Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 04, 1838, Image 1

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L v - , 7lrE Li, T.—Aro, 0.
. .
•. • .
~,. . . o f
, ..., , Th e I n di a n . gp,re f ile. . I, In pursuance of an 'order of the Orphans' Court
. . '.
(Cumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on
„ I. the:premises, on. Saturday the 22:1 flay of day of De
' k. 11144 ' d' . -
, 1 ceJhb'et. Bert, at- I l o'cleck,..A,lM. the real estate of
• :r ".... -4 . 0 ,-,1....„,' • for the prevention JAMES DYSART, deceased, consisiing lila
./. , c, -...,....--i,....,..., .. .
~. ..V 7 . ... flt .....s? 'on rl ewe of Cough s,l •.- -- TRACT at i 7_ll,AN•p, •• .
• .. - f '''' ,____‘,... C ,
}al t../F.A .4 J,...4 1 .- - j olds ; V.lsthnias, Con----situate. in ,Ilopewelg_:township flimiberlaiutcciunty,
.1 r. ..ii i .. 8 im p i on q , s pitt i ng 0 f , CM, .!.I tli n,146 A . firealt tut (3:2 ' Perches, strict Inca
''' ff\i • - 1,, J sure, adjoining lands of Martin floover, ChristOplier
.. 411 I'3 Mao d, -riod diseases Au, anti others, having thereon erec t ed
” • •
• t.•&,,, -- ~:•,•' . of ' the breast ' and .• • . •• -
. • - a tiff° stoilr IFADg. Dzwellaing' .;
•- - .- li 'V Wi •'„ - . 1701 gs 8. e.• ..
. - . DUO.R.JNE.. • • .
. DoetOr LARKAON.FitEit:O7, the proprietor of tile A DOTTBLE LD GI' ,BARN,.
• --specific,' •resided uPwards of Abut- years among- the
• %tribes of North American Indians, nod with unwea- and other out buildings, and a never failing spring of
... lied diligence used every means in his power to ac- water-near the house. • 'rule soil is not any
' quire a Anowlildge Of die iliffei•ent remedies used by slattJ land in the •eiltnity. About sixt--five . lyres of
" them, for the cure pf the Siczit and wounded ; and saithtract are cleared, a portion of which is ineiclow.
111.11 e particithirly those -which- they take to. prevent : and (he'remainder is covered with thriving thither .fa .
and cure the consumption, and. complaints of thy a valvithle kind. • • . • _ _
----breaSt-aml-ltm-gs:--1-fi---Obsel-reti-thz-intlifins—were-r,--The-contlithins of sal'emic:as_follows:_ - =OIIC half of
subject to numerotis :1)u) sit - Oil:U• contidaints to those -the purchase Money to be paid on the 'confirmation "of
of white people; and froin . their tr0du.01714464, an d .! the sale,-find the balance in ()tree equal 0010151 pay- ,
.. - - -- bring . exposed to the -inclenitincY of all, me 3
muds without interest, -'liemircliase'r to ifecure the
many of - th"."-Ar eomplaintrwere - vimplicated -- and yin... I said payments by liis-j-stfgnie:idAtonds on the confirma
lent. Although many.of their disc 's_were of sail !of tile gale- ' 't—
.. ~. .....
. . •
- . O. nature as would, with a peolile in- t civilized it de l 23 OS EP li M. - M MAWS, --
• have terminated in confirmed cods u notions; vet, du- I •• -" .. • -
" _ring the time lie was with them, he did not hear of
.is consontption:- .' • '
SO • happy are they in. tlviir _knowledge or ferric
dies, and so C(11:11O of their elfectsL-when applied in",
.. _ tune, that'it May 11l said l!altatee-onsitinfitionis ailiF. j
case never khown - or lii iii-1 , :mining them." Tim
---= : filitlf-0110i0.4 OlfSMV:lfioli nlifsfile.C.r.J6'o6olitte(l- 1, OIL: ,
NV' trove hail."
Am have haili.he oppprtitnity of beeaming ;mg:aided I predeedl6 sell, at public amition, on the premisos,
_-with.these people. _ -Irmay then_be..itslwil wliY they ' - •
_._2. - are exemipt Irmo these complaints? The reason is i i .
•... - ./1_ ili'll,ACT OF 'LAND, — ..'
. , obvious ; lwent;se. tiler - inimed bitchy seek Lin relief, - zaid wilt homed as "Oweii's ftrin," tying , in .Tefflrr=
nail prevent those comp lointil %ditch inseitsiblui- son guilt, V.i. ;mai 1.,...,,t-itwo 3 -1,1141j 7 .1-i.dog_the.
~fine the,,coos.titittion,-and Ming on'ineurshic -con- . laitils_oLliieliardArSlierry's. heirs,...Messtis. i'.: I i arlt.s
•sumptiom ~ ... , . - ' Lo , .i'ildestiiiilJt.lin.Aloyia.;c:biltailling-..?0 , 0. , VC1MS
Hills of direction- :tel.:on - Tally each bottle Of the ' or upwinal.;. . Said land
,lii.4 int.eillitulint !•byt.‘i , cen
: .E.lpteilic,,_.pniating._cut_ii.ta cinit,pieuraii; manner, at the l.iniithliclil and Shiliherdstowil, and Smidillel.l and
the synilit alitn the staves of these di sti6l.-' ' . 11,, r1 , 1 . 1 .,- . l.',.rry fitrimilie ;.;.ads about 2 1 , or 1 ruffles
..............sitti4-disoit..,a-4-atia•;ipai.itieular—tlivectioas.J.T.Sit;:rill. , 7, nolint-.5_11 , 11.1);1.;. : 1+1..ttli:il--b4%vrri C . - aikd 1 : - illiles - Cram
l )li.t and It Li:4;mm, aml liov.. patient; are to I. militet Chariest iv...n.. Also on • . ...
• .illeinselves ihreitAili tl%:.ry_ fiL1 . ..;•1 alltitiWr 1 lthArt re- • ~ j a 0 , irda 1 r r th e 2•2,1 d ay o f t h e saint month,
ictored ~`„ for vain and tiseless mould . lie lli- preserip- .( 0,., : ,,„ - ,1,,,..,.).,,.,, t h c . r. . rii , ~,- iZ
_,/,;: Ci t l_ ejti` ii,.11:41).
----lions of the. ablest phisicianotueampaniodby-themn.A. 1: , ow i„ .,,,, ii
~. ~,,... ,-„-....,.. -;„... /..,.,,, - i: 0.;,,
0,,,,,i _
3• (1 i_lr 11 :•It r.., ~... y 1 tr
I, oWerll , ll medicines;if-his directions ar,...tfot fiiitlif ally • ...c. • .of 1);.. I)aniel lliwroder,) liet..v..cii and .I. to.:• ... ..• - - - . miles north east of .\ll;.chosti.r. itiljoiiiim.... the lands.
. Tim' pol;14; arc - inf,».l - hi.o titnctliE. 4uposi•tions of 01 ..., N1 „ . ,: , ,,, ,. .. \\ . iii. L. ci r“,,, ,z,j ,, 1 ,,, w .,. - ( .„ .0 .,,, , , k ,. ,
nitii c
~,b .
, - . 4..v0 liimilgai Ithd.. 4 .l4;_iity-so;:"en persons.have beciita- , 0 , 1 „. 1 „ 0, ._ e ,,,,,,,i„.,,,,,...1, 0. „. 4 „.,,
...20 1 ), m i l l .2:,t) . A c K.,..,_
' - ' . ..t.ra brrir. ,, t/le Prol'Fril - "t 1 "rill'' 1.(1. --i h e-‘ , i t )' °f ' L ' iti ! - • Said farmis sidthfil rate'inilii or - thirAVliii`hi...O . C.'l' atid
, e.aSter, Pi., all;.compktely ettred . of ill . t , Thoost il..spe- Potomac. Hail 11..... iii. Poss...s.,ion of both:fat m i-gi tell
rate cases' or aiiistimptiom, sotne of which ttre:ilet.dl- ‘,: - ° ,, ow la (1, ,,. :) . a April fa,xt....A farther dewription.
• ---oil in-thoibiltit-tic,erinipao;vl.l.o,llpli,iitle - • . ,
, i,f-tir.--Trlinvi.-namt-tlditt-tos-i-s.dremitil-titto...a-iti , ,-a A
' ' Th' , Pricr 'of. cult both or O r ' -1 . 7 '. 0 DI A.:. ' : " -. ''''''.'" i't is prusitinetrilatc:mv oile wishittg to porchase,..will
.cill - e is One 1) ;nil:lV:Vitt • ear:ll •eitrelnpin7, - ;h:c I.;,...iiiitilie - _, h ., G, proilert , niT ,li ii , rga r „,,
k dionst , h .,,,__ ,_.....„.__.,
Specific is :lined by 1)1.. Clar l: iii /.;,;•;..fnia..l, and the Te...ins made. w - m - ji 0 , the th iv of ,;,i,., - - . •
initial, G. F. no the seal of eitela liottle,_,lirmaiciut . .. l ' • ._ , . ]3t1,,.ix.1-07N__1)AALI. , ,11toirp s t , r ,
..„ - li......'ivittilite without this higilattir,o ; ,:i Iptsii compost- I, . of .1.1),.ain - Dayenport,llec'd.,
' got; lia - sttig-beeti attempted
,to Inc imposed „ upon the
.1 . • 3,411 ,,,.,. ) ,,
„,. wanly,. ,
"public by a coMiterl - eit.imitation - of this extr.tordinag i Nos% 1,,
___ rB3B.___t, . .
it :- .
tirlc- - . . • - , • . .
‘,. -
a - i-1 supply of:the hive suveitle; is kept yruistaut.-
ly for sale by U. I.IIUPN, .1•Th1..1.07'7' of (;Arlible,
and by Saimicl NVilsou j Shippentbitz.,- ..
- -- N . -- Yvyrnbt-r-5;- I 838Hly, --- --- ..., . - •
• -
- _
the reputntidli of which has now become esitiAblish
ql as the Most sale amicertain remedy ever discovered
. fn restoring liealfri to persons suturing under every
\ 4disease roe wWe'll•thry aro vs.:commended.
• Wherever these pills have been once introduc ed into a ti n nily, they become a standing renvnlv,.and
. • att:'&. \ called fur again nod hich is sollicient
' proof of their good qualities.
The'medicine having owl with dn. omonimous
ln•ohiltion,of those alto have fairly eikployed
cording in \Alm directinios, Ts.reemilimmiled. with in
-Lrcas•_cL_onlil ranee to the ptiblic, - in every. vaidi'•ty of
iliso!.4er fuwobs - I,iver
:nod Spleen, such\ ir;' I leardnivil, Acidity the Sto
welch and Bowels, Iliarrlitiga, CoQe„lntoldlce. Platu'
limey, Dysenteryll : ll)4lnd c- , stiyetless,less of ajme
lite, sick lleadaclic;-Sea \ Sickness, ise. Thor are
also well adapted to tlic•ed,n , ses of women and chit -
,I] . .t;o,Th,_itgrary men,stutlet l i.s. :Intl all other persons
of sedentary ballitS, find I InnifAery c onv e aient,
who indulge too. freely e) ti.keph2ustit•es of the 14• 5 1 ,e„
fintl_spcedy relief from dii. , .. 4 .o:ses:of oiVessuin
dI Ltension which fidlow*; asini;'stb , Pills As a
. dinner Pill, the'y are ~ Kliose who aro
dribkinl.; mitierdl waters, oral particularty those from
sluthern climates and aguu _and let er:(ll,triets, will
find thew highly- beneficial. Those ivlto are exposed
the - vicibsittnies of ,c,:ithrr, on•jloroeyk. Or vaya
ges Tan take them at all tinirS wish perfect safety,
and without inconvenience.' .In fill dews, they are a
highly (11c:scions and safe Anti-Ilihnits
Thep never produce biekness at - the Ltonincii, or
II Bishop of Wiir . tli'C'arolina.
"Rateigh, .41arc!:1-2, 1 535.
" for the
. last three yenrs been intimately
srtpt:tinted with 1)....10hn Beehwith, (ir this city, aiid
.enjoyed his •protimsioilal I take p!
Mating tlint his char:let - et. as ftChristian - gentleman,
:lad experienced l'hysichni, entitles his testimony, in
regniqi to the use. Anci- , nyspeptic to the
. .
tike gothl effects - of these Pills, for (no years past, sa
tisfies me oftheir eminent value, particulartv • ittaid
ins. an, impaired digestion, and warding off b ilious at-
Inas - , Having been for a long time subject to thd
- .annual recurrence Of such attacks; I was in the habit
.of resorting for security against them, and with-very
-•-• - partial StICOCSR; to a liberal use •of Calomel •or -Moe
• • Pill.. But since my acquaintance with the Atiti-Dys
peptioPill of Dr. Beelfwith„which hupreicribed . in
nhe first...last:nide himself, I have not been under the
'ti6cessity of using inercury,,in any form, bdildes be
ing wholly -exempt from bilious attacks. Several
Ine4bers of my family are experiencing the same be
qiefleial etTeks.. • • 1,. S. :IVES."
• ._Fai.--Snier=b
' EiLlOTT,Carlisic.
• GEO. GARLIN, Chambersburg
- IsToVember 4 20; 1838. • -
. . .
. . . - ..
. ILL b e sold on the premisei, on Friday the ; o:h
Wily of Xovember hist-the following described tisiets
of land, situate in ToLoyne township, Perry county,
late the property. ofJames MeNeal, deceased:
' A Tract of L'aOd oo Sheri - mires creek; 12
miles west of Lainlisburg and 5 miks east, of New
'Germantown; having thereon erected a . . '
N r one 311 entilaa fit, Min,
: .with two run of ston&',
ftzit: 1,• . 0 • A ,
niu<.•.a.NV NI I 1.4 ;-
• . • ••
./2 .Two, story', Log House,'
;r1 . 1 . 1.63' Stot t' , 'Frame nod 'n Stone Milk
with aout 00 Acres of Land:• • .
Also -a Tract of land, situate on the main
• '; road leadin,„.•• Landishtirg• to the Three &Mare
Hollow, and about 4 inileslront the first deferihed
traet; -containing_mbout.:43.(i
cleared, and the residue envered- with.fir4 i .rate tim=
her, - having, thereon erected, 'three L t og Wwelling
Houses two Double L0g...D% arn an' ,Apple Orchard,
is alSon.gOral site, forwater works on this_
• - tract.,:with;thilleient water Bower , and the Mart may
be.divtded Imo three ASO suitpurchasers. ,
Terrns 'will he.made known con the ,day, of sale, or
,on ikpliliesitiOn Samuel Endslow, in Tchoyne
l'il - tOWnploetti lartlelL - 7 , lllqtat;- iciprin , Madi son
township, rev* , comity. • , • •
- --, , '-= '' '' ' - - :1 TiftENCII Morita:l6R . I.TrOs de:nap' merinotis;.link,
1 .. VIIIT.EIVIERINO,.Iimhs•wooIi worsted ; and a!. , 4 fish, German' and W olith mdrinoes, also Alm"
large. amsortraoat, of mohair,. citititatre- - anth :chineae-Cloth, for sale _very low'at. :, ~ . ' ...,. 7.
!Ilk Ito se; for 'sale sale liv -• • . Altil.priDli'CO, I ,N0v.20. .. - ,AIINCII-D A54-(20. /
, . .
.. . • . .
. .
. .
" .
'- • • .. - . .
. .
.. • • .
. .
. • . . .
. .. . .
• .. ... .
. • . . . • ',Oh..
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• •
. .
•_ •
r-T. 1 838
17 - 3 ti itsuANT ;0 the last trill au rlrest;uvcritof the
date-Miljev-Aram-Daivirporc - ileck l ; l-- wiltini
_ratrsda7 the 2olk day of L4keember text,;
'l, 11'. - .L'io IA E ISTALT E
_ .
. • .
rinsT• situate in7iVest- -
petish,rou;ea Cuinhprianti enmity,
Cranakti Ditlihip ; --Istute-Gorair
intrt, - 11 - Wfa7 - 13ixl,r, CiEnrge - 1 - !itith
callers. ilhoet 9 mile W l . ! t of in bit.lit or the
turnpike anti the rail.rord, containing aiiratt
One_Hun,drcd.lll?(l Thirty
, P.lflirey CHI'S are ov:wetland ina high
s , alr „The haiuutic i.. ircll timbin'ed,
and tlioee is a great ipiatilit'y oil the plate.
. :'l'lie impravenients are, a .
fi'Ai !i il q 4 c) 2 . 4 , 1 )G ::1111f,f OIET.b ,
~,, y ,..., ~,• -- • • ....._.
_,...,,.:;:,...-„,,,-.,-_,..,, -u- - •.•,-- 4.4 ..--.• .-, .
,•it.i. :i_n t .„, : (..... f ;,;„ 11 . wpi 1 (:f walcr tl,“. 1.21t1.4 door,
aild al. ~, .!..11.:.iiik. 111.11,a:id l%vd — f...rd„\ - lif - ., 16 -
or..l.artlß. • • . . .
Ii tilt• :,bovo riroN.rtv is Tirt priv:rt.4:::tlt •
tliv't!iolt or Docesi;l3l.l • noN.t, it. will bo ofil•rv(1 pu
said 1:0 V - iir 1 I 0 7 c1...)..1: at public snit., sLcu colqlitions
nt f.skwill be toltdo by Lloi heirs. For for
Nor tnilivr ‘-'O, 1133.-,-I.i. . .
. .
G ,-TO Lanr;ts•er Berald & P.ran/inc./. All:I I ; isert
fig• al fl e 4 4Veeli.n,-B:l( l _eharge ilili, illl et . ,
11 - 1 ‘4 ti 1 1
11 - . 4 .P_El.l. 'IA, • •
• .
• A first rate Limestone l'arna. , ituate :;bout G ladles
ANTSL of Carlisle . . cirmailking !2;ll Acres, about '2OO
Acres iU=arllllll 111 a high 4tate at cultic:mic , a the - -
balance is well titubered, 14c.;e qua ' rffiTY` - '
„I.ormt on dot place. . •
'rile improvements 'are a new,Ttro - Sbry:•_
V . IC:UNE Tr.Tl' 7 "`" l l R‘ ' i •
S/S:ND: -BANK 11A13N,, — . .
with ii - Tv.fa StabilllX,' anal t %co A pple-Or--
mbards. --- There is a \vell - of water.-aml-:gereral-wery
filege sprimo near the !louse; The turnpikeßraul
trout ! la rphdarri - cto eltamberhbarg passe, Iln-ought the-! I
• farm, tool the I it •Rxtil basses nearly •
IS - AvVir,Veclat.-,d - lbr - two:flo
which' wilt b sold scpar..lj 0/' together, to iitait pur
. "Persons t v-pureliase the above property,.
Will call on the.undersigoed, w Ito ,reEjth,CAT cast
• of Carlisle., directly on the Coraberlupd"rallaix Rail
Road, awl .who is authorized b y a committee. 61. thYi
Board of .I.)irectors of the Carlis . lo Batik to make stale
of the same.
_ _
November 19, I.c3S. " •
The Harrisburg Intrlligencci•, Lebanon Courier,
and Lanostev Examiner and.„Heralci the
,nborc 3 \rut ka (marl - priac),and cbai•.•e,_ll3.s 9fiket
-4.4.• - • --
Estate bf . Isaac .fitlanz:s late of .RastEenns,
. 49rottgh townshii,"deccased.
• - • NO'rECE . •
is hereby : given that letters, olAdminiatration- on the
estate'lf - Isaau - -. - Adams - late - of Feist Pentisborough
township, Cumberland=Countt, deceased, have been
issued in due form of law. to the subscriber Nvlio re
sides intim township aforesaid.
persons havint , claims on- demands against the
estate of..thesaid deceased,mre mg:tested to. matte,
known the same withont delay—and those.indebted
t.) said estate to pay their said debts to
- .21E7"1' MIANIS, - •
, • Adminicirativav
Nov.' 12- 18133.—Gw. • - •
Is hereby'given that letters of Administration on
the estate of Wm. S. Sommerville, late of !Inkwell
loWship, Cumberlattd - Connty, deceased; have this
day issued in due form oils w, to die anbscriher who
resides iii 11 . 01)(2%4.0 township .n.!bFesrlid, nil persons
ltnving claims On demand against- the estate of the
• - taid - decra'sed'ace - regnested - to-make known thin-same
Ni f ithont . delay, and those ltifieLted to said estate to .
pay..the said debt td
.1 •
12,1838.-6 w. • •- •
von -RENT,
. .
clumbettl, oint_far.M.Lminexed....lo_the. same, in
Dickinson to‘rn ship, Cumberland. eciuniy; Arc foi•
for one or more years. • They will he-rented separa
tely 01.'6f:ether. For 'terms . apply to. Mr. SAM
UEL WOODS' yes premises.. •
November 13, 1338.--4 t. .
_Printed and Pa angled,' by George'.ll. Pdaill s, in Carlisle; CamberZg.nd CGitiety,
'1•1 1 ; RE AM Ne; j:001TS ore well supplied with
theleading-irmrrals rf di:R.:Tut tvith
a grew variety of the.eimatry jouraa is-or tiw- -
- VAL)/ ANTs -will he .Ibarl careful and traq
- . _
cm the prcmnist , .s
. .
TU:ES . IP .11 TZ:r2 Jr 0 0.11 1 1 11) 'BEI? 4 , 0 8 3
rfillifl subscriber re4iectfully - informs the inhabi
-jc titutsfofCailisle,,anci the public generally, that
he still resides at his Old Stand, in North ll:mover
street, opposite Mr: E.lhillock's Chair Manufactory,
where he continues to carry on the.
. 4 1
,:tbipeit nakii;g•
in all its various „Ur:niches. I 1 has flatly' fur - nished
jinself with a neW and splendid HEARSE,
•&b. to accommodate all those who may favor him
with a call. lie • returns his acere thanks to his
fr,iends and eus.toiners for- the liberatencouragement
- IfifstOwtrowtrint: - In - ht-s-oli-eits-u-routintathee-of-their
tion to .husiness ahil a 'disposition, to please, to merit
and cocci vea share:of pnblicip4ronage; • ---
N. -D .One Two :,..lourt\ey.then Cabinet Makers
wahttal, whom liberal. wages h ill -be given. An
apprehtieNviltbe take' to learn - the abOve busihess,
if well, recommended. • ,
CarN.*, Novemlwr 117, 1838.
iNINA . N QYBP,N,::Ii(),TF,Ii,.
So tgriT FounTli: - BT - Riliy•f . , - •
• ATB-) MhLLEF ;
, . . .
ESPETFU LIN WI)). nislk, friends and the
rt, pubik, thnt:jiv alas . : removed li•om the Western
hotel in---AlorketyLtArt i -toAlint.largentul:colonodiotis
hot .1 PIrLII , TIV . he 1t by Me. 11...1)1the, sign of the .
WP E .IZ,Vd: Q. EJ.1.2
hetet is - situated in South Fourth street,. be--
nye.ea Markel mid very centre
the liminess part of the city, and will therefore be
getierall _ • -
The bnilclirgs have le on thnroughly and complete
ly repaired by the. sitl,srtib•tr, mid •ito •exptinse,:litit;
Wain -splii•ed- rooms
as tapvoinett• the er,trirart and tntivenienc'e Or those_
faN or the hoityi with their etolom. •-
Gi..htle)oen 'travelling with th-..!ir I..nvt;
pri , .nte pnvloi.3 Ilivnishtql in the , hest nininict• with
cl In hibeiLs-.rittadled-4-4--thvi-o-004oly-tho-y,ea;l---cijciy
privaefainis&i,lusion, or tine crinipuni , .t.thip of their
frineis,e , .nla in inlst debitable. ' - •
• l'hr: PAIL CEI,I*.AIIS have - linen:provided
• .1 - the
'l' V. t• se I. I ti nu.
1.R. - Wlll et all he suppkied - witil
every del icney which the' F:en son
ford; iiiidTVery - tt.Ver,Lion'ns - 4ee , ta_plcnseltielnantztxf
enct , q7.4-1 , . • • --_-.'
A ttached to the hoterare very extenElve STAIII.I:S,
caleillsh:d to Ilecniniandati l coy Titu decd horses, and •
tihdo o o the f.operinteii • ditucc• of careful and attenti'sc
hooters: , • • - _ • •- -
../.1: - .:41:retures his sinceee iteknossledgements fir
the very •encottragenwitt herethfire revolved,
cud feeling confident (lint- he rout furnish his guests
with face which will Ingo notliings•hy a c:anparisrm
with other houses, and that his appartmenis, and their. ,
furniture ; are fully equal to those.-of any other hotel
in the city, lie respectfully lot ther share of
public patronage; •
P/./Saft,./phiti,..;Vcrc::•:!:::; 15, 18.18..
. •
• a s, . .
• •
• „
. -
TiletN;c;-: .
is tho :111.1 .S:icrod I
elmniett.---by 3. It. Plyni44;
--241 v(litio , l, much yilarz..(l.:l:lil
and Cry. !ale I.y 3. NVltollamrl'lMadelpltia--:.J..
II: I lit. 1:;&, - Chamber: :eorg . v - Fluniipg.;
Wyatt, Vielktriniitl,
Nmelic.4; Mku.
. . .
The publiEhe'rs put forth this. twirl: it view to"
meat - the want; a aud its
reception has L'en such as t•-, the mitt !lettering
itssurnuce•thnt. rf:ii I RA , mi s htakeil itnArahts
fortajnh'cutloos‘sreil It them. A ,s- k wy lorge
iedition Ice. i 8 it shoo time In es.Latsted, and :mother
'11111:1Vil thin publish
ers to have the NVOk'l.: stereetvped;:uul thus he eon-
Wed to u . p it supply for the th-maah.
-ernmons tones suited to nearly eve
ry - vnrielv of tr.ensuro Intuit in.tlie various Upon
73in+Ls enshilunat iii a 'verv - larl.•;'” induction of
P.4 - alnn cord ilynnt Stows. liotijdas thi - ese,lt eontaifiSli
nuother of h.torostinf.- nothems, [4t pieces, -tarred
songs, &e; ellEy ot s WieCtliloll A% ithoutthe aid ofinstru
mental areonspaulmenta, anti suited : to _various occa
sions of roligious worship eounect:al
enterprizo of ihe present jhiv. • -
'Fr:tellers of Music, Musical Soeieties, Choirs, re
tailers and others, supplied. on the most netat-untwhit
h_rg terms on appliention to either of this
gThe above work'vlay be heal, whole
sale or retail; u! the oge eof 17te" .11e
unit .
er Z. 0 5,' Lill ' LTA G N'l7o E
rtl , Aiii;Seriber-would inform lltd.putlieThiar,lie
Las of hand a large assortrnewit.ef .•`
EdVDII: ataA": - t"..73 atOTTIING. • -
of tlie hest Clothes. SattinnttS, Cnrd and Vesting' :is
well as low 'indeed pods, all of which Ito will sell
very low.
'llie - Tailoring Business is also envied on as usual.
,Carlisle, Nov. WO , •
IW i CJ~ SL , II Cl ~S'1•
• .
. ,
.• The Prineipol A sses.sors of the sererni. townships
and, Boroughs, within the On nt n y of umbelleid; Itre
•reqUeSted to meet at the Commissmners'ordee, ire the
flormigh of Ctudisle; no Thursday the ‘29th.. itist;nt
one o'clOck in the tifternoon, on business relating. to
the duties of a5ReS$3lll4.. Punctual idtcstdance is .par
tient:My requested.. • ' •. •
Attest—Mot Ii win, Clerk.- •
.. .
• , . PORT. C. s'entutETT,
. - JQIIN CORNMAN, ' . .
, •• . CommiasianPv•
. , ,
Coin missioners' Office.;
If2tli, Nov; 18:18. , 5
. ~ . • ._
Try CIZEDI i rO.IIHS. - •• i
'calm .n tee that I bare. applied to'the'.- Court o
Common 'lens of Omitted:lnd ciounty, fru-Ili:At:114 t
of the Insolvent laws
. of said Commonwitallit, and.
theyhave.appointed Monday,the 14...th41;ty of..Jannary
next for the het ring of Me nod' ritv ereditors,itt the
Court [louse in Carlisle, when - nnit, where you may
atteMl if you think proper. , - , .•- - 1
. i
Nov-ember-i 911338. • .
. -
U PERFINE Divialhle% Green,
,Claret,: Br
-Green, _Royal Grelen,. Roman' Purple, Olive,
Black, Wool dye. and all othercoloniOf wipeTllnCe
and low pricod;West. of gagllah and Saxony Clothe
•henvier'than can he . 01rcitaeed clewhero•lo.Town nt
Novi - ARNOLD Zi
, 1 ...
n.VI-IL . .nt,.publie sale, :at the
Court House italic borough of Carlisle, on Sat
lirddy the 294 day of December next, at 10 o'clock,
A • M. the following described properties,viz:-A.neat
calculated for a small family, situated on 'west Lou
they street, near the College, with„pitrt. of toot of
ground attached; Contliinittg 30 feet in front and 19.0
'feet in depth. Also, is two story' . .
, . • - -
tr Amm. N . ,• _ Wimtherbmitedeel -
- AY ; il 11 A • . •
t'it. ROUSEL- 1 --- -.- -
v 5,
... . .„ .
l and - KrreitEN, situated iii Dickinson alley r adjoin
iir the 'above ' a ttaehed ttr-which'ih . thti same qnotity
ofground as the abort!, on which. are nutlet variety
of fruit trees. The houses are in good repair, likiiig
fiiith tWarly'new.. - Terms of-sale: One-half:of the'
tre hr t t.nrittid-in-ltrattl r and-thaalit •
m two equal half year lr paym . ei its.. . •- - .
• • VII.LIAII- 11 . . -MURRAY, .
Cariislo, Qgt6lier . .so,JBsB - :- , SW. :
.. -- • .• :
1"I 114 M-will be sold atimblicsale on gsturday the
st tlaya December net, (intim premises, in Notton
tuitusitip,Fumberlaml county, a farm containing
269 Aca•cs• . of §4ll:k •
the -best qualitvi,liordering oiCtitedirriestene,:wiflt-,
in one mile of Newville, and one-fourth of a mile
from the Climb6rlandltlilitoctl. a large por
tion oi •tv ueriVetvereiMithrtire-finiAtiltbei—tifitl
the dear Land coder good Ihnee,ond well cultivated:
The improvements are a -• ,
Zeierge r ls 'WO tkit4747,1
i! j! I! y%":" - -
LOG H0ZT6.24.,
a half .Ani.v. lie', (4' failing
. .
El 0 CI - 0.37 a - 0
with FrainC• Stable anti-Wagon
tior den Of this land - may beilletirett;onti -- woollis - vel.;•
liein:4 uc:u• the town ninl
~A+f indisputable tit bet iccn.: - A 01,tlie trans
whidi will be coy will be &batik: known 0a the day' of
soli: by . .
IVO 61)13 Ti!risi
"../ginea.a -1•11,././L'a -/ . /a/I. rami nFis'i will tail,-
lish the al/oCe 3 tiates.antl charge this office..
In pitrimance ()fan older of thoDeldnuts' CoUrt of
'Cumberland county, will be exposeil public stile on
tItTSTKviiiM -- ; -- 01117 - .raday - tio - :2o7li=daref - ikrantfr6r
next, it'
7.7 - pip, i LAN ED,
Itit t • • township, Gnu lay, con
ctaining• 22, A clr.w fi; flore or !cavil:oe thy praper
ty of•l'AcOlt K\ETTLFrr.ticeViii:ill -- a.ljoiniog
_of-Solonam tliristlieb; Maid Dalhe s tmea, and &titers,
'hawing thereon oroctat)Jk_ • •••
• .
- , Attr
0 4 i i a l.
v .. - '-rt‘t.rjb .. lD l• Ci; VT BAILIN •
. -
with an e,Xcellent well of weer on the premises, . end
an orchard of excellent fruit trees.
• Due attendance . xill he giN en and terms. of role
made known 1):
Irith•the. - w:11 ‘,:nnesedof Jaccb Kne.tite.
Nov. ,
T El'ar 41,W IL re'..
. . ,
rt A. 75,1 2 to the plantat inn of the mibseriber hi North
• Middleton township, on.the Tilt of November,
- ------ 7 ., --- i - richilit; itzp, ITATTC,-A-bfloitto et.
.. 4 i /,,,; 3or 1 months-old, red lint! white spot
. , 1: /' i '''``l tin]. • 'rho owner ig desired tom
1i,..1,vit...„ forward,' prove propeky, pa y chic es,
-.. , "*.1.'-7.'—' ,4 =..-- - --Aittinl take it tinny, °therm ite it will be
trwdosed or according to law
1 . .
I 'Noy. 5.'0,1 R 1 q ---3 w.
Efamate.rik Chbigza,
Devoted-to ..Ig7iculture,-Di»liculiure_and
Rural Economy, • .•
YuhliPted 'by J0ux1,038r,3`.:0 i 5 Nan th,Sixth Street,
Philadelphia; priee St. pe.e.yearononthly: Subscrip
tions taken by JouN J. MvEns, Bookseller, Carlisle,
of whOm the Ist nud ed Volumes, in strong binding,
lcal beobtained; priee...,51,25—...A1134_2____
Devoted- to -Literature, Instruction, .fi-
• musemenl, Female Biozrapliv,4c.,
Prjec thie Dn per year,, nyMibly. I , cir - the first
Volmile of Oils work-30-I , hfr&rtooo.l,ubscribers;
subscriptions to which' may be had as above:- Neatly
half liolifilli:Tria_sl,2s. - • •
_ _ " _ _ -
84 .11 C N 01? C. 27 0 gcnr.
October 30, 1335. • '" •
TH 43E.
'l' an Orphans' Court held ° day of No
, venther,l 'and holden in Cat'lisle in and for.
Cumherland county, the •Tollowinz proceedings were
Ihad, IA witi ' • -
tltliNeWewthet:. 1133: In ease of the writ par- .
titioh end valuation on the real estate of 'John Wil
on; late of. the borough if Carlisle, decCased. "Ole
Sheriff returns the said- writ 4•Xedilled; on 1 - 110-
tioll'Ol.latlirs IL Devor.„Esq. confirwed, oti,
the heirs and legal represectatires,An appetir at, the
‘Orphans' C.,ourt,3tll,e_lield on Mtintlavthe fourteenth
_LaW_LII.:I/111;115,KytWit-10 - tt'abtl - NITTWLI niWcp
.- 6Vrtfose - tiraceppt of - mid - real estitc;at - the - rainiftion
thereor;pi. s h ow oust: wlifte saute skould not be
• •
• Cumberland Cohnly, sg. •
Certifiedextreot t:141111 the Record's of
••:-10,t4 -
.V :•;.•••
e• - the'tirpha n's Cour ts
. iu and for.F.ratl
•,..-.•. •
- Clerk 7).
IsToyembee 0,1S98:---61y. • - ••• • -
Stpr, Bbard of Directors of, this tehtitutioii have
_ to-day deelave,d ii dikidend of di per clad. for the
but six aotiths, no .the capital btoi..l:. paid iii.-- The
sane will he payable to the sloCkholders or their legal
representatives or after the Ifith ifl t.
W. S. DOMAN; cashier._
If - DLAIN and figured satin, bombazine; velvet and-
Arabesque Stocks for sale at
' ;Nov, • ARNOLD & CO.
jOvercoats, at, t • •
Nov.•. 4 20: • • t. ARNOLD Si. CO.
- 11 , 112 e .t.ll , -
R ;L
men died Winter
320 e
•. :ILLIOTT. •
ittugglA 4111f1 4 1,5 „ ;,.—tituit
tar ;c opplY, sitittible foro . olll4pm
School 110 ks tin(' SuitOttfty7 011- 1 " , ,c , varlet-v.
tj~cases c!r, Stioe4,j4st itoeive4 thit HAt
Ark eud
Stioestorc Of : OG/1 :BY
Reporter . of Fashiati4• -Teach
. • er of Cuitialt Garments
ouLo respectfully- inform the• Tailims,, that
- V V he is now. m Carlisle,where he intends re
mainmg several weeks. ;Persons wishing to try
his :System, citiflinve it, ;With the necessary instroc
tiqns, 'bycalling at Carlisle. - As regurdi the -merits
I of this system, lie.diems it unnecessary to say much,
ns the-systeMis so highly recommended by the most
of the leading Tailors of Philadelphia.
On Scienee and the - Arts,' Constitnted, by the Frank
lin_lnstittite of the State.of Pennsylvania; few the Ord
motion of the meclianicT-YRS;Wwlroan-was-referred
for examination, ihe'Shoulder MeasuroSYstem - of T.
Oliver. for the measuring and drafting of garments,:
• REPORT, . ' 7
• - That the jieculiarities of Mr. Oliver's STJ'stem,
consists in a division af_mie,fourth of what is.called
the Shoulder.menstire into thirteen equal parts, whielv
-pti-rtram7agam;.:v-iAiFil=iiite'llalires-and--quarter .
rhis system also differs froni all others, which the.
conun Mee- are acgaaiiited with; in thefulloWi
titulars, viz: Ist. Thatit is more simple mil cense
queidlY. easier learned and more. accurately applied;
the thitfts'and descriptions being 'so plain, that •any--1
person et • all acquainted with' garnient' cutting; hairi
ire:Mire a full knoyyledge.of it in A: few minutes. fled,
that after the garment is drafted on thiS principle,' an y,,
Mid' every pl'oof measure the cutter pleases , to imply ,
to .it; Will lie f o und - to accord-with' - the-draft. ,Tfils:!
great desideratum the_ committee thinks, has - never '.
been attained by any-other method--fm , ..lraftino - .
Various systems .of cutting have apneereXwithin
the,last nearly_all o f which have
been examined by members of this. c!tnir.ittri3l3l. --
without.,ivishing. to " detract frDTII the merits of any.
otter system; not one so, fir, has been fetish entirely
'to answer the piirPose for whieli it was iMendedT - •
'lle committee believe that -Mr. - Oliverzs system
better co ea ate: om isle. e lc t t Tient:, Malt' which
have labored,. than allY Of the above named
- systems, inas.Thaelt.iiti it establishes all the necessaey •
points, and in suchtt manneras- to convince tit cutter
that his :kakis correct before lie begins toybt: his
cloth. It appears to leave little or nothing to the,
judgment-of the cutter, - thus rendering . the profession.
inbeh lesS at:duous heretofore.•_ _
:', - 11/idirepard to the originality of the systrin, the-
-committee I...dieve it impossible it the present clay„to
intro:l:tee a system of garment cutting viltivriy :
neVerthelem, they believe :Mr. Oliver's system to
he as'nearly orkinal as the , nature of the thing will.
Several orthe .c o mmittee late teste d the
iniiither of clitt by - it and - they
do not_ hesitate t? give it their unqualified aliproba-
liiclrird \V - Ai:1;;;;;; ."- No:197 Chestnut street,' •,:
1:1(lwarl A. Wai , on, Ng. 92 Chestnut street. -
- Samuel Wright,l.No:'2o2Chequut stmet.
11.1wArd j, AAR:4IILN°. 310 Cheuaut street•
1 llamas Earle. _ • - . •
gdadelpka, Sept. 14,1895.
• •
Olivii.--Doar Sh;—l have ustml_yOur-im
provetnents on the 'Shoulder measure system,' and
believe it to be the beet system . that has ever came
uncler'my notice; mules midi I would recommend it,ta
the trade generally. Respectfully yours,.
Wua.-11c ;1-1-Chestnut street:
Sir---Harrill; beell and used
ynur iMpraved szstem:of cutting, 1 leive•in every_ in,
shince where it has been fairly USA it to be one
of the bust that has as yet came under my notice, and
I have no laz,sitation is revs:tont:ailing it to the
trn,i in Respectfully yours.,
. • : C. Stocktm, 7.4 p. iUo Cdtcstaut et. •
Phila. Oc't. 12, 1838.
.if,. -ONver,--Sir---1 have taken your improved
System of cutting ;summits, ntul give it the decide 4
preference - over - iti/ others that ever came to my. oo
cc, and have no hesitation in saying it is the best and
nmst correct system now in existence, nod recommend
it-to-al!v.ho_l4§lt_to become verfeet in the art 'of/An
ti:lg garments. •
No. t 3 North 3d
• _ Ph,la. Oct. 2d, 1838.
'31; . . T. Otrvar,--Sir,r-I. have taken your system of
_cutting_garmentsouutgive it the •preferene” Over all
others that ever came my notice, and feel sate in
recommending - . it to my fellow trade-m -n, as a sim
ple and sure guide,. Jolni IT.bson,
`No. 7, North Gth street.
OP 7' Oliver—Dear Sir--1 have taken :your sys
tem of cutting garments, and as titres 1 have exanitn
ed it,•l believe it well wurth the patronage , of the
trade. "Respectfully-yours, Thomas Thorne, -
.. . 198 Chestnut street.
-0/iver---DeAr Sir---I have taken your im
provements 60 the shoulder measure systyn, aid! us
fitr as 1 have 'Shed it,.it has a:fortied me muelt ,Ftatisfae
tion, and have not d.:least hesitation is reconunend
ingit t6l.lte trade rts•vvortity of patrolisge.
• ' James AleBfaozio,
St_W. '2tl F. Chestilut.Etreets.
. ,
. .
, .
. . . .Phila. 6 . 41. 2-1, 1838.
Mr 011-ver.---Sir---__We have gate Valli' sjsteni for
cutting :mil 'drafting a fair trial, and 'believe it to tre,
thii best vve have ever seen ofti-red to the'trade, and
take pleasure in recommending it-as such.' •• •• -
Wariviek lc iiildritlp, , e;
- No. 22 Walnut Street -
. -
.71Ir Oliver--Sir---I have taken yone.improvenumts
on the'shoulder measure system, and ant happy to state
that: it entirely_ meets my. views. -1 have been cutting
coats by voile system and all - perfil'et fitting coats; o
the satii,Mon efp myself and customers, and recom
mend-it' to rellqw. trailesinen as a simple and .correct
guide .rosepli South t2nd at.
Sep!. tS, 18:38.'
efrtfSir ---I— t - is - withkite - utrnofttAc
at:sax e conq yottryeque - Stcatati - ataFttaiqiy to
state, that we fully,concur in the encomiums bestowed
-oinyour Rule. -As Shah spell re says,"Our doubts are
traitors, and make-us tome the good we oft might win,
hw fearing to attempt;" for before we attempted a trial
oryour rule, we lad arrived at the conclusion, that it
Was prelZrablete retain the rule we were then - .using,
although we Innuil some difficulty in varying to suit
the different forms and proportions of men,hui are,
compelled To - admitthut your rule zeimplctelv.and sa
tisfactorily obviates those difficulties. wi , - • ,
We would therefore recommend it to those who de
sire to suit their' patrons. in a, style . of beauty seldom
equalled; mid believethat when, more fully known, it
will -be a lrojierly appreciated, and retain its popularity
%Odle other systems enjoy a transirnt - telebrity, and
are thou consigned to oblivion. Very respectfilly .
yours, ' Lawrence & Mourn,
No. cf,'South -Bth- street,- •
. •
• • . Phila. Oct. 15:41838. -
; Mr have taken - your system
of cutting garmentiond have eut from fifteen to twera
-ty coati by the sameiand arc happy tt? state that they
have fitted to the entire satisibc now of ourselt es 'and .
etistonnera, Mul believe it to be the best syStem that has
coma under our notice.- 1 Venv.respeetfully yours, -
Chcbtut -street,—
, . .o
• • • Phila. - 0(1.13, 1838.
iktt• Oliver-4-Sir---1 have taken your system of eta
tiug tarments, and have cut several it, which
gave gilteCtiTaiitiilietion to taysetfaniteu'stomet% - noid
give it the Twerel.enee over all'Others that ever comb
to my ilOtlec, and its such reconimend'it to the trade
,as a sure guide. .• James'r
No. 440•Rdie—aiiieC
. ,
. • - - . Philo, Oa. 15,18118,
Dir.nlivcr---Sir--•.lhave takust voursptem oteilt. 7
tittP, prin . :nits, and buten fame,
ccverui irnts by theaae,
nail am happy to OW that they nra brood fits,•both, to'
aatlthetlOlT of-myself and_ettstotuets,aiid.reeo!on.
mand it to the trade as a 6urei,liitle." •
reapeetfully, • _Urn° Panoctast,, .
• No.' I: l 6'lValau street,
Elton .li:ru
CEr rlrxc.9•TEs.
PI ilu Oct. 15, 1833:._
Oct. 15 1115 S. •
Phila. Oct. 11, 185 S
The Carlisle ffetizld 733:pg5i10r,'. 7 wilt J,
every TUESDA.V .0;,...0
LATO, per annum, p.igab!4. in a /tauce.-
AI)VPIitTISt!: NI 874 1. , ..i' i.?1.:et, , .. (at Cr: tilial rate);
, .•
Letters athiressed to the editor,oe listdeess, `;I ti
BI POST :PAID, 01 4. ryceiye no at-.
ent Qn
411.,C-J.111.7 .
The roilowhig earned been aikpai?.ted
Agents for the r" Carli9e ISt' P., , xpositdr," to
whore-payreent,fer_sulloi . ipti'Lw ao s
an be-made. . —• • •
D. SHELLY, Ct 11 1 .0): CQ.
SCOTT cOYLE, ESC]. N I 110 •
Ko z, Eq. N.e. MAI 5.10 .
1111-aiL- _IPIK Es, Esl
JoIIN 'u.i"ll.l.iCl1 7 Sgi. du. , do
do' ".
U. Esrf. • .
,WILLIA'II 1 - I,,lunVqti •
D s . ASA NVI•UTE 7 - YeW CUIR?I'N . WIII ila : •
Trans. Butoc,'Esq. Woondield,
4;1) - 14.t..g,, - •
- '',, ' -
~., ,„,,,,...-,,,,i, *-42 , ..., -..:
7:::'...,,,C,::,,,:,i..-t..". ~T....-'7`,...r..7-'-;
iltzk4:--7.-!'"_'.".: -,,,7---.,°,,'",-- .'lO,-;,;:•
'N \------- f - _, - :.),, , , - t,17 - `T; , - :2. 1 ;
Vic.ii7i, 4\ " -=' " -;--.- 7; --.-
.s ., -‘. • 1;
:cliAlc.',NV---:;--17 '•''t.,--'-: y'," • - -
~%•:1 1.,.; • • ,-v`ra- -A- -4. x:.- '..."''"' '
;lc in.. — s .1 , ...._
. .
sweett-A 5111V,(474 INll . ll . li ' ll.
Fl'3lll Clad rare.,'
ht. .a.:11;1 O-1.41r-f i ---n-
elf;y V::
. 45 , I
aii , l
taut of our
of pottry,-and t nit fail to i
- I
Ivivp F " >r;i7 . it;»11-01.2, - !
liatiks of .
irTaTl , Wlr=aly:ThriMilti - r..171.7-4Sz":
„.i beau:if - 7:r sfferzal i,7-th'• Cu mbirla hrzi - P;T:i
- Sweet wintling : i,treant,
f:twey'..4 ..I;r.ant . rn)
bithi'in'2 think,
I ktitny lia•ht deli hi
In votithritl, dace
Thy Inurniuring lays
'-,P F 11::51 . 41.1y on
the w . ild hirds sung
. On bau.s,that tan: . ;
thoe, so calm and .clear;
Oh ! were I there,
. Devoid' of care,
As when I saw thee last, ,
This heart would, ieat ,
And dreatti of pieasni:es past
,How oft I've .seen,
Upon fliat 11,
The young laratt skip and 'hey—
But ideasue'a
Like vo f rual
Arc doomed to pas9..aastiy: - • 0'
The world I'd give
. Once more tis live,
With heart as light and rree t ,
An when a boy,
To know that jay,
•Bright. stream, I've felt by thee
I 1 riv.nn-wy's wash: •
11 . 1111..1s,—; -
Flow on, briglit strram, now
(Fer'r„olilen fninds„ .
BY myaln stroll (!s,- 7
- 7 - "Frolv:01051 , 1 - 017 - stvtlync - I2ow on:
Th e arauJind Dcgred.
or RICHAU9' !two:ITT. .
• From tit! twilight we borrow • .
Fit solace for' sorrow, .
When the aged mid weary lie down in their west:
• , And diesunset in iilendOr
Is totte . hini; nod tender,
Where the. dews of our sorrow tall warm on their rest.
But miglity'N the anttubili''
Where beauty must
liaid - th - e - youngPonct
riven p
- 'When the dear spell is broken
---, Of, VOWS fondly _spoken,
And the form istotrealled that in raptnre - mna given
iIC 'Olttl~
3- -+'
• Oh, ll:alibi - }cc linger
Where silence
upoti lips that nomere may Unclose;
• Where'sad lenyesitru sighing, -
Where blossoms are dying,
O'er the yovg and theho'rel3,- in merial relixte:
The form that Caine
Like morn •
'With hope its, from flcliM, till faded :In elei
. The preseurti euslering, ••
The smile tlnit,Ni•tis •
,kad step that was %Isla, are:witli ns nn inorn
- They - tittAvi tint:l - ft - bower of - roses twined,-
'" A pale, Ittl-k youth, beside a, bright eyed
Behindolter. parted lips sinine,wealthef,peari, '
As, ever-and noon, she, Entiling;turricil ,
tbat,ditr,k'youtht nod he, ivith f4;eved mind, • i• •
,Gazed on,thtit dna:-
The beauty that), he-1141' ,1 7eatur'eslutrned ,
' Till all their witchery-to his heart's depth Ssuk : .,
seized h 6; hand, tim);.bornU Upon the tide,
Oftvelling passion; straight before ler knelt: '• .
iie felt:—liefeiP- , -hit;,k9e l ;• not, hoiv: he felt. , ••••
: 911„..v9ryflite thlB,l 4 4ster, Tom; no IP Of;
lintilfs'es Toni; anioiiiiinothier
47.17: WEI4A,II
!s rpttcat 4a n' .:4 all/epicure.
-• In that well known and often visited
,Maddleton Dale, where the .towering ropla
'stand in sticli majestic grandenr, nipped,
with forest tree,/ and mantling, Ivy,, the e
direatening)attitude.. of which has - often
true!: vwiilE-,the_ sublimest adMiration and ,•
awe the mind of the idle -Wanderer*, the,.
careless pedestrain,, and the, tasteful . and in- , •
qt : tiring tourist—amidst--the crags which
snrreund the base of one of those stupen, •
. •
dohs racks is a narrow creek, 'which leads.
through. a long: and rugged subterranean
passaue_into_ateaverni_called - `the Wonder,'
but.-which, owing to • its datigerans and '
rugged path . , , in not often visited `but by the
Most. enterprising- and curious, and the most
daring children-Of the Nigh Peaker . S. -
si _s-e1 ilie loner
ftseription, from the :U.4
age •of tycin„ J - Tb& 'out..the age doyen
, years; -ambitious to: explore-the secret ca
vern-and narrow windings of "The Wen- -
de' ri" few.days_ago ,provided. them-Selves.. .
with - a candle, and immediately = after dinner-. ---
proceeded to carry their'purposas into ef,-,
I feet. Various_are the. reports as to Am
lengtli T of the ciiyern v-,some ,as - s - erting it
extends. for several miles under 'the neigh
boring hills. it is not oftedexploded, fur,
ilhe_r_than about 300 or 460.vard•A; to which •
I point it appears our youthitil subterraneaus
traVellera extended their.-ronte,'.when 'un-.' •
.fortunately for nein,. a Ilrop'-of-water front
the top of the rock extinguished their light, ..
and left them in total darknessin the gloomy -
.t'avern, N came--on, _ and-
Gegen •to be - nneasy about their absence,"iTa
a -
not rdttirtung, bonte when : darkness - began, . - the, earth, immediately search' -was
made - for them,. and evetty inquiry &hong, • .
their play fellows, when- it happened that
they found one to, whom it appears this
sch - eine - of ekploring : _"The Wonder" had., -
becticommunicatotl---_- . PEovitled - with lights
and-pining cloth 'OF :tw o men immediately
started. at inidni At to :seek them,; -when ate..
flielextremity oin the cavern-theylound the
' little daring creatures fast asleep, with their
cloths torn, scratched, bruised, and bleed
ing from the wounds they 'had received -in .
their attempts-- to- make their way outtii:
darMis.• From their own accounts it- ap- .
pears, that after the light was extinruished,
they made several attempts to find their ,
wa y back in valor after which they knelt
41oWn_and repeated their prayers, and then
tried again; without any greater success.
They_,Alicir:pravedvm , inin'-und_again, and-'
each time attempted in vain to get back, till
exhausted and Wounf i led - Liy falling over the,
ragged pieces of rock which line the wind- . -
ings of the, cavern, and tdrrilled by their •
awful situallni, they sank into sleep, In
which state they, were found, •
• ' •
The palace of Tiered stands o! . .1 a table of
land; on the very gununit of the . bill, dite every part of the surrounding eouu.
(Ty; and stwh - was -. :'the-teeedingsoftness—.--
and• beauty. of: the . soene, CV.C . II under the
`wildness and waste.of Arab cultivation, that
the city scenic . (I. smiling in the niidst of her
deTsq auon. All i 1 b r
a.tiund was a
valley, wat , by. running- streams, and
covered with a rich carpet of grass, sprinkl-. •
ed like an open book before me, a boun- -
de - ry - offruitfol mount4ins, the vihennirthe
olives rising in terraces to . their very sum:,
pits; thare, after day, -the hatighty,
!Hered had - sat' in his royal - palace; and,
it:eking Out upon all. these beauties, his
1 -heart bCceme hardened-with-prosperity;---
here,,among-those still towering columns,
-the proud-monarch-had inade-a,-supper fur
"hisJords and captain : s, and chief -es-, ,
tateS of Gallilee;" here the daughter Of
1 Herodias, -Ilerod's brother's 'wife; "danced •
!.before-hini.' and the proud king promised,
i tagi've -her-whatsoev,er- she—
ruskr-e-d-F-0-v-e-it to - Vie half - of his kingdom." ..
Nml while the feast and dance went on, the
"head of.Jolui the was bronAht, in a
charger and given to_the damsel." - And
Herod has gone, and Herodias; Ilered's,-
' brother's - Wile has gone, and "the lords and
!the. high captains, and the chief estates
Galilee" - are gone; ~ b Ut.the .ruins. of thelpa..
laces in -which the'y feasted are Mill here;"
the mountains. and.' valleys which be . held ,
their revels are here; and o ohr What a cam
r.ment upon the vanity of worldly-greatness,
his • $ - Ugharotind - olie -.
of the columns! I ions sitting on a broken'
capital. Under iig-treb by its side, and I '-
asked - him what. were' the ruins that 'we
saw ; - and while his oxen were _
cropping the grass that 'grew among -the -
Iragnients. of Abe marble.floor,Lhe„ told-.nn
that they were the ruins of the palace,of 'a
king, he believed,
.of the Christians; and
while pilgrimS from every quarter of the •
world turn aside from -their path to do ho- '
mltge•to the prison if-his beheaded victim,-
the Arab, who was driving lii, plough a-
Mong.the columns of his palace; knew 'pot -
the name of the haughty Herod. Even
this . distance Of time, I look back with
feeling of uncommon - 'interest upon fny,,,,
ramble among those-ruins,, talking with the
Arab plinighinan of the king who built, it,
leaning, , against a column .Which,. perhaps,
often:supportecf. the :haughty Herod,. •
amid •iookin,,mput front:As scoliP",,Pf' 4l , l o 6 is'
don and rithi upon the most beautThil -
-try,- in-the Holy Lund : .,;-../naideeitsAf, Tra
sal, Geoige. StefiTiOs: n , •
'Stmovitere.--,S,moking .in ircl-•
says. the Boston Post, is so common,
:that when a party meets-in it' room, and any- -
present is wanted - 411e waiter goes round with •
4 paiy belinwS anti blowi the smoke from
•itulfy‘ Void - • • ''
lite PaLtee of nerad.