KIM BM OIL UWE XI; L—Ao. 13. YIP Et 11111 S The" Caidisle Herald & E.rpiisitor,r -*ill be Issuell. svery—TIJESDAY AFTERNOON, at Two Doi. 2 .LAne, per anuuiu, payable in'adrazge.Y: ' ADVERTILSZNIENTS inserted at the usual rates Letter's addressed to the editor,otihusiness, MUST PAID, otherwise they. mill reeeivii no et- MEM AGBNTS. The followidg eanied iiersonshaVe. been appointed Agenti for the " Carlisle Herald EC Expositor," to 4 7/11pIn payment for subscription and advertisement an be Amide. • D. SLIEILY, Esq. Shiremanstown, Cumb. Co. . Scovr edit.; Eaq: - .NeWvi4e - - do— :nokr.7.,Esq—Meilutrgit ", do Thos. W. lintEs, Esq. Shippensburg do J011:I WUNDERLICH, Esq. ' do. do J.,3lLurir.R,Esq. - Ilotinestown" 'do • R. ,Wii.sori, Esq. , Mechanicsburg, • dO . Esq. IloiMwgll . do Esq. et urertolyn ' di; ..Er. ASA New Cumberland do Titos.•l3cacK, Esq: BlooMfield, Peery county. •A. BLACK, ESC'. Leleli urg- - -do _ 1 II II k„te- ii il i . ; -4, l t i :-,-- , .., ------.4,-.. , .,-1"_-_, , ._ , L1_,, , y_kly_...e.r.--- , .__Wel :1,------_-_,,,,,2.---- ----;-:l'e.- ~.- 1 -. ` - -4- ' Ll ' 4l- '—.._ .--...;..i„..._---,- -- "SES.2,V=. j• t4i-• • • CABINET MANUFAC'4 . OIII% -- = F - 1 1.111 : 1 mbseviher respeetrully infornl:, : tents Of, Carlisle, and the 'Wain generally, %hit he resides of his Old Stand, is ortli Ii: noVev rteeet,opposite I:. Bullock's chair .11EnnutinAtory, -where be continues fo Varey on the_ • •Cabillet..llllBkilop,' Be,itstnsti. . . . • in all its various .I.;ranelteS t to acconitootiate nll- Obi - - 116 -returns • .feiendS-and.custotners Ille .libera I - eiteoteragemeiA h e stowe'd_on_itimsiaml solie t,. a eml!ioon: ce Of their listroting - e • . • •fie flatters hititieliti;at and a ii pe. itiou m i d t ,.. gw , Dt merit' . wort ri•reit o a bharo of publioAmtriimit:e. _ Ottei•or Two .Jouroeyoiett l oLind :11.ticers •Nvot:tell. to whom liberal t$ ages Will given. An rmiro , itirn-will.ho_talten_to:karii the tiliove :"bitsi help, it well reat inmentled. • . --GODFRELI) G. Carlitilr., November , • • - 13 . • Y an (mkt.Orphans! 'Coml. of Otiniher liD I . : Thu cowl}, etprise ti public si4e on the 'rants,. on the *2-:.'h dap or December trert the Fillowing it.—_k Tract of first: ate LI i11Et 7 ,41.'0 L A Ti D, sauate on the Trindle Spring road, nir , ,it four milrA below Carlisle, containing• about '22 neres,in ,nre or iess,having an.elegant • IP iii•E ff. i . 4 . EXG ILY 0 ff.' 8 , 13 5 . . • forrrierly kept as n house of public entertainmet.t and lira( :rate stone BANK.' liAliN'and ether Intiblin 'thereon erected. There are also two five ercharib • 4711 the 111: 1:.1•04 is ail cleared. 'The 'property Ice sold tngetlme or in parts us grit 81;—upon the4cllowing terms: 7 -0;m ..:;third to remahr intim hands r f - theporchas.:l*, - Ice l,l -1 "tee eSt to he paid no r mally 'to the it blow; t.".e250 to be paid .on lice confirmation of the rale; the ro,idue el •$ I (TOO on the I st. Apr I P. 39 , when ii IA ill he given; testi .the balance in tWo animal m: vs:. ineats with • JOSEPH CULVER, guar/Pan I)ec. 4,1838 '";tf 1,?" 'Eva za nxlien 9 nithie • • , N the Sacred :Minstrel and Snerctf Harp tott.itElt consiqing of a gi eat variety of Psalm and I lynut 'i'uttes, Anthems, Sid Picees.&e - 91the most - app - oved 4.• It. Hickok and Citt'orge Plen,d;g -• ,---2(1 edition, inticli..cularged and improved. •Pub-. lishetf Sntl f ir - galt , by J. \\'hc'tie u 11. Hickok, Clunbersbtilw,r Pa.--Georg7tieniing. Pa.-r-L. Loomis, PittOturgltr---Vale and :Wyatt, -Richmond, Va.---and licarce-and tiesaticon • -Natchez, Miss. The publishers put forth this se/Mk with a view to mec.k the mutts of the religiotti / community; and its 'reception has been Such as to afford the most Ilatteri-tg . assurance that they bare : pt . -411er mistaken its wants nor vainly endeavored to/supply them. A . very large edition basin a Otortlittic'heetteshauste . ll,antlattollter ' balled for. 'This demtuul - ..thdet-Mitted the piddish -----ersto have the Work stereotyped, and 'dais Lc ctia bled to kerp up a supply for the dean:lntl . This collection emit:tins tunes suited to nearly eve ry 'variety/of measure found in the •v.trions. ilymn • - Tanks in nse,'ernbraced in a very large - collection Of Psalm and Hymn tunes. Besides thettc, it contains a 'Attinther of interesting anthems, set pieces, sacred -- sriitglOte: - ertiy - Tfesecution - withouttlic - aid - ,of instru- - ; Anentaraccompanimoots, and suited to various <tem - sinus of relig ious worship connectetl with the christian tenterptitielifthe - presect • Teachers of Vttsie, Musical Societies, Choh;s, re taileri and others, supplied on' he most ae:commodat , Lig tet:instm application to either of the ptililit;bei.s. :lir a The , above zoork 'nifty behad, whole-, sale or relail,at• - Ihe office of tlie " Herald and Exiiositar," Carlisle, • • . •' T X C „ . . A T Orphans' Court held on MT:ulay the I.2th /IL day of November, A. D. 113513, mid [olden et Carlisle ilk and fir Cumberland (minty,' berme the I lordrableAolitt President,mul The Associnte Judges of •the an court, ke. the following procecil , ingS were Itakto wit: . . • I.n ttie ettifv'of the Writ. of. Partition and, valuation on the. real, estate. of John MeCollum, late. of South 'amjiton towaship, deceased, said ‘irrithaVing been 4.e -- ttirnedlexecuted, was confirmed, and rule, on heirs, Sze:—nOw,.to NoVember, - ,1838, Sav motion ••of Samuel Hepburn, Esquire, alias. rule awarded on the heirs and lepl representatives of said hifeitnte4,to appear uta stated Orphans' Coati. to be held.tit‘Car. Aisle s pp Tuesdaythe'.2.9l l l day' of Santiary,;,lB39, at o'cloclt ;A: rikt andliteetit - orcrefuse tn . - accept •of-114 of said deceased, at the, valuation :rod Un prai sement.thet , eof,ot . sliiitreause why-the, same should CupOerla.rift,Cpunt#, • r- T i p ' ., ; oertfileil coprirom the - records' of the • • CouPt orsaid:oott;itV: THOMAS C.I4BI . GHEAD , ' . - • ' • • .."-; Clerk: . __. No'veteiber 5t7,~Y"538:-=A'w:;' • TDLAlNlgind",fikiireil. , tuttin,bombiiiiiitii < , . ‘,•ARNOLD , - burrPli ,JLlrecieived arid Sept. ' • „. , „ •• , , . . r , ._ ~ ~..... ~. . zit: -....,...giii.: t., ..,,. ...:, •.• ... , :. ' • .'' ' -• . ' . Mill 1 1 . .. . , .. .. . . • ' . . . NI b 1111 A FAMILY NEMCSPAPERi - DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITIC LITERATURE, THE ARTS AND SCIENCE 3, iGRIVULTURE; AMUSEMENT, &C. &C. . • ' , I : • Shertff Sales. . . 16 Y virtue ortsaundry - W vita of Yenditioni Exports 'lO, to toe directed, issued out of the Court of Corn, Leyland couoty, will be exposed to publ.c sale 'at the Court House-in the borough of Carlisleoin Saturday the sth day o f January next. A.l). 1835, at lt/ o'clock; A. M. the fillowitig described real estate, to. wit: -. • A Lot (Ift Ground. situate in the horongh of Carlisle, Cumberland counts, containing 60 feet in breadth iind -- ‘24:0 - fe-erfiritefilliTifiOniroi'leschnving -617.,,, .•:.: theneon erected a large - t " .1. , WO STORY ..,t._. n. pll, '7" . IT I? h' it,' EC HO US . E , . t . , - and griel> Office, on Pomfret street, mid Two Story LOG 'HOUK', on - Church Alley, bounded by Porn , feet street on the south, a Irt of Samuel linsininger, :mil '"llliss - Ranisey - ointlie - West - Clittreli•Alley_cmithe Nontli . .-and=othee property of-Catharine Quigley on the its .. "• . : " • ... .. '"• .- . Also,.a.part of a tot 'of - Groun4, situate in the _borough of Carlisle, containing 3(1 feet_in breadth, and 'no feet in depth, more or less, having thereon' erected two story frame house, weathey boarded, and a_fiame Shop• hounded on the south by. Tomfretstreet,-on the west b y, of Calk , : arine Quigley, on the north by Church Alley, on the east by lots of (leorge M-Teely.,3ohn Hugs and others. StliZvlandiniten innxecittion as the.propecty_ ofCatA7 amine Qqigley. dmeaßiq. 4.4 Q, a Tract of - Land situate itt ethTtaininf Saf - ACTFE4;II - tdrebr . kv,nejoillinglawis r offibert G r aham, Miry Pef • Gilbert St-aright:Jacob Hither, Jonathan and others, laving thereon mooted a two Awy .110US1 , 1, and . one FlL1:\11•1 HOUSE, •81111 a small Log 13.1. C: ' and two t•xeel— jlW lent wells of Seized and taken 01';in execution ar the propeilY of Jurilez t, be sAil by'tne,- JOHN Sher?". - i sle;_Da. • .• • Sheriff Sales. By vitt le of Findiw a ritsaVeraitioni Exp-mns to me directed issued cia. elthr Co . uttufeaMoMa o f C u r tt i t erlaad u Ire'exposed hi pld lii = 1 . rally StartWav :11e day, 01.1tvincry, I B:i9,t,t•tra tlezetitteti ilt..tate it: A fra . ct • slot:11C i) Jolla Wcahley, cheo ertiek,, r),:: Nioore'n lirirs. and ctluwa; eta;tuioieg fttly,er, S more Or less, Lnl ifrg ti!ereott cO 7 eeted'a U.Tatiterimarded• dweriag Iftile . ,'Leg, (altel'illiprOVV.lll6.l.s, -3 :vitli two teptu.tirm2.ol; l Seized um! taken in Execiaioa :as 1116 property of \Veakley. " • . AIso;LA rot groimd situate id the Be rc,"ugh of caoisk, em.tair.ilo,2o,f, . in depth in Hod "ford mreetand 1 20 feet ht:bredih, moncustlilky., joiih,g kits of the:Aleire (f , Joseph Knox, def.:eased, and Peter Cilmore; having thereon erected •n• large two store house a two story frame 'house, find 'frame !tt.l:le.-, , Scead aid taken in exeCation its th‘i proprety ofJelm MeCartm‘y, • .1 Lot of Gromjd sitttate in-the-hapoitrfliVlCarl;ali, Gontvii!ing ,10,tvd 11'1)re:it:ill, and lilt feet in depth ht Ire or res.°, trijiiiting a lot of Thinvis Creigh,oo, the East, the' Main street im the sMith, public square on the west, and an alley on the Nrrth, Inqirg there on erected t wo . story Stem ilmise and six 13rick tenements, enektoo Stlrics ligli,—Seized aid taken in Execution as t h e Property ofJoha Harper, Esq. JO:1N - myras, Slwriff Cll•l4(t'v CPO M.c..17, 1838. S Craig, .o,7l:iis, fli 12. • ar„ . i.. 5 , 0 .7 - (1" ,-..aNLE-17-.A-L'eo-114-M-.;:l;yri-{-11N-71L-N-D -''. I.OIZWARDING / i Elt(;llAN'I'S, " Nu:. 3 !'s' 4 Cea.tratily:,..lfrew! .9:. l':',:livleph:a. • .kr,.• •,..r1 , 11:q•41t - i recCre .Haft if, - rt stdrs ni - m - y - I'l , l= - 1 o.uee, 1.,•(:v.5j0. , 31crrIcultils-e. ll'ili,: . !1.:11::y be ..^....:;- tr s, Lv•il t , 'their chat' , p.' -. I feral A ' s • rrs will he in :ife:,Tine r7i — FisiliiiTi , 7lT• sales tt • , elfectrit. All gocHIF, Il be f rw•kr,lrd , ail it. ol or C.,:tal, tlestkned, West, wll receive . . . ,pt • Itei,ti , m. • (IC :hurt 1•it.111.1g, Cptitelv , v , tl & Critiu, , • S IliVI(.1 Striyili, NV,in ft. T1r,r0105,n!.:...C0. l'laladjithia. -.141:.4. , n N-Tii.glvy , • SNinuel Biplintn. '''' • J. 1.2.,: , ,ati Sruilli. Esq. Cc. , • ldier. • • • ' . 11,i.'.1,. a: C'haraberslant, ..Pa. Kii g St (1011 - nes; Kipgs. 110,v k A ntici•sori, ' ? ~;• , , u 1 ":;'' ' Al:iolnint.vk.'l4 ' . At ‘nontl,;.Tomls !v.. Co. . I.l,lw:irtl‘C. Pail • k Cr..,, • kiterlurg NVittle 6' Brehr,:' ' . N .,. i ./'' ~ SA:11110 ? AI TAIINeII a. C. • ` w '''' / ' i • I_ll'illirns Crooke & Co. . ,•. . • N. B. • PIT - duce left at the N'l nrehot)scS r;firfes:ry , Ell:lads ' Carlistr, Or (11...0rg,11 W. Lskylig, Ilarrisbulz, for - its, ,hall receive prompt attention. • 11111allelpilin, I)ec. 10, 1.1i38.---6m. i.ll/1 I til by IME lilac F.1111 . 1,19erx: abiaact, Devoted to-.:lgticulturailforticulturc and • . Riel'al • conorny, Poblistied by Jonzi oir, No 45 North Sixth Street, Klee $l - lieryenronontb,tr --- Sub!reil , tinof, 'token by Jon , : .1. MYI.:ItS., nookselle,.Carli§le, .of..whooLlieLl Ft,flj4 2cl 'Volumes, l; ttroog bindblg, may be nbmiucd ; prit;e $1,25. Alsn, - - - THE .LADIES-GARLAND,-. • ... . , Devotqcl to, Literaftire, Inertia Lon, :I . rnusementi•Rinale Biography, 4-c... Price, One th , liar per year, rat - 11;1111y.For the fires cf. this work we itatlW2,ooo . suhserihers ; ititteriptions to which may be hail us :Alive. Neitly half hound. Price $1,25. . _ ._ . . kcc i .4.4 C. NOR CR. 0 SS, .'g ent. cmlisfe; 62.01ny BD, 1 533. 4w are —.To °Protect the . Public Squares, .._ • Firvin pe p',Carlisle, by their town •Counitil •la assembled hereby enact, " That it shall he and hereby is' declared, tO be tmlawfal f.r any person or _persons to tide, lead or drive any horse or - other ani mal Over upon or throng-lit-idler of the public squares of the borough, which tire withitithS boundaries of the pavements, awl ,alleys which ,sureoitil the same: • And be . and hereby is declared to 'be unlaw ful for any person or .p..r.soits to.tittemty any part of the said squares, within the said houotittries.with wa gons or 'carria,, ,,, cs, of any kind, or with any - deposit whatever. And any person'or persons, who shall xi-. Mate the.provi siring of this of shall ftrceitsintl' pay the-sum prone doltar:fai• each Offence, to-he re 'ooverett'iiit tlehtl nllike nmaitnt tire reetecersible.' . i'astieti the 12t1i.Deeemher, 11i35. • Fitr.o% WATTS, Pies't of T. Cr Attest—Thos. Carlisle, December 14;1838.- 7 3yr. . , .. . . ~._ [LOT ; Slislkin..Cli4ll%;• guitablAtior.. Oyeruottes,'very. c . htiti -At ".. ~ t . . 'i:ov. '2O. , . ,: . ''. ;A:RNcILD & CO. JJST ItECEIVEI3. 3,20 sperm Oil: . Muter • S, ELLIOTT. 01121 inled - and 'Published; Jrreekly, .by- , . . 't.'";'...;-'''''''":?''';:.". $-. - " '1" ' . . '., • ' r .( 4 .ie‘ ~ t .Z- 2,-k :•-t -, , . 4 ( c - '1 . ( ,. ., i kc, ....... \' 4 I, . to ,: . z kg, ,-;4, V._,,, A r tr.... .., A. ~...„,„. s _, .... • . Iti; t : .1,".. - J , : *-7:3 " 0 " \ -`: - -- - - - • - -' -- -----" A '',‘„ l . l - ,e :-. , ,• - • v , - ._ -1 . -- o• I 'W,•-," , tv-tt* . - 7d I* . ' c i t ; . &• , •••,- 0 , 1911-f-- - - - ... 1. . ••• :T...,L -r . .%., ,-- .: - .... e.i._. - 7 sweetest flow enriched, • From various gardens gardens"cull'd with care.' PARTING WORD S .'• - • Wa arepartinz—Wepre parting! - We hare orse_d_oft before Rut 'twits with hope to meet spin. AMI that is ours . no Mire. • • Oh !.eould we - tneetAt Would but bo - To mark each otherelialiged To feel the blight of withering years : . In hearts.aml eyes estranged..,-. We-nt partirg,--we ardpartini! OM-let-us burr . now . The mem'ry of .our fOrmer roar,. ' - And many a - farmer VOW. • Let Time's &racing tide sweep o'er • • ..P.aelf-mark so deeply act;.' . here nothing's left tlA , ortlie Past, •-- - 1 ' . • -I Tisletter.i.3 beget... , . , . • Wta noe patting—we arr•partin••! • , . ' • Our pnths must henceforth be— • • ..• In v.-Arch cf larrie-,-In . setirell . cf:gold'— - ....._. . • Sc . icredon land and sea. - . • •. ' ' And Cott m iyest win arwnary wealth, . : ' • . Antl•l mar. wear the crown:. - Both lonely: in•thAtin antlshatles - _ '''' - Of..fattunula,Ankile or frown.'. . - - - ---'4:9:nre , pa:l4i ~ 'We werz: - cratited side by. side; -- . - - - In:Poroue mrtyloitaihea4.4 throug, And sing ‘r•itii . aeraidtsbigh; . - 'And ‘me May utter wlt.datlUelot . Tbutlast deepliriug - • / . • We arc barting---we me parting! / "And dark and gloomy fears/ _ Are gathering thickly o'er m x v heart,. - Too deep , to aiioak - in tears. -- - that have loved " Our fhrewell W7.4111.i ye Such partial--910 . they make tit; heart Like inarliX-:-colil nail dim!! /Br. 'l'. K. IlEnvti. she ! methinks I . finny I 1ey41,1; sweet . singing s notl tier rushing wings; Kea. t f mtlit i mca her with a to u., Aml welcome solids from all its linoke string . It was not tinis---nt.tTaus-6•wis met Of yore; - WIR:n 11Tly 11111111(!li EMI) 11Clit half nay to the . 0. , ....)' /I To ••••ect it-i•-liol tile-'ovons Slit.' , lie love --,:- iiii '. • j • . - / Alrai•searee - in lee tunefirt . :iliiii :tIO glail7l:cp!ii 1"n . Filo ‘; Ligrt:are l'Atar'a by t1i...!‘t0:i.,),t of yen . ro,. . - 1 - L- 4 (//- ....; ,7 , -- - ....-. 4 - - And axial haa.apoird tltimusis n ith 11. n. t.:L..9: ,in elm.!-s---! know her by lwr stnvry ever, /So ill, so dignified, and so moralising. I Ir. mw li.n. hy the rnildn . w in li cc hall.! •. i that I .woatit.i• .1111 should • fal.ey me, whe 11, r v.q..taCc or the 112,111 nod stimmi-i. i,lzies-- / . love nothing - LetU•r t17;•11 to .'II rp the lig - 1,1 1 '.ti; to w c a'c. : 'fantastic ..ton,' in the 'merry th...iier. , ,,' or rear, Cl' ha . nme'r roses, and thissaMlal no , . -TV the last novel, I;ut Ido hot fear for him: '.. - -L-I=lict-IrM7,:tinlyr-itrriFirir:it-lr. r-1.61: .1 frit, —lt e -Wit t -Opt t -irth l -rhotht• r- -1 e:ter - ealm-lated- IVlnal, in heVyouth, blur lira; tel , ,rarer.icy howorst - than . n4self to intthe Vialiappy ymtl it re ' All'ii.euth.t font all thebeanx:f'ill :pal SW Cl . t. • quires - no prophet's vision to (untie %Olt , Na. , more the fri-ck me with4ier v-,:evi..f MI: th, t that On i 1,110, One Will be, Alt, nt— , blush, • ~. ,„ Noc-orrcrs flow- t! L plaints cr the eat th.------ --- -- ----- 4-..tie tt ism: - ' - T - 4 . . . . . . . 1 . . '''Estelle, haSh!' I)N ill not .•;) to yr ur . . 'Coins bail:, come brii.:l;,r-tholt lini.l. lieon obsei.t..l.)rz, •ic vity lontier.. :Ye.o tv rung •yi:ur:A. 11-D- \ (A_ . s ok!weleme , ;llilt.k the'sytil - of - tlie soci - ,' . 'wrong . hint 'to m IMiti . you have irligirtet Who carne,•altd - c. `lllO5 itqcin, wit!rplemling st:•11;:, ~ii , •,. 1 0ye. ,, • , ' Tcrofcr iii the heart liermiy,:tle •.erolti -.- • , ' ‘k.NVE:II; 1.6 - nisc, 'I will be serlouS,• nne. , ... , Thr ,,, ;:b cvl'i - Y Y( 111. s !"! .. "''''"r"" *"d l4 - 1 ' I: n li , ' Mir.. si; .the viii•iollii ef yeinv übjim io 111 A )" 1 ';":'" " dler ""g; ' l-ji erv . r Y Y c ''r - '• ; • tO.. iNiorr . S? -tau .con' i but._ aehtto wledge Sbiite Ai - ttlr6r 16:iViliiri toiOi Mil-from her bn..l:, ~ ,/- , that ihe i'vi',•tli i:Cecit)plisllctl, and a verfeci - .Anil fewer 4l Itric'th:e brims, and file mu; C lit•Al% ' i A tfoni.z. 'lliere is . not a voutur lvtiv of all As otter: shetcaana---oli, , inight i•licf,yome rani.,, cc i n i r .,, int , n . w ho d ot s nut t hi n k i ter. , 1 , . ~. \Vial all the perishart Colucws offered Ti.t.:r. • .; Self a fmtutiale Orl to be • the object of his .; . . ' • affec.ti:titi—and, even you r my demure sis 'Tun.: , I half believe,. 14ire jealousy to' be the cause . of your dislike..-''But come--his illultsl whlllbare theye" - - I •'. "Estelle, you - know them; - I - have tonal' vou.., .and . ..xitherslia''re. Ai' rireil you, - lite not a professional ,-gminbler? aid_ have not :----even—yoti,Lbli Ode(' ' iii . .yini.arn;. si. , .:.d . .,..itii i t.e. • whS - -n thena was an unWonwd Ilk.Sn upon his - rountenanee.Landz:m_unrilaturalLexcitement_ of his spirits'?" •" • - , , • • , Well. allowing all that to I , t'a!tie(finingli the It st elrarge I do 'tl;ink is falsej.thinh . - you not his love for me will deuir • himrreut .doh g any thingtliat.will make dn . : utilmppy? ' - Louise, 'you know lirde cf his devoted i incise" - - .., . . . . ... . .. •• I "Estelle! Estalle,! odt : is the fatat,kecic-oil 1 which, thousands have split;_slitiii it; lihe: ; seceli You::: git.'could - We ca,ll:;buelc • the I spirits of these who ht(injilen ;drawn. into - Ithis - maclstroom liy . thatdlind eve hope: could Slebnles---the eorn=sr-41ervilice is in min(; ' .ll l*, • ,we 'tisk ' them what' Induk,csl,, , ,thein .so 'hil lierm • ild, sweet , ibice...1.10.1 :a4,s, an d sings for' ivinthily to giv4ii ' tWay'...theit'learts, they -...... . • - - ewer, - ' . - • .', \V °tail answer,' , witirtlttohopp of a'reformg- Whose strains Of song swat thoughtsaiv);ke to 1365 i., l 'ijoil."'' . . .. , .. . .. . „. . .. .. .. : . Like flowers thathaunt the margin cf a 11V . CII I .. : "IVelli.Lnuise, 1,i10.-not wish youfto con (Plawerii,liloi lovers, onl y sperft,: in silts ,. ;-- . 'Y . .1 ~ I,juestir the spirits of the. departed to far . Whose thoOglits sic bues, ; wlll.l‘; voices -arelheirk... y - a rt: th it i o, Ilk j 4,. ., ' - ' heart •-.: ... • , - - -- - -- 7.- - -- • '' . ."!.• ‘ ',:,... '. in ., : watitile4iY W - 114refer - y ott4n, on kileai • ph--thus the spiiit ycarns to pierce the Wes; .. •.1 , lather.. - ,..Lhave , beeij-: tout lie •Wis''.n•'l'eilit F. : ;.altingithrolis, tbOngli . nil tone bopeleptirtst . ' I i'• youth, and was , nddictsif.,•to'gambiinii; brit 7.11" d. 4he 0 1""AineS8 of cm l" ii ' 4 '" litr ' s ' •1 N't:O iiiiol . v, , •:Louis'ei..heis one of .11io-V6,-.. Is waterc4'ever by t;ie heat's ritioeark - • r - . ,• • ..• hest of '- -- ~, •, ,-,.- - •. , 'l' ~.;- ~. . • ..... •.. - • • 1 nest nt• miners. • .• c ...,. - , _ , . ~ ~~ f Burt ecme---thy e^,mlng is a gladness yet-- Light from 'the present o'er the future. caht, That maki4 the presem height---hut oh—rerrit 1 13p:cm:NT sorrow while it nionruttlie.v.iLiO - , - And inyrnMy ticiaksois ipcs.k's I'o tell the il;9liglit of the heart is sone. Come like the seer-of old, and-with thy . ,spell,. r Pitt Imek ihi.,4ailow of that setting, 'al n dial; and with new,lirn licht Cat wild telling of the 'voice iTC Bright spirit, oontr—tlie mystic roll is thing That shows the hithlen fatntains at the liyent,t, And turns, with poiat_ts teryisk,p divine The places where its hurled treasure Yet.t, Its hoards of thonglitand fecling ; that 11lethias I feel it's long-lost wealth Yee; ;dad, .Abut Springs withininy hosam swell. That gricf hail checked, aid ruin had concealed, And sweetly sweltier, wheye its waters hti ay, The tints and f..ezdutess of its earlier (lay. 1 . ':• _ • , . Sim combs---Tkmin , her tily,lrtratlie4 cyes,z - lieennie,s me- not • je:ppeak, of flufl . re whose tin;le' OM long dim cloud depart/II the'ruilings nt . any father;' but never, till the And - Jr - 1i iliiiiieFilida - kidninTibroW; - death7tif otq . sitinteitlirothet, - lies - our fatltar Anil if fiCiTenitibcreinliter than . been iihat,yottli - OW see him tolie - . - an - d - slaz 'And if sbc - Isingli More a9leinii - rnutuf now, • ..tar,' if; this G‘t4iing is. ectdc your. fatei I have 'an cri ed& to you from your dying And bears another Imp than blm bore, And iCuround her form,no'longer glow , ' luotber. , • -The earthly Rowers that inter youth she wore—:-L----ifFrosn—onr--i - -mothir? 'yrin Thikt loc& is anal ' ' ,• , ATlliemeh% ficowt‘re-4tflo tit, irE:r tent. : GLi s ten IMO I .will tellTOut" Y _,know.;ou - - • • • 7PU1L1519.131 derTIERXOQX..7. I I.3'II4I:II . I'l_lB3o. POETRY. Proin the New-Yorke! El HOPE. 01. iiiettrlislz,_Casinkieriand tomiaty, SELECT TAL E , • • • E TE.LL E: . A TICILLING AND, TRUE .GTORY or AMERICAN - -LIFE. • . "Estelle; what can you I),e thinking about? =you have Set a full lIPUT in tlielanie„ pos tura; wi th your head ieelining on your hand, looking not at all like my jovial . sister.—. Climic, n•o, prophet's vision to- devine':the 'current •of your thoughts. Tell me,'Estelle; arc you not this moment asking .yotir.heartff it: can Yield its affection to Morris?" "Dear. Louise, T.'am far from thinking you pos-sessed•of. the power of prescience, hut for once - youlhave-,zuggested:right.l'4. Estelle, What' is the' result of yOur meditation? Tot' I should thittk . they had been sufficiently.' lengthyto:have tertni: mated' in resolves. I hope = ". . "Nay, l l ouisq; no more,-lecture4-I aM .. wearied - ,7w more than:a week LSince-I-sat,:-withall-due reverence, at your ladfihip's feet, and list-• -ened : to - adiscourse full two hours You failed,. then' l with. all your tOgfe i to .convince 'me;, ant I presume you have no 111 -more powerful, or cOnrineing reasons to of-. fer now. Indeed,.Loaise, .1 am. resolved at preen not to dlscottrtigre the-attention, of so acc. ompliiheita maims Morris; so do,disniiss that lengthy .pltiz t • and appear Moro cheer , f 41,". thon„is . youreoucluSien.„l•llad loped that inydelir sister was 6 . 0 - jibing tci view -this importaiii •subject in .its true . . _ . "Yes; ip ita, true 1ig,13 I-do, sis—for I • half befibVe the olct,'Uclivr i .e,. !a. reformed rake m.akes the hetytilishiiiid.'• I.M - id secret :111 - sw - TusferniTtliem, arriti - -am wiithrg — t criirEnt:; for to tell-fot the truth cv6 to is arm cirw figther.your s'a_vwardsis ter will becutne hid bride or nOt; and he de clam:s hirsooth; that if 1 will furn..imiluge;T:a - nd society %tilt never hMow FrederiCk Morris ay.ain." - "Ah, Est:lnc . - L-111'y sister, my compnhion —you will ,hoisaerilleti, yourself! . Have you uten"the engtigeinefits to . Edward Haiies?—ran yini blot fr - oni your. heart all LreniembrAt l Tof:his.dtviiteductis?, „Callyo.2 tl,bestow your him) upon another ; when y ' are alret:dy Mihmeed - to,-him? - Believcyine,.! if you do, you will never have Lip6ce of mind agitin-Cioti's -- I:lw.sing will/not rest 1 Upon you." .. . "Oh - Louise, as to my eniagements to Edward H, You know it lilt mere ehiltli . affair! I have :always h 1 him when he . fount! any (..h.: he co diove better, I would release him." "A h did he, ow you the same privil-, ego?". • /; . . ...,,, .._•_,'.oh - noyhe IS 'seif-etinfident,le siipposes vm - VAlVapiiliarCZES/111(1, to all mankind - but - his my ( ii dear self. But to beseriotts, Lodse, .In)ontirr he could not have placed ,his 11l : f.i.tions -u .i - Iti \ cu' it uf me. He b- =IN that . she 'Was lent il!— , that she bore all tier . suffering with meekness; . and - you • must have been -only a casual observer; if you ,have not Witnessed „her hours or siLdners, even when she was well. I have seen her gaze On us _with a look-of •untold - alleetion while dive tears • streamed down her pale che , .. , 4, and I' often wondered -at her emo tion.. A feW weeks previous to her death, - she call ed - m e side - and - gave - me -- this manuscript. She said it had been tention to carry the secret_ °flier sorrows to to the grave; but the hope that it might benefff us, she entrusted it. to rne,• as . the eldest, with a strict injunction not to reveal it even to you, unless Isaim- you about : fa take- a. step would-cause / Tina-- railing • repentance. And now, tstelle,. I have.elase - d.'• In these papers you-Will learn your mother's „history, arid her last conn- . , eeli if these will no,,..iniyve you, no argument , . of,mlne_ban.!'. „ - For. once -the gay Ekelle looked sad -and sat:down with a throbhing hearttn.. peruse the manuscriptt , -butshe had hardly time to finish it, befere . a • servant. announced Morris. I.lotliBo could havP'-wirihed - him mmihilated( ( coi lie seemed .to possess "a s'erpent',o'faseinatiott ovei,Estelle,-and_Ao_ drive from her mind all, 'sober thought That evening :Morris urged, his - .suit:-with mUclOapparent earnestuess,:and made. such 'baths :Of' eternal constaney, ihat he Won the consent of fair Estelle to become -his. bride in die - af t :week's. - -:-.Lonise--and--Esfae-Sawreute-:vere-the daug,htors -of Mr. Lawrence,- a lawyer . of some cLdebrity and_ great, wealth, in a beau tiful village in New England. Mr. Law rence had lost .wife when' his daughters were young..: 4 .AlthoughTessesSed ef - everY attraction to make - licrne a papslise,Mrs. L. failed to secure the - company of her has= • The, _gaming_ table. and wine -cup. possessed, more .attractions for him' then his affeeticinate". heart with ,esed away. With_ike,conseiouSness of unsc. (jailed roe. ATterlier d ea th - 11F ed an 'altered/Mau; he forsook all his vices, and tried;Ar-his.atilieticinfor-his daughters; to at,one'for his neglect their mother. The,c , ststers were 613 opositelit their'eliar actott as 'the antipodes. -Loninc• possessed - n the cf Mind which_ard. the result of virnidas'prknciples, mid that intui . - Live Ali:ll..lnitiation c f tharacti r which Leo few of our :ex have the crediful possessing, but which -is f CLileggiSil.g to distinguish the really Virtuous from fore who -'steal the. livery , of 'the iourt.of heaven - to serve the devil-in." . atel:e was a sunny girl?-no cloud timmed. her vision, all was joy and g iety with 'her. She %yrs 'sure, to laugh die louthist when others looked the saddest; but then She had most affectionate heart, and manners so bland:' and winning, unit she tyre welcome-I whtirever she went. She had -spent sente-time in New York,- and, there- became. acquainted with 'Morris, a , gentleman'WU° Wig VIM) said iris-the "beau ileal" of ftellutcy.---- Be had by his insitar..- -t-i-u-:,--addree4--and-lnindsome-facei,--wen—the ;ionfiding- heart of Estelle, and hewas now a,visit to N. to obtain 'ller consent fur :heir irmipedi , dc unit a. Louise had never Vied Morris, and had often tried to reason with her iofdaated sister, but with little sue :•c: r. Mr. I . never hinted his . 6 . fri.T.lOns, Ihe ha , ) then.; and his wife (for, unhappi ly, for life second wife he.. had chosen a voing• lady Who_w'as uta lit lY _ the . ser:ifr If Lip darghter, and •frnm kdo.ise tyranny The high rei de:! 1 - ;!6;611.: tinged to hu t.f hcr beauty and ae-_ . omliiL hments, and the place she held in her - fall.e,'s heart, - she A:idled her 31st could r.ot. couer.r t to el •Withott ft.!ine- terrible onnflicts with her hev:rt and corienee; for Ile to whcntShe was ;irreiv:ly rlijted, new .I \ ignerant thatids hearts' best treasure was shout to be torn from him) was pursuing his 'studies in-the State of Maine. Voca 7 :, Lion was at hand; and Edw*ardfladics was 'expected home in a short time. Estelle knew this; she . , knew all his worth; his un dying-love—for-Ther,-anilsometimes- would relent and wish slie - had never'SbeC the las ,einaling-Morris. 'Morris was-well aware Mathis hold upon her affections - was not. strofig,, for, he had more than once found her weeping, with.letterSin - lierlialukwhith - he Suppesed . will , from Edward;,--for this -reason he ,4.asteced the . perfottr;ance of the .:!erernony'which wto.ol.l . lnake - hcr for : . ever. • . ''Well,. sister," . r, , ,1 1 1 Estellr, ett the ile - war came that Estelle. was .no., more, and 1 morning of herN.c.alcling day, - "in a f,.w. that Mortis was rovingabctil,- an objeet.of i hours I shall be wedilel to Morris. I ant commiseration . anti disgust. Still lie longed ; going to - try - theelearful experiment, as yen to go and. .learn tore of his. sister's `fate, , are pleased to call - it. If he proven to be it and to' take - the. littlii 'Louse hoine. Ills good, husband, I,slialt.have the satisfaction friend blivaid.- - liartiei - accompanied' him' - of triumphing over .yon ;. if 11c, does not, with a:view of.,s.ettlitie in the West. '('hey; then my history will - serve as a beacon had stopped to ,spend the Sabbath - at a •vil- , light to wain others not to shipWreeli their late ~ about a mile 'from -Estellt's ltense, - happiness in the same mancer' ypu.see entirely - . tincenseicniS.Of -their affinity - to;her. I . shalldo s nly fair 'friends,a- service -in - :Alli s -1 Finding the minister of-the, place . .absert; 1 way,:if:rio other.? . .' . .. • . - • . --•; he provio:, , ett,fo Preach, the fellowirg dily,. l r Lankier sighed as she salt' her bright .which .was gladly iteceit Led. - On Sun& y 1 l.and, happy.sister . so unconsciously saeritic 7. inorniheoi . little i baiill collected in it . build- Ling_ 114rselfir lint. sheonly- remarked • that a hitgused as -- asehilech.' 'Batelle had zilwaYs. feW"years would death) the question . , , , melmith - till's. little . band; but " feeling her ll', lii a feUr - Weeks Morris„and his w ire, were i - strengtlx. : rapidir , dec l ining , ' she sent lier ocated. in• New Yoik.', '..For me: y = ears.--all ,little , daughter,: to' .'requeSt .the:ininifiter .t 4 ; iv, s Well :With'. Estelle.: ' , Morris i'vas.ixtistliter,isoon: .The little Le'itise lir (I her! ,epparelitlY• .'a; .reffirriled : - .Man,. and '.everi*es i• iv e ttt4upon the - preacher-during. all I Lou*, kt egati/,tirldie thinr, fears: would not. ~, t he ".1,-seriieti:t r - ancli ..t3 . ..tii; , Paso'="l . -;hero lie realized: - .,:'ltiti'.evpitinge• Werti; She trie&to:!sutontein courage to ,do her cr.] , theqopielyef - ins - Arifari - , -- anit - „began. to trand,-bntlior„hpart • (aded• 4 1 , ;;; ,2,1 7 h0!' tioxt, ffiel -- ii:"VeliSli 'ffir" -- difilieWTAFutsures. • ..At ; MorninVOriillianilTatt& liiiPlilend started . this:peried otto orchistbia •.ifissodatiA. '"UillO'l for Elitelle's'"abode,.. and - pm . their . way :rll'.. had just leturtried 7 fioin,::a.tritiriliCEtitiiiie, countering ilte - PhEmati•who had, Made:' the called; to reetti - gratuk4jtiOr, tind ., tO:rotibre , Old. I:requestitli s ey.asked tb .be ' directed to he -frietiiisliiii.--,-.--"Well,-Erc4, 1 4 , ,-Caill, he,:lfainil- I .but..-But..,whatt-matt tlteir,surprise.ortlllear4 • iarli:"tatlinirM'itSiti ' - iVirg - 'ind . . situaiiiii ‘ 4 . : herlnd trOtirtthe . old man such •.art„, aeCount , • . , of • 1 Antreirtit-)iottiliithS:bsbelnitkit 116.''',. i: v plie-ett ledit - k d i Thinti'ici.4lleit - t liit - it - *ati „... 7 ~ .. rub but faith, friend, you don't intend -to bury yourself here, do voitt - t flotir - farn our old friende Y.. and ,You Meet at our old.hatints; I . presume,r l •*: • " Indeed Inive not, been. Ahere' of "late,' neither hovel:seen our'Old friends, hut imice" or twice these two years." . • then,,WcAvill go and jhunt them • up this evening"' That Was a long Ail-ening-fur The.clO , cl(tolled the niidnieht Lour' 'before . Morrin'returned ; and when he sAw ler anxici countenance,.his heart sini , t: hint, -batty, - a exeusc lie quieted the Tiiiirs Of his. too hfiditig wife. From dint even ing must e the of Morris. _Estelle_was_constious of ALI_ el.cuae in_ her husband, but she uttered not a tverLl of reproach:.. . . ,keloild slowly und heavily en me ocer.lter n - e.kurl Of ills we mention ' • and-dead impenetrable gloom.-- She:Omits thirit:tr t • - Ono oft.trorte,-put . out as neofsw , •' • • , It drew tier soul, but IbiutLl uot nt lint t - Fainted not soon." • ° . . -One 'night . ; asher -htisijand ri2ttirnM home unusually hue, • Estdlo NW:I6 . struck -with-hisggard-100 k-andLal most-- ins laugh, when he roughly iaid --" Weil,..Estellei now we.arf off for. tire er,ough =to buy us a log hut, - and we Will - go,and• hide our selves in the, pairies - That KnowleSfras dime the Work fur ine-v.:-night Olt - r - haetlint — lilm - 1"-: - eml -- he gnashed his teeth in rage. Estelle . was 'Shocked,' confounded, and, crushed,; but 'she ouestionedhim not, nor' offered one word col: a sad heart, she packed - up•her things.'7arnl, it ti ,- -•eck-iltey...Were-oralu.i_r-V....ay to 11 1 i tuic. ! Here years of constant Suit:cling ily . nite4,l Estelle. 4-ler friends; hearing - of her desti-I ttim;sileaticin. - setit I.:er_lenniary ; but what could Lind tip the woundS of that bro-1 ken heart.? Who tlios;3! ypting• Llfrections rgain ? _ " Whelittuak . . _ Torlortqf lima ; wittii•red a.d de,ototts, Asl uniumt, thC iiTiole; 1 - Selecting- from its falling- sintertt, chain Far term its entice grove, to lifeless naetes, And leme it theretlotie;'lergettea Eternally, Lind passed iii atorq by,.• • pillise be ever new: tic!. breathed, And Lade her live." ' • • " Oh, Ma I how 1 wish you had been all , the meeting today ; we had a- new miaiS ter.- He looked so much like the miniature you have of undo w wish you ! could see him. Old Margaret says ho is to be our minister for a it-AV months, till Il4lr. GraS , has returned from his journey— Ma, - . he has b r er.a to - tile e:...4 to bring. his Wife and children here." "Well; - Louise,! - did you gellhim. z youlind . a dying mother who - Vvidicil_go. Fete - him." , .."Ma, he .was a Stranger . , and 1 dare Mit• ! 111argaret's husband to dO it, and he -is . coming here !to-morrow." • • " Mother," et:id the same sweet-faced little girl,. the niii;t morning, "the 1 - o:lister is at the door, and wishes to knoW if 1 am • ! Hal ; • and there is another gentle - man with !him." • ."Ask them in," said a feeble vuiee. unnecustoMed to the sin it of t sth'ib g eis, Nrus abashed w hen the -two gen tlemenctntered 'her hut ; but a slight tluth conic to her et lourless lace as die e cdthe :granger wild first_entered,alid thought she lialLeecn-one - who resembledrhimbet -be fore..sVe_hachAime for fuhhcr, scrutiny,. -01 . 6 fol'Oldlhersell encircled in - the arms' --- ttf: brother. ,Neither could speak, brit iNshing tears, more than words, relieved] their full hearts ;! but when she recognized . ' the _other stranger,'whO was - no other than gdWaril Barnes, she Iswoen . ed, . • der William, have you come at length ?"':sobbed Estelle,; "come to see your sister come to soothe .her Ch'ing houra ; come to toiler my .be - loV:ed I.ooiso ?. God has indeed answered my prayers I. Oh, William, it was a. fearful! -experiment i -but-it-ii-all-oyer-l" • '' . William Lawrence-Ara:l-at - college 'at the tinge - oPh - la - Si - ster'slivarriage; -- and who -- sub ,, scquently - fitted for-the ministry; resolved astsoon as his stadies were - finished; to go -and take Itis - tsiiter back to her .native vil lage., But while •he was preparing to start, IN w'VE SPILUES,' VOL. 3.--A 0. Z. indeed their friend /(over 3_i, , ltase supposed: death - theY had ofteit'wept) they were Imo called to visit ? they also learned that Norris had'some Months. previous, in a fit of intoxication, committed, suicide; and for nearly a' year . thaf poor destitute woman,- had liv . ed with her Mild daughter ex- . trente poverty. William tried to •soothe her with the. licipe that . ..sho would yet be happyy that she would return with and iuThja otidst..of former,friendsforgit all her trials.__ But it was over with tstelle-;—death had nfarketil(4,Torith victim 'Crushed and broken-hearted, she . was even now.' on the shore of •eternity.„ "And even, .brother," sh'e:tyould say, 'were__l.uhlello,endure:Alie - Jourhey,l2noVer could endure the sight of nny ohattine•--or.iny injured sister..' 1 why did 1 1,not lista!' to her kind adrico ? No, brother, here I must die ! But even -that thought has -lest Half its -gloom ; siuco - know inv-Louise is provided -with 'lnarne rnad • . • " Will you not allow ••tna to adopt your child-us my own ?" said Edward 13, Estelle hesitated, it was the than sho had slighted and injured., "I .6lioulil "th , at she "Wouldunder ! the 'tuition of her aunt-Louke." • _ ' 1, --"-Then.-will -your Irish be. gratified;!* 4 : “..Loukc- is the 'wife of-Ed ward Baines—and - ,you cannot cciiiide your obila to any with mere ascurailee-that- she Will rereive all a motiio card and Tri7 sti.uctiod.!! • .The colour tvent.and Canre in -pock- Es-v Ole's- cheek at this iiitelligenee, but aftera . struggle with her' feelings, ' --" "fis . s'cs it should be i -7- said site ; "I dashed the etp.of haplsines froin and-1 have:been. wade to drain they cup of affliction to. the .ver'y. drs.!' t -J 7 : in AVM: . fro - m - 111 a 7'.stelle:lllcikeis .- . 'was a dWeiter in. t i3nt died not without hope . .. Der:end:6olgs, -hind lcil ter•-ni thefountain - oi. consolation—a Sa-r - - siuur's love;--sod she-,realized rho—fulGl-- limit of the premise, "A . bruised -reed lle twill -tot breakt' . . In one_of the'neatcet houses, in° the. vil lage of-N—, is seen a lovely girl, who oftrii ' with a look cf!L - tmlnims says, -"-Um cleEdwaq,:hotv 1 wish my:Clear •Ma had lived - to come' here. Why did you not find us.aooner ? I. wonder if . yon arc the sahib Edward' 13artics tint . I heard_ Pupa 'talk about Z.K He told Ma he itt_pposed she wish ed she had married Edward 13.-instead . of hiM, and with-a dreadful oath he left the houses saying. he would be in the way nu .longer; and he never did come. back—but the next day four Men br:.uglit him io 4 • Oh, -uncle, I cannot tell you, it makes me tremble to think of it! P.cor Md, was_so ill; I thought she would have died, and I should be left all niche 1" Edw . :zd B. 'could net refrain from ming ling his tears. with thoFe cf his little niece 7-- tier can you, fair—Teadere,, withhold your tymputity, 13nt let none Ety•or think, that ‘, • • min 'a -rake Makes the best luanuttl." . . The New Orleans Bee Contains the fol lowing note frcm Admind Hatalin to Capt. of the, U.'S. Cutter Woodburv, %% Ilia was close to the frigate Ncreide when ttHe - terrih'vrtiiii - ent . h - egati. — lt was written some days before, mid.' critters the good feeling that subsisted between the squad tons. 'llio . .hand writing is in_the_formlof latkak:pc4iti plain and regular characters, as the Atli - Ilin:11ml but his right arm. " Rear Adinirid eltarleillaudin's corn . pliments tfiCapt. Randolph, and thanks for the subjoined newspapers which have been very übligingly tent by one of the *Aileen; of the WoCrlburv.- ' . 'Y The - rico . AdMiral informs Cal t. thattliere arc trome . avrearUnces of a E rope norther soon coming cn ;, which et'le the Woe:dimly would he in a baeh, anef l eri ge . , and he would reccnimcnd her. 'taking alml tor eitiu-r near Szcrificios, or under the ice of the Graml.",idand, the place were cne of .the shins and two of the brigs were it an. , chor this Morning. There is a giucid - hold.- inier, ground. . • Nora:.le:November 'AI?, 1838." - . . VOLUDITZ It - SENTENCE.—;Deieribing the last parting With - Ins consort' of lb° -FrenclOc:ingilomadust,before--hisjiolerit death in the French nyvolution;, the-autber f the last work under that name, Carlyle, thus assumes for alporncin his personality, and speaks for thejnonarch,and the man : " And senur meeting and our partings do now end I 'The sorrows we .gave each other • the poor joys we faithfully shared,, and all our loins and sufferings, -- and Ceti- Tufted tailings' under the. earthly, sun, aro over. \Thou good .soul:. I shall-never. through all ages of. Time, see' thci, buy' more !" . - • A VAx.r4pr.r. Cow.--The. Louis'i ills Journal eor3:ol.o3'.,Jri-Evri..-hag fiold his pro red short horned Durl'ath cow; l'riticess-0 John and Richard Allan; Estir's. of this .roonty, for $2,000 the t ltighert_prieo ever givoil fait cps. the fJuited states,4k riOntaNG A Client:at:— \Velem% by 'Ol6 - linizabethtOwn .Journal that 'shout three weeks since, Clio Episcopal elturch`at Perth A n ditty, Vl7BB burglariouit) entered an d, the t..; ctutntmien 'Pablo a:nd its coverings stolen .The AVas first discovered orilkeriabbath,; and on - Morlay - the Tiado ttirrtitiitrat - trainction store in Chatham • street;,' New York. It appears 'that the thicfpos S essed An unusual Vinre of boldness after rolibcry, the wi'sjigetl in itsi ceiverings, - wasitropen day put_on busnl the steamboat. hotind to New. .ye ! rk e ihint has not bon -dricovqrndlott:, !I . , • , IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers