H,ERALD . - ;',*:-EXPOS7.9R BY GEORGE M. rHILIpP,9 CARLISLE. WEDNEODAY ;MORNING •lANTARY 23, '1839 . FOR . PRESIDV,NT, WM. 1-114.1+B.ISCat FOR VICE PRESIDENT, I).A.ITZEL 77.mBsTms:.-. p 6.1 1 10 are indebted to CIIARL6 B. PE ' N. *SE, Esq. of the State Senate, and to Wm.. GORGAS . ; Esq. of thejiCuse of Represen tativesi for various public documents. " - • icj..We are also indebted to the rITon. JOHN,SiRGEANT, of theliouse of Represen tatives of the United Statee; for important cpngreisionil:documentp • -j7ppoininzenM by Govpinor P0r047, 1 „" Francis R. Shunk, Esq. of.Daiiphin; to -he Secretary of the Commonwealth:. Ovid F.-Johnson, Esq. of Patiphin,•to `'be Attorney General, ' • • • John Cresswell, Esq. Prothonotary and • Clerk of the Courts of Qfiiirter Sessions and 'Oyer alid Terrn intr . of - ftUntingcloh eoutity. Thomas : P.• Campbell, Esq. Register, -'Recorder, and Clerk of .Court :•of Iluntingdon . eht niy. • • • • [The !indecent haste' of Gov. trorter.:ini making the--above appoinunentslor ' - lo • • 't 'ungc n, betrays a-rna Ignatz -d isposition, but a„ s weatc , minda • - • • -----TheetUtaryofibe'dommonvelilibilas appoiltteil;tlertry'Yetrilbon,-Esq. of Obntre, -. , deputy • The Attorney Gene - rani:is:appointed t. Barton, Esq. of Lancaster; prosecuting attorney irk the cririt in al courts .Of CM MORE MODERN DEDIOCRACY.-rAVe learn from the Harrisburg Chronicle, that among other democratic appendakes attached to the itocession - on the - nfiernOon Of the inaugu- ration, was:huge 'hickory broom, which . .wa's carried in the ranks close behind Gov. Rory sapling out or' v - iiieli this broom was, manufaettred, g - rew* the Widow Somer- place, and was exhibited as a speci , - - 'rrieli of — the ricliness of the soil: others have 7 - supposed that it was for the purpose of ter's'yzpu* - ion. Either or both -are plausibbL ti_"•The appointment . of Ovid F. John- stun as Attorney General, is an'eternal4lis grace to 'the,party' and the Mate. lie is only iii . the second class of 'attornies at the' ..liarrisburg bar, _Where legal talents•are dif-. fie tto • lie'fon nd • 'Abc:tif d g to - the Ila'rriS; - : 7 burg Intelligencer, he landed in that place' -- IM - me years thatcamc . .down the river, with his wardrobe tied in a red cotton handkerchief. Ills elevation to - the AttOrney Generalship, is the wages (i-f -r .his corruption and iniquity, iii writing• - `iile editorials and Slanderonsletters.for the Key-! -stone, and:making speeches_for the mob.J• Nire feel Mortified t hat_P.ennsylvan is_thusl - !humiliated and degraded: by the appeint- • 'Tient of this "strolling yankce adventurer" to suck an important post: • 3"'Wh - observe by the Philachilphia E vening Star,That the committee to inquire into the public robberies and Mr. Woodbu . ry,'s connexion. with them, has been select -I:7e-dby—hallcit, and not b;s Speaker Polk, It Ansiets of four Whigs, two- conservatives, one nondescript or Calhoun man, and two loCo focoa, one of tv.hom,is Previous - Ques= tion Cushman: LEvetymeans was resorted to by the locd feeo leaders to defeat the r measure, but in vain. Mr. Harlap, of Ky. as cJaj~atj ,~ and Wiso is_a Shotild-rifeeniffelfientrzfirezbreailFoutzin-the 'treasury department, we may expect soon `.o hesr ' of some queer de'velopments. - ItC7lhe,Harrisburgh Keystone, consul= is-one of the organs of the domin l:MMParty-avthe seat of government,. eon ' Mains More .grOss blunders than any paper exchange. , In the last N 9. that truth-telling 'journal; the' editors re; ).;publish` several paragraphs froM this paper, , cieifit them , to the.?Carlisle Itepubllean, : - 'a how in existence: They atso 4 .'l6cste Ritner"s farm, which is in - sunshorongh township*, in Dickinson. -:`..:toWngiip,„" Where Gen.• Miller's' iron works are, merely to concoct a few falsehoods . to suit the erasion. As to Westpennsborn!, f::itiel,ieLtirmacr.:rocktAnd,...AvitlitsegVl tos theinc T pase - of foci) . veto f.son, that can be accounted' for from the fast, ' that forna , : • - ands and the 'IA ii"-rafr Oa m ntain, were , isArriekte the vollii - by'Us agcriti, • OFIRICIaL .111.ETURNS Of the Special. Election held in-' Cunzber -lan''cl county-1839.. - Alley, - • • , • 95: 127 •71 • •89 Carlisle, - - - 518 831 Churebtown, -- - 102 151 109 130 Dickinson, - - 94 . 140 •• :207 • 196 Penti§borotth, - . 112 184 147 214 Hopewell, - - -50 ' 69' .. 65 69 Hogliestpwn, - • 66... 2,1 d 232 - - 24 44 . :43 ' •47 AfeclimAcsburg, - - 52 • 65 64 70 - - - -. 230. 693 359 , 529 New 61.1nb6.1atitl,' •- - 5,7 •66 • • 62 73 Shippensburg; - 178 . 257 205 , 263 CkRIJSLE.DISTRICT Dickinson, -' • - North Ali ,South. Mitiktoit, =• - • , - Nest Pcnitsborough. - -•- Miller's Majority -..- The following is the result of the Election in the senatorial distract. - . . • - •Macfiirlime • Adams, - • • Cumberland, . • 1567, Fooklini • , . _ 142•5_. ' - - - It will be perceived, therefore, that Thomas C. Miller has elected to the State senate,nto serve out the remainder of Mr. Cassatt's term. rt• - .!The following ,appointments were Made on the' Ist inst. but werenotiiblish ed:in the-official paper . (the Volunteer) till tlinhli,• in. order; we 'Suppose',•to let the ill-blOod of sonic of the old mernbers of the , party cool_ down a little,. ivhich had been, excited by-the appointment of some - eleventh hour-men:" - -- • • dpp.oiotinent's by the .COn?' ini&sicikers. - RO - 131;12.1' SIODGRiSS (1) .to be 'Treasurer of Cumberland county. - - TAMESAI-lAII to be -Attorney for the Commissioners. - , - • • .dppoinfinelitti •l y the' Directors of go Poo - r. # _ • MicilAEL VisguußN :to I.lc . Stcward. oldie Poor Houe;. Dr. ,JACOII 13AUGIINiN (2):t0 be Physi cian- the same. •-• 11 rOll GAULLAGIttit (3) to be Attorney, to . Directors. NOTES , (1). the appointment of this political trimmer caused a lood deal of trouble - 1h the loco'fbeo wig-warn. •He has been years 'violently opposed to Van .Buren and the party, all a bitter slanderer of M'Clure, Ramsey, and - othOr IcafferS in - 1-his cOMity. He 'vas a strenuous Harrison and bank man., and warmly- ad voe'att . 4l-the 4TICaSli.reS of vernor Ritner. Indeed; so enthusiastic was lie in our cause, that, at the election of '37, it was. generally conceded • by • our friends, that ha should be elected 'County treasurer, iflunes,Eckels was saccessful as cornatis- sinner. But we were defeated, and-'Squire Snodgrass maiotained a 'mysterious silence' ., Cly '•_. il ~,. ' . ' . in oftliTemurtr g ,-no meeting has been during the winter and. spring' nuAhs in re- .held ~ undere the direction of committee. lation to politics. The 4th pfinly_proceed..._,m,:_friffi,iis -mitra-b---tira-6--liwiy-fillt-- . ings of the loco focos, however, 'gave bicti a - --- - of =the ' . '' however,• been idle. By li comoionic,ation ,' new goCal habitation an a:ohm,' as was froncene of.thcm, itappcars that the Soci perfectly manifest b his ' Celli( humpian' ety: - formed - 1m d er - t - lic- -- til d I ethre - i a - con si s' - • , , . -- p tr, d_ toast, Well, he is scarcely ;si.xtliontlis in eted as disso Ird-,--Aitother,--hoivever-which t county treasurer - over the fitudo . f scores of however,-which ' loco loco ranks,' until lie is appointed - l adopted the principle of total abstinence, is still advancing, t hough glostl —I ' ,- r - g,.._ y lam!, e • ld-and unflinchina members 'of the party! I. ° : • .0 ~ . ceii - e'T . - cloriog•the . paat year an accessioe . of - - I Wehope,however,..that-This tent will' ten or twelve members, making-in all about' him from squealing far at - least a year, and• -' ' ' ' • ' that he Will . stay with the party to 4 do pen- forty!'. , Society in Neuiville ' . .. is one of the - once for his past political transactions. .. The .oldest in the county, having 'been formed ... (2) 'this `iiidiwidoeat is an older Mem 4.in 1829'.. - Jt was - visited . by, one: of your her of theparty; but the cloak of democracy in February last, when muchiiii- . sits so clumsily upon him, that the ears of . committee ' terest was manifested, n behalfof the cause,. the biped occasionally protrude themselves as, also at another meeting held by the So: to the 'gaze of the public, ,and the, cheat is . eictyin August last; '. The increase during instantly diseov - ered. • The doctor was a the year has been about forty, mat ing the most violent advocate of Adanis,Clay, arid ip • the U. S. Bank; and'Avaa just as violent al.,'W. le number' of Members 362. The, to-• art tat abstinende pledge has not been introduc. , gaitistJackSon f Nen . Buren, and the - Fib - dills it ilio gel' he takes theTedv.antage committee, of‘-43(1--ii't°-the.-.eoestitution-of-Abis_Spciety....- . _ our a 'split' in the,party, - .linzzaed tot the, red- Yaresatisfied;•hOwevcri that' . .. . - mputlisT -- aiin preeliiiiiidlinnialf, as inl'e .., so streng a feeling.in fey : or of•the-cause per, :;aeriiiiial,--ii:&iiilAlietiiitdr-SheriVliffersTY-adca.-,that--,tomninititibat.,this4rripoitant-. his name wasprysenteiLto the directors of : principle of .tlieo, - ; i lenaperanee. reformation' .thepporas.a.eandidate .for_pliy_sipiain;_but_' need but be fairly presented Ito be rPadiii a director from Silver Spring, knowing his - embraCed.. - 'l.'. '-:''. " - ''..-;.•:.-; .. - ' political 'character iv'eVirotested agaiest it.;''... In'.-• lefidi aiddislu 4: - there has - beers a and Dr: Theodore - :lllYera was . .aPPointed. ,:tereperaticesOcietifori3everal years.' When new direetor,',hoWeverWee - Clected the itt•aetive•oPeratieo;:it Was -- thought to have next fall—the doctor,' happened to slip . . in exerted 'aPOWerfill'infinence". even:the- M0..1 through theintrigues - of:those - whoMihehed... rarii6racter of theipolili.:':::l4.diterls?'—how served-:-=atltie.:iii iiow - reapporinted - for his - eVer; the seal of its friends -has ':.• slackened;, important culinary, Serviceele. the.kitcheo .and•fer a .y . e1ii . .0 . -iiki no meeting'. Of•. - the' • . Cabinet!' • ...•• - - ..: - • .',...- ... - -.Society had Been held; thitif - a - short time ... (3). This ia'sOrneting neW 'tinder the suit,' -JO* , wheeit was visited by one of your . as we' ifeyt recollect of the direptoia of the committee: .', The:best:4 feeling . was inaiii .. ~. . ,„ poor . appo* ting an attorney before,. and'We fested on the - occasion-,-thetotaliabstinenee have coni.sed .withseverat ofou' old citi..... Pledge;::•whieli. had never before lieer_i. pre- v t ,..„.....„ *eill : •Pri - the - ,•aebiect --. iiho have no - re s collee- Sented - Wee'readilYaigneillObrii-one of. tion of..tioY any - appiintinent ever . having, thesepresent, . beside t.iftl'aignatures. teithe '-.ttOOL•ttta.4.,..ie .I.hieeOunty,i, - Ooe'of two old pled cre,‘ and, yetir committee-hove every things ia• t eertai - u,therefore,fronithis,singtir ' rbasott. to believe,' t 1 0 ,, - the•Setiety, under tar pleceeding- , eitheethat theilifeeters are:`-ft newbrganliation;: : •Wilf '....giren-auceeisL -se ignorant of their duties,. that they cannot , fully • - • .- ..." ... '' . • • lot along without the afdia(in attorney--or'l•; . .'..Weilrike . 11ave';alse - been held at - Ege's' that the - olliee. ef atter - et lifEtEr:Frea :teititaf. ' ' ,l 4l ; :ge;:woo . iaenty; set:en ,.. .:7na , ,no, es- Were , -.011. : - 0 4567 2316 2268 -2t4.3 Macfarlane Miller '251 • 299. 7. , • 46 57 .175 - 104 • • 130 76 2.3 FIMMI am 22138 10'2 5641 4813 am ill= ,(i.7,j0..:.e.: . . - 0,0c..t 4 -:,,11e - 7 . 4 ., :,0t-40'.04./ . : .-. a:7'n - 111 - I.a - roppl: - .4".x.ir.:4 ly. to.,reWard apolitical partisan for services tamed to the new pledge, and six to the-old rendereti Lsinee he:joined tlinparty.t - .1„dikol At Middies 4, four n;iinei , were ob ' 'Squire .Snodgrass, made - - teitied to "-the. - dm: riew7pledgo, and..tWoF . to the m) open prOfessiort . .of leeO . focoiEnn' o o.ll l F, l olit at,":MfAliiiter's -fieffool-hem - ie. 4th... of July; :and - has made many . - speechee 2 : ' ''Tli ' e '' o - n'l; 4 Mentinghieli, , haeheenheld forthe party since that period; but the Pitt. -: '• .',- ' • • - ' ''---:.:,:-:•:,,;."-.'•:• ~ ful, appointment of . attorney for "the •• • • •-: :"' ;• ' • ••• A ' ''' - ' ' --' membertf.pere-obtaineu tn,the.new pledge ors'of . the•POOrlS tiot . .i. judgeship;" they • '-- • ,' -' •. •- . . . • - •• - and three to the old ' l 4.s a euritinary then may lOokput for'our.old.friend soon "liy. -- . - 7 ing off o r handle." •-. it •may berstated -that there have'heen ofiL : -1 -.• tamed l3O names, to-the new-Pledge-and 53 4,ibmWe are glad to learn, that Governor; to the old,-.which; - with 'a - few names that RITNER has ptirchagedia:'splendid farm in i have not been formally reported, - will make' this county, where die'ifidendS'te "settle for ' an addition Of 200 members to' the temper , the, future; and enjoy in'Peade and quietneSs ' once societies of this county 'Within thepast •„. , . the pleasures- . and blessings of a ritr:4lifedlYer. • iti reviewing their operations, the It is-the - celebrated place recently owned . by. committee cannot but be, struck with. the the Carlisle Bank, about six miles west of 'fact, that although; in all their meetings, the Carlisle at Nieunt"Rock, containing 278 a- two pledges have been presentechtogether, cres, about '2OO being clear Mid . in a- :hi g h L yet for one that has signed the old ; there i state 'of cultivation, and the residue "well , have been - en anaverageten that•haveSign istiefibefed. The, improverifents are a „ few 'od the total abstinence pledge. - . , - • - ). '. - • that i two story brick house:- and kitchen, -and a i Your committee therefore conclude, large bank barn, With a tenant house; stab- / . the most striking' . .featiire of the - present • ling, two apple orchard - s,- a Well of water, ! stage of i the - ,teroperfince cause amongst us, and several large and delightful springs near ,is, that the grand distinction which Should. the house. 'This- them, moreover, is in the-' ever be made between right and•Wicing, vir township and immediate neighbourhood tue anil vice,:. but - Which; - id-env-Previous where Mrs. Ritner was raised and her rela- .blindi - iee's," was, in-‘this case, almost over fists •resido;_and. Where_ 11 1 1 . r. -Ritner toiled i .-looked, has . now • become: -more- : broadly hard for . years in early - life. : Besides, .it'' marked. - • Those whop - refer the acquiSition i -embracesa population'more ititelligentAhati J i of gain to a - clear conscience' and . the 'good that of any other township in the cOuntyd of society—who follow the im - pulses,of ap and is the only one in the county that_inva- . petite, instead 'of the dictates of prudence riably• gives a , decided majority in favor of i and. "the injunctions of religiontogether 'the supremacy of the laws and the consti- ' with a feW:to•whom charity perhaps Ohlig tution.' • - . . . •- .- • •- ' . es us to ascribe more worthy rifotives--,, -persist iii their' wonted course .with'an ar dor-at least unabated, perhaps incrcased,••by ', what they may deeni fanaticakand imperti. nent opposition;•-hu - t.„ attliesalne - tirne, the great body .of• those . who are resolved to spare no sacrifice, which their own person al safety , .or the -public weal may demand, ' have with unexpected alacrity and decision, cm - traced :Me self,denying prificiplq,S of our . i association . _I - Ie who 'should form his es timate ofthe'state of-seciety froth' the - ex-hi- Thiliiiii - S - of the bor-room. and grog-shop, would be farfrom - suPposing that inteniper- , - ance haila been 'checked, much le:ss - •sup= . pressed; in our county; but it-is impossible to visit the fire-Side.of the citizen, the work shop of the mechanic, .the harvest-field of the -farmer, and not. be satisfied that' the en.', emy has - been driven, from . his most danger-. ous holds, and is .now taking shelter behind his last entrenchments. It is not by the as pect of public _places, _where vice.may al-, Wayst-_he ' expected-to,lift -- Iffir - sliainclest front, but by the condition of private life,. AhaLwedire,_todullgo of the moral character of a cc - immunity.: The temperance :refor mation is engaged in draining off from. the land a mighty deluge, by which Wiles been oVerwhelmcd: --- it - - - is the natural,: process therefore; that` the high-lands ainl the plains should -first- be rest-PO T antl-thatthe-no-ximie _ -waters; rendered even-tnorelfoul by their , very contraction, shoPld fine] their last re- . ceptacle in the "sinks and bottoms - . May! •I we not liorio-...h.oweVer, that, though we should tint he able to dig overdrahis deep i /. . • enough id carry •off these; yet i by the rays ! ofza More powerful sun, concentrated to,l :-.- - , 'greater vehemence; they maybe dried up! to -the -v - ery - das t---clrop' For, the:lleral4 4. Exposito THE 9 TH S.NNUAL I?EPOR THE - CUMBERLAND-:CO UNTY -- TEMPERANCE.SOCIETY. • The - ExeCutfieCominittee of theCoMber land County Temperance Society . gyeetthO • r - association, in .t ie re urn of anotheeanni versary,. with mingletl:7 - feelings . Xegret, ' on account of the debterieSsOribeir .operations, and of confide -pee in the increas jug-strength-and -brightening prospectS7of ; the cause in Which they' are engaged.. Thie l apathy which flak for some lime:pervaded otir cortimitnity, in regard to lite - Object of • - • 11 the Society; has, unfortunately affected ydur committee to such degree, -,that much of ;- day past year has beets spent in comparative ; inaction. - This is the more lamented by them, because the results Of thefew efforts ! which have been made, togeth&With the' success of 'thectinseiti-the country at large, have furnished abundant- evidence-that-the principles ;of thelemperance reformation ; 'are taking a firmer hold upon the confidence_ and • affections .of an • enlightened pp.ople. • Your committee need not enter into -a de: tail of the decisive triumphs of the canse in outer states, - where — the - NV hof th-e---P•ertple has been expressed thrmigh : their.constitu tion aForgan6,-an d-t te-st ron rtwof-th e-law- !- has been eXiended to arrest a national evil; it is more pcyaliarly the business of the pre sent report to connnunic:ite the progress of, the cause within our ow - n -county, and. the existing state of public feeling in. reference :. • • , ' rtt7, . , . It is to this ohjeet that . your committee ,) Nen and -Duct. ./. I?, Iriiine, for the very 11 ,. /••exycllent addresses delivered by thorn be have mainly directed their late eftbria. • fore the Lytoeutu on the ev,ening_of J nada:: -fiCVintr that-tint-b•ndt-inr-tind-seflinv•4l.l-fi4,x- ' ry t 16W - • • • • • icating--liquors,--as-u I)oVeritf.;;;,..is-Jyrnitional. ,tn„„„ived, That this "acktotrledge evil,'•;;subversivc of the . .pecniti,rj; the phy- i merit" he published in the 'Carlisle papers,. i signed by-, the President "and Secretary of sical,'•the intellectual, and t C. ino-al inter - - •. • ' . • the - Lyceum. •••• • ty lt - --- 'ems of socictyincreasj g to ,an enormous . - JOIIN--riNICOIiE- President. R. M. tisic, SecfetaT. E, extent the amount ofzdnrlaxes, wilily it di * min isltes • the tibilit! -to -.pay•thilin- 7 -iiiipair- . ing the bOdily/md mental vigor of a large - portion of . tbe . population—fostCring.. vices • and producing . crimes destructive of private and public peace- , ,andlielieving that . iltese, if any, are•the proper,subjecti of legislative, , action, they have .resolved to unite with ' their fellow citizens in pctitioning the- pro r .. porauthorities for a repeal of these laws by whielt these grievances are now sanctioned. ' Viewing the 'subject as a mere i - Mestion of financel r yonr. cbromittee.•.are.satisfied-ihatit. is but just; that the expenses incurred for the.suPport oLinstitutious-rendered-tieeeSe- Lsary lit!llte _Psey'ale ........ ofintamPerance, should be borne,aid. not•by.the 's •:and in -: 1 'llirsiriOur.i•eitiZen,• who is making every ex- . • eiticon to • t•egene' 'hintaiittandThiti - e - onntey fromi-theiLeviL , ibnt:byithdsti-Whb are.engag ed in. foi6ittie the : vice; •;:and who ire, en- . tidied. hy, the 'epoils ,Of ifs. victims , • That the jails, AS, pbor lioUsee;tbe hospitals; the *pli*:'.l. nybim,t4_lhe4ltiOatieliiiylurps .of the iatidi.:ltiliOUld•hi Maintained bi . .thOSe*i•Whor ''ltiivb profited. * most by the.misfortunbs of their'OecupantS; - •.' But though theburden_of expense.might bus be pausfaatortlyielie:v ed,i yet :When your : coinittdbfurther.rbgecti that thefti is no money ; which eim.lipair. this' fallen reputation" , of disgraced' randliee, which 'Can heal the hr 4 en do w and ihe orphan :that theriiislitOWealth 1 which c"!In bf given in'exch a n.'ge for iii%ii►or= nal, to heti= ".intoreSts for' doh!, 'and- that the rrfeeds'cif humanity can accept .of D o comOlmise bat , an ,cntrre aba n dontnetAxirati employypent,, which is pro - :~ ductive ,of. the most disastrous a conSequen7 ees_to_the most innocent_ ana,lielpleas:_pOr. -- ticro — ofsivetety;7 , 'Ph - 67 - u're,llitt - on all . friends of temperance, whether they approve of the plan.of temperance societies, or not; to ca -operate in petitiOning the le igislature lor:a,religal , a. laWs sanctioning the. retailing. of .intintiCating- as: a ink.• • • • -ROBERT EMORY - , — ' — ULRIOH SAMUEL ELLIOTT, )Executive Committee.,: CUiVIBERLAND.POUN'FTLYC)EUM: Constitzttibn of ..tlo CuinberlandC'olitnty Ayeeum; as revfsed,. Dec, 29, 1838. . Sri. 1. This. association shall'be called the . Cumberland county. Lyceum; auxiliary to the PennsylVania•Lyceum... frt. 2. The objects of tits Lyeetun shallbe . the mutual - improvement of its members, and the general diffusion cifltnotirledge. • throughout - the - county; and other parts of the state and country. ;Rvt. 3• Any . pe•rPon May be ain`dmber, of the Lycenin, by. giving • his or her name as such, aciddpaying tUr_iity-five cents.se mianimallyi.blit shall forfeit his member, ship - by - inegleetieg - to -- pay - tbree success-• semi-annualivo payments. • Delegates ••• - from local Lyceums, 'and Othei liteiarY or Scientific associations, - shall - have all the privileges of membeis in all meetings.: of the' Society. • . art. 4. The officers, of the .sogiety -- ,sliall be -a President, four Vice pre . sidenta ; a re cording ...' Secretary. wh9 shall act as Trea surer, a'eorrasp9uding Secretary, and an .Executive committee_or _three, to be e- - • . .. ,Pliii.Ariu_Limin,.lan..l. 0,__182 - fi. .._ , .. .--• lected anmially. - FLOUR 'Bz, MEAL.---Thd.domand. for . :di1..5. The Executive Committee and the Flour bas - bcen.less active -for foreign ship- - Secretafies shall- be elected - from the citi- • melt, partly owing to ,the high rates of . ___ t freights to Ertgland,Attitl.piiees.have 'slight - ";2 - eria --- o fCarlisle - , and'sliallons-tittiteltie-iy receded. • Saleerirf- - -3 - a 400 bhls at-$8:-. Execittive Beard' of - the Ly'coum, who _374 la._ the Inarket. price,_ witli -a lirnited de . . shall have charge of "the Cabinet and - 0-:nand. , ,- Occasional Lots -- are offered at, a • ther property of the ,Lyceum make -- all sha d:. °e' ' tile; . it'll Mad. Rye' Floor—, ... -- • . ,' --Further sales at' 5 per blil: - I :Corn l4.1eal::- _:.necesaary provision for its..meetings;_aud_srim• Itsales in (this . ; at-$3,715 ' - - .,.. .~. control file disposition of its ftinds, ei - uh.-1 . 'GRAIN---Wheat i's in -better requeSt; ._,j,ect to the by4aWs and-histinetions.ofthe-;-. . and Ro od _ sales of lair Pennsylvania at $1,77 and good • society.. . _ at $1;80 per bushel- - --stoelt •small,-- Rye is - - ' - • • : •.• ' .-,. ' ' *anted. And the market nearly bare. Corn ..411. 13. _The Lyceum .shalt holdAiiarterly l has advanced; a side of 'old Yellow at 85,, - - Meeting's - 1n differeaparts 91" - thecounty , comity subsequently one -at:B77terits in - attife;:neW, - --- sales Yellow;ailoat at :81 cents. OatS tinder-- the :direction of ~the Executive - 1 . sales only in a retail-way. Board,. on the laSt Saturday of llecent- . --t-- SEEDS---P_ric - es - are' Mtchanged, with l• ber, and as' nearly,as may be atequal in-, limited receipts of Flaxseed. In ClOverseed . - terYals 'through the-year. . These meet- • we are still without sates to report. : cents it i anced. two, ce ings shall be - for.the purpose of receiving" WHISKEY has advanced. .hbds; - small sales ati3B 4 a 30 - eents: '--I.lblS --reports,-depositing-- and, exeltanglng-spe-7.------. scarce and , are ver) sLarce, and cothmand over Vircts ohnene 'of nature and 'art—for hearing ) lectures, - addresses, ' and discussions—a- doptinif plans of co-operation, and for such other business as may be fountkine _ Special meetings,may be held . . at_any timo_w 2hen -called-by-the' "O live Board in accordance with ceszary _laws. ..drt. 7. This constitution may he -altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of tho • rnembers present at any regular meeting or the . . . , • • NE W LYCEUM; xtra&fryike mi»ates, dated Jan. lOth, "Re'sofved, That the menibursi-of-Pi lArte!glile kjicent do hereby aelip_owitldge, •KindehtedOess to the Rev: D. P. Rosen- MILLI'PARY MEETING At a the'eting olthe •(formerly the ."Marion. jtitlemen") held at'the Arinory on the 11th day, of Jan uary 1.839, the following resolutions were unanimously' Passed. • ' Resolved, That the thanhs'Of this Coin, Parry be given, to -Dr. John J. Myers, for hie donation of a splendid silver medal---with an appropriate motto and tleviee Resolved, That Capt . . Sam'l Crop, jr.. and Lieut. Alfred • Creigh a nd Lieut. JOhit.'llaiii ilton,. appointed emutilitted to present I to-Df. 'Myers, a cdpii - Of.:ilieSe'kesolutions Izosetiring him that the eorlii . elitertain fot.hiin L sentinientit - of - lhe - bighest- respect • . Resoived,; That the Medal . ..be pla:o4.in theli . andS of Lieut.' Alffeti Order an-opportunity 6fliOt.tirting'i . t. - preyidus to It; presentation "to - :';=Pn - the 22nd af 'oese,..proceelli e gs be TXiOS; B: THomp t 9arc: secretary, ••_ • , Wunin 'pm anon riirecnits.— During. 613 last - Sea:Olen of.' Congress,. Mr. Senator Buchanan,>of Penii sylvan* in 'speaking of -the United: 'State,s Bank said,—"lf. this case intistbe inflicted on the country, 1 arn for having it located, in Philadelphia, ; riot New' Yerk." , Th,13 . -`frentiessee Beview," sqbjoins to the above the remarks of en . Irish priest, which are altogether too appropriate to be lost• "My beloved brethren," said the ex-, MeGuirc, at the, close of a 'reMperance- Sermoni._.thia- 2 -drink-itivor - iv - Elikey, as' I have proved to you is a bad thing,—,it ruins both body and. soul:=4l4- you, 'wine still to get drunk and make beasts of yourselves, You may as well give. year fips to,Bainv Coylt as anybody EU MARKETS', PALTuithau, Jae. 19, 1839. ELOUR.-- 7 ;Early in the week a sale was made from stores at $8,121, and sub sequently another, at r $845. Within a .dav or ,two,7i'lliout .1500 bbla,. have been. soldfrom stores at $844. Soine holders, however, continue'.-.to ask, $8,25. The Price,...paid :by ''dealei's for: paieels , by.- rail roadislB - ,..and - by-wagons-$8,1:2-1- is generally Ohl:. • - , •-• • '-parcel ,or 800. bushels Md. red was ,sold iri the Weak -- at 80, A parcel of. 300 to 400 bushels Md. red, afloat to-day, is_ held at $l,BO. Some lots of wheat brought . ini wagons haVe been taken $1,75, • . . , - . CORN-:----On Monday a:eale of old from store was made at 95 cents. since i , .ester- . day there have been several parcels of New. Corn afloat in market, sales of which were - made.at first at 90 scents, and afterwards at - 88ets. , But 'coloure--mere sold at these rates. At the time. of . making up our report there are no further purchasers, in.inarket. .: • RYE.- 7 -Sales early in the week at $1; !and More recently at , -,95 a 9(1- cents. ;: FLAXSEED.—Continues to" to" arrive in . small quantities, and is: taken frem wagons at $1,56 to $1,621, and held from, steres'at $1,69 to $1 ,7p, -per bushel.. 1, CLOVEI--SEED.--A shle---ofz--a---jot--of prime Virginia Seed virds !bade 'Carlyle the • week at. $l4 .per bushel, since- which . we hear of no . transactions. Wecontinue . to. quote the iitore eriee al' $l4 to • $1,9 ;per . bushel. .. WHISKEY—SaIes of hlids.• at 41 cents —now, at the close .of the . neck; they are quite dull. ' Sales - of bble. • at. 44 a 45 cents, from store's. ,Thew.a ron i price.of bbls.con tinues at 40 cents, t elusive of the .bar;el. The inspections of t 0.74 1 .'eek-`tompTise 77 hildi. and 1124 bbls; of which 04 hhdi, and 403. bbls. were received by the Ilalti more and*StisqnshannOtail . Road • ~- .' .. MA [CRIED, OnAke 17tli. inst. by.the Rev. Mr. Riown, Mr. cart, to Miss Mary .'lnn Cook, both of Carlisle. • . .-Ori the-81h inst. - by the Rev. A.rlcrson B. Qtiay,r.4". amteel N. Diven, of Dillsburg, to Mis , Sarait Cork, of Cumberland county. On'the 3rdinst. by - the same, Mr. Sam uel Miller, to Miss Catharine Quigley,both _of CuMberland county.-----.-- =-----.- On the 20th ult. by the same, Mr, Hugh .Warthland, to Miss Margaret Ross, both of York county - . .. On .the . 3fd inst. by the .14.0 v. Henry Au= rand, Mr. 'Samuel C'aldwell to Miss Han nah Blair, all of this. place. , - -- - - .:01 - 1 7 -1h a -10 th-inst.--by-the-same-,—Mr-Sam ye/. C_o_rnnian,_ta_Miss_Attrg-Shaniberger,, both of Middlesex.. . . On the'l7ol, by the same, Mr. David Cbrninan, to )Nifse Bligabeth Lephard, all. of-North-MidillOton-townsbip. • On the 171 - 1' inst. by_ the Rev.ll/:,P.:ltos 7 _ eniniller, Mr. Jacob Solvers . to Miss Eve Snyder, both of West Pennshorthigh.town•-• ship. •' y • , • " ' -DIED Diekinson,township, on-Friday the 181thinst, Mr. Isaac Venastfienl-.6ged 60 years.' • . . A CARD. . Rev. P. H. GRE a ENLEAF will deliver lecture in the "Saloon, of Equal Rights" on Tuesday even ing next the f2qth nt 66-o'clock. • The public are respecttiilly invited to attend. .Carlislu, Junuat'y 2.2 d. 18139. • • , . • ... 4. . ! . j t. 0 FEE Gif Sp' • . Dental Stir...eon . 19 4 „ .. . 1 . . , , b.f.tize Arn 1. of F." H. rnapp . § , C . . Oinegys. y . i - . - _Respectfully -informs the Citizens ofiCiirlisie that he. . Will:remain in town a few days longer, and will, he happy to render his professional services to those who may require-them. • •. -. . t. ' s , • "All - oiretwtiOnsperforined, accordin g 'to. the late Jeleatifitimpt+O.YementiOn_thli,,Lart.--- Cliarges_yary- Moderate. . • . • -- . • ... •,. . -. He: may e found at C o l, Ferrir . `C ar lisle, XI itlitry.24L f859'... , ,•: ' • • ..- _ - , - • ' 6:llleirlablic. . ir. ~ -- Sl:take - grea pleasure-in rccomm,endingitty partne J,.C o inegys t your faioriiiile notice feeling fully as -shred he' will..iye full:satisfaction to all who irmy fa vour him with their patronage. • • ..., ' : - ;,.,, '' ,_ - -'• ' - F. H., KNAPP, limp/ S' , lrgeon. . • • LINOTICE• ' ti hat that 11mi-a applied to the Judges of dfC Court of edinnion PleaSof.Pumberland county for the benefit of r if e insolvent Lairs, and the Court has np= jminteirthelM Monday of April flex the licarisq . of me and My creditors at CarlfslO, ulien; anif•.n Imre' you may attet4ifyou think Proper; , .. ' 1 ... • JOIIN EDENIIACPIL .Carlisle,lantiary 22d. 1899 ' , " • ' . .ittfiß R18.11.W. • • , •• • . . -•,. • • • • From the first of April next, the ,two stet,' Drirk, hook adjoinhig tho,Pitst: offfro; now occupied by Mr.• Miller. For termeepiiij: to cherlei thpliir. ' • . . , - • ''' ' . '. .101114 ril.. L ,A.M',l; . • Carlisle;:lennery Wd". 1931; • . - - ' '! • ;e. • - DISSOLUTION, 'll6 partnership hiretofore betiveenßli oubsoribrro, under the nitrite of -111tiore nod Biddle la, this dej(ditoiolyedb*muttuillooOliarCi-Al! builititoi the firaroilllt.i.oetileil by John'bfoore: ••, ~• • - . . ,r,IOIIN MOORE, •-• • • • ' • . •. EDWARD BID/iLE; - .(--- 7 s . • • t1 , 4 , 74 7 ;41 ,- .7 ., , , !A 11; -• s- . . The shbserTher,respeetthlly informs bis friends and . the 'public iq Lt.:neva", thnt he lies REepeo R• .4 11 . (E0q31 1 .3 • ,/ZVAD Store, athis old stand, (eo: , :er of Loather and Bed fohl) where he intends.keemir for side, Vlleat . and .R.ye Flour, by the barrel or RID 'dler quantity, 'Huck wheat.and Cornmeal, Chop and ii,"tn,Corn Olive and. Outs; till which he intends .keepin_••• constantly orr hand,, and hoieS to receive a share of 110:pnblio pat ronag. He lutalilso on hand a fel; bushels ofTPREM WHEAT POE SEEP, which he offers for sur,, -Carlisle. January 22d. 1839 .. . . . . . . , P.S. He still . ollollll6A to doll , nn the STEVER PIATING,M,AIMoIti• Stand, and had ennstantls , on 'mid µ good mgoiliii&ii:of•Otted saddlery, such as STERULIPS,BII"I - P,lnirriess mnunting t , and cough work. Plating For 'coach makers done - m,,thn best manner and with dispatch. - ~ .t:P. • . .• • NOTICE. All persons" indebted .to dm'. oitate of the late .famr•ii nvedlit, of Carlisle, are •resnrctibily requested to - eill I with 4.11 a subscriber and litedle their iespectice accounts, cm or before the first of April • next, null those persons Who.liarr claims mid demands against the estate, wilbpresent thesis legally authenticated for set4ement.... A NNE UREA3IN, Adiptix. '• Carlisle, January 2', 1839. •• . • TRUSTEE ACCOUNT. Neitice is herrbygiven that the aticanat 1111,,41 / Reed-Trite - Ace tifJon Reed,. lips been preseitteirto . tiie • Court of ConimoirPicas of Cumberland .peutity, for confirmation and 'allowance, and said cetirt have ,prioji , t!!ittlist fir4.(lay..ortheAprikcouct i for a:duration, and hale on all concerned and allowed. • 1V.114. PaItZER. Proth y. Protlionotary's Office, ?. • J11,71..2ibt, I 559. - 15 z' • . . • -• FOlit: IfiENl T. - . . . . ..... That large antleorpuodions white house, situate in high street in the'lliii.h. of 'Carlisle opposite, the Post office, haying e3tensive beet( buildings thermintti ettaelteil,. at present in the- occupancy of Capt. - E. lliddle,,ealettlated fur any Vial of business. ' Posses sioa"oil the Ist: thiy of A pril tieslt. For terms apply 'to. .. -' ISAAC TODC), , . , . . . : , . — .4gitzt 0f..T.. E. Todd. ,- TarlislE;, - January 22d. 1830. • . ' • ~. • • A. TEACHER WANTED. , ; The subscriber's, Trusteeeof 'Shady Grove School '- 1-Muse, situate - . in Southampton townShip,,Primldin county, and within three 4u4s of Shippensburg„, are desirous of employing a competrtit- Teacher to tnke. - charge of . the school. UPC qualified to teach Gram mar and Gdography, in addition to_the usual branch -- es taught.in primary schools, will be preferred, as he can ;be curt - tithed with. n 'dwelling house near the school house: • Jnn. 3, 1830 • - • - -- . 13Art.•I go N . Lo(YR - RALE...__i: - ___ _ A N 'assortment of the hest qttttlity Ilandnercrl Bar .11 Irpit for mule :it Dialmo!' Forge. priers, at H ithotle's Heil Road Werehenh'u. " , (3tirlisle, Oetobt. , „e'l7, 183 R. or mei Retecors-whiczependb. . ~ . ftv tWr Managers of the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike Road C,omnany, from 10th December, 18- 37;:dlifolhe 11th December, 1838. ' Anal of tolls recd ofJacob Ifienr, Gate-. keeper at Gate No 1 $BO5 88 : of.fohn lfeary , Gate- . $3530 57 • • . . Deduct 'di:summit, being counterfeits re e'd by gatekeepers and paid over ao treasurer Paid debt oflasty ear, the expiaiditores . -- ---:being- more thmrthe - receipts of . ~:: .... foils, etc. during the year $397 93 Pahl rent of gatehouses'79 25 • : printers for publishing Reels eto . 19 00 : 5 gatekeepers' salaries, and pro- • ' bates of returns .. - - 506 00. for'repairing road, bridges, etc 21.89 09i : Superintemlants of road their wa - • g 6— , •• . • ==-:=-:ManageraLservices-- . Secretary's salary • -I---TeutiffiKi-taty-- Balance due by the Cninpany, the tx petnlitures- -and payments being greaterthamtite-receipts r I do certify that the foregoing exhibit is a true and correct - account - of the iiiisinessof the Illuinver- and Carlinle Turnpilm Road Company, during the above Stated period, as witness my' hand this .17th day of December,lB:3B. h. • , • • - TLIONIAS Trea'r. • . ' - .2teit—GEonon Ecu, Sce'ry. • ' . . • - i - peceraber:2splB3B; _ • - :Estate of Matthias • • NOTICE. Letters of Administration hating been granted, to the subseriber resitting in, Monroe township, Cum= berland conty, on The estnte of Mathias Young, late of said township, decd.- 7 -this is therefore to notify . all persons indebted to said estate to make payment im mediately, and those having claims will present them without delay property authenticated for. sentiment ENOCH YOUNG . , Aker. Jini:16.14,1839i • IA ETTtIiS of Administration oe the estate orner-- _lt A dosbuttWilliams, D. D. late of West Pennsbo— rotvgh tbwti hip , Cit;,inheriantl county, deceased,lisive thin da:i , issucdin due fnernmc Law to the snlincribery •who resides in West Pennsborough township, afore said-r Alt persons having claitni "ilemands.against the estate of the said decedent are recoested.to make. knowh,the'sntne with Ont delay;. and Those indebted to sahreidate to lay trieir debts to ' • L: WWILLIAMS, . " The state Christb'plief'Waltpra late ,of SOathampton township Cumbetlan(l2co.. • :° • ,deceased. , • •• • • • , - - • • . • • . -isherebt glven that letters of Administrstlen Ii e' isstieVe• the stdiseribers, on the Eitate of Christophen 3Valtrala tif Sontliamptoa tot!ttship fl eacdo and that all` O arscana hating claims against said estate are re, quested lb' make known the . ..tme withal* delay Auld' persoas ate regneiredtirnakettediaten - payn;enta,to them of Lee's X Rbads: , • • • DAVID co..r.vett,. w.turt)ts Jr; • . htiiistry 834. J • . ETTER'S. - af Atlministrotlon on the eststo.oclu-; • BA tibli'l,,ock.nnan; bite bf DlakiiiSon Icornships, Cum berlainl isoy.ttoty;-deceased, having-,4suedAti trie . sub- scriber, residin.tbe"Same,,tosynshipi -- )11.11 persons , Indebted, to vstote;Vill . rnal'q Rtefy,lonit those litiving,elnlttis4ill presentiltein-pie- •.. • perly'anthentionted for settletnebt ". ' , PHILIP-SWORD:Tv • " Fumy 'glesa tkottlee, filled- ivith.eoltteo Wetert-re -Okied.and • r - 77- ReociSrerd;,ii' few iiii'A;titol7"- bYtiet. - silk Ssotiti eitdolui •-. , . gni! ialeOt , . . . . , . . Ilani 147 E V/ JOHN PROCTER JAMES R. liiIVITGOMERY, - RRYNOLIM 31"PpERSON; -.101IN't3OX;•. Exhibit till'eS, lIM • : of Odin - Jones; C:nte . . * * iteeper"of Gate No 3 :, ..t of AY Thompson, tzate • .k _ keeper of (i nto No 4 . _....._,...... : - : - * of Anil: Di i7iii*, --- Cat -- e= 7 * -- ________keeper c f (Pate No 5 ,-, 661 25 . --- : . : of Stockton & Stokes, stage tolls 161 1 - 1. rent rec'tl for phd gate. house. 25 00 ~5 NOTICE. Trustacs 615 26 586 07 --i9-00- $3561 57 270.00' -00 .00 .80,0 D, -- 50 -00-- $3637 30i