Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 23, 1839, Image 4

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    . . •
,Alai' at's . Vegetable Life Pills, a d --
•••- "0 1 11411671111. K igili4os = • S..
• .
. .
-.• . A CONTRAS ',
All nations, from the remotes ges, huve had 'ships,
hut Columbu s. only felted op the wsy to America.
_:_..l3etbre_the.time .of_the grea(Sistaishmayigater,_ I) e re!:
,le wer'eriintl , enabled ,t 6 saddle abotit the shores.
Just,so with the Lde "" nunes. It Is but two years
" alneu I 'first Tentur upon an unknown ocean, and I
. !Uwe - iliseoveret he precious object I was ja search
bi--MALT ; Vegetable medicines were indeed
known 7 t I. commenced .my search, bUt their use
• was not By the, use che them,l hose not only passed
from he dejectedinvalid; to the hale, hearty and ad
tiv man of business, but, companalvely
,speaking t i
euewed, my ybuth. I cab thu , With confidence in
.://ley own experience, advise with ny (016 w-citizens.
Does the reader want proof that t 1 VEGETABLE
WIFE._III.EDIGINES are _suitable:_to_his own. Ca SC ?
• 1 have on file at my office, 546 Rroadway , , hundreds
• of .letters, from some of the most reapectahle citizens
of this my native laiikvaluntarilv offered testimony .
or the virtues of A_ GOOD NEGZTABLE' MEM'
'Persons whose istMatitnthin have been nearly ruin
.tid,hyrilte*nllAhfallible" mineral preparations of
titeilay, will bear me witness, that • the Life
cines, and such only, are the true course to perm
- neat good health.
These medicines have long; been known and Oppre
united, for their extraordinary and hums:hare pow
ers of restoring . perfect henlils, to persons suffering
• males. neitrly every kind of disease to whicli the
nuun flame is liable. . . •
• • • In many' hundreds•of xertified instances, they •linve
even rescued sufferers fronethe very verge of an un
timely grave,uffer all the.deceptive•nostrums of, the
day had utterly failed; and to. many thousands they
have permanently secured'dmt uniforimetji oyment of
withofit which life itself is but a partial blei
• • slag: • So 'great, indeed has their efficacy invariably
Mid infallibly proved, that it. has appeared scarcely
than Miraculous to those who were unactmaiured
---with-- the'heautiffif-philosophicial- -- prineiples - upon,
which they are Componifiled,andupon which they con
sAmently net. • It was to their manifevfand sensible
action in purifying the springs and channels. of
mid - endeing them with renewed tone•nnd - vigor, that
•illey Were indebted for their name, which jeas bestow
'el upon them at the spontmataa request. of.several
• • individuals - WhoSeliveatherhai - 01:viously - saved.7;::
• The proprietor rejoices in the oppurtunity afford,..
rd by the universal diffusion of the daily press, for
-placing . his VEGETABLE 'LIFE PILLS within
.the knowledge and reach of--bvery individual in the
vommunitly. Unlike the host ofliernicious quacks'.-'
Pies, wide s beast - Or vegetable 'ingredients, the Life
solely vegetable, and 'contain neither M.
eery, Antimony, Arsenic, nor any otter mineral, in,
any form whatever. - They - are entirely:Composed of
. extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtueivof
whieh, though several -Indian tribes,
• .nifil recently to some eminent_pbirmacentical chem.;
has, re altogether unknoWn to the ignorant pretend
eri to _medical -science; and ivere-never before ad
ministered, in so hiippily eflieacious a combination.
TheArst•Operition is to loOsm: the coats fit• the
- siomach andbowels the various impurities:and cru
vilifies constantly settling around then; and tore-'
nsove the hardened fabes.which-collect• io the convul-:
sines of the Small - intestines. Other meilcines par
tially clear sd these, and lenve Such' collected masses_
behind, as th produce 'habitual costiveness, with all
:it; train of evils, orsmldefivliarrhain,•with its immi,
ecntilangere,..This faer-is well known toTnll egular
ilililiOntifit9,4llo examining 'the human bowels after
death: hence the prejudice of these well, info'rmed
lien- against- VEGETADLE_LIPP,--PILLS is. to
.'_eleanstt-tho Itidnevs-aml 7 dieLlsiad derouid.• - by. -th is -
means,-the -liver:Slid the lungs,the healthful action, of
widish entirely depends _upon, the. regularity:of thss
urinary organs. The blood, which takes ifgAsial
for from the agency of .the liver And the lungs before
it passes into the-heart, being thus purified by them,.
tuidlnotwitthed,hy !bed coming . from-a-elean stomach,
freelylhrough the 'veins, renews every pall,
el•the syMem, and Aciumphantly_mounts-the-banner
of health in the blooming cheek. '
-The following are among the distressing variety rf
human diseases,,-to Whielf_the Vegetable Lifl Villa
are well known to he infnlliblc i-
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly .cleansing the first'
• and second stomachs, and creating a tow of pure,,
healthy bile, instead of the "stale and acrid kind ;
- flatulency, Palpitation .of the heart, Loss of APpe,
4ite,..Heart-burn and Headrache,Alestlessness„
Languor, and Melancholy .
TN re - the - ge - level - symptoms - ofDyspepsia - ' vti I - yan 51.1 -
WI a natural consequence of its , mire. Costiveness,
by cleansing the whole length et the intestines with
it solvent process, and without violance ; violent .
Mirrhaa and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid
fluids' by which these complaints are occasionded,
iltid,by--proinoting the lubricative secretion of the
museus members. Freeness of all kings, by vestal.-
Je . g blood ; to, egular circulation, through the pro-,
eess of perspiration - in sense cases, and the through
solution of all, intestinal obstructions in others. The
JAPE PILLS hassrbeehlnnwn to curd -.l?henunatism
--germanently-inthreo-weekS, atal-Oon.tiim-ltalf-that
ti me, by removing local inflamation frioni the mnscfes
and ligaments of the joints. eof all kinds,
by freeing and: strengthening the kidneyS and L111(1-
(1(.1.4 theysimratemq_SLdelightlitlky_'On_these
- Mutt organs, and hence have ever been !found a, cer
tain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also*
Worms, by dislodgiolg-froin tic turnings hf the bow
the slimy natter to which, these creatsires adhere; •
Asthma. and Consumption, by reliciifig,,,the. air.ves
sets of the lungs front the mucus, which even slight
colds will occasion, which if. not removed becomes
hardened, and produces those dreadful diseases.
Scurvy, Ulcers, and inveterate sores, by the purl fect
.purity which these Life Pills give to the blood; and
- pleXions, be thole alternative effect upon the, fluids
that feetrralse-skin, the morbid state of Which. occa
sions -all' Eruptive complaint, Sallow, -Cloudy; and
miler disagreeable Complexions. The use ot these
Pills fora sery short r time, will effect an entire mire'
of Salt RiiiMm, Erysiperasoind a strikiTiFimprove-,
' , meet in the Clearne tt
ss of the skin.- Conuomeolds
'and Influenza, ; willalways be cured by one dase',..ifr
by two; even in the worst oases: Piles,---as a rime=
,iy for this most distressing and-obstinate malady ; the
Vegetable Life Pills deserve a dishing emphatic:
reeemmendation.•• It is well 'knowtr Inufdreds in
to e'o
city, that the•ProprietolthesOnvalutible Pills
the - complaint for ,upwarthi
:f . :/thity.-five and he:tried-in Sala every. rem—
e:Sy prescribed within the whole c . ,,pmpass of the Me
:ells Medici.' He lsoweyer;atlength, tried the mad
mine Which he nosy -offers to the, public, and he was
cured in a very short' time, after Ins recovery had'
been pronounced not only Improbable, but alasolute
ly'hupossible by army human means. , •
DIRECTIONS FOR USE.--,The- Proprietor of
.the Vegetable Llfe - Pills does not follow. The base and
_mercenary practice of the quacks of the day, in rfilvi"
sing-persons to'take his Pills in large quamities. No
grand medicirie can -possibly be so required. These
pills are to be taken at bed time every night, for
-week or- fortnight, 'according to the disease. The
'usual dose of thege bitters is half n wineglass
in water or wine, and this qiusullty may be taken two
or three timei a day, about half en hour before meals,
-4 .3 • •
or. it less 'quantity may be taken' at ail times:. ,:i c ; I 11711-.ESPBTrULLY' informs his friends and :the
thine who are afflicted with indigestion after meals, i ili' ittblic• that lie hits 'removed from die• Western.
these bittertwill.prove invaluable, as they very great-', Mad la Marketli . •
i I. * s treet , to that large and • coMmodious
ly increase the netion. - iif the 'principal viscera, help • hotel foritk_,..crly kept by Mr. IL Duke;•sign •5 , ,,,,d , the --. )
them to. perform their functions, and enable". the'sto. ' -,-•-•-• • ii.-71.0 1 ~I1N: 4/ V I. 'Et* J.- •
mach so diseharge into , the bowels whitest - lets_ ir
0..--qp.! ..._...ThisiviteLisitu 4 tc4 .in -.South Fotirth styeet, be 2„....
--sive: -- Thus indigestion' iceeitily.itid'ilieedilireino- - -• . .E.:,:1.
twe.ii ...,iiieset and hestnut streeisan the very. centre..
veil, appetite restored, and the mouths,of 'the abiair- .. 2E/he huai,,•en_part.q„the-ei*d_avill.therefore,,he
---tient'vesselaheing.-clinietTmitrition--.11-falillitafed; ~ found •veryJnonvenient_for_merehatitir_and_lnichlesi.
• and -strength of: body - and energy bf -thl fi i r irn'e - /R -7 , men generally:: .. - •-'- ' -.- • : '
' • hapPyc'results: -Boy' further partictilar4olllloE- !
PAT'S' LIPB. PILLS; and PII,CENTIf,.. ITTERS;,, - The buildings have been thoroughly,andliomplete
ly.repaired by. the subscriber:and, , ,no.,..eapease•haa
' York,. Mr. weal ° ffi ce,Ni• 16 Ill'i way, l‘e w been spared in
„preening and furnishingtherooml
York, where the- Pillifeanhe' obtained for 45 'cents, So_ its:toriatitere.ilie_ccoritort and convenience of those
--- 50 - centsi - or;$1 - per - boitli and 7the 'Bitters -- f0r,51., , , 0r , who may invorthe house with their custom: , '
:-7 $2 Aier-,hottle.7-111-Numerouti•.• eertifteateaTl4 - -Aliet - Genileinen travelling with their familkes can haVe
wonderful , efficacy of. both, snay:be there inspected: , private parlors ' furnished'. in .the - best. manner with
• , ,In eagle. obstinate 41 4 eamPlieated cases of ihre'' chambers txttoched , Ad':.t.hein.',3i , herd they- can Enjoy
\ ~.., nio and ,inflamatorz ftlieumatism, Livercoraplitints,
_:privacy mid sechision; orthe 'elimPealauthip•of their
Fever ' and Ana , mYsPePsia,' Palsy,Tilei; illurles: frieods;.ni 'they be most desirable. ' '' ' . -• `;
. • ' from the Ave sr nielilm.Y,,•quiainei st.lnd other 4. 18 C 48 0 8 . , „ l'lie-:llAft-and 'ChILLATIS-..htive' beeti-:nrovided-,
--. of 'AiitesidiliWiitot7ihit o y 'he- &and' necessaryto tak e With With the hest LIQOO.ItS and the clude r est WINES of .
botk,the Life Pills and •Plioiols Bitters; in 'the closes • e very.description. -.., ''' '' .• '. -: •,.':'• '• • •
before "recommended. ... , - • ' - • 'The TABLE will,'at :all'- tinies.he supplied With'
' - N.,ll.—ThePillitand the Dittet:s will get all rner-1
.cry delicacy irldcli• the sesisiii'snid ,
.market can af
curt' out of the ayStent infinitely' faster than the 4cist ' e i 41, sod every exertion inutile to please the palate of,
. preparations of Sarsaparilla, and area certain isms- : yo,. e a-tamers. ••, -- . ' '. -.- . -' - -.
, , _ . . ...
. dy- for thp rushilig .cf 010 . 01.., to the Aqpy):,•,violent ,!, • I'iIeIiP,APINV . irtOOMS, - itee Well Supplied with ,
'hert.thlehel:lie itodeui•iii; 441. - -:zAiv , peegins who lire- 4 the .leading . journals ortliffereat Cities, as well as with
„ 'predisposed to apofikryipaky.Va. - shrinl . d' never he a - i.„ Teit i variet y 0 ( the country tho. Suite,
• without the Life•p, or the.Bitterspfor one ilose,hr: ' ;The SERYANT.S. will hi.: founil earefulf and ,trust .
' time will the
life. ' 'They equalize the eircidntion Of--.. worthy. 3-, . „,-
ttriannit; drltiff till Pressure frolllthp.hepd, restore ; • Mu lc hed to the hotelare very eitensiiie'STAlit , ES.,
perspiroti , oq. and throw off 4wcry'riaipurity, 1y,!.1*., e at c ,iti l ted• to aeeinvinthdtae..cute,lruricircd 11(3..6101;1%W
pore* nr . the. thtml.. , ': . ' ': ‘: •• '. ;. ' . ' ' . •.
..- •.,,...,.. ; under the
_soperiotendlitiee 'of;careful„and „attentive
• - - ro,r - stile'llii - hA r store: of , - - - lik - ELIauTT. -. :- honterpi: ... . . • .:...,:„..,,,
. - ....
January .11,';
. , ..
D. .41. retinms 'lds'. sincere iteknawledgeineats for ;
rthe, very....lileral .eneourdgementheretoferof-reeeived.k
liN.. et -: . ... gt . EN f r ... ..... . . and '.feeling confident. tliatime_all :fbroisti. his gdestt
... 7 '.:ThritlaligWTSlW - StITITy IA - V-110itse t 2ituate on ,the {-wit!! Pare which •Will'Josl 'nothing.. .11y a .onintitu , nann:
ffnutit N'Vest enniewor 'Lowlier apil . Pitt' streets in with ,ntlidi honsen; and that Idsappitelinenis; and theii ,
• the I) . lreOgli 0 Chmlisle.'• 1 4 'or 'partienlitra inquire id:, furnitp,at.e fully to thrtse Of-4 1 P!',.. :11 - 11 ." l''' ) I 0 -
the subieviber next door. , , ~ ' -•' ,' '.,-.. ; 1 r:';'..; (kyr,. be . re'sper,tfotiy. Solicits a t - furglOr .situreLof
.7 - I ..);,''.. ) :'' • :,• ... •
`JACOB CART...I._ public on ) tronngO. • I:" -". t • : ... '' . 1 , ..-e , 77.;:: . • : I.' •
• . CBr4eiJailth; 183 9,••" *SP . ,' - .' . 1 • Phitozieolo..mvo m
nacris ta' -,-- - -.-- .--
deleiticie #Oll,- ItrustS
lIIEVOITZEGS, 1 9 210%3Z1E5,
.- • ,
A N'OPPORTUNITYisiimi, offbred'ofzupplying
ynursclves with WOOOOO,OK'S' . • -
• • If:40414) Gratin
g1." , 10 . 2?-1 64 ' • PLOUGH':
-:.fleinpihe boat article ever. tiferel to - the Parm'essin
this section of th 3 state. • •
These' Flonglui N ill: not choke nor carry, dirt, and
the draft is about ope.third.less than the Ploughs here
tolore in use, two horses &dug the work of three, her
sides ti.grent saving- in, time and money iii keeping
them in repair. - 1 fie point mal share can be put on
in five nrinutes,,aii besides cast only '25 cents cacti,
and when dull can be tiirned.and repented until worn
out; and even thtai will t 2 tnheu .1:;;t pay for new
ones; •
The following named twrsons tiro i ,. .mong ;Iris(' as ho
last seation,to whom Furnicrs are.
ation.respectinglltem, viz: . •
.I.hanittoti townsh4P.—Phllin Winters, John Arni
; strerr.; Samuel li - trickier, .1 dqa Litik, I feli•y Betz,
William Slrder; Philip' Milbrr, Mr. ALlev'oy John
Entie.s ; Ennion Elliott, Esq.
Letterkenny.—Michael Grotc, lhudel;Tiremer,
j -Mr. Shields, Isaac liesere.,JAin Mdkr,'Alumni-.....•
Hoover. John Hodes; I{ , ,tlLa, Snsn'l Rodeo.
17m.1•.p, Jas. Pnr--
1 siance; Ner. Either, Joim 14,1icr, - (,;(-mrge Jo
sephWinvvrt, Georgt• Feticrl) -of, lie. Tmativ, Geo.
;Dull, Dyers. John 'O. Szi.del.Geestr- , "
_man„lleury_George,•Peter 7., •
• Green.- . --.lnc4) Oyster, Samticl Jacob
Darr, John Reichard, Jr., Joseph Neicely.•Alextm
der ,Tlininson, (henry Wingr , t. Martiii Wingert;
Charles Heticli,_Mr._Smith, Mr. Olayk, Mr; Solaber,,
Lger, Samuel Letny: •
• Southampton.—SamuoTThamson, John Orr. •
7.7/cutta.t.,-,Jaccib Shirk., Mr. Gialager . "Tolui
Crider. • . : • -
IVe have also secured . the right. of Adams, Cgitin•:'
berland, and Dauphin counties, , and thu . following
gentlemen in Adams, have used the,P lough s during - the
past'kason, to whom Farmers ip tar cOunty 'are re;
(erred.. - .
. .
Near Two , TareFiri. - --!Sarraiel • Durboraw,
.Josepl).Coslitin, Alexander 3111waine, Jacob KCllir,
Esq.:Jacob Strealy.
. Near ..11illeratorn.—FI:ederiek Dell. •
tO /binterstown:,-.Jacpb Gr as.s.
--"2"liiraliiife.ProiighB 'co r n ithintris be
.Itari at :the
.Poutufry of W. SEI Burr &Co. chambersliw g .,_hl
JOHN LYNE; ilarewnre Merehant,,parlisle, nod
a THOMAS - 11 ARIUS, Alechimicsburg. AVliel•e
Farmers who wish to test the.Plmigh, will please call
and get. thein-im trial, and if they will not render full
and entire:satisfaction, no• charge will he nude; if
the ybreak it is at our expense. We will also pay any
Far Mer for any -damages or 11),SA of time, he may
sustain in trvinkthe Plough', if lie-does not like it af
lei. trial. - There and the
adjoining county, upwards of ONE '11111USANI) of
thasePloughvwithm 18 nionths..• - -
• JOHN•••DE - SiG egment.
- 'August 27, • . -- • ,
. .
" la has for many years been a • great deablerami
among Ettrepttratid American I.)entir,rss - to mannfitc
turc.TeCtli from incoirmnible niaterials'‘%lzich shout
imitate the naturol living. Teeth. ..
--Almmy-liare-devotol-yenra-to7misticccasfutzeperi- -
merits, and others have succeeded in . manufneturitip '''
teeth' of
materials similar to the .porcelain ware; but
goenprallv.they have 1111 opaque :white appearance, by:
winch they arc-easily distinguialtetb.from.the- human
teeth. - .
After long and tedious experiments, the subscriber
has succeeded in manufacturing teeth of inaterialiien,
tirely incorruptible, a n d perfectly in imitation of
man.teeth, :1111t!y„liave:tt semi-transparency, antl are
Inn of varinuis size -
ln7caseswhere altsorption - thc - nfallir pyocess;
or other causes may render it. necessary, he.will cast I
of he same materials attached to the teeth, artificial
ose of Burs-twice
It is eotirely - impossible - for - these - teetlr - to- - ehange
their color, or cause foetid breath.. • •
He will insert them frotu one to entire sets, in such
manlier that they will m 46 articulation of the voice
perfect, and materially mastication, and so
that they cannot lie distinguished froin'the most beau
tiful natural living teeth by the most Scrutinizing ob
server. • .
"lle — atiTlierfotinamll - "the—rarions• - oprrationn - in =
Dental ,Surpiery, the late scientific .itn 7
provernenta in the art. .
11. X:NISPP, Sur,;;Ton
T -- 14":1V. corner of Dirsifleri
rplIE subscriber respectfully informs the
tests of Carlisle; and the' public generally, that
he-still-resides ,at-bin-Qld-Seand r in-North-lfanover-. 1
street, opprisite Mr. E. Bullock's Chair Manufactory,
where be continues to cam' on the
- Cabinet Making liinsigicss
in-all its curious. branchei. He has lately furnished
himself with a new and splendid HEARSE,
&c. to actommodate all those who„',thay limir bins
With a Ile returns his sincere thanks' to his ,
friends and customers for • the liberal encouragement
bestowed - on trim, niid snlieits a - cantinuance - of - their -
Orinuge. Ile flatters himself that by strict atten
tion tp business and a disposition to please, to merit
and receive a share of public patronage. .'
N. ll.' One or Two JOurnvynien Cabinet Malteri
'wanted, to whoroliberal wages will be given.- An
Opprentice will be taken to learn the above buiiness,' -
if well recommended.
• .
Carlisle,.Novembeit,27, 1838.-6 m. •
nuPTii I TEETii
nitate the gum_aud 511ppitj:he
t: .1)--iTe:-.4.-*4124.*.:gii..v*.i.,---i-4::s..--.:-,-.1,,;**.i.:::--*.i.0:0*:,.t.*.::*:
✓innust?j and 1 rust Coinfia;
cheati,ntti, ,
Chai er et?
71 2 ., •
INSURE LIVES, grant Ant'?
meats and make contrnets'gei
the contingency of Atieept,T
by the charter, troniTAlVidealS,
Conan of dustice;atal execute' flit.
deSire ot the parties, and receive '1
in trust, mut on interest.'
these of any office in the Urikoti: - 7 -
I?titegAr hartriii/g $ll.O. • •
age, For 1 Year Poi. 7 Tears -11 , gle Life
l ,
n annually,
4 6 •. $ 0 91- -SO 95 .. .$1 77 •
25 . 'l.OO • .1 12 . 2 04.
30 131 : 136 - 2'36
35 1 36 1 53 • . 2 75
• . ,
45 • .3. 91. • 195 - 373 - '
. .•
1 9.0 i. 2 00 - 4 60 . *. •
55. , 2 32 . • 321. 5 ".8
Further information earvbe obtained by application
at the office. . .
B. AV.
t IOIIN F. JAMES,Actriary.
Geoittiz Am 'Treasurer.
Julie 11, ts3 . B.—olu , .
ilk 311 II A,U, Y.
'Returns his sincere thanks tOtheidlizens of Caelish
antr.lutioistimt country, for the west pntronag ,
.which Ins been beanyed 'men him, and Wishes to in-
Mem tli public %cert.:illy that ho xildettished leer
sleek of t ineds,`and flattcrs himscllthat he will he
able to give entwe'satisfaCtion to all, who will call to
his Stere,dwith iirqualitC"aml price of-goods; aa.lie ii
reghlVeil to sell low fu- cash..
theohl well known fitalitl of L. Ilarlim; to
North Ilatimer Street, his stock of
t :nods; as he has a general and complete assortment
of.thc tjuality, which will - be sold rit',vholesali ,
oriit i I .
I le.hus also the New Cumberhimi _Nails—but call
and 1•1107 011 i for himsclG
11Iny 14, 535.-3. n
0r..,6.5' ate. ,i;'va):s s .. r.upaittli,.
rylttEsul. jars moth tjw.iwrves_ Of senlhility,.an&
tortify the nervi.s Or motion, ,The pOwtrs •of
EVANS' CAMOMILE 'PILLS ace well . , that dire
palpitating : heart, thti trymqhms hand-, the dizzy rye
tuartlttF flatttaing mital r ranish before them like
Grave. thiniiiiiignintlue . nee of - the nititrii=
7 1t r suit'-
. • _ .
the . boily;lilivri)v9 Plc
memnvy, sthd eulivelt the imagination, so that the
Whole faculties become rebtored,, to their itrisailc.
tone and vigor. •
_EV,I.VS!.. 6.111031Th' E PILLS
tee (t uil Atrverr9 —la-all4ntsiss-af_llypor_
Tionlriaci.on, I.on, .S7drim, l'otpllations of the 11eart
.Vorrons I, 7LI ibliiry, .11A•vons 'Weakness, Flour
kff&st4 - - - titliknlO3l4, 4 l4 - Onl-lh •
Paintings, Ilysteries, - Achedlicenp, Sca
SiiitVisht Mow, Gout,Rhonno,'
Clamp, Slnisnw‘lic .414tions, trkc
(WI; 4. Wtli rec . Camomile . Pills before each meal.
Tlieseipvlio are victims to that most excrutiatifig dis
order, Coot, will find relief from their - sufferings - , by
few doses of Family. Vegetable Aperient
AntiAtilliOns fills, and the Cathomile PHD ds ttbOve.-
Nalts'eu Vottiititi. Palos iit Ale Side, Limbs, Head,
stomach op Back, dimness or Confusion of Sight,
Chillness, Tremors, Watchings, Agitation, Anxiety,
Bad Dreams, Spasms, will in every case be relieved
by an occasional dose of Evans' Camomile Pills. -
!Julies that are a delicate suite are often trou
bled with Sickness, Vomiting, Ifeartburn, Ilead
Arlie, Ifysteries. and other troublesome, symptoms,
from which thcy.will tied themselves I:elicisid by
-Evans' Camomile Pills.
Those tha . t.with information concerning the above
invaluable Afedicinea,.nre regnosteil to call ni• the
office, No. 16', North Eighth, near Market street,
Phil:161011a, where ilic teitimonyorilw , ticatala mit'y
be • wen, ALWAYS REMEM I/ ER_DI/..
EvanH'Caittomile l'illi,'and•BEWAßE OF IMPOS-
Georgetown., D. C., Jane 28, 1838
To Dn. Wzi.-E'vANA : • '-
T -Jl( . 3spectcd•Priend---Lam-truly_gratified_tliaticart
return my sinceye thanks to you, who have been the
Cause of my being restored to PEIIyECT lIEALTH.
For five months pastl have beexiaboring.under n se
'were. Chronic . Inflamato9ytheumatism, attended
wttit 'debility, loss of appetite, lowness of spirits, &o.
Vying frequently h of ilietiiify excellent (pain
ty'rd'your CA 311 PILLS, I at last determined
to make trial o them, although not without conside
rable opposition from my.physichm and family. At'
last, seeing lily determination, they agreed to the
upen using the third pdckago,l was altogeth-'-
restored to ltealdi,. Jlow. can I express my grati
tude and sincere roiircfor.§u . ch. - tt saviour of human
fraMes? My tUie - ,..rtis Asltogether. hopeless;_ and I
Mast' confesi myself surprised `at the extraordinary
result. No people were - ever more blessed than, we
-ayeriwf ithSsuchremedieti.„-Ile mariy-qp4,l4Yortho---
Inbote'. which 'appear in the papers which • I'reneiie
befoee I did. ' I can truly nay, Mimediilue i 4
known World has had Such, leieficialefleatitii'Yiti
Camomile and Aperient rills. cure
inore'eXtraordaW4 thatl am more _years
Of age, and for the. last four years cOuld main.
- •
about; and only at.shOrt. , ani .at:iiresent
• dhopes
entirely recovere , and y are, that you may long and prosperous. life., If am
will' almost Comp iciPpiladelphitt td see you:
. If my name acid litter will be , pf 10 service to you, l
you(pre:it perteet-liberty'to make - use ofjiteini, rind
all I:can '
rIo to.aid yeti; will be done with untniuktled
Your •
mojt truly greatful•and
• •
WO inn] derlicatiiitt , t be peen at hr . Vrti'
F.lyans. lrit'.o :arid ifi'etterul .
Eighth istrret; Philnlhrljibia. • '
" nliVaysl'he'plitahied
nt-the' „O .: co 111. , 10
. , -
TI V-4 5 11',111 / 9 1 1t:t " ( k IN ve tz; *nit , (wwri:lm!ire;yii%
pr•eseut reside:het,' wit.l2llll reilt uittit
#tirtst,tjtiy . •!..7." •
~arlidrOctober 5-,1a9i4 '• •
The .11).w." fliclineA aif 11i1b is
- • 111 BT, ALA
&qui that Heath, and the , abiityto.
• •
aqor is. the wea,,th of. the great mass -of
'tries . : 'To preserve, therefore, that heath
by. 117 . 3 TUP„IIL means, is a grand mora;
and pOitiea: - seheme; .to uthiek're
quires our utmost attention. .• - .
THF:ttnparrelleledeeputation which Peters' Pills
have iite9urrtd ns a Medical 'llesOritive; is the Most'
unquestionable proof 'that emi be given of - their im
mense importance to the afflicted almost every
.class of diseases. The number of letters received.
from patients recovering through their means iatieal
ly prodigious, and the ••tiomplaints which' they have
red-are-,tilmyst-as:taried - as-04 - are - numerons.'=: -
Ilk still Were are" some in which they are more
especially beneficialAhan in others; and among those
may be. named the too often.latal complaints of the
stoniach 'and bowels. such as Cholie,' Flatulence, mid
for which. theY Bre Dot;- Dilly a - certain
Diit an initililiate cure. . • -
If is wi.:ll loinwfc that . from - the ili.s.irrnngemeni-ofi
the stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of all the
ondatlies of adult and ilrelining life; that this is the:
inundation of Flatulency', Spasmodic- rains, lotliges=
Lion, Loss of 'Appetite etc., and - that those in their
turn - give birth to Dropsy,.Liver. Complaint, Con
and.lethitual ifiWla!SS of spirits ti theraore . ,
Peters' 14)11g.being the yery best - medicine which has
•.ver been ilketivrred for - the incipient diseases of the
mtestinesOtre nekessarily the surest PreNenttdives of
dime drettatid;antl'also g eneral
. drsordera,whivh ern: ,
bitter and tfrat; so many. million s to. untimely
. ';tales. _ • .
In spenking thits 1)r. Pelt:l.s nry'onlites.nothing to
Himself that has not - been coneeetled riy. the public.—
!le is no - neeilY quack om• . speculator, who
mines before the world aS his own he'rald nod
nem, but is placed-in a responsibility of situation be
the patrOnage Wideir he has enjoyed far,
_years, and
which is - increasing to an extent unlireeedented in
Ihr nintaXof Medicine, that makes hula careful. to as
,nrt- nothing:which is not borne nut - byllie.most in
;hllnhle pirnor, and hende lie does not -fear ,
-to be put
m_the_tesi. in any thingultieli ho has -promised_re
spt•vting his fills.
• Petees.', is niost happy to 'be able to state.,.on
the; authority' of it- grilit-Illimber. - •of • regill/1r 'Physi
cians,- that whereyer . h is Vegetable 'Pills havti*en
r introdueelL, thiFyinme,4lnwst supercetaled,the-mlop-:
Mon ormereurial experiments , lot' their peculni-r file:
ulty in sweetening the blood ; and -stbnula ' ting, it to
eicpeball - noximiir - yeiesoind in giving stretigtle.'und
tone to tIM - nerves. - ppeVenta. 'disease from acquiring
that strength which must be got: under, if--at all, by
dangeronsixiniedies.. ' • :-
1-'_9 Liltraitrect,-New-YorkrZEach-box contains
3tl pills; pi:iee-50 cents. .
• — litese celebrated Pillfi nee_ sold brnll . - . 1.1te prince
pal Druggists iii Baltimore Phil:L(1001in, lArnsltit4
theniigtiourtli& tritited Slates; tlicCii i ie .
tins, Texas;_ Mexico, :Intl the West Indian, and -I):
Ltsm:t SAMUEL NVILSON . , Sltippensbtirg; LE\V
(:EORtal RLIN, elm naberslmg,_
December 4, 1838.-1 y. . -
.C7.0,7175'1 - Ur,7l - IP.TIMV-C-Ult-ED
The bidiap Specific;.
1 _
Tr'lS 1* •
~' ei •
1.1 ' . .:b 54---4:-. 1° °.'1. 7 :
w .
- 'or the prevention
and cure of coughs,
Colds, .asthmas, Con
sumpt ions;spitting of
Blood,- and- diseases
_of_the_ breast and'
lungs, 4.c.
‘• 1.11 e pro prietor - ot• the
resided upwards Of lour years pitong the
tribes orSorth Aaii,4dettn Sums, and - Witlrdoweit=
vied diligence used every means in his power to iie:•'
quire a knowledge l ef the different remedies used by
them, for the cure of tho 'sick and wounded ; and
more particularly those which they take to prevent
and cure: the consumption, and. complaints of the'
breast and lungs. Vile observed the Indians were:
subject tri numerous and sindlar'complaints to those
of white people; and from their mode of living, and
being exposed tn - the inoWneney of all weathers,
many ortheir complaints were-complieatedamLvio-_
lent. Although, mum' of their diseases were of such
a nature as would, with a people in a civilized state'
have tel minated in confirmed yet, du
ring the time he wits with them, he did not hear of
a 'consumption. ilk •
— 9ollappy are they ii the:W keowhidge - orreme.
dies ; and go certain of their effects—when applied in
'tirde, that ititiay be said Fa true coasuraption is milisw
ease never. known or heard among them." The
truth °colitis observation must be corroborated by all
whO have had the opPortunity of becoming squinted
IWith.thespeople. It may then be asked why they
are exam ; from these complaints? The .reason is.
' obvious ;- because they immedintely . ,seek for _relief;
_and_preient_those complaints which insensibliunden:
mine the constitution, and lasing -_on ineurablo con
sumption. .
--. • -
Bills of direction accompany each bottle of the
I Specific; pointing out in a conspicuous manner, all
I the symptoms in the different stages of these distres
sing diseases; alio particular directions respecting
Diet and Regimen, and how patients are to conduct
themselves through every stage until health is re
stored ; : for vain and useless would be the prescripr
powerful medicines; if his directions are not-faithfully
adhered M. • . .
The'public "are informed that the .depositions of
l t
'two I - lied and eightpaeven. - pers.:ins-112X :been ; t.a
ken before the proper authorities of the cit
of -Lan
caster, Pa., all completely cured of , the mti despe
rate cases of .consUmption . , tome of which arc detail
ed imthe bills accompanying the bottle... - .
~... The price :Of each bottle of the-INDIANSPE
.cifie 6 One Dollar, and each . envilimingthe ,genitine
. Specifie is signed by Dr..Ciarkson_FreCribl, Pail: the
initlithi C, F. bn'tlie seal of milt bottle, .;PTOuti . :caii
`fii - ge'w - ithoitflhitraigtintriteietioinpesi-: ,
Ban hMting been ajlemPted to be iropesed Open Abel'
pitiliiihrimiciiiii*rfeitl#llakdrelblitilitirfrdiaiti7 -
(izt•A:'' supply of the above aiJeCifin; is keg constant;
Ily for alp by ZMIVE.(4;ELX:IOTT ,of .Carlisle
and tikiSsonuel,Wilsoni:Ship*itiliFV.." T'. -. . '.,...''.•
- 4lotetitber , s; 183fPAY,' : - : - :: '',-.-
~. , . . .
„,. . .
Ge4424 - Ti A, 1 1111: 1 4
THE'sallisiSiber reißebtfullyieforrina'.l4B frleathoi
TaWth - 671101111,1 - effeliilly; that he - , haa "fol. 'o.ale","at
Coal and ..Exhiber.rard, onthe bank. of 'the Basque..
hataui . riyer; iu the;town' of Woraileysburg,
2000_ 1140 helot inipeijor Smith
• • • • ••:.; • - • ,
, ,
el and Comon' Boards.
_l7- . 70 RI and
2000,, goos*guedit,y, seasoned:Tight Bar
and geAcling,
. _
All of Widelt he will, dialiOso' , ,of at low rates : rind on •
'post iteentiiradtiotingr,terriii: Persona Aiosbii* to
.her, and. neJitCst4ek beforo-they . purehise
, •
•April,9, 1838.-4lm. - ~ .
Kin 4 , 11 , R ' at* nava, TlOeta' s Ike. - 4iiit.reeeivq4 4
I^, ' w block° 'FM' ixigs—..-ikrul als'o.a . lot . ' of Hatr,
and Cloth C rep for sale by - --- , Cr. COLBY. -
. ,
touttigk . • •
Tut, great encouragement whicli-theaubscribers
reinifed during the last year the : sale of theirli Gr-
:Chineit,lindUeid them to undeeextehslie preparations
to:Meet!the Wrested demand:l'dr their.ardele. No
time, labtkorexPenie has been spared toProc,urit the
veey ' lack material"' the emeriti.) , :can 'afford: ' Their
worktnen'areespericheeti and of : the:first character,
have. nsi'llesitation in asSUring the , Farmert.: -
that they ar6'nlaw:ahle furnish themwitiOn article
not only c4ual , but decidedly. superior to - Illy
. otlief"
„manufactured in thispart of the country.
For speedy Mid clean ,th - reshing, with 'ease to 'the
horses, they believe their Machine tof boMiequalled,;
Their price is the 'satine'tts last year, viz: 140, dollars,
70 dollars in cash and‘the'bidance in'sis. - Months, for
.which a note will he requireth The machines are iiii
snred 'for 'twelve Months, Or until they , shalt have.
,threshed two of. grain. They haye
now several machines and ready for. sale, and
all times be ready to furnish them 'on the shOrtest!'
notide. • Orders from a distance, , will. be punctually ,
attended to. For the trifling slim of FOUR DOL
' CARS, in addition, to the price,of the Machine and ,
POWer, they'ru'rnisli'tlie furnace MI addition that will
qoterseed.'L,. • ' •
, • , Pfiblic.
• The subscribers, being, desirous , of . publicly coon•
teractingtheqflbrts which . * speretly,itiadeto injtire
the chin:a:ter of their machine, by .;personti who
per to be actuated 'by unfrientily;feelingi teWarfls•
them, respectfully submit the following; CERTLFI- - ,
to,the - , •
I certify that 1, last Year,Osed one of the Thresh..
Mg Machines manutiactured by TY,. Brady & Co..
and dnring the season, there was. threshed on it
about four . ' thousand ' bushels .of grain; and about
two hundred -.and twenty five. linshels: of clover
use, it is superior to any other Machhiel have ever
seen lit this part, of the country. • I further certify
that*. HenrYlinest, one of my neiglibnriOntilsix
wagon loads of clover -setd will* cle a ned at clover
mill; and the yield was 29, bushels, and that the:mtme.
quantity of wilt was threshed on my- machine, and
tbv,yield wa9,321 bUsltelsi , Mr. Iluist is of the opin.
ion that the stotrlielimll6 - d - 9.6 the tnillovas the
ter lot of the two, i“.• ,
' Nta . ;11,18:38. . • • .
I certify, that, in August last,l purchnied from 3.
E.'Brarly I.e Co. one their threshing'. machines,
,whicluk,useil for threshing grain for different Pormers,
till some time iii March last... During that period I.
threshed ;drool. fifteen thousand bushels of wheat, rye
arid 'oath: expense fair repairs" of bath the
Machine Power;, lid not exceed five dolr
hirs, oral where I sold . them, ((which was in March,)
the marlibaervappeared 2to - rawly sta. I.cood as- it:
was at. he time'!bought them 'The wheels. in. then
horse power were perfeeilv sound and substairtial,
and ettpou n close exionhutlism, I could 11Qt discover
ihat,the - cogs had worn' in -the' slightest degree. I:
had,- for .sevea_years •previoas,..heert engaged in
threshii, svilh ail•ce thinvent kinds -of machines,
which"l fully tried, told , I noliesitanply ciirtirc drat
for durability„ scri ice .tual speedy. nod cleim thiresh
rng,l have never tised_Or. seen nay. that, in:rmyr_opin
ionewill atall compare With
_the,one. I hall last year,
r.utilesi - it he oneirf the sainekind. - ---Afattentionig given
to the iiiiChinery, It appears to me almost impossible
for Any port of them to.Fet out °larder.
--- -lonsc r .edr.,purCliaseiftwo of the threshimr,. moolatie
E. Brady &Tu.. •(One of which rstill
add fully tested thein. For speedy. and clean•.thre'sle,,
ing, they are,. certainly, a.stiperior article, nod one
- that is of grent sorviej_to the rzirmer: consnler it
the hest article of the king'. lye ever seen in this
'part: of the nituntry. : -I take great reCom
mending itilliC.Fariper,
• I 'certify that Mr. Andrew 1.."111011 mul I.purelneled,
machines, Which we fully testelyinving threshed'
wheat-, rye, oats and dom. seed bli it. ['ant fully
satisfied that it is preferable to any other I have :Seen
in operation, and it -Is • nit . article thnt 'will repay ,
the -1 armor ampl y , for its price: It threshesclean,
s is not liable to get out of , order, nod, is, upl?b the
whole, an allele - that I - cani - ,with — great — confillener-,-
WeTclirYtitend-to the Partuer.-___ _ _ _ _
l'hi lad vily
June 18 1838:
one. ad. )ttndy & CO's threshing machines, with
which there - wits threshed not less flian -WM -- bushels
of nTain. It is an excellent article, superior, in my'
opinion, to am' of the kiml I have ever seen. One of
its chief excelienceis, that it is not liable to go out 01
order. I have AM hesitation in recommending itto
the :Partner.
Other certificates, could have been proctired, but
'it was deemed.llll/ICCCE.6IIIM •- Persons, -wlto-vvish-to
inquire into th 6 power ' an,) quality of the machines,
are-referred-to- those--whd-last-yeae-used -them, -and I
particularly to the following named. gentlemen, viz:
Messrs. John Foust,Yrederick Byers, Adam Yonder
aw, Emanuel, Sites, and Siimuel Diehl; of Guilford',
tow'uship ;. Messrs. John I tuber and John ockcy, o
Qui ooy - towmiliipl - Alessrs.--A-broliam-Stooor-aml-lsone-
Fraol:z, of Washington township Messrs. Jacob
Bade, James M itchel,JamesAllisomEmaimel Hade,
Joint Binchley, Henry and . .lames Beatty,'Clwistian
Bevel and Christiau Hoover, of Antrim township.;
Jacob Oyster, fisq. and Mr. Henry IVingert; of l'ilyen
towmiiip; \ tr. - Frederick 'Deck, 'of LettMeimy
,township; Messrs: John Rhodes and Conrad Cold
sniith, of Hamilton township; Messrs, 'William An
gle and John Pitilipi, of - Montgomery township ;
Cape. J..Merntland toot Joseph Duncan,-of-Peters
township; -Messrs, William_Bowers_and J. Seqerlst,
of Warren townshitir Messrs. Jacob and John Kew
ries -of-Metal Ltownshipi-and-David
and 'Howl- Winger of Bedford couutv..• •• .
Chambersburg,'September 17, 1858.
- One of the above machines into be seen at the•barn
ofMr. Francis Noble, in. Carlisle. Anr•persousi
wishing to, - can have .it setup; and if it
doestiotilbswer the-purpose-as specified, we will take
have been upwards of 100 of them made wind sold by.
Brady & Co., within 15 months pant. A line direct
ed to the sub Scriber ivill meet with prompt attention.
JOHN DENIG, agent,
k" Sept.
Famous tire tor' tile . .lithen.
niatisna and, oilier Pains.
mUCJl:net';(l'not be relation to this wonder
ful. remedy; as the proprietor feels - confident • that
when applied, it will, as can be proven by the numbe
of respelitable persons, effect an entire cure. of the
Rheumatic and other pains: . It had not - until lately
becii his intention to make, it public; but by re=
'quent applications of his neighbors, and the wonderful
cures it :has _effecte,d, owes to
as.well us to . bitnielf;to. make it more gene
rally knoWn; and at the sOnS•time have" it Put a near.
as he can within the.reeitliceof ell who may, be afflicted
with that ,paiefut.• , • . • ..
• Htindreds-of nauiea, could ibe, publisluistof_persons:
but folliiving are selected3rom the..vaass, as be
in amply, sufficient to attest its powers.:, .2 •
John Srove, . • David Bender, Jaw); I..Nagle;
.-.George John - Alsbaugh :
C,Stoner, •-• • JohnDoever, - fitunuel.Fenely_
Samuel Young~
-Holiest Dysart; -; ;IL Richardson,: Jacob Worlich
Beau Alsbaugh • J. Diffenbaughl Jacob
ChristliMGrgan; ' j,, , Riestand; • •..". , ;
Mount Joy, AuSuMt Qs' 184 6 .. • -
-.` 'AB orders - from!si•• distatice4iddreisedtta - the
.acrib-er, beprempt4.l
ly and faithfully to. • • • •
•• • ••. `•• .'SAMUEL LOUCKS:
111fmint•Joy; Feb. 7 1837 •-• • •
• ' The above medicine also for sale
Carlisle, rebrualy 12,1838,
haiini,r&,eiakrelifiked anti
New: York' :with a =VERY ,ENTENSIVE AUDI
TION to former Stook; I beg,offei;jß
G:E.AtERS - 1..06',61?7.-91.4N
compiisin g eyeu arhele•iii.7•tlieVrag:linc, , Whtab
possiOsiatei. Pypieiana—countri§tore keepore•-•,.
Fullers and 'othere b are respeetfblly invitedtp give me:
a call 'at the Old Stem-rim East ' •
1 -S., • ' • ; •ELELLIOTT,;
Carlisle, May 48, 1893, - 27 .
June 1 ~1 8 3
- Prepcn . , :e'd - only 4 - 1011X'
Store, dppoeitelhe .111arket House, Frederick, Aid.
valpable:"Medicine has : already acquired 4
celebrity to' which few; others perhaps in so short
a time ever arriyed,and Ala extensive use for 4 or 5
years,, various parts of, the Country, Cities; and'
TOwils, hi. Maryland, Virginia, , Pennsvlvania, Ohio,'
New York; lAtutneky, Missonel, South"Carolitip;
' l a k i n s,Oeopgip, rindd - New Orleans;wlich has attend
ed i Intim mil led succesi., .
Jltindreds:of persons have used it, and nine out of
ten 'cases - have beim permiihOmy - eiii•eil of Difipt;poisk,
Chalks, Nervous Tremors; Lownesiif Spirits,,Pal
pitations of The heart-and all those pain of Diseases
restiltingfreni atlisortlered c4idlition of the stomach
and liver,.iqderatigement of, the Digestive ft:nations,
s uoi (4c, l eval weakness, Flatilleecy,
LeSs of Ajipetite;Sottr Echietatious and Achlitees of
the Stomach. Costiveness, Headaches, Jaundice,' Vi a :.
tulent, mia Bilious polies, &o. &. . .
TO Adults and:Children 'who' tire troubled with
'Worms, it.will. operate:as ,safe and thorOugh vet,
miflige.. 'lt is entirely, Botanical . coinposition,
nod may be uSed..bY both sakes and of anragei-with
perfectsafety,; •aliout any change of habit or diet..
lips not reconitirefoletilike - mosr pateated,"Aletli-•
`eines as a cure, all but the, proprietor recommbnds
it,Tor, what he his l fUll confideate it.will and has cur' •
kil,:which can be • the testimony of j
'hundreds of persons, that have experieneedits good'
It is neatly put up iusgiiare half pint Bottles, Wit h
•the name blown on the glass . thus, Garlegant's Bal
siat of Health, prepared onlyby John S. 19 Wee, and
his signature on label,-tasted on the ontsithrwrnp- •
. per of each Bottle, which completely 4ecures it from_
being cimaterrAted.
A ftill.and ratistlictery Direction iiceompanies each
Hottls:, and b` the q uantity at a liberal discount of
the proprietor and of ill - his liras, whichlrenam 7
ed at the bottom of each direction. •
. .
New tehtiniony of its cures are frequently recciv
ed,a few of which follow • this advertisiiment, and'
nuiv.mnrc 'can be seen . -the directions _around
cacti Bottle. • .. • r
thati.have been afflicted with Dyspepsia.for the last 5 yesirsofhicir has lAch increasing on me eves--
since, to such n degree, that foi•3 or 4 wecks, previous.
to .using yotir.Valuslire Clailleganrs Matsui» nt Hestidt,
I am certrin I .have not &vett one nuhce al day of any
kind of diet.vperther wasi able to steely with ally
kind of - comfort during this_time,lnra severe . pain
in my stomach - , in fact I had given myself up 119.1111CU,_
mde, as I have, had resource to so ninny dilferent
mulles without tun' kind of benefeit, tat length heard
of-year Balsam 'llaith, lan ridvertised,.l lair-_
'chased n Ifottle of yeur agent Wm.. Miller in. Win
chester Va.—A r tttking the - three' 'first doess-F
-found my 'sit/mach to ; shuie degrt:c a lint -I.
tat, ainl.tho pititt in ! - ,'MMICh Subsidlng_gr.dmity s ,
anti rem . 111 . 1(1 14 It: IF Fund TETl
bdf: cnttrely-wi!ll, hin t - -cat arythitn i : I havc'ati.
l;,, and 01411 1 , .•c1i :it night.
'prising to he the iJlvMtily mOrtMl.,ll,24licr 1 !Ili
charged-11741i Any hicla oncii inCinicil to
believe wax thick which-Lo doubi
. •
inoW, - this - Ise - (1:43' tic -lleceinbei
1835. . J 041:11'11 11;
Tiris is to certify flintl ',bought of your agent at:
1 (;etlx;slati:g, several bottles of ' "your viiluable Balsam
eaitt., ••
' - rli - complete).- purcll Jim' of the Dys
i• k r-." 1"
juirea. lac
. en mutt ofeither p aten t.l 1.1 I
, elllcS, no- relief, mail L made. use of your
Ilab.sta of llcaltli, - ..which affected a radical Ore,
;...anti rot:out:newt it to all those WIM are troubled
that obstinate disorder Dyspepsia. .
Cettpsburo I'•r_. Nov. 20836,
Co#ficate from ifie-Rev.-D.-P-Shatfer,-Pa4fir-of
- • .. , the Lutheran Church. . . -
.li,An S. afilles'.—Dear dei.nt it my duty to
inform you that •I considgE Garle}tant's -Ilaisatit of
I lea Itii, prepared bx you, a superior medid ne.• My
•wilg has long - liven in adirdieate State olli - ralthowd
of course no means *ere left iintrivihof niiit It we
could hear; tnV self. opposed to nostrums and -patent
bottlii of - your'llahant of Ilealth, and do hereby cer
tify that 'Airs Shaeffer derived more benefit from the
ow of jt otheytotliciiie.__Mv opinion is ,
dust if a Owe can be effected, as regards the dicease
r est-mention, your Balsam will;ifqtsed - ht the first
stage of the disease
' ' •
Frederick, Aug. ‘23. 1836
This Medicine hits bruit used by many persons in
this vicinity, mid 'invariably proved hendictal.
P. S. I used the Balsatroin my own family and ad
ministered it to _some indigent persons and. invaria
.. 'For Sale by.SAMUEL ELLIOTT.
Ile mit be a miserable villain indeed,thAo'
-- the life of aftlloui7being_in
danger, for the purpose of making
ney. .
What do Druggists prove by ranking nod
Counterfeit Pills purporting to be
Biandrethls Vegetable Uni
vero.4l Pill's — . .
lot.-L.Thnithey are. without noNzsr and HONORA
2d.—That no other, medicine
.is required by thii
pi~blie; or why do not tbeie druggists counterfeit
other pills in the same way they do Brandreth's?—
Simply because no others save BrandretlesVegetable
Universal Pills ever effected the -extraordiiii?ry: cures
that these Pills are known-uritirkatti4ix
tci have afected. .
• There never was n person who pie,(l.the
Who didnOt recoinmdid thetri i ip terms pf
the most 'unequalled .
Nevertheless, these counterfeiting druggists haye
doge /4 are doing the character of the Gesuune great
deal of iojutt ; butAls hoped that_indtvitliu+l_s will.
not alloy, themselves to be .lecelv~ed by designing per , .
sons, -whose only object is:to snake - money, andwho
nee perfectly careless ofesseipsences.:. It ma matter
of no importance, to therm whether' the poor child is
retested from a' bed of sieknessand.. restored to ..the'
yearning arms of itiparelits, or, whether himon whom
a latge family rely solely, ution for support, is pre-
Vented frOnifilling au early anduutlyntlygram -- Thsr
time may crone When the greiitness.of their guilt shall
betome clear .to their: bensghted.understandingt,', and
then it is,liopeil they : wig,endeaeor,to . some a
mends brthe - aftei• pitritY.of their Eva. • •
—Every-authoriiedlsgent-has -a- eopperplatevertifiw-
Cate of ageney,ind,has it exhibited in his store'. Ne
ver_ptimhuse_susletsAis iii;_scou s t r aosl.l4Ye_.some:s_
rd-also-to-the-eliarticier , the - agent bears among, his
ells)* citizensl..;--H6 must be a miserable villain - who
wouldpltse6 the life, of a fellow creisturelts danger P:or
the purpose Oftnaltingmoney.'
117;,' tidiufreth's
.o.lfces ,Philitife/phia.
Prinoipiil `lNo:+ H. North Bth Street. ••
Minor, 1 4 10.-.4.3, Chestnut Street, near 2d At;
lleniertiher the above - officers - are kept "etelusively
for the sale of the true and genuine Brandrethtsfills. -
The following Persons are' dilly authorisedl4ents
for the aminVerCundierland,;in the State: or Terlo"
-uylvaia; iskoso respeetive"viamle ;
'GEORGE W., ELTATIR;‘ 061d 18
etTEßE l ßrSON;:',Shippenebttig.
JOHN 11i0ORA . .IV. r ewVie;•
NtedruOiti:Opothecary: or .pea, , is al
loWed to sell the genuine Urandreth'i under any ,
eireturastanbei;% - aliiitever. - - 2';.Also'..oberrve you
pOrthme or al4 - .adVOoti4H l%- -ilrgvuto, that they have a,
oertibiateellligeney,signtld mut ,seated by ine,
:•:'11.:11111.ANDRE"111.; Ilf.
"JM. - 8, ..netA.Bl4 , Strec(,,PAilaclelphia.
koomploto ass - mitt — Alit 'of Fatticktoideiiirimein
,vizt :Coylim , snp i to , remove Freeklesv nii)wn.
:',Wipsor soap .loot: floaingolle,altlarA-roper - lktusr
soapyiog nufl seeming.
Etanlient • yege,table soap; Foilot,' for. lioth sexes:
.Pa teat wiasor soap, Patoot sogolole soap
for- svashltig -, A litiond aollPi for' Mi,ssos
niqn alftliej Itottnt mid orntiy soap, ' Fors ale
, , • ' MIAS. -BAANITZ--
LiyiDgilystr; Wiliclicster_ VA
I • r- . • .
41,ilacks Andlikes t.,,neortictive
TILE united tato MOY2eI the phySicianti through.
cnitthe United 'States has fully p_roved thelkitthat
'Peters' Vegitit a Pill - Stl*t.liefolly truevVegitable
Pills which:will.stheteit Of 'analyzabont.hepre •
the: primiletorwould - niastearnestly - yrge thenrto'
the .notice of thataLwho - lfa . j.LtVbeen tirThe' habit of •
using, as cathartics or aperients, the destructive and
irritating , quack .pills so generally 'advertised,. and .
which .are: at hest:but slow-consumers-of the vital
murthyou'ii- agents' .eveo fa, the Most
hale, It ls' true; Most of theni .priiditsealirgative
effect, sometimes transient relief.; _but in .mOst
eases they injure the digestive otgans,and anliabitusl , •
'resort to them must terminate in confirmetl - dyspep-
It is trite thatcathartic and, aperlentMedicines are
often retired' but the nicest .discrimination ;should
alwitys- 4 4re'tibierved -in Alle - selectil,),n; and If this be •
nothing inhirious eitn-result frtup their use.
To produce this :much desired resulili.* Peters .
hits, made it his study, for Several years, and feels -
proud to. any he has succeeded` at length far. "
his espeetstions: object of-his pills is to super.',
cede the necessity of a fluent recourse to injurious „
purgativesould to.offera medicine safe, Certain, and -
pleasant hi its operation. ' •
• Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. ft
No. 1'29 il,ibrary street, New York.—Each boa con. •
tains 40 pills. .Price 50 cents.
. .
. , . ........ . . .
ifleariaOte l 'Slick and. Atrvoug.
Thoge Who . bare sulTerad; and are weary of aulTerit!g•
rrom:these distressing emnidaints, will find' in PE
TERS! Ti.'oll7'./IBLE' PI.L.T.A• a remedy at once
dertitin And immediate in its effects,
• . .
IN DYSPEPSIA they stand Unrivalled;
hinny have been . cured in- a few weeks, after litiiing
suillired under this '&60141 complaint for years.
In habitual °nativeness they, are' decidedly. superi- .
or to any Vegitable Pills ever yet discOvered, and . '
besides this they are recommended by all tote emi- .
meat and lending members of the Medical Faculty.
Critialogv o, ltettsons .
For using Dr, Peters' Cilebtiated Vegi4
• table Tills, .
1. Because they are exceeduigdv popular, whicti
rprOves them to lie•exciaalingly7gooil.
9. Became they are composed-of , simples which.
have the power to do goalia_fin immense number of
-cases;without possessing ihe - theafirto - do - injury; in-:.
Tiecause - they'art qtitick'niedicine . , but the
scientific compound. of a regulnr.plirsician, who . has'
made•hiS protession Otuily- of his life.
4. 13'ecaiiie theyare not-unpleasant to hi - ice:nor dis.
tressing tO retain, while they are most effective_ to op,
5. Ileenuse they arereconiraemled as a. standard
medicine by the yegnlar•fnenity. ' •
6. Because by breeping,ille•syhtern inn natural state,
of actien .0(7 euke iiiniost4yeay &Sense
me:dental to. the human frame.
• .7, rieeaute tliey are cheap and portable, and wilf
retain - all-they yittues in- full vigor,•in any climate'.
and for el y -length of time..
8. Became, notwithstanding their simplicity and
mthiness, they dre'oint of the spedicsipurgathe meth
Mines which has heendistoveredt".
• 9. Because they lire nn • ulifailing remedy for pro
auri lig A gotid -appetite.
• 10.. Ileeiiiite ill cases of spleen or despoilderici, by
dick hcidthy_ igifhtenee excited state of the boa
di, fhii Neve a most happy e ff ect; ltreahrnint,tand'in , -
vigerating - the mind. :.: t. ." '• -
U. Because they eWect their cures without the
sitainti co Mints of other
toi-vvellti . s.being an rivatiled-purifiee—
tbe.genertil l'ystem, they.are a sovereign remedy
for sick head-ache. . -
.13. Itscause they differ frotikihe majority:of meda
leine's, - ic . the ilia dint - the niorc - they arc knolerr - the
mare they are approved. - . . • -. •
Because as their application create no:!lebility
blithe systemober may 'he taken - eithouLproducing
any hindrance fa s busicess Or -the pursuits of every
day life, . • -
. .
i . . 5. Because when •once.introilueed. into it falnity , .
pt. a village, they almoit inunediately take • the pre-
ceilence-nrall other medicines in-general -Coirnplamts.--
• fir 'Because a number of the wonderful cures they
!lave effecteth.Cati be substantiated withotthany undue
"means being resorted to, to:Procure-invalid testimb
ides. . -
I:7..fterntise their composition is, such, that, they
Are equally applicable' to the.usual diseases of warmi.:
:-e;old,-or temperate ell mates, -
for n dose—so that, as is die ease with the generality
of patent medicines—the patient is not compelled t
make a-meal -of
. .
19, Because each matt-lanai pill is put tip untre a r' •
the-superintendence of-the propeietoroo----
tlait no Mistake in the composition, or quantity can
possibly occur through the carelessness of a less in- - •
terested agent.
20. Because. they pnrify .
v9ithout debili
tatting the systeth. • .
21. Because, notwithstanding timie immense pop. ,
Warily, no person bus ever ventured to raise against -.
-them-the-breath-of--censure,- whielf-would--notturre , ---
been the 'civic, if envy could have. discovered in them
a single flawitdcavitatt. --- •
9.2. Becatistand this fact,is !of the utmost
_portance)=_ladies certain_situation_ruay*tke! .
them, (not more than- two or three -at a time hdwev
er,) without in the .slightest degree incurring' the
hazard of abortion.-- Were the virtues of Petal' in--
estimabte pills, confined to this desirable entritione„ •
it-give -them-a decided advantage - over
medicines of all competitors, ns - in no, cases is diem'
more danger to be apprehended, or for which so few .
ta ,
nedies have been discovered , as - the one referred
723: neelillSe While they ate so efGoientii theiFop
erations with adults they may at the same time be
administered to children and even to infants, in small
quantities, half a pill for ; instanse f without the slight
est danger.
'24. Because their ,virtues are acknowletiged to ,
_stand_pre,entinent,_for_their_soothing.influence upon
young Indies while•sulfcring from the usual changes
-oflife r as.directed-hrthe.laws-of nature.
December 4, IS3B.—ly:
. Beckwith's Nati-Dyspeptic
• Pills. •-•.
.vxortsurai,) .
* The reputation of which has now become establish=
-ed atithumost sate stud iertaittremedy ever di/louvered
for:restoring health to persons suffering under every
disease for.whiely they are recommended.
Wherever these pills have been once introduced'
into a family, they beeome a standing remedy, and • .
are called- for, nobly and -again 'Uhl& is sufficient'
proof of ffieir . good qualities. . t
The medicate having' met with the unanimous ap
itiebation of those who have fairly-employed it, ao- •
cording to the directions, is recommended with in ,
-creased ecinfidence to fro - 1
.ehe ife, in every variety of
Functional disorder of the Stomach, Bowels; Liver
And Spleen, flitch - as Heartburn, Acidity of the Sto ,
mach and Bowels, Diarrhoea, Cons, Jaundice, Flatu7 .
leney,Blysentery, habitutill-costiieneas, lots of appe- - •
tite, sick Headache, - .Sea Sickness, ke. Theyarst*
also well adapted to the diseaSet of women and chg.'
-dren.-Literarv_riten;studentsoind' all other persona;'
of sedentary habits; find there yerfebivenient - Thoie..----
who indulge too freely in the pleasures 'itf the table,. _
speedy relief-from thei sense of oppression - in - d •
distension which•• follows, by takitig - the Pills.. As , a
-dinner-Pill, the are Invaluable. who are
drinkfng mineral: ittersi and particalarV - tfihse. from
mthern climates and SigUO and fever, districts, will
find thiailiighlfbeileaaill- - 1 - Thkse Who - trettspbsetf --- -
I.o,the vicissitudes of weather,ouiourteys
gas, can take there .all •tiMes with -perfect safety;
an d without inconvenience.' In full doses, they are ' a_
highly efflitaidoits and'safe •Autiailtous"Medielne.-- ,
Thet Josses: Produce sieluteas at the stomach, or.
Feeta7thi:Rl., Rev. , Levi ~D.
Bishop qf North Carolina,' , • •
• . iq?alei" Olarchclg,
"Having fcir the lasi, three years been 'intimately
acirainted with Dr. Johiaßg?krith,-of-this
enjoyed his - professionaV serriees, I titke,pleisure'lii' - --
stating that his chareeter'•,as Christian
and experienced Physichut;entitles his testimony; in •
regard tb the tise - "Of his Pile, 1 1)
entire confitlenee , of Alle -paha o f
.the good effects-Orthette Pillir; for twoyears„p!st,
tisfies me of theirveuitneritvalne,Pirtietilarly.m-ahl7 .
keg an impaired digostiorviend.warding
Ilavittg,been - fik'it - Jong - tit:tie; truVeeti to . the' •
recirusesCoi.iirescii:A!tacir,s; I Wesinthultubit'•
of resorting fOr;seititriti. against them, and With 'very;
Partial sniterilittieliberst Vie'if - Citlcts4lloo , B(tier - -
:But slutemily acqnsiiitance With the Anti Ills
pejitic Pill of Hr:. Beckwith, Which hi Veteribed , its _
die.fir,st iustaiicc- 11 ;B°leifi have net ,Ifeen under, thr
'necessity rf using rercitry-id any 'CO . :nisi hishlis'
'64 'Winnf emel°Pt' &Mu 'Linens idtackiti' ; ' ,- Severat
ihriWfs -- rfray - fandlyereexperletttrag-thesepube.---s , -
neficia effects .' S. - !IVEJ0 0 - • •
7._ • - . 4 Sate by . :
Q .%EQ. : •' - fiihßf4lN; ChamhOshurg. •
. - Isorertiber.wlBSl4 , - • • : ' ly.