8 111 Mil HERALD &• EXPOSITOR. -CARLISLE. ;WEI:11081mi IV,loni4iirci,'PEDEumm 0,1830: FOR PRESIDNT, 'ATM.'. EAPAIISCAT. •IfOß . y.icE PRESIDENT, '1).114.11=13 17313STMIL. • NOCEEDINGS `TILE • Our report of the, proceedings of the legisla titre 'cUn be gitien:inia few words. • . • . A bill to borrow ONE MILLION TWO TIUNiffiED AND. EIGHTY • SAND DOLLARS at f we per cent. has 'passed' both brandiCs;; • Another bill to boriow SIX II UNDRED - 11-lOUSAND DOLLARS et the same per . _Tentage- has also passed: • Tss - Exrcoerion.---We Itiave feceived • . - Several nnmber4 tir;a'n , eckly paper recently established in the.city of New:York bearing the - abOye• title, 'Ojai is devoted to koreign and domeStic.intelligento,literature, science - - a - tid:Ahe'fine form, cacti_tumbercontainingttvelve.pagcs •• ' ••of elosely; printed matter, at f_ our dollars a year in advance. IVB I;ast two onAltree,:numbera ,with attention,' , ' -which are occupied to n ce:ris:derable'ux '' tent withfevieWs of new wart and were - - .niiiied4o••.knd so much talent and ii researelt evinced throtighotit'the Vjholeghtet. The editor is l'foriiiblt,-Ilifent,. and pleasing wri‘ • t'r and executes his task with considerable —tact and ability', showing that-he--is well •eonvei.,sant with the subjects of which he 'treats. Such a - work,_in the grearcbininer ' vial emporium, we should suppose, • Ant: . fail to receiVe support.., :A SlisTAii.k.—:We Jeurn i frnth the ;Dela - - Ware State. Journal, tthdt ,a R. J. W. •• . ivan:Plaend 'in a bad predicameni*llic•circtdatioit of a rep - 011111dt lielind been 'advocating ita:k. on wives- • kgeneral - meeting or feialcsMOk. place, in which. single wonien took a ac .hive part; arguing that nneh a ta`kAvnu l l - d sen their chances of getting . Intarrind.f 'ter having inflamed . their nainds'hy a warm 4 ussion.of the proposed oppressive mea ,stire;T:therrepaired - to - the - .house 'rev= •c.rend gentlemen to'secl: redress, or ivreak :their vengeance upon , him, Ihing fortn-- - nately--AnfOrme4 - ;Lof - the 4)prOach - of the- +crowd he' prevented their .ntrance by bar. 'ring his doors, and addressedthem from an 'upper window, endeavoring. to appease Their indignation, by informing them that he was misrepresented- by - the - printer. - But !the ladies :new nothiuk about typOgraphi -caPetkors' and reiited, threatenin f ; with dreadful punishment if he should ever .fall into their hands. The misprint tras wives foe wines. Qty FOkfinic 'seems to have ailei•7y ' - i;oreil the proprietors of the Volunteer. John• 'Corn'man was *elected county eoininiSBioner last fall, and rGenfge Sanderson has been ag !pointed Prothonotary. 13esides receiving their 'fees of Alec, they have thebommatiil - of• - iikre - kt - En — sitre p - iltrOnage fffi . ifiliTz - v It learn of ever "seeing in The "Receipt's and Zxpendiuwerhirrainekint - cififfinfellaidio . the last .gewe'ral election. Why does not the attorney for the directors of the Poor:-' lqr. Sblaer; the member 'of C'otigres from 13t4 why did the Volunteer appear 'so' sot- tbi3 district cornpesed Of'Adams and Fiank sil izre on this poinr,and pass by the others.? .1 .11 ( ;b: ey ,. 6 : ,, , ,, res i• gn '? 'in 1837 there - was • a Why did it not "takeyp the cudgefs,_".. for' ..,iia.j.,' rity;,:-against--:ltina arid- the .- .meaSures 'Squire Snodgrass` and Dr. Baughman too? . w hilt he . sup picrted; in •1838 - the4n.'tvs The.: reason is . perfectly obvious—it dare 4" in aj orl ti - gairri, iriffiaintei , eit 'a' t Ihlti' Spe not,becaus-e it well knoivs.how vulnerable •: , • , . • - • • • -, .i•.. ~ mar ,election tnere-is-a•majoqrty or nearly they 'are.' • . . • • -.- live hundred against him.. be same" . re •. .. . ~, •i , * marks will apply to Mr. Reily, .member. of • EXTR AollinNY1,111! CAVE.—The Red' Lake . 6ongress from Dauphin and Lebanon; twice Gazette mention's . that an' extraordinary his cpustituents have condemned his course. cave has lately been diseovereinear an up . ICT,The Harrisburg Keystone—that tin- Why AY not all these men, examples, taken principled paper, whose 'editors, by their . P er bratich of the PiiiPPew 6 River , - (Dig - trent our on.n state; oblj Or resign? Why trict . of Heron) Whit.:dl thnstantly em its a fawiring_arid_duplicity,:obtained tbousands-.- do not the friends-of -tlie-rightsiefinatruc u fair crrent e, gaseous of such extreriablr y 0./ ./ of dollars 'through the votes of our friends don 'Call ton them to . rage? 'Becaute the fensive smell, as' to render it impossible fol. sa e-. ''' in' the' reform convention, and *he subtle- reasons. infinende than as inffnenee .• : one to enter. enter. • What i$ still morc iquently,A3t.the Aaama.meatis - obtained-Bie-- 1 7— ,re -''the lawyei, in-'the fable of the'far mei, and v o te s --rdogs___will.--ru4-41-_ -_,with_-_--..gre_aLL-ibe-Aawyer,-.,ivhicir.-_-iii4,ll3Bthiitills-as-miz ourealratlies---HouseAltrough,the--Ire - ' wil i ly ; but as soon as hey have entered - l •• II r • ...- our friends also,: although. theirrivals receiv- ...t lows:-The-farmer le armer wentto the.-lewyer and' ed it a they set up it friginal-howling and yelping, ,bylarge yote in cauetisk taes us ' tahlhim that his bull had gored thelawyer's .to-task for speaking of Ovid F. Johnson which'gradually dies attiay in the. distance `steer~ ~ Welt, said, the" awyer, you ar ah . iie'le iti and .18 he Was, - and places us-upon 'tillralfle quiet,. 7 -- Ne dog is- ever said - lci,•rtr- - ; Ainnesitlitani - aint.reaSen; - justice 'mid bourn. . . a.leyslAw.. _ ithipepers_ which it: denounces as . tint. ,‘. .:.: . ...., .: __ . .." ::__ . 1 *otitd:ihoiv-ism that you ought 'to, make every thing 'vile.', .Fortnnately; the- people . . ' -.. - 77-_ - tt ' . .. • .l , 'the cOmPeinratien for the injuiy WhiehrhaVe . . tf.rienitSilVertia.kne* the vulgarand lying , CoiinkEss. - -L-Nothing -of importance has reeeived;:l - Biit ship, sayithe fartnet,l Made ~ I —eburseinthich-the-KeysteneA atr -Per suel l-becOransacted_ittliengress - Sinee - enr - last — a - alight - mii3takeTit - was - yourbull - thark:illed: ' since its establishinent, : and- the-meen and repoth "fat, drinityhe . inerry, and peek- (my steer,--ali I it . was .my bull :That killed - I : 'dislierterable charar4ers which at least two et eight dollar's'-a.; day,". .seerns to . he : the your s&ar,.Was. it, Said the lawyer, : that al- . •. Of its nditore sustain," to render any. - tbing . ,' motto of-our 'law=makers. The following 1 terth the.cabb considerably,' iVle:4l7-ill take the they say 'of anY . 'iiiipOttance. They: a re resolutiOnWas offered by Mr: GraVeS of KY; matter into ccnsiderationi Thus it isAtith hind pirates in Prinniple and practice->Ahay - i and lkidori•the table: .• • - •: . thelocofocos; if it *ill Work. to their advert , - wonl4', barter their principles at any mo.•, • lieeolved, .. i .th4t The, -. Secretary of the - , tage, they are great stth i ltlera about the right meat ter Ihe - :•4lSii.e . . - of•filthy luere=-Land they Treasury ; 1 be ..drected.lo report to this. House ,' of instructioh t but when the turn 'comes - for . - . their -..- -- ' • would hettay'their :party or their .ou'nrY ' AtiOtiley 'dr Pli'la• d 'lob' ' 'a l lid all, ' some (4 . own men' to obey or resign, --for-e' d - L;.-Ati totheir- 'I . gies-of -------- - --- - -- -:'----; . 1 11 , e - -- -11 -- h * - 7 1 -- --- '- 9 .! -then'' 'I . i--' ti hi bo 'HI .- i t-of-i - _-,21."; . --pro quo. : ~._ eu o . any, portion:ors 0,491, for w doh -he ivas'• ,:tve• ma no r g--a . u . re rig i , m ilie!aitetriefgenerali: they :0 0 .4p11:_under..,,,te;Orted ~a. . defaulter..by ° said ,Secretary,. en .1 siruCtion ; on that. subjeettheitnientha are steed' 'frlia' - a ifteeiated' --we have., heard the 17th otJanuary, 18381. and also :to fur-: clesed.:.... - ,Btit-We de-not-think-that-the-moSt ., ~,..., - ' nlithieflouse.-Witli - 111-11 - ' - *- - - _ ._, _,,,,, , . ~ . . t e-. secounis "and ' - " - several - promitieuttlootr'fbcos -, ofttrite; place r radical Of tiretoccifociiiii-helleve'rin,tlti's doe- . . - • Condemn the appointatent ity rather-severe erhMetit ' during the continuance, 'o,:sine:' trine,. they assuredly, do . net. prietice..it;--. , . , ... ., . t g y mil , ..- . , , -,•, - • :. ~.:, ,:.,,, 1 the expiration of the' time he. Wee-4fOce,- _WhertWe speildr..-Wright,-the spoaiorfivin -'----- "• -.--.-- -- -t - ; -------. ... ----';;-:-------------,'-'• -------.- - ' -- - -- • - ' - , - '. --- 7 .- - . 2-- :• - -- ''''''''''7l - 7 -------- : -- - • • -- 7 - ' ------------ --- &per. Ve-clo not really envy theni all trio; but we will spy, that if they had notbeeit ilie . proprial - of the only press 'of "t he party" in thiS county, neither of therriever - would lime rcceived an appoinunent - from. the Governor; nor an office front the people,— They were both several times before. the public when , they had not the atil of a press to sustain them and to frighten rivals off their.track, and were in•.every inStaMe iti tlidaptly rejected by - the people. APPOINTMENTS FOR C tIIIIRER.LANO UOONFi., ' ' Gritinoe'S.ltl6EßS ON to 6..Prot4ollotary. ISAAC ANONEFIO iieItEOISTER: •' Nirmtu-Fptit.it tir, - be - Recorder and -Clerk • .of ` the', Courts: ". , , . . •• - 0 named individuals Rre ; residents, 'ot this- berough, and, the third re sides*thida taile.of it; What Will , Messrs. Lusk, Montgomery; BgiVinah;- Miller; and othey••• : appliethitsiii "the iippoP. end of 'the. Clendenin; . Hume;' .Dunlap; 'oda otheiS, in the IoW - er end, think of this arrangement they"accniiesee silently 'hi. the selection of all The county officers . frOria Carlisle anil its'inimedtate ? They may fok the present.; but when the doinitY'r' Convention meets 'next ;,September.; we shall see : another• orderef things:- 'rlie .insult, thus 'ofl'er'ed to the. Country 'will, we have no doubt, be justly' Winked by the delegates from the - country,. Who can "form just such a' ticket •as they. please, beemiSeThey'hafve the poWer . . dohi •pletely in their own hands,' . But what Was' Coy. Porter - to d 0.,? Sanderson had pits* tained him "through -thick and thin" during the last campaign, by. resorting to eyery.vile falsehood anti slander -to keep him. from sinking, and was one of the vice presidents oldie rebel meeting in Harrisburg, which deserved'a good rat office.. FoOlk WaS a Pieminent-Member of-the-"provisional-g'civ:. Ilernment7tini-aliigh-mason-iiito-,-theliargain; and consequently. could not be Overlooked': -Angney- i 'althougri : lie-only—left -lour ranks last - spring, took Some 85 or 40 follovirers ' with him, and.as he is' popular and ion ac tive politician, must be provided for too. .. , -- j' It is very evieent . from all; the ap -p"obitinentininde by Gov. Porter, that his sole.olf cut, has been to strengthen himself for the •next heat, without any regard . for : 'the 'convenience and aeconanodation of the public: - Ile is striking atthe very freedom of elections, by the appointment of numer-. ens 'editors iii - every_ section. :C•l_the ' state, -t'vhich will effectually-se - eare . the - influence: , of - the - press - to nllvnenterhis — a - ets; - iiili - ntliet they be right:or•Vreng,: - Tie . has alij)ointed the priticiipafediter and the principal - owner . 'of the IlJessrs...:Jnlinson and Packer, Attiiiiiq fsienerat4/ anal Conr• inissiene'r . 1. Mr. LekeVer, of the 'l4eftysburg .! CoMpiler,. has also been appointed to a good 1 office 7 Mr.. RuPy, of the Oliambersburg T.elegraplr, bas -alsNa.got t geod fat . office;'.. and bui neighbor 'Sanderson is iirothokidta- rp•-•-all. of *horn reside within 30 _mile's . 'of us. A -good - , deal :of alloWaneeJrinart be .. - niade - for the ii.iteiiieliW of thco,,,AntOrs in future; as they will no doubt be. more tough and unfounded than over. ,They willlabor. harLin..their cause, tlia shut a great deal "anti-masonry !" in . order to throw diisl in •the eyes of their iiiiitispeetingieadei.g. They will,. in short, do every thinglo 'retain their places,- alit" 1110 secure their bread - and beef. Kph is so seldom that the Volunteer can detect any this-stateiheAts 'in our articles, that. When it does chance-to disioiret tut, ft pounces upon us like'a "Oa at a biickber ry." 'One .inistake retaiie to the aitolifey for the directors of the poor, afforded it an oppattunity_ta_he,spatter-us-with—its-lilth' and slang throughout nearly half a 'colurim We will take the explanation of theYolun= teo, admit gh 'Are were . ; not. aiVaFe of the. filets therein slated, and we have lo rec_ol- ' ‘7_- . oi:e . :'o,44:*.tilii4T, -Niv:*.(4...•..:4*5pi._:..-,%::#00ttit.i,t•.,4 I.'qi4l . lltoillOt6l4:'lllict ~.ti.voBitori, • a.,,Enrron.—All •the locofoco papers in the state, frorkthehighest - ,!,o the lowest, from the - Pen - risylywiatillOWir ti:cthe4rner iciiil Volunteer, are shouting for joy at Iheli success-fir-the-litg-ipedial election - in-this senatorial district: All theiiparagraphs gin"with the'chankes which have taken place siace'the-governor 4 s•election, arid ..coaclude ‘4th an essay - on the doctrine Of instruction, and its - applic'ation_ to the case of the C. ligratosi; As tithe Charigeli Which niay have taken• Place, there 06 no means of 'Tis true; in October there was - a Majority in favor of the Whigs; at the spe cial election . there was a majdrity against them; but hi' the former election there were over fifteen. thouband‘ Votes polled in the district; at the - latter - not 'tell thimit'atid.— F 1 ow then Cali there be a fait' expression of public - opinion When more, than five thous and voters (more than One third - of the votes) of this dis'tri'ct giVe•nb ekpression whatever: of - their sentiments. Gen. Miller had nota majority di' the vdtee. of the district, for it Would require nearly eight thousand votes and•le had but five thousand. He did not tebeitie afitajority_ of , the votes in a single county. .E veal in Cumberlmid the strongeSt tonnty in. his favor and:Which at ~the gen via election polled over five thousand votes, Gene ietelVod - but twenty-two hun= diett - ffalling nearthree hinidiedhehind majority; his Vnte'ili Alliwenunty. totty eight less than even — ln Friiiktin enmity, Miller lackedinoie than a' thousand of a niajority of .the whole voter that coun ty , five: thousand three inmdreil fii October, and 'Miller ieceiving.bnt sixteen hundred 'votes: and in Adanis his vote was five hundred „less than that 'given for .Oov mhok_Porter.. „ •• ' , ' • But as• for Mr. Penrose resigning, he had better wait -until 'he can form . 86nie Opinion as . to whether the peOple have diSap . proved of lifs course orznoti xvlin , knOw but that a large proportion - of . that-k V -a 'Tare' anxious for him to remain. .Mr. •had.reesivedMote : N'Otes_lhari Mr.. Penrose, there - might - be something in wha _t - the-locu= focos say. I3nt comparing the votes. given' to the two in.en'We.find ihatMeTPen:-. rose received 6800...vbtea, whilst .qefieral Miller received but. 49_00, no'.-coming with in nine- hundred , of ..the vote of' the former. . But the friendsof.Mr.iPenrose_WOuld be, sorry to sob him resign, for: otherand better reasims.. What right have the loOfOcos to call on him to resign? they did not elect klitip, - Cin the contraiiTthoy .. Aid all`in their power to Oppose him: they did not give liini the office, what tight have they then to de mand it from hid? 'Mr. l'enrose is Whig : and thofitiAiktio-Astinio'rted mid elected him are rigs, 'And whigr (TO not hold this prin- Ciple 'of instruction; for Whet advantage 'Wo'uld there be in inaking the terms of sen *ors longer than those' of representatives . and what balance would there bei -: n the leg isiation if at every Special election the sena 7tors-would.-2considei-therriselve's-itistrticted and resign. but if this theory of instruc tion is as tOod a's tho' locos - say it is, why •do they irnt piac'tice it a,iitile, Why 'does not Mr. CaidWellthe idenfeeci . iienaior'from ife Lancaster and York dis triet resign?, 'His eiiiiirs — e - W6l 7 eTarthireilieen condemned by his cOn'stintenta and at thelist eential elec tion by a 'clear majority-of two thousand. hy does not judge Akers, resign? There Was-a-majority—agaitiSi-hini7in-hisLilistriet -91.Delawart;, Chester and' Mnntgomery al ~., _ , , •NeW Y ork, Mr. Wall, or INTMV Yersey, Mr. Sibith,Of bonnt:Ctient, 4essrs. • Mown & Strange, of North Carolina, Wittilave been -rePcatedly__urgecLby_.thn_Leg?latuie and-in--' stititetiz to:vote' in a particular way, and ' lintiti.e' _S _Others of-the-- i 8 , ena r Vir om their c onstituent s have condemned. tune 'di..., ter ditto obey or resign, Where 'Mr.' Cain breleng. and' Other ' representatives, in Con gross from the State of . Now .York;' those we have mentioned front Ohl' oWn State,- seven members from Oeorg,ia ; several fiem Viegini n a l Six from:Connecticuti "one .frorr Lonisianay 'one from illinoiSi and otheis whc like these have been . repeete:lly,condenaned, resign;. the whips may begin to think o following this exainple. When Presi•den Van Buren and his'eortupt administration, s 6 .corrupt that they are afraid of the ligh t of truth and investigation, whom the people Of the ."United Stela tti their different state electitlns have 'c'ond'emned by an aggregate popular majority of-fifty thoOsand each,year• . of his term—when these Thep Orbp the sub . - treasury scheme, thatinfamous plan derived ibr i the purpose of giving the money i .,of : the . 1 :people into the hands of mere tools of the PresidetiC to be sq uandered land embezzled. ' at his and their "plea sure, When ,Ilfey sub init to hiVestiga'ti9 s h by the representative's of the petiple in Congress assembled, w,e may think that they believe in the advanta ges of this &urine of instruction,. Bet un-: til "the) , .'otey the. expressed 'will bf two- thirds'of the states. of the Unionnitllthey people - to inquiri - inter•the lose of . millions of the ievenue of goveimnent •oVer which they should have some control, virecan form nnotlier opitihin than thatthey. advocate this doctrine itttely when it suits their'oWn convenience. Until Martin Van lluren-and his-advisers-obey the command 4. a large majority of the people . of the United States we can haVe but bne bpinioli. 'that this : professed pgard for the iiglit 'of .the people is,,hut a clOahAntheii.nefarious designs, that their seeming' ad - ineacy - Of the • . _ , Kight . of iltstructionlis' but an infanmus plot to quell and defraud a confiding: - Shalt — M . on such contemptible rascality. •s. • IPSIBEI2I4I4ID-OUN'It • Extracts from Minutes. At - the annual Meeting - of . , the- Cumber land County-LS , CeMit :held in.thellethodiat Episeop . al Church,. Carlisle; - on _the-. even ing of the 28th Deccembei, I'B3B, Dr. Ira Day, one the Vice Presidents-took the chair, andz-M-T-- - ;491m - -Zug-=wns Woidied—Secreni ._ ry,pro-teat. On Motien.of Professor EMory, lt was resolved, that the Eiecutive Cominittee •be tk-Ooiren itteelo-present4e-the-Lyeeum —for their action 'en to , morroWsit orning,. a revis ed Constitution, to, correspond with- the ar , rangements made last , 'year. A Lectuie - was then by . Profes- . sm. Caldwell on the objects of EthiCatimr. Adjeurned_to_lo__Aiclock;lM,inorrow_. morning. • • -'Saturday intruing; Peceiribei tittr, Dr. Ira!Day in the chair. The Executive Coin . made their annual Report, Which was ordered to be -printed. Protesior baidWrefl front ilie hiecbihre COrnmittee reported an aniended Constitu, Lion, :which was adopted. • , 0 n—ni oti o n•Resnlvecli-lhat - the ' i:gceuin now pi•`oceed to the election of - oikcers which resulted as fiiltowsTo Presi6;ilt. Hou.. John Rii . ed of iDaths . le, .First Vitro Tiesideht. • Hev.-11;. - -,R,; - - - Wilson of Bhippcnsbuit, onil Vice President. Dr. Ira Day of Mechanicsburg, Third. • Dr. James It: irviiie of Newville, i'otir`th. Robert Cameron; Recording Secretary. . John :',ug, Corresponding Secretary‘ M. Caldwell, -• , '-. •-• , •, 1 • . J. Hamilton, lExecutive-CoMmltiee. • It. -Emory, .. . Adjourned until 3 o'ehie)i, P. M. - • 'attil•daY eftbitiobil' • J ames Hamilton, __J ._ Esq. in the - • eiiislkyll from the Newvipe - Lyceum Made avlbrbal report of the conditien of that • aSeoeiation_Lantlrepresented-it-to'be - Au -- _a - : flOrishing condition: On motion, ordered that the Executive - Committee he instructed to ai:Whit tlele gates• to the next meeting of the Mate Lye-- um, -which.iwto be held at Reading; iin lute - first - Tuesday tis A.ugubt, itab. . Adjourned until 6a o'clock, to • niii4, at -the-Salon otthe-Equal-iltights-Socielk Saturday evening, James Hamilten, Esq. in the chair. Profe.ssor Allen delivere*Leettire on ' _Oxygen - and tioirogtia- but, accoMpati.l zed by, a gibatNirie.ty or. interesting ~63cporim ents. ''''' A.djouriied, s(iie uxuluowittitsticr, DRUG ; i • - DRUG ; ST.OILE' sittatted.in.a iiiivii in ene.of dui moat fertile_atatioita_olaleuniiylvaulat, , is-offertid or'sidia.. ,; To a person of, moderato capital, there are but few lacife 'deailableiiititationi... A tfouse aittl Lot will be rented to the purchaser, if ierituiretl, and poi+ wailen theiargiven at'lll,6' (laic. For further virile alatitipirlyta the Ittlitoh of thit Volunted. • , - • Fohruarr.,s, 1809:—Titi ' - .. . . 10 ' Baltimore, Itbruafy 4:. — FLOUIt- - - - ThTiCalifs of the week - com prise several • thousand bbls. for foreign ex port,, the_largo - proportion-or-which - has: been taken at $8,25; ,SOrtm parcels were sOld'itY.lB4B.fiand an occasional in stance $8;124. To-day holder are firm at $8,25, at which price • sales ate making reelk, and we quote accordingly: Tho. I price paid by de'alets for flour-by Railltoad-, is $8a58,124-, and by wagons $8,121. 61 4 best reds, in small parcels, are Making at Sl,BO. 'the `receipts, hciwevcr, ate very trilling in amount: . borw- , - -- .We know : of no transactions. cargo received early in the week, fqr which 87 cts. were offered,has been otoretl6. Rye.--Nosales., - Onts..—A cargo afloat is held at 80 eta. Flax Seed—Arrives in small quantities, and the price both.ftom.stdres and Wagons continues without 'change,- We . qnote . .from wagons at $1,624- 3 --from-stotes at $4 ,- . to $1;78 - per bushel. , -Cleiver. S'ee(l,4n,this article Thep - is not Mucirdoing.owing to the very limited (pla n tity of prime seed in market. . Small sales , of Western have been-thade. from ,stotes. at $l4 to $l5 per bushel , and some parcels of: Eastern _seed__atiol3,soas.l.4. . WHlSKEY.—PriceS'haire - ruled during the.week at 41 centaforhhds. aitd .44-a 45 cents Markbt-'-more -.Aim at -.the - Close of the- week. Wagtin , price of bbls:. 40 cents,-exclusiv.e. Of---the-baiyeL-The-insped tion's of the *eektomprisp, 57 hlids.. and. 9.30 bbli. of which 24-Olds. and 228_114316 4 were received by the naltimore- and Sus!. MARRIED. • • • - ron-thei7ol ult. by_ the Itey...f..lslricb, Mr. George Seirer, of East Penn'sbolsAigistowuSl;ip, .111iss Su- San M. Bell, of 1 . 1E1741 4m. .31stult; - by the 'same, Mr. John . Crull, York County; to MisSLydii: Shelly, of Shelly's Inland, .IkUlAin County. , • • On Thursday tlr lost; britli'c' itotten miller, Mr . Richar Irityknuavr, to NfiasJlfargarei qardniT, all of Paii.ertOwt. ' " , On Thursday lastiby . AcTßesr . . Henry AnraniliNtr. ChrOtian.Woli; to Miss Sarah Lerr , bolh of• North Atidlicton township. - - . . --,On the same ; day lay the same, Mr. II . 'e§.lefi aliles;_ tci :Miss-.Rebect- it- Glasse, both of this Place. 1 . . 4 lion4,4cnne,slictiof wediling-cakOmecOmpilletttlie above node& May the Young wedded couple - . have It •pleasant journey:9lrougli life. ' So . say our "imps," . and so mi . we... .. , - _ - , _ b MADISON. On 24onda3i last, l in this boroughoAfter a. protracted illness which she bore with ehristiaOlbrtitudrand res ignation,-Sarah.l:On, danghter - of .11r.Dasid Reisinger, aged 15 years and rtuonths. . _ • "AY'PREN i s LIBRARY THE Officers, Members; and Contributors of "the' aboveTinstiation,bie reqUesterl to meet in the Library Room, tin SATURDAY EVENING the 9th instant, at_6_o!clock.;__Punctikal attendance-is-desired, as offi ceriarir to beelected for 'the ensuing year, and a new Constitution will be submitted. fly order of IteMan agent • Febriinry 11339 " • - 114 rw _ 12 I 1 ,- 1 •••''' • . tfi • • .95 . _ L. - aro W ANTED N - io load - Chambershurg for t - Pittsburg, a• number of ~o,4 ( •fni 649 lime,. • a i ,l ast For which a fair freight will be given. '--Apply 'at the irat'elloVise of EYSTEII, TITITZ 45t ChafAbeeabWrg. Carlisle,. February 5,1599.-1 m .,, .•. 10 (Oren) _Line of:Freight Cars' We 47. 4 kata aP4VaI. 1111,112Z111031Ma 'it➢ PHILSA DIE LPHIA: , . . . THE - subsrriber;grateftitfor - pastfarorcrtaffe•AftilT l ly, ttegnaints his friends and the Tail in, that Int has.put.' Into opeilttion on. the lIAIIIIISBURG, LANCAS - TER and COLUMBIA , •• . - .a line cifnew,boOilLE Outs., "which w4I nut regu larly between Ilarrisburg and.Thiladelphia, hy AOuch_ _ Goods - antrProdiiciFaiilrdacriptions will be forwar ded with cure .and de - Spatch,,at the lowest rates of freight,. . Goods will be received at the Warehouse of TIIOS. J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Broad and' Vi t l6Y virtue, of the audowity.yested in the Adjutan streets Philadelphia,, and forwarded , to Harrisburg-, 113 tieneiul,.hy the 'militia laws of this Cmunion. Carlisle, Chambersburg, and' intermediate places, ; wealth, it is hereby directed by him, with the Cohen) the subscriber. OWEN M'CABE. and concurrence of the Oovernor Mal.Cotamanderlin ' IftliThlbllrgi,Feh. ° Chief of Pennsylvanin,lhat the system of Mill:maim in SALT AND PLASTER, constantly on . military knowledge, and iiegulations , for the Militia hand: .Cash paid for almost all,kinds of country pro- and Volunteers of the State of Pempsybunia, be, frodi duce. „tut after thi3:0 8 4., that livsterowhich been prelim , • -. - ..pint tua es,little.4 • 4 N exaellent fine-toned PIANO rertirF4 man& (ackaved in London, witkadditiona Keys. ' • • or partitil i4;ll,doiltdre at Me,. Crabb's stoc.6. - 1 .- Caillude,.F . einruary , .s, 18.39.-tf. ' • . CILEAVIOR THAN _EVER. Webeg lett'ie;ts,Antorm the public in general, that we lurienteoniated opraelreaunderthOfirmotSHEAF. • • FEg skwurz; tor. the junivase of V‘oridueti%...the...) .- plaieTiltere ore" intend I sesvitaittly..keeplitg:on hand--a--largo-und - general - as•; - arrtment 0f... . . - . . . DRY GOIA I S..GROC.ign, irtS &C -• 4 We invitee") to give ura • • . " • " • GEORGE iiiIIEAFFER. AOREPTI SktULT2. • Meant Reek,Febtiary sth .18.59. • • ' N. B. All those blowing thernseltia itidehteil tome, can make phinient at the Store; as the Booka are left . GEORGE SRI:AFTER: ME . • ATIr JONTIO.Itt ARTILL.IPRIC. otr pre ordered to:parailc;on on.PEIDAY die nd, inst., ut o'cl?okA,Tkl.cornplgtely'eqmipiC.d t v/Ith aims In good' firing order • , By order of Capt." DIDDLE. ' JOllll .R.-K,BuiiAN;:p..s: • • • k•-' Feb. 6:18S9: - • MARK4TS' I DIE, ASSOCIATION." WM. S. 11i31...AND, See'ry,'.; Xt0c.1.1.-Xtitioo; FLOUR KFEED tteite, `7#4 , 7741 fr4gifftm The subsetihee - reSpebtfully inforrns his fi knelt; and the public lu gtsnekal, that he has opened a Trillarat a/arlD rA;aID.M 4 Store, nt Ids old Stand, (Carnet Lonthrr and Bed ford) Where he intends keeping for sale, Inuit and Rye Flour, by the bam) or smallertpiantity. Ruck. -wheilt and Coen in'eati C F op ond,Bran,Coen, Rye mid Oats ; which he intends keepliet hand, and hopes td tkeeithe a slial'e of the public pat , ionage. He has also on hand tea , bushels or spnvo WHEAT FOR SEED, it hiCli he nfil•vs tor Side. JOHN PROCTER. "C Carlisle. January 22d. 1839. • P. S. Ile still continues So car ry on the . PLATING at the old stand. and hap nn hand a Bond assortment et plated saddle' e sin re; I STIRRUPS, BETTS, Inn new; mniniting and ta s work. Plating for roach ni.d.us done its the be st manner Ad with dispatch. J I NOW IS THE 1-IMB. MOIIY & CO. cannot lit this seasoirof propitia ..l4--Cion and good feeling passvvitlintitnii expression . of thcir hearty',thanks, pie many favors revel veil from their numerous wtdi-tried - patrons of Car lisle and i ts vicinity, and hove through strietattention to their wishes, to merit a continuation:6f 'their kind favors; We should indeiid ha insensible to the most nigni ficent'siiccess,,did we tint give way to the feclingi; of our heart, for ma e x pression of our &inks to Dame Fortune, for the-nianv especitti lie toll; 'she has bestow ed upon-our oftce,h;-selecting the-home of--het golden V.i'cltegiter. We invite all then, to select their tilial•ea in the Brilliant Scheme, herewith submitted Which is lo be dinivti on SATUIII)XV;, 141131ttl'A- It - Yl6th, instant, in which he who. ven'ture's a little may:gali)a geentilehl. - .kitNeelbee is the ladder of Fortune, lic-bold klien'ziitt hylittle - rialiiNve _gain our all!tid often ourfirst step'is just at the tide leads on ttraucce.ss.. •Portuneis tOvititijog She smiles upon us when Vteleast espert it, and makei us rich to t roorrow,thotigii poor to-dayl - Let then Mt -oae-thespondicor-ir-Itivspolteitt2tim-WheeVicna-tlOlv at the last thnwittg, it inay lie Nita the next.. A little ptience and move petieVeratice and ymi will win lief patience ' and although all-would speak tat out the cannot crown all. he hol l l , it rosy ln..vour Intttnext. Be bold then, she has already (-itisell her oriflim over our ofike, and haVing estaldirdual it Iter Biotite: We have peen busy ever since, the last drawing r ilispetising her favours to her happy suitorsould 'Bough our hearts are lightened at the geatitied notattentuttes of her 'ma ny favorites; our hinds arc weariettin hielnexlialliti blescifrera. We are ready:again 1'0.14 task. _ • '"ALL'S • - - liloStMmber it may be your time next, the-official draining of thictlratnii:. - niterf the "Public ,lottr . oal," and sent * free of charge to those Who wish it. , • - -- Yrease :address your orders to the Grand Capital Prlzt ' ---- ESTORY:iJi co.. . : • . N'od2-,•Cnivett.d.. itahlintite; - -' • V.I.I46.INLVSTATBALOTTERTY; CLASS NO. for 1839. .• „.. TiYbe - draimat Ale.Ottilt.iti - ,-(Vb.) oil Slit. Feb. 1G•. '_s._„l4u4tiEito, 12 PRAWN 11AL/60Tfl. ANI) lIRIIA.IANT _ .- • 1 Gelind Cap i ta l of - $ 50,000"" is $.50,000 il - ~ .• : - 10,000 - is .-_ 10,000 1 - -: , - ~ .5,000 is 5000 1 •,, 4000 'is ' 4,000 9';o , A is • 3,000 • 2,01X.1 • is • • , 2,000 _l, • • •• 1,015 is' ~ 1,915 4 1(1 ?rites or j 1 ; 000 art 1 41,000. 10 • 750 pre , • 7,300 11,000 • - • . 4 SOO arc •-'; 7;300 - kg • 200 arc 15,Q00 4 150 are 15,000 125 are , 15,625 . 100 are 12,200 60 arc 7,3'20 30 • art, - 6;100 20 arc •• 7,3'20 20-. are - 98,8'20 10--Pre 2.103231 125 -- 122 122 1t.2 944 4941 91595 prizes riiittallitlng to - - •••• .$540;200 Tickets $lO, halves $5, quarters $5,f2,50, eigliths 81,25. The certificate of 8 paclisge (4 . 25 Whole Tickets; containing all the' numbers, will he sent for $12.5, Halves,O.narters and Eighths in proportion. • Office 2d Calvert st. opposite Barnturn's ii9tel, . EMORY & CO. rihruary 5, 1839. COMMONSCTIOOL4 OF CARLISLE. • It lip's been Refolt/01,,That the Board of School Di 'rectors of die.Bormigh of carliale will hereafter moat 'on the first Monday of edch iqui,in.the Town Hall, at nine o'clock in tile ulu t ti:i., and eight o'clock in the I 'slimmer, for the Sr mission of scholars into the Pulllie Schoola T and-the-thomictioirof - other businesWPtwii= Prs. Pa'renti and Scholars, will therefore take notice, that the next nicetilT of the Board will be o i Monday the 4th day of Pawnor!: next, and on the first 'Nlonday .of each month following ; and that these will': be the only opportunity. affmled for presenting bills and ad mitting. Scholars. 'Teachers are - informed, that the I2tli Rule • of the inddished, re°.i l; tines of the Board, which permits a Teacher at his 'or her discretion; to allowat Scholar= tO-attend-sehoolytinfi/ thelneetinr - ofthe — Roard; — lnor reference exclusively to.new Schotars who, liair..not been at any school in the Borough fie th i s fn's neetling tip motths, Dud of this fnet it will lie - eXpeetcd that the 'Teacher Nviltrequirc full and satisfactory" evidence. • By order, of thelloard, - • • .111.11.P.S Tammy 98th 1839.' . „ Oktlers. , . A11.11:11*.A.N1 4 PI:INERAty'S OFFICE; Jantuvw 1, iS:I9 . eta, ed and arranied:by Brevet, Captain S. CdoinT, (01 the U. S. ..Arnty;)"4i,d-daa e-inpand Ar , sihtuntAun djud I.Gene'rril, and . entitled 'n. cot'uise system of Instruc nails and Itegulationi for the Militia And Volunteers of the United*Statelf, An officers and .non-cumndsSioned ollieertr, cianS and tavales_of...the.,lfilitia=oi-Volanteurik - Ufr:uiii TSEireTiall therefore„ henceforth conforni, in the per their goiter:M{6nt prescribed fa the above sy,iitem, and I all and every other mode of instit*tion in nulitaiN the ! ticti; not Consistent with that above referred to are 'here ' by positiiely prohibited, fo'r the instruction of the:lli hifi and Vohintacii of thin State. . AS:a Malterof course, nil instructions of Volunteers qi be giyen in the English language. . , WILLIAM. I'IPER, • . -Net Gen. of l'enitsyhyttlirk ME Cinnr:) - • nnuary 17,80.-!-52111 PUBIX ' Will be sold', at 'sale on ifie premises diS Sat. Imlay the 23d day of Fawn:ll7 183 U, iionfrintaob of order. of the oridtims' icaliA of Cumberland county, A rfract or l'ireEe of Groialicii Situate in Newton Township, in .faid coiYi ty, adjoint, inglanda of .C. Au, Dayid GreAty,'Ani) Imes. Whdl dle, containing ab.dut one and ii halt acres, bet:lse:sante. More•of :a having . • - ONE STORY LOG 1101 USE, , triefirmi; .late the . mutt': of CO . O01"0.C11141Y', tlebWote'p o rehav *mei' to be paid. coal', ol t • tie ; Sale, to. comotelieo :of 19 olarick of *Gen due attendance will be. gi'velt by; • • • .. 30th,1.8.99.":. • - ,' . Reed:red, R : fce , superior black silk &stills stooks . andfor sule by : • . • - ' -•-« Freglnte4Cl3 . FO,It 09 . 1. y.; • ..-aii . ( Dat tjaztim . . . IHAT well-known and 'first - rate property, called Mount Roily Iron Works, situated about see reties sdeto-east of, Carlisle and the Cumberland Val- . Icy Attil Rood, having appurtenant about 8000 Acres of fine timberland, and having erected thereon a Furs uace and Forge, I Smithshop, 2 Carpenters' shops ) a Warehouse and Office, Z Masision houses' f stone ) a Bonk Barn aud.Stahling, thirty •Tenements'for wor. kere;with a stream Of Water of &eat power sufficient for-an extonslienolling Mill; or a National and also Several' hanks of Orr. By thr„payment of a reasonaL l e sum in hand, a lib eral time wilt be t tiWn for the reruNjodet' of th . o Por chaile money. •, • „ ' Mt., WittriorWinuisi,itelidinghear giddermlu sier,._will show-the place. ' • Application (if by mail; post takiil,) to be mitilefo _ , WM. CAI* staw: .., _Harrisburg, Den..:31,-1838.--tf, ' '-5 ,glssigneels Atitice. • 1 tree 11. .1 . 0 . 1 day of 'Xoi;etoliilr , Te l l " tl d m i attl i i i rk ii rite 2 4 t a deed of assignMent. of all liid itfeetailtiChidin Lib honks and aceOllnta, for the beneflit of . hiatreditotth Notice is herChy klqii to all thosii: indebted to` the said Jesse H. 3 olifisolioir to the firm of Johnston V' Newman. on bond, note oi , liook account to make pay iiieht without itchy; aitiit these haling claims against the said Johnson; or agitinid the-firm of John , . sow& Nen:Jima to present them for aelilement. IVII. M. PORTER 11r. F. LINE, . ABffignees. .e,trlisle i dam 4th ; 1339. . • V.A.LIIA'I3LE 1 -1 110PERT1 (v)at Eicaa.twc, 111 . 111.1 . , he offeredUf tinge sale on Wednesday the VV 20th day ; of-PeZ.rziaity nett, all that ialuald property, situate Itt. the coriier of High and Pitt streets in the borough of earlisle, late the prepepy JOHN WILSON, -deceased. -The l'Ait is 60. eel front, on High street, end 240 feet tleeti on Pitt ttreet=ritniiing - ,north to Dickinson Alley. 'lliere are ereeXE4l 'upon this propertruTWO era . • STONE . HOIAJ3,,,,. , !4 1 7* wstoticiiKitchri - , a TWO-STORY: q''''''' -1 -4 4 '4 4 ; BRICK .lICILTSEI,' with severalSHOPS. Thelotis.welLeultivated, • trrining-a-varietv of FRUIT TIMES,. There in newer-failing - Wal of excellent water in. the yard. This property being situateddirectly ;n front of the Caimbcrinad idley.Rail Road; at the point where the Cara atop, it' offers the most elegible scats for a Hotel I'AirtliiiretiiiiitV; it is - entirely - free front itnYineihnbfince, 'MO the Otleisindisputable. • • . -OTT, dittorncy in fact joi; joinn't 'llie"inilltimore Patriot" and "Philadelp iiit lanaii. ; ree". *Ail publish the above once a week' for three weeks, mark price, and charge this office. • FOR RENT. - That latpie and commodious white situate in treet in The Borough of Carlisle opposite 'Alio roit office;havin'gextenstre back buildings tbereunto 'aftaclied, litlircseat in the occupancy of Capt. 'g. Jliddie r paleulated for 'any kind of business. Posses siduouihe 1.4t.4ay orA pea next. I'or terms apply to,, ' ISAACTODIJ • , , ta .g entofi: 'Pociti, • Carlisle, January f2‘24. 1839. • • • ,TEACHER the stabserihers,'FrnAees of Shady .Grove Seliopt llouse; situate in: Southa m pton if - maid - lip, - Franklin tiesirous'af - emPlnyiwg - triaThiyat — FeactO.FrTo take tthi:k; a Ow school. lol.tatchGrani. mar and Geography, in addition 'to the. ustial es tetiglitiu inn Ey, school iI I be' pederrecl, as he 'eau Ito furnished with a dwelling hoUse neat' dot achocd hottse, A \ Atgle, TON't(tONIERY; REYNOLDS ALTDERSOIs4 JOHN COX; Jan: 9, 1839. The estate of Christopher 'Walters rate of S'ofithampltin tOtorishipOtmbthiloitg Cro. ..4eceaseal. • - NOTICE. Is hereby given that letters of - AdMikstraticin llama- - issued - to 'tile anima rititmar, - oti tli bkitte of - Ciaittopher WalteYs lateofSeuthampton to , s , mldp 430 d. and that all .persons having claims lip';alaigt 411 W estate 'are re. quested to make kaaAvn !din sate , tv•itlinut delay and • all persons hlehteiliMei-citi c amited to make immediate , , payrneskisto ibeihYt L...wls ; 15 4 Ilonds. DAVID CLEVER,__ Adm'r, Jndiin'P! 1, • NOTICE. 1'..1 - rgitS of. Administratiokon the estate of cob Lockman, late of Dickinson to icashi p, Cum- hrrland county, deceased, haying-Issued to the. sub scriber, residing iu the.same township , . • All per indebtedlo_saidleStatrovill-makentyracnt-tmmetli-- ately, Rod those having'claims will present diein_pro- - perly nuthenticated for settlement. ' VHILIP SINOI2DT, Aduer. Decemlier 3, 1838..--15w 4 t . . Estate of IlitiOhites Young, deed. "SOTICE. .. • Lette . rs of Atlitinistration liarioateu_xlinOtt fit - the snit - ;rihrr resiiiiiig in Monroe towliship, hOrhnol trioty, on the estate of Mathias Young, late of saki !otiotsitip, deed.“-..-this IS therefore to notify id perions indebted to spid estate to make ptiyntat im mediately; and those iutring claims *III present thrill without ifelny property anthemicoted. for Settlement. , • ENOCII-YOUNG, January i 1, 1836. • • . , ETTEItS of.Adrainistratipn on tiK. estilicsof . 11 . 4, Joshua Williaius,-t). late of West l'emirlys.. rough township- • Ctindierland, county,. deceased, Juin- . this day issued itif tjueSornt pf Law to the'subseHhel.,.- Who resides iu Wrest Peaushoi.nitgli townslkiji; hfore r saillT All perilous hai•ing elairlia or (limgiuiA:tigailist,- - tlre - estate - 51:411 - iiiiiiTiTececlat arti.refloesteil lo.make. kunWil the Sarno without delay ; Indebted to said esfaw to vay_ilieir,said_debis.to__. L. lI.IVILLIA'S. - Detenater Id , 1.838.--GW •-• ...• N01.11t1E: • • Take tiniiect that" have nitptietil to the Judges of the Court of (Anion') PlenaorCithiberland entudyfor the benefit of the inttottrent Liws, told the Court hat' .11p pointed the tblitionitay of Apritnext for the Leering of inti antrtnyitredflorp atCnrlisle, when. and •where you (nay attend if 'you dill& proper. . , , JOHN EDENBAUGIIII. Cariitde,,ihniiary 2 . 2i1. 1839. • . • • - REA.T. from the Brat of' April iieitt, the two story TWA hotise.ailjoiii,iiiig - lite Post office. ow occupied by Mrs. Miller. - Por. terasapply to n Charles OStilby, 101.1. N .M. -14 Stt,. , earlisle,,liiiifinry 'Lid. -1339. . . ` DISSOLUtION:. • The. .11:y4ot:1%111p .horetefore, ekiatiog 4 - eti4eh the subscribers, raider the mane of -Moore spti iihhhe is this day tlimolverl liviott)iini oonSeol. An hhisittess of the thlit will be itettlE;el -464N:14p01:1.1, . • ' . guwArti) 13IDDLE. " - :. • • . ' ell '' l'ti -.; thp estate I) te - a ,--- ;Tm.. ~ .0 . Iqi.ll, :Of 1-A” . - - -- - respectfully retweitell-- -fate - to - c - tvirklitith - e - 16ViFriiii , Vhicd - iiittle their respective ' - lICOCHItIif6 on-or.hofpl'e- the' - fi rst-of *mil iitxt,. and ' 4liese 'presomi,who liire challis null Aletunnds against the ,rsiste, 'will present them leplly ‘ hutheulicatedlbe riettirsucht. ....., • - - ' • ", : 1 ' A.N . Tirt BREDIN, Admr'x l .." • i'isrlible, :ItiMitary 22, 18,99. - , : • '1 - TRIUSTER ACCOUNT. islntice is heeelii? givetelltat , the' fice° 4l4ll PP irligkr Ileeecruhfrenfjohn inn. been wonted, t o the (:our , Cot-nylon Ma tt a ne Cattlberlitntl, county, for contirmation;andallowance, and said court have appointed the flrat titty‘of the Aprll 'cottct file ita CM": pplOeptiOP,PFli 4?,Pi9 Op all concerned. ic.4heur ...Luso! AvV : tigllitale r sbal/ not be confl rrned and allowed. ' WM: 81. POUTER:Tkolleyt Prothonotary ! A i Otltea, • ME12112 • . ~- • . '--..: BAR , I,RON FOR •SAX4IX• :itf,r assortment. of the beat .qualitv://ataatene4,/,ka - .livn -t for sale 01 ipkioson Fifroe'plig9ial IL Rhea.% Rail Real A ,Ikhattati ._ t : , cwiliele i OiifOU . r. , -1.406.0.;_ - . . U ` .: 75 rttecl. S, Adm'r