Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 18, 1838, Image 3

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.can say; what danger they now are, in. ront
. • the ecintintianci3 the outrageligen , atithe
meeting,ef the Itetu'rn• Judges-;., A. -more
• alahning en*, has Pever,elisted iii ). ) en'n-'
sylvanizu ••-• .
- • ,The County elections beitig thus dispos
ed of he next questtion was upon the re
,l- turn - of. the election , to, .',ongreste, in the
• Third.- District.. :.There were six of these" !
Judges.' Three of theur(being of the ten)
• • insisted, upon .'throwing. out • the ,-,Northern,
. liberties, being:Omit:pine-half of the whole
.• District, •thiis - .defeating Mr: Naylor ;; , and.
disfrandhising - nearly six thousand voters,„ .
• because,' forsooth,- a Van Buren- Clerk of
- • the Seventh-Ward chose to say that he had
lothOne ,of the tallylists•of that Ward!—.
The other three refused to co-operate •in
this extraordinary Work. - The latter duly
znade a return, that is, in the language of
the law, they, 'compared and cast up the
several returns, and executed under their
hands and seals, one . general, and true return
• ' of the wholeDistriel. This returninclude - s
all,. the votes, 'polled - in the whole Congres.
--tisioUalDistrict; arid - exhibits, what is-indis
. potable, the majority of Mr. Naylor te . be
nearly-nine-' hundred. . The three 'Van
Bureii Judgewmzule a partial-refurni - certify ,
• Ting that ,half of the• Third Congressional.
• • •-• tDistriWtlie Yan - -Buren paiiilidate - had
iThis i iSeverith Ward,'Where it 'was alleg-:
ed tally-list was post : waSia siroug Nan:
Buren Ward, giving theetindidate-for_Coh,
.gress on that side nearly•three hundred roa,
_ rjority' .. . - yriii - ChlieliadTereditliatiOthe;returne: . '
If, therefore, the - loss ()HUB tally-list
hdy . e . nri2dueed any,,effect upon the election .
• whatever:. it - tvollJd :have . - affeeted. the result
• in the Ward to.-which it•belonged; - and if it'
• had-rendered the - election in that Ward of
no avail, it - would -have iriereascdMr.-Nay.
..• lar's majority nearly-SOO-votes. In
case his vajority, iitsteadof beieg as it now
stands; including that Ward; would be up.
• , wards of 'clove - it hundred! = . -
From this statement it will be 'seen that
• -r--the Legislattire ' W as proceeding Peaceably'
• to execute a duty according tethe'COUsiite
r 'lion and laws; ;devOlved upon them -by the'
. extraordinary . condect (to use no stronger
term) 'of those who; With the view--to
wrong Mr. Naylor:and:his emistittztents,
:opened the. desperate game :011a Wks diser
. tier, atthe_meetteg of Rettirn Judges, and
are now recklessly detarinined to win, cost
.• what it may.cost o by • the hand of violence.
• - The following statement of returned whig themhers pf thehouse of re
presentatives fronii-tlic-cOunty of Philadel
phia;;shows the•grdunds upon which they
hold their seats in -the house; •andigives the
' merits of the question briefly:.._
• -- NIA. - •
FELLow.Crrtzgras 7 ---Because of the very
great misrepresentation, which has 'heeit
•• made in-relation to the..tootested electidn in .
the county of Philadelphia,' the undersign.-
ea, a, duly elected and returnedmembers of
..41te state : legislature from „the said; county,
deem it - a - ditty which they owe- to them
selves and their fellow eitins, to disabuse
-the public ear in relation to this subject, and
to assert •int.he :pest ,:public_ manner those
rights, of which, at' the - polli, at
tempted to deprive thettiliy fraud; and,at
:the spat. of government by, force... Deliber
- ate 'and extensiye frauds were -devised-and--
practised by der opponents in certain. parts
efithecounty of Philadelphia at the recent
' election, the knowledge of which determin
xid us to present ourselves and our cause to
your ,assemblad representatives=that, in
—conformity - to - the - laws - 0 ta te;tv-e-o-r
-our-opponents should be declared the legal
; representatives' from the-county, of Yhila-
—delphia "We court itl~ed_ again') -
qtiory into this subject by: the oulfeninpe.
• tent tribunal, a committee of the house—
•- and -no threats of violence can compel Our.
submission to any- gthet power, self-consti- .3
• tuted by *aims arrangement, or acciden
assembled at the scat of government
-for intimidation- or violence.
. We, owe this, not to ourselves, but to our
constituents, whose interests, at all hazards, I
• we•willendeavorfaithfully-to-protectz-and-i
-areow, as the Fever have been, really to - a - =':,
bide the unbiassed decision of - a
of the house appointed to investigate thin'
. subject;-and, necessaryi,to return to . our
. constituents, and submit ourselves and kr
conduet to their judgment... Regularly re
turned nisabers froni the county - of . Phil
adelphia, wellave been regarded by our op
ponents 'as usurpers of their rights, and the
- public informed . that, without the shadow
• of authority, we are claiming seats to which
• we are nit entitled.
: 'Phis, we are prepared to show is .. utterly
false; and, if permitted, unawed by threats .
-.. and feiree,_ we confi , dently belieVid - that - we -
can piove,,to the . . entire satisfaction :of our
` • felloW citizens, that -we - have been elected
to the seats. we now hold by a majority„ of
.legal-voters-over-our-opponents,-. .
. . SARI.. F. REED,
• . •
, .
---• • IL - R: MEARS, •
, •• W. F, HUGHES.
Harrisburg, Dee. 8, 1838.
The following is the report of•Seerotary .
. •' to .t S e nate, which is a dOr
:and triumphant vindication of his conduct
from the charges-of his : enemies, and which
presents the facts of the case in a stronger.
than: !any thiit • :ye . have. heretofore
"seen published:,
(1.14 . ;1:".-.F.witosF; ESQ. , • .
Speaker of the Senate of Pennsylvania:
--Sizt—The resolution of Senate requeSt L
ing the Secretary of she OtnninonWealth 'to,
furnish to the • Penate forthwith, any and all
returns and papers in• his office, addressed
to flzeiSepateiof Pennsylvania in relation to
thc.senatorial,o3B;! was ieceitt-'
04 on the day ofitis, adoption ' (tho Bth inst.)
. not till' after' the 'Senate had adjourned
f0i1 . 11676 - y77l.'hitpre's - ore
• rey;
.!, 711611.1ifeal . 4ato 1'
iielbe:tettiforzflic4 l *liikiin4eehifi - 64tkja,
erc . tu'ru l s-cir • pipers/addressed
'Ponn P;(1i44004 '
eaotro*,of . jl 3 oo,;! oilmen 4444416. sic :delivei ,,
- '
_ .. . , . ..
' ... Thitf - reply will' no 'doubt surprise jnahy
Still it is trtie ;--tut; before .e*
this state of 'things has .ttriSen,llo .feels'
- due to, the Senate' o'nd 'to his oWn Charaete'i
to state the law -relative tic:' . ..sertatiotiiitl : --re 7 `;`
turnsi: and ' the CeurSe - IttlOPteatihder .-- tiliati
law. with resPnni:i.i . ifthe-'',rettirhs pratned
on the 4th inst. .: -• ~; ,-, . .., • ,
,‘',-•,:--. :
There ara manifestlY- - 1! wdlicindp iff:Se-,
natorial District's .contemplated by:thlicti
'of assembly relatiiviiiiietttrni—"-firsiohOSe.,
which' Corisisti,':ettelb-: - .0f . .a. Single county,
andand , .
~ -second, ;those.Which- are respectively.
reompo.sed.Of.ntorenounties than one, .'') •-• ' '
There: are two triodes'proyicled for .- majt
i -•
ng the returns: in 'a district 'composed •of
only one boun_ty,',which are—first, • the for...
warding:7oli t. toe 7 S - lefeatary - of=tlie - Cornmen-:
wealth of .a duplicate Original return; signed
by -tbe:return judges of the proper. edunty, -
sealed up and addressed to the Senate, plan-,
ed by one of them in the hands of the She
riff-6f the county, or his d&putY, and byhini
delivered:to the Secretary-of - the
. C.oiti Mor
wealth-17-Seconilly, the forwarding, by mail,
under-sealed cover, addressedto'-diu_Sette-_
; wry. of •the':Coirimphtvegth;,.iby 'tih,e,Prothd- •
'notary 'of ihe , proper' :county," 10 4 ;4, certifi ed` copt - Of tifilif - ttlik'tittiPlichte -- oiigt4al return'
'orderediti - be - depogited:in his office,-which •
'eiPyia' aitlier,' to'he itself sealed, nor ad=:
dressed to- the'Sehate. • ... -.--- -•-• :----
In the - easeOrit senatorial, distrieti mit- .
. of more counties - than- pne,'-theiti -are'
„ ..
also two riodes-,--firat; the :forwardirig, by
trrail; : of a - dhplidate original return . for 'the.
?.11itlenabnhtioriai,dikt*t., - nee,s4led'und - a& -
dressed • il l - Senate, '
but ,thicloied id - e.'
sealed envclo , addressed - to the Secietary
of the ,Comin nwealth, and place - d of''
..the hearestst offices by
. one ' of the .dis'-,
trict return. tdges—,and, second, the for
'tfarding tolthes-Seeretary of the' Common:-
wealth of a certified copy of the rethrn, by
the Prothonotary-,Ufl , the. county- in Avhich.
the Nor'' ',j udges. meet, `:not sealed, and
. .ad 7
dressed, to -the- Scharr but -ehclosed itL.a
sealed -cover addreSied to, the 'secretary.
I'lle underb:,Tied liiis not _thought±it_ne,.
cesiary - to lengthen this communication
with actual quotattousfroni the' laws on the
sitbjectl" but all' who . will Carefully:read and.
compare_ with eaCh_other.thoSollowing na in
'edseetions; which are believed to Cofitaiit:
all that - the fegiSlattire - have enacted and, is
in. force, .relative -to the rethrni, -
he thinks; will 'admit that
,they-bear, no o.:
ther construction than tihe Imo above given,
viz: 12fli and - lath - 'semi - Mts of the act -of
15th Feb. •1709,ittialtid "An - act jo regu
late the general elections • within this. com-
Monweaftli"—therli- and' 7tirscetions ,of
that of the '4th - A ril, 1803,... on the sane
subject+-and the atl, sth, and 9th sections
of the anti:of iklitrq)' 9,
,1836, entitled "An
ant-providing for th call of_a. convention to
propose amendment to the: constitution of
the state," &c.
...: '..
From this statement, it will be seen that
there is only one case in which a senatorial
return-is to, be sealed . 4. and addressed "to
the - o'enate,'? - 'iiz:' - in caser - of - a return sent
by hands of the-SheriT from a district coin-,
posed of a single county; and the forat—!:
• the-:very-.w ards-of-theaddrestare-giv etrr--1
is to be "to the . senate," and not: to-the
Speaker of the Senate.' ' Nor is the distinc-
Lion_ immaterial, as at , fast view might_ap.
pear; for. the difference foima" the Only
means-which this department possesses of
distinguishing a senatorial from a guberna
torial return, both being sealed papers. The
12th. section of the act'of 1799_ says; the ye
turn jnilgessitall_enclose, seal and. direct"
the return,. 6`wheit'the .same relates to the
choice of a governor, to, the .Speaker•of the
senate; when to the election of a senator Or
senators, anlinent'irern. ant . 1v ten.a•metn
her or membeis of the house of Yepresenia
tires, , to . the House of Representatives."
Thus clearly and expreSsly'Linarking the dif
ference, so dust the secretary stayhave no
difficulty on The subject. And'the reason
for adopting the.particular phraseology used
in each case,
,tteems to have been this:
bernatorial returns are only transmitted to,.
Ailli_OlkOledzby,theiiellate v AFTEirt itis_fully
'in. 'To mai', therefore; such returns are
Ordered tt be directed. But returns for se
nators and members are to - be transmitted
and, opened, if at all, before organization for
the session has
. corenienced, and before the
• speaker for the session-is known; therefore,'
the returns are , directed - to. the senate or
house. At all events, whatever the reason
for adapting the particular forms of direc
tion- may havo'been, the reason for baying
distittelforms in each easels manifest, viz:
that the gubernatorial might be dis,singuish
able from the senatorial return. . ' . '
I,This being= the mode Of return and the
fOrm of direction prescribed by the laws, -
the duty,: of Alm undersigned-was. plain. -
It was,'ln die first place; to send to :the
senate from every sinale county disitiOt Aliat
liad =—
,taciforwarded oite, the origin - al
_sealed re
t addressed to the senate, and forwarded:
by .the sheriff—and, in the second - place,' to
send from districts composed of more coon
-fin-a,than, one that 11 - W • conifiliFd WritYthe
law, Oriiinai open' returns. forwarded by
_mail,_and_addressed_to2the-secretarY—an - do
in third place, to send from districts of i
both kinds,' that had ueglected to forward
Originitl returns , either by th sheri ffoim ail; I
certified copies received friim the prothotio
:tary'eollice. .• • •
, This mode was adhered to in' every.' parL:
ticular,. and 'meal! vases without exception
in that of the, eighth/ distrie,t, - -for reason
which will he presently explained.:,,
Lithe carte of the comity of PhilidelPhia,
the return sent to, the, senate 'o'i the 4th in
stant Was a stalbit ;One: it waslinewe to_ fie
the.senaterial irCturn. from the vndoriemePt
_elf-the - back: it.wari presented ; to the depart-
iine . nt by the - sheriff before Any - ,et4er.retern
wad Offered. OrreeeiYitd and it - was, di stirfe,l' i
ly Stated by Ititri,Jn:a 'written . e.ornmunica,
flop , erthq retereecth'eCeenty.:Thes e facts . WP4PPPCii. 6 .P.•#lo ll l l jOgit4ilacic;9f
the , return itself, on *hick. thsitibilit.;,etttits
receipt ; ',el I
the undersiVned,inOtte..r
'fr.t47l.474feri ri 411.1 C l
lettictiolevy;. -,1 ,r,ria in inirid-
Onviffetati -- cibt merely Ito the' sepatiriAr
return, lint...zleo to."-tiuSse 1 45f,thi:(ilectinufoe
goleetnoti,as,aprriPlyinni ndnientti&e . ,r, ~, ...
. - , , •;1 • ' ~.
- '. '''kiPhilidelp ni.Cicf. ii," tßafte' - .
Vont Siv-4:.V. Ntp , Wp . hopii. t 9 magic's°
„ „. ,
•Ti • • ';„ ' • ' - .1.r,
t Xor )710-01r (4 •it
. • .• " 5 4' , ;,%. • .
... i
yeti the retitins . - ::of the General Election, l
-handerkti - d . ".b'ylinema 04jUdgeefihereoP ,
-1 ; And am, tlearsir;,;., .• • .. --.. • . •
' With prifelgnd-freet.4 , ' ,•-••--,..,
. .
-, •. Your Agivant; ';.,,,...-‘.• • -,.- •
..- . • - ;•;•;'''! . .k‘'JDlD:.'d''. W.'ATIWOUTII, -- :
• IfiglfriVrifrof -PO : City and riiiiiitivhjla.deli
, ,•
~ . ••'.7'..Piiiiiii,e4- i - i 'Berciiii*s;:, F 44:-...';'7..
-- Seereiartef, they-Conn *dwo4ltlf;t : : .
.... . . ..,_,...,....
.linder• - these- t eiroinpstaudesob,e. iiiider *, •
.signed h&I 'no ' 'wait:ol6.n 4i .. .t0 - the' obit - 06.0
.be:purstre4._".. Tifc, return , was re . gOari7:: Ski
fates he could a' Seated packet:: it:
( reached him threnglf thelegatekanoeli• and
it idachCil - hird'aild teas , accepted before' adY
i other _Wasi:heard of or preeented. It was to
him the only legal_ return. ; . i • ::" •
,",'-'. ..•
• The itdderStigned,:librvever,does ncirnyl
-never did deny, that other papers,. purport , '
'ingto'.bereturns from the "county of-Philli;.
delphia";:alio carvs-into 'and-argil:Aim 'hi MA'
keeping.• • ' • • - ~.. • - •., - :
- . . . . .
The folloWing copy .of:-.a:topporanchim,
made at the, time of-yeceivindtlOrit ofilie,
ietur6fis•to: whiclitie,pqw alludes, and on the'
en VelePe. - whieli:Contairied . .tfiem,, Wil I't -;e ; t 1
-",ilaili 'the •inannei.o f.gidir teeeipt:... - .1
' - "litit*,-;=-4.liiitab.eit,..*.witli,..*iti contents,.
' ttie 1to: : 17. - 17 . •:,•tf. B".itrifito:*l T.
AL j3....1163 2 T.. 144.4 VO.-4:•:•Tt.:H;B:;
,Ner. 7- 6 1 .7:T... - •EL ' B.; • , No.. 0.--T:•iff.. B.; NO.,
7. --T.-4:.13:;, and No. B.v. ilj. 13.; was del .-- -Noratern• Libertieg;:tbe return from :which
livered to: inc at my dwelling house after I rejected Tuesday . theni nth'
. ilay
_hadieff. - AhO - rfficezfor:the:4PY , * -- a r f - gortcrl of October,
before :0 o'clock, P. M., on-,Monday,,, t h e. thousand eight . ' liudderett :'and• thirty eight,
.I.sth of October, 1838;• by, Mr: ,GilbrO -8.• foitwe Senator:3'in the Senate,'Of . the Gen--
!! *Parker;, - of.Harrisburg. Mr. Parker,/at the • era - Asembly .. 'ot tile :CoMiiionwealth- , of
Inifre . e.!,inie - . too, tire that he ryas thiiiieete . d . ' Pernisylitania; for the' District. composed. of
bya 'passenger. in the cars, cgy,.....r.: - .t, i rjeg: tlie•contity - Of Philadelphia,' do'certify-that .
on. by, the canal .boat toveards the west, to.
give it tome without delay, and that the the fON-igi.627.:_periaps'''
.reppe llad o€lpumbet of
_:votes' affixed•to theit.ctiye- . names, ;to
passenger told him
- he had received it from, : w i t ,. : • . , .
Sheriff•Natmouth, I; of course, received "Jain es, Hamia, six'thousand three hundred
the paCkage, - and on openiiig.dt„ found it. to
.•• and thirty. yotes - ,_ - , •.--•••
••• • • - N ?33 . 0.
contain papers purporting to be the. returns. - -f 6 6 W illiarn 'Wagner, ' "(hi Place-0 : A Otancrc_
.Of the - geiteral - election - of -- 1.838; -- -fijr.. Phila.: • • M. .Vellz, •de:reased,) six.thoUSind three
delpitia-county; but_ having already filed. a- • . ' hundred and forly-vighfvotes,. • 63 . 48:
Way iii this office -- ,(yit:,On the 13th" inst,) "Charles Brown, seven thousad eight bun
-the.-returns of_ the _county •received_through_.. - __.• dred antlfeightY-_voles, ..- - . _7BBo.:__.
the, and having issued the ~S alntiel Stevenson,;(in placeof Alexander
governor's warrant tri:theOtate treasurer to:„ M.iPeliz;'deciased,) seven thousand eight
pay the_depuiy Whoibrocight them; .I could.i .-. h'undred and seveit-W- cfOtA; '7870. c., , ,
not receive . any , ether returns, and acarirding l,l ,. "And: ive - da. further certify,* the said.
1Y will place this, paper, - with it.; conte nts, " - nlsr , - . Chailerißrown-andSrimiceLStevertatm, (the.
on my. desk, subject to - such.. order- as' may latter in place of Alexander M -r* ..',PoltA,.de 7 ;
be taken respecting: them -hereafter. -
.. . .... :. ... •T. R.:13, 11R ROWE 8.. , • ceased,) had • the: highest - number of votes
, ! polled. for Senators, a's•:Cforesbid, • and we
.- .16th October,
_11338: 11 i, , ._ ._
~ ' • - hereby declare-them. to, • have been ele cted.
Senators:to • th e
. „,. . ... ~
General' Asseenblit of the
- Contained, also, •in the 'same - . envelope
Was a letter:from the:Sheriff Of. Philadelphia, commonwea lth of P e nnsylvania.:' 1
ef Which the following s a copy, the ofigi- `,ln, testimony • - .wiereof, cv . ,o the . said
nal bein on file in this Department.,
, Judges, ' have hereunto set our bands and
-g ”
sealiohe - tlay .
* ' ' . "Pim ADELPHIA7O - 6G 16 - 11 8 aB. • 111111 - yeaf ilia - 513(We, written:
"DEAR-Sta—Afteil the-departure Of. the , "GEORGE W - . Sfator., • - IL. S.
. .
messenger. whd-c - arried
_the returns.ofthe *l -•- "Mic . nam.,.P . RAY,.. ::•-•
.: p...
Gennral Electio,povhich.fiad belen delivered * .AND ' w -1-I - Aorrt, - -•- - -1.. rs
- '. '
to me persorndly - by one of - thereturn judges;: "L, CrtousvttlAL, h. 'IS
_ •.- , i .,
• .
therefore, I found; oI going to.m.y Office,. • 6' I.JHARLES V ANSANT. .- 1
-. 1.1.. 8
about noon on Saturday last, the . enclosed ”JP:ssE AVM '. ES, - -- . . L. S .
, ;S
packetseven in number. "Juscr. Cox, ,___:___ .1.. S -
_ _'6l have how or 1 v
• 6 1: H. FLETCRAFT s ' L. S
from whom these packets wee received; :' , , •.. . -,...,
"PErArt BINDER • Lb• 8 • -
"BENJ. SAGE • ' •-• '. L. S
but I was inforined :they . had - been brought ,•••_
Th full • ti. i II con of the endorse-7
.there_b.y.Arlx-Ale.on'LLAutivlLL.:JDL:lhgir.___ - ____. e ..2M!' , ! -..:6 1 • . h . ... • . 1 .....
contents, of course, I know nothing; but I meat on. tn enve lope
- enc spirt erfrignfa
transmit them to you to he disposed of as of•the above:
you may think proper. " Deposited agreeable to-the-Act of 4th
r31.-h- a -i- f o---0,--,--h o li o r t . o -b-,;•& - iii - ,i - r ; ,-- - - .. ----- j -- Arril, -. 1803 - , - iinheThiladelphiATOSTOffe,6:
'.-. With unfeigned regard, - (No. O.' Thoinas'lt, Btirrowes, Esq..
•Seeretary.of the Corrimodwealth of Pa,
. "Your obedient and faithful servant,- ,- - - '. :Harrisburg ,Penn.!'
"JNO. G. WiiI!MOUGIT. • I 1838, Oct. 22d. • Repeived:iti the Seere
. • "Iri g h Sh°7 ff of clip and °°""'Y of Philadel t hin" tary's Office this'nine o'clock; A. M.
•*"Tnoiiircs.H. Bututowi:•.. nig. - I* .. 'J. WALLACE, Deputy Seery.
• Sec' of Commonwealth bf Pertn.l/arrisburg..! . . .
These papers were received' through the
Front this ptatement, which can ho veri- Post Office on the days noted-on their en
fiedif necessary, and from -.this . letter; it - volopfis - --m-4de-tinie.-"L-2111.ey-LhaveAclat - _beert,_
.will'at once be perceived, even if a sehatori- nor are ' new,. recognized .as legal :returns',
al return-that could have been distinguish- simply becaese the act 'of:1803 E , so far as
ed. aspect), -had been contained in the pack- it' dispensescidili sending* returns by .the
et, it could not beat all recognised as • th e : Sheriff, and directs them to be -tranturitted
official return of the county: because, First, - by'Mail,• does not, relate' to isinole• county,
the regular return had already been receiv;• diStriets, such ns the County of. Philadel
ed from, the Sheriff, and he had been paid phia, but exclusively to districts - composed"
under the act of 1799 for bringing it; and, of more-,counties .thatit:•-onei'• -'The copies
Second, it was not transmitted, byus i-i -- 1 m - I are, hovitever,:given that - thg. Senate may',
-a-return-at-all., -- 7 ---.- - . I possesifullinforinirliOdOn-the---6-fibjc-et,7---
• It
---- 13.uthere - was .no:"returit or paper ,_.
I -- 1 U Bth district composed of. the coun
whatever iii the packet that-could be recog-: ties of Huntingdon,' I.lnian, Mifflin., Juniata
raised as a senatorial return. •- •There were and Perry, oti tlisother, hind; .dOSS crime
two sealed papers ; it is true, one of which ;within. the . act of 1803,;as to' yansinittilig
may, when opened, prove to be intended ns retur i. m .by_m'il;-and -the returns sent to the
a senalorial return, - They .are • herewith k
Senate, ' were ~Open, as the law directs,—
transinitted, -that—the -,Senate . may : inspect Quite- a - number --Of-"returnand -papers,"
them, and then decide:whether the under, :came from this district,or from : the differ
signed could say that either or them is a en t : cotiritiefi composing.ii,, mine -Of--whieh,
senatorial return. It will be perceived that however, were' addresiiedAO the Senate,
they are both exactly alike in all: respects; except the two sealed papers. presented on
they are both addressed the speaker - of the.4th inst.; and belicsed....froni the super
the Senate,"
and they are both sealed.—: scription,-to.:be'paercly - thri v.ote.pplied in.
They are both, therefore; fin
so far as the
- --7 :Huntingdon, aoui4y..for. ihn,gfPl(.li4, - .I I tPP 1 . 0.*
dersigned has the *meatil of . determining, fear and fot th'os'e flit ti4ro'ye4ri.. :These,
gakni alorial 'Rai not senatorial returns.
, - to i dadr ,- ,. . tiii ii-- - 4 6- it iteiv ,o - - - i iii,Tolkili o i'd - ,
1 Thus; -he bas no "returns' . : , o,r- papers"in
.. polled
Prathonotury!s,Ol the . return votes
this office,' - addrescd to the senate of ,Penm-i polled for . .Seriator in. - Cach'ef ilie :counties,
lifylvarila7"relativi - to — the - Scriatorial — tllee
• These papers, (marked No. 0...T41. B.;
and' No. 9,•: . '_e; which Have been made
- tliesubj cot Of ' so niubh.rermirk, the tilit]tir=
ri..„.,!,.*,w0re- that they do not cprito.withik
i the scope of The ItesoluiiPir of, thOSth .141 - .IH
'being obviously. both giiberuatoriidretiirris
if returns at all: but lie'botitback,
nothing, that. may throw Dighton I : hes:Afeet;
and only. requests that they: may be pre,4ry:f.
ed, and
. the Pet :13 . 60a that' ;he Seals :were
I unbroken, - and the . direetiop, bath exhcily '
similar when they, eamo,into the,poseession
of the Senate. r•
There are also two other original
purporting Ao,be , senatorial rentras:froin:the'l
countyi;in;tke':iiirice, the originals of which
are . . not tranamitted;
v heeause. :they: Arena ad- •
dressed to the undersigned.' in. 041411
•auoresS or ; the 'enyelope;,:antl
of the paper itielf,',..lit;:eaehoase;is.:preseti.,
ted, and follows:,
:a General'
.tn t oF4'..-cotttity
Philad the '9ii • ii4,....ctric) . 4t.obbt.;*. it
11; , 1831; -, iinviti; at the time . ,lll l lli;P,l4e*)-.
east iiri::Allt,i;t .d i turr.lo':otl.lfti r .
I:l:4ll6 . tiffig.',:digitltit..-, in; die
ivitolte . Nottheirr.Libertier; 04foid:$prittg
Gtirdep - 431:04igy, - .o9yametrii)g,;(lomdit;
totg;it. , 4o4l3lAtiti.A.ithe ids to frdtn -tho of per
distriliti•-f , prifitt4iiiiitr:lVotOir'llo:9l6elie - 60:
*ititi)l4l€*46l4A .. o'6otrAtit 'Of
said countk; - ;-,t • r ;
' ." 1 40f*: 40 40 1 5 4# 1
jreir;! illillistri .
oAA. : •
Wagner i c;: n hrni ipe
• yeais--Aseing , the.udexpirt /nu of Aleic
dei' M. Feltz, deceesed,, ;",
f.4.11;;...tfif,43:0 y:: _
lob set ay;,: Woeitier,
Wiliiam S. '•:Samuel , F.,, r - Re6df
:-:',Benfaird'ult - Pdeare;
wet seals; .
44EL - A :,; L
..- HARLES-W4SMITHi : • L.-S:
"Tiros. H.,l3trnitowd; '
SeC'y Commonioetah of .Pettn'a,- Mirrisburg."
(Endorsementtsin. the: 'envelope whion
contained the foregoing.) . ...
kji.veeived at six o'clock, P. M. on Toes
il4y,--thefiv,enty-third of Oetober. 183 k.
•. ' • '.1% IL B. - ,
.the subscribere s :.• Judge's :• ih9.
General Election held at4te 'several .-.
tieti Districts in the countrof Phil dclphia ;
exce st the incOr s orated 'Distridt of the
sO"far: asWoie copies ,were transmitted. to
J.his' office,
_were sent te . the. Se nate, jled:lnS,e
, tbk 'Main aisitietTiatOn - 4iCll - Nyes - Srnt :se
1 the'return - appeaied om itilice defieletit in
1 ornitting,-,eyitirely the, votes.'-pckile4 ; in' - Hun
I tim.ideii county..: - The , :Mani rettysra lielog
open and
,the .omission apparent,liid.,pro.:
..pyiety-of_. thlip eetirse.'see Med - . OltObs. • . It.
i apie,. - ‘etl;:ptoPer' - oPleee:liefilrre: the Senate
every ..doediteent, that ebuld help, ici;O:ndain.
or snpply 'the' defiei - eiley.--; ' •• • ' . ~-'...'..'
-- .IsAtr is tliete. now any. :dotibt.entei ., ?.?, i " ed ..
of - the.-ediretitnoW of -: this ; - oeeditg.:•••: •••-•
1 Thole ce:a:,..dlo - erd.ooe, 'be:tween presenting
full information fiem'ividel•t,telfarm-a- eor 7 - •
reel con'elellonv . and,f,.Mthat*Sing • the'S, - e.-i..'
6 4'.iir::i4iiii.f.ifiliiiii: . .T.*" . : 5
ci . ,„ - : o..4efiiitiik, 1
the iv ill of the.Majorim riy,-. PreecOtit only
_minority returns, 'lrlit:iif* 'OW** httn'the. 1
...mitt(' of the, untlets - tineiffe, iitiata s ee...eitlir..OT I
01 . 6. Lwi.ilLittei - imi)ropoacinsegilOidiil' if ii-
'hd,...the....tneans.':itrevir,ar . .hiiii 1; '...'"illiOt .
haveLhaniifteeoniplialiiid-b - Y tiniiiiiiiiiinOlie",
eertifiedr . cialv - 4)t : 4' Tetiyili , filo . 4thwviiii:i,l
ob:ii.l o -4. 4 :.0:6150ia4m,.hii4t,,,,,,.. , :tie411iiif,!
' lnd,.and,wkieli f. ,fiip4i:ifs;clinli - iiiioll - 0;
, the .yettiro . ..3.uclgetii.ooiOn . ,'" •
...Mon 'and 1.111 ni - ..
ata,- -- *ii? . .'-'k the yelie . l4eo i 117.11)9... w hole five •
1 - cod n tieselearlYt: : .el4t.a.Tin*Alitn:lsl.otky7
and.ifell,'.i)tia WOW:I - have ;.entitletlizthem4o , ,
.seats.* l . - 0 26- -frriilTAiid. , o'''- ' *, l6 i . ;;;*.t.'
ii4' . 6iihVi.alio - yate;fl..ieitOndOk jrhp`ii#: ; ,;.:i i
i f
- ki:iiifi,, :ni,giairetienk, 0 riiiiii,iii - Ioif ---`,. ~' o f - 111'.
Judids, i'ras believed 'to be . thoert ,Ingiiqii . '
t4riri;apctAvsiEffiept;to_ zo#:(nrx . 4l . ci, n'cOttrity.:
`retOrno'ealOntaiii:lealititiftiP.: 4 ?'-','",?;
;' i , - Agl4ol l .410 origin4i '.!ietußtft4wilt
, . .
priers" describedn the foregoing remarks','
and relating Ate eketionler
86, there
,are in tthie
~-officetr .t ho Allowing
aerate!). ciipies'ef tlietreturna;
4, One, pf the return for the county 'ofPhil=
adeiphia, the priginal .of Which was trans ,
'Pitted on linesday ; .
.. One, oCsthe return from Chester, Mont
:Ornery and Delaware,' the _ original Of which
was sent to the. Senate,at the. same time.'
:.One, of the , ticitei polled
,fof Senator ,in,
Delaware county:
,Two, Of the return for Lancaster and
York, the original of which 'ha9, been sent
to the". Senate.
One, - of the return of Lebanon and. Daiis:
phin, the original Of w . hich the Senatehave.
There is also an original, paper, which'
seetni to,be a return of the•votee Polled fcir
Senator in ; the county ,pf tianphin, : Is
'i-igned by ire of the sludges, and .seeffis to
have been transmitted to this department by,
mistake, - as it, is addressed, in the, body of
it, to theret s urn,Judges of the counties of
Lebanon ancV.Pauphin.
- These are-all the pipers of every kind,
relation to, the senatorial election of 18-
:38," in the office or-possession=ofithe_ii4=_
&reigned. Copies of them, or % the docti
ments thernitelves will be transmitted at any
time when reauired. CoPies 'would have
- n_appended_to__this_co_mmunicalio . n, if
time permitted, or they, were- thougEt to
icoine withinthe 'peeping or intention of the
-Resolutions— , , - •
The undersigneddeem'S no apolo gy; ne
cessary forthe length of the foregoing state
ment: He has been placed in a position Of
great responsibility, and feels that its dudes'
'have beeh .discharged with honesty accord
ing to the best of !lid knowledge and ability.
-He leaves the matter now, to'lhe Seriate..H
RC was -thz keeper 'appointed by the ex-1
. press, law of the latin", -- ol.lsl6l;Qt_orns ne, th e
election - , whibh, iil• this,free coutitry.. are;
_Joe nine ittsiof_the_vCry_highest-im portance—i
They are the evidenceof the.sovereitn will.
lof the people, and as such we treated r andi!
'preserved, and. presented.... -- : - 1
. __.,
- 1 If he .had-.permitted hirnselflo -_be made ,
, 'any
of transmitting to:::the. Senate
!'an - y returus..exeept such as - had - teached him
.in the mode pointed out by:lntv, - hi'iVould. ' I
have been recreant to . .his•duty., andtleserv
ing the se - i nsure Of - all.- - If - any depot:tura
from the motle`Tprescribed - by - law - be - ever
permitted,rherecantiot 'possibly be a limit
placed, to the confusion that' may ensue.- 7
If one man or setif men, other than the
lawfullf_prescribed- agents, may present a•
return, all . .othere May. do the •. nine,- and
thus the organization of . the Legislature' be
annually il'efeuted.. . The safe and the law
ful-course:is to .present Ilene but : the rep
larly, received returns, and leave contested:
elections 'to lie settled afterward,_as the act
'of . Asseinbly enntemplates mid - direets.
- ' - With great respect, . .
- • _- • TllO. -IL •1111 RIKA&E,S - ,
1 ' - Secretary of the CommOntahlth. • -
SECRETARY ' S.OFFICE, Dec. 10, 1838,. ' • •
, ,
Richard. H. attorney at law
in Columbia, 'Penn. was shot in the streets
of that,plade a' few days since by William
•o IC, -- bilith - erbTIVIT.7SP - datasPoliGT - Ttle
_quarrel originated in a jest of Hayes, which
was duly esented by Mr. Polk who had
hprse-whippedHayes previous to the fatal
reacouter. . • • , . •
"The Metropolis" is . Atte title of a new
tri-weekly paper at Washitigten city, pub.'
fished at $5 per annum, and edited by Tho
mas Jefferson'Pmith,- Esq: lately of New•
York. It'supports the administration, and
is condticted with much -ability:----so•mueli
so, 'that the probability is it will ere long
retipplant-the=Globe_as=the_organ -, ._of_the:_ - adl-_
ministration. , •
It was a saying of Cardinal Be Iletz,
,wIM, in his day, now and then made use of
.the mob of Paris to accomplish•bis factious
purposes, that mobs would 'be of more use
. if they could be, kept together long enough;
brit' that, unfortunately, the stoutest mob
was.nttproof against hunger, and wad very
apt_to disperse when supper time came.. •
Natchez (Miss.) Courier of the '2Bth ult..
that in the case'of Adolph 'Esdra vs • Ber
-1 rault De Si., SanVeur, for, slander, which
.was recently! trieitiin_ the circuit court of
unit - uty, Judge. Coulter 'p'reSiding;Alie'
jury returnetia s verdict for the plaintiff, with
damages •• to. the . amount•pt.B3o,ooo.- -, •
Senator .I . 3uchnnanhaS written
,a long let
ter to the editor of the Richtliond•Ennuirer, in
eiplanation . and defence of the.reeeitteourse
of his politicalfrietuls. - in . llarrisburg. 41ob
proceedings require„ strong - defence in Vir-.
gittitt. Let the Whigs be .right or wrong in
their pretensions to a Seat in. tlie-.Legisra
tnrei,tio Ortprejticliced man, .who - loves law
and libertyiJean say a word intavorof Moss.
:- .
-- -NOTIC,E, -
J‘fd .* the case of the 611:016n to the heirs
p.ll tt; • • and legal,representatives:Of
: anti, late of Silver Spring:township,'
• 949 deed., to appear,at , nti , Orphans' Court .
%...• 4kto beheld 'at Cnrlisle in: and for said
• t,t •,
.: county, iflit • Tues(taiy - thn 47th day of No
vember, 1838, and accept or, refuse 'to - accept of the
'tilt rent estate of said decedent' at the valuation Ego.
Said eltattim'being returned duly servedto Ilie"satis
o—'c'tTetate'rillte Court,- ahtl saidparties being called. in'
r s s ,them anawering. , On within
--te , ...f . ..-4 . 3 3dthe said heirs to appear
„attlie next sta 4 141-
day the f:9l.l...A.T.:lftLit*aii,7lB3o,itt,Coriiirc, in ants`
for said county, inid,..she* cause .ulhy'thie, said real ts
tate should notbefsold:
Certified extract:Patti:the, iethrtli.of, i the Otidishs'
thQP. tRW C:'
. Dec 10, 1808: :. • '". •
ETTERS of. llministration.on tins estate ofßev.
• • • NOTICE.
Joshua s, late of West. Petistio
-14,t101' tnwaship; Cupherlarid county, deCeit • sett,lalre
this day,issurd in '.due form of Law to the subscriber,
who resides in We* l'oimshorough township, afore..
014.;„Allmer,souktalvin6,elaim5 gr_tioniansilLseinist.
the eshite of the inid decedent are requested to mak'o.
itlewp ‘he fa i re without delay ; and those indebted to
saTge • stace tb pay their said debts '
L. '
.pecember 10;1853.e....-6w
11_,UST, received, NV. Crowley 1.4, Sens' eelelirafed
Geoluetrieally drilled and counterstnilc,llituntm,
e.OLNoefiles OP WO.
F tseAb g roupo,oo4( ,- ,viiaiffi. tot: solo
AVA9I' 04 , X 0 • .10,AV
• „,f111+4,305t:1;41401,v41/44 sol"Stett
• 2 RrAltAtt s ' 0
THURSDAY . A Frciiii Ooz4, Dix. 20, 183,6
..We understand that the liank i the
Stored, and the Shops r f ille . .borough; gel
will be closed on Christmas," and
thatl-Divineliseiv.ieei:will ire performed in
some of the'vhurOes on that day.
KrThe editor lieipiabeent on a milli—
tary tojr of duty at the ettat of war; will :16-
count for the lack of
. editorial matter; the.
[lomat variety; arid other amiciencies - in 'this
number of the Herald
pa'•Wa - haire oc - Cuiiied a large, portion of
ouf paper to-claymitli-ataternents in relatiUn .
to the outrages eomm . ituilLat t-larrisbuig.l.y
tli violators of, the laws and the _constitu
tion. In order to pre'sent 1.6 our readers a
full and completo-cliaia of testimony,. ma r .;
prising 'all the material facts of tlie-earo . tre
f 4 . a e'thoug t: proper to r4ublish- . - d - i - kee
four'artielei NMI; hich alipeareil
ko..Tlic loco ,focos of ili a *. county held
an qyzdigrnation tneeting'in th , :Lcourt house
oii Tuesday t afterin rib, at ti hick f 2. buck,
-Escppresided. Although -it—was-a atuall
concern, sonic violetit resolution - 6. we are.
informed, were 'passed, calculated . to
late the rebels to further outrages! =ln ;our
next, we shall give, a review - of the actors.
and their proceedings; as furnished by a cor
respOndent; which was received too late for
this paper:
'Congress is moving along slowly,
giugActhing...4:lmportanceLtior is it eic
pected. that, any thing of eonisquetice will
be Etclo.llP9l4loiiaftgl:Jllo -1 4AidAYA , J 0
the house, some exciting debates-have al
ready taken place on the..Fithject of abolition
petitions. The administration members,, it
is said, have recently held a caucusiqind are
determin4d , ta urge forward the iniquitous
sub-treasury bill again! • •
der the
.command 'of Admiral Baudin, took
the .Castle of San Juan do Ullop., after. a
'bonibardment of tliree hours, with the loss'
of only'four-menl;illed and thirty wounded;
While .from fourlo fire hundred Mexicans.
Were killed.. • The Frerich'Admiral is in
possession of Vora Prim and has thrown
.opeiy_ths_p • ort_to_the_vessels of all_naliorn4_
- heliaving - fullYiccomplished - the — ohject — of
his mission. '
. ,
, . .
The National . GSzette has late N.l
- frOm campeachy, 'where two Mix : 1 . -.
can schooners had arriveirfronit Tampico.
Gen. ,Piedt4s' had retlken: tile foti,Tivldeb
coinniands the . bar dt.Tamplco: ,Gen. Cos
Was in Pueila Viege-,with eight : hundred 1
!nem and Gen. Canolis we. in Almiras with 1
, eighteen
,hundred men.. It' was expected i
~thtif_theAroopsof the intoriot would join the
ge : vernmept_Partr. _..:Provisions tiara tern
.scarce at Tdmiiii);: , .: '...., ..'. i , . . •'
tCr'The editor °,
ager 'ac;lstiqwletiging the 'receipt, of iraga:
logne - of '-the - otlicers - antl - sttulents - of' Dick -
inson -college-for the—present -yeaf,--apd_ni‘k
tieing The plan of• Study pursued in 'this in
,stitution, reniaiks: "Theio l are the views
which our experience has taught'ui , s ' and
lead nil: to3 , l s,Tkeld a Most decided preferenrc
to' the course' of study adopted , at
'As - an'institution_ef.our,ewn, state . , we feel
pride in its advancement: logh at
the iir dlr..Ment already presented to n
from , her classic, walls; — ime il t , to,,colkfhlittre
in our anticipations 'of her future Useful rat4. l
atitlitruit Iliac many generationsf,in,:ry .I.le- I
cessively he enlightened and di,gpilled by ,
her ppre litera67otid reeMl ati%:ant'ages."..,
The Waterloos Bill :Tolins'op the
rate df thq lake*J9ho , eseaped a short time
thratigh, l !hei tl,ifilsoPei and POrPeverance of
P2Ok.l4lolan. the
el: 6 : - H -11 1 1 1Vili 11 0 e g n Ot a T4 4 1 4 r A s At-
TaKneFrid• 90 0404r g'Iu '; .j as acre ea
oil Mondaij + t ight
14a - :4ouniy yri.iut*.nyind
nodnA',;ll!ctis At"tell , tpolevehelfit turbiteric,,
7.-CA-R LI S.L E; - ',
.7#"*. 25... IiI.i,Z..T,SOVE.
The French blockading squadron tin
Gbh. -
risbiir On,the leths -
[ an.esciart - ,of aboUt‘tAventy of his..
borsebaek, arid '.tiiolaotlgingli af . titrchler's
hotel- said that he :was brought - Zinty
t , to be inaugu-
Tat64'im Tuesday'undCrtfte old c,onstitutiort r
in:tlicoonddenbelief that the mph would
fi r re'w ent lho counting and proclaim ing .of the .
vote's hi,rolation to The amendments! This
.nefariouia.. scheme, ,however, frustrated.
by the:Preiende 'of the Military at the capi
tol; - .and- Mr. Pcirter,,, we understand, -left
flarriatiurg for home. on. Monday..
'Outo.--The returns of the iota
for governor Of this state, wore opened and,
read in the preieuei Oldie members of the.
two, branches of,the legislature on Friday
_ThO aggregate result is .thus stated
in the Columbus Stteiiiriiih— , Foi Wilson -
'Shannon, 107.884—forios4h,Vande,1.02e- -
136--Majority forShaunon, 6,743. • The
governiir, T elect was to have been ininallod
iota office et Columbus oti Thursday.
'Letters. have been recently-_ received
in Washington 'City. froin. Detroit, ~*high
give great and' just credit to. _en. Brad y
neutrality; but they caat...grcat Censure on
lathe officers-tithe United States for in
emcee and deficienoy in the discharge of
their of fi cial duties—so much , Aso; indeed,
'that. th - e President is °ailed :upon to cause'
this matter in be-closely investigated,
'Tgz7zArrom BANK.
:47,,5_.y-.-irn - edS-'4l' ST . / Tilr/OA,
NoßASSoutlth atreet PAIL 4Dt:LPHIA.
Open daily for the transaction off - business from 9, A.,
t 0.3, - • •
TTePosttea - of money received,for which the follow..
Ing.rate of Interest will be allowed _ • ~
I - year . 6 per cent. per annum.
6 months - 6 " . "
4 a -
On buaineia depositor , to be drawn at pleasures
=of the depositor, no interest will be allowed.• Unenr.
rent Notes of Solvent. Danko, 'in every part or the 11.
Stateawill be . received as Special Depolites, on soda.
'terms us may be agre&l un in each particular eaRADo .
order of the Board - , • ,
. . ••
• .1. DESSAA, Ceehier.
-----yltilatielphia - Dei. 17, 103.—.1y.
. , •
- Sale of -
inriyirttie of the writ of process, issued by hls
cellency the Gavernor of thoCommonwoilth
-Peinsylvania, and to me tlirecfed, there-will'-he - ea= •
posed to public sale at the - City Ilotel, - tity of
delphin, on the fourteenth day of fonuary-_itest,all
the right, title; interest and claim of John Nichoisom.:
and Peter Boynton, deceased, in and to the . followilw
adjudged tohe property 'the said John
enn and Peter Boynton, against whom the state has a.
lien, surveyed on warrants in the follewing names, to.
wit: Acheson Laughlin ' Alexander'Johnson, David
Ralston, John . 'Rotten, Alexander Buchanan, James,
NPFarlane,William Riqnsey, situate ih the county of.
Comberlandouid to be sold ItR the property of the said --
Jolm Nicholson and Peter Benito!, for a - debt.due the ,
Commonwealth agreeably to the several acts of As- .
aefiablronlitat subject m.tde and provided.
For thi Coninionzalalth of .F'enn'a,,,
December 17. 838. ' . .
Sheriff Sales.
By' virtue of sitiolry wi itlpf e,alirioni ExPonati to
me directedliolod cut of the Court of Common Plena
of Cumberland County. • will he e.tposed to puhlio.
sate at the court house In the borough of Carlisle', on
Saturday. the 'Pei day of January, 1839,nt. ten o'clock.
A. M. the following described Acid Estate+ to wit:
A fraei, of land shunts in Dickinson
Towothip,Clunberland county., bounded by lands or
John Weitklev;— !Overt', the Yellow Bree.
1 shot creek; Dr. William Ainore's helm inal , others,
ncres mere or le - sWtiritilig - treon - er*
.ected a large weatherbourded dwelling House, Log
Barn and other improvements, with two tenanthouses
f..oe. Seized and taken in Execution ns tlmpropertr
OW:Blinn& Weaklep.
. .
Also,—A tot 'ground situnte itt,the Bo
rritglk...of Carlisle:. containig I'2o feet in depth in fled.,
rd street and 100 frot in liredth, on locust alley, ad
j•di,,g: lots t h e heirs of Joseph linox;' - deeeased s ,
and Peter Gilmore; haring thereoll,erected
doulile two' stone houses two story irp l me house d 4 t: •
Game smble.—Seiyed and taken in execution cut
001Mrtrof-John-l‘fatartney,- •
t9±Zigl)l Ci•onritiWbinie inthe tnifough - dreatlikidw
Col tait,ing.6o feet in hrenelth, and 140 feet in depth,
nor- or Imo, stlialaing a lot of smss Creigh, -
the Last, the Mainatmet nn the, snuth, public muttv.:i
on the a:est, and analh'i on the 'North, there: ,
on erected 9. 'large two story Stone !louse- and sir
P.rick temmtents, each- tno-Stoldes fligh -^-Selted and
t alten in Execution 414 Peotazrtl pr,tohn
JOHZ4 31Tr4 s, 6lwriß.
glirrifr's Ofikr*. ' " ?••
Ctllsle,lDee. 17,1833.5 *. • .
1 teary anti C.. : tc!..
• vs. Judgment •ct (mord,
• fssete,tlArowell end Dti'viti_ Vxectitto non No SA
SandersOndAcintinittrutorsnf innuary Term,. 1839,,
Samuel Crowell tlee:with no- , Notice is herb
01l imereste r itss
intl niid to Sgenuel Crowell i nimenr the nest
his hei rs - , - ----- of - i -Commom
Pleas toile hol hit Corliil-a on Atlndity the 1 ith day -
of linturv, 180, to -show noise FA. -
. 1101.1 N. 111YEItS blefft
-- ' - 13hethrtoffiee -
Carlisle, Dee. 19,1838. ' - •
_ • - LYCEUM: •
milt minim! 'meeting of the "Ctivnberliind Vouriso
4certyn" will beheld in the
_borough of Carlisle , •
on the 2tth and '29th of December, instant, Letturea
witlhe deliveredon the evenings of each °Mese day*
at One of theolisirehes of the borough l And on Saturi
day offhiers 011 be.elettoch and other business of ins
terest attended to. •
The serious litenms of comity are - ,eiterientlf.
requested to sena 'cletegiwo tants ineetinty• • . , • Order of the E3etintivr''Cominitteo.•
Plo , itr; • •
ral%knittts piortt
Vainift Flour, iniinu-; •
o:f • I".afry •vitintr.
Sot* __
13; .1 Saft.
.. . .
erjnlC E.: - .:- .. ,•-. • , ..
Is herrby riven chat lettit:i teiintorotpy" oictlio. ---- -
...:cifate- orWillithin' Cill`hitlerq deciated,./Ifit cts' '
41 3
Whi.totimibrinikht-ttirriisl4„ C' fierbiod , eoutity;,
f l aw this iluy.lren i ekbed to duet( 'T la* to die mail;
I iterther 'who remles io ilu.Atown 'i).ifdreraill V-itll', •
ertmortirriT4 • claims-or dcroandttatirsiinet the , esw •
- nrlti6 - tat,b*ocintriplire - littnlkted - tornipiit , knowsk ----.
,theAtroowitlibbt ' ttlly,f nifil thogit inticlttOttoilatd es: , •
, ftiq. '4lll-111giont thole olttipsslpickterly 40i.entteittik
41-teittl4rietit.- •-' - , I-- ,e• • , 1 , ..-, '.l 4 - 1 ''..,.'
i i‘ifX 4. -"' ' ' ': .
l ' ir,olZO:tHEllar..s; : Eireetitcrt
- - 11:;:littkitiW1 , 47'1.t$VAT4** "-- . -.- --- -,'',-,..--- - ----L .:, - ?; ------
.1.", 1,,g
.01nterie44,•Irkgystn -. • '
0 1 , r . i, - 4 - - •• %
- 1. ,::/.. , ;:l'aof .E 4. Slid; 3 4 li.' titicked and tr: ''
‘ ,1 .. ' u•-. ' ':1•441q4; •
' ' tit' •