Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 25, 1838, Image 2

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et.4' the standing eernmit
tacit fur ;the 4!fird,eas - 4,lJriof
. . .
.'. I ,4 3oigri Relatio;ilessm. 11 1161 , :lin - aii;
(ch•iiruan,) T: - .Llltuadg;:,,. - Cleypf,•wif t i c ky i T
Rival, 'Niles - . '— • . ~ •. • . -
. .
. . .
'.Pizrznce—_Messrs. (chairman,)
... •
Cominerce--.lVleserei King; (elinirrnaii,). l
Davis, liruavn, Difaivell i Ruggles, •
Afairtgrares'srs, N les,. (alink ,
.man,) Lampkin, Stranie,.
jgriculture--Messri Smith .oP Connee
(chairinanj ;Spence, lyna, Melt. aari t
'Mouton. . •
Military q(f'nirs---Messre 13eitv,n,
intui t ) Pzeston, Tipton, Wall s •
• - -Wintia—Nles . .srs. Clay of AlaWa. (chair.
;Trinn,)• Swift,:Mauton, I,§initti . of
. . -11atial..#,Fa'irs:--Metisrii -- Rives i (chair
. man ,) , Sauiharl 'Ealllnadge, Ctallbcri, WA
liaing... ' • : • , .
. .
• PitWto Lthas—lNles.irs. Wnfker,
Fulton;_ CLt Alabaina.. Allen,
•Przntiss. . - •
Private. Land claims.:--Messrs.' Linn,
-(o4tii:rman4--Sesier,43Dyi.l - rd, pu
• •
Indian ligairs-,-Messrs. White; (eliqir
mun,),Sevierf Tipton,
Ilubbard, * (eltrtirinhn . ,)
(.ritrende - n, Young, iVierrielt, •
Revolutionary- Claintl=-Messrs wn
,Aeintitnian,) .White, Critteittlen,
:Tudiciary--'—gessrs. Wall, (cliairrnan,)
"Morris, Claytorly,Strange, Pierce._
' Post Office azta, Post liottils—Vessrs:
_Lunykin, Wright,
Niurrick._ .
Roads. - acid Ca nals--:lle!!ars._
(cilairrrian,) 'Lyon, Fu.s.
tar. . , • • . ./'
Pensiona—Messrs.-11Orrjkci (chairman.)
rrontiss, Pierce :Roane .
- .
;Pateatfi and, Patent / o . l7ice - 7 _ll:essra.
Prantis's, Rub
' inson,. Lyon. _
Conimillee to
.audif and evintrol the.qn
-114ire'hi—expensei : of the Jena( e=—Messrs:
.:-BleKea4 (chairtins,) Fulton, Xi - tight:- :(
" En - gro . (cll 7 l.-
. 11 1i 1 . 11 .) - )7.i.t4 9 C. I-C4ida."•?_, _
.IV&; al
%Vise, Grantland,Tilborci-Payn
. ter - ,
reign . ,Rfairs —Messrs. - IlowarJ, 1;n
-igaro,Cushing., Jackson of_Ga. Dringool'e,
Fairsi&hi, By'nure, Crary.
- ili Wavier, Carter; Holt,
Allen of Ohio; Orillia; Galluo, Dunn,.Doli
- nts; -- -8 - iatligatu.• • •
. -
sitrtir3—Messv..7lPKay, Ma
'f'..-PC.1,;11,1.). of 'Pena.
.6:ff(tirs:Clessrs . . - 13e11, Everett,
Ch;m2y, Parker, Graham of
Putrikyn, BilnkS, Parris. •
Terri , ories-11,113srs. Bronson, Pnarp,
Potts, 1; , r:len,'.lones of N. Y,. Farrington,
1V..;1ik.! of Ky...llalinnond, , C. S'aupanil of
Rwt.llailantals—llessis. Mercer, E
•N•mis, M•Kmorm, S:iycler, Fillmore, John.:
i; II I V ' - • irant
-- Jr.t.liciary- 7 .ll;:ssrs. Thomas; Robertson
Of Va. Toney, Corwin. Gartland of Va, S.
AV. 'Mortis,. Turney,, Martin, Foster.,
.11i - tagfact yres —Messrs. Adams, Slade,
tiailie.."Fillinahlisi; Vail, .Naylcirjlaut.ur,_
Elmore, Ke4)Oedy
• .4p,•ticqlfure—Aliissrs. De,herry,,
Phelps, Weeks, Spencer, ,Noyes, Davis,
Randolph, Stone. - •
11agg and Ilhans—;llessrs:•Cambrel
-emz,-S,-,rgeont, i-P
Jones-.of-Vaopeßll et t i
We!)s.ts . r, itiierlon, Haynes . , Renelier. •
..Eleedims—lleisrs•. Buchanan; Cain,
.miry; TOucey, Rives, Swearirkem• •
Onzmorce---11 3 srs. Cushman, c drali-,
-4 3 4-Va. • -
ethi ic I anis 7 .---Ale,,ssrs: Millihms of N.
.C. Lhieoln. - Capinan, tlas6y, Shields, Lou-
anis, M wry of Ky.- . '
.the raffia - 1611g; elniinitteeS, there is no
hange fivin last session.
11Ir. Benton, :frain the committee on Fi
nance, Made a report on the operation of re
lit-icing- and graduating the price of.the_pub
- .saild - c - oWs - 01.6ft - id to .
. The hill for the firlstponement of the pay : :
• merit of
fourth instalment, was taken.
. up. 'l' he question was taken on the ino of Mr...-Clay be Ky.' to amend
sl as' to postrioue, the paypent till the first
of January 181), 'and.tlecithdin the nee
'ti ve--ycas 'nays 26.' . - The:bill was then
orlcro,.l to be engrossed. :•
• was introduced by Mr. Clay or .
afp„tal and expLiitt acts
iclative to ct..t.pyright3,. which was referred
to t;1~ conialittee.op the judiciary. ••
. LL • the .I.ltruse of 7 1lepreentatiii6s --- IVir.
Fry off.; :1 'fc;soltt 6ml-calling on the Pre
for copies • all rtirrespontienee .-
.tweet' him. atal 'Gov: , relative to 'a
c:111 . upon thu- pr•sillent for an armed forve
prooee.l Ileunstliuiia. The rules
Nv•tr.• s3sp,.;n:E.Ll a:1 tae , resolultion
An alivnidatrutt• was offere:l b) Mr. C us i l ,
11 4;° , inquirini(lrbeilter anY thti , V.,
titat3a it ItTcneaii . z.ernel ihelusineid.
° Mr. ilit131:~ rhon,ht, the resolution Would
Streit 'a riiarnrz4iiri of—tbe--sttbjeat_ia: , ... l llP_
bottsi.; ilbjeet, Of•ttic' s
'•••• ' ''• •
11 I . 2tad:idsqrfl” abrupt exres-
, .
-011 S about ‘Jemoerats," ••ri:,,tlit4 of tho pee
"Zze, ar • cio7,
"vielsrat •gestie,obttion... Ile .tvas
udorst,?)l),J t•ti 4a - k - ti,ot tio mol t was the -ire
-pbcipie Poansykratil •47,
• f.iyetfiagainit the..l4tikites. --° °• '2
Mt. he regretted,the resolu
i-tioirwas terrors :
f_had-beed?said- the mob was the demberacy.S_ .
'"Was de - inocracy defunct now, when, the
dispersed? - Olen the„oillyway
to ,reVive 7 dernoeracy was to call beck the
The governor hall called out, the mit
'litary to pni - down en armed mob that ;had
takeirposseasion of the capitol. Was there
nay. thing Wro»g: in -.this? r • -W.h en ;congress
Fiat iii Philadelphia, a'nfati to the hall
with insolent demands; but,Gen: Washing - ..
ton sent a - column of 15_60 nien to put them
dOwn, and every !Uhl) utig - ,lttlo be put 4own
in that way. .
• Mf. Beatty, of - Pa. 'adoPting.the
and falsehoods of the Keystone arid Report
-or said there:was no mob at Harrisburg,
except- such as, existed . in..the imaginations.
Of cowardly ancrtreacherous members. It
teas an asSemblagebf reipectable and intel
ligent -people,' and
. he not ,be piit
down by foul, epithets being applied his
fri ell •
7111:fe — re_5.441tio re: agreed: to:
Mr., WV ise objected itioreception hat
hi Chad -passed into poss ession'Urthe
b::fore his objection - •
A petition,. praying for diplOnintic inter
; course • withlton, •being
Wise objected to its reception. Ile said he
viewed it its a part end pared 'of the ant:e
• S
— Mr. Adanii was in favor-of its reception-
Hayti was independent, andAYoutithe reT„
'cognized by ....... •
An abolition petition.-tips presented-by-
Mr. Calhoun of Massachuietts, which was
received and •laid on the table. Mr. WiSe
objected to its reception, and said' he ivoeld
make it a point of order whether, under the
rule, petitions .were recognized as being re
ceived. . . _
- :*The Speaker said it was decided - at the
last session, bat the
.question of reception•
could not beinade;: but that the petition
must be, when, presented, laid on the table
without debate—and ho made the oillllo de-
1 : Mr. Wise appealed from this detiSiiiii;
and spoke in opposition to it. '• lie said the
soth never intended to give up the ques
ma o:-reception. They deny the right ofi
the intention of Mr.. Atherton's resolution
Ito receive abolition petitions; but the south ,
i would never assent to this, as they might
aS welt yieldthe whitileAtiestion;-"/Ifertic
, bate at the last scssiou had exasperated' the
I drew:from the hall, and determined not to
resume their scats untill the matter'waS set-,
tied. Theft' the resolution of Mr. Patton.
T was•-agroaLte,oidy ac s' trroporaryzexpeaj.
enrto cut off the debate p,ending -•!rhe de- 1
eision then, as to the reception of petition s,l
was only a temporary measure. —• •
Mr. Rives saido‘rith the . exception of a
few fanatics, the southern people would be i
'satisfied with the resolution of Mr. Ather
ton, which 'passed.- on the 12th inst. . • He I
laped, therefore, the decision of the chair
wOuhl be sustained. Our northern hrethren.l
have gone farther .ffian ' was expected,
since they have gone so' far he hopedstere
would be no further difficulty in ihelilatter, ,
- an d — that - b - o th - tire — h ous vand - 11 ic — c - Ottitirri
wouorbT '''flre:cl, .7. .„ . . . . ... .. .i
, SENATE, DEC. •li7.
. o.e.alitistte,,,
Mr. Pickens thought there was an essen
tial ditTereirle hetween this : resolution . and
'lleum. passed at - the last session., By Mr.
.Atherton's resolution, the member has leave
to present the petition; - hilt the,iltieition 01.
reception is not decided by it,- because tin,.
petition is ,laid On the, table ,Withont Nailer
a - Ciiiiii. 7- 13eforeihp adoptiOU of anyf. - t4.- PO
the subject, : the Petition - was presented, and:
then'its recePtion•inaile a qUestion,, ,p - inl Abe
petition, was laid on tbe , table;r - : - This,.. in ef
• feet,. Avaka . rejeoOrief it. • ',The . resolution
of.last session Yielded thequestion of recej=
tion: he coultritteritypertikt, Csiliii q 40.-.
I tlot is vital to thPsonth.: . : - . . ....
. .
. . ,
- correirgoadondootthott.b;•Ziazatti."' :
- • Wislirgo:rox Ciry,'Dee .11,'Iliss:'` 7-
7 ---- Thr, eom,rittinitation tltatAtae-, , titi;, aY,
Leeived front R§ &a ffresttlettt, ef,, iliti i Nklit . ee
d itys, enveringpoiiies OfAtlOrorro_ppoii
I t!onee that Itaa.,lition Jia lititwpgl t Abe i ;
g.O .
; ,enfive" POpartment and Voi , ernorlkiinoi ;(:).!,
Rennsylrania, in,liePtiOn, to g
a 'roijitisitiari, -
that Jti s EittinlienleST ntailO..?ii ' - the. C4orif-,
,kit ,f—tbe,lTOited,'sia'tes: for, lift :.iired
ifOroo ;:to; r)pftl in a ` , `resproop, Abu,: ajSCOrtlEi .:Jat
liarriatitn, id wilt-. caluiiyg '; . 4) , itirql4l9e
i • ,I%t r.' 14 - rtylOr itiitain WsiLin,;falitir • Of itik I 6 ; 0_40 4oriana:POlfile i oombustionmhtilt
1 raolu4onpltheilgli its cilijeet,Aiailipgre ' ' ~..;:44 . igi, . *N'idt'et,.5 , 14, 4 *.FP1- 131 tOtil .tlit , 4
Il i ! all. *. :The: uffturaf,Hairieberg Originate& ;', „ii'•" lll ooi,ricerelYillfttecale• '. • / c ''' , &' - ''
~ .,.';_.'.l4iii'.Picsideltt,'fiitty be'siiitri think,
in an 'atteinpt tii 'cheat - liiin'out Of hii seat.
,in the cot".i?se of. this
rand he Wished the hou's'e to have laid' beferti '
it a
,ComplottiliiSiory,, ~..,.,_ I,,...4sittStisDlatekthe..o,9.YarO'c i irc-f,.....PcilgPylr:.l
1 : . After proCedingsOine.:iini : e,'Mi:DlaylOr '°, i al l ii i t a i L l P tfi ,„ l . l , l : 6 4 ° , l " ii:--- .0 - 9 0471 i.k . ri 7 Iiii4i:
was ealleid- to'sirder,,!.--WheihouSe, ho:nreve . r;" e '''''''''''' - ; i :' :, ''''' •-•'' '--.-'''''':';';'..':.: '3 .7, - .::::';',(t , 1 -- .''.;. 1
gaYe him 2 leare:to , proceed.-, He -iaid;there - ,: 43 isi t .,t e :.P.#P edle l', ,c ' , . of' lb i P T ef M s Al• ', 0 .1
et Glavertiori
'were no returns to the legislaitire; becanse:l' m yq withl . he : 1( ')1 1 ' 8111° n°'
officers of the general gavernment-hatl-ine.4o4Rer+-411418'-w4' *ll4,o"rto,be discussed, '
- 1
. by the pea that/ rites • this "note; lint; •it
o l yst. be" . .mati - i,iit,''to 1111; . 'th al ' it is not rettion .
ly in orderos"l6ll'..Pollt. would,say, for ,A1r,,.1
Van LbureiVto aOitiseC tliii.'Cititiernor -of a I
6 - tate, : yt,:atr:offi ; elal,papp.rithavingitneretli
tidelihatate'Yaliseltood,:.:And -yet Mic -Vali,
"doyen has,done; thiti; . ,in oltpOtit , so. J outny_,.
orris: ''. ''' 4 '. '' .
.' ' --'•' • - -
,_ ' 1
,'..' His ExCellency•An his._despath; -- ivhieli
eon taitieti it 'my ticsition for. an :wined force,'
to Assist hin. in. putting 'en end - lb.:the • tit- I
Inuit at Harrisburg; Stated • his reasons_ for 1
making the call,' and: - among- Other things i
said that.the mob; had gin possession of the
Capita, and..that Pennsylvania was• 'in a
statenf. Rebellion.. , _ `.' • „. :. . •. .'; 1
. Mr. Van
-.pout, replica through Mr.
Poinsett, that ,' the .requisition 'cannot bo 1
tomplied_witlr; and, that, notwithstanding
Oovernm: Pinter hail — anotinekd. that 'that
.C/apitol was in die:peesession ofilie mob—
he had in his;possistiOn, infornnition which .
though' unollici...-. 1 ; • was entitled. to: entire.
credit, which assured Win Alio the state.'
meats of His Excellency wise nettrue. . •
. • ',Governor Tinier - father - stated - 4114," in`
consequence' of.the stateW .things. at _ Her
risburo, he was- not'enabled to- , correspond .
with the Lpgiedatiye_hranches of _the..state_
government ;I.tnti that those branches eould
not organixonheinselves . because of, the_
violence of the. molsx'rate. • .
Mr.' Vaniturea replies, that he- „lias- - -no"
evidence- : of the-fact ; ' but,„nit "the. - Contrary)
as lie. aaticris, -Ite•has--proef-tojshow,• that'
the two branches' tif --- the Legislature of
.Pennsylvania, were in session: onthe- day:
the.reqtiisition. vas made,;--bird .did- transact
_bnehiess on. that day by the interchange. of
messages of eminnumeation.
_.l reply 'to.
this-.manifesto ; _ Govt' nor 'Ritner . "replies
•with _becoming ; spirit and protests against
.lie eoorsetorstued - by`the President: • - ~_
The•i'vlioloill'air_appears to have been
fin,unproftiable - bnsiiiess for :di 'sides, end
the sooner. all "recollectiol , 'of it IS_ erased,
die-better will:it-iv eLreposo,of the,
-V-elitettTairi - rtrhe, iegislantre watt.'
obliged 'to: judge between the, two county ;
delegotions. But a government - Milner; with
!a troth,. Went to Harrisburg - 16 Prevent "the
llegislatuye froni acting on the stihjnet, ntit4
iV vi:Olence and threats of blosdehed. they':
i- - 7 --
. ex - period the "legislature front . .theit semi.
Next year; - when the, mob comes to drag,
him frOm 'his -seat, he would - not - leave ip,
with life. Ilia' Speaker 'here it - 11041614
and . tknitned the - gcndeluau cuidd noriiin.:
- ~• __
hceed. . _ - ~ • . -
~ - „ „ ;.
' • Mr. - MqCenitan enid he 'felithaOns vtaib
had been indelibly,disgracedliv,the "riotous
' proceedings- at Harrisbnili.
,ite was gled
•he did, not hear langnaga;;OU - Mr. Petri-.
; but . lto understood .Wwati of ii kind
which hid nuenuraged din . ..violence of the
mob. The goveenoi
,op.(1( the napitol in the
of a latvjcSi mob; antlit svms-liii
-duty to 'call out trosips. . Bitt,lre_would vote
against the motion to suspend the r04.-S, vi
'The resolution would-do no gOod,
A petitioofrorif citiiens 9 , lll9ssachtliptti
praying- that Florida may not be admitted
intO the union; was presented.
, .
'nosy's. Glaseoci Mid Itoberfson made.
SO/110 remarks, a o e whioil .111 r, ' s raylrir, or,
N s ew 'rail:, mo te l the pievious 4ueStion,.
ul it , mo ti o rt was, econtled r : and , .the .: It
ksipm,ol the eht„jr uStaiiietl by•aleote eflBg
'Fhc tiflure• djuur e 3;
eilli ,, Trinil4l , a/rvalott anZi liSrvettitter'
and the Vountry.-,' Situated . cs Pefib
sylyania now well, heKcitizenS
vvo u tuff : the.
,nratter - Organize .
•the LegislaturcipacOully uncapietly, wad
-look for a.erorreetiott of the evils that ,havti
beset and distracted-ilex, invokhg - thrisd%
salivary 7- la for correction her :
mode oft uffra4e, which it is but- too evi
dent.- are impefiously• demanded vby the
spirit of the age. SF D.
i;arrisburg, Den. 20111 IE3B.
Gentlem en—olVe preOit7th -- e --- elivhiseti
for your consideration, and reqnest• ati
ansiver at as early a period .e.s• yilit may
deeth expedient-- ' - --- •
-Respeelfully • yours. • . •
------S-A-iffi; -- k - 1 1 1.311 V lAN CE - , -
8. 1 .141. • •
conrinitteo iii .behalf of the members: Who
elected Thos. S.. Cunningham, their
. Speaker. • .
_Mitten view to the adjustment .of the
difficulties •• now . existing between the
members ere& of the HOuse•of Representa.
Jives, that portion of them who • have or
ganized,by the election of Thomas S. Con
n ng lam, Esq., as Walter, prepose tie
other portion, who have' chosen 'Win:
Hopkins; Esci. i • is '`Speaker; as follows.
Ist. That Messrs. Cunningham and Hop.
• kins, at'-an hour, to be - mut4ally,.aireedi
' - upturfor - the - m - ectingofall — the -- nieinbers:
elect . " in the Hall - of the House of liepresen 7
Olives, shall respectively:; es Speakers,
.nuerom 7 nitil.-the members, - w hose .seats. are
--tuidiipittett,-shall.forthwith_proccell to 'the 4
relectiowof a' Speakor_initllntlierL l
2(1. ;That a Special-7aw shall be •forth
. with passed, to provide for Contesting, the
rights 10 - seats of the persons claiming to be
representatlvcs - .;-- - thc committees,- in such,
cases;.tolbe raised in the mariner' prescrib;'
cd by the existing law.s.- Neither pet from.
the county_" of Philadelphia, shall be per, ,l
itted to vote on 'any c l ue - m.lbn;
' nntil''the
right of the .contested seats' shall have beervi
, determined ; basin all 'other respects, earb
shall be enlillit'd to' alrthe, prlvileges...9f l
Ve;Voill' sets' from - the :county — . to-resign
and„a writ fur a -new election to be fortha.
with issued,' .
ad. 'That:until the Committee to bp_ ap
pointed,to iiiresi - ig s i -- *the right to said con
tested seats, shall have - reported - ; or, until
eleetion - shall 'be 'had; and the . re
turns7thereef received; as the - ease ipay.-be,-
bills a
, Oarty. nature shall be,.,passed;
`State..Treqsurei v - or a United.
Stites Senator be elected, '
4th. In case. , of a resignation of the Tee
pfi.mtive• porde" claiming Representati.
yr - es - from:the toOnty of Philadelphia, tali
Houses; if ttie Senate , than adjourn
oh the, 24thinst. to meet again on, the oth
or io'th pf anuary,to allow time fora new
. IleiitiOrt in , said: couti,i,}k; ',and lituniedialety
,Mier, above provided for,,
hhil repOiri , or the returns Of aaitt.eleetion
shall h rec eived, as the •case
election or Speaker and,other,eflicera
if the, heves, 01111 be had, to serve for the
soriiaiuder-of :Opivbieh
none ot ;ea atandiog--: . colninitteea
• • • '
V'Eit CF"
4 1 iNC 1 010.
- ITlPAtcef?. 6 .4PeAljdj'l pAlßberis who
v-l'e,ttel:T.T.,4 , 4%ll4 l ll l 4 l , l aqrjhOr: SPe4kef.
e 1 - e.4:49; that i
.I,lleppytoprata-tove offered , .tno A
. I Y/Q'St 4 , 1Pr01l - 14 T
OF ACcOIvigOISVIION., which they I
ito ill
froth a spiriV , of. obstinscyi•!or
:foln*Wevre tip avoid aMitiii.istigntiOn!•into,
the fiantlE4l4li are alleged . :l,6 l li 4 Vo
nf Phila.
delpltili. ,Theso.termS, if ticeepted,..womn
E , —OFFICIERS--00— THE . 1
1101.18 E, i I AND:2I , :. - 110T . H454,V10 11,A;cHUTi: on I
- .contested - seats were '
cuio : tho .defect
tin _.the ,:organization Ale' Bob - Se under
1 Mr': H°`Pki.n4i . .,*:.,;•llavineorgartiZett u» ctia
stitutionally act whiCh thyY may
I Butte ti? _44.04c - Hous?'",of Representativesj,
•. .
is -necessarily • - - • •
Previous 60'11 - Meting Of the begisla-,
lure,..ftwasicpeateclly oaul that the mem
4iers• elect, ,trot actingvidi Nr. Hopkins,
',intended organizing theirllaties by force,
[-if possible, end thus nOt only avoid an in
. .
vestigation.of the fraudulent election in the
• •
I •County,of Philadelphia, hut aisi, ensure an
election of a United States Senator against'
the expressed voico,and trisldes of the pelf
1 plot: the'S•tate Ten Judges...hi Ph - dada- -
I phia," With 1; has., 3. inaerSoll at their head,
commencetrthis - system of force by.exchid
ing,tll6 returns from the Northern Liber
Wes es'amounting to Moro than six thimpand
votes. A vast a sktinblaue cf peoMe *front
Philadelphia counts', on the day flied' by ,1
filled the galleries , aisles; and Speaker's
'Chair, and by threats-t 1 riersonal violence,
dsclaretl • their Ileterminatinn to chrty. their
object into . effect--Stl now when 'the
friends of 'the (4institution_und Lawithe,
lovers Of order, submit a proposition, asking
•increly - thirt - no advatitatre_be taken of diem.
it isrejected and•revolutionarymeans - pro2-.
-posed - on the-part - of thellop_kin's : Llduse
-or at least Seme . of its most *Violent mem
bers. Let them .resort, to this -• course if
they chtiosc--nit upon their shoulders will
rest -t
,n pow • their skirts
'-will be theblood whist; may-be spilyhydre
-Iterplution whieli .. they_ll2re determined to
Wing upowthe.ocuntry.--Har,--Telceraph;-*
FromtlcPenMP s if."Vanill r rOlig DeC. 8
' TbElj..- •
The Committee appointed hy the
-Ste-to ini.tigate the right of My._ tlantia
-to:hisqseat. tti the Senate,--h: -alreNly
to show tinit -the
return of the Ire; . ) Fern judges, on which
the Loyd Foe( s frona'll Huth+ -h in county:
elaim . seats in the sonate
.and Ilouse.
FUL This is proved' by
Johii hitnSe f, urinripal
otter in 11. e f.rve,lnul -rehel ju
outrages-:untl--txcitetnent---vg,viital :the
. . _
..• • _
Otr Saturday-lasi, this man, Ilwir:ewn .
tvitnee - s,
__on creks .cxamipation,
that the - r-trrn that wris sigredlN 0.: toc'o
Foeo Judges, and- sent tit -the i3eure:tary's
I Office, was made up by bim the
the vlcetion, and not in the 'State House on
Friday, the unto and_ place tqToii,ted by
OFFICE by three of the return judOs only;_
and by the remainder in other places;-
" where he could odd) Ihem." 'J'hat tic
return judges -met at the Sufe Ilons,e on
Friday after ,the olretion,- and— without
-making:out-this l art-of-the -return, in An:-
sequence ordispute, AWO TIN ED SINE
InE r arid that "there was no other_ meet
, lag held bj- them, nor :My .notice eiven
1 fn} -a ineetipt afterwards.Tifis
1410 . NY of . the Lee() Focos' own witness,
Jp (lON C1.U...531VE ON THIS POINT':
It.Aoivs the return on witicdt.the_Loen
Focos claim their seafFifri 'fie T'OTAL'LY
Ird •„ ,
— 7lkl 4 C - ieTiTtitsi - rtest , weit - 7that resiffncd
his sit u ation in the'Post Office on THE
l e DAY the returd jullges met, to inakd him
-1 self a corOetent - return clerk '; that he had
not lifted his bonds, but continued to -Jo
the-duties and receive the cunolutnenti of
Thus ends - in '‘'smoker.and derision all
the iiretenskms - of The Philadelphia county - 1
Loco ,Focos to seats in either branch of the
Lelglature •as returned members. - Thus
ends, indeed', _all_ contest as -to right on
legality, The facts clearly show that the.'
Democratic-menthers froth the- county, are I
its.clearly entitled to their seals
,as any 1
members iit the Legislature. and that•it is
aiding and abetting wrong, and outrage me:,
to sustain theth in their claims for them: I
We Sskthe-people to look at.this fact ter
n • moment. " Hero • is .shosOn all . TI4E
GROUND .the rebels hateitad to denounce
the . eeretary of. entnnuitiwealth for
for - talling:tiptinrthe'peopie - rto'EllStiF-np in
arms to take Weed. •
'The testliportY hefore the -cotimiittee
fully sliow this fact, aiid fix . lasting disgrace
,and infamy upon the rebel Conspirators
against the people and the Legislature:.
A correspondent of the-New7York—Ex
press, in writing from the island' of cuba;
adduces the example of that tine island to
-show the superioritp-of • free' inititUtione-in,
advancing a nation to greattteis. It is now.
three. hundred, and forty-six years since
Coiiiirthinitlistovered• this richest posses ,
!Sion of. thp.Spanish • crown; inn! notwith ,
standing t he. asst fertility ; of the soil a n d
'excellence of
. o . le, climate, not . more, than
mw -sixth of ' thtisti dace* is . . cultivated ,` bust
its impotts,..chictly.of Provisions, very con-
siderahlr'ticeed its 'exPorts. Such has ,
been .the'result . ttnder tile i ement of a --
manag •
monarchial government, and- .how does , it ..
.. . ,
... .
~ , .
onompare , with- what' (Mr own ' . country; 1 . 11c.77)Vi1l friend PA*ift : cif:tto Made
L'ivitliont any prOtection'Or 'fitveir, -- save. thet - Statesman; -- infOrai us what itlea ,- he ~ s iliOts:
isttroide by-the. *wry _and • enterprise . of to convey by . inibliihinz.the ' following para+,..
its:l*n :free cititens,-fiait : . effe'cleil 1 . - Cuba--! • - • 10 , ? . ••
ffriol4. - Whinh WO ttlt frOM:..thalitittlitumber.
; Ites 7 rio-inteinal-improvernents-:o any . , 7 l,.ilitli -- -,, - '- --;-, • f'., - ; . ..- - . ,- . , ,,; , , . -.:7=,.: - :.' -- - --, . ---- . -, '
ille - . CoMmtinleations'.imtweeh. the various: 1131 'IOW-I' l6 d'. - .. -'. '''.':'''',; i'-„:.
s toWns , entleitiek.being: _by! narrow . _, paths ' ,1.,. --!'Editors .4: neiveintperc ar_e_LofteklionUo
\\Nisi in A nierieil, roil roada: and canals are by. idle visitors, *lles : Uot.''.o 6 t#o. with
extending' themeelve4 .in'ererY ,direction : ',:iiittittiderkg'tbeir own , :tirto;. iithilikii and
and infat,,fro‘;beinedeOiriderit npaiindlef,,liis . o4ooo or :AO - tiotoots-4106:.0ipidd
cii!Olti,e,,, A ti:u.stiftd,arts
,are • pidtivatid.ic:.bel';tiledinatedln ;rendering - Ornir - :iotOp .
an , ext6ntivhidh blifles"aildeieripilon , iiii4 otting., - und,.useful, ~and lop frequently an._
putetor.oliatti,cc,Oiany.ititiha atoat linire44 . l.o4l4:":"lbii - Undo. "ni.,.bia .afftoo ;!,.!:07 , 4,11.141. -
liatioas of gnititie:°._. ~. : .; , ..- ~ ~,,-. -, ..;,- thaitenng and lounging about tha..anyip'.
i ,, ,itkit . l* - . - :4:;.: - :..g;$tic*.i.toii
r ri7IIRSI34y AFTERNOON, DEc. 18[156
~=~~~ ~~. ~~~~~s~orr:-
. • •
• • ''
' .• . • .. ... . .. . ...
• - -,,. •
, ~ .
... . 1; y e k uiv:
~ . 1 :
..I:Ve give below the .vote • On the question
, . ~.
Tun iimatial Meiqing fif the " CuMb.eilaml County •Of the recognition, ofthe Ilopkins liouve,
. i.,yrelon , t will be held in the bnrouAlt of IC:M.110u _ .
lr , '. . .
~...._ ,
e,, ti.t. 2141t.and.2901,0 December; in stitt.CilLecturer_P!_ ap,g,inenpitais"thojse'_ or 09;,,s,nting . 4.3y,00.
wilt be delivered on tlte eveniegs. nf cud' iilthese days tot e d i n Il le a fr ii m a ti v e ; _
si uue-ef the cburebes of the bornm.rh Fluid on' Smut, i --- - ',- ~. ..
-, • •
Inv effieerH VIII be 4. liMetl, tuAl (Aber 'business of iii. II YEAS--Mfgsrs,,BA; (ChimAr„) Cal&
tetVst attended to. .. . , wiell,• 'Carpenter,
.CANE, ii loplini, Frail - et,
_-='-nw.-.-vsri oust lycempa-of4"thet_. county-- ire -ettrneetly—y- 6 : 1%.
: % , I I )4 7 .101.1.E11T0N,114 - £171: ii1435 - 11ry,
requatto4.l to Mimi thlOgittes AO this meeting.
By order of thy Excelithe (.; on) mltti.e. t, MIC,II, LER, M'CONKEY, m ILL r.ll, .(qi-.
• • •M. COLDWELE, chairman.'. ty,)•Miller, (ilerks,) - Myers, Rogers, Sur
• r
, i , and 'S'IliOHlll-..-47. •-.
... I l „ - ,
10, 18:i8
attentiop of our readers • N 478 :", Mesr B -- 133 r04Y — T-rl ,
- • - •- - • - Cassat, rraley, (city.) fistula,
„. Ir
rooted-to the - loner of Nicholas .Esq.
P jul. Pearson, Pur
the - 13611 - . — John - Quincy .Ailams which vilnee • Sterrett Wa Willi • end
cur_ tir&t, page.. .L • - Penrotie,_Speaker— r i 6. •
Tnt MltyrAuy,--lit ourlait number, 'we! Tact that one great :object of
. .•
in:elected to' notice the departure of three the mob at - Harrisburg was to lestrey• the
etimpinkles ttrs.clunti"ers Min
,borollo . * Speaker of the•peii:q,e''n'it;l ;dins prevent the
on tl►e Ath:ink. on a requisitione(the-Go—opening of the returns:of the eloetion for the
yernor Of din Commonwealth to. i proeeed :to new •Constitution... Adeerding, tn. law, the
Ilarri - sluirg, for tho . ptirmiee Of - protecting the returns were directed to he opeueli by • the
[le:vislabire:froin OMViolet - lett. Alf the mob. Spealieroflhe Senate on:the SeMindtties
'the Light Artillery underthe com- day : of'_Dieetithet, no .person
. else nor no
niand eaPi.• E. M.: Bidilte . L-the Carlisle other-time c - itild• have- answered,;'': - :, Hence
- .
the Mood. thirsty -appeals to - thefiired
the Marion 1? ifie Corps,-Capt: --. Samuel ans. to:-assaiiilitate: the Speaker. and. pre4
Crop; composed dm detadhinent—the WhOle vent - the Meeting 'of the Senate; linpat- - -
Hinder the 'L.e.minand of Major: General Sa- ronage- of-the Governor was-wanted' - to . tie=
I 1 I troops remained at ward tuitne.dithe • thousand olileite . hunteri •
the.. State 'Arsenal, Ihrrishurg, until Satin.... who got up tte,Oolit .and• Porter, thp'go . yer- .
I.l4,__lail.t;_AVllelll;:=qtlillity:LlVii"'g, in --a „nor- 'elect was aomilly brought_ from his
great ineesure, been restored, and
. their set- to_)larrisburg tobe inaugurated, under
• vinesbeing•no longer - deemed necessary; the old Constitution, provided the schemes
._.=_ =
they wert 7- diSih - tiT - Fd --- find returned home. of the i.isorganizerfliad been successful.—
e j.loased to see - that the Harrisburg •Thic first step ("4 Gov. Porter's augn
. rather badly,far dweliaratner'of alliY"
Telegraf,h makes the followinginworaLle
• •
mention &them: , - •• .. NU:111014
*".l . tie entire corps are handSo . lllcl y uni- • •
Pinned and equipped, and 'Present. a truly To OUR VISITINO ACQUAISiTAN . CI
martial appearance. Volunteer's under bet- • Fheeld he like pie•crust, the shy
ter drilLund_diScipline; are-.rarelv, if were ter. W hen visitors won't "co
scow.and the.conOuct of - bothmilie . eese•anki, fire engine
belanging, to the detachment
Gen. Alexander has been the subject of-sr -1 Fire and waterLthe :
neral praise.. T seem to see to possess in air
. meat of New Orleans
respects_ every °requisite to the claim and of the loafers that vit
• fizoPe Sun.'
character of citizen soldiers."
• l l:Wouhr
Volunteer of lak week more lee boat
"It is estimated that thn. expense to the loungers an
state accruing from the military operations Us ou
1 -of-tost;pll-15ituorwill-inat--be-less-than--one .. . • . ' --- - ......_.'
hundred thousand iloilar..s."-,P-The (Treater
A 'OTITER Dfx4tirrEgi—Wm. M. Price,
theeXpenscit;t4olltor Sandepson, the i' grcat:. '
t 4. U.S. District Attorney for N. York,
I ersshould lilt y ti '''''''''''''''' 'e'littliat Of the
ccently- took passage in-,Liverpool-for ..
I OTIIER conspirators connected with you,/
who_attempled__to_oserthrow onr:_gov.ertit . ;
1 Engand; Without apprizing. the Collector
of the Port, or any ,of his friends, or even urged ow a ,blood-thirsty gg
his wife,,of.lii...; intention to depart. He has
of desperadoes fw4ittempt: the lives of Sena-,
left widiter for Ppsideut: Van Il i n le s
re,' s at.;
tors-,and.Who_made_it _NECES.•;‘ARY.:for tile
111 . 0 ,..ing_tiritLheLeaulLnitt_proSeciite. j, s a
: govertrort . wcall - oWt - n - tnilitary - force to
-ganist '11.,. tvartwowt.und Ilia sureties,, and
fleet - the constituted, authorities from the out
partially admitting that he was a defaulter rages of a mob.- - A stunbEnna may, •with
himself ! It isrsaid that he lost heavily on e9tiul propriety; object to the .price of of a
the late New York: election
to, a Consider
; and that he is
,neighbor SandersOn can to thei
expense necessary to litetect. the state from : a defaulter to the govern Men
.• _ , able ainotint; .having in' his liands the-Col
a band Of traitors. .
lection of merchants'
„bonda to the atiablint
I -- lutk, Poor William Squill itamseSr seems of seicral hundred - thousand4ollits. - - - -The
Ito lac blitt'ond idea and that is P , ENROU: 1 N. Y. Cloutier gives it. as its. firth" belief,'
ey-readeraithelast-Vialtuateer-marrecog-that-if-the-rebords-at-IVashington4re-not ;
:id iii_seieral articles.. against_C-A-Pert!._AlestroyateforaiutinveattgaiialLeakbe.hatil
rose,l6 - style - tif - ouratutrnsootstiea - Con-Jby - a - IVliig comtniittaof - cOngtesi; - it - will
gressraan elect In the proceedings of the appear - that the defalcatiens'under the ad- ,
Mon iitE:ETING held in this -borough last ministrations of Andrew Jacks9n and Mar=
weak, he has, in addition to his editoriala in tin Vain Buren eieeed 4 1'WENTY *MIL=
the "Volunieer, giveri Mr ‘Penrose another .1.30Ns OF
. 1
shot 'in the shape of a' resolution.. The ~ 1 • A
ND . YET MCC:4IIRK tirtrAilLTEß.—The
poor fella's - laboring under a ilotitimiNtit ''lllarrishurg`Reporier ofVuesdity - contains a ;
on this subject. We have heard it sit4T4.; letter from Washington, in which it is said
_tetithat NV illiamivas wormY, but we fear that . !, t h at _g en. __ fituctioxi _ lho _ bead _ i d the _E ngi _4,
a settled melancholy is wearing the fellovi liter department, is reportedtobe a„ default
to dust._ William has fust . bee ti . ..elented , to x'! 7 go rumen o the
.1. .tc,,the ve -- -- - 'CI amount "of forty
seat in Congress, .and einjoys honors great : .theusan&dollarlal :This latge'snm, jt is be;
as, those• of Haman of old. Yet thP , Mion : lieved, :was expended.' tin giving .sumptuorts ;
of . Penrose is always before him,, =tin' the troinneig and. l jaibiii' 'a x , li t' ta expensive i
bittereess'Of his heart he exclaims all this 1 carriages, *Pith bleed:1100s and enatilitne:n I
availed) . .
.111 a I?othiiig 11( , long'ne Mol'Opcni aliti seiv - atin,M , ,livery. ; t'heser - ,.awful tlii-
aitteth at the King's gate." ' , • L . ' ;614sur''
,i4it'';apiliear, t!ii.lintre"startled Oen the
' ' - - , aditere.rif the ,porter, who simply-alledge
_ that, nolliing but ilie_pannage-of, itui-odloui
euti-tiOeury• '-bill' will prevent tliesi'decal.'
- li iSiitiat
that the: - peopleiitionld - .bent. itti ,
cations! -I4 not that-very-eyetem iin.tVetn
- "otr - noytt . - bid titit--Mr.--C,aotbrifersitint
-108t?, And' would net ltli.iWriglifi; bill.
, iiiika th4rria'ifer much worse t r ltinfiliiir let
The fa - 6011i' t_iliOnconniattia.:ilertdeaticiiiii
have giiiiiAh.,;'. ioiiiii:,k 44044 - . ofilii;l;o6.,
'tiesiorY ich'eme , ' and di* ieorl.9"Mi l lea
Will 'eureltnimer ontikilit.ltpnittem.. ~..
kta'Oott : ToStssttattp , r-rret :ad
tI goat* 4160144 . gi;.a. - ct.r4ll -
the I . lopitins toco)iciinti:
fives, thus gam:lacing the giest
fo - t. whiekther.bive-been. so.lting:cont6nd;
Mg, to, the greatoxeitemst4of the comma
' The Senate, some days since, iIOLENNLIr ,
serszO, by a you, of 20 to 13, that the
flopl(ins.,house was . NOT CONBTertrTIONALLE
onoitozEs—and now, withouta NEW 01thi1•
NizATtorsi Of that hily, recogniZed ' by,
the same men who had sWORN te•be guided
, by the constitution! ' • •
motives of the rpejority in thus act- .
ing, were liadoubt good---the great - object
being to restore trampiillitir. Although we
A 4
ar* anxious for the restoration of ,orner,.yet
we would not -obtain it - at -the txpemse of
the constitution. The , PRECEDENT iff 1194 r:
established, that a non can ''inoitiinn UNDER
and that - they - can IiNTTIOMATS . tbe-legislaz
turo in the exercise of its duties, and farce
it__to do _ that -WhiCILIS_tOIyifInTUTIONALLY-
• ('
'elielto cut and tow out the
id loafers that continually infest
'workmen.—Ctirlisle Herald. •
,:ouldn't move some
t our oillee.--,Bani-
gar We, heard
_a.leading and distinguisir. -- •
leader of the boo fpeo party front one of
„ eighb . .
ori . .
lihti'ring cormties i make thisodecla+
1.44 U in Harrisburg.on Tuesday: "Had ,it ~
'ii:gt been forihat restless and , unprincipled
political ieiitindrel,:yori?.lngersellfthertt
wouldlniiitAtan no difficulty in relation to
ours ends getting their seats, and alltheso
disgraceful scenes •whicli have occuited . '
Jim would have been obviated.",--There- '—
,are various others 'of "the party" who en
tertain the same sentiments with regard to
this disorganizer andjacobin, bto do not a*
vow them po, openly and pointedly.
c.eLiinga. Of:the !legislature were brotight up,
in the last number of our.paper,.to the even- _
ingof the -ifist. 'Since that tithe, no ,
thipg',of much iniportinee: has beep - trans-: s •
acted.. We below a._itketeh of what
.little,hasimen done: •
On the 2004, the resolution—offered by,
Mr 7 Vraley, of the city, declaring then*
kiss or loco foc_o . , hoMsc, not - to have bee
lcdally-otganited — on - the - 9th i st --- pass - e - d
Cshe Senate by a vote of 20 to 13 . rrhepas;,-„
age:af tliis_reiolidintiffiaiseil_the_danderle
of the leen
,focos .of • the,r-house to such i _
height as to cause them to appoint a 'coin=
inittee of nine' to dMft an address to the ci
tizens Of the
_commonwealth,. ealling_upen...___,
them to appoint_delegatealo a conVentiori--
to meet 3t llatrisbur r in order to reorganize
I •
,the gov.ernmentL _
On the 2
.isti no busineei was transacted:.
• On tlit'2d, the Senate-went into an
tiOti for ,diree,torsl of . ' those backs in which
the etate•mink: stock. -- Dr. Jesse R:Burdon
~and Ge or ge-16well; Were elected_foi . . -
, . ~,,,
:the Thiladelidlia-41auk: 'Joseph •B. Smith ' . '
riiiid .Samuel G. -Morton;--for • the Bank. of.
yeliniylyiniat Ilitnes Cressin snit Ahrallam
11runer;„for . - .the ColuMbia Bank and'Brid:go' -
i .iflompany7-- A resolution cared by-Mr.. _, '
, B:irclav, - rehitiiri to die eau - ses :Cif the.. dis-, ' '.
:titrliances i .led to. n_cztended - d,l ate, which- -•--
We, aii
y perbapp.give at longt in our next. =:-- •.,
Tho Sstilite 'adjourned without taking the
vote on the ecioldtion. /7 •
. . -
- Oh Monday - the-24 • i, Mrfllarclay!S-ro- : . 7 „.
joltition was passe,‘ _ Mr. Praley- v — of the .
city., offerOd .2re i solution in favor of recog ,
iiizing tho CuTiltik - kain house,- which, af-
for a - yery wa(jp,( . w . es Postponed Un- .
til next da . • - - -- . -.-. -
On T 1 Bday - the , 25th, the Senate-passed - .
it:levintion, by ti vote of 17 to - 10, recog. -
nizi ri p r . the licipkins-or-leco-foco.bonse! • -
-. - .1104"We find :on-our taiiieseyeral_periO ‘_,
diva's, amongst which are the tidy's Book ;
the Knickerbocker, the Southern Literary
Aie,ssenger,Lthe- Baltimore- 'Museum, . the- • • —
Lady's Ainar. , and the New - York Mir.;
irori none-of W.iich. we have had leisure as
vet to perus. In Our neat, we.shall speak
of-their merits. -- .
-- - V Sits
ter the bet-
nn" of them
be inconte-
ir"..%Ve have beeli compelled to whit ono
or two communications• and several edito- -
riala week,. which aro in type: they
will all appear in our next.. Apropos— -•
week; -to eiamitte seteral communications •
which are now on our table, and dispose ot
them accordingta their e titeri4.
n dddrdts . vvill be delivered — byncv. Mr;
Sl'OiLL., in lite 2d Presbyterian Church, on
the evening of !hc Ist January, at half, Vast
_a_o_clock,lbOh_e_beneilt oftheF.eme/e'pez
nevalait Societi.
For the herald 4• Palio,4tor:
Mn. Emit; rt—l feel it my- duty 211,a
I zen well diripuelltcAe_good order andgo
vernMent of our state, to notice in detail the
acts and the actors in the late "indignation
meeting," held in the court house on Tues.:
diY last, for tl.e. purpin4 of approving and
countenancing the base eoniiiici of the ion
at I ant, happy to.say that;
dangerous as the design Wail in — getting up
ibis fneefin~ + ` it
,proved altraist fail;
tire, and went oft as any. Other ridiculous
farcewould - hltireion 'e- --- .there - beingliut - few ---
in - attenthinctrheeidettlte-leadingofftee-huntz------
ers," and eorne of the:officc holders of Our:
county. .speahs i ell for. allparties in
oitr totp - nionity„ ntid shoivs the iinpOssibi;
lity or the most desperate - men and design:
mg demagogues seducing the virtuous and
peadeable citizens frew,the path or ditty-= - ;
foi,, after patting up_and circulating the ratist
inflammatory handbilltafter the most disp
Voluntecr, attd the Strongest apreals to, the •
vetst torsions of the human heart, tint more •
titan sixty persons One lading srectatots).at:'
tended, in a - county containtrig rapulation -
of 6V;000, and numbering 5,000 "'emend
The. design of the meeting was to cover the
'oittrag•-s committed at fiarrisbneg—te gt•ve
the cOnduci of this mob the 'character of paf
citizens, peaCeably a'isen-thling to ie.:.
' sist .the t „.4lllFSlPiCill-411d-destruetionof. s .:theif._____.
riihts4i4iithal, to giie a feiv Malighant
mthAerein . .opporttmity of viiiting their
islikin-upowthe-headit Ts of,some t ortite,.best____
-•and naOst - in 4 mr : P°P l '
reiieativ. tUrne
farce. , • ). •
Thfr‘state , hai , been dii - graciedour boast` •
'lll4o4lepithlitaria.. capable eidf•govtarrt
titeitt;fie tutned into. fearful' ,
the fclipo or our belovtd :commonwealth:Us-