Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 18, 1838, Image 2

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    . QC ." .2 •
ToYeiWlPei'igile:ol.l-dne Contra-ORa.
. . .
1t;?..74-I,llt IP,:,tiittlltpiaia. •
. V'ELLO:lif
-• TIP,: under.iktied .6q,;nators of
inon wealth ,of ;PeanSylvattia,doly elected,
roi rn ecl, and - qualdiad to the
,U.c.!1. - ,Litut ion and Laws, cainposing4
• 'lmajority of that body,.ar called upon, by
the Mover' and dangermui ciredinstaticeS
whielLhavo. attended- the.meetimg;;.of: - ,AI - 4 - 8; -
L.up,;islaturo; to lay before, the people 'of the
State a, brief account of - . the'.oecurrences
tlie,,Governinent,,-nitilinlourth. , -day!
id,orclef that they may ,
. clearly Understand the poi:taiga s in which
their, repre,sentatives„ are new. placed by
•- illegal"'thd'
. 4ssnmbLige Of
iiersnAs ak,presentin3the borough .
• risburg; On the numb' day. of Deeeinimr,i
1838,. beititthe -day fixild by the . Comnitn
tion for the nieeting;ofili4Gencriti,Assein-;
• Hy, 'the Sc'4late,..andrai'llimi'Ller of gentle.-,,
- .Men eleett'A in fill the -pracCis' of Senators' ;
ph nse•-• terms , of r r yil
- ssthei ehosen - to — supply :vacancies
oe'carred. by death and i,:si g nalion, met
et the 1.1a11..0f 0, - ,(3.56.1r40, awl' More appeard quorurri••of the Senators •then
.t,uly , Inatified present, the Seeker of , the
• •Soy-;;J order, and - roln'tted, that
recnes. of/the-Si:Mita he had Ts
' •z.ted writs Of election-to - supply-the plaec.,Bl
, the , fot•1 - ) wing •.Senatorsi, t'iz: Ales, M.
the.r..loccni'd Senatorial - District,
.. ,. ..i , j,`,deepaeetk Cornelius ;Darragh of the;
- and. David:lZ., Porter of
..‘:; - : 1 ;_retury of die' Commonwealth tieing ii 7
f'oducticli .priisented to the Senate The 3re
• lll3 of the said Eleetion..
• o : l_lllqii,,lL.,ol_Ari
..terf.7tl. tii4 the CFirl.t of th 'Senate "do now
.10.en . and read the returns 'of the said oloc
.titina,: when it appeared that . from the raidontlemen.had
doiy elcoted. toot.? • 7 .
Pre tcer i r,li' i ale-y;'froin thit District.
• Sa'n - tee, Henna, - - do.•;
"-' do., Oth . do: •
. 'John
• _
.'hornesS. Bell, do: do.. '
• n({ Wrt„o,iter lied Soon else=
e• 1 froin ..the Flecend llLslrict, iii placd'of
. dee: ascii; .I.ltoinas
the 9ft, - ...1)i- ,- triot; -in , e - ti - of
l',...irn 6s .the Eighth •Stamtorial Distriet nitre so
irrporleet - and irregblar; - as to - render . it
:tvithont.,nit-itiv.estr-fotioit the
t m a#t.) ad• a.; t iny'of ti - No
thite: . , •
- ‘.-8 this - staiite bf . "--th*e'
' •Ar.s. op , an - dSeicator frotn - lit , rcvr. titoveci
/gbrtar in ihe. Eighth Seriateriak .
,g7 2 bpoptpontid - .' Mc the °present,
'Beitator from Splittyla
conaty„ moyed to amend by- strilOthg
ilftcy the "word and insert
' inlr that _Thouias .S. - . 134, of 'ctes:ter, be
admitted.atid •sitrorii as -a inern!)er .«;
e,toSeni-Je. : ;Te h SlieillteFdt?Hdod' that ad aineradnabvt:lVps not m 'Ordur; Air... Bell
- . ---Wil:3--111 . 11 . .i.ftedh. ; -.-Clttitled to a-seat..on-thed
. .
- return •41'• h d born gillarly borinn
— e:nett lry.:11) , •:, Secretary 'of it. Cotninon
ti zaltli; th:,.; a .Senittor not.':•acq — uiveA,
inotion, but .hy the (ilex:-
tun of the and 'the return of that
• made; and Mr. P. Carson's
•nidiio f ss then agreed to. „M-r, Charles
the county of Philadelphia, then
,iare-iitiO•the (Aeries table and tender e d a pa- 1
'of,,tll3,i.o.u:ril of the election :for Senator in
the'ti.leeond liistrict, but was hamlet:llw
S'ileaier that such a :paper could nel be
lben•reeeirecl 7 as the return of the said Clec. I
- lien sl'as'tlien.,in ossession - of the. Senate; .I
• t:•atts mitte . d orlievally by orthe j
6,/mmonwealth. Mr. Carpenter, a-S . 011:d.!
ter ffern the county of Westmoreland, then
of' 'd a Resolution, That the Secretary (XI
tW.Ponntionwealth . be' directed to furnish
1 , 1 the Senate, all.papers inhis Mike address. ;
-etl-te..the'Senste, and moved , that. the Senate...!
:proceed to the second reading and 'consider;
diereof; and on that question:, viz: pro
•Tutrllirtirtottlie - etinsiderationthe - Resolu -
Tenter. T tii_mi,Mr„,2llarsaLLL:Alr,_,Car the .
Vet.s and:nays. • •Mr. Risgers,',.. a. Senator'
t'r . orn :Burks `county,; then
,roge and . Com
adaressing the Senate.; hitt was in-
Jrmed by the ,Speaker that he Was at,iltat
• in - ort er, as the --- m . otion was- not ;
;?.:hateable; the crovrd in the lobbies crying
c:Jt, "GO on and Pear him., . Hear,” Mr..;
then appealed-frotn.Alte deciSion of
tl:e!,_!ltair, and this appeal havingbeen amt.]
'the -016r1; , ,
.the Spettlicr - Tteressedl
!rt . : i , ;stlate, stating that he entertained the
1 views of the constitution of, that
hody—Thai at the time-of the adoption. of.
1 ,- .present-(l„Onstit.itiott_.tif tlie'Common-,!,
-ktealth, the . Senate had - been 'regularly. or-'
:;anik2tl, and had continued always to -be,lni7Mliitay,i)Ound by Certain Avrit
'amltws for its - government,.. which . could
_only be altered-by tlie-delibcrate__aetiltn of'
the body; that the-rules ftirbado any debate
on, the motion then Teti:ling; and that until
YteWly - rettlentd - mombers - Avete- - dal
as. Senators they . weie• not entitt-
.spcilt.l or vote. on, any other question
:.hap election•oe 'Olieeker. Mr. Rog
:then .appeal, and .the
j, c9yion being taLe0) . 5fy0 . .. 1 . 9 and Ariye,• the
.:?...leate „refused to ider: ol uti Ott
.iffortitl by Mi::,Carp'enie'l', tea.'
of the Senate. requirin.z ley res 9-.
littit . nfballing on a'depaitmetit. 19 1 . ; ,i4omU
' On motion,thespnate'e'll to elect,a
Speaker, Stitillie: . names of the Senators,:
the returned :reerntiefi. with tlfe exception
'of' tlie,iseYord Rik Die.;
itiet,lseiry"„;'" .
, .
e.. ear. .. Aor Is
Ploladelphia,and, tit* he 401,evedk.11as.
not t! : lilt prolit)r, tilherAto The
~. so. 4 lter&int,44l.ol; creffbatOilly*Nti. glig•
~e„rs:-:.014,944',-6. , 4l;settstsion • 'lnidlikeseiffiitiblt
was not in, order, and that any other. evi-;
donee than the return, _sent in-. by the See
-refarOiti.the::o6initibriwealiliattuld:be co* .
troyertedAy •contrary eVidence!„ and ; would:
be enquiredupon •a' petition," tnitler'
, theltiots*OUASsimbly', , fortrying.;• - contested
elechioni. - lir.-RogerS,,howbver, persisted'
in making his remarks ,which in, sotto itt
igiU/dCS were-44111y .!.lisoyd,t4llY6tentling,
though we hOlteve witntentionally,
cite the :fe.plings . 6f•alarge- assemblage
persons, who thronged, the galleries and lob-,
hies; who' indieeted iippinUS& their ap- .
.hiS,,bourSe. - ; . :01 . `der. having
ben in Sonia-degree restored, Mr.. Fuller- .
ton, a Senator froth Franklin :county, moy !
t h e 'the . swearing'of ithe.' . riitrdiers front
"the County - of :Philadelphitt, -- he'pastponed
for the present: . autlon thiS motion a desut- i ' l
tory and exciting debatejook.:plaCe, iir
which. Mr. Bell; a member returned front'
the thir s dnistriet, and Mr. Coplan,n mein
her froth the !S*.th Pistriet, neither •titlitem•
having at that time been attempted.
to partieiPtite, andwere'with great diflicul,
tyrestrained by 'the Speaker:. 'Phe •,4ues .- -
tion, rot. the niotion of Mr.,Pntlertien, then
being taken by yeas and nays, was decided
in theobgative, At- again thenewly, elected
members w ere . called ta tabreariif
accordin g to:the Consti
tution. At - this -time, Broadhead and
Mr: Longa . cre were anndunced by the Ser._
House df.Representatives, and on being in
tr6duced,_ stated . that the .11.ciiSe, of 'Repre
sentatives had- been organized, and were
now ready. to proceed to business; :they -
then retired, and 'the Sergeant-at-,'firms an
, notn - feed - MessiKlie.nryliS._ Spaelttnati;And
ThomasS,Sinith, of the Rousts of :Rvre
sentaiiveS, who . were, introduced, and stet
--vd.th4-;the'llnuse'ofi.---y.epresentatives had
been organized.hy the election of -Thomas .
S. Cunningham as Speaker, and. were lioll7
i_ready .to-transae theirnnrfonneef
memt behig interrupted by hisses front the
- Gallery; and then retired. On motion
rMeSsrs. Bareltty.and PearsOn-Were appoint=
. td a Committee
,to Wait 'On the' House -of
ItepreSeotetives, --- and • announce that the
Senate:Was-now - organizcd, - rind ready to
;t6e- . 61 - With business.. .At this time * . Mr.
la the County of .PhilaAelphin, not
beingn oeniberof the Senetc;,. - rose -and . *
-tempted tct r: address-the:,-Senate - , - andbnbeiTng
informed' dial-he:conk] * not he fieriOltted to
-proceed, the niob ihe . gallerips .nntl„lob,
i bits eommence,d Malting imitnidatingtoi ;
SC.:3 and. threats„ ery,!ng out Brown' Brbwn!:
hiatr i him! hear him!--fectinsitlei your res r
Wahave nhr rights, •
•Amidst-thiS' tumult; *Mr: 'l3.6gcrsi a Senatoi
frOm MIAs, county, rose' and moved. that
Mr. Brown _be :perm itf&tl ItY address - the
Senate;-which being seconded ;. , y• EW , ..
Mg ; a Senator from Washington county,
ivlto was Prompted by__ a fear of
vi;lenee-to'the- 2 -Spetllfer, -and thl'e3t9 =of
.blciodsheacl from the Met) then vreesing .
within tit bar of the' Senate, was agreed: to.
Mr. Brown having pledged his honour-Id'
Messrs. Miller and Fraley, Senators from
Philadelphia, not to Use any inflammatory
remarks,, mode a speech which 'he profess
ed to he intended to subdue the excitement
in the galleries, and to induce the mob to
disperse; but the warnith of his feelings
-carried]-hint-into-great--impropriety- . .-bOthor
speech and manner,.deelaring . that we were
in the midst of a . Revolution, and that there
was an end of constitutional. government,.
'oceasionally.addressing them in a sapplica
iing. Manner . ; invokinglicit to be, quiet ;
and aslang w1: - th - ff -- th - Oiy were prepareL
trample .the Constitution and Laws under
foot, and shed the best blood of the. Com
monwealth to attain their. ends. • To thep
- - questions the mob responded yes, yes; we
will, we wilb,and accompanied-their assent
with horrible cries- - of blood if we
cannot have our rights. Mr. - Brown at
length concluded, and on motion of . Mi.'
them adjeurneiL.the mob•rnshing.within the
bar of the Senate before the Speaker had
annotnided the decision. The Senate Cham
ber was then . taken possession of by the
mob, and moet,inflimulatbriltifieeches
dressed to them" by several of theiFlead - OF•s; -
and that:hitherto sacred apartment - has sub
seqtiently, Wheneyer the Sentite',Mtimpted
. -assetrible, been filled, with .rioters,
threateriing s violent interference with the
business of -he. Senate until Weir . demands
were acceded to. To such a fearful height.
was the ~e:, t eitemeut carried, that the Speak
er Of the. Senate.and' several of the , mem
bers were compelled, untlerthreats: of per=:
sonal injury, - to escape by the windows of
The 'unlawftil and riotous:assemblages
the misguided and dangerius men, . have
been continued several timei — aFth - e - Statel
Capitol and Court House of • county' of •
Ratipidiate is nos . unable—to
,proceed with theit legitimate fuitetions, and
; they announce to the people
of the Sta . that. their representatives can
not with safety_ attend the Halls of leglsia 7 ,
1 tion, until the,. insurrectionary and riotous
Ass'eniblages; by whip!' they'arc noNi threat
end with YiolenC'e, are quelled: by the arm
Of the.ConstitittiOnti: Dower of the StatO,. of
a return to •reason, an duty ptall- induce i
them to dispereo,••• • '-•' •
Speaker;of ther. Senate':
l'• . • .
•• ,IA NES: Pik H.L. ,
FREDERICK • -• • •
.• • . -
M. : '11 0c 1,. / 11 %' •
•• • •
• ..,tyr:E.Rariv, ,
• •
• •
• • • -4,
'V • •
• • L'AILSON, • -t•
_ ._ • ,
~ ~rMI
-- ' , •t- • -yr , ~f,. --f4' , . '' ',:-',
Vtitio , l6.PV . opleoiltreitlkillsg- I Va t 6141. 91 10 ; ;•
, . , ''&''''' ' of ite eiiii4,pf this:kin -- iiiMertiit . ejil* ..., ' •
...,.. •-",. ~..*.:,.., .• • -'''' 1 ..i l ,4f " ';'-' •,. flying, or shelt#l from. the. mob „to the •
-4 i, The ifies,v,"- extraordinilt i .atid 'al ifain#.
-.-ar--... t '_ ---.r. ease - Hama°, ' kePe.„ - by llVlr..Gleint:
C i iailitriontitealth. :.,ThetegOltir,action of the. --.-tt
;*llanall*;4tnng'-'l9*lT76va•-1-1.13-P--ia•4• s. . l t'ii -•- • •------4 1114 , 1t - Willifik - 0 - iiiateirorth -- 6 - • '
-government- is . overthrows} y. a commna- i
~„ . . _se nt ~
• ' - ' '' . - , •ted.• •
er..atili... tater entieavori4 to , lay the'
. don Cif .evil dispesed petsens.: The,. Senate • n • 1 11 „,.C .
~ 6 f
... sbe . o . , • ti ex 4 z i teßt gvi
5 t .p4 .411 4k e, e . m rt* O w bi ll . oj w i cx lle e n the cin i f a t dd he rg in a z .
tiisPnrs_ctli.‘4o.:pretented',4ofitiiiiblieg.lW tli.'-''iinthi a r ; • ':'^;' 2,': '': '•:':','"..! -' ..- ''' '':?'• ' ''
thr.ltuous andriotonsinultituclee. ' Thelivei j • .. rh
or thq,niedibere., fiat; e bnen - : . •thieatened;-thid ' .4
.4 ' - " cl..t state that -they are . fully
&RlNl:mod, that so . far.from the Sheriff ,being.
I•l3l " it ' l 'Ai 6c 'p ai: C l ;'Y ot4ce t s ' ,9( "* : !-'.. ilat Q' • t o : V - 7 !a • eittotecl.itt'*ltingthe;:atatenient,•'h& heal
ernment have been disignated as the bbjeets,
cif,Ottaeli . ...: Officials" - of the General: Gov-
*;4ven to the -pubtlic,."bi_juStice in himself, - 1
' prepentOnatigoting these.„ , '„ ,tee t ete - perts;e po te.
'end ti'preient , trineeessary excitement i-!
Mega and dangerous prdeeedings-. .'W . liht . ,Commonwealith,":.thaq
his • inotireishare .been, and . now - are to ,
Oreille .objeete of these outrages? N othin g -... scteen . .hieriself4rOtif-the-:4onsequences of
less , .thaß.a . treastinalile -- ,attempt to destroy. his owit..:imprciper' conduct, in daily '
and i
'the . prisetit.'gnrernsnedt,..and ; erect another: Rightly associating With thhirnereenary des- i
in its stead.• :It .is...PerfeetlY. welt...known peraddes;hisreb•ellionscoin 7 l.
that_a_nevilb onstitetion - has , been" Otiepted,.. peers and friende,, A and .fOr the - total neglect"
by ... - the ;.. people . _ of:. thittDorrunoßwealth, . of the duties of-hiS office-. relating the pre-, :
which- must
. he established in • force,: ac- nervation of . the public :peace and the ro 7 the - requisitions, of: the late .CColl•!,, tection.of the laws - ottlie . land, :froth o pen, ;
iehtion, and the acts of the f • -•atfisiatui - °.'" -- 1 and outrageous -violation," iu titter. disregard • i
l'he Senate -and-the House- are'' prevented iof his otlicid 'oath; . .'llkos,' do man Of cot-
by.foreeftom -a'seemblißg, Ond ' this objeCt'lrcet mural 'feelings, or . having any 'regard
Must . be deferited—the 'People:yedneed • to
th es d eplorable- cend iti cm: L p (`' being, Nlthoot a l
i for.the sacred •oblightione of truth, Who . ;
witnessetlilui• cenes here thirini. the.past :
Constitution of their. rown .. seleetiOri, • and :I weep, . ,i- , ,
w4nositate. to pronounce. the stote-
governed by . • ,an " unlawful
,:p..,,0imy,. - who -
mentor.. 'miff' .Cochtan:te 'be a •base._ad
choose to . prescribe the smatter and, form in ~,„i lso.
.. 06 , , 0e „ A6 ,,,,,,, fi1h0 . true . o , *of 11 . 1° 1
the.authorities of, the' land shall - diseharge . ....
, _facts that, catistettand_atiendeilthosclecenes,..l
theirlulictions:-.- • '''• ' -- .] which are „iti port- so VOW and accurate .
' 1
We_eliarge.. this _ crimina6d e si g nrnu P a irekillieil 'by the matufesto - es:orthe nineteen - 1
leading. members Of a party' who seek,. (but .
Senators and ply members_ of the' tious6 I
w ithou t, effect) cull ni n'glyito save theneselv_ t es ,
of Reprettentatives - already, bcfor•thutiblic, 1
t 1 - ' ------- fl4 '"'
from .the,ponalties of--tfmL _ lew _ , _ ..te t - = W-I * 4 - i- it -- g -- cvell''.as - inthe - .proc aination o overner ;
1.114 - 64705 e. the victims of, their designs t %
Ritnet for here it is well. known,. that the :
the misgu ided . multitude : whom ,they iiisti:;. excesses and °images of the mob, of. "hired i
gate to thosa dreadful-aCts..„ - . - '.• bullies".and their • leader's, tar exceeded in;
1%03• are persokis now .in this borough enormity those .uovarnishedataterrients.= 1
Who!eontrel thh proceedings' of the. existing Here too , it is. well known, that the publics- ;
,rnobStat Whose 'Word _they_ disappear: -,
dons Of.the'Keystone;' qteporter,! and the
at whose bidding they return. The S_eil_7• address signed hy - Adant Diller and - others,
ate and House of Representatives are .pte- telatiye to•their proeeedings and that of theit
. preceed • to the: diseharge of their 'aSsoaiates,. are :glaringly erroneous- And - un- - I
duties, Foreib -ly - -Prevented, the copse- true, intended.for the sole purpose of screen
quenee Must tin •
upon the - heads
-- e
ing themselves,".; and • their fellow rioters , .
guilty___siersons urzing or abetting the_ yi n - ',lrein the 'righteous indignation of all worthy.
We make . - this, public decl aration lence".. . ~ . -.., .. —•.-- . - • • ration 'that I toikeiii;cdhsequentuponiliede'velopements
penple may be aware of 'the -trite state of Made . Of. their -seditious. condect,' and if poS.
thinge. The. honer. 4,4 . character.of the-I sible of:forestalling-die. public mind -in the
citizens. of Ittirisburgratql,th,3,ntenthers.,4f, nope ofj,hint coOaping.from - 41 - to - just punish
root 'a waitind.thenw - for.: - their - outragenas:
the. jthliciary here residing, imperatively
: v_i:Lat o io f il t s ht o
demand that every -legal 'proceeding iieacti and the.. ma :.
adoptad te.maintaitrthe. peace and restore J ' IY
In conclusion Ave say, without the least
good-order. !.. .-_ __ .-- -. _. •flat‘ii-v°S.Yl'.lls,lic..
lesitiitten tha t' - the peaceful :end• - orderi•
Phe_dim_ op.eratien..o - le , ~,
I'd 1.45 - mw be ..--- .' '• f ,--- --- ---- •-• -
Loring:. citizens .0 • I ennsytvania, lama
SiiSpended,*_hut- ca.nnut be put to. rest fo rever..
distinctimi:of party hadteeri eye..Wintessei
We give to all- - persons and parties engaged- .
of the conduct : Of,: the - men, who, under 'the,
inAlic reeent , actS'ef violence,. and in pre- .
peetext of . defendin their rights,_.violated,
paragons for their eoritinualice - thiSsoleinn .
the hitherto unpolluted. sanctity of - the Sen.
notice, that their , acts-are- su c h as have - ex-
a ... -,. ~
_ 4 ' - heir 'ina -
ie-thianiber, they would arise in t -
posed_ them_tp_the _highest peiiallieg.7gibe. ,...,
mu to tones. of iirtuous . indignation,
laws. - 'We repeat. that it, is "the . design of
consign to_ perpetual. infaMy . the eiders,
certain persons to overturn the larvs—to - de- -
abettors and actors, in those demoniac scenes
feat_the. inauguration-of .GO,,yernor and the
of 'riot, turbulence 'gild anarchy. ----. --
proclamation of the adoption' of the_ New
~.. .
'-.„.,-, .* . Signed by-62, persons.
Constitution." -- - - "--- - • -*: -""" --'-."-:• -
• • ,Harrisburg., Dec. %. 1838.
The pretence of all these nets of outrage. ; • ,
is that certain members of the Senate and .
House, have , heat 'Admitted - on the returns
known to the law, to take their seats with-•
ibuthaving heen.'4uly. - __electetL.....X.his„_preit.
1 tence is utterly false. Endeavors are inn&
' to over-awe the Senate - and the House by
. v .inlence., in order to prevent the disclosure
1 of the enormous frauds: perpetrated in_the
coin,!}' of Philadelphia. They know that
. these frauds can be proved—that they dare
not invite an investigation, and are resolved
- td - seartt - sit - ,-partizans-by-force-.7-Prevent-.
the rogulair meetitig_olthe.'Legislature until
after the tithe. allowed for the. investigation
of the election: Er • by --law; thus concealing 1
those frauds; While the returned members
from "the city MO county of - Philadelphia - 1
ask, and earnestly L'eaira - this investigation. l i
Inflantrifatory mee,tingS' have been held, !
and writings published and widely circula
ted, in order to forestall ,
,public sentiment;
while the friends of the LonmYLitution and
the - Laws, have been restroined by men
. secretly armed against littering tliti" . truth to
.people. The time Will coine . .when:
they will be heard—when the liiits will be.
execTifeir, suspendedjusticAeth•es.sed. -
- A -- party whe-resert to the aitreflitOb - s --- te
sustain them 'cannot be in the right. , We
let the-people know-the truth. They will
decide the _question by the condign punish
ment Of the, authors of '.-allthese events, so I
_AliegrOceful_to_the .'eltaracteryllhis state janti_
country, and so stibverSiVe of the principles
of -Our free-institutions.. .. , ~ .
• Signed in behalf of the members of
House ,of Representatives,-dtiven froth its
-Hall. ......
' FellOw' C'itizens:
Titc-undersigned u citizens of-Harrisburt - ,
anttother parts of Pennaylvahia, have seen
livith emotions of ,surprise and indignation,
a mott extraordinary document, dated
Dec Stb, 1838, aril
mn, High Sheriff of Dauphin county,' which
for barekeed misrepresentation and down
right perversion of Ilia truth, is 'unrivalled 1 .
in the annals of 'imposture and falsehood...),
They -are however not surprised at the
declaration, that the Sheriff-‘,`had not seen
nor heard of any infuriate 1 mobs or riotous
pr?eeedings; Which, required (his) my
nosition to preserve the peace," because - the
'sheriff hioupif, if not an active partieiiiator:
was an l alder and abettor thp `" riotous : :
proceedings 7 of the past week. Nor. was
aliy.thirig else than gross misrepre s entation
to be expeetati r frout the man who puhliclY
declared onr Tuesday evening last,.l.that
!..el ; '-haddeus• covens would be - no, more_ by
-the next nior nig,” 4lld,f)gai# Subsequently,
that Thaddens , Stevens ought to 'hanged. '
Sheriff cci;Oran;.'When' he Adolited that part
et his address,. [prep' lior the'
purpose `of nabuslug.,„the public ;
mind- as
_to the true, state 'ef , .thingri„,*which
Harrii3bitwrhielcStsteo; -
414 V . :k 1 10,7,49 6 . :it 10VV:Y01 , i'Efe •
"tla liorOgh , ":tir , HtirrisbUrg;'" , Must - ,havti! )
ft{ifiatteu- goat ay. e lOW
-at tiesno"'''l4 . 7 °1'1'4161E4 iti4illiti"phern
'lls4. titkcietiin•iliik•betdngh;vhtniing ,
1 1 1,00,14 ii 7 ckywo With. them ''aid'ivOutitni
i r,v,34121 n s tr E levy LA V . in zr*.
to, return,; Mr. Ingersoll as elected! Of
course' only a majority would consent to
such %a measure. The minority made their
returns of the votes presented, by which
Charles Naylor was declared •elected.
The Van Buren judges, having yielded,
ill to, Mr. Ingersoll, retnrnedfrom the hall,
forgetting or neglec,ting to
,inake.their 're
turns to the,proper officer. The whigjud
ges waited in-vain for theireolleagues, and
at length complied with the act of assembly
by returning, upon the votes Of the several
districts thenliefore them, the names of the
persons who, according, to those votes, ap
peared to be elected as county delegates to
the legislature of the state. These were
whigs, and • these retains were made in due
season to the Sheriff, and by him forwarded
in proper time and
• manner to the Secretary
of the Commonwealth. The other party
of judges on the next day, 'finding that they .
bad over-reached themselves by their sub
' iierviency• to Mr. Ingerzoll,- got together
some returns, which they caused to be for
warded, but not according to the act of as
sembly. By their returns, or-rather their
calculations --for they made no legal re
turns—the. Van Buren county delegation
Iwas declared to be elected. Now, the Se
cretary of the Commonwealth reeeived the
returns of_the_minerity_judgesthrouge_
legal channel,- and was bound-to-hand-these
1 returns-to-the legislature.-He has done that,
and the whig delegates from the county of
Philadelphia are legally and constitutionally
' • members of the Senate and House of Re
' prrsentativesi r -cult{;--thosd - liidieilin their
constitutionalcharacter es judges of the qua
lifications of their members) shill decide to-
I therwise. ' - ' •' _
l The Van Beren Senators, returned from
1 Huntingdon; never received - a majority of
votes in that county, nor is it supposed by
any one that they did. The Van : Buren
Senator returned froniCheiter county, Mr.
I Bell, never received• a majority of votes in
FHB district, - nor Is - it - believed by - any one
that 'he did; but because he, is returned in
the'manner prescribed by li.vr, he bolds,
for the present, The Secretary of
the Commonwealth had no authority to
look behind these rettirne, and declare-them
illegal and another person 'elected. That
would be to assume the -authority whiCh
the constitution expressly gives to the Se
nate itself:
... .-
When, kerefore, , the . Senate and the H.
of,Repi-e.::,,,lives shall_havbeen organiz• -
led, they will be in a situation to entertain i
protests agaiest the returns, and 'if they find I
these returns incorrect, to vacate `the, seats
new legally held by the whig members froin_l
the county, and the Van Bureii Senators
front Iltioringdon•and Chester. -, ,
I lite que - stion, therefore, • new agitated at
Harrisburg, has nothing to do with the right
of members to their seats; but-a mob has
been assembled to dictate to the legislature,
who shall andr'whil shall not take their pine
es,..aed to dewy ti the two house `the right
of deb'itling by their own . rotes upon the
' - qualification of their members—and die mob
has thus far succeeded in its purposes.
We Yive the following able and lucid ex
--position_cif_die.preseni silt,. et_ l orairsiciam
the, National Intelligencer, which throws - a
flood-of light , upon the subject, • and which
will-command the attention of the reader
who seeks after truth: _
n „
Statement of Facts.—As much interest is
felt in the extraordinary, proceedings at
_Harriiliiir - g; - there is - a - very-natural curiosi
ty about the election in the county of •Phil.
adelphia, out of which they have grown.—
The followiog statement of facts, conceded
Jr indi i sputab ll leriai i printed - i d er t e r na d ble - ever
and resolved to compel - the Senate to adopt with rather severely ashe thought, sent for I one
who thVils
own judge men t: li, 0u n ers an the ease
am T ; l arm
ndih. .
their will as their rule of action, I am corn- the 'Attorney General, and tonfessed that
pelted to order and require you forthwith to not only was it determined that Charles. J. I e comity, o iila e p la, for certain
call out from"your command' force suffi- -Ingersoll should be returned as elected, but I
please I of the case: .
election purposes is divided from the' city.
cient to quell this insurrection, and march that the tally list was at that moment made .
flia_citN , 'therefore, May be at once laid out
them 'immediately to the , seat'of govern- out! Our readers at a - distance will
ment. - JOSEPH MTN ER Governor." to understando that, by tally list, we mean i
, i The county of Philadelphia, for the elec
Major General Patterson,. in obedience in this state the exact returns of the votes tion of Senators and Representatives in the
given at a nypoll or v oti ngdistrict:. 'T ill s ,. ' . in the above' requisition of the governor, g , ~' State legislature, is one- election district,
. it seems,. was - made out - more - man a-weetc-t choosing two- Senators !and eight-Represen
order-to-maintaift--.the : supremacy-of-the b - efoTeliaiid„and was to liesworn to;-so tliii .
laws, issued the following general order: the Van Buren candidate, Mr. Ingersoll, ladies. , ,
For the election of members of Congress,
,„ ~_ , T .,,. „, ~,„ • was tohave a Majority - of some fifteen or
Heap wearers:es, iet viv. I . Al. .
sixteen hundred votes in Kensington. The wo istricts, t..e
' the county is divided into t, d' • I ,
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7, 1838. 'first_kr' ' epresente - y . r. Poynter) • meg ,
d b - M 'b '
prompt, measures '
,of the Attorney General
'rile tioverner'of the Commonwealth, inone, and the third (represented by Mr. Nay-1
p i _ prevented any such
_extensive fraud, d
hie character of Cornmander-in-chief, .and ler)* the other. • _
the conseq uence was a laree-majorit of .
ing issued his order, according-to the 'dm- - ..,° Y .
which'ter the convenience of voting, the coen
votes tor narles Naylor—a majority ty
stitutiou and lawi, requiring ins forthwith
no one dou bted that he had, and which no ior is again divided into Election Districts, -
places where die polls are opened.--
to 'call put from my command, and home
one, not even a loco-foco, doubted would i , T . ley .
diately marsh to the seat of government, a
be returned in his favor, un l ess fraud was i are seventeen in all, eleven being in
force su ffi ch4nt to quell an insurrection , the First Congreseienal District, and six
Practised., our distant readers will p
which he has "been informed has been iractisedleasein the Third. •
to•understand, that the c ount yof Philadel , '
raised by a hotly' of men, who invaded the , . . . . •.. ' I Li some of the, Districts, all the * votes' are
p iia is divided into two districts for mem- 1
Senate charriber on the 4th inst. during the '- '
bers of congress, but elects by general tick- t o ffi cers;
received at one window,-andby one set of
in ethers, they are given in at,dif-
session of that body, and by lawless vio
•etjts members of the state senate and I}, use
knee and threats and personal injury to the'
of . representative's, voting in seventeen . dis- 1
ferent windows. At each window, there
members and bloodshed,' dieturbed the Sc- are the following officers, namely: a Judge,
nate-and-prevented-it-frenf proceeding-with---- -- - . • I two_lnspectors,,and Iwo • Clerks,_ The, Iri_
On the day appointed by law for th e re-specters receive the ballots, and deposite
its deliberations, and compelled the mem
turn judges a these seventeen districts to them in the ballot-boxes, and each Clerk
, meet - at - the-state houtie - in this'eity, to re-Tkeeps a listorthe - voteiS:
hers to disperse;" and further , that the same
, L hody - ef lii - ve - organized Rienaselvet,
ceiie the account Of votes ? and to make re- I •
The Northern. Liberties are a l.__
Land_resolvtd 'to ricompol_the Senate to adqpt
their, will-as their rule of action.
taiiiiiliereof to the proper officers and - thre l Third Congressional District, (Mr.
! Nay-
Now,-in compliance evith.the said requi- the proper' officers, it was found that the lor's.) They are divided into seven Wards.
of a certain ward of the Northern
sitien, the volunteers of the first , division votes
• p. bertt s— I, ard in a abl and decidedly in
Li- , The votes of thesoseven - Wards-are all re
. _
wiltassemble in winter illiberal, with kna ' . 6
- a - v ' . -11 I ' l - Y ceived at one house, but at seven different
• • thirteenthe hands of the Van Buren party---were 1 -
1 -windows, that is, one window for each Ward.
I r sacks, provided with, rounds of
buckshot cartridge and seven. rounds of ball
not to be found. The box and its At each window there are (as'before stated)
cartridge, in Broad stric t, south of Marketcontents •
off votes and tally list, were lost! The wen- the following, officers, to wit. a Judge, two
street; tonnorrow
der as to the cause of this strange abduction ; inspectors, and two Clerks, all sworn or
A. M. piealsely. ( Satu rday) at 7 o clock,
, or disappearance wasiessened, when Mr.
that the whole of,
Charles J. Ingersoll forced himself into the'
, affirmed. .
The Major General need nialfTno other
room occupied "by the retuzn judges,' and The orgaization being thus understood, - the patriotism of the Volunteers of
imperatively demanded
North- i
the 'next thing to be stated is the mode of
the votes of' the seveirwards of the proceediog,„, at and after the election, all 'of
thediVif:icii. than . to_ remind them ? that,,it is
whieh is prescribed by law. •
; - i tt rn ie p .h o i r g ta h n e t ei 4 p ; r t i i v e i s i , e_g4; a ti s ie i , t ,
c i i s ti o z n e e li o s f 9 l d ie ie. m r, o t s o t•
, ern Liberties should be thrown out, which 't When _the Pialls • are 'chided, - the Judges
sustain Ahe'elvilluttliority,wheneier the e- would of course leave a majority of votes at each window examine the balletic (which
him (Ingersoll) • in' the third diStries , of f or t hi s
mergeoey cecurs:Whiehlertders necessary for
_which the Northern Liberties formedipart z i t h ey count died, end ascertain the, vote for
In }twit to armed' forcer. - '
' • -- - • d . 'l'hon;•too, the citizens understood the culllh TAT , ' - • . t ha t ' election,' , ,
- Ai'
Th:spirit of order and-a sacre .regara .. _
for the regular action:, of the; late under . I the
mat e upon Van partisans Or Mr. Ingersoll`' I Clerks" lit t seping tally . lists, duplicates of
which alone can our,liberties be preserved, in a morning Buren paper, to assemble 1 coortis4 find a writteu statement . is mails,,
;demand that the spirit of misrule'-must be •
at t he_ . "state house. Thespartisanstlid awl ca ll e d a, return, 413 d s'igrted by
the Jtidge,
I iftstantly • ,
on'elinlicalbt, and effectuall.y,shp. B P mb , in in iminenee and noisy erF lw *-.'-' inspectors and. I. kilts;
atressed. - , ,-,, l „z' `,, 4.,..• .. -= . ' I' Tile, fraud contemplated was tect--PaliaZ I Where there a several windows at 'tine
,- . l k iiiiiiej.„arr o ,.. ; z l i c A s kiedwi ll . - an - d 14 0v - ost - Ul6 to - be - winked - at; -- and - -the sober tri
ends - place - Air - holing!, the several tJudgee--eunist
will.l7lWmmediateL4lioasureii-sviffila_their_of Mr. Van Wien , i i irolota v i9tea for , Mr togelhel;iidd 'by the 'beirektir tin*, tind
-this or into Ingen — Wturnedlittlieilapeilif-eentetnpt de - OBW liiii - iiitergiti r Tor * siaiti 'candidate:
~ reyeetive beige, es.4er carry, der, _ ,
_. _
~ _ , , .
.. . , , < , ,
1 co
pireo;: ,. ~,,,,, , , ~,, r 4 c,„ .. ,• t. • '---- ~, , of the:high-hand measure, , and. In scorn introdaeitiehowevelillnr thiYrlikileidxiftror4
i ..14 - ciiroiiis4, - .ltie - '!,,Ruiv, , iokur iiainkbion - ::9rui, 6 iiidoiauo,,Nlllore,r, , :hAkAn., CL,7`, 1 :10, who Minor,. return: into the statement ; _'
I filmed Ao aid, with the,means of transpor- 1 e° lll "ti"°P 6r e t l - 9",' 13 .',, 44 , 11 a.t0 0 n.e -s elf e m e„ ? ', O .T. the return of the•severt4Wards of the - NOythr.
y at i o 4,W,A n nioid,efir._ _, . • 't,ll6.lirtiserabl e ,4l9eqe!trßtioe , ll,l4,lentf t . ,11 4 t3Tri.f,,
ern Wiertieg zayt, nt4, ottly-Altte_entire Vette,:
4 • - =w-)24 - 441,'t .ien t i -Ity i tmV o soN ,- • selvbbiltiriliti: freed. A majority:of t h e, se-, e-, but alViAtheviite'ef !tiicl, ''' . 4V at L When
.. b l tz ,
•• foUN WhLts, Aid- camp. ' .' ' return judges made' up themitun 11118 is done the bahola .ate"Atfirriett` ie`-*--'
HARRISBURG,Dee. sth, 1838.
2TO Mayor General 11011ERT PATTERSON,
SlR—Having received information of an
'insurrection - havtng been' raised by• a body
of men, who invaded .the • Senate Chamber
yesterday- evening during . the session of that
body ; ancLby lawless violence and threats
of persOual injury to the nieMbers and of
-blootlidted,tlisturb'etthe_Senate and pre
vented it from proceeding. with its tielibera
lions.; and compelled the members to dis
perse. . . .• .
Having also been informed that the-same
b - odY -- of — men.. have -organizartliemselves.
with this; order, several:of
the vohYnteer t`hiladelphiai:to
the mitnber of abOnt, one:thousand 'men,
armed aiid equfppedsecording to_the requi
sitions of , the order
morning, and took the .1611-road cars at 9
flartisbp'rg g
ar t his.
movement:of the - miptary, the National Ga.
zette.of that date. holds this janguage:
. .
"The military , detachment under 'General
.Patterson i for Hillis;
burg. -, The, objeCt• anti eitectoef.this move=
r e'it ill no doubt'be misrepresented, tho'
•we'' think, it cannot be-Misunderstood by
those who wish •to • understand- it. A few
words will place the matter in its tine light
' The Governor, as , Commander-in-ehief;,'
has the constitutional power to call the -ini
litia. into 'service ,whenever. an eniergency azl
rises, either through 'foreign invasion..or hi
surrectioni for; Which- the civil authority-is
inadequate. Such an emergency has oc- .
• ceried. The governor, finding the func
tions' of government suspended by violence,
has issuqd. his order, The order has beep,
- Pheyed:T - The - mllitin - thns - detailed
;its filsitriaburg,. extraor;,
dindry police to co-operate with. the civil,
authorityto secure - the execution cf process
! aiaiislore order., If warrants , for
the ,ar
rest 6ra c indeis have been issued' by Judge.l
'l3lythe,--lor, : any other- magistrste l -- but not
' executed from apprehensions of violence,
'the-presence of the protect the
charge cf their duly.The' magistracy 'act- i
ing.adeording to . . find 'itself strong
'enough to its:duty-=that duty done, or
der will beat-once restored.. •
t'lie.'Speaker of the Senate has .unques- !
tioned aI thorny to issue waiirants to arrest
and punish-for oontempte committed,
presence of that. body.. , He has also autho- -
laity to_deptite_individuals. to _proteet-the-'bo
dy over which he:presides _ during its deli
beration: he can require, the co-operation,
through or aside from the:Executive, Of. hia:!
' fellow citizens; iti whatever . Capacity
_ •
May . appear.; ;
So with the . two bodies;. claiming,. each
to be ta . .konse- of representatives. - So. long I
as-they—do-,-not es nterfAre, _ each,,etheri, I
tHey are. peaceful .assemblages.-of 'citizens,
each alike entitled to. protection.. Their
rights are to, be elsewhere determined, The
Senate, -in body they.
-will -corn mu nieni4-will im.-pretected.- , --That
is a question they Alaye the same right to
determine !as .any other; - and . if their deci-,
Sion_ be wrong,-
. other,,,tribunals must
verse it. •.
- We rintilieliot- that ion the appearance- of
the militia;
~disordert-'-will at.onte- suhside i l
and .the pinter of the Jaw be resumed. No
violence need be apprehended; -unless those
-who have already disturbed - the peace-and,
defied the orilinary_eivil authority, be deter
mined-to defy -it further.": .Of that - wn VaVe
no fear.”—
• The:following statement of the.origin of
the difficulties, and other eircunl-,1
stancee,_connencted tape from
the Unites States Gazette,...which will give
the reader a correct.view 'Of }he wheie tines-
tion at issue:: • _
The evili under -which this, state is now ,
laboring,. have their proxiMate .canse in the
fraudulent attempt to defeat the return" of
Mr. Charles Naylor. There -is no one I
doubts teat he was trulreleele - deverai.
days before the election, a srouudrel who
had been 'Selected as a Van Buren judge of ;
the election for Keftsington shavirig been
Actected - in - another - frand -- and - bein --dealt
the: bokes, and one or the - tally lists." The
,boxes are then sealed up, and are to, be de-
P . osited with a justice of the: Peace. The
.other -tally -list is to be deposited with tho
, P'Toffijopowy of the Court of Common
leach district; then sends what is called
a return Judge,. who carries with hint a re
turn duly Signed and authenticated - 6in his
district. -. ,
The Return...Tudges meet at h gi‘.4n.time
and place.,- d!!,y, when assembled ,
is "to . com - pare and cast up the several re... •
turns, and to execute under their, hands ;
one general and the true return of the whole
District." They,* further to "cause one .
copy of the Raid general, return to. be del ,
posited in . the Prothonot.gry's find•
another they are- to cause to be transmitted,
in a prescribed manner, to the Seeretary 2 of
the Cornmonwealth, whereupon-the-Gover.—
mor is to issue a Proclamation declaring
the persons elected, and abm---to-p n end the '
returns of menibers -.of Congrese to the;
Hmise of Representatives of the United •
States. .
It . is•mecesSary now to,' return to - the •
Northern Liberties. This election 'district. •
.isin the Third Ceingrosisional Distriet, and,. •
se has been seeni.eonsists of seven , waids:
It containsabout onehalf of the
Wien - of the Third --
COnsiii - onall;Diiitriet, - -
and from eithtrd: to a',foprth of•thatoe' the: •
county.• It gave ; at the last election, near- ,
ivards - - of . the Northern
.• -
Liberties, five (Ist, 2d,
.3(1, anti - sth) are
Whig-Inspectors: arid Judges - , - .:The
maining-ternr(fith - ga 71:h7) are on the other*
side, and had corresponding officers:
In the Northern' Liberties, taking in -the.
whole of the seven Wards, Mr. Naylor had .
alnajority of nearly fourteen hundred; and-.
irt - the - whole Cengressional.Riatriet nearly
nine htindred over -Mr.-Ingersoll,. who, it,
may be, remarked, : was something like five
hundred - behind -The-othertickets.of his par 7 :.
,ty in every one: of the election distridts!
• The , Return,Judges - for the-county. werit .
Seven Whigs'and-ten - ot - the - other
..01 4 The Third ("ongressioital District, they
were•eqoally divided, three and three.- ' •
Buppesing this. tedious detail.l6' . be borne -
in 'mind, it is onlyneceSssry now to state, .
byway of what further liap 7 .
piled, that' the, whole-object was to defeat
Mr. Naylor, who had been duly elected by
a very large majority, and return-fits •Op - pg_
'lent,: who had not been elected.. Btit the
attack .was begun on the county elections,
partly to.;-mask the real design, . and also,.
at will be .P!esentlYSeen,
oinuthers4new -they- had .a majority - .of.
I the comity Judges; "(ten to seven,) Avliereai • .
theY'lladonly an equal number of the. Judges
of the Third Congressional District. The . -
..plan itself will be, developed by the facts.
Oti the Friday tot:m . l'lg, the election, the
Return _Judges assemided.aecorling to law,..
at-the Hall 'of 'lndependence, -bringing
with them the District returns. They
have usually - trabasacted . this business in •
'peace, by themselves. • But - their meet- •
ing on this occasion was precededby in
flathmatory calls upon the --citizens,. in '
•newspapers-devoted todie - intereets-of-Mr.._._
Ingersoll, and in placards about the streets,
to attend end protect- their of, which
they-were-toliklier-were--te4e-ehcated , -;---..
A crowd attended. in obedience to the call.
. Soon after the Judges had assembled, and
before they.could begin the perfoinriance of '
their duty, the defeated candidate for
gress entered the Half, end also
. : . of •
the county Van 'Buren - candidates, with
' many other !persons; and asserted a right
(particularly, at least) 'to interfere „in the
doings=efthe jud_ges. 'And - here a scene of !--,
confusion and upro -- .ls6girl,:which - lisied-i-----L
long time. Speeches .were made which
were answered by_houts, ' threats 'were
used, and discussions forced - , —, erifirelY - .alien -
to the business of the Judges.
As far as in such a tumult could be learn 7 . .
ed, the first attempt made.was•to prove, by
two or three !Witnesses, that there had been
fraud in the election, with which,, it will be .-
ebserved, the Retnrn Judges had: nothing
!'to do. _This . attempt entirely failed. The
next had better success; it was this: One of
_the clerks. of_ the Seventh. Ward, Northern
Liberties,-aLpartisan-of—the—defeated_candi - .
date, ! was brought forward to prove that one ..
of the tally lists of that ward (the one. not,
Ont - in - tiirtife - b -- 54`lte'd - been lost. Upon:this •
ground, the -Retail Judges werelasked,Jito!
I reject the whole
,return -- of — tha. 'Northern •
'Liberties, say six - thousand; votes; not the _
return of one ward, but of all
Wards. ...This Was put to vote, -.
the seventeen Judges voted for rejecting the
vote Of -the Northern liberties from the
county election. • . 4
So flagrant au surpation of course was-not:
submitted to by the seven Judges. They .
determined,--es-: their—only—alternative to._
make a separate return, and they wished to •
Make a fair
.return from all the. cointf!te- ,
turns. But the tep refused to inform. them.;
_oLtheir returns, Thy were cornpelled 4 :
therefore, to make a return from what they
had. The did se, :specifying distinctly!
returne , an. sent ere urn
throu!h the lelal chnnnel to 'the Seeretary
alt of the
of the Commonwealth, by w
ten -also-made a return, a partial one;.
which, some time after, they deposited in
the Prothonotary's office, but it is believed;,
never transmittbd, according to law.
.Thus the matter stood when the kexisla
ture met;, and when two, Senators on •eaerx
side, a - al'eight Representatives on each sido
claiming the two seats in the Senate, and;
the eight in the House of Representatives...
..The Whig. Senators and Members. hatlthe
regnlar return, that is, the return through the
regular 'channel. The other:3'llnd a, righ t .
to,contest their seats. The Honies, re-
speeiiVely, - Viere to decide." Which really '
had the majority cannot be knot
. ii ,
there is an examination by - the , Legislature.
If the Van Buren party had it, which is:
quite poSsiblei their right wotilil 'have ; a
peered if the Judgehad beenetiffered
to' do their - duty: But the'candidates on Ant,
side ter 'the Senate 'nnd 'Howse, were duped:
into ebittei _
ibtelmk'd, upon th e , .C h on
4aionalEO; ~!?:I , l t . aftheit 7 n*= --
-11/leo'haV: l ) Dem- reOnta in die .
Atiti sactifiee
((the Oriperiment. lirtnilel 'that tiodor
ort - lf.Otainlnq , bnert rsiteriecli
. _ •