Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 04, 1838, Image 5

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will. E. 11.11.11RISCIL
tary theti•handed in the returns. As soon
as the Clerk had commented the reading of
, , _ • the returns' froin Philadelphia - county,• Mr. :
. .
Kr•W•d - have delayed this number of "he he
PRAY Mewed that • tt.: return witch • ,ld
paper until the present time, in the ,hopes
in, hisliands ; should lie reads ,;After... few
of being: able to lay before o ur readers
.the Words passed hi debate, the' reading of Pray. 4 4l
••-. message of Governor : Ritner, which we had returns was, granted nem, - con, . After .. all I
expected would have been delivered yester , the returns were , read by.th9',Dlerk; lles
IlayS . . But alas.l we •have 'other news-- S•ruirENs Made a few remarks in relation to
Mournful news . to •cornmunieate to our rea-
-the peculiar situation in .7 . w.hicli they were,
• tiers. We have to record the fact that.our placed, and. hoped - that no noise or. OS-
. Legislative Halls have become the arena;of breakings should-takeplace,_at.The conclu, i
_as desperate a gang of .BULLIES, BLACK- sign of which he moved, that the . House
'GUARDS, - and -VILLAINS as ever tlis proceed-to the election of a Speaker ; at the
. graced any country. Yes PennslYnnions, it ..same time - remarking that he presumed that
„ beComes •-our painful duty, : this -week to those members - . who •believet4 and - doubt , -
}_ ' 4 inform you that The. Senate Chamber, on less honestly believed, that the Pray Set of
• • Tuesday evening, :was beset by a pack of • members. from the county of _Philadelphia
---, r - 1-111W1) - 711 - U - .171, - I - ES - frotirthe - ccunty-of- were elected; would hardly-vote with their,-
* - Philadelphia,-led on by an emissary -S f 1 but Would select another Speaker- , -a man
•:' ,r.••:',.„. • ,-, •• • •
'' tat ILIENERAL . t.xOTERNItIEkT, John J. Me- i _s• •.1...:.:.:.,,,,,-.„
..• . •
post I
I, 'u (l- '? _ . party: lie.•:•• then moved that” ,
.:. * Callen,' a 'clerk in the Philadelphia* post IMessys. WATTS and, ZEILII .be appointed'!
- F . office, and that thenandthere the Senators Tellers " ferth'e holding of the•eleCtion - of
of the People had . to 'flee for their lives,. -
Spealeer..- ThaVellerirepOrted-that T.. S. ,
Desperate, as 'we eansidered_The- -leaders of CUNNINOIIAiII was elected Speaker, having
• the : loco focoS, we never thought -that it- received 62 votes:
. Mr.Dunningham then
•.: ...
would' ever become our duty to publish
-took=the.--__Chair i =and-resurned-tharilto , the- -
:-:- .abroad to worldthat they had entered-the house, for the_hono conferred. upon hint, .•_....i
.. ,
• . - balls - of legislation; - • there to' ntithidate - the ' 1 ,. VhilSt the'•Tellers" were - proeeeding with •
Representatives of the People. . But These the election,: a .motion was made by one of
. Things • have' occurred. The Loco Foe° the loco -
fete memberS. thatF..R. Suppac.
. .
bullies ItAVg posiessed themselves or our and his Assistant aet•as Tellers for•tbeelec- •
- • - r-Legialative Halls, and when the Senate was don of a Speaker - for. their
.party.* Both ,
about being-organized on 'Tuesday,.-they,-
sets 'of 'I: pliers were calling the rolli•M they
' . Collected in..adense crowd, and interrupted
same time. - . The namedlaM declared*Mr.
:. —the-Proceed i ngs -- by 7 ,thoutilig,, ltissing-and ti o - px i N i - , __. o - tlv•ni - iiiiiti on t e , - 3 1,-, A f .) ,to - e al - i ,- --
-,: ' stamping in such a *manner that'very_little• al as,. Speaker.,:-wito took_ the • Chair .
business was transacted, and that body corn;
alone side•-of .General•Ctinninghani. :Upon
• :._
,pelled . 1.0 adjourn
,in confuSion . . :. AfteK the *Mr. . Hopkins taking his post : the,.Lode
• .adjournment tocilC place, a scene was Wit-.. Feco' BLACKG.UARDS ati,d' BULLIES_
nessed 'that Was enough to make the heart•
.%yhe had been brought here from Philadel ,
-. , 4:if every•patriot—every laver:of his.coura-: Oda - confityand elsewhere to intimidate the"
'try—every honest Timii.-__bleetl.-_w_ishin-bi.m.
RepresentativeS of the. People,:set up: i n -
John, J. Mcgaben_anotinted- one of- sliel• iii - (i.i --- ,
t deldie - br.*.liich .rii - ope may, tieVer:
- 'merriber's desks, and .commenced a yiolene. l ,again be heard in our legislativ - e halls. ..!
speech, in which he : called upon the . mobl - o After the members - lye - re - :sworn in, a cam , '
_. stand mitm . = nottoheishakii ktit,_l.o pow.. reduce of two was appointed to•notify the,'
to ihe death The men who were" Obnol:ioUi "
- - - . Senate-1,44 The house %VAS Organized and
... _ .
---,-to them. , • Said lie s - : 4 ,!.W.ho.are-the-•monwhe , . .
_ _ ;really-io,procce _ _
;* ell•Or business•r-7,W hilstr- T the
are cheating ps out of :_burrights;,:_they...are_
Loc - erFoco members were being swernTiti, ann proceed forthwith to the
• Burrowes,*Penrose and Stevens; let us have
alrSStevets moved •That•as-the-Osther-party- : frontier tn - asSume command._. Others, a-
lieni they Maybe puyo DE.t27'Hr!.
appeared to have a little work to do, that gain, 'contend that he is going to Missouri
At the close of this sentence othis harangue,'
the House •adjourn until tolmorrow.after-• to join the. Mormons, whilst the "regular
sonic of the mob ' cried. "Let US first ' osu...atim e_ riasuw.n., _ . ___
.•..._____ I • • o
_ .th ix .. •• •,--, •
--------- T - PriiampPrita - -
dip them in a barrel o 1 . . .--.1-praztatoaers—bssett at. e_aa_g.amg-on-a-
We were glad to see that our friends
.had tour throughthe cOuntry ti.) Mtirder simple
• KILL THEM.' - ' .Egress from the' chain-.
(so much -respect for themselves that they folks, by. vendrfig 4° them the "7'hoinpso:
ber was refried to the members,'
some refrained 'from making any noise Whatever, nian ..NOstruins." But 'our friend treats
. of ..whoni were compelled fO, make their . _
whilsttheLlectis behaved like 'blackguards ; theee slanders with contempt, and boldly an
exit through the windows. At the con- ..•
at&inflians. ' having
• . • ' -Inounces that he is going t0...0hi0,
elusion of his spefech, the mob adjourned
to meet atthe market. house at 8 o'clock.. Extr of a letter from the Editor, d ated -
had been • -
fishing after for last s.s. years.
At that hour they met in. the Court . l e . -:-- TT -:
aa - A.:.RIS1111120, Dec. 5, -/838. • Now, forall . this bold - assertion on the part
instead of the market house, - and were . ad ; .. The• Senate met at 3 o'clock : on yester- :
of our
dressed by John J. MeCalien, George N, y_
tertlaafterneon; and was called ; .to order 'quondam friend, we strongly suspect
that-the-realaeanse_of his leaving Ship:pens—
. burg, is the unusual scarcity of sour=kratiti
corn, pork and sausages in that vicinity: .
and we should not be surprised-to- hear that
he ' has obtained the situation Of " Cabin-.
boy" On board the . "long; low,. suspicious
looking" Loco Foco echooner,'which is
abOutto sail up Salt River ..froim York
State. Should this, prove to be the fact, the •
rloctis will find in friend Weishampel a plea-,
• sant and cheerful companione rld voyage,.
one who will:do every thing in his power -
Lto render the trip an agreeable one, and drive
from their-counWnanbeS---.thoSe - looks -of
' gloom Mid woe which now enshrouds them'.
IC:PIFor President's Message see Extra
Dartoii,,of Lancaster, ainl an Englishman
by 'the name of Penniman ;• appeals the
most inflammatory were made to them by
: These - desperadoes, in which they justified
- mobs, outrage and treason,_ and mied their I
certain members of our party.'
We feel ou4''sigNes at the present time un
able to speak cooly upon this subject. The.
scenes we witnessed were enough - to make
the. heart of every.honest man bleed; we
-feel keenly that a stigma has been ast'iipon
. the fair name of onr_beloved_atate,
it will tak"
1:e centuries tot yipe out. Ire
may,in our next speak iigain on this sub
ject,,and give to our readers the names of
some of the citizens of oui own 'county who ,
been_ amongst' the foremOsi in this
band of ruffians, villains, and scoundrels: : .
We cannot close thii. article without.,ex-
pressing our vitrittrdtludidnation'at the con
duct of the Sheriff of Dauphin County,--nd•
the police officers of Harrisburg, in not at
tempting to - put a stcifFloTtielbry - TA -- the
mob ; • not an effort, was made by these .
`officers to put down the offenders.. We
hope that the Legislature as sobicia hey
can. get together, will adjourn to meet in
- some town where they can be proteeted..Ll
- } we _should like•to iee - . a meeting of oureit 7
izens called for the purpose-.ofjnviting the
legislaturelo adjourn to meet in this bor-
They would be protected here.
.4CP.A. Philadelphia paper says,-that ihe'
Episcopal pulpits . of Pennsylvania' have
furnished to New York three Bishops,.yiz:
Bishops Hobart-, Hughes and Delancey.
Ahd we will add, they have also furnish
ed to Michigan her pregent learned rind
annlaPle .Bishop, SAMUEL A. McCosicay;
D. D. a native of this borough, and now the
Protestant 'Episcopal •Bishop of Datroit.‘
General, Robert 1„ Lytle has mn-
.nounced himself as a candidate for United
- ably. be - elected, as :he has . -strong - - claims .
•*. upon the generosity of the " Independent
Treasury" :, party, 'he having lately .become
defttiltcr' :lb - government. This, is the
. - ..same General Lya . who, some 'Years . age,.
' • i • gained for himself Ole proud appellatiort of
" the gifted• Bank hateritl.,'' • ,
'Etrtract gra lettar from the Editor,
.dal on •vildiri a committ e e, may .be raised, in
. H.Attaisnrno, Dec. 4, 1838. • order to investigate the matter_.. • SO it.*as
The House of Representatives of this not received„,„,' ~ •
~_.: , . .
.. ... „
State was called to order at I.l' o'clock this The clerk then 'callpd up,the'newly.elec
days ,an motion of Mr: DILL; of West-. ted members; to be sworn, when Mr. Ro,
Moreland, the Clerk was , ordered to .break gers Objected to the. Senators: elect froth .
the:scigof.the returnsredeivedlby the,Sec-Philadelphia county. taking their. seats.-,
retary_of.the_C_oramonwealth: • The , Seerc., —He , afterwarda Moved' to postpone the
- Penrose, thepealteY - :.' Mr.
Myers objected to 'Mr, Penrose taking
Nis seat as Speaker, but was promptly call
ed-to'order. The Clerk proceeded to read
the.returns of the late election, Mr.' Bell,
of Chester, was returned .as, duly elected.
The Democratic Whig members frbm'Phil - -
adelphia county, Messrs.-Hanna and Wag
ner, it appeared, we;e duly returned, ,
Mr. Brown offered a return from Phiia
delphia county, which was not received by
the Speaker. •
enter - offered -a_ resolution calling
-on the Secretary fbr any' papers • in hiss of-
I • t
flee relative to the late election. ;
I, Mr. Pearson - said, it, was impossible for
'him to understand the return from-the eighth
Senatorial district, and he moved that thi
person' s returned he
„pet allowed to take
their seats—(being four - in numbet,Ahe law
-only calling for two)till -the other Sena=
tors elect are dilly sworn in, and' that they
be postponed tilFthaetliiie, •
Mr. Fraley,sociniPkill;:Objate r r*r.
Pearson, urged his motion, as; the return
gives evldfine - e on its faCe of being
_r_e_turns_onl_ _frontio counties out
of a district which is composed of five
counties.- ,
--The yeas and-nays-weie r called, nnd-wete
13—for--and B aping. --The - . Senate then
proceeded to the election of Speaker; on
motion of Mr. Irvin.
'CHARLES -13. PENROSE was duly elected,
having received 19 votes, and Sanwel,L.—
4 10
Carpenter 9. Mr. Penrose voted for Mr,
Pedrson, 'Mr. Carpenter :linige
Mr. 'Hays did,not vote.., . : •
• .•••,,:....:.„.. .
On taking tlinsilatr, to which he 'was con+
ducted by Mes's'rs.. Carpenter and Irwin,l
Mr. Penrose made it neat and appropriate'
uddreas. Mr. Carpenier,,administere'd,the.
.oatll. . ..
. • Mr. 'Rogers said he. had 'heard there-
H iplar_m_PjaaitSbj4Ac k ilittjr_tod,,,,. sent
by ,the ,Secretary] of the -Commonwealth,
but; he had in hisAintseessidn anotherletiiirn
the legal one - #tviihich he wialied - to present
to the Senate. ,/.•• , •• • • .• • ..
• 'The Speaker was of opinion, that the re ,
turns could .not be recei%;ed, :hut a petition presented, under the act of 1791,
- _TT . Oir...ogratqii:2o:.*-711)riraletviilitti±14x..govrifii:440411,4-
1 swearing of the Senators for the.preSent:
• Mr. Pearion addressed the Senate afSome
length, very ably, in opposition to :mo
- After some. animated debate; the. mo
tion Was negatiired;:yeSs_9, nay5..12...[
.Mr. Charles Brown of Philadelphia Conn ,
ty,a claimant to a scat in the Senate, was
then:permitted to addiesi . that bOdy r insup ,
port of his clainis.fn a seat. He coalmen ,
I eed his speech by addressing_the - mob; _(in
stead-of the'Sdnate,) in-a most inflammato
ry style.
_",Will you :permit," said - he,
'`` yourselves to be Cheated out of your
rigt!ts, [No ! 'No 1! No !!! was responded
by' the inob,] or will you• not avenge your
- wrongs,- even if the-floor..of-this chamber
be - flooded with the blood of the Senators."
At which a shout was raised that Wan enough
io_alarm the . most stout-licarteci, "We will
revenge oitrsclves- 7 blood was
their 'respond:
At the. close of Mr. Brown's speech the .
Senate adjotirileci in.confusion, after which
the mob . was . addresseffky•Johti J. M'Calt
eu, a clerk in the PhiladelPhia post office,
who..for that purpose mounted e thp desk of
One of" the members. Language fails me,
as I attempt giving adescription of the.icener
which then ensued'; suffice it to `say that
seen l- of:the members only-_escaped. with
their lives by flying through-the-windows..
The Senate Chamber wakleftiri possession•
Of the mob.. • ,
~.sntprENsnunci_HErtA,Ln,r—We are _sorry
to learn That .the 'editor Of thislrileresting,
little-paper is ! about_to.sackqlie.‘_Torps Ed
itorial," and .go, into parts iniknown,"
provided he 6:iii7fai'd a pnichaSnr for his
establishment: lidiays . the income is more
than-$4 . 00- : a 7 year, and that, he will sell for
: half that
Various rumors are y in circulation - as- to
-.the_eanses which have induced',our brother - .
Preishampel to abandonlns 'present Ancra- -
tive and plensant situation.. Sonic say, that
the ;Canadians, who are at.presenkin
'need of i lenders of con rage--and; . - mijitaVy
have appointed hinrto the honorable
statitm of "tfortibral"-in-th&-pateint nriny=i
thatleilr '
We have heard it surmised that new ep
i-Fiointnents will be xnade to a considerable
extent iti . .the judiciary of the state, 'as fast
as _the_corn missions t udges_
expire according te:AheproVisiOn of the. new:
constitution. That there will be applic'ants .
etioiiffh for these- vacancies, we do .nOt
dpubti but we, would fain _hope that there
1 -are to, be softie boiinds - to the sellisimess of
party: Concerning the ordinary 'appoint
nothing ... to •SeY: they :were received by the
present incumbents upon party considera- ,
iiiins,atid by the like tenure they have been
held. We shall not, therefore,, be disposed
to complain of Go , . Porter, if he see fit to .
fill up such vacancies as they. bedur, with
his own friends, in preference to others—
'such seems to' be the ofcler of the day, But
with-regard to the judiciary, the matter is
entirely different: Here, if any where, the
'Voice of party. should be unheard, and nei ,
they friend iibr foe be recognized: We re.:
, garff the Atnendment of the constitution in
"this particular; to speak the truth; tis-nci•a
inendeient at all, but an,tinWiso alteration.
however, martio done towiirds a
verting its ill consequenCes,• oui appoint.
9 1 1 3 WaYed
proper influences..
• The preSident judges-men of-leai'rfing
and integrity 'when called to the;bcgch--,
were--mostly, We apprehend ? in full prac
tice •at the har. 'Op chief consideration
.....Whieh would be'. likely to induce them to
relinquish 'alueratite profession, would be
the prosPect of holding permanently a sta
tion, which, while it released them -from
the troublesome detAs of practice, seemed
to . afFord'also a secure and honorable provi
sion in the decline, of life. Wo* submit it
to any fair-minded man, Whether such — nit
jncumbent, 'having disehargcl.the Citifies_ of
his hith &lice with ability and honesty.,
has not claims to the continued provision o
it, which ought to be paramount toll - I . 6Se of
any other man th` community? If he
had been. appOinted . With a yiew'of holding
office for a:given term; his_ acceptande with
that - understandingwould make the case. a
, • •
very different,' one. For .ourselves, how-_
o , o', we take the liberty of_dOubting whe
ther, a body of men,. such as now preside in
_courts of. this commonwealth, doing ho- :
her to Pennsylvania, would, have accepted,:
office at the time of their apPpintment,—if
it had been offered on such conditions as '
the new constitution imposes?
It should also be remembered, -that the
expire, in February, were appointed at .a
time - when the complexion of political affairs
in the state was different from what it is
now.' yhe;V haiCialeddled little in such
matters Sineoiit Would, • perhaps, be hard
to tell, concerning most of them, to .What
they Belong, or whether to any. - There
sgetris,_.then, .to reason.even in .thiS
- vid•tv of the case, narrow enough we aim ,
fess', why proscription should enter the halls
of justice, We -believe_lhat Gov. Porter
- would do touch towards-increasing-his-own
popularity aniongsrellecting 7 men i.lirough-;
_ont.the state, „and at the Same time give an
elevated character to his adniinistration, - if
he would shim himself in this particular a
high-minded man ; - above the petty sugges
tions of partizans, 'and anxious for the real
- interest of the People, which can in no way
--be-betterpromoted . -thatviblirteping.--the.
- fountains ofjustice. pure—and_untlefded. , —
NVe make these *remarks, not as Whigs; but
. as citizens, and we arc willing to lose
.. parties in • view' of tbe•..welfarcTof the 1
coMmonwealth. .
. .
••• . _ , .
• _ .
• .p 0.7.
, : • •• . a) • :
• We learn from the-,Western Reserve
Uhrenicle . , - :thatfAbraham Jarvas, the Van
Buren Post Master at Hart's Grove, Ash
tabula county Ohio, one of the noisiest and
busiest Loco Focos in the State, has runa
sessiOn. 'He is advertised •as having . pro
bably .made for 'Texas. Our sub-treasury
sYstem is a capital thing for that young
Republic. It• is transferring to her thro'
.the agency of our absconding Post Masters,
all the public revenue of our country.—
P-H ITrADErL 0 4 8 38.-
. .
PLOULt _AND IDEAL -4-110 cold weather, by
partially impedifig the cappd niiiigation, has cut off
part of the supplies expected; and the stock being
light, prices since our last rbPort have advanced 50
cents per lib!. Sales to n ; fair extent at' from $8 to
$3 50, clash* at the latteePi r gee.. Rye Flour is held
at $5; =alesl . i - baited. Coin ;Ateal-- , Several hundred
hhds hate sold part at .$l7 parlowice not public;
bbls nee held at.s4, hut a sale has been made at 14.
cents less. Buckwheat. MralV $3 75 $4 per cwt
and in half bbls. r,•
GRAlN.—Wheat owing th the advance in Flour'
has also. slightly AdvntWed. Sales or, s'evernl lots;
Pennsylvania at $1 70 to $1 75 pyr fnr red
and prime white $1 80; Southertesl 65 to $1 77 nt
the latter price from• stores:; llye—A sale of '2;04
.bushels Southren at $i per •bitshel.. Corn-Sales uf'
good PennsylVania Rom! Yellow at 85 to 86i; South
ern-Yellow 85 a . 86: White 8 6 - r i t 0,84 cents, And new,
-Yellow-toleralgy dry at 76 'cents. :: • Oats—Salit's of
Southern - alb - Ai at 4'2 - n-43 eents.Closing-at,the latter--
price; 'Pennsylvania 44 cents.
Whiskey is steady' in bblsi With sales at 40, 14ids.
at 31a 38 cent pet gallon, •
• • , BALTimoftE, Dec. 1, 1838.
FLOUR—The market lit now firm; large sales
have been niade - at $8; stock on hand light. -Upward
street,,reccipts small and stock' light; witgon price
$7 64-a 7,75; sales from stores—
GRAIN - :.-Whent, red 105_4! 172 cents ; 168 a 180.
_yellow prime, ad VTI - 88; ihate - ilo:113 -- a - ile
pew 68 a 75. 14 - 6 90 - a 94.1 Oais 40 a 41.
•WiIISKEY- , lllarket. dal], held at in
blda, 44e,
11ACON—No change.' we - . quote - 111.w nallimore
CATTLE—Beeves 7,5( a $B, asin quality. Hogs,
live, $9; dead, for small si•z,,e, $845; largeetize,-$8,30,
FLAXSEED, scarce, $t ,50.
CLOVE ! RSEED—.Ohio, Weis it $1.5:
• ;;.-- „, r _ i l tl
0 'Thursday the 29tlt nstunt,by the Rev: Ulrich
Mr:GPl:int:lE 13FIRGIttl• Eli, Editor of the Der Dem-
Ocrat, (that once was,); to Miss MARY ANN: M.
KEEPERS,aII of this borough. Stop! that's not all:
We got cake: -
• MA ' • . . •
On the Q2d instant,lby the Ttei.. John Ulrich, Mr
JACOB 13nourits,....of Allen, township; to Miss LYDIA
Loa, of Monroe toamship. • .
• .
,On the .29th initinni by the dune, Mr.,,intor Sar.
to Miss n MEzurzcai all of reairkford
township: - .
On the same day, by the same, MK Gc6nda
ft,of_Sontkiklitlleton township, to Mies LYDIA:
ltrrrEst, of Silver SPri . --
1 .
On tucialny'r'vAng last, Mrs. lane
relict of the lute Janiya Spottswood, iu tins 57th year
her age.
At the resillence ;of Mr Jnooh Dewey, near
borough, on Tuesday -the eft!' ult. Mrs. Susan
Gourley, art! about 50 yeurs.• • . .
" •
It is true that cathartic and anerient.medicines are
often required' but the nicest discrimination fihnuld
waya -be-olfserved -I lk- Lou ; _ antLiLthis_be_
done, nothing. injurious can result from their use.
To produce this much desiredomesult, Dr. Peters
has matte it his study for several years, and feels
proml,o say he has snec-eded nt kw:lh far beyond
his expectations. The o lft f: t:qr_i l i s . i d.ll44.4-0-Anper:-
cede ihemecessltrut - i'f.'N.ayient recourse to initirioni
purgatives, and to offer a medicine safe, certain, and
pleasant in its operation.'
Prim:wed by .TOS. Pl2ll.lS'rl
No. 120 Library . street. New Yot'k.—Each box-con
tains 40 pills. Price 50 cents.
iffradachei. Stek aaid OPerimeirs.
Those Who have anifered, and are weary of kitifering
from these distressing; complaints, will find in PE
TERS' YEGIT.IBLE: PILES a remedy at once
.a DYSPEPSI they stand unrivalled
- many Have been cured - 14. a few weeks, after having
suffered- fider-thi s-dreadful
Li habitual costiveness they arc decidedly superi
or to.-any Vegliable Fills ever yet discovered, and
besidesithis they,are recomniended by all the emi
hoit and leading members of the Medical Faculty.
, .
For -using Dr. Pet&s' brelebrate ii Vegi- •
. .
table Erns. - „
1. BeittUd - tliey — are - Caceedniglv pOilular, which
, proves them to be ex'ctedingly good: •
... 2. Because'they,tice - composed of simples which
have the power to`tio good in an immense Timber of •
casts, without, possessing the means to do injury jti
3.. Because they arc not a quack medicine, but the
scientific, co nmound• of ,a„rcgular• physician,-avim.hav
Made tis'protession the•study of his life. •
• 4. Beeduse.they are not unpleasant to take noidis
tressing to retain, while they are most cfrectiie'to op
erate.' . • , .
s'. Because they are tworditiended TO a standard
medicine by the cegularlaculty.. .
6. Betttuso by keeping the systein ina nrilmilti - stnte
'of action, they cure almost
. every disease; which is
iircidental the human frame. .
Ilecause they are cheap and portable, and will
retain all - their virtuea - i in full vigor, in Any clanatO'
find for any length of time. . .
8. Because, notwithstanding their iiniplieity anti
mildness, they are one of the spediestpurgative med
ieinis which has been discOvered. ,
Because they'are an •Milailing renielly for pro
curing n good appetite. • .
10. Because incases-olspleen or-despondency,-1
their healthy infineneg on the excited state of the bo
dy, theY have a Moat happy effect, fa calming and in
vigorating; •the mind.
11. Because they effect their cures, without the
usual 4tendants of other pills, sickness and gripings.
le. Because as well as being an rivalled plirilier
.of the general systeiri,-theyare a sovereign rented}
for Bickhead-ache. •
13. Bsemisc they•differ from the majority of med
icines, in the fact dint:the mOrc'they are known the
more they are apprbred., _
14: Because as their application 'create nci
'in the .s,, , fitem, - they May be taken without producing
any hindrance. to Misiness or the pursuits of every
day life. .
15. klecause when ones it:trAtlace.d into a aimilYr
i?":611711-inge;-thcic almost-immetliately_takeLlheAlre=
eedenee of all other Medicines in general complamie.
16.. Because n number of the wonderful ures they
have effected, can - be substantiated with it any undue
means being. resorted to, tolprocuret inValid• testimo
nies. „ ,
17: Because their composition is such, that - they
are equally applicable to the 'usual diseases H ofwarM,•
oold, or temperate climates. • '
; 18. Because-two, or three arc in genevit oufOie4lt.
for a dose—No that, the ease . with ilmgrirkerality
*^4 . P o. \
. 496
The Trite Riches ofLifels
Pre know that Health, and the ability to
labor is the wealth of the great mass of.
The people_ m _t_ UM as-in most other court- ,
tries. To preserve,..therefore, _that health
N./ITURJIL means, is a grand moral
and political scheme, to fulfil . which
quires ortr utmost attention', . . •
THE unparrelfekd reputation which Peters' Pills
have acquired as a Medical Restoritive, is the most
unquestionable, proof - .that - ian - be - giteii of - their imp
mense importance to 00 afflicted in almost every
class of diseases. The . •number of letters received
from patients recovering through their means is real
ly prodigious; and the complaints which they have
'cured arc almost as varied as the' are ntimerous:—
Buritill - thEi.e .are some in which they are more
especially beneficial.than in ethers; and among those
may be named the too often' tidal complaints of the
stomach and bowels, such' as Cholic, Flatulence, and
Indigestion, for which they-are_ not only a: certain
but an iminediaie cure. '
It-is well known that, _fools. the disarrangement of
the.'_stomach and bo\i,els, arise-rtine : tenths of - all the
maladies of adult mitt dcclining life; that this 'slim'
foundation of Flatulency - Spasmodie Pains, Indiges=
Lion; LoSs of Appetite etc., find that Those to thei
turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver Complaint, Con ,
sumption, anahabitual_lowness_of_spiritat-therefore-
Teters'__Pills_being the-very best medicine which has
ever been discovered fur the incipient diseases of the
intestines, are- necessarily- the surest preventatives-of
those dreadful, and also general disorders, which em
bitter life, and drag so many millions to untimely _,
graves. -
In speaking A •turs Dr. Peters arrogates nothing fa.
himself that has not been conceeded by the public.—
He is no needy quack or unknown speculator, who
comes betbre the World,as his own herald and wit
ness,.but is placed in a respolibilitv of situation -by.'
the jattronage which he_has enjoyed_for years, and
- Which is increg'„to an extent unprecedented' in
the annals of medicine,
rai that makes film careful to as=
- S6l'thilig - whieh - hrtitirbbriie out Tir the. rriostin . -
fellable proof, and hence he does not fear to be.put
promised re
spectinghis Pills.
Peters is most happy to he able to state°, on
the anthoritv of a'great.innither of regular idivsi=
clans, that-wherever his Vegetable--Pills have been
introdueed„.ihey.bave almost superceeded
title of mercurial experiments, for their . peculiar fee-.' l
silty . in sweetening the bloatl , anti stimulating it to
expel all noxiotis ;Odell; Mid in giVing strengtlfblid
tone to
_themerves„kerents disease from acquiring
that strength SFhich must be got untler,rif at all, by
'dangerous remedies.. - •
. Prepared by JOS.-PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D.
129, Library: Street„New_YOrk.- Each box eontains.l
40 pills; - ,h - rice 80 cents.
These celebrated Pills are sold by all the prinerz
ral 'Druggists in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washing..
ton City, and throughout- the United States, the Cana
das, Texas, Mexico, and the West- Jtullas, and by
LIRLFj 4A MUEL WlLSirsT,Sliippensburg; LEW
December 4, 18.38.-1 y. : .
flelacks' arta their Besdruflive
TILE united testimony. ante pliVsicians through
the United "SateS has fully proved the fact that
Peters' Vegitable Pills are the only true Vegitable
Pillsisthic . lt will stand the test of analytation; hence
the proprietor would most earnestly urge •them to
the notice of those who have Lein in the habit of
using, as cathartics or aperients, the destructive and
irritating quack pills so' generally advertised, and
which are at best but slow consumers of the Vital
functiOns, and murderotui agents even to the most
hole. It is. true, most of them twoduce a .purgat lye
effect, and sometimes transient relief; but .in most
cases they injure the digestive organs, and an habitual
'won CU them-tutist-MmittiutirtuallrfsiNklyiqlep--
Cataroge ofsileasons
. ,
_______,........ •
. : •
. 1 4 ''• - •-', 47, i-Cf!' .
. _
.. . .
. . •
'W - - - ' , OlO '
of pittenE, medicines—die I;atient Is not ecmpidted to '. i .0...W,,, , -...... z s #.464 ,,, . _ ... .
make a meal of them. 7.--77;•tir.'''.,,-; .(471;14
19. Because each individual pill is pid up - under ' '
. —__ •
the immediate suyerintendence of the proprietor,
,so '
~.----, .. ,../ .,... 1
that no mistake in..the =--eonqinsition, nr quantity can , _tit .: ~„ . . to ...
possibly occur through the carelessness of R less in- .. .„.-....,--.-__ : ____ : _ . „ . ....,......
terested agent. .........---. 1. --,.... 4. ... i . L .... .....
• .
.. .
VD. pecause they - purify the frame without . debl- pExivs..rivaivi d, ss., . .
,1 ..
.. •
tating the systein.
„...___ •__._• :
:21-Because, notwithstanding their . immenee. pop- In the narneand by the ' authority of the
tddritypno peVign has ever , ventured to raise, against - i , Ttliarkiiiibittithirtii - of Pennsylvania, by JOB
thm the breath of , censure;ivhieli would not have
- been - easer-if-envy-could helve discovered in them 1
,_. gEPH RItNER Governor of the said . ... t
. . . _
_ ..
a single flaw to cavil at. -' •- :. 'DMIII - 01 - nrenitit. - -.
22. Because-,-).(and this fact Is of the intnont im- ;A ' .
. . .m. VirratifllPßAN) NTION. . t
portance)-- , -Indies !in a certain situ - satiny May take
them, (atit . more•than 'two or three at n time Isewev- ' WDERBAS, A lawless infurinted armed Mobfroni
Cr,) without in the slightest- degree incurring the • the,consities of Philadelphia, Lancaster, Adams and
hazard - or 'abortion Victre the viruses of Peters' in- i other plates, -have ttssemblel at-. the seat of Govern
estimable pills,is Alined to this desirable end alone,, ment, with then'votited object of disiturbisT,intetatupt ,
it would glee t em a sledded advantage over the : tug and over-awisisqlie Legislature of this Common.,
medicines or n 1 coMpetitors, as in -no ense's is there i wraith, and of prevesking its proper organization and
more 'danger to be apprehended, or r-rwhich so few t the peaceable noel free discharge of its duties,
remedies have been discovered, as the one refer red. And WhETeng; The said mob have alreticly . on this
• I day entered the Senate Clisonher, and in an abtrageous .
28. 'Becanse while they are an efficient in their op-" stud violent enstatier,by clamoviok, shouting and threat
eritiions With adults they may •stl the same time be ! ening violence andtdenth to Seme of the members of
administered. to children and even to infants, in small ; tits t body, and other officers of the Goveritineitt; and
.ffilanttnlialf l_th
a_pilrinstanoe,w_lthout.the_s_light,l.liestib_by rushitistithitt_thee.barieffilie_Setune:Clitiret.S.
estdinget :' ''
. I her, in defiance of every effort-to restrain them, corn
.Ilecause their virtues Pre acknowledged to
~pelled the Semite to misspend business. - '
stand pre-eminent, for their soothisig itithsence upon I. And tt Isereas, 'ffitcy still rent in here in force, err:-
young ladies while sull'ering• frion the tisind chauges !emir:l;phi by a persen who is an•ollieett of the. General
of life, as directed by . the laws of nature. - ---. I Goternmitsit, from Philsteklphist, and. are setting th.e
December 4,1?38:- ei ly, ' t . . I law at sipess .defiance, and renderingit sinstifelior'ffie
Legislative bodies t) assemble in the Capitol.
Therefore te Thin is to call upon the civil authority
to exert•themselves to restore , Order to the utntost or
'lair power, :OA upom force .t
ilic militia fo of Com
oinnweidth, to hold theinselves in instant readiness to
repo'r to the seat-of Government; at - Id:upon all good
citizens to aid in eurbing this Witless mob,,and -in
reinstating the supremacy of the law.
- Cities) under my hand and the Great Seal of the
State at Iliirrisbuttg, this fourth day -of December, in
the yestr of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
R p 8 FQ76I .
• DEE.
- For the benefit of the-tuwn or ~ v rilourg .
Class No 7,fur I Sia.
To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on Saturtlay,Dee. 8.
. ' Graull-Sebelne.
Capital -'$30;0O0-510.000: -
$6,00053,110-43,000-2,500-2,0u0--50 prizes of
„ 1,000-20 or 500-20 of auu, &e.
Tickets uelyllo—HalVeß s—Quarters S
Cert'S`of pnckages•of 25 . Wllide - Tielteti $1 30
Do ' do Dalf do ; Os
Do do . 25 Quarter du 92 50
40,000 Dollar_s_l!
Alexandrka Lottery, Class No. 8, for, Isns..
-To - bo.drawn at Alexandria,'--Vm on Sat. -Dee 15, ) 33.
?5 Number Lotterv--Ll4. Drawn 1311110t54- •
0 Capital
2-7 1 — Chtittal Prito of , •
1?;•!;,o of
- 4.000
1 t - ' 3.0001
i : do
.. : 2.00 a
- 1 .do - '- ". . - . 1.615
10 Pr l •4l - Or.:* '-- ".--' - ---- 17:000'1
10_.L 'ack. - - -- • •
._ -
19-._ do .-. . st - 10;
25 : do- . : 390
7 -
5 .:
do ' , r • . . ' . -..-: - . 900
esttlee priteti of .5t50-1125-100-60.--.51‘...-36—f20-
't'ickets ()ply ;SW—Halves $5--s--Qoarterrt $52.50
... Certinepteu:of l'Rekk;es . of ...25- i•Vhole.tick, , t silt, V 2)
" ])ii . do - 25 'Huff do , 60J
... . Do, __ -- - -L.-do ~. - - , :2 : 5 enr,rteeo - do — 7 -o'i
fto,onfo-810,00n. ,
For Melieu - writ-of Me.Meelmokel BenevoleM Society.
Class N 0.7, for 1939. '1 4
(3 be drawn ;at
LAlexendeia, Vo. r
on Saturday, December s:% 1239
$30,000---40,009-43 6 000----5,006-4;000
prizes-0f . 1,000--25-prizes- 4.500-28 d o 300, &c.
Tickets only 10--11stivr5.5--Omtirters 2-50
Certificates of.packages of 25 W.liole.tiekets, 130
- 1)0 • . (10 • 25 lialf do .65
Do do 25 Qttaricro - - 3' 50
100 PRIZES or $l6OO,
• Virginia State Ldtteri:
For the.benefitof the Monongalia Academy.. Class
No 7 for 18:38.' ' To he drawn in Alexandria, Va. on
Saturday, December 0,18:18.
Brilliant Scheme.. : • .
Capital t535;204-10,000---5,000 . ---3,060
1,573-100 of 1,000-115 of
• 300-- . -06 of 100, &d.
. Tickets only 10---Ilalves 5----Quarters 2 50
— Certificates Of packages of 231 , I r libletieketS;$140
1)o • do . •
_,, 21i Vali do 7(1
• Do - . do 23 qu n artm (19 35
c ri- J . ( -- Pielcell and ShepTs ort'erti'ficates
of P! ,ove Magnificent Schemes, will
(Teel. iratteTittmr,—aud-an—oiiicialTac=
sent immediately nfter it is
over to all who order from tiv. Address
D. S. GREGORY 8: Co. . 1 / a nogerm,
- _ • Washington City, D. C.
Nt , vember di . ); ' . , .
runnatc' AA LE.
1131 Y. an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumber
,.l9 land county I will expose to public sale on the
premist3, on Monday the • 344/t, day of Deeembei:
next the following real estate ofJon'athan
dec'd, to wit...-A Trniq of' fit:4A tide
situate on the Trindle Spring road, about four miles
•below Carlisle, *containing about i 2 acres, liiol•e or
les, baring au elegant
Ira L ei'vt'e j 111 0 U EA, - •
10 - rinerly kept as a lunwe of public entertaMment and
n - firstruq ,- Etone - 13A - NIC - IVARN'and other - bill nas
thereon erected. There are also two'fiee orchards
6tl the' premises. - The land, is all Cleared. •The
property will be sold together or in parts ns will I
best suit purehaser4—upon the rottowin g terins,—One
third to remain in the hands r r the purchnsq, the in
terest to be paid. annually to the widow; $l5O to be
,paid on the confirmation of the sale; the residue of
SUMO on the Ist April, 1835, when possession wilLbc , - 1
givem,ftpd the balance m two amanidiiifyments With
out interest. • . ,
Dec. 4, MI.
be election held at the hottne of
-11 7rpziftel Sirgars, in Sistith—Miildh;ton-tOlynsliirr
cTobeAnnienonty,,,on_ttif.'plinv the t t I th orDpecim-
Ilin• next, hetWeen•theSotirs'a itrit'cilnek;ll9tl; and
4 o'clock, P. NI. for thepurpome at' electing
for the illarlover and Carlhdle Turnpike !toad. Two
by the - stneklielders and Three by the Conimissioners
of Curriberland and Attains enmities; to serve Tor one
T. STEPHENS, Tre'asurcr.
November 17, 1838..
I. c L4jriEIMIS,
TENDS residing permanenth• in Carlisle, and
wotiltl respeitrully. offer his professional set vices
to the citizens of the &nee and vicinity. — -
He has taken Ynoans at Colonel Perree's llotel,
•whin4 he may lie foUnd nt all hours. • •
ttpoti tt their
An. Crstnpr.
Reference,—Dn. Titr.onottn
_ • _L.._ • • • REv. Tuns_(_:. Ttionvrttl,
filt j* "ts4Olit •
otiotta Ott Varkzersitiv,
i f itirtuerthip heretofore ekiftlert
firm of SIIOWETL . B4 , IIIIILI.6r htts 11118 (hi) liven
vets mutual content. — The boats ore in the Inwih
of William B. IBillic.n,_*ko continue:to manor
facture impel% hereto f ore. • -
VitperitAvn, Dec. 3,1803.-3 w. •
TACO TlLiGglf,--fion' in car.llsi -. ';--
1 97wish6 to know soinethinp.rizspectink his i. , ...
.: ..
No 1 140 E, ... . . who_reshieci when IW:ttiminhiiied his - hcroc '
11 - trTERS ot lidnialtistrA°9 on the este& Orja , i i miles 4 crn' eirS'inunti, in lii . shl2nti.towAshill- • -, ,
.1.4 c,ob Lockrpuil, tole of 12ickilleon toiVnship,Clutn.: l • li " cmtli f Y'r l all i t'•• He 1 ' 49 frequently wriv, .• •••• •-•
Berland county, decensed;having.ismea to the sub. I.Phic`‘ here l ' o 'T''ft them,-nn"" hrlw tl"illf ., •'' s ''•
ig.riber, residing in the orne townsTiip. All. persons 1 Irett u g thv..m. ,l :"lit which. he, be - induced to •••-:::...•
indebtt2ll-10 - ezifil'elfsitic - Will - intike-pnyttit•np urnmeill- I t h at they Ilniv e1 , . - -k.gli their place, of resident: -....
atelyiTnnti tboselinvink eliiiins w.ill'present-ilioni..pr_o.:..-i,•:1,,,,-brianhiliii.;:illi o tyl?ir:je:',itiori6,:as.obrtel!6o:::l-Isn:llta.t.,,,,ln,..?l,,:n'i.catilli.rillidr...,.:::.',o;li.til
perly a,uilientleated for settlenient..- ' •
- ---- ; ' '•• .--'''' '-' PHILte.SIVOTIDT, Ad m i':
Deeeinliee3;inik;:-:.6101,_Z '' - ',.. tv livorj!xti vip g, the nbove - -iiiii - userliOii. ' •
- • ....••------ - • - •-•' ------------- - _ i ___ •• . '.. NovconliON7-1838:- . .
. ...
tliii•iy eiriht ninl of tll4„Commonweialtl;tlte sixty-00d,
13,Y GorFtvolt 2..
" •
Secretary : of the commonwealth.
" tit()) Mi - e, 1 - 17 l 'r iq W I .1 Ph; 7 . TTAn ) ra . i
TIM subs(' lb.), btu% (km 1101.13 of 3% A 117111 0 ,711%
II not thciniaing bostoc&l, tc, to dio ,onoo, , oioe
Imonths, utkii this Inc tliod- of int 1 •ng the attention of
those ultimo-, to engage 110144 . 111 0 701 tuna} tints
1 oilet el of nhuniung nI it table si t ition To cure.
thy! ii by"letter, the iollott i , /,'v 6t Ite Inuit of the bur I
ness of the establi"ment is git c i ---- I lie 66 Whig"
I It t TO
Gas thouO li
subi•ci net 1,--th ' , .(1 Li Using and Job
i Printing amounts to not kin thou :lOW per annum,
1 (Wilhite of the pi intsiv of th ' \lt s 4 114 Ci of the ,
Ctei man Ili loi nu cl Chin•eli," a lic INI 71( t kly - papor,
(Alen Ref by COM! let The 111 lte 1 11114 Of• the Whet Ire
I (At died by very kw in the counter, being good and
i ample All quantitt let• tiro id t sp , p is and al other
pin poses, the pi Lb 9( b he: n,- of the lit' . t, and all the inky
111!? (101,e by fp Rhin( ,
.. The 2l7le 11 $ l ,OllO, .1 511111,
it is hellt 1,7 il, not sulllcleri to coccithe lethal cost o
I the nueena'B composing the printing office done--
1 pat nu nt, C.l 11, C7l--ItS /.17011,117-47 —.holleh--Lf-S4tlbhiC-•
tOI Ihr actuated an e tie tided 01 relit may bc• hid. ...
There arc (Atm adt 0 t I zvi "possessed by this esta
blishment of no ilium Adel bl e eharilcter, m luck as
mc II as the verity of the i tt ts et ded above, -arc 'e
sti.% ed lo:• a personal interview m in any one disposed
to purchase None need tp lt NI hote politic il pill -
tildes do not It n niont7e with those dhtmat( il LI, ill-
Vi Ing---ol mho do it 0 ,inses% the 1 eynisiteability'
eta - oiniutt lt_sitc , ---- iolly -,, --tlie i ins, tOnrII IN ing t,h)
tnthei 11 il 1 %nil din it to commit
- its destiny into Iliat
keeping of unsuitable hands ---
The sUbsei 'her trill milt idd, that the business e, d
prosperity Of On 11 hig eaahlolar int Le sts not apon
the changes at the upl -old dot% ns of jo Itto 4—that it
Gas norm been 171 a i prosper oils a condifkikus at pi c -
sent--that he mould not e trhatit, it for any other of
rutin! value in the Linton, and th d his mush to di-r 1
of it 111.19C9 exclusively from consult I 11101114 n a pi•.-
yate n dun 30S Pill r 1 S.
6ntnberibtirgri . -niv:23-,- I 85q;-
• 0 r .. 1- . 1 .1". 0 M.
T an Orvbans' Court held 'on - Minnla - tlnitc'th
day of ,i'oventher, A. D. 15371; mid holden at
Car isle in and for Cumberland counts-, belbre'tho
lro'nolitihTßitin - Reed; Pt , esident, and ate Associate
Judges of the same court, &c. the fallowing proceed- ,
inks were had, to wl't:
In the case of the Writ of 'Partition and valuation
on the real estate of John McCollum, late a South- ,
ampton township, tlecertsed, sidd writ Lying been re= .
ntrned executed, seas confirmed,' and ride on heirs,
Sec.---now, to wit November, I F3S, on mpti OI
bf Sammd IlepLurn, Esquire, alias rule awarded on
the heir's and legal representatives of said intestate, to
appear et a .stated Orphans` Court. to be held at Car
lisle, on - Tuesday the •29111 day of January, I 539, at
teelock, A. M. and accept or refuse to accept of the
-real-estate of-said-dereasedcat - the - valuntiond - ap , - -
- peaisenumt thercor,or show cause why the sane should
not be sold.
CUM/Whoa COtinty, Is.
L. S. Certified copy lion the re'enrila of Um
,h,plflitils_CourtiatltiatLedunt • '
7710,11.1 S CR.q IGHESD,
Is:ncrniher In:IR.-1w
XOTICE is liercliv gii-en, that the nceount of'
le.undia, Tyn,4,6 appointtid by the -
Cmmt of Common Mons; under the will' of tleorip!
Weir, deceased, in OM yonm, of Ge-irg6 Clark, de ,
ceased, 'was prrSented to said court, fm. confirmation
Mid allowane'e, and said eniirt lave appointed the
lstflay of January Verni,lBs9'(licin the 14th day of
said month,) for its confirmation and rule on all'con
corned tn show cause nby it shall -hot be confirmed
and allon;cd. •
. . •
. ~ Pro? ;INiotary
Pr,:thonotarp's Mier!, Carlisle,? .
Novemlkt: 'IV, t833._-4t. j
I:VrOTICE is hereby given, that the account of
Robert - Mhelltrlane:, Assignee of James Pen, by
Itober't third, his hthninif trator, has been presented
to di* Court of Cotitnion Pleas of Cumberland coon ! ,
ty for confirmatiOn and alluwance, and said court have'
tipaninteil the first' tiny of January - I'er in,',18.19, (be- ,
iitrilVgath-day--ofattiti-monthjforlts con ides: iuiin;.
a:3112111e on all concerned to show calise why it shalt
not be tioUrn 4 tited-and allowed.
• . GEO. FLEMING, Pro'y.
i r ratiraintary's Mice, Carlisle,
838.--4 w. J.
libans' Gnat or cumborhoni ,montv, to marshal .the
as'sets.oLthe estate. of Sonmtel Itulky,-deceaseilritrthe'
14trds of J'ohn llnplt, his r i xecadoe, to and antonfr, the
credliors of the said dreeased—and .sttid solditors
meet at the !loose oflbratzas..Etruiner, in the borough
of NlechanieLNlntrz y on NtCIO,(ItIV tnitirtir-UVCClllbri*,.
I 3:38,111 10 o'cloc .s 6 , :ilvliere creditors are re - iiiiintz,l
to attend. •i , „.1011N COOVEI2, - )
111r,N12Y LEAS,
crt, 1 R31.--La w.
Catlisle irenaaale Nesatinary.
• •
Aluete . 4- the French language.
ik.v.r RS: BROWN (formerly Mndemoieelle 211,nr . c
. 1`4 , 10 Aglnce SAW .omer,fi•em. Parts,) hits been or
mod hy tire Touteeinf the Institution, to give i•
.!ruction ift - Mtniie on the Piano ho te, and to tenth
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Arrangements aro now cerwidete, end in eperatte. ,
nw le:wiling the . Greet:, tottioth Spati
French. and Englit.ll hmgmtges ; D;sswing,
and i tAnnic; and for motet hod otinOtt.• instinicitlon
vory Mhos it cancan oh Liter:nitre nod Science.
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