~,,..,', 9;St'?. 1,:•:-.7_er... II I.;_, • , vottatmau malac,—a - o.)0 aittQ ' t*** * * * **** **** * * * *.* ***:. -,,c * * * Trut**.44*** — I''' . GOIIII TIN G NOB SE .G A LE - NDAR _. .*, . .-• ..,• _ . .- 4 , a . ' •.. • -*V ; , :9 6. : ... ;,• • ' ' l!f' . . •• " • .s,A- ... --- ' al* ,-z ; *eZ Vle *; v-4 , ~,, ~ ~ 4. it % * -11 ll . , . •. ( ‘`.7. . 1 1 1 • : 74 . . • • . .-,. .:'. c •-:' '' * . . - .>. --,.. , •,..., Fil '' . l ~-. _m_.:::-- - :-:7- -, . ' 5 1., r. -,.ct ,: ,_1 t , ,45 ( ' *JAN UA-ILY. -: (*., •. --.-. • (0 4i. .. -,. ,•:• .. - i* • .: • .- , iFFEtRUARY: ST .4. ( ,1 , 1, ~ . •• • • ,•-!- - - .... Ci* " I •2 • ,- 4 ;*.MARCH.• - (t* -- - . . -• • .* '- . •-•- d* * .. 0.. * APRIL : . cf:* .. - ':. •-•-• 4 4 ' l' : k * 974- • J / , 1 - ( 1,- m -- 11LC - .Y., --; • .. :: . 7 ,__.'cii,"?:*.i -,/. : • - _ • . o)4* --- //: .. :- - 1 -- .: .: 1 )*. _ - ~. re• 1 / - * * • • n to - Yi 7 ,'F. J U 1,17. • Sy°lA . - - .4* - • ' ' - , , - )* . • • ~ • . re , 5 .`.;- • - • . 1 R,,Vif Sane 'prevailing faction, - more able or more,fortunate:llinn mp coentOrs; , -turns.this'disPesition.to the purpOsenf' his ' otv welevation-e halm publ .; liber- —f4V ithou tido:king-forward-to-an extrernity: 'of this kind, (which ndver . thele.S3 ought not bo - cntirely-ontof-sightYthe colinnott:and ecintirmal mischiefs of the spirit of .paity are suflicient;to make it the interest and duty of a;*ise:petiple. to diaCourage and, restrain it.• • : '• ' ."I.t Serves 'iliways to distract ilthe: public couireils; and enfeeble thb public 'fidminis: : tratiom, It agitates the- community, ,with ill . .founded 'jealousies and false alarms; kindleS the aninto§ity,of, one„ rt against miuther - Ftommits,_ occasional. riot void in iier'rection. •It opens the- dnor 'to foreign influence. and corruittion, which finds a. facilitated access the gv . eitimeitt itself thrpmbitecitanrias_of Nrty_pa . ssioris.— Thus the policy n'od Av ill of one.. country •cre subjected, .'to ilie•poli6y and. Will of another:" . - —"rile nomination of-,lox MAdFA.TiLANE of AdaMs count}', for State Senator, seems tc 'give btijAre sdus lon, as far as we,haVe lioara iuiy expression' of sentiment. -We understand that the conferees without any difference 'of opinion, as ..-to• its ,propriety ~ . :gatt-;him an, unaniinaus'llio ' niituliiQn. Mr. cire of the tiartY.in Adams 00iiiity;•tou.1 in Frank: lin conifty, , tbo diffet:e;nees ',unhappily existed - aiiiondsCour ftiends'al the lastelee -9n Inive , been - j itaTgreid - In as u re.focrincil- Ctunberland 7 we-expeel -majority-1 -against us,' but it will ba . small. - Arr'rTrrrthe re•• • formation' we have on the subject, Mr.. •• MaCtartane's - InSin - rity; in. the •disfrict-,will , -be,:at-icitst-VIATJOINDR-13 . ' Mr. Mkfarlane ts:a.natiye of this coup'- , iy . ; . andis - exteitsiiFely and fairOiably ititpl6l. .1-ILSCharacter as.a good citiicii,aMfA up right ,man—his illefligenccifiyff 'strength of mind and -good iu gl ,durlased - btit.byr .feili.:.:"W • '. heifer or-m Ore / populai,se r have *cri'matie: . _ -pg 16feekor46 at) our constnutten apt laws, .the road-Iniitp putess and wealth' Is open to you: 'I o n ~yr4.-pr nt ee i nd*yptir hop • itlysiry, - and ..,..91.ffutt of your s labour against the lawless. strong can; not iiidaile your!riglif.'s,4lr dfn shield Of the law 'and 'the' einiStitutien iiS"yourtprreteetlen. • ,Are -3 . T.iL-wP4f64 up. to .::the 'tender mercies renaer Ahem, to`?:tilteilicieping:of - 7, ''• yo6rait,idi es GO To Tug cii4,Tutsn'Av toctr and vote a- 'the 6024711TUT10N,4, MM!=li '''-'" , f...1'?.-Y,-. 1 ..:!4.(ii =II 9fither people to .mako_. and .to alter TtlieirtmfstifUtions of government —4m the : .constithtion which at any• tune exists, until chap/god 1)) , an explicit and . authetitie act .of Ilyd_wholc - people is saeredly obligatory , upon 411.___T_Ite—verkideLoLtho_power _andAe. right of the people to establish government / pre-supposeslitelluty of every individual to . obey theestablished; government, "dill obstructions to the•execution of the laws, ALL COMBINATIONS' AND AS ' SOCIATION S under whatever plausible character, with a real design to direct ; con -,trol, counteract or atre the regular delibera tions-and action' of- the constituted -author 'Wes; destructiVe:. of thii 'fundamental principle,' aril of fatal - tendency. They serve _to organize _fitetioni - to. give it an an: . put in the place—ortifo-4616;ptud-witi7tif-06-na tion - t he w ill of party, often -a small hut ;mild and .en-: terprising minority - of the community; &, ac 'cording to the.alternate triumphs of different parties, to wake the • piqic administration the', j rrar::e the ill i; -- oticerted and inetitigru *a:fpJ - 6E4 iit-consisten(and- wholesome plaUktfigest,ed) V. ; con) Mon - reoUncilS; and modified combination or atiseeiations.of ,tit `nbcqe:'desckiptioti and'. :then ,answer;; painilar rends, they , are in -0(1-Aingef.to 'l,i9s4que *ent tious,,unprincipled:-InotOVill'jiW::•eili WP t.ifk:.obvAr.t.:thQ ; and *'Ostirpfotllieniseloo4lte:. , . • ~•-•, - ...1-I,l4i,lifi&ii Ad _ - P P _ n 'hy rein : part ~VI '- , ii).'443gopprthilotiokl* . .44,414:144'114e4iAii44404i6g BM= in:ent:; are thitik tliat a .caion.gould not Workinsinpi; under. THE MOB AGAINST . The' CiiisilittitiOia and Lia's*i. This is the true issue •to be tried . on Tuesday next: if mob..party succeed, 'we niey:iiS AlispenSeWith.-u - legisfature us 'Useless. Ouremits -. of justied will . be -.but--:aniere,song;,atidru_lawless_rubble Control theirlilecisions..-: i; Tito next step will . be to 'drive Religion fromour borders: -Farmers-do liotc• wish 19 .preserveljour fdinis, and :your property, then - gojo the polls on' Tuesday nest; and 4.l . tite'• against . the- nzob-party..---The-mob-whioli -4rovd.oitt the...legislature, Were mostly from:.the Coun ty of _Philadelphia;:-bullies; men- of--deppe 7 . rate character; men who prey upoW socie ty_; - - Men - Who - 0o and will not obtain a livelihood by honest industry; ille . Y .-- a - r — riii - favoUr of an-equal di ., vipon'of the land of the eetintry,- - - They have been hired by the Van Buren party tn turrrintit the legiilature; td drive from their seat's' the representatiyek of, &he.. people.-;-. 'They have found•their way into the cou i= try,:and. they have found otit,-their =They--may-next apse tricovre anion g you, and iii the same , Much 'abased name of de mocracy, divide your farms among them.. The courts.or law eannotroteet you, if you countenance them, for they can-as readily snob-Yiiinr-courts r -arid-e . oMpelr:thein_tO__fici -itifiancl---with-thereri-as-they, have beetfable . to"ntobllie legislature, and drive. ,Mit your, ..you would not share your' hard and honest - carnings W 4h . stibillavirless -- Imitles, do not-slumber;- do:not dream- away-your riglitfl_ in false security, birt go to :the polls, on Tues'ilay next, lay aside party- spirit; awl 'Cale t.gaihst the nob party. ' -Let it be seen that the of the country *- Opposed to,..sUch :proceedings, and corrtipt politicians will noingain employ silt:lt/nobs. pr"J'.Who are the men wliol,kocittiiiici/ revolution at ILlarrisbut? and.u , ho are the corn Ogee; of safety ? a body. never Chosen ileople, but ,who set themSelies in the place of those .chosen by the people, ~Slis - are - thcsC - •merr?--14rr. .they rldriots nun who act without interebT, and with no other motive .for their conduct but loy . e vif country ?: No *No! Read their e+ - MT 'men - 0 f: broken - ,and esp era tc tiiiies-=:nieil:of: dissolute habits=' men who are industrious only iu seeking --EVery 'man,among-them-is . an- of- Ace seeker— , greedy for' the loaves and fishes. List INC gym?: do iii ii your hearts; it tells you of thojaral !olden , fr,cy of sutlii,"as.oeiations alit as, this "committee of safety.'! _ M RIM THE Bt*int..E Or!i.The.cities to bOASiddil at the special clectida.pni snitcnl in ~ . last Volunteer; aint`We therefore: join at once. :Th . o print is .1)61d:1i - int fat enough to avoif, that ‘`•tlie - efeetiaii-Wjll eide whether: the' -Constitution= ; .and LaWs shall - -be gbeyed—or Wllather (re-awn-6'4;re, 4/40ri, - , -- tlie - "ieio'n of ie2.-r'r.ai,.".:lifA(l:e.Tag claws, ato-approVei-hy-the' people." This I is the_uneqUivocalNeckai';uion..t,r'the editor -Of--the_VOlunteer, .who . aeted "aS one-of the vice presidents of the inhurCeeti - ottary, • ing held in the court ho . use at 11trrisbitrg -by- tile"- m obites r wltere ii was proelai in eti-by their orators-that the state governnu-1A 'was -at-an-endi!.- and—the:blood—of— sorne44•our public functionaries,. and-legislators lon"i4y called - fori He also ailvocated - iit bis-paper the riotou's.proceei]iogs of arougt. out---kiteir_t4on forcible , possession of . the 6611* chamber, and causing :som-eW=ltS members and others to !lee for their lives— their forcible ejectionfthe speaker of the _holm from the hall, when aboui tai proceed Wilson's betel, -if the - proprietor permitted the Cunningham-.ltouse -to meet in' ore-of. 0 . . his rooms any longer—their-setzing upon, the state arsenal, and spreading terror'itu. around—and their suspensfon of the matelumitions of the executive and legisla tive-branithes-L3f-thet.tkiern top for several days! . The 'reign of terror' was, not only enforced lay the loc6;.foco -- rioters and mob= .. troaso ott•-`reb el I ion '-„Lv ero-corn. mined -by them, and 'gag-laws' reserted to iri tlie4senate and tbe_ln — ni§e;:iti 6 - daion , oft `the Constitation•-:and -f.a/rs.? The' edit or :a die Voiiriieer; rte rarest,' - advocated the disgraceful scenes of the rioters, - and participated •in -seine of ' their treasonable' proceedings--arid now, trim to his object, in' consequence- of the treachery of 'snipe of our friends in the senate, he still pro - claims the doctrines of .theinobites, and. hurlA Lie& • once in the very teeth of the true friends:of "the Constitution inn) Laws. of ill-is distr.ett ilVe trust, however, Mzt the orderly; peace- 'loving citizens of this' senatorial- distriet; vlto have so'often conuerea theirloco foco ittiverarieS, and- defeated their_ dangerzina measures, will again rally and `come to the rescue s Am Tuesday. They have only' to and th,e Ala) , is otirs.,?_Let Oilr. .watch-word be, as italwaYainrs . been,.._,‘the supremacy of the. Laves and the Constitu.; - ,to -4 th 6. reinirnf terror of iheAmo - foCo2m6b, and victory' will once` More peaitr upon our .hannerk , ,•_ yOriot WASH.- ._. • - N. 13.—Sincp the above was in type, we leartr that the loco ford conferees assembled in,Shippensburg 'yesterday, and nominated Gen. THOMA§ C. IMLLER, of -Mums county, as their candidate for, _the Senate! This confirms the bold Poi.iition assumed by Vet - end proi 7 E - i - thitilb - C• TWO - fei: cos are dittermitied, if priisible,:toivarry - MM; of loaders of the 'ireirSonahle', and . 're beltious! Mob, ..in :oppoSition-to a Oland of the cOnstitution,and liapil; and -fiee7tlettar--i -mined to I . 4try a' bold and deSperate gamei* .for, let it be yeinenthered,..Geii...l4liller tr,as chairman of the rebel court lioue at Harrisburg, ale - M.l4g Member . Of the proviSiontitgoverh4, a violator of the7cOnstitution and: It is a 'great disgrace • to the state, and an insult to the district,that th t he' peop.e ofthis tat man 5 101 - breughi forward :for e ; :i.ettatei - w 40 Bead- cil a fo Ur i ii761 . t1 es troy g ...•, • . • • the goreittnient—whei'deterniitteel . .M._.seik. .upon ihe arms in tlie state arsenal, r to carry . out their'2tretispitae ilesignsand. Oran*, witlillendishlere tjr;atlifaciitedas-. saSsinatinn; rand dire:o66o' m!inali - 6 1 ,t1te nate'cliOnber, Sinoke Witlt'tlM 'blood . of its .scpators' . ; !;,. r . Suchaspirit'has -4 - parallel only in...the'-itiFocities..ofAhefFreneltircrtAntion, when the sanguinary :Robes pirre. , it red ::Out WaftitlrO heat hlOed:ofFranee,:,4,-! is the Voice of _____ .... , 7Krifoftlll,l = .liilli67of - the - itt r iSilittlte -, 1 laryland•lngt at Ail n ap ol fs yesterday. wee k .itti:lig:,§qjtate, Richarill'boniae oiltig),was I eleeted preOtdeat by a majcirity o tbrec over 091: My; loco' face.)' < t'!' 11'e:11 . oulLT,.9eil.., Charlest'S,;oiilkley:,,tt*tleetiiti-speali e r. by a . majarity,:pf Noyejl ,dvorpr. W Idi toa— r 4 lo ilitit,ter • Oei ng 41ze - wiiig,.,inq Ale' . .o.ty.r , , t lIR 16 ,, ,, 1 1 1 'eg Q. s. - todiy qiol6l",e: ''qn - the'„fi)l!oivia:g , i . .bi; 1 `o6i;''-''.6ai, ; 3l iii..lii;er'eifiliii flitVieilluid4 . 6 - A• : .. , i :Pilhijiiil l A,4l9t: l 4oi#S l PNAk4 so. ,!7 c 44#1 4)/P state p ap er = %At# o :44ol.Oileo,e'i . :.# . loj 44 l 'oolii* . ji 3 tElP l4 4o.*j i ll ; %''-IP 'e n' f . de ? .7 ggO k, t ik' *COOriAiliSitirP'' '''4 l o l iiiitiibt 'tii&tiri=i l koT' 2 -. ..iitik;idipiiVice* 6 '4Vi:iii i,'l..s." fv . - Y 7,7 • ''' :' ,r,''T . -?T‘ - ' l7 vn; *, , , i . , „. 4 :1-'4;-:-.'•5 NEI ISS 1111`0. 0M1,12,2 1 1i0 VIVI 0 T aal ' - 4 ..p(l6 f. Thecontest.'.w high - is to take place.,-..sin i l 'Tn - esday. next, is not an ordinary one. is to `thiterednewhetherthe .people .of this dictiiet sanction the forte of,a.p:icilrin, preference to the ; rowmto - Fix. - It is-not merely to decide whetliet . One . mattor. another . man shall be elected: to.-the State ,Senate; but it is to..settlean-impOrtint c iple upon which -our-present tbriii ornmentanay unfet•tunet4foi the caintry,,Thomas ce.candidate for the Senate, should be :elec.: led, will it' not" very. justly. be 4. - oneidred 1 thatthe.peliple - :Of this. district .itpfirove of /he - :eonderei—opth - e-2izob at - llsrii - ibifig, --- 01-- whiehlhis sante inan.Miller,' 'was, one .of tbe - ost- aetive-ringleatlers?--Will- it- not he an lilcentive - to viojence hereafter? . And • ivill it not =gite encour,ligetirient:fer - VOlitical - ilesperndOes- to. hand together and - - control. thedestinies of the country. - gro - unds- --- we--urge-upenall----__._ . without regard to party—who disapprove of violence, 'insurrection and anarchy, to . . assist in the election - df JOHN, F.: MAC • . • We !in(); there are..l4fikr . 4;jl', - ;„iiay . .l: : ways , been -opposed. to- u bu lkistain the , .cause'of ord r rand peaCe;4olf*t. mob law. To our .friends, we say s s; io Tivri=let no: business, no argument, no over confidence,_ nor- - no ivant•ofit, keep. you . from din your duty at Ose th - at.thay be yoUrs-L-rnay decide- the 'election. Your country. calls 'andr . ..yoil-niusuobax;L---You:now=-con . tendifor.. , = that which%you-inlicrited horn your : sires, = nodwhich you should trhniiiit to your libeily.9flyour - e:owitiw. say once inpre; DO - YOUR . 1 rom the .I)7nited States. GaTette.: - • The cJoninioilw'th of Pa. ..:in the Su ex telatiiine of the lion. , preme Court James '['udd aua others. of Penit!a. vs.. • East. Dist. Aslibel - GOon Qui - 0.. • . . and..others. . This is,Ahe - snit on which the right of the GcniCra 4s6Tptblies Of the Preibyterigri:' `Church; are inrolverl; - antl - tvliitli - w - ns - yrot ---- allwVed any preference at --the htst ; :.Nisi •:.,. . . On the 27th Dee. 1838, JOSIAH — RANI/EL for the 'Relators, in pnrsuanCo . of notice giv en by hint to the "opposite party, asked of -• the .Court to give the_ above cue a prefer- , . lenee„bv.placingit at the head of the lie, _ , Air...RANDEx. stated that this ease involved IMoreaiiiiperty, mid had enlisted mere - few'- . ing am:my a great-number - or people, than Iprobealiry any sniff, that had ever been litiga- • ted—that aged witnesses were compelled to come from the most distant'pails of the :United States, and that•he would submit to the Court, Whe:her in this exercise of their sound judge:lie:A,. a special day tthould•not r be-assigned-for-the-trial-of--thiskease.---141r, -- R. named the earliest day, the 'lst day' of the A isi - Prizes, viz: - the -- 3d --- Monday - le -- , - . -- Pehunry next. ' '• Chief Justice Cinsori enquired whether iliis:" . n;was-airy-oltieetion-t04,11e-proiiosition. _ Air. F. W. Hubbell, on the, , behalf of the defendants, stated•that lie Niiis instructed by, ' them to join in this request, that as etzhnsel in 'other cases; he would prefer a eftecial - day being assigned "for the trial 'of - SO not to interfere With cages; that IM Tild roposed to the, opposite, part} to join 'hi an application to the Legislature to • Al r. lb:xi:XL" stated lie. preferred an ap plication to. the. , Court, to any other mode, because' they could appoint a day, to suit their own cotriPcnietice. :.' . ' - Ctur:V7".Tostrei Oinsox said.,- let the :.day mentioned hy7,the Canitsel - 1 - iii - ilfe -- felaVri -- he assignetL:f6r;thja• T ease. _' . •' i ' On Saturdaythe -:26th tilt. NIX,RenBELL 'stated that lie' Wi•Shild" . ..ilte first 'day of the "2:d • pexibd, i_iiilhe:arst-Montlay.in-Nareli nest:___ substituted for'the'day'ordered by the court; tl:ere.were several reasons fot'r, this change, niong Others, the defendants CoAldnothave ' the assistance of IVir...ll)llN . S.A.goANT; how . it: Congress, unless the tlay:,•were altered. Alessrs. RANueL• and, , Minch ,eaid • - they-did = nca. opp.osq•-•the,Cl m iange;-•theyenly - desired a fair:and impartial^tilair and hoped 7 every, facility would , be xeMlerptl; to Oef pp- pesite, party. If the day ,Wete':ehailged 'they w ished.it understolul,the if., the, ease - iliould - occupy mikethalf„4o - :4 - W - o7cy4 . *4' ------ that Would then remain 9410 Aime ,:tesigne,d fii - r - .,t Ile Nisi Prius;thatilie•Case,,'wetildini.• ,41 (e )Idi ou rue d hut would ~..6f}, Optinuq44lll4t • lvasifini - sh•ei • r. • • . , '''. •‘,.. ' t --- jr -------k -- -•, -,• /. VSTICEI4 insoX-‘4 - on — s - tialliiaitlifi - fl itidillgsnee,, and the . - lst Monday in March ia ittiSiPed—so 114oltday, the AtlL:.Aay,-, : inf Illarch neKt is :fixed fir the , trial otthe',Oke. ~ • ,1;,. , ~: .. 7:7 ,- - - '' ' = '' ''''''-' • -,V . „ f)SIVEGO.' it u ritc* ,- *6o.oairh; 1 i•if man:pee:l: ,cheesi:eelehrily, , iii -2argligo. it,. -t lib tie Id with sonic of the p*uetioitiet,hio 1-ilkj..en.sive dal:T.:” Ile: is new eihiblitine a - ii 'raitiitl'..!;f butter, ~Weighins;,vpwaids . o f -. .. Ll2o.Vizoup(lii, , ,'.' , 4 - I.6:lllnn.i.fPrwataefk another ... . !i;: . s ;iatiljil-;',iootihingl.oveirT4p s o4'pou .. i l de,l. 9 ,_•_ liwashirOon ,Ito kifgja fve'the erxtical4utl4nietit .: _.. atko fr‘ refiriaith cativo:l'ot ithe •ilittin - lx. : . -A* ',, . . ,110'fle-1 1 101. he ele.Y . get'ke fioed-Alir.lof4# .- - - ,as Ye, . dLa on. t a Pret', lo lWeeteeie ~1111 , 3 . . r i *111(e, E ttgptien,•-sent ..to ; the'tap t iti'lpi - colift."-a,,, 'lbilii4.-..-3" .Y, Con : '',, , 'i,'.. .<,' , M , ,-.ooi` , -_, - si ffill