. . :. .. • • ; ME, 3 A G g - ...' . . . To the General a / mble of Penikylvania, read in' i . • enate, Dec. '27; ISSS. . .. • '',\, ._ro ihe, write and.litmeof e . - Represent a- , • - ealth of Pe,lizsyl- 'Ohio . . , , . , -- .. / I f . rEtLOW CITIZENS—The. animal message i /. ..A9 the legislnture was prepared on the 4th ' • , inst. for presentation. tut. the . scenes ' of • confusion which then- -.commenced, and ' .Which continued to disgrace the...seat of go- 1 •-• : verninerit till a few days ago, prevented its. delivery.: ih, transmitting it, now, 1 feel . , .• compelled . by every motive cif - official duty -'•. . --. T as chiefmagistrate, -and: - of patribtism' as, a, ..• citizen,.tbrefaC6. it '- . with a brief detail of` -the factS bonifeeted with the 'Tema outrage, .aiitd call upon you; as you lOve order and ,-- •]. `your rights,.and .venerate the instittitions of ,yOurnountry, to adept every posSible - niiiins . .- . to prevent the recurrence of similar.didor ,. • . -. ders. :•'•,' . • . On "'the day appointed by the eonstittition s , --•-• •fOr . the - . meeting, of• the legislature, the mom ..bers of.the house-of •representativea'aitcmpt • ed to organize that body; hut owing.to' a . dispute • relative to - certain returns,.. TWO - - Speakeis were'.chosen, andF:vo I-louses or-.. ganized. This was;•howeVer, dope peagc 7 . . , fully; and - if the-members-of both hranchei - ' -- lia d- been -left-in-the-Tree - - - eiereisaLot. t he ir_ minds and their rights, the difference would • . probably- sOon have liactisettled,,.Atiu,yheni, , in the afternoon Of the same - day, tifentip! _ i ,"al . session of Senate Was - commenced; a mob - Or • - lawless and - daring linrSorw. 4 Were • . round to be.: in attendance, who atfenfpted ---tolinfliMucCianit _dieta.te. the coUrsc • to be. --7- fftirsifarb — y — that body - . ---derttihrinetubers • • ivere - ,adinitte4 - f to - seats; in,aCCOrttince - with .thehnownlw s a of the state, but-in Opposi -tiou to the Will of. thaie• persons. As•soon . - as .this was done,, the lives of S'etintori and others were threatelieN and loud cries were • ' heard'COMmanding theSonate to reconsider its vote and;ailinit other claimants to seats.. To such height did this . scandalons outrage ,'... proceefi . that:the senate adjonrited.. in- con ,' fusion; -and some meoiberp of the leg,islit - ture'and' others, were compelled. to ;escape •- from the chatnher,-Unknown t:) the mob, to save their lives. ~ . , .. - • , . The rioters, 'Under thcir;leadrs, some of • whom *welt federal government officers, • -. - jthen took possession. of the-Semite ,eliain .ber, aiid desecrated itby :their insurreeticth • -airy. harangues; in the cotdse of 'Which'. and -aftefwards•inrother'plaes, -- it, was.announe ' - " - ,.ed that a re . .sioltition - hall - eommeneed.. - ,Thel' - • _then, adjonrined Ttci - the -couyt , liousc,-w.ltEri_. the nuist inflammatory sPeeelies.W ere Made, aza - themost dangerous' . proceedings= - took - took place. Next day, and. for some time after . wards, the Senate did. not meet for want •i . a quorum,-outsleenung,- it saf . e . to appear_in_thein.scats;_ai prb pa tii at v,;11 pt..l to •logislate - in the. presence . of the' ,; riot 2rs, 'who:fille4 the: capitol; On:, tic Sante day . also, vrhein-one of the portions of - the house - 'Of . i . eji - re - SetilatiViir:mtempted! to- meet,: the! - member who Thad Been deputed I to. act as.' ppeAer,.. was :prevented.: from . tal; i Ot2; the chair • •and'viblently ejected -from the hall by =she niob. - - • • Id the Meantime, a'body"called a "Com mittee of Safely" had been appointed by the rioters,.and.seemed to exercise , nulitnit7 d iwer them. They made the most il.mmatbi'v - appeals to the citizens of the state at a distance, and, when a small gbard had,.been placed by the kedper and by my "orders in the rsenal, to prevent the public ..nrin&friint fallidg . into the hands or rash lor ill dispoed, persons, they were.cowpclled to evacuate the &Oddityg under terms.tlibtat ed-by-the,mob,-withtlie_conetirrence_oftlic .-P.Committee_of ,S;ifety:A7,...During_the tic- currepee of theFe disgraceful events, neither branch of the legiSlature could fund a regu lar sessiOn-L-the Executive :Chamber and the State Department were closed, and con: fusion and alarm pervaded' the seat of g 0 , • ernment; • . In this fearfuTitate cifalfairs, e tit my duty to issue. a proclamation, calling on all •• the civil: authorities to exert_ themselves for . the. restoration of law and order, and on the militia - to - keep - ihemseliTe in inshurt read .ness-tthniarCh_to_.the_seat_rof_guyernment_toi_ __supprees the 'violence. I also issued an or der milthC.„Major General or tlie - Terdiiii=l Sion the state' militia, to• march his corn mend to , Harrisburg forthwith; and made a • requisition on, the _commanding officer of •-•ffte U. S. troops at . Carlisle, to liiiiiTgliiiTThere are ale° other changes,__chteny,t, - force : to - the - aid - of . the constituted autheri- claratory - of pas Sages in, the old constitution, :ties. At the same time, the President of i which were not clearly expreseed in, that --- tliffUnited - States - was informed-of-the-instrument, !and_. which do ,not, require re of affairs, .and required to take sock steps*. capitulation. • under the fourth section of - the 7fitifth arti- I For y ears; mulch abuse and evasion ofthe de of the constitution of the United States constitutional provisions.and. of, thelaws te as might seem proper. This'last named'lative to voting, have been suppoiedhy measure'Was,adopled; - that if matters* . pro- ny citizens to exist.. 'Phe present occasion ceeded to•extrernity, it: might appear that will afford_ opportunity- to • gintrd; as,far. every.prnper and .possible .precaution. Ii • as• can be done, .this inestimable-right - frem been resorted tti by the Ekecutive.'lviolation. Another reason now . demand's . The result-oVthese-several-appliaationstmore striet-,and- , specific_legislation are known to you. With regard to that number. of officers to • be directly chosen:by . made - to the - federatgovernment, not i i -the will-give - the-:elcctionsmore -0f ..-noW speak, further than to say, that having I interest, and to each individual tote - more of made it in the regular and 'constitutional presentand local valiteoltart:theY formerly discharge of Official duty - ,1 felt bound, as „possessed, 'and Will consequently - subject chiefirtagietmtestfif Power •of -the . individual. voter, which against the reception now„ . highly improper reply made to IL - I (Ikea appointing power, to greater danger • Fortunately, however,. the appela•made , from fraud and malpractice than heretofore; to the eitizetisoldiers of the Comnionweldth •.w hen itsinfluence was more remote. was:heard, without dpubt - of necessity= •:• Unit", these circumstances, if 'is a• first or .id delay obedience., , duty of y the legislature to form sifelt a efts_ . The presence of Major General Patter- of km's 'for the 1-egulafion 'of elections, as . sore's, ',arid subsequently of Major Generalwill eanse their results to be known and re-. Ale . x.atider's commands, ;Completely . aecom- i.spected - expressed will. of . pltslied,•tlrt , ;,object to view. •,-• Phew num. tau ol,ajortty, and also to place around them .eliers• - vieresuificient to . frown down every stie!ft guards 011,13 completely preserve -thing; like, open vieleace, while ; their coy- 1. - e.,cu and i.rderthiring their progress. root and; • deportment obtained the .13011, these disirable objects may be ac.-• , - , : ,...6: l othlenee T of the. moderate •of • all parties, ! complished I,v. Aktinfag and establishing, Under protection of' 'their Presence,: .the_ t heyetcl•. , (at•il'.`OFFliitsion,.. the . - evideaee.of members-Of:the legislature . were free to Set- - , file qualifications requh•cd by the constitu Ile theii Own•difTererrme in their own map-,' lion. to be;•possessttd'. in, 'eVery elector; . and 77 - nsti,, ,- -Mritk regard to'ilie result oftheir (: . le-. • b ehs.fring eft;: punishment of all violations . ' .:liheratione,' of cenrse.T; ai'an Executiie ot l -1,..0f...the peace :at • •• • • -, i :• • •fic.er, • can express no opinion•,,, My, ealy o qualifications in addition to cilizen 7 iluty• - w as . to 'take • measidak tikenSti re its ac-1 ship, (which is . ' as 'here tofcire,) entitle to' :a oomplishment' ; by ; .the free agency - of, the •vote:. v . esidenc6—secon4 the pay - tnestiberrf.- themeelves, and when' that , was' meat of a state .or county tax, The eon rOttion. ns-Nthlklegard-to neither has accordingly beim dono,,and the hope is can be changed nor ,cdrected bYthe'legiela; Jthfccrely_ontertained,oo , Simi;: I tune,, but tlarmode of establishing:thefact; lii,r4trafection mayfitier again be - required,'lhat, these, qualifications are really ilesiess. citizens of the.state generally, the red, in other words the evidence; an.'" Foulke '• .060. of the, past•-three"!iveeke.'ere , fraught I.: woutiiiilpose,' then, that ogitillidre .• • eithei With' instruction-,' .or fearful-Olen, as • sidence in the•state for and durint - Otie year . . . they May be, treated. Iffrcrm them we 1 learn the danger of departing from law and right, even in the slightest degree, or to ac ':complish the most. desirable object; and if 'all make up their minds hereafter-to frown upon every origivator or advocate of : spelt insurrectionary Movements, the lessoti.Wilf be . iny-116 hic able, and the present disgrace pro tti e-oflaSting , benefit: , But ira rope* 'lion' of the outrage" bq,,,Countenaticed, and mob t treats he . condi:the, rule oflegislatien,. then it requires • little- political sagmfity to foretell the speedy - downfall Of pur liberty,"! .nit.d--the-coinplete : prostration of all-rig - 1i ts. -) The...d.t.s , perado:m ho .en te rs_a_legi sl atlve'li all 1 to-day with his Tblithed, :to,coul i tel the 441 :Missidri of a particular member, will asstir - edlyi - end; Perhaps - on -the -- morrow, it-hand i and the paSsage:of alaw to promote . his / Private . interest at - the eXponse of others/' Nor will it be lone before he . uses the• same means in a court of-justice, to cscap liiillishinent; or ' cheat -his twig - 10)0r, - . ! ' - len -the difference. between guilr or ipno ence, the value of ti fie deeds,' and Me aeredneSs of all rights, % I / will be only nomi tale - :11l ight.will be right,. and the minoOfy and!timid,slares. - The - evil„dffecfs 'or the late 'disorder will, • I. fear, be/immediately felt in thud pecuniary credit' :df . , the leelnrrionlv , ealtli, unless .yon, _han.opresentatiTes,;:act±proMptly - andcfli7: eintly. Well may capitalists and credit- IA doubt the faith of a community to theni, when that Cominthilty is faithless•to its own dearest _rights.,.,li therefore becomes •yoof . iluperative - , - ditty, - gentleuien, not -only- to your pesterity and-unjes - ty of, the laws, but i to -yourselves and your -own immediate in -1 - terests, --- - - 0-sliy - to - the - world - tbat - SimilartioH• ,rages shall -- not• -- again take - place, and - Jthat - dM :has happoned is Me work of only a few desperate mini - , -- iurd U .- et of the people of . this -_ greatstate. .. ... , • This,.. ~ li seems - to ow, can be aceomprish el.by the enactment of-severe laws- against all riotous ,ani violent: proceedings 'at" the seat of govriliment during the session of the legislatOre, and.bv compelling the -comity or counties, whosocitizens shall Le_origl nators - or* ringlcaders,of such proceedings, to .pay :dl the loss caused hy, theM and:ex pense ine.irred in-their snp-pression'. .., It 'w;ill be alsq pieperte . revise the acts of asSembly relative to cleetion'reterrns, and tp rend6r the mode of making - them so plain; that no. end- Can misunderstand or evade • ` - them.- In their eisting.bhape, theie is sonn. ' diflically- in -alrviving4ltthe frac - it:ten toLthe legislature.• In• tIM present Case;, ..1 have. not the Sli.:!litest.:donbt. hut that the dutiCs Of the proper keeutive elficer,_ with regard to the diimted..returns, .Vari legallr and faithfully porlbrined, But the subjeet is one of-such i • vita :iMportafice•, — BUlt — the - law should - he yendered-perfectly-plainrand everr shadow of doubt removed. 'rl am clear in the-o Pi-• . -Mon, that. the, whole ofAhe late t'lifliculties arose from the return judges asstimitt.pow ers never:intended to he - delegated to them. TheY i life merely ministerial- iillicers: their duty is only clerical, and consists exclu— sively in .adding itp and dLelar-ing:the whole . vote polled,foretich candidate : withal their: '. istriet-,----and—thaking-reuirn----thereof—tO=thd 'proper ollieer"l'he - -law gives them. no poVri — ir to reject or exclude the vote of a dis trict, or a part of a - district. , It is from the Unauthorized assumption of such dangerous power, that the whole of the recent disturb ances proceeded. I would, therefore, re commendthe iUfliction hereafter of the most severe penalties - on similar Usurpations: I shall now proceed to lay beforeyouthe message as it Was prepared to he tranSinif- - ted on the 4th inst. , , . . • tklany_subieets_orgrea . t interest...Olt occu py .the titne_of the tegislature at its present session. . , . The radical aherations'which have lalten place in the constitution, impose duties that will necessarily claim your_last attention. The people have willed the change, and it is the duty of represcnttives to carry out and perfect its. deb — ii - Fs - : Of , prominent moment among the nciv features in mir organic, law, is that wiiich, L relates to the right 'of anttage. It ,consists - in - a - residence - of-ora,--instcati-orTWo-years otiithitand:stater—Of ten ilayaZactuaLresi 7 .ll dance within the district in which the etc- ! for oftrs to vot - ii; - tildeh z - vitai - not - rectuiredl formerly- - -and of the payment, witliin two year 4, ora tax 'actually assessed on the vot er at least TEN clays befdre the election. .1:4...0.*...C.4V.111"i*::-,54 - TVA:4..:(,:11X,1) 1 '. X-r.4);:a,204..-ifa t"-. nest-before the' day Of . election, . may, be proved, as heretofore, by the oath of the party offe' ring to votei•itthere be any doubt on the subjem; mod truist necessa rily be: relied on, ;or thecitelf,be perhaps ddprived of his aglit; for to many -eases he nti ht trot ulele . .,t , O,Offer'aily.. - :other:•Proof: - 430, thnt : . the . pcirticulur reSidetice for ten I days, if doitbiel , by any qualified nitizon, of the distiicE, shall be established by the oath I Or affirmatitio of aresident taxable•citizen of the distant, wh`o shall have already Voted !at that election, And not by thqoath or af tit-oration the_party himsnM,,and that_the, I:partyliimself shalllioebligml"to swebr err affirm, if - required; &nee.) in. poratince,•of his lawful dolling, 1 t • • m the particular district; that he, at•thd, • • • time-of voting, has - no other•residence,.or homcv - and that he did not remove into it fur. the 'purPose -of obtaining a vdtc therein, I . 1 , • I.here could, be . no. hards p_ m pro% !.sions,..nor•eould,they depriye-any or their just' rights, inasmuch as no one could pos sibly . feside during ten days in one : districh 'without such fact being knowli te• at least one of itsresideut citizens. N . eithcriVOuld it_bc, oppression to inquire DisiNTElitiszTo proof Of actual residence - Jo the• mode, pro posed,- because it Would only be demanding te,beat proofAhe miture'el theLquestion4ad mits of, which is every other case. Equally strict' proof of the assessment and payment of taxes should be exacted in all instances. • . . In case - . of- per:36ns elaimitig ,- to. vote on tax assessed and paid:within the district for the curixtit year, - the assessor's corrected' - s iffed—copy , ol=i4 T 4hiftilitlidath - e -1 . only l evideoce-of -assesstnetitTlint- to : pre- 1 vent altering of, or tamrierink, with asses- Sor'itr-list. , ,-a- certified eopy...of- the list in 1 each township - should be-. published by . 1 ' beings pot up and' exposed at the !Muses at whiCh the election is he'd, a line days bits to .. the.tlay election.• This would' both .enable each person constitutionally eraided to 'a vote,, to have bidiself. assessed.' the illy before. the list is completed, and would also present anapportudity to thel 1w hole distriet •of examining the: lists to-pro- posed voters and of _taking Means to•pte- 2 vent imposniOn. . . And' in ensMl a right to vote claimed. on mi assessment for a form cr . 17 Mr, Within -two 'years next-preceding . thei . election, 'and Within the district, no' othrer proof should tied that) assessor's list of the . prop yrr year, or the published espy' Of- it just described, which might he ..preseri•cd for 1 - sneh tise . frturyear to year,:py-being ta'keti down at theend the clectinn by time •in-, spector, and sealed-up-in:one 'of the bldlot boxes; by the: judges,. witli.treertificate - 'to that--efrectenchil:ll oil it by the - hispecter. ---The • correi , fnesS of such a document would not he ques'tione'd To guard toting b y , Per sons . zissessetl . and having paid tax: l o 4,e- District, they :should be required to names to the assessar, toe by 'hitnhnit l rp; at least nine day, previous to . the etotAion-iii-the - - election.-houtec,...appended:to the-lis-t-of-esscsSed taxablcS licthre described, 'that all persons might have an opportunity olithowing their names of_those who in tend to vote, and an-original. receipt for the proper Collector of the district in which. it. was paid, Should be proditced at the time of voting. 'The hand writing of the Collector sho'uld also be proved, by some disinterested person, before a known justice of the ileac?, or alderman . ,annd a minute of .such proof en -dorsed on the receipt_ if to these restrictions with regard' to Lai _reecipis,_whichhave been'tho ready means of much fraud, were added one that no re- .. _... ceipt whateversh m all be competent to prove payment of tax, unless it. express . on. the face of jAllie year for which it was assessed, and that no. tax assesed,,tnore than two years of the election, shall entitle. to a vote, there would • be little room for evasion or ' - vitilliti - o - n — o - t - ilte -- Conatittnitnr: -- I al e em - th is latter provision proper, as well as necessary, ' because I suppose it to be the intent of 'the ( ionstitlition; that' the' tax must not only have-been- paid Ini t-ass-Osed-withi n the time F nanied,.and_thattluring-t' hat-periocklie-voter ' mustyhave contributed to the support of the -Governmentunder-whichhelives.____Asscss_- mem and payment of tax'being both requir ed,' it is; fairly presnmable .that they were iintentled.to occur, not only iv, but for'the perrodatoleast palt - of die eriollTdcsig!-' trated •by - the donstitution. • ' , . To preserve order at elections, I .would recommend that it be made the duty of the constable of each - ward, - borough or town ship within. Which any election is held to lodge information before sane pistice of the peace' or aftlerptan thereof, of the names of persons engaged in any assault, battery, 1 intimidatien, riot, or other breach or the oieace, atand during thoday.olstich election, and to' return as 'witnesses, on . the part of AJAX:6nm on we.alth,the:names_of au ch_p er,_ I sons as were assaulted, teaten, intimidated - or othertvisq-injuiex,, at - ofsuclrotiter-per-- sons.;wcre cognisant of the .facts; whia'with , • . i the. parties accused i - aroused; be bound over" to ' appear at the next court or (planer ses'sionv, !or 'Mayor's court, ,as the case may be: that . an ; y-constable—neglectinvoL_reinsing for 24 hours tolodge information, on beingre:: . . . quired so to do by the party injured,• or by any three qoalifled, voters of the diStrict, ' shall, upon complaint before a justice of they peace - or alderman, add frooreefluifirequi sition '.arid neglect, he fined in the sum of 'filly dollars:. that ilie'party-or partieti found guilty by the, proper . court of such 'assault, battery, intirnidatiOn, riot Or ether breach . of the peace, shall be sentenced to par • the costs of prOsecurion; and be confined in the properc - onntygaal hot less than six months; and that it'shall:be the dut . Y . or the ,proper court= lieforo 7 iiltothr!' - eaOlihiinstabje makes Ilia quarterly reqirr . to;eXamitie him express ly wheth'e'r the . elections held in 'his district were peaceably conducted, and if lie.report that they Were not, and Ifiathe failed to - in stitute' the requisite proceeding, or if; it be, otherwise .p ro i e d; then to inflict the fore-, going fine crn :the constable:-L , -,'. - ;And to secure, •ri,e'irnich 'as .•possible; the purity. of eleetiOns; li would titrongly', re -etno menti - the - prissageof';a: 'a tint L,.effectal. lauF *kat _betting . , onLeteetions, .whielr_ practice foram-the very worst and most per- tiieious specieC.of gambling. • Betting, and gaming; of other kinds only injuie.the-par ties Otani:36l44s but' this Inflicts a wound on the rights! of. all ; and deittroys. that . eo - a • . ~ fldence which every citizeuf-should fell in , - . 1 i would therefOre recornmelid-that-dieter-s"FfieOlty--ivliatever:.::Wme.',l-.OXperierided. in the ,J,Would l i , , shall not .hereafter, in- any;: case,' impose tunes, of Canal dependent on it - for .Supply; the'deeision of. ,the ,b - allot . .box : . :niore - tax oehtlieir'iiiSu4et than a surd equal! Thiscivas.owing to the judicious measures . therefore urge 'that, - . whenever : theret6re!. tO . .ll,4!Pertiori Of state' apprOpriation, unless adopted by 'the,Engineer 'and Contractors quired by any voter Of the.distrieti or 0 16 ; 1. '1 hYConient of people,- in the same man , ' in raising early in the season a Coffer Dam ever, he shall- drink it necessary, the insPee7 1 ner as additional sehobt taX, is nOW - lifitha7- , !'aci.o - Sa the whole stream, which answered Or - if - ea - eh electionmhell.eause' any person ized; viz: e -z•by veto; of _ihomajority of - the! the double end, of keeping the water . dfli the offering to .yole,'to declare - :oe oath or - nail' I citizens. • . . . •,_ .. - • .1 . wurldnen. engaged in making the..repairs, . .. .. . . Malice), Whether he is- dr not directly . or, in- .• The public: works' the state wilhequire . and'of tffroWing an ample • supply' into the , imrriediate . and carfol atterition..' Canal, , 1. ....,. ....., • directly ; interested, either ,as a .prineipal,,, your .. partner or • stakeholder; in any' bet .on 'the I The, Canals,and Rail Roads in operation, Owing to these and other improvements result of ant/ election to be held on that..yier - dee,•onder„ the most disadvantageous . at Duncan's Island, that point i which has day; and if he admit that he is, 'or if he de- - eireamstantrea, an . increased revenue during; been such a cause of vexation, expense and cline to answer, then to .refuse-such person ; the 'fi sca l year . just closed: The amount of delay in the use of the . main Line ever since his'•vote, and tocause the, clerks of the ,L;lec-•'. tolls was mine .'hundred and ninety-one its first coMpletion, promises\ hereafter to iio ---- nie riiiiike - i - ininifiii thereof en the list of thotsand two- hiiiitleil"affillfilly-tWo doIIA - Stcause-no - -embarrasmentwirateveriiT. - : - _: - _ - _7.;. - 7= - voters.?• - ~ , . , . . • - - . 1 turd 'forty-two ' penis. . 'Phis income • •ie a- ' '' . .Other repairs and improvements, in •dif"-: . ,These provisions, together with: one more , most 'decisive proof that her chains of im- I .ferent parts of. the State, were required and effectually to prevent the highly . improper , provement are on the eve .of amply rennin- • have been made on the public. works, as and corrupting: interferenea; in ; oily-State--crating_the State-fir their-Ye:4(test. ....The ' will'hekplaibed bYthe_rcport of the _Ca' elections of Federal:Government office hol- , amount of tolls fir the year, ‘would under:. nal Commissioners,; but the.main dillicui tiers, it is believed wo uld e ff ec tu a lly check : ordinary circumstances, beyond _a doubt, ' ty was' experienced on the upper Sections ' the spirit of. fraud,: disorder and; betting,' flare been a million and alialf of .dollars.—'.of the' Juniata 'llivigiom---: . --'. Wiliell is i";ipltlly..,, compelling all goo'd - men _'Phis will be credited wheir. i ii is• borne in ; ItAkneedless to dwell at large on or_ de to-doubt the fairaess . of their results . , ant!i in in d that fully •one half of the regular trade "scribe tfid devastation which ocenreil on . to fear for the pertfemeney of a govaremeot - of-the mainline ~was lost to the State during :the 17th pf June between it and dependant' on - .theta. •We . owe it to our- ; two thirds of;the le:vie:dile seirsen,,in con: - •,llellitlaySliurg. ._Suffice it to say that the, selves, While re:fermi:oA correction are With- sequence • o f, the breach on the ' Juni- Allegheny torrents rose in their_ : might in.dfr power -to_ apply there. We owe it ate, , --and' - that, to retain the balance,. the , and nearly obliterated jii . the short - space of - fifths 'cause' of, virtue - antlecribliCanisni---- , CaniffOorimissioners . Foetid it to' ten hours,- forty miles of as solid improve : . We owe it to . :Dtal p.OSteritr. I aecordingly ,take ° the toll off " ninety miles of the most Mont as was, in file•Coninm e iVe:llth, I)ams, retain earnestlyurge urge - upon th e iegislatere. profitable part of - fffe rem:dinky - a. viz : be Acqeeducts; - ;Ottlyerts - ,4, . - si'lliinks - a nd the adoption of the'leteg9ing.pr,ovi,violls , or tween I I untingdoe and bencan's Island, to: in many "instances' ihe'verY ho em -of• the . of others calculated to produce 'the satne.el-• witch. if the distance from Huntingdon to • caMil. itself -Were. swept away; and the Teets. . . . ' • • ; Hollidaysburg be added, the distance_ thus- whole left in -a - state 'requiring - nearly. as, • Beside •making.'provisirm .that elections itiorvoitlabry-ieutlered wholly improduetive, Hitch labor,anthexpense:td. recider. it navi-,, i : shall be constittitionally,ftirlY and peaceably : . was• etre Hundred ;mud' twenty nine miles.' gable as ohm the..ilay when the first locatiim ~ dield,it will . also be - your - dutyte - Rreseribe -- Still the .works--yielded - , - 211ltit-is a triumph....-Was-made. . . • 1 , the tnanner of election mid - re turn - of '- the - ad:. miit - preof - cif - their - value - rind- prodectiVenesa c t •—Un t i . er-those r circuinstances-the-first-dirty 1-tlitional a -- iiiiiber.oroflieers to_hc_cluis ell di-_!_little,--sliort..of a 'million of dollars . within.' Ofilie.publie Agents was to take measures ~ ; " f---;"Frans ort.iter.S-.-•-•airtf i fectly ffy- the.peePleMider - the new - C - ' - onsti- -th e -ii.-•scall- year, . Thi.„,- from thou , that-the--lismess-u . ..p ~. . . I .t - ution._.:These." iritlei.dl_ county oflieers; . the present year, May, in View of theselitets, others, whir reliedmn the State works as . • a ; 1 With justices of the p.eacCand . alderinen/ !.willi perfect . safety' be estiMated at one" nieAliiioi of - transportations, - should:suffer is - With respect to. empty. olfieers, it 'Will- ? ni/lion six:- h/orrieed thousand Mho's,' little delay.orloss as possible. -According-. , al for so. oe l you to declare how . Many per . -- w hh a I . „. vera hi e F - 0 i f ,...0 t r..—'-r, . __, - ' ~ . fly thetoll Wasitakop off freight on ninety' 'sons-hall held them, and hOW inany offices' - l'he conilletedCatials.mid Rail Roads, miles of tllr, canal between Huntingdon mid may be held by the seine' person in the toil-.•exc.ect 1 - !art oe the'nPiler - cerlien . of the . Jmii- - 2Dimean's Island mid sitbsemiently•eff pas- fereet emintiesi,' It trill also be: }=our-duty . a h t diiisi e n; have beta Re pt in the best- shitc . eengefs; to eh:dile - the Companies to .racer: to elassify•the associate Juldges of - the-St at?, • o f re p a ir, and have Ireclo :almost eriiiiterruct-- ',the- unexpeeted.and heavy expense -fiteees 1, in the Minner'prestiribed• by..ilie ninth - sec: 7 -- off - v.-ie-ia.,.-6-thiii r i g -th e 've a r.:: Plie ; Colurnbia-.-sarily incurredhy f3titgingaed_.AV;!gonieg _c_f 1 --tion-of-Itlie_sehedule._ . - ' • .-..- ..: and i>bilaci(h.tiia R.,,i) 16.3 d. paid :two him- •tiros.:3 the brt.aele lit the line. _ - 1 On eXalllillillaibeillllelliN e t mwtitotion,--dred -and•ten-iliousand _three-hap - tired, tied,' ~,flll4e - c a e al -GonvorisE.ioners-were-happily lit appears that the_ people 11:IVe - Clesig,tfat.'d . ininetv-three hir dels.and einety . ene . .arid a " en tic spotWt• lien tope mislintuee occurred.• . , the - dik ...w es hich "they :des-nem till by di: - 1...a1l cents, hi addition .to- Maintnining-the . -Thc-y tit olive- despatelted the -Engineer of : rect election; the have also specified those - mo ti ve p oN i, er r a nd-defraying the cost of re- -tote . 'Line• - to survey the 'injury and 'estimate. • dint are to . 1. - ej tilled by Executive "Plieha - 'pairingda: road, end saverviSion; or, a suer : the stun and. ti me reqUisite to Make the ref i , ntent.a nontinadoe. ' lint there :ire 016 ';' . '-' : about equal to. set• to per- cent oil the_ 'w hole- . lain:. Ile reportedthat the - work :would . - ' for.which Ito . ptlStiYe Tit.lViSiOn, jS,AnnOc-, , - -.. c ost ` o f eo n - sir : nethr . and of Locoinotive.()Clithtr :It least haw nunitlis"and cost four the mod of. fi lling Whieltis to 'he cluterima- Engine ~,- •..._-... - _ __ - . - .. . - i e„e,d,,,d,d m v,„,,„r . (lunar , _ ..• • -•—: ed br the legislature„ - 'Phest aret . -autl i ter By :in tinevOidable ac Admit,. the •iveodi..n , Whelk this intalligencer•Was: ree.'d at - Ifer , / valeta], surveyor general; secretary or, t.t0i„, : id g ,.„, , ,,, V a lley.-„Creelcomlthe•last - nico'f-yrisrisburg it hemline - at otiee.:-.necessary. to ~-I:ind ollice,.attorneygenerel;.Snlierho.telidO . it. col i mrsov e rne nt,, , pas Burned .iii ill are I 1.--: die:Fie the quescieri-whetheeiffii. Legislature -. of cominiuf sr:lleitis, •elleal Hempreissioners, - -should he 'votive:le:l-tn pins ide hoc this Stal •''rippraiset's of ilaniagecq-arljntatitgendrel: :- ee. - .. b r idge, ir ; l l sca . mpleteil in-its•pl'ac - e ; in . 111141- lient . kati, iiti ty,- - 4}1!,--W het her die , 1.: Xeeliti'..•e !arks • public aMI. miSPeelOl:S of flour; •spirits, .teen (ItIV - S ; tilld ill the mean . • tribe, ne:i4 .FThenfil_ . ef eleaVpllt •to re ise , the tiecesary tobacco and ether articles. -. It israir to pre"; all- ffhstreetion to .1 1 4.7 t r ade WaS 0 1 )6 1 0( 1 1 1) y- -I'wols-;Ital . hut the ref.airs.inade without ISUM'iftliat these allii.ers were norther inten- ' wag g on s, c o:Cloyed hy . the .f:7•tate agents, • the. - "delay . or expense a ~i, .r:trii f'3:•Fsi9ll. ded l tb be elected by tai ; . 2 PePlil 4: "' aPPO II- .'beautiful mid permanent bridge, Witllol:it The letlel' expedient seemed the more pre-' end with. tent. mud econeuffecl one itrlc-i. the eireuni . reel h} the Exectinve, tor ie werild Intim heen E „,A.„,. i n ,v er ov e - r t he rea d N V O 1 , , SO gpressed; and that 'they were to be left .dotible trick', is mow cntriplettal :end inuse.. slant:vs, lint before a final tiveisien . was ... Withht the - puss en of the legislature. .It will , .It is :f deeLled iiitCroventritt to the road. rinule, a letter was received from the Presi- ' therefore be imaiinbent on yen to make Pre - ;The cost exceeds by two thousand two . • deneamt Directors of the Bank of•-alre" --- Ik. - ision. for the....moile_and,iime,of . theiraP.: bemired end' eighteen dollars thirteen and_ States offering . . te the Executive, Col the po , inonent. . ' • ' I• If .ent time Ori • I a ia c . . ,4 . rinal esti ilia te . by die-frith -diet . the Legisinture -- Wc - ni -- lEratify -the'- I The. business of the Secretary of the T' ; ..tillgalleer, owing to the fact, that the tem- . transaction, the loan amity sum that !night CoMmonwealth, as superiutentlent-of cont - .. notary sir:tett:re wasmore expensive than -be required. The patriotic offer was at, moo schools, has so much increased within ,- was anticipated. An appropriation of that much anxiety. The . eorrespondence on that -once eladlY•aeceeted ; and •f elieved me Of! . the past-three years as seriously to ember :, aw t. ,„„ „ill accordingly bc.required to rass that officer. I Would, therefore recent- ". ble the Fiver officer to pay the final esti- the subject accompanies this Message and • mend the:separation of the two offiders, and Mate and eloire•the account. • . • • i will exhibit the terms of the loim , , I. :the, establishment of a department of edu- I .. It is a :-matter worty of inquiry whether : The work has since advaneed with all the_ cation. This can be done without•increas-, the roofs of most of the larger Bridges on despatched that it would admit 'of ; and Mg-the number of • Offices, for those of sur-: this road could not be dispensed with, - and the Atecrinnts and vouchers of the dis veyor general and 'secretary of the land- , a double tracleleid on each; at small cost' to ' horsing Agent's, who gave ample security Office' can, with great ease, be fdied_hy.the i . the State, . Itf,would,' beyond a doubt, from for the faithful discharge' of their duties, same person, and maybe, consolidated into ~a _great inipir ivernent,, by Wholly' rt moviicrliave been duly deposited and 'ext.•niined• in _ a general Lind Office Department.. ' ,•1 all danger front collision of trains,...and?ffe l l Il le ,__Anditoa. i lemeraLciflice_ 7 _, - The3yliter Was I '------ di of _he ecru ha rt . Iffe --- ineens provided by; creasing very gut atiy the risk of totals . loss . ;- . let into the . Whole distance on the .20th ult. the State for general education I§ so flourish-, of the bridgeshy, fire, It is believed • that . and rho' little benefit - was derived from it ing that little is required to be clone by the the present, structures, .withlsonit additional during the navigable 'season just closed, yet present legislature. Within three years , timbers and slight alterations, could 'be it will be of vast importance to the State to the permanent Suite appropration. to this I made to answer-this perpose.hy being low- . have the line in perfect readiness to accent object has been increased from $75,000 an-' creel b - elow the level of the road way. ~', ; ,ii r „eiblle,,,theniusittess of - next spring, vhieh -nuallyto-$409;-000;-for-the-latter-, - sonie-will ---- - - 1 , ; • re, xc'eri - eire - e - cri I - this:road for - the e ast-fi4 2 e fard'itrtiriefte44-1 1 6 11 .6fiveitrdit . -i4pairhig; be required next year to meet the increase.: years lies completely removed all doubts as °him lireaeli had been . delayed by calling of taxable Citizens from 308,919 to 350,000 i to the use Itid Manaeement, of steam as a an . extra Session. of the Legislature,. • \Odell will probably be the nunibeireturned, unitive pourer, by the State agents., '1'110 : ," The whole Work will cost when eomple (thongh probably not more than $300,900.: ' year. just cleseci.exbibits_a__bahince. inzdie - ..ted,...tliree.hutulredmed, eighty theusand dol -Will-beteintill theyeriped-for i )-antUM--pay- ; motive power - ftmtl . -of--41M--.road_of thirty , antinities to college, academies' and female lars r _of which two hundred . ..and, ninety 1 thousand ,two - hundred thirty-one clollars '-tbonsand dollars,bave beeff - re•eeived.frem „Seininariea, which will not be less than $5O,- , and - eighty cents afterdefrayieg all claims 000.. lslor will this large outlay have been of limo . the Bank .of the-Baited States, at four .per . year upon if. k nearly-similar state • - e - ant:-perrinnurn,- and fifty. thonsand dollars without its fruits; -.ltisteadof ' seven- hun- of things exists on the' Allegheny PortagC ;from the HarristArg Batik, at five percent.. Bred and- sixtr.two common sel.ools in , Railroad.' The motive power toll paid - ell. '- The balance remains torte iirovidpd by 'the at the end-cif--year-1635 t una-i e l a inis upcmi . it with-the exception : of .abeet .Legislature... The sum _received_ fp:nu...the: about - seventeen academies, (the latteriftv:a; -- one tholisand Chill:ifs - , t Ito' subjeeted•to muCh state or almost . doubtfurexis!ehc9,) with,no • Harrisburg Beaky • wag • Vorrelied On 'the --- , expense that will not hereafter" arise,.eaus- re ' private credit of the Executive, Canal Co female seminaries fostered ‘by the State, ; e d by the increased number of Locomotives" missioners, Secretary of the Common-. she liasnow-fi've thousand common schools, :ifSed duritig they ear, which of course made ;•Wealth, Auditor Genetal,i.Sderetary_of'..tlie• thirty eight academies and 'seven ' lemal e r; iimany preparatory p arrangements necessary_ Latul Oflice, - Sinveyor _General, and; two seminaries in an active and perm:meat op-„that will nothe again required, rind. which public spirited, - thotigh - private.individuals oration,disseminating the -principles - of • lit- i were calculated for an =mint of business . crt, Elder and Jacob M. Haldeman of ('Trios. - . ereture, science and virtue over the len:L.—l that was not realized. - hese, there are many schools,.l i Harrisburg) on the - 30th of -June,- for the ' In addition to.t Another most valuable resnit.of' the ex- of commencing the. 'repairs .. till academies and female seminaries of aprivate ! character, equally' useful and deserving, in 'P - . 1 ' '. •' . .. • erne tee. Of the year•on the Columbia and , such times as the • Mode of obtaining: she _their_proper_sphere.. ''. . : Philadelphia Railroad, , ' is the ,complete sue- : Whole sum requisite,: and. - of ••earrying tan' '----- ' ; cess-of-thetriala-to-use-anthracite7coal;"-e&- the..-worki-could-be-arrangedwhich---was .., Of the one thousand and .twenty-seven • --tdwashipsi-wardsmad-boroughs,--nowin - • • . o.e ,_• . a fuel for the . generation of - steam in . the - afterwards. satisfaelorily aceom • Lotomotive - Enginea. There is non im plitred-bytheliberel-offrit:-Ctf-the-Bank--of-1 'State i --eaeli-intentled-!-Inv-form-a-: , eommoti. 7 .- longer any dotilit on this.subject. ...The in: ' the - ; -- United - Stetearas-before - explained-- - - schotil district. eight • hundred and. severttY.r , • . -, • ! - f; • • ! • - • vention of 51r. Brant, the master race vanist -:.ltmet v .Veemyies.-Oie duty of the Legisla r five have accepted the Commit .schools . vls- • • .. at :Parkesbnrg, has completely effected this • ture to redeem,th'efaith faith, State as led tem and have It in opera*, and seven &Lb_ z-the-Ex'Setitite . - un - d'er eircurastances desiderateM: Thus, - by use of one Of hundred . and eighty-shy-have' their ~ ~ ,r. t he _,_,_,----,,g Y, .. .., ~. - ur-emei-stapiecommountes, tne otate will that.aomitted_l:•ot, no other course without peraffififf - th - e - State -- appropriationlor• --- ilto" . .' 4° ... _. , _.. ••ti large amount •yearlp , --.will -- ado = ---to-•, great:and manifest:deterirnent fo..the_publie present ichool year, commencing .on the , Ape ‘ certainty, and . despatch- of the use ~o p.he, r ” interest. 1. feel the Most perfeet confidenee , that this will be done, and hope it •may,,he firSt Monday . of june last. -The number of acre tin districts goes' on eteadly • inereau-;- roaus-r..and,.-1 what '.is a :no less vamaine • aehievOinent, will Aleereitio . „1 ' largebr_'..entererLon: without_ delay • ' kt" --- - .ery • :The (Essig' rep - elate diferirma in whielflfelt• mg,. and th - e useftilees . s antr eemioney Of, the. „ - -•- . firs c c-,. „ c. _ tar! oanger from to tee .prOpetty of the system, where fairly tested,. are becoming. myself:placed - when this calamitY Oecurred, .- -:.. i. ertizens resident along the Bee's, every day mere apperent.:• . ::•"...' . - .. : During the year th§.bew. bridge •at Dun :l suggeetsthe propriety'...ofrecommentling....e . Al that now seems requisite„to the corn- i • •—• can't' Island has been !emu leted. -- -It cost. standin r % e isl Idete','•sneeess of the systetaise.:thet some • .• .. . , ..r , .. i , 6-L g , ative • p,roviiiion.,to-ineet. : , ninety-tvid .thousand) five:, hundred sixty 1 similar.eases, • The elite „thatints appeared unnieditite and efficient means be •adopted: fertile preparation of common school: teach'-". seven • dollars and .eighty-one eentS 7 : 7 Was 4 safest and yetmOst,e . ffeetturl; is to confer . on era. This subject wes fully .explained in 'passable .'for ',Wagos ,in-,less.. than :seven I , the ; Governor, Spealters . ef the . . Senate .and the last annual report of the stiperinteade . ..! months from the day.. When the first, stone: Hen State Treasiner, the •p se•Of . RepresentatiVe s;. o*er, Whenever, Auditor General * and will beLagain. embraced in' a - reviid of,the piers, was laid,. andhas been used as .an 4.. draft of the . Whole school law which that of ; a towing paths, bridge the-whole , season: ft an nneXpected'hreagh 'or, :other -.injury. of ficer w ill shortly lay before ion::.i-Perinit inc is now onp of the most ! berititiful and solid ',the nubile works shall, occur, reqiiiring to bespeak far it • your, facorabloictinsidetal structures in-die §tato,• and . promises. to be. ,more thaiefffty ilionsand dollars to-repair it, Iron, and to hOpe that, his lasfitant• of • the, P erthanent..` •-.. •. . at the samepoint has also been for the requisite.amount or t ' tr ; r WI o ta..e ~.t.-.ros yiterii pay 'be , eupplied,,, . I , ....- 1- .. The darn . . ...,, 9 . , • . ~, emfic . approp IWotild also.,recommend that 'the poiver 1 Moat :Subslantially,and , effectually 'repaired: 4 1 01,1 1 c •$p . , nation made.by,-.time', cit• - •SehOol directors= on thee-"subject of taxa- , - The','•...Ol(l4lefectiVe stractirei;wase-aOl)tiUPaL 0 ~: eceding...jJ.egislatbriar l ini,oot instantly,rer: lion, be . .nuitail6d. When tbey were:by law :.•erintrili(eilpenie•tri,theStite•i--:and":-...0f,-".:.-less .•.4.1nringi1te.m0rtex..... : ,.,•....-• , - '.. •- 2 ..- antlioriie&to ..assess kee.l!lial,,ta*.eq*4l.4o4ancricTOOiti • ,t4aseerigera- : andJ-transper- thrice-the - liiiionr -- 11 of -"state appropriation .ters-Tf -- -It•Waii. re.,open as--to -permit _fnearly .. Would . be as safe us that of, .any, other body coiniegto . ...the ilistriet: for the year, the! all thel.3vater:ooltiVer . to paste through that could be'eoniened,,ecept. th e liapixer, us hale weifirtopiatfoo wo - on!y1 - . wherftliiiTstidairP*40 lOWar- - 1011-now,Scsjid -Sent-ad Yed=hf:-1-thei - -dpeciple..."*lieniSeliO.o•,•,:::; A half - Wh'at it.novi il.. : .PerhapStiliaolitte-pely.-! : alid•nearlY water tight: During the alMost i majority of it tieing . oillepr#:**4 :i?y, the . er of „taxation .in directors te.. that amount. - - inpreooentOddrought.whiefprevaileildl'er ).Legislattire,and'•lthe whele . ;•* ! or‘siln :ot was. heniteeessary; but it is net at present.'' the State .from ;b:ly,:.ollNovetiii).er, no :die- iPtiblie, - servants. fally . aineiliable... , for, their . conduct, .Sitieh a proyision accordingly ~ • recommended. • . 4 • If thieltiode.or aome•others'ealeulateilld, accomplish..the same end,. be • adopted, the- ' • - orditiarylopaii-fUnd-for-any_year,.need_not__ • be greater than the' finished lines will actu ally require, ,w,hich' may lit.-01..timertio' '• ascertained hi advance withgreat precliaion. .• • The progress of the neW. works 'during. the year, has been steady-eild.satisfactory. The additional distance, authorized - by your 7 ~ predecessors to be pUt titmice c'entract on .., the .tyie extension , of the- inaiit. fide, 'the . • north and. West bianchei•of the f:lntluehan- • na,_and Gettysburg . rhil road, were lekarlV, and at reasonable -prices. ,Turthee appto•-; - - • .. priiitions to each of these improVenriente:are regnlired.: •- The Wisconisto and_Aittanning exteni • slunk authorize by the I p ovenient •of the l paine tieasion; were also put. under • . contract, and the small appropriation made .to the former, has been expended. They' afd iiottfVbtks which, - irzthey - were - yet - td - - be commenced,-should neither: be Anderta-. :ken-in the presdnt condition' of the Treasu ry • view - 1116 ---- itriiiiket - —l 6( other works long•since begun, but yet tin- • finished, p et they lire' now, by the delibd ..• crate voice of your predecessors, incorpora- • " - ted as a pert Of the system and should be . carried -on . ;:a -rapidly as the resources of the. ..- State, and pvitiV claims 'will Justify, The 4 -. forincr being a light,,WOrk and if - •: prom iseiLof •• m moil !ter:nide . in:the way of toll, the, instant • it is inaie - to connect-With the rich Lykens • • Valley coat-region, hy.meatta of the liykens . road has strung _claim's to favora , consideration.'. • • • . . The _report of Commissioner s will exhibit In detail the, condition and wants of the whole system of public works, 7c - claftil Add in. ffogress..,To.:: loctunent you are referred for full inforittat;' tion.otilitillsubjeets. • . • • Conclusion next week. • •Comumutitexridsd •• • "•• • , The Bii-JOseplt trface, : who scribbles ,flip'pant editorials for the Volunteer, : is still • . striting to lan into•a- . ilame -the embers of I- ••--- _party s•pit'it. When' the„pot boilsi the scum_ I'ISCs to the surface;. ail When parties are ' _in:a•forMertt; minds gain notoriety. Thd Captain first •tried twsotir.the seeds of diSafit!Ction 'among the military; but; to' his ' 1. 4 Oingrin, lie fajled.;••• Ile next - endeavored to •• ‘inflignaiiMi' T niceiing-in the court house; but this:arso . , like all his.bubble6: 4 , had only Wind sufficient to keep it Illalitig• fir ',lli iMitalit; when it cr . :4)4 . 61ml and was 'forgotten..-- 1, noble, elforts r i- worthy . mible mind! The Captain may flatter-him self flies he tirge - t,tb — thi course:-by the spirit of .patriotisin; but ALL good men will pray, lleavett s - ave• me from duch.pattiotistn!! *NO'OAPTAIN; ofa logcr-to.ths . Bytor; dined ' CETYYSIII/11G, JAIN. 5 . 0 . 839. 11r nmtn - sm.---It is- exp'ected that"Thomns-G. : - Miller of this comity will be the locol4up candidate pr §elintgr. I hope it nriy• he 53, as it will' gi him an opimritillity of trying his pnpulafity. 1 4 19 f ever. cOnfidence the' pemile•of this county maj• — om-, have had in Gen. Miller is now entirely gone. plc have found him out and vieir him as an sunilare and dangerous man. Ile is looked 'mon asyiloublle faced hypocritical creature, who with / sMiles and . smooth words would sacrifice his frielior his coun try to 'his ; Interest or his ambition./ connexion with the infamous Harr:slang m,olt has' ruined him here and shows his character M'its true .17.___MseLettLANX,Wnsimcurnitiateil_hyLour_ county committee this day; W e homthe conferees will unite upon Min.: Ile is popular and has every thing to recoulmend him._ You may in your calcula tions set ohlAdemsat a round one thousand for Mac farlane if neminata. • . . • . , Ext;liet If a ic:tter to die Editor, dated CHM] ISEIISBURI:, JAN. 7, 1839 DEA it, Sin: 7 —All js• well herp . . 'Wrecalculate on , giving a _small Inpjorii;ir:f9r . our_ entalidate, T Lwho7er he may. be. At the last electioiirrituls were practis ed upon us, which..Put,ns in a minority, lint we will try2and guard againsitherri this heat. The people herelare Opposed to mob law. It is thought that the notorious rioter and leadtiT'ici*the: wiJi be -the l.ocofoeo candidate.. ,We can scarcely think- that_party_Would sd.far_disgraee_thclaselves'as. to select a }Tian whose -- ollWces at llarristurg Casty le . Called High TI"019011. - • • • " • On the .1 . 6 t inst. by; the . gt . e.. Mr. Moody, Mr. Ir. OfutPer, Merchant ' r Cumberland county,to June D. JohyBon„ of Franklin county. • - . IVEII done friend - Mateer most nobly lust thou commenced the pew-Year; not only by taking tinto i thy;:t:lf ti Ceinpietien for but by sending unto the L APcitaeraLe_fine slice of the weddrit. cake: May. Peace, happ,iness and contentment, be the let of t tee antl . -thine-thrOlife„. __ • " --On-thc.3lst.ult.-Ity_thetßev,lllr._.gingdOrt l , Vent. Henry .T. Eelly of this. place, to Misi Louisa.' I. • Iliernm, of ilarritburg- - . • • • Onth_e_erahinstAty-thelles:-.1-UiriclrAfr.---Jamer -Daultertsr, to Aliss Afargarett Sweet, ttll of South Mithtleton tottosltip. . Op the 4 27th the same,Mr..ibrrikam zror,e to Miss Jane Ale Gray, all of Allen township..!. 1111111C:.ilityby the. same, JP.- George. .Geel- Man- of Allen townthip, to .Mitts Drethelt, ai r . Itlottroe township: On the stone ditv_by‘the . mme,-Mr._Danie/AfeJlfec..( to Miss Ba4ara all of Smith Middleton loWnship.• • • . - On the 3d inst.- by the llnv. John Ulrich Mr. John" • P. Plop late of New York, to Miss Elizabeth - Of Carlisle. , • • -•-• Ott - Tuestlay; IBth December last, by the Rev. J. F. Her, Mr. Daniel - Bailey to Miss Rebecca Egttlphy . -Ifoth of Carlisle Pa, ' On Thursday December,.,27th IT the ReLJ. tier, .Mr. AbrahamtNatlheriiia:lpswjaae ' both of Carlisle: • • , 011 the 3d inst. by the.ller. Aft: huiy.ll-Itt::.S'inatiett Miller to. Miss Caroline .4nigleihbe,tlli Monroe township. On ThurstlaV.the 's27tb init. , by the' Rev. John IL, ~ Smaltz,'lllr; Peter Blade' tei'.lfies Sarah Ant; Pef-, fer,both.of -Harrisbuitp ; • • - +On NVetlttet,thii , Fettnangi 2 d - inst.li,flite Ilt. Rev. II;... -il:-.--Ortlerilonk, OF • llev. " Charlet Vernon-- Kelly 4 • Rector , of St. Stephen's 'Church, ‘ Ilarrishurg, til; • - Eli:oo.C.. ehlest daughter of JantetillerOclt,Nsq, . - Of the _ _ , _,,,DeeLent.ll;-Ity the Ailiv.'sairet; , to Miss i•Vitrah .. ..:I..ntstrtn4lioth-off3sle* . ~ • On the s...tme ;lajc,ll,Ltlie..tartie; Mr. Thomas...Doak, t6"Allissr Sarakßuply a lnsl%;bf Curtiberhusd County. "rt, RESIt SUPPLY.' OT it PlLl49;jost ieeeived anti_ for eale at the HERALD:OFFICE. , Yours. trul% Tom's in haste, Cie.:-