Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 13, 1838, Image 4

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    -TWITfIiii , tIN :., MAcHINES-;
141.141;t4.4fe,gp r -fiutittooilii, : a..6.s2l.lo2
ititofiC74oo l o3Ct.
eibbitragement :which the ; suhseribers
received., durin„,° the last ye:mitt - the - Sale of their Ain
chines, theta to make.extensive preparations
to Meet' thelnereased demand 'for their No
time; labor or exyense has.been spareil to procure the
-veyrbe.stlttatertals the. eptintrr can offord.,Their
• workinenlerd eilierienocti and of the' first character;
&lid' they linve'no-hesitation in tiaSnAtig , the Ftirrnees .
that they are. Ow tibletdfitrttith them with on . article
not only equal, Lilt decidedly =superior . to tiny/ other
roatinfacturettill this Poll of'l , ,
:4For. speedy anti °low threshingovithleate, t the
horses, they beliere their. Machine t() be unequalled.
_ Theirjuice is the same - aslant ,Yettr,'.vizt 140 dollars,
70 dollars in cash end-the balanceinsix-..mouths,,,for
. which a note will be required.' The machines are in
surittfor 'dr . :until. they :511111 bare
. threshed • two thousand bushels of grain. They hare
setreralipachines and read for sale, ank.will at
• all times be ready to furnish them On; the: shortest
notice: Orders - from a distance will be punctually
attended td. - For ,the trilling sum of royn.
-EARS, in additibtr. to the price of . the -Machine-and
Power, they furnislfithe farmer an addition that will
enable him to shell his Clorerseed.
Pr• .
o flee
'The sUbscribera, being desirous of publielypeutta
tertmting the eftbris which Pre secretly made to injure
• the character of their machine; by persons who ap-.
per to be actuated by unffiendlv 'feelings towa •ds
them, respectfully-submit the following `CERTIFI
. •cAr_rEs to the public. . .
• I Certify that Irliilt'yeltrinused pne of the Thresh
ingMachinea imannfactured
and •dosing the season, there was threshed ' on it
• about four -thousand bushels of grain, and: about
• two hundred and twenty five bushels Of closer
seed, and am fully , satislled that, for the Farmer's
use, it is superior to any-other Machinej.hare ever.
Seen in this part of the country. I further C6iliry,
that Mr.-Ilenrr - llttrst, one of my neighbors, had six
wagon loatrs'Oriliiier - IFM - is tiff - Zlaiteilift - lreliwa
• Mill and the yield was 22, 'bushels, and that the same
quantity of stuff was threshed on my machine, and
. the yield. was bushels. Mr. lltirst is of the
ion that the *stuff he hauled to the' milloyas the bet
-- ter lot of the two.
Mity t 5, 18554
- certify that; in Abgust :last;TPurPhOW - li .O M -- X
' Brady lit Co. one .of - TheitYihresbing inachnies;
which I used Thr threshiiir, grain for different Farmers,
till some time in March lasi: During that period I
Threshed aboutfifteen thousand bushels Of Wheat, rve
girrul. oats,, My expense, for repau • s of Goth ,l ie
Machine'sind Horse Power; did not exceed five' dol
lars, and when-_I wild them, (which was iii Mareh,)
The machinery appeared to be nearly as gld as. it
maS atithe time I'bought. them.
_The wheels in the
--koese power -were - perfimtivl -- sound - tuid - ltibstaptinl; -
- 'and.Upan a close examination,-1 could. - not :discover
that the cogs.bad worn in .The slightest • ditree. --- 1
liad,.for,years previous-, been engaged, in
threshing with three dinrent kinds. of-machines,
%Odell 1 fully tried; and I' nahesitit uglycertify - that
. for durability, sciwiee Gild speedy and clean thresh....
ing,l-have never Used or any -that; in my opin
rion, will at all - tompareiVith - __Tha - onU - Nridlast - year,' l
unless itbe one oldie same kind.—lf attention is given
to the - machinery; it appears, to me altnost impossible.
for any-part of them to get out of order. ' "„
• -
. .
1114, 17,18313. •
- , I I, last yt..!ttr, puNghtl„lecllwo.of'llio th ITO ntinachi tie
ofJ. (nue .of : IVitielt 1 still have,)
and rov. te%etli,hem. 'Fur speedy and clean thresh
ing they . are, certainly; a superior article; aii - d
'that is of'great`service to the harm n. I ennsiderit
the best artiele;of die kind 1-have ever seen this
, • part of the cousitry. J take g•rrat pleasure in re.ezinf
' ) mending it the : Farmer. - •
. • k . . DANIEL W. 1101".k:10.:
May'l, 185 S: . •'• -* T
`fcertifi that Mr: Andrew Davison and .1 purchased,.
last November, one all:. Thad}' ft• co's-threshing
machines, which '.we fully tested, haviog threshed
wheat, rye, oats — and clover seed on it.• lam fully
satisfied that it is preferable to anv otherl have seen
in operation, and it is an article that will repay - .
the Farmer amply, for its price. It threshes clean,
is not liable to get out of ordex, and is, upoli ihe
whole, an article that I can, with: great confidence,
recommend to thp-farmer.
:June 18 1838. ,
Mr, Benjamin Hamilton and lout st year, purchased
one of J. E. Brady Br. Co's threshing machines, with
which`there was threshed not lesfi tit:16 ) 4000 bushels
of grain. his an excellent article, superitir,ln ms
opinton, to any of the kind I have ever seen.. One of
its chief excellence's, that it is not liable .to go, out of
order. have no hesitation in recommending it to
the Firmer,
June 12, 1893
Other certificates could have been , procured, but
it was deemed unnecessary. PCVADIIB who lash" ti
inquire into the power add quality of the machines,
nre.refeyredApjho,se who . last year used them, 'and
particularly to the following named. gentlemen, viz:
Messrs.-Jorm'Foust,Frederick fivers, Adam Yonder
nw, Emanuel Sites, and Samuel Diehl, - of Guilford
townaltipiXessrs. John Hubeiaqd John Yockey;of
Quincy' township; Messrs. Abmintm Stoner andlsaae
Prantv,L of Washingtno township; Messrs. .Tacob
Hade,jamnaMiteltel,James Allison,Emantiel
John Binelligv„llenryand James Beatty, Christian
= Hovel and Christian. Hoover,.of Antrim township;
JttookOyster:;Esq'. and Mrs Henry Winvrt, of Green
township ; ; ,- Mr. Frederick. Dock, of Letterkenny
township; Messrs:John - Rhodes and•COnrid - Gehl,
smith, of Hamilton township; Afessrs.-William An
cle -and John Philipi; of Montgomery township;
apt„ .I;l4'W:win:Lc! and Joseph Duncan, of Peters
township I' MesSrs. 'William Bowers arnii.'Benevitt,
- of 'Warm] township;, Messrs. Jacob and John Kege
ries, of Metal ,township; and David 'Hunter, Esq.,
',and Henry 'Winger of 13edford'eonitty. • ' •
J. B. BRADY et Co.
Chambersburg;•September 17,,V188. • ' •
One Of the nhove,rnachines is to to seen at the barn
orMr. - Francis amble, in CarliSle. Any person
viishingtorpurchase inie,_canimreilset.up ; rind. ifit.
does notanswer the, purpose as specilled,we take,
it' away free of expense -to- the purchaser. There
hive been upwards of 100 of them made and sold by
Brody & Co., within 15 months past. A line direct
ed to the stibscriber will - meet with prOMpt attention.
JOHN DENT.% :.4gent,_._
Sept 18.58.—Gth
• X
-I'he su b scriber wi issue on the .
tember, the first number of a monthly Magazine, en
. - . Tar: MITE'," NOlliP.lll Wiliatabirie the solidityof are;-
..„ view with the -lighter miscellany of a Magwzine • be
sides impartial reviews of important works and Magazine;
notices of minor liternry productions by the editors, it
- 7 4--_:will-embrace-essays r talesAistoriettes f -poetrytliter-- - -
it and scientifichitelligence and translations front ls has for many ' years been -a greet Aesiclera — tur
standard and, periodical works in other languages, , among Europeari . i_m_d_Amerie-anliantists,to-manufac—j
. . -contributed bythe ablest Writers of the'iltiy.,..
__;...2.1.1...-The-Mitgazini - wiii - alweoatain a series 00 . 4. , :e i6 we • tufeTeßlifiom incorruptible materials which shouli
of ,the works of such-writers as have, by their talent*
- --- idi - eArliistreFulien : - .Pitnerkan: . Literatiir& ' -These-re. : jui lt L iry ria . vl ll - d it e n v i ot i e h d in y g e l a ' r e s c t t o th tins . Uccessful,eperi.
nierarnod - others - .-have , succeedadlif:Manueattiriiir
views.willhe accompanied by portraits of the authors', '
..teeth of materials similar to the porcelninware, but'
• .engiiiVed bit steel,hythe best artists. . The work will
-, ' , las ,heautifully printed, with new-type, upon fine int.. gerierallv•they have-an opaque white . appenrance, by --
which they are easily distinguished from the human
per, and 'will make two veltimes_ each yeii+, - of more'
-` 't - joit'geii• each:, Besides' my owli devotion to
it, the Magazme.wilthave the,advantage-of the serii- '
e l i ft L eeiong and tedious experiments, the subscriber
1 age Of VizeStiodgrais•of Virginia; 4 gentleman of• has succeeded in manufaaturing teeth of meteriale en;••
handlomeyniquirementa; who, tifter • the - issue of the tirely ineorriiptible; andierkelly in imitation of hu-*
first number, wilthe associated with" meas editor and man teeth: "They . haven se.mfrtinespnrency, and are
propr i etor . . • , , ..,.. , : -.- ,• ~.- ~ , . , .
.. • made: ofvarious sizes mid shades.
-. .- - Agennieswill he established, in the principal cities; l- In cases wheie absorption of the aveolarTrotess;
or Otber causes mly
• arid 'arrangements ;made re' deliibr the work free-Of render it necessarY, he will Cast
postage,. .Persons desirous ' of 'acting as, agents will of he same - materials
_attached to.the teetkartificial ,
_ please apply, POST rain. ''rerms'ss per annum, pa y_ gums, which shall imitlite the, the
able on delivery cif the firat number ; fi CopieS . ,.l2o, .:' loss Ol . :. B .° l Thinnoe - - ~.. • ''' '... ,:..-..' ••• • ..
:.. :- • '.
N• C -11ReViRs • • ..' it•is entirely impossible for these' -teeth to change
'' '. ''" ''' -' '':'.` ''Edit n pi•atidlb.:o r priet ' or:: 11 . 14 ": °° .
/Or,'" cause foetid
.breatle - -:',. ~. ,- , . -, ,' : • change
, , „ ~
~„ ~,,... . ; lle,Will iniert-therrifromenetti entire Sets, in such
MttnnO,illni-64 . --Wili make articulation of thefoice.
perfect; and • materially assist in mastication, and so
that they cannot be distinguished from thembot beau.'
ticul paturaliivitig...teeth hy,the_most scrutinizing ob
Mdaloe . perfornis • all the - ; various' opemiloni in
'Ottolger 16,183 C.,.
. .
THE partberOdp; heretofore exiating between trie.,
•aubaeribersi under.thefirrd of. Callahan Ce ,Ifen-•
„ dal; Is this day' dissolved b mutual:ifolient.:,- The
• • -boo. • are in te man( s o .e.brge em e , jr,
.adOY•liidebted tb 41,i'firre;'•3911 , pleitae: call flint. pay
:their Reetn - int-Lipaedintely3 . 4h - et bonito - wilt be put:
Into the hands qf it•fuettee. fer,eolleetinn; • . .
E NriEr4, :Jr.
. . .
F Oetebei! 1, W 8; •
. . ,
- ..• . - - ~....„'t , ,,,;.',.• , •: T :., :. • •I • The arenunt r :n f..Stunite/
7 . 1 - roodo and William Mous,
" .'-': ' ".'l ' ' h ': „,'' ' ' ' ,',,:'b s , 4 t . ' b ''' er ;7
4:6 ' ' '' ',4-14 * t r ' i ;lora . inr.....,Truste.,:of..mmEs, 1f,902,),5, b be n Tiled for
J T--1 " -- 4 Ih' '' ll ' a
l4 kft it. l ' if in f l P e' l rall;dha 4 t he '
eantraTell,_ pa a - anO at.l l ,nrirel,. t
h CPai v i x t, t. to ::, he hel a l a ,::!n e tt , ie . ..secnad i,.
Iliibns,Ctia!trdli.;fr 7Sit l t l, ./.. , :, 5 ..-L - :;, , c, `,, ~, L' . .. .,-rt'`,l . _. . -Idop4a..Y of sl.o,T4rl.,LElitilsid,liiioiho„,i•tiiry.;.
. - - Live il I: ' S 0 11 " 1-4 !:t . " i , c ,' ,I. , ' , 9optomlllllq , :t . li. -.,„ ~,:,,.- ;-+,
..,!...:i. , ,f,i, t - t h' e 'old atand;lrhire. he , :will ne:happy i ito :1T i ni1 1 . p..1, ... ,:. ~ . .
...., ,
„. ,
' l ;7, q"grrcflenrt.i;;ll4lti;l;!ll;l7rlkaYaLtii,tkirk;:; ,"16 1 13 1 ,. ! V t:1- 0" 1‘ 09gZr - none A s ceiebrgted Lbch F4eo
...06 11u t e r ine, th r 3 . a i na . leLv iti i a i ,t; e ir l e t'il t iti le: O ta h 'tLp eur ietp, a, , ,ti t ti d e fi rs4 li. 7.4 . _ 7...,.. ; ,
.0. ,mior . iici e n!tit9iaL .466ettig3e,e‘nr7uk.iil,40/6:7l,D'Esketai,oel?ryilli3OelyEernefilb,o‘sexBc4...
Public:-Piti9 ' n '' .-:- GE' Ci.:HgNDVA.4, Jr. ed to can- . . '. •, : -
t 28
f4e.' PClOlfer ga, 18,88,
' , ' ^-14
He nni.orbe a niiseiablamillainlindeedvwho:
-voctid , place the life•otafellow being in.
' Clanger; for 4heliaipose, of.snaking 740..
. - • .
TO.I-ittiMOSlC:errizgNs, •
%Nrhat' (Id 'lVuir,gbito
Cogriteifigt.pills purporting ro'be • •
Bll'atedreih 9 4
-„ •
.. . -.... . ...,,.._
•Ist.,-That-they are Without tiolczsT and nON:0111.-. , ,
BLE prificiples. •.• •*, , . .
2d.—That no, other metlirlißr Is: required by tile".
public; or why lifi nbt._these:droggists". counterfeit
other pills in 1116 , same Wily
,they rio Draintreth's?—
SimPlv because pootherS save Brandreth's Vegetable
Universal. Villii . eit.ii7:lll7Cfallieliitritortlitutt7 cores
that tbeseiPills are Isnown...-uttivunenta.v xNoivzi4--
to liikv6 titiceted: :, •
There net;•;er was a person who used,thc .
rtCO2p WWI erh terma of
•tlee most unequalled
• Nevertheless, - these counteefeiting druggists have
I done & are doing..the character of the Genuine a great
;deal of injury ;;but it is hoped that individuals will
not. Allow themselves to . be deceived by deSigni
sons, Whose only object is to, make money, and.who,
are perfectly careless of consegmdeek ' It is a Matter
of no itimortauce - :to them whether the poor child 'is
rescued from a bed of sickneis and restored,AO•,the.
Yearuinkarnis of its parents, or whether him on whoth
a late family rely solely Amon Abe support,' is Per-.
,sented ferantaling.m
tiMe'may come when the greatneSs of their guilt shall
become clear to their benighted understandings, and
then it is hoped they will endea - Vor to make some
mends by the after purity, of their'lives.
_ Every authoetzed - agent - Ams!m.:copperphite certifi
cate otagoityond-has it-exhibited in his store. .Ne
'ver purchase unless thii is seen ; and have some re
gard also to the 'character the agent - beari anrin_ghis•
- ft:glow eitizehs. IR. must be n misCrable who_
would place therlife of a fellmrcreature in dang.T for
the purpose of mCkin,g money. .
Dr. Brandrcth's .Phllarktida: • •
: - .Prineipril - , - .No.AL,Nortl;l;tll._,Street.:: - • .
Minoeolliee, No. 43, Chestnut .street r nese , 211 st. •
Remember the shove officers are kept excluSively
for the - sale of the true and genuine Ikandreth's
. 'J i be follow* presoak - Mit' duly authorised Agents
Tor_the_county_ofC unabeeland;.itaus.State_of..Venn-2
sylvania, whose respective names are: ,
11-Fl'3'tVli, Carlisle.
• S. B
COLElit-TSON,- Shippensburk.., -
•• JOHN'.2l , loPRP,Aretvville; - •
N. 11.
,No druggist, npotheenry or - pedlart is al
lowed to sell the genuine I.llnnilreth's-Pills; under, nny
circumstances -Ondever. Also -observe when you
ptirellase of any advertised Agents, 'that they-have a
certificnte L orageney,:signed and sealed hv.rtm, .
- . .--
11. BRANDRETII, 11f. IY,
.70/. .North Bth Street,. Philadelphia.
August 8, 1858.-Iy. . _
- Louvws
r , ',ltsivagis •avec 1(n: glut? Itlnear.
eitutaisasa :tlall ()thee. Pains.
• 111illibli'neii not be said in relation to this wonder-,
I.ful remedy,: mi:the proprietor Confident -- that
when applied; it will, as can be proven by the numbe
of respectable 'persons, effect aik entire Cure -of the
Rheumatic and pith's.
other lt had - not until lately
' been-his intention to make - it public; but by, the re
quent applications of his neighbors, and the,wonderful
cures - it has effected, he. feels it a duty he owes to
sacituty as well as. to himself, to make it more gene
rally litnoWii, and at the.sanue time have it put a near
as It lte can within the reach of all who maybe iilllicted
with that ',ninth] diseasd..- •, •
Hundreds of names entild be - publinhed of persons
who have been cured by this celebrated
but the f dlowing arc selected from the as be-•
itigMimlYstillicient to attest its power's. • .
John Score, David Bender, Jacob L. Nagle
I'. Lindemuth, Ceorge Fisher, John Alsbangh
C. Stoner,- - John Samuel Fenely
Aaron Bender * : Lindemuthjr. Samuel Young
Hobert Dysart, -R. Richardson, JacobWorlich
Henry Agbaugh J. Diffenbaug,h, • Jacob Miers.
Christian Organ,J. Iliestand, :
Mount Joy, gnst 2:5, 1836., • •
All orders from a distance. addressed to the •sub
scriber, Mount Joy, Lancaster county, will be prompt
and faithfully„,attended to.
. .
MonntJoy, Feb. 7, 1837. • .
The above medicine is also for sale by . • •
.Carlisle, February ln, 1838:: ,•
psid amid Hyptheliondri-
//qt r Si ls e
Interesting Ciere!
Mr. . Salmon, Green street, above . Third
street, Philadelphia, afflicted for several years with
the following .distressing symptoms : -Sickness-at-the
stomach ; --fiend-acheidizziness t -palpitationsiof-the
heart, impaired appetite, sometimes acid and.putres
cent eructations, coldness and weakness of the ei
tremities, emaciation and general debility, disturbed
- rat. - ;n - seirse of - pressure` and-weight at- the-stomach
after eating, nightmare, great mental .despondency,
severe flying pains iirthe chest, back; and sides, cos
tiveness, kdislike for society, or conversation, invol
untary sighing and weeping;langor and lassitude 'upon
the least exemse.
Mr. Salmon had applied to the most eminent phy
siciansilyho Considered itbeyond.the-power•pf-medi—
eine to restore-him-to health ; hparever;as his laic-.
t rifirch - a - tretaitteeditilifitra - very - deplorable - condition,
and having - beetirecommended by a relative of his to'
make trial of Dr. William Evans' MediCine, be with
difficulty repaired to the office tind preeured:a pack
age,-to whickbe-says,-110-is-indebted-forlis reatmn
tin to 'life, health and friends. He 14 ow etlj?ying
all the blessings of perfect health. • Persons desirous
of further information, will be satisfied with every
.particular of his astimishing. cure' at Dr. Evans' Me
dical Ofike„ N0..19, North Bth street, Philadelphia..
'The above; medicine is for sale at the of of the
Herald Et Expositor, Carliilee..
•• • . .• • .
• .
cola awry, necor tug o e ., ;amen a tar,
proveeos In the art.,
F; 11 ENAPP, 45'urvo#.1106itist;-.
tkoiner of Charles Stik'av;ette.atk&ta,.,.
• ,•-• • ": I
rre'olllo.l. -
. • . • •
-• ••
:_ ~ ,
~„‘„..„af,iipiiittii'ial e:ii4eiitt itaiid ,
nbie! i I% eti of -patented lat(d,ttaitunto:in : Silver :Spring.
township, Cumberland county, valiant 9 mike froni the
Harrisburg 10410; and 'dne.totirth 'Of *faille froin. thq
.statarondi. leading froth „the ab,ovenamedned ilrifili9.... o ,
Steirfitt , S Gap; ninl,, about - 9 mileS fr`orti t e arliele. , :-
/111RACT:140. 'l,' contain g. - II 65. Acres,
.. '... of and slate .soil, utidcrlaid s in pnrt hy,linte,
ston,, n siillicientariiintitypf 'Which enti be readily pre - .
cured,:in.sevairal.plaers on tlie!- iiirm i -for , ecnnoaratcal
rind agriculltartil. purposes, (vim. 45,,t0 50 acres are
nOTered.WitlerlilllVlN.OTTAlßEß;'elipecially With
Laced , t, perhaps :there, as not another tract of land in
till s . rega on so well Satiplieil'willa Locust ;' the residue islander fence' and in att•Ortlindry ‘stale •of etfitiva
tion, having thereon erected a Two-story . .
,30,,, " LOG HOUSE)
.kstope• Spring !tense - over a never • failing spring;
within tive . rods:of the house,; tt.large' ... ". - , - •
Real Est4te
) ,Ixty,..fe : t-in trout and forty deep, : For eonretiience
water antlheauty of,lovality this farm is
7:lo:l4l . Jiptuised by . ncine in this part of the ague`;'
• ~41‘"5 There is 10110'011CXCCiiellt
• • orchard
Persons visiting to ptirelntie a cheap film?, one:
that may at alitile expense by made highly itrodueae,
would do well-to opply,soon. •. • . ,
Terms of Sale.—Three hundred dollare When' the'
bargain• is 'mettle, sq;soo by the Ist of April, 184,
when pagession will be given, and the babinev , in three
annual ftrtnents. • ••• .• • •: - •
. No eloven •imiles from
and'eontainslso tiMbered, whereof
PU are cleared. having thereon erected
- I • LOG
and,Log §pring . Hotise, over a fine Milestone spring,
ticithm two rods-otthe-house t-ii : SMALL
''A.14 7 " .4 BARN, with -- • •
•••_ _ .
• •Tr •• -'"•-••
property Possesses many .'ativan 7
AngulLiv_hich,wilthepointed,out on thd pretnißClO.
There is an abundance of limest - Ofeiin - it — ltireffe
ed very lowfor cash.•-• 4100 tote paid when the bar-,
gain is closa, the balance on the Ist of April, 1839,
when possessiou• will be given. , Either of the above
=properties are- withbre-miles- of- first-rote-mills.
_A Lscif,--EiNe•rai-. v olabia_ lots in the borough .of
,111._-_•Meehttnieihurg,Aullig one of 'the most eliggible
alongsituations - the'Cuniberlaiiii"ValfeylFailriiriaTer
•• . •:',A =r y t : 'a warehouse , having thereon_erected a
,5,,,144 : large two - story . "
MOUSE, suitable fora shop and office; now occupied
by Lewis , Zenring,, 1?..5q.; a BARN, with a never fail
-1 ng Well at the door, antl'asmall.OßCllAßPof choke.
fruit. • The lots are bounded hn the •soiith -by Main
'street, and extend back along the-Hagerstown road to
WO a little expense the Barn, clOse
I by the. liailronkcottld converted into a ware
)ionse, :All the oho* proper.ty will be sold low foe
crtsh,whererif S.SOD 'are to be paid when tlie'lintgaiOls .
Inadetaathe firoTTATile
possession Willhu.giyen. • ' • •
Personi(WiShing to ptirehase ss ill.please call on the
subseriber in Medhatitisbut,,wito wiltgivu 'every
necessary satisfaction. - :• -
' . • ."
• • RUPP.
Will be sold at (rirate„
1.1 . 4V sale a tenet, of first fate
_ . ,
situate-partly:3n -North and partly in. South While
ton townships; on the Trindle Spring road, 2 'tidies
fronrCarlisle; containing _
. . • __.
. • • 258 ACRES:,
112 'acres of which is firstrate Woodland, adjoining
lands-of Melehoir Brenneman, Joseph CUlVer, John -
Erb and others. The improvements are a first rate
two . .story Brick louse, Brick Bank Barn, and other
onf:buifilings, - t‘io Ininips :of good linatlstone water
near the house anttbarn.% There has keen, an Ann:
dant - stipplY this season. Also, an Orcjiard. Of choice
fruit trees.
~. .. . .
adjoining tho'ohoye cOothioing 1 4 2 9. acres:one-half of
which 15 W00(111111(1. The improvements ;WC a Log,
n never failing well of water, Ito., some.choice fruit
trees, one and :chair Miles froth Carlisle. BOth,of
the above farms are in n gond' state of cultivatiOn:
Persons wishing to purchase either of the above
farms will call on the undersigned who' resides.
on the adjoining farm, and: %Am.'s authorized by the
ownO t Edwpril ,J. Stiles, Esq. to make Mk of the
sarnepr -- . . •
October 'lt, 1838.
The Harrisburg Intelligencer,.tebanon Courier,
,and Lancaster Examiner and Herald will publish the
aboye 4 peeks, (mark prism) and charge this office,
I .
• o
• u - n - ATL - oss - ,. --- - ----- - --
LLUSTRATED--n Universal Picturesque ,91-,
I . burn: - . ,- Edited by. - J.T:Nleyer, in-weekly- numbers:
Each-number illustrated by two superb steel engrip.-
vings from the burins of celebrates) artists:: .
The present work will be one of - the most grand
and interesting pictorial monuments which have • ap-
Peared. - . _ •---- •
, The views, 104 in number, and comprising every
els of the art and do the highest credit to the crusts
- tvinloyell - in - th - eir - productien - -- , .
Equal e.seellenee - will - characterize the descriptiv e
department. Ithatibeen entrusted toa wilteT—:r,whisSe
fame is now too securely established, not only ip one
country.,_but_thraugh_the:_w_orld,to be increasedly)
praise; or censure. , • :
• First volume, (comprising the timber •1 to sq.—
Price twelve and• a half. cents number, for.sub
scribers only.' ,
Published by the, North'American Bibliographic
InstitUtinn. • ' • - , '' ' •,'
E. Litt ell & Co. Ng. 12 Chestnut street, Philadel
phia 18811, _:. • - .. • '' ' ' -
- ' . • .
Subipribers',recetved at lids °lke.
October 16, 18.38.. . .
N .
oitivE iiherebY gien, that 'the account of S.
— Dun7eil) Esissignee — of -- /lENR - Y1
.DIJVG WALT, has been presented to, the.OiMit- of
Common Pleas of, Cumberland 'county, for corifit4ii , ..
tion. and-allowancii r and-liaid. courtluiveatmointid_the_
first day - of Nilvembtir Court, (being the - .l2th - day - of
said -month) for -ita consideration ' and .14ilesin all
concerned to spew causciirby it shall - not - b - e confirm:
ell and allowed.. GEO. FLEMING,
- - •
Frotfionotary's Offira, • "
• 0ct0ber;•1.198:? , ..«."- ti7:- S ' •
' XOl7O6 1 ,
T. FETTERS of administritiOn 'on the 'estate of Joy
afid , fAttunst, sen., !ate of the borough of Carlisle,
deceased, - have been granted: to'the Undersigned, k
idding aforesai &all 'persons havinielaima dr dettinnds,
againpt,thc estate. of. Enid-deceased, are requested to
present` the , saute dilly anthenticated, 'and those in.'
detted'tii: the pante ate,reciuested th ( tutticeAnarnent,
without delay to the'eubsortber. •
ale; Cotobee ,
JOiiltNrAl. , 'o' F 'Pit
•I. OF'tar~
• State of Peni?sylt?anzai
FVOT.ta D. to mechanical : and. pbysient. science, l
2 "Ivit etiqiiii:Cring;•th6 tm4i3 nntl manufactures, fiz ;
'tb9 ,l 9 4( irdilig 9r -4 9 9K1x!!! 494 •94 , q-10-el4e ( til i ' v e**'
tltlited , by TuolrAs
ed on the first Of,enolkOnontli; at $S per annum, piya
ble 0n4111,e. completion or 11M-sixth number. • •
CoinniUnicationimilk bei`diretted "Dr: Thomas P.
Aonesi - Wasitiotstmccity,'.! 0c., - A9,.“. the AetuPrY:
Franklin InitilutOVPhiladelphier-Llthe J:image must
lie,p . alit,dinapt ailuMr4Mittinglbo:subabytpliOnmoneT,
• Uctobgrllo, 1898, --‘, • • •-7 '
• '.• CANK
MaCkinaw and istxiped Illanketti:nnev.
opening at the store q C, 9q4",42.1.41
- .
atty int.,01 , .,Y04W.1finie.0.0014.4
•.:- o+. •
' N;OPPOIMUNITILIinoW olfereAfor
yourselves witkIy9OBC9G)K.!:S.
:• -•:•'At•ltZgliartittill.e .
' l €" . ""' • •
Being the teat cirticli3OverSffired to the Forinirsin
• • • this Seetion• of thi Stale:
These'Plough's will ;not choke nor carry dirt,, and
the draftis about our third less than thePlintglis here. ,
tofore in use, two horses doing the work of threes
sides a great , savi nr;: in time' money. in keeping.
lh'eni 'in 'repair - The - ,point and 'share: can-be'Vut on
in five minutes; and besides'cMt only 2 . 5 rents, each;
dull can he turned anti repeated tintihWorn
Pitt. and evert - then' will be 'taken In parhpai,for new
The follc:wing-named persons ore among those who
have purchased and useddte adobe rjonglieduring•the
last season, to - whom Partneri are rderred for inforni
' titian respecting them; viz: • ' • • •'.
,Wintorp,• John Arm',
strong; Samuel Strickler,
John 'Little, Henry Metz;;
William Styder,: Miller, Mr: AillWay;Jcilin
Kunei; Dimon, Elliott, Esq. '•• , "',
---Lettericenny.--Michneh'Grove, - paidel :Kremer,
Mr. Shields; Isaac Ilesore,,; .1 Mai :Miller, Alwahatit,
Hoover, John Rodes,4,llenjamin•Rbtles, Sam , l Bodes.'
.Gtiftfort-Pliilip•Oiler;.,lttmes:DunlOp4Jas: Phr:.
Vinnee, Mr. Bitner,John, , Lesher , ,
,GeorgcCrrnee - : Jo ,
s'eplt Wingert, 'r,,eorge Fettbrlioof, Mr. rangy, Geo.
Eull,-3,-Villiam-Ilyiwa...JidnOlLCook;.SamlLCAtf • -
iman, Henry George,-.Peter Baker, . • -
• Greeti.--.lncob Oyster, &Mittel Purvinece; Jacob
Darr, Johe,Beichard, Jr.', Joseph NeicelY; Alexan
der. Thomson, • Henry Wingert. ,Mtirtin'Wingert,
Chirles.ljetielt, Mr. Smith; Mr. Clark, Mr: Solaber•
gee, Samuel,Lemy. •
Southi:infitoih—Samuel ThOmson;John_Orr. •
- 1, 56.-,Thomits.-74acob Mr.:Gallager, _John.
Crider. • • • . . • . - . . • •
'We have o;6'sectired the right of • Adams, Cm&
• berland; antliDauphin• counties, end the following
geittleinen in Adams have used the Ploughs during the
hpast-season, to whom Partners in that county ate re-
4101USE I
ferred. • • '' _
.Xcar Two ,Taverna.—Snmuel Ihit'boraw Es'ip
Joseph Coshun, Aleinfider Jacob 'Keller .
.Esq : ,•Joeoh ' . .
I;- ea Jfli/lci stows —I redcrick-Dcil~___
Ifiturterstowit,--4acoli Prase,
__{.o,l7llc.almiT-Ploughs -can al:icor/it. be hair at the
Fortuktfof W. SEilibler SECCi7thntiCiTi!
3611 N P:LYNE,-Harewnre Merchant; Carli tie, and
of THOMAS HARRIS, MeChaniesburg. 'Where
Partners who wish to test the Plough, will please call
and get them on-trial, and if they will' not render fll'
and entire satisfaction,.-no charge will -ba- madc3 if
'theyhreak it is atinm_expense, We will also .pay any-
Farmer' for. any, damages • orloss of time, he - may
Sustain in trying the, Plough, if he. does not like wet
-ter trial. There have.been sold in Franklin and the
adjoining county. upieards of ONE.' I'LIOUSAND-of
-these Ploughs, within - 18 month's. - ' - „•. -
.• • • . JOHN DENIG, .4,getzt:
Fpor doors South of 'the City-llotel, offers for kale,
• , wholesale or fetail, at very low prices,
• - Goodsy Stocks, Pocks,
Consisting in pail of tliO
No. 1.--4folesig hinMt . iful it l rtiele-- ' the
etpial.of Which inn 'stound in no other. Store in Phil
adelphia; and cannot be excelled.
No very fine hat, and got up in excellent
,style. .
-N . 0 , 3-A-fine'tind handsomely finished 64-Scarce
ly inferior in appearance and durability to Many of
the highest priced Silk flats in the city. . .
No 4—A durable well-finished and handsome ,
Water, Proof Hat, decidedly the cheapest and most
econemkal Hat ever offered for sale in yhilinklphia,
beingg retailed at the astonishing low .price of TWO
DOLLARS !! No persOn who - has bought 'one of
these Dam will 'hesitate for a 'moment to acknowl
edge the correctness of this statement; or to recom
mend them to his-friends.
• •Also, good Silk Water proof Flats, at . from Fifteen
Eighteen Dollars n Dozen.
---"Also;-l3oys?Silk Hats of-excellent quelitymulhand-.
'some style. F UR 11.17' S. • •
:.,,,,Superfine Nutria' Hats, on enstlr budies--a splen
did article.. Fine ; Nutria Hats, on Saxony bodies.
• Super!'lue Black 'Russia Hats, unsurpassed in qual
-itcAuld_appearmice,, 'Ellie Black. Russia Ilats—a
•Alusliirlits of ...... .
tiesiSto. •
Otter,_ flutrin, Muskrat, Hair Seal, and,.
India Rubber Goods, ' -
Cloth of various qualities and prices—excellent:for
covering-Carriages; and for a great variety of odse
purposes-414n trperfect - protection - frorrrwater. - -
.Also, Garments' of almost every description; Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Leggings; Life preservers, Travelling
Bags, Beds, Pillows, aprons, Table .Covers, Lamp
Matsilitc..&m. • ~
.STOCKS, • - -
__A_mttt_s_ariety- of Satin, Bombazine and Velvet-
Stocks; plain and trimmed ;
_matall — c - f) - of
, ' estand_rmist durable materials, and in the most
'elegant and fashionable style.
Thirty hour Wood Olooke ,warranted for one year,
theverytenrretnil - prier4 - $5500! --
v:YOrentlemen wishing-to purchase any of the fore
going descriptions of , Goods, .either 'at _wheloatde or.
retail, , are invited 'to call end examine them before
purchasing elsewhere, as it is believed that, to say the
least; they can be no where else better suited, m re
: ference either to price, style, or
Philadelphia, October life; 1838.—tf;-46.
riAirrEng ,
tr. v n Lifiti , , ,uw Lo vi ndon /1(1 Canada Musquash
'Lana %via
100 lbs.:English Side Nutlqa FUR, blown .
•50 'do do •do • do'very sup'r do.
50-do-BeaVer-PUR___ • do •
.50 do Otter . • do Back and Sipe • • •
scgi. dof English and Scotch Coney FUR - - '
_: 27 ,lol:4o,,•.Citrrottell .13.uxtsia.41nre'l7U,_.(k?, from C.
Donner "e - Fititrir e y • 7
00 do, Turkey Backs, very white
100 do _ ' . - •
10,000 Canada Itlu.skrat . -• ,
[ • 5000 Southern • do"do
I 20,000 Rabbit . • • dO, ;, • ; •
500.-ussia Hare . do va
SOO VieUnitt ' 110`' ;"- • ' ..; -
.; 10 Bales. Buffalo:Rol)ES - •
50 Cases Glim Shellac, Orange;Aatietitild Liver
100 do: Extract: LOGW,QOD., „ •
,100 Bids. Chipped Campearhy do -
1 Cat& Pirerdigriti; old
.ntia 'dry ; •,*: • • . 7 ,1'.
200 'piedea Silkprice -. . FLUSD, assorted., part, very, low
' o.a.;Skivers,blue,blacky,creartiand.:Maroon
,10,000 Spanish FELTS, aai'L•yittlitiel.tind weigllts
, 5000 Saxony:: dO do .:71!••do -, 1
~- • ...T.sonte vetx.:•fine • t
' assortrnent'of-other" GOODS; tipper-
taining - to the trade ; .Ivhiolts are :offered .for. sale bu
liberal terms to Dealers and Marufaittirera. -• • -
- •. JOSEPH COX - ft; SONS;
•No. 5 S. Liberty at. Baltimore.
ShippingFUßSat all Ontea purchased:,
, • ,
';--:•.:- To iny•Ckeditors::.
..--, Take-n . 606 that Lhave
,op lied to thu9T,Ogeo pc the
Court of Common
,Pleas, of Mifflin - eciunty;fiii' the
1 benefit'af the Insolvent lawi'of obi ' commonwealth,.
alid•said Court, has. appointed..the: - first Monday of
PNOvember nett, for . hearing me and my erediforsit
-tliii.COurt House, in , the borMigh,of pe*istown,.in
id cOunty,whitandiwbere you marattelid if . Yoti
t ink
/ . )roPr...-'' .l ' :' ' ' ' 'C '' ECII.. GE 't _ d 3 ' E ' Eß :.2- ii : o : 'o .; l;..''''3"r l , ''s
7 \.,,,
ad . iMam, Ciiiiiibeel6, 1838.4—5 t. :
, la k liSslNFOrTS. , 7744LiTuler ,iirab, Steel
13lue t Illitek"Psirsoni and
qne4to, for ettl9,wt4ettally low,ltt the , Store of
A:. W. THAYEit,
NO: • 3Q, North Third Street,
LI • .
Trit.9l•6o24oiy• Philaqet
" - • • a•
0ice . ,.159,-chatiiutatraet i.• -
•••.; .OE-.5300 00_0., , ..
, c4grlcr.,PerP.C4l•4a4
ii-vsurtKurvEs, - grant, anituftdee ; and -Afton,-
Minis and - mitke•ocintranis kenceally that inVolve
he contingency of life. Ac.p.eM ,Troato asauthorizpd
by the charter , from individuals, Corpoiate bOdies, or
'Ourtsof - JusticeOinfeieentelhern-agreealily-to-tli
desire of the parties, and receive Depositee:of money
in 'trust, aiid on'interest. - ' ;
• I.AFEDIB,URANCIE.The terms 'are as low as
thcise•of any ° the
fi ,• • '
Patea rlastiring $100:' ' • . •
ago Fs r 1 Year For 7
.Whole Life '
, ,•
.20 ' '6O 91 $0: 95 - - $l. 77 -
.25 '.l • 00. 12 ' g 04
30. 1- -1 2.'361 - 35 - • 1 .36 • 1 ,53 ' '
40 - 1 Q9' ' 1. 83 3 20 -
'45 91.- - 1' 96 373 '
.. 1 96 . 2'09 460
55 2 32 ' 3 .21 '
Further information can be obtained by application
at the office. , - -
• . • W. RICUARDS,Pres'i,
• • 3011 N F. JAMES,actizory. •
13 , gonnE•lv• Mir Treaaurer: ' -
J 11,1838.4 - , ,
ir ' N f er g .
•••• PRIZE. • .
1 tit,-
..• • •
• I
.... 0
The most Brilliant' Scheme ever drawn in.
• the Untied States,-
CLASS A:for_ 1858.
To be positively drawn at Alexandria, D. C. Satan.
(Ay the 17th November, 1838.
75 Number Lottery-12 .firaelCßolliili:
- - 30.000
. d° . 20:000
- 10;000 -
• d° • 8.000
do - '•
• • • ;
.t, t;, ,,_ ... ,. .7,590
go 'L- ' ' 'ix ,-. .. 6.000
-do ... • . P - - - -5,000.
. , . ...
~1 -- - -. do ' -', .. ' '''• '' • 4:000
,• . . . ....... •
1: ' : . do , I • ..3.74e,
5 - , Prizes of - • 2.500
- •
.10 - '-' •*. 40. •• - - 2.000
, .
60 - ._-_, _.. :.(.10 __ -.-: - -: . .SOO
sdo 500'
. .
'Besides prizes Of $250 1 ,.200 , -150 —lO- , 80.--6075y ,
. .. .-. 40—andl ''owost_prize.s2o - •
'Pickets ' only -$2O-11alves - 110 , ---Quarters - $.5—i
..: .- , •- - Eighth $2 . . 50, -- - - .• • . . .
Cert's - OT liackagosof 25 Whole Tickets" - $260 •
•Do ' dO' • '25 Half . -do - - 1.30 '.
.'Do '=do .. 25 4),uarter-
_do • 65'
• Do . do' - -25 Eighth do' 32 32 50
cd• for rickets a 7 .
14 Shares or di.rtificaiSs
of Packages in the above ,Unrivalled Schemes, will
receive the most prompt attention, and an official ac
count of each• drawing-sent immediately after it 'is
over. Send orders early and address ' .
' ' ~ D. S. GREGORY feCo. 3-Tanagers, .
'Washington City, D. C.
October it; tHA - ' ' -
2 8* S. .E A T
• - - • - -•M
,Mi11317241:0/kbUnT4 -
RETURNS his sincere .thanks to the . citizens bf
Carlisle dad its vicinity, for the liberal patiimage•
which has been liestowed' upon Bins, Alld .selicits a
continuance of the same. His shop is now situated in
- , • - •
Easf. Iligh• Str , c el l
1 adjoining the:Drug Stoll; of &timid Elliott on the
! east, and John H. We - itf&ls C's. — stoic on weic
ivlim2 constantlfkeep on hand a large assort 7
Dnit or Fobltionable . .
r dinerent
rrr . and Silk Hats,
11 - Mver, O/ler, 'Seal, A r utria, .11Irt'sk
rat, Plain Iltessia and Bruala
0F A ILL C 0,11. OIU S
All of his own manufacturing, wbicli he will dispose
of at low pricns. .
.ile.flatters himself that, by'strict. Attention to busi..
- nen cud adisposition to - pleaseTtos - mcrit - and - receive
a share of public •patronage, .
-,-N B Military ps~eill_b_e~nan
_on_reasonable terms. •
Carlisle, April 9,1838. tf.
`ll- rflreits•or Ailministratiomon-the estate ofdo- -
'veldt SpengleSpengle r, late-or , North Middleton town • .
deceased; having issued to the' aubstriber rai
ding in North Middleton township, all persons in
debted to said estate will make payment tmmediate
ly, and those having.elaims will. present them for...set
tlement to
October 16, 1838.-6 w
- - .
Hannway fro ht the. subseriber, residing-in
son township, on .Thursday the 4th inst., an indented
apprentice the-Farmingßusinetis,Lnameil-DAYID
GOODIATHc. - Said boy is about.l9 yeiulofage, of
`Shinn size, noti3ricitiii for tellieg . lipti,ittod 4erY . f"ofi4.,or .
lignot.: - / He tookTWith - him a light' suit of summer
clothes. ,The above reward will b — egiven, but no tiny pereoit•viliO will deliver said boy
te•the sithscriberi.andallpe. renal, are hereby cautions
e 4 againStharbortng• him At their Peril.
, 1 • r • JQHN •NYEAKLHY.
,Dickinson tp., Oct. 'a, I /JAB. . • • -
SING: trnr.own lyntsq my
lirosent residence be•offored for rent until
t, day'of •
~• - ,
October " '"-
, .
BAR te.ol Y0R,.5.41141:
' • ( to • rty - ff
N o the eat qua ,• ammere
'IV Iron for vatld'at Dilikiroion' Forge' priewat
Rhode's Rail Road Warehouse.'_ . ,
Carlisle, October 17;1838. '' • • - '
'BAELS 20 half barrel,
d4;juat received and for sole as above:
Sorri 4
Filberts for sale by `• • ' •
• • --•- • CkIAS , -t/AANITZ'
' 24 "
. _
SAKE ..Y()Ult
If, carious-Teeth eensona
blithrie; the, pi ogress of thedec.t:irinitfh - e
arrested„, .F.H,RN.App l poi.qtuStirspon;
W; earlier of Chtiiies'E;ga7e'tte;,,qti.Paluinor&
= .r; •
• " VOA; SAIM,A Stralgbe
( I .tc :41 - .ltbstiirkloBBl 3 l timyeeitoldiArtmect,
ip—P,..§odleor !-larness.
• -- CHAS.: BAIMITZ....
Seytem er 24,1898.
• „
oared to order,
OkieEitding: unit , (.`onimissiOit
r. r. 4; • rc.; 9ayrjaz,.
" "•zi •
14.17/2111 c 3 leuatv-smo
• • ..
HAVE taken that large 'and commodiousWAßE
ßOUSEilately.erected mithe . Canaland Rail .Road,
below the. foot of liestript street,Harrish4g, where
their arrangements are Such that they can at all times
forward produce and therchandize with .proMptnesE
and despatch, to the.followit. places,
Philadelphia ; Pittsburg, Colftm - -
hia'B llimore, Carlisle, Chamberebtirg,-
. , I
~ - „ .
ltiirl al l n feraegzall,klaces. .,
They have lately entered into arrangements so as tc'
etiabl , them to send any produce or goods by-way o_
the nnsylvania Canal and Columbia Itailrond. tc
bah elpina; at the 'samtr- prices ehargeil 'by othei.
o antes running on. the Union canal, thus gaining
iree-.days in :thne, 'and7.delivering-gonils-in-Ilrotul
sireet, avoiding the Usual expense ni hauling &Om tlit.
SchuVlkill. '. ' - . •:' -
- -
TfIFX PURt.IIIASII.: Gra in, Flour, and
- country produce - of every tiewiption, - and keep
staidly . on. hand coal, plaster, fish and salt for sale.
April 2;•1838.—tf. 18.
W A. It Val
• -
0.11 0 , 3 1 i,':. '',:,.
..... . i ~-,-.,.,. , • 4 , ' - ,-, A'... , '
'• ' .. 1 : 111 ' ''''-''
''''' \ \ .,, S):W 4.
-- t -, ' `;'''''..
• ( 5, F - A -- -.... , \, • 0 :,.,T , ....- i.,:-..-,,:-.. -.
• .-___ ,
.3-5 , s - . k . :; , .
,c),--<-..04:14!--.. •P - ' ' .
, ,
Returns his sinedre thanks to the citizens of C'arlisle
and 11.:U0 . 11114 country; or'the most liberaipatrObage
Which has beeit - besitowed upon him and wishes in, in
form the.publie generally that he has replenished. his_
.t.tock.Of Goods, and flatters him Self 'thatite' - will-be
.ahlitto!give. entire satisfaction:to,all WIR) wilLeall at
his Store, both in quality and price or goods t: ashe is
resnlyed to sellkiwi* . •
Call at the old well knoWn Stand of
_L. Ha • . n i in
Mirth - Hanover Street, and examine I'. stock. of
GoodSi ita he a general and coniple assortment
- _
Also ROCK aneFINE P w - bort
4-the -best. qualitn:whicli - will be's . Id - at - wholes Mt
tie has also the Xew Cumberlati - d Nails-=but call
-and examine, each one for himself. '
, .
'Having recently returned, fro .
m . :Philadelphia and
New York with a. VERY .EXTENSIVE AUDI- .
TION to my former Stock, I beg leave tuotrer to the
citizens of cnrlisle and the Public generally, - •
. .
Comprising every article, hi tlie,Drug line, which I .
will 'dispose-of' 0 TV :4 ie ° l.Trvi7Bt
p,osrvible rats. Physicians-country Store-keepei•s—
Fidlors and others, are respectfully- invited to give. me
nsall {lt thetlid Stand on East High Street.
. • - . s:-.BuAorr.
Carilde,May. 28, 1838. ••
THE titibscriber respectfully &forms his friends;
and the -public generally i .that he has for sale, :at his
Coal and *Lumber Yard s on' of the Susque,
hanna river", in the town of Wormleysburg, _
2000 113ushelii sOperior Smith
coa 1,
Pan,nel odd Common . Boards,
Poplar Phz?-and Scantlin„sr,
2000, goodluality, seasoned Tight Batt
het ..s7aves and Heading.
All of Whioh he will dispose of at low' rates, iind on
tIM most accommodating terms. Persons wishing to
purchase would do well by calling with the subscri
ber, and examine Miff stock before they purchase. elSe
-where, • -
1,--I- =GEORGE—RU4V.Y.
April 9;1838.- , -,3m. • . 19.
- . . OrE lilr - • ii6I9.K . S.-
irtIST received and for silk; at Dr. Mierie Drug
elp and Book Store- 7 entoplete sets of - • -,
"IVaverly NOvels"-27 volumes. :
. The Bridgewater Treatises. ----
, . Lockhart's Life of Burns. .
`''N : " • " Scott, , '
'' " . , " ,Napaleciti.. ._
The Divorced, by Madame Bury. •
Walsingham, or the Gamester. ' •
The Luiwoods; by Miss Sedgwick.
Diary of the times of George I.V:
Court of•ltome. , • • .
• The PicloVick Papers,illairaled by prints from
Tom Jones, illustrated liy Cruickshank.
--Carlisle, August 27,18.38.
'Nl:tut . :a'ao7ool,
THE saseribe!t4 have just reeek:rd in addition to
:'; their Ortner' stock, a- handimme 'afisnrtmout. of
yhica makes - ther - assorthicucirour - very - gon - k - and
will be sold very low. They most respectfully solicit
themiblic-to give them 11 call.
P: S` - --?3ounu ^ y-protTuccNilll - b - c - hikerviTre:tchnogri
for goods.
Shippensbitrg, Juice - 4,4838.:--tf. .
• N 0 .,.
'• ~. T. iCE.. . . . •
ALL pet tans indebted tothe ltite firm of OgiThy &
been plieedin.the hfin4pf:Robert_Soodgrass;
i l
Esti, fOr collection, upon \timid illev are r quested to
cull.-and.dischnrge them-without _dehmund ise_costs
- ' CHeittLES . 0G `l3lr, .'
: " October 15, 1/338.-sw. . .• • ' , . ' . • . .
,THE Subscriber, thankful for past favors, respeet.
fully, Informs his friends. and (lie public generally,
that he has removed his' • . • • .
•• Livery Stable
.To the , rear 'of the .Hotel •of Col. GecTik - ere - iiee;
uherelie - ivill at all times _ Have . Horses,- , Car
riagos, ke.;'read:y for •Hire.• -He eskati epn-,
tinuance of public patronage.. .-
.Carlisle,Hot. 17; • • •
O. :LU
ST received from the city bfßattimore,a•geni
• ml-assortment of Fresh Groceries, . via:. ,
: Strong, Rio Coffee, St,Dbmipko d6ji linSitgar;
Loaf do Lump do:Drat:it Ad' Bbiak Tea, Guilt-tow
' tict do imperial do Currone N Ydet P RAlolasse:s7
'N Sugarlionet do. 1 on4;Spices of: all kinds,
Lucifer and Friction Matches,
ko. bill of which have been selected *ith
care and mdlr be sold at the lowest rice: IL..
irUkf reeeiietl; Fur Clips, Iv Dozen 'or Itetult , -
- 0
.• . .
—. • ,
•••-• . 1 13RANDRETWS
,•. . .
.• A itipPly 'of the abOroTills is kept • constantly on
hand. Ai they are receii•ott,dirog/yfront afr. Bron- -
.Officc Philadelpl4, they are wAntis,riTzn,
GEi(IIINE, the Agenticitiitiohnry a..trelkiWeitient • tit the
contrary -tiothnithstanding. •
; • ~ 11ls - Drug §toretn - .Carlistei. - n.
September 1838:' •
`'ItILTSSIAr F ALUIt j'Ecelv - Cd
lgr 'sip ifidtableTer poinntoh: , Sollools, Alcoa
Schaal nooks and Stationa.ry in PN'prYltrielY• ." •
Augn6t 28. 3.3;: mYrats.
• . 7 't
.rY „
Ihromaeiiptitliat 1 1 110:1 - cian, •
o f fice in Iliglil • Sire - e" .of
• • • Carlz:9le Pa • • -
ni'iENDEus.his tirofessionittServicestittbe citizens
of thiii place-and the ptitilli3Oenerally; - and More
especially to those wlioaroatiffernigfrom CHBOVIP
DISEASES; and •respectrully infertile, the m, he
professoa tO Cure all
. • ~ DILSEAsEs i ,
Which are in their nature cniablei perf6t;e r i tf ie .
and mild niannem medicine tiathninfstered
ternally,is pleasant to the gide and bald.); taken;-.
Hie chases will be tiwilerate:•: .
He-will-visit:-Lpatients,lArlieb_ealledimon*AS their
respective places of residenee, in this place or
crony.. Persons nt-allistance t lahoring:nnder Chro
nic I)iseases; may obtain mecical advice and medi
cine,for one montibV addressing hirnAiletter.(pbst ,,
paid describing their diseiiie, and 'enclosing a curs
rent hve dollar bank note. • •
- `••Mcilical cOricialtaticdurelitft e - ilind"thiiiy - iviririaff ----- ,...
o'clock, P. M. Unless absent. On pretbssional dutip,: ,l s ;
The followiii diseases 'are treated and cured a- ,
Ilnmocopathic.Meiliciiii!•, viz: , •
- Certaiii , Discitses ineliltint to theGenitei Or . gani In
!-the Pri mary:nr Secondary statetvithoutadmitusteting' '
in dais treatment. ivitlitatt adini dsteri ng in 'this treat
any .of the usual offensive' and injurious medl-' .
eines, so notoriously destructive to the human system .
and constitution.'.., .. , ' .. . , • , .-.•
• Consitinptirin, BrOnchitis,Psditutioti - of the Heart: •
Dyspepsia, Liver-Complaint., Bilious Col.l7Cottive. .
- nestFz•zlistilla silo, Piles—Gravel---Gout, Itheuma...
tism,_ Epilepsy, Asthma, Slck. _Headache, Deafness;
Giddiness, l-lcriiiii or ltuptures, Lameness from-Pal
sy,-theers or did stainiiii,‘;,, 9 , 064, Necrosis,-Earies o
bones, Cancers, Tetter, Tio, Doulcateeti St-Vitus" • _
Dance, Diseases of the eye in.gencral;Fistula Lacry. •
malia,--Gtitta Sexena,eittailict, King's Evil, Rickets,
- ----Vltitt3-Swelling-3.-Thnry-,EkysenteryrPlturriernlioop 7 ----:-
Ing Gotigh, Croup'; Pneumonia. flysteria,Flu - cir allins , •
il-fclatieltoly,lncontitience of Urine„lntlamed and ti7c. , .'•
coriatctl Nipples, Diseases of 'Women-and children • ' .
Fevers iif• geuerill, Ague, Scarlet Fever; : , - '
Foe all the above named and many other-diseases
there can .be satisfactory, eyidence. given 'of their.i.„ , •
• thorough enre,': -.- • -••• , • . : ''. .
• - Carlisle, - August-14, 1888.--tf, - ' .. _--=
• .
• IL —3 ' _
. Fa [i3l W2 49 310 1 4 1 1EL . : '
E. High Sireet,ft few doors east of-th,E
Court House
- -
subscriber having leased the above named
establishment from Mr: Simon • Wuntlorlicka - nd hay
ing provided himself with every_ thing necessary, is
now. enabled to - accomunidate travellers and others in. -
a atilt that not Intl Fo - Ttlease
hint - with. a call.
will,receive his, special attention: Tluse.will. lid
kept-coostontiy4Trovideil with.the best of LIQUORg
f .
pill at all times lie abundantly supplied . 1 , itfi fill the
delicacies 'which the sensor) .niaCket.cati affordr --
and no exertions will he wanting to please the palate -
of the most-fastidious. ^
-- '- -.' •- TIIE STABLES -- - -
iiee.conituodintis and sective,and a careful and titteif , -
ace hostler will betilwaysin attendance; - ' • :.. - .:-
--110XItiMlii-mgl-1-hetakeirby-tlie-weelt,-tnontlt ,. oi -
ve:ir,teht the'inost reastinalifetertus. .1e- - -
.. -•-: '.--
-- strict attention to litts s hiess alutan antelopedi!si_co
to please, will, he. trusts, ensure him - a reasonable- -
share of - public patronage. - - .- - -
Carlisle, `April ri3„lB36.—tf._: - - -
N. B: The ears run past the above establishment ;
at -6 and lk . o'clock, A. M. and at
.2 and o'clock, P.
AI - V . OLE
• • Tor -Sate. " •
subscrilier will Sell' atAtrivatte sale, ft iltltta- ,
hle tract of land, situate in Newton 'tow:Alia,'
Cumberland colic's, about a half mile west of Stoughs- ,
town, on the turnpike leading to Chatuberiburg, ad
•oining lands of John Stough andSarnuel,l3rJwnellitr i
. • . xity..l 7 l Mt Acres •
of-first-rate LIMESTONE LAND, about fifteen
acres of which are covered will] thrHing YOUNG
TOMER; the:pc - mai:lEler is under good fence and in
a good state s of ealtivation, hiving theretin erected a
• - 1 1 1 •WO STORY
,v:1 din f • LOG. HOUSE
and .Stable. •
• There is also. on the preniises a thriving 'YOUNG
Any-person 'wishing to view the memiSes will call
with the subseriber,Tesidi.g in Frankfort] township ;.
about one mile north of Alter's mill; and 'a short-dis
tance from Ilettriek's store.
• August 67108.
FOR 5.67. LE
TWO FARMS, adjoiniw , each other, -one con
Mining:" One Hmulred and' Eighty Acres, and the '
vtdiftrefthiellutidred - and=SixtYvitteesTof-lirstquality ---
~Limestone Land, in n-good state oreultivation: These
farms arc situated 'on the Letart Spring, in South
Miyoiship Cumberland county-, about 17}'
itille's - mith - of Carlisie.iniul - within - sightoffivolirst -- 7 -
titte merchant mills on the said spring. The im-1
prove merits are,—a . .
. . _
! . 1 STONE-BSRN, •
A fiirtlict•ileseripti'm is iinneces . sary as purchasers
yesscs,ion will be-given ou the first of
An iiit,is~'>titETli tifl<«'ill 6e given; For terms ap
ply to the subscriber in Carlisle. Pa. •
_ _
nis:oiroioci of rhoneriliip,.
. . ,
. .
....The. pnruieribip heretofore existing beiween the
subscribers, under the firm of .9. E$ S. COYLE,is
this tin y , by mutogagyeement; dissolved- ' The book' .
are, in the liiiii - 4 ;of andreut Collie, 'one of the Jute
partners,.who is authorized to,settle ,the same ?
hopes that all concerned immediate settle
.. . ,
meat. • „
The ;business as hcre oforo carried, on -by
the subseriber r at the o d stantkwho in4r.few.
days. bale a new and general.assortment of and
Winter Goods, and hopes bfstriet attention to bust--
nesS receive aliberal share of patronage. ".. .
Septeinbed 18, 1,858. • 4 -
NOTICE.'Is hereby 'given, .that. the ',account of
Thomas Craighoag,
.Esg, of
.I.k CANDI:ISA has beeri presMited - toVM Court
Of Comincin Heist& Cumberland 'county:; for , edhfir- '
"mstioaand,allowanee, an(l . ,saill,cOurt have ; appointed
the first day of.Ncivember.,Court . (lMing the 1.'21 / h day
gt,said month ;) Coi its conalderatic4;nntllttile•iin all
concerned ta'shor cause; Will'' it shall tiotbd cionfirm=
•cd and allowed. " GEORGE 14,ipuiv,G, •
Prothonotary's Office, Carlisle,t -
October , 5 , 1838. • ,
• -
,I;IPECTFULLIr tenders profCSSio'lial set , :
vices to the citizeneof ~
frci.p.ooll,sl,e,._:” . “l7ltas-beetr--
vractitiink.iff6licitie for uriwaiilioN'en',*ears:. , A
_ _ Middles64,-5ept:24; , 4,898.--:3w: ; : '
FRESArSAIMON, rfieived anil for sale by
s e pt.:24:, ° ' 'CHAS; IiABNITZ."
N"TIIOUSANI) lluhlmlagromid Alum Salt
and nd. 40 "Sacks 1..11;6•pool.• Salt;'!Aalkton, sacks
just iatek'ecraM.l fai 'tale: low'for ' enshibp `.
320 . G.,ALlPAsalu4e(it:Zwii'.'' 4 : !rin
• • ter
Sept. 21.
I iose w io.may, avor