MUM 0 E ler; . . .Hies__-_.__.. .. • • 17 7 : Because theirLooitripo . siti6OAS__such...itiniLthei areeijuntly applicable to th e usual .. .diseases oftsarah . Cold, or temperate climates.. . -• • -- ' 18. Because too, Or flute arc in general sufficient . for a dose-so that, as is ,he case with the generality . •- . . . -of pante' medicinea-the patient is not compelled t The True niches of Life. is -make a meal of the M- .1 • -19,-Becatise each intlividuatpill .iii put up iuhlee 11-E A 1.1 - 1111 the immediate superintendence of the proprietor, so : _ . ttt . i no, mistake n the composition, or quantity can Ire know that -Health, and. the ability to possible crew through theearelessidis of a less in labor is .the wealth of the great mass of teresited agent. ~ . ._ 20.Allecatise they purify - the feame - Witticitiettebili - - -- the people, this as in most. other cowl- : .- tatinethe - system. - tries. To preserve, 1 kerelbre. that lifultli - ---- .21-.ii...catise, iintwid ! statviing thwir,,Lun nentie pot e' by_Nd2 rU.R3L. means; is a ,?,rand moral clarity, no perivri Iris ever ventureilti raise •flgllyst them the Ina..tali or . F elisnr(l. -which ' would no have and' political scheme. -to fulfil whick re •. Iwo n th..!_cas.e, if e oty-ciuld have discovered tif them quires oter utmost attention. • : a single - flaw - ticaril at. •• ---- :-."--'' • 5,, , '. " --- . ,- TIIE imparrelleleil reputatiin which:Peters' Pill, , . 21 Ilectinse-:auil this fact is of the ,uttirtost irm• .lurte acquired as a Ste:heal . 12Titoritive, bi - el.! 111 . 19 t, 7 1)11111:ted • )=,di IaCH iii - a •certniti sititatiMi may. take unquestionable proOf that ca , . be given or tin4c.iiri- them', ( not-mire than two or three ieri time limeey , , one: se leap:let:wee tv the afff 'mei! in aim ist every - re.) without in the. slightest degrer •ineurring - the •c1:189,of diseases, ' The number if letteei lursaial of alenlioin' Were the ;,ittttleti of Petra' in from patients recovering tlit•ureith de metas is reat. estimable pills - corifined to thOttlesimble coif alone ; ly prodigious, and the cemplaists which they have it would give them a ilecil6il advantage over the ..cured are Orient as.varied as they are numerous.- medicines of all c-ma?ctitors, as in no cases is there Rat still there areLsome_ia which .0.1, are - more , inore. - datigatr to hmapprelleitiled, or Iti`Nhich so feiv especially beneficial than in others; a - id among this: iteniedies - have been diticovere.d; as - the - one referred may be named the 'too Mimi fatal c mu:A:dots of ill--:to.. . . stomach mid bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, and .23. B:7 - eii0S - e - crliilb they are .so efficient in i tlicir op, indigestion,. for which - they are' not only a certain '. erations - with ailillts they May, at same time be - but aii immediate Cure: administered to childreq - aniteyeti to infants, in small Itis well kniwa - that from the ilisadtratigement of „ irointitiwi; half a pill Lie instance; without the,,slight-' `tile 'stomach :mil hotiels, attire 'iii le titillis of all the '' ut Mingilit.: 1..0wl des_co,tl.l , lno NI-ryer. containing 200 ACRES t o w s,. Rand ii n i .h. ii ti v t ; . or ilpwarols, :Said land liln isiteNtiediate between IN DirSPEIPSI,A. ; the Fmlthfield and Slieplierdttrouio, and Smitlofielitiond , Th e fl.l l : : n :le t i l itii e i t El e. :t n i t s ' i t l i i . l ll. . r : : : n s : s lf t u l l : l e e :: "e l m :P e whue : l 7, 4 & ll , l* ( f 4 ll.l s ll. -•: s i n i. v 2 i l4 : u f , ,,. l • i i , u t r i t i t:E . l s . m: i i:tiO l d r e Y . lt A l, " i l a l o l o i d ilc li t' et r al l .t s ; S lib6 li t i l i t i '2 l l o ll ' I 1 tt i' lima'' ' 11. Al so Ott or •to ;any Vecituble Pills ever t besides this they are reeottimeo,ro t i ‘ l l ,t i • t i ' o n li ve t i. l ‘ n t !'e n n i o7- 1 "' ' 'af tirdoi/ the 22 d dal! a./ 140 same month,. Pent and lending members rf the „Me • dirool Faculty. , . ne,cmor)9 11 ,.e 0 1 11 " 1 : Is c. C 'OF:tiAND in the county of ki‘ecierii,4ll..TlOW. 111 ,t le °CCU.. ... .. k . pansy of Dr. Daniel Magetuler,) between:3 antl:4 : of It i ttit etiO s triP Of airi at SOUS • mit.. north east nt* • Winchester, adjoining the lands v eg i .. ,If I ‘ essrs. Wi . 0..1.. Clark, .loloot t. Cooke; and Geo.. Poi! using Dr. Pekrs' tWeiratid. b•t ' ..t ' 7 OO 1 250 Aeres. ,•...ow! 1.1, containing t ort 4.. 1 ... 81 4 4 tale I ills. - . •d r . Efilid form is within one mile of the Winclierter and , - .1. Because they . are • i•xceedingly poptiralr which Potomac Rail Road., Pi - incision of tooth raliillol given proves them to'he esieedingly goed. . • • • collie lst day 0 , X !wit nest. A further description 1 .2.. Because they era - compost d of .simples which of the *Jane named farms is deemed unnecessary, as , . linve.the,power to do good 111 till inim . ehse number of it is presumed that env one wishing to. purchase, will •insei, without 'possessing. the . eneaus'to do, injury in • view, the property and judge for . theniiielves. .. • . . 'any. • .'"• - ' • •' • • . • . I . Terms Made knoivto on the day of • '., 3: :Because they not o quack 'medicine, but the ' . 13RANTON, DA VENPORT, Ex'r.. Scientific compound •of a retmliir pliviiciati, whd ints . • • - ' "of Abram Davenport, decd. made his profession (Iwstudy,tof loos life. -.. • • . j e rr i , i .,,,, minty. , ~?_ • ... . ~. , •4. , Because they arc n ot unplensinot , to tulle rice dia. Nov. • 15, 18390--ts. 5,,.. ' - treqpg to retain, while they are most effective !Cop, critto . • - • I • ThlY.FartinifiracCii‘istil, . •:s'.'llleettuse airy are recommended. as ~ , a: , stittulsrd,, • - , . .; , • ~ .., -. , , .• . mid 6. by the.regulur Enmity. •• ', -, . ', ; .Pevote4 to, 4g ricalure, Horliculluie and 6„ Ilecauseby keeping the, System iota foram al ',tate . : • ' • r,, , tiral. Economy, -or iictiinif4bev•cill'e'lllMOF t• '-every if isei t se- w ilieli:-Is-Ah t biti, iii - d - b - v -4- 0 - ii - T r I is isr - LN - 45V - 41fR - ktif Street , o ol 1, iiiehlehtal ta theliiiintin frSme. ' ; ••• , ' ~• Philadelphia; pritel.l„perariMOtititfr: Siihßit'il! ! , .i'--,1, ta t'-th4 . 7 Are elleliW miq PPrlubtet - fin" - *" l 7 - tiTuTs taken by Siiiiv .1. Itill'Elli; Bookseller, Capers.. rCmito all their virtues in !Int' v ig °l•,- . i li''?"Y O i t inii • h •' ‘ • or ~ .hom 1 44 st, 'un0. , 2(1 .Voluineii, in,streiig . bind,ing, Iliad frei.s:ll7.le'ligth, of tinie.'••': .- '. • '•-• ''' :. ' • z , : - I.ona . i be obtained ;"'price $1„.23. Also, • - ' =lf; Because,' 'notwithstanding tau; simplicity and j ; • ' -, , TI - IV:ZOAP/I]rsg',.ectißCAlNTH . j) - ::'.. nil tor* 0 KT; itm - oi l o7 . lt!ic spvti kat purgotive mPtl . ..' icines wbiekluts bee, ~it.'4o, l lwered, - , .- , t - Detiole t0,,..61 rat re • Indructpn •. 4- . 9 Beranselhey are uwith in ,i.e it ne t i i ,, f e i„ ni ,e_ ~ . f . mnaemeni . ,,...ateßlogra ty • 4-e taring a good,i . iptietitef' , ... ... ••..7, ,‘•L' : ,..'` ~,•-., : . .- i lo e -Becittups in,,Stases of spleen 01;ti r ,,, ett os e ,„ ni .. • 1 i „.7. Wipe One -1)111tor per year, outlay.. Poi. thefirst *els. healthy , she eicelie.(l Oilie et a,i'i tin- Volume, cf till, l i.eek. we li d 12,00 • subscribers; fly,'they 'leave tt tn . ' nal hap*, elitieti,in'Cidiiiingtuta t in ,-- , subscriptions ti 'which. Moyle indite above. .Neatly irigiOrsio;it 'Bob monili ,, ; . ' , ',: , .,. , i':::',.,•'•. •! , \,6lf bound; Price $1,28.. ~3 / .: • • • , 'l4l.“Beeansos. they: effect , their •cure,s WithoW . th e . • ' .M • SdIC .IVofit 088 1 . ,45 0 61/. ,AlliilW!ety4isoi Of otheiv ll l4 l, l l 4r-iliaii.d griPl!'"-,i - Carlisle, October so sots: -. MEE! =EI , . . ~, ....., .. . . ~ . . . • . . , . . . • . . . . - • , . , , ' .J'i ' , . - • , ..... - . . . „ . .. ' • . ..• _ . • - . -- 7. -- . ---- '. • , „ ~ . . • . .--, —„ . . , . . . , . ~„• - . • . ..,„, , . / . , . . . . .-• • • • . . , . . C • - ,• .. , • • , - e•'-' l, • . . ':,.,. • • - ' . .. o . . . . . ~ , • ~ . • - , „ ' ... ... / ~ .„. . . • ~ . I .• , ' . , ' 1 ..: J . '," .:•:- , ..: ..:, ..-.: - ~....-__,-,,.....,....,'--,.:,...:,: - _,: , ..:5:.._,,:.,.„,.. , r , ~. .. , . ~.,.,.. a) • ~ • .., , . * ' • - • —. . . , .., . .. . . . , . ..• . , • • : . .. ." , ~ - • , ~ . , • . , . • ~ •.• " ~. - - . ~. -- .• . .. -..- . ' . A FAMILY NE wspkPEn.--DElrciitin TO NE WS, : 1 11 4LITICS, LITERATI:TR : HE RT3 AND SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, AMUSEMENT, &C. &C. 12. Becaase as well as being an rivalled iitirifier of. the general srstent, they are. a 83verrign remedy far sick head•ncfte.. IS. liseause they differ from the majority of med icines, in the fact that the more they are known the nmr;ethey are'improved. 14: Because as their application erente no debility in the systemohev may he taken . without producing any hindrance to laisiness or the pursuits of every, day life. 15..:11.2cause_ when_ once.introduc6iLinto4t. family, Or a village, they almost immediately take the. Inv cedinize of all oilier medicines in general ,crtrnidnit,ts. 16. Because a number oldie wonderful etkesthey have effected, can be•substantinted without any undue means being resorted to,lolprocnre invalid testimo. 1111CilAEL FISIIBURN, 7'hzirsday the 20/A day of December. next, proceed to sill, nttic auction, on' the prenihme, A TRA.CT,OF LAND, • • . 'Printed , mid published Weekly - by , George 4711. ta earliste Comber/amid County, l'a•' 1\ • f'• 2 The conditions of sale are di'fbllows:—One half of the purchase money to be paid on the ennfirnintion of the sale, and the hal:ince in three equal annual pa '- meats without interest, The porrmiser to'seettre the said paymenti by hisjudginent bonds 00 the confirnin- In pursuance i Tau °Are of the orphans' Court of C bel land cowrie, will be exposed ti public sale on the pre miser, on Thursday the h day of December vest, Sitilatein Mifflin tlwTaßliii).. Cuinbetla 911 elnaly can. - Wit - 61W2 . , ACRF'S more et• less, late the prow r'r•l ACO " KNli'll 7 l4 l 7;• deceased awlhining lauds. lA — Sideman Christlieb.thilayl Dalltunsen, and ethyl's, huYing thereon tweeted d . .. . ,4 ' .• LOG HOlfsE ;•,,,,,,, •.. 1.. . . • • • -. 1 .--. - ~•;.'...-..,-,...-..;.. • it . 1%11) 1.0 G: Bill lIN, - - , _.. . . with an excellent welFePwntee ; vyi the premises, .nail nn 0114111111 of excellent fruitteees. - _ .. I)ee.nttenthince will t 4 given and tei tux of inle ,;.• mile ki s niwcby 11E SAY It NETTLE, adol'il. Trish the will annexed of Jacob Aliettle. • Nev. 27, 1838. 7 -4. w. - • . '. . • roe . THERE will he sold Atpulifie sale on SI:MI.6y the 1 et tinv. of . I), , erWier nett, male. ;Item i Res, ill Newton towahhip, Cumin:P.lam, county, a farm vonuiinin g. 200 Neri.s fir Slate land. the heFt g unlity, hot•'tering on Alto limestone, with in o n e mile of NMvilllt....ntud one2fotieth df a mile from the Citinberlatud ItailllidatkaT,lttrge494 , don Al which is cowered with the finest -timber, apt the clear Load nailer good fence, aunt well culticateik The imarovements are a , • 1 .114atI,r,e Ttco-Story ••• 4 • ...LOG • HOUSE, tool osto.atul a half stiry . litolten,Alllr4 never Luling well of writer al the slooe; • • IP 0 17 it GI If , with Frame Stablit.amf %Vagoal-Sheirls, larme 'portion.of this land 'may. lie eltared,,Ml 'viable, being' near the townmotl,rail,4sdior-4"17•", An indisputable title Will:buzlr i t' -- -Antillett%lnms which will be easy. ' town on the day of sale by . „., . • - • • AGI§IIIS .;.,1V00D11011.14% ' NeWville; October 0, 1 . 1 338 -4 s, ' The "Lancaster gerald ant; .E.Ainiitter'• will pub lisp the abiwe 3 times and 'ellgftztilltia office.- • rAIfE to the plantation ef,thdlalbseneher in Worth . Middleton towireship, on the 7t.ti,' cif 1 4 1aVellIOT, . . NT .. • .- „ ihstaiit,a liufri i - cAr i r s okit el ie!: h ig 63 . - t s a 4,t r n i o ,: t : o n ~r e di a .,,!: w o v , spot w y .10 ', elgred . to Pottle 4k,..., l' . ' forward,, 4 . 0 luges, . , 'and tale; it away, otherwl, di be 51 disposed off' according to law. . - -,,- ' tiA4 • utattcli silititizit. — 14 . 0 - y - : -, 20, 838.-744304---:-e--:-----;-:—.'!-.---,-----.- wiuislaritiotlity suitable for . • 0/ercoaco, Toy cheap-at • •:• '; . , -• 'pv: : . • MINCIO.B4,CII . . . . . . . . . . .. . ' JUST ngcIVED. '- , • O. G11. 4 1 . .. t 9 ; 1S Superior. filisielTO Irisiter . I id perkia Oil. . . I'. ' , • '•'' ' ' . ts..Epuork. EN . - .- . r..21R. S4ll . E. . ~ ..: . mar, subscriber :will offer at publie sale, at the 1.- Court I-louse in the borough Of Carlisle. on sot ttrdall the 22d day. of December next, fit 10 o'clock.. A. M. the following described properties viv-A P .plastered - . :. -, • •. . ,-. . • ' DWELLING - MMUS IC' - • calculated tor a stnall family, situated rest Lou - ther street, near the - College , - with par of -a 10, of ground attached;"cenitining SO feet it 'rout andi2O feet in depth. Also, a two.story --. '.. . .. • stra-x • Wealls rJ , oardcd .. • ,::;. rsiii . • . . . • .. . . . . _., . p anirith.:t EN, situsi . teil in Dickinson alley. Rejoin ing the above; attache(' to which is the same gant:ty or ground as the alive, on a hich ai-e a great variety afrui . t. trees. , Thp houses are in good repair. being both nearly , t i t ,y4.' -Term s of sale:• One-half el the in purchase. n ev to-be - paid. in hand, stpd=the residue in two eiptidlisilfyearlv payments. ' ' • . /' ' ' Wit:LTV:VIA. MORICAt. 'CABIIVET 7 MAIVIIPACTORY. 1, subscriber rtimeetfully ihforms... the trots of Gullible, and thu Oldie generally, that he still 7 resitfes_tif his `Old Wand, in North flunover street, opposite polka's Chuir'llilsinufactory, there,he, foti4ttes . to carry on.the • Cro' Mkt-Alit . in all its y,litifints 'branches— lle has listelv foroislio hirtiself,,with a new 4c. to necrinamothite,all those w h o mniyy hone nun with a' Call: , He returns ; his sincere tfiatiks to his 'friends and Customers for the liberal .cliconriigensent bestowed him,' arid 'solicits ii c.intinutince of their pittroinv , e: flatters himself that by'striet alien.' business and stitlisposition to . itlcase:, - to hie - At and receive a share of jniblic initrotirkis. • It --N. 11._One_oi•-Two-Journeynien A . :iibUtet . Makers. wanted ; to. whirinv wages_liill be,givenr- An iiilirentict; wilt fie taken to learn the above, butiiness, . it well recommended, • - . - Cmdielr Nnvember-27,1838. • . ' ORPHANIS . COLT - RT SALE. In pursuance of all oriler , r/ the Orphans'Court of; Cumberland comity, will be exposed to pW,lic aide on the premises; MI Stiturday_thr‘iedlltrrefday of-Dr ember next, at It, o'clock.,:, M. the reiki..eillite of DYS'Altir, deceased, 'consisiing ask. - • • • TRACT _O P L.ASD, - -- -- situate in Hopewell township, Cumberland county, , conto• • g. 1..46 Acres and 6. Perches. strict mea sure, sidjoining_lands of Motu,' IlloweklClaistopli Aur:and - otherirrhartnrthercorrcrectett - 7 — = ----- 7 .A two story Log Duelling 110UNE. • A DOUBLE LW BARN, alit! other nut buildings. and a never failing spring of water near the liplike. Thclail isliat. inferior-- to any xlat+lanih in lie u•m : dy. Ahont sixtt , live acres' of .said tract tire cleared, a portion of which is and the remainder is covered with thriving tiniher st relivable kiwi, • . JOSEPH M.' MEANS, . . •,. Admini(straor November 20.14.38.--St. ORPHANS' COURT SAM. Tit ACT OF LAND, . „ sr ~flrB6 C S Its r. • =Ell rUESDaII JITTER • . . , , • • r a • • • -3' . • _ . V • ~,;„4„. . /A ;o-, - ;...,.: & t . ,„; - • . • , • - , • .• ' qr . 01 . qaafet e l Minstrel t. ,ill.l,la f c r irl' Ilarib a t a t i iil m ed n ; Tut 4 k eti l l i tee va s3 . l7.;:f the a m ni nit i al li ppiiired cliaracter—by-I. lHickok :And •George-FleMirig - mile!' enlarged arid improved. -Ptib lisheil and for sale-11,J. Whetham,_hiladelphia.T..tsl. 11. Hiekok; Chandiersh P iirg, Pa.—George 'Fleming, Carlisle, Pa.—L. Loomis, Pittsburgh----Yale and Wyatt, Richmond, Va.—and Pearce and Besancon, • The publishers put frith thii work with a view to, meet the wants ofl the religious community; and ha reception has been such as to afibrd the most flattering assurance that they lave neither mistaken its wants .nor vainly endeavpred tu A very largo edition Wain a short time been exhaustokitaitiOttil _called for,. -This -- demaild determined the publish ers to Inive. the, work stereotyped, and thus be ena hied to keep, uli for the demand. 1 . cmitaini tunes suited to nearly eves re -variety of measure found in the. illions flymn Winks in use, embraced in a 'very large collection of Psalm and Hymn tunes. Resides these, it contains ■ windier Of iitertisting anthems, set _pieces, sacred songs. &c. easy of execution withouttlie aid of instru mental acerMpaniritents, and suited to Yarians iicea sions of,rel igions worship connected With the ehtistia presient day. 'revellers of Music, Musical Societies, re tailers and ethers. supplied on the most accornmodat-. ing terms on a pidicatiOn tO either of. the labliplier&. IrZr The...above work mitsibe had,- whole-) , safe or rerai4 fit the office of the " Herald! and .Expositoz."..Cartielijoa. ••13 Vnn order of Ow Orphans' Court otettmler- Inntl county . , I will ocpose to public gale on the foutkutlie - Zlitt — elety , 31iriember next the following real wide nfJonatlans deed, to Wit.:—.i:Trnet of first rate • •' • LIMESTONE' LAND.;. • situate nil the Triton* Spring rail , aliCn.:l - four miles -below Cirlinle, eoiitt g about 22 citron, 'More or less, haring an elegant. or,razi.vreti. li;torsr,,_ formerly kept as televise of public entertainment 'and' AI first rate Fif/Ill! HANK 11Al1N and othbr thereon erected. -There are also two_line rite on the premises. The land- is all elaired.' - 'l"he property wilk be sold together or in Arts, as 4111 het suit purshasers—upon the following termw—Otie third i 9 remain it, the hands f theipurchasee, ditlm terent to he paid annually to the widow; $2509,he ;mid mi the confirmation of theinnleigittraldhbrlif $llll,O on the Ist Ape d : 1/182, wlien po i il ;;ices; pad the balance in two opium' payments interest., • - . JOS'E:PIICUILVER .Guardian;'•- t," 4t . • • A T nn Orphans!. Court' Itch, inn ItictoUrthe 12th slay of November, A. 9899, and 11011411 C ta 4:111 . ihilo in and fO; Cumberland C ., :nuttv; befarellte' lionoritide!dolia heed, President, anti the Associate Atti lgen. 4 _tlle-;rante'court,Fie-thefolloiringrprO‘ced• ;tip were hail, to wit: In the case oldie Writ of liaii.tition nits 'valuation 'on the . i.eal estatti. of .11114.:ollutojati! of South ampton tOwnship, deceased, said writ linftlirlicelv:ret turned executed, was .confirmed,'aitiVido.vm &c.---now, to 12th November.; 1999, on motion of Samuel Ilephurn, .F:stpfire, alba ride awarded on the heirs and legal reitresetitatiVes of =id intejitate, to appear stn stated Orphans" Court, to be held at Car.. Hyde, Tuesday the 29th day of Janu ary, 1R99, at I o'clock, A. M: and'acrept •or refuse to accept of the real estate of said deceased, at the valitatioh anti praisement thereof,or show cause why the same should 1 apt he sail. Cumberland s, Certified. copy from . the reeOedief the • . •.- O phanr's Court of :mid cellitly.q TA O I I I.4S;C'RAIGIIErip, November '27, 1999:: .1 -1. o" Otis ettifst `I'VENDS yesitling•permanet.tly Carlisle,. and would respretfullv t elThe hiejirofessiaual setVieei -to the citiVitFrof the jolace has taken rloms at .Colonel kerree 's !Rotel,'rre =trice f uiud at all hour*. •'- ' . I :Z7Per_stitateatieg: it t ill be _ waited - upott‘artlitik tesLtleueetel .; _,• • •• • • . , . , J hsoltdiouOh ealetini wider the • firm of Stiowat 4 nivii.rx has this day been (Halal*. ,vetl by mutual , The b onseat. , The are in the bawls of William B. Mullen;•AtihOilll Continue/a riatiM4 Ait.tuee' paper heret o fore:; • • ^. . 1 .• • • EDWARD sIiOwERS., ' .• WILLIAM 8: ktgaztr,. • nipi*.owb,D . o.:B,ll6BB.o-31... ._• OM, ',IR E,AC EMI ER 1;800 3S. '•I T 1 lAN - QUEINAOTE -., . ... „sovit Fop g ... taiREET; i fIiILORLIPHIA. DAVID MlLLERti''' - ESPETATI,ILY rnir inferitis friends 4r,id the. public, that he' has removed' fieraTte Western tetin Market stiseet, to that largeand.eummmlious. lot hotel-formerly kept by Mr. p: Duke, sign of the, • VII DI Ai N.•.Q VIRE N. • . - - .This:hotel is - situated_ in Boitth.F4urth Street; be tween. Market and hestnut stkets,in‘the very centre Of the businesiPart of the city, Bildt:Ill therefore'be found. very Convenient for meirchid *nd business men generally,. -.. .: . . • -'---11.4te-bnittllniti'hat;e been dr:VII/Ight/61100 I ly Apyired by ,the sulicriber, and' an been spared in arranging and furnishhijlllie eta:4ns 87 as-en prnmote.the c•lnfort and convemerate of those wbOmty favor the It^tise — with-their custom. • • Gentlemen travelling whit their families can have private-parlors- furnished in the best manner - with chambers attached to them, svltere..they can enici, privacy and seclusion, or the companfonsldp of their friends, as may Ise -mist desirable. The BAIL - and CELLARS hale been:provided with the best LIQUORS . and die choicest WINES of ei , ere ibeicillithin. •. - ' ' Tlto...l'A BLE:tarn at all times le sepplied- with every-44114aq whieh'the season and market can af-' ford, and - every exertion made to please the palate of hiaeukt , mrrs. ' The HEADING ROOMS are well supplied with .e Icailikinurrals adliferet,t, well as with a event variety Of the Country jou - hula of the State., 1 he svivANTs wilLbe lound careful antitrust worthy. • . • Attached, t o the hotel are very extensive STABLES, ralculnievitoaCtomnoodutc one liundredlvorara, avid under the juperintendinice of careful and attentive Ivostleri. • , - •-•-• '*- • • D... 111: returns his -sincere 'acknowledgements for the very liberikl encouragement heretofore received, with fare which will lose, tiothlnghy • companion thathisipptrtmenis,ind their furniture,•are equal to thosa Of alualtther hotel in the city; he respectfully.solicits a fuith — sestare oh puhlie patronage:: .- • . Zohiladeiphia: .Tt%e,n it 13,p1138. . . mimic %Ace: Dee. 4, 1838. NO'. zon., • Referents,-- . „ In_lipatton.p.,Four.o4.-- o.l,:_iNtionnitt Whit% Itsy,'erstop.s o i; ; Ttioavroze..• . _ =I SPLENDID LorrimmEs FOR DECEMBER. . $30,000-4 1 0,000. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. benefitpf the town of Wellsbuti. • Class No 7: 4 for-1838. To ballroom at Alexandria, Va. on Sattirday,Dee. e. • • floind Seheme. _ Caplta. samoo--sto,ooo. $4,41•45,140-$3,006-4.500.Z.2,000.....50 prima of .1.000.020 of 500-20 of 300, lite. 'jack so only $lO-11alves 5-Quarters 111 50 .Cert.l! of ITaekhies IS - Whole !rickets $159 Do do- 55 • Qom. • s* so ‘ 7 ,34Q. 11,000 o loft And nearly as ma v prises as 'Blanks, " lAletantlria Lottery, Class No. 8, for :1838. To be drawn at Alexandriaggra. ori Sat. Dee 15, '3B. 75, Number Lottery-14 D;311 , V11 , Capita( nisei. 1 C s, ldtAsPrigo 40.000 1 - Pr!ia of • 15.000 1 d° _ 1 „ • 4.000 1 do 3.000 1 du . 2,000 1 .. do 1.615 -10-Prizes of 1.000 12 do -. 500 25 do . 300 15dd ‘ 20 Besides prizes of $l5O-125-100-40-50-30--20 0 -10 Tickets only slo—Hikes $5.-.Quarters-$4 50 Certificates of l'ackaies of 25 Whole tickets - VSO ' Do -co Do do - -2$ Quarter de SO VIRGINIILSTA:TE'LOTTERV Fnr the benefit of the Mechanical Benevolebt Soelett of Norfolk. Chola No 7, for 1838. " drawn(at .Alexandria, Va.-onSattlithii, December 02, la3lt - Capitals. . • .• . . • sso,eoo— . -10,boo--o,6oo—im -5,0i,000 2.500--2,0001,7471, ,25 prize 0f.1,000--25 prizes of 500-211 do 300, Ste. -- Tickets only 40..-Hal yes 5-=-Quarterk 50 Certifiestjecof packiges of 25 Whole tickets, 130 Do- do 25 Half do 05" - do .-25 - quartei do 32 50 - 1113p;,294-$lO,OOO. 100 PRIZES OF $lOOO.- - • Virginia State Lottery. •-• For the benefit o f the- Monongalia Academy. Class No 7-for 1138:- -Tis be - drawn hi Alexandria, Va. on Saturday. December 29,1831, Brilliant Scheme, C 4p;t41.1k3.1 291-1_000064,900-3,9_09=_-_, 1;673-100 prizes of 1,000-116 of • 300-66 of 100, Ste. ' Tickets only 10—Halies s—Qeartera 250 Certificates of .packages of 26 Whole tickets, $l4O • littdo • 26 Half do ' 70 • .16 " . " 1 1:16 7 . do 26 QUartet;d4 35 $ r•Orders for Tiskets and Sharer or Certificate* Of Packages in the above Magnificent Schemes, will receive the moat prompt attention, and an official ac count of - each dra7cing sent immediately after it is over to all who order trans us. .Address • • D. S. GREGORY & Co. 41aNagers ' Washington City, D.O Isr , oremher 26. I Iht • - " . , nnlitßE - Will - b4ev — relattolfMdWrtire - boule .- ot 11 . Daniel Sugars, in South Middleton, ownthip Cumberland county, on Tuesday the 11th ofDeeom her next, between the hours Of 1 . 0 o'clock, A. M. and o'clock, I'. N. for the. purpose nf electing • FIVE MANAGERS for the Itanoyer and Carlisle Turnpike Rbad: Tiro by the stoekholdrreand Three by . the Cocia4siciners of Cumberland and Adams counties. toWor one year. T. STEPHEN'S. rer. Nnvinnhee 17, 1115 S. • • - - : . , ,1110EN1r ACCOICLVi i .... `. - XTOTICF, lit ltereby n -gite,-that-the-IcOouni-of LIP David S. Runsha, Trustee appointell,hy the Court of Conitnon Pleas, under the will of George I Weir, deceased, in the room of .Georte pleat:Alt ceased, was presented to,, said court, for cofifirmiktion Inil . allowance, and said court hire appointed t h e. - IsttlityofJetittail• Tertn; 18.99 (being the 14thrilny of saisl-psontli,)-fOr its confirmation; and etile - on all coil ; certiiiiitio - show, cause... Awn ), it shall not be confirmed 'and allowed,. - .- t ,T., _. . .. . • EO P LUMING; • ~ .• - ' . . Prothonotary. : pr , thinntau.lAoffice, Carlisle, ? , .. NovemboMlo,B3B.—rit. i, 5 • . - . , . . ....... . , . ,ovem - is herchr.Lgiven, tliat-the-sccount. - - - of: ItnbertAlnefirlane t Assignee ofJames Ilea, by lc . philtilhaird, his admiwiteator. has been presented ;to tWeinurt of Common l'leas of Cumberland coun ty for confiiinatiiin awl allowance, and said court hive ,„, . ... _ ~ ?Nimble he first day of_AlinnuovYJeron; 153 w, (he- lug the 14th ihiref said. month ) for its consideration, awl Rule nut all concerned cans; why i t shall not be confirmed and allowed... . , • . GEO, FLEMING, Pro'y. il i enthonotarjos Office, Corlisle,") • • • -- , —November-27,1.R.18. 7 -4w. j • • - • NOTICE. ' 'The-subscribers have been appointed - by the Or. plums' Court of Cumberland County, to marshal the assets or the estate of Saniuel Ruby, deceased; in the. hands of John Rupp, his Esecutoroii'mul among . the creditors'of the said deceased—and-said audibirs .will Meet at the house of Thomas Bruner, in the borough of Meilianiciburg, on Afopday , the inthrofißeeember, 1838, at IV olock, where all creditors are rtqueited toatteud: JOIIN-,COOVER3 . - HENRY LEAS,' auditors: M DROVER. November 4T , 1ft311.-4;-sw:-. • • I , . Vierillille.reillalc heiesaisary. , lima lc-4. the , French :Lafriguaiti. * ' AN . AOT, . • . iticliS. BllOVFN:(formerly kfodemoiselle Marie .. , IT Aglace Saint Outer. from .Pitros,) has been kn. .To Pr ot ec t .. ,t he• Public SqllllrFis Ravi by the Trustees of the-Institution. to give an., t struetion in. Must*. on the Fiano.forte, and to teoeh•HE people of Carlisle, by their Town Council the French Language. Application may be made to IT assembled hereby enact, a That it shall he and her at the house of - Colonel McGinnis, in' South • hereby is declared .to bp unlawful for 'any person re liabrer street. - "•• ' -. ' “. 5 ° - . persons to ride, lend or drive any horse or otherratti . ," Fin. Music per quarter. •' $T so- seal over upon or through either of the'public e t .,.07 , • • - . For French, , . • 5 00' • of - the borough; vehieh are within the boni;darit.' Airangemiiii are now 'complete, and in operati on; .; the pavements , and: alleyinwhich • surround the I 4 I I for teaching the - Greek,- Latin, Italian.. Spanish And. it shalt be and hereby is cleaved to In. - Frenik; end EoltHav loogtkiges k•Drawing„..Paintitig,J4l for any person :or . personi lb MVO' _ .s v it e i ri d ; I .l iii. .no ra iel l in o sl ir .f i g e r:' r x w nO t t ent aiul tti teit io ni ld te. s is o t i stru eoce_ etion-ht a -•t r lie os sa o id r ri squares, , it ; ‘, e r, i t o : f i i . 7 1 , 1:::elsn ki nd, l 0 ° t .- I 7- . .' ' - ‘ .. " . * , =4 . . By order of the' third.' - • . whatever . -And Any' person or per. 7-- - . ' ---- -'-'77‘7.r301-IN':-REElVPiincipal77. elate - die Provisions ofthitforditr . . pay the surni,tif a - 4- 4 4ifitektr,'„Or . ... 24r?.intier 1aa8.."-St. 47 ' ' ' "• '' '' '' ' . '' eoiered itidebts of l ik e am. -, . • . ____'' =•.;,-. •- • I‘4o 1 iCi:, - .• • •'.. • th e .lgth IN; ' j:ETTERS of Adininlitration oirthaititaktedli:' '... 1 " , teg .,,,, T 1,,,,,.,T r i p1 ue, • .. JUI eob . Loidsman, late of Diekbison township. Cum-. ... , -c ur ti s t e n e a t i o berlsnd county, deceased, haviotkaluektO law sub , : ...! • - - • ••••. - • ' • -L., ,•• i scriber, residinglntl% soma towno,l4P. '4H lOn i sooll • • ''' '• • ' -,r :,-=','4:4,i) indebted to said 'estate, Wilkteldkeioruelot bairn& VIIIECISIVIto , ind'.fert.....,,V ' I .; atelyi altd-thottettiodig sdainus will latesent Sim lirek• - ,L.„.4 . 1* , • aid . F.3,rei!lVg 4 7 periy ikutlintiostetfor oulat ,L o itie.4...j • •L , ..." '• ' '.. ' t' 't Vir Ai. . ow A w l; .. .I[IECEIVir,O i pew el.:, . Of, • thillOWlii • .'..'. -,-.- '. •':'. ' • ,'„‘ ' - ibrOebt__- ~..',',-;4 „ 4 , ,,. -; , ._, . ~ , . , . .• , ._,,,• . • . • .. . • IA . Clerk. NOTICE _, • ' .' TO ' - ' ' : . Reporter of Fashion 4* nails. _ - - BRIDGE BUILDERS. . era . cutting Garments,. ..- COULD respectfully- inform the Tailors, thaX • BALED Proposals will be reached by thi.Com ' k . missioners of Adams oounty, at the house of the' 5 asses finlike, in Menallen township, on Sattirda; , W- he •is now in Carlisle,. where - he intends re ining for several weeks. .Personewishing to try : nit system, can have it, with the neceetiary iffiltreLc the sth day of January next, between the hours of _. 'dons, by calling . at Carlisle. As regards the merits . o'clock, A. M. and 9 tdelock,-P.- M.-for the-creation ‘of this syStetruil - tedeemcit-uniteiessary to soy much;' of a good and substantial - ...- . as the systeni is so highly recommended by the most • . BRIDGE, - of the leading Tailors of Philadelphia. - • Across Oresit Conowaga creek; where die road lead -- ' • - THE . VOMMIT'ITE ing frow.Gettysburg to Newville crosses the same,, On Selene' and the 'Arta, Constituted by the Frank. . and about 5 miles from-the former place, of the, fol. t 1; 11 1 1 , ! ;; tob , o f t h e. State of Pennsylvania, for the pro. •. lowing.ditneotioris,th wits __- - - -• ' ' motion „ot_the_ meehanie_arts, to_whourwas referred __ ,-,- -To siontalteln ,lengfh;, - from - one sibulment.'lo- the. for exatuinatio4thelhoulder ineesuretivatem of T.' other ` seventy feet Tin, and of Single arch, anal six-. Oliver, for the Measuring and drafting orgarmeda, . , teen feet wide in the clear ; the abutments to be eight REPORT, -1 - . . , feet thick each, and twenty-one feet wide, and six feet . That the peculiarities of Mr.:Oliver'. System, six inches high from the bed of the creek, where the consists in a division 'of one-fourth of what is called • Bridge -is to cross-the- stream 4.. Whig-walls, on 'the ,the Shoulder,measureinto thirteen equal Pads. which r-_ southeeast aide, to be. thirty feet long each; exclusive . parts are -again divided .into - Halves and quarters,—.. , of theithiornents; on the north-west aide: twenty , feet Thus system also differs from-all °there, whieli" the longeach,exclusive ef di:abutments; the wing-walls to committee are acquainted with, in the following par. beS.i feet thicket the hottoin, and two feet on the top; , ticulars,-viz: Ist. That - it is more simple and conse. . wing-walls to'berthree feet higher than the filling up;- quently easier learned and more accurately applied; the-wing-wills to be under a good parapet covernig, , the drifts and descriptions being so_ plain, that any . with - white pine bOards of it least one inch thick., arid person at all acquainted with .gartnent cutting, can - well paifited with red paint; the abutments and wing 7 acquire a full knowledge of it in a few minutes. endi_ walls to be built on rocks or otherwise on.good Mini-' , that after the garment is drafted enthis.peineiPle;aile dation: the bridge to be sixteen feet wide in the clear;, , and every prbof measure the cutter pleases to apply twelve feet six inches high from the floor to the square ;'l to_i t; will _he_fciund _to.• lecoril_with the draft. -This he sides, and part of the iends, to be weatherbo arekt great desideratum. the 'committee thinks, haw never' • 'with vviiite.pineboards, planed and well painted ; .he Ibeen attained lifiiily 'other rnethixi for (hafting. " I sides a good Venetian red, and the gables-a good ' . Viridus systems Of cutting 'have aPpeared . within white; the arch to be planked with white pipe platiK the last few yeers; all; or nearly' all of 'which 'have two inches thick. and on top with two Inch oak plank; been examined by inernberii of this 'committee, but •- to,extend 'the fUll breadth 'of the Bridge; •lowee . - without - -wishing. to . detract from the merits of any plank to be pinned, and the whole to-be covered With.. other system, not one so fur, has been found entirely - white pine shingles t,' die - wood- work -to - .be built - 0. to answer the purpose for whichlt was intended. . good and substantiid timber; the mope - work of largo •• The committee belieie that Mr. - 01i - ver's system is and good stone ; lime and sand mortar , and-well ;loin.. better calculated to.obviale the:difficulty under which-.. - ted - ; -- the - ronting - of-the - 13ridge - to - extend - rver - bO,th,TTalloorliav - e - lithioi; - than any of the„sibOre nanied: ' abutm-nta; the Bridge to be built on'the same'plctisyetems,inatmeeli ell it_ estabfrkics- all the necessary. es the Bridge over great OClnaWsigst creek near Wi-,,•poinia, and in suidi a manner as to convince the cutter Henry Myer's-Mill-on the road leading-from OxtUsiVtliat • his - draft is correct before lie begins- to cut his . to Carlisle; the space • between • the- wing-walls „erntUlinli. It appears:tn . leave little Or nothing to the abutments to be well filled Ms, sous to haves graduardgment o r the cutter, tbuis renderin g the profession' ascent rising on to said Bridge, hot exceeding five d - evil less err:units than heretnfore. - .--- . grees elevation front the road to said Bridge.; the .- ,.With regard to the Originality of die system, the 'Bridge in the inside to be weatherboardeil two and a , ensi.thittee believe it implasibleat the - present - day, to '''' half feet, high from the floor of , the Bridge,With introditio is s‘-stem of garment muttine entirely origi-' boards one inch thick. - - - - • . , nal; nevertheless, they belieie Mr. Oliver's svitemito The party' contracting" farlittibling mid „Bridge - ti !be as nearly original ai the mature of the thing will. -.tee security to double the amount of the contract , for ! admit. Several of_the committee have tested the: 1 etaitliful perfornianceuf the workmanship and pee. 01y : stein, by cutting a ember of. coats by-it and they' :Menai:v/-0f said Bridge. • --- - i ifo Apt hesitate to give ittheir unqualified approba , By order of the Commissioners, ' -I g o o; '_... ' WILLIAM-KING, Clerk. --- -. - 'Gettysburg, Dec.-10,111118.- , 4w . . CraiE; ietiva,.and 1?Iäá11i - GENtift . it:CO - 1111VI — ISSIONAND - F,ORFARDING MERCHANTS,., . . 3.z.ta..centrock 4 -..spowt-st.-Phitadetphicir Areprepared to receive and effect salesof any. Pro duce, Peovisions, or Merchandise, which may been trusted to their cluarz,e. Liberal Advances will be, when required, until-sales are effected. All goods to be f: , rwartled by Mail Rpiad or Canal' Aleitined West , will receive prornidittention. Robert • . g riemilli atherw Cr a ig,``. N S V lin na. tie lt i . B lllw r4th rop' son k Co.': . P . 4142. de - -P l . ! lir '''. Johnston: &Tingley, . Samuel Hispluim, J. Logan [ Smith, Esq. Car 'ff.. ...I • BankettChaniberrourr, Pa King & Holmes -Kinga,Hlgisy-81Anderson; : i Macshane k Kellys, Atwood,Jones &. Co. . . F.dward G. Fail,. & Co. Sterling,Wade & Beebe, v . 1 i.... Samuel ll'Allister Ed' Co. ..‘ m ,William Crgoke & Co. R. Produce left at the Warehouses of Henry 11;Carlisle, or George.W.Lanig. Harrisburg, , shall receive prompt attention. - idelphia, Hee. 10, 1538.-6 m. . Rhos". for in Phi • - .. Sheri Saki . • 1. 1 Y virtue of a sundriWrits of Ifetillitioni Exponas. to me directed, issued out of the Court of Coin"- rland couidy, wilt bee:posed to pubt.c. sale - at the Court ficnse•in the borough of Carlisle, on Saturday, the sth day of January next, A. . 1839,. at 10 o'clock, 4.,...A. the following described real estate, to witi - • A Lot of Ground, situate in the borongh of Carlisle, Cumberland county, containing GO feet in breadth -and . 240 :feet in depth, more or. less. having • thereon erected a large' T 4: ill - TWO STORY and Brick Office, on 'Pollak si&t,.and Two Story LOG HOUSE, on ChUrch Alley, hounded by Pom fret:street-1m the smith, a,- lot-or Samuel Ensminger, and Miss Ittunsey tut the West, chereh A on the North, and other property of- Catharine Qui:ley on the east... ' . . - Also, a part of a Lot of Ground, situate n - the - brirough - of-Carlislei-containing-30 feet in breadth, and 240 fret in depth, more_cr less, having thereon erected a two story frame honse,wenther boartletl; Intl a frame Shop, bounded on the south by Pomfret street, on the'west by other property of Catli. arine,Quigley,•on the north 7 by Church Alley, on the ea sthy I ottrof tienrgei - M'Peely,.lohtyllays - and - other& - Seisel t rd taken in execution as the property of Cath y arstte deivase.a.. Also, a Tract of Land situate in South itlitldniion township, containini- 3'20 Acres; tdore or less; adfoining lands of Robert containin g Henry' l'ef, fer,Gilhertlkiriglot,Jacob Ititner, Jonathan -Innis-, and 'others v hainwthereon'erected a two story LOtil, HOUSE, and one ERANIFAIOUSE, I fil , ,:.:.-. `• *- -- niuraimali LOA , Muhl, and two excel ',-. lent wale' of *Andel , . Seised and takeik •%; - , its execution ac the property , of James ___. .. _ . ..... .Moore, and to he sold by me .- ...: , ~ . JOHN - MYVSS, Sger(if: Shei • UPs•Offiee, '2 , Carlisle. - DecS 10, 1834. ' - • . . , ... • MEW' SLR/8 1 3--Ao. 4., . . -1,7111 am j 7; Ricliaivl Witkinsoni N. 197 C4estraut street, : • 'Edward A. Watson, No. 92 Chestnut street. Samuel WriOstiNo.".2ol. Chestnut street:. Axforti, No, 840 Cltestnutotreet. Thosinais-Earle. . . • • •. • - • • -Philadglphric-Wept. , 1408.18.--- -- .Mr. T. Ofiver.r-Dettr Sir—l have used your im- • proveinents on the 'Shoulder Meatire system,' And believe it to be the best...system ithat , bLas ever came generally.: ni" Reimeetfulli.yours, from. It.. Roach, Criestnut street. : t• • Phikuteiphia, Sept. 1838. Oliver—Dear laving seen and used yoUr improved system of einting,.l have in every in ,stance where it has ImepUitly.useil found it to be one of the best that has as yet corneiliider rnynotice, 4 aml ait such I have no hesitation in recommending it to the trade in general. Respectfully yours, • • C. StoehioniNo. 168 Chestnut it: • •Phila. 0ct.14,1538. Mr. Oliver,--Sir---I have taken your improved system of cutting garments. and give it the decided preference over all others that ever came to my no tieef and have no hesitietionipaavin ins-the-best-and— Mbar:, tnistreorrecriyatem now iiTexii - Ctence.and recommend it to all who wish to becomc perfect in the art of cut ting garments. Charles Sharp, No. S.3North SJ st. • Philtz, Oct. 2d, 183 E.. Mr. T. Most, have taken your system of tutting garments, and give it the preference over all others that ever 'tame to my notice; and feel in recommending it to my fellow. tratimtwn, sui a situ pie and sure guide. • John Robison, • - N0. , 7, North 6th street. • . .Oct. 15;1839. , 11" r T Otiver--Dear Sir-=1 have taken yqur -tern -of cutting garmentsicad-surEar as-I - have es-am M.. --- eel it, - I believe it well worth the patronage. of tilt/ . trade.. Respectfully, yours, Thomas Thorne - • • • 198 Chestiest street., . - .Phila. Oct. 15,1858' - Miter... Dea- have taken your-- im. - provements on the ,boulder-measure- system,-ine-d - as far as I have used it. it has afforded me much cab 4:lC lion, und have not the least hesitation - iu'rectuun lead • hug it to the trade as worthy. of patronage. James 3fieNtricki S. W. corner 2d & Chestnut sir .;:ets. • Phila. Sept. 24,• 1.558. Oliver.—Sir—We have gate votir - sy Ft, m 1(4 cutting and druftiog aluir. trial, and telievf it to b. the best, we have ever seen offered to the - trade, and take pleasure in rceostimentling it as such. Warwick ' No. 22 Withr,a street. - Phila. Or t. ti, issa. •• Aft 4 0/ir 'eri-,..Sir-4 have taken your improvement* pulite shouldermeasuesystemrand-aro-happyto-scitii that it entirely meets-my views. I have be en 4 ,..A t k, a coats hy.your system alid all perfect fitting. coats, to, the satisfaction' of myself and enstomers, and retool- Mend it to fellow tradesiiien 1113 - 8 simple ;wad cameos. guide. , . Jo s eph H. Smith, Sou,A2nd It: "4 Phila. Sr~t. VI, 1838. are Olkernear Sir-.-11 is with ti - m utmost cheer fulness we comply with your request., and are happy to • state, that we fully , concur in the encominins bestowed 'rm,your Bide.' As Sliakspeare says, "Our doubts are , traitors, and makfilis loose the !pod we off might win e ' by fearing to attempi;" for hethre we attempted a trial of your rule, we.:lntil arrived at the; cot:Assam, that it was preferable to retain the rule we were then using, altlionglt we found some difficulty in varying to suit the. different fornis and proportions of men, but new compelled - to admit Mutt your rule completely' and tisfactorily obviates those difficulties. ' We would therefore recommend it to those who de sire to Suit their. patrons in a style of beauty seldom equalled; and believe that when - more fully known, it will be properly appreciated, And retain its popularity. while other systetns enjoy a transient celebrity, and are then cansigned to oblivion. Very respectfully yours:, • Lawrence & Monell _ .. .. No. 9; South Bth street . . - . Phila. Oct. 18th, 'lB3B. • • Nt r T Oliver...Sir-«:We'. hove taken vour system or '• ": . • '" - 1 ' kora 81111. en to twen iv .-..- •-"st they . ' • Mil MEI T. OLIVE,R, CERTIFIC.I7'ES. 11111 ME e - FM