Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 30, 1839, Image 4
lIMM toffat's Tregeiable and EDlEffEilax . . . , A CONTRAST,' • All nntiont from the remtest ages, hareltad ships, but Caluminis only found .ont the way to America; Beforeithe'tfme or the great Spanish naligator, pun ,Tillo ivern only enabled to,paddle about the shores. Just:So-witlethe-bife - Medieines.- : It-is but two-years . . 7 since I first - ventured •upsa an Unlinocti ocean, and I havti'diseUve'red .The precious _object 'I Vegetable medicines were indeed commenced my tMarah r tit•the . ir...use was not. 'lly the use of them, IThave not only passed from the dejected idiralid, to the liale, - hearty and sic ' -tive man of business, but,Coniparatiiely 'speakilit.f, renewed 'my youth. I can tittle, with coithdetice- in • • my own experience, advise With my fellow-tfitiapna. Does the,reader want proof ,that the.VEGET MILE. , LIFIL I.IIFIDIDINEIS tire.:enitable•io his Own easel ! 'Ave on file at_my_ofliee, 5.46 tiroadway, hundreds 'of letters;from some of the Most i•esptictal;lecitiiens of this In • native at t volt i• •I •••• PI estirnon_ of the virtues of A'GOOD VEI(4ITABLA..I 51E1.4 , ' , Persons',whqse etietstitutibn , biiYebeetrli64rl7 by...the ~ '.'all-infallible" mineral 'preparations of the d#;:ivilljaeai 'rite wither', that the. Life'Jiedi• tine4; . nnil such'snly, are the true course to perm& ..iTht good health . , :A, NI AII S • RIiIIAT Ei TO MOP - k-vr.s LIFE 'e.g. PIFENIX, BITTY: HS. • ' have lon s .;:ticen known and appre s _einnol., for their -extraordinary •and immediate tite, iris 0: . IT:sohying. perfect.-",hcaltb;.to persons inifeernig inaler nearly Mery kind of. disease to which the ho - ' man frame is, liable.-: In many.hittitliats of certified instances, they have evehipstmed sulleeers from the•vcry verge of an nn-. finicky: - n oTave, after all We deceptive nostriuns or the (14 had utterly failed ;.• sind -to" many thousruids they - have permanently seattreit that uniform enjoyment of health, withmit which - . liti t itself is but a/partial indeedlias their die* invariably anti infallibly proved, that it his appeared so ts6nrcely ..; less than tnii metilons to -those who were unacjnainted with the - bentitifidphilosophicial prineiplcs..mpon they arc &impounded, and upon which they con sequently net. Itvas to their manifest acid sensible action in purifying' the springs and;Oluttinels of life,- and'enduing them with renewed tone and vigor,•thaV s they were indebted for their nathe;which was bestow- - . ed upon them at th'c'SPOntaneotts renttoSt Of several intlicidimis whOsedives they hadiahvionalY.save4,-- - ---,- -- s - 7 - : -- The - prilprietnereinicdsliflh - eOPpiihtitnity affOtalz's ed by the universal diffitaion of the dirilv , press,for 7 -. Placing his_ V.POETAIILP. L1FF1.A.11 7 1..4 within ; the knowledge and reach of etCPY individual. in the • convivially. Unlike the host or pernicious quacke - r;•••;, • Whlc h lioast of vegetable_ ingredient 4 the Life.. Pills are s so* v'egeiable:, and eintairi Mee chey, 1.1-41thohy, s nor any other tnineraWiti any ihrin Whatever. "rhev are entirelYeomposed of • extracts from rare andpi, ia•rfitl plantiti'tl;e -vtrtties of which, though long known to several, Indian tribe's, - and recently tii some _eminent - pbartn.actintital chem iits, re altogether unknown to the ignorant' firetetul s• era' to medical science; ninl never:before • ••e!l in so-happily efficacious a combination. -- tflie first opuNitioli is In loosen:the coats of the stool-act' and howels, tliTevariotis impurities and cm - di ties constantly. scut i iig• et•ound the rn eitnit in' ie.: move the, harilencidfacea which collect in the eotivul, 'slops of tl•sturill intestines. Other medicines par flatly cleanse these, and leave such collected - - Masses ,behind; as-to proithce habitual cOstivenriss, with- alf ils h nice of eVila, or sudden iliarrinna, with.its immi ' tient dangers. - This fact is .well. known to all egoist. 7 • anatomists, who einmitibig ,the. huinan'bowels-,after tleatli: hence the prejudice these well "ii fnrriied -VEGFAABLE NEAPS is - fo cle-As,ti-the kidneys and the -143;liter, atur by this •• s , means, the liver and the Inogs, the healthltil action of. wl ti'di entirely • depetalk !von 'the regillarity;of the urinot•y organ's. The blood, avhieli takes its red en-. fortl'orn - thengeney - otthe - Itcer - antrtliTrriiiii,.o before gthlta purl ftecLby_t heti), ...and flourished brfood coming from a Clean stomach; • c sc,: , 1111' Vi.111;111g11 the veins, renews every part nF a the systei;,,atel s pitim pliantly mounts th e , banner h o o lieftlili in the blotuning cheek. - w int; are nonv7t,., liesl.l:llTr—,49,7"rkti-rif hunhan ilisease<to which the: Life Pills,' ' — tire wi.ll 1(14. 11 to be , ..• ' • .DVSPBPSIA,, by tle,ruttglity cleansin g the first - and -second - ;tolitely; mid creating a fie a-of Mire, • . healthy bile, in.;reati of the, stale and acrid kind frhimienry. Palpitation of the. lienat; 1..(51 of Amu.- ilie.. - tlea;.--barj mid Ileatbache. , ReStlessness, truip! •r; A rcieiv, ITaligfttri;.and- Melancholy, which n re. ti gene rel- pcpsia, - Van ish as a natar...l coaseimence , ciire: -- oiscivenetas, - the whole length of the intestines with s!o col process, and without violence; all violent purtfes leave the bowels costiiw within two days. .—_Dir.! . .m&c:a.azuLC/tefera.;-13,y-rentoving.-tliewlisrp-ae r id */ -.Oohs by which these: complaints are ciecasionded; and by' promoting. the lubricative 'Secretion of the inenibers. v Freeness of all kind's, by rector " , big the blood to regular flreufiction, through the pro- cev! in.rspiration in acme cases, and the through • solosall intestinal obstructions in others, 'The, 1,1 I'1;' 'I LLS. have beei kti wn to cure Rhemmatism permanently in three• weeks, and Gout in half that time, by removing loealinflamstion from the muscles - .and liganients of the joints,' flropsies of all kinds, • by freeing. and strengthening the kidneys and. blad der; they operate west delightfully on these impor tant organs, and hence, have ever -been-finind • ter u_remeily_for-the-svorst- c rises -of-Gravel - Also " Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the hov els the, slimy matter to which theseereatitres.adhere i Asthina'ancrOnisumptictit;hy'relievin g the air Yes sers of the lungs front the mucus,' mcluch even' slight colds will occasion; which if nit removed becomes . hardened, and produces, those dreadfil diseases. Scurvy; Ulcers,and inveterate sores, by the per' feel 'purity which these Life Pills give to the blond; end sl a y the humors4 . ,Seorbiliie_Erentionsoind-hail coni plexihns, be their alternative effect Upon the fluids that feed the skin, the morlibl.state of which OCCII 1111-EnlptiVV.-LI11111(lific,S(016W, ClOtlllyTeincl -tother-tlisagrecable-Compleyinirs-:--The-tis-e—ol Pills fi r a very short time, will efli.ct en entire cure Rheum, Ery sipelag, and .a striking improve-. the Cleardess of the skin. Common Colds lofle..ima; will always he cured by one dose, or _by_two,_even ilieworst-cases.--Piles,---as /creme. - . - fly frit' thi6 mien diuressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Lill: Pills-deserve a distinct. and emphatic .reeommendation. It is well known to hundreds in this city, that the-Proprietor of these-invaluable Pills was' irris,ilf with the Com Plaint for upWards ---of.thirry4ire-yeaysotil-Itc-tried- iroptia every recit . edy prescribed within the whole compass of - the Me -,-..-rieria-Medici. He linweyer,-at length, tried the me& Mine which he now offers to the public, and lie was cured its a very short time, alter his recovery had been pronounced not only improbrible, but absolute ly 'impossible by any human means. , • ! DIRECTIONS POR USE.—The Proprietor 'of - the Vegetable - pfe Pills does not follow the base find. mereenarfpractice of the quacks of the day, in fidvi • ding persons to take his Pills in isrt-c quantities. No good medicine can possibly be so 'required. These, •-• :Tills are to be - taken - at - bell time every night; "for a 'week; or fortnight, according to the disease. The mival . dose of these bitters is . half a wine glass Tull,. Io,wdter o r wine, and this i'nautity may be taken two •or three-times a day, about half an hour before meals, or a less' quantity may be taken at all times. To those who are afllicted witlvindigestion - after . these bitters will prove invaluable, as they very great ly increase the action of-the principal viscera,helii • them to - perform their functions, and enable the sto mach so clisclifiege•into the bowels whatever is alien . sive. Thus indigestion is easily ancliveedily remo ved, appetite restored; and •the motitlis IV the absor bent--vessels being cleansed - T. , atrengtir . of - licaly - amt - eftergy -- liriTaitiit - nye the happy - results. — • Eor - further particulars of MOP PAT'S 'LIFE PILLSoind PIRENIX BITTERS, apply at Mr: I%lol . lli't office, Ne. Broadway,-WeW . 'York, where the Pills can be obtained for 25 cents, • 50. cents,•or $1 per box and, the Bitters for $1 $2 pelt 'bottle. ffy• Numerous certificates , of 'the 'wonderful Offieacrof libtli;mayjb . e there inspected. , Iti sonic obstinate 81111 complicated cases,of elpO nie-,and inflamatoiT Rheumatism, LiVerconiplaints, • Fever. and Ague, Dyspepsia, Palsy, Piles, affuries • from the sine of mere•tiv, Quinine, and •Othbr,thseases of luting" sea nt•tn,, , •,. it may be 'found. necessary to take both the Life aner'PhieMix Bitteisiinc.thetloses. • before recommended.. _ . • N., .11.—Ti,e P 11e and - the Tlitterswill get all.mer _envy out ofiiifir~itel y th a n .the bast pro- s...nter SHrs ., : j. , l 4 lla..inal are a-certain ifeme 7 .51,:; ! .e.: el , e'ltegd,or all violent r,1..z.3.--All,--persons. who. are t . ' &b., should neverhe tilt . Life Pills or the llitters, - for'oneJlose'in flint! will s:tve life. They equalize the circelittion of the blood . ; draw all pressure from 'the hail, restore perspiratioN, iintr.throw . off,every impurity by the pores of the skin, . . -- • -Fur sale at - tire-7sture" Of: 8: EL LIOTT-. - January 8, -- 16q39.- • • . goog • • That 1111;getvio Story !wick hz, i c. tiitunfe•on the Setivh ' l, Vv;g6,e,:trnsl6'nfrtoothe t •• And Pitt streets, in "-; the- attbsotqlber - ileit dock Jan, 71b; 0,990,44. • _tuna Too N OPPORTUNITY is now offered of supplying /1 - yournelven'witli woopcocK's (7"-'7l-7-• ..• • ' • At.ll: - -•allifrOtiii.ll4 , . • . ouoi -Being the hest article'ever offered the - Farinersin '• thia aection of the State. - • cep . - • loughs wilt not clinke - tior7carr - j - dirtTan the draft is about one-third less than the Plou,ghp here.- tofore in use; two horses doing the work of three, be, hides a.great saving in jiff!? and money in keeping them in repair. The-faint and share can be put on 'in five, minutes, and lr!sides,cost only 25 acids each, and.when dull can be turned and repeated, until worn mit r anit-enen-their4lll-be-talkerk-i!v-part-pay-for- new The (011owing . named nersons are among tKone who have purchased and used the above Ploughs during the . last season,to whom Farmer' are referred for inform ation respecting-them, - ' • • Hamilton ttnonahip.—Philip Winteilli John Arm strong, SaMitel Strickler, 'John Litllol"lleur n y Betz, Slyder,• Philip Miller Mr. Anhwey, John Kunes, Ennion Elliott Tom. " Letter/Venup.-.--Michnel , Grove, Daniel" Kreger,' M,'. Shields; Isaac ..fleAore, Jolla Miller; Abmillam lloover, John Roden, Ileidninießodes, Sang Rntles.• • quilfor , IL—Philip. Oiler, James Denlop, Jas. viance, Mr. Bitner,..JOlM Lenher, George 'Trace; i sepli Wingert,Georgii Fetterhoof, J4r. Ynugy, Gho. 'Dull; Williain John Ti. Cook, Sabi'! Geese-' nail; Reiiry'George; - Peter Baker John-Reichard, Joseph Neicely, Alexan der Thomson, - Henry - Jr., Witigert,-- - Martin --Wingert, Charles Iletieh, Mr. Smith, 111 r, Clark-, Mr. Solaber ger, Samuel Lemy. SoutSampton.—Snmnet Thomson, John-Ofr: St. ' Thomas,--Jacob Shirk, Mr, Gallageri' John . Crider.: . • . - We -- liictefibitimecured . th a;-Gu herlaitil, rind •Datiphin. counties,-and the. following "lentlemen-in Adams have tined te Ploughs during the pant season, to whom Farmers in that county are re ferred. -.- Sear Two . Taverns.--Samuel Durboraw,l Esq.; !aleph Conlinn, Alexander Milwaine,JacobrKeller, Esq., Jaeoh Strealy. . N'ear './1/1/4.ratowtt.—Preileriek DOI!. . - ilithierecetea.-4Teolf Gram . • • - - JOIt V -MOPFAT. (o•Thc above Ploughs. can alwaye he had nt the Foundl of SEITtFRT tcCtj..Chtimberaliurg, of .10101 Hardware Merchant, Carlisle, and of .T110144S HARMS, _lllr . echttniesltrg... Where Farmers'who.wish to testthe:Plough, will plekie tall and get them on trial, and if they , will not render full Ti and entire satisfaetion,o - eharge will he made; if they break it Ia at our expense. We will also pay any Farmer for any - damages er loss. of time, he may sustain in Irving the Plough, if he does not like It of •-There have been sold in Franklin and the ruljoi ning county; upwarda.of ONF;THOU.SAND.of these Plnuglis,within .1M moiiths.. . : • . DE/VIG, ./fgertt. , .A.Uguso7;ll3B.-:41m.. • 1 K1L1C101.75 menutic,• OR MINERAL INCOI tEZT!I. !rare bgen.it_mat.,iteAtil among European and Amdricnni)entlats,to manufac = hnitate the natural living Teeth. , ,• • Alany havedeVote=l.yeses tn nnsitccessful eperi ments, and others hair. sticri!eited in;mannfactileing teethltof - materials -- similar. - to - tha orcelaimwamTbin generally. they have an opaque white appearanci•_, hy. Which :. they are.essily distinguished - front the 'human teeth. - . Arlen long and tedious experiments; the subscriber has succeeded in manufactitrink teeth of materials en tirely incorruptible, and perfectly in imitation of hu man teeth. They - have a semi-transparency, and are made. of various sizes and shades. .In cases where "Mori - Ilion of the. nrcolar process, l_or_other_eauseurnay render it - nreessars';,he will esst, of he same materials attached to the teeth, artificial lonia', which shall imitate the -gumand supply the loss of tnilistance.. their color, or cause frktid breoth. He will insert them from one to' entire sets, in such . 'Manner; that . they .will make Articulation of the voice perfect, and• materially assist in mastication, and so that they cannot he ilistinguiitheil from the most beau tiful natural living teeth by the most scrutinizing. ob server. • He also - performs all the 'various operations in Dental SurKery_oaccording to the 'late scientific im provements in the art. • . F.- ff. " r.V.IP P , Murron. Nentr'st, . . N. W. corner:of Charles tic Fajette streets, .• -- CABINET' MANUFACTORY. smilrembscriber- respectfullyjnforms - the Carlisle, and the public generally, that he - still resides at his Old Stand, in North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock's Chair Manutitctory, - where by continues to carry on the --. _Cabinet illakingr_Butglatesx,_.: in nil its various brtinehesi • lie fins lately furnished himself. with a new and splendi&HEAltSt, &o: accommdate alithose who may favor him with a call.- He returns his sincere thanks to his friends anikustomers for the liberal enepurakemeid - liestorciThiiii, — tiUdriinlielWentitinuanee of their, patronage. He flatters himself that by fitriet - *nen tion to hfisinessinitit - disposition. to pieuise i to nierit and receive a share of pUblie patronage. -- -•- • . • N. WA/lie - or Two 3ourneymentabinet Makers wanted, to whom liberal „Waes will be given.' .An apprentice will be taken to learn the above business, it well - reconimended. • '. • - GODFREID Carlisle, November 27, 11938.--fan. INDIAN QUEENIIOTEL, SOUTH . FOLIRTAL_STREE*„. PHILADELPHIA.- . DAVID MILLER., "Pr FPI-ILLY informs his friends and the., public, thtle has removed from the Western in' Market street, to that large and commodious hotel liirinrrly kept by Mr. B. Duke, sign of the QUEEN..• This lintel is situated in South Fourth street, be tween Market and hestnut . streets, in the very centre of nielmsiness part of the city, and. will therefore be =l found—very-retinvenient , for-merchants7andTbutitteaS men generally. . • . The buildings have been thoroughly and Complete ly repaired by _the subicriber, and , no espouse has .been-spared-in arranginuand furnishing the rooms so 'as to promote the comfort and Convenience oftltose. who may favor the house.with their custom: -Gentlemen' travelling with theirTamilies can have private parlors fni uisheil in 'the best .manner with chambers attached, to them, where they can enjoy privacy and seelusion,.or.the companionship - of their blends, as may be most desirable. 'BAR' and CELLARS, have beenprovided with this best LlQUORSutulthe choic 4s t " of every-description: The TABLE -will. - at an tithes 'be supplied with. e v ery , deliency . which theaeason and market can d, and every exertion made to please the palate of or. customers. • . The . READING 1100111 S are,V,ell supplied with the leading . journals of different cities, as well as with a great variety . ofliit , country_journals of the State. .Tlie SERVANTS will be found careful and trust worthy. Attached to the hotel are very extensive STABLES; calculated to accommodate one-hundred horses, and' .uller the-superintendance 15f - ear - eft - tread "iittattife r 71....111. returns lie `sine re, acknowledgements for the very liberal encottrageinent heretofore receliek_ L and - feeliniamifideottfuryll'O - iiiiii - fitirdiTi 'Vein:este with fare which' will lose nothing by it'' ompuristil with 'other houses, and, that hisappartmenis, and theft' furniture, are, Addy equal to those of any uther:hmel, iu the.eity,;Wrespectfullrsolicits'a further shire of Publieptdiona . ge. '• 9 .Pliiradidepo 1,10 1 " recoil CART. '"- - C FARMERS t 0144 14 A i lit kesiti riEloultwa l r‘touplio, MMSM Sufamatmamm '7. I) . .. w.4.v: - .if ~,,•x t:710.t. tzt.: - 4,pr . ::-,:1 . .. o'liri_i..•.o'-v-, pritivitn 1i2„11.1P18 asT,a - slaxgrcoLe. 'rbzizttily andj"ru# t'oiripan# of ILil de; Office, 15p 1 ichettmo.etreet -7-7' CA:PIT-AL --OE--$0(1r(100 • • • NsuitttrOts; "giant Ariiiilitiea and "Enflow • ,Uments:atid , mnake • contracts generallyi.bat in'foive 'the contingeocy of Me t Accept-1 . /was as autborize'd •Itt• the-charter, from individuals;cocpOrate bodies, o 1 ebniti ;be Justice; and execute thent.agreetibly to the desire of We parties; and-receive Depoaitek o 1 money inixint,,and on interest: ' • "- LEBANspinagekl.—the tr.rtna_nr.e .those"-0( any office ill the Union. • . Rated for' Insuring $lOO. ' • . ' • Age' 'For 1. rear l'or 7 leaps ,Whole • . )Inmsistly. Jlnnruilly. .20 $0 91 , $0 95 • . 25 1•'00 1 - 12 30 - .1 - 31 136 , 35 1 362 75 40 .1 '69 , 1 83 ,3 20 45 . 91 • 50 96 .209 460 • 55 , 2.32 321 5 - 78 Further infornuttion.edin be olitaittiti by applicalion 34 the offi ' • - 13. 81r. HiCif ARDS; .Preet; . 301I\. FV.TANIES, Actispry. GpnitnE W. ASTI T'reaturcr.• - • June II; 11338.--ein ' r . . IV% R NV 14.:R IG% ZAVi.l)3l_ aU4tUII29 , Returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Carlisle .atitl adjoining' country; for the most liberal patronage ;which has been lie.stowed upon him, and wishes to in, form the public ge'nerally that he hss , replenished his stock of ticimls, and flatters hitnself that be will be chile to give entire satisfaction to all who will 'call at his Store,botlt in•quality and ptiee of goods; attheis 'resolved to sell low for cash. , • 01.11.1tt the old well knowri Stand of L. Milan, in -North -11atmier Street,,and examine his stock of GoOdi;its.he haa a gencril and cOmplete• assortment of. Ilardware,.... ' • • Also. . A ROCK And - FINE POIVIMR; of. thri* best quality, which will-be, sold at wholesalo or retail. . _ . lie has alio the New Contherjand Nails-but eall and examine, each one for himself. Cnrlisle, bitty 14; 1838.-3 m Dr. Wan. 'Evaitsl,7,Ca»toistele- • . _ • • Tilt ctr.AT NERVOUS REMEDY! _ TDESE mooth the nerves of sensibility, rind' tbrtify the . nerves Of motion.. The powers of 'W - ANS 4 7OA - MOMIT3E -, PILLS tire sochTtim mid the fluttering Mind:Nati:4h before them like nox ious veiiors beforellti benign influence of the morn . n'ire'se.rnerlicineS7by their resUiritating powers, io . - vignrate the hind, strengthen the 'holly, improve -the memory, and .enliven" the- imagination, so that the whole. frWUlties become restored, to-their pristine: tone and vigor. • _ E {',9X.5" ataffixtr,r; PILLS are for :ill Nervous' .Diseases. In all eaoeo of- Ilyyo Lola-Spirits,—Palpitatione of the 'kart Nervous. Irritability, X.rvons Weakness, Flour .31- bue, Seminal WeaknesS, ehlarosis, Flatttlent or Hy.- -tericalTaintinge i llyateriesaleatt-,gchedficcup,-Sea Night -.Harr, dont, Rheumatism, Asthma Tia,...polorens, Cramp, Spasmodic Arectione, take tor three Camomile" Pills before — eith - meal; 'Thaselulio are Victims to that most exerutiating dis order, Gout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a rourse of Evao's Medicines,-eommenelng with a few doses of Evar.s' Family "Vegetable . Aperient - Mini-billions Pill's, rtful the Camoirnile. Pills as above. Nausett, "Vomiting, Pains in the Side, Limbs, Head, Stomach or_ Back, di mei', or. Confusion "of Sight„, Chllhiess,:lfremors, Watehings, Agitation, Anxiety, lind Dreams, Spasms, will in every ease . be relieved by an occasional dose of EVlll3' Camomile Pills. • Ladies thni arc in n (Wield!' state - are often trou bled with sickness; Vomiting,' Heartburn, Head Ache, Hysterics, and other troublesome syniptonts, ram which :they will fii;(l • themselves relieved by Evans' Camomile Pills. Those that'vvish information coneertiing the above . invaluable Meilieinea; art: requested to call at tlic office, No. 16, North :,1 5 .ighth, neat. Market - street, ilhilaile.lphia,..where..the:testirimny-of_thousatids...may Lie seen. ALWAYS REMEMBER: DR. WM. EI'ANS? MEDICINE OFLNEW_YORK--af:k for ETNllS'Citmontile Pills, and BEWARE OF IMPOS TERS. •. Geotlretown, 11 C., June 28, 113.8:-P-- To Do. Mit. EVAN% Respected Friend---I am truly gratified that I can return my sincere thanks to you; who. have-been the eanke-of-my--being-mistored-to_PFALFECTHEALFIL. For. five months past I have been laboring under a se vere Chronic Inflarnatory Rheumatism, attended null debility, loss of appetite, fowness of spirits,iikc. Having frequently heard of the truly excellent qualli ty- of your CAMOMILE PILL.S I I 'at last determined to make trial of them, although 'not without conside. rableoppoliition &Om my physician and family. At last, seeing, my determination, they agreed to the•tri al thethiril packagej was altogeth.: r restored to health. How can I express my grati tude and sincere regard,for such a Saviour of human frames ? :My case ,was altogether hopolessi and I remit confess.nsyself surprised at the extraordinitry residt. 'No people were ever mare:blessed than we arc with such remedies. The tritinyquaikadvertise bleats which appear in the papers which , I receive drani.-,sit},-frora 7 using—your-Frain before l did.. I can truly sa'Sri that no medicine in the •known world has tad such a beneficial effect as "your . Camomile-andAperient kills,-*lat-maltes the cure more extraordinary is; that lam more than forty years of age; and - fortliC_ lastfour. years coulttjuilt.anove about, Ad.:only at short intervals I ant at ,present entirely recovered; and my hopes arc, that you mitt' enjoy a long and prosperous life. If, I.'sim spared, will almost Certainly come to Ppiladelphia to See you. .-narne:-andletter-viillbe-ofaii.,iervictio. out. you are at perfect . liberty to make use of. them ; and el I can do to aid you r , be done with \abounded pleasure • Your most truly greatftitand . .ltuinble servant: ' .• WILLIAM JOHNSTON. • ~„, • ' N.B. Original CertifiCate!rtO be seep. at Dr. Wm. Eyans' Office and General depot, No. 'l9, 'NOttli Eighth. street, Philabelptila, •' ' , • • a ozrrhe hove Meditiiiie cap aiwtys lie,plttakcd at theTtiltiia • oll'ift - uTiIERALD & EXPOSITOR, Carlisle, and W.11...50N Shipiensburg. ' . : • ~ . .IVOIIIO - ehoilt to, reoiort ; to my' own !muse, my present residence will be 'ered for rent until the Ist toy of April next. . ; . • - 21 . 41:x017. c.sAtteim:wwfift • • The-True , Niches 'Of-Life is EALI 111 _ ,. 5 2 1 0 7 4 7 36- We kriowthat'llealth„andThe ability ro abor is 'the wealth qf. the . . greed 'mass of. the people in this. as in.most . -other" - caun-. tries. Po'primeree; therefore; that health by TUR.R.I.; means, _is_te,:g.ranet-Moral am? _poiliecil_srheme,4o-faifill—whiekTe•T quiteeour utMostattent • • • THE unparrelleled repUtation which- Peters'Pills have /tamed as a Medical Resniritivn, in .the most itnqueitiontibie proof that. can - be . gi ven of their im mime importance to the afflicted -almost every class of . 111seases, -'The number of letters received • kind Patients recoVflPing through their means is real ly prodigious, and the complaints. which they have „ cured are almost as varied as they are numerous.— "Titit - still - thereare - some- in-Which- they -are - more eapecially beneficial than in others; and.among those may be named•the too Often tidal .complaints of the stomach anil bowels, such as Cholio,'FlatulenCe; and Indigestion, for which therare 'not• only. is certain' but an immediate cure. ' • • . It is well knowitthat from the disarrangement of the - stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of all the: maladies of iu !kenning life; that this is the . - foundation - of Flatidency,-Spasmodic.Pains; Indiges tiom-Loss of 'Appetite- ete., -- and- that - those their -turn give birth to - Drops - S . ', Liver Complaint, Con aumptinn-,and habitual lowiiess of spirits; therefOre Peters' Pills being the very Best medicinb which lms ever been discovered' for . the incipitad• scasea,elthe' intestines, are necessaril y the, surest. Preventatives of Those dreadful, sail eke general disordersochich em- bitter life, and (Wag so - many millions to untimely _ . graves.. , • In speaking thus Dr. Peters, arrogates nothing to himself that has not been 'ateceded by the public.— lie' is no needy- quackor -unknown - speculator, who 'comes before the world as his own herald and wit ness, but id - placed in a responsibility of situation by the patronage which he has enjoye'd for' years, sad which is Increasing - to mi.. extent .mrprecedented in the annals of medicine, that makes hint careful' to as, Bert nothing which is not borne out" by thci Most -in- Tellable proof, and hence he does not fear to be'init to the test in any thing whiCh he has promised - re specting his Pills. . ' - _Dr.-Peters is mist happylo_ be able to state, on_ the authority of a great.number of - regular- physi eians,lhat wherever. _lris egelible • Pills- have_been_. intrOdnced, they have almost 'superceeded the ado'', non of intrcurial experiments, for their peenliar fac ulty-in SWecte site blood, in& stimulating it to expel fill noxious Juries, and in giving strength and tonettAthe.-ner-ces,-precenov-.ilisease-fromJacquirim; __tbat-strengthhich, rullatbe.goEnutler,- -•:b if atallv dangerous remedies. - ' Prepared by. JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D. 129, Library street, New York. Each box • contains 40 . pills;_price 50 cents. these Marated Pills ar^.soli]ll Rll the prinai pal_Draggists in-RaltiMorc, Philadelphia; Washing-- ton City, and throughnnt the United States, the Cana- . das, - Texas, MCNiCO, JllOl the West hiding, and hy. - 301 IN MYERS, SAMUEL ELLIOTT, CAR LISLE; SAMUEL WlLSON,.Shippensburg; DENIG; GEORGE GA ItLIN Chambersburg. December 401838.=-1--y. C 0.1 8 &MP TIOA CU_RED „..The lnd nn Spetific; 0 • ..e P. + . . . , 0 . ( •-- P.. 4 .r. • 1.4 -- • ."' PI, - 1 . .. • 5.........., . , Doctor CLARRROIi rlttEMAN,the proprietor of the -itiriifiCT'reiiilertrupivards-Of'ldur ' years among the :tribes of NOrthAMerican Indians,. and with unwere 7 ried - dilioice used every moms in hispower to nc- - quire a knowledge of the different remedies used by them, for the cure of the sick nod .vounded i• and more particularly thoie which ' - they take to prevent and cure the consumption, and complaints of the breast and lungs. lle - observed 'the:lndians werei subject to numerous and similar complaints to those of white people; .and from their mode of living, mid being exposed to the inclemeni,y of all weathers, Linanyof-their-company of their diseases were of sUch a nature as would, with a people in a civilized state have terminated iii confirmed consumptions.; yet, du ring the time he was with them, he did - not hear of a CORSllu7ptiol). • 7 ----So-happy -are they-in their -knowledgemLreme, dies, and so certain of their effects—when applied in • time, that it may be salt( true eonsmuption is a dis-' ease - never -- know - or -- heard -- among them." The troth of this observation must be corroborated by all who have liathe opportunity of becbming acgainted with - thesi;l.peopld; -- it may Alien be asked why they - , are exempt 'from these complaints? The remon _obvious ;. because tbcy immediately seek for relief, slid prevent those,emnplaints which itiselifiiblv under- Mine the constitution, and: bring on"incurableicon , , sumption: .. • hills of direction -accompany each bottle - of the Specific, pointing out iii a conspicuous •etanner, all the symptoms in the different stages of these distres-' sing 'diseases; also . partienlar directions respecting' Diet and Regimen, and how patients are to conduct themielves through" every. stage until hesilth is re-' RtoiTtl ; for vain and useless would be the prescrip tions of the ablest phisician,accompanied by the Most DOwerful Medicines, if his directions ire not faithfully ndhered to. - • The public are • informed, that the depositiOns of two hundred'and eighty-seven persons have been ta ken befdrethe - properantharideirof the city-of-Lan caster, Pa., all completely cured of theinost deipe rate cases of consumption, some of which are detail ed hi the bins accompanying the bottle. The price of each bottle of the INDIAN SPE,..= trifle is One Dollar, and each enveloping the genuine SpeCific is signed -by Dr. Clarkson Freeman, and Om initials on - the seal of each bottle, None- can be genuine WithOutthis signature; a base cOmpoSi= Ran having been attempted -to beimposed,upon- the' publicitynttrauterfeirmdtation-ofthurextraOrditituy article. (E . Y.A. supply of the above specific, is kept constant ly for sale by . B.I4IITEL ELLIOTT of Carlisle nnikby Samuel-Wilson, Shippeheburg.— November 5, 1838-Iy. • Itt 10) - 4 THE subscriber respectfully informs Lis friends, t-his Qinitifird - inin - b - YaM, o n the k o banf o naive lianna river, in the town of Worittleysburg.,-- . • - 2000111IlligheiS - stiperfor Pant?el and ,omrn,o2. 'Boards. . , Poplqr Plank and ScantScantling, 2000, geoci'vittlity seasoned Tight Bar rel AS'tai?esand• Hytding. All of\Aid' 4" - fit'lOW - friteS;tlial on most accommodating terms.- :PerSons'wishin g to purchase would do well by calling with:the subscri ber, and examine his stock before they purchastf where. - r • • , .. •' ' ', .. GEORGE.—RUPLEY: " !April 9; 1838.-7.3 m - : ... ' . '.., ... .'.: -• . , 19. ,pul4z e ttcllar a, T ippets, Ise.. Just ' i'ee'ei ad,. • flow s of Fur caps-and also , a 'of of n liair !0 . ,11,ad EIoW 91)14$:wade by . ., 0: • 0611t..11Y. , For the prevention and cure of ,Coughs, suniptions,i pit ling of Blood; and diseases of- the breast and , "lungs,. §•e.. • THRESHINti . MACHINES. , ttoneaumitamk..ll2 , auD,Tapp, 411 mile , ,110Agie#encouragetnelit WiliichAhe - subscribers awed durnigthe last year.inthe: hale of their-Ma induced-them to make eXtensive.prepariitions &the increased abol' or expense has been Blamed to procure the' rOst materials the country :tan. afford.-- Their. ien are elperieneed:aniffof the. irst character, ey hoe ho:'hesitation ip assuring' the Parnaers ieraeo ,now!able to fernish theinWith an'article ly . e.qual• but decidedly.. Superiot. to any. ()thee ictured in this part of the country.. , 'speedy and clean - threshing, with, ease to. the • ,they lielieVe their:Machine to , betinegnalled. price is,the. Atom as last , year, viz: 140 dollars, Ittti' in inisli'and - th& - balanceitssiOviontlis r foe_ a note will be The Machines are in-. _ for - . twelve months;' or 'until they . shall have threshed, twathouSand bushels Of groiM They have now several machines and ready fur; sale, and will at all times be ready 'to furnish them on the shortest . notice. Orders - from's - distance will be punctually. attilided to. For_the trifling- sam of FOUR 1301,- LAUS,,in addition to the price of the 'Aichine:mil 'rover, they furnish the farmer an addition that will enable him to shell' his Cloverseed. • • ~1 o the .• The. subscribers, being desirous of publicly comm . teriieting the efforts which 'are - secretly made toinjure the character of their. machine, by !WHOM 1411 . 0 ape. • per to - be aetuateit: by.,'Unfricuilly. - feelings towards them, respectfully submit the folloWing 0/ the Mdilit. I certify that I, last yiar:niedlone of the - ThreSh-. Mg Machines manufactured by J. E. Brady & Co. and during 'the season, there was threshed on. it about four thousand bushels - of grain, and :about two hundred and ,twenty five bnahels of clover seed, and I am folly satisfied that,• forlhe Yarn:llos use, it is superior to any other Machine I have ever -- s - e - Milii - thia - part of the count ry. -- 5 - further 'eertily that Mr. !henry I hirSt,' one of my neighbors, had six wagon loads of clover seed stuff cleanedsit a clover r mill, and elte yield , was 2:2 bushels, and that the Same quantity of sniff was threshed on my machine;rand. the yield was 32i bushels. Mr. I lurst is of the opin ion that thes.MlT lie hauled to the mill; Was the. bet ,ter-lot-of the-two.— FREDERICK KARPER . . Nfsiv - 15 - 838'. - • I certify that, in Asugust lant,'lpurclmsed from J. E. Brady & Co.' one of their threshing .machines, Which I usedforthreshing grain for different Farmers, till Some time iri March last.. During that period I threshed about fifteen-thousand bushels Of wheat, rye and - oats. My .expense. for repairs of both the Machirieand !tone PoWer:did - rt exceed five dol tars,and when I sold'themAwhich was in March,) the machinery: appeared -to he nearlynd gooll as -a wns at the time I bought them.• The wheels in the . , horsepower is(!re perfectly • sound and substantial, and.uptt a.elose examiintion, I could not discover' thatAhe cogs bad worn in-the SlLehtest . degree. 1 had, for several years. - previous, been engaged in threshhag. - three -ilifTerent kinds of IllaChilleg, Whichiqrfliiry tricrl,,and I unhtsitungly certify that for durability, sOviee and speedy and clean tlie -s esis;•l have.never ased -or seen any: that, in my opin im-001 at all cr osier with - the one I had last year, toilets it be aneefthe same kind.—ll attention ix giren• to Old maehinery,it appears tome ahnost impossible fon-any-part of-them-to gat-out_ormi%loo.. - • ' ..SANILE :HOLLINGER • ' - 1, - ist•vear,parchnseil tWOrof-thisllishittaJnitehine °U. Alrady .(bius of which I seql have,) and fully tested them: Fon speedy and clean thresh- - inl; 'superior artiele, and one seriTeeTc - rilie - Tifivitier: - 1 - ennsider it-1 - , . tiff best - - MAIAJ - kiiiifTliiqi! part of the (runtey. 1 take great pleasure in recom oemling--it the Farmer. --- - are, eertaii tiiitirgreat Beryl, . = I ce . rtify that Mr. Andrew Davison and,l purchased; laat - lsrarimber, one ofJ.ll.l3ratly & Co's.threshing machines; ulnelt, we fully tested, havltig threshed wheat, tt e, oats and 'clover seed on it: lem _fully satisfied 'that it is preferable to any other bare .seen in operi_tion;_and it, is an article that will repay the FallWr amply, for its price. It threshes clean, is not liable to get out of order; and is; upon the whole, an article._ that I can,, Nyitli•_great _ confidence, recolindethl - tikhe Par Mer. ABRAHAM S.DAVISON _ . June IS 1835.. • ' • • ___Alr.,l3ettiitini it I !inn; Itint and 1, last year, pure] in sett one oil Ilrailv . &. Co's threshing machines, with hiehathece — staricitiff.xlitAl - Tintlteils'll ttr4ooo of grain. It is an excellent article, opinion, to any of the kind 1 have e‘'er seen. One of its eltiefexcelienceis; that it is not liable to go out of the Farmer. . . Juiie If:, 1839 Other certificates coulddeive been procured,. hut it was deemed unnecessary. PersOns who wish to inquire into the .power_malquality_of_the Machines, are referreitto thosej who last year used therrr, and _particularly_to_the:following_nameriLgentlemen,,Viii ' Messrs. John Foust, Frederick Byers, Adam Yonder :lw, Emanuel Sites, and Samuel Diehl, of Guilford township; Messrs. John Huber and John Yockey, o Quincy townshipiMessrs. Abraham Stoner and-NUM FrlllltZ, of Washington township; Messrs. Jacob ,Hade, James M helm - I,l'llmeg A li S9ll, Emanuel I lade, John Binchlev, Ilenrymnd James Beatty„Christian Hevel and Christian Hoover, of Antrim township; Jacob Oyster, Esq. and Mr. Henry Wingert, orG rem township; — Mr.. Frederick — Deek, orzetfewaiiiy township; Messrs. John Rhodes, and Conrad 'Gold smith, otHamilton township; Messrs. William An gle and Jobn Philipi, of Montgomery township; Capt. McFarland and' Joseph Duncan. of Peters township; Messra. - William Bowers and J. Seacrist, nf - Warriiirtownxbipl - MenitarlifiThb - iiiiiri Oh ii-Kege ries, of .Metal township ; and David Hunter, Esq., and Ilepry 'Winer of Bedford county. J. E. BRADY & Co.'; _ Chambersburg, September 017, 1833. ' - One of the aboNe machines is to be seen at the barn of Mr. Francis Noble, in 'Carlisle. Any person wishing-to purchase one, can lift* it set up ; and if it does-not answer-the-purpose as speci fiedove,wil I-take it away fiMe of expense to the purchaser: _ Three inixe been upwards of 101) of_ them.made and sold by Brady 8t Co. within .13 trionthSpast. ed to the subscriber will meet with prompt attention. JOHN- DENI, .//vent, Cliamberslitirg. Seph.lB. . . P LC/VMS. • .Famous• Core :tor the. Illicit. matisin .and other Pahatil. , . . . . . - MUCH need. not lie said in relation to this wonder- , lid remedy,. as the proprietor feels confident that when applied,it will, as mat be proven by the numbe of respeNtable persons,--eflect , an entire - cure -- of. the Rheumatic and other pains. • It had • not until lately been ldr intention to make it public i but by the re rynentapplications of his neighbors', and the wonderful cures it has . ofilicted, he feels it a -duty he . owes to. • Society as well as to himself, to make 'it more gene - lly knoWn, and at the *same dine hare it put 'a near, las he can within the-reach of all who' may beufllioted with that painful disease. 1 -- • • • - ',' ' • -,:. .'Hundreds Of mimes - O(MM be iiiiblW(liiliersois_ "whli'hriVirbe s eiriiiii - eirbyratiii - celerrateitMedieine,. but the fcilloWing are t --- le - o - t - etl - an mass, titilio= i- . . , ng amply. suffittent to attest its powers. ..., % .„ • John Srove, . David Bender, Jacob L. Nagle. _P-Lindemeth, _±.oborge'Fither;_John.Alsbabgh C. Stoner, ' .JOhti - Coover, -',-, SamueliFenely Aaron Bender, ' PLindemuth jr. Sanittel.Young - Hebert Dysart'', . - - 11. Ilichardson s • Jam% AVorlich Henry-Alsbangh -4; , Diffeitbanglr,-- Iticolrlfiers.;' -- Christian Organ, 'J. Hiestand • - - ' ' ' Mount Joy, August 25,1836." - ' ' •.. • ; • - All orders from a distance addressed ' to. the sub -1 scriber; Mount Joy,lLancaster countyov ill be prom .- 1- irLa.tikfaithfulltattefiPelqii •,.. • ' SAMUEL LOt.ICRS. MouinJoy,'Veb. 7, 1837... ' • ' , , ..• • • '.. . ' ' • : • The above medicine is also fOr sale by' ''• .. -'. '-, 1 ',. . • •• • ~ . ' JOHN HATFIELD. .' ' Carlise, rebrutuy.l2, 1838. : ,• • -,•:;. , ... •-- . • _ .• • FR Eau ' • •21, N' IO )3 3 4 ,I jIEVILi - ' • Having recently' 'returned' frcin Plkitadelphin j and' New: York with . a . VERY EXTENSIVE ; ADDI-1 TIcIN to lenve to - oirer to the . citizens Of .Carlisle and the Public generally', 4.4.ENERAL, 4sSORTAIENT,' Comprising every article in . the Drug line,. which I will dispose Or AVIIOLEBILE •Or ,RETAlTat.the lowest poodble rates. • Physicians—country Store keepers-- Fullers and others, are respeethllrinvited tis'glive me a call at the Old Stainfon East High Street. • - • - • S. ELLIOTT." •, • ' • Oirlisli o 411 4 • .. . - DANIEL W. ItOl'Elt JOHN !WM PIITHIYS - GRORO. - H - Tft - HTTNOR -- , - etif * tale. CULBER.TSON . . - Shippen;sburg.. • - JOHN 1111 , 0.0.1aV.Nettyvfe. - .N. B. 'No Artiggistotpothecaiy or petllar, is lowed to sell the genii in B randietlei Pills; Udder any circumstances whatever: _Also observe when you purchase .of any jadvertiSed:Agents that they have a certillcate Ofogeney,: signed awl sealed hr Me , • , , .B. BRANDRPNII, . •Me a ,.71 . 0rth 9th Slreet , Philadelphia: Augtist . , 41 complete assortment of FanCy and Common snaps y p soap, tn retnotv—Prtzickle'st-01413:Brenvit "Whisor soap,lor softening the skin';' Anther 'Musk soap forheautifying and.iseenting. -' Emolient vegetable sciar!, Fnilet- for both - sexes, Potent winstik soap, for Shaving. .ratent vegetahle: soap for washing' Almond Soap; for Misses hair::‘ ;Coin= mon candle, &mai and ociuntei ti Ma i rr . "Poi Wale • s fikAkRILEGANIPS PrejtareZAZSAllt. ti`'4ll.. . d ;24'4 YOH 8'.:41.1 . Elt,, adds Drug More, optio - fiite . tlielafat*et -HoitaiiPrefekriqciMiL -111111-11S,.iraluable Medicine:has alreatly,, acquired b AL celebrity to Whicli n few others perliaman_so,short. aliniefe-xer-arrivediandita extensiVe use for 4'or A years, in various"parts. of the . CoUntry,:Cities, and TowrisOn Maryland, Virginia,' Pennsylvania, Ohio, ,New York, Lentucky;Nissouri, South Carolina, Al abiniaiGecirgiai and NewOrleans',..whieli.lias attend; edit with unparallpdaticceatt. ,, L. • _ Hundreds of-persona haveusedifond nine out' f] ;ten cases have beeepernianently cured, or Dyspepsia, Cholics,.XericiutirTremors,Lowness Of Spirits, Pad; pittitions•of the-heart; andall thoietrain of-Diseases resulting from a disordered Condition of the stomach' iidliver.,-or-detting„ement.of the Digestive functions, tail) as General debility Or weakness, irlift Loss of Appetite, Sour Ethictations and Aciditees.ot the Stomach, Cost veneis,,Headaches,',latindice; Fla.; tulent and Bilious Colics, To : Adults' end Children who arc. troubled with' Worms; it Will Operate as' n safe,and timeoUgh ver- . in its 'Composition,_ and may be used by both sexes and ofany age, with perfect safety, without any eliange of habit or diet. I ,„ It is imt-recommended like :most patented .Medi int adadie.. m 01: Alei.vot4. eineg - h!i n cure, all lint:the proprietor recommends , ,ThOse who haie suffered, and are weary of suffering it; for what lie hasletl confidence itwili and has cur-"t - from these distressing complaints, will find in Pl ed, which can he substantiated .liY Vie testimony ori . TER $' VEGITAIME.PILLS a remedy at once hundreds of persons, that.. have experienced its good certain and inunediate in its effects. • effects: • • • : ) DYSPEPSIA they. stand Unrivalled; It is neatly pit up-in squarelialf pint Bottles, with `many' have been „red it few. weeks after havi . ng the name blown on the glass nith suffered under this dreadful complaint f l or years. .sain,of lleltltli, prepared only by Jahn S. b7illcr,and I In habinfal eostiVeness they are decidedly superi his'signature on a label, pasted on theentside wrap- or to any .7eilafiCa hi.. Vegitable :Pills ever vet' discovered, and per of each Bottle, which completely secures it 1 . 61111 - ii,; they are recommeiriled„by all the emi being counterfeited. • • p neat mid leading members of die Medical Faculty: A 11111 - and satisfactory Direction accompanies each . Bottle, and by the quantity at a -liberal diseenet of the proprietor and of all ilk agents, which are nam ed at the bottom of each direction New testi intiei;of - its: curets - are - frequentl yveeiv.; ed, a few of which follow this' tivevtisemenf, - nMI main: more ca_ be seen on the directitiiK around each Bottle: . . John S:Afiller.--;Dear Sir.—l do hereby certify, _drat have been. afflicted:with Dyspepsia for the last 4 - or .5 - yearsTu hicrlias lieeli - irrefea - sariom We - I%Yr 'since, to such a degree, -- tlint for 3 or 4 weeks previotial 'to using-your-Valuable Carlegant!silalai of-Health, I nm certain Lhave not eaten onemunce. a day of any kind . of diet. neither was I \thlo to sleep with any kind of .comfort during - this 'time, for a severe pain in my stomach, in flirt I had given myself up' s men table, aa., I have - had resmme to so many dillerenf re. Medics withoutanv-kind of benefeit, if at length heard - , of your Balsam of 'Health, being advertised, Finn... - chased:a Bottle of your -agent Wm . :" Millie in Chester first. (loess I ' found nic stomach' to- retain. in some degree what - I cat, suartlie paimih my- stomach subsiding gradually; and after using 'one and a refit. bottles, I found my-, self enttrely have cal a4thing I have an Inclination for, and sleep well at night: It was sur,:i 1)634; to see the.lquantity of morbid matter .I(lls charged front my. stomach, 'which' once: inclined to believe'Nffis -thick with it, which no 'doubt rendered or dirt indi”estable., • ." • Given uniler •my hand, this Ist dm of December . . JOSEPH SNAPV., • living near Winchester \•a. Coll /471 h.! of . ;;‘,7c.liolas IT'eavev. "Mite is fo cl ' itily that 1 - I)o9glit'i)f botti,,s or your cortiltlefolv cured ine of the Ilya pepsia, I had much of other. itatent'Aletli- CIIICS, but: found mil:lief, until I made' use, of your, , and do recorrnento it to all those Who ire troubled with that, obstinate (liaortlei• !)ysitelisi'sn' , . N:Vt' EAN 1,7_Pa._,,..X0,v.,2,1 8, Gettv%bur - CertifiCatefrpniChe flev: - .ll:l'.7ShaTer;ilkstar of - the Lpthcran Church. . • " • John S. .11illin;:—Dear Sir.-1' deem it my duty to. inform yen th'at - I consider:Garhigani's Ilalsimi of -Health, prep:Wed by . you„ a superior medicine. My wife has long been in-a state of health, and of course no means were left. untried of which we could bran myself opposed-to •nostrunis and patent medicines-1 nevtdtheless'conkented - tw purchase - a bottle- sam-of Ilealth; mul- - do'hauhrtei , tife that Mi's Shaeffer derii - ed'more benefit Winn the me of it than any other medicine. My opinion is: that if a cure can be efllicted, as regards the disease =you.mention,-your-ilaistutr-willi - if - used - iwthe - 11 - rst 'stage of the disease,_ • - F.l). SHAEFFER. Freder i th, Aug. es, 18 . 36 Motliiinc.lins-lweit-usediat-manytersonsli this vicinity, and invariably: proved beneficial. P. S. I used the Balsam in 'll).J:two family and ad ministered it to some indigent persons 'rind invaria bly found it a most efficacious vermifilge. , .For Sale by • SAMUEL TT. Carlisle, December 9.3,1838.--.1y.. THE COIJNT _ERFEITERS.:•_ He Must be a Miserable villain indeed, who would placethe life of a fellow being in danger, for the purpose of making ?no- • • To. HONEST CITIZENS. • 17.1itit_do_Druggists_prove-hy-niuking-antl selling Counterfeit Pills purporting to be. • Mandrellt's Vegetable vcrsal Pill withAat-nostssr anillto NORA.- DLL Tirinciples. '2d.-That no_other Arietlichic_ia-xtquire4y.kbe public;.or why •do not these counterfeit couneit other pills 'in the RAMC way they do Brandreth's?— Simply because no others save Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills ever. effected tile extraordinary cures ,that these Pilli'aViltnown--t:NirrnsAux KNorm - to-have-effected. • . , There never wasdberson who-used the ed as the ;nest safe and certain remedy ever iiiseovered • ' • for restoring health to - perscind - suffering tinder even}_ - vsGET IlitEi . U-NitE-RSAL PILLS, disease for which they are recommended. . - • 'Wherever these pills have been once introduced F/ 7 1/0 did not redommend theniin riuto a family,theybeconie a standing remedy, and the . 7nost unequalled praise, are culled for agam and again, whic h is sutlicient... • proof of their good onaliti6.- • - Nevertheless, these counterfeiting druggists lave . The medicine having met W unanimous With the unanous nil. done & are doing the'cliaracter of the Genuine II great 2 probation of-those 'Who have fairly . employed no desl of injury ; but it . is hoped that individuals will cording to the directions, is recommended with in not allow themselves to be deceived by designing per-. creased confidence: to, the public, in every .variety of Bona, 'whose only object is to Make money, and who finictionnl disorder of the Stomach . Bowels, Liver are perfectly careless of consequences. , It is a matter.. and Spleen, such as Heartburn,- Acidity of the Sto of no importancele then; whether the poOr..child is mach and Benvels,l)iarrlicen, Colic, Jaundice, Data- ~ rescued from a bed of sickness and , . restored to the lency:Dysentery, habitual costiveness, loss yearning:mess - of its liaients,or whether him on Whina-;.--tite, sick Headache; Sea .Siekness, tee. &e. They are a large family r'ely solely upon for support, is pre,- also well adapted to the diseases of women and chil-'• vented iron' fill nig rut early and untimely grave. Th® :`,„' (ken: - Literary men; ' students, Arid all ` other persons , , thine may "come_when thegreatneWertheirguiltshall-Lorsedentfiry liabits,-And-theirrierkeenVenient—Those-'- become clear to their benighted 'understandings, Sind] who indulge too' freely in the pleasures of the table,, then it is hoped they will.endeavor to make some ii- i find spe,edy relief from the :sense of Oppression and mendi hy the after purity of their lives. . • _distenSion wide!' follows, by taking_tbe...rius, %Every authorizeil agent has a . eciiiperphite iertiti- 1 , dinner Pill, 'they arc invaluable. .Those - a re sate oftigency,and has it exhibited.mbis store. .I%Tel drinking mineral waters'aed psirtieularly thosii from . .. ver.... p urc luise . Audess - thisja , seeit - s - and ., have - rsomesre- - tscruthern - clinWesiiiitride7tnadlOcrilii3triatc nt also to the, character the ngent bears among his „find them highly beneficial.. Those who are exposed R ... 1W - Citiieiiii. 7- "Her - inTiiiEstbe a miseratie tylici; to the vicissitudes of weather, on journeys or , voya wouldplace the life of n felloWir e ature in danger for i ges can take' theta at all times with . perfect safety; .. ... the purpose 'of Making . money.', ' .andwithont In fill dossis, they . are a ' Ifighly - effieticious and safe • • Anthißilions Principal No. B.'North TheY never. predece 'Sickness or , Bth Street. .. „ • ' , Minor of ce,. T 0.4,1; Chestnut Street;near 2d st. , g r 'P' n g ; ' , • ' ----Reineinberrthe above , offliersicre.kePt exclusively i - .Tl'l3 . iii -- 1//e- Rt. Rev: 'Levi . S lies-D..2)., 'for-the sale of the tine and genuine Drandreth's Pills. • liiBholl - 'nf . Noilk ;. . .• Thefolhawing perscipa' are" duly 'authorised Agents' • .- . R • • • " aleTh, ifizra 12 1852.•• county of Cul:Oberland, in the State of Penn- . Daing . for the ,last, three yoara.beeri sylvan's; whose respective nanies - are: '• ' equaliited-ivithrDr. JolrfatTekoity,sinei profbssional services; I take pleasure in 'stating that his character-as a Christian• gentleman, and experienced Physician . entitles his testininayin • regard to the ,use ofhis.Ariti-byspeptim Pills, to, the.. entire ecinfidence. of the'public: tiperieriee. , - of '-- the goad effectuf these Pills; for two years-past; tisfies me of theireminentialuei .. • • ing an impaired, digestion, and,wardirig...ofr kabus at tacks., .-I - liiving_heen foe.;a long ti" l " , l l ibiePt recurreace'.ef linetr:tittatitt4llfati ttt A—et:tint • o r .reaor ti n gs 0 sepority.'against them, iiiid "with Very Partial snpoetiAo till : col. use of Calomel oilllue I Pill. sinbeirriiiequabMinee'witli 1 peptic ri ll Da...Beckwith,' which he r prescritied::in • I the first - instance himself l'haVe`not - heeliztsiufer., the: _ saertury in 4.4-•foriei;-liesidelr;AeT.' . • '.liig-=-Nyttiilly-exesnyt.:.fetari_bilious_li Several members of my f amily are experieficingthe some nefiebil :'IE • L. .SVES," • • • •.' VOr t. Sale by- . S "ELLIOT-17,.. , Cath51e,;. • - GEO:.GARI - 41! , 1 • ors urg. , , - Jpst I _ , • • . Qua - clis - and - tkete.Heitructite :• • ---_: .. xosviturnis. ' • • THE .ttnited testimony of the physicians through.;• Out the. ;United States hasr•fullY proved the fact that ' Teters'Vegitibre Pith" are the. only true .Yegitahle '• Pills which will'atand the. test of analYzation; hence the proprietor ivonld Most 'earnestly urge , thein, 'to the itotice of those 'who have'„ i been - n - the 'lli t tat using,- . ns-cathartics or,aperientaithe destructive and -- irritatmg , mack pilli 'so 'generally' adVertised, and • , which are at best .but .slow consumers of lhe vital functions . ,.and.' MUrderous pgcntS even, to the most . 'hale,- ;It Is, true,. snost.oftitem.:produce purgati ve effect, and sometimes transient relief;: but in . most cases they injurirthe•digestiv6.orgait, and an habitual• resort to, them must terminate in Confirmed dysipep- It is true that cathartic and aperient niediglneslll•o - ofttfd - reqtllet'Ai g: bUt: tiwirlit - eit - discilmitiati4n should, always pd c?spryed, in , the. selection; and if this'be • don'e • nothilk to can result from their use. T o Trarale.this much destred result, Dr. PeterS • has • madeit - his study for 'several years, and feels Proud to say he has succeeded at lenrh - far te • . his e:x . pectaii - o - ni. The object of Ins palls to surer cede the necessity era frequent recourse to injurious purgatives, and M offer it!medicine safe,•certain, and . pleasant in its operation. • • • Prepared by.JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. 13. • No. 129 Library street, New' ork.-- s p.a . ch box Con lins - - Califloge of liiem4on's ~_,PRiers!..Ceiebratccl For using table I ills.. - 1. Because they ave-exceedingly poplular, - which proves them to he exceedingly good. -Bcciittse they are - composed or simples -. the powerlo - do good in an immense numb •r of cases, .withoutpossessing the means to do injoil: -any: 3. Because-they-are not a-quack medicine, but the scientific his of regular phvsiciwni 41to'has: made his protession the study of his fife. - Becatisi.they are not unpleasant to take nor dit,- ! tressing to retain, while they are most " op erate.. • • 5; Because they are-rCaommottled - as a • standard _medicitnill the regular faculty. - - • - : • _ .6. 'Becausehy keeping the system-inn natural state .of action, - they - cure- almost every . asease K hick is incidental to- the human frame. - - ' • - . ! .7: Ilecause.ihey are cheap 'and pOrtable, and will retain all_ their.vtiltteitin full, vigor, ih any climate' atia for'aq length'of time... ~ 'B. Weatise . , notwithstanding their simplicity mul • mildness, they aft: one of tlfespediest pergative med jeint.,s which Ints been di!leovered. - . . . . Because they are an linfailing remedy for pro ituring-a good appetite. - • _ . .10. Because in eases of spleen or despoadency, by their healthy leilluened'oe the excited state of the bo th . they havtra most happy effect, in canting:old in . • tip:orating the mind: • • - .11. Beemst. , -,thoy:Alroot riireni.withent- the usunlatetldfillt£l Of other pills, !del:nes:3-am' griping:, 12._Because_.fis.tcd1 as_heittg. an. rivalleil_paritier of the'gtiieral.syttlent,m4 are a soverelgmr g aiddy for sick bead-ache. • . • - _ . . - ' 13. Bseaufie they differ from the majority of . med fr.ines, in the ftiet that the more they stee known 1.116 moreAltey_ofe_Opprove3.- .. •- • _:.,..,..,.--: L - I,S7l.le . elinne y hi the-.nyttehi, they mny b tiikemwitlinut•pemhielig nny-liiiidennee—to-busitite‘s—oiht9mPAittn—tif--evim,• 15, lecanae I% hen oni.e iiiti.o(lueed into a family, or a cilhi i, theV almost innnetliately-take the erclence elan eiher,mvilieines 'n,g.eneral 16. ikeatise a number of tlie wonderful cures day have effeeted, - can belvdn - tantiated - without - any !mane nveaiis beleg"reacnietl. to; nAlyte - e - iire Lnaliii testirno . - . _ 17. Because their conposition is Mich, that-they are equally a p plicable to the usual diseases of warm, cold, or temperate : climates. -- 18. -Bet:ogee-4w 9,-or-11 wee-are-in-sufflment :forti,dose--so that,,as dm ease with the generality ofpatent medicines- , the patient is not ccmpelled moke,a meal of them. —19,-Ilecause-each-imlividmil-pill-is-purnpmntler tho immediate superintendence of- thew - inlet - or, set that mi . -mistake in the composition, or quantity can 1)0541)13' occur through hue carelessness of a less he , terested • 26, - 71rcatise titcy toting the' system.-- -- 21. Because, notwithstanding their immense pop , ularity, no person haft ever ventured_to raise against _them the .breath of censure, which would not have been the cime,ll . eirrr - could - have discovered in them allingle flaw to cavihit. 22. Because '(and this fact is of the utmost im portance)—ladies in a certain situation may take -them ' (not more than two or three , Ida time' howev-' er,) without in the slightest degree incurring the hozai.(l of abortion. Were the virtues - of Peters' in estimable pillii, 'Confined to thiS desirable end idone, it would give them. a decided advantage over the medicines of all competitors,"as in no cases is there more danger-to be apprehended, or for which so few remedies have been discovertd, as the one referred to. ' arpla i cfricientliilleir op. eratiOns with adults flocmay at the same time he administered to children and even to infants, in small quantities, half a pill for instance, without the-slight cut danger. 24.- Because their virtues are acknowledged to stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence upon' munladies T wltile-suffering-from-the-nsual--changeo of litre, as directed by the laws of nature. , • . Beckwith'is vsileptic 'Pills. • (ENTITMLY - - the gepotittion of which rots nowtecomeestotilifil . . =I