El /THFIESHINC - VACHOWES . • ' . '• • . . Vatot.L., Brent encouraieentent which the subscribers • iviCeiveti tiring; the_last.year in the sale of their chines; induced tic-nn to ilOke , extdlnsive:preparations ' tri:.•et: the inCrtained de:tilt:Cl 01' their article.. N:o • tim•J; labor or expense hashden spared to procure the very best in Aerials the •i19',12111T• can. afthrd. -, Their - workzurn -are Vxperielicell:inct pl-the tirstsuracter; and they have nn- hesitatii9 in assuring the Farmers that theyiare•llo'.V able t') th,tsn lON an article tiot.only equal .but: decidedly s;aperior to any other nat ntitetnrcil. lit this liai tof country: _ spretly.and,°clenn with elm to 'the horses, they balieve Machine to be unequalled. Their - price is the :rune as last year, viz: LlO dollars, 7Q::4ollnraltteasli the-bitlitece in six months, for which u'note will be re(piirini. The in ichineg ore in . stmecHtyTtwelve mouths, or moil they slntll have — threshed • :.Cvollmnsatitt nt Lave now stivoeal Mech . :3lms and rends fir Fate, and will' at nll thnea reasis to furnish them on the shorted :itotice. -Orders fromm dit,tanec lionctually - attended to: For the .trifling• sum of I , OUII. DOL . LAIL% addition to the price of •the Machine and Po,Win';-rtlitayfurnialt the timmer'en addition that will enable him to shell his Chwerseed. . • • • • • • . The: 9obscrib - ,A, desii•ooß.of imbliery•coon- • tei;:ketilig• the efforts ,sic secretly made to iuji tre • the character toriln:dr Machine, by persona. who ap-. -per to , he tient:it:al -by unfriendly -I,•blint.,A towards Akn, eti'pectfullr.siiltrail. the: following i3ERTIFI; . CATI:iS to the • • nercify that 1, last 'p.m, iisttl oat-of the Thresh =--intMaeldnes.inwanfitetured ,by J. M. Brady C. Co._ tutu diwing the season, tkerb mis. threshed on it abold Entr . thousand bushels of grain, ..and•abont s lop lunared ,anti.tiiettty• fire busliels of clover 0:'6.1.; and I tutu fully 'satisfied that,- for the - Partner's - . • it is superior to Any-other Machine I have •ever• seen in [lda part of the. country. "I further certify that Mr. than litirst, one of -my neis,hbors,had six 11,150illon ' ilfj . firejOVOr SO!'.4 gt.qtri.letliled - a eloyer Mill 7 and The yield was Misfit:is; anil_that the same -. —q multi ty-I- of—stuff . -was - mathincond - the-yield was .3'24 Mr: Ilurst is-of the ion that the Atdr hi; battled to the mill, was the bei tcrlot,ufthe two.- - : ,• •' , - VIZ DEVICEE Titk 4 PLR 111 t 15, 1838 =EI Teertill flint, laqt, pfirelfasod from nE. Brady St'Co: Onl, -lindr.---ihrealinfr , tiO t used coif tlfrif.liii4g•raiii frit. diflifret I , artraTs;• till , saniti time in' 31;ieli last,. During that ticricd I • threshed about: fifteen thofisand buidiels cif wheat, rye and" tie - 15.14f ri — of — tmth --- tire -- Iklaphiiie and !lon c l'oft - cr; flicl r out excef•fl lice- dnl- ~ lays, and When I said tlicni, (which %van ; _he4astkly.as !good ns .it. _NV:IS :AMC time I 1y , 11 . 01t them. 'Tile wheels: in the '. liotse power' . were iv.yfeetly .sound and substantial,. and upon a close exaniination,l could nat• distorer that the cogs hail n orn in : the Slightest degree. I _ liad, for several pqrs rcEici!is, been 4 ! 1 . 1 g. ,, rd in - trireshiiig with tlfree utfrerent of machines; sivilich I-fully tried, and I tuthe.sitatbigly certify that . for durability, SZVVICC and ipeialy and clean' thresh itril have tic ver used - or - seen any - that, in lon, will at all coin paco thu - onif 1 had last year, unless it..beone of the-saniekiml.- 7 -lf :Mention ifLgiveit to thelnavhinory, it a iiKars to nuf altnoq fur any patq:9l . l.lietn out , May 17,1838 , ..1 - yearTturrettAulltlytTaf - tluflittniin'fr machines E. Brady &.* Co: .(one of tirhivli I 1 litre,) 101(1 fully tested tit On. • 'Vor speedy and clean they are, eurEtinly, n siiikri-a• - article; ai,d one - tli ttis *of gi•eat -- setutei't Ili(' Vat - fa:l%l ' T CIiTSITII . V it the_best article of the. kind Hinve ever st.i. , ii in this • itart of-the etiint! . .j. ,11 - take•great. .16a '_.lficAding it theTarrhei, Arrifl; 1838 I certify that Mr. Andrew Davison :mil I purchased, last November, ose of ,I. E.-I.lrady fs: Co's titre: hog machines, s wllich we • fully tested, having threshed wheat, rye, • oats find clover seed' on it. lam satisfied that it is preferable to any.Offier I have seen operation,-and- it- is an--article that-Jiv ill repay. the Farmer amply, [belts price. It threshes clean, is opt liable to . get out of order, and is, upon the whole, an article lhat I can, with great confidence,' -recommend to the-Farmer: • . • ----AIIRTATITAXIS:DAVISON-. June 18 1838 Mr, Benjamin Hamiltiniand I; last year, purchased one pf E. Brady & Co's threshing•machmen-, with which thdre -was tVeshed not less than 4000 bushels of grain. It is airoteellont article, superior ; in my opinion, to any. of the kind-I have ever 'seen. One Of its chief excellenceis, that it is not liable to ;to, out of order. I have no hesitation in recommending it to the Farmer. . June 120 S.lB . Other certificates could hare been • procured, lint deemed_unticee_ssiiry.—Eorsous_mim_ivi Sit _to_ - inquire into the power akl quality of the nriellines, nre referred to those wile' • t year used them, and particularly to the-rollowi tuned - gentlemen, viz! Messrs. John Foust, Pedal. xers, Adam V onder ow, Eunanucl Sites,-: nd KO' ' of Cuilford 'township r- Messrs. John I liiter,linillolin Yo,elrey, of - (piney townsiiim-Messrs.-A,b4mm:Stonermulisase rantz, of Washington. township ;* Messer*. Jamb ' Hade,James Mitchel, James AllimomEniaauel Ilade; 'John Tlinehlev, Henry and' James -Beatty, Christian Tiecel and ,CluiStiiin Ilonver,or A ntri in 'township; - Ja'coli Oyster, Esq.:lnd Mr. Henry ngert ,or (;renn township; Mr.. Frederick I)etdr,' of Letterkennv township •' ,-MesSrs. John Ilhoiles' and-Cone:id 161 ,1-' smith; of I familton township; Messrs. 'William An _ ,gle and of Montgomery township; Capt. J. McFarland and Joseph Duncan, of Peters -,L-Seaeristr of 'Warren township Messrs. Jaeolwand-John Kcgc ries of Herat township and David Hunter, Esq.,. - and Whig& gb o r oi, county. . . _J. E. BRADY .Co. Chombersburg, Septemberd 7;1'838: . One of the above-machines is tone-seen at the barn of Mr. Fraiwis Noble, in Carlist.... ARY Pevs°"• -_ wishing to - purcbase,mie; - ekklidye - it set upt_and if it_ -----WO - sltOtOits - Wetiltii-purpos v . (76 tfeTl orewill:t,4e it away free of expense. to .the putthaser. . There Lave . been upwards of 100 of - them made and sold by Brady Sr. Co., within 15 nionthapast. A line (lima.- ' ed to the subscriber will meet with prompt attention. JOHN4W.NIG 7 -4,e-o ntr— . Chamberbutt. Sept. 18. TUST rdoeived from the city of Baltimore, a gene-, •ral assortment of Frdalt tivOcerics, viz: • Strong Bib:Cofaie;-St Domingo tlo::P.ltlen Sugar, .',Ltittiflo , Lumirtfo Brazil (10 Black 'Tea Gumiow iltilniperiattlo:-CurronitN7Y-ilo-P Tr \lolnSses ilo. Sugar,TlMiso dol . .lloney;.sliires of Ittoifer.. ilia I'oBit - in Afatelies, Blacking Brushes, StO; gter. all of whiCh have been •selretesl ' ' .ll ' . i*frAtniliiill , 4e -- ,iold;nt•thelowest prices, by , • .; • CII kitik.S . • II AIMITZ, ..!:Ca;x44oAiiTcceireil apa On. tobacco, which will r: , !i'' . ."7o:be,',.soltl at manutlicturcra' jaticii.by the keg. • • .. • Fur, ,Cape, by Dozen or Retail. - CHAS. DAHNITZ • IHIRANDEVEIIII 7 S . X.RRiply of . the shore MIN htk e pt on • Moitt'•"••Ag'they' nre t'eek.gre.:l - dreth'e Pffice Orlihilnletphin;Mlry GENUINE, the Axests canaoitttrvA4xort4enlent to the° 000ttitry oothw!thstantking ° .• • • • - At his priNAtztio September 11,11338. ".' ~ ..„ . . . • ~ RUSSIA' itttllTlLLS,.!Ezu4' , FOcived. , ~.. '',.:, carrier (lif TIIE ifirgupiily . ,' niiitablel' , 3o.Tartillott lufifrii, ',i.ist) .','''... , AI MAINE , ' . • , pohciol Books find stationnry in'eve&-yariety: '., - I. EMU RAiticE.colipAN4zcz. .A. v gt.:2B. , ~ .;--, -..-,,F,J;..1tyvi11.. . . • oltrn4,l-stn ept.-1838. -s , . On 3,IOND.RY, thu 15th poker,: • - ~ . . Will Ine offOreil for stile, . at. ,Public .Auction; at the ^' -Heading Room, in this place; at , l2 o'clock, --. • 176 Shares of -Stocic of Fanners' ,bank , .. • of Virginia, . . . • • , . : • 181 Shares of .Stock of the Carlisle Bankgf Pennkylvania,'and ' . 74--Agres -of—Stock-V-0w- - Dismal Salayn . Canal- Ccintpank. .. ." 'I. . ~, .. ... 4 'JAMBS YOUNG, Preiet; Norfolk V,, 2 3eptember 24 1838,15 w ' -- . , . : •-' -.•'"' '' ' Fib IT' , lot atv ..,,--- . - '" ..eatioeft*llie:4in mei '- For Tient, Ole home •n01y t ....., ~,re • ,,. ..•,poviirion 'ran j)er, in' eq 1'1,4;4 Sts'Peti%;ll Tbr'uier bi.l.liiid some iiine iri t i le- 0 °, 1 !t."9, " • 'f.-, , :.. , 1,,:;;,... .'' • For terms Etyoy.td ‘,. • . . .. .. I _,, %Inn. (W !. M4S. 1- '' JA4 ' "`. • 86W:ember it, ip3o: - ' ~, - - • . - • I ,i . ~ , ..,.,,...' •: S3OIREV4TARD: li d 04 fl' SCX.PED finim tin: 'custody or am _Co . ustry_ , _... _A - die ,Ittir o . :E3apt.initcr ! .1,911:11 . . n cica t i : ; ___..,____ . ‘ ~, istillei• by trade; about 5 reet 9or i i o t 2.l . e n t o , high n _ i , ..' AVE YOU TE ETH.: . , t iderciit t ed clilni , Eat) on n blacklt,wla . 1 1t ne. y . s l it d. e.; _,. / _ .. . . . . Teethare, nroticvlY treated at a, seaimnu. riboui,.bcls:4'....stinc:v.e„l.,,,„Tll,Z7v,„zed'i„'LLllo.:l.' if .ea t ' 1 • 9 , 1 4 , !.; n ,, •riii 'O'fillt;' deCai may' bar entirely The,tibevoiewat'd w "' r'sg ' unt4. 4 ; sor-deitv4i , otr. ble C ii i!'l7 7 • P :lr e .H. ICR.A.P.P a Dental Sur*roh, ..iall; or O n r. l4lllll.tik f t i ° 4ng , I; ' .°- • •-• ' t ' k r r e 't -ell f. ' r m u le s k.Fity6tte ste..Briltjmote. to - th 9 eupscriber. - BowARD wit uA ps , 1 N. W, Career . 9 . _ .. . , q , 5 . • OPihvbiltl, Sept. ati,1839.--34 . .. „.. , , _ ~ • MUCH - need - not be said in relation to this wonder ful remedy, as the ..propriettir • feels confident 'that when alldied,it,eol, as•can be. proven by the nernbe of reApeciable persons, efftwt an, cellib cure of the Rheu itatic anit — other - Irlifurnst- flea - IR - ay' been his iutention to make it public.;- liut 16 , the. re. AttentapplicatirnionfltisimighOrsiand the wonderful , eons it has effected; be: feels, it ti duty he owes to society at well as to liithself. to make it more-gene rally known, and at the same time-have tt put_ as lie eau. within the'retiCh of all who ,inti'ybcutficted with that painful disease.' • I Itindreds of names could be, published of persoPs ,who have been', cured by this 'celebrated medicine, .but the following are. st:lt - Tetid from life: niasS,Ps be ing amply: sufficient to fittest its powers. ,lohn Sieve, I'. Lindemuth, Ceorge • Fisher, Joint Al5llllllOl C: Stoner, ' lobo-Conver„---44ainne4-Vonel Aaron limier, • 1' ffiletintib jr. Simnel Young- Ilebert.Dysart, - • If:: Itithrtffis.on, - JacoTiVlrorlich I ferwy Alsbaugh J. Difileileinp,ti, Jacoli Christian Organ, 3..ilicsfand, • . Moitur,Toy, c Angst t 25,1836. _ • DANIEL; W;IiOYER JOHN 111:M.P1111EY3 • RUBEN HAINES, ,RESPEgTFULLY tenders his professional ser • vices to the citizens of Middlesex and its vicinity. L___Theis.a.gradnaie,of Jefferson, College, and has Leen , practising medicine for uptrards of ten years. •Mi'dcitesex, Sept. r 9,4, 1838.•'--3w. • • • ' •Okttlii,f , P4o :aped Itlyppeleon. . • —• • • Interesting _Cure! • • iyir, 'Salmon; Green,- sitrec; above: Third, street, Philadelplaii,millicted for several years with the following; diAtressiiiii symptoms Sickness at the stomach, „head-ache, dizziness,' ValpitatiOha..of the heart; impaired appetite; sometimes rid putres cent eructations, coldness tunl'• Weakness of the ex. , tremities; emaciation. and general debility, disturbed rest, a sense of pressure weight 'lit the stomach after ontii . ig, nightniare,. great mental deSpondeney; severe flying pains in the chest, hack, and, sides,cos tiveriess2a dislike for socieo , , or conversation, paltry sighing. and weepingfiangor and lassitude upon theicast_exexcis • • Mr: Salmon bad applied to the most eminent phy sicians, Who considered it beyond the power of Medi .cine to-eestore him to health .;_however,,ns histilllie:- . tions had reduced him to a Nery,deplOrable condition; and.havin,i been-recommendeithY a rehitive cf-hisjo make trial of Dr. William Phans' Medicine, he with difficulty re :aired to the office and procured a pack; tge, to wile d, he says, lw is indebted fo e : his restora , timi to fill., henith and fiiends; - -He is ow enjoying :ill the blessino cf par Let ' Perions desirous Of further informat:on, will be siitisfied.with every particular of his astonishing Cure at Dr. Evans'. Me- Leal office, No.l9,3iortli Bth street, Philadelphia. The.abore,molicine is for sale at the office of the, HerahhkExpositoe, Carlisle. . LOU' for 14e - gliien- EUlatriS3ll ;cad - other -Palmas. All orders, from.a ilistalice_oildreskol to Alm soli,. seribor, Mount Joy, I.auu•nstcr couitty, will he prompt, Ii• and faithfully uttenticd to. S.:^OIUEL .11011111Jny ;Feb. 7, 1837. - '• - Tile above medicine is also for by' • • - .I 011 N - 11A.T.FIELD. — Carlisle, rebraitry. V 2, 1838. •• - - CAI RAGES, GIGSANT) HMI.. .. . - • • 'rho mibre,iber f ;Ti:iisteinforthe Creditors of \VI\L B. 'MIBIAGAN, hereby _give .notiee that l.key hue, emphiyed hands to-finish. (.6mpletoy.oll. the work in _the ship of Witlimn B. Milliglpf onsistingof Potty Wheel Carriages of fliftl,,,,a de-seriptions, Gigs anti Ilarness of the best quality aml 7 trade in thobeatest l_natougr.._: Also . ~ • ' . Wagons and Thraslainr 11fachirics, ' of, the most approvedplan. The - y,,wi1,1 sell_tlic sumo at the-verY dio:q)est-rwtiiS - ri-enable them to - eloso.l.lm rpneern. . The public arefrecin_ested to call.antic- - amine the work at the shop in •NewvilTh77 — • ' , . SCOTT COYLE; . . . ALEX'R. M KERR, • JACOB._MYERS, - -•- . SONY'S. . . .- Septetapr '24, 1899 —4w . - • Esfate of John Heck; deed. The 'Orphan's' Court of Cumberland count•, has ppoi Med the _subscriber an`Auditor icernarshal 'tlie a ssets - of ;JOHN - H EC:KJ Accensedcin the hands of the Adminietrator to and among the eredithrs of said estate according to law ; which, will be done at my office in ithe.. borough cf Shimensburg, on Saturday the COM day of•Octoher, of which creditors and:all othda interested will take notie. - JACOB SNYDER, lA.u . d4or Septarriber-24; 1834.-4 w, • - - FOR SALE, -...A Strawberry . Bonn HORSE;ten years old, trained' to Saddle or Harness. BARNITZ. EMII3ME Notice-to-Tvachers The Board of School Directors Newville School District would hereby make known thUt two Male and one.remale Teacher, well qualified, of regular habits andgood moral character are wanted to take charge of the schools in said Borough.- Propoaala "directed Inties - KetUsedrcEsq:;Presi dent; or . Wm. T. Barr, Secret:am-, (post phid) will receivelmme iliac attention. The receiving of proposals will. be closed on the 241 Monday - of October, at which time the schools are expected to commence. • , - fly-order of - the Board, JAMES KENNEDY .President. • • WILLIAM T. BARR, Secretary... BA ; 1 -.; ]lt al, ail 2 . 7) hilt' iili.els —do.just-received : and_fpr4eilemaahave._ .• OWEN McCIABE. " aft NE TBOUSAND Bushels grounrAlum -- Sal , AU Sacks Lil'erjuicii - SOB, Ashton 'sacks, just reatice,il a nd for 'safe low foe' cash; by • , ' •v OWEN McdABE. •linrvisburgigi — p - il ESL, 1838 • • LAST. NOTICE.. T. 1117,, subscribers, anxious to settle up the business of the,late of, °gay CI Miner, he'reby give . Tiff rthosrludebtetkla - make - payment - on - or before tlae 200 September next, after which date their 'accounts will be plaCCd in other hands for collection. cfIARLEs OGILTLY, - . • , GEORGE W. HrfNER. 1 ' August 20, 18.38.-3 w. • _ JUST RECEIVIED. r ß ui leg i lrd- flute 3 2 o . _';l',l l RI S st . r S ai n tie )e 4lVp r e , • • Sept. 21 ' FRE§ . II. SALMON Bale . receivbd and for Sept..2b. , ' CHAS. li.A.BNITZ. - FISH! . 11S11:: . shad xo. 1 nuir, • 'ini3keres " •3, .' , nerving. ".. 4 akist . roceiv(l and - for ahlo bit • . CHAS, 'BAHNI.72, A, Se:IILS%, *...=*i..-i: : . :,..*:**-i . -.1* :i 1t...* - - . *:::*.:*:::.:*:.**4'.*.'.•,; . 4-- ; - 44: . :.* , ,i4:::,.c.,4:44i* : : - .; triMERB' . FA , attend .toi#olo , inierfspn ziOtTNEGA-PLOIMILA .401101itab . . <.• . , . , A OOPPORTUNIT Y is iiow ofrered'of supplying . 11: yourselves with WOODCOq.K'p ItlitibatVe.ntrift • 00 — . PLOUGH -Being-thelbest-artiele-ever-cyfeivilto-the-Farinere-in ' . this: section-of the State. . TheSe• Ploughs will not choke tior oath dirt, and the draft, is ahout - one ! -tith4.le;,s, thaitilliPleughsltere- Wore in use; two horses doing the work'of three, be-: - Sidesii great . satiag - iii. time , difil'fifSifey 'in keeping them in repair. 7he point and share can be put on in five minutes, and besides cost finly cents each, and When dull can be turned and repeated until worn out; end even-then gill be. taken in part pay for new OHM . . The following named persons are among those who hare purchased and used the above Ploughs durinr the .last season,to whom Farmers arc referred for inform ation respeeting,them;!ii: . . . . , Hamilton toovizahipPltilip Winters, ~Tohn ,Artn strong, SaMuel Strickler; John Little, Henry: Betz, WillinnTSlfile - T•lPTfiliff Miller ; . ATr..A.shway,lolin Icfmrs,-Etiton Elliott, Esq, _ - . Letterkenny.—Michael Grove, - Ditniel Krenier, -411m--Shiehln i -Isinte-Besorelolin -Milleri-Abralinm• Hoover, John Roden, Benjamin nodes; Stimi Rodes. vindee, Mr.,Bitner, John :Usher , George Trace; Jo seph Winkert, George Fetterboof, Mr. tangy, Geo. - Dulli_Williant__Byern,John-11.--CooleSarol-Geese mnn, Henry George, Peter Baker, ' Green:—Jacob Pyster, Samuel Purviance, Jaeoh riartY,TOhn-Reielinril;Jr., Joseph Neieely - .. - Alome,: der .Thiiinion, Henry 'Wingert; Martin Wingert', Charlen:Hetich, Mr. Stith, Mr. Clark, Mr. Solaber-ger, Sartinet-Lemy.- ' Sottetantpinn.Samuel konismi; - chil Gri. • • St. ThomaB.—Jacbb Shirk, Mr. Gallager. 4 ,- John Critter.' y . . - We have also secured the-right ,o 1 Adams, Cum berland,• and Dauphin -counties, and the- following gentlemen in Adams have used the Ploughs - diming the past Season,Ao - whimi - Parmers in that county - are'xe-c ferret]: _ —. - Airar7T-nicr - lieve‘ritn—Samnel--DurbrenEsq4 -- Joscpl Coslmn,-Alextunler M'llwaine, Jacob Keller, , Eng.. Jaen]; Sternly. - , . • .. - .. 1 ~..Al'ar alitiortt:oteti.-Freileriel; Dal. • •,„•-• ,Thtnteretoirn.—.Tneofi Grass. • ' ,4;.'''••• V'The above Ploughi can al-ways he had at llie Poraidey of—W. SEIBERT St CO: Chambersharg, of JOHN P:LVNE,Marimare Merehavt,Carlisle, and of THOMAS HARRIS, .Mechanksburg. Where Flirmers — iito - wisli to test the - Plough,rol pfcasecall and geet tIMm on trial, and if they will not rendeirdldl . and entire satiSfaction,Mo c harge will. Ire mode; if they liKeak itisst ourrcpense, sV6'will also pay any Former for any dathages or loss of time, he mav sustaMin trying the Flout; he dries not like it at -ter trial. There have been sold in 'Franklin and the. adjoining county,nlrwards of,O.Nbi : THOUSANI3pIi those Plough's, w ithiiu 18 month - S.: • • fOIIN DEATIG - Sgent • ._,-Artgtist!27,.lB3l3.—fan. -• . EstatC, FOR-S-ALIK,iLLiti The_subsCriber will sell at private *sale, on or he - - fore the oth of : petulter next, several valuable dram of-patented lantk-sitttte in Silver Spring town ship,--Cumberland county; - about 9 milts from the Harrlsintrg bridge; and otie-fourth of s mile from the. state load, leading - from the nbbve name& bridge to Sterl;ett's Gapond about 9 miles from Carlisle. TRACT Nof contain: 1-03 Aches of - good ate soil,'underlaid in 'part by lime shin., a stillicient quantity of which can be readily pro eurethimseveral .places-on the Talent, for- economical and -agricultural purposes, from, , 15...t0 50 acres ore covered Sth THRIVING TIMBER, eipeaially with: Locust - ;-plotlis there is not another tract of land in region so well Supplied_with .h.oeust4. the residue_ is.under_fence;_and in an ordihary state of cultiva tion, havi ng thereon erected n Two 7 story airsv . • LOG 1101U5E,..! • Hie. • A stone Spring -Hotese over a neVer failing spring, within fi'c rods of the house; a large - .NTO BA NEI BARN,. sixty feet iii h'ont and forty deep. For conVenienee - water and beauty of locality this farm is .I,WiS.IO -1 surpassed by none in this part of the ccinn 7 - try. --There is also Oil CU:Client - , • • • - - -Orchard on it Persons' wishin g to purchase a che - afiTarm, one that may at ad ittle expense by made highly productive; -would-do - . Tema of Sate.—chi:co hundred dollars when the bargam is made, $9,500 by the Ist of April,lBs9, when possession will be given, and the balance in three annual payments. FIDRACT No .2, is eleven miles from - 7 - the - Susquebannalt von the above-nathed - road,. and contains 150 ACILES, well timbered, whereof 9Q,are cleared. having thereon erected ~4FA.- i 3 i 4 i p a . gII • • • :LOG ilougn and Log Spring Ilpuse, over a fine limestone. spring; ~ . I within -two rods of tlt.liouse ; a SMALie,, .'' er4'. , ,..,. , BARN, with an :. • - • ~ ,. 1 % -' . ' .r...e.1 . _ A v-X . • . 2.: Apple- OrchariC -- • . • _._ i This property possesses many' , .advaii ' :t pe as which-will be .fully.pointed.out on the premises._ There is an abundance of limestone on it. Itis offer ed-very-lcnr-lor-castr,--s3otrto he-paid-When-the-bnr-- gain isslosed, the balancp on the Ist of April,lB39; when possession will be , given. Either of did - above properties are within '2 miles of first-rate mills. --A LE34-:— . se . iTral 'valuable lots in the borough' of ../1_ Mechanicsburg, being one of the most eligible situations along the Cumberland Valley Railroad for • • • ' a warehouse, having thereon erected a 21..... , ir is , 'large two storr...l- ,: • ..._-_ T ' 4' ii j I Ai .. \ 11. i ffelir MOUSE, — -...,k4:....:3;i -A4IIIIAMENVEATHERBOARDED. HOUSE, suitable fora shin; and office, now occupied by Lewis Zearing,'Esit.; a BARN, with a never &d -ing well at the door ; tunl a small ORCHARD of choice fruit. The lots ire bounded on the south by Main street, and extend back, along the Hagerstown road to tbe_Ritilroad,:_Mitlinliittle.ei ense_the_Barit,_clos by. the Railroad; could be awn converted into a ware bonSeiT - All tbe.above propel willlie-sOlitloW-fer cash,Whereof $5OO are to be paid when the bargain is nuvle, and the residne by the Ist of April, 1839, when - possegsiotiWill be given. i Persons' wishing to p . urchakte,Will please 'call on the subscriber -in Mechanicsburg, ' who will give -every necessary satisfaction. ~ ;115.4,t• • . , . ~ • \l- v. ,D. RUPP. , Mechanicsburg, Sept:, 24,1838; 4 01f. ... TEE T11; 1. '. - •- - • OLIO ETALLICi ,-on.. MINEEAL INCOT • . ... '' '' • ' RI/PTO:OX TEETH. ' : - - • Is has for -many years "been - a desideratkr among. European and -American Dentists,to mnnufac turn Teeth from incorruptible materialswhich shout( • imitate the natural living Teeth. •.. Many have devoted years to . unsuccessful .ep . b,ri- - m,ents, and others have succeeded in numufacturitig teeth of materials similar to the porcelain ware, Wit gMierallv.they have an opaque.lirhite appearance, bY„ which they are easily distinguished from the hunian teeth. e* . • . Ader long and tedious . experiments, the subscriber haii succeeded in manufacturing teeth of materials en tirely incorruptible, and perfectly in imitation of hu man teetli. • They have a seini-transpareney, tend arc made of various sizesnd shades: In oases where absoiption of the aveolar process,. or other 'causes may render it necessary; he will cast of lie mine Materials; attached to the teeth, artificial gnaw, 'ishisslk shall imitatezthe • glificaiid'supply the loss of substance •• . , . , It is entirely, impossiblfor.these teeth to change their. color, or cause foetid breath. . • • . • He will snsert them frOm one to entire seta, in such 1 3.1aano0 that they will 'make articulation of the voice perfect, imd materially assist .in Mastication; and so that they .cannot be distingiished from themostbeau tiful natural living teeth by the moat , server. He also ' xte also' perforate Jill the veritnie operptions in Dental , Surg&Y, according to, the bite scientific inn= . provernents In the art., - • - • ' . ' Z H. . .147 PP s : - S . tergeoii JJ D : li t re W. corner of Chlnico rOYette 'streets, 1:11.1111BElfi. , YealtilP). - Y • THE subscriber 'respectfully inforriis andlhopublio generally; that he hat; Tor sale, at his, Coal and 'l...umber - Yard, on the bank - of th - e'Susque;;* henna river, in the town,,OlWormleysburg, • 2000 Bushels: super ior Smith •• Pannel and Comthon Boards.' Poplar Plank and 2QA,Q, L ,; good lnality i seasoned Tight . 'l4(er- Staves and Heading.. All - of - Whicir - heTwill - disriose - of - atimr - ratekomd - onH the Most accommodating terms. Persons wishing to purchase would do well by calling with the sultcri. beronitlexatnine his stock-before - they - purchase - elsor , GEORGE RUPDEY • . April 0,1838 . .-3 m. 19. AZOV . 80 . OKO.' 'LUST received and for sale at Dr. Myers' Drug a and Book Store'—complete sets of.. • "Waverly Noyels"—•27 folumes:" . . 'The ,Bridgewater Treatises. " ' • Lockhart's Life of Burns. :• • , • Scott. • • • 5‘ • . Tim Divorccd r by'Madatne Bury. • '• • Walsingbam, 9r the CameSter. The.LinWoods, by Miss_Sedpvick.' Diary of:the-times of Ceorgelr. , . Court of Rothe. . • - - A - L - 8 -0- TIM Pickwick Papers,illustratcd by prints, from Cruickshank. • Tow - jrynes;illustrittorlircfiireUlaijk: - . Carrisle August :27" 1838. THECOUNTERFEITERS. Heimusl Lea miserable villain indeed ; who would place the fife of a,fellotb being ita danger, for the purpose.of making mo- TO HONEST CITIZENS rig Counterfeit Pill • [Airy - 6M' tig , , to be. - . - randrei !;"!-;:: g,,ltlaliOie IJaii7 ver IPiI s. - 13L.=-Tltat:ttroptr z:without - itott - isra' ott-no : Nottlx- 1 uvr. . . no , other ,nreilieine is rivti red ity.the pnhlit•,'nr ,Nrltyria • thi•so, (Irtr.gists eounterfeie other pills in tlni• same wa'y tiwy . 4ro Ilranclreth's?— Simply-because no others sate llranilvetli's-Y,egt;latile- 1 Universal Pills crta &reeled the es tranellinarr,tures: ' Is ore Itootrir. , -urri VERSA LIN KNowN-- . to .linve eßetrit. There never was 71 person Wile/used arn - ' - VEGtVABLE . PM:VERSA - 1 "PILLS, ,d lit not -reeOmmenfl Mon in-terms of . the•:most unceparlied.praise. Nevertheless, . these. elmniertiititig Iraggi Sts - lkave done 8.-ou'e doing - theshitracteil of the Genuine a great deal of Mimi vita it is ,hoped that inditilduals•wily not allow thentselvesAo be demiyed - by designing per sons,'-whose only object-is 10 make 4nontiy, - and who -are perfeytly carelestchf-consegitenees. Os a matter no importance to-them Whether the poor child is rein . :tied - ft:ern-a bed cif- Sirkness and ; restoßd to the" yearning arms ()fits parents, or whither him - on ivhOln a - large family-rely solely upon for support, is re vented from filliiigarrearly and untimely gave. flue time may come-when the greatness of their guilt shall become clear- to their benighted understandings;-and then -it is,hoped they will endeavor to make some it-. molds by the afterpurity of their lives: Every authorized agent has a copperplate Certifi cate of agency, and has it exhibited in his store. Ne -ver-purchase-mtless thisis seen - rand_ hayer_somo_re, ioird also to the charaoter the agent bears among his rellOw citizens. ,l le Must be a miserable villain who would place the life of a fellow creature in &tiger for the purpose of making money.. i. Dr. Brandreth's Offices in Philadelphia. . Principal, No.• 8. North Bth Street. Minor office, No. 43, Chestnut Street, near 2d st. Remember the above officerii tkre kept exclusively for the sale of the true•find genuine Brandreth's Pills. The following persons are' duly authorised Agents for the county of Cumberland, in the State of Penn ,sylvania, whose respective names are: • GEOROB - 11 7 . 7 1HTNER; S. CULBERTSO N, Shippensburg. JOHN MOO.RE, Newville. • N. B. No druggist, "apothecary or Pedlar . Is A- I lowed to sell the genuine Brandreill'Oills,uncier any :circumstances whatever. Also observe when you purchase of anradvertised Agents, that they-hav•6 n certificate_engency,signell and sealed by me, • B. RBA NDRETU, .7VP. 8, Xortli Bth Street, Philadelphia. August 8, 1838.-=-Iy. 741SITRDST&21M 7.1 x 'or IR, EAT , . . "r" -- ro•-•-• . ' - J.- ILLY - • " ' , hETURNS his Ninecre' thanks to the eitizeria of Carlisle „and . its' 3icinitr, for, the : liberal patronage ciduelt has been - lietowed 'liven him, and solicits a nontintianoeof the-saute.—llis.shopiknowlsitatatectla East 1, gigh, a• e e adjoining the Drug Storb of Samuel Elliott on the east, and john,,H. Weaver Co'S. - stoke:ow the west, whefe he will constantlykeep . on hitnd a large assort ment of Fashionable - . • _ l'lrr and . Silk. Hats; dE' • ' Beaver, — ,Otteri-15cal-Natriarllittsk rat,. ',lain Itaisia .and Bru.s.h. .• 's • 1 .U2 Aur .-AlLofhis own' manufaeturing,-whielrhe-will-dispose of at low primes. i 1k natters himself that, by strict attention to bosi: -nen and a- disposition to-pleasoito merit aittlyeoeive a share of public patronage. N. B. Military caps will be manufactured to order, On reasonable terms: . • '1 Carlisle, April% , 1898. tf. r ' 19. • DYE STUFFS.' .. • .._.Logwood--chipped and grciutid, • . Nicaragua Wood„ Cochineal, Brazil, • ; Lac Dye; Fustic, Oil of Vitro'', Madder, - • ~Nitrous Ac h l 4 211erititio.!'ao. .... Just_ received and- f-r=:sale i l-wholiaistami"retail, the Chemical Store of • - .8. ELLIOTT. . . . VASSINETTS....Lavander, Drab, Steel Brown, Blue, Blaelt-Parsona and Biddle JlTxed Cas simile, for sale unusually .18w, at the Store of ' .ARNOLD St -CO. . . Sept 18 .FINE FUR CAPOi"Filr and Seal Sliin Colla4, Lint and Russian Fur .'Tippets (for Ladies) for sal 'cry low at . ARNOLD & CO's, ' • 113LAMONTS0....Rose; Duffield awl Macki naw Dlai4cets forsule by: ' • Sept '18... ; A-RNOLD,4 pp.-; SOFT SHELL ALMONDS, Filberts for sale kik. CHAS.' 13A ftlka TZ • MO' / 4 . Sb LOCO , FOCO. IVATCHESeiftlthit.. received, ten grog of Farman a solebTtdd Loco roan' Al:ltches warranted genuine, for, by . dozen boateti . or in grolipac)tst&s, very,low,.; 'Dealers are reoucat-," ed to call; • • c • •1, Kxmyras. • August ite, • •• • . •• • • R.P.11411.74 87 , 'COURT N pursuance of n decree of the Orphans' Court; I I will expose to public . valq„ on the premises, late of Wm Hahne's; deceased; .0n Saturdaij. the 20th, v ay..ofPetbber• next, a tract of first rate, Lillie - Slone Landmituate, in . North Middleton - township, Cmperland county, bounded by lands of Jacob Zu, UlricliStricklertion nthan Holmes; and.the Poor I-louse Farm, containing 89 Acres And 28 perelieSobout 75 acres ot.which are cleared, the residue covered * whit timber. On this property there is a:fine spring of limestone'vrater.l— above property Will be 'offered for sale.entire or in-rart, so as to suit purchasers; Terms of sale made known on the dim of JOSPPTI-G>tIzVER; :. ...Idethiistrator.of William Holmes, deceased. September 11, 858.—ts. .011. - - F. BERMAN, .Hommopatige,Playsician, SURGEON - . St ACCOUCHEUR• Office in, Kglc Street r ii fete doOii east of .' theVdil; CarlislePa • • FTIENDERS lds 'professional serrirlillolhOcitliens' - lace and thepubliclgeneiallv, and ynore' especially to. thoSe who are sliffering frotn'tflßONlC ( -1/IBI?.A.SES; and- respectfully- inforini-them;tlial -- he -Kofehses to cure All kinds of- - ; • • ' • /let Tip d i km9 cianorvic • • ' • 1 / 4 : - - — DNEASES, - which are rice their nature curable, inm Awrfect, easy and, Mild 'al - Mill - 6c 'The tnialibirie is admainsteeed in ternally, is,pleashat to ,the taste and easily taketi.— r 1118,rhartres will be moderate:. ' _ patients,-when called twos at their `respective places of residence, in this place or its vi cinity. l'ersomi at a distance,laboring under ClMo nic Diseases, may obtain .mecical 'advice- Ma in-oi chic,for one month, by addressing.hiru"alkter (post paid) describing their disease,.and.encloiting a,cur rent-five-dollar bank note. • • ' ' - • medical consultations can be, Ittul daily until nine o'clock, P.ll. unless absent on profesSiptuil &diet. . .. - 110. following diseases ate treated and..cured on 114:poet - Tatliic Medicine; viz : . .. . , •CertnitiOiseases hicident.td the Genitel Otans_in iiM_Pritimity-orSeboridarfailitt-,i vitlinutadministering -itiAlliatreatment r witliant administering hi -this-treat-- : ment•any ot,',the usual . oll'ensYve and injurious medi cines, so notoriously destructive to the hilinnil system .. and constitution. ~ . , —7, • ..- - „ 1 GT151 . 14141011, Bronchitis, Pal pitation of the limit - Dyspepsia, Liver Compiniait;jlilious, Colic, Costive nessl--e Pittra‘- ,- -Leavel , -- - .C - Mtt - Tlthetruutz: tism, Epilepsy, Asthma, Sick Jleadaclie, Deafness, Gititli asfig, Ilernitt.oe ittiiitpren;itatinenon rrntn - Pai sY, Ulcers Oe old standing. Sofes; Necrosis, Caries of bones, Gadgets,Tetter,-Y . je• St. Vitas' Dance ; Diseases fk,the - .p.r.Pstepii.eoA, Fi'ptpla 'Lacey:- Se•rena r clutarse.V,Eitig'a•Evll; Rickets, White S well i n g , DroitsfiWetteryikilduriv, I loop; int; Cough, Croup,Tiwutrioniit:Wsteriii,FlOor albu s- :11elaiirliol V, I lie On ti n tiet , of Urine, Inflamed and Ex- Nipples, Di sea sell of Woinen . pfil-;3lildreM Fevers' 111 general, Ague-, Scarlet rOji,Cr. -• • For all' the,nbove and' Oily otjier:iliqemes triere ,can •he •patiSfactory ‘evittettct_t given, of their thorough cure. • • ; • • Carlisle, August 11, - ' • - • laosgb • paiitiership lii'retornre lioiween the siihScribersimider - theTirm - of -.1;0 S. COTLE is thisday . ..by sgteement, Bonk a're- t liolreiii Coyle, one of the late partners; who IS tltllllol7lZt`li to settit) ,- ttle panic, and hopes that all concerned will make immediate settle— Tent. • j . ANDI EW COYLF.I; . •• . • SCOTT Septerribe'r 18, 1838... The business as lieretothre will be carried no by-, the sithscriber, nt _the :old _stintl,.who- will in a fi -w ' tiara - have n new nod geicer4l assnetincu~iCFalL nail Winter Goods, and hopes' by strict attention to Nisi nest to receive rr liberal share or Inttrond!i•. J . SCOTT coyi.E.• Newville; - 9 - Cpteniber 18, 1838, NOTICE TO CONTRACTERS'. EALEDPROPOSAL§ will be rervived'at the RnilltoiulOfficeiuWayneshoro', Franklin Coun ty, until sunset on Ofondall the tat of October• nest, for the, . • " andFoi'mettion S miles of the Gettysburg liTxtedsiOn - gf the Pennsylvania Rail &ay,. commencing at Ripple,s Summit. . . .inso-lbr the Building of 8 - Stone Culverts, frOm 9 to 20 fed Span. , ---APPlana,and-Bpccifications-of-tc=work,Willlinos.,-- hibited at gala Office the wcck preceding the lotting, and all necciFiryieformation furnished, ' M. C. CLARCKSON, Sup't. Sertember 1, 18.39.--3w--4.1 TEACMERS = WAN TED. The School Directors of South Middleton town ship, are tlesirous'tn procure the services of several Teachers.. _Those idle arc desirous of taking schbols make immediate opplication to the Rdersigned. • .10IIN .STUART„ • • .WILLIA.M GRAHAM, • • „ • School _Directors. . South:Middleton Township, ? ••• . • , August 28, 1888.---3 w. • S • • -IFLITMEHNI HOTEL Court House, • _ . • • 0A E , The subscriber having leased the Wove . named establishment from Mr. Simon• Trunderlich,and.hav ing frovided himself with every thing necessary, is now enabled to accommottate travellers and others in is style that will not fail to please those who may favor him with a call. , THE BArt, AND CELLAR van receive. his special attention. • These will be kept cOnstantly provided with the best of LIQUORS • will at all times he abundantly . supplied with all the rdelieacies season and market can afford,. and no exertions will be wanting to please the palate of the ,most fastidious. • • . - • THE . S'rABLES - 7 • - • , lire commodious and seeure,and a Careful and atten tive hostler will bealways in attendance. POARDEII§ ; will be taken by the week, month or year, on the most reasonable terms. • A strict attention to business and an anxious desire to please, will, he trusts ; • ensuro him a reasonable share of public patronage. • JACOB •REHRAR Carlisle, April 23,183&---ti:' . . • - -N. B: - The cars run past'the above establishment; at-6end ,11. teelock,4„ - M,and et 2 and-7 Odonk,-P. • NEIVET . r.AR*OI;I3 & CO., nrejust receiving and ripening a large assortment of DRY GOODS, s uitable tor fall, mtles,tb which they invite the attentio n of those who wish to purchase goodeGboda Cheap, as they will be enabled to offer Goods decidodlxiewer , oi , cash; than bad ever been Offered in thisiitilee, consistiogip part of • • : , Super English and German 11ferinoes;' '• • , . • • French and Welsh •do • •.. Light colored .Gros_de Nap Silks, • '• Green; Claret, and Colored Silks,• Black and Blue Black Silks; • . Whitejled atid , Yellow' Flannels; ,• Furniturd rind Chintz • - ? 1 / 4 •". • • Merino and 'Woosted White 'and Colnied Cashinere Super Illack:Silk - •• • Super._Veliet Cords, Extra and Super CLOT/p,. : • . , •- ' • • Fine London.Cassltneresj.' •••.: • • ,'• -Plain and Striped Sattinettsi , • Cloth and Lion Skins,- ••• , •••'•Pidi. find iiiiirtsips,&c. &e,• • All of which Will be SOW thoriost accommodating , terms, and deodirdlynheqper than can be Nought else where. ..Purehasers are invited to call and judge 'for iheinselves. • . • , • . • TAILORING. • WILLIAM .11I'PHElig, lIANKFUL for past favors, hereby, infoims the T 014io that hnatil ; l•continues , to carry.-nu berm mentioned'husiness, in .est.lll JlI Street,. Cal le le, Ji few doors west of the Post . Office i and directly op-, posite the book store of J. Loudon, where he is pre pared to aecommodate, all who may favor him with their custom, in the most neat mannerinnd atreason able prices: ' By strict attention to business and an earnest desire to .pleas, he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. - • P_S.—Thadatest_city_fashions will be constantly ollowed up.• a simply ot . .„- 7 1 - 11,E7A13.1CIVI,A.DE - CLOTIIING. - constantly kept milumd f -atid-for- ialp_mr_reasonable terms, . June 18, 1838.—tf 29 • . . 1 . 'A Parra .ror 113 Y order of the Orphans' Cotrt of Cumberland 131 . county, I, will expose to Public Sale, on premises, do Friday.the 12th of:October next, at 12 ' : . . ' • .31 :FIRST R•ITE Fan tiol . • • _,. • In Silver Spring tos:nship,c umberland county, about one mile North.of the Harrisburg Turnpike,bounded by land of Armstrong Irvine, Francis Eckles, Mar- Harman, tind others, containing 130 ACy6.li, with a_ • • _Two•Story_llouse . 4 dp : s • LOG :RARN, • • _ Ell) Oiler Press;_Sprhtgllopse,aad_othcr_l improvements thereon erected; with an 'Orchard of choicer Fruit. AN:int one' hundred.' acres of the land _'are cleared,. in a good state of, tivntion, and under. excellent lenee. It is among -the itesglAtrinFiAn Cumberland county: • • • •Tdrms of sale. - $2.10 to -he ipaid,,on'the • confirms- tion df the-sale, the residue 'one-half the_purchase_ money to be paid On' the Ist Of April-next, when pus session. will be giveif, and the balance In-two•anndal .payinents Without' nterest. ,• • . • • FRANCIS PORTER. ntember-130838: Mi!= .f Tli tniii to Iterjtl Examinerwill mak - prite;lvtitt - tilarlN - 1 - 10 • . Wee. -• . .. • • • - • - ;TO aL ar,vwzmi It email! s—isk-Illiaw•Cossaltilio • inotoros A LS.mill.be received nt the 'Conlin' hsi on 'EL- 0.8'0111(4., in Carlisle, - on MONDAY' 1711 C (lay ofSiipteniber next, for Making certain alterations and repairs in the Court Rouse, nueenlily.to.o .draft to be furnished by Ihe commi:;sioners. The plan will , . he exhibited in 1h mean time, and any information qj „ . del.WALl4sil - W . al ai 9 40 givefi du; clerk of 'llic - CommiSsioners. • JACOB ZUG! • • Ireturrishis'sineere thaidiStiithe citizens of Carlisle JAMES W [TITS' and aflioining country,forlhe mottliberal patronage. ROlrr C. s'r '.xhich has been beactwed upon him, and wishes to in-: C0 ,, / ,, a B i"ner B ., forin the Public-generally that he has replimi shed his - • • - stock of (loods,-and flatters himself that be will :be able to give entire ettislection to all' who gill' call at i his'Store,:both in quality and Price - of:goods ;. aslie is resolved-to sell lowior cash.. : • fitwiTv, - c.*.onnitisiciiiers' Ofi ? • --en sle,:ktig„-‘23, 1838. . - _ N o T _Lc FA Call at o'6 old ival kitOOM Stand of Harlan, iii • • • 5. milny (Idle citizeM of Carlisle, and its Hamner Strict, and examine lox - stoe!C, ;Of l Goods; as he has a generid and complete assortment f Hardware,' • . ' • •• '•• • -.-- tux; in the habit of thlt-Poot • loose, the•grounds enunecteit 'therewith. Mill us snow fet . s ll . l : l :-: mong.thein hare- knocked_ the tipples MY the ti•ees,.. • Also . ROCK mid FINE POWDER, pulled tlie•lloWer; -- Uitil ltiftni'beitthe 113 1 1PMSlittlitir •- • - • Cc''iptioit: the Directors take. th ismioile of auntie- of the best Tialitf;_•Xvliiilfir ill 12e,SOld :it n;holeiale.' big till persons, that tidy must . not injureally• of the 9 1 ' retail. •• ^ - :' • r u n l ierty_lielnie , -ig to the justitulim, nor ;ninny or lle has alri'n the. New Cuntherlan;L• Nails—but call inh•rfern with triclinium% of the Porirll-emse. ',nose nyid , CNlllilipC, each one for himself. • who conduct themselves prooeelyiii xvel- , I Carlisle, May 11,1838.-3 M. come to visit the establishmeat nn nil days eXceot Sinidays, Sur which days no one will be adMitted. --For 11011E1C1' AItUNI".. •" - DAYID FINIMINGER, K-Directqrs. AB' 11. _). M. FISDBURN, S!tward. August '2O, 1838,-tf. • 39 I - kiftlt. - TWO FARMS, adjoining each. other; one eon- Milting One Hundred and F,ighty Aeres;.nnd tlye other-One ; [MAT(' and Sixty Acres; 'pf first quality Limestone ;And, i Ira good .state.ofeultivatron...These farms arc sittiat6l on the Letart Spring, in South Middleton township CumberlaWd enmity, althnt miles south of Carlisle, and within ,sight of two first .rate merchant mills on the said spring. The im movements are—a • • :,* • STON.EITOUSE,, c u l • STONE BARN Il with other necessary buildings, ; • , A further description is mmeressary, as purelesters wilLview",_the premises mut:judge, for themselves. • Possession will be given on the first of April nest. • An indisputable title will be given. For terms ap ply to the sub - Scriber in Carlisle, Pa. • • • ANDREW HOLMES 4 • August 28,1838.—tr. VALUABLE REAL 'ESTATE For . Sale. T HE subscriber will sell atyrivlite'sale, a Tabu,- ble tract of land, situate in Newton township, Cumberland county, about a half mile westof Stoughs town, on the titimpihn leading to. - Chambersburg, oininglands of John Stough and Sumnellkrowneller; containing Sixty-Eight A.cres of first-rate LIMESTONE 'LAND, about fifteen acrea..of Whiell arc covered with thrivino YOUNG TIMBER; the remainder; is undue good Came and in good--state:orcuttivationi - 'having -tliereon:rrected -n • 4=re:. . TWO STORY , „ts. LOG .noirrs - E.: ' . • There is also ou thO premises a thriving YOUNG APPLE' GROH ARO. • Any person wishing to .view the premises will call with the Atbscriber, residing in Franitford , township, about one mile north' of Alter'smill,antra short dis- Were fironi liettriek's store, SAMUEL' MA.P.QIJAIII'. August 21, 1898. -01a.P.117.11M5--C6 -12171 r-SO L -E- TN pursuance of a-decree of therOrpluins' Court, I ji will- ewilie to pUblicTide, - on the prCrili - ses,on ' Theeday the 23d (if - October Next, a- 'lanyard -Property,- situate in Mifflin -township, Cumberland . 'county, about 5 mires frorniNewville, bounded by lands of Jacob North, John Neagley, Christian \l7llistler.inid otbers, and containing .Onc Acre and 110 perches, having thereon erected a . "Story Loir Rouse• 1 6 ; . TAN HOUSE .13,ark-Sheds and Tan , Trats,... Ste., Also, it • Traet of Land in the same township, bounded by lands of John Neagley, Chrjstian Whist ler and others, containing 15' acres: About 13 acres -of-this tract-are _cleared; the-7residue .sovered with thtiving timber. The above 'properties are now in the, possession of Wm. Adams, and form part of the real estate of William Hohnes;deeeased. . Canditi . one made known on the tlaY•of sale, .'• • - *JOSEPH CULVEI2; •• • ' ..9thniniatratorof Wm. *lmes,' deceased. . • - September •11, ;838. , , • . VRANMILIIIII4tAIL. ROAD, • - 10 4 : • " 1:1 "‘If - • ."'..ZO - . . PROPOSALS wilt be received at,the office of the :Fi t i n ktinc - linil • Road. Company, - until" the:isdi for laying down the , superstructure of eleyvn miles of the road, between Cbarribersburg and:Green Castle. A 'description of the:work td be dond, nay behad by , ap'ppticutianao'' -' -EDWARD- VATTS,- 7 - . Cliamyg, Sept. '4, ißsB. . writicei% FOR .SALEi • • ---By the subscalber'at Bosseriaan'ai Mill; i 'frank ford township...l • • 400 GALLONS LINSEED OIL, and 300 OIL MEAL; • 'Which will be sold cheap for • cash, .or:glien.in' ex-. ,eliange for 'Flaxseed. for whielvartiele the 'detest prices. will nt all times be allowed. , . J. C ERTSON.. • -6, • Jakr'p. e „ ; - T.H.JO - GIRARD. , '-,- LIFEIINSURANCE 422nuity and Trust Company-of Phil ell - .0,ff1ce,159, Chestnut etreet. ° - . . • CAPITAL, OF qpil oo 000; charter4 , :eri)efuai . . INSURE LIVES, grant .. anitidtiei and Endow ments and make contrdicts genially that involve lie contingency of life. Accept Trintsasauthoilied by the charter, from individuals, corporate bOdies; or Courts,of.Justice, and execute, them agreeably to the • - desire - on:ire parties, 'andreceiVe DepotriteB of money in trust;-and --, • • • . LIFE INSURANCE.—The terms: are as low as .. those of any"afficd in ' Rates for Inauring $100: 'or+rear — Por - 7 - Yeari — Whige • . annually. 20 $0 91. $0.95 , •sl :1700. .-1 2-.04 39 -- LI 31- l - -'36 2 • 35 1 36 •." • 1 53 2 15.. 40 '1 69 .1 83 ..- .3 20 ..• 45. 191 96 •.3 93 • • 50 196 '2 'O9 • 460 55 . . 232 • • - 3 21 618 • Further information can be obtained byapplication_ • at the office. . .D. W. RICHARDS, _ . JOlCsr=l7.-JAMES,.dctuary. CFARGE W. Ast ' r Treasurer. • June 1.1, 1938.-6 m . : • _: • rnEsn HiMMW4CIIIIMO - 4 - • - ilrtving - reeetitlyieneiFfi;oin Philadelphia and New York with a 'VERY EXTENSIVE -AMA ioNt 'to nty former Stook; I beg 'leave to offerAG the eiti,Feils_cif Carlisle Ru.(Lthe__Publie-geperally, ' _ GEiVEIML dISSORVIE NT, -Comprising L every.nriiele. in 'the Ding line ‘ whiclr uf-WitoLEstur. or. Itr.rvit. at the - lowest possible rates.- Physicians--country Store keeper&--- Fullcrs and ()titers, are respectfully Invited to give me a call at the_Old Stand on East High Street. • S. ELLIOTT.• Carlisle May qs, ith. R ID VW . .11.1, VA \ . ..1 Q I tr l4 \ll,ll-- .-. • . \ \ h p t.-. ~„ \ t ‘,,T,,,,__-. -... 91 1 , Aft): ...-,...:0";,--1.-1•4'd1,,,, ''Ve*\.\,T-2.ifer 1:Til ' ~.'2ff.4'____.", - . : ,\ ., ~k \.,,,,....„..,, . _.....,''.i4iiXt. ' ...:-.,. '-!.,212/ ,:.2.llll_z_•.__• : , '\ ~.,\ ' 4 '.! .m. 4..-: . ...;. ,. 4 . ...3 . ,.7e . t ii•F , ~...L . ,-. _.„..-,...,-...7.7-- • . • "ALL THE NEW PUBLiCA— . VlONs,,n—The subscriber has just - received from the piiblislanctlie following large assortaifetif - - of New WOrks: ••"' • -4 - Polish Orphan—Two Flirts. • ..t.llomeward Bound,' .by Cooper. . • - Coinier's lialy—Calderon the-Courtier. -_ Earnest Maltravers—Alice, or the, Mysteries. SteveiN Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Sec. Cromwell—a Novel. .. - • I.;:ttly of Ly•ons—a play by IltilWer. - • , • Kate•Leslie 7 -Charenal Sketches, 1 • The Diver and Desert; by MiSs Pardoc. The Dabbers; by James. Leila; by Ilulwer.• • . Adventures ot a Iltudieloit 4 , / State Prisoner—a Novel. • Oliver• Twist; by "Boa.", , SayhWand Doings of Sam• Slick. • Lockhart's I.il of Scott, complete . . • Lamertine's il'i•avels through Palestine. Ontwartl Round.. • . . • Poetry of Trav•elling by Mrs. Gilman. ____-_Bartotiorilie.Seigi.t.;_by.theCatt.thor,ofißfitte. ' Sketelies - ef a Young Lady and Gentleman; by T].re Glanville Family' —tl vol. : • ; ' . Pirate's own Book. • Miss Austen's Novels, complete in 1 volume. • -- •••••American-Democrat by Cooper,- JOHN J. MYEIrg. . Carlisle, August ^8 ,1838 wifull..e.p.oiti,47 ) , TIM - Subsea - Mrs hav'e . just received in addition to their former stock,:a handsome assortment of SPRING Al_D SIMMER p • which makes 1.1)&1. , assortment now very good, furni Wilt lie sold very low - . Titer most respaltilillY - solicit the public ti - i - giviTaietn. - • P. S.—Country prOdnce mill be taken in exchange fortnOtis: - J. & D. K. -ITUNDERIJOH-0- • shippensburg, June 4;1838.—ff. PRODUCE 4 COMMISSION . W4q l- 11.2VaTo • • tiladelphia." THE undersigned respectfully infornis the - citizens of Franklin awl Cnmherhuul countieg; that he has opened a 'WAREHOUSE in Broad Sfreet, next door above Broad street /late', for tlio sale of till kinds of Country_Produce, and respectfully solicits consign • •ments. - From his general acquaintance, knowledge of be- sinesspand the exercise of his best 'eflbrts to promote the interest of 'his customers flatters himself dint he:_will_he:ableLto render. neral.satisfaction. -.4 • SCOB BERLIN Philadelphia, May, 1838. REFERENCES. Philip Berlin, Cliambersburg. David Mallon, -En' : Geo. W. Biaes,Bsq. -- J. Swoyer„Esq.,Newville.' Gen: 'Yana illexander, - W. M. Henderson, .gsq..s 'Jacob .Ruj Harrisb c . urg p;,Esq. . Geo.11? - . Layng, Esir S Forwarding and Consinis.sima ja. • -73... A • - •-•1- NIRKUIVIIIIM litaLtaagno HAVE taken that large' and commOdhnia.WAßE HOUSE;lately-erected on the Canal and Rail' Road, below the foot of Chestnut street; Harrisburg, where their arrangements pre such that they:can:at all times* forward produce and ..merchinnlii.e.witlt promptness and despatch, to the following , • • • bia,_l3allilztQre;.Cc~~lisl~._~'hainL,etrebti ,-- • .;. .lind itltinter.o ediatic , pfaees: Thity have -lately entered. intonrr4ngerneiVr enable them, to send..any, produce or. goo the - Pennsilesnia - Cnnal - and:, Celun;tbi -- PhiliidelPlillOit the' same priiewel &Optima-runing on the Union c three 'days in• time, and deliver' Street,.avohlingthe usual open , THEY WILL. :PURCII country produce ofovcrY d stantly on hand coal; plast Arril. 2 ) PNI3I-Al; MEI . sags to' )3 , 'Way 0 Ailreak to ;Or by other .thus'gnininn• good in liroaW haolitig from the . • •iptigni and:keep cop: islt taltfor sal4 .