Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 13, 1838, Image 1

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! : :i ',l :: -i ,
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, • •
.7 . .
The "Carlisle !braid E ypositor," wine issued.
everj , TUESDAY - AFTERNOON, nt. Two 1341.-,
vans, per annum, in advance:
ADVERTISENtIiI NTS raserted at the tisaal rates,
Letteri addtessed to the edifori on business, MUST
BE POST PAID, oilieriviSe they will receive no at
- ehtioll, '
.The follnWiniftained persons have been appointed
Agents for. the '!-Carlisle Herald , Si Expositor," to
whom. payment for subscription'tind advertisement
. .
--an-he..made. - . ' --'
D. SHELLY, Esq. 811irernanstoivn, Cund). Co.
ScorrCop.E, Esq. Nyvville •
ESti:Neivlnirgh •do
Tnes- Ship pensburg do •
JOHN Wunorduaci!, Esq. do. do
R. W.ll4mr, ESA. Mechnnlcsburd, .do
nmAiti RtINSTIA, Esq., oi)ewell dci
11,11..Sru.ROEoli,Esq, ,Cll.urOto,Ayo do
o ,
A . s . A.wurrE, N . e . w-cumbdeland do
' Tilos. .13tA0x.,-Esq. 13Icionifield, Perry county
ft - A: BLACK S do
• 1F4),1.t . - •
- rate Linirstone Farm, simile about 6 miles.
'west of Carlisle. eontaininF, 27-8' Acres, shout .200
• -..kores-ekar--and--in-a-bigh-state eation;_tho_
lance is well timbered; there isa.lar-ie quantity
- of Loeu§t on the place.- -
The improvements Two Story •
• 111111(.1C. "ROUSE & 'Fitts(' MIEN
„, - j'etiant House, Stabling; and two Apple Or=
elimds. There is a well of Iy:drpoint! several very
large.°spraigiT near-the 111 - 4 Se; The turnpike Road
• fromilipTislutre_to Cliambersburg passes ilirdtol Ihe •
nearly - Ihrstatt. Nyell-qaltulateder two farms- -•-
The above property is worthy the attention of eapi
as it will be:sold The
. qle.*--- - -Euqiiire of ”
_ Cnilisle, October j
'Leh:matt couriee.,,:Lanengier 'Herald and
Ti - :trainer, alai Lancaster Valksfretiful will publish
the 'abevii 4 'wceliS;' Mark priee,..spud papers,- and
ehargethis. office.
IIE subseribei• offer nt public; talc, nttlte
• Court llouse iuthe borough of Ciirlisle, on Sat
z'l!! 9 '2d dal, of Pe . cember 7u;.71, the following
Aeseribed properties, viz!--A neat plastered
calctilated for a small family, sitnated on west Lou.
'tiler Street, near 1.4, College ' wit part of a •lot of
I.tround.attached, containing 50 feet in flout 120
feet in•depth. Also, a to'o story • •--.
• . . .
.: - .-- - t- , -::•' 7 llarea Hierboarded------
riNt U ;; li in/ '
Zp, 11 p u . : ,
%g. ii V - -'-- lOUS tj. . - '.
..... 2 1:, •,, ~,,,a i . .
and IfriTHEN, situated in Dickinson alley, adjoin
ing the above, attached to which is the same qantity
of ground as the above, on which aye a great variety
of fruit trees. Thh houses are in good repair, Weing
toth nearly new. Terms of sale: _One-half
. of the
purchase money to he paid in hand, find the residue
lu two.eqUallialf yearly payments. • .
•• - - 1111.CuLklup.,mumuy_ .
:Cadido, October'3o, 183 S --*-6w. ' • . ' .
. •
TiltitE 'will be sold ut public snle on Saturday the
Ist day_ofilacember next. cm the premises in Nev. tot;
township, CUmberland county, a farm containing
200 Acres of .tilate.q.fainti,
• of the best quality, borthMing on the limestone.., with-
Xvlyyino, mal oar-fourth of "a mile
from trie,Cumberiand Valievif raid,T,Eir g e por
tion of A:ditch is coveted with the finest titaher, ittui
clear Land undo. good. fence, and well cultivated:
_Lav e lle Two .tenv
;q 114 •
— and one and a halfstnry iiitaben, With al:Cyan fat lite.
1: - 2Weil • _Of_w.ter _th,d.o2i - •
. 1.00U1:01, V•. Le.? (3 1 1 2,` . •
with Fv4me &Alio and Vlrap,r):l Sheds, &c. A
portioyi of this held mny, he el(itr!!. I ; at:10 xiiod:is
'unWe - , - 1)cilw:or - the - town and rail - road. -
AirinttitputaUle title - will lie Anti -the t-rins
which will he easy trill be made known on the (lay of
*l.ll by
Neyville, October 1833---tv.
I:hel!LoneagioP.lferotitand E 4 Taminer"-will pub
rialt-the'abov I.4ine4 ebarge pflice. •
A IrApl.T . Af3LE : FAgrei
~.,.:„. . IPOR. SAL.I. -. .- ''
IN,pursaance. of ,the last will and toss as of 31a
-'-',thOw:-W.bompsost, deceased; will' be - exposed - 1w publie
ale on Thursday. the 20th December next,,the mot
.,,loaFirig.',desaribed valuable propeyty, situate iu
sownshipTettraberlanticoMityraibout..artrillestwrd - srol
tuid - ,li miles from the curnbtirland
Rail Road, a tract containing
C E,. „.
-and allowance,. about 150 acres are cleared; and in n
is in good Tiniathy nieadow,'and tbe , residne :co
- Witlt.yekCellent .Timber." Thelmi*oielnents
tirealarge' -.
tfift/E, '6' TO
1 1 10 U ST . ' •
odor • .
C 1111.
iboVitlf . •'&b
. on g , 1. ~g o n , ,
scwate.`,.t.wa.*.ell tf otWateroTtle,at, tlie - difibr`i'Alie;, a
1:400 '®.'Li A`l
ITat, 'Tying near
,1 - ::Tbia,"Oapery tidnin•aby,'.altitat
Jo‘b - driecAldgukvt
,Pl.e*;. by"tliitili‘ iii . nEatly en
time tbe'bbrikS'arC iaincieatlT
'regent overfliiwin It 'itifinrda' ood'si
tion pr a ',mat i,:prge'oe mac eperro
4 11 e:.
yicriiitier;eed deighliorhoOd . is - Sficlr
'''tify:improvernei4 of thb Thel'e 'fire immense
Iran' Ore thi
taiii"aboU . flhesairie dist:l46;ll , old affOrd
jirOperty . is all'.patented;: and an in 7
',''dikiatable give:4;' ()le:
PersOus !desirous of loye,siing"ttelF capital good
property, doArell ., o-vieUritids.liefore.ttie day Of,
---100 7 .,Mboke;Avisltiug to 4ieri4lie : farro., till I _
...c41A,.00. ! Mattifew Thompson; real( - on the
premises, - :or with the undersiguedlre,
. .
erms.sv4l,lsq.3oa . de.:.Jcpcuri'und,a e glyen'
bti fiel'dliy saleby;..
-JOHN -DAVIDSON,' : Eitec'y,:.!.,..
1 - ----
', -,. , ... ‘ . . . ~i, • • t - + '',
'' ' '- ' 7
,:‘ :7 .—,- •-•'-''''''''''''','"'*-*:- --' ' ''.4'..7' --
-',:...-. - t- r-- - 7 '. -**-
r'-- '.,',— '-'
' -
,c ‘,
.., . ''' 1 '''.. ,' , % . a " ' ' ' , , • ' • ' <*.ls; _ •
*9 '7•l I....b_A'' ' -
: ‘:
. ' 41# - ' -, •;..., ;f: - t o ' ..., '•:- '.. ).
I . '-'
' : ' •
,- -T4 ' 1 • ''' II- l A "Ir
... , t! '). 1 1 ' -`) ' ' ,4 v . • . ) 1 I 1
+ : ^
. .
: •r•-• ' • ,
.; ~, ' , .• •, ' ' ....,1 , ' '.. , ••=:,... 5, ~
~,: ' 1 1'''..'.,""),, , ' . , '.- . =' ' • ' - .= • • = ~ . -• =
A , FAMILY - I VPIV SPAPER:: 4 i 3 F4VOTEn TO NEWS I , POI4TICi, tiiEßATrito49 :TILE A.R1 1 ,3 AND
, §C.X.i*CESi' AGIirCETLITU:IIE, :A4 , 110 1 2 1 11pRIT,:&:Ci &C.
'l\ 7 \ ENV GOODS..
IC 1 . 1 Ea P E
. 2^117... 6Wir Ern N.
riplE subscriber has just received it large and band
. "'some stssnrtmentof
which i v is selling cheaper thait•everr - sold int:this
town. ctiunty,
.Hirsvick consists in part of
Super Black, ]Aire, -Polish Greeil, Cit.
ron, Olive, mu?.. Oxford .nixed Cloths;
Plain and Striped loadon Caseiniers;
-.. ~
. ' '44111410s - - , _f _ _.
of all colok and qualities.___Smirr French, German
and EtigtN4 Mericoes• light-colored Silks; fiitirEil
ditto—nem._stylc;_lllaeLansi blue Jack NT!. Silks; i•
black Italian Mantua; 4:I-I (19 do. super bticli: Silk:
Velvet; fiends:m! coored:Silk Velvasimii figured .
- silklor bonnetsrMerinormulthrocha-Slutivlti.-----,tr,t-i,
Striper Veil:Mt - Cords, -
Beaverteens; Flannels, Blatikeis, 311eri,no and Lambs
‘ . vool s loacl, French and London Chintz; Silk Velvet
Yeatipp; - Stockg, Shirt:Collars,
Sze. Also, a general assortment of Fresh Groce
ries, alLef.xyhieli will be. sold en accoMmodating ,
temp and- unusually-low for cash. Purchasers, are
resPectfullyinvited to call and examine for them
selves, at the old stand four doors east of the market
house, and tlirectly oppoXite S. Elliott's Drug Stare.
• • • • CHAS. OGILBY
Carlisle; ()colic!. 2S, 1338.
very - large and general assortment . of
-Hats, Cops, 'Mots and Shoes, ust_received and now'
()petting: - the i• - anni ndjoiiiii ashole
sale or retail very cheap far cash. C. 0.
• imEw _
grAEOGE V. TIALL,-Ageit., hon. just reeriiTil
in mow opening tit. the
store room of-Mrs,Ktiox, in West high street,a well
selected assortment of -
tour% S.HOES, AND IrIATS,_
• COMPRISING,_ - ' -
Pine= Boots, .-
Do.. Coarse - do.
Do. • - Half do..
• Do. illanroas and Shoes,
• Di): tSti Dress' '
Ladies' Leather chid , Morocco_Shoes., •
. kid iiiutitAisting . SUppeits, '
- Together with a very fine nssortnient•tif:' •
FURT --- AAD SILK-TiArrg, -
.. .. . ..
Of the latesLlasltious, (l'hilatlelPhia made.) Also, a
large supply of stock suitable foe the manufacture of
Slioes..such as Morocco, Kid, Lining, Binding, and
13vielcskiiv; in every variety, all' of.. which. rill be sold
Lou 'far casli. Ile has also fo sale it great variety of
; . ithlerminster ,Carpeting of tl c newest' patterns; A
at the matmfacturer s.pricts.
A liberal discount made tic
callers who purchase bv - the - qu
October 17;411838.
"The . (Carlisle A:Ninale
. . . •
in-th-: - Countly -- of - CA.Tbtrleznit; ---- I? . erea: -- ,
Thro . tigli the .liber;ility of the Legislature of the
State, the Trustees of this liistitation•have been eiia
bled tci'establish it upon a substantial and liberittfouti-
dation. ' ‘.
. .
The s'eminory is arranged under three dittinct
departinents..... •
'Phu first, embracing; imtruction in ancient nod
motion Inegtelket, and the. Poe:lets,'
otheittlepnetmenti,embrackkasn. cottrAe .
of Enidislieduention. • •
3. Itcnn, President of the llonrd of Trustees, is
principal of the sentinnry.
'The two departments, Ing referred t , 74 are now or-
I kAnized and in complete. operv.ik:e 7 -z-rme wotTer the
illai; , :em•,wlt of Miss .1';!...13.1: N 1- -the other, of
Miss SAII/111-CAMPI:I:!.7..
The inlits , r drnitrinrent ripCrixtion as
seen ns suin.hlaTtniilici's can be proctored.
prin-ca,arrangements arc irmilc, and the plan is
iii ~i irratioii.fvt...arliiiir,2cailing,Writing, 41.10=c
-tic. Ge-.rrapliv, Grammar, Ithetoric;lll4.n - ry - ,C16 , 6: -
Natur,ll,Stertal and Moral
!Set; my, Drawinir..Painting, - aad the
:Fee- , r11.-Ttal ilia -a od- S ian-ish
arm solicited riiiiistriirors, portico
-130e i the V... eh Language and Music.'
^i lhr iicreptino ^f pupils into the di frorcnt
rtminit4, ari•airrynnits may he 0101 1 0 'with the heads
or the riwertirely, interpo
sitlnn nr.the Principal "r Hoard ni' TruFlinni.
Se7.llti_hte eeel t - , EzettPetß - nre - metle - rnt—fi - trtlittg - ntit
i:rt(!g-i, , !r yen* illtr; , nd wit!' the Teachers
Sr, t‘t , oleteitqmt.etg no.v oronized.,
orler.oft!te.llottril. • • _
:.Callislc , ,.oebber 180698.
.a 9',2111.;e3'`?r10.7ir
Li - Filly..
A, - 4
'VOUT are orderCd to parade on your.
wetted oil 'Saturday die 17th
day 9 f .71"on.enber w..rt, at 2 n'tdnek in
the tle-Moon in Winter Uniform with
ti t les mid 'acemt remeilts i gecid Order.-
jiy oriler'orthe (imitate, I
October 29,1838. ' '
• -
••, • •• N.-li---Ei%ory-mnn.wilruppenr on ITU.-
. uric with their uniforms .New
~caps hte Fsiiectetion-•orliefOro
, . •
Th .d
p.aqjour4ed Coiol of ppeal wql be
liiliron — the day of:Parade;.(l74ll-,i4:stdol.)
. „
. . .
,To the - Cretliterre : of Idcob 'Switzer litte•of
,tllO - .1.10r-'
' ' - offgh'of.lifediiceberg:
N w to OTICE is hereby gir n that tiro stibioriher,
1 ,1
"": .
.is' the' auditor apri intell,lty the. Court of
,Common ;fleas ufCUrOtorland eounty; to task,en,finpl
settlement of
s trttst,seeitunt of .Ittenli Rupp: unto. ,
Allieltsel' th (INT 1,.._ nisignees of , Jaeob" Switz&r, nfore-:1
salt]; and -to -make distribution:Of : the ,effects in their)
hands accordink to law, and the terms of Atte trust a
lopcts,tyl, t i o sad arnougtile erepi tors of the i said :fatal
'Snditietc wiltrOotforthat, titirittilie"Oii Saturday the
10th day :of Nevember.neitt;st theimuse of 3 0 1 M -11 4-
Ter, Innkeeper, in the borough of Mdelmuiesbura, at
10,0!elock M o tile morning,. \Oen and ater'd all pan !
ties interested itre notified to,attelid... , . .- 1 . 1 .
pfutitiOK, —
. .. .
:• October 17, 1830.--4 w
.! .---. 7 --
- lil ;
,;kTr..Rixreof 'Boots and Over-Slides cnn be
, -•
lialttOot; (*if
OvV,—G'reen,::.;„`;,, tr , s t ilt the
cloths, ile,Tl9t,,clP%*l.°4ac
'''-'' .4 PletV7l 7, o;lllo-CENITE
qr . l.3sT 4:66eiv,z .-n,10t., nrif aria Browo : SugAr,
CloviFsc, and'
- 3 1 , ) e en- 1 -41.itlow.fpfr:04,11:- 10;70 Gliatr.'7:
rjA 214T.A . ZdliA k:ittl.e' , afill'iolorell;` , )Friti! , stile::
. )
iprageftl:emd Gt,?prgre,..e,74. Cardisle,:ptinbekland • eQutity;c
Bank Nbie .and, Exchange Offlce- o:,2:, 'Calvet.;
• Sired, Opposite Barnum's. Baltfgiore.-
Extraordinary and Unparalleled Lottery.
. .
. ~
Tim lirgeSt and most Brilliant Scheme ever pre
sented in the United- States: Prizes over a inillion
'Class .12,. for 1838. " -
To be positively drawb at Alexandria, D. C. on Sat
urday the 17th ofNovenibelyl - 8913 - , , a3 - o l elocki - V. - M:
Irnder_the_S'upbrlntoz enct— gf_C.ammu•L
. .
stoners. •
D.. S. GREGORY az CO. Manners.
the ne.
1 Prize of $lOO,OOO
_is $lOO,OOO
• L. ao,'ooo ao,ooo
. 1 20,000 20,000
1 10,000 , 10,000
- "" 8,000 -• 'B,OOO
1 7,500 7,500
- 1 •-0,060 6,006
6,000 , 5,000
1' 4,000 - ' 4,000
—1..-•-: • - 3,740 ' • $,740
• 5 • 2.500_ 12,500
10 • 2,000
* - 50 I,ooo' 0,000
85 -500 42,500
12.6: _ 2560 :
12q • 200. , 25,200 1
126 150 18,000
126 100 12,600 .
126 80 lll,OBO
120 - 60 ." 7,560
252 - 50 12,600
3150 ' - '126,000
23436 '..20.468,720
. ,
.oipzi .
'7 . £4 14 '..P )1 zes:—.6nt in gip- 81,080,400
•Ti c i ce t s tr2o ; naves sio ; litiorteirs s'sT.Eiglithiis'
A- 7 'cict , tifiente of it regular paamfze . tontitiningl2s'
n:!ioluiiekets %sill . be issued owl spa for sllBo,llillves
$110; QuiMters.s7o;Jiliglitlis3s.' . „ ... , '
A package contains all the numbers jilnced,in the
whetg whico is from .1 to 75 inclusive. .." _._ : . :
Persons residil?g in any part-of the United States
may depend on havillgAltelr ordersPwelttally eztecu
.ted by return mail, the same as if periamilly present.
All prize-tickels and gnoil hank bills received in ply
molt. For the grand prize please apply or addre - Ss
your orders-to-the ever fortunate venditylof prizes.
. - E.1.101?1"4. GO; Baltimore, 1111: •
P. S. The official drawing. , ..d_lids grand affilir will
he published jri,.',.iiiir'Coutiterfeil Detector 'and prices
curivd. coulideadial-7-01. letters
perfectly sate by
onntry merchants,,and
amity. .
"iNcrilElL:nts,l4e - Jinn. Julr: 'Um>, Pre:,:dent
'y Jud g e of'the Court . of Cvintuon• Pleas, in i
enmities cf Canherland, Juniata 11111 i. Perry, and the
lion. .lohn Stuart and John Lefevre, Jutrges of the
Cditr . t - of - Common—PleasAr.ll” . --+lnulity—ot-Cumher-,
land, inti'e. isueil their precept bearing date the Q0;11 1
day of August,.l9sB, and b taa dirat,t(!, tot holding. i
. .
C t 1
Q'ovirt GPycr atul "A't , vgniliaer
nnr - GiFilc —, Tar.Nll.3livfn:y, and tern ,nftrt..4.
sinus of the:Ye:lee, on the P,renild \101,6y
itf Novernber,lB3l3. (tieing the. 12.0.1.‘1ity,) ut
in the forenoon. :^ e
Notice Is hereby Gi.vm).;
to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables
of the, said county of Cumberland, that they he then
And_theileiniheir ropier hers with their liecorils.
Inquisitions,Exammations, mid other ft enymibranees,
to d 9 thoSe things which to their onlcus respeetiyely
appertain. And those .who aye bound ht• reenpi
zani:es to m•oseutite w againsi the.prisnners that are, or
then may. the Jail "f'Curaberland county, t• - •, he
then and there to prosecute .n,T,,kinst them its shall be
- Dated ntCarihtle, the 4ilidv o
af Detsb - tr, 7338;
tnd the 69d year of Ame:rican kik:penile:lee. •
.I.OIIN MYERS, Sheriff
fl 11), - •
• , _..'Committee
TUC Sunzmer &talon of this Institution will ter
minate September 26th, and.the Winter session cam
meneei.after n vacation of six weeks, on the 7th of
NoveMber, and Continue tWenty.tour
The students of this Im.tittilion are carefully instrole
ted in itll the.branches of n liberal education. Each
class has at !east two recitations a day., besides occa
sional 1et..41%1 , a froin the differeaf Prbf6Sors on vari
ous subjects conneeted with them.' Coaneeted
the College is a preparatory school, in - which young
gentlemea .may uepare ,thetuselyea the.branches
required fge adrotgsion into College. The, following
iS a-liittif the- I m bent . dep:aniEtts:
V. A. Rkeeri, Presielent'anil PiNfq;
ear of
. ...71.1en(al iltoval Philosophy.
Twist') N", PrOfess:w . of Lap.
S. W. 'll,ifon, , ,ir,-A; M., Professor of 41eitticf.
cutilofe,ctlanical Philosot4 - : • •
-Rev...A.I.BitrLT , ,S3II:TIT, A. -At rProjec.isor . of , 4rici4tte
I...angit,agea and Liternati e: "'
___L;Profes'aor or Alttrif 4 aLS ; rience. •
IV: . AT G oon i'ReClor.' afthe.:PrePara for,
partment. , ;
T. - S•rciouAtto,' A: !rut
• ',I: H. 4,. .°"'" ;.
eliar . ges etrei=-470k the Winter Seeftioti,
; F : ,-- sn 5.0
13ciard1 , 24 ,*celui,l4sl,-;64 Qp
In t:lipi•e*itcirf iibiltiollnraii. , SAiiotirs •: ;
.. i
.':'..'' rn i VriTlis f l t- : l ' . i'til l :l 9 A i l l th?etilF s : 7 ' :$ 11f , g .., . ,
1.- ' , -;;Aii - Vit,igli Or :0 nlyiiiCleiiiing::' 'titl . iiititiC,',..B 00'._:_i_
. • S le
. .
NVAs^ , +^leni" - of '7 AcinOri" cnsFilinemolain
- 11 C ad
stoVe•iif • OGILR P.
4 1.0 es 'ust Teceired
211'41;4 or •• C. oaant.
' -......-.....,- ~.i. ~,.
~, -.':':' ; ' - ..:t . -: . „,;, Ngup wrz . u . i t i;,,•-:.- , :'.,.. i : .:'. • ,
HIT I:lTTE,ll.S.l...:girtmentniy on Ali6,oitnte nf -Jima) .
.1: 4 4 . Treini; late Of Southatnjife t n,tnyinship, Curni?er:,-;
l in o . tbo l inty,;.,flecensettrltare l 4een its. hell to thixs,nti r ,
Anyiliert, epidig-,in-latoten,y:n9)iit f,kfat:eanil!, - . 'Alij . ver.
1 'siins inilelited ii i :bnittestiit;- , nolll rnn!.fe ii . n : yrnolit iinniV, -
riliittel,:nial -: may. linklil . g: el Ai tni ; ngtunst Paid r e
eit4 tc
%.ill'i)vese4. litqu *°oor/Y,4lu.;he;'oi9trg fur' tttE.'
.., • LEO AllD HELit xec r ;
..I.:po4rl4,li:s;:fiall.-404..;U,'!, ~ ',; . -, , v. ,); 4 ,,,
. 1 .6, ; .. ,:1...,,,,,11;0. a 4!E ---f'-. ; ,i , -. 1 l':- !ri - 1
• - ' -- -
I'FTI S D .11 r.SIP iEIIC,JV 00., P iFI GIFI E 13', 18"3S'
.100;000 '
r,(-JV="l_ •11.4.•
-117 •
coasumPTAroili cuRED:
The 11210 hum Sp - ecifific s. _
• ''-.< Sp '' -. '.For. the prevention.
4r''''''' . 7 ' t,' Nand ctie .- of Coughs,
1.4- .1 . 44 ‘,.:,_ colds,A
~s ihm
. as . , Con
p .-.-. ) 1 4 • suin — ptions,spitting — of
A „- z - .., •
et• A ' ~, . ' Blood, and • diseases
. . .4'',,,,:-` - 1 , 'of the breast and
. .Irr il 'N' 4 ' - tangs, - 4•c. '
..... •- .. . : . ~.
mector*CLArtymptv'FiretsrAir,the proprietor of th e
specific; 'resided upwards of four years among the
trikesnf North American Indians,. and with unwea
hried diligence used-every meansilhis_p_OWer_to sic- .
quire a knowledge of the different remeAlies,Useirhy
ilieniTfOr - tlid °fire br the - sick - suitlvottitiled:; - itild
more particularly those \Mich they. take to prevent
arLeure4lie consumption, and complaints of the
'l aif - filid - Ithigs.7 7- 1 - itriibia'v - VV -4 . ll ° ,l a 4ll fina r--, Were = numerous and similar Coniplaints to those
of white people; and from their mode of living; and
being exposed to the inclemencr.of all weathers,
Many of their complaints. were complicated and vio
lent. Although, inanv of theirdlseases.were of Snell
n nature as would, with a people io - n civilizeil.ktate -
have terminated in eenfirmed,consumption°; veticlu-.
ring the time he was with them; he did not 'hear of
aeonstunptiorn •
So lialipy are- they in their
. knowledge of reme-
:dies, and so certain - of their-effeeis—when applied in
.time,-that it - May be said ""a true consnm pti Mil s a dig:
gase never known . or 'heard
an them.". The.
truth of this observition-mast be corroborated by nll
who - have had the opportunity of becoming tiegkinted
with these,,people. .It may, then be naked Why-they
are exempt from these complaints?' The reason is
--Obvious . ; because the.y....immediately seek for relief,
.and.preventilit7B6 CDATlplaiukte whichinsensiblyntaler
.lhine dip constitution, - bring. on incurable con-
sumptiO'm •
of,dir; C ti 0 iti_acecimpany._eack..b G ttteoLttie
Specific, - pointing , out Idaconspicuousknainiett,"nit
the syinptssms in the different StagitS of these . distres-.
.sing diseases ;_al so p: t- directions • respecting:
Diet and Regimen, and 'show patients mite to conduct
themselves 'through every stage until
stored ; for vstin,aticl useless.x.wild he the prescrip
tions of ahreSt Phisi' the most
poWerftil medicines; if his directions are not t lititlifolly ,• . _
• The public arc informed — that the depositions= of
two 'ninth:tea stud eighty-seven peeSotisliave been ta
-1 lien bctfoce the proper. authorities of the city of Lan
easter;-Pa.i all completely eared of the most tlespe t
rate cases of consumption, some of - .w)deli arc detail
,•-•eil in the bills acesmpnnyingithe bottle. • .
The•price- ()reach. •botslessf the INDI-AN.
selfin is One Dollar, awl cacti evictlsiiisttf;the gicutitre
gpecifsO is signed by Clarl,s7ilPreentan. and the,
inttmis C,. P. on tho seal of, each bottlei---Notse--isin
he.genuitiC without tide sittsature:i a letse ennmosi z _
tion litTiliklioen attempted' to be impmetrupott 117e
couiderleit imitation 'of thiStstraordittary
article. .•' _ _
supply of the above sneeifte:, k lcept enirtant-
Sy for . sale by SA:I I: E TEL purrof.r of Ctirlisle
and by Samuel Wilson., ShimMusLiirg,_
November 5, 1838-Iy..
ProVeci its
,of the ` a( • ,ri one.
Tim democratic party. of, Pennsylvania 'lets - .Mat
,passed" - tlWough a fiery conflict, mial come not not only
unscathed, hut completely victnrirms—anatber proof
of the purity and - stability of their principles. Not
-6 it triuMpli,tlwY eaonot far miv length
of time rnmise in the lap of victory, for their Ties :we
mostrinsidious-und-ever - watchful - r - sathaltimotrrmt ,-- •
ed, rally under some new -mine, t- , -cmpose
'the principles of democracy, enmity tn. which. 'being
the only bond titst can, even tor a moment, toll them
together. We Must therefore remember that them led
of ll:etdont is wawiising vigilance. • .•
In spit-rof the rankest corruption, and of frauds
imiumerable f we bard elected it dem omit:a Governor,
and a usaj.wity in tied house of representatives eitfli
ciently, large to give us the - control in a j?i,r.t
And±ecitric to Penesidvania a deirioeratie
t. pr:_senta
tive inthe'Lleffa - Siiiiii - .4 - geTtle. • .
The fraudulent elections, which will micanaly be
conteited; the imhcard of mslpractieesan the pabi le
work's ; which recloict i nearehi ex;miimti , c; the
adnptioni by the .people of the aniendineOis to our
Wlit irk' I1.1;)'
Ldative ohnchkiNa , , t ian . .iet the elowges thus made in
• the londamentia law—tY:tulter with the co:memma
action of the sonat; with the fiavermir, in many, of
his import:AM mipointmentsovill all render the cam,
_ing, the_ !cp.:a:aura, parlums the m?st_imr..
portunt ever held in Pennsylvama, and cruise their
proceedings to Inc unusually miteresting to every. man
nilhe community. . .
11 - to - odiors - rif - the --- Keyst - onvi - intend - to-give-in
cronsea-attentinn to the proceedings of this. semil
and note every movement of interest I:5 the piddle.
Tiwy' will have cniMiebnt r.myters in both houses
of our legislature. as welt nil of Washington city,
thus enabling: them to give as full - reports of till -im
olitant piSaceadings, as their cblumnsaiill
• • -
The Keystone is the the largest paper publishechin
Thierishurg, and being Printed on Rural type, rep- -
h.:My, gives c j cvitToolmuns nearly arm third !own mid
itur, matter . than any other pelidealipaper in the state.
ThiSwe - ,have:hteer: efinhled tiitln IM , the .Very gt`eat
encouragement we have i.eceiVed n generous
- .Thankful - for these faVori, the - .editors will
hereafter spare no. pains or expense tii render their
paper- inteyestilig and valuable to the public, and t ser.
vceenble ta Ace great mud, triumphant cause of lle .
mocrncy ano Freedom. .• . .
. • , 'FE Tt
F 01. .the Kevst , itie jearly, twice a week during the
Sessinn - of the Legislature; atul.otce aWcelt for the
retrtninder of the year, 00
.ninin g the Session of the Legislature •• ' •
• only - , t=rice tt•week, • y 2 00 •
P•iti•-sivni - etithe . ent inelud i 11J - tinny : part •
of the Session of,the Litlgtslature> $ 1 . 0 ?
Alt, Cittbs a Compattie?.—,Six papers 'are seat. in
of . nye
- RS - Lib - ore; 605 - tia 'Sent as above for the. price
0f.12;'-oreo are sent as 4hevd •"
for the price of. 20. • ,-
fAll postmasters; apt Qtlier DClTlneratie citizens'
areyeveste4 In receive and forward subscriptions Co
. . .. , - , . .... ~. ........,. .
-:.- - 1:..1 - . --, -. NO TIC 16.1: , •,-
ETTI tcwuiientary oil the. last,.will , of -.4.
.41.143. b. B . R.R.A"Dr, Jate, of Iloorbe.towl4hip,
'llmbbiltinii count}; ileceiti . o', hniing i'itic.t . l - to: the
robtbrihet,'resitliii`g:tti Allen towaliiii;,illl..porsoits
.indebted ko's.ithi,estatevill.noOzo . inT4 intoleili tho.subsr:tii•rittryl_tho.le'lla - vtiig, r ohliniii will
present Mein for 'settlement:
,:• , :•:. - .: . ::'''''':VrEORGE•i3E.E.TiATAN:, ...
'- • . ,-':' ‘:: ~,,,*: • '.. E xecutor.
n ti'iitOherffi,lB3B.;-6w.; . '', r'''t.i' . ..: • :. .',:.. .-.-
,': .-,..,.4
.41111 Et C C;; "
hove 'nvplied to theiukes of the ,
CourtCoinniod 'Plena 'of, Cu mberhincrcouhtf, - Toe
the r benotit,of ,tlfe Insolvent. :laws .of this Ccumn9O, mid that they havi4nlipO,inted Ntaptlity thel2th
thy or.Nl* - Efill set! nest, tbrtho lichbtiitarnittlist
creditors at th 6 Court. House; is Carlisle; .where.,yon
may 'nttend- ifioit think prosier.
PrfElt.Ent " ' '
LEWIS 211,1
It.l. • •••• 127. WAS ,
bOt.:lt, !,,!T '7:l,',
TN • XViiti nr„ • • I)tip:z4ic 2,1 ..11 (40:91 rartr,
,N , b6 ,•;zo: ii 3 O f la
nii t 'f.:Yr/ i l,ro/3V6 . f8C710 . 07;, !, ti torn -
iti2ticenii Ow. a4 .- .0 P1499:411% 0 6 e ro.toka;:.: Por
feiir9, , Sca; MAY, WunV r ialit'Lf
• ..:7?0,1PAn7 Vaoi8116.10"
'titilibleOact:C3,l l B3B,l '7":
The.Pe2tansylvaitlis itepoite.r
• 4.N.13 6". TATE JOURNAL.:
-Is published-0t..-.-Haiiisbuig twiCe• dioecle.
. the• Session of the Legislature,.
died once it.week - during the
The Reporter will continue lo be . (as it beret6ldr°
has been) an unyielding advocate-of : the , principlesiof
the Democratic party- , -a supporter of the great And
vital questions of free govirnment identified with the
.success of the Adrninistration of the • General 'Gov-:
ernment—and an, untiring opponent of the,Tederal
aristocracy, which seeks, in.the election of one of its
favorites, to inflict upon' the •nountrY•the -curse of-Is
'National Bank
.to be governedin its operations .by no
otheviews than the advancement of the, interests of
a favored' few at the. expense of the interests, the.
rights, and the liberties - of the many: Against such
a party and an engine-of politicalevil; the. Re
porter will be found acting with the great bodyof the
As tlie.ensuing=session:of,tlte h_e•
one of -more thauf.orilinaryinterest. to. ilielie:oprici the:
Editors of the Reporter have - made' arrangementa,
which will.enable them to give a morefull and conf
pldte history of the proceedings in both Houses than
they haye'dierbtofore Leon enabled to do. • Every ex
ertion used to'make she Reporter a medium
th rough" whi ch the.penple shall -rebel te: a•full:rccord -
of the z proceedings of their representatives.'
The temslof the,Reitorter
- Per:ptinum' , • $3,00
For theiession, .2,00
Any agent or other person forwarding $lO, or be
ecomitm, responsible therefor; shalt have six copies
.forViartre(Litalmbe,._tlirectetl,'_doring_tlic_StsSleff - Of'
the Legislature. •, '
Prsoos.ferwartriP . g• ,navnes:of subscribers are
ipelted•to be Particular,irLotating_ . whether the sub,_
scriptions-are-ta continue for the year or the Session.,
• • •
Legislative Proceeding's:
The ensuing Session Of . t.he /Legislature of • thiS
Commonwealth,lt is expected will be Oiitt, of more
intense interest to thet'people than .any ghat has pt.&
ceded only will it he the first session-under
the new;organie law,-'untriedomd-in the•estimatiomof
many thottinuds, of - doulitlitl utility,-hut it will be the-I
first session' contested electinitS 7 -the first session to
ithich.theithused ballot-box .appeal ..for redress.
'Parties twilt.; nearlx balanced—And each firm as the
everlasting hills in snpport of its peculiar-4611a5; their -,
one battling under the sacred panoply
of t e nth, fin' the best liti , rest!tolthe people-the other
-NY4lv4lic-dark banner-of tidsehood waving (ATV _it,.,
poti . er .ar',,;(i - the — attentlant "ppuits-of- )
iiirtcrlL,"=will - rkttriell au interest to the session•which
- will rendin• vehicles of correct information in regard
of_ihomense - importance_to Ate.
eitizerA or - Petntsylvania. - Spelt . ii:,veltiele will be
:sand in the 'lntelligencer.and Democrat,' the editors . '
of which pledge themselves Co :sptire no pains, labor.,
or expense, to render - their sheet worthy of puldie,
patronage.. .
-As the tuiderstigned h . :we both had experiened m
goer glen • ;, acid sVC also practical printers, they Will
be side to give full and eQrrect rettorts of the sayings
and doings .• f the two houses, and place the intelli r I
genet! in _their.paper ill the most Attractive and satis 7
liwtorsTsrm.. l'ilidditicsistolegislative.reports, they_t
will also give ample sketches cf the proceedings of •
Congress, and a geaeral summary of the news of the
. _
The Intellitzencrr is.Dernnzratie: itypnlities—Lsttp
oils the patrlef and stat?stnan_qatest r __-Gen.
II itin w--hr the presidency in 18.10—and will
t!iv..tinWnVeiiil;lolip . mlent - 150coloeow
isin, and all kindrud huresic4.
r,, r Ms
Poor the session, (t•wiee a weel•:.) . $ 00
For tlic•Atliole year,. `-- - . 3 a.)
'Payable in ailrace:•.. • Any persoli PA:warding five
s1111S(.1.11101'S Cll. 1 1 K! V SR . ,, In e insing . ft . t,vi dollar bill;
will be c:.title;l tl:t sixth copy grct:s. - - _
LI,LIOT.& .14 . 01.711. 1 .)Y, t
IZacrZll):lrg, Nov. ti, 1313. -
:f I G ' .
• Ore7?? ,— ,farT - Xfri
to retire from tht ranksof the Cori?:
'd E:Le9ria) we• offer our establishment ,for state,
rodo, Stark anYtorrz,'.
FAtridf-11..d and built up by the trite democrarrof
the ‘Licintif the - In.ta',' the county - that Waits into We
-I.;collmt,s to - the tune of 1563: if Conducted in iteeol ,.
danco•with the-principles of Democratic Antimason
ry_itleanuotfail ofheing:_matlrsupported,_tire_ Login-
f mos having; after the fitshion..of n I3ull in a Chinn •
Store, 'with Courage than contliiet' battered
down the. old co,,qittatioti, iii 4.depriv a the dodger of
the chance of giving his friends more, them a six
months !Able tit the lonerssoul fishes, the Offices
this conoty cu.:: in the hands of • the People, and in
hese t7tn-of-coiamptioit il -it-is-tO-beAoresumed-th
papers supnorting the enminani - VatTy he-iiipPfirZ
ted by it. • .11re' wouhlt.ltcri•fore.reeoramcnd to some
good Ant into son who is.s r unfortunate as to hive takeh
his abode in Berk's, Westrnoreland-•-or AcmStrong to •
come on and buy us otit:- - ' - - ' •__
--October '29, iB3B.- • --.- ;- -
• - - . The Faor c nkeris Otbjnet i .
•'. . • .
Devoted to .Igldcldture, Horticultur e dild
1 .
- Rural -Economy, ." . .
Published hit JOlll4 Lie DT, Ng 4515: urth Sixth Street,-
Phila:u .1 lel , :14066 $1 lierypr. 'Monthly ,sitbseri p
&mi.:tali: by Jou x .1.. AIYEns, BooksellerXarlisle,
-of NA' i .
„ . lobe Istllncl 24 Volumes; in strong binding,
maybeo shined 1: price . sl,`2,s. . Alia, • •-' . . • •
i i
( -
~ T m orr - LADIES' GARLAND ,
Dqotenii' Lit iihtzt).e i - Indtructiin, A
musenteht Fen 4.c. ,#'
Peke - Onp -, Dollarpei-yearimionthly---toiithe-fitts
Voluine,:cf this work we had 12,000 subscribers;
seliseriptibiistoAvldelt may be had as laboip. -Neatly.
balfhound, Prier , s l '- 25 .-: , _'' , ' . . .
I • - :.., . • .16 1 .d4C N0R0,1205, - 4gent..
. - 7Citrli4e,4rJetobpi7-..50,4533,:-..50, '' • , ' •
ngand• °rano.
441.11 cg, erapefs;':lnferiiititis;' - 'etifit,
of all kinds' alxo,, • • •
-7 • . .
.-.11V " 4.1 k
i.°"`JAl E M Iv. IEJIt Ft
FuLtoil.p.corms the rithtrnspf pr . iste
nut] itn. tioinityk that .*she - han 'enninieneA:titri•Colo'r
intj and' 1111'44w:a
- ktwoolciis, also Iron/ ...5 1 Ouliketn 'at! its.v o o -
0118 bonches,.. Shelpny, li - Ofonna nt . jll
ChlliPll Allor;,a few dews belotv the Grileery'plore.
•thrinkrill . ty'retlelieili;nntl,nx , 4antekin•tnne4 - nti4.
Anton:lt , •
_ • .
',:::••• • ::: , ,j,•.', ::.' ''' . .4lT.TraTricoN ,- . -- . ,. . , .-..,„-,
4, . - ISTOIT iCre`oilCred, to pafailu atilW.A. 11- .
4 ',.,, : t
.n.•:• , goity•on gLiturfrai the nth histairt,'
, -.-- 7 - tt 2. (Veto& in . Ole. a ti . ...rnoow in. ; Winter .
',; -.- , ", Uuir:ai:o .witfl arms awl, aacouti•eipOut6 F lu,
- -`:- --.:
, i By' optics' , Of MC Col;tgio. , ;r ,- ,•-p" ,, r; ,
'---;.' `" . .- — TLIOS'II'aItt),NIP3ONrO.S.
i Necsailitn,s 18.3.. • i.: :17:: ...): ..1 4 :,-;
• . illi Caps, dolling; TipliCts, .t,a...' -,' :fait iiaelgdil a ,
1 ''taw. stoillt - O Fut , aarite---audralso . .-8 lot; Of ilairi
en,,Andc.i0.c.,,, i ,,.,,,...,,,...-9;.9944P)r. i 1
: . ,, .2`: ,. ... .;+:,.... t....,..$ ~,.., ~,..4 ,j f. , 4! , 1:f.14?i:11. ot,Nvo; •wa. , , , .... -
, •
_., ,
_PI . O.E 17R y :
t ai4 . 6le t rfV m lffe --- .1 - W , - 7 , 43r _
al e-Vti---72A -4 '', . : IV .
, VY--"' - .
--A Ar.,..„ ,d'
,&_ 1 , . ~..
From Various giu•depszulyq_with !;:ai•ei
. L ..Prcn O oThurn'a New Olonth!,y Xi:gamine.. .- _,
.'.._ l
„..r,: • .
She fled, with one , reproachful look, :.
2 - On him-who mode her go; • -11,--
-. •
Anitsiiireelyould:the-Potriarch-br001r..7 , . , -
---- 'chat glance cif-voiceless wo, _-.
- - - . .••
In vititiher quivering lips essayed \
• ~. •
• His mercy to ithplorei • . ; '
.. •
Silent fhe mandate she obeyed ; • - • •
.., imil there NVIIS seen namore. : - -
The burning w:fste. and Icitiely wild
Received her as she went ; •.• • • '
-Hopeles3:sheLelasped her faintiil.child, :
Wittadrst and sorrow spent.
the_wilderneis - so drear. .
And sent forth that heat:t-strieken prayer— _
--"Let me - notsee Man- die!" •-•••'• :•-•
Her beautiful - ., ---her only-boy,
- • So long his father'il - prideaojoy,
And yet froinshim the blow!'
Monti she must
• . his liea~'sust in, -
- watch hie sinking breath, •
And 6q his bright brow iiiark the stain
- : -Of- the deTitroyei-, Death ;:, •
- • "Lettne notsee hint' die;! and lo
• The messenger of peace
_ • ..
• Once more hertears forget to
. nee-mbre iter.Eorrows cease; . • ••,
Life, strength and fregtiora Doi. are Oleo..
• Wlth - rniglitiliolver,to one ' • • • •
who,l - 1 7 cn his - father's roof Was driven,
_ And - lie—tlie.outeast's : son. • : •
now often we'like
' When some unloOked for blight - •
- Drivesitaaway; no more to turn
To joys* fancied bright . ! _
Volved from our idols to retrent,
And seek th' , Almighty'S rare,
Perchance. we ar6 sent-forth to meet
desert angelthere. _ •
TateS of horror.
During my residence on the banks of the
--Maimgainultirw - brantd , :ofT - the --- Rokinngs - ; -
:- i it_itt Im i -4834,- To : . Tewoa r a-.chief-- within
that distriiit, felt inclined toward a. shooting
excursioh,in a neighboring forest, l'reyt
ously to.his Flaying thp - -villago, he . desired
-a fainale slave to prepare some Itaipakelior'
large sweet potatoes, against his return.—
, The .slave thins she was requested, but the
I.chief was• so, long absent, , that the thod got
--e,tild----nd-she....late_them. - Oa Tesvo . a4, ,
turn, , ie demanded the .4---r-illitiiiil--(TE.I-0-t-i
-led, 4int - N . vas •
now..told . how. it 'had beennp
tpropriattli-he-, then-ealled-theliapless,wo-J
' man to.'him,•and Without speaking - a word,
despatched her with blow on the fofehand ;
_with a tomahawk. : This: guilt); miscreant !
then-sent ,for-his:- frionds,_ the_hody_ i a _ili , .:
meanwhile ivas dressed, cooked, 'and on I
! their arrival eaten, 'and to' use tlie., 'ex pres--;
` - sion .-- o - f - futrannii - n-chief- . . Wh- partoOk -014
'the feastpon his pointing out the oven to,
,me in which the body ' had: been cooked, ,
•• not a bone -was left'unma4ioted •
; The feast took place about five miles din- '
.tant, from9nyresidence. . Another-aet:of-_ate,
similar'wanton.nature eccUrred at -3,Vuln, a
river some miles distant from the mouth of
'--the -Holtianga.-- - An: European named ,Ans- 4 !
, .
i Cow, - prOceeded -down-that ri ver„:in „ iboM , ,
I accompanied by n crew of natives t. lie-ear- 1 `
[tied 'ith - hirti the usual trade, such aghlan-'
-Itets, and tomahawks, to : .purehase . , flour :or
, !togs. He arrived about sunset at a village.
l'called'Wakarapa; the tide had Coos-.
„ed to lloW, he-put up there for the-night.'
He was received hospitably, and pripnised
' a quantity of hogs early the eitsulng morn..
ing ;. - "provisibits-,were 'cooked' for him and
his attendants. . Anserow had not lohg been'
i'eat'e L d';' -- Wlieli - niiihte'reiting girl ar&ctl,
apparently.abiMt , fifteen ; years of age,.and'
. remarkably hantlipme., 14er approach was.
no sooner dWii-'-orriltii-than-ait-eldlecrepid
-chief woman : hobbledforth frorn-her-but, :
and made use, of the, most vehement lan,thegirl, Who It2 - itppeOreil.hed iib:-
'-sented herself for.(ti, days„withOut leaVe. ; . -
After-the r alkertme.ba4 ; yeiteed.forth ; hor
abinialioni;. AViliChpolle Whs I,lliiible . l . o : o*:'
Ulloo,6lVllglt ekilabStlCilli- she - Mrhed to';
TeFocioup*.Utlxi. was:standing
hy, iker,;, and tleStred, WM . fti ltdll ' dm- girl. lin ! .
inedintely.,; : ..TlM . .iittfilah did'not.: 4 ,lvait'fer a
IrePetitioti pf, dip :fag Li:esti, hitt ran' to . op' ()Oat,
:and. sei* , ing one, Ofoille.tOmitliaWks,.'wliieh
lied beMt brought ' : for 'barter, he striit , k the
in is'orahle ;,g . ' iii" a blOs.' ; : Mt the forehead ''' vith
• the implemencthat el* her 'head in twain. '
Ttiii . was' the : work
„of 'tin' instant,: before.
AnkeOW,houdd . interfere . atid purchase,. her
Whieli..'he - eould have-done to 6 . rpi.isk. r4;-1.....
q-4-fiiidy :s' . iii-Liiiiiitiie . 46l; -. -':' '. -"':i -
I•lle:e.ntraila,h;nsliedandplaced in a:be:skin;
thilitrititi,eiti ih,Pieees*:ilie different joints,
.ittetitledWitb:,PirtniriStanceiat once - herri
hie, disgusting an'd.::ohaeene.' • '. The- head
was.thr2wp to, the : th4 en . as it .1 le)•th ng,
~'liiidAdfii3 li 14 „'lliol . o,otS - :1 . 'olled •-it to and
,frei; pki;WW:cfifugtpig*iiiinll , sticksup the
VP' iiiiiibe 'iriohilf "Para" 4 8.i.d4 s atiEllitetiy '
- ,.e0.0,Pea ~:0 , 4 2. A 1 0::, 9yb.0`..,11' , 4 totkii)lo.ll,
'severer were : fiet,i::piit, ; .iiiW LittOOti.
t at444liiiiktii t th:O . ,iicr,k ffi-be,'6l4.l*l . fitiiiri'.
!di'netitli' ; .,it'la / d,reeeliedj'hy.. - beihg: . M.iinglegi
;p:n.'ibkliftpt,MA.'ll . te"Ovehiit'Ward'llMatijd,' ,
des, ri "
fl:L:79o:f 461.. ,
some vegetables scraped, and the whole. ,
. cooked in :half an liour; • A large par- -
. - ty partoek. of ~theilb,dy... AntcOw was in.a'
..4tate of hitense agony during the proceed- ' •
ings, and felt fearful; liar this 'own' life., -
Some of the body: Was presented to him, in
a small .basket and he - was derided - ler hie '
,At -the • earliest': dawnlie - had: . his ,
boat launched' into the water, • the'creiv did
noepartakepf the body.: - - When the beat •
• was afloat alt.the 'trade was put in together;
_with the..ii3maltawk. that had-been-used for
the horrid deed:- `,The - villagers 'placed, in'_
the boat remnants left uneaten the. cook!'_
ed body, done up - in some small baskets,. as
'6 present to -be conveyed'io't.heir.friends — .
In rain Atiscow proteited against the .ab-- - •
,bored freight - ,being: placed
cfsi, by. thre of- the,
.0 e, ti arriViiig. below the river, these men •
I.ladded and tarried the'foodtotheir friends. •;'
The tomahawk' was: - thrown,by Ansefi'w in
presence of diem ';into the'.deepest - Vart - of`' -
the river,. he then-returned .to the settlement
lie had departed _Tronn; -- Thia• account he .-
gave-to, me immediately after she had lan
- tied: • - AniCOw's - ultimate - fate wae - .equally - _• '
as - that of the poor slave, •
'-whose murder he had witnestheil.•_ He
terwards left the Hoklanga, and. crossed
o_v_er land_onLthel3amfilland_s_wkereflhe.i._
elras Seamen :die :ship"'Towird -
aS de 'of London. The.vessel 'on•_-,qu4-,
- ting - thetnrstenfet Islands,fof - Alf - & - Iladffe
and lying olnhe Figi grouTha-beat-was sent
nn shore for refreshments.._ Ansel?* *as. -
OnFortfiT6rewbetween whom and -die na-:
tives a quarrel ensued, and. AnS . e9w killed
one of the chiefs,;.huit,in retreating he: was
-thematives,--who Were the,. most
determined Sareopagi in:exiitenee. The'. -
crimes ofadultery, bewiteliing, robbery ,
under- certain eietimataneeS,_.- as anathma
beitowed by : the agninsta
party, - ,or..entering-- A prohibited - place, - inenr •• •
the, punishment of death '
.and-tlie bodies are
generally devoured.—Pn .Zea
. STRATIVE.—''Isaac have you paid the
prin- -
ter?" inquired. mold ; lady to her, husband,
who was delighting the family 'circle hy,_
reading them tine looking. newspaper—
(excuse our bluShes., for we. editers,..are
modest as maidens.)" . • •
• "No Rebecca, I - have not,. answered the •
old gentleman, adjusting his spectacles—
"but you:know it is only a .trifle. The
I _pri n ters.
they cannot mean me, as am one of their
political friendi, and ;it 'all events, my :two
1- dollarS would be - but a tritliog,—tooiety to
them." • - .
"Well, ISinie, if an their subscribers were
to say. the same thing, the poor fellows.
would starve, unless they could conj Ore
their types : iota corn:'"and the presS into a •
flour_. mill.. -And_ surely '".you; as their
'friend,' should be 'more Taw duaLitiTnyi
them; than if you Were their I;oliticaLette• -*
my, besides it Shot(' youk
-nt i. - ' l lent and the.good cause they.;
imchmetit fuel
"I thought
when I was in towd
time ru I), "mt the . c W 11 I •
received produce wigs!natter ,than •
ti - Sual, and I dislikein_part_w_itlo2_.'
. ,
I •-" Why tertainly-ypu would not pay, them
in had moneyOsanc-Ir
my-'.dear, but soketiines.l , oin obli
ged:to. :take uneurrent. thohej-, ainll . l prefer _ •
payin , r-14debts_withAbat_wlien_I : eanAlkti .
it off:, the hanks; any • oWayi. that
Would suit the liriiiters just as, well, as they
don't kcep,it long: r. Jenkins, .
Fsaid )le..passejl :_sonte_olLto thena _that .no-. •-
•lio,cly else would take, .infil,the not-re--
. .
. ,„
. "Shape oil you .Isaac!" . eiclaimed the
good old latly 7 - 7 "you . would, pot; I h4e,
imitate the ; extutiplitof 'miserable
Jeukine;--why lie would jew the -par
son out half i,fl is . .speitd,
:Uwe 10 trade." • " .
?`Yet :he - paid. - the printers; grpndni,"
i •
,• • ..•. -
interrupted a little-flaxen hatred , misd,'who`
stood beside bei'grandfatlier's knee§:
i• • "Weil, well; I Will eall'and pay them,"l -•
Said the old gentleman, not'lli little tiettlod,
er. day-:was. Worth twice the amount of. the ..
!,SUbseriptlon." • .'• : : •
"Acid yOu'kn6ur, 'granpa,' you • said that
piece about the eoUnterfeiters - saved-you
isr'enty: . _ . dollar's, • *Mehl : -
ketifram the'Yahltee::Petilat,"
fttpted the little-
• 'Y4e, it 'did ao;,...Marysitit: for. that
toWrf,- . l l d- pay off :my old
score, and • n n ict:yreUr:in •adyenee';' , into-,.the
.; •
hir.l Bi tae woid;:lilte an.
Seadsdenee , sinote
. hint about- the •Uneurrent
ttti'OneY,''6,t',beettttSe.he was , corivineed Of this
eieelleheY of ,the 'aiginnent& of amiable •
spouse, an'd.'rosy:-elie,elted;grandehild;.. sire
eatinoi . io , l as it may;.; we.. assure
nurreaders - that our* I eeket- ran_ with the •
tangible prop o our. pen saac
and patronage, until we paid our debts.--...
Now, we feel , assured 'that if the good LA..
DILS it The town' and maintry,'and through
all ereatiotii as that tnotit: ienerable• nonde-,
script, Alejor 'belt would say,
pub , ' knew how the heart and hand of the
gladdined , andl.Warmed, by
"the,Weleolne , stilutatiOiLef,suelt:- 4 TIAN . - as,
Isaap, they would read ;this paragraph t'o"
their, husbands; and say, in the lauguige of
the book-,-4-"Qo thofrand do ?fk.,,
. .
• :