Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, January 14, 1839, Image 2

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FOom the Governor-.
teem Genera I•dieembil P-:msylvartin; read is
Senate, fiee: '27
-----•, 2 1 *-the-Semtte-ancl-41-)tesa-o:f-4?-epr . esintit
fivei of the Co7l3ll2ol l ).oeattli Of Pennsyl
vania.' •
. ,
In 'c. .
. .
onnexion her irnprovernents,
Nvhich ttirrri.the chief demand ~011 the Tr¢a
sury.446- Cointnonivealth., the situation
tor her fitiances is to be. taken ihiti view.
.The The.. of hst'sessino. - Were
Made with kreat,proftiSion, They exceed=
ed by nearly ornYC,Joillion of Aiglarb - ,::the
.amount which n piudent''fol'esilght seemed
• 'to me tO.Anstify: - At:the -, coniunenceMent
of,the 'sesSion a fell-expose of -the in eons of
the State, and the most pressing claims
' - Opon- the Treasury, was . During
-- the:course-or the session an extherence.lo
Moderation in expenditure . I. , ris attempted
to be enforced-by everymel.ts, -within the,
power of the,'Executive, ou. every proper
. occasion, sueces : s.
the unpleasant:alternative.. 1 , 11:8 presented, as:
4tadbeen foreseen,' anima tioningapprepria
!tins, of which, in die. existing condition,
• I 'ac y the lie could_ not _tip._
prove; or of Wholly Obst, acting the use of
the completed - works, h:_y-:( l lefeating a bill
ecintaining, the iritlie-pens able provision for
r _.;repairs—LUnderthese_._eirF.nmatancem,. that.
'bill was 'sanctioned,- but rid ae:t nf- my.. pub—
.. lie life: was elier,perforr.o : 3 with greater,re
- • The Oily- chea , lif t• cies to cleeline sub
. the ,itock'-of the .companies, that
were, pittibipant- . of4lie . favotirrof - the . : law,.
till it ~elrouirk. k e useertainea. that money
meld. be:had On4dan at the rate of interest
not olily to be raw:lona-.
but-which} the course of legislation-;for
twozyears, had: established as that
to be given forfuture 1o: ms. This deitision
of the •Executive produced 'a very trifil lug
-excitement;onflie part ofsome of the corn;
Tallies which fiowever; soon of itself : suh
..sided. The . -money vras subsequently
-siained•itfotir:per ceat,:and.applied - to • the
vpilifios6 dsigriated by the legislatur6.---,
questi%)n (G600,000) 5 - was
:tacen by -the following institutions' - in 'the
following proportions,.and has all been-paid
iinto:the treasury,yizl -
- . 7 The ' :Oirita - Bank, . (310.0,00 i)
Phil4lelp" liia Loan !Jompany, 100;00.0
'Westßranch.Bank at Williamsport,. 5.0,00
• • ',Farmers and Meehatife's Bank, .50,000
• BanlC-of. the Northern Lib"ertiet,. - .115, - 0001
•Mtitinfacturere, di MechaniesqPnk 25,000.
Sctruylkill Bank, • . 40,000
` . -(..Thrinberland B4rik,..' • . - 35;000 -
iti'en'sington •• -_ _ -1.5.,-00.0.
-• Bank of .PenitsyNattia, - 100,000
Bank • Bank oT Penn 'Pownship, •-• .• 10,000
Veste'rn - ThanTi - of Philadelphia, 7,000
. ._ • " • .. 17,500.
. . .
', l / 4 . n:.iiii 4 ) the state - iffify deln - y repaying
----:,:-,_ till thd - expiratitin -- nf one , yeaf
~:. 1., _;. , ,,.. , sm.. when they were in a de;Vie
..lia . .l,:itt perinihi between the ;Bth
!Ind the 15th of 'October, 1838,iyit
— itt Wirt" I" . iti,
Pie :Atm:Jed with 'as little delay as possible:"
In the enritispondenc4e with the banks on
• T he subject, they were .given - to ,expeet- that
•,r;:p lynient. w'ophl t:;ke place before the first
of Febuley 1839.
The temporai-y loan. authorized by the
--3 d-section-of the,same-law.,--ha ving—hectitim •
• necessary for "the Contingent . object for
was int thorized, - was also - obtained .
bEtlie_canalicom : -
misiiieriers to the proper. works. It :was'
taken - by the - bank - of the United States;t--:.
'Phatiinstinition alsii agreed to - permit the
temporary loan alluded to in the joint reso
. don adopted on the 16th - of April, 1838, to•
continue another year unpaid at 4 per, cent..
The rormer of these
.1011 'fall glue on : - the
18th of OCtOber, and the latter on the .6th_
-of June, 1839. • .
• "'By these loans, the only control ever
_which allowed to the executive, was that
- bilteeping down the ; rate of - interest,
state treasury, - - in spite of calculations - and
estimates to the contrary, has continued,
and still does continue to discharge. all
claims against the commOnii'ealth•
• The.whole amount _ of receipts. into the
-treasury- ditring-the-year,-eriding-tvith-31-st ,
of OCtobet last including the balance from
1837; was $4,989,2;23 03, and ~the whole
amount of payments for all •.purpOses was
$4,889,863.73..5h0wing':a balance that
day of $99,359, 30: •
• - Among, the disbnrsements are included
$157,622 89 paid; as expense in part of the
Conventionio iprepose_a mend in e n
constitution. During the .preeeding year,
's'7l - ,939 67 bad been paid, on satne account,
and it is Supposed thata balance of $50,000
is still or, wilt• become:due • so - that • the
- eXpense • of:the',.Convention and its
incidentS-Will be -$279,302 50.- •
The - , probalile amtiunt'Of incoine:Troin
airsources , during the present -year -will be
83i4530388, via- • . ; • '•
Canal and 'rail road olls ' $1',600,000
Bank- of United Staten Tor 'Common
- •
:schools'' ' • - ' • 100,000
— La - nd - ifrid. - 762 - 000
-Auetion duties 'and commissions, „ • ,pci,ooo
"•Bividentls en bank 'Stock 160,000
, •
.Tax-Ou-bank dividendii, -- ', 115,000
' - ,Dividend,on..turnpike, bridge and 'lasi
.4ation 45 ' .,000
;- 80,goo
Titiern licenses; ' • - • • 50,000
• Collateral '
Tax on, writs 25,009
Tax on -certain officers,_ . • 8,000
Tax 'Oh Tenn " companies , . .
, -Hawkers', andtin and clock pedlars'':
-i4leenpei; . • , 6,000.
;:Fourth instalment surplus revente, : 9ss,B3B
. Balance ofloan per 13 d ' section of act •
of44tb . April;: 1838, '• '125,000
Siebell4ngous, ' _ 5,000
_to be iiiinle",dur7
ra pp rcipr ,ans,w ich
e] c ol uq 46 `!!„ iab
"iong dAif_lo
11 - halkne ifi#P4lllt Ye 2 TI‘Y
ferm i
- r itporopri**,noty ,
Ejultuke.9-9 '
.14,kiiiri , ' FIE .'
`- roads, and bridges,
For motive power,
Interest•on•Sliitatilif, salaries of collec
- tors,--1oelt; keepers,&C.-1,180,0110_09_
•Expenses'of government, 290,000,, _OO
Balance of expense of Reform Conveii- •
tion, , 50, 000:00'
'Militia expenses, ; ' 25;000x 00
PenSions and gratuities, .50,000 00
gilucatiOn, = • ' 350,000 00
House of RefUge, - ' • • . 5,000 00
•Penitetitiaries, . • ' 21,200 00
Ci4biogical Bttrvey-,l:‘ 10,000 00
Inibrest - es.treastity 'loans,' • 1 I 99,009 00
CiiAt of . repairing.luniata,canal, 380,000.00
Interest of temporary 10an5, . ..., '40,000`00
Miscellanecius, • • :40,000 00
This: will
leave. a Balance. at largo,. ditr
:-ing the.-yeak-.of only . $0.9,910 09, which
, wouliLliaxe_Airitat_s2,koQ,ooo, - at least; if
yourpredrieessors had-not been 'so liberal
of th 6 fund's, and if the yielit of the
public woikiliad not been reduced by the
bieachim the Juniata: - But it is.too late to
remedy past profusion M.-misfortune. The
fun - infra - ne --- WIO. be prOvided for. .
It will be your:first duty, in reference so .
the ,Ptiblie works, to-provide the - necessary
of epair fund for thepresent year.
inertia - to appropriation: stint sufficient
for that , purpose, is strongly recommended
as:a-Means ensuring their continued use,'
and conseqUently---the largest- return-from,
them during the next session..
It will Ilefor the legislature - next to, do-.
tide whether' the works now. progress.
shall.receiVe appropriation's for She present
y_ear i and if so, from 3Vilats, :source - the,
means shall be de - rived; '..and-ajso toprovide
.funds to pay the Thans that, wilt full -due,
-1 once thought__ thatito combination *Of .
• circumstancei_could cause .rue to hesitate in.
advocating the;'spee'diest -means that--.-eOuld
- Jac-devised for the - completion of - our noble
system of improvement ; but 'the exper
ience.of the (we past years has, I confess,
iliaken . my Confidence in the attainment. of
this desirable•end„within any reasonable
periud. . I
have fiehel&the treasury amply
, itinlied with means, and
.yet. ' the session
terminate without any - provision - for_ the
;prosectition of the : orks,-because -the terms-I
qietated- bf .companiqs:, and _sectional
. jeal-_
1 ousies could not be - complied .with. •
•I Oext year the'executiveliarlieen. conipel
lied for the salie of obtaining a. repair„ fund,
I Tv filiTitieWhieleirAliiiiiiiic — rili'r - Failr - iii -
I oper.ation worth! have 'beent.hroww idle, to
:t - . - t - ditction a hill pouringehriost thelastdollar
Lof the into . the _coffersof Private
. the •.,
1 eompanies and.intO - neiv
. cliarincls,L -._-
1 11MS - liiis — iCeiiiiiiii pass; ilia t, no tw iiii-; .
1 standino• a succession of circumstances- the
i , most lOrtuttate and of receipts them_ost am= l_Ph*and-imexpected, the' commonlkaltli is
Ileft; without means to continuo • her
- own
works :Ind redeem her own faith. Hei
i-- •
! contractors, )ter Citizens ;and the public gen
erally, are, I\_rea — i; -- abont. to . possess-good
•lcatiSeOf_dompllint-tbatshe him entered Up
on undertakings 'Oat she cannot accom
plish ;- Or, as die...only, alternative,the means
to-seomplete-a tui--rem ler, -prod tieti ie- the-pro
jects of private speculation, which.' have
already proved so burthenaome to the trea . -
iltury and• so insatiable. in their demands,
'must continue to be granted without regard
to . consequences.
. . .
If Leonid believe that the lesson \
'thus far •
Would be Su flicient. to
_produCe -reformation
______ .. ___L
jrCo ---- ul - de - iren compel, .recommend
l_aniticreaseof:_theLitate - deht_Ltallie • a' - ~
lurgent wants which are now around UV ; I
biii - rEdiiiloi. • 7he same ripiiiii - 1 - .yeE7if
work__ 7 the- same tax will still have 'to be
paid `by the'state for permission to apply
even her borrowed fund to heriown works.
‘-Alli Can do, therefore, is, to commit the'
'matter to the legislature. with a statement
of_the. sums-that----are--required,-- and—the
source from which they may be obtained,
if-resort to:it - bethought - advisable.. ,
The_Erie - extension, will not .exceed
6500;000. A similar sum will be required
will be' the least that will effectually com
mence laying the rdils.ow the graded portio
of the.: Gettysburg rail road, spud_ con
itinue,the grading-of the'remajnder ; $200.-
000 Will be necessary on the West Branch
- Cattail-8100;000-bn- the--Wiseonsiireanal
.amiAlleghetiy F . tieder . 6 . a cll ; $300;000.for
ordinary repairs, and $lOO,OOO for damn
ges,' locornetivis, dic.,l together '.with
131;000;000 to pay temporary loans, mak-•
ing in the $3,100,000. • . • . ' • *
The only means left for Obtaining this
large sum - ,''is tyat: of borrowing; and the,
only source;.
g out paying an unreasona:
States,- which; under - it- charter, 'may - be
impelled to lend its money at 4 per. cent.
If money be at all .appropriatesi . ,fer, the
co n tinuati*,ef,ihe :work s deic. contract,
less than.iliesnin - ljust designated for each
will beo , 'Of:"-little avail, and double the
amounts'. named : should be given if it could
he affoiided;,and if, obtained,
.it mist
be borrowed: I wish, however, to be dis
,tinetly ibiderstend, as not: iecomMending
7that.coursec-Bbt in-eornmunidating tO the
Wrests 'dependent on their action,,it is my-.
duty topinit none. .
Connected with the financds of the Stale,
anether subject ef,iMpeitance . 'should re
ctike 'your•attentioN,so94,ooo , 00 of -tire .
State: permanent loan will fall due in'lB3 o ,
arid - $l5O - 050:001C1840.. hare no liesi
i_tathlin : t e n ~recorttncuding that a sutlicieUt
ariunint,nfinency to pay off these 5 per,
eent;leallES" Ai hen they become dueille,hor.
sowed froM the. hank of the ITriitetki;Statee . ;
nt <I - per cent: .gird. applied to ,tkitLifi.irrose
in the ode dei(cribedln the arnivat-..mek
m i
'sage of 183 ff. It wduia also, aPpear
.p Ter to sediem` auch of ihe oth:• 1
.er 5 • Per Cent. 'loanias;elmli' become - -clue
Within, the ; next lc* -Years,. hin ;the.. same :
tiroctoptiOg_this expedient;
aupaul'draft on'the:;troary 'will be lighten*LifiCreae=oLtheiprindiple-1
debt, .
It capitalists *BO ` hold'
sto c k' in ; hmu'i'obottf-e*
piring, to,dinpront of
new for morepermithent'inveittnent;..:•Tho
'nunietair confitnion + . and ihrmigh
ithjch th P' ebi *** - b**-mFde liitsC'
. , •
to tuillpike; state
95,670 00
240,000 00
$3,323,927 91
UniteL Jades•• governments: The' chief
feature that bears ,an appearance.'of
lance in these proceedings, arises' from the
!nature of the organization thade , nee 0f.2-11
has been - commoniCated io me from a source
entitled to:unlimited credit, that numerous
Misoniclidges; embracing many thousands
eor.wo a rn' -- ritem have been-recently
in:the frontier , Statesi ty,itlitlie'ea
presiehjetit, Ofettacking and revolutionizing
the. adjoining , ; pritish , provinces. Thoie
whOlnoir, the , -Perfect ada ption ,% of sworn
*Tit SOCietiekto•sich ,an object, and the
'recliletits Character Of Many
,of ' the' persons
probably„engaged ; 'the enterprise, can
credit the - statement.; It is to' be hoped' that
0 0 ,9iiiiene.M(Pinnayfitinia hm;cou - nd
noneerned in:an 111 , 1 4 0 t4itik sp"injurinue to
- 131 e - tig l l l #!-.brA-filotiO*itationintal . in each':
fectuallawa'againstlite:' oMiailtratten - : of
extra 9atYisi : •
ThiYer,fiertnintrY. , !'omigaft4it'i 10
the - attention : Ili
111,- am ar lona tiaM
presentid,v.t . dent
V VV : :. W . :4;.V.4 I:P:_:X . .. l .lri ',.TP . .:,V'X''.ii
.T,:.,;t1 : :•4- . 'n'' . o : ', o*;‘,P:4:,.fte.,•°,:-...t
by fife :experiments • of the general govern
ment, seem about subsiding, and confidence
b e t wva 'a man .and mim; and in publip:faitli;
and instttutione, is reurnin — g; — :This — thicni
_still not 'be an _unpropitiOus_moirientjor offer,. r her.,.credittirs.,.:their
money,.that they May . .,anPlYti(-lierttianet*
ly, *aid!, of-some-of lie numerous : projects'
of,imprciVentent-that are•_in*.cindetnplatiorf,
or onlyatvalting the Metns'ofCoMple.tion.
./lonring- the: year . , jUst• , most ,
healthful change -has,beehateMnPlished•ln
our currency, and a:iiiirespentlent - improve-:!
went is now developing itself in all thc•Va-,
riot's relatiOns and interests thatdeiiend
that credit arid. confidlnceltieli•fortris the
true basiti of the eireidatingtnediuni. The
commencement ef . the year saw_ the State
'covered with paperissues, in l opeit viola!- 1
tiati Of the plain-words 'and meaning of. the!
law, butwhich . the .necessity . of The case
seemed to Justify: They were taken_
most Withont'rellictince, - iii atlirtlfe dealings':
Of the community - , -- vnd no move was-- Made !-
toWards-inflicting tile: enneted : -; penalty •on
those . who omitted them . ; At 'the same . '
time, the banks • had.-locked tip the- hied
money of . the.State, to awaitas they said,
the moment when it might be 'again paid
out without danger of total 'withdrawal
from us, and without risk of injury to the
sans for the course pursued•seemed • sound, j•
nd. the people :acqfiesced. .The end .has !
verified.them,,and justified ,
the : Confidence .
. .
"The 'workings-of this law of necessity—
.he law.above :tll.-- - in,the"...handS•of an hon
est and.ihtelligent community, were watch
ed • a glorious
°spectacle to . behold a Whole. people; as one
man_: waiting calnily : and ifor--the
same 'Moment of disenthralling themselves;
not.vindietively, one . upon the other,. lot
1. he Whole,ifor thegolid of The w
the gratutimis'-infliction - , - .
Was a •noble`pro - of of the fitness of •reptihli=
cans for self government, and; was ,eVen en
liancod.:b); the fact that thepeople,were la-1
boring to. abate the nuisance, not only
ied by, but, in opposition to the efforts of
those whom they had placed 'at the , head, of
tite - w hole nation to gaiird their interests.
The thty of Alm EkectitiVe of this State
was: plain:' : IL was JO encouragee me' people
in their patient course of suffering, till- the
moment for effectual self-relief Should ar
rive, and to sustain , their monied ilistitu
dens, so lonifiglhey seemed-Wectfor no
this attitude, the risingof Pongress athronn
ced that-the people Might onee__ mere take
measure's fortheir own relief:without-den;
_gee cif micefilefiorOunterieliOn_flom_their,
public servants: A. call was at once Made
on all to restore the safe empire of the law. - 1
'lt was nobly responded to, and has proved
perfectly_ effecttal. Never was" there, a
. more praise-worthy—instance Of moderation
exhibited by any community 4 ;than—liy - the
citizens of this State, at the time of the sus-
pension of specie payments and - during its
continuanedThor of patriotic devotion - to law
and the public good, tharythat-displayed by
their monied institutions in the resumption.
The - consequertee - is — that -- . - our — etirrenty—is
now restored toils former soendnesiv;_ and
all distrust has disfirrared. • •
Though I feel bound to bear this just tri
bute*, acts that have been so fully sustain theirlesult, yet I cannot.coneeal the
opinion that some part cifthe difficulty arose
from defects - in the organiiation of the banks
themselves. paha riot now . Ottupy, your
these defects seem to indicate. • That dirty
T - aTfempted hilly to perfom in the last an-1
nual message, to, are-respectful
ly referred, with the remark that the.'ehari
-ges' then:_ recommended.. are -still-deemed:
proper and requisite: .
In other respects the public concerns ef J
and prosperity, with the exception of a dis
rateful-riot inilie 'city of Philadelphia, mi
the 17th of , ' -: ' : - ,
The particulars of that outrage : ifroxfoo
- generally kiidwitle need' repelitionlOr com - ;'
tnenthere. _ So. flagrant_ however : : wes it,
as; in my opinion, to call: for the interfer
elle.o of the Executive to . bid • iw-thre-appre. l
thension of the perpetialorS.' A proclami=
tion of reward was accordingly issued. 1
Itoptlthis-may-be the' last attetrirthirillfette , -
soil of Pennsylvania; to - molest a.; peaceful
and .orderly assembly of: citizens. Those
who counsel such violent proceedings,
should bear in mind that if their opponents
are in 'error, their cause will' only . acquire
` additional{ notoriety
,and: permetiance- -from:
any opposition which takes the 'appearance
of oop_ression ; whereas,_if_its. -claiiii . mi
public 'opipion be' left wholly to frts,:tperit,
it Will soon sink, into oblivion, unless there
' be something in ii really worthy of favor.
. „, Some tiCithe sister States - that border -on
' the-Canada6-were,:in-early:parkioesem
Ithe theatre of occurrences that at 'one'-'lirite .
.ihrea' tened to lead to unpleiisanteoniequen,
.ces.; These scenes have been :recently it 7
newcd, - but the characteratid_tru, object of
the persons engaged in them' are: now. well
understood, and scareely *lc denger,etistt
- 01 - .. - ColliiiieW' r betifeen . - Tali: - Bilikti - - ---•
.. ..
, r--- iirs.-7- '
necesiary legialatain may ,;takeTlace, . and
that the atuMbling black may at length , be
reaioved. ; . •
for: the - pnst _,year, : many - useful suggestions.
i half.FullY.Ofin.of the stain . finilbeen ttaVets- 1
ed landeXamined;'.a' - e - iinsiderable:part I of : it
with all the , niiiiintenesS . tequisite to'": a,. knafi
rrepOrt: l ... finvi.iiiit been. laforriled that fur-;
! iyilF•be 'necessary. to •COMplqte . .this
valmible,andlntereiting-unnett,akjog.. When
brought inta.46s6 . itighlY . important .
informaflon..may, : ivith 'certainty be expect- ,
ed rrOmAlie.gencrat -T
lioO of the discOveries and results of the in- I
' vestigation thus far has been- very :prciperly
excluded .from 'the- annual. communications
do the the -legislature.. It will ' requite the ;
whole turmpf the, survey to. -
enable the.
Geologist to, give thent„.that certainty • and
--precision, which Will form.their, most`
liable feature,
.and Which can . alone grow ;-
out of Oft repeated arid, continued •examiria 7 ;
..tions,•annalysis;Compatisons and inquiribs.
The wisdtim of this course- will .. be fully.;
admitted when the whole. : shall be
.•, • .
laid'before the-stale.: • • • I
. The bearing of Abe iurvey-on the articles
'of - coal and-iron- pow - the - large - and vat-
'led, interests connected . With . them, 'imparts ;
itS . chiefinteresi: For several years, here-4,
tofore, little importance was attached to the I
exactdednetions of Geology Mineralogy and -;
Chemistry as•conneeted.with 'these staple ;
._commodities.. was:the -case, more-es- 1
pecially withregard to'llie former: • Large
tracts of conl•land Were. known to 'exist, but
little. desire was manifested to :ascertain with
exactness-their-bouodaries; ,or - the'teNtive - '
qualities of the mineral. Those 'were' the
days--Of speculation. iii coal -land, and_the_
e . eiS o f-t he -sprectil tor- net. -.Arn freq nen tly
I ihunrirdlthe unerringdecision.of seience.—
Ilmthey are passed, and •the days . .olacinal
operations in the mine have - inececded.
is •now, for the interest of all to. dispel illu
Skin and to subject every pruject_Und. every
(.hope to the. full light of science and truth,
• before capitsl is invested - or labor expen
• ... .
The successful experiments - , that
_have •
beeii - niaile Karthaus and F'arrandsville,
to ;snick. iron - with.bitu nannus coal, at.lVlana
yonk,, Mauch Chunk aid Easton ' , With . an- ,
thlileitc, add new interestlo this subject,—
„perfectly tialialactorily_haveihey_proved,j . ..
that large - furonees, in which anthracite coal
alone 'is to4ie. used Toy, are now in prol , '
gress gr'eonstruetiOn i - at se.veral Points in
the . .Siatel:.....;Tho successful Union-of stone
coal-and=iron:ore; %n Nee-arts; - is an cvent.of
decidedlygreatermoMent to the prosperity, -
of our state, than any that -has -occurred
since the -application of -steam in aid "of
huinan-labor.. - - • •
The trade ; in coal and iron will undoubted
ly form, -the 'main eb . usitiess of the - vast -- bu t
yet only halfaccOnipliShed--eystem of words
in.._which the - State ieembarked,_ and the_
chief hope of paying off the'debt of their
- cost. - : - The transporting-of:produce from the
:interior, and merchandise from the sea
ho-a-rdiwilrito dblibt be greachtid - Paii=
aylvania-will alWays poasess her duo portion
of it. But it is not necessary for her 'to
-deeirit its•Monopedy. Her people, as citi
zens of the nation, are satisfied to see sister
states embark in-the noble rivalry; and, while
they are convinced of the many advantages
_of_their_aw_n_Toutes,.can--- rejoice to -know,
'there iS ,
_room for The' full_ success_Of _a11...
nriviteti het Loat - andirer - irotr -- de - stead
from' her mount rin_ regi o_n to4cw_Y_ork_
and the , rast Lake country,•from the - North
Brandi) 6nal—are discharged at Erie and
Cleveland, as well as Pittsburg and Beaver;
• froth the same canal boat which loads at the
mine or iron Works—arc poured- through
the widened locks Of the Union Canal, 'find
- tiwtrompfdttitt - Titte - Water canal as well as
the 'Delaware and Schuilkill. canal, upon
the wharves of her own commercial 11,
magnitude - of the trade beyond
that of the mere carrying of produce and .
MerchatidizO; - Willllien ottly - balnlly appie
elated-At to_these__ehannelalof -4ealth [i
gadded continuous rail roads from the iast
ern to- the- Western- Emporiums-"travelled
by At least one .thattsand . busY Passengers
daily, and an uninterrooettwateremntimni- .
. - - - cationTbeitireenAltal)elit*iirkah lali
for. 'the heairy.-trade,,the,:titito which-ena
en a
ides Pennsylvania toJeol4-rtVithout, fear or
jealniity, on the works oft other states ; is
. . .
1 . no such view of the subject, the necessi
ty Toiopening Widening, and deepening eve
ry channel, and - ; the policy of retaining the
greaticading avenues and outlets in the , im
mediate ownership_and control , of the com
monwealth, become eVident. Hence, the
early enlargement of the Union - canal to!the
size and - capacity - of those:of thWidatif, ie it, he act or -1824, relative tO 'weights and
project- of-.Much,interest , to -khe—publie.—. - meastreesothich - was. - continuedin - forca by - '_
, .
Hence;2also the ultimate *sem e n of the an . act or the latikeeisinn, - hai not 'yet been I Hiving thus presented the'vartous objects
canal. from Colnmbia,t . O. the Matiland iine,` . carried into oppeintiont but a prospect 1% , - opneientinterest - thatToecur tO me; it will
should never be , lost igh , of' as ae.measure. now presented olopeed4y eecondiehiegmtaoCko_ out of 'place briefly to , recapitulate
iedispens ' -the perfection , of•the of`OrtiraL ts requirements. 1 have recently 1)(014'0i/ranges produced , ' during, the, pifl6ial
system...- ,A i t,: Etate , :fiow - possesses r.' the , inforMed by " the proper department of ,cli*,Nerte now drawing to a•elose # - • •
right AO aci Ira;ilds? work at O. tithe ' B O lleiteratGove - riumentr- thet:tbe-elaut!ardefiCi-Thi years - agri tle4. - re - i4rir - t2;54 - 4 - rhih:
Pr4'..."-o# 4-1 1 1-- - 1014, *utfi*.in,El* -- ic In'' -- weikb - PA '4l tied ' underihe, „ aerce ' egli.gre - glc dren in theeommon schools of the tame.--
struetion,, sitiq l t*LegiAoOrelkouldtie eatt (Or the.ilifrerent states; are • ready. for deliv. ; 'There are now about ;22o,oBo. 'The schools
11,611 e- no t t i, cl. 4 6 ' nt *Y:lt i li e, _ oll4 ma, erY. -,-,- Tbey wi ll shortly: be placed, ill the . were"then kept open .. , seven months in ac ,
thepeatenna - t"., - I*ei*,t;avAtel', ' a mount' of . - peeretarY!s office : this' place, and copies y ear : ' the whole amount eef- state appro.
The 01 4T 4 4'' - ' ::.'-- '• ',''' ''' '' Y,... , will-b'e made for each of the codotiee, In p i riatienWeit . then ; $7OOO, annually; it is
:. F That all, these desirable '-eventa‘can , he' fnlfilliegthelatterdutY, the aid of-the Fr eak- , now ,equal to one dialer for each taxable,
aecemplialied;iiine certain its :that the time tin Inetitete has been l>*, lll l 4 lseilveu4 will be ' l ,aj t ich wlll , aniennt ' to's3so , ooo for the
oftheir alifiel\ will :berposepenek bp, pert_ relied OM -., .• , -.
..,„ . :,- -,, -" 'next - min:awl year. -,' ' -,- _ --,--
iiibtingiiithisarim course.ef squandering .. Until standards for the different i
publiclesources,'Which , hasT , SUrroinidekour, -- ibinirweteprocured end'. furiiiiited; e it , W s
5 611 ' . i - 1ii,1825- the public 'works Yielded $684,-
- .. a ~' 857' 77, , after a . most favorable ',season.=
condition,' at the' present - MOMent, with
.eo fiot,thought expedient 'to' appoint ,a reguta.: , ,D ur i n .,_• t hi, : i easot i Tu l a . ; Oloied r _they pro
niuch difEecd . ty:.: , ~.;,., ,_,, ~, ~ - :',.';'-.- . • - tor to Pick •countY, as directed:6y the not
'... - :duced $99V,253 42, under the' 'most dis:
A joint resolution , swas adopted lry the of 18 34' Vnder the ' new . Constitution it , l, B a mn ii -r
geousei'reameta t ices; and;with good
Legialiturc;okthe lath or; last- April,, mak,. 'wit), be the AutY or the ,Legi, l 4iore to Pre_.:y. management and no - unusual accidents, will
ing it.the duty of the*oretarY of.t h e' Cora" -,scribe the mode of appoin4g, ibose - 1 3 m7 . ifieinesent year pay4l,ooooo, - , .
mortWcalth, - to.Obtaio , thronih, 3 lthe7akehei' errs . '
~; -' ' --:,' ::. '•-,'',, : - :5ince:1835A2,500,006 haveheemexpen-.
of the - aStieseartref:',coontritax, •to . ..'eolltlet '''' Tho , ntteoPOO of "the : 'enreentiie , -ores, n'dad iii completing works thin said to be fin 4
'general •:statiitical • irifermation , :rokiye .`",t6 'short time' agi!:•4llled by , ;_o6l:, , 'Pleastinion ; ,', , :•iitied; following dereetive parta, and keeping
'the agriculture,, 'aiOntrae..tarerti_e'. , , „t. '":1:,- ot , tficiati'ogitsontrOfrefineylvaninXeltinl'Abe - Nihowin - r _ repair: and ann , hendred:, and
itiitT;tnining operationC'or the' ..r: ,f , 2, ,, ,,Th, e'' tier Aitillerr,:**:frOtthat.tkelf*Piter - t Il i Wipe .
mal, nod twitltY
N'eSeititiOti' befilikdeliqd-#4#FO -i ,tfe4o4 /sees& a number:44 Pkeees'Of 0 1 1tbReil'' 0 * * 1 ',l3i.en.:,eornmenced
tet4thetielenoteiite 7 **A P Alol ,o l o l Plittin eti '.-. of ;vi i Ni ne af4 -calibres liiiilife'llatiiirroi---
. „ •
iilefleeti'fOr'?eag4tY'Periiesest ttro'llinktOe'*enyiffed7OV.Of 1:441, 1 01; 'wfiliii;loiaistiOn wt .3, i00,00'9 have b een ,
iiii4olo444'. the resdlution'Were , eddleqp_.ent..44t4t*OeittbaooPer4O hare them recast, ex_lr l de f t, ;
.„ .. . ,
~.- ~,,,„ .
liil*Otiepoedtotit.recelilY. - This .idroa7i.iiiiiiiitiiiiieOdere,tl reilly.,:beefull and; vale& , r,. he eomled -rail. iond'--hve--, been
catiOte.itote';totnalte - thern - All'ind' corn 4 'ble 2: '4Wailifeo , ststted tliqi the worktoold. : made , ici answer he L end end' or the', ennstruePrehtnisii and 16•- piepiol4l3e proper in;;::l4e;done'vrelt aed.'leogrOOehlYi at a ; 10141drii E tact;' "and : the :annual '`deficierietas, in - the
,Strintioni:-: , ..,They werevisined:in the early,:itt,Olisfied near SPringfield,,Massachuieta. Motive' peirer , ftintli,turned , .:intac' simnel
pertf . pf last, through the , rnedititit of [The , proposition vve!approred'of f and the excesses~; • . - ,4 '
. '
A' • • '
- the different_ beards' , A,,Cottnik commiepiun
ers;!.With':.d. 0
irOttnit ti.baYtt,lbe.:lnfOrntition
Collectedriluting . -present 'Month; 'so, that
,it.inighre'mbrape one fUti year.
• -, 'lt.has beep recently ascertained that tho.
.commissioners aeyer4l .cOti n deCline.
AiStrihnting the tpterieS to the assessers„ and'
enjeining - 'compliance •,:with.the
requirements' of 'tho;' - resoltttien..- on the
ground that -they ate not cipresslyyegnired.
to . dO b . iite,..tehne. - .13tifthe resolution'
could 'not .well` be. 'carried . into. Operation
with Out their . agency. thb names and
dress of the different assessors Were not' in
the 'poseeision tlie'§ecretary, neither did
it.eeem proper for him .toinipley., them. in
. of a,AutY, for .Which the;reeo 7
lotion expressly declares, .that.jhey
. pre td
he:paid:out of the respective,coefity'treasu-.
rieS s without:the knowledge and honcur
rence. 'of tfie commissioners. It therefore
becomes proper' for the'Legislature to .take
some further action oir. the..subjectoriihoue
delay,if a report is desired at the present
session.' The.tiii . ertes' or tables' have been
carefully prepared and - distriblittal at consid
eitdble expense; the postage alone amOukting
to.upwards, of a thousand 'dollars,. though
the ; packages were - sent to all the nearer.
1-eminties private . conveyance. • .
I - Circulars' have also been issued to the
sheriffs - of - the' different'emmtieas;7ol - enlated
to'elieit the: inforniation relative to county
prisons,,under the resolution adopted . by the
House of Representatives on the 19th Dec.
1837.„--Itis.,expeeted-that-the--replies Lvvill
be:received. during the present month, so
.that be--prepared and--submit
ted early in January;
A eirctilar was alsO setit. to 'the directors
cf the Poor of each county that liar a house
for the support and eniployment Of the poor;
calling their attention to that portion 'of died
34th sectiOrt of the : act of 13th June; :1836,
entitled l'An_act relating - to' the•support and
einployirient of,the poo - r;'iildelf makes it
ther duty to forward to the Execul
five for the use of-the.Ligishiture a statement
of the. accounts of -their: respective institu
tions: 'Nis duty" has been very
:neglected_ heretofore,. and :the • Legislature
thereby deprived - of much useful infOrnia
• Occasion was taken at the same time, - .to
elicit from-the directors and •sheriffs-full
foriitation of the nunilicir - and condition - of
Junatic,..or insane .persons in each ppor house
- or prison... It is stated,- by many huMane
_persons; _conversant With.the
much- wretehalness.and- , suffering
pecially iii the poor houses, 'which 'might
be - alleviated, if not, wholly avoided, if the
molaneigly extent- of the -evil-were g eneral
ly- o w Wh th e - desired - in form ation
is received, it will-be laid 4 -before_ you that
the ; proper corrective may be applisd.—.
This, most probably,-will be found to' con
sist in tho establishment Of a public_assyluin
for deranged or -insane persons. Such an
institution is Wanting as:a companion to our
deaf anti thimb aml - blitidassylums. I feel
that_it is unnecessary:further to urge- this
subject upon your,
--Alm-encouragement given by the'LegiS=
lature of -last:session .to the growth. of the
mtilborry' tree - and the prodtiction of silk,
has thus far proved efficient, End promises
to include the- silk' business among our
chief subjects of itidnstry and sources of
wealth. Many hundred thousand, of
berry plants have been set out, and 4 large
quantity of cocoons prodUced. The reeling
.olailk_has_been-regtflarly-practiced--al many
places, and silk looms established at:Philtt
delphia;:anii-Economy, iii - Beaver - county. -
The business steins to have gainettisuchr.a_
-footing among us as 'to promise permanence
and profit. 'lt seems . to be a branch of. in
dustry admirably - adapted to' the 'habits
and strength of, tthe inmates, of our country
poor housas. It is worthy of :inquiry,
whether a slight,encouragemerit, say a - small
institution who shall produce a given num
ber of ponnds of Cocoon's; might not have
the effect of substituting a '; ) iglu and pleas
alit employment for the laborious occupa
lions in which . the paupers arenow engag
ed,:and.accellerate_the .peripanerit-establish
hient of the business in the State..
. .
—ln accordance. withproVisions - of7tlie - act
eflast:session on. lhe.:.subject, Messrs. A.
1). Bache and Fraley; of Philadelphia, slid
W . Africk; of-VV as h ington-county Were
, appointed commissioners to examine and
report to the Legislature, at its present ,ses
sion, on the subject of the revision Of. die
Map of the State, so as to correct the errors
in il i ttopographioal delineations, and to re
present the Geological and . Mineralogical
features of our territott, , ,•ltris 'Understood
that the' board will . shoftlYrepert. - . The re . "
their examinations
fore you; aitd,,wilt of Course.reeeive due al-.
tention: • - .
Adjtif l atit General, with the 'aid of Col:Pleas
anton (*Mai was liberally offered) instruct
ed to hive thew collected at the different ar-
sena s. -I'ne communtcations of Cot. _ leas
anton, accompany this inessage, and will ex=.
plain the subject fully. 1' conclir in . the pro
priety of theMeasttre,.with the hope howev- 1
er; .that the 'Change may r made to ern- 1
brace pieces 'ofearmon,, with which ate' as
,sociated any of 'the glorious events of the
cominodomEiliott of the. tithed States
not.iinmindful of his- -native State,
while bearing : the flag of . the :nation over
'distant - seas, tics, made nee the agent "Of pre
s'ehting to the. Legislature, in his . name, a_
beatitiful.. gift.. ; It consists of .a likenesi in
'oil, of Christopher ColumbuSi thefliscovr
er of our..Cotitipent, and anOther . of Ameri
ens Vespuelus; from : whom it received - its
name. ..To these' is aslded'the figure of the
'Anierican Eagle",-carved by an American
citizen, in marble; from. Alexandria Troas.
'lle Commodore's letter companies this
titesSege. - : : The presents; are now- in :the
Executive cliamlier,:,subjeCt t.O the .dispbsi
, tion of the' Legislature, and will, -1. fell cer 7
!tain, : beauitably received and preserved.
j On the seventeenth of Septeinber,-' being
the anniversary of the glorionsl'sortie from
Fort.Erie,iit was my agreeable. dutylo,pro-_.
` , sent,to Brigadier General Hugh Brady; i•f
theffljnited . Siates Army; .the sword unani
mously voted to hiM by the' Legislature of
'..ltis•native r Btate. 'The veteran soldier, 'IOW
bears--Jhe itolten-of--his-Ceuntry'e-=a-pproli
.• It . {Os my desire that it should not
beurivverthyPftlie commonwealth. - Itii in
j deed a beautiful Specitnen of. the artist's taste
and skill, and appropriately commemorates
the deeds intended to be reWarded.'
the work of Fletcher 4/.. Bennett, of Pinta;
uelphia, and -cyst $1,000; ": • . .
Permit me tocalLyeuratiention to a mat-
I :ter:e..onnect;et.l with. the oBfiejel - ariligements l l
!of With. Houseti of the Le?4ithiture, but in
Which the Online at large haveal:i interest.
It frequently Inippeni, during' the summer
trecess, that citizens of the commonwealth
require, for use in courts of justice,
the progress of claims. for *pensions from
the National-government, eitlieroriginal
pers or . exeinplified copies of papers in the
possession of the Legislature._ The clerks
have ne..poWer to give the origittalson.r are
i thev poeSeSsed of an oflicial - seal . yitlt which
to copies:
I The only mode of_ producing the desired
ilociirneAts=tn rt.'s:to ,siilipjaTffajlie — eeil; - ",_
I and. oattse him - to.carry - witli'lfim the:papers
desired.: -Butei•en this . ..troublesome•expe
client fails , between the :second- Tuesday in
Octuber- annually,' and the day on which,
the I.4egislatureaSsembles, for dug.that
,period theelerki en
sfinictionCepase.. It-would
• Promote the - public convenience, if -the
elerks 11;ere - antliorized. to lteep,a freali-and
giye certified copieS - iif . dOcitriAnts on .
to be used in evldimce. • The trouble or,
making 'and' forwarding the _&.)pica,. might
. he paid for by a reasOnablefee in.. each,case;
and- the'official - : - character of the clerks of
each--session-might-be-extended-by express
enactment till the contmen't.c.thent of the
.• The Contingent fund Or the off °. of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth, is gener
ally insullicient, , during the year in which
the Governor's election °cent:4. .Ont of this_
fund are paid the postage messenger's sala
ry, die" price of fuel, printing, statioi.ary,
&c., both -fortho Executive 'chamber and
the Department of.:Siate..l _The, postage on.
- election returns' for thwernori-aiiii on the
large namber_olletters_which_are_addressed. ,
to the Executive, during the first six months
of his term, generally exhausts the fund be
fore,the first of April, - on which. day the
year commences: - -The fund Of the presCnt
year will be quite insufficient. This is
caused - hy the large number of
.circular let
ett-"-8-oTfro-iftliTiniftliffethie—grati-Oiedrirati es
bofore alluded to) in accordance_ with the
directions of • the Legislature; and in . perfor
mance.of the - duties of the office. It will
be necessary • to make—some provision tO
meet the dernadds now existing, and the i se
which.-will-:lbecome due before ihe--first of
April. • • • •
. .
1 . - The amount annually,. is $2,700: This
sum is more than enough for "the - tiecond
land third years of eseh executive-term;
conntiagfro - mthe — firtit of - A pril, :and; the
Ibilanees unexpended during- those years
would, be sufficient for. the other, if they
were • permitted to accumulate and be ,apr
plied to . it. But a different constrection,
..has been giver( to the law on tire subject,
by the' aceripntant, department. Thetinex
f pcmled balarree • hetween'April Math . , and
' 1838; '• is $1,427:40: -:1 therefore
_recoreutiend suok...a Change or:the law, bas.
permit that 'Bunt Jo be added to the
fund for the resent' 'ear &.will continue the
tliisaave paruthereittei-
The permarient state 'thibt,,,ivhich was
$24,330,003 32,in 1835, iinow $24,230,-
I 'ooo. 32; and: though -there are' temporary
' loans' to the amount of 81,000,000 due,.yet
they were forced on the state in oppdsition
Ito the exertion of the Executive, and will
pr e . -_ 1 sink—
nk a small account,. When the sums 01
a similar kind - due''at the commencement of
the year .1836, areiledueted from them. .
The state tax, which was then in exis
tence,' without hope of termination; has
ceased •to be collected, 'and nothing but the
utmost profusion can make it again necessa
l', which Was at alowebb •
in ;183, is. now. raised; and the common
wealth obtainii :eyed . ..her. .:Vemporary loans •
withsease'it.4.,per.cent.••, .
.: • •
. The 'curieney, which Wad on the eves-.of
fearful.convuLsio' n-in 183 p, hasbeen• •car
ried;throitgh it with less injury than was
experieked in any ethtt .itate 7 —is now res
tored to usual soundness , --and has se
mired- to it the aid .of an institution, whieli•
will 'hereafter preserve it!ii.uniform ity,ifno•
further ruinous experiMents be.tried. ••• '
.And finally, the State has been' mile to
,occupy her' proper position in the, National
rtimily,, and_ iti• relation to the General . Gov
ernment,. on all..occasions.. •
. • I•now - aptiroach the end of • the : term for •
.which . l..tvas elected, • with the cOnscious ,
'flees that l 'lave' performed the duties 'of the:
Executive• Department or the .Goyerruperit_
with fidelity, according to the best of my
juckfinent and ability,. and .:with the: `pro
foundest gratitude. fur- the confidence , and
support of my fellow. citizens andi fer
sently_ltope,that_the_Divine_Auther-•-nt all
things, will eontinue indefinitely' to, bestow
his - favors 'on diem and our - beloved eons=
• try.. •:
Ilarrisburg, Dec. 27, 1838.
On the 10th inst. by the' .11er. i5t...11.- Prow‘u p
11. Aii.EU:asolv, - of
_Virginia, to ?Mos
daugheeuf hli. liavitl'.Deal, of Ship-
pensburg.. • - . • . •
•• • . . ..- •
The above hrmenial corned to us iiecompanied with
a slice of as tie% pound cake as ever meltedid an edi
tor's mouth. We return an extra - quactity of thanks
t the wedded pair, fat their kind consideration_ of
editorial wants---and•trust that their lives may be,
like a -fairy : vision - fult - of - everr thing-pli.sant--to-rhe
Uri thr 10th ner..l. Urn trot, Mr SOLO
•iTAN BEAn, to Miss SAitAILRLF,II . RII ef -Wesiperins- .
borough towpdiip• .
On tlic.Fitme ilny;hv - the same. Mr. D.orrr.t. WAL
LET, of Ymt•lt.. crnirtty, to Miss - -lintercti. IfIICKTI,
Smith Miiitileton,•towinhip-.
• 11y.-'the nr. C• .thrion •on the ‘2sth- of Orw.
•• - t - glist:, --2 i l r- -, lnsr.rft--N•r.ttionr-tri - iIIiSFE,T:I - Z - A - itTiOtt -
Ens, both of - Allen to wiishilt,•Cuttihrrhintl
- • cnucitY• --
Bt. the
onnEn,•of Newville;to Miss EctiAWnizmAN, ot"
West Pentiaborough township Ciintherhind. county, _
. .
Onthe4l.ll.inat. %fr. 111aTritAsynirro;of Mianrne
totrnahip. aged El years, 4 mnatha.and 3" days. '
.311onday - evening, the , Zhat - tift iD Papertown,
Mr. JADILS.GivIN,jr, age!" about 4 22 year*. - - -.
onuriu it Y.
*ED, mH the-mnrein.:or- the 9th inst.,-in the 41st
•es•er or her.age, Mrs. ELLEN B. HAYS, wife of Mr.
• .
1 Thr praise of a pious- and accomplished woman, •
Ih-es so much Within the sanctuary of her own ho me,
through.' the.. -cocie- •
ty she blesses- and adorns, that it seldom needs, of
endures publication to •the world. Theinteresting
subject of this notice has left 117n:tine to beelli6)ll
nOt"enahhiinneil. She has left' "a good name," -
which is "better than precious ointment." Shy sought
no other praise or perpetuityon earth. A husband,..‘
and three little children,and a ide circle of mourn
ing: relations beside;deeplifeel 4ite. : melancholy
reavement. _ " -
Rained sensibility and taste, bland aid courteous , •
dignity in social life, generous hospitality to strangers,
prompt, and.delicatesympathies for the afflicted, and
..withal,..n.rare_intelligenee,and_discriminsttionr-of hu
man charrteter,-Were the qualities with which she em
inently shone in the circle of her immediate actjusitt
e'o- lloyond-that-circle-her-inllucaeo-waifelt-und-L -
blessed.. Her exPansiveand.unwcaried benevolence •
Maddened tfic desdaYelcorners of poverty; and "the
blessing of them that were ready to perish _came upOn
, _Bath is to_publiskthe-hononr- of the Saviour,-whcins .
She loved be:tter than her 'own attainments, that we now •
Igive tribute to her memory.
,She has givCn another •' :
clear and MeMbrable, demonstration
, ofthe supreme .
,consOlation of our holy 'religion. - For m any rears she
was a 'member'of the Peesbyterian - church.' :the -,
wakeful activity of the Chriitian WAS 'exemplified hi
her earliest experience, by the promptitude and zeal , - .
With which she aided every pious and benevolent en." -
terprize. But'Obtl WintidetitoAre graces oft mellow--
er kind; and she was_ visited with sharp and repeated,
afflictions—While made again and agiti;i to bow. with ,
meek submission to the rod, sht; Was 'l,Privilegetr'to- . '
taste :the richest cordials Of christian'faith,the'synqut--
thies ofJesus, and the ribetiling stability of his prom--
hies: The faith which hiathus been tried in the far-- _
nace,and found "more precious than's-old that perish
proved its mine most signally as she approached ' •
the last enemy, Her illttess_Wasnausually_pretrac._
ed. - occasion was'given for every &aim ofthe chris.-
- thm - charaitertalie - te - star -- "TI4 fidtkitTatietree
of the saints" had their perfect worktedo. Throtigh - '
I /
out Iter.sickness,ektrense delicacy ' , - - of- ;nerves, pad ao.,
livid Conseisoutinesipeefiliar te'herMind, made 'lter--
11/li d,
alive to every. feat. and every onset of the' tempt .•
Seldom, perhaps, had the adietiarr Of "seul i tet;" - . •
metlitinithmugh_which_tn.liiio. l .fieryida s '!_thart,_______
themorbidirritabilityufhersinki, e••‘She - hatt--- --'--
conflict, and deep Searehiag,of Mid . he had solid , -
..• ...
...„ . .. . , „ , .. ••, . •
tilde ; and;til - prinniSe - hfthe - g - ispels . ,Was o left;without,
requisition for her ald'---yet e had triuinPlu'lici'hope
was e'Ventrampilitsw) as transcendent at the last. '
katures dread cifdeadr which had cesi' . .her'ii4Pitin , ..
NI revulsion iatheprivions stages Of disease,,,seent.
et to*y.7.*hipy: vanished". : •glite.tiiiiAp t A otii , ~ _
4itiii:i Mvedher.feom the,Struggle itsilf,, whose Idle - ,
ffaaroSliditatl - 'vittiquished- . -ealm - ttitheliour of falling: • ---
asl4li, -- Wasthe list lionrOffiei-ilfel Peraving un- . • '
usual concern - amoak 'sawn:Moiling frienda,ahe :asked • •
if theyihougbt her dying,
~ .•1 1 Vtgi Olitinie[ilt:rihat:
he pulse was.sinking'she claiMed her-hied!, together • .
igith the utmost nalmneis,'and.tinilihly. ,;;committing
her spirit to IGOd; , 4'.viilliel iiio)ii4l , :lift4gte;' . •
The estate of ChsietoplitV Irarlef's late ,cf
s'outhainptog peopsittp:- Cumberland Co.
- 7 deceased '
. ,
c ib e t: ••4,AdAm. •
issued taiheiraboc - ribii
Walterv;latitfgoattiarnp o 4ittr4s ehrieto l iker
„11,,a11i that
*natal) ,tairnake taciwt‘oeVathe 4 " 'ye — •
011 Pet‘sonaindebtacriteiequeitedt:C or Irer.a.)%-aild
,t 4 R oa d' s '..7.,„: . . e 'PrT ehte
wALTE L ITI E ",.. R. •
'Januar" , 14, 1838. 41"111..-