Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 23, 1838, Image 3

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. .
We . b elie veee , the opinion is ..b.ecetning
r eirthiger every' • day,
.that siich•,gress -and
unexampled corruptions charaetarized : the
recent elections throughout." Pennsylvania,.
that justice to all the patties, as well as to
characterLiat the' State and the nation, - -.te-
Auires -- tan--investigation--should-.take
plade. • Indeed the probabilities arethat if
the Old Constitution be defeated at all, it is
defeated by a Very small vote, while the re
stilt; :even opoit z this:important_instrinnent;_:
in'ay be- seriously affected, by., the- - - frauds
knoWn to' have teen perpetrated in . Phila.,
delphia, and one or two-other counties - simi
larly situated; and in which hundredi Of il
legal iotes are known to have been. polled.
- Under such iircuinetances;' an inveStigation
is ..Mei/hal:de; ! and will no doubt . 'take
place. ' The conduct of the locofoco litidges
of Philadelphia alone, will- impose this
Illuty upon the Legislature, 'to - say nothing.
I:of similar conduct on, the part of. similar
politicians 'in other sections!ot the:State. "A'
second flagrant instance of this kind is thin!
-noticed' in' the-Muncy Telegraph: . , :
"One of the most arbitrary stretches of
power that we have lately heard of. was per
petrated' by the niajerity of the „board of Re-'
turn Judges of this county, 'on Friday eve
ning last.. 'The leaders - of the Porter party
- fearing, defeat by the laborers -t - iittlf4 - canal,'
in the upper end of the county,ient.._p er .sons to the. YoungtvoinanstOwe district `to
spy outsomething by which a cloak • could
beThad - fortheit - ean - certed'arid - unlawful - pur ,-
Pose of throwing that district entirely- but
of j-- the-return. According! y,--when,the,
that the'districte should alphabetical-
ty arid not-as they:are _numbered,.•whick
would' throw
! the -_.district ''of ' which we,
are ipeaking,„ ,to the last..` When -the;
- Youngwornanstopin :.distriet' was 'called,- . --ii
number of affidavits; letters, 4•c. were 'read,'
.and the board arregaod to! themselves the
penet which the law does not delegate - to,
them,tut to the LeOglature,•and refusing
to- hear theteturnjudg4hy his counsel; did
the business' to suit themseliPers..l - - •
'"That there May 'have been s omeillegal
_votes: - given in'this district, we:do-not 'pre
- tend to, deny; bat dislike the authori
ty of the board of return judges in the mat
ter,- further than to - see whether the return
was. regularly made - out, They hid no
right to-Judge-of the legality- . of . the votes:.
That power is
_clearly' vested fir the Legii
:let*, and -itweoirld be,.placing the rights pf.
ciOeris upon 'a .Slender foundation; if the
retiiin'indges possessed the pOwer to throw
away several hundred vetes.because half a'
dolen or so were. polled that were illegal.
Wehave not-space :to putspe the -subject -
farther at' his time; but shall'give some ex
wads from r in our next.
—rh, - three dissenting jiidges :made out_
andsferwardedarettirneontaining the•vote_ of
the Youngwomanstown district." ..
,littlie case of the Philadelphia outrage,
-public ..sentimedl, was-never inore .-decided,
and indeed never more unanimous .'Consid
ering the cireninstatices of the case..,:-'-Every •
where throughout the pountry, the conduct
-of Mr. lugetsbli iii -- deneateed - in• the stron
,gcst terms' of reprobation; for abroadas at
home, that ;gentleman isloolied upon as the
ptime mover in the whole affair., Wishall •
,from..time .'to .time copy into 'cluy . columns
such expressions Of public opinion as may
seem -apposite to the case, anxious that the least,_aho_uldSee the
take effect several frame buildings in the' ' mannerin-which-thistighlianded---outrage
b upon the rights, of our citizens, is appreciat
vici e ity were 'on -fire, and the flames soon
ed abroad. The following is 'from 'the' lak
e= minricated to the school and lecture '
, ' num ber of the Columbia (Pa.) Courant
building 'attathed to the 'Lutheran phurch. W e •
._e have the teal gratification of an
Th - e grocery - store - of - Mr. - Hutton, - on -- the'
nouncing,to oer readers the-efieeffni'and
corner of Market and Fourth streets was
wholly Miek ! pected ititelligence that we have
-in the meantime eniptied, and the building
. . 0 our whole ticket for the House of ,Represew:
torn doWn to save thole adjoining,
tatives, the Senate-and one member of Con
" The roof- of the lecture- building which gressrhi the county Of Philadelphia ; which
'We &insider thelwactiCe of hotting on eleeiions as -Was - . Within 'a few •feet of• the church, --and secures torus an' ascendancy in that branch
-one of the greatest ends of the day. 'The great ex- burnt 'furiously, .threw volumes of flame tO of the Legislature !! For..thiS . glorious vie
'tent to• Which it was carried timing the nova
. /11St. aconsiderable . height, mid covered the he- re' debted td t,bili4i. Oiii - Charlei
passed, exercised the most ininrions hifltteace t u m n lv - edifice With - fite. - - -- , - The - corryiee:Was in a :-
1 tory We a m
.. „... , .
J. Itwerselland bis toels„iii_t e_iplorthein_
the reedit of the election:...llini it "iiMitrOu - r• - e - trio 1.71- fw 1 " 1 " 11- "ts igliitell; -- dM - 1 6- 0 6 it• ---- *ii :. ace r i Liher7ties,. as' ell as, the nohl stand - taken
8)-stem,•we - have hut little' doubt tilint Gsv. 'rtrrssu beat that it continued to blaze even under a' by oar friends in every part the county.
.weet‘thavebeen-i• 4.7- - elcstecl hy a handsome msi•n•hv, . Jell strdam of Water froin - one of-the en-', -. • , ~, .. „, -•.„ - • • • -
. .._ . . .
' 'anti that.the greaffrauds wide!, iltavel t een_cjtmlnitte'd •;. , "The ttlicntinttnir-Tnivei Shall remain_ as ! Once_ Every_ effort_that _Could be made in: ' • . .
our loco foeo opponents in Berks. Yntdc, Phan= '"lleret‘Thr , "tz.ant.L.ail.....eilipers in the appoint- the awful hour,, was put ifi reqqisition toillia-re Would he the same justice in : throw
dtlphia county and elsewhere,' would • have been '..ttie et athe ekoeutive department shall ; save the elinrch--Inkiii.vain. • The whole !lug away the whole vote of Lancaster
voided. The erection went ;into the hand s of the '`CO7?l,ittue iii the exercise of the duties of roof, from the in - side' gable to . the belfry, I County because there were', illegal votes
I Columbia!''''' This inciter of.mobs
.gamblers,,and th e y ma d e u s e of What they volculated "their , .resppetive offices, until the legisla- , was soon in a - blaze—the flames leaped ; taken in
upon winning f r om our, friends, to' corrupt anti buy "tare shall pis - stlCii laws as may- be re-! with . lightning, • rapiiiity up to the spire—the ; riot and murder, whose ambiton leads hi nt
.. _•not_only_votes, but Inspectors_ami_,Tudges of Elee= "qtliretl by the Bth section of the fith anti- ! four points, highly / combustible, were
. al- to resort to every dishonor and contemp
. lions.. • _'' ' _ ' - ''- •: "cle of the'ameiiied coirstitution,.-and until ',Most- instantly:-..mivelopq—and • the great i tible trick that a depraved heart,- united With
We would gladly. see some ' addiiional llegiOation "appointments shall' be made under such elevation prevented any luster reaching it considerable talent, can suggest, did not
on this subject which might have. the effect of correct- "laws, unless their ciimmisslons
. liall be 811" ' with advantage. The sacred but ill-fated :succeed in...,hie violation of: all NW. and de
' log .the evil. Leta law be passed disqualifying airy '''peirsetlell .by new app . ointments," - er -shall, -building was then reluctantly given up, and .cency, though lie got ten of the seventeen
------person interestedtin-any-bet-con-the' election?frem - "Snoner'expi re-by-their -0 w n-li m itations i - or'-after butningan-hournr -two-,:piesented--„Jiidges_olithe teunty to satond_his - vie ws_bY
seiwing:al. Judge, inspector or Clerk of an electidn, "the said ~ trim, shall , become vacant;•certifying to rtts return, declaring himself ,
:, want spectacle o f scathed walls and amen'-
•and from voting for one year, andmpon CollVlctinii he- '''`,(leatli or resignation; aby
and such laws shall ' Benno rut • - -
-. . , 1 elected. --- Therhowever,-qotrwholly. lost
. . fore any magistrate to be.flited heavily fir the use of "be enacted
by the first legitlature under !
- the.e
uh an enactment would hate the de- "the aineiided censtitution.r - ' Two building - s-_-, Pim Trams,;the'other
like-their-prompters; soon .discovered .the
brickheti'veen the church and Market .
sired cited: - - . disgrace which they were heaping upon
I 11, - "lit justice to ~. .- street, were saved by. extraordinary , exer- . .
Mr. Watts, - we deny I t i me. I themselves. by , their illegal proceedin
cO"The General Election 'law contains .the follow= , - The row of buildings on the
clause' - • ' ; ' the assertion' made by; the Volunteer, that 1 site side of -Fourth street were also sue- !
. i signed the regular returns in season to set
. 'their iequirement of the law, whip_ Were
' "If any Jtvtir of the i!lctlim.lusrzeron, or other he is the author of some str i c t ures - upo n cessfully protected. ' The at •
person,. before the polling the tickets he closed'. '
S.R , i the canal, a square distant, in the direction.
. bent by Express :6 it ar4sbuye, ' and' are
: shall unfold, open, or pry into - any 'any such ticket with Willia m ! amsey, which appeared
l ln which , t he w i ndblew, were in !!
design) discover, the names of-the candidates there- this' paper. - Mr.' Watts neiei . Wrote an i:L '
We are infornied that rerrersoll intends to
in, every person so offending sitall forfeit •nod
. pay the . . . Y I danger from - the 'sparks,, which 'flew like ! - - ' . ~ .:. ' • • • • '
aum of fifty' dollars." • . : article for thie paper, nut was he ever con-; flakes ' f and fell fastand 1' I ;, we
'the seit-ot .. Naylor. - But if he ,
"there' was- one lnspccto .nt least in the Carlisle :stilted on Alm sUbject of
I C• . the Volun tee r• what
-svgs -
truit itirnself re the hands of Cong t ees,..- r .,
the.e t h i u ic re t i u l p l o n n .
i . ,
.., . ,
... ,
' has any regard.fti his eltatacter,;.(political) 1
pistrict whom' we, , unit stand was in the habif of • et . ,
~,,,. say so mucho i • ._, , or feelings if , 'fie has any lie had better-not-'
'.'opening and prying into' the which :lat'''re- • • • • and so; for--had- '
,-there.; He
• ceived, although remonstrated with upon its-illega- and its column's l 'We r tervene "'
• William S. Ramsey
,Will 'ho weighed iii - lhelialatietre and
buildings on. that _ g . , y ust.
! been biiildin happily
round the -.m .:- .. - - ' ' -
lity.; This man . Mid bets upon his own. district and' think not! - -
It.fts not denied that-this gee-:I ineiitablY have, been destroyed.' . .
. .. ~ .: . i found_ wanting.. We have spoken. partitsu!.
' 'took this illegal method--of deterrin g ' voters. over r &man is the au liar if .the scurrility Which - 4' ! - ' 'ge " • ' • ' . ~, , larly of Ingersoll
. 11i' this -'outrageous affair,
he dwelling' mile of . Mr. - Simons. and . e I ,
whom, he might khaM an • influence, from exercising ,; CI4 been published' agabist Mr. Wang and the' ividon• Shannon were burnt. : It'is-re- .!_c hief 1 . 3 L use'
believe' hint to have been the
their elective privileges freelY end witlietit restraint: . chief wire-puller.. !.
as also
! gentlemen , of . 'estimable ch a racter , !, ported that Mr. Simone,- property, ! I
This care t should he matle - an example:for the sake ' 4.4
•of the great principles of pert tt freedom in the elec.; Nor has it denied that the pieces )ailding.7that,°! MeSsis4-Ho -and.: Simons-and • •
, The loco.: locos May learn a lesson in this
Hu - ' d ' T h •. 1 ----', , I.transadtion, an d• the rightectus:puriiiihnient
tton; 'WZIS insure .. ... e. c iureir
iiietetifishise.;! * ', . -'. '' .! I William . S' Ranisey for his " talents," his 'was . , f • , , fii . 1 .I which they .have rec eived; add which we
gregatidn; who, in addition 6 the I au ; l m , s ' t p ! licy.'' ,
1 - a, s, leavy 1
. . ' "
" Merits "' his " honest • " al a thousand '
~, „ . y , .... ul. ,
,i on the eon hope they. will profit , by, that "honesty is :
:. • taThe New-Tc;rker is ate Of the very hest Itehdo-,' .
'medals in the world. 'ln many respects it is eclipsin diet A) rs, • which .no • ' loss of the church ;'. . wer e fated! AO Witness
body- ever dis-
!; = W.
.e.... - belle.vehey .
tare no least leserving in sciMe.other parts of
kl , till ecitemporarie& 2 Aiddisonidts. , .. -, . . ' covered 'Atte, the - productions ia. oun- necessarily thrown open • 1 • ~ -
, the State,and that strict. ustice, wi e.._pa .
.... • •,.... ;.. t.... 6.A II l'
_Neyer wile pm... mae,.. 7 ,- ; .. e n4ntole pro- i -f t ihiseif.- .. 0 1 . William their bin. Igr d
: and the tombs defaCed by falling timber;
nk .k . -. -- -,....-,..7- 7 ,-. 7 . .. -7 --,: -- - , , i —.--„ , -- , - ; -:.. 1711 __ e ' - ' !.:-- o . i - -lii , ,: t - i . : I _, l t_. ' V l . _thin-,-k,",9-j.a° ncl.thp;C • cide_nts..l'n_SPpara)4e freiP tlleSeene.''.?ut to ; them,
. • :,. i ~•
.-.,••• • .‘,.•
better of M r. Raniapb I n o use he .. praises i The church was: built during thelateTiiir, - :'7 , P:"TS - . -- Since-wkiting - Alie it - beive, -- weltilve -
We concur in the above, and Will further say that : , --- -..,
it is the very hist periodical Which we renciM atthis himself and- villies the best
.citizens of ' and cost, as - We .understand, -- aboi4 $15400:1 - eartied7thaT - WCWelo in error. , in - stating'
i . toi recreant judges' had teepee fed
office Hsn, & Expos, ''' • ;'- --- -77-,.: , - ., .-.. --- „ I the eonnty,--. -...._:_•. ; ....,, , i _,_;_-_. ; _: : __ _,__• l ! ! . 7 _ .... • We are, not aifrised alto the origi4, of b 'I , 4
: . . .• . .P. • .the fire. , . Some sup - Poi;e it to hate been the their conduct, • and had , signed-the regular
'• 'Work.'Of.'anincendiary; as :no'fire had-been returns.:: The Sheriff of the County, after
The storntv northerly wind s in Sene.m- I
'• - '• - '-' .!, ; used in the • shop for se veral. . days, It is' l the time had .' • - ''fde the judges to ilo
per partially inundated the towns 'of Velaco and - had' therti - -fcirW*
not'i little: dot' calamities should I so, certified.
.and 'Quintana; in Texas. :' . . ' ' .. 1 follow'thns , Mes ti ts. Holtman 46', Simmons, !tied to liar - I
, ... A .
TUESIiiY_AFT . F.RtioON, OcToriEn 23,, 1838.
•The People!s'eandidate,
GINO W. Hs IMBRIUM, the decision of the National'
• 'Convention.
lotrAt the requeSt of a number" of our_
subScribers, we this . w'eek publish the new
onnstitution;..whieh'was adopted by
, tizens . of this" state at the.late election. It,
, is A "bigot; pill" Tor some of . our-loco foco T .
swallow:now, though they were,
great - " sticklers for
. its adoption 4fore:the
F , Arr LTyr---We yestcpiny received dim'
"the Post Office die 2vloa t irirsejl'a. Speetator,thited
fAte linor-Mot the precise route the
-!Spectator took in rocking;:tts,,litit jugging' from' its
-"Uttered • and tarn'lappearance, and the length:.tif
-time it has teen upon the itaajuitliern
Ri.r naßtit/40re should 'think prObalildtlifit it came vin
Callf0a41.:TOXIIIS: 1 . 1(1 - AralßlV 'base ~ to give .
Itisliorsepihe NV-114;i Mal not let them travel At that
,-annil-like pace., We
. gicitnett much valuable
trnation from the Specattor. -
. . .
. liriae , Auzieutl MC' ills. , I - i't...The' senior -editor of.-the Volunteer
,• . • .
- :The Amendments tat-he egnstitution are, contr.:lvy still, harps .. about e.
s. sate to . frau( liay been
. .
to the -expectations 6f - every one
. since. the 'electioo, T.' Ommitteil 'lly:•the 'friends -of Railer at the
',carried. Although We opposed. their adoption as for ~.i ate. w ation,. i ' , - • t .li ti• 1 t
u -tins 'cairn y . ,, u - a t s Care
los cur' vow. weot, , sot , we' ar6.. trilling to derive,-the: .. • •:.- - - . - .
'...- comfort, iid . it will .talcejrorn the new ch ,.... i . p0i .1.0 innlic no ty erijic TliaTge. - We dare him
~„ • • , _
. Portermuch of - the pall-oh -4m wbielythat ofileee'lutS` to _ o-so----m e dAte . tum:to come up to . the
berenifore_enjoyed.___Al iiv"Xl ;ill tile Ocer4 - kill'lrl' di" -srratch 4 ' intinfully:-.and- We dare him to del
New Constitution are either- to be elected by the '• • ......,: junior did -•, . • .
• '-- --- . Iny - that ins partner toot attempt; to
people: or mipOinted liy ibeGovetrwhyjnoln illa Hui
advice and consent or the Sen'ate, -- . .tli'is whoicsrloe 'II:9 111111 h ••t? umtn at:the ITnspectoi!s election.
- • j.t•inii t ille, n'bilst it trill !prevent :411e , Goyornor froin - . :0 - d - riertolhe•pciittt itt once.
....... •
.. - .7 .---
' rea•arding . the• lirawlint and- didumest politicians:who—. - . __
have Inhered so hard in his' behalf, will, have the clii;:t iiiTlie.returnstfroin 91 c.ouniies - in the
ofbrrahhig up that perfecniartynt•ganizatinii through
•state of 'Georgia,WhiCh etnibrace . alllAt . one
-out the State which now exists. With the- ew Con-
Tomah', -show tliat the lowest candidate On
stitution, anti n Senate opposed to him- - Gov: Porter, • -
even Wilk election 'should not he set.side,•will have The :whig ticketis 517 votes above the high
-I:tniittle•antl9rlty. .
_. 'est candidide ron the loco foco ticket. The
If it hullheCti k - noWn berm-0 , the'idection that •the Other county will'iMt Change 'the result 100
New Constitution would •cirry, - we tiiiiik thnt'there, .
would have been Much fewer Porter men. -It issreally votes• either way. Thus, Our `victoryis
melancholy to - thick 'drat - some: of - tlics - POOR — FM ,-- X OM Oete"it 18 -.brilliant '-'and'heart-Cheer,
'LOWS who have been 80 noisy and active, cannot get itig---it has secured' us eight . anti-Van Bit
;their reward without applyingto the profile instead nl., ren 'm embers or congress in :room of 'as ma
ngeer Covnor. 1 _• , "..
' ny Tom Tows: - - .- . . .
• • "G rog StoppcE l.
It is, notorious that,previous to the election, one of
'the public houses in this borough was kept open nt
'the expense of the Porter men, as a lillfee of resort .
'fir the regular Stickers., Top e rs and Loafers, well
allhours of the.daylituliiight,
• patronising the free establishment with great libit'a- ,
delightful time for the lads of A full skin anti
no charge too gliod---too much happiness for mor-
Lal always to enjoy;
• the election is over---the votes have been poll
- ed-Lthefree, the eirtnona.' and incorruptible dt•Tr.c
.. 'racy arc not needed until the-'nestt time, and sail to
relate, the -grog's gaffed.
_• • •
• rail Site : sin-away" is the appropriate name of the
faittleuee, in Mseonitin Territory,ofGeneral George
W. Jones, the indiyidual who acted so dia . tinguished
p the 'martyrdom of the unfortunate Cilley!!!
american allastym.
. . .
- - -A--large - - I Montbly -Magazine; published
more, by Brooks & Snotkrees, the first;numb,er
which - has just - reached us:—'lVehave-nothad-timeforl
acureful perusal; but from a hasty sketch of same of
flieleading articles, we are prepared to hail it ;is 'a
valtiable adddion to the light literature of the moint
The first article is • entitled athiricon ..Att
which is -given
.11 brief sketcla.of the life and literary
writings of Vir.i.sdiiitiToN Ittirzsm, IR. We can
heartily agree with the writer in biseomMendations
Kniekerbocker's.rlistory of New York, one or the
most wlkp
opportunity of perdeing.
Andent Alonutiients in North and South ainerica,
484.tte.tijle titan article_on that subject, from the pen
of C. S. RAFIIVESQ,IIE, which no doubt would be.high;
ly interesting to antiquarians, and all. such as-desire
to pry into The history_ of those who inhabited this
continent in by gene days: -
The last article "We shall notice, as Our time' it
-limited, and-otherduties require our attendance, IS a,
very long otie, entitled Mantic, being an account of
the singtilat; discovery of . this'reMarkable Republic
in the regions of the. snothern - pole, together with
.tome remarkalde circumstances connected with some
of the great men whohave flourished in our world in
dayahy gone. -
) • This article contains' some wholesome truths,
widelvwe especially commend to the notice of the
Southern itullifers, andelio some worthy the consi.- - ,
(lend . * Of Sex.
—;,I) add tinn to we. have .notieed, there are. oth-
er inti:restitig-diticTes worth-the reading. and a pretty
• plentilid ; 44nkling pf peetry,-Whieli we havonothath
timejo'pertise, and therefore can say Nothing as to its
Merits. " • ' •
• •
The whole nrign2ine is well got up,tuidwe recoko
mend it to the notice of our renders. - - 4
sOme'little aen
.• • I
.our.nett to - Ilie - threats - tof - the - bi t reomuur!
.sinner. We. regard hiffi and his threats as
much ai..Weidn4ielille - Wilid., not
heard•.the:last about the Asbttriotis
-frighten_ by.-his blustering.,
II he is - as Valorous as he pretenll4l:to be f he
-should! have mai:cited with Capt., Hendel's
.compahy during the liiit:;Var, and not hive
.qatlkedcroni•llte service - as he did: •
tcrFrom the latest accounts, we find
that New Jersey is safe fiir• the Whigs,
-withstanding the late contradictory accounts.
The returns have 'been received at the Se
ore tary of'Sfete'spfice et =Trenton,.-from
thelelectiOn_iliSiriets_embioeing .
Deerfield, and Southampton----the vote giv
en in each of which places has been disal- .
lowed•on account - of illegality in the pro
iceedings; will - ell - Consequently elects the-en
tire whit; ticket-by a majority of between
300 and 400.
tc:j'The, new epne;titplion,
~.WM •g 6 into
- dffe . et on the, first if Jatit'lnry, and Ithultdrrn;
of Gott . ..Rimer win' not expire until the 3d
Tuesday iii Jano - nr.r. ror the - benefit of
••sorne rd . friends, we: sidajoin
. •
'the -following section (if the trw constinp:
.n 'k.l;k
amusing Merles ever We
'l,;;* . xivo,v:a:Tp . ,.* - *o' . . - .Z.r.4),:ici:!4ti.c!...T4
Pennsylvania Election.
Below=-we-give--as-.-full a return_of.- the_
election for Governor as we have' been alsfle
. collect up^to this-time, and also the Ma
jorities given for and against the amend
ments. Therwill riot vary much from the,
. •
official,. .
I?itner. Porter. for. against.
Adams,, 8310
.1535. 4120
Alleghegy ) . 1533 689
• -- 1271 --- 1648 •
2467 1932 A , 813'
2386 2478
3215 7101.•1940
BeaVer . ,
Iterks, •
Bradford, 2219 2420 308
13ue1tS, : - 4147 4553.. .733
'Butler, _ 1700 1653 1071
Cambria, 78 •
Centre, - ; 1046 - 517
Chester; '4971 4527
Columbia, 1088 2016 50
Clearfield, - 474 70" 789
Crawford, • 1957. 2304 2927
Cumberland, 2316 2743 - 148 -•
Dauphin, .
... • 2843 •1944 2351
Delaware, • _1731 1263 160
Erie, ' 2713: 1532 2721
Payette, 1981 . ! 2782 • 1877
Franklin, 2500 2815' 1587
Greene 1027 ; 1168 •2325 •
Huntingdon;:- —3687 27&1-- - 748
Indiana; • 463 233
Jefferson, 124 • 237
Juniata, - .863 1049- . 592
Lancaster, 8558 5503 7703
Lebanon; • 2228 1533- 1760
Lehigh; - • 2349 2460 - 452
Luzerne, • -__so • 2462
'.. • 2934 - 2323 1831
1867 --- 84 -
Montgoniety, *3 7:18 485 8 ** 389
Monroe;- 366 4 *: 122 , 3 11)29 •
Notthampton," 25!'6.3835 , 1'926
Noithtimberlana, 11`64...2.144 * 1277
Perry, - 130 11 r 6 2 . 02_
Philadelphia City, 7203 3,153 3470
Phila.' -county, 7706 1 7982. 2921 -1
Pike, . 117 523 -
Potter, , • -169 * -
Schuylkill, Y . . "1508 2271 • • 352
Susquehanna*, - 1116 int) • . 11373
Somerset,: 2244..883 1503
'Flogs, 694 1448' - 1958 -
nion;- -- 71 2270 1505 , -2711
Venango, • —072 1 . 339
Warren, • 403 •
Washington, ,; 3528 - 3461 2818 -
Wayne, - '63B 1062 1253
Westmoreland, 2315 , 4551 1881
`York, 3257 4197
-_ ._,109,07.8 . 1150* 42,220'39;669
We copy the fblloWing partiCulars of an
awful fire which occurred .in Harrisburg
!.on Sunday last. .from an . Extra of the
. -
Pennsylvania Intelligencer of yesterday :
`, Three myths-since it was our plaid'
I deity to , record tdiedestruL tod,of half .a
square of :Harrisburg. In the deepestre
gret We are again .called Upon to .perform a
.similarly sad
.task. . .. . ,
• Yesterday' afternoon, about five O'clocly,.
ailre was discovered-ire - the carpenter-shop
of Messrs: Hellman & Simons, (who were
heavy .sufferers by the late fire,), between
Fourth and Fifth' steets, 'fronting on the
east side of Market. ;The alarm was at.
'once given, but—tho-dry-lninber.burnts,Vith
sueli_fury,_thlt—bCfar_Clbe engines could.
and that this conflagration should rage im
meiliately across the street from the de
structivp-scene OU July.- - _
Trhe entire loss is estimated at $25,000.
Another Outiage.
BALTIMORE, Optober 20,;1838.
.FLOOR.--rln'the early part of the week,
,from stores were made at sB.,*and the
prevailing wagon price was $7,75.. Since
then, - however,' -prices hive ,receded.a lit
tle, and sales from stores hhve-been-rnadei
including . parcels yesterday, at .$7,871.
Some dealers continue to ask $3. The
preyalente - of a copious rain this morning
has been unfavorable for out door business,
and the market appears flat at $7,874.
Some, limited transactions from stores have
taken place at.that price to-day, but it is.
thought_thatto effect sales of
_large parcels
someiliintreil'iViiiirdliii,e - iL be subinitted
to. The wagon price to-day is $7,624 a
7;76, although some dealers are unwillit*
to give over $7,50. •
Rye Flour.—A few loads have reached
the market, and have been•taken, from wag
ons $5,25. Sales hi &mall parcels from
stores, at $5,50. • '
GRAIN.-Wiest.—At the time of ma
king uk our lait Weekly- Repor_t, we left
the met in an unsettled state, occasioned
by the English adviCes by Royal Wil
liam, and the consequent advance of bread•
stuffs in the New . York trinket. On that
day sales of geed to Virginia reds'
were made at $1,70 a 1,75, and pare* Of
the earnedeseriptions _were also_sold at the
same prices on Saturday arid Nonlnr , last
-the bulk of purchases being on amount .
,Ol.eistern houses, and our own millers
'buying-but4ery_sparingly, if at •all. On
ITuesday,prinie • Virginia. reds would Anot
1 - bring over $1,70, and since then prtces
have declined still further. Within ada
or•two past the supplies have been qtiite
but the- market -nevertheless -has
part of
• grillers to purchase: _ Witliont any
actual sales . to day On which to found quo
tations, we have notwithstanding i3tyclear a
view "of
,the state. of thp market, derived
frotri both buypis and sellers l tbat we quote
- good_to prime Virginia reds to=day at. 51,60,1
a 1,85-4eing a decline of tencents t bush
el:since'this day„,yeek. A.' sale of 2000
-bushels white Maryland was made early in
the week at $l,BO. •
aarlfin: the week'
Were for white :a 91 cents, and for.: yel
raw' 96, cents; - Sales of white yesterday at
90 cents, and of yellow to 7 94 cents,
and we quote accordingly.. , ••
continue to,qtiote at 90. a X 9 5.
• •
. .
. .
' oylB.—Sales - early: . in - Alie-week - -at-.43
Cunts- 7 more recently at 41 6.42 eents,.with
. a fair supfily. - ... . •
- . . .. ..
WHISK.Eir..4-Saks of lib& -enrly. in
the week at 441 cents, and :more 'recently
at 44. a 444. %CO.- Sates of bbls. from
"stores.yegterclay;nt 46 tents: 'The wagon
price of bbls. 'is ,$4O cents exclusive of the
barrel., The inspections of the week com
prise 29 libds. aid 814 bbls; of which 136
bbls. were rece , veil from Philadelphia.
.BaZamora Sme riean. .
- -
Pl i tlunEventn, Oct. 20, 1838 , .
- FLOUR -- AND -,- MEAL.—; - -A - further de
cline has=taken place itilhe.price of Flour.
Sales early in thy week at $8,50; later at
$8,25 for export.. Some sale also for ex
port at prices net 'Made public, TO4lrty,
large parcels of fair :to good brands can be
obtained at $8 per bbl. Rye FlAiir"]gas'
declined; small sales .at $6,25 per bbl.
Corn meal, no sales reported. Last sales
were at $4 in bbls.. 10000h1s. old, Stock
sour flour have been exported to LiVerpool
this week. •
G.RATIST — Wheat,-Aming-46,the_ decline_
-in flour, is 'rather lower.• Sales of 5,000 '
bushels at 191,75 for 'good - Delaware and
1 $1;85 to 1,80 for good red Pennsylvania,
and very prime° white" s}l,lo'a 1,85 per
- bmihel - . =--- Ilyei - sules- at- 9'7-cents-for-inferior
to.:01,04 for good quality, Corn, supplies
large and the demand . fair—considerable
sales ol%round yellow at 94 a 93; and 10
'a 12,000 bushels . Southern yellow at 93 :to
87 cents for prime to inferior quality—some:,
common mixed. 'at a lower price. Oats
are scarce ; sales at 40 a'4l cents per bushel - .
--. WHISKEY— , in bbls . has sold at. 43,
hhds. at 414 a 41, 'occasionally 40 cents,.
'being a decline Since, last week, •
• - - -
On the.loth instant, by the Rev William T Sprole,
Mr William lathloo, of Altegheny county, to 'Miss
Keziah, youngest daughter of the late Nathan Woods y
Esq. of Dickinson townsath,,Curnberlantl countf." 7 7 -
the Rev D P.ltosenimiller, on the 18 , 91,....1HifiCcant,
Mr Samuel Leppert, to - 111isi Barbara *neer, both
of Frankford township; this county.
On the 18th iotihMt, by the s3rdb, Mr Jacob Wal
ter, to Miss Catharine Hir7E - oth of Frankford.
On the. 27th ulLby Rev Henry Aurand, Mr John
- Stok,4o - 111isclilepalryrei both-of Westpannslioro' -
township, this 501.1ilty.
,Tuesdai s l4st„ by r....
Or same, Mr Jacob Filer, fo
merly;OKLancaster, th Miss Eve :Furst,- bOth.,
On Wednisday morning last, after a protracted
illness, at the residence of his rvlafatli Mr. tiMa.
11.13. Murray, tyiear
of Ids age. . • •
, . -
. • "Lenexa . ce- •
7 -7 The:Cttrnberland bounty Lyceum will hold a quer:-
,terly. meeting of the association at .New.ville, on Setae=
day. tbe' • ' - ' ••••"
At '2, T.: 111'.; .the' fell7iWine.4dettintf 7 wilr:ne- 114-
ettssedt—' 6 lht what; branohea sheultf . lestrXlititnl be..
given in. our Colwy* Schools." '‘ After 'which re
ports will he received from the-various sectional
ceums and minerals. specimens of art, &e., exhibited.
At 7 (1 0 14(!ek,T 1 .. 111., an; n4tOess will he delivered.
by Professor Emory : 4 The improvements of the'
a -ThoLyovoro in the different-sections- detlie eOnnty
are earnestly requestedvo send delegates t' this meet
ing t -and .the friends of eflopaloic and public gen
et:l%llly Are invited to attend. ,
. • . . - TiotOt..cAlrk.rtort7, •
. . Secretary of Co. LyCeum
October 16; 1888.... • • • • "•' ' •
40U.SLIND De ',nines and•Chnlires, new, 'style,
JVJIL ju.t. received cad lor._ eale_verir. cheap..
vtore of -
WOOL dyed !ditch, Cloths. Polish
Green, Invisible 'Greed and citron Olive
Oloths, new lot, selling at reduced priies:tliatilt the
tittles. • . _9OIP.Y.
- ,
ATEttiwoot rictofis 4541Z-3llifes aah
* v hltil tett) , ibod and cheap at the store of
• ••'• - .:• • .
List s of Causes for Trial, at November
Term - 1838.: First tieek — commeUeing . on
the 12th day orNovember. -
T. Duncan, egg. f. u. vs J. Moore's Adult's.
Wm. Crawford, vs S. M'liaughlin,
J. Wore, etal z .• vs . T. Weakley, et al
M. Weise, for use vs J. Cronister's Ad.
John Gray; vs James.Wilsork__ _
'James Clark,.:'vs ascot; Weise,
R. R. Church, vs _George Cah,
Joseph Pend, •vsT. C. Lane's Ad.:,
Rob% McGregor . .. vs' . Sam% •
G. Harlan, et al Nil W. Moore, et it
• 2d week, commencing on the 19th,PTov.
vs - S-•Boyd. et - al -- -
Charles Ihrnitz, -vs. G. Himes, et al .
M. Ege's Ex'rs. • ve D. McClure,. Ad.
George }lmes,'. • ,; :vs Jacoh Keller, f
John Beatty, • - vs Samuel Beatty, •
Jacob Fetter,-. vs Safn'l Alexander,
Jane Rodgers vs • Rodgers' Ex'r.
.Heirs of .W.M.Sharp• vs C.V.R.R.CoMp'y I
Peter 'Fria, vs . Same,
R. R..Clturch. ms G. Ai W. McClure
David . vs M. Dunlap,:: :.-;.
Simon Oyster, -- vs John Black,
Daniel Kutz, .• "• vs Martin. Cornman,
Commonwealth,•, • vs Peter Livinger,
-E,Bulluck, _ 'vs Wm. Martin, et al.
P. S. - Piefee„ vs. B. W. Waples,
J. M. Lyon, -- - vs . :G.tHouk, et al
C.V.R.lLCompany- vs:-M. Kelley, '
• vs . H. Bitzer,
W. J. Thompson, vs 17,
Ns, JohmMoore,-- - -
Jane-DySert, , • vs Jas. Dypert's„ Ad.
Ab'm Itursh, -- vs - George - Sinith;
.I. M'Cormick's A's: vo J. Longne,cker, e I
-S,Redete-s Ad. for_u—vs_..Lohn Moore,
GriffitkEvans, vs 3. D. Mahon, &c.
G.: R. Leeper, -vs F. Herron, esq, e
Joit►s J. Bennett, — - - vs Hendon; - eral
E,lizabeth Martin, vs, James. Wilson,
C. B. 'Hall & Co. vs James Givin. -
IpHEaubscriber has just received n lnrge and
1 soshionssorttnent of - • •
which fie is selling' cheaper tlinp : ever sold- in, this
toittn'or.cOnnty. His stock uthisists in pmt of :.
Super 13:1aelc, Blue,
.Polisli Green,'Cit
rap, ()live,. and . Oxfo`rd_ mixed Mao ;
Plain and Striped London Cal.simers;
of all Colors'andgnnlitiee. •. Super French, German
and English IMerinoes; light ooloVed Silks; figured
ditto.-new style.; Black .and-blue black rept- Silks;
black Italian Mantua; 4 1-4 do do-stiller. black Silk
Velvet; handsorde colored Silk Velveti and figured
silk for botinetsi Merino anttbroclia Shanls.
teave r t 63 Flannels;Thankets, Merino.and Lambs
wool Hose . ;
.Irieneh and London ; Chintz( Silk Velvet .
Vestings; Stocks, Sliirt-Collars, Sitspe'nders, Gloves,'
Stc. 9tc. Also, n general assortment of Fresh Grace- .
riesoll of which will he sold on accommodating
terms and unusually low for cash. Piircharrs fire
respectfully invited to call and el - amine for them
selves, at the old stand four doors east of the market
house, and directly opposite S. Elliott's Drug Store.--
Carlisle; October 29, 19313. -
P. S. A very large and general assortment of
Hats, Caps, Boots and Simes, Just received mid now
opening to the room adjoining the store, sold whole- -
sale or. retail very cheap for cash..
Pissollltion of PartnWidiip.
I •
HFlVartnei•ship - heretolitre existing between - the
stibscribera L under the newt of Gallaher &
del, is this day:dissolved by mntual consent. The
books arc in the hands of George Ffendel, jr: Ter
sons indebted to the firm will pledse call and pay
their accounts immediately, as the books will be put
into the hind's of a justice for collection.
Carlisle, October 1.1858. s •
.• • •
. . ... __
The subscriber, thankful for pant favors, informs
ids friends and lite public r , acridly, that he continues
his - • ..
Ifiterg • ;Stable:
Mlle old stand, Where he will he happy to actommo-'
date - his - frieraisantthe-publie-generallyewith nor
sea, Gigs, Carriages, &c. tee. By strict attention to
business and a -diSpOsition to please, he flatters him •
self that he will be able to secure a liberal Aare of
public patronage.
,• , -
6 . •
October 2.3,1831.. •
... •
..," ' '
1"14U12. Caps, Collars,,Tippetn,,tze.<4nstsqeelyed a
new stock of rttr cape--.and-also. a tot Of Hair,
Seal and Cloth Caps, foi• sale,bi C.'OGILBY.
ULA.-Iviritrrs. •- . •
11110 SE, Mackinaw and striped 13Ianttets, now
openingsttliie store of -- C. OG/LBY.
117,* Writin g , Book-keepin g , -.En g lish Grammar,
M e A r a, will be' g iven by: the.
subscriber in an EVENING SCHOOL, to corn
mehoo rts soon as a class can he Cormea. • For further
particulars teems Stc. anniv iminldiatery to
• ROBERT atilig:l7o.Y.'
Carlisle, Oct. 23, 1898... .
, .
TUST received Jot of Loaf and BrownSur' r;
0111 .Onfree, Rice, Molasses; Nutmegs; Cloves. and
_very ft fe_TeM,,-sold low. for. cash. C. 0011.111".
IRPET 7 CHA!N f white and coorl for_ Bale
„, jg(ifyy
ArEN'S superior Lambs-wool Dmeersand.Shirts.
IVIL for sale by OGILMY.
• °lice to contractors.
• EALF.I) proposals will be'reeebied 11M_Canal
Caine, (Halifax) Mita mm-set, on Monjtay.the
'2oth inst. for eonstructingSeetions No.l and 9,4nne.
duct No. 1. and any Other work that may be abandon
ed on the Wilionison Canal., - • . , •
• ,•', • Superintendent.
Halifax, Oct,. 17,1898:
Carlisle Arlillervi•. •
'notice that the anniMl - Court Of Appeal for
ith Ithe held at Macfarlane 's limtl
T Ai rs 6 mlVd*
on Monday the :Nth dday of November orxt, hot,v,-co
the hours of 2:and 5 o'clock, P. M.✓ By 'Order of '
E. M. 81EN)a., ( 4' 1 9. 1 "..
Carnal°, Oct. 25, 1838. , • : , .
•• • o •GISSIOIL'ItEB. , , •
A V — iiisoitment of 'London-"Cassim'cres, and atriPed, just received and 'selling. st• n small rl-
Ntiticeot,tlKotore of t
C., OGlLltl
. .
eine of Shoes just. received at iliead sold
Shoe store of - „ C. OCII,Br:
40111 Y EDITOIItS.•
'Aire appliee to theltidges of the
Cdurtof Common 'Pleas of, Cumberland county; for
the benefit of:the. lesolvent ' , JAWS of this, common.
wealth, and thatthey have appointed Monday the 12th
day of November next, forthe, hearing of us an our
creditors at the Court:Houee;'ln Carlisle tvhere you
.nutrattendillyou,thitdr, przer.PET • .
, • SAAIOEL : 1101GANDES, ,
taiiiiote, get. 10,184 -
,N,,.,,KN11:.- .:: tp - 0 r 0 i D.,,,
sauffii T
Stip . er VOyeCoi.ds,
The most Brilliant Scheme ever drawn in
the United - States. . •
GLASS A, for 18.38.
To Lo positively 'Oxvivin at Alexandria, D. C. Satyr•
day tile November, 1838.
75 Manlier Lottery-12 Brazen
1 Prize of 30.000
do 20.000
du. 10.000 ..
do. " 7.500 '
do &OW.
do 4,000
Prizes Of 2.500
10 - • • - 1 1, ) - 2.000
60 ' do soo—
ss, . do • 500
Besides prizes nrs2so-200--t5O--:1113-30-60---50
40--antloweel prize $29 •
''.Tickets Only $2O-llniven slo—Quarters " 5.... .
Eighth $3„39 ..
. •
Ceit's of packuges of 252ffitoIe Tickets $260.
Do do 2 e Half do • 130 ,
Do 25 Quarter do 65
Do do' 25 Ei g hth do ' 32 50
--0-Orderi for Tickets and 'Shares or. Certijrcates
of Packages in the above 'Unrivalled 'Schemes, will
receive the most prompt attention; and nn official lc=
count of each 41ralving sent immedhltoly after it is
over. , Send orders-earl,: and address - - _ .
D. S. CilteGORY Sc Co: Managers,;
• Washington City, D.C.
October 17, 1898
THE subscribers will sell by public outcry on-the
'iurenaises, on Saturday the - 1711iday - nfl.recieitillertiat;' - .
sale comm en cing a 10 A. M.) the faent-hits-,
the. estate of Jacob. Crim, leo:, deceased, situate' in .
, Dickin.on . t.a.isbipCumberland , coutity; - nine - miles - -7 -
southyrest of:Cailisleicontaining„ ; •
. .
165 -.- CHESO •
About 100 acres are cleared, and in a good state of
cul!iiation. -There is a good Two story .. '
Log Barn,and sereral out houses on the premises.
The abo land lies on both 'sides of theAellow
Breeches Creek; about . 11411 a mile west of Spring
Mills. Terms will be made known on the• day -of. •
sale.- • • ' . . •_
• . .
1.4C013 . C1115T,
• -.E.rfctztors of Jacob.Crint, dec'd.
'October 17, 1838. 8 ' •
The Pmenstcr:llerall, Harrisburg intelligencery
York Republican and Gettysburg Star; will tinblialr
Amain:ova till sale,,niark price rind charge this office.
_ .
Ranaivey film> die Subscriber, residing in Dickin-. ;.
son township, on Thursdae the 4th hist.; an indented -
apprentice to the Fatfmidi Business,. named DAVID
GOODLINK., Said'imy is about 19 years of age, of
small site, notorious for telling Bei, and very:fond of
liqUor. He took- with him a light suit of summer
clothes. .The above reward" will be given, but no
charges paid to any person Who will deliver said boys
to the subseriber; and all persons are hereby Caution
ed against harboring him at their peril.
• - JOHN - WEAKLEY.- ---
Dickinson tp., Oct. 9, 1898.
. •
. , ..
----ETTERS:of-Atlrnitlibtration on the-estate-cd3o.----
. I -. 4
seph Spangler, late 'of North Middleton town- , -
ship, deceased, I.Aving issued to the -subscriber 'real-
ding in North Middleton township, all persons in. ,
dehted to said estate will make payment immediate:,
lv, and those having claims will present hem for set.; •
tiement to .•
. _ • .IACOJI 11}111.SHEY, 4(trii"r: — :.. , .- -: '
October 16, 1638.—Gw . , -..."
To the Creditors of Jacoh .s'witre , P late of the ' llar•
',ugh of Afechanicsburg. . .
IOTICF is hereby given that,,th't. subscriber.
11 who is the auditor appoluted by the Court of
Common Pleas of Cumberlandeciuntv, to make final
settlement of the trust accptfUt of Jacob lit,upt) and s
said, and to make distribution of the efrects in their
hands according toliw, and the terms of the trust a
foresaid, to an Meng the crealtots of the said Jacob
Switzer, Williiteetfor that purpose on Saturday the
10th day,,orNovemher nett, at the horse of John Hoe. ,
veit,-lunkeeper,in-the-horough-of-Idecluinicsbum, at
10 . the morriim, when and • where all pan- .
tied; interested are notified to attend.
October 17,1838.-4 w
yNoncE in hereby _Oven, that the accot . of S.
Dallah Adair, &q. Assignee of ...AMY. —
IGWALD, has been presented to the Court of
'Conimrin Pleas of -Ciimberland county, for confirms-
Lion and allowance. and said courthave appointed gle
first day of November Court,lbeing the 12th day of
said month) for its consideration, and. Rule On all .
concerned to chew cause; why it shall not 14 , confirm
ed and allowed. GEO. FLEMING,- - •
Prothonotary's Offica, Carlisle,Z • •
October 5, 1338,..-4w. 5 .
A first fate Limestone Farm, situate about 6 miles
west of Carlisle. containing 278 Acres, about. 200
Acres clear and in a-high state Of:cultivation:. the:,
balance is well timbered, and there lea large quantity ,
of I,nenst on the place. , , • .
The imprOyemetits area new.Two : Stury
URI( K 11011 SE &illirlicCllEN •
. .
:AND LARGE 1 7 321siK'ItiiI2N,-•••••:.. •
• • • .
with a Tenant 'louse, Stahling„,and two Apple Ory., .
chards; -- 'There - -ls - a:well of- water., MuLseyerul 4 Terr.
large springs near the House . The, tOrnpike,4lOad
from Harrisburg to Chambersluirg passes through the
Ihrm.'tind the Hail 'toad passes nearly . •
This proPerty is well calculated for two farms.., •
• The above property is worthv'theattention 6fcapt.
talists, as it will be sold low. ThU,titli. is • '
glp.—Eutitilre of • - • .
• - .E.llo's - SERMA*7:-
Carlisle, October 16, 1838,--4W •
„. .
'Lebanon, Courier, Lancaster. tterald' and
Examiner, and Lancaster Volk:sfreund Will , publish •
'the - - Shore "4,-_Weeks, mark- price r lictut. Papers, and .
'charge this °Mac..
To MY ftedidoits.,
. .
"Take notice that I have applied to the ludgen of the
I Ceiurt of Comitton . Pleas, of. Mifflin eonnty; for the
benefit of the Insolvent laws of this .Ceintuonwealth,
and said. Court has appointed the first Monday of
November ne*t, for hearing me and my creditors nt
thirCourt - lionse;im-the-borongh of Loilstt4n, In
1 snid edunty; When and where you moy attend if yoti .
think proper.. , ,L. . . . . .
'''GbjittE a:tit/R(5011S.
Lewistiiwri,Detoer . ,- 16 1838.;-3t --• ~ :. -
ThE Subteriber,thankful•for Vast favrs; respcet.
fulty-infOrrns - .hie friends fild-tha ToskOeVi l ioratirs ,
that helias reracifed hior — ,
;Livery St
To the rear of the ,Hotel, ot.c
where he trill at all times lativt - (Cries, Oilrai Car.
rifiges, 84(.4 . &0., 'ready for ti
tinuanee of puhlitiliatranitire.•• • - •
• • • • A. c.ALLAHEFi ft