Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 11, 1838, Image 4

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    TI4RESM I 114 1 N
N‘riatai aluatkmll94 -. kgtakito?ralrpsopmErio •
,Yallarge 4 . ) oltiktri ,
-..ix.fseiy , ell.dttaittp, the Aast yeetpktlito:sale . :6lillehe
• selpoes int-laced them yo4ii.,ke ttxletisive pl•ttp4iitionN
meetLtho increased iltnand'forikio,
• .. ,, PITIVVII O .)fir or o.x pense has, It er.tibparca to VrocOre:the
materials the.' °titlark,. eon ailiordr
• •,,,..-woizlimett;artiexporienevaLatal liKft.ellartieter-t,
mod hesitation in itt ,,, tuting,the..Farniv
' .that they arc. trwithle.,tofitroislk the
- - •not - only equal hnt...tlepidetily Supey. 4'.to any. other
raMitullatturtitliiti ihiSiptirt i f the iivaihtrv: , •
' speetly autl"cleatt , -thresltiog; the
lilies tx, they Believe their 2,l4thipc..tA.lnt , r mitequalletl.
' Their, price is the Sallie -tit; 1(14 yetip,•yiz; 1-10.tle13mv,
...70 . .ilp14t.r . Ii.iii . tatsti-x4thleltalttr;eo six:
•. a, note will:intretitii‘red.,..,Tbotpaeltines , ariljil-
„threshed ; two, thousand bushels of, grain.', They lat ve•
nitirseveraripaCliines aiatl t•etly..:fer, sale, and : will 'at'
111 l fei Cornish them 'on. the . slmrte,t
• .cet,.°0 6, 1. 310 4 i digattee. w i II %lie plutettl,,liy.
;,;ttttondpeto: - .l'or the •trilliart- stun 'of POUR.
inettildition to the price Of the Mat:him , 51 , ,,1
:.:I".frWers tJteyTnroish,the fat met , ito,artilditio4 that d ill
citable him tifY shell his:Clove:n . (4(.ll.
d.4„R0r i ,„1,1i.1, , ~,!!„-
.-feraqting 1,...,
the etforts !tie!, are secretly made tn it
thp.eharacter of tlneir- machine ; by 1e 0 r50115 51 fi
119 ii
rki, to be actnitt.,:tl, by. (It
theM 1 . 0110tVitir,:(2“1:1L1 - '
CAT'ES to the
1 eertil). that IpEt. ye f w, usycl 0(10 of the Thrt.,-11-.
ink (I:lCliittex manufactured by liradY.l.-z
and durhig; the tion.s'On, there was thretitecl 'cm.
about flue tlintistincl bushels - of grain; end about'
2ttvo Intitilrecl and we. Iv five lid:1111s of .lover
wed, and lam fully,stisfied that,. the 'Farmer's
- , use. it is stiperior to :tOy other Lute 05 4
.'secs 111 this part: of the country. 1 .11wther •vertily •
• '. that 3Tr. limey Hurst, 0110 of my nei : Jthers. blur six
ty loads . seed shift' cleaned t:lnvcr
Ilse-yield—cml.2'' , )Liglials,4tnil_tLat_ilv....
• the yield was 322 1 bushels.. 'Mr.' II urt,t is oitthe opir,
. ion that the sluff' he lienled;.
ter hit of the two. - • • •
11 - Ay.rls 185 R.. - • .
1 certify that, in Alg , l-.1. "lust.'; T purOlased ft - ra
olterof-- t!tk , ir
tivhicGlusetllorthroshing , ..vain f
till sDov.: tiuu•'lll last. pct•ird 1
threslind about fifteen bullteht (YI rve
and , Oats,. My" ex-pease- for --repairs r,f both the
Alaeliine and lone l'owor, did ilot.exet:ol d:tl
- ;Old whet -I sold them; (wliiidt was. io: - .Slareli.)
the wiachinery •tippeareil to he amity es g?,o:l',as--it
'wtit,:lit the tune I houidtt them. 'pie wheels' in t!:.e
horse p:rver lveN. perfectly- :ivnind huirttultial,
-and upon ti c l ose - -exinnioati - ni, I p. 1111.1 ilot• cre;(l...Avt•
the . cogs had W 0 1 .71 111 011 - :
had, for several years • prei iortn, item eiv„,-amill
dillerent - kinds
which if folly tried, and I I" 1 • t1.; .t
:for twalillity, service - and sveedy .and clan threbh,
inr, r l lntvt. never used or h ant itny that, i is toy
Awl; will 'at all compare one. Livtd last y:Qar,•
'unless ithc rinonf theiiiiind.lairol.—lf.sttent;oli is •riven
"1.6 . the tnaeltinerv,-ii to int: aim n.t •iniun'tssiitle
:.-ftmasiy part. or (hoo t to get Nit ni' eider,
1101..LiNG,?;1?,.. .
17,183:3z' .
purchased two of the
Brady CO. 'which „1 ..11ave 2 )
'aria! testetilliciii: For Speedy. :did
-stivelor .nrticre, .anti onc
',that is - oftrent service to the Fnionce. , -I consider /t:
':thodoest Artiele of the kind linty,. iifer- sc.Cll OliS
part_ of the cotinter....k terse. pyeat rcoona
...mending it the Farmer
• Mns
eertifY that .Nlti Andrew Darts , :iniffiliTfiuMiit;eil,
last-Noverither, one.ofj. E. •l , ; Co's threshing
innehine'S, - which — we:fully - testei;havino,.. threshed
•%.'hent, 'rye; oats Mut clover seed till it. Irm fully
-slitiSfied that if is,preferable-rianr other I Mice seen
AiLopcniiiou,:_tiwiLlirjN• - __an ttidiL _Ai i11::. 1 11i!py.
'the. Farmer amply, for its price. _lt thrTsl tt clean,
is tot liable to get out—of order, and is, up• n . the
tiiliole, an nrtiele LLaLI eau, with: , great eataiden'ee
Tecquurtoid to-the Farmer.. —•
. .
3 . one - 18 . 1838; •• .
Mr, Benjamin Iforoiltonand-lfi lust - yearTparchased•ene.of .1. E. Brady Ist Co's threshing machines, with
_,, • Nvkiel4 . .ilieve was threshed nut less than 4000 bushels
tglgra-ni: It is an excellent article, supeeini, le 1 4
its chief exeelleneem;lhat it is•not liable to go out of
order. I have no hesitation in reemninemling it to
• the Farmer. • .. ... " . ,
June 12, ]338.
. .
Other certificates could hove been procured," but
it was deemed unnecessary. Persons who' Wish to
inquire Soto the power and quality of the itutehities,
are referred to those' who -last year used them, and
particularly to the folltiwit% named gentlemen, xizt
; Messrs...John -Foust, Frederick flyers. Adamunder:
itw,limanuel Sites, Mal Sanmel.-Dielti, of
township; Messrs. John Dube!. nud Joint . Vorker, of
Quincy township; Messrs. Abraham Stoner and isase
" Frantz, of Washingionhil l Metsr.a„larch_
Haile, James Mitchel;JamesAflisomEmanuel Haile;
John Dinchley, I Leery and James bratty, Christian
. levCl end .Christian Hoover; of Antrim township;
JaroliQyster,Esq.mul Mr.ltenry Wifirrt, , ,f Creel,
township; • Mr..' Predrill:lt Deck, of • Lelterkenuy
township • Messrs. John VIIMIes mid Conrad Colik
smith, 01 ' llamiltm; township; Messrs. Willi:Ml-An
gle. ana .:Philipi,...of_Montgomery-towndlip
Capt. J. Merarland and Joseph Duncan, of PctiTs
township; Messrs. William Bowers anti J. Kestertst,
1119VarreirtnwtrAtip.Oletsrs: - Jacobitud - Julm-Kr'gr=
of 3letal..township; and Darisl hunter, Esci.,•
Mid Henri:ll'll)l;er of Bedford emogy.
. • LJ...E.lllr.col' - &:Co.
4- Chamhersburg, SepteMber 17, 1833.
I.4ne`of the above machines is to Inc See Mat the barn
'Fra - 14 . 0ide; in CaPH sio. Any pePum;
wishing to.purchase one, can have it set Up ; and if it ' 1
does not answer t..4t' purpose ItH iwiiifie: l7 We will take ;
expense to The . purchaser, There - 1
een upwards' Of 00 Or-dun-inade and-sold by
fc; C0..,-within 5; Mon ths - s.t.. 'A !hie t'tr
ed to the g.ttbseethet , will meet with prompt attention.
.1 0_111'.:
L.Ciat inbersintrg...
Otti" . ol4obellillitstrafiNi.
' THIS work is published imweeltly i nmlicrs, 's° of '1 A Tan Orphans' Coprt ;old on the 12t i day o 'o
re:idler, 1538;, pull holden m."Carlisletn and fo r
which will form ti spleiniiik,c',ollime., .',Atch • number -= l --
will contain two beautitiffSnieltit,i.ravinga, and about ctuaborlami. countY ? ;tlic'f4llowing proceedings were
----eight-pages of destription.--Itis:orir.rinortn size and.- 10 '4 t"vi l -: .____ .
intnuch cheaper tint, ain; , Woriciif die 'kind clef
' fered for sale. Our ' Ghihe Illuetratedis !hauled to
( ' l ' '' • t - iti l t; 2 1 1 1 1 : - O N ol ° t ‘ :; e
Lli li tit h t t io r a " 01 3 1 7 (11i7./ I ' ‘ e: C t a l -se e . s o ta f te th :f w J r o i l t t:: f l l l )''a i i i .. - - 1
be what its title imiditi4 ti - view "f the "ieq impel.- son, latel L eftlie boroug : 11 . of Carlisle, deceased. The
SlierifireturnsAlie said writ, duly executed; on mo
- taut and beautiful, of the *hole' world, a hirli
will be Preieliteil to tile mind under the two-fold-thrill ti On Of J.nriteq -' ll. Devoe; I,!:sti. - confirmed, and- rule on
of liandsoitie'esgenvini , s and interesting deseriptiona ' legiil,-representstives •to appear 'ot•the
.It4s-mudirSo:tery,cheop, becamie-theimbasherii_lial :'t, to lielteld on Montlaj , the fourteenth
y next, atTOTrelock,A. M..iiiditilOefit
to sell it 'iiery titive edition,And:-.ilierefore,:teClllllll , . .
- (fide' illMilleA•4lll.ol•4:oliiiti , e - coonomy .-, / , i , ii ikl , )l l :‘ ,: t - 01' rtiine to accept said real' estate;at - the - Valiffilion.
,- - :011 6 'n - '"-
001. igaii ' l to' ,'ive-Aagtei4l. lt.stititly.as_ps,- ti'll'e°,.f,t of .8/I°W ntuise WIIY the • same_should not •14 ,,
sible.'7We an not think it well tondhere to Switzer- - 81- ` 1 : -. '--
• - • ' - --7------- --'----
land; oe'Fingiund,"(as tome other puldiifiers ofNicws I - -,c, 112 , 2 - t, - •, e i - A„iit,7 - . - 00 - 7in t y, 3 . .
.. . . .
• do,) till thutcountry lie completed, but we pass firm '; ' •
,one,ront of tile world to.another, in such a way an; to, • i , 144) 4 • Certified extract from the Records of
excite yoling pergonato: gain is general kiniwlage of::.1 % . c i feW , .....,the Orphan's C.ottrt s lifk land 'for ..said
• tlinrlistory.and Geogropi l y of the %Vedic. ' A
.infli- i 4 *...,'''''VlT.: .county: . .... .• . • . -'•-:-=
--- citiuSxinreft - or - ,teaefier - will-find - tlitit eaidritniti of our ---.."..- 14.30.- - TlioS-: C R-AIG H EAR:—
prints wilf.fuenisk hint with the means of 0%11; n;. '' . ..,; 4 ..10r,...• • . , , •
largelesson to his inipil. .. ' -a _ .: • -t, . '''i ' ' - . 4 1'1 '= • -. ; ;'' ' , '--- '. i-. -, :, • !eler4: • 9:. a
When-wefstute that: more. titan Illeu'PhOtrand November 2001 . 32.--tilr. ,
~,,- '. - -I,' ' • , -. '---
. '.:.Dollnr.siras' - iilrettily 144eirkixfieddi 7 d iiiinn the wink, it . --:------ , ----,- . -- ,, ,z2 - .L.: :'' • ''' ': ' •-, ''' - . ,
e• NOlLdie apparent that
o reat expectations hmye been ; ; -. •- -- '''''' '' DEOTIOM -.
formed ot .- its rinieeesi. .oi:der's have ' f..‘l , 'some' time: •• - • - ' -. ••', ' • • •• , • ' '...
" been reenir'ed at the'rattcoT twenty lieu) iukeribere a: -,1 - E:fTERS, tefasnient. on' estate :of 2:laeoil
day.,.wh t a itioralmill;f46- use i ts a iii ip iii..l,,, a k i s tg ... 4.11e1in, late, of . SOUIIISIIIOOIi . iQiil)Silip, • -Cialc:,
taken WO considerittionl•-;:tlie flicilitY a..liteli it aftinds - ,fittlii . .eatlittY . ifereased,' .hove; beediiistied to' the - b
. in teaching geograpW - and,historji, (maid
,in this point • scrawl.' reii . diir,r; in thirtnniship'akiesititi: 'Ail per
of wieyi•we,cotisitiermniuti its - tondSi
o y:io'i l ii i d e i,t aBOOS ildei;t o ii to ' NliAestO4i,),Vill 1114.1,1 . 41141,116i1Ci1i1i1ik.:; ,
l o ve . of these'stOdfOe;)--iiirsny oar l". recomiil6,(l 9 itse lf dintely, and tliose haring" . elainis,iiticainki;nitl estate
to families and'sebeels, ,- ,,1t. Will liaya' is • Ner v, ; imrol..• will present - .t.botl pr9perlynuthentiated foe adds"-
eial efthet 14 j cultivati* Ont.: lave of the Floe r - Arts mein.,; :.• '•'•- '; , ' , ••••• : • --',..:•'-'• :•." .."‘"
whielito,Setneyxtent exists Iti:4u r iiiiiitls;and.ainlinge ~
~....- ' • LEONARD. HELM,' ~ ' E xeC';•.;. --.
Irili;',cairtrilnite to, tliel kik:nation era correct taste iii - i '. "Novernher•3 1838 . -4 w --- '- -- ‘'-- -' • '. •:• r 6 0 ' ~
• .
qiiiits'Or the coniitry-Wliere sinielitiens - of 'engraiiing • - • , -. • . 1 - .- ,* ,• - % ;., -;.-, -' • ' =• .
are not rembly, tii be„foundA:-.rinte of the early nuns- , ' —' ' ~- . ,„' -.;,- . „, ,- ...-,;- , ! - -=.=,-----.,,----.:"
beriWercAibt,well 'translated, biit.such arrangetrients '-rii, t1it,....t..111/8, 40/ / ILO,:
, l. ipOta, , ace,,,: Just received, a
have seem Wade to-reinedy,this defent, tieno‘e:ozn-' , new: of :Fur eap.-eital:also a lot , nrilair,
plaint .Ciii hereafter '. •-• : " : :. ',:". : --.--- . '4,Setil nod Citill Ckitt,,forsaleity •' ..- C. .90•1.1.:ty:
i on'''Suttseriptions •GEO. •M. Flirt,' - • - '
'. LIPS,.at tliti,: Lk ral d .Br, -.ll7(posi tor 0111c.e . ; Carlisle, ?it
.41tere-thewint may . be:extunined. •,. •
• ,'N'9°,lillibP-V,13,:1838,-4.11- -' -
Take notie#4lyat:.lll*laritilleif , the ,ont
.Commonll6aa of ciitabOrlatici eta', oty, f0r.1.1
of the: Inaolvent .
theY Mi r e aPPoliitPd Veada, , fAth k day, - of - Jatitalry;
aext:vreit:,thy.:,heitlak of Vie Miff my ' . reigi . .6.-a,,at:the,
o.o::Afrirre' 'Mg
thin - lEl4.oer,', • - e
- "NYValber 12'1838. •
. .
F317.1)1 , ..ntf,;E: .ii,‘.irtii;rt
lt ROVER. -
;?6f s . l; `," 4 '
. .
7 L —, f.
i;l4 . ("q'ttk .. . - *: 4
‘ ";r 7 'cr 8
' •=-' 411.1 k. et% , isease ,
• i e;•:- - 6i ea - 81 - mid
•"•• • ..y i„
•:' .• - .
et; rLsrtit's,Ot' Fit - Li:INIT/114; the'o4l: rietor t 116;
.silo:title,. resided' tipwitrtitref Pine, Yeatts.apintig4ll9
in' North American lintiattr i and with )I , ,N{q,!lt' r .
•rim I ItiliZe,...(lf 1130 every WO power to ac:- .
(loin.. kitowleilgtt of the clifferetik
them, ro., 'the core of and
int vo nartittularir dime which 'they 1.411tf to:prevent
.s,tti cure' the comitlai,llt.§. 'of the.
hr ::-.t nbserveththe:lntitintr...orqre
snfsjbta to.tattnertins and - siptilav coniphiittts to thirso-
J„ell,wl.4!,_vectr.l..t.4:mint.l4..canaheleStlLli, 111111
being exposed' to the inclemency, of, all ,weathers,
mitt y t.l their roniplaints 'w 'ere ronntilitated an&rio•t•
kitt. mu tly of their . tiirensts 'were ilirsnylt
a nattire its sr - rothi; With ti intopt6 iti ti uicilizeil Ltate
hole iii niitti s ttittl constnulitienrr
rin- the tine he was 'With Owl:al ht. did nal hear of
et n nisoluption: •, -
{ So 11:IppS',3fre -they. in:6_4r _kto iteirte
-, tilts, .;onertain:ot ttheitt
tithe, littit ittnnty.he. raid .‘‘A trite consnniption is - a Ills
, cat-e'...,tiet - ce.litiOwn or honed oin.tong them.?'. The
truth cf this nbservlitinti most bettorroboi'ated I,y all
trim 11.11,T,::: :d di. opportunity of bee Amin:,:•.atitittirted
with tit.the people. it may tile:lint - ....rhythey
are oar in;ot frr.III those contplait;tti?' "The reason is
I obvious; intre.ustt . they intinetlintelj• sock .for
anti pret eta .
s' whic h ittsvosibtv under
t t'on, tualilibtd; on Incurable coOl-.
-11;I:s i.,f ifle...etian - nee-inv.:6y eaeli I;tathroilliii
Spi , ,lity,'„).,ail;ting-pet : itra-ealtstiiitans---trittniii. j -01.
etc svillt;t4rn.4 in tile clifrorvta stages of :tilese:distres7
!.ia.:71,7174 - 4.; alma pa eti(a , lar direetitms ruspVitig
t)ict tilkti 'de...Awn...and: itaty pl:tiet:ts at:e tneatiauet
titemselres- , litren,ll -eveyy sta:lli . until- lwaitit,is're
t.iaredti 1,' , 1- N}17.11 211111 useless wtlltl he the pt•eserip
tirat, of the ablest lq:.ileitwo.reontvaiiied by the most pownefttLote.:icines,ttli . ..s divectionSneenot faith fully
adhered to. . . -.-
. .
. .
The public are informed that the dilloslticvs of
two htordroToodeiglity-i: , ; \••TM iwiiions have been t 7,1
kt.n tloprov..r•aotli
tmomletely.rured Of. the,most des•pe-.
l'.1S:B of Vqilt.lhillt , (loll.: wino of Vide!' ;We detail
ed io tlw Lills'aremMpair.s•iti;; the breale.•• o! -each b:Thle
editl t;ne.4.):. - diac; mid eza.h- enveloping the •gen . iiini;
• Spimi Ile It by Di'.•ffm.S.9 ,- Preenitin,
init;:rls j. F.. on -the .s,‘“l - ofiea•ch _bottle, LiNl.olle eon,
he ge.noine witlinut si'..,l,atare; a bast; "eomposi
tirm ha; leg. been attmjlideti to be impru'vd upon the , - bra';;Mmterfeltrimithtion of thou extraordinary
article. .- , • • . _ _ .
m p l oy tin. .sfecific, is kciikt constant
ly . iPJI. - -Salt.!. L 7/: /../;L%
anti liy,Sainui.4. \\Mann,
N ..‘viliber 5, 1:138---ty,
Bt "filiPiiiO4 Akibli.DySi;edlie
• ' •-! • „.
r [1)0:it:Joh:of
a'l+ich`lu+sti~ty lit cattle erinlilislf
edsQ+c.mustS'Ll Otili•clS ,
fni restnritlß-livslth-to perii )11s,-stifrerioF-itililerever.!.
Where% er !rave been onct:introdticed,
btu . ) a family - Obey become- a standing- rem...dy r and
are .callvd .fr again and again; which 1.4-sufiCient
proof Of titedvrod .
Tlie nuolicindfhaviiig,niet hp=
probation of those Who timer
em to the directions, is rec•mitriended.Witli•iiil
ereaseihconlidence, to the public, - iiCovery , vitriehyof
functional• disorder of the 'Stomach, Bowels, Liver
and Spleen, such as Heartburn, AcitlitY_of the Stu,
mach and Bowels, Diarrlitita, Colic, Jaundice, Plain
-Iztley,,Dvserdery,ltaltifual7es:ti vetiesS-;loss of 'apLie
tite, sick I Icadriche, Stot biihttiess,lo. tee:.7rheyare
also *ell adapted'.to the diseases of women and ehil-
Literal: inentstutlettfT,"iiiiTTllrOthitFpFriiiini
of sedentary habits, find thent very convenient. Those
-who indulge too.liseehy iii the pleasures of the4table,'
find speedy relief from the sense of oppression and
ilirifen - ffrm;7lirch taking, the PHIS.' As it
dinner Pill, Amd tut
e ilde. Those who are
drinking mineral wvie - rt - cdtttl-partiettlarlv those front
southern (dimities and ngue -aniLfever ethStricts;
furl them highk" beneficial; Those - who 'are eoosed
to the vicissitudes of ,W - 4,..qt,,0tt, journeys or voyal
ge s-, can take them nt all hines with perfect srifetts,
and without inconvenience:: they are
highly of snee Medicinth-
They neor predtme nt the stornail,. or'
griping. ,
Frani, tire .711. Rev. Levi' 'S. hies D. D.;
7.144 p of
3ftircli 12, 1858.
" Having for the last three venra:been intinultely
,Sahel - fleegw dr, f ritti a anti
enytycil his Professional services,l bike pleasure in
nutting that his Ammeter as n Christiatt gentlemutt,
and rxperitateed PlsV"sician;entitles Ilia testimony, in
regard to the use of his Anti-Dyspeptic Pills', to the
entire confitlence of ti 'piddle. -11 y experience.,uf
the.giunl eiTecta nithesel'illa;CoiqWp years_past,,sa 7 ,
isfiesmie of-their eminent value; partictilarlv_hu aid-
itif4..orit»pairell digestion, nifdwar4ing off bilious at
tacks. l wing t been for a lo ng time subject to. the
...rumpahrettprriliviLa such attach' , Ltras in thethabit
of r'esorting for_security against them; aiTil- - With very
partityhEnctess, to a liberal use Of ealomet or:111u
Ilia sitter my acquakanelt with, the Auth:Dys
, peptic Pill of Dr: Deckwithl which lie - preshribed in
the fi rst inSmitee himself, hhaVemot been* under the
necessity r f usinfruvrion.y-in-nny - form - , - besiiles - 110- - ,
ing wholly exempt -from bilious attacks.' Several
members of my thmily are experiencing the sante be-
I-Ettfititthefft:ots'A HAIM "
Ftor Sale by
'S. ELLioTT, Carlisle. •
GEO. GkRi.."IN, ellainbersbarg_.
. . ,
NAST Alllft-prolif.;Uoiits ;..lrid4oi;eit.,Shoao :can, Ike
hod very good And eticup'sa . die itoi , e Of ': '.:'
, • .
If oarlof4 Teeth,ore='pt opt ly treßteA at a seaao,no.4.
mo,•the ja:6o oss of' tho..44ay. mar - be` Otirely
atre_ffoiL • Stergairi;l
N. 3V•• §qa-letti!,tsl7l3ArtiPlore•
I‘fity 28i • : • ~.
• larfiq ainailniont:Of
ti - 043,119fi5.011terby.4' ,2 , L . ::1. .1 . 41.11N0j408r•CO:!,::"'t
• • • • • -0, •
. • .
• - . , . . ,
. . _ , . ...,,,, - • .4._ .•:._..•:,...,,
. _.., .
~.,-e , o ri r,.. ...r. ..
( L i ,
„.... .•,:. , c _ i!•:_w • • . 41, Ay" - - ~....i ., ..
• ' . - Eit tr'N . V. 7 . ittle iIir•AITZ ' AVEritil- Am )
45, .•. ..
__„.1,..1e f r , - _
.... _ ~.„.... : ~,:. ~,,...... . -•_. ... . ..
17.-4 ''-
a s,lN,puttuai4e tile last Vi II 'and Mn
thoirf.l 7 llothitBQnittleellrili_74llrbti't4tiliciktii ?OW ic
nilderon 'next:r tl tt5411,,
F lo - cing describe& valtilibleiirepoty;
tl*ll6lllip, CurilberhituVvitnity,.ithout wost'of
Nimvine, andi plates &bin CutalitTland Valley
alailSllonds:o'+tiaa6"oolifninin ="''.
; t 2 4 A'4o E
iiiiil allowance":abOutlitS;aciilsakl,cleared,, min tin a
I a stile of col tillttioni,mmrsti•ds Of 20 NOliph
I'S tq good i tiioitAy,,uiettacny, and, r *shine is co
).e.righ with;
,e4Colittet inlprovelnents'
, •
' -RIO U17.74E urto.i..l)
is-t' 011 S
Trith othet Vut-Heusies
-A-...1341CK . i :0 - AfliN;'
over MO feet long;',vitti'lVrt /
agbS.ltea,'Cloyo Crif i s,
6.:43:,; two wills pf
',..140a, - I.'EN ANT 'IIBI4IIIJSC :
'and pouble. Log Barnovlth ,itti'excellent spring near
iitoperty is sdinirably Situated:in .nloOp of
•the.Conodrigninnet Creek, by which_ it Is . ; nearly en,
.circled:; ;the same "time the'hinikii'itre.snilleiently
liiglitto.preientoverlloning. ,It allbrilit'o'gotid
tion-for a Grist Illill,Torge or ronatinery of any de,
radio ion, niitltyeticighborliond is, slid) ilfrf -would juk
tily_improvettent nt'the.,kincl...:ThereLtive.ifitinense
banks Ofiron Oth Within itviiles, anthlte Blue Moon-,
fain .about the . saine distance, would itlrorii obtuliutee.
of timber. The protiertk is all patented, anti art in
lisputahlti 'be 'given, and possession on the
'' --- - • - -
desircinsif investing; their capital in good
. property, will, do well to view this h~Corc [lie:ilny of
- sale: - Tlinse - wisliing - to - view the - l2rrivwilt iteasc
aal Itlrc-Mattlitw--Thompson,--residing- on. the
preiniseS or with the;inidersigned residing in New:.
-. Terms w.ilj• 'Made inoWn and attendanee thiCen
•on_the datof_sale_ki.• , •
" DAVIDSON ' , :Ex'ec'r.`7
• .Nciv f mbpi• . • _ • •
E 80,5 yr,
o 2,13-A,nn
•-• " " 8 TORE. .• •
Ui EOM:* V. - Agent,' lnollust received
froni Vidladchildn, nifll is.. now - opening at -the
store rooin of-AteNliiios, iu WeEtyliglrbte - e - ecirwEll, .
• .113 - 06T14 . SHOES, AND HATS.,.I.•
• • - comPaimp,' •
Genileinen's. Fine
. .Coarse do.' .
PO:: llionroes dna Shoes,
„ . .
• Waking (S. Dress PUMPS,
• Ladle's' 'tanker an .1116?keo &hoes,.
• and Lasting
, CkildrarAndllfis.Ses!-Boots-4.F.Slioes
' very fine assortment of
Of made.) Also, a
large supply of, Sitlek suitable for the maoulitelinte of
- acul
In every AWritAy, nltiotwhielt will he soul
Lo - ottir ca1,11..._ I lit liasiiltio : .fo Ir. Sal C grellt VI rtPof
Carpeting of thie'lewest patterns, and
at the nianufactorer s prices. -
- discount- made to emottry.tweritlitaiit
otlittrs . .wher parchaSe-by the quantity . . .
' Carlisle; October 17,1858.
- -
rC.ffill'el IP E i
mar, subscriber has just recniCediflarge and•hand
sonie assortment of • . • •
which, - lie is selling cheaper' than Cyci• 'sold in this ,
. town or county. Ills stock consists in part of
~,Vuper Black; Blue, Polislz ,Green, Cit..
ron, and Oxford: mixed - "Cloths
Plabz.afid Striped.Londow ca§sinzers; •
;• . Saltinets - • • '
. • . •
or adi vilms nal • 9nalifies. • 'Super PrenCh, German
and English' llermoesi . light colored . Silks; figured
ditto. new style;' illack and blue blaok rept.-Silks;• -4••
black 14 do - do. supor. lohnik Silk
Veli•Z•t; liindsOme Colored Silk Velvets and. figured
silk for bonnets; Melina mid.brocha Shawls.
saipiea irelivet CoMs,
Benverteenzvllannels, Blankets, Merino and Larnbs
wool Bose; Frenelvand London Chintz; Silk Velvet
ANisthigsi Steaks, Shirt-Collars, Suspenders, Gloves,
Itc. Ike. ' - AlSri; a general aSsortinent of Fresh Grnee-•
, ries,all ,of which will he sell on 'accommodating
, terms and um:mu:illy low for cash. Purchasers.are
respectfully inited
to call Mid exarkline for (hem-
Se , lvei,'Ut The ii aiiielliiiiriaiitisflite maikf
house, and directly opposite S. Elliott's Drug &bre.
• ' " • : CHAS. OGILBY:
- Catliilo,'Octiber-"23i-1,838.-----
, P.' S. ' A-. very large_ null • Onrsil ' assortment of
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, just'received and now
opening in the room'adjoiliNg the store, sold whole
. sale or retail very cheap for cash. - ' C. 0.
• ---- -
ilks; 4 . 'ralles,' Oleripoes;'llll4
Woolens 6[6(1 hands ;Vr so
WoOl Dyciv . ag & Scouring.
.RESPECTFULLY informs the,citizensicif Cita isle
and its vicinity, that she•baa commenced the color
kg:ind scouring : silks, Crapes, mcrinoea andel! ;elude
. 0/* glens, al salvos/ . dyeing Ed Scouring in all its vario:
ous branches. ; She may be found at her.residence in
• Church Alley, a_few .doors below..tha_Gracery_Stere
- of. Captain Cleorge W. Crabh.,*hereLavork
thankfullyrreceived, and execrated. ins neat and hand-,
seine • ' , •
Carlisl6, October SO, 1838; •
ima §triet, Philadelphia.
ai'm undersigned - respectfully informs: the citizens
of Franklin .m4E-Cumberland counties,': that- lte!lias
'opened a 'WAREHOUSE in Broad Street, next door
ahove,Brotid.strcet flotel; for the sale of all kinds;of
'•;tountry „Produce, and respebtfully solicits. consign:-
Ft:touldi general 'tietliiitintonce; knoidedge of hu
,siness,'and the exercise, of his hest efforts to promote
the interest of liiii-cuStoina•s; flattersliinself that
he Avill be-able , to:oender general;satisfaction.
='• 4:12 r 0:11. BERLIN.
- ;:;11014d a „Esq.
J. .Szo6yer N O*A - rine; • ••••-•
• •Gen,:.sarterdierOiteler,, Car r •
if .IW. IleiiiTerspii; Esq. '
1:i•-• ' : '::. -
•-.''•FOR-: .. ,' • .-.......-...
D :.
#r tir, NIPADDANT:Mibt;'iIf Dr. 'Williir,en C.
,•AL eli4rhberP;and :farii'l innexeo.,46,l.llo4arne; in
Thekingon to*nehitiieurnherißnttootinty,ire for rent'
for clue or, rnore•years: , They; will be;rentert sepirit-'
A . ' .. ,.e ' ly
o r-f-
o . r - tli er.- -.Fr i
r •
i te;
rns.".--h n
-.-pf:. l
• ,k x 4..:. -.1 D
- • c ' • '
•: :! -2 „ ._ ktk
. - 2 r _ L ,
z c ,
, UEL WOODS win, lives: pear- the pixmisei.:..„ NovenberlSlspB t -91„:c
r,. a liar( Deri nnn
-, ,int4W r r lit
.:. it:ii,itll4?C i; •
R 0 1
,rth•' e
itie4&-'/Olrfo Ai - t X Ow4AN
' , ,ARNOLD ' e •
ye lne lotbs. ••; • 4 tlto . •o
‘V-V Geeen,c),lnvisiblel4 - Greif- Lind -01nc0n ,. ....Q11ep
lot446llintelWittleellfrlees' to snit the
• -- •
• .
• OL - f. EH MAN
• ..-.0,1,).2.im000t41c
Otice 400 r -s thibt•
the Carliqlh"'
711t$DE:11$ his profeSsioniii services tp the citizens
this place midi the ptiblie . gbaeral ly,; and. more
esneciiilly. to those NO Offering from PHRONIC_
"DISW.A.OI§; and -- y - usvithicoly informs. themethat he
iirofosses , to.eur - e:Alljtinds:ot- '
A4)4),T,,W AND ; C agnorialc
loildelhare'• .theie..anitirt: cinable : in a petTeet, ciisy
•and tttantivr. Tlto inedleine is:ailmanistered
te vortliy i )s ,plensant: to.,:theqa4C . and easily litken.:•;—:
His.chapgrOvill „ - .
Lk:I%II,VA hit patitaits 4 , ejheil walled • opoo, tit. their
respectiyeAditoes,of eesidence;iftthis place or •
Chow. i,,Persoati of it: Aistitlice t iliboii iq tinder Chro.=
oigiseasesonny:olitala . mewed ,advice and •lnetli
siae; fot oilextionthiby o(l4of:wing him a letter (posh
paf tresoFibingthen: difieitile, amid
,eliclosing enr= -
a.ent,ilye, dollnclottik ifote,:. , ' • •
:ItiiiiratifonsfiltatiOn'aeanlie until. iliac
o'elook,.l*,.,Ni.;:itules'absent on prolil.ssional duties.
The ,fOl/010114',:11iienies:ili•C - treated.and. eitr'etl on
Cartoin 'Diseases' inehlont to the Gieniief:OrAans in
'halAs - treatment, Niithiltandiniiii . steriii ; i4.`this, treat
an'Y of 'the. usual. :offensive and iTarioiis me4111: 4 .
eines, s notoriously destructive to the litunan system.
. ,
vt,t •Cotnlilai it, Bilious' Colic, Costive-
Dyilepsy, 'Asthma, Sick Deadache, DeafnesS,
Giddiness; Hernia or Ittiptures,Lninenoss from ral•-
sy, C eralge...old_stawliog.lort..§,.Ntierosia,SCaries.o
hones, Cancers, 'leiter, Tie Dotiloureux, St. Vitus'
liiinTti7, - DiiitTiiies of Elie •ey_e in gene 'II fistula
"tinil iti=airftle,§tiretiicCatitract, King's Evil; Iticicets,
White Swelling,Dropsy,Dysentery, Pleurisy, lloop,
iugCough; Croup,Thieninoiliii, hysteria, Fluor allnis
111elancholy,Incontinence of Urine, Inflatued imd lix..-
coriated- Nipples ; Diseases-of-Women anti chi
Fevers in general, Ague, Scarlet Fever,.' • •
We, •iilioVe 'trained and many
'there Can he atisfiidtuiy .evidence given of their,
thorough, cure. - •
Carlisle, August 14; IflaS.--tf.,
Va 1 8 - 9E 11 1 9 3 111 0 TE
- _ _4113
'Street, a few _doori. cast - - Opthe
• The snliscriber'llaying lcaSed • the aboVeThinimed
'estahl meat from Mr. .c . itaatt intattectich, and !Inv
ing 'provided himself with every-thing necessary, is
•now enabled to accommodate travelicksAmtothers in
a style that lan not Giil to please those who may favor
him with i call. •
. --- 'rn'TEIIIARH-A-ND-tghl-J-at-R—;
will receive: his special attention. Yhese will be
k(!pi constantly provid6lmith the'best'of•L!QUO(ZS
- • • TitiE - 14 ARDE R.
wilrat all.tiMes Lc abutalanlj,r suplllicd v ilh all. the
delicacies 1r hielr the season and, market ran
of 't.lic
are cornmoilintin with drareful and atten
ti~~hostk t• a ill alwa}sin ntleinlaure.. , • _
110A11.1)11ItS will he by the week, month or.
year,-on the jitoA reason:o4e .
A strict iittentinn toinrin oss
to•pleage, libArnbts-,.ensure a -rensoi atile..
sbare,a pnblie intlronrige. - • • -
. .
Cp rlislp; A. pr11..21; 18313.-11 . • -.: . '
N. IL Tile ears vim ppa-tlni - -pilio‘Vajaail,lit.iltrient,
at Ilamil II o'clock, A.U. and at I, anal 7 o'clock, l'.
M. • . .. , - .1. 11.
.1 1 /3 BF° Ig.o OK'S. • -
r jUS'leTc - eived.and soli: at. Dr.:llvcrs . Dm ,
and Book Store,--noinnlete sets of
•: • ‘.‘Waverly NOvels"--127 colonies. '. •/'
111ridgcwatee Treatises. ,
‘• " Scott. .... •
'' Najmleon.
The ]divorced, by Madame Miry.
Walsingliam, or the,Gamester.• • -
Linwoods; by Miss Sedgwiek.
Diary of the times of George LV. -
'Count of Rome.
The Pickwick Papers,illustraieil Irk• prints from
Toni Jones, illusttyrted bs Cruickshank. •
27,•1858. - • - -
is eu Altat:letters of
_Administration : on
IM - i - msiiiCc riVity.'S - .Stamtrert r ille - , - Inte - ofll.m i rexcel
.township, Cumberland County, deceased,' have this
day issued in due form of law to the , subscriber mho
resides iiillopeivell.7township aforesaid, all. persims
having. claims on Alemand against the estate of time
:said deceased are requested to make knotvn the-sante
• - tv.itlmout delay, and those indebted to said estate. to
ii‘ s eir 'debtt.Ti - ".
1.2; 1838.-1 w, -
Is hei•ehv
. . .
:Eddi , e of lagac - i . ddams - late-gredsi-Pennv• -
• ,
_,bdig . ukh tpzonslapi deceased: .
. . .: " NOTICE
isiterebY given that letters, of Administration ornthe
estate , of Isaac Adams "late of:East . Pennsborough
township, Cutritherruut'Co nay, deceased, have been
issued to due; forni of laW to the subscriber who re-.
sides in tlaLlownship aforesaid.
Ali persons having claims on demands agaaliWth
estate of the said deceased, are
_requested to make
itnown,the same without delay—and those indebted
atrsaid estate to pay theiesaid debts to
IlErflt" ADAMS,
y - .3dministratsr.
~ 1+70v.1e1t338.-6w.; . ' '
• C.LOTihgffa G A' •
, subscriber,:wojild inform the piddle' that lie
has on hand n large . asSartinentof -
of the best . Clothes; - Sattinetts, Cords and VeStiiiiiOns
_welli_as low priietl_goodi,_all_oi:whialt,he_ - _wili-aell
veryp low.
The Tailoring,Business is also 'carried on as usual,
-• • .
TWO ..FARMS, adjoining each other, one con
taining One HundriAl and Eighty Acres, and_the
other One - Hundred and Sixty'Aeres, or first quality
Limestone - Lvid;:ito - good - staWatultiratiotic - Thesc. -
farms tiPe situated on the .Letart - Spring, in South
Middleton , township, Cumberland -county,mbout ti
, milcs.sautha.Caslisie, and within sight.or two first
rate .merchaid. mills 'On the said spring. • The int:.
- - -- -- - - - •
.' provements are-a ..
llbi EtW. lIXONTOri NIA GAZINE. ; , . ..
• ,
~ .
.. .
-LII-i—Tliwsubscriber 74 , 111' - new, on the - litscol Sep- i -:-......: ;.-: - STO NAP.
ternber,lliefirat number of a monthly Magazine, et-:'. ',:- . 0 • ...
,- ,
titled "Trutt AmMtiess'Musstist OF LITEnATvnls irrn. A 4,;,... I, !i, ~. SrrJNE' .84,121 !
.... .. •
TuE•Auira p " which will combine the solidity of a re- - ~-F:-. ''' , '"'"4.- . "k"; with Other , neCeiary , buildinge. . .•:-,
[t r ii
.vieW'witli Alm' lighter Miscellany era
..Magazine ; be- , . A further deicription is 'unnecessarY;aikpurehasers
sides_ impartial reviews of important works tind short ' , will'view the premises and judne for themselves,
notices - el Minor literary,productionaby the. editors, it • posiession will 'be. given on the.first of April . next...
wiltentbraim'elisays,..tales,liistoriettes, poetry, liter -
An indisputable title will be given.' 'For tertni. tip=
ay - and 'scientifi'c' iittelligplicc and translations.from plyto.the.subseriber in-Carlisle,Ta - . --- . ---
stantlard..and . periodical Worksin• otherAtinguages,, - .. .
- • -
contributed by the ablest writers' of the day:, , ~ . i •
-- . The Magazine will alio_ contain a. series of reviews , • . "'' t 28 ' . 183°.-411. • -• •
of the'works of such writers as have, bytheirtalenti . , .. ..
NOTICE i . • .''
iltedluStre'Lupon Ainerican Literature. These - re- . ' . , '
~ ~
t viewi wilt be accompanied by portraits Of the authors, 'ELING about!to .rettiOve to my own how,nly '
engraved on steel,
.by the best artists. 7 - The work will ',- present ie4lderkie*ol.lm.ofreml for until
..-be, beautifully - printed,„,with new type, upon fi ne' pa-',
per, awr.w.ill inak two Vektmei each year; of More • ' . , , _
the lat dayor April iicia.:' , . ,- : •,- 1. • ... :- ..'. - • . - •
.".'', , .. . --., - ..4.. - M - ELLIOTT.
• than "500 ' pages eacht; ' Besides.ray own devotion to i
ikthe Magazine' will baim the advantageofithe,servi; l ' : ' '' ,l6i4isie s ' O ciol . ..r- 521s P 8 ';:
',- : •,
ees 'of. Dr. Snodgrass ,or..Virginial , l'a kagianatinf .F.:,.. : ,: ...,,,,,:. ;
~.......4,..„.,..,:. . ,;.,. :4.,,-,-,,' -,:;;,,..", e , A y r imi '.• ,-. ':
handsome 'acquirementi,', Who, affer;:the..tssne Or ; the'l ,
...,, - .IPAK WWI .IL' l ll.. p1i..1.4.,•,..-...
first nnmber, will bn'asioisiated withmeas'editor fwd..: A .'N assortment Of thebeist quality HammOvit: liar
proprietor. .'. ....0 , 7' ; ' •::" ':.. ' .' .!';` ' ,' . 's '., : . , lit - - Iron for mile at-Dickinson -Forge ,Pricei,. at 11,
Agencies willbe,establislied in - die prineliniteitice;-: Rhode's Ralf•Road:Warehouie. . ... • • ,: • : ' .:' . - • ' !......
and:,arratigeatente ' made to delirer '-the',Wcirlt-freobr .- .Carlisl, Cctober,ll'; IFS&
pi:adage - . ' J'erstis desirous of acting ,ai.'ageilM . .Wil . /, - ' Nor , ' '. '
please apply, rotr ram. _Terms $5 perannuM,pay 7 ,
able on delivery of the . „first,numberi sco s
ee $l2O. :,
. - .. • • ,: - .r..• ', -.'. ' ~ ',N;:.C.R. 001C$.; ." 1
-- -- - =' , H - t. - Editoi":"and - reprietor..-
T UST - reieired from the oily of BaltiMore, it'geue4
e j ralu,ssOrtment-ofFresit nroceries t :,yix:'•
.Strous. Rio Coffee., St Pominko-de-1 3 ; RiimStig0;
Loaf, do Lump do•:nraill' do - - Bluokreti;GUlTow•::
Imperial , ; dcr do do Curious-N ,Y do l', l •R'Altilasses - ,'
. , , , N-0 do, Strum itousedo. - flonertda'orall.kiudti,'
"TON,42Nr. S t ira — w . re Friction r, ltritßies b7114 7 .11ia1di4;
: :ad att .zortsg,.( e 6y6 a k,i•bld y . trai r tqc Ropes, Sze. &" - all havelieeit }celectctl t4nit
• ..4mre and_Will:.tmaald at tile idtve_stj,riers.;.b,r; ';
&fob e-r•iCti
rims - tir*RO,ce . Rms.
ri ----- ' - iiii:A.ffzitt* •. d Ild for 4 7 UST cilia tr-loChr 1.4.4 inte &Own S u '
l rlit e. by;• "6 —'" , - ~' - : c . ~,, '.. 'fr , 7 " ' 1 . 1 ..... e .. ,, a ,,, , ,'-..
..,- ii,.!.. ; C fi t(ll4 l illieei l ' ' d hi p ol w as f se ur ec c - a N di u . t . me ci gig , , 0 .e 0 10 1 y z e . 0, 7,. .16!f:2
5ept44,.., . ~,..., C HA S . p. 024.11. 2 .4 .;•-• 1 cr.) 41 ' t' 1 3
,_ _
__ • •
linlviiritievr 10111 Commisvien
• -11,9045e,3
~• •nII OA:
NI+Y 113,41711241,
llAVEliiked that hirge'iront commodious W.A11.f..1-
'llol3Sl.7.;_latelly exerted ad thtS,Capal and Rail_ load,
belowfootof-Cliestnut-streeti4larrishorg, where
'their arrangements are' such that they can at all times
forward produce
and despatch, to the following placesoft:
Pittsburg Cohtnz-
Balliror,e, Carlisle; ChambarsbtTg,
- • -anOillinterntediale places. . •
They have lately mitered into Amiligeratthts so as lc
enable them to scurf any -produce or goods by 'wziv
the Pennsylvania Cinitil,and klolumbiailailroad;to
Pnikulelphia, • at the same
. Ontged
tioMpamei running on 'tliP Union tfliA-gaining
hree_days _in _time, and delivering ••goodi iti llmad
Street, avoiding the usual ex T ensc'ethattling from the
schiiylkilh. • - ' '
-T111)1 WILL PlAteflASE -Crain,. Flour, and
nimutry prodncc . (7t eyery &seri plionoind• keep eon
tantiv...on hand coal, Willer, fiAi and 'salt:for
• „kprjl ; 1833.-11. ,
IL r 17
al f
DIA DM.) 4 A-
E ER E U 4 Lir,
- 11.F.TU1 S - liii - rShieere - thallk9:To the - eitizetiS o•
arlish.; .and its xicinity, for the liberal pati:onage
Jude. has .beeik,itesloWeil cLii 4, kin], and,..sol kits a
ontin . uance,of die same.. flit; shop is pow sib:tab:4in,
13 ,r us I .1 1 4 i gh " tr - ce
adjoining the Drog• - !3torp of Sanwa tliliott inn (hi.
st,,and Jahn 11. Writ‘er.& Ceds: store on the west,
where he-will - e - astantly keep on-hatnia large assort
' meat OtWatiltionable
lirr and Sifk-Eats,
Begiier, Oiler,. Seal ; • Arutria,. Busk
rat, Plain
. 14assia and Brush
. 7
A 11, . 0.9 ; 0 J s ,
AIL of his own Matditeturing„ which he will dispose
of rt'loa ea
lie thaters himself that; by strict attention to busi
ness and a tlisposition_to please, to merit and recche
a share of public patronage. .
Military caps dill be Manufactitred to order,
on reasonable terms.
Carlisle, April 9, 1438.. tf. 19.
thinaity and ri.„,lcaiiipany..o / Philetilc
ph iit.
. Wire, 159, Ow:itrut street.
Charier Po:lit:Mal.
. •
INWHE i'ES, -gnpt ttit(l
inents alld nialcv con . tracti, raw - dye
the contingency of life: Accept Tett.rts as authorized
by thecliarter, fride-ittlitlthr:tl-4. corporate hoilles,-ri.
Courts of Justice, anti execute'lll4.lll agreeably 'to the
desire of the particT;and rfeette-Depbsitea- of money
in trust,and on•interost. . , •
JAM?. INSURANCE.--Tike terms are as low as
those of any alike in the' Union. .
-- Rates for- Inswing 1;100.
. For ror .l'imrs 717191c.1.4,1*
20' $0 91 $0 95 • $1. .. 77 -------
25.• 1 'IA . 112 204
30, I'3l 136 = '.2 36'
35 1 36'1 53, ..-• .2
.01_.:1. 6U ..
• • •1 -
45 -- - -- ,•1 91 1 96 ' 3. '73 -- ` --
50 • ..1 .90' 2. 09 460
55 232 .‘ 3 21 18
Further informationtean be obtaipeilby4pi#keittion
.at the offite: • .
• B. W. RICIIARDS,Prea't; '
. • •JOIIN F. JAMES,Actunry. -
"'Gron.ol: W. Asti, llvasurer.
June 11,18.96.—fan .
Tolg ,S'ailttlE
•1141 , esti:
,•. , -
.. '' PEI . 0112flergi4Ple01174211Si: ., •-
• 11,';!,2 .“,.. I firirlarAritt: , ,
I:. i.. :. , t', ~7. l; . : 311 ,, ,,,......,.. 4, r:• ',- - .
. . ~ • . , . ..
N,O,PNOR,TVlCl.Tisilow,offeredor,suppliiipg , ,
iv.Yoiii.ll6lvOiv itIi"WOODCOCKS ''' " • ' .'
~ - , • . , .
..f t , ,:. • t ,„ .. , .
•ve__ , , ,\::._ ......-_:., ~, , , 1 , ;'..q, , , ,, i;: 4 .. ; 3 .,7 ',1•.•,, •
• ..!., .. ... . : • :•,,
'''..; :.'
' • PtOUGII— --
l'Bein k the hest•Wrticle t ever Ofekiti to-'l . l'iel'arnieiv in
..:,1; , . ~,--: this soction,oj the: State;...- 1 „- ,
.• • .
— Thii6Plciiioth will 'hot cliokelitir C - niiii!dirt;nnd
did - AbouenneLthirdless•than'tlie Ploughs here
' tofarcln use, two horses tloing,the work of three, he
'S'ideg A 'great gliiink in - ,' :time .. mut- nOiley iii ',keeping
1 ,tlictit 'in , intipir". . 'Elie:point and. Aare:tan:he put on
;alive thifintesi and besides Cost only . 0 cents each,
and,ivhen dull can be turned and repeated Until worn
F.out..- and even then' U•ill pay for Ile*
'Ones; .
•rimfollcoingmumlperpous ake,amongihose,whn
purchasedhiive and used the alMye'Pl4ughs during the .
Last season, to whom Farmers are referred for inforni
respecting.l.lmlP,Yiz • • " •
tount.ship..4l'lii3iPlVinters, - .Tohn'Arm•-•
'strons, Samuel 'Stmekler : John
Wilburn -Slyder, . ? Miller, Mr. Ashway, John
' • ••' • •
Leitcrkenny.-7--Michapl GrOve, :Pallier Kromer,
ShieldS, Immo ;folio , :Mittel.; 'Ahrahani•
Hoover, Johnitodesillenjamin Itodes, Sancl antics.
Grtifford.-Philip Oiler, James Durdop.Jas.-Pur
vianee, MrAlitner; John 'Lusher, George Trace, Jo
sepli.Wingert,:George Fetterhoof, ' Mr. Yaugy, Gen.
Dull, 'William flyers, John 'l3. Cool:, Sam') Geese
nuno-4.mry George, PeteellakeN -•- •
Oygter, Summit TUrviance, .Theoh
-Darr,.• johniteieliard,-Jr.,-JosepliNekely, Aleszan
der Thomsoh,•',3lenry Wingert, Martin 'W.inir,grt,
Charles MAUI, Mr. Clark', Mr. Sather
t'er,•BtOni;l Lemy.
Bsudaampon.-7-Sarnuei Thomson; Julia Orr. • •
Thonias,—Jaenb Shirk, Mr. Gallager; John
Crider. • ' : •
WkliariiTalsisTapeuved_tight7o(7 - Adama,,ClunT
in:a•land, and Daup.hin counties, and the - following
gentleinen in Adains' have used theTioughs during the,
pastmasOn, to whom Farmers in that county ni.c re
Toverns:— Samuel Durborn.wi , Esq6
Toseph epsliun,
Estf..,.Tdcob Str.eitly. • . ; •
, _
"brunterstowa..—.Taceb ••
cane abovePlorgrlik. can_ ithi , ays .had at the
Poznyfra of W.f . V.:!ltiLl2.l* RE, CO. anmbei•shurg, of
JOHN.P..MiNtll,,lrlareseWre•Mereliant, Qielisle, and
of Tijo.Nris jjAitins; Ifeehadiesburg:-,Where
Parntei•S who wish to test the Plough, will pleasc.:eall.
and wit them.on trial, and if thgyfwill not. render full;
and •enth•e satisfaction', no eintrge will he made;. if
they In•eak it is nt our expense. We will Also ,pay any-
Farmer. for any *.daninges or iops Ortime, he may
stoiin in lrringthc—Pltmgh, — it - he - does - not-likes it-af—
ter trial. There havu. , lieen sold in Prahlilinimil the
adjoining coil
ilh6se. !Ploughs, wuliint mont hs .- •
•. - •
• . • JOHN DENlG,....dgenf;
• .
August 1858.—Gin._ -
• • "
41 „,,....,,..-
. ..-- .
I 44 I,n'ailinrand Canada Musiliaisli
11, browi; _• - • -
100111 s. EnOlbli Side Nutria 1 CB; blown
50 do doVely .
.50 di) .13eitver7F1:11 .--• _ •
50 do (liter ' Bark and Sipe
510 do English and Seritell,Chner 1 0 .1_111' • •
- 1000 do Carrottqd. llossia „Cares>_ ) from C ;
• • - :
.106 do Backs, very •
100-do ArienilinAVonl - - -- -
-10,000 Canada' Nliiskrat. _
5000 Soutbern.._dci tin. .
• , 20.00.) ItabLit do
500 tr•Nia llare .. • • dar • -
• 600
10 Bales ; -
--- • - -
- 5 O 5O Ca ses•l: Cairnetanil
100 do V.Atraet IMG W 001)
l'On !ibis. Chipped Conipi•achr do .
• ' Clttit Verdigrifi, old and dry • . ,
1 - 117. ttriiiP.N4littlrl'h-U-SHI-Tm-lrictintart-rery4oar
price. .
• 300 doz. SkiverS, Milo, black, *etyma and Alarm n
10,00 p •Spithibli FELTS, asst. qualitie's and' weights
5000 Saxony do •; do do - 'do
some very One
IFitb a large assortment of other GOODS, appci
taining to the-trade, which--are- offered -for-sale on
liberal terms to-Deahrs•and Maniffacturers.
. No. 5 S. Liberty st. Baltimore.
Sept. 94,:18:18.--4. " • .
V.Shipiiing FURS:at all times purchased.
ETTERS of tultninistratiomointhe estate of Jo
-7-11 N-s lieu-Sia nom, seMlateof thelinrotigh_ot_Carlisle,_
deceased . , have been granted to the undersigned, re
si ngmforespid: :ill persons having claims or demands
against the estate of said deceased, nre requested to
present the same duly authenticated, and those in the estate are rec t ieiteil to make maymOnt
without delay to the subscriber.
simom, .9dm' r
Carlisle, October 11, 1838.--Ow..
47 7A.
4.% ,44 , 13 1 4
. yin?, subserihei::respeetfully informs his friends;
'and -theriblir-generidlyi that--he has- for. sale, at his
Coal and 'l,niiihni• Yard, on'the bank of the Susque
hanna river, ind.he taws of AVormley.shitrg,
.2000-11.gaishels .uperior - SAteittin
, .
, .
.Panne/ and Cominoirr Boards i - -
Poplar and Scant • 4 : c. 4 , c..
2000, good q u ality; seasoned:Tight Bar"-
rel. Staves‘and
An of which he 'hill dispose of at - low rates; and on
nOst accomniodating terms.: 'Persons 'Wishing to
purchase wonld dowel!, by' callihg With the subsea,
Iterg nod examine his stock before they purchase else;
;Attire: -7 -- • • • • , •
Api4t9,1a3!3,7— . .5n1,
- Pi 141.5.
ustantly- on
hand.' As they ore received direcilyfrope.ifr..#ran
di,d,th fem. in:PhilndOlphiri;they are WARILAN'TED
the Agents cautionary advertisonient tAi file
oontrary r nOtlAvitlisinntling;_
' • , ..„ . • 'S:ELLOT. •
' • ' tlivi - Storc. l dea T rlfsle.
• . •
mo 4.
Having recently; rotitrneilzfrem Philadelphia *and
New York : with a' :VEIIY 'EXTE_XSIVE ADDI-
TioN to, my fernier, Stock ; beg . leavasta ,offt!i , tO the:
citizens Of. Carlisle and the Talk generally,,
...A VENEII.9,I;
Comprisnifevery article in • the Ditigline,•Whiiiha
will dispose of Wnot.r.asit d 1 the ,/cirvest
poisibto rates.. • 1 1 ‘ hyniciancountty'Store
and others, are kspectfilliyjniiteil togom 'ate
a call alLthephl, Stantronpasalisrrcet. •
L 3 '' • :BEIGIOTT:
Carliale t ,. Ma gs3B 0-1 rs. ,„, ,
.6, 0 , . 1i 4F.LS ' 11,alt"
qoi.giy,ett.)l),l(l, fcc. 4.11. 41)mm:
• ': McCABt.
1838.:, ; ,
ctiA§ . 41A41,Nriz"'
• - ,'";•
AlDASSlNETTS'omitavaniter I)ritb; , • Steel
,41k-,VarsonstAiAL/i011.0.4.74#4-C42# , ..
7ittette for itA ,
l the SteiNd of
- ,
_ _
gANE,THOUt3A:ki) mud& Atut Salt
up , arid 41) Slicks Liverpobl .Salt,
kletreceived 4 fikn4 troy'oial,o4,w-4WZoilti;by
- '
. 7 3F0'171C.E;
• .. , 7 173 77. tf , 4.6 1
,H,elmust hitt mia.i'idble To' 10
'.l7 : ootdd pkice4heilifeloldfellowheiitg ih
dangei., for theipurpoK of , malting :'lgor
40 -. 114. 41P
O ST , PVII4Fo NSii ,,
•.;17Yhtf: do - I.l4. l Oigi . sie prinr . O . .by: making andspllioF .
..Countorteit•Pdlii 11)41.:p.oribite.t6 ' -
. ,
1 I.E-That theflire and nowou4-
. .
. , „ • 2/E-L-That no, °flied ' Medicine -is required by the
.or , why .40 . pot these,: druggists eoditterfeit•
other . , pills the 'Same ,iVitir they do
,liraridreih%?• 7 --
.Si inply'lideause 'no otherisave.Brondreth'S Vegetable
'll:inversal Pills ever efrpeted the.eximordinary Owes
that , these Pil I s are kno•ti-:-.utvivpisAtty.ititovh4::.;
„. .
efferted. , ; • ;.
Illere - neVer WaS r apersoh iVIIO used the • - •
. .
• li/to. did•npt.recontlizencl thenzirktermtof
• . • the .nzost 'lniclltalted praise.
• Nevertiidless,ofe.B6 .CoiniteKeizin g . druggists. have
iloiic & ire doing the•Cluiracter.Of the Genuine' a great
deal -of hilt it. is hope} that individualh will
not jrl low:tbemsel ves derelied fiyileSigning'per
sons,, ybowlinlrolilect - is - to7ol!Alf;llioJky . , and .who
arrperfectly. careless of ehliseninincrs. It is a matter
of no jtnpot•tiacc ilo,:theta 'whether tthe poor child is
.rescued ll'OM:11. bed of sicknes i and pisto.rcq to. the
yehriiiin.; rnis its pirelds; tir whether on
h Jai gefiunily rely solely upon Ihr, auppoft; is. 'pre
vented from fill ing.aoxirly-and untimelyigenVe:ir--Flie
timemay•come when the greatiless'of tlreicgiiiTisludl
become clear •to their benighted undeestandiUgs,.and
thini• lt is . hoped:the.y .endenVor to make -Borne's.-
mends. hy the - after - purity , of Unlit.. :• . • •' .
Every authorized agent has a., copperplate
elite of agenny;mid has it eXliibited . .in his storer:' , Ne,
vcr patidiage unless-this is iCeir; and - have some .re.
,••ard 'al so 4.0. the _character the,ngeut bea - re inuring:his
,Ile must beta miSerable.,xillain.wlici
,would place the life of a fellow creature in daiiger for
the 4urpds6 of making money. •
.. Dr.. Brandrelh's (Vices in Philadelphia.: „., •
, :-Principal, No. IL North Bth Sireet.
- office; No.4ai CliestilidStreet - , - .near 2d:
- 12eitiemher the above oflieersare:kept - exclusively
ford) to le ofthe 'true and I, , ;ennitie Brandt•Cdesl'ill.q.
, per.xonsare-drily authorised Agentp
forthe'coinity Elf Cumberland, in the ? Stale' ,Eenn
sylvania, whoSe respective names are: - .; ; •
S. fir7l - BERTSON; Shippensbaro%
JOHNWQ,O.RE, iyetoviik,
. .
, . . .
. . .
N..n..: No druggist, nbotheeatlr or: pedlar,: is. al;
lowed to sell the'gCnitiate BlitudretWa Pills; under any
elretuostipiees whatever. Also observe ,wheiv, yoµ
purchase of atv'y advertised Agents, that they have a•
certificate of agency, signed and sealed' by . mp ~ , •
• •.
. , .Vo., 8, Xorth Bth Sheet; „Phihn/c/plia.
',August 8, I 83,3.-,,1y. . • .
~_ :., -:• •:- , . .
ALOUtKra -
, .
Frotanitts aat'e: for the allot
. ttoatistia. attett 'other-
• •i\jliC3l..need not ice said iii relation to this wont' . .
col yealeilv, - as .the proprietor feels. confident that
hen .applied, it will, as cafe be proven by-the iturninr -
or respectalle twrsolis, effect nn eidirc • cure For. the
- 111(0PiatiCT•iiiil -Miter-pit i not uictil'.
intehtiou to make it public; hot-by-Ale
cures it:has effected ; Ice. feels it. a •iliity he -owes to.
•C•iciety as well as.•to ,Itiinself; to inalcii-it inore gene
rall'y known, and attlic same timeitput it near
. as le•eini within tliti - reackof"alL•Wlio - rn4
with•tkat paintiil disease. _ ••-; .
Hn:ulrcds a o Unit - 1u could be published 4persona
kffitiii" cured Jiy this celebi•ated:Medieine;
but the lip; are selected from the mass", , T[Sliew
iiig• amply suflicient to attest its powers. , • • -
John Srove, •. _ David Bender, ltiob L. Na - le
P. Linden - mill, -George -Fishier, John Alsbangli
_(.Stoner, . John Coover, 'Samuel Penely
15i oii_T3etidci> _~Liinlc pith jf•L_SariitieLYoulip
-thlkiiTT)TAlifte;---. -•11. icharflson - , - ' -- JU - colilVoiliCh. --
11tiiiry•Alsbatigh .1. Dificillimigh, Jacob Tiers.
Otristinit Org:111 ' •J. IlieStand, • • • .
Mount,loy, A.iigust•ln L ifyl6. • ..•
tlTriTHlliFirThiin a .distaucTi:airiirkqi - C - irl.toT - he . sui.f=, -
'scriber, Almint Joy, Lancaster county, i Ince prompt
ly and faithfully attended ••• •
Mount Joy, Feb. 7, 1!537. •
The above medicine
,is also for's9le by ;)
Catiihle - , - Febenityrl2; 1838. ' •
Dywelisia aend .1111*poicluindri
• acism.
Interesting Cure!
William Salmon, Green s treet, above Third'
street, Philadelphia, afflicted for several years With'
.distressing : ttplutcms Sickness-at-Thu—
stc-iititilOiititil-aclie,ilizzlitess;. palpitations of 'the.
heart, impaired appetite, sometimes acid and -putres
cent eructations; coldness and weakness of the ex
tremities, emaciation and general debility; disturbed
rust, a sense of pressure and' weight at the stomach ,
Ater' eating,, nightmare, great mental desporidency,
severe. flying pants in the chest, back, tind sides, cos,
thteness, trdislike for society, or conversation, invel- •
notary sighing.and weeping, langor'and lassitude upon
the.least exercise.
Mr. Salmon had 'applied to the most eminent iffiv
sicians,"Acho considet-elfit'beyond did power of media
anc. to rIUTNYeyer, as his
lions had reduced him to . a very deprorable condition,
and having been yecoMinended by a relative of his to
make trial OW: William Evans' with
difficulty repaired to . the office anaprocureal a pack.:
age; to lithich,hesays, he is indiffited for his restora 7
rtimal.6 •IfflOieolibmarrricads. lie is • ciw enjoying:.
all the blesSings of perfect health.. , Persons desirous,,
-Of-fdellieit,-mformation,44ll v;il , lictLiiYilliese.ty.. -
- Particular of Ids astonishing cure at Dr.. Evans' W 7:
ffical,ollice; No. 19, North Bth street, Philadelphia.
The above Medicine is for sale at the: . ollice of The
k,ExpositoP, Carlisle.' • . ' •' ' '
Is Ims ..for' many yeare been a • great tlesideratuns
among . European and American Dentitts,tomanufac.•
tore.Teetkfrom incorruptible materialiAthich should
imitate The natural.livingTeeth.
Many have devoted yeafs to tinmecessnil. eperl t ,
merits; and-others' hare Succeeded in nmUlifiimrhig
teeth of materials similarto the porcelain wartOmt
getiefOlv' they. haii: an 'Opaque white. appearance; by
•wltich they nueis7asily 'distinguished .from due human •
..teeth. , —
.._ Atter long..and tediona - eroeriments, the sitbseriber.
has succeeded in manutitcharing teeth of materials en-.
tirelYincorreptible, imitation of lit
;man teetli...:llfey.havtia .semi.traUstiareney,,.arid are •
Made of ',various sizes and shades. • , , : ,
•ceses w,hereibSe'eption of the' hi 4 eolar process,..
or other causes May rentler it- necessary . , he will s eltst..
•ot he same 'materials attached to the teeth, artificial
hums,v which shall imitate the gate! art . d• supply the
loss of saitanee • •rr •• •
It is entirely irtmoisible tor' these teeth to Change'
,their celor, or cause foetid breath. • • '• • -;
, .
lie 4111 insert then\ &Om' one to entire sets, in, such
Manner - that make•articulatien Of the voice' . l
perfeet,,and materially, ttist; s ist in mastication, and so.l
that they ettintot be 'di stin4iuslted from the Moiebeau
natural,liyingl.e.eth by-the most scrutinizing,
Ile so performs all" tlie•fyaricati,iperailiiiis in: , •
Dental Su . kerv, aocordinq to the ,late,•seitUtifielin.....:
• =F. ~ II "..ttiiior,e/Vioeifi t ast,••
Corner Of Charles & Fayette Wtrects,.,'
" ?..'; • :or
'Mate liPenifsylvatzia,,
1;;V 6,T111): , ,to inaOhaniciVilia phYaletli . ielenae '-
. c i v il ehgineerktigo,:titotta tind, 11 *:t411e.,..,t 6
_,F4e.MA. •
1 to.reabrd4ig - orAnsertaan akid'hther pa eaten nn:en..•
•Vbn 4 .'..• — : , .• . ...:, -• : .:iii - t5 . ( n.1 , ';",:.;' . .-.!. io.; ''Ll i.) ' t
;.. t ..gdite:d by_ 4
17tio.WAW..P.:111rEri, at. n.; and is pnyliab,:.., ° .
411 an ibe first. of eaeti . inOnth, at-$.5 per anz paysi. '
blo , an the complattan,of the . aixth, number., , el - •,r - , T.,
J ,Cdniiii iluicittinF knit); he': A ikecied "1") c. mania V.
.j on e f i:Np a phli t gtqa oitr;r. bp, tb
,!' tha AelnalyVo l fMin' ,7
'VrihkibilairiPitg,Piikulll ,l 16 17 I"thfPohlar nit!fik ,
16;1 ma: -
.. .. .