Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 18, 1838, Image 4

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_ ... .1 - 'iViAC'H INES i
~ • ..
_:..•044 !a alancerig.m.:woriaste:. ,
• -:, ,: Moot power. _ , ::.••„
.• • ,
TflE..great encouragement' which' the subscribers ,
received during,the last year in the sale - Oftheir Ara - -
!..'.:c.. , ., hulnectl them to *Make :extensive - preparations'
t' _a the increased demand for their article... No
th - r.. , , labor Cr expense tins been spared-to procurethe
very •licstlvaiterials the country .Ca 'afford. -,Their
wail:mon arc experienced'aild of tl • first.eharacter,
and they have no hesittition in , nasti ingilhe'Fartner*
that they are now able to furnish them without article.
Ain't only equal bat 'decidedly suPeriOrAo.lany ;Alter
inatiofitetured in thimpart of the country. ,-- • -•-:
Fpr..speedy and cleat h :threshing, with, ettee to the
• I. ars::„s ). they believe ,their Machine to - betide tinalled..
'fileir price is the same as. last year, viz:l4o dollars,
70 dollars in cash And the balance 'Mils. months; for
which it note will be reOuireil. .The Machines are in-
sired for4ifelve Months,. or until they shall have
thresheil two thousand bushels of grain.. They have
norsevarsitmaehines and ready for saleond will at
all Agnes be ready to furnish them on the shortest
nob*, . Orders. from a•distance. will be punctunlfl
':itteilljed to. For the trillioF sum of.VOURIDOL-
I .ARS, in 'addition to the price of the Machine and
PONVOI . , they: furnish the_ farmer an addition that will
• enable him to shell his•Cloverseed. - .„
.. 11 1 Mk. . . .
.x. Tlit. e subset ir r it e i rViiclitg '4(.. i sof publicly . eottn - -
raCting the l'ilWitich',nre secretly made to injure
. Cieeharaeter of their machine, by persons wholp
per to •be actuated by unfriendly feelings t"wa de
them, respectfully submit the following CERTIFI=
_ CATIIS, to the'publi.e: ' .. - ' •
• I Certify that I, last.year, used one of. the Thresh
ing .Machines manufactared' by J. E. Brady & Co.
.' iii. , l -during'llie 'weason, there wits_thr - eibral , on it
about four thousand bushels
. of grain, 'awl...about ;
two "Intildred 'and twenty five bushels of clover ,
seed, andi am fully . satisfied that, 'for the Farmer's
use, it is superior to - any other 'Machine I hare ever
see ms
seen n t ns par --- o - f — thrffit - 04 , 7",. Milker certif
that Mr. Henry Hurst, one of my neighbors, had six
wagon loads or Clover seed stuff cleaned at a clover
Milli and the yield was 22 T busliels; - and that the - shme
quantity of -stuff was.tlweshed on my machine, and
the yield was 32fr bushels. Mr. Herat is of the opin.
An that the stun lie hauled to the mill; was the bet
ter; lot of the two. • -
,, 1838.." ' -
I cBrtify that, in August last, I purchaied • from 3.
E. Brady-8z Co. tine of their threshing • machines,
Width I used for threshing grain for different Farmers,
- till some time, in- March last.- baring that period I
ihreshed'about fifteen thousand bushels of wheat, rye
and 'oat.: cAP o ..4e.ftor repairs of both the
Machine and Horse Power, tatriiwo.a
me.ttiell, five
'Leis, and When. I aolel 7 thetn, (which Wa
the machinery appeared to he nearly as good as it
was at the , time I bought them, the wheels in. the
__horse_poweiLlivereperfeetir_solind_ and substantial,
andmpon a close" examination, I could not discover
that the tiogslitei worn in the slightest .degree.
hail, for-several years previous, been-engaged in
threshing with three different kinds of machines,
*lir& it fidly - tiied, and I übliesitintelf eertirr"that
•for durability, service and speedy and clean three
ing; I have never Used Or seen any thatin my opiia
. ion, will at id! compare with the one I had last year,
'unless it be one of the mine kind.—lf attention iagiven
to the machinery., it appears to me almost-impassible
fir any-part ofthem to get mit of order.
- May 'l7, 1838. . • • -
veer, purchased two of the tit - malting machine
cif.). E. * Brady Br - Co; one -of which -I-still. hake,)
rind folly tested-them.- Fur ipeedy and clean dirt:A
-i as, they are, ctirtaitily,. a superior article, and one
that is of great -service to the Farnfer.' - :1 consider it
the'bekt•Lartiele of the kind 1 haie ever seen -in this'
• part of the country. I take great:pleasure in recocp
. mending Mite Farmer. • . •
W.-U4!Y r E t
May 1, 1938.
I certifylhat Mr. Andrew Davison and I purchased,
—lastNovember ; Mie 0f.h.11,-'Brady-tc - Co'sithnesliing
machines, "which we fully tested, having threshed
wheat, rye, oats and clover seed
. on it. •f am fully
satisfied that it ilpreferable to any other I:have seen
in operation, and' it is an article that will :repay
the 'Farmer amply, for. its .price.' It threshes clean,
•is not liable to get out of order, and is, imon — the
'•ole, ua article that I eau, with great confidence,
re,:•nnmeud to the Farmer..
June 18 1838.-
Me, Benjamin Hamiltonand I, last yearquirebased
cf J. E. Bradv k-Co's threshing innelimes, with
which there was ihreslied not less than 4000 ° bushels
Frdn..__llls_int_enellent . tkrticleOltierjot:a!
gunio4, to ally of the kind I have ever seen. One of
:1:: chief Mreellencei s, that it is not liakle to go out of
I have no hesitation in recommending it to
June A 2,1858
•o,i+;••r certificates could have been. proctved, but
- t was deemed unnecessary. Persons who w:sh to
into the power quality of the machines,
.:re r:-ferred to those who ; last year used them, and
;,,..I:cularly to the following named gentlemen, viz:
3 I ef;sri.John .Foust, Frederick Byers, Adam Yonder-
Emtinuel Sites, and Samuel Diehl, of Guilford
; Meairs. John liuher and John Yockey, of
• 'lniney township:. Messrs. Abraham Stoner and Isaac'
T•- en - eh~ti - a-lilrlgton--tsanehlp; --Messrs: -Jacob
'•;•-cile, James MiteheLJames Rade,
•• •ni Bilichley, Henry and James-Bratty, Christian
i•••••-1 and Christian Hoover, of Antrim township;
Oyiter, Esq. and Mr. Henry Wingert, of Green
Mr. Frederick Deck, of Lettcrkenny
tr -Messrs. John Rhodes and Conrad Gold
of Ilinnilton township;' Messrs: William An
., ele and ,John 'Philipi, of Montgomery township;
12,tpt. McFarland and Joseph Duncan ; of Peters
t-wni•hipe; Messrs. William Rowers and Jt SeacriSt,
Warren township ; -Messrs. Jacoband John Kege-
A, , s ' • of Metal township; and David' Hunter; ESq.,
and Henry Winger , of Bedford county.
:' • - .T. E. BIZADYSt-Co.--
Chambersburg i ?eptember 17 ; 1838.
One of the above machines is to be seen at the barn
o(-Mr. Fr/1110s Noble, in, Carlisle. Any person
wishingto.purehase one, capiaVae it set up;:and if it
(loci not answer the purpose as specified, we will
• away free of expense to the' purchaser. There
ye been upwards of 100 of them made and Sop by
. ally-4.-Co:,-witltin 15-months past.,- A-line-direct
to the subscriber will meet with• prompt attention.
JOHN DENIG, agent,
Sept. 18. 18386rn
Om• Glob Illostratede •
THIS work is publiilied:in weekly numbers, 52 of
filch will form a splendid volume: Each number
will contain two beautiful Steel Engravings, and about
'eight pages of description. It is of a quorto size and
--- is - nauelitheoper than any work orthe - kilitrever -
• fered for sale. Our -Globe illustratedis -intended
. be whiditatitle implies; a view ;Of the mast impor.
, tart and beautiful parts of the whole world.'whieli.
ill be presented tothe mind under the two-fold form
It is made so verysheap, because,the publishers.flope
to sell -a very large edition; and therefore accommo
date families winch consider economy:an important
clijeit — latir - p/iffs is tiF giVe as great - a VarietYas ,pos.
Bible. We do not thin!!, adhere to Switzer.
d 6;) till that country be, completed, but we pass from
. one part of the, world to another, in. Such a way as to
excite young persons to, gaina general knowledge of
the History and Geography of the World. A Judi..
•' cious parent or teacher*ill tnd that eaeli one of our
prints will, furnish him with the , menus of giiing a
large lesson to his,popil.
When wO., state,that More than Fifty 'l7isueand
Dollars has already been expended upon the work, it
will, be apparent' that. great expectations, have been
formediof its. sweats. OFit„es eve fiir , gerfit
- - keS.9 r.tYL.sdrittinearmAro ,twenty new subscribe
When, its; admirable use as a family book ii
taken intosonsideratlon4.the facility. which jit affordS.
in teaching geozroi)hy and history; (and-in this point'
of vieni.ive consider mainlyits tendeoey to implant a.
/Pre of these studies,)'-,==it eirmigly'recomenends, itself
to farniliesand, schools. ' It will lave, a very,benefi=
cultivating that loOe o the Fine Arts
mlilelt to ionierxtent exists. in all minds,and Weliope
contribute to the formation of a correct taste m
t Hrts;tittlfe:boiint4:4bere sp . eeimens of engraving
Are not readily to be found. Some of. the early num
bers were:4l4l64TH translated, inn such arrangements.
Lave been made' o remedy tilts defect, that lid coni-•
eantierealter arise. • ,
übtorip_tions received, by, GEO. • M. -PH11.;..
LIM stifle Hentiklit - Aaposilgr Ortee,Carlide,
;where the..wiork maybe examined. •
XsTovember 1.944380,;•-if. , .
._. . ~. ......
Mika notice that I have, applied 'to.Nhe ,C rt ti.
C ronmon Picas of county, forthe
. 4111 ;
of 1.1i 3 e Insficoit, Vim el aO id` Commonweal , and
. .. 'they I lave appointed. Monday the.l4th day : 0f...J nary.
-c-tt f . ,r the hearin'g of 11 . W andyiy , itreditora t tile .
T. :::...*: 11 , , t Meuse iti,Cert , she,, ;rhea sind :tyhares l yo4 i y .. ,
~:. '.„ . .I* - 1 1 04,4010r.• --' '- - - - 4 --"' . " ...
....' 1.--:'-'• .:: -.; •:.T;':;,,•:: ':'
=y I CT I
TLe •
rile - pr;vent on
inid:cureof - Coughs,
(11:4 Celdsidiathinap,'Pont
mptionsopt of
tts g
.-. ad; and .dflyea rie
the: .Areast
' •,langa; 4.6';
„eitor zialtsott Fitzzstatr,the proprietor 'Of the
specific, resided ',upwards of four . years, 'among-the
tribes of North American Indians, and witkunwea=
ried diligence used every means. in his power tO 'tic4
quire a knowledge.ofthe different remedies used ;by
them, for the cure of the sick and , wounded.; and .
more.'particulariy: those which they take to, prevent'
and cure the, consumption, and Complaints of. the
breast and lungs.. Me observed- the- Indians were
subject to numerous and similar complainti to those
of white people r and frcim their-mode of-living, and
being exposed
,to the inelenieney of all' weathers,
many of their complaints were complicated and wit:t
ient. .Although,.many of their diseases-wire of such
a nature as would, with .a people in u civilized-state
have-terminated in confirmed consumptions; yet, du
ring the tithe lie was with them,.h4;did not hear of
a consumption,
• So happy are-they in their- knowled g e of:renie..
i dles, and so certain of (hell. effects-,when applied in
time; that it-nnitbe - said na trueconsiimption is a diii
eaie never lcilown or beiird entong them'." .":The
truth of dds observation must be corroborated by all
who have had the opportunity Of beennaing ticronited
with these People. - It may asked why they
obvious; because they immediately seek for' relief,
and prevent those complaiiiite which insensible under
mine -the-constitution and-brim. , on-,incumble-con
- Bills of direction accompany . each 'bottle of the
Specific, pointing out inn conspicuous manner, all
the symptoms in the different stages of these distres
sing diSellftell . ; also particular directions respecting
Diet and Regimen, and how patients are to - conduct
themselves through every siege until-health'-is re--
stored ; for vain and useless would be the prescrip
tions of the ablest phisieian; accompanied by the most
powerful medicines, if his directions are not faithfully
. adhered to. -
::I'he public are informed that the depositions Of
two hundred and eighty-seven ,Dersons have ta
.:en before the proper_auttiormes of the city of Lan
caster, I'it., all completely cured of the most despe
rate cases of consumption; some of which are detail.;
ed in the bills-accompanving the bottle. - -
The price of each bOttle of the INDIAN - - SPE
etfle is One Dollar, and each enveloping the genuine,
Specific is. signed by Dr. Clarkson Freeman, and the '
initialstl. F. on the seal of each bottle, None can
be vennine"without this - eigieitttrei a hats: Otititposi.
tion having been attempted-to-be imposed-Upon the
public by a counterfeit imitation of this extraordinary
A supply of the above specific, is kept constant
ly-for sale by' S.4.IiUEL - E.T.L10779f,
And by SamueiNtilson, Shippensburg.
November S r ifi3B-Iy.
IleckwillOs A nil-Dyspeptic
• Pills. •
. The reputation of which has now become establish
ed asthe most safe-and certain remeilyever discoveied
for restoring health to persons sufferliigonder_every
diseattefor Wilicicskorare recrimorefided. - •
- Wher — eier these pills have- been once introduced
into a family, they become a standing rern?dv, and
are "called for ,again And again, which is sufficient
proof of theirgoal -
The medicine having met with the unanimous ap
probition of those who have fairly employed it,
to the. directions, is recommended with in
creased confidence to the public, in every varlet of
functional diseruer• of the Stomach, Dowels, Liver
and Spleen, such as Heartburn, Acidity of the Sto.
mach and Bowels Diarrhosa, Colic; Jaundice, Flatu
lency, Dysentery, habitual costiveness, loss:of sppe.
tite, sick.lleadache, Sea Sickness, /sc. &e. They're
also well adapted to the diseases of women and chil
dren. pLiterary. men, students, and all other persons
of sedentary habits, find them very convenient. Those
who indulge too freely in the pleasures of the table,
diStension which follows, by - taking The Pills: As a
dinner Pill, her are invaluable. Those, ato are
drinking mineral' waters,mid particularly tose from
- southern-climates and -agne-and-fever-districtsorill
find them highly, beneficial. Those who are evosed
to the vicissitudes of weather, On ionirieys ur
gee, can take them at all times with perfect safety,
and without inconvenience. In full doses, they are a
highly efficacious and safe Anti-Bilious 11fedicine:--•
They never produce sickness
,at the - stomach, or
From Ike Rt. Rev. Levi Ives D. D.,
Bishopof North Carolina.
"Raleigh, .71frifch 12, 1858.• . ;
- .llaving - for - theAast7threeyeartrimaeorzintimatelfi
acvainted with Dr. John Beckwith, of this city, *lid
enjoyed his profestienal services, I take pleasure in
stating that his character a Christian - gentleman,
and - experienced Physician, entitlei his testimony, in
regard to the use of his Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, to the
entire confidence of the public. My experience of
the good effects of these Pills ; far two years past. sit-.
tisfies me of their eminent value, particularly in aid
ing an impaired digestion, and warding off Wiens at
tacks. Haying been for a long time subject to the
annual recurrence of such attacks, I.was in the habit
of resorting for security against them, and with very,
partial - suceess;to'st use - of:Cairmet or Blue
Pill. . But since 'my acquaintance with the Anti-Dys
peptic Pill of Dr. Beckwith, which he prcicribed in
the, first-instance himself, I have not been under. the
necessity of using m .reury-in any form, besides be
ing Wholly • exempt from. bilious attacks, Several
members'of my family are experiencing tile name be
neficial effects. • L. S. IVES.":
For Sale ky
' , ' S. ELLIOTT, 6040: •
GEO,: GARLIN, Cheimberiburg.
November 20,1838. ly.
Aorric E.
A T an-Orphans' Court held on the 14th day of No
ll Nember, 1838, and holden in Carlisle in and for
Cumberland county, the fallowing proceedings were
lied, to *it:. •
I___latlLNovember_lB3B;_i2ertse_of_the writ of Pars.
tition and Valuation on , the real 'estsite_of John. Wit-.
soli, late of the borough" of Carlisle, deceased. The
!-Sheriff returns the_saul writ dilly executed;" on'tno-'1
Lion of James H. Devor, Esq. confirmed, and rule on
the heirs and legal representatives to appear at the
- Orplitme - Cotticto - lielfeldim - Momiartheffourteendr i
day of January next, at 10 o'olock..A. M. and accept
or_refose to accept of said real estate, at the valuation
ithereof, or—shoir-cause-Whyithe-samwsliciuld-niit-bir
Cuniberlancl - Conntyi -- sar
' Certified extract from the Accord* of
-A, * the Orphan's Coust, htand for-sidd
. count. • ~,
• . . Clerk 0... C.
• •.
land eountyLdecrove heemjaseed tolhe sub,.
rdbafrie - iAing in the .township aforesaid. All' per.
iteiortndebied to said estate will makOpaynient
diately, and those having elaims,ageinst,
will preset t. them properly authentiOted for *tile.:
• November - • '
LIUlt-Cope, Collars, Tippets, Bm.. , rel:eivegl •
new stock' of For cape--rood also s lot. Of noir,
Seal ttoOloth Caps, far ude by • • e. OGYLIW: — •
ATP:It-proof Boots and. Over-Sbeei emOS be
:bsol very and cheap' et the storteot
M r 'gas
• ,• • 'O.-ctorzar.
- If carious Teeth *re properly tt , eitted'at seasoni•
blefitne, the proven of .the .deetty_ uti'ty- be !Orel,
tirreeted. - • F. U.ANAPP, Petual Surgeon, ,
N.W: Corner of ClyirloiU Ftlyette_ Bitldnuire:l
a m*,
• HITS SERINO, ismitijo4 oat; sroliMd, and*
• -1 1 34 11.1 4 ... 2 "A r diclarar
, ... ,
*.ii,''. l. ii:ll' . '
. .. . .
ALVALUABLE , FARM '• • , • 11111 jp gigs . ... .. ~ .
in `1 4 .;, ; , 0 -• , a i i , v : "..:. , , „
~.„, :. ;.•,, . , wise - :-....,"re‘ re fi livuut, .• • : ~.
Wltikti ' 13 4 111 r 4 .•,, 1 ,. ---, ..;,' :-..; ;..-., .d . Aromtear t , • yelfidart :-... '..
-iNlairstuintie Of the-last will and testanient. of Mte..... _ n i rr i r a ‘ . 4 " . ,, k .......____ .. . • • ______, 7 , ~..
thew Thompson;fieceased, will be.,iiin . 1
~."1 . L. „ -e
A A' ' A UCHEUR. • •
1 Sale iiii.Thimsday .the'n2Oth• Deceinber , next; the fitl.7o . 4lCe VT High i ee.t i a few:door's . Cat of
lowing described 'valuable property,situateht Mifflin 1 , , , ' j''' 1-co-t , i 1 -p - , ,--
totanship, Cumberland. county, about 3 miles west of, '. - ' ,t h e . 12 ' ar. .9 ft a, • - •
NeWillk ;Mid 1i miles from the Cumberland Valley FIIIENDERS hispri tssiOnal serriceste the eitizens
Rail Itond,,si tract containing - .- ' '' ' • JI: of this - place:and he public'sen'erallY; and more
24: cc RE . s .. .•. especiallvto those w are sufTering from CHRONIC
. , DlSEAgESonitiestwetfully informs them, that he
and allovvance, about 150 acres ' re cle a red , 'and in'a D ofessie to cure all kifids\of • '' " • • '• -
high state of cultivation; upwards of 20 acres - of-whisk .. . r • •• . , ••,, - ' -•-• • .•
• •
is in good Timothy Meadow, and the residue itiost* : .ACUTE . .411.111D..C11111101V1C
.iered - with-excellent.Timber. Thejnipeo . verqsfits " • ' . ".Thrsktiksg. 1. , ~
DOUBLE s 0 . 1 /,‘, • . which-are, in their nature curable , ins Re cc , exsy
'' and Mild manner., The medicine is administered inl
tiff '' ' II ~.....,..s , F .
.- ternally, is plexsant to ,the take Mid easily taken.—
. UU 0 , ~.. - ' Ilia charomr will k moderate. ' .
. ..,.:
.11e ill . visit patients; when called upon; at their
al/ 0 . 0
. .
...,..,... T s 1;t ter -01114 - 10 : tfttes: ,, e - re spe c ti ve. daces of ttsidence, in this place or its vi
A.', ItICK - BAR tinny.. tenons at a ' distance ; laboring under Chro-
N. sic Dismses, may obtain mecial advice and
- , - ,•,›.- . . • ' _ '''. . a' ' cine,Tor tine morith,by addressing
e ns a ging er(pot
over 100 feet longi-with liVagini Shed, Corn Cribs. I . paid) describiligtheir disease, and enelo a cur- 1
&C'lico.,lwo wells of water, one at he .door ; Also, a
~ .
IMedicarconiailtations can he had a'ily • until nine
. . o'clock, P. M. utilef,sebsent.on professional duties.
and DOube Log g; Barn, with au excellent spring near The followinediseases are . treated and cured on
the house. • ~ : '-, .• ' Homoeopathic - Medieine viz.:
This property , is admirably situated in a loop a • certa i n Disea s es ineidentto the Geniiergtons sit
the Conodoguinnet Creek i .hy- which it is -nearly en.. the Primary dr - Secondary state,without administering
circled ;at m the save tithe the hanks are sufficiently ! in this treatment, without adininisteringin this treat
high to prevent oveifflowing; It - affbrds - a good•oitme m aif lttl y of the Mina! offensive-and Inurious Medi._
don Tor a Grist Mill, Forge or inachineryof title.. : :vines ; so nntoriously - destinttive to the h uman system
scription t antithe neig,hborhooll is such as won't' jut-
_and constitution.. .. . .. .
tifv improvement of the - kind. Theretire immense 1
Consumption, DrOnetiitis, Palpitation of the Heart
banks:of Iron Ore within 4 miles, and die Blue Moan- • Dyspepsia, LiverCothrilaint, Ifilimts Colic; Costive
hiin-about-the-same-distaneeiwouldefrominhuadouice tiess- - ;;Fit 7 to iiii — rno7 . l'iloP=Glitvel , ;- -- - - GrititOtliatroa=
of thither. The property is all- patented, and at' i" - • dim. Epilepsy, Asthma, Sick Headache, Ih•aftiess,
iisputable title will ho given, and possession on the ' Ghtd i ness; Hernia or Rupturii; I..iiineness from Pal- .
Ist April; 1839. , .
ay, Ulcers or old standing stires;Necrosispearies o
Persons desirous of I n vesting t h e i r ca pital in good bones, Cancers, 'Fetter, Tic Doulmireux, -St Vitus'
property; will do well to view this before the day - M . ;
sale. ' :those swishing to view the fgtti, will please • . Dances Diseases of the eye in general, Fi Stub Leery.
midis—Gunn Serena,Cataract, King's Evil, Rickets,
call on Me'Matthew Thompson, reahllu t. ° "* the WhiteSwelling,DrePsy,Dvsentery,Pleurisy; !loop,
premises, or with the undersigned residing in New- Ang Cough. Ceoup,Plieuinania, Hysteriti e rluor adult
vine. - . -• • ' .. '- - - - Melaricholv,lncontinence of.Uring,lnflained and Ext
'Terms will-he made known and attendance gifen vitiated Nipples, Diseases of NV'Nmen and children
en'the day of sale t . Fevers in general, Ague, Scarlet Fever. . . . .
JOHN DAVIDSON; .E.Teer. For all the shrive named and eriov , a:L.4r diseases
Iravember 5, 1838.-•41.• ___.— ' ~ _ there can be , satisfiletory .„:..dience given .of their
..........-..........-- . - , l,,limmtell• eller • . • _
1. Carlisle; August 14,1838,-4f.
..,- ,
NIE w.. rtgtd►:C;
4.21 i 2:) EA T
siroite. .
Gtontr . V. lIALL,"Agent, has just reeeived
'- - from Philadelphia, and is now opening at -the
stare room of Mrs, Knot, in Yeti High strect,a well
selected assortment of
„, • • •
. _
Gentlemen's fine Blots, -
• D. 9. Coarse
Dom -.Mg do. • -
Do. Monroe,' and Shoes,
Do. Walking k pressPatapit
Ladies' Leather and lirordeco•Shoes,
Do. Aid iind:Lailiiig_Sitorera;
Children and Misses' B.oots shoes,
. .
Together with a very fi be assortment.of._2_ •
-------- FUR - AND SILK HATS
Of the latist.fashions, - (Pbiladelphia made.) • Also, a.
large supply of stock suitable fir the manufacture of
Shoes, rich ns Morocco;Kid,A,ining, Binding, - and
-Buckstim-in-every-.rarlety, all.of wilthe sold
I.nw for Cash: -He has Alen for sale a great variety of
!Kidderminster carp eting of the newest patterns,"and
at the manufacturer's -prices. •
- liberal discount made to-cotiritiy merclumto, and
others‘ who- purchase by the quantity. '
Carlisle, October 17, 111.38.
NEW :611,DODS---
rruliE subscriber has fnR received a large and hand
some assortment of ..
which'he - iikselling . cheaper than ever sold in this
„own or soenty. Ilia stock consists in part Of .
Super: Black; Blue, dial; Green, Cil-:
n,. Olive, and Oxford mixed Cloths;
lain and Striped. London Cassimem
!Cultist' els
of all colors and !mantles. Super French,.German
and English Mermoes; light colored Silks; figured
ditto: new style; Black and blue black rept Silks; I
black Italian Idintua; 4 1-4 do do. super black Silk
Velvet; handsome colored Silk Velvets and figured
silk for bonnets; Merino and brOcha Shawls. •
Beaverteensi Flannels, Blankets, Merino and Lambs
woorgrise; French and London Chintz; Silk Velvet
Vesition Stocks, Shirt-Collars; Suspenders, Gloves,
Ike. Ike. Also,* general assortment of Fresh Groce
ries, all of which will be sold on accommodating
terms and 'unutuallY-low for cash. , Purchasers are
respectful) y invited to call and egamine for them
serves, at the old stand four doors east of the market
house, and' directly opposite S. Elliott's Drug Sinm
- • - CHAS: OGILBY. .
Carlisle, October 28, 1898.
• Pi - 4k Al ,-- 'efi - lii - ege - STIII7 - gei — iiiiil -astiortrrielit of
Baisi Caps,Boota aniP'Sboes,„pust received and now
opening irr the room adjoining the store, sold
I sale or retail very cheap for cash. • C. 0.
Ckaning;and Coloring
Mika, Crapes, Altrinors. and
'Woolen. of all kinds, also • •
Wool Dyeing• &,Beouring.
• RESPECTFULLY informs the citiiens of Carlisle
and its vicinity, that she has commenced the - color.
in g and scouring silks, crapes, merinots and kind*
ofwoolent,ilso wool dyeing& Scouring in all its
nue branches. She may be found at her residence iu , l
Church Alley, a few doors below the Grocery Store
of Captain George T W.-Crabb,-Where-work-will-be -.
thankfully received; and executed in . a neat - and hand
some manner. • • I
Cirlikle, October 30, 183 S. •
Is has for - Many years been a great desideratum
• '
ion--sj ir,E..-- among"Eiirripesiii and AnnericanDentists,to manures.
lure 'teeth (tom incorruptible materials which should
_.. • .
•ir\VOYARMS, adjoining each other, one .eon- .
~ .., •,, • „,„ .., • . . i . Many hare devote', years to 'Unsuccessful . cper.i
taining One . Hundred and Eighty Acres, and the . ---
:other One Hundred and. Sixty. Acres of first . iniality _ ,11111 i INDO milli: 2- 11 1! Ir Imi . . S.. I menui, and others have succeeded •in manufacturing
Liinestone Land, in a good'state ofeuiti ration.. Incise A. sup Pl y of the !hove Pills is kept constantly on teeth of materials - similar to the porcelain ware , '
WlialltttCal l igi .. -farms_are_lituated-on the-LetartiSpring;hr - South •• hmid. .
ilkidilleton • tovintsbitt...C.nifilisill county, binsut li L.- s eia• .:. ii ;1 1I a 1 i they are - iiiilly - WitingusalleiTlFoi
All they sirerecerveirdirectryfroinWi:-.Brunernilv they tutee an opaque . white ape.-
f., - .1,..8 ...aped 1,, . ) .1,.111,...1,.1.11; biey - are - lirAttltAltTf.D 1 e'll , eh -
. Ilroeu.l-Streetf--,llilodelphia.-1- nide' south of Carlisle; and w.thlis sight of two first - zp,,,.„,„,,„ • jg,,Jk we „ tscau ti onar y. a a vert i semen t-t Ert b e —teeth-- —'
._. _late merchant mills-on-the-said -spring.---.,Thelm. contrary outhwithstailding. ,
--- provernents are—a - ",..
''' 5.,,,Et.u.0r . r. 1 has succeeded in manufacturing teeth of materials en
of,THE undersigned respectfully informs theeitizena "-- • i.. After long anil.l , 2iff.-eacieeriments, the subscriber
Franklin, and Curnberlinid counties' that helots IVEL im
I T! .
su ßLO l N .ner T w q n 9
will' issue oAil the . ' :.4x.,
. ..411. , 0 .... „. ,..7R:ww.givwr e. v., i .
.12.1 J. u z -
'Opened a WAIIEIIOUSE in Broad Street,nest door 1 ,man teeth. 1 hey.havii a semi-trimaparencyiond are
above Broad street Hotel, for the sale of 'nil kinds of 'ember" th e first number of a monthly. Magazine, en- I. . , i... , -a • made of various sizes Sind shades. , e a
.COuntry. Produce, and, respectfully solicits consign, titled '''..Tlll6 ATeRRIC.aIt kirszow or . Lerifits - ronl,Sne I„ 7 '7, iI '• '
meats ,
n ut einh
• . Tills Alen," Which will 'combine the solidity of alt."' .. , , . • 0 -
4. RAI,
' STO VA' . SA' - .
, ee ... e 3i , iss i-A , : hisilrig Store in . Carlisle. tiVely hicorruptibleomil perfectly - m - imitation of hu,
. . ..
... c , 1 . - •., , .. - with n ler-necessary ni 1 togs.. _ ''''!" or other causes may render it necessary, he will east •
. . Tii it n ist - TT -• / ~,. •-,. - du cases where absorptioit of •th veolar process..
•• From.hiS general acquaintance knowledge of bu- ' d e w with ' t he ' l i g l iti • 11216eenang of i Ititgr'?iigi be: ! gturther despriptioiris unneciessary,se.piwchasers , "7 """
r . 4 . i t , of he Same materials atwelied to the teeth, artificial
aides emir , rtial reviews of i tilting w-.
minor iiteratptlV.:Zitionsby the e d itors , it - Possession will be, giren on the first of April nest. . •
sines* and the ere_ see of his bes ' t efforts` to - promote 4m „... 0 .., _ „ . op.._ , . .e. scs and abort •
.will view the Oreinises.and judge for themselves, - .. Fam. wza 4 . 4E214 -. gooks, whiCh shall imitate the gum and supply the
the interestOf:lsis - customers; he flatters hiniself•doC,,,X .
he will be able•to render general sidisfsic, , d "l ee ea " a •Ades.liiiloriktea, poetry, liter -An indisputable title will he. given. For terms ap- Having recently returned from/ biladelphia and I" t li t7s r. e su n b tirtl l y7imposSibl: for these teettio change '
• . . .r.acoP-."'" jv York,vial It. , their color,
• •-' an . .: 01 entilno - lobilligenoe 'sod. froushdions tram ply to the subscriber in Carlisle. Pa. ' - • New VEIN }INTENSIVE ADD& . or cause foetid breath. ,
. . ....andard and perioiliiiirworks in other. languages , .. •.•. . • • •
TIUN tO My Pinner Stock,ilieg hive to offer to dmi .6 • •
he yillkinacretht;nt froin one to entire sets, insuelti
. . •
Philia .. --qP"L' 1 - 7 . 7 .4 1 4 . L. • ••'''' • , geintributed by the ablest writers Of ,
. udt2s, 03 . 31 _ 4. .
.....r---- - •' - -`. citizens of Carlisle. an'll the 2'Y the generally,* , •
• manner that they will make articulation of the voice.
REFERENCES.,: -: ~• 'The Magazine will alto contain a series of reviews
... , - • , ' • • . '
„Phi/its h'erlin, Pliamberaburip : , • Of the worts of such writer, as have , by theirtalents i
' shed. lustre, is A • 1,3 • ?'' • T h -'--- . Ailwrice.
~ merman. , terature., , ; These re- , ~„ ~,,. • • ---' . • •* ' • trt j . - «.1 .-' '/ ' '-•
- line4llloh. 11. ha
t t they cannot be distinguished fromllie most beau,
knout ; tiful t natural living teeth by fire most 'scrutinizing; 0b...
' A GENERAL' ASS'ORTIII.E.AT, . 1 perfnct, and materially assist in teasticatiOn,nd. so ,
• Conspr, v ng e .. ..ent a....c1e in the Drug
• ' nand Mahon,. 8ei1i..,,
.1 ., '. 1 „....' i .-
____ _ m ews Mill be accompanied by portraits nettle authors ' liEllidebout to remove to , my Own'honse, my will dispoie of 'lv ins:Kg/Llt or Elt 7lll l at the _
I seiner. .
performs all the varibus.op Woe- in k
0 W -Hintei . Big • I rk' ' L s :- ' engraved on sleclitbrtliabestlirtiitr.... 'The work will present residence will St Offered fbr rent until hie rates. ; Physielans—oPuntrX.Stor- . keeper 9-- . He :also
•.• 1 . , . , f .• • • ~ .i be - heautifidly r prinied s Twith new, type, upon flow •pa- the fat day of ApriltifeiV , ...,„ .::., • •
. • ./;• Swojer, £B94,Nowville,' I periand will make firia volumes each Yesir of more i .- ' -
~l .J . D.- -ELLIOTT -- - .
High Street.
led to. ve me
a • Call at the Old • Stand on Dot . . , 4:ktntal Surgery, according to the • late `ittie r ikie.itne.
provements in ilia art. •.. , i i . ,, h , • .-.
- Geti . .... - Nantill....44Xorsdei• - • i •- '.! than 500„paitekeleh. I Besides. My, own , devotion to _' ' ' ' ' • '.•7.•,v- -, " - ' - - ' , - S• EILLI° 7 " . •• . • .... ._. -
I • Carlisle •-- tatlisleiOchiher 5, 11158. ; . , , ..,
W.M.Henderion, lag: '
the Ma
' . !It. gasine:will have the advantage of the,servi. •. ~ bII . - - ..
. ' t
- Se
• 27 .. • - . -.. . . JI. A , &orgy* 0. Itentititti
, _ hers a ,fr o:l x Oti a 7: 9 , 4 o ,l l: t s :apec i tful s ly 1117
~ gi .. , %
• LW. isomer of Char/es& Phyette.4rests, •
- -,-- •t. - .... • , , - •• ", cell of Or.' Snodgrass. of Virginia,. si.genflethan of . „ .. _
Jacoo..erteo, mg. • H arna bi nr , handsOme acquiremenXilto, offer .the issue of the .
Geo.-..W. •LW
tY n g; Bag'
Atilt number , will - be . dated with me ai editor and
• . —. 1 proprietor.-' ~ . :• ' '- '• • •
- ' '`' ' FOR. REN T.
, . ~, l A gencies. will IX istabhtheil in the principal titles,' ,
"...kettcliANTIVOLl. of Dr, ',W,Dliltill ,Q and ,arrangementkmada to deliver the Work free of
-.- 'Chambers, and , : tir,in amteietl; 6 thd same, in postage., re*na- piirtturofAetink, al , agents will
th e lanwli ( "nahilDittnherlinid eminty. Sri for rent ' please ippi.ivit mo• logrirssper in humigaY -
Inr one o r j 0k0 r e . . 1.0 ,6,,, , , .They wi ll , be rented sepals . • 'Meta deliver y ; .. ::§nt,itutnheti 5 e n t el es . ,
tiely_le'tvether: .'lnir -- tenni apply .to Air,' SAM - 1, , • , • - •-t ' f . : ,4r , - 7' --, Awc m il. A n g.„„ °°K : l3 '
L_n ,,LTE , Li , cnrenibe.r_ Wool.lli u w . : i hz ui li . t_ 3 -es'- c n__ , ei_iithe p"reirtise t: _-1 ' :_t_ ''
, : xte ' t n toi l itsti. ,_, ,_. _ , :, -, .... 7 . -'; ‘ .1 .‘",,,__17,r7,1;_...7 1 7._ er:
rßpavialltirtylenelt, grfii - de nip merhierle; kair ,
lief?, ;German and .Welsh merinciesvialao ;the- _ Mt - etc erwhfbrlldiliirrlow - it - -----" 4 - - -------;--
:.--Nll7. SO: '. ' '' ..' r•• -d.'IARNOLDtp-00'
t -o_
- 0044yed'bladr - cloths. -- M Wtlitlisir
- Iliedgni'.pivisible,.Gieeil %mild . . , eltromi", 011ie
ri lle W il i ~f 1 0 4 1 , 4 ": ipribeil td:sult the
' ;.. ;J. ~. • , .f" i.;..:).,... - ;...14 - 1 44 ()mat.
. ot . k
E:. Iligik,atreet, a few -doors 'east. tl,
• — tour, Ifouse, • i
-. = G ARLIS_LE,
The' subscriber having leased- the above named
establishment frorarMe: - .simottrifinniertich,and hay-
jag provided himself with every thingneceasary, is
t:4l ant " othcri in
now enabled
a -style that will tuityaiLto phaisO those who may favor '
him with'st ' • • :
will-receive his special . attention. These will• be
- • • - THE LARDER:
will at ill timer lie ifibisn'dintlfsupplied •with all the
delicacierwhich • the season and ,marktt can afford;
andno efertiOns will be :wanting to please-the palate
of the most fastidious. - •
111 E. STARLE 4 S- , n -
are commodious and secure , and 'a careful and atten
tive hostler will bead wayi iu itttMulance. " • -
BOAIII)ERS will be taken by the week, month or
vear_ t Ln! the most reasonable terms. . - . -
A stmitsitteritiMilOhiciiitess alitl an anaioutidesirs --
, to please, will, he trusts, ensurn , hini a reasonable
share of public patronage._ " •
• Carliale, April 2.3, 1238.—tf. .
N. R. The ears run past the above establishment,
at 6 and 11 o'clock, A. M. undid 2 and 7 o'clock, P.
M: v• • J. IL ,
, _
• • .11 6 14? - ir JatifkicS. - )
, TUST received and for sale at Dr. Myers' Drug
tl and' Book Store—complete sets of
"Waverly Novels"—.27 volumes.
Lockhart's Life Of-Burgs:- . . . .
" Scott. ,
" ". Napoleon. •- -
The-Divorced. by Madame Bury. ,
IValsingham; - or the Gamester..
The Lmwoods,by Miss Sedgivick. •
. 'Diary of the times of George IV.
Court of Rome. , ••
S 0 7 — .
The Pickwick Papers,illuitrated by prints from
Toni Jones, illustrated by Cruickshank. .
Carlisle, August 27, 1832. • • •
- Is hereby givetf - thatletters ofAdrninistration on
the estate of Wm. S. Sommerville, late of I lopewell
township, Cumberland County, deceased, have this
day issued in due form of law to the subscriber who
resides in Ilopewttll township aforesaid, all persons
having claims on , demand against the estate of the•
said deceased are•requested-tomake known the -same
without' delay, and those indebted to said estate rto
pay the said ilebt to . '
Nov. 12, 11911.4.6 w.. ` t" ' • • •
-- - -
Estate of Isaac didarnir late of East Penn:.
berm . gh'towrashipreleceased.-------
. • . Norlet• •
is herebyiven-that-letters, of Adminhitrition on the
,estate of Isaac 'Adams late of Fast Pennsborough '
township, Cumberland Zotnty- r -deceased, have been
issued in due form. of law to the subscriber who re.
Tides in-the township aforesaid. • '
All persons having claims on demands against the
, estate of the 'said decensed,.aie requested to make
known the same without delay—and those indebtkd
Ito said eitate to pay their Said dehts to . • _
. 1'445••;-12.111911.—.4507w • . • • .
-C TS/o` Cr. 111.7 ORE.:
THP..itibseilber would infoion kpublic — W he
his on ha n d alargWiew4dment or.`. '
of the best: ' ,Bilthietts; Cords and-Vesti Nes as
well as low priced goods, ill of which he will son
he Tailoring_B*Vso carried. On &swing.
---Csrlhde.Noy._2o/. - " •
} I OUSA LEt'A Bir i t Y ben Y..
" '74 0 4 111 MALSKtea, years aid. tillirtad
-6'4644 toSaddie-orllerness.
' It RI 514, ipil;
FR 111 SALL 1 49 3 ,II . ,!""i` e d' "! / , I • ° .#' •
NEW, • • IMAIL , I4 , IOwW
23 ti . o - s t y -
- lit:kittlOi:,.*:::Ji:ltit.;*':
- . - - - ott\ •
. ~. „,,,,, ,
~ ii 1 ~‘ •-
)1 ..
. =_N> --- • _-'- - •
.' • :
* 11414111)111 - 62a117111113
. • . • . - .
Return s s sincere thank sto the citizenS of Carlisle
and ndjciining country; for the most liberal patromige
which has been bestowed upon him ,- and wishes to in
form the ,public generally that he has replenished. his
stook'of Good ~and flatters himself that lie will be
able to.give entire aatisfaetion to all who Will call at
his Stare, !loth in miality And price of goods; as he is'
resolved to sell low for cash. .
Call at the old well known 'Stand of L. Harlan, in
North Hanover. 'Street, and examine his stock
floods; as he halo general and complete_ assortment
of .Hardware,
of the best quality, which, will be sold at wholesale
or retail. • . .•
Helms also the New Cumberland Nailsbut call
and examine :- each one for himself. .
Carlisle, May 14,1838.-3 m. , 24,
ForaCording fineCtobnitistitne
Mouse; . —•
vly,iriwpll Baer
• .C. 4
HAVE' taken that large and commodious
110USEl, latelrerected on-the Canal andillair-lload :
; below the foot of Chestnut strectillarriebiirg: where .
their arrangements'ore stielfthatthi y can at:
forward produce, And merehniuliztt with prompt
and deliatch; followhig places, vizi
• - •
int epnfdiate-placo
• They have lately entered into arrangements so as tc
enahlo Allem to send any produce or gonilihy
the Pennsylvania 'Cabal and Columbia Railroad. tc
Philadelphia, at the same' 'prices charged, by other
companies riiinitug - on - the' Union email, thus giiiniog
three days' in .time, and. delivering gonds,in Broad
street', avoiding the usual expense of liauliisg from the
. TREY WILL. PURCUME 'Crain, Flour, ' and
emintrrproduce Of every descriptionotiLteep,con - -
tiintly. on hand coal, plaster, fish and salt for sale.
Anil- 2, I 83§.—tf.
• . •
2212051 1 4 3111--
85 - II T
- RETURNS hits sincere Aninks in the citizens n
srlisle and iti vicinity, Br the liberal paWffnage
hicL.has'.been bef.fiwed
ontilititinceef thi: same. i lis sl! ill
: East Iligle:,Sireft,
adjoining the Drtig Stem of Snmucl Elliott on the
- eastiatfjolurlL - Wenver - bc.i.; O'L - store - on'thewest;
where ho will constantly. keep on :hand a large assort- .
mentor Fashionable: .
Frr and Silk Hats,
fkaver, Oiler, Seal: Nuirin, Musk.
rut, Plain Bussiaand Brush
OF AI. Li ,111 0 0 Ull SI.
of at low priors.
Ile flatters himself that, by -strict attention to
ness and a disposition 'to please, to merit and receive
a share of public patronawe. •
N. 11. Military saps will be manufactured to order . ,
on reasonable terms.
Carlisle, April 9, 18 . 31. tr. l9. °
•TUE Gllt.4.leD •
- .lnnuity and . Trust Company of hilidel
• Offce t _ts9, Chmttitt street.
bAPITAL OF $300,000.
Charter Perpetual. •
JlLxstmE LIVES, grant .9nnuitles and Embus.
mesas and make contracts generally that involve
the contingency_ of life. Acceilt Wusts as mithorized_
by the charter, fron — iiiidiyiditals;corporafefbiTtlio2)7r
I Courts of Justice, m.d execute theta agreeably to the
desire °Utile parties, and receive Deposita of- money
In trust, and on interest.
- LIFE INSURANCE.—The tenns are as low
- those - flimsy office - in - the - Union.
•• Rates for Insuring $lOO.
g For 1' rear for 7 recta:: !Role Life.L_
. . l intutnky. , .4timuoity.
•20 $0 91 $0 95 - - $1 77
. 25 • ••1 00 4-12- ..• 204 •
'3O 131 . 1.36 - 230
.35 1.30 153 • 2k.75
-40_ -1 83 - • 3 20.
45 1 911 1 96.- • 3 73
50 . 1 96 2 09 4 00
55 - 2-32
Fiddler information can tis , obtibietl by application
- attlie -Office. . • - .
• - B. W. HICHARDS, Pres%
JOHN F. JAMES, actuary.
. Gr.onni W. Asir, 77.ra/furor..
Juno 11,1838.-6 m - . •
, .
BART, IRON? FOR SALE. . ‘ AN. — ii .. i1i14.3:itt0T45 ... . 3 1, e anl 23 hs,lf bares Is
N asiortment of the beeilunliti l i tintmer,ri Am xty ,4 4 4 ) :• juat received aid tbr esli as aliose:'
Fon ro r Rain at I.o4,kitisqn .Finti:priaison II,: . ... . • ~,,,,, , tl, ~ -. .i ' OWIENT .McCADE.
hoile'i Itall'ltn.Wargase. -:'• - ' -' - 'it' .''
ii ' Sept. 44 18111 ' •' '
.. . ._ .. , ., .
Varli ale, October'l7.lB3B.
USfievelieilfroindihe Oity Salthaoie, a gea . c. rilherts for mak
eal assortment of Petah IF:emerge*, - ; -'CHAS tiA
Strong Rio' Ogee, St' Domin,o do Pillion S ug ar , .. . • ' .• •
Loaf do Lump do - bewail do ' Mak Tea,: Guopow.. • 0 11 7 Ka.: •• „. • , •
dcalilia:--Itakrisitilo-Cuiti-otol---Y---416-:-MXAkibissest- 1 ------
• O•do,flugai.lliouse'dO. Honey . , Sprees of all - rand% ICAl§llliETlSpoi(4lsiiii4i;Pfsb; Steel'
'Liadfee 9 . 114, Frietlim Blacking Itruahea, Hue, Black parsolis prid Bidtge Mixed, alt*
of *Mph' base been. selected y v i t b • citsettg c for sale. umaiOly law, lit the Stepp •
dire pat] 4014i,aidd at thelow6tiielees, 11'v •1 , j 4Now ihr, co,
Sept. " ••'
, :14 1110USA*11):'Itaaltelit ground Alum Salt
ITUST•sOrivvo ta-11;t: St;ga I • IILIF• al111:40., Sacks Livetpoel Salt:: Ashton iskok*,
w e e. : An -A , just ri!eeste.d. 4141 IbrA•stdeci*:foi. •
Tor iyilier..44l4 loirfor/a*' : 74'olj,iLliy. ,l74 4 7 QWW 4 Afet:Aniti'
1141116& ,, . • • •
. . -
- •
4 f ren- 4 ,10 *tie • sts
rzstntnias, PriOUGELS,
. . •
- '1 1 4 . 40 - liltt'4* - .• ...-
A N l(p,polrruZllTY-ifs now Offered of Supplying
'yinirselves.with WOODCOCK'S. • '
Peing the beat article ever offered" to the4rarmers in
this aeition of the State. •
These - Ploughs Will not, choke nor carry dirt, and -
Alm draft is about cineAdrd leas thatithe Ploughs here
tofore in nse, two horses doing; the work of three, be
sides a grel . tt saving time and 'money: in keeping
them in repair. Ihe pOint and share can be put on
in five minutes, and . besides cost only 25 - cents each,
and when dull can belinrned and repeated until worn
out; and'even then will be taken in part pay.*
ones. •
The following !mined persons are among those_ Whin
have purchased and-used the above Ploughs during the
last sraton,to whom farmeics are referred for jam ris- ,
.atinii respeCti ng theca, viz: • '
Hamilion.townshlt.—Philip Winters, .Tolia Ai4in
stronp., Sainnel Strickler; John Little,Menry Betz,
William Slydcr, Philip: Millcr, Mr. Ashway, John
Runes, Ennion_Ellintt, Esq. -•
tier/army —Micluiel.,Grove,_DanieliKremor,
Mr. Shields, home Ilesore, John Mliter; - A
Hoover, John Bodes, Benjamin Bodes, Sani'l
Guiffird.—Philip Oiler, James Dunlop, Jas. Pier-•
siance., Mr. BitaCr, Joliii Ceorge.Trace, Jo- -
gt•ph Wingert, Ceorge Petterlinof, Mr. Ymigy.; Geo.
Dull, William Byers: iolm Cook, Gtivse.T_
I Ituiry B„k o . . ' •
_ OySter, .Sallittet Vorviance,.,Twiti
Darr. Jnhu Reichard; Joseph Neieely. Alexan
der Thninirei, I lenry Wingert. Martiii Wingert.
Charles Ileticli, Mr: Smith,. Mr. Clark, Mr. Solaber
'• S • -
ger- Mlle _ A• my... • _
NouthomPtoti.--SattineVrliomson;lolni Orr. • • .
SIP.. Winger, -36110
. .
Critter, '
We have also sec u red the HOW of i / tamp. Com
berlatA. eNit,ties, .indl fill Owing
gentlemen ill ..);0/11118 torretimea the Ploughs during the
mst season, to whom Farmers iii . thnt cotrity are rue
.rear Durbmw.
Joseph C. A 11111; A lextuater M'llwaine, Jima) Keller,
Esq.: 3i , c•h•Strestly. , - • .- :„.-
..,liilleremen.—Frederick Dcil. • „
IlatiterSlonm; , -.7aOrds.Grais..l._
fr . )•Tlicatave P'0 , 74" ran ahrilyt hod at Me
W. :o. yinikersbilre,'^f .
JOIN P..I.Y.NE, T:tiren are Nfereletot. Carlisle: and
of 'IIIOIIIAS fIAItILIS;, NieeltsdieFtnrit'• Where
Tninners islsiislr teat the - W( 11 0h Fit) Please rail
-anti 'get- them , on trial; and-if they w4l net.refoler_full
and entire satisfaction, no rharo.will be Made; if
they break it is' at nut. expense. We wilt also pay any
Farmer for any 'ilamages or -loss of time-,"he may
sustain in.trving ihe..FlntiO,h, if he (hes not like it af
ter trial. - -Thertfluicebeen Rohl in Franklin and the
adjoining'enuntv. upwartla of ONE TIIOIJSAND of
these rlougl , ta, within llt jorp.olh. . •
Ati r .nist <27. - •
_ " 4. 7_
-1000 1,314.1.0nd00 and Camilla
-- 1 , 1 1Ja..liVnwo ILO _.•
30 • •do - - do very sup'eflll
. do Renner FUIt - • . .
• , __3o do Utter- _do linek KiPe•
- • - •
340 sin Ser.tvliennev FUR
loop. do Currotted ° lltisin from-C
• •
IL Iku•oler'h Fafigry : - •41,,
100 •do 'Turkey Hacks, very albite, -
- lt.a) do Viii • tatiii Woo
10.090 Caiinda 'lluskrat SKINS • . ' . •-•
.3000 Southern do .do -
20,10N1 liabbit • ,- (hi -
•300 usii.l flare . do
_3OO V lira • ifri
- _JO hales IlaffidoßOSlN •
30 G aes C 'She' lac, Ri-ange, Garnet said - Liver
• 100 do Extract' L.Of ,WOOD _
. 100 than. Chipped 'campendtv do .
----- ' -- I - Cask - Verdttris, -41 nod 'fry- . .
.200 pieces Silk FLUSH, assorted, part yery . row
"MD dvz. Skivers, blue, black, cream and Nfarn•ll
0,1;k10 Spanibla FELTS, :met, finalities • And weights
500DOPSomlny do •do do do
dm very fine -
, •
With a brie assortinent of other GOODS, apper-
Rifting to the trade. vhieli• are offered fOr sale on
iberal terms WM:ulna and 3lanufneturers.• - _ -
. . .
No. 5 S. Liberiy st. Baltimore.
St.. 2 . 4, 1 . 838. 7 4 w.
- •
SCrtuppm . g FUItS at all tunes purchased,
' 7 ETTERS-ofsea.dminisyntion ott
t -the estate-of-Jo-
'4 SF.PII Siinipst, se late or dielibrough of Cnrlisle,
coeliac'', have been granted to the •undersigited, re
siding nforonid: nil persons lin viiig claim's or detnatilds
Ogninst the estate of said deceased, niv requested to
present the same duly nuthenticohed, and those iii
debtedio_the.estale. are requested to rauke•rojyi meat
without delay to the subserther.
- • . JOSEPI-I._SH ROM; Jr. .9(lnt'r. .
Carlisle, October 11, 1838.--6 w. •
I.l4lttiEtc—A-1 D,• •
- .
t .1,1A 711113M4 -
• sabscribcr reapectfullir informs .his friends,
and the public generally, that he has flr sale, at his
Cca) anti Lumber Yard„on the bank of the Susque
hanna river, teethe own of Wormleysburg,
4 10 . 00. Bushels mu per km , Smith
'Panne/ and Ponianoris Boards. •
Poplar Plank and . S f eanllinc. 4.e..
2000, good qualify; seasoned .Tight Bar=
rel Staves and Heading...
All' f which be will dispose cf at law rates, and on
the most accammNlating termr, • Personsto •
purchase would da well by 'calling with the suhscri
pze,ittzl examine his stock before they purchase else-
April n, lASR .- 9m_ —-. _ , tp.
He myet b . :•0 mitferable•villait:t indeed; who
would place the life opt fellow being in
danger, for the purpooe rf making ,tno-
What: Ijo. Druggist; prove by:making and idling
Counterfeit Pals purporting to i f re ' •• •
1111ratatleellOs Vegetable
• " - v4trsal 111114
. . ,
, . 15t....--rTinit they arc witliciutsioximr and nottnita• '
'2O principles. . • - .
.1/1.-;-Tbat no other medicine. is requirithy the ~
public; or why do not these' druggists counterfeit .
r,oiher. pills MAIM-sante - way therifdltivindreth's?—
Siinply becauseno others save Brandreth'siregatahle , . -
Universal Pills ever effected the extra,orilinary cures'
dolt these Pills are known--tintvEnssm.v xsiown=-.
to have effected.. t).. ' - •-•- -' - . '
. There never was a person who used the
firlsO did not .recommend Merit in terms of '
. .
. .
. . the most unequalled praise. • •
Nevertheless, these counterfeiting-druggiits have'
done & are doing the character of the C --' , a great ^-
tlai'd of injury; but it is. loped that individuals - will . •
not allow themselves to be deceived by designing per
sOng. whose only .object is,: to make money, and whO '-
artliertectly careless of cOnsequences.. It hi a matter. -
of no importatieeto them whether the poor child is •
resetied,Wom n bed of sickness and restored to the
yearning arms of its parents; or whether him on whom -
- a -- laigrfamilv - rely - solely upon - for - support, is - -pre- .
ven ei, rpm; mg ii • • i i e.' The' 7 --
time may come when the grixithess oft wirgiiilt shall • •
becnme. clear to their benighteirmideriern - dings, and - - '
then it is hoped thief will endeavor to Mike some Si
mends by the after iiiwity of their lives. . .
:Every authorized agent 'hail - a -- coplitirplate - tertia=7: — '
Cateof agency, and Tans it exhibited in his store. , lkie- -- :, -
•ver purchase miless-this isseen ; - and- have . some.-rp .7 -, --- -
MOM also to the character the agent bears among his ,
fellow eitizetts. He must be-n miserable ..i.j l llii:iidio
y_lkhiplitentbe hifet.ofit fidoW-W..7dure in danger for • '
the purpna. , of making .. - - .
- - nr.-lkalulretles Offices hi Philadelphia. —., ~....._
. Pe.iiielpal, Ni:ClinViirtli iftli:Strcet.•
Minor office. N. 43, Cliestiffit Street - 01W
SII!!.! `..2d at. •^. -"
''IteiTIOTI467 thri."lllMVO ilifiel . rti kept - exclusively _f
i for the sale of the true Mid gthiniiiellmuideetles Pills..__
1, , ,..- The fillowiog persons..are dilly authorised Agents'
ltsif,ihe cothity of Cumherland, in the State of Penn. - -
syl"vailia. - whose reimeeti v ymmes - are?
GEORGE_JP. HITHER, Carlisle. -, -
..:* S..CULIIERTSO IV, Shippensb -- .\6 , ... ' -,
...,. JOHN' MOORE,. Neuiville.' - -=---•
N. 1,1. Ni ilnig4ist,
,or pedlar, is al- .
lowed sell the geiiiiine lirandrett'S Pills, under„pny'
-eireinnstalices Whatever. Also. observe _when you ,
.pitechase .ef.-ito k y advertised Agents i that they have 'a
-certipeate - cif -- ageney, signed and sealed liy me, - -- -- • .'
-.M. 8, North Oth Street," Philadelphia.
`Aomist,-11,48.38.--IV: - - .., .-- . , :... • . . -..----
"'anions • sire=-tar' the
' . MUCH need not bd said in re'latialt to this sconilei
ful remedy,- as the. proprietor.. kels confident that
when iipplivol,•it will, as rim he , proven' by the numbe
of respectable persons, effect on- entire cure of • the:
likeinitatic and other pains.. It foul not mail lately
been his. intention, to•moke is public but by the re
tintiliciiik-iis-iithisocighborS, and the wonderful
cures it 'effected; be feels it a duty he merei to'
society tts - well as to himself, to make steno - re gene
-rally known; nml at the seine time havelt pue.a near
as 1;8.1 . 41111 within the reach of all whit:ovally be afflicted
with that disease.
I Imaireds cf names coold be published of person-s
-wim have' been cured by this celebrated medicine',
but the f illowing are selected from the mass, as be
ing amply sufficient to attest hit powers. - -
- John lirove, -- .-))avid Bender; 7- Jacob L. Nagle
P. Litalemuth, co:Cl•ge Jolii . Alsbaugh
C. Stoner, John Cooyer, Sizikuel Penny
.Aaron Bender, P Liademitilijr. Samuel Young
Hobert Dysart, JacebWorlich
Henry Alspaugh J, Diffenbangli, ; Jacob Mier..
Christiaiiflrgan J. Itiertand,•
lSlount Joy,_Lgust.2s,_lBl6..—_
All orders from, a 4listarce• addressed to the-sub
scriber. Mount Joy, La ottister county; will be prcrript
, ly and-faithfully attended to:
Mount Jot , Feb. 7, 1837.
the above medicine is-alsn (hr •air by
Carlisle, February 12, 1328
Dyspepsia, and El•pprchanari.
• . racism. •
. ,
'lnteresting Ceeref • 1,-. - .
1 ----1111r.--Williany-Saltnorr-C (;Teen-streetTstbotechird---
street, Philadelphia, afflicted for:several vears with •
- the yellowing distressing siinptcriis : Sielt.tics3 at.the .
stomach, head-ache, dizziness, palpitations of the
heart, impaired appetite, sometimes acid and puti'en
cent eructations, coldness' and weakness of the e's-
tri wades, emaciation and general 'debility, disturbed
i rest, u sense of pressure and weight at. the stomach'
-after- eating; ughtmare,--great-mental-despondeney„ /
severe flying" pains in the chest, back , and aides, cos. z's
tiveness. a dislike for Society, or conversation, 'nivel:
notary sighing and weeping,lnigor and lassitude trpati •
.the hoist-exercise. - . ,
--Mm-Salinstii-liail -applied-to-the-most eininent-phy.- ',. .
sicians, who considered it beyond the power of metri. ' .
- eke ta, health ; however, as,his iiMic- ..
tinny had reduce d trint to wren. ilePlorablo'contlition,
and having been recf•mmunileil by a relative of his to
I make trial of Dr. William F.vaii;' Medicine, lie-Asith
i difficulty repaired to the office and pr;ciired a pack. . •
age, towhich; he 'Says, lie is indebted. fir his restora4 . „ 4 .
don to life, health mid fideitils., lie is ow enjoying i .. ,
• all the blessings of pertliet - henitli: - - Persons desirous
of further infirmat on, will' De i s satisfied with ever,/,.--
particular of his.astonishing cure at Dr. Evani v Me. .
dical office, No. 19, North .Bth street, Phil •,lelphia, . •
The above medicine is for sale at the office of the ' '
lleimld & Expositor, Carlisle. .
.., .
,of Pennaylvoniti, '
• •
-;• FilF,y o ,Takto.,meclianleal44 l 4-i i l i yo eskt
cnJ e NliltOring• the "sirticnial iimmilititerek
i recotAing trAM7icitiand cithet patented inien-,
tiotie! •'Edited by Tadlris
ed on thq ilkfd of eashmeilili, as4s pee7annum i 'Oar!.
completion of
• porommileatlerm piny' be tlircited.4).r.: Thomas,
t74oopic Witabiogton - elty;"'ortO " the Molar'', of the
tiklin ilistitutc.'llllladelptilir-Ahelfoida& t ,
sid,eireeptrehen remitlleg the imbeeriptimidlarlir..
be o b sr 16 left • • . ' `• -