Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 14, 1839, Image 4

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/t iletitto , . •
, • .• •
i:opvy would it have been ! Mi. many persons, of
' both cieutii wlio ia•e. lioi•••• in thit iilont eravo, if they
Untl ieattncd tO cheek th.o. tenir.7.cies of Oleic
• • stow
.boWels,lls:thesit pare l'onie.and Ape.
riciit Pi :Manufactured lb. •NI• in.' Evans, of
restudingto Tina inedioines, the
' • Mrincos_of Uhich alley know nothing.. That dreadful
seolirgc, (.•,oniatiriptimi been checked iii
item nieneeillePt mid difi•.ppoiiited of its prey, all
ovor the 1110, if the first symptoms of Nervous-de
had._ beim eoneenn•ated by_ Camomile, chemin
r c,ill pi itpar,cdoutd thgac hbwel complaints, which
• lead to it host of tiled maladies; might luoho been oh
that MI6 alkaline extract of lillubarb, which
is lootilop : ingrodie.•t,i a the ,%. t ni. - iiTtitramily . Pklls.
- - - Before - body Of' atlapteir
• do a miij ;fit}' of the. purposes, far •which a linildred
inthera ore unnecestarily•used, fevers, agues, bilious I
iiiii;irciers, head ache, feinale, nthle dechnev
1(111 soon, fold "liver complaint; would hieve • entirely
disivopeored, wlittrc many of. Wein - have, proved fatal.
Cho •Mllicteil reader, is respectfully,milted : to gime
,• • tliCal JYint-id•e llsgirrt:d they *ill do yotir lit;
i iarimt-,andas.a.ptfoof of II lei r griitity i Aims, Dr. liians
iiCeTtitilY Eel ybit dial they are the only patent i
iiiines of ' the present day that am recommended
• bv,.;.ittiil have , the iipprM'al of riiiisicians .generally.
01: See•Dr.-lllans' ail vertisoment. imiother part of
• ' the, paiier,,
• Fo' mle' at dal, Ofri„-!? of tho I.lerald Ft: Til7tit•td.tor,
Pa. •
•• Cub agent for reetiltlin Comity
Evire,r, 9 t'eirisiettlde
- - 7 . • ,••
JP•iiiB.. • • .
1"%1rt0.:41 , .. pills . sioilt tlie nerves of stMsibility, that
ti,'ortify the nerves - of modem The powers 1:11
:n•c such, that the
valpltating heart, the- treronlotta' hand, the Ilitizy eye .
and the flull.•rin{l mind, vintish before them like trOx
poi.; lef)reAlle. beargo. ittlittenee'of_the
These medicines, by their reanimating povi•ers - ,
Vgoriit.o the irdncl, strengthen - that 'body improve• Cie
inetnory,.Bllll eidiven the imagination, so that the
A,1131C ‘ fiitultic become restored, to their pristine
and vigor. • •
- Eii 1. -- B'. l P. '4110:1/1413: PILLS
. ,
ore for all ..Yeit;otra Diaells6s. cases of Itypo
----ch-ordriarisinTldraf lapirii a, Palpitation a Of tile Ikart.
.Verripf.v irritabtiitg,—/Vrrrous I rea .,
1,1 - eakit coo, chlarosis, Flatulent or Ilya-
terical Fti'inti;l,7B,lly.sterics, licad jche, hiccup, Sea
8/CA7';-43, ..11ezre,.6'ont, Rheumatism, .4stlitha,
Tilt . :.l%.•&a : ctlx; Cramp, idic. ..9f/actiotts; take.
1 ..... a e'. tlleeci. 'Cl;,tnotrzile Pills Labial each inch!.
t,re . Nietrillti. to Ojai in ast exert/o'oin. (Ns
' 'circler, Gout, iriil finti•rellef from their stifierings - ,My
• a st0.111'1 , (;: • Afedicit,es, comtheacia,7 with a
thiLes of Veg:etble. A Rerient
Cr:Milliam, Piis, amithe Cftimmaile.PillTas
the . Side, Limbj,-ilead,
Sl.- - mach or Deck, clininetss tai:
djad DC.2llllth t STasins,,will 'e, very rase be relieved
r.:casioual. ho:.eof Evrats' Caltiomile
tl t are •llirc delicate state ; aro -offoit • lima;
•-Lind t, 41, 'Skkjless, Vomiting,: I leatlbarm Heal
fr,r:91:T:11:0 - 1:1.11E.V1 NI filld dMiltsclvt's relieved .I , y
• ••
ft( .1. wishentleorking the :tbnve
• _ .
eiticlice - ATWE - reotii%t:3l - 21. - e'driyr - tite*
c.htt.e, No, 16, :North Eighth, tlear -314rhet. htt:eeti ,
here the testinotr . v of .thittpthcl3:niny
• • /
G..r,ri-,•,.::.,), L D. C., .hut., 28, t 638
Dlt.N.'"l. EvANs 4
_ 'Resp,ctud Friend---I am truly gratified that T inn
sinevro,dhanks_to_you, who have been the
eau:. •cf bei,:g re,dorod to i'EIt.FEcT
I ' Ur fiv'e Moiltits ;poi I -Lave been laboring under a 5.e.:
11: 1 1% . • Lb adni - Nlamatory - f tirminntism,- attended
n tilt debility, lens of appetite, lowness of spirits, Ike.
having frequently !wail of the' truly excellent qualli
iy of our CA.M03,111,1L I at last detetnnined
to teed of dam; although ' nvt Without conside
•rahlc opposition from,my physician :did family., • At
. •last i -seeibg my determination-, theagreed In them-
al, aryl, upon using tint third package, 1 .was altogeth
er ecaar,:d to health. I low can Lecpress any grad
' ttuitylad sincere-rep-ord. fn'such- a saviour_ofluman
must "confess myself surprised at the extraordinary
. result.' 4 No_people were ever mare blessed than we
ore At ith such remedies. The many quack advertise-
melds \Melt appear in the papers whteh I — receive
front• your 'city, deterred me ['corn using your Pills
before I did. 1 eon truly say, that no medicine in the
known-world- s kad , saelta-benefiCiafelreet as your
Camomile and --I,perient Pills. What makes the cure
more t.x . traortbnary is, ihat !am more than forty years
'of a L ie, and for the last four years could jest 1113VC
ti 1.1914, ClillV short ,• intervals. lam at present
entirely recovered, are,thatyou
n ava!
eitiOY n a Yong :Ma prosperous life. lf lam spared, I
ailmoLt certainly come to Ppiladelpida to see you._
• If'my !lame and letter will be of any tervice to you; •
yoit.nre, at perfect- liberty to quake use of .them ; and
all I can do' to aid you, ill be- done :witlrunhountled
pleasure •
t0111: - 1113s1 truly gi . .ntful mid humble Sel4llllt. ;
N. B. Original GertifleatesAo he seen at Dr.
Evans' Office , nail General' depot, No. 'l9, North
street, Plalubelphia. •
. 4 ,
al- The ttn& Nfedieine eatj, always be obtained
the °nice of the' lIPIRALD EXPOSITOR.,
Carlyle; and S. yilLso;;T,Sliriipensbiti4.
That large ',Tiro, Story brick house, situate on the
Sotith corner,of Louther and Pittstqe . ts in
the horough"of Carlisle. '.FOr particulars in3ufre of
the , subscriber tie t door. , °
Cnt•Ls:C,--d:nr. ~llriBB'
assigiiees once.
IMTHEREag' tease Jo hnston did mi-the Mb.
WV.: day of-November ; ex e cute to . the - subsariberat
deed of usOgint?ent of nil his effects, including-his
- Thoiiks - mulliceotintsi-forAhe'benefiif .sfhis Credttbrs.'
Niaice is hereby given' to all'Aliose indebted to the
soitf,Jessbooilll9oll, orlo the firm of .. .toting-On &
Nealtian, on bond, note or book, account to make par_
,ment 'delay; awl all haying
• ragainst tlie said Johilson, - oeagainSt the firm of"John
s:-son-& Newman - toiwesent - thcorlor - settleMent.A
W\L PORTF ! it,
LINE' Assignees.
Curliide, - dan: 4th, 1839. • '•
• • tesit , liteerced-,. •
-A -rompleterassortment of Fancy. 'and eonlinoli-snnw.
Ceylon mil), to retfore Freekles', 01e1A1rown,
Minsor ;04); for softeidng Oa skin; Amber Musk
soap for lieatitifyink,and .saenting. :
Erriolieut. yegetublo 'soap, ' Voile& • for ,both
.Patentwinsot• soap; for sharing. Patent vegetable soap
;washing^ :Almond soap, for Misses• hair. Cam.
mon castile;inosum and conntry.sciap. For side by
. . . . . „.
The saiiaeribera,Tiusfees of '...lluuly't4rove School
situate - In Southampton - township, Franklin•
aQuatY: , Rud'riti)in 'three :miles of . .ShiPpenalaurg, are
',4.oFdrOua of,trepleyiag a competent Teacher to Jake'
a . :;:iharge'AFtlia - taihrvi, One qualified 'le teach Grim-
Addition to the usual-branch;
icA tS,isR iii ele irr acb:4o,B be referred, es he
eon he- furntsiled.'Alh, A dweltisW house - near the
!saVans!it',liiblil'ao3/ItRY, ; 1
... , .11•EYN OLDS. N1°1 1 048014`,,
„ '
• -
Jrantatii*, 1 , i431).
For . the bdnefifof the town of Wheeling'
- Class No I,for 1830. -
To bc - tlvawinkrAl - aa - ollpia;Varon - S,otqari ,--5 04 339 -'
Grand capitals. . •
Capital 010 $39,000-43,% '
-2 of I,Noo--10 oriono--o of 500--20 of ,250715:c. -
AncLuo..l)l&nks=all tickets having - On Allen: nOne_of
the drawn Nos; will - he entitled fot4 net. •--- •
- 'riakrts only $lO-4.falves 2':50 •
Cert's of packages' of 25- Whole Tickets $llO
Do do 25 Half '-do „ 55 •
Do 'do' • 25. Qtuyter •do' : 27-50
40,000 Dollars !!! .10;000Dollars !!!!
State of Virginia-
fflichnabird . identy- Lotiery.
•" . •
...floss No Ifof 1339
10 Le dru~sit Alexamlria,'Va. - on-Sat Jan 12,'39
$40,900----10,000--.!-7,0q0 7 -MOO- 7. 5,00
4000--3,2 0- •
. 25 prizes of 1,(100--25 prizes of . AOO-50 0r250.
'rickets :ci - Ay 5:--QdcrterS 2` . .50
Ceitiliciith t y of widows of 25 \Vitole tickets, 130
tlfe - liaietit of the-PuferOturpincilevoiefiCticEltan
ielil Asp , leinttott
Nto 1, frit. 18.39.
To Ire drawl! at Alexamfria, Va. on Sat..ltil9;lBB9
50 of 400--5 . 0 0f'300 , --130 prizes of 200; Ycc.,
- 10-41aIN es 5---Quarters 2 50 ,
Orpiek - ST 2614
' Do - • do 26 do '• 70
Do. • to • :26 Quarter do • • .35
• 100 'prizes of !OM.. •
• _ • Virginia Stal.e Lottery,
For Fuldowirg the Leesburg. Academy and for other
To be drawn in Alexandria, Va.'on . Sat:. Jan:C(l,lB36.
Capital Privms. s •
100 prizesnf 1,000-40 of-500-20 of 300
. Tickets only SlO—Tiaßes fi,--"Cluarters-la 50
Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole tickets $1430
._. .
Do , _do - 25 . Half; do , 6,5
• Do • '- . :dn - 25 Q!‘qter. go 32 50
• , ti,l'' Ocdet's,fbr Ticketi_find,Shares or 0(9.1(1'4760,0
nf l'ailatsres ,iI, th&above-Niignifieent Schemes, will.
receive illia most-pygrapt-nttention v fintl-ait official ac-,
efient of (Itch . doanring Janet immediately :Mier it is.
„t.a ail who order frorniis. ' Address
~ .. , ~•D. S. GREGORY & Co. vllntiakers , , .-
, Washington City, I). G.
, .
-- ,ThrcumiteettkltAB: • • .. •
- ~. .
1I I AT well-known and first-rate 'property, called
. Olount 'Ally :Iron Ilc*.s.', situ:dad_ about six
niies soutn-ea st of Carlisle mid the Cumberland Val
ley ma Road, having appurtenant about 'BOOO Acres
of ti lie .t iun berland, and having - ilt cted thereon a P
. I m--
auk! and- Forge, : t Sntidolupp 2 Carpenters' .shops,
vr )
a - Warelionse iaid Office, 12,, ansion hiatuses of stone,
a llank . Barn and Stabling,iliirly Tenementilut_vcor
: - ers, - witlnt - streancof - water - of great pOwermflicient
for an ex tensive Rolling 'AI ill, or a National Foundry;
and alsiOveml banks of Ore.
By ti aytheut of a retliainalti6sura - in hand, a lib
eral' tinic'xvill be given for the remaiptler of the pur
chase monk'. , _
ATl)livatilm (if by mail, poet paid,) to be made to
IttieriF.bari, Dec. 31, 1 33 3.--tf. 5
JusT recuived and soli for se a quantity ol roan
FLOUR', a supply of n bleb will be kept con
scantly on Mind, and delivered to families in any par
of thu
(Of the Firm of P. H. 4tizayp Comegysj
Respectfully informg the citizens of Cairlislc and
ittryitinitylhatim - wilthrlireavlisle - cin - the - jkavtlay
of 'January next, and will remain ftiur or five days on
'All operations in Dental Surgery performed
cortlingao - the late scientilib; iinprovements- in tliertirt:
Owing to particular reasons he is'enabled to operate
'on veryreasoizable Wine. ' •
I take. great pleasure in recoisimendiug my partner
saved ke•will give full satisfiietion W all who may fa
vour hiin with their patensing,e. -- • •
KNAPP, 'Dental Syufpn.
it (1
- 1;1,
I)eceemli6'r . 13, 1838
To; Constables • .11. e. alders dfre.,
• g Nand hy an act of the Gemwal Assembly of
IV.iin4yivoilt - : - epti [led adt - pwifutifolie do-
'ulicia"wholesale dealers 'and retailers .of mer
ces and fililleeting. sitid'duties,"At is. made the- duty
of the Constables of , the:respective towttships.withut
the county of - Cumberland, and': therare hereby re
(mired to melte out; on oath' or affirmation, and de
liver to Me clerk - of the court of. Quarter Sessions, a.
- Ileparate:list ofall - the wribileiale &retail merchants itt.
goods, wares fit Inereitandize,wifiekordistilledspirite;
drtsgior mtaliei4s- , -except thoiethat Are the:growth
or produce of Ow United States, on or before the first
tti;xt January cessions, being the 41th day., Merchants,
Deniers, anal 'others iMitraced.iif the said act;are al
-SI notified; that the Assaciate
"sinners of said enmity will attend at ilte:COMMission
t•r'S ofilee on Samrday, the 19th day Of 'January 11339;','
, at tea o'clock' in 'lie Im•tici ‘ Oi; fee the,piitionie Of hear
' int,7 . and eikssirving ret - ailei.s 'within said county,
4zreeably to the. satd act, where:all , stich as: think''
o.,oper may attend: - • ' . ,
Cl'k to Coni!'ra:
Comm ssomers Offlen,? '• • , , ' '
Carlisle, Jan. 8,1239: - 5 .r • •
- • • • •
EIVEp upd foe sate; Colokn ,Miateit, by, ';=;,
• . . CHAS; BARN.rit'
-Just received &aril a Pli'dad4tphia whip maatifac
toyy a most splendid, l'of 'a slily - switches; huller and ,
geatlemetikridiag whips os die. latest. style,' aial:Air
Fancy glasabotOes,.filled av,lth,cplagne
calved and for sale' v&y OiCaNtiy 'a':
: • .. . •
.`,:znecelyea,:a.lesrin!lpq?i-„b1110., alike .S4t)ti ocok6,
aid•tbii. sole by ' • • ;, •
• -c-Trugtecs.;
'6,? . lend - Soho:ie.:
Brilliant. Scheme
. ilo .2,5'.1.1itif do
40 • gtiartei• do 32 50
- ,
$30,000- $1.0,000.- .
' 1,797.
50 :OF $lOOO.
Class No 1 for 1839
pasta, Surgvon.
Family Flour.
1 ri ROWELS Of fitr rate
Ul •Partiikir, • Plour, nrinit
'factored out. of. Perry county
i Wlnot;justrfectived and. for
sale by.:,
• • •
•,,.......,..,,,,...,,,, r ,,...,,,, ~, ,
'"."''''''l e . - ,.> ~_*• ' '.... v .... 2 1_ 1,
ca , .. .4` i1i _1_ , ., 0" .. , ', 4 4 .
.itt, ' ,..
. i 4..
. v . . ,
20 4 I,
0._ "1 -T ti t : :; : .#:/ .4 - .. ' ,.!,- ' -. 4'2, ( ;... -..,. '.: 7-.' „ - c 7.7, ','.,
~; , . ,-',
• . . ~ ~ , .- _- , . ~ , „,.: , ~ . .. , -, ._ .
Y ITERE.Wthe, . Hon. Jo n -If t nen,,,Pre al dent
Jake of' the Court'of 'Plena •in the
onntiei of:Cumberland;-.lttufnta - ,lnnitj.PeiTy, - -elid-tt
Hon. To/u; S'igaii,a_nd7.rohts, Lefev . eiPi Judges 'i)rthe .
said Cdtirt 'of Com m on Kew! ol the Connty of Con
bet,land,- hate issued . Aheir iiikeeet)t ':benking .data the
20th 307.,cic Novernhey, 1838, and, to,ln.tlloetett.for
• .`, •
Court - ot .Oyer ouirTermitter
- .An.d„oe.n . eilLtL;tait I.).elivek , Land Genert& Quarter
SesSiOns of ti, t eiWace, at Co r liale o n the Sectind.Mtin
day- 'or January;.'.ls39; (li n in g , the' 14W day,) at 10
to the Coroner, Justices of th e mict,Consta-'
Ides-of 'the said county' 04 be,
thew and there in then' proPerpersiim,witit tficirllr-
CordS, Inquisitions, kxaminations,and other'itemcm
prances, to do hose thin g s which to th e ir
.offteds re-
VePtiyely appertain:T--=Andthose who are bound by
reco g nizances to pros e ente,a g ainst the prisoners that
a r e ; or, th e n may be, in the Jail 'of -Cumberland cowl-
Li., to be then and there to prosecute azaititt them as
od just-
Ihne(lot Cad sl filo 13th 'day •,of. D,geeruber,lBsB,
And the 02d'year of Ametictioloilopeollen'ee.• .' •
, • . .-• •J 0 FIN NIYERS, Sheriff;
of railiL:trsbjp
THE partnershili I.lprilgare.existing lindee the .
fiern oi - STiow nit MuI..I.EN has this day been dissol
ved by mutual consent. The books nre:i t the hands
of- who 'Oil continue to man:-
144m1: papeCiis heretofore., ,
Papeetonli, Dee. 3, 1838.- 7 =3w,
. .
• !rim Er,•s - OrMilllllllll M
by notifuut that the subscribers have been- appointed
T.rtistees under a ilomestic attachment, and that all
';iii Statica - re requested to present their claims ahianst
11. Milligan, to the subscribers on or
nefori: the 2tall of , February next, and .tliose who are
11(lebbid are_ rermuhted..to_make. inly,me,ntLotlterwi se
slits Will be.conimenceil. - • .
aikuolOiyrdis,- .} • -
A LENA N Dint KER.R4- -Triatcas
Deeethher 31, 1838. 7 --(iw _
- N o - 66' Soulic4th steeet-PI I ILA DP,LPI
,• CA IPLTA $2M),6 460; ;
Open daily for tlic triinsaetion of
AL to 3, P. M.
bepoitra of.inooey el, for which the follow
og rate of laterest ill be allowed ,
.I. year 6 per rent. per auburn.
6 months 6 - "
• .On Inishiess deprniiteii;to be drawn nt tbei}lcasure .
of tin. depn,itor, no interest Ai ill be allowed. Uncut.-
rent Nines of Solvent Banks, in ever'i' inyr of the . U:
gtares will be rea:ivril ,a 8 special Deposites, Bath
tcuns as may be on in each particidpr ease.
- • . .I..DESSA-A, Cushier - .
.Pltiladuljil ia , Dec. 17, 1139p , --71y. .
--Fll - 111t/D MilAbilic•
-- 10 - V: virtue of the writ'of proCess, issited by Ids
cellency the 'Governor of the Comnionwealth of
Pennsylvania, and. to me directed, there will be - ex
posed. to public sale at the City Hotel; city of Phila
delphia, oil the Fourteenth do!! of Jimuark
the right, title, interest add chub 'John Nicholson
and Peter llayntum deceased, in and . to the following
odjudged to be the prinierty of the said-John Nichol
son 11101. Peter- Boynton, against whom.the.suitb.has it
-lien, Sllr%cyo on, warrants an thefollewing . names, to.
- win--Aeheson tiglitin r eAmader-..folioson, David
M 7 Forlane,William Ramsey, situate in the enmity of
Cumberland, and to be sold as the property of the said '
John Nicholson and Peter Bayoton for a debt due the
Commonwealth agreeably to the 3e.veral nets of As
sembly. onthat suldebt made and provided. •
• • , • WM. A. LLOYD, Agent •
For the Commentreala of Peuriha,
Decep:ber !7, 1t98.-mss.
Ts hereby given :that letters testamentary on the
a estate of M'illiant Carothers, deceased, rate of
Wcrtpcnusborounh township, Cumberland county;
_have this day been issued in due torn of law to the sub-,
scriliCr who resides in the township :nforesaig;Ai
ti trait -ltts -iti elnints-im-tlettnunkar„di - to Tstate
of the said deceased, are requested to make known
the Same without delay; and those indebted to said es
tate will present their claims properly authenticated.
Afitsettlement. .
December 12, 1838.-6w*
' The subscriber residing in 11.fonroe townships, hav
'hug taken Letters of adminrstration on die estate of Eve -
Wolilitte - orsaid township deck, - hereby gives notice
to all persons who know themselves indebted to the
estate of said deed. to come torward and make pax
tate will present them to the subscriber duly authen
ticated. •
• 'l \ ' nfIN - WESTFALL,
— Monroe township, " Ace. 25 1.833.
JOUR AL 01"111E
— State OfPonnsylvaiiia, __-. • :
' EVOTED to mechanical add physical science,
civil:engineering, the arts and nemulatitifirea, &
t le recording of American and other patented inven
Edited by THOMAS P. JONES, and IS
ed on the first of earth month, at $5 per annum, paya
ble on..the.completion of the sixth munber.
Com Munk:fawns. may,be directed "Dr. Thomas P.
Jones, Washington city," or to." the Actuary of the
Franklin Institute; Philadelphia ;"—the postage must
boaid,eicept when remitting the subieri Viol' money.
October WI, 108. , .
•- . .
..111eitttst. •
• .
N'rENDS residing permanentli Caflisle, and
would respeCtfully 'offer his Trofessional services
ofthe_place and - vteiuitx,:
' He has taken rooms at ,Colonet .Perree's Motel,
where he,mny_he found at all hours.'
Reference,L- 11) u.• TiixouonutlVlrins,,
. • . tv,v.'l nou.,1••• TuouSTON.
. • • Du. DAtlii 111fAn'Aig. - :''
• •
. . . ,
r ''._, ' , ',NOTICE: •,' '. ; ' ' " "
: cooertai k a.,!ciolipt,7B,r.—Novaliriber. 27 E 1858,
Upon the 'petition' ef-Jametr AL Alien, Co-Exe
cutor,:with John.MeKeehan ''sti.-tinder.the last will
of Joseph. Huuter,lateof tile...Borough : of NeiOille,
4Cccaisciy to be discharged irotti,his appointment, ate
bixecutorofzinid estate,Ver Rule Owardell Oit'all 'the . '
parties in appear at..a - Litatecl s OrptiMui
COULI to !be TOesday•the goal daY•bf Janiv4 .
174839, and, show cause, if nor they hare, irhy „sill&
Excentor should not be discharged from his said trust:.
~ ' ' .0 - kx . ~ Pertified extract. from- the • Ileeerda of
:, 4' 7,14 Orphans Court •in and for said coati-.
,i" . --In testimony "WhereOf Inure here• -
;. - ; : '.,,,5, :to.put'mjr signature and apied,the seal.
OF, 0 1
,:i t t.',l`.larli',ll3 t le i,9th day of
, ,
.., 7:1101141CIIAIglIEAP, elerko. p. ....., .. :_. .
, , -
, . .
the beet:litillity llittri4v(l4ati
for sal64- - I)Wejtee sYle_me-a_rieetit JIT
•• ' •
ciiirtgle;Oetabeill7 1838;
„ , • ;
pion,ollo,torAi,lolYOjAili forAoVciti. ureouti,
And forivoido'sll9' ;Afire for gale j
"tete' ved, and. for ante 4iaiteaaOhltn eattinginesl
: '"- r ,C46,Tilirf74
le'Oi iCC.
r , T ,
GEI I I.tRA.I6 - 00.14.1111SIONJAND
• :.: . 1 4 " 4 ;?
4.10:14 • •
7roVra' . : .-Girit • PV•lO . 4t '
• - - .OJeCi , • -
W08:3 4, Ceittili.L.thockoll.qa4 st..Phitiqoiga
' re prepare( to reeeive'and 'eiCif itiltie - ietinTPFOY.
duce, -Prtivi sionsi or . :AlereWndiSe;whiell max he en
-, ' .trusted to their eliaro!.. °-,,, -•',.-
Liberal- Advancei' - willqie-nriderivhen'requiredi'
,saleti are.edi:eted; ,All, goods to ho . fOrwardett
k, , Rail Itorid - oVI:J•inal; destined West, :WilFreeeiN'e;
prompt:attentiOn:;. , ' - • •*. -- —:' ..' '. ,:.
itobertYlething,:,-. ••' • • •' . • •' ' -
CatlierwriOdlt Craig., •
rn ,'. '• ' ' •
S'luel"galril,• , ' ' , piiladelplda •--
Wm. IL Thompson
.E.; 'Co. .. -.. '
Johnston & l'ingl . 6y, -
eo Samuel Bisphrum ''' ' ' ' '•. ~
C-2 ' • J;Logito Smith, Esq. Cas ileri
pa 'i- - • ' ''''.' " Bankilii Chambersburg,‘ Pa.
WKing SHolmes, .-•
111 . •
a 4 Kings, ilighv& 'Andel-Boa, ~• .0-
pl' .Miteslialic-& - Kellva, . 18 b ! 11, 55 .
g . Atwood; Jon ea . &to. -!,.,. • ' •. , .
r.diini:(l G, Fail'. St:Co. '
.' -....
Sterling, Wilde' &Beebe, ' A .. e . . tu :y ork ,
Samuel Ml Alliata- &to., .-
- William Ci:ooke ed Co." '
1. Produce left at, the Warehouses of !fetal . ,
Carlisle; or (leer*: W. I.eyng , Harrisburg
shall -receive prdnipt attention,- -
11ee. 10; 1H38.--r-tint.
for 115
'. -
• _
gnu, is Hereby given, quit the, account 61
L'N'• Ilthattt, Trmtee - appartfted by the
I:_mmt of_Conimon Pleasonaler_tke_will_oLdeorge.
deceased, in the room..of -George. Clark, de
ceased, was presented to said court.. .for cordirmatimi
find:allawanco, - and Said Ciairt have -appointed- the
.Ist day of .ituntary Term, 1839 (being the I.lth,day of
said modli ' ) for its cmsfirmatinn, and rule on all con
corned to - show - itause - ivily it. shall - not - be confirmed
and allowed. -
. ...,- , GEO. FLEMIN,G,
. ••
Protlionotarr)s.ollita„: Carlisle, Z, ~ ~.; . , . •
Nni:rmbei , 27,4 8:38.-:--4t. ' --: 5 ------ 7 .---..5:
Forwarding - 6c, Conimaision
- • Welt S E
_ •
• -
' • -artarray. 14•17(aning •
• . .
Carlisle, Cthnlierlatl . Coanty, have:lately
• - eredled a !L=ore House on the
RAIL RQAD, • - •
,qt West 'end" &reef,. directly Oplicatite
Dirkininn rally c; 7,There Men can tzt all times Re
ceive-and Foi7eartf and-Produce
To Philadelphia,' Chambersburg, anti. all
N. •B. 'They,-pill :fiidehaile - Grain, "'haw, and
inna)tra'Prodttri.,:and h'eep conetnyllyan hand anti
Ar safe. Coat, Plasfer anit - Salt. • .
Of the Receipts aittl-Expentli
- titres, -
By the- Manniers of - the 11:Mover -and Carlisle
Turnpike Road Company, from 10th Derimther, 18-
37, lip to tlfe 111:1: Dee:i:o:er, 1838.
41.n11. Of tolls ree'd ofJaeoh Bear, Gate:.
keeper tit. Gnte 1 $BO5 88
ofjohialenoy ; Gate- -
keeper of Gate No 2 . 726 00
of Catte Jones, Gate- .
keever_pr Gate No_3 , 615 :16 ,
"-: -
• • kt:eper of Gate - No 4 - 586 - 07 .,
i ' of And.:_,Dixon;_clate-',
. • keeper of Gate No 5 661' 2.5
of Stockton & Stokes,- •
stage tolls 161 11
rent ree'd for o1:1 gate hous - e 25 00
$3580 57
Deduct this amount, being counterfeits
• rec'd by gatekeepers and paid over
to treasurer 10 00
. . . . ,
$3561 - 57.
• •
. _ . .
-Paid debt oflasty ear, the espendilui•es
being inure than the receipts of ..
-tolls, etc. during the year $397 96
Paid rent of gatehouses ' 79 25
t_- printers for pfiblishing acc'ts.etc 19 00 . -
. • -5: _ate; eepers' salaries and pro- . .
. e"‘" ,y 4404•tilitrns 506 00
: Tor my/airing road, bridges, etc 2189 09}
. : - Superiatendants of road theh• wa- . \
1 . I% anngers' services . . . 96 - 00
: ::Secretary's salary ' . .10 01: • . .
' : Treasurer's salary SO 00
Balance due by the' Company, the Ex
penditures and paymentS being '
greater than the receipts $75 73:
-I-do certify that the foregoing exhibit - is a true ring
Carlisle Turnpike Road Company, during-the above
stated period, as witness my hand: this 17th day of
Decemberi'l 838.
___TROMAS_STEMENSjeeter. ,
- Decentber MM."; - 2 .
For Trial at Janaory Tezin fsag. First week Cdht
mencing 14 Ja.nuaryJB39. • .
Duncan's Admrs' &c, vs Mobre's Admrs' nl. . s Wcaklcy & Brico
Clark: vs Wise_.
R. It. Church &c . vs .1 Cart
11arhinVet 141 vs' Moore et al
Rodgers vs ' Rodger's Execrs' '
C. vs - '
Same : vs Patton
Sharp's heirs vs ,C. V, It. 12. CoMpany
R.-Churelt MeCliine
For Trial flt. - January': Term .1830. Second week
• . • Commencing2l January 1839.
- Barnitz a - vs ___:„Himes et al •
. ~ • -
Exerts" . • vs MeClure's AdMix'
. - Hifrs • . - ts Kelleuzz ,
, -Beatty- - •T 8 Denny
Lamb . vii . Dunlap •
Woodburn • vs' Noble
tu'Uock,._ •
I'ivrre • se Waplas
Lyon.. •
'- vs' Houk et al`
" '
Moyle ,• , , .' vs ' • Alitzer .
•Doldeszp;ceutors •
Thompson'•, - • ' vs - , 'Davis .
C.M4H.:11,-corttpitny vs. \',lVloore.
Iloleinnh •
DYgere . '• • • DysertAdtrirs'
Anderson=:..; ,
Hurah L •Vs ' ' - •
Love A:tlmr' • vs.; - ..Hkretc: .. • •
;!Redett Athur'teto - vs Moore t.
Sdenburg ' vs - 'Atherton et al'
‘,Herron'et - al, ••
- - vs; -- Wilson •
MoOrn . .E.9 . :Bithllo'' •
„ , .. , . .
1 ,
,-'''' Henrytinetc.Lz.Le4B''„ .. : ,:. sei ,
...b"a to , .revive
in i . - - , --.- . , jnqgment , et , guar° giotvell anil ' riavkt..
,baetttitv non . No. - 34
sriiigeiion.,44milliitrittortiO tannatiy . . Teeth, - - 1834:-.
sattinel Croy.' ell tlee:vilttioif„ 9. ATOtine-36 hereby giv-',
,th4a tci the 'widow of said Skt - iii *-; - 10,7411 hnerested te.:-
- ne! arid ~ito'Sinanyl-,Criitvbll. -,lippear- ,at .'the limit
hid 4itic -'.'.- , ' E ""''.' '.7” . ......' , Coiirt . - of. Cominow
Plenti. ta, 1)0,11.04 at'Carlialg'collOntlay:the_l4t4"tlay
'5' 11. .-4 1 !IINIar,Y,;/AO.9ilR - Lshqw.:_calise ceA n r. .,. , , L , , ~.
. , ~_ 77: - ---''-±-. ,, ,•-:r:r,--='-^-4- -;l(4l.N.!BlYETl:3';'§h'ff. - •
~ .7.', S fterifribtFiCW:.l ~ 1. .' . '=1( ,. ...' ' '.'' 1,:,:t..; ' ,.. , ! '.. ; .'‘. '.. ,
~,-• : .
' - ', ,-, •001ilile;.D0.-49;; 1 1i68iY • . -‘ - i.'. •'... ''''., i- :'• : - .
,ntEs“ SALMON, reeeli'ed tint' ''for
Stit t 4244
, _
rzfrplek- , 4:4,f„z.t. 71,__
- it
• . 1 -fxr — • •
. „
Tllt :giic;tl t'esPeCifully lnforins the citizens
:of-Franklin-aml-Curaherlaitit , courities,Ltliatliellitis-
OpenettaAVAII.E.OUSE in Ihroad Street, nexttlaor
above rilt;oad 'street: ll Hotel; for the of • ttlfkihd irof
gouotry-Produce; anti fospecifully solicits - consign..
meats. • -
.-Protnills.genentl acquaintance, knowledge' of bu
sinai; and the eicerdise of his hea efforts to : promote
the inter - elk Of his customers, he flatters himself that
1 ,110:wlll . be 01(3'6 x:ender general Satisfaction. 4
- •r.
••• Philadelphia, May, 183 . • •
Philip Berlin; Chanibersburg." • ,
• • 8
!,voyer, •
Gen. Sain'l-31exander,1
` -11 e• -
, ;Jacob Rztpp, aris ' 1I -;
Geo. IV.. Layng, Esq F -mg.'
: Cleaning and Coloring
,fl 7 6,oleiis of -all itlqo
`Wool 1111yrei;14:-W
'MRS: OVA. NE 1111.r.ttltitir„
ittslie. - 011TutErjacha; - ;ific croinlisic
its ticioty, tut .:shc has commenced the color
scouring silk -8, crapes,7llel'hmes and all kinds
i - trzboolensollso-rosoldyBing & StiOnring in
_all its vari
mistwaneheit.' She nay be found at i n vresidtmixti d
-Church A Ilpy r d few doors beldwftht4rocery Si ore
of. Captain 'Geor g e, W. Crabh, wliere work will be
thanklully received,and executed itm t neattual hand-
SOllle manner.
(1 - 6toer. 30,, 1833
• 4 4 1/8 1 -P-:-13-6-6-K& L . - ..- -•
— g-US'E-reqeivetl anti for silk: at - Dr. Alycrs' • Drug
4.0 anti Book Store—tantiplete sets of
Waverly Novels"-27 toltintcs.• •
'Elie ItritigeNi•ater Treatises., . . •
.Lorkliart's Lire. of flitrint.
• " • " Scott.
" " Napoleon; •. • •
_The Divoreetl, by 'Afatlamelitiry.
• . IValmingliatit, orl.hb Ciarnestktr. . •
by I\llsS lietlAwit,k • ". -
Diary of the times of (leitrO. IV. • • • -
•Cottrt ofßoine.
. _ :—.l So •
Popers,illustraliAl by prints from
Olickshartk: ' - •
. - Cruickshank.' •
. 1.83,5% 1 • •
. - . . .
1 •-•- .• -' 11it1D114.11.,'.• .; -- 7 - ----•
• LErrEus of Administration on the estate of is
.._ eabl,oektunn, late of Ijiekinsolitownship, Cum
berlad erittlity, _deceased, havita; le..sited . to, the sub . -
' scriber, residing lit _etc:same township. All persons
• ibdchted oi said , estatt!,.will make payment intinediz:
:Itch', and those having claims will present tliFiti -- Rli;
periy authenticated tin. settlement. • •
~._.... _
_ .
.-- •• - - - milut) s\lfoitur Aduor.
1),....y.6,,b,•;3, 1838.---Gw*
0 . .-.... . . •-- • -,
- alssi,gyee. .teconoit.
-x-roTrem is hereby given, that the account o
Robert Maufarlaini, Assignee - of.fimis Rea, by
RobiTt Laird, his ailininbtrator, has been presented
to the Court of Common Pleas pf Cumberland coon-
IC Tor confirmation and allow:nice, and miiti court bare
apiromted the first day of :fiiiinary Term; IsSft, (he.:
the Lith day of .said month) for its consideration
wi r d Rule onnll concerned to show Cause why it skill
not be confirmed and allowed. .
-.—N9yetither.‘27, 1838.--4 w. J
TWO 'FARMS, adjoining each other, one con r
twining One Hundred -and Eighty Acres, And the
other One Hundred an Sixty Acres, of-first:quality
I limestone I,and, in'a korA state,°ready/aim,. men:.
thrins are situated on the Letart Spriog, In South
Middieton township, Cumberland enmity, :theta - 1;{
riffles south of Carlisle, and within sight of two flint
ute merehant.thins on , the said spring. The
provements ar -
u :;* STON4 1, BARN,
with other necessary buildings. .
A furtlierdeseriptipit is Mluiecessary,as.pnrehasers
will slew and juilelift•WhWraticili..----..
Possesskin will be given on the fait of April wit.
Atrintlistnitnble title will - be-given: - For terms ap
ply to the subscriber in Ciirlihle, Pn.
AugtibtB,lB3B.—tf. •
- 43637,30
To Protect .the . Public Squares,
ITlDEpeople by their Town Conseil
assembled hereby emict " Tim it shall be and .
hereby Is deelared utilnwful for person or
'persons to fide, lend or drive any horse on other ani-
Mal over upon or through either of ti:public squares
of the, horoughoehich lire within the bountlarieapf
thepavements, and alleys which surround the mine:
And shall be malhereby is'ile - clared to be.o
ful for any person persona to occupy afiypart of
the said squares, within.the swill boundaries with
gobs Qr. carriages, of any kiud, or with any_ deposit
whatifier. And anvperson or,persqns,who shall
°late the provisions of this ordinanco.shall forfeit and
pay the sum of one dObar for eacaTence;to be re
covered as debts of like amount arurecoverabk
• Passed the 12th December, 1835.
FRE WIC WATTS; _Weal of T. C.
Attesi—Thos, •
Decembe • 9, 18:38 - .-3iv;:T: •
• . ETTERS testamentary on . the estate of Jacoli
, Helm r late of Southampton townehip, Comber
and county; deceased, have-hem issued to the SO
'scriber residing to the township - aforesaid:- All per
sons indebted to said estate will make payment baffle
dilitelY,-.tul those bating' claims against - said estate.
wilrprelent;titeni properlymithenticated for . settle"
lEONARD HELMi :Ex . & r..
140/ember 4,18,94, 7 -6 w. , , "' :' i ' ~,..51.)
. Take notice that-we have'applied - to tlie:C7utiiOf
Conuninkrleasstfletindterltunt.conutYs i forthe beuefit..l
of the. liiioltehtlaws of , said Commonwealth, - anti
they;have appointed Monday. the 14ti Oa) , of January
next, for the •fienring of us and - 'OM' creditors, at. the,
Court House in .Carlisle; when and whom you* may
attend if you think proper.
•• -•
Dee l tnher-154 • . •
. „
Irusir rde.etieil .lot s .of Loaf and troWii . Sugar,
fe t Coffee,' Rice, •Molasies;:Nuttnegs,' , Cloves, -and
yeryfine Tea for• Cash. C., OG/..t.8.1:
1-0013UMIEL$ of Cloversced arid a luanti-r
iy • ofTliaueed i just received., and for /
lade !,- litiOAliS: •
:,SCOE'T slf ELL ,
klikgrts fbrAdd by , • •
, .
VaISINETTS ~..I L avaniliirV' 1) rab;LSieP l _
:Bi* f . ii iltle, Black iI" ar sok' 14Wi -. 4[7.1Tail W,Voi . .4'''' eil:P l4 " .
sinette: for tsaleiikinsuolly low,. 4 tile. Store'br , : I
:;• - . ' -' , 7,- - < 4,- - / , 1 4 , ,7412NQ1i,1).,§f CO;
FLAIN-mo -figtireii-satin '
lionibazlineyvelvet and'
Ai.lo.Gsgir t St,p'elro ‘b}* at _ ,
✓nima to wrist , Intresgs
0,1 .- .014 .- 011. 1 TUlaT - Y7 - id'nnwelfereitfifTtinpPtiing•
yourselveaWith WOODCOCK'S • . .••
• <- • ' SEitalabarPen Ma r
• '
fieinj•,thq•be; article ever oferetkto the I"tamters in
tide seclithto f the 'State.
„These nut choke nor carry flirt,_ mid
the draft is :the ut mie r tliird less than -the le PI ougl
.tofore in:use; two horsea . doipg the work - Of three,lie
sides a. great saving: in time and mono iii-kfreping
• them 'hi repair; lie point and share.ean be put on
iu fivu minutes, and . besides cot only 2.5 • cepts each,
Ma when dull 66 be turned arid repeliteduntil 0 . 1:11
out.; and even.then will be taken part:pay' for hew
following named persons arc liniongilM•sewho
lmye pukhasnd and used the above,Plntigha duriug.the
last season, to wlinin Farmers arc referred for iliforniz
atiolireipeeting them, viz: • •
.• • •
• • liamittoN s toyenthiti:—Philip Winters, in Arm
strong, Sanniel Striekler, John Little, Henry Betz,
winn on ,Slpler, Miller, Ashway, John
Mutes, Elation DUMB, Esq. -
~GroYe, Daniel Kremer;
• Mr. Shields, Isaac Ileaore, John Miller,- Abraham
Hoover...l atm ltodes,llenjiniiiii Bodes, Bodes.
Gui/prd.—Phitip• Oiler, James Dunlop, Jas. Pni ,
vinnee, Mc. Bailee, Jolen Lekher, Oeurg&Trane,Jp
sepli Wingert; George-Fetterlfoof,••Mr. - l'augy,•tt
man, Homily George, Peter Baker,
Oyster, Samuel Purrianee, Jaer‘li
Darr, .Tolin Reichard, Jr.., Joseph Norris, A k•i:111•
der.TII9IIIS(M, Henry Wingert, Martin Wingert,
Charles Iletich )Ir., Smith, Mr. ChM:, Mr. Solalfer•
ger; Sanmell - _
.lolin Orr. - •
, St. -7'howw,..—Jacob Shirk,. Mr.'.Callager, John
Crider.. ' ' " • • - •
\Ve dace 'also trootrod the riglit." of Adams, Clint -
aid I)anpitin counties, and the follewiln.
gentlimeMin_Adamulatle.:Mieilibe Vloaghs during, the
past. sea Son, to whom Farmers du dint enmity. Me in
ferred. -
.:Xeco:" . Two 'favc•eip;. 7 -Samuel lkirboraw, Esq.,
Joseph Coshoo, Alemtutier...lll.lwatine, Jacob'Kunio:,
Esq., Jacob $t renly..
,Vear vititteesiortos; ,- --F.redekit);,.lleil..
. • •
eau akeays 'be hail at the
Foundry of W. 5E1131. 4 1r17. ..:.'CO.C.:lt'mberAtng, of
.1011 In reware Alrerclioni, Carlisle, and
of THONI AS HARRIS, .31edninkslittig. \\law
Farmers Mao
.trisloto test tit,. plo'nor, ) 00 1 1,... :!5e ee l I
and gut thein on•trial, and •if they will not /Tinier fall
and entire ..satii,facruni, no 'charge will lie nuolrt .
they-ltreak•it is at our expense. We 'will also .pen any
-I:'arnter-for -any. damages or loss--of time, he 015 v
sitsL•o,l in trVitig the Plough; if I.e.dnes not like it--e WI. trial. There-baize licril suldsia•Pranklin and the
:idjoining 'county,. upivartk or ONE 1110CS.VNI) of
these Plough's; I , • ' •
7 .~l aellt. .
Au gnst 27; 1 333.--fini,
. • . .
N EI/V - .I.iWIN i),57„.
:Jilt, Ed E .I`llfa..-V - 11 , :3;1;,17.
soine`assortinent of ', _ •
whicli lie ih.hellil4.7 .eici• sol(I in thin
town or county. • Ills gook voiisign iii pinto!' .
Super /Pack, Vreen, Cit
o:ive, and -. o.rfordliii.eed
Vain'alid Striped Lnitdon Cai6iatcrs;
of all colors storqualiiiilli. 'Super French, German
and gitglisli 111eriiioes; light colored Silkst'ffgOvul
ditto. twit' sfyletilllack
Idsek.ltaliati Manton; .1 14 do do: roper lillia Silk
silk for bonarta; Alerillo'iinttlirbella Shawls
Ileaverteens; Flannels, tilankets, Nterino mid Landis
wool Hose; French and Loudon Cliiiitiv Silk V lyet
Vestings; Sticks, Shirt-Collars, Suspenders, Gloves,
&e. &e. Also, a general assortment of Fresh Crdee
ries, all of. which sold on accommodating
terms lin. cash. Purchasers a re
rtapectfolly Inv itetito call and t!aantine for them
selves, at the Old stand four doors cast of the market
house, and directly :opposites. Elliott's Drat; Store.
, . .CUAS. 0G.11,13Y..
. . •
: Carlisle October 23, ••• •'• • -
P. S. r A• ver,y, lattice aml general. assorttheot of.
lists, Caps; liontsimil - Shhes3-justyrcrivekand now,
malting In the room adjoining the store,'sbid
sale or retail very cheap Tor cash. • 0.
_ . _
E. High Street,ia few doors east of the
Court. Muse,.
-1 . 110 subscriber having , leased the' above named
estahliblunent 'Mr.: Amon II undertich,and
ing provided hiniself with every thing necessary, is
now'-enabled to accon4odate travellers and others in
ws - tyle — tlifitWill - iiiitTdit to . pliii - SUltniire - Wirdiihrigiii'or
hint:with a call, . .
. • •
will Etoceive his atteittion-Ihl_ke , W;ill he
kept constantly firovideil with the hest 1.101013,5
- - -- - - - TILE. j4ARIER
will at all times be.aliontlantly ,iitipplieil %vith all the
tlelieiteies3Khich the season ,:atitL.Joarket can afrorll,
antitio exertions will be wanting,to .please the palate
of the most fasLidiotte. • . . . .
are commodious ail(' seeare L and 'a careful and atten
tiye hostler' will bp' always in attisslaiiee.
:110AltDIMS will boiaken Wei2.konontlk or
year, on - the tiostreastarableterins - .-7 • -
Oriel attention to business naliNui anxiouiviesire
to please, will, lie trusts,, ensure hint u -reasonable
•sbare . of public - patronage.
lie cars run past the 'abordestablihlancut;
nt 6 and 11 o'clock; A. 1%. and alt 2 and 7 o'clock, Y.
Forwtirtliitg and CoMMISSiaIt
VAL . ao
lIAVE' thatand cotucklions WARE
-11.91U5F., lately. erected- ra
oil the Canal Mal ltait Road,
below the'filot of Chestnut - street, Ilarrishurg, -- whJre
their arrangements are snob, - that they. eau nt all tittles
forw.ard.prodiiee" and ineritlitindize with prOteianest:
and desinttelt,-to, theibllow Mg : Otte - es, Nizt - 7,
" .• '. P./tiladelphia,.Pittso?tifg
hantbdrAbu, g,
and alliii . tef , ilsedia te
They litt - elately,tilterad into arrafigerhentiiiti c a:s fa' - 1
im;il)le tO,Knel;hUYintduce'tir ,
the, PeniisYls‘anitt ' CttUal antr.COltimlna`Railroafi, to
Thilailel*a, at: thy. . 01.11.1tVIAI' Adler
corniiantes running 'on - . the Tinton
. erinatl, thus gaininp,.
tliree cdays • time,' atal::dallsOing.'goodii iti.Broad
stteet; avoldhig the tvittal , exi,eilse ofhattling 4.01n,!.he
Crain, Flour, and,
pi•oilucci deserilition, tuill..keep coil•
tantly„otthitint itoal,'vlaster, fish and salt for sale • .
'April 21 i . l ti
If "lions TCeth tirc . properly . trented at 31 ficlsonn
file timad, , the.":proki.64l4 or the tieea'y'
Siergeo! l / 4
• •,. :!.1:1;. , .• 25;
. .
llto .
' . .'Pr icg,' '-',". '-,',' ''''''' ,
PING. iiipiiii to reinfove ilornirOwn 'house, nay,
present residence ..m.ip beolTerti.tifor...eenT._until,
t 0 Ist (16' , 0fitkinit nelte.' -,`,- ' ',.;'• .. -.. . ,•
.-:, ; 7.. ,- j';- ~ ,,4 i J. -1); , ..E.bLiorr. ,
-carlisk,Cretober 3;4838, '',
' • L
'the Gait° of the oftalc's:fin theheirs
: and legal representatives. of James
liVaugh,late of Silver Spring Jovinship,
jp 'Aleed;loirOlie'ar, at an, Orphans' ; ' Court •
. • to be s at Carlisle, in an RiFiaid
.I; :::eottritycoir-',TueSdit the 27th flay of No- ,
verpl_rl.93B,lnrAft_ecept or refuse to ac_rept....9l the _
We real 'estate of said dececlentat the val,uatron
Said citation being returned..dulY served . to, the satis
faction.of the court, and 'said parties being cald in --
open court, 'and none of them 'answering.On nfotiori ^
I.ot_ fraiddle,ritte-awardedOnthesaid-lieirstonppear
at the next stated Oi.'pltans' Court , to be held unTues--
day. the January 1839, at anti
fOr - sanl - iiiiiiity, and thew cause velifthiT. Stad=reitl es- -.-
1 tote should not be sold; " -
' Certified . extralt front the records of the Orphans' .
Court. •
rimy, Aubseribel• resikeetfully informs the:
tants :oat the pulllir,ltenia'ally, that
he still rc i Iles at his Old Stand, in No r tim atiove i.
street, oliMosite Mr: 1113ullork's Chnii 7 Mantifactori,
•where be continties to carry on the
' Cabinet Maki 10- liminess;
lir all its varions bi aitelies. lie linslatidy tarnished
hio.or ~new told sph,.;(nd
t, acc.onintralate'ill . dise alio May la'vor
a raft. • Ile. retarns his siiirere to his
fridatlgnial custamers 11)1. "thy iihornl enOuragemebt
bridovved,on gol lulls a rantiiinnuee, Of 'their
pinrorage. - lie flattors - hi mFelf tTiit lir Strict alters-
Lion to litisiness mid n. disiiosition to please, to merit,
uud tia•ei e a slaa.l• of put Ee...patrano g e.
N. it. Oat. at: „lourneynitin Makers
yanfril. to a 'loin liberal.- ‘Vaigl•S %sill bit Ki ..An
t 'nllllo,4:flea ill-be-taken to •karti tint above business
if weirreeenimendeil. • • • '
: • 1 1 71111 sic•
9,11iN the Sacred Minstrel Mid Sacred Ifitipnnittol;
eattlisting.ola-greitt.VarietY oI lisitlm ~ittiilyi of
I les; Ant I icius, Set Picc - es ; k.c. of die most approved .
chat acter---by 3. li. Hickok and George - Flernittg•
--t2d edition, snitch odargell and improved. l'obt•
11,11(91 nod Itr sale Itv
11. Hickok,. Cilottab . ershal•g, I'a.—Georges
Loomis, 7'ittslan•gll--Yale runt .
NVyatt, lticlononcl; Va,--and l'earec and. Besancon,
NatOez ,hiss: •
- *FlutpublisliCra• pot forth this-work with
,a view
sleetthe wants of;the religions commitnity; and it 9
reception has iteeti Stich as to allbrd the Most flattering -
that they have . neither mistaken, its wants -
let. vainly ciicleivvort9l to supply tlaan_ .sees. larger
edition has in a slitirt tulle been esti:nu-491,am( another •
cal toil:- ro r .:. ilpniaffil , deter miticd-theittablislt--•= , ..-
4.9.9 to have the work • tereotypcd, Mid thtis be eon- .
Idea to keep tip a sappi fOr_the detnatitl._L,
This Collection ebt.fatits tones suited to ifearlv elve
n- variety' of measure fottoti-in. the \ '.11 . 1011H ilylllll
fOilk§: hi 1114); cnibraceil in a very large collection of -
I - TlCsidt•tf. ita•ontititisa
sang -H, &t. et:sy of execution ti idiom the nitl or ;lush-It
-Mental accf•mpaitiments, and suited to varimot oica
simis of religiousworship ettintected.with the christian -
entet•prize of the . pres_
Teachers'or Music . Societies, _Choirs; t•c-.
'Milers nod otlict4it supplied on the most aceommodat
jog terms on application to either' of tlle publisberit,
Silk'ri•lvets and '
fan 011111011S!efilla hall °lithe i !th dhy of No
vembyr, 1838, and holden inCarlisle in mid fin.
Cumberland county, the-lillutting proceedings were
to wit:
.• .
19.01 November, 1838: Intense of the writ of-par
titinn and valuation on the real 'estate of John 'Wil
son, lete of the borough of Carlisle, deceased.
Sheriff returns the said writ duly executed; on mo
tion of dames Devor, confirnied,and rule on
the heirs and legal. represeidutive to appear at' the
Orphans' CoOrt; to be Lclil oil Monday - the fourteenth
day oldainiary next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. and
Ur refuse to accept of said real estate, at the valuation
thereof,-or-shove-cause why-the-sane-should -not-ha.
Cuniberland •Connty,.ss. •
, ,►, 4 Certified extract. front !lie' Itecorits of
fit , .the Orpfnin's Court, in and for said
Vtt• - f,„:; enmity. -
1. • •• 4).:. THOS. CRAIGHEA:D
o,lo` Clerk 0. C.
. .
Noyentdier 9.0,1838.--Cnr.
T uti Orphans' Court held on M . ontlay the lath
Carlisle in" Mid for Cumberland county,. before the
flonorable John eed.President;and the Associate
Judgeii of the . same court, bit, the
ings.were fibil;tO wit: • '"
'rin the case of the Writ - of Partition and valuation
oti the real estate of John McCollum, late of South
ampton township, - ileceased, Mid writ baying been so
turned executed, wars confirmed, and rule on heirs,
&c.---now,- to -wit: -1 etli - Novemberi-1838, on- motion
- of - Samuel Hepburn, EsipiirerolliasThile awarded - on
the heirs and legal representiitiiei - Ormid intestate, to
111Teity at-a stated Orphansl Court, to be held at Car
lisle, all Tuesday the 29th day 'ofAilitiary, - 1830; at •
o'clock, A. M. and accept oe relitse.tb accept of die
real estate of said deceased, at the valuation and ap
praiseinent thereof,or show cause aby the same should
not be sold. • - -
... •
• .114.11.:111.1 'IOR $44111.1::
The subscriber will sellW tract of slate laud sitnate in
.NortliMiddleton.townsbir Cumberland county, boun
'dial by Aliraluim *Zigler,Jcilin
Sanderson,lbc heirs of James Lanabertosi,llea!d: and
others containing 351 acres : about 200 of which
_two timberednatl tlit.iresajuej,iou a„State of :cul 7
• --Tho--ingiixiicilieilti-Oiinsist--eof-si:Ne-uf : TS, o Story--
I - loose .and_a_laro )llnro; . ft -.never. failing strouo_ o f
ivtacv •ruo,4 Ihrinigh - the -Fur terms apply t o _ •---
. • • , • EDW ARD 111; 811/DLE:
barlifile. »tit)/ 1 ,5 38 -77 3 w. • •
ET'rERS of Administratioti on the estate of Rev.
7OilniiilVillinfriS, - D. D. late of West Pennsbo
rotigh tolvoshlpi, , ettitherlond - county ? deientiail i hive,.issued in_due form . , of l, thel.nbsorihqr,
restdes in TWS!St_renn'sborougliAinvinihip, afore
said ; AU persons having claims or demandivngainst
the, estate of the aaid:decedetit are requeStO to make
kiniwn the same ..ivithont (101a3 , and those"iadelitetFici
'itidesiatelo pay their said dais to ' •
' • . L. H.,WILLLPIS
Denetnber.lo, 1838.-46 v . 1 '.. -
FOR . , . . ,
.• •
`IIIEIt.CHAN'ir 'of gl Di.. .WiDittri.i' C.
innbert),,niut. form tuineied.:to'the, stone; in.
Dickinson township, Cumberland connty . , are for rent,
for'one'or ntbro , Yeitrie.' 2. be Yented,separn
tely'or together.' • -terms • apply., to ..11,4%-,,i)41 . -
UEL W00D.941i0 lives near the premises,. .
• ":November; 13i 18521:-:-z3t. •. . •
Tii.mysAi4D.,-iostiai6i.wipa Mail Salk
and tlij). SagkelAt i ontOot
ustrTerii , r'
donti . ficr . sg to or for cajtOY -
J 4 !'± WEN
,gniTAFlAlLliroLOACtikerch, kid 2611iii1l-blir*Cl:k
do. justreogvaitritl for sal.e.A4,+ve,
1 - " r" " OIVEN:.%ttGA.nn,
-.1.; 81 .. 3 1 6 419'13);5Pft; ri4)4 3 .7?•;.• ; ; 17 n'
TILOS: . 911A1G48A1),. ri'k O. cc
4 . ,
~ ~... 7 .4„, ~,......,
,';', 1 ~,/-05qk t..y -,,,1..zr-rttet.e-047,-,
-,./_// -------- 1 vs
~ X. - - 0 5L.,- - - - :- - s- . ; 4 1 :4 1- - - ..,. ,
"k‘ 4 .0c , ,,, -tgA'. • ...,-- '
"i., ~ .t ..,.4.,.,Atv ,: , -.
. ..
tr_cThe above work m itt/ lie bod,_whole
sale'ror-retail,--at- the eke orthe- 4 . Herald
ad.P.9po • ' • 7 " Carlisle, - _Pm__ .
. . .
-.- ~
Cllllibeda?2d Counhj, SS. ' " -
L. S. „Certifietreopy:,'Woin. the records Or the
Orphan's Court of said county.
• THOM.I S CIM iGHE../2A% '
'•. . • • : Cleik...
. .
No MA er 127, I BSS.-r4w:A, • -. , ' • ' :-