,the,luat : yeskip pie, pie ofthell. Ma.,
'- -- - 4101:greti''' - ' f-eul"rageMent-Wineli-titie_ - saibseellieii,
: chines;inditeed.t 1, ..,e.,M, to make extensivo preparations.
time; lislior.or(ex . peose. has; an sparl - sAtto PrneereAlfe - . :,
to: Meet the inceetised•ilenrilitnYfne-their article. No
very 'hest' niaterialif the ebitntry cars - afford: '.'Tliallit
workmes Mare expeeteneestAnd.of the'first (thane:Air;
'and they have :no s besitation its assuring the farmers
-thaLthey - fireMew ahltrittfOrtilsh - theritwith al; iirtiolt
not'onkr equal •but. decidedly 'superior, to, any,..other
nitullifachired iii thispaitt Of the eOuPtrY. ' • •
Fee speedy, and : plena f . threshingovithease Itti: the
Horses,e they elieve their-111'01in° to be unequalled.
Their -price is sank as last year, viv'l:4o dollars;
70. dollars 'in :cash and the balance in sia"mounnt,' for
which ii-noteltill be requirenfr''' The machities'are in::
cured for • twelveluotitlis,„ or until they shall, have
threshed two - theitssed bushels Of . graim
,'`hey have lir , flow several:machines and ready for sale*, and will at
,- - all times be ready to !hellish them , op•.the shortest
. ) ILE At.ll,iktill .
notice. Order's feorri'a distance . ..will 'be punctually
f • • i attended. to: . For :the • trilling ,anm. of -YOLK :1!01 1 -
.. . ,
• • ' '• ' : • 'P. Povi'er; they flienish the farmer an addition that will
- Ire kno rt that Hcalth;and.tho . abilit,i) lo 'LARS,. in addition to the price of . the Maehine and
altor is the wealth ,of ( h e grail mass. 'o f
the . peapie in . 'thus in most' other ,court- -
enable hitritoesliell his .Cloverseed.: : •
. . .
• . .
. , . .
tries. To preserve; therifori,eilarli6r4h .-:._: 'lr°' the l'llthilice
/ • , • 1
The silbScribers, bellig .. desirous •'of publicly omits; .
liy N.3771R.4L means,, is a orand moral i
_/ -z . : ,
and poiticat schente. to - fulfill which -2'c' ten:Unit . % the efforts which' ar'e: seceeilv made to' initire'
' ''
' thd charaeter of their machine,hy, persons who op-.
• I r • following CEßTlFl
quires our utmost:alto) tun,_
, them, respectliil y sit unit the i -
THE Miparrelleled repaint - inn which 'Peters' Pills
CATES•to the i t
.- .. - 1' •. , • - ,
have a4 i nirc(i'as' a Medical Rese '' illve i is the most i :1 ~..tir, that I ; last year, used otwt. of:the Thresh-
unquestionable proof that can be given of their iin
hig Machines manufactuved by' J. E. Drady Br, Co.
•mense importance to the niftlicted•in almost every , ', and ,
,elass or illlit'llfTß. 1:.110 111111111. Of letter s receives, - during the' season,' there was threshed • oil' it
: about four thoUstind bushels ,Of grain and • about,
' icon' patients r ece ''' elr g ihree ii h , t4il ; : m , ene , a is real - tivo i. hundred and twenty' fie
,bushels of clover
I proolgtoos; flat- l be ftnfoldfolit-s'wotgo ine Y -4 : l *': e- ' - ietid,.(trid I sun fully • satisfied•that, for the .I cm
cured are Molest. as_ varied_ as they are nuinerous.— t
use, it is-superior to any other Alachiee I-have ever
'But still there are • some its which they are 'more.
seen in this part .of the country. 4., further certify
:.espestiany betters O af thine iii others; nod ainong.those
thatMeAletiry Hurst, one pf my oeighhot* i littd six
may-lie...namilltlie lon often fatal - complaints of WI:
, xistgen loads if shiver , seed stud' cleaned at n clover
stomach iiiiithowels, such. as Chen°, Flattilenee,:and
mill„and the yield -was '22 bushels, and that the same• I
ludigesti Oa; for which they are not 001 .x eertain ' - fluantitY of sniff wasthreslied on my, trichiiie;,and
Whin - immediate cure. • . the yield.wali 3.24 builliels:. Mr. Hurst is• - (if the opitt l s
It is well known-that from the disariangement of ion that the atoll he hauled - to die mill i wits the bet'
did stomach and bowels, iiitse eine tentlia of all-the
• ter lot of the two.
rtialadieis, of adult and declining life; that dila iathe 1 . - , ,
~•- - _ .
founda n tio of Pla I.
fOlencyi Spasmodic. Pains, Indigos- . 1 ,,,,., r , is, 1888 ;
,•,-. - •,. -
. - ... .
Lion, Los of ''Appetite. etc., and that those .in tilde : .
I certifythakin August : last, I purchased froth'. J.
. turn give :birth to Dropsw;__Liver cemidnint , " " th m " -- Rißrady_kl.76:::'Olie_of_theillliresiltintlinachinea,',
TsU inptivii, and habitual lOwtreas of spiritsiTtliießlbre
Whielllgistilfor threshing. grain for different Formers, I Peter,' Pills, being due coil
,fer the incipient 11-twinges of the .
bent medicine whi c h has , till some tiatieln--Mtirch lasi,' During that' period I
I ever been discovered
k am' threshed about fifteen thou Sand bushels' of wheat, rye
lintestines, ere neeesSattily the surest preventatives of. i : oats : - MY , expense . f4._ repairsi_of___both. the
1 those ( I cen dfulount Op geneltal-(lisoi.deas,-which - ems --- mi sc hin e and I form Power, did toot.xceed-five 'dot
' bitter life, and d so many millii me . Mr
nisto un ti me l y ' -
grave.- rag: s, and when I sog- them, (whiCh was in March,)
. • I the machinery appeared, to 1.11: nerirl), al good as it
lit speaking ',dins - De:NMI% - nrr .
ogatS.s nothing to waasit the time I Insught theta. The :wheels in the
I himself thalleis not Lein i.eisceelled by the politic.— Itoeie Imiter - Were perfectly sound and • Bubstrinliiil;:
I,Hn i iiitilo'needy, qoack' or iiiikitowsi speculator, who. , „ i d „ po „ .0 cdotic extioduct i ou, I . could not discover ' comes. before. the world-as - his owls h era ld mi d wit- --Allot ilw cogs had worn in - the 'slightest 'degree. 1
noss; but is pieced in a respotisibility of situatio n by had, for SCVheral years' previous, been engaged in
1 -No'pdtronilge wilicii hie • hiv. , s •i•niiVe.+ l file Years; aktii threshing with !three thlietvut kinds of machines;
s, wffich• IS increasing_ to an extent unprecedented in- which wildly , i tried; and I tiiillesitanglyr,eertify that
the annals of medicine, that makes him careful to as-- for derahility, service and speedy and clean thresh , .
sell nothing- which is not baresteut by the most in- ing, 1 have never used or
,si;(.sl fitly that, in ' my opin
fitufthie 111001; a n d imni*e . he.d"en not fe"r . • to 1m put inti ; •will .at all compare with the one Iliad last year,
AO the test . .ln, any thing 'Whiels lie has promised ee- tudess it be one of the sainekinvh—lf attention is given
'nPeellng ids Pill s . •'' - ' -- :. • : ---- '''..- ' 1 Mille machinery ; it appears tome almost impessible'
--Dr:-Puttees -is Most-happy to-. be able: to state, : oh, for ,„ .y . part . or t i„. l -,i- t o- g ero t -- o f- 01 .40.,, •,
the authority - of 'n'grefit iitnnber (if. regular .physi-' i . -
._.. ':. ___:SAMIJEL,II9LLINGEII.: , .'
eiins. that .whi.rever: liii . Yegetlifiln :Pills have becii - r - -iiA,:,.. 17, 18 " 38 : -... •- , •
introducesl i -they-have-silmost sepereeided- the adopt -- ITlsitst)tearassreelittiediwitrefftlie - thrensing - mne. tie.
ti ms of uii:redrial expel meats, feellieir peculiar fur - . of, . F e - -Br a dy- Si Cm ' (one or- w hich • 1 ttill have > )
tilty in .siveeteiiiiig the• blond, and istienulating it to fl ed fully tested them: I;',.;v.speellyAnd clean:thresh-.
(xlis.l all noxious Jticies;•and in.givinss MlTligth and: ing,:thro.. .110.., CUtpitily,-a Superior article-, awl one
tone to the nerves. peeves ( 6
_Ai wa se Pii•mil-gegilivilig • doit is Of great service to
-the Farmer,- I consider it
that strength vi hick roust be got u n dlee; . ir' t it all, by:: theliest article Oldie kind I have' eve's' lii!ell in , this
,dangerottS,EVlTit'llit'S: . . ' ' 1 part of Itake:great pleas u re in-reconi-
Prepared by JOS - - PROF.STLY- PETER.S,•M. 1?-, mending - it:the harmer.
129, I,tbracv street, New` York.' Ench Vex .cootains ,•
' _: •
40 pills;. priest 511• - 'eents; . ' • • ' -- -
-- I May. 1, 1958.
' Till!Re',Cy . il• pills sr- sold by all - the priori- ' I certify that Me. Andrew Thit•fsim midi pin -chased,.
pal Druggists in IltiltimniT, Philadelphia, X ., :i.' I ishi ng : ' last-November, nice of J. El: Br My Etc CA's threshing,
ton Cits• - ,: and throiighoid th e United States; the Conti- , T e ne hi nes , w hi c h ,C e r e ify t e ,t e ,Ll e fyi eg *Ai re ib e d
dos,. TexaS, Mexico, and the West Indies. and .hy_ w i dtm, r y-,-, , oms- and clever seed' on-it. 1 am : filthy
JOHN J. MYERS, SA NICEL 11 1101 T , (.1 - An -t satisfied that•it is prefera ble to any other I have' 'seen •
ttstats,"S A 'll n'rl, WILSON', Shippensburg; LEW- in ollerationt; and- -it is an article that willTe - Pily
. DENIG;GEORGE CARLIN, Chambersburg. ' t the.-Farmer amply, for, its price. It threshes cleats '
D..•.ceisibee 4,1 535.-74 y.
• 1 iii nit liable to get out of order, mid is,: upon the
- ..1
whole,-at article-that I ean,-- witli-.,greateoisfideitee ; H .
recommend to the Farmer.. . • •• ' •....,. - 1
C o i = S = rMIPTIOA - CrfirED.
thb ittrahtia - Si-R.6411cl
. •
• . § ; _: . .4teil,, - - -.•-• -
R ,._
' , ;4 - SP A 1. -
...FOr . the prevention
--- .c ! >4._o______.o. ._frnd cuf_e(2l Coughs,
_, , • ,„k* l :(1 . 4- 41 : .
. 1-4 Colds; - .4sthnias, Con:-
-. 4 .- fq • h 4 .*, sumptions,spitting of
4 *4 s VV - "+ •
I . 11 . 1„„ N . ~ , ,, 1 2 .1? .. !OM,' and diseases
• ''''.. , .::::-..<4.4 .of the • breast and
:',.,,_ . .. _ .
- - • "'" 1 : 1 " 17 '"
' • lun ss, 4*.c: , • • • . -.-- ---
Ofhin , cei•ti neaten entlili hatiti - tCen proetweil, but
~_ .. . • .... '.
1 .
Dneior CT.:\ niCSON
, .„
preprictor of to i e - it was deemed unnecessary. 'Persons : who 'wish to I
inquire into the power and quality of the machines,
specific; resided upwards of four years the among rare referred to those who last year,usa them, and' ,
r - an d- : - " witt "' --- Tuiriicularlyto - the - following - nnmeil - gentlemen - , - riztt -. a.-.. .
t r thil i t i ei i T i l i
g l:,: i - T- e d i r i - J s r i e e i N *• ; i e c i i .., m- m l t i n a l l i i ii:T ii
hi s
, Messrs. John Foust, Frederick livers, Adam Yonder- i . •
quire n knowledge of the different remedieli used by ' Emanuel Sites, and Samuel Diehl, of Gitilforil
power to nc- N
.lle must boa miserable villain. indeed, who
would place the life of a fellow Lein.. in
tem,, for the cure of the :sick and wounded ; Allll township; Messrs. John Huber and John Yockey, o 1
'vent . • Quincy township; Messrs. Abraham Stoner and balm ; . ~7 - .
. danger, for t , 1 rp . g
Frantz, of Washington township ; Messrs. Jacob , he• )u ose of maid,' MO..
brens't and longs. • He observed the Indians were ;
1 1 :ir cilill.terttilvitelh'itr•olYnstililionsleiti‘o'llii,idiLuilhecyontinpiklneiitintsProef the ;
Hade, James Mitchel,James.Allison,Emanuel Ilaile, '. ney. .
John Binchley, Henry and James Beatty, Christian . . ~ .
0 S l i ti I ,, j ‘ t . je o t te t to
eoi, numerous ;atid it r i%l
rn si itiiiielil!..
modeeopl o a r i complaints
those i ,
am ' Here] and Christian Hoover, of Antrim township;
heing-exposeil-to-the--inclemeneYAf.ail ,we n t -l e „ rs .ri.lacolt.Oyster,Esq.And_Mr..llenryWingert r of-Green. ,
. What - rid - Druggists'proVe - hrmakingand;selliog
_ vin - .I township; Mr.• Frederick Deck, of Letterkennt Counterfeit Pills purporting' to be
lent. Although, many of their diseases were of such ,
ninny of their complaints were complicited
township; -Messrs. John Rhodes and Conrad Colt -
a nature as would, with,, people in a civiiried Shite .smiih, of Hamilton township; Messrs. William An- , .
Brandrellifg lVegetable. I.lni; -
have terminated in confirmed consimuitions; yet,tlo- ' -tie, and . John Philipi,.of Montgomery township; ' . . • •
ring the time he was with them, he did not, hear of • - eapt. J. McFarland and - Joseph -- Dunan, of Peters . ~, pi
versa II 1 Ils - •
a consuinption. . - • ,- •
township; Messm William Bowers and J. Seacrist, : ~
So happy are they in their knowledge' of reme
of Warren township ;• Messrs. Jacob and John E'er. Is ?.—that the)' are without norrrar and i. 10110.11.0,
dies, mid so certain of their effects—when appliedin ,
ries of Metal township;
And David, Hunter; E9ff.,, - ' l / I .Ti priileiples. • - • " •
time, that it may he said . .
a Am° c°4's"lllll)timVs wilts - I and Henry 'Winger of Bedford county., 211.—Th4t no other medicine is required by the
-ease- nevite-known-or-hental..among Attem." The 1
.._,,___...? - J.-11. BRADY-SiCo. publie;.or_whv do not. these druggists cnunterfeit
truth of this observation must be corroborated by all .
Charnbersburg, September 17, 1898, • • other , pills in the same Avity - tht..y Ito Ilrandreth's?, --
win; have had the opportunity of becoming scgiunterl/ One of the above machines is to be seen at thehrceu__Siruply-becausetto.others-savellrlintireth's-Yegetsble
with,these penple. It may , then-be miked,_ why the . y _
-,----- er.-Mr -4 , -ra
.ncis'Neblerlin - Ctifliii - E. -- Any person Universal Pills ever efectedthe extraordinary cures
are exeMpt ft th ese , omp h,h,t s ? . , the - imam is ,' wishing, to purchase ',me r est' have it set up; and•if it 'that these Pith Are knowit—ttivivsumitt.Y. KNoyvv... , — ,
. .
obvious ;., because they immediately seek for relief, , does not answer the purpose as specified,wemilLtake_h:Lhave.effected ----, - ---- - --- .
and prevent these comidaints wliiili Insensibly under-[it away free of expense to the purchaser. There' There never was a person tylickused the, '
mine the constitution, mid bring on,,incurable con..
I have been upwards. of 1100 of them made mid sold by - -
stimption. • , '. ~ •• • 'Brady 84 Co: , within 15 months past. A line direct- - VEGETABLE-UNIVERSAL' PILLS;
-1---BillaioLdirection_necompsny , each Cottle o r th e I
ed_toithe subscriber_wilLmeet_with.peomPtittention. _..-„.-,.„ ~_, • ' , • ________..,,,_.
Specific, pointing' out in a consPICAMMI manneicitll . - ' • - ''' JOHN DENIG, ~ 4 ,gent. , ,ur nO ataVot-recommeria .them in terms of
the _symptoms in the differetitstageS.of these distres
Sept. IR. I 838.-6 m. ... •
'. ' Charnbersburg. ' . the most unequalled praise. . . .
sting (melikts ; also pnrticidarilireittienti - respecting - ..., - .
:Diana - Regimen; mul how patients are to Coadvict ' . - _ :
LOUCWS _ _..' • -, Nevertitless , these counterfeiting druggists have
themselves thydugh_every - stage until health is re- - ----
„. -; , • . • - .;- done & ace doing the character of the Genuine a great
stored ; for vain mil useless would be the prescrip- [tautens Cure lealthe Rheim. deal of injury; but .it is 'M i red flint individuals will
lions of the ablest phisician, accompanied by the most , • ;not allow themselves to:be ecelved by designing per
'powerful medicines, if his directions are not faithfully inatimin ally other 'Pains. sons, whose only object is. to make money, and who,
adhered to. are perfectly careless of consequences. It is ,'matter',
The Public are infornied that the depositions of of no importance to them *hether the poor child is
_two hundred mid Atighty-seven : persoushay_ebeen to- 7 _l readied front It-bed of- sickness And restored to .the'
ken before the proper authorities of the city of Lan- yearning arms of itsparents, Or whether:hint on whom.
caster, Pit.-, all' completely cured of the most despe- ; it large (Many rely solely upon for support, is p_re-:
rate crises of conSumption, some of which are detail -. vented front filling an early and untimely grave; . The'
eft in the bills accompanytog the - bottle,, - . - -------- time may conic when the greatness of them guilt shall'
'The price of each;bottle of the INDIAN SPE- become clear. to their benighted understandings; and
Mile is One Dollar, and ends enveloping the .genuine , then -it is hoped they will endeavorto make. sonse.a-'
Specific is signed by Dr. .Clarkson .Mventatt, and. the I mends by the after purity of, their Hies. -'- - r. , •
initials C;P: on the , seal of each bottle, • None . carrl
Every. authorited agent has * copperplate certifi
IFF.g-diuirieWitlindrllfitraignatureraliasd, compost... ! -cote of agencyraml T has-itexhibitedm4disstore.—Ne--
1-tiorthsving,heettattemplerl_to_he imp_osed__Stlon the' -Vieiliiiiiiiiiiiit-tifileWthitriti-s-eCtiVend.liave'itome-re=i
-1 public by a counterfeit imitation'efiliis•extraordialyl fird tiT,Sn_ fittir - Cilifiriiiite - FtheWeritlitritinfiftifOrigiritr,
' article. . . . . ~ , I
- - Mow citizens. He must be itnliserable villain who
cd'A' supply of the above sPecifie, is kept constant- - would Place: the life of a fellow' creattwe in danger for
_ly for- sale by S.IJIITIEL ELLIOTT of Carlisle the purpbse of making money. __~__ • . ‘ , • Samuel Wilson - ,Shikiiiiiilitrit - T ---7-7---- Dr.ltratidreth7s Offices i n Philtidellthim •
Novernber. 5, 1838-1):7 - . ._., i,_____:_:___:_._,_ - - - PrinciPtil, No;; 87North tliirStreet.' ' -'*•' .' * 7
. Minor office, No. 43; Chestnut Street, near.3d et-.
Remember the above offiters . are kept eitclUsively n
fogithe tale of tke trite. and:gentune Hrandredi's Pills,
I: — Thef folloiiing persons•are:Onty,aullniiiiied Agents
for ate county of Cumberland, in-the State of :Penn.!
',.sylvanin, Whose respective
,natnes aro; - '„ .., '-.. • '
' ., .- - .
7' • ,GEORGE 'W.; RITIVRA-Carlisle. .
. ,
.'et7I,IIERIPSON; Shippenoburg. ..
• .
.4011 N: AtOOßE;Weivtle• - •
' , . .
iv:B., No dri[igisti'itpetlifeiart Or'Pedlar . , is al=:
:lowed to sell ifie genuine Brandrethts Pillsiunder aq.
cirmiinStlinceis.4Tiatit i er. 0' Also 'Observe When: you
purchase -of 'any'adiertieed Agents, that . they hive a
certificate of agency, signed and 'sealed bT me, ,
.-,,..i 7'... : ;,,'.. ~• .' 'I3,4,BRANDRE't H; M.. 1). -
, ,-; 'NO. 8, North Bth Strect,,j'AiladelpAia.
AMinat:B,lB.3B.-71y.• .. ,- : • _ - •
litYttßED AND
_ 00, •
Trig subscriber' reipeetfulli informs hie'frienda'
for Buie; ut his
C'titittiii - d — Liimber - Yaril; - oir the bunk.of -the-Susque- -
banns river, in the town of Wortnleysburg, „ ,
goo(); fEttiskpls. s,OperiorSinaith
Pannel and cummon,,VOrds:. •
POplak Plank and •Sediabilg:,.4.e...4.e.
0000, good quality, seasoned light :Bari
• • • rel Staves and Vending., • • °
,ratettwisitt26 ou
the most ft O iiitll64ll"n -ht9-r with the 1'4.-hleri
purullase Y Culling-p-thtor-tiureltaie-elmt
All .f ft . d . §,s; ? ! . o e nk o s f : it P l e p r w ions
berointl-extutiliellitilitook be pr .
.:oniiirlaing - eve -
tiele - in - thellyruig yine', -- hichi
wilFiliiiiOse Of Wdoz.a.e f tir. or IiEtAIL atthe"loivkat
rates:: Physibianer-ooubtriStore keepera'---
- 'F
ullers , and others, are reineOtfully nixitedtagive me
yl ,. _
TTI2 , -Ctips,Collara;Tijmets; Ike;
,Justreeeived,• a call' at the Old Standoti!Eatit High• Street. ' ' '
new stock of Fur caps--arid also a , lot -of flair - ': .., . ,• , ; , .8: MLitt/TT,
41 apt Clotb'Copa, for mkt by
.. ' , C. °GIL/3Y.
...I - Cailiela, Atay 9,8; .1856.:•• "'' . VP' ' "
. . _ ...
Apra 0, 38.-=-
18Sur. 19;
- J
Mr, Benjamin liamiltonand T, last year, purchased
one. oil: E. Brady Sr. Co's threshing machines, with
which there was ihre - sbed unt less than , 100.0 bushels
of grain. - • It is au excellent article, superior, in my
opmion,Ao any:of the_ kindi have e.ier_seeri._.One
its - ehiefexiellenceisv-that-it-is-uot-liable—to go out-ot
order. I hfliC no heiitation-in recommending it to
the Farmer.
Juno 12, 1333
MUCH need not be said in relation to this wonder
ful remedy, ns - the • proprietor feels - confident that
when impliod, it will, as can be provenly the numbs
of respectable Persons effect an entire cure of the
itheumatte and_ other pains. • It had not until lately
'been his intention - to make it public ; but by the, re-
-qu'entapplicatibits of-his neighbors and the'wonderful
cures it .has effected; he feels it a datthe owes to
'society as well-as to himself, to make it more'gene--1
rally known, and at,the same time have leput- a near
-Re he can within the roach elan who, may be afflicted.
L _Hu n dre - diritf names could be -Rubliihed.of persons
Wlin - havee - been cured_ ceiebiate - d -- inedieine;
but j he.Tollowing are' selected from. he mass, as be: ,
ing amply - sufficient tentte,st its powers. -
Johti'Srove, - David Bender, Jacob 1,. Nagle
Lindennith . , -George Fisher,- loti - ii - Alibitnghl,
C. Stoner, John Comer,. — Samuel FefielTi
- Aarinvßender; - - - P Samuel - Young
Hobert Dysart, R. Richardson, Jacob Worlielt
Henry Alsbaugh J. Diffenbattgb, Jacob Niers...
Mount Joy, August 25,1896. .• •
1111 orders from ar.dist r anae addressed 'to - the snTi
soriberoAtount Joy Laaoaqer,oodaty will be prompt.
lfin4faithfullY : iittended to.
i • - •
Melia Joy, 'Feb. 7, 1837.
The above medioineia alao - lbi sale by
. , • . JOHN .11ATITELD.,
Fehimary 12,'1898. : -
• • .
Alf ICUS c) ZOE 0
'Havingrecently.ftturned frorri' 'Philinielithia land
,New 'York with a. VERY. EXTENSIVE: ADEL,
'MN to' my fortner ptock, I beg. leare to offer Main'
citizens of Carlisle and the l'ublic generally;
p.4NIE . L. W. ROVER
„ .. . ~ . . .
. • 4 4 / 1 1i:11 — LEGANV,S --- '• ':-,:•,-,,
liAtil.itAlt - ' ,1 02 1- ZZAT,2!;'II -
R,; . eimred . mily,by ,r.o,trx S. mrt...z:o4,, q t.ltia, .Frog
.'!:Ma're i o'fookite the Market Hiniiii:, - rredei . :ik,44_ , ,
ifiliiis inluable Medicine hati,aliiiidY-acqUiretf ti
i..j„.elelOty,,,,whichefew.otheraverhapti,inaofsho t'.
it - tithe ever .aryliied;hinrits extensive use for
. k
Tears; M various 'parts 'of , :th - ..,6 - o
euptryreties;,.. , ai d .
Powns, in .Maryland, - VirgiMa,,Piansylvitnia'i Ohio, '
NewNork;LentuekY, MiSstniri;BOttilf Carolina,'Al
abami,Geprgia,iiid -.New Orleapai whieh luis at:tend;
e tt v itlrt unparallYd 'success:, . • •, : ' '
I .ititlidrds ' of t persOnalutye used it, al:nine:lout of
ten cases hal . m,heen.perronnently . cured,O Wspepsia,
Chalks; Nii-Yrititi.Treillers;Lowness of Spirits; Pal
pitationsCof the heart, and all thoge train ofPieeasei
resUlting frOni•a,disordered condition of .the stomach
and liter, or deratigetneilt of the Digestlite'fonctiontq .
such , tai Cenersd debility' or
,WeakoeSs,,Fltitfilenty, -
LOtiH of APpetite; Sour EihictationS and Acidities of
the StoMach; ; Cestit!eilesSi Headaches, Jaundice, Vitt.
ttiletit and Bilious Colics, &c; &.: .. ... ; . : . •
• .. To: Adults and Children with are troubled with
Worms, it will operate as, a safe and thorough ver
mifuge. ' It 'id entirely IFlotanical . in its composition,.
and may be used. by both sekes :and - of any. age, with'
perfect safety, without any. change of habit or, diet:
• it is not recommended like most patented Medi-•
_eines as a Imre, all but the. proprietor :recOmmends
it, for What' he 'haifull 'confidence it wits and has cur=
ed, which can:be substantiated by the testimony of
hundreds of personsolint hare experienced its good
effeCts. . , ~
- ;• -r itis : neatly pilt up, in ignarelgilf-pint Bottles, with
-the name blown on the_ lass thus,
fl Garleant'e Bal
sam of- Health, onlv by S. Miller,antl
v his signature on a label, pasted on the outside wrap
per of each gottle; which complctely secures it froth
being counterfeited. • • .
. , A full and asithfactory Direction accompanies each
. Bottle, Mid . by the.ipiantity at a liberal discount of
the proprietor and of all his a nts,,which'are nam
ed arthe bOtlontof each (lilt ion.
u ,
• Now testimony of its c ar e frequently'receiv
• ed, a - . fe.W.. of Which folio% this advertisement, and
many - nufre • can be seen orythe - direction!) arotind
mit ,Bottle, - ' , .
john S. Willer.L—Detti• (10 hereby certify,
that I have been afflicted with. Dyspepsia for the last
4 or'.s-years,Which has. been increasing on-me ever
since, to WO a degree, that for 3 or 4 weeks previous
to using yOur viditable!Garleplit's 'Balsam of Health,
1 am eurtrin' I have nol,eatemone.ouneii a day of any
-kind -of- d ict.:llei then—tya4:alacT;to _sleep _tup , ._
kind 'otcomfort during this. lime, for.a_seyere ;pant
in my stomach, io lila', had-given myself up as insu
rable, as I haye had resource to so manytlifferent re
medic-ft-without-any kind of benefeit,lat length-It-card
of your •13a1Surit of Health ; being_ailvertised,i_pui,
chased.a Bottle of yofiFil . gent WM, Miller
cheater yll.—After - : doess--I
. found iny retain in mime 'degree what-1
eat, and the, pain) - sstomachaubsiding.gradually,
tisipg one and a half bbttles,il found .my.
self entirely well-, mid hate , erit siqythik I have Vii
inclination tor, antl_sleep_well„iirnigit....-4_,Was kur
prising to see tbe . quantity of morbid matter I dis
charged from - my stomach/ whicld once-inclined to
belie - ye:wits flack. with it g ' which no doubt rendered
all diet • \ , _
Given under' my hand, this Ist day of December
1836: • - JOSEPH
: Lis tug nestWineltester
: Colijka 0 . ./ Alchakt•-• Dr aver: • -
'rids 15 to certify that 1 hmight Tons! agent at
Gettsburg, several bottles of yottr 'Minable Balsam
Uliich'edrittiletely cured me of the 'Dys
pepsia: -1- bud taken much of - oilier patent Met&
cities., but ft - Mild - no relief, until I made use of-your
gals:tin of. Health, ,arhicli affected n radical cure,
And do - recommend itto all those \Arlin areirottGla
witirthat obstinate diinriler-llyspep.sia.
• N. WEAVER. •
Gettysburg. N. Nov. ‘j, I g3f;::, . .
Ccrti:ficatcfrom the Reti.rp: Sbatfdr, Pastor of
the Lutheran Clittreh.—*<
- Jiihn Sir.-'-t. deetn it my flirty to
inform you that L consider Giirlegunt'slsam of
Healthorepared by you, a superior medicine: My
wile hasiong been in
. a delicate. state of Itealth,,and
of-cOurse 'no -means were left Untried:of whick , we
could- hear; myself- opposed' to -nostrums'and -patent
nevertbeleSsLeimSent - eireo - peirchhSe
bottle of your Balsam of- Health; and do hereby cer
tif •.that Mrs Shaeffer derived more beriefit from the
use ot meilierne. ll mioii is
thai if a cure can he-effected, as regards the disease
yoit mention, your Balsam will, if used.' in the first
stage of the disease. • +
, .
'. Frederick,' Aug: ill,'-1 add - -- - -
tbis vicinity, and invariably proved beneficial: .
P. S. I used the .13alsam in my own family and ad
ministered it to some indigent persona and invaria
bly found it a most elTicacious.veriniflige. '
. -}or Sale by- . SAMUEL ELLIOTT.-
Carlisle, December '25, 1838.-Iy.
Just 'lteceived
v .te r o c ln e p y l l e o t n e , a so e ia so p tit t m 6 e ,re nt ith of 6 .l7n r e rec y a k nt i e 9 'oni t t i l . !ie ß n ro ao iv iit
Vinsor - aoapilor . ,•softeMlig - the — skirif74VMberil;nalt
aoap for beautifying and scenting. '
• 'Emolieot vegetable-. abap,'Foilet, *Tor .154 seises:,
Patent winsor soap ;for stinting. , Patelievegetable ishap
for washing A/PlOod ;map ) for:llliogei,:tair;
mon oaktile, Ro4em,and'f,ountv a0tp . .,., aile,by
, .
Quacks and,their Destruictitrn
THE ..united , testimtiny of the thiough.• •
'out-the .United , Stame has,fugrproved, the fact that .
•'Peters' Veg•itabld Pills are the only'true,Yegitable
which Will stand the testof analyieticim hence •
, the proprietor-would' most e.,arnestlyyrge them to ,
the ,n'otice of .thorie‘Vho have heed to the habit of
using,as cathartics' or efierienti;the destructive and.
I ,iiritautig? 'pack', pills so generallj , ' . adirertilTed - , -- ind
which are. atbest but slow,eointeraers of the:vital
ftifietiofaTiiiid"-Murderous ,iigents 'even:to - We most
hale - It is true . ; mioarebf them .prifuluce al.ptitgative - . --
enct;and 'Sometimes tramficnt relief •but nr. most
casesth6y injute the digeht:ive orgdhs, apd an habitual •
resort .to them must terminate in confirmed dysiter •
- It is true , that cathartic: and aperient medicines are
often required': but the nicest discrimination ..shoulti
always 'be observed in. pie selection; and if. this be '
done, nothing injurious can result from their use.-
To produce this much desired result,, Dr. Peters
has made It . his study for several years, and
,feelti -
proud.tb_say _hal-succeeded ,ai length -far-beyond:-
his etpectations . The object of hia pills, is to super ,
cede the 'necessity of a 'frequent recourse to injurious
purgatives, and to off& a' medicine safe, certain, and'
pleasant in its operation.
,No, 194 Library street, New York.—Each boa con.
.talas.4.o pills... Price 50 Cents:
•- • .
ilienflache: and rvotige-
Those who have suffered, and are weary of saffering
from these ditdreSsing complaints, ivill find. in P E•• .
TER S'' PEGIPAPLE PILLS a remedy at oncef
certain and immediate in its effects:
Many have been :eured in a few weeks, aftel' 'paving
suffered under this dreadful complaint for years. I
In-habitual costiveness they are. detidedly
or2to..anY Vegitable _Pills ever -yet discovered, and
this they arc reeoraniended by all the
,sent.and leading members oftlie Medical Faculty.
Cataloge Reasoits - T; -
• • •
For. using Peteiis' Celebrated
•• - table 1 ills, , •
I.—Because-they-are ;exceedangly-tioptilar,,whicls-- .
proves them td lie exceedingly. good.
2. Because they are, composed of simples which'
ha )e the power to do good in an iintnense number of
cases, withour_possessmg_tke_means to do injury in
3. 13ecause they are not a gnack mediciac,but the
sciehtifie ebinpound'of a regular - physkiiiii;itho'hati -
made his profession the study Of his life. •
4.• Because tbTiy are' not unpleasant to take - nor die=
- h - ve - siiifil t T. to retnin, while del are mosteffective to qp~
. .
elute._., . -' r T- ..
5. Because they are recoMmended as a standard •
medicine by the regular faculty. - - • . .
'6. keeping the systein intrnithiral state
uf action, thercure - almost.T,tiv - ery - dixeWxvhith id
incidental to the human' frame.
7. 'Because they are cheap-and Portable,, and will- -
retain all-'their virtues in_ fullvigor, in any climates ._.
and for any'length of time.. .
, 8. Because, notwithstanding their simplicity-and
mildness, they lute one of the spediest purgative me&
it:l46i which has been discovered. . .
.0. Because they 'are an - unfailing remedy for pro=
iniring a good Appetite. .- ' '
• 10. Bechuse in cases of spleen or despondency, by -
their healthy influence on the excited state of the ho=.
dv, they have a most happy effect, invalming antfinz
1 igorating the 'mind; • ' • . _
7 . 11:-Ifecause — they, - effett-their cures :without Ike- •.,
listiallittoidt,,iipi of-other pith, 'sickness and gripingtp .
l'2: Because as Well as being an rivalled- purifier' . -
of -the-general-system, they-arcra-soveringrryemedr
for sick hetid-ache. . — . .
13: Ilscause they differfrom tlic,majorityof
ieines,'in the fact that the more they, nre known the '
move they are, approved: •
in the system, they may be - taken withbut producing_
any hindrance to business or the pursuits :'of every
day life. • ,
15. flectiuSe When mice introdUeed into a family;
or a village, therajmost immediately cake the prez
eedenee of all other 'medicines in general complaints:
16. 7 llecauSe a number of the wonderful cures they
• have effected, substantiated without any undue
means being resotted to, toflproturc invalid testimoi
," 17. Because their, composition is such, that they
are equally applicable to the usual diseases of warm, '
cold;or temperate climates.
\ 18. Because two,.oe three are in general sufficient
- tere 0000000000 so that, as is the case with thegenerality
onitdent medicines—the patient is not compelled--e---
makes meal ol'them.
19. Because each individual pill is Ott up nude!' .
thu immediate superinteodence of the proprietor; ad .
that no mistake in the composition, or qoantity can
possibly occdt\through the carelessness of a hod
20. Bee - nine they•ptirify the frame without &bill
• )
toting the system.
21.. Because, notwithstanding their immense Tipps
ularity, no person lins,CVer ventured to raise against •
them - the breath of censure, which would not have
been,if envy could-have dis . coVered in them}
a single flaw to cavil at. .
22. Beenusiand this tact i \ c!f . the utmost ima
'portance)- - -:-Intlies in . h .certain situation may take
them i (nOt , morothan-two-orthree-at 'a..time-hower?
er,) Without in the slightest degree incurrink the
hazard of abortion. Were the Virtues lifFetereint , • -
estimable pills, confined to this desirable eicl alone; u
it Would give - them a dechleil•adrantage toter the
medichies.of all competitors, as in no cases la there
more danger to be apprehended, or for which so , it
remedies have been discovered, as the one referretl
,to. •\ ,
~L.2,S..Because they..are to effieienLbi r tlEk.op,...
erations with' adults they may at the time be
administered to children and even to infant's, in small
quantithcs; half a pill for hist:into, without the slight. -
est der.
24. Because their__ virines..are.- acknowledged to;
stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence upon
:ktung ladies while suffering from the usual changeit
oflife, as'directed by the laws of nature.' .
beeeinber 4, 1539.--Iy. - - .
Beckwith's A lati-Dys
—The reputation of-which-has now become - establish!
ed as the most safe and certain remedy everdiscovered .•
for restoring • health to persons suffering under every
disease for whicli they nre recommended. • '
• Wherever_tbese. j;ills have been once introducerl •
into a family, they become a standing remedy, inid
are called for agnin and again, which is sufficient
proof of theirgood confides.
The Medicine having met with the unanimous hp'
probation of those - who have fairly employed it, ac.i
cording to the directions, is recommended with in
creased confidence to the publie,'in every variety of .
functional, disorder of the Stomach, Boards, Liver' •
and Spleen, such as Heartburn, Acidity of the Stogy
mach and Bowele,l)iarrlitea, Colic, Jaundice, FlatuJ
feneyi Dysentery, habitual costlyeness,hass of appe;
the, sick Headache, Sea Sickness, gm. Ste. • Theyarc
also well adapted - to the disease§ of women and ehilt:
dren. Literary men, students, and'all other persona
of sedentary habits, fin d't hem verjr eonvenient. Those ^' -
who indulge too freely: in the pleasures of the tablei .
find spcedy relief from the, sense , of oppression snit •
distension whiCh• folloWs; ty taking As a •
- dinner' Pill they- are . invaluable... Those who are
drinking-mineral-waters,and-Partieularly_ ihosr frot#
rifflutliery - elinitites and agte'-and. fever distritts;
ud tireTeapenfeil4_ ll r _
'to the vicissitudes - of ireatfiCe; on .inurneys or voya::'
gea rcall e them It all tinies with perfect safety;
and without inconvenience. Mil' doses,they are a
highly efilialions and - safe ' -
-They ; never produce sickness at stoputcli,
Provi Levi' 'S. • ; Idea' D.
• • . "Raleigh; .1/f0rch , 12,18 3 / 4
for the lait three years been' intimately' ,
acquainted with Dr. John Beckwith, of this cityj'ani#
enjoyed hiS professional - services, I take pleatiare'fik ^- -
stating - that his-eharacter-as, a Chriatian- geiitlettit l / 4 - ;
and experienced Physician, entities his-lestiteeey, ii 4 _
regard to the use of his Anti-Dyspeptic to the
entire eonfidenoe the : public.' My espemenee.of,,
the good efteete of these Fable two leors past, sa
tisfies. me 'of their' erninent e, particularly in alit: „
ring an irapaimbaligestion,and*rdimiinli
effous at- '
tacks. • Having been for a longtime slibjeet; to the
annual recurrtnuo of,sitekallaoksj we 'tithe habit
of resorting forsecnrity against them, acid- Very_
partial subtlest, to . alrn
iberar use of, Caloerti - Dlite. ,
Pill:, lint since my ,acquaintance with the Anti-Dys-r, •
pePtio Pill of Dr. - Deokwith, whith heprescribed in.
the first instance hiMself, I have not been 'ander • tho : :`
1 tsucessiti of using moreury in ;any, form, besides 10.-•
in, wholly exempt' (rem' bilious nttackli..ele*ralf
raer itherrofmrfamily - 75mcperienpioltthelame
nefimat • ; S,,L s; prT,s.,l3 ,
•'' • -
- • .S. Cecrlisle. • •
- • . GARLIN, Chamberabisrg
)td, mbar 20,•1104. . ,