Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 14, 1839, Image 3

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,HERA4p,-..ig,_E) . (pg11!.9.Ft..
:131r . GEORGP. M. Pillfr..llP
. . .
A trnetingof the Citizens of Cumberland
• 'cOunty,ßTlLVAADL'lltf
. ROINI,•and in-favor of. the SUPIIF,MACY
. - . - OF TH E PrIV.S; will beheld at - ,-the court
. - house in the borough-ofCirlisle, this eve - -
iting, the lath - of, Jdnuary, instant, at early
-- 1 -candle-light:. •-'...' ' . '.. MANY
- : Carlisle, January I, 1f339..• - : .
ConstitUtion and.. Laws on the one aide,
• • and ' • •
• lizr.TljOMAS G. MILLER aurae
Laza and Insurrection on the other.
Which wilt the' farmers of this district
.9,201_,Tam1 n Oat !!
tkild devote to-nierrovi toAllesery lee or your
country's good.. An important election is
. you are,:a law and order loving people,. or
-L-Ls.o-take-place,-_rand_noliatrio . t:shoultL.shuit.4 whether_ you -aye , in favor pf . bleb supreina;._
. • her ... Wild:4AM •LAWS*Mid CONgTITU,' ey, rapine, and bloodshed. " ~ . •
.. _
.TION of the land are in danger -frompe i You Must..deterebine on , Tnesday next,
'.Attacks of-the - cereemliess - - - of, p_optilariovern-- ! SO far as -this Senatorial-district is concern
. ........__
rnent. - • You have an 'enemy . desperat.dan- ' .ed,,the Institutions
whether lef our repubh
.... I
• . props, and insidious to contend with; but can government;-built upon the blood-and
- he - must be met and , ccingnered, You have . - hones of your patriotic ancestors, are con-.
thdipower; and do
.not fail to . exercipc it.
All who regard The rights anctliberties of ring; as they do, to you the peaceable pos
the people should be acti"ve, and urge to the 1 session of:property, and the greatest latitude
_ polls their neighbors and - friends, - -The iof civil ) , political, and religious libertyi-com
. ey - es of thepatiori = prourned-npopon r and i • prible - With public order and safety ;;, r
" the result of this election will either gladden . whether you prefer the ag"ratianp,i . d(ples
the li - eart of the: true - patriot, Or Cad/se him of imported felons and lerellys; • which
to shed a_teat_Over,thoLdeca.ying, honor and i hare been engrafted in the oeid of the ho-,
integrity .of his country", and. gie him:just ; cofocos, • and_ forth titriiie of actthii by
cause to fear for the destinies of his native I whit'll, in all cases. rey are governed.. • --..
laud~ . .. • •
. .
Once) more, we say, buckle. en your at- • I ten put upon nu, by a sudden and unlook
'thor, and leave not the iield.etaction.untiltel.fnt i dispen / 4
sation-of-Protidenc.and -you
yen have achieved a,great and glorious. it . - 1 - . can i,it‘ei• a'voitlnorallift it. You must say
tory over the enemies of constitutional go- I are infave'r bt the quiet and
• • •
rernment. a ilrit action et the laws, or. Who,"
- . .
• • •' - • 7 I'm' the li 'retie. andidnnue..4 - riner 7 , -et
- Nob Lroiv , ,.-9r I,ll,i,LON:Wi.?l'rlitsitinini.7:- -. T ;ocofocos, that the voice .of the mob is
• •ni's -27 • 4- the . queslim • The 1°614 9' ! above all law. You 'must decide bet Ween
have fairy made it, by choosing as their)
a • republican, - representative goverittnhitt,
candidate for the Senate y iliontas ' cl. Mil- i.. _ - i
-- I,suely - as -- we - iuswlrave, and a purcTmi
ler,•the ringle.ider of)„ire Ilarrisburg.
dulierated. denhocracy.. in', Which -the- mob !
. .
Let no inan, .th,refore,. :who loves pea ce,' - • -
r I will kave-sitpreme cnittrolovherk_ttefight
good:ordiw, .4i gn government, stay at
_ to
itropehy *ill-be-a-general -ri f ilit,.•liil-perl
home oh Wiesday. itti
next. Let him live-that ,
Bonn! liberty will depend; upon - ' the caprice
- day' t its country ano to . the . maintenanee !-
of the, multitude: .
. .
• cpi ii own rights, by going to the •polls'and ! _
1 You must bear in mind that Ceti: Vitob . :
7 ircithirigaiiist •the• nob - loader, - and - in-favor .
' of John F: , Macfarlane; ' '
C. My LEI.iS identified With every 601)1
i movement at Harrisburg; •that .116 was
_:.dompictilius:alid , active-moinber-of-the-m-1
. Ottr - Prospectitc ' • '
mittee' of Safety;'. and - that his nomination'
Thdintelligence which we have reticited:
wtis the etinseliAnce . pf those in,unons no-
from - part of this. senatorial district,
is hi hly sat iyacl or..q.
The people will tanes, which have .inrought disgrace tipea
g .
the commonwealth, and threaten the over
not sanction. the ' attempts which haft ,
.throw of. civil liberty: / 1- . - . ...
heen.made . by Thomas , C . . Miller and his
Come,then, to. the / Polla! itellgion; p'at:.
asso . diates, -to raise an iti:steri'ectio)).• destt 1 1
b e l ove d coti iir. : riotisni, and human* call upon. you to
tive : of 'the institutions of our
come, and discharge yourduties • With zeal
..-lrY,'..ind producing horrid scenes of butithe- . 1
; and fidelity./ Let no man it ho Value's . ' the
' '. and'brother and hrOther;'-wohld be arrayed '
- - itgainit - eachtethen - - -- enough--virtue - enough- -
. • • ..
alnongst—the people to froWn
-'• 4.10Wn the inert who. wOuld sacrifice the liher;
,ties.of the'etiuntry and the happiness of its . `. l .
eitizeus.‘ Eiu - t,.to secure success, we must:
- -- , -be-netive-and-TigilantiOur-opponents - are
• Nvi4 - awake, and exerting theualelOs in ev
.ery_quarter. Let oor friends turn out,
andshe_resultmill be glorious—rjael_us_not
be satisfied - witTelectingiur eandldaie; but
lei Us 'give ,
him:such a majority. .as, for
'ever gleatray the - : hopes of a- enrrupt- party:,
yortations of voters into this district from the
'adjoining counties, for , the , purpose
,of vot:-
- ing for , the loco fbco. mob can
didate. Let our friendsbn.the border town-.
. .
ships, particularly on. the' Perry. eide,. look
pit for, thiiiie .desperate fellows, ;as they will
• lie - atl-aity:quantity. - of watehiok • •
.11cr.ThOntat-Cl. theringleader of.
___Ahe-liatri'sbilrg-nloP , brhis-re 6 4 6 1. 4,0 "E5PF.,
- oblied,the.gOeitscr earl into requisition
the services atone iboitsancl - iobiliteerts
- protect - Ave - legislature oth - eirllgcertt,
erit?,gmern'nfelll,‘ WhatevSi:;eifierste. liar
. bean• incurred for alit; pinepotra by the ktate i ,
' — ttie:predit certainly belonts:to den. .15.4ifick
Renlit,mber TioesdarnOt.
Freninen of Cumberland County t the
n Tuesday next, is of more than onlipary
You know. that an organized band •of
ufftans, from the county , la Philadelphia
id ,elsew here,- headed by r Oahu', 'Sav
;e,:liennim'an, and others, acting,under the
.tiers of a band of Traitors, styled a "Com ,
&tee of Safety," invaded the halls. of your
iegislattire, ineulted; menaced, and drove
mr members from their seats ( declare&
de-government at an era, called . aloud for
blood, and-threatened 'Senators - and' mem
,bere . of the " ExecutiveCabhiet with the
dungeon;-the dagger and-the gibliet„ - _. , ",.
You know that': - this mob of hired assasi.
sins weie . distributed aitong . the
. different
hotels of Harrisburg, armed with bludgeons,
bowie .knives and pistols, for the purpose
of overawing the 'friends of law- and order,
;and effectually to• suppress any expression
of public sentiment, reprobating their law
less and incendiary proceedings..
You know.that this same mob, underthe
- direction - of the "CoMmittee of - Safitii"
surrounded the State' rsenal, and by threats
and violence, forced the °Meer supprinten
ding-iti-to retire: with—hiSgu~ril ; one _of
whom was-attacked and beaten -in- a-
shaineftkand cowardly nMitner.
• =' You know that :se- well trained dn&ror.,'
midable was'ihiS - body of desperadoes, hat
weak and -timid Senators quailed liefoie the
dangers that beset.them;Th - nd . under
influence, sanctioned •by•thcir tiotes - a baSe.
s 2a . 1 - 1 - et ft d
constitution; suffering both to be„ trodden
under the. feet of th'e rebels, and permitting
,“.Qemmittee orSakty;",.by bruteforiei
to -achieve Hill and perfect victory; It is
upon the conduct these •lawless-men that•
you are now.-ealled upon. to, record your
deliberate jullgtneat. ,.
~•- •
YOU are • to say, by your votes; whether
blessings/6f good- government; stay at
Tlirs,mar-lie• the last-opportunity
ry,:iivill_ever have of recording-y'our-votes
lagainst the >pernicious doctrines of the
IFrench Revolutibn. In another year, if
Mitratism progresses as rapidly as it has for
thiirastlire - iiiinths,ll — astiles and . 6uillotines
may -await the refractory, property be eon
fiscateil to the uses of the revoliitißOrtrylriL
fio._ .. land _word . land
. .
lition and deft].
zsgicr_. 'Ninny ; of the! , ..v.9trt•••_9fthia: county
[InoW to:th . Cir cost what •ioit
Thenias'ci e lgiller made when he held the
Office in Adams County;-'and; knowing
they, can tell what . kind.._or.a Senator he
tnikhfinake.• • Those who knew 'him in'tbe
one •anuatton 'we think; wilt scarcely
. ps4:t_binl.fdrlho -.•
,tr-771V0 14 ' 0111 4 , 02y to oni friends be*are•
ttegia -4 4iocil9pTIiriour-yo# : tp,njoiroiv.-
Beware of t sputiontt , iiditettit l '. and;" 6 tho
the name of JO HN r
'properly 't tnt'! 'O;9 Breit 'lc.F . l l ! 6 ' ,
ve'n,t_the polliir df ,illegal votep,ami_to_se
eure. 1 the• - rlglit. •of„Offragn .to all who 'are
justkii entitle'
;4:::**#:-.,1,*: - ':::4::.4: - ...0 . -:.„.:%o_..,*:.IO:..o4410*•+
John Et Aiticfariane,
Tile candidate of the 'Anti,Yeri Buren party
thLoffitoritaluz4 • ,
cob Cassit, dec'd. is a maitre of this con=
ty, 'He meitied a datghter ot the late Judge
Graham, and removed to Adams cdunty
some years ago, where he has resided . , ever i
since. H'e, is a mechanic,. being's tanner
by trade, and'has alwayg been distinguish
ed by his honest industry, his good conduct,'
and his . correct , Principles. Possessinea
I.nitrd of uncommon. vigor,. he has, improved
it by much reading and, close re!iectio'n.
may with truth be said of him, that he is• al
man of decided talents and much informa-:
tion. He will do honor to the district as
0, representative. He possesses the whig
Principles of - '76i and ito-rnan is , more firm
and decided in maintainingthein. Through,.
life, no man lias been more faithful to all
the obligations of a good citizen, than he .
has. Honest in all his dealings, loving or
der aitftood governMent, john P. Madan
lane is in , all resPeete a bright example of. a
virtuous; upriki* , , ,' , .and useful 'man.
Thomas •C. aVit/c1";
The loco foco Vari.Burencandidate for the
Senate, is every way worthy to - be the can
9idate of the. sub-treasury and mob'. party,
He iS•ati old federalist, who became alleco
few - some ears . sindtt, l 'and wh .
y o mingles
the ultra dpetyines and pripciples .of aristo.:
.crYcy - With - those of extfeinejaccibinism, as
- a cover for his-ultra federalism. "rhese.con.-
iititiite the
, loco foco creed . Profesing to
love the people, his whole .conduct shows
-that-lit is theit-worstenemjr,-----Bad ts are
the loco fbcos, every body knows *that the
worst amongst theth aye the,Ol , l federalists,
whein truth are their le6devi - Thomas C.
Miller is - prominelit in , thisl - class;andihe is
nominated for a high and important office
in Preferenceto older acid betteimett of the
~arCy — Hc was sheriff' of - A - dariis county,
some years sinee,.and nade.alarge fortune
whifstinthaiofficc - by• SI;ECtILATIOI:S
jll5 knowledge ofith6
_ necessiti es. of: tl.~im
fortunate enabled hiryito make. Postessinga
restless and..:intrigning. Iva has.
been - always au - office 11171 , Eli: He kas
-becir - sc vCral -- times - th7antlithitc - ortlreliivii7
focos for the-assembly in - Adatiis County, -
,and alum!) s-raq-hehind his 'ticket, . tie has
no-fixed prineiples—,-or, if he has any, it is ,
.diffieulttay what they are. He professei ,
all .tfilizgs. to all Then—being faithful te•-tin
principle—faithful to no man. With - ,a_haiik .
' man, he professes to be, for - . the bank,_or a
baiikand With an anti-bank 'man, he is
olent against the bank, or a bank. Plaiiol,_
ble to all, he betrays all—and just sucu a
man. is fit to be the LEADER OF A MOR,,
and to join in a conspiracy to overturn the,
gkprnment. We also ffild - him true - to his
character as a ringleader or the mob nt Har
risburg, aiid a member of the revolutionary
committee of Safety, • Can, any Man whi!,-
truly lovesbonefity and the real welfare
C. 11E1101
)6r you fa-
Mitellion 11.0 • •• •
• We give bejoii , the thirl 7 artiele Of the a
mended coitstituti • n Fen ItylValtia,
wont into effect onflie Ist day of Jannaiy,
instant, and ivhjeft will govern in the"spe
etal •
election t . morrows
• -I
- Tclaelec - ons bythe ev
citizem ery whitel
freetne9 of the age gr'twentyLone yearei
havin this-ewe one year, and',
in pie . cteettondistelo Where he . .offers to
le, - Teii - daffilinnieitia'tv . pfer &Int - vatic
election,and within two ,years paida State
.County tax, which:BlmM have been as
'esstzfatleast: - .tenTdaiirlfelorriliefclection - , - .
shall - en joylhe rights .of an. etector: Burma.
jeirtzen of lire united Wales Who-kpre been a qaalified. voter of this State,
1 and remiiv - ed thertfronz and ?warned, .and
who shalldiaveresided
. in the election dis
triy, and paid taxes Rforespid ; shall be eni.
.tilled to vote,..ititer 'residence in. the ..slate
six months.. PrqVide.d s that White freemen,
citizens- of the-United S'tat'es ; betteeentht
ages df twenty-one and twenty-two'eati,
. and . .having. resided in the State.oneticar,
)3op* article, our r.nders'
.. •
lst; . Thatn . qualifted , :eleetor '•mnii2. , have
'resided ten, days preceding,
he. offers' to vote—this' is to
. orefeti t the in•
famaus, practice .of intßoiling .voters into ,a
district:• . • -
. •
lie:ink ha.-Veleaitlediiiiii—yeai-bii
fore,such election; . in, the State.
.Bd k Or if, he had'heen a qualitiedelecter
'and removed `froM,the state, and returned
ajhtlitsided six MoethETiWthe statp..
4th: ite . mtAt havg_paid a state or county
tax Within ,two years, 'and asseseed at least
On, days before the election: •'
rith: 9nbekp g betweeril, and 22 ye c are,-,
and'having resided in the state onej . :tfar.and
`diqtriP't 14hiehtf6t
taxes, and whether the' mi:, nt 4 ne4lded ,
electoror note j•
We Wive oer:frleinde
the day of '430
61,0 n! and eov47 clea to. PO
vint-any 'p e r'sons from voting, who arc not
legally_entitledto a vete. • '
readers''inust excuse nefor omitting
the Polities claims our tittention)
t present:{ . . , -
Or:fib:The falsehoods of the .leCo foios
who now pretend to cover their disgrace by
ertog,i thattfiilre , w,liuickAtobJat:Hatris.:
Oettii•*),eyqs Written bytnent
ben' of the' legislature,?th'eir OWlr'party,.
befere' they determined completely to coon=
tehance, so gross. a' falsehoecl. To prove ,
this, We subjoin the following letters front .
P. Flenniken, a Van - -Buren member .of
.the house of
,representatiVes Nom Payette
county, to the lion.'AndreW:Stewart and
Mr. Oliphant of that county, •
"flAnnumuno;,sth;Dec. •
ivtity bear; nre'daubtless here in
the Midst of a feadol'revolution:- .The town Cif Har
risburg is crowded With the: most exalted population
beyond all control. • .Theyyesterday drove out the
Senate. • The Governor has, it is said,. issued his
proclamation f0r.5000 Militia. It will bring in 15,000
Were night this day. I fear that blood will flow
freely this devoted place, (extract relating to his .
family) excluded. I have labored Until I can scarce•.
ly stand,to..prevent that state of things, but all in
vain, I fear the . days•of
,Stevena, Snrrowesand Pen
rose:are numbered., In great haste.
' ••'' • ' Yours, truly.
. .
' Copy of Letter of same to the soine. • . •
• Hanntsfmo, sth Dee.
.7{fDear S t:—No actual fighting hag yet
taken Harrisburg, but-how-long it will re
main so, God only knows.. The' people have entire
possession of the Capitol.
Senate cannot Meet,
and the seceding branctror rather fractional [or fac
tional branchl .of the House tire not permitted to
meet. . met this morning, !ILI°. o'clock,- and
'transacted some business and adjourned until Ito,
morrow, but-whether we will again lie permitted to
meet, is extremely doubtfttii
- The Militia '.uniler the Governors reimisition nre
now on:theirmnrch_to.this sind_are:expeeted
to be here to night some, and early in the morning
. The moment an armed force reaches here, there
will be' collision and bloodshed.' • Oh! deplorable
condition ;of our, beloved - Commonwalth. I have
-thin-afternoon T mademy best efforts with is Commit
tee of - the oppOsition to preserve the peace and order
my natiVe state.' I feel now broke
.off from
every point of" hope. have (pa far as I can see) to
look to but the most fearful sees ~ .to be enacted here.
. What a dreadful state . of t 4',' w..have'reached,
,and all - this. on account of titc'tierierse obstinacy of
the - -Secietury of the Corntuonwealth, in withholding
themajority returns in his possession from the county
of Philadelphia; from.. both branches of the Legisla ,
loom: Had he produced both returns no difficulty
would have occurred,
- I can write no-more at present, , •••
- Yours truly, • -
Eximict of several letters-from-the-sm.:T.-to-Another
!Aeipor came here cinL.Sinulny nt . the hen& of,
100 men from comity, 500 more arc •
expected from Adams And Franklin." ' •
"It- is exliccted the opposition. will. brink in ;nen'
ttnpki hy...rnen. Irk()
would have hurled Pulailirghatil heatliong from the
neat he ileseerated»-if he hail 'refused to .yiehl-it."
leVe the_ gal It%riea rooif ‘ritit r the .In4t,trefacaduis
shouts of applata , e."
"I fear a- Pennsviyanin Legislature - wilUntter ra
apt/rutin 1 - ttre - eizive f
.•• . _
. _
"We arc in th- ynitl;tof n reiolution, orst
!‘riii - feir - S - ever realized." •. • •
- -have apprehensions that before to-My.
"night, the blond of oar -- fellow citizens wilyflou
"the Capitol, 'and in the streets of Itarrishdre."
"The,memheri are arming themseh;e:s withWea ,
"pris of
" I fear - the. days 'of - Penrose, Darr dices and Stevens
tyre nitinbered."' "
- - 4. The -people IMAM prissessif tile Dill of
gislation. ' .
Extract from another letter December 7tht or Bth i
the same writer says: ,
"It is rumored that, there are armed troops on the
"other side of the /river , -- - zlitme not. As anon as
'!!they set (riot on/this side of the' river. blood will
"fIOW, in 48 hofirs, 20,0011 democrats - will assemble
"here to onjyri,M them. I itm prepared in peace or
in war', to / do my &JD( ) tity constithents." .
• Thofnas C.
_lTilier was a !ender in the
iciffitiges so foreiblT,,lleseribed by 'this Van
F;l3 / nreWm ember-ottpelegistature.—CSn-those
who love their actintrY l'Ote lot such a limit I
— RentOliber, eitizens — OT - Cumbevlaii - d — iliil
- tifiiimi'atz.' t: - Miller, the eandidato t uf the mob
Party •for a 'seat in - the-Senate of our State,
presided at a meeting' of thetimbiteK s in
Harrisburg, on the 4th..olDeeembailast,
i would take posSessiOn':of our State,arsenal.
(")an you Suptioit him? We leave it with
yoar eonSeteiiee to determine.
Ce 'a
- 11E7' Jon.*V. itCFA[! ESq. a gen 7
tleman ivea lttmWo thrOtigliout the Sena
ttWal-Disidel as a J4rni,
citiien, has bee,trpnt . .in, nomination'
by' the friends the'Conaki to tion
.and, the
.Sopteminc - y'oftlielaWs• -- 7. - - -, nt'matt is hotter .
calculated - tojneet the present foarful crisis;
hetcrminetkkOi: c?nciliatnry, he Will • kilo*
hotv'to defend the rights of .his con4ituents
and of th&Court,try. • T andhe•ffiendo . dc.
fender 6 ;nobs'. and revolution very
apProptiately. nominated, Tlimilita CJ :
We rejoice in. •this ; let Pirates" .6;61
tikdef tholplooty . flagg. Let insurgents se-.'
lect for offlee„the'leader of the mob. The
people, have now..offered: to them' a 'fair. op
portunity -deciding - : on the
wealth. •• of seleeting. between - - a friend : , Of
6rder and - the'. tea
.Of 'an .tnsurre mit" el
, .
go vernment—hetween A -peaceful- - et zen
and a CaPtaiii *.nf : - Cntliltioata.r Let them
Come to the 'polls one and;all 'and deliver
in their, verdietdr.-Gettisf)lerk 'War;
The last "Compiler,,„,. perceive' is out:
Sfgainst Sour/ F. " - Arm, the
ate Itominated._by the friends of the,ifSn
premany of 'the ,1 4 :aws," for the-StatP;Sen
ate. estecoried
recomtnantlation . honeattMeni Still we
conceive ;it' our dutk coutradiot its false
-heeds and correct its reisrepreseittatiens;
This petty organ 'of rebiliOn ”Com
-itiler"-s=asiertsi, that Mr..
,MaC.finfarm Was
jealous of: the . Setae - 111'in whielt - ciui,lat la
mented" Senator t : Jacobr,Catisati,. Esti; Woe ,
held by .his cariy,' and :that 'Ate.-.4odfilged in
the, most Vielentipersonatabeite otthatgen..
nett en for , minty yintrs`z,”, This pro;
' f 1 hoed'
nponce to p asV .fs an rran ' ase
as ever waft;MOlgtfta got up for the , put+
pose , 'Ot,itijtvittk,Wilylliefarlante,:in,tha:esr
tireatitin.ef iittii,deeppOd,'Sen-,
Ittor,:.l.l'he. , !'"o6llipiler4E l ittdthe'•enutenip- '
httlevitio,whtch control.l4,„l/111 find
-..tbe,trtelVetn:ittistilkeni',Abefriendi-oft that
Senator,ll, they - Ptissees a tiiite
which, he scorn ; , allirs: : the;
contrivance and t!leaiiitipli?biai...'iltid.tToni::
pilee - ' l hati-hatter draWT:the'attentiok (Oho,
.peophf4e - the fact, that it was by his attempt
to. arrest the ticason, which l'itentAs
:Mitten was fomenting, that` the`; of;s
Senator Cassatt was produced. 4-16 - , • '
; , • '
.Zr the .
• • • deg
,—urrett-;,,Having .given a
M.ii.,t 16 4`.- 4 4:04)e ,] .'•',iif - the - :protititient - Actions,
and ; t
them. , to dine cariCatuie' . .thebest,principlei
'Of jenteciaey; of
the'ceunty by the Unhallowed
,piirpei3e for
Whichthittineeting 7 :was - called, I proceed
to-s you.sonee specimens, of the, per-,
iorManee,•::tiefOre:l de this; hhowever;.al
lovit'itte. to.. say.a:'Word•:or two on the rela,- .
tive position .of ,some of the:leaders -as' the
curtain rose: " Near •the "krisonire Vox"
' Might beseen the "lion- Of democracy from ,
Peuthamptim," frisking his tail - with great
coniplacettcyi - and puffing of the fumes of
loco focoisin to' the no small annoyanee of
the "small-fry" whosurrounded hini. One .
would havithought . that he intendedask - -
ing',' 4 .'how' do you like the smell - in "my
l_p a o the rilio said
; once,to have asked a Fox. :In•another liv
; tie grOup etoed' the' editor of. the defunet
•‘‘lron Grey," peering_4ur-his..speetaelee
through a pair of dye! ratlibtKihpivorse , of
i the -Wear and color in liarrisburg,.,.in close
and - serious on_versatioti with 'the editorof
the Volunteer, both of whom participated
is the - riotous afitht6sonable proceedings
at the seat of government.;
,Wliat.a - beauti; -
! fel pair? Whatsignificant' COUntenencesl
What a heily cause
,they Were engaged- in!
But then it'etheir giviti l :they are contend- -
ing for, and they ought to heeFociised.- The
largest group, consisting of - the 'Commis
sioneeirlerk, our ‘‘distinguished!....congretle
; man elct;tommissioneritornmati,- and se
veral other satelites,, stood nearest the pre=
sident's Chair. The 'being!
`Prince ,Regene to the infant congressmati, '
_ -
and having the.eharge of-him and others of
the faithful,„sighed,heayily under the re,l
sponsibility—the yondgAD'aphiit'_. turning.
occasionally a- wistif.ll eye to the - docir, in . ,
wander at thel4dineos._Of
jeCtsirigatVritig. - - - -ArOund - --the-huge stove
atood.-the-cogle-eileclapplidants- foi the pre
sid.e4fudgesh'tp -of this distriat,- eager 16
themselves upon this oceasithi,-
apparently calmly; • waiting the judge's
tcial demise. No wonjer :one of-them
uld haVe. said, "I'm in a purty - yarty.'''
Here anti - there, lingering . upon _gni out=
skirtsie seenindividttals who seem
_ al wrestling with some internal - cOmMotion,
their: Party,:piejuilice-- . itiginolieni-one - way - , - T ,
acid theirpntriotibm and love of truth plead
ing\ against the . imMolation of the' r,ictim
the Constitution: , In- several inpt. noes-
'triotism - prevailed ovetperlidY, an ,by the '
Limo the president was , seated, a-number
- had- retired, wlille th, greatest body : , remain-
ed to see how this . ‘conneil of chiefs' woull l
-reconelle-tbe-rontleet-of the - `mob' with Ate I ,
ddettine Orkthe `supfernsey.of iliClii-ti4,* - aa''
tatiight by thejathers 'of dent ottney. • ,
Our diz
gavized , the crusaders,' and after getting the
officers selected,-Hugh-Clanflaglier„Esci—a i
candidate for Judge Reed's st , itiono , ielded
to the call of Capt.: James NI. 4.11 en for. a
•peecr, ------- 1,u1;61:1 - Fe . deepest blushes, either
'-for this hoebrable - diStinction, :or the (Hs
: ghee he was'about to inflict upon himself
rand the.otheraiders Mid abettors treason
able condtiet:: While the 4 purpte - fide' . ivisi
subsiding in cheek,--he - looked. at the
president, then at the `faitqul,' , ptill + d doWn
Ibisiviiis.tcoat, tiliandsi rt
his poeietit', ±`,llr, Preshierit r - (look
fcire him;) last week Was a glooMy meek at
Harrisburg--no than dared; to ,speak his
sentiments:' I was there,- but I saw nolpoli,
fin not; nor nothing but a popUler burst • of
d ignaticeb." Afteir along 11 arangue 1 - good
dad of which was like..the shots of the
blind)narksman, every, Where but,, the
point;, theerator':cloSed'hie panCdri p.
the actors in the mob -in a.beatttlfol pefora•
Eion on the - Shoe kTliii - Yelt °iota feel i up; re ,
eived-b lie-appearanee-oslthezmilitar
the-Sabbath-day! :;- ••
at - the limo
he was
. speaking and uttering the assertion,
vvithitt the Boned
,of his voice, were "men.
who hail, offieiateitinlitting croWil
ther at ilartiabur6foi , :the purpose
• •
awing and , Antinit atinglhis whig metnhers,
lor both heniesi'. ! et4, - ',.tn.sre'Veiii the; rvlii;:
members froth ' P,hiladelphia ,. : County; troth'
-- ta'king - theirreeeta:':He knew tliat't3oiiie,'if[`;
his auditors- werelni die iitibiientt,tit'rettel
etthein aileast,;'tlie:nightleenieat,pco.
1 . nate, chamber,wdeStationail to;,prefent
had - eacape4-his •.yigiliineei':he. - e#plainted
tho'hugunge.O, one . of the.lwitneeses,
-:`.We re' a minute 166 . .1ate 7 =
also knew
40iWiinel- , :lie , tlenOOn'eeit , renCh' idle asset , '
lion ..that ono :' of~;the objects = iii bringing a;
• nate from, meetitio, , ''oolhe!.teeotid', l riieitiiSy.
of D
f ie ck ma : e new nit
watt Icy be proclaimed;by. the Speaker'in the,
`the. Menthe:m.9f both . hetniee.—,-
the operation of 'which `WOultfte the fare-
Well knell. to many a craving, fawning office
laniter-,--A-t-is-true r ldr.-Gaul-lagheranay-no
have seen ',a Mob. in the , streets or , hotelS,
for the reason that the legislature did not
meet pibliely in the:streets and hotels, al
though Wilson's-.hotel •Was :threatened with
'Cleitrnetion';beediiiierthe Ciititiiiigham house
. „.
nief'prittately there. : .'i'The 'business of .the
mob' eing'With.the legielatere, its: held , its
sessions or -Meetings 'only' 'at the. time' and
place , the, legislature met. Any stranger to
have "paitiecl.threugh IlarrislArg, could have
also said 'there was no; mol.);' : let him
have stepped into,theelaapber of the seri). :
nate, or thehall: of the house of.reprt*pta.
tives, and , seen the kind of men wheeroWd..
ed the galleries, lobbies, and gangwiytt„ and
heard the hissee,Shoute;atitl imPrecations=
'let hint - have. o:Or.hcard the. tinder-nine of
encouragement this mob , jeCeived from par
tisans,too respectable to taii.t an i") pea .
or Come out publicly—let him have Latent!.
- ed - the:senate chamber, when Mt:Callen:and
others 'Were declaiming 'to the Atoll in. Pre.
tience'of the members of the sentite„ and
naming - their for destruction-L.4C!
hirn•hive gone intr . ). the court. house where
the inflammatory:: mass. w;Ls collected -for
're-ignilion by MeCalien, . Penniman, -
ton and others, and. heard clamors for
'the blood of meters and , for. revolution—
Land then say there was "no mob!'
. • .
Goullaghee knew moreover, at,the tithe he
•was denying the existence of a. that
a.gentleman Who . lstoOd near him had been
L iu HarritibUrg'atiring the reign of the Mob—:-
that this gentleman had - got into a row--
. •
struck-every man he met--swere that "-re
volutions purify republics"--7-toec - opii the
nnen of liis bosom"; and dared the by-stand:
ers to stab-him to the heart---vislted to die
amartyr in-the Cause..of the 'dear
and whoseintoxictilidprireizzyie'ould
drawn upon him asevere•personal
.tion , , but -.for -.the timely interference Of .O.
friend to the 'majesty of the, Yet
there_was 'no moh%li, And Worse than an,
..poor __Mr. • daullagherls.,religio'us _feelings
Sverec.(l, • bi: the appearance - 1
the_military_on the Sabbath!!:..:.How..
like-the indignation of that Meow? man,
1-wll6 - febutted - another Abel f
p ue tng ears o
corn on the GaUlla=
gher,-you.are an ho'neMman, .and a good
I - •
citizen in your calm momentsl but you
shoitld be careful' to destro'rthaiiitherent
combustible -gas, which. is the staple : arti. :
ela-in-the 'riots, roulei i and fray's' of the soil
from whence:you sprang. .
Mr. G. wiis . followedby our `distinguish
ed' eeng-resstnan elect, • 'who has more
telligcnee in his little. finger: than all the I
, of Perry county put toetlier," and]
wlin; according,to his own notions, - 'is a sq-
Terior' than ill every -respect to 'lliaddcnia.
Stevens'-! te l linnot-deny- your readers his
sub! nic' - butaulemti, exordium: "We hove
not, Mr. President, (said he in liisfelicitous_
sift6 - rtienTire - b — daili' • Jays since we saw
the' days of the revolution"! Poor old fel
low! "Wonder What his agQ is tioN2 He
continued: "There was 'no mob at Harris
burg; I' was there; and there Nr.tis just such
,DaE,-, andyou know — twoulit,
not- yiolate.a.-luw!" -I differ, - from - him in
thls statement; : for I was 'there too, and ALL
.the not exactly like *this,
gio - nbritble,' imitiy'ot them' had lniine'-
What - Oickerlegi; ,And - otllol*lipt4Uite such:
thick heattk, .• • • •
. •
.It may not he amiss to..rernark here, that
'Mr. .Rausey . being - theT` ,- chairrtnan T. of the
to draft Tesollens,forillie — ineet.
ingiseized open the excitement 'of tliciinieS'
to vent his little 'cock tind bull story' of
grievances against the clignitied and manly
conduct of Messia: Stevens, Ilurro wee, and'
Penrosernen Alto have.:.retidereti' Penn
sylvartia iitustriciu - s; , 'given her, a. tank
equal, if not suPerior, any state iit the,
union- - -inen;
views of inteVilia improvement, and whose
activeexertions, ifut
.Weration the',NaSircsources - Ofi eTnirron-,-
wealth ; hi4ietits
upon their own lliitricts..:-nien;
lerinte r ,-uni-expande&-benevol.ence- hag 'con--
litiminetedlite;plan : pf.-43docating-erery--..
upon an- . (itiality l end_;whoseltaines'will,go
,dowortio,itesteriti its the;, -betiefac-' I
torsi of tbeir'ige - Thcse are.the men whOsei
rOpontetio - n•is to Wither - beneath the ,liase.finl
vi c ettlintinies 'et !wit;•B. _Ramsey' ,:tn be:
.40,in,resolittions, which shall fiat:offer
your rcaders -IT-transcribing; w h ile 'the re:
intia*nt honortireonip .es our ,tonisn.
.yertresebtatires-:itii the
, state legislature and
in-congress, ea; by obsequiously
itissing dirty little . ebildren.l.4.-ery `iic
lifocracyl:,rdeinociacyl - the democratic jiarty
areotvel!--q)ocitekitig four and t tiollars
seifsier the . hetteftt of
'Othe? .. ii . nrii'of the. Couritry;:, 'toe ogre'eihii
'as; beir
toniao ) . ,..Deori A ts,, their' .telieo - tc. 01 1 P: 0 .7,
lizfOtttsitipsi•4 - they'san bui-Strdt)l6.
qitlp enough, • s •°
1111 - Itatne l by pemo
gweb ettable — tit s '
1, • °PP t, I* t' '0"
to sled! - 814 Atifiettator l United
Suites 'rreastirer•(o -44
This is lost what-Nkto•
S. Ramsey 1 E! CaPa'
ble of saying; but there is no froth in it,,
and he, knew. it, although he might not hays
I s known , that ourfegislature do not elect a
Treasurer for the 'United States!' Why did
not the !oppesition' do so , when the military
did arrive, i If - Fla was the dpsrgtif—Tfiiiii—
a genteel way of escapilig t h e charge of '
conspiracy—first, get -a mob and force the
legislature from its halls, sattd,when the go-
verniff - orders out -the-military-to-suppress
insurrection • andlrpNl rve the peace, call it
an attempt-to assist the 'opposition' to elect
officers!.. • . •
'-"Gracioto Heaven! (exclaimed the 'dig. ;
tinguishedajt died4,the blood chill in my
veins to gee troOp - s-Paiade'on,ibe Sab
bath day!" Well, I sup Pose it did, .tta the .
day was cold. • I
. appreciate
,this, tow, •
derocier oft onscience in.the
and his he'neyolence in intiVAing round;un4' L
solieitedly i a bottle of whiskey ainong:tho
nteti.on Abe Ilabbuth day, us an act orperit .;
alive fur Iris unsuccessful 'attempt 'to dig-. •
stiade.theni from
in-ehief. 'But for p. Ramsey' tcipp4te.
of'hia blood Chilling for - a,breitchOf
.bath have . heard 'of 'straining at a
and isvallOwing a;carnele but here ishrlpe.
cinien Of'4;traimng at a gate and, @walla*.
ing ilave not tithe nor space,
however, to give all•the beautiful effusions
',;f - this lover of
.the - idear-peoPle,' who sat
town Underau abortiveatternpt at applguse.
Robert Lusit t Esq. :,•then made . .sortie:ref.
roarlts,as near as 1 can recollect as
"I have not seen such a periodsinee_i_wai'
.even years . old; I.don't_ know whieh
the darkest'da:y—the time fivai dtiased out
bf in - y; . bed, or 'now4 but At !lon time . , there
was a man kilt outside Of the town, or died
ute - ial-deaths: I want seine one to draw;
a resolution as to Why the - governor lied or
dered out the - men, sposel Oen.. Lambqr;
ton knows about the ,t'ogcra in the reign. of
- ,
old John Adams - _
The above were the. weighty matters This
Simon Piiie deinoorat had .to throw If
this be dMri tusk I havetindeiiitaoillici
is,- he need - not. bo ..alarmed about being
'chased out of bed' by the. inidrgeniit: he:
belongs__ to . theAloininant_ party,:_and_ttiey_ :
_give..every_ftSfirancie of "security
_to their:_
own. 'lf the mashould come on, Mr. E
litor,--y--on-wilt.take. care To let-them
that 'Squire Lusk belongs to that . p.4rty, •
whose leader at Washingtonthreaiened,'
that if he "had aldrep-of democratic blood
in his veins; : lie Would-let it.ont"—=
belongs `to 'a - party, whose leader in
delphia' county Said, that he "would -have
been a.tory, ithe had lived in days of
the -- revolutionthat he is- lkameBakei if -
- hot - a . desech'lttenGtif a mail Who Was a tory
in the.clays of the revolution, and whose,
-ion 'was a tory...--- - ifitd - that
from his country's banner during
the !Whiskey Insurrection' or the late war.'
-`Birds of a feather - flock together,' is a trite
adage, and I am glad that Mr..Lusi:
the company. of his friends. •
ineeting Closed 1) . 1'7 Gen: tAnliortoii.
answering the iinportantiquestionTof 'Squire =
ix ki - l•
der out ,the men'.• in k . this . discriminating
manner. "The governor (he said) had a
right to call outthe Wu/ilia; but he had no
right to call out the volunteers"! Q.
• The.bitter fruits of .mob. law -and /MO
:ink:have commenced. The.tocc ,
Foco ,reign 'has began, by opening the Trea
sury and
. allowing the bonds of the
be protested, and its cdreflit.destroyed. The
next act, we_presume will be Goy, ?prier
to pay off.the state debt by, "taking., tltfs
benelft,".:aialiiiiilintlineni POco goalie,..betore. tbe_elention.- - . •
Oar readers will baYe. observed by.- the
Legislative proceeding., that a portion: of
the State. debt, , ';ainotuttiug 'to . 8250,006, .
created in 1824; iltee'rne due on the Let of
January ; and that a bill passel:l the Senate '
, authorizing the refunding of this, debt, in
I the Datik. , of the United- States at it per
cent., under its charter., •Thefiropeed to
borrow 'the money Out Of the ,Bank id . **
_lJuited States, was rojeeted• by tfie .toetto '
Fodo House,. aud.the bill sent back to. 'tio
Senafe, who refused to secede totheatnend
neot-of:theTt-House,,midstrdered it to be, vs
ithe -- -
hill - 'stanir when. both , Houses adjourned
yesterday .afternoon ; the SAmate ttr mectat
ti o'clock his morning, and the.:Re. ous at _
5 bifoie - 12fast
-- Upow - the - return'oll
of citteater, a Loco Foco, made, a speech in
favor •of takirtg-the money out of the Bank
of the United . States, and deploring .he
prejUdiee of_thsielhat_ivere-still_frig,htened
at the , apparition the.odead monster."
The . bill passed tbe Senate unanimously ; -
and -the' I.itsep F'oeds.of the House„
- ,M'plii, , e - mi.y, - Heynoltis, Hill and others;
fearing that It woad_ pass the How, if a
eltiorttin were preeent, guaidetl the door;
and pnssa g es, and persuaded the Locor Oco
Inert-o)6e not to go., into ..the Hall; They
preferred hating-the State dishonored and
its credit snolt, to paying...An honest debt,
by the money of a state institutton. ' Thus
has Lotto Foolism, erantrieneed he rule
-two iets diseredittible..l o . ttiy Stole: and
inrious, to bor oheratiter abroad and her se- ,
aurity at liorne,-!..PfmnetltigtiTiilegissph..-
E`9' rrte °thrall at gt
• • •
tfetter,o Of•A4MlPistll.4l°P RtitOt‘4 to . 4'
the isitbeerilikr reisitling•ta Mettirir 4 ,' emu,.
heilsind coantv, on tko,o oCAtattiinktots,
-nf ttOlottierefote-Wttil7:4
Iverinhatintld to sord nk estato to„ moke p ri r t y
Wt i l n
neliotely*rl_t otteg.ekanfAt4ehm- nithinfliiirvniDortyiithe n ti c a te d • •
for teitierarut. •
.• ' 7 , 911101, oUNG, s •
• • Amon% t 4.. Mk' - • '
• •