Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 23, 1838, Image 2

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C A iii3l.l
A slip ',from theooffiqe of the. Augusta
n. Vllr9nicle gratifying:intell
gonce that, Gen. W.inny • Tuoturs6l4 is re-,
olectitd to Congress In4he
C trolina,District, by:a majority of ONE
VOTES! Ms majority in Pendleton was
"ith 1 goina . 1 n Greeifdlle 'l5.
ThiS, our readers• will recollect, is! the
Wlisarict in which . Mr. .Calhoun
We cannot say more toii;A r strate the .glory
of this trium.Ph. the majority of the
;,le of the Greenville district Will'he rentern
• bored, in all time to conic, as amon";% . the ,
most patriotic, virtuous and eTightened free
- men e ar
, country 150351.5.. A groater
iih-was-n ever achievedthan,thut-thay
t• •
A,Miss Strange, niece of late. member of
Parliament of that name-in the Upper Cana
da Legislature, Was engaged ta be married':
) Mr. Ducent, m?rchant, residing at the..
bead of Aecrrespondent of
Rochester Democrat thus fells•lmw-thci;
eninn,Or,ed,swain.sped in his wooing., •
The day was -fixed for the
,uniKa of the !
happy: . pair. By . arrangement, 1
they were to be marriedearly In the - morn-I
ilg i and-iniMediately lake:passage-for-New.;
York; optheirway to Seotland to visit their:
The - Scotch - Minister in-KingSton, r
_then being absent, Mr. Dueeet brought a
favdrite parson with Thai, and arrived at,
the lady's house in the evening,' anxiously
• Waiting for-.the dawri of `day' • when he was 'mooing the husband to the fair, the ac
complished ;Isabella Strange. - The trunks
and band boxes were all packed.andyeady,
in one of which was deposited by the lady's
live hundred
pptiothL •
Being thtmarrangelT, .and just lierore the
, parties retired to rest, a - . young gentleman .
of Kingston sh , ,pried up to the intented.bride
.bid•hergood*bye, reMarking:at the
s /me limn that h,,,-.supposed" of-- saluting-
MisS Stranger!!! and immediately la the
• house, --Morning - cainc,. and every_ thing
was Freadiness for the solemnization of
of the nuptial' vows when it was observed
- flin Miss Strange did . -not nuilterher
appe -
- ;ranee... The:Sedant. was despatched to the
lady's room, and returned with the astound-
` - ing information:that she. was not there, and
what was still more •surprising, "her.
- bed was not ruffled!" • •A. letter was found
on the table-which. disclosed the mystery ;
:She - had - been induced by free s friend :con
trot* to her own free will, to engage her Self
id Marriage . to Mr. Dudent, but had given
- her heart to the-yours.; man alluded- to, s t d
will' the tronlis., - Live
dred ponn'ds, and a11,. - fied to-Gravely. Point
in" this state, five o'clock in the morn
ing, she with was to have. been--Mrs: - Du-'
cent; hail become Mrs. McLean,!
ERNOR-T/01)0-We - - learn from the
Louis Repu'ilie,m rf the sth inst. that
, the steamboat Gov. , Ciolge was lost on her
voyage fro ni- Sj. ,L nis t(i New Orleans
• About 120 hcl• mduth'of the
Ohio river, anti in the s bip.ill where the
. sunk beltiwth_e:sorilt k“, ‘v-,-ter, nearly
live feet and not k electno
- nlarge, hole in !wr
to the shore ;•.,,!'
feet watc.r.
i3.:2d to be a .
h , WAS run
'mat ksnppo-.
. ,
.. .
furniture, ant!! v,Il ~. ~,,, ~,-. wo ;1:•,!'; Iv'll Iht
saved. •'l'lie.. , car.,-,() ,:, ,r-i:sz...
..', pit',,ll)' of
ken on:board the I,l:itn—
lio lives lost. The witi , ,..i;l:wre.l In
..the -Missouri gnil ,:tintnee otli:es
-of 7 St.-Louis, Alt s,;l4l,sUl)...._.:.lllll:_cdrg:u.partly.
insured. •
' An‘eleption was held, in this city yester
, -day; for a mid ineinbers or both
. beanches of the City Council, .which has
resulted in the complete success of the W
nominees - by -- rn ial - -and- triumphant
majorities. SHEPPARD C. LEAKIN,.
Oe.Whig candidate, is chosen-Mayor by a
.. _-___lnajority of 46'7 vcitei-and tsv‘enty!one
• have 'been , elected to the CityCottricils; - he!,
ing . a majority in.bach branch and o
y of six On joint ballot. -
The election, we are happy to say, .was
'ifot - cliaracterised - fiy,those scenes -pi v iolen c
„ which disgraced our city two weeks ago.
The money Of the . government was want
ing, and no hired'
-.polls to prevent 'the aged; infirm or timid
from .depositing their ballots. . The conse
_ quence Wasiliat the Whigs have tphtained
majority--of-mearlyjtve d votes—a
majority whichSalls short of their real su
-A • premtey a.lßaltimore. •.This result-Shows
-„ the 'violence which
''preVehted - -I.fair election, on the 3d of .0ct0,.-Item
,. - Item : 11,1"r:'Orr,'F;Lt would haire obtained_ in
sufficient majority to elect
-thel9Oirernor of Maryland. „..
.',ll±P,Sitte the result, of the. .election in,
Pennsylvania has pecan° known, the Loco
'.F. e .beci - editori'.openly • avoW themselve.giivfa 7
• toot of the .ttb-Treasury scheme .of Mr.
'_Van Buren' Before;'thek - dare not own that
tltey: were' irj , favonr of thiei iniquitons - men ,
• • sure i their. silence 'on this . •subjeet
'gulled „.rtiany:, .an honest man into the sup
pott.of theirgandidate , for Governor., .It is
nOty:Zemocracy. to, give the sword and the'
:purse of the ..:nation to. one 'mail. They
r•Vell0youl that sueli an net' is "poptilr, very
poptiler," , .and.henee.the laivs:Whielv Wash , -
irigton anti Madisim approved as, proper, for.
.• the cuitoily\of the' public, money are unc,in
•;llovp With . the Baiiiie—doWn
with credit, -. deposit tlieineneY' of the , peo,
pie in the hands'of,S4Wreasurers..?re the
. .
7—iosurrvetionary.--cries-f-00--leaoora_of,the .
--- AraiTßo - 00 - : par ty-'i
1310'3' bath- electinn of r. • We •
la` Onion - Ai:o e_go' eumulyx
-410 ;:litras •Up Posl - 3 the
tory pritte . olc:3 of p,fir.,,e.r.ntrating ,puiver , in
• party CoAlllo,f , shotil:l ,ute.p up
• - .theirergdnization, ?AO t9tlievountryl
.". nat: • /yOrwit E-11101311) :11Usliels grnetieA, tem sin,
shall - never have. foot het 1; eat " I ." l4 d ' o i , s l ,l` c i b k r .s 2 o V
rflorScani:ii.rn backs
46ereCIPrineipies-ofliherty Shall be.defended recell
• jiiit44lll4l4 l ttiifk . 414 0002t,m75;a9t,i4,114 ,
/is Amen)Ku Irs TitE. antriettrzort ONE TUOLMAND
'WV., The People of 'the Commonii4alth of Penn
s% iv:4nia, Ordain and establish this Constitution fur.
it 4.4ovorninent.. : . .
ARTICLE-T. • , •
S. ectirrori. The leg'islative'power of this Common:
v.o.alth 'sit II be Vestedin a "General Assembly,
'-wtrich 41.11 consist of a Senate and House of Repro-
Sentalives. • • •
Th - e - Tepresemtath•
hall-be cfiosen
aomi.rlly by the citizens of the.ei • of Philadelphia
and of each county respectively on the Second Tues
day of October:
-NI person shalPhe a 'representative
who shall not have attained the ago of twenty-one
years, and hive been. a. citizen and Inhabitant of the -
...tate three years hextpreeeding his election, and the
list year thereof an inhabitant of the district friend '
for which he Wall be chosen, a representati v e, unless .
he shall have been absent on the public thltiness of
the United States - or of this State. - ' •
Sectien IV.* Within three years after the first
meeting of the Goderal,Assembly,,,and within every •
subsequent term of seven years, an enumeration of
the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such man-'
tier as shall' be directed by law. ' The number of
. representatives shall, at the several periods Of mak
ing such enumeration, be fixed by the Legislature,
• .and - apportiohed among the city of - -Philadelphirraud •.;
the several counties, according to tile number of
..taxable mhabitants in each - Land shall never be less
than sixty nor greater. than one litindred. 'Bea
county shall have-at least one representative, but no
county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a sepa
rate representation until a sufficient number of tax
able inhabitants shall be -contained Within it, ter
entitle them to one representaThre agreeably to the.
ratio which shall then be established:
Sectiou V. The senators shall he chosen 'for three
years by the citizens of Philadelphia and of •the
- several counties at the same time, in the same man
• nor, and at• the same place's where they shall-
-for_ropresentat kris,
Section. VI. The number of Senators shall, at the
several periricls of making_the_ enumeration before
tioned among the districts formed as hereinafter
directed, according to to'th a nufnber of taxable inhabf. ,
tants. in eachi . and shall • never be_ less than ono- •
fourth, nor greater than' one-thltd, of-the number of
....Section VII. The senaters.shall be choserrin
• triets, to be furnied by the legislature; but no die- I
Wel she{ bele formed as to entitle - it to elect more
-than two ietiatOrs, tin t ess me newer qT taxaote tn.; •
ThaNfatit's , -in any city or- courVy.simiL at any ;inir
be such as to,lntitle It to elect nova than ties, but no
, --city-or county-shall bi'; entitled to : elect. tore than _
four senators ; when it district shall be compOsed
of two or they "shall be adjoining;
.-neither the city of Philadelphia nor any county shall ,
• he divided in forming ...district._
N'o person shall beja 'innate!, whit •
shall not.liave attained the age of twenty-five years,
and have been a citizen and inhabitant of the-State,
four years next before his election, and the-last:year
thereof. mn inhabitant of the district for which. ho
• shall be chosen; unless,lie - shall have been absen. oil -
the public bpsines's of the' States or of-this
State; and no person' elected as afoeesaid, shall hold
said-dire after he shall have removed from such dts-
Section IX. The senators who maybe elected at .
- the firstgeneral election after the.--adoplion"of the:
' amendment .9' to the' eonstilutloncshall -be divided by _
tot into three dasses: The seals Of. thelenalors of
the first doss shall be :leated at the expiration of
rthe first year-;-of -the second:cleui at the expiration
-of the second,year ; and-orthe-thirdWass at.the-er7
piration of the third year; s> that thereafter one
' third of the whole number of - senators maybe ehoien
every year. The senators e;eeted before the amend
meats to the conVitution.shalt be adopted, shall bola
- their - ogires ditring the :terms forwhich - they _shall
respectively-have -
. Section X. The Gektral Assembly shall meet - cilf
thetirst Tuesday of Attruetry, in, every year, unless
.sooner cobeetit,illifilie'Governor. -
•, - ,Section XI. Each house shall choose its Speaker
acid other Office's; and• the-Senate shall also chnoie
_a Speaker pro tempore, when the Speaker shall ex
ercise thc,ollicO of ifovezthre. .
Section XII. •Each honge shall judge of the quail
-;fientions-of - its membets.--- ettntested.elections shall
be detertnitted by a committee to deselected, formed
and ^rl rtes in such msnner as shall be directed by
law. A majority of oath nouse shall cou oe
quorum to do business; a smaller number. may
. adjourn from .lay to day,, and may be authorized by,
to coMpet the attendance of absent members,
such mullet and under- such penalties as may he
pros/bled.. •
• Section Each house tn./ determiue,
I flies of its proceedings, punish its members, ft
.isorderl:,' the_coneurrenee of
tea-!hints, .: xpolitt member, but hot a second time
f. rho 4..111, ; and shall have all other powers
umessary for a branch of the legislature of a (tee
'!'~;:, cu~~iiu~ a~ui
Section :till. T he legislators 3.41 not.haVepo , rer
to E .',.ntsulting the coat - lad - of
any•Cahif where; by I.tiv, - the
s cattrtir or fair C.unnion.
tre:tifit are or may hereafter be eniadivered 1..) decree
a divorce:
Section XV. house chatl keep a journal of
its proceedings, and publish 'them weekly., except
such parts as may reqube secrecy: and' the yeas
and nays of the members on atiV'question-shall, at
the ksire of any two of then), be canned 'on the
SretiouXVl. The doors of each lionse , alitl' of
committees ut • the Whole - shall be --- open, unless,'
%slim the business shall be such as ought to biricept - 4
Section XVII. Neither house shall," Without the
vmsetit of the-other, adjourn fur more - than Once I
'lays, nor to anyother phipe' than that in-which-the
two loaves 511311 be sitting. - 1
-.Section , X V 11 The. S,enatori and lepresenta t Ives
shall receive a compensation for their services to be
ascertained by law, ard aid p onto( the ttrasiny
the_Commonwealth. 'They shall in al) ciseti, ex
cept treason, felony and hteach - er
phone, •be privileged from arrest during their at
tendance at the session of their- lelpective houses.
-and in going to andOturning_from the some. • Aqui .
.for any speech riii"dehrito in either liouseethey shall
not be questioned in any other place.. "
Seertioh XIX. NO-Senator or representative shall;
during' the time for which he shall have been elect-
iti; be appointed to any civil Mike under this Corn
monwealth which shall have been created; or the
emoluments :of which - shall-have - been - increased
'during such time: and no member of Congress or
other person holding any office (except of attorney .
Rtia'w and the Militia) under the United Statls
or this Commonwealth; shall be a member of either,. -
house during his continuance in Congress or M
elee. •
Section XX. When vacancies happen in - either
house, the Speaker shall issuo writs of election to
flll-such vacancies. •
' Section XXI. - All hills fur raising revenue *hall
'originate in the house of representatives, but the
Senate may propose amendments - as in other hills.
-Section XXII. No money shalt be drawn from
the treasury'but in consequence of.approprtations"
Made by law: ..
--Suction-NNW. lEvery bill 'Which. shall have
„passed hot housee shall be:presented to the Go
verner. - If he approve he• sliall.sign it, but if he
shall not approve he shall return it with his objce
. lions to the -house In -Which it shall have originated,
.who shall enter..n objections et large upon their
. journals 'and procced'io re-consider it.lf, after
sue; 'c.c.:insider:Aim, two-thirds of that it._
spy to pass the hill, it shall be sent with the ob,
tectlons Mi . - the, ether hoUsei by which likewise it
shall • be re-considered, and if : two-
thirds'of ,that holm, it shall be a law. :But in such
irises the votes of both !wines. shall be .determined
try yeas and nays, and be 'names - of persons voting
for or against-the bill shall ,he entered on the jour.nals of each hqnse respectively. If 'any bill shall
not be,„ returned by the Governor within' ten days
(Sundays excepted) after it-shalt have been
tobimi it shalt be a law in like, manlier sail
he had sighed. it, unless time Aisenthly, by
7theiridlournment,. prevent its return, in which ease
tt atoll be a=law, within three
days aftertheirnext meeting.
Section XXIV. Every order, resolution or die
fVe Which the concurrence of both tunnel may, be
necessary, (except on: a question: of,, adjournMent)
.shall be'.presented to. the Gouertmr, and. before it.
shall take effect, be aPproved by him, or being
approved,--shall-he repassed.-ty'into-thirds of both
(7 t'r if,e,.(4l'.Ttio4 , r. w tr:lttlV'',...4. - $.4.. . # o4 fvtpr.
•usiss arrorausr; to the rules end I:Titan's's, int- •
seilhosi .111 case of n•bill. • ,
Section XXV; No corPordtebody shall he horeaPer
created, renewed or e.etended, with banking or dls
- edunting...prlolegssovithoutAt,o_rioteks_previtras_.
pi: lie flatlet of the intended applircaion far the
some in such limner as shall 'be prescritcd by law.
Nor Volt s /my charter for. the purposes - aforesaid, be .
grant eit' for a longer perive than peen , y years; and.
-eveiksswh rharter Shad' con!tiin' a r:laiise reserving
to.the legislature the power to al er.; revoke or annul
Mit same whenever in their oPitifon it ;nag be info
ritntikto the citizens of the rommonweit h,'in suds
thanni , r however that nn injustice shalrhe done to the
corporators. No law hereafter coal ted,.elaill create,
renew or •cxtend the charter if more than one corpo
ration. • .
' --Ann
• Section I. The Supreme Exerutive pawn of this
CbmmonWealth shall-hi vested iiiiiGovet nor.
, Section If. The Governor shall he chosen on the
second Tuesday of October, by the izens ,the'
-Commonwealth; at -the place* where. bey
spectively : vote for representatives, `The, rettitps•
of every election for Governor shall he sealed up'
and transmitted to the seat e of government, directed
to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open rout
publish them in the presence of the 'menitter e s rf
both houses of the legisiattue. The person bare' g
the highest number of
,votes shwa lu•. Govertott.
'-lint if two or more skill he, equal :Ind hizliest in
votes, one etf them shall lie. chosen Governor by the
joint vote, of. the, rrtembirs_of_hollt
testedelectionn S11:111 be ' det ermined by a (.•ttlittraitert
to be selected from hotli "tonnes of the legislature,
and fumed and regulated .in sncli manner •ac• Oh ill
be direeted- law.'
.• •
Section Governor - slat hold his ttlier
during three yearn Non the Mild ty fff .rmu
ary next ensuing his election, and slat tint te
capable of holding,it longer than sir in ; t oy term
of - nine years. , . . •
• Section IV,. lie shall he at least thirty, years of
age, and have been a citizen and inittibit•int of
thiti • State seven - ye:tile - next before leis . eleetion ;
'unless he •shall have 'been 'absent on the- public
-business-of the United Staten or of .this State.,
'Section V. .No member of Congress or pt•rson
bolding sty office under the United States or, titic
State shall exercise the office of Governor;
Sction Vi. The Governor shall at stated times,
receive for ..1 services a compensation, whiCh shall
be acidic increased nor 'diminished doting • the•
'period for hick lie shall have been elected.
Sectior If: Ile shall he commander-in:chier , of
ma. navy of this Common wealth,•atea of
t arini t, excepp,Vlten th - e - nr
the act , .service Of, the finited.States
Sece_.,,,KlJS..=//c_s/m/Lapp_olitra See lit of the
Comm weal h during pleasure, and,he
nate and, by Ond with the advice and confent: of the
• Senate appoint all judicial :officers of courts
record,-unlils otherwise provided for in this einisti
shall !safe power to varansies
-that roy happea_in surh jadiriaiifires during the
recess of the Sinn*, by granting rozonaiSiaiii Wilk&
shall expire a! the end of (heir aid ..S:NS ian
yilpd*, that in acting on executive iniiiiinations.the_.
Senate - shall sit with open doors, and iticonfirncingj
vr•rejecting,the I . 2onlinations of the Governor, the
vote shall be taken,by yeas and nays.'. . , ' • •
Section IX. Ile shall have .power to-remit-frnes••r
and, forfeitures, and grant--'reprieves and .
except in cases of impeachment. • •
Section X. Ife May reiluire ittfermatiimiriwtitingi
from - the officorp - in the executive department open
any subject' relating to
- the duties of their respec
offices -
' Section XI. Ile shall from timeA -time, give tb
the General Assembly information of the state of
theternmonwealtii; and recommend to their-eon
, siilerathiii such - MeaSiateliais lie,shall judge expedient.
- - Section X - IT. Ile tilfik;`oll' extraprdinaty occasiinis
convene the General Assembly-; and in case of
disagreement between the two houses, with - respect:
,to the. time of adjotirnment, adjourn'thein •to such
. time as he Shall 'think - ,proper, - -not
• •
Section XIII. Tie shall _take care, that the laws
be faithfully executed.
Section XIV. In .ease of the death or resignation
of,theGoverstric,._at Qr.b.i. removal from office, the
speaker,e the. Senate shall-exercise 'Theetlietrof
Governor, until another Governor - shall be dole
; but in such case another Governor shaft
'be chosen at the next annual election of represen'a
-- lives, unless_such death, resignation or 'removal,
shall occur within three calendar mon hs innnedi- -
---- attly preceding such next annual .election, in which
ease n
,Goiternor, shall be chosen at (he second sue
'---ceedirigQiUnuatilection of representatives. And
if the trial of a contetted eleettCPii
hinger than until- the third Monday of January I
next ensuing the election of Governor,
the Governor
of - the - last --year-or-the-Speaker, af tlie Senate whp'
may be in the exercise of the executive authority,
-shall continue therein until• the ;determination of. .
such contested election, and until a - Govertieriliall
be duly qualified as aforesaid.
NV, .7'o Secretary of the_Conunonirealth
Shall keep a fair register of -all the ,official acts and
• proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when re
quired, lay the same and all• papers, minutes and
vnue•lieve-4eltitive thereto, before either betheii - of --
• the legislature, and shall perform such oilier ditties
as shall be enjoined hint by law.
Atcriax. 111
••,Secti in T. In e/ertions by-thecitizens everyarlate
freeman il . the age of itectliy-anl• years, haying' re-,
sided ih this state, one year, and in the election dis
trict where,he offers la vo'e, ten days 'immediately
preceding, such , electittn,)anl within two years paid
sr e -or -Count bean as
&medal least ten days bt,fiire
the rig4s of an cludor. Bat a eitizen , y'dhe_,Lt tiled
States who had preigiatsly h•. 41 a in t, P are tut , te .y
this Slate,• and removed titpri:fraiit and rein wal:and
who shall have resided in the el-it - ilea diqtrh t, and
paid tares. as afar!waid, shall be entitled to rate; er
residing in the stare sir months. Provided, gust white
freeripm, citizens of the flailed Stas es, hetfreen . the;
ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, and Aar
141r resided in .the,,State or: ye w;and in-the- el , rtiOn •
4 si , rict ten days' so aforesaid:shall - he eat
rate", - although they shall not paid tales -- ,
Section 11, All elections shall be Ity ball•tt,
cella' those by nelsons in their repesentatire
,cittes,_tvho Shall vote viva vice.. Section 111. -Elcctois-shall_~n=3ll_C . •
• treason, felony, and breach or surety of . the peace,
privileged from nrrest;,dming their atiereto re
on elections. and in, going
. to - -and . retupting from
S-:ion i s The of_ Itepreser,tatives she I t
hay , to sole power of impeaching.
Si ton 11. MI impeachments shall be tried by
the. ; :when , flitting • fur that purpose, the
Sen s slfall be upon oath' or MTh nrdion. I`.loper- -
,s4n : Ibe convicted viitOut the concurrence el
two 'di of .the members present. -
• Set ar 111. The governor, and all 'other civil
officers under this Commonwealth, shall be liable to
impeachment for any misdemeanour in tdlice ;. hot
-jtidgrnentOn inch cases:- shallnot-exterid—forther
titan Ad removal from office,.and disqualification to
hold any office of honour, trnst or profit; maler-this7
Commonwealth:, The party, whether convicted or
acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indietmenA
trial, judgment, and punishment according to
Section 1. The judicial power of this Common
' wealth shall bp. vested in a Supreme Court;:in
' , Courtirof - Oyer and Terminer and general Jail De
livery, in a Court of CoMmon Pleas, Orphans Court; -
Register's Court, and a Court of. Quarter - Sessions
of -the Peace, for each county;‘ in' Justices of the
Peace n such. other. Courts as- the legislature
May, e to lime establish: -
Si Me judges qf the Supreme Court, of
the 4, 7 -Courts qj Coalmen Pleas, and of such
other Courts, of Record at are or shall , be established
by law, shall bo nominated by the Gorernorouid by
and with the consent , qf the senate appointed and
commissioned by 'him. The judges qf the Supreme
Court shall hold their offices for the term - .of fifteen
yearrif they shall so long behaue Cher selves well.
The president judges of the several Courts , of Common
Pleas and of such other Courts of Record as . are or
shall,be established by law, and all other judges
- quired to be learned'in the law,shall hold their offices
far the term of ten years if they slut:Leo long behave
themselves well. The Ass ,crate judges of the Courts
of Common Pleas shall hold (heir, offices for the term'
.of jive' years if they shall s o long ° behave themselves _
well.. But for any reasonable cause which shall tiot
. eufficimit.ground of impeachment, the Governor
may remove any of 4herns ors thi address of two-thirds
qf eaelr branch of the' hes:atoll. The judges of the
Supreme Court and ffie presidents qt,the several
_ ,Sourts of Common Pleas shall at slated times receive
for thei r - tiefees - an -adequate-rompensatioti-to_ IL
fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during
their continuance in (Slee t but they shall receive no
fees or perquisites 'of figice; nor hold any other office
of prOjit under this Commonwealih. 7 • • •:-
Section Until otherwise 'directed. by law,lbi
t.t - turts qf 'Common ,Plfas shall continue us at proserit
- 610BAELS Niiin'tn.3l,. al.
sale 1 .4.) kdi ,11 t rreis
do. just received and Tor p 4ENC6ove...,
.. • . . ... ' OVE•N.,
aiiriebur 53
g r Sept. ,18;Si, • ... ~ .
~... ~
-esti:bawled. ~Not more than:nue counties snail at any
time be included in one judicial district organized
for said Courts. , , •
... Section IV. The jurisdiction of the SuPreme .
- Court:shall - extend"over--the-Fda ted-and-the-judges,_
therea,•shall by virtue of their Mikes, tie. jusltee •
of tlyer mot Terminer anti Geberal Jail Oelivery„iir
the several counties. • • '
Section ^ V.AThe' judges of .the Court of Comm
Pleas, in each •coulity, virWe-of--their
.. offices, be justices of Oyer and. Terminer and Gene',
sal Jail Delivery, for the tii'd 'Of capitol and oilier
offenders 'therein ; any twu . of the -said. judges, the
president being one, shall he a• quorum : but they
shall not holfa Court of oyer and terminer,, Or -jail
: livmy, in dilly -county, when the judges of the
-Somprie_Court, or any of them,Shall be sitting in .
-Ili(slutte-eottar.--The-Party-neeused,%s_well as
the Commonwehlthotriy, utitlersuch inulationi
Sholi tie Prescribed •by- law, Femme the • indictment
anti proem:ding:l,yr a transcript thereof, into the
Solo erne' Court. • •
courts of common pleas, shall, beSide_ the powers.
het etofore usually exel cited by them, have the
power of a coat irf Chancery, so fir as relates to ,
the perpetuating of testimony. the obtaining of .
. est:knee from pl :ces oat within the State, :111(1 the •
care of .the petsonS and estates of those .who are
non compotes mentis, And the legidature shill
vest in the said courts Birch other powers •to grant
tidief iu elpiity, ns shall be firati4 necessary : and
noy, from tiMedo_time,onfatgc.p • rdidlinish.those
powers or vest them, in such tither cioirts as they
iiidge . proper, fur the 'iftte adminktration (if justice.
Section VII - The judges' of the court of emiuniiit-
pleas Of each county, any two of .whom Shall beta
quorumshmli compose the court of Quarter Ses
sions Of the peace, and orphans' court thereof ;• and
the register of wills,•together with. the said judges,
or any two 'of them, 'shall compose the reg“ter.4. l
-- court of ,each county. •
Action VIF 'hie judges of the con Os of common
pleas shall, within their iespeetive counties, : have
the' like - Poieers with - the _judges =of the - Suptetne - ''
Court, to issue set its of certiorari to the:justices of
the peace, - and' to. cause their proceedings. to • be
brought bfore them, and the like right and justice
to be-dune.
Section preshient of the court in each
cheat within .such circuit, nod',lhe judges of the •
court of common- pleps within 'their . respective
counties, shall be justices of the peace, su far as
relate% to criminal' matters. • .
A register's office,-forrthe-probate.of
wills and granting letters of lohninistratiii, and an
o ice tot I.l l lling - of - deedsishollbe-kopt-in •
each county', -
Sectjon-Ni...-The-style_of,Lall_process shall be
"'The..Conarrinnweattli of PiTothaylvania. i " -AdhprO-se
-1 cuticais shall be carried on in . the name and by the
apthoi:ity 'of ..the Commonwealth-'of Pennsylvania,
and conclude " ag4nst the peace-and dignity . of-Atte
I • same" •
Section 1. Sheriffs and coroners shall - , at the
times 'and places of election - of representatives. no
chosen•py the citizens of- each eouniy. One person ,
shall be chosen for each rice, who shall be commis
sioned by the Gdvernor. They , shall: hold their
offices for three years; -if, they shatrisii long behave
themselves -well, and .until a successor - be duly
qualified ; but no person shall be twice chosen or,
appointed sherilf r in any term of:sixyears.Wean. ,
cies in• either of the said offices, shall be filled by
an' appointment,! to be made . by- the Governor, to
continue until the, next general election, and until`
a successor •slialb be chosen apd : qualified 'at - • afbrc- •
Section 11. The freemen - or this conimonwealth
shall be armed, or . ganizod and disciplined for its
defence, 'when and sn such manner as may be directed
by law. Those who conscientiously scruple to bear
.arrns,eball. not he compelled to do so, but shall pay
an equivalent for personaLeerVice. • - •
Scetiori 111 l'rothomitariel. of the Supreme
Court shall appointed - bY the - said Court' for
the term of three yearsif they so. long .- behave --
themselves well. Prothonotaries and clerks of the
• several other. courts; Recorders.of deeds, and Re
giaters_e_wills,•shall at the 'times /and places of
election of representatives, be elected by the quail
fied.electors of each counly,.or the districts over
which the juitsdictioit of said courts extends, and
shall be commissioned .by the; Governor.' --...7'hey
their offices for three-years-illhey
so long, behave themselves well,-and until their
euccessors shall be duly qualified.• The legiala-,
Aure_skaltprovide bylaw, the •number- of persons
in -each county whoitiall-halirsh4d,offices;Tind
how many and which of said riffled shall be held
by one person. Vacancies in any of the said of
fices shall be filled by appointments-to be made
by the Governor, to continue .until the next gene
ral election, and until successors shalt - be clectetl
and qualified as. aforesaid.
Section IV. Prothonotarics,-clerks of the peace
and orphans' courts, recorders of deeds, registers of
"wills, and sheriffs, shall
.keep their offices, in the
_County . town of the -county in whieff•they, respec
tively, shall. be officers; - unless when the .Governor
Shall, for- special reason's, dispense therewith, for
any term not exceeding liVe years after the county
shall have been erected.
Section A. All commissions shall be in the name
and by the a uthority'orilii - Cominonwealth - o f-Penn---
sylvan's, and be sealed with the State seal, and sign
ed by- the Governor, - • • •
' Section VI. A State ,Treasurershall be elected
anntuilly, by joint vote of both branches it, the kgts
4n/ore, •
Section VII. Justices of the peace or alikrmeit
shall be -elected - in the several wards, bdroughs,
*and townships at the time of the eledion'of con
stable* by the qualified voters there, f, in such
number as shall be directed by . law, and shall be
commissioned : by the - Governor" for a t.prm of five
years but, no township; wattt
,or'borough shalt
elect more than two justices is the peace-or alder
, men without, the consent of a majority of the chict
hied - tleaurs within-suchrlownehiprwardAr ha•
rough. •
Section VIII.' All officers whose election or op
__.pointoteni is not . provided fur in thieconstitution,
shall--be'eleeted-_-Or:zippointed--ashalthe &reeled
by ldw. No person shall be appointed toany of
fice.,.withiti any county who . Shull not have been a
citizen and an inhabitaitt therein one year next
before his appoltyptent, Vila county shall have
beets so long erectedbuti:f it shall twt,have been -
so trig lc:en d, -- fh
county or unties out of which it shalt been have
taken. No ember tf•Congress from this Plate,
or any person`holding or• exercising any office or.
appointment of trust or profit under the United
Stales; shall at the same time holder exercise any
t o ice in this to which a salary' is, or fees or
perquisiles - arc,6y law, annexed ; , and the lee:Ill:7
-lure-may by law-declare tohat State offices are in
• compatible. No member of the Senate or of - the
house of representativesshall be appointed bythe_
Governor to any office during the term for which
he shall /woe been elected. '
Section IX. All , office7s for a term- of years
shall hold their o ffi ces for the terms revectively
specffied,•only on the condition' that they so long
'behave themselves well r and:shall be remit ec ton
conviction of misbe,havidur in office Or of any in
famous Crime. -
Section X. Any person...whir shall, • er the:
adoption of the amendments .pro
posed by • this
Convention to 4hi Constittet%rn, fight- a dueler
send a challenge for that purpose, or be aides or
abettor itsfightinga duel, shall* deprived of the
right. of haling anvil fi e r e of 4noursir profit in
this State;and shall be ptsniiltid otherwise - an such
'manner as is, or may be prescribed' by law but
the executive may. remit the said offence and alt
its ifisqualificatious,
• Section I. The legislature shall, as soon as Con...
vettientty may be, provide by law, for.the establish. •
ment.'of aehoolsthroughout the .State, in such
thatthis poormaytaughtgatis.
Section II.: The arts and 'sciences shall be pro.
Inotettin one or more fends:m . .les of-learning.
ection'll! -- The--rights , privileges . immunities
and estates of religious societies and cmporate bo.•
dies, shall remain as if the constitution of this State
had not : been altered or amended. , • .
• Section IV. The kgislatureihall not:invest any
corporate body or individual Wills the privilege
of taking private prOertyforßublic use, Without
-requiring ruiels-corporation w. Individual - to make.
compensation , to the, atonet‘s of said property, or
give adequate security therefor; Is such pro.
,pert i:hall be taken. ,
- .. • '• . ARTICLE VIII., . •
• Members of the General Assemb and all
eel*, executive andjudieltil,shall' bp- . and by oath
. .
Filbertsfor 0111116 y
Mar t 4.,.
, . ,
That the general, great and essential principles.ot
liberty and free government' may be recognised and
unalterably established, WE DECLAIM, THAT
Section I. All men 'are born, equally free and in
-dependent, and have certain inherent and indefeasible
rightiiarnong which are those of enjoying and de
tending life and . liberty, of acquiring, possessing
'and protecting property and reputation, and of, pur
-String.their own , happiness.
e Section 11. All . power is inherent in the people,
Ad all, free goxerntirents are founded on their au
thority, and instituted for their mai' safety and
appiness ;.For the advancement_of these ends; they
have, at all times, an unalienable and- indefeasible
right to alter, reform or abolish their government, in •
such manner as they.inay think proper.
Section . Jll., All men have a natural and indefea.;
--sibleaight.4o,ltorship_Airraghty God, according_ o_
. the dictates of their Own - consciencel; no man `Can, -
",Of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support
;:'.pay place of worship, or to maintain any ministry
! ,!tigainsthis consent no human authority can, in any
case whatever, coi.trol Jur interfere with the rights.
'of 'conscience; 'end. no preference shall ever be
given, by laW; to any religious - establishments or
; modes of: worship. -
, Section IV. No person,who acknowledges thebe
.., Jog of a God and a future state of rewards and pu-.
nishments, - shall-on- account of his religious.senti
i 'rat* be disqualified to hold any: office or .place'of
- trust or profit under this Commonwealth: -
I Section V. Elections shall be free and equal. '
1 Section. VI. Trial by jury shall be as heretotore,
and the right-thereof remain inviolate. • •
Section yir. The•printing,presses shall be free to
every person who undertakes to examine the pro
ceedings of the legislature, , or any branch of go •
.. - vernnient: And-no:law shall -ever be made 'to re
. strain the right -thereof, The free communication
1 ef thoughts - and opinions - is-orie-of-the-invaluable—
rights of man; end every citizen may,freely speak,
I write and print on any subject, being.- responsible
- - for the abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions rot
the publication of papers investigating the official
• conduct of officers, or 'men in a public capatity, or i
Where the matter published is proper for, public in
formation, the truth thereof , may be, given in evi
dence:- And in all indietmehts. for libels the jury
shall have a right to determine the law and the facts,
,--under the di court, aiimother. cases:
Seetiop VIII; The People shalVbe secure-in-their
sonable searches and seizures: And 'lto Warrant to
search -any. place,.or to seize,any person - or , things,
• shall issue,without deseiihing them as' neallY
may be; nor withmkprobable Cause suppOrted by
oath or affirmation. -
Section IX. Jn all. critninal,prosecutions,the at- .
'cused bath a right to ,be heardlif himself and his
counsel; to demand the.nature and cause of the tie- .
-- cusation - against him-to meet the -witnesses face-b...._.
face.-to have compulsory process for obtaininrwit
' nesses in his favour, and, in.pi4ecutions by indict
ment or information, a . speedy. public• trial; by an
Impartial jury of the Vicinage; he cannot,be-com---
-pelled to give evident himself, nor can he
- bdeprived .of his e, liberty, or-property, unless_
by ihe , judgnient of his,peers or the- law of , the
• land... ,
Section X. -Nil person shall,' for any indictable
offence, he proteeded against criminally, Irlinforina-'
lion, except in cases oristug in the Ural al-naval
forces, or -in the militia when in actual service .in
- .tithe of war or public danger, or, by leave of the)
I. ,cool t, for oppression and inisdemeanour in alto. No\ .
person - shall, for the same offence, be twice put in
. jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall any man's pro
perty be taken Or applied -to public use, without the'.
consent of his representatives; and without - just
Compensation being made. .
Section XI.. All mints shall be . Open, and every
. - ratan for an injury donei him in his lands; goods, per; •
-son-ot -reputation,_shaft_have remedy. by - the due
course of law,. and right - and justice administered;
without sale, denial or - delay. Suits "may be brought
against the Commonwealth in such manner, in such .
courts, and in such- . cases as the legislature may by
law direct.
Section XII. NO power of suspending laws shall
be exercised, unless by -the legislature, or
thority. . • - ,
Section XIII. Excessive bail shall not be_re
qiiired, nor excessive fines - impoia, nor citilepu- -
Section XIV. All prisoners shall be bailable by
sufficient sureties; unless for capital offences, when
- tiff probris' evident Or presumption , grean_amithe - T,
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. shall not be
suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or in
vasion, the public Safety may require it.
Section XV. No commission of Oyer and Terminer ,
or jail delivery shall be issued. ,
Section XVI. - The*, person - of a-debtor,- where
.. there is not strong , -presumption of fraud, shall not
be continued in prison, after delivering up his estate •
(or the benefit of his creditors, in such- manner - as
shall be prescribed by law.
SeCtion XVII. No ex post facto law, nor any law
impairing contracts shall Le made.
. Section XVIII. No person shall be attainted of
- treason or felony by the legislature.
Section XIX. No attainder shall work corruption
of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender,.
-frafeiture-of-estote-to-tlie-eorrimonwealth ~•
tales of 'such persons as shall destroy ..their own
Q lives eath , ;
shall f
and i destendany operson r vest as in case of natural ..
di shall be killed Thy
casualty,Jhere shall be no . forfeiture by reason ••
thereof.. •
Section XX. Thetitizens have irright,in:a peace--
able mintier, to assemble together, fur their common
good, and to apply to those invested with the powers ,
of government fur-redress of grievances; or other
.proper purposes, .by petition, address or remon
strance. -
t Section XXI. The right of citizens to bear arms,
in defence -of theMselves and the State, shall not be
• Corti ,, Tl 'XXII. No standine army io t 4 ne .
ofpeace, be kept up without the consent of the Le 7. - 7 .1
gislatifre ; arl-rheeases,,arid ,
at all times,'be in strict subordination to thee - MI --
power. - •
XXIII. No soldier shall, infirlie of peace,
nheAuerteredirrany_liouseuiithout the consent of the
owner, Mir in lime of ;.viiiiiTtiut:iiraTin-allner-to be
prescribed by law.„ _ .
Section XXIV. The legislature shall not grant
any title of nobility
.oi hereditary distinction, not . 1
create any office the aPp e ititment toWhich shall be
for a longer term than during.good beliaViour. -
--- SeCtion - XXV: -- Emigratiow - from -- the -Siate=ehall
not be prohibited. •,
Section XXVI. To guard against transgreisions
of high powers which we 'We' delegated,' WE
DECLARE, that every thing in this article ex- - .
cepted out of the general powers of government; and_
shall for ever-remain . inviolate.
Any amendment or amendments to this constttu
tion in thi-Senate_or House of Re
presentatives,•and if=the same shall, be agreed - tr by
arnajortty7of the members elected toiach House, such_ , ,
proposed amends/tint or amendments shall be entered
-on their journals, with ,the - yeas and nays taken
thereon, and the Secretary ((the Commonwealth shall
cause the same to be,Published three niiinths before the
next election, in at least newspaper in ererV
county,in which d newspaper shall be published; ane
in the legisfaturenirt afterwards chosen such pros
pelted amendment or amendments 'shall be agreed to
by a majority of the members elected to each house,
the Secretary of the. Commonwealth shall -cause the
same again to be published , in manner aforesaid, and
such proposed amendment or amendments shall be
submitted to the people in such manner and at such
lime, at least three months, after being so agreed to
by the two houses as the legislature shalt prescribe; •
and if the people shall approve and ratify, "eh_
amendment or amendments by a majority if the qua: -
!pled voters of this State voting thereon, such amend
ment. Or amendments shall become apart of the con
stitution; but no amendment or amendments shall
butubnittted to the people oftener than once in five
veva ; Provided; that if more than one amendment
'be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner
and-form, that the people may vote for or against ,
each amendment separately and listinctly. ,
Jr affirmation, to support the coilititution rof this.
ZomihonWealth, and to perform the duties of their
respective office's •with fidelity. -
—'that no inconvenience_may arise from the altera
tions and amendments in' the Constitution of thii
Commonwealth, and in order to carry the same into
complete operation, it is hereby declared and ordain
ed, That; • .`
Section I. -An laws Of this Commonwealth , in forte
at the time when the said alterations and amend
ments in the saici•Co..,—„...7.:r shall take effect, and
not inconsistent ihermeitil;and-all-rights, setions,-
prosecutions; claims and contracts as , well *of. indi- .
..viduals as of bodies corporate, shall cotitinue as -il
the.said alterations land amendments bad not been
, .
Prelims 11. Thialterations and amendments in the
BLAN KETSeinollosi,Duffield and Macki
qaw for sateby
, ..
• , - -- . . •
• • ~
- .A4lilress•ei It hC Deutotiltllid '
• .
• .
• ... -
~_. ,
...,.....:. :. :, State, Conianiklee.
.... ..- • ,
: .. - To the friends of'Yoderihßit next . •
~ . . .
said Constitution shalt take sued tirom ttie tusida; ' 1
_ FELLostr-GrrizNs":— . The General Eke-.
of January_ eighteen-hundred and thii : ty-nine. , _
Section 111. The etat ei e si - seetiongie„,l_„, , tmeier_... Lion has resulted_ in. a manner contrary_to
51 . 311, .all our reasonable - calculations and justex- -
. thesaid Constitution, which retrain unaltered,
.contiiiiiii to be construed-and .have_effect as if-the
said Constitution,lfad . hot been amended,. -, . peetatiOns.lLT_he_opponeut_of our_canditllte •
fi:ructteltotiyfilate-leeaosit s, G o o o s o 'c r o n f o a r, m a a p j p o e ri a t r y s .
. t. , o r
h b i be
Section IV. The : General -Assembly ..which shall ,
- convene•tri December, eighteen hundred . and thirty- , e ik Ar.
4 .° an . event' to • which, '' ..
1 '
if .it tad been fairly
eight, shall continue its session;as heretofore, not-
We, as • good citizens, _wOuld
wiikstanding the provision in - the eleVentirseetion '''
of tlie - lir - startiele; end' shall-atalllinies belegarded __ rprobco,
•as the first General Assembly under the amended quietly, ir not cheerfully . submit. - .Ruftliere
is sash a. strong probabilit y o f
- ecinsfitittion... - .. - .., .. : . .., . 'Malpractio
Seetiony. The Governor:who shall 'be elected in '
October, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, shall be: and fraud in the Whole transaction, that it
inaugurated on the third Tuesday in January,
Is 'ou duty peacefully to resist it, and fully
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, to which time - . . .
it. - • .
-the-presentent executiveterin .is_ herebyextendeil., i' °.cx °se P ... ,
. , .
section-r-The-rommissionsalf-the-judgeai-et-thiL -,
'Plie-'eleetie.n - has-seen-characterized— by - ' -
SU - prime Court, who may be in !Ace on the first day ;
leattires• altoffether. unparalleled in the Ifn- .
of January next, shall expire in the following man- -: - .. " . , : . I
---- ,
nee: The c:ommission which bears the earliest date tory of State 'polities. , .. .4.:.few of those
. shall expire on the first d a y o f January, Anne Do- 'of a more general nature, may be here -in
-71Tithirens--thousandvight-hundred:and-forty-twovthe '1,,,,.,„„,,;;1 _ ... .- - .._ --- --;-- - - -, 7 ,-, , , . . ..____
; commission'nextdated shall expire - on the first day ',l'. - ' ,. •
• of 'January,' Anne Domini one theunatid'ifight hint- . • I , 4 hen - the returns trim all the - Counties
! dred and forty-five t the commission next dated shall-- be received, it will:probably - be found
that (rue whole Vote. given for Joseph Ritner
!- expire on thle first tlay of January, Anne Domini
one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight;. the
,‘ • . .
l e, t t i; 1
i i• e l
,i i . :
_e t
o i . v .
t v i i l l - i t i r l - a l t B u
r 3 a 5 1 , , - 1;:y ,l - p tt i -i - a n r u m
._certimission next dated . shall expire nit the fi rst day : Ott the 9th inst., is p.ret ` rttcr° than that which
of January . Moto Potniin one - thousand - eight - huti - ri e a g t - al lea in s!
° dred and tifty,one.; and the comenissipn lastdated ! • . .
shall•expire on the fi rst day of January, Anno Do
.minfone thous.ind right hundred arid fifty -fitur. • - crease,of voles in the whole state in . three
`.ears.. • .It, will also be found that his ' friends
sect:lin - VIT. The commissions ef the - President
- judges' a the'-several 'judicial districts. and of th...i .. ;_ .. .
~,, every : ,_
associate law judges of the first jutliciaplistriet - shall in "C•"'Y , - polled fully as --'
expire-as follows: The commissioni.of one.11:111_91 - 1 man)' votes as .they, before the...ejection, ex-' ,
peeled In do - , . upon . - the • strenctlrof which
those v.yho shall nave held their offices ten years oi
Intent the adoption ofthe.amendinents to the consti- ~., ,
~ .
tution, shall expire on the twenty-seventh day of Fe. ~f., t ,ituni a rf,,isonablp estimate gave_l* - t •
.bruary, one thoosand eight hundred Pllll thiity-nine ; -a word ty or 1.0,000. Then- grave ques- •
Lions will arise---,Whence eame•th'e majori; --
the comntissions of the other ballot' those who shall
have held, their offices ten years or more at the ailOp- • . . , •..
' tio ri _efahe 'amendments - lo: the ,constittitioni shall . Ues returned for ills opponent?. and boiv Can.
expire, on the twenty_seventh thy of February, one -- lie - lie - . defeated: - Who - ,llaS - so - well-sustained—
: hiniself with the people; and B 1) largely in
. thousand 'eight hundred and forty-two:. the first hale.
to embrace those-whose coinml44ions shall bear the • - . ~ ,
„oldest 11.1te. The commissions of all the remaining ereasettJAlS Volt,
.. ; • . •,,
.. , .
. _
judges who shall. not Ince held their offices fur ten . It Will I.m discovered that in the diltricts
years at the adoption of theamendments to the con- - in which - tile - friends ,of Joseph Rimer had
stitutionshan expire on the..tWenty- seve nth day of - '
February next after the end of ten years from the ', the control of - the elections,. a moderate in- -
date of their commissions: • • --- crease of votes for . him, arising from suffi- •
SeCtion. VIII. The fiecorderi of the several May-. :. , , . for:
etcn La nd.,u well known , causes, took place”
- ture - court, ankothe:r criminal iiiirts-iii _this CUM-. •
Inc,nWC2ll.ll,.Stllll he. appointed. for the Same time., -- tilille in -the -sale e - disCricti-lno7opporients—
uud. it, the sine treintolie rivsillutit-'Pirgc- 3 11 - fair'play - atul - polle: 1- their - ftr 11- tittrnber
Of the . several judicial di,triets; of - anise. mini 'in s _
-of legal rotes. -On the 'otlit - ir hand, it is
--office;-the- ctournission.eldest in ilate.shall expire mi
i .• t l; : ; i ; i
th e t wen ty.seeerith (I,y of Vehrit•try, oniiligusa'nd h nowir to - u11,, - .tant;inlite• - %istr,cts - _ - ,.n - w.lic.t ---
_eight hundred ',int f qty.:one, and the others e.rery the'lnspectors and Judges we re _ the friends
iwo Years thrreAter ;weal ding to their respectivc -
rust. _ T
~ .01. ,M r. Porter, not only: were
. the friends of
'dates. - - .'llio:e Oille0: ill d ,te.expi!it, .
Section -IX. The lewd time atits first
. seSsiort 1111• JoAtipli -- Rinier in
_nurity -caseO wholly...ex
• eluded froth t'Otin ' a, ' but - his opponentS fide..
• -,i,,,. the 4 ,„,,,„1,,,i n. ,„ . . ; ,;.„ii.,,,, shill di ride - Ore oth . er
, s ,, , , clate
_l'll 'es of tlie - Strte into - fur eIa3".CS. -I" : ..... . ...--:, . __ . _ .
coM mt:sh.lie..ll4 stings of the lost class, ittit expire 'Willed %V 'UMW Siludttki - r or ergitt, - 011WSwel , • --
on the. I went:r-s - er enilt 11.•. y, of Febru-,ry, eighteen lint, . the majority or Mr Porter even beyond
_moult:ea and Co ry ;. , d th,••••• of the• second claSs'cia the Wild. O - xpeciatiim and extravagant cal- •
• the twetio..4eet , th day of Fehotaty„ . eighteen bun- .• t.:
, th ,,, i „ nu , forty _„ i;e ;,,,ri1,,;,„ of ,1„.. t hi r d o h s . ; o „ , collitio,, - .S . a In,: o v p...ceiwo.. :: Is it, right
the tiverify-sercUltit day:of Febritaret-eighteen-loln - - fliiit-this__State; - of things_ (the_..e",:istenee_.of - :.
(litllllnd follj•-two ; 314 of those.of the fourth class. ; ...,.-- , . • ' .. ~, , • . . ,
v, mcn cavil - voter wilt - determine - by -the
on the tiventy-sevent h day of - Febrealy, eighteen ~.. . , ,• •
j oi nd,ed a nd fotty-diree. Titi..said•classes front the "..lite . ts k no w n _to, himself) should .be slipmitt- .
to it, a free country t • - ; . •
nisi to'ille fawn shalt be ariallged according, to the ed
s , n io t ity uf [hr commissions of the seoerailiag - C.s7 - : ti .•.• t_ • ~ • ~ ,
. r inn i ty, it isKnow.n-tnat ifi.Sel. el al COllll.
Section X. piedlionotaries,:cl,4);a, of the .several, , ,
snorts--(except of- . the .Supreme .Court) eiTorders .of Albs in wh ich our -opponents had 'the .con
,elroed undet ' - treil, ibe '.votes ,of •w - hole . gislrielp - Say'orable •
deeds:lntl registersof wills, shall be (list
- - .
_the amend,Cil Cow:6[ll6ou, at- the election of re . pise-
to' our Calltliit
. tte here, without shadow of
••sentatives in the year eighteen. bmnlred
_and thilty- - • and t -
nine, in such manner as ma-y-he-piesctibed by law,. , law or. ustiee, wholly-rejected,. also •
partial returns made. Can there be
Section XI. The appointing power shall remain as • p m '
- beretofort,; and ill ottlerra.he the appointfrient of the ",,,, s ., _ .i .. ,,0 , . .
t - miner republican' 'institutions it-
' executive department shall continue in, ilie,,exercise ...'"• ''' ~
a , the duties - of. their:respectiee-offices-tuitil the
- legislature - sit : all pass-such laws_aa_mayle_licOtilled ea? L__Lql/ t . ,SYI• owe it lo ott:‘ , TlVf . .sl.s - tree
by tlfe eighth section of the sixth article of vie. • . - , ,
--;--.. .
men . and, good c . inz:ms . to. exa in ine into-this
• ••amended. constitutionOnd until, appointments shall ~
be made under suchlaws ; unless their commissi•ins - matter, and if frand be auteeted,.th expose
shall be superseded by-new 'appointments, or sha ll . - and resist it.
___ NV° owe it to - our-eountry
sooner expire by their own' limitations, or the said
1 ,, , - . , • •
thit to pos terit y: . •
macs sh.oi become vacant by:ileath or resignation,. - -.•.
and such laws shall he enacted by the first legisla- Ott belt:art litererl:fe,. or the State 'Corri
tine under the amended constitution.. . -mime - of correspondence tiott vigilance, the
_se Lion XII. The first election for aldermen and
justices of the peace - ilia
----- 11 - If - Clidlditi the yeareightt propriety_is o,,..u_g_gested„.ef taking measures z .
_ _
een hundred .antl , forty, at the time fixed for the.. al MCC fur itivestiglitioo . the manner jai -....-
election of constables. The Legislature at, its first . w !licit the election was 'cort t Inc ted, and'the
.session_ under the amended constitution,,alinll pro- • . . x
Viile-fifthe-said-elecjion and for subiequenCsfirfilar
~- Ivp Su f i ` :rotitie . ed.... .1% . 'oto.ts the tint to make .
elections.. The aldermen and justices of the peace rite eNtiminatirai, while - the ' facts -- are fresh . -
now in comniission,.or who may in the interim be • i ,
:too Anti outrage recent. Let it- he done.
appointed, shall . continue to discharge the duties of •
their respective offices, until fifteen days after the then peacefully, determinedly and thorough.:
.d.ay.vtillich s h all he fixed by . law 7: , the .issuing of ly. let it be - ctimmeneed with an Ito-- •
new commissiiins, at the expirat of which time,' .______l, • • . , ....„
.• n;,---t resolution to„sninnit to. the - result. wise
heir commissions shall citpire.
In testimony- that the foregoing ' i the amended ther it be favorUble or unfavorable to •our
• constitution of Pennsylvania, ki agreed •ti:e k in wishes. ' This is the duty of all who eon. ,
convention; We the o ffi cers and members of t he
tend for equal rights and the supremacy of
convention - have hereunto signed our names at
Philadelphia, •the twenty-second day of • Febru- ~' the ini,vs. I
ary, Amnia Domini-one ithounnif 'eigh,f. hundred.
and thirty-ight, andf •te t h e of
.. --": 4311 ,- i l_s re ,. 11 , ° , w 7 ci _ tiz , e .. i _r f, . 1111 ,„ , „ tit ith,/,i s . insest:4.a"
the United States of America the
sixty -ice
• lion b e In dy Mane althrtliKt. determined , --. __
- JOHN SERGEANT, President let us treat the election:of the; 9th inst. ,as .
. - if - we - ltad - not.Theetrdefeated - , -- and - in - that - at ---- . -
titude abide the-result. •
. In the mean time 'your state committee
'will take all proper measures on the oc,ea,
isiim,_ani . ,,,when . the whole facts are known
anti-the returns reeeived,:Will probably ad
dress yOu nviri at length.,
• THOS. 11. .B
Chin: ',Vale Committee. • •
I.l.trrishur , r, OM., lii 2838.
- • . . ,
Daniel Ag,netv, ' Ezra S:llayhtirat,
Win:Ayres, • - Wm. Ilaya/
M. W. Baldwin, : Abin. Heldensteln,
Ephraim Banksi . M. Henderson,
Johir Y. Barclay, Wm. Henderson,
Jacob sarridolar, ' , Wm. Hiester,
Chas., A. Barnitz, .7" , William High, -- -
Andrew 'Bedford,7 Jos. liOpkilignl,
Thos. S. Bell, Z. . jolt? Vomit, • ,
Jaines Cornell Biddle, Jabez Hyde,
Lebbetts,L,. Bigelow, Charles Jared Ingersoll,'
SaMI,C. llonham,, , Phs. Jenks,
'`Chas. Brown, - George M. •Heim, ..
jeremiahlirown, • • James Keitriedy,
William Brown, Aaron Kerr, '
. Pierce Butler, ' Jos..Konigmacher
- Samuel -Carey, ___, Jacob ICrebs,
•• John' Cummin, - 11. G. Loug, ---, '•
Thomas S. Cunningham, David Lyons, _
W 31111161 Ctoll, .• . __Alex. Magee, . •
-Wmr-Darlingtuit, • Joel K. Minn,. • , - •
George Chambers,- W. Al. Illeheilitht
John Chandler,. ,' James Merlin;
Jos. R. Chandler, ', ,'' .Leei Merkel, ' ' • '
Ch: Chauncey, - Wm. 1.. Miller:
-.Nathaniel Clapp, .. James Aluntgemery,
_ James Clarke,i - • ^ Chi i,dian Meyers,
John - CliCilie - ; . D.-Nevin - •
William Clark; ~' AV ni. kernel.' .
A. J. Cline, . Hiram Payne,
-Liritlley'Coates, -- Matthias Peurtypacka!
B._ E. Cochran, James Porter, - -
Thos. P.Cope, ,o James Madison rortez„.-
Josslitia F. Cox, Sami. - A. Piervia ,
Walter Craig,, E. C. Iteigart,
Richd. M. Clain, ' . A. 11-Read,
Geo..T.-Crawford, . Geo: W. filter,
• Cornelius Crum, • - Jno. Ritter,' •
, • Benjn. Martin,' . _ , 11. Gold Rogers, . -
John L.-M,Calieb,. SaMuel Royer, ____'
E: T. M'Dowell, .• - . James M. Russell,
James sPSherry, • Daniel Saeger, .
Mark Darrah,- John Morin Scott,
.. .
Harmar Denny, l'obiad Sellers, .
. John. Dickey, . • G.°Seltzer, .
Joshua. Dickerson, . Goo. Perrin, •
Jacob Dillinser, • IL nry Scheetit, •
Jice. Donag .ni , ,George Wiley) ~
J. R. Dcinnell, Thou-15k Sill
Joseph M. Doran, , • Geo. Sort's, .
lames Dunlop,, Wm. Smyth, • '
• Thornas'Eartoi . , Joseph Snively, .
D. M. Farrelly, • Jon. B. Sterigere, .
a Itobt;Fleming, ..- - Jacob Stickel,- •
,' Walter ForVratd, . . Ebenezer M.. Sturdevant
John Foulkrod, .. =l'lintrias Taggart, , . •
Joseph Fry, Jr. •: ' Morgan J.Ntiomas, .
,_ • ,
John Fuller,
... ,_ .. 'James Todd,
John A; Gamble, ' - • Thomini_Weaver, _
William Gearhart, .1 .sib U. Weidman,
' David Gilmore, ; R. G. White,' .• '
• 1 Virgil Grenell, - Geo. W. Woodward, ..:-
, William L. Harris,-
t t . It. YOUllg.
• Thontas-Hustings,.• ,•, • . . :
(Attest,.S. Si purr, Secretary. •
__ ~ 4
G. • L. FAUS, '
I Ass istant Secrets:le/. .
....., . .
• --.. SF,CR4TARY'S OFTI,tI, - •
> .._
.. • 4 certify, that the foregoing.t_s_an-exnet.ani literal ~I
_•:'__..iopy-of',4-the 1b onstitution-orthe CommontWafth of
• l'ennsylviinin as :Uncoiled by the Convention '
- thousand , eight Itumhed and thirtv.iesett -thirtp•
poth ..o
----eight,r_deed_lo._this f_fire•nerilje. 16th, day it'
• Februsiry, -1538; the amendments li - eing in italicir
--. aitd. -the - rey,Olied - portiOns ti the present Constitu‘
. i lion in roman letter. ;
t• . - -- - 1
Tilt). •II: BUBROWES, . -..
. See'y'of the Commonwealth.
• ' ''•''''''' e ' - ‘ 4 Y-tir"
~ •
. .
FINE FUR CAFC - ....47nrancl peal Skin
Cellars, Liu% and Rhsstati ; , irteTippete (for tidies)
.for sale very le," at • MIN 01.33 CO's: '
• .
• 1. 4
T.I -
To ALL OQ 0.7.51TM-7..% -
. 4 . LI. persons indebted to 'the Jute firm of Og ilby to
tj .111iner, are hereby notified, that their accounts
hx e been placiTtl -lirtlie-hantis-of-Robert -Snodgrass, _
Eve. for eAlectinii: upon whorn,they arc reqtwsted. to
.call unilxlitchargtithent without delay niarsave coats.,
Octobotls, 1838,-5%!1
• --- . . .
I '. • •
- •
lit the County of curizberland, Pentea. -
Thrpugh the liberality of the Legislature of the
State, the Trustees of tans Institution have been ctia •
bled to establish it upon a substantial and liberal !bun
—The-seminary--. Is arranged _ untleiLthree _distinct__
The. first, embracing. instruction - in ancient and
modeffi languages, and the fine arts:
Two other departments, embracing a liberal course
of English education. .
.1. REED, President of the Tigard of Trustees,' is
ex officio principal of the seminary: — • .
The two departments , last referral to, ar2 mow or
ganiied and.-in-Omplete operation:—one under the'
management of. Miss Pumas Platta--the other, of
Miss SAnAn C./amen:L. -
The other department will be put into operational
soon as s . uitabla Teachers can be procured. •
At present, arrangements are made; and the plan is
in operation, for teaching Reading, Writing, krithme.
tie, Geography, Grammar, Rhetoric, History ; Chro
nology, Chemistry, Natural, Mental and Aloral Phi
losophy, -Astronomy, .-Drawing, Painting, _and the
French, Italian and ,Spanish Languages.
• Applications:aro solicited for instructors, particu
larly in ti*Freneh Lama and Muni& . •. •
• For the reception AI pupils -into the different de
. partments, arrangements may be . made with the heads
of the'departments respectively; without the interpo
sition of the Principal or Beard - of Trustees. - •
Suitable arrangements are made for. Boarding - and
Lodging young ladies from abroad with the Teachers,
in the two organized. ;
By.orao of the hoard.
OctObei.lo, 1839
•-- • - •
• • - A ti isIGA EC - Ail;COCiliT:•:" . ..,• -
- - OTICE. r ia liereby_ gi.Yen,_ that the account of
• . rliorn.;is Craigheatl, EFq. co ,
fcc.!A•lll,iSil,ilas' beep iiredented to the Court
'leas of Cumberlay,ul county', for eonfir.
IlOwanoe; and Raid' court have appointed
if November Court {being the 12th day~ .
li',) foi,ita eonaiderution, anitßule - on - alt
t iihew pause, w'hy it shall not be confirm
,ed., ' ' - ' ' , GEORGE PLEMING, .
' . . .- • , - . • Fitothßnotary.
iry's Office , Carliale, . -
5,1113 S, ...,- ' i ' •
, • •