Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 16, 1838, Image 3

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    IitERALI). ; :S4- EXPOSITOR.
E - .
Exinwx MORNINCi, OCTOBER 19, 1.838
The People's caididgte,
(We issued no paper lost week, in consequence
of the contusion attending the eleationy but the Lose
xill beotir's r and tint our : subscribers'. We have:M
an delayed the publication of our this week, hr
order to lay befoCe our readers the fullest returns of
the election xhich we could procui•e. •
....__o73lVe-seutl:titis number_ pf onrpai)er to those per-
-mina who subscribeil•tuitil the eleetioa, and request
such ofthem as desire to diaconal - km - it, to return this'.
number; with their names. and places_ of resideucc ,
WritteiiThereon.' 'Those•-who do not return it, wilthe
considered as wiihingto,contintie their subscriptions,
and will receive it accordingly.'
The Late Election.
tong agony is - ovet:'. 7 -‘we have met the enemy,
end'---Ive- , ctre-theit's.'--Contrary — tcrottr — expectation:
and wishes,,Nthe'fri l enda - of Davitill. Porter have sue,
. seceded in eliatinibiM* . G.avet.°Mar cif• the State. We
• did our best to prevent sueh U. result; but all our of
fort petit of - Gov. RittiPFilid
. 'their duty manfully in 'this coUnty;by preyentiug their
• apttormattafronfreeeiviiig more than'halt the Majority
•. which they, claimed. Theimmlierof cotes polled in
the county Was .upWards of lire thciusaiik is
some consolation to know that we run the eiminyliard
in Pik 'their herctitfare'sMouPtiffili - of - which -they_
'boasted so much previous to the election. If We have:
' - heel) beaten,_we ba‘' tattleen killed- - -Wc; have only
received a ihtgltt.i/feat the eitraoriliitat-y_ex ,
. . .
ertions arid itifluenee ()Nike. gencraVgeVernincitt—and
-we now give notice. tallte whole 'pep ipeo'Van Eureit
ectut i i l nui to fighinittil vretorif shaft
•• _
• again fieri•A,nronoul! b xlvers. As soon its his
,poiiitmenfs -shall have beck made, Gov - Porter's rtia=.l
Jowly will Sink into notbitig r _andlte wilibe left Imai
Miserable milthrity: Like Will iain . Pinillay, he 't,"V iII '1
• .'be defeatd by his ow . ' partisans, and be supplated
by h itatriotic -German and a mtell tried statesman of
, the northern. part, attic state. - •
to"-We were ardus2d on reading the sage reasons
• - girer . iii the extra Votgateer ofTlfursday Inst - , - -hTr - ttre
meagre majority ohprinert by Porter and the Van 13n.
roil ticket in thr.Zl
. - comity. The acute editor fit.ttilitites
the smallness of their majority to • the •Iron Vorks,
the.qhmk,the Satings Fund,an4 theCAlege!---Now,
wluit could the Bank, the Savitigs Fund, and - the Col
. i'lege do, .co bring about the result? What did , they.
ilo? • 'the assertion is as ridiculous as it is untrue—
And how is it in relation to the Iron Works? Did not
one of thT -- :* - managers at Sri - fig Forge use hisinllu
..enee with the hands there, and - induce many of them
*to•go - with him for Port? Was it not the same ease,
in a gveker or less degree, :it Moures'Works,' Pine
• Grove, Cumberland, and Holly? But the editor of
• the Volunteer knew he was uttering an untruth when
he made the Sbuve assertion: It is a • mere paltry ex-
_to corer, in sortie measure, the falsAoods which
be fahliiliiirbefore dieCieetion imKelation to the ma
jority in iliscounty. lle leciared, time aftet.t.itne,
(and he w ;shed his partipahs in Other counties to bear
in milli.' hiS prediction,) that Porter would have n tmt=
jority of 500 or 900 in. this county, and that it - coati'
not . be less than 700 in any even(:"'Tt wds upnti'tlie
strength of these bold and repeatcd assertions, Mathis
partisans made bets on '5OO, 600,.700, and even 800!
These bets, which amount to a great deal,of money in
'the aggregate, are all 'oat, to the friendsof Porter, aid
.the editor of the Volunteer is justly censurable:for it,
because it Vas his ignorance or folly that stimulated
. them to . bet. This he is perfectly well aware of—and..
kience-his pitiful attempts toaccount for the smallness
~9(porter's majority in this county! • •
~,I (r,TAfter the Ingpretor's election, the Vohuitcrr
'boasted that; at'the stand out for Judges, the working
- — ineicaiiirilirty-sliirtif were in - bT.: .foeii - d - in the Porter
. ranks, while the teen of leisure and loungers Were
ranged in the hitter ranks. This was giving a little
° 'soft soap' to the Porter mechanics in town, -and to ilte
, scores of inechatiics and laborers engaged in building
- -and repairing althe Corlisle-BarrtiCks,:whoarein the.
. ,
pay of the general government! ' It was, in the esti
mation,of the Volunteer, all fair, fot these men to eit-
.ereise the right of suffrage, becanie thex )sere in fa- •
' , tor-of Porter; hut it was not altogether fair that the
:industrious . and hartl 7 6ted men engaged at the Iron
, . Works.should be entitled to the right of suffrage, be
•cauie_a_majority__ol. them-wero-for - pitner! -:l Thials
-,-, •admirable loco foco /ogle It is loco loco consistency i
1 l
_ - • ;th ! :. The hartly forgemen, colliers, tuidOre- , diggersd
, or ' not, according to the Volunteer, to be placed on a
le\ el with the Mechanics, Monks, arid .dirty•ishirt po-
. liticians of Carlisle!. Oh, no! TheTorruer breathe
- -,- the pure-mountain air, and are net contaminated by
the Porterbir-room spouter 4 and braggadocios Ofthe
• borough, whosive nn impulse and a spirit to the par
•, - . tY. They are, morcover, honeSt and hard working
---- . -- men, whopTeferred. the - Parmer .Governor, because
he has always been . 1111 industrhaus and honest rnatiltim
. self, while hi 4 . o Ppalttent has been proved to be the I
• -vet? , reverse. • •
ocyfhe edit6r of the Volunteer promises to expose
some unfair proceedings said to have liten committed
by Riteer men On the election dig, which came under
his own 'obeervii r tion.' ;Well, we may look out for an
etp/oeion, as it is'saidheis well primed l eeady to 'fire
and fall back again!' 41rint what b i ld acts ; could the
poliniiiner men have lone, when t eir opponents had
the judges and fide, .eut , of six of the lnspectors? This
-is a pretty story,, indeed! . And' it climes with a very
bad giaee from:the senior, editor of the Volunteer,
vvhose junior partner openly attempted to commit a
pud at the inspector's election, by, offering - hit - vote
to I, e constable, when he knew that be was trot of age!
Any n'e who iniideett4(in a 'constable or inspector,
And thetbi obtains a tote yhich.he'knotis he is not
legally entied'io; guilty oft aatrn4lo, he wholl6.
‘ 6 7n0 18 I Y: h _ t !A. he fail in - obtaining ic'is not'a whit
the lea ° O ilt Y'The junior having n*ae a'very bold
attempt teltentut fraud, we•therefbie call upon ,the
senior editor v
."-,tigate the case and lay the' fasts
s iefors tho V ubli C,il " • ``"
Governot 4 .
Joseph Ritnee, ; --
David R: "Porter,
- Congress.
Frederick. Watts,
Wjlliam, S. Ramb.y,
George Rapley,
Benjamin - Reynolds,
Minimal', R. Gorgas,
Jocob - Sener,. . 128-775 -149-160 187. 96 69=44 . 05 392 62 261
John Cornmani , • 88 762 isa 117 212.'134 09 . :47: 70 533 74 25 . 8
BDireefOr-of .
James: Wealcley, , 128_._722 -148 1:54 187' . 96 67 44 62 382 62 . 261:-. 2313
Johnpnnlap,• -
88 . 826 135 183.216 232.71 47 73 53776 i 64 .2748
auditor,_' .• •• ' • • . •
128 7 21 149 145 186 96 69 43_0. 386 64 259,
Tolm - Ctandeidil,Si. .88 816 134',190 214 231 69 4861 535 73 263
For the Amendments - . - 78 780 - 38 165 212267 70 45 65 523 92 ,, 12437..• 2562
:Agirnst the_Amenatehts.l3 3 7::736- 244 166 - 174 113-67- 47-'5B - 391'40; 240 \ --2416 -
1 Ttiose - nalriss• in italics, weie . .rurrtii-the' Whig • and Anti-niasonic ticket. - • :
. . .
Cr . rWe were muclf amused with.the 'rapid strides'
_which jolin'Corornan made through the streets of the
borough on the day previous to election. Ile was
like &ken hunting a nest,' moving from one point to
another_nt n_sortoffdo. trot,' }Main; u ) what he was;
pleased to term 'etrious dickettO These tickets
; coidained the names of all' the eatididates.on theyan
Ilueen ticket, with the singleexcePtion of - John Corn
, •
num's„which waS supplied with Oat Ofjacol)Sener. ,
?They 'were , procnred - by the friends of Porter---they
were ei i •culatecibyth - efriendS
,of l!ortey-. 7 -they were
put in the ballot boxes by none but die friends-of Por
ter--and ever ',nail voted' theM undeJ!tstandingly- 7 ,
which facts :ire.well khown to the public. We 'arc
I •
i•credibly.iiiformcd; moreover, that if ithad'not been
.. • .
.for th 2 treat:berg of th ree orfourpulividdals who were
amongst the first to raise the• opposition' to Conmoo,
irrauppree4ng tickets' which - they were to' bavecon
yeyeil to- certaindistricts ; he would have been most,
assuralt (lacked. its". Poiadavii - j-;' hoverer, Was .
put to-ihc‘ test in thisj)orouglr And- distriet r WheiT he
hest k ochto'to the„peoplC, afid.wheee the tickets ip!
question Avere - almostentirelreanfined., And %copal!
afitiliitg ()Win 'almost even- township in theeonntv as .
• ...
it-respeels - Cornman, altho' the leaderaused every ex-1
ertimi to;coax and whili their partisans in the tykes!
Q -he Volunteer Stated n few weeks ago;that the
;More We abused. Col. Woodburhaild the paw demo
cratic candidates, the better would they be• sustained
by the democracy Of the Cent*, and . eriLid us tuiro-
need in our course. The nominal etlitaraf thatprint,
not being much - acquainted - Avlith- - the true import of
words, ana not,laang 'very tenacious
y in adhering to
the truth mistook, facts and arguments for abuse and
_slander!__But r suppor wenke the learn6tl cditor,on '
his own ground ; mid' adMit that we abused. Col. W.
and some of his colleagues'--how does the result pftlie
efection tally with lais,a - fTsetit - T — Col. Wdatlburn is
:36 rotes behind his colleague?A.Vm S. Ramsey is 73
behind Porter; and' lin Cornaian is 36 behind hiM.
Was.this owing to our abuse ; qr to our strictures up
on their qualifications, or to-the discrimination of the
people? The editor of the. Volunteer committed. a I
great blunder, ( which, by the way, is no very uncom
mon thing forifim;) or the demilcracy of the County
have a poor may - of sustaining their candiantes from
the attacks of the Herald. .
(*. - .lVe are told that the little, ying igyaii,'- 'who
-regiflarly 'change sides - every . two years and' some
times every year, and who happened to fitH to the loco
foco side at this elFition, l are...uov.'_eager _for„theiiii,;
lheritanee,' and are -exceedingly clamorous in their :
1 importunities for the 'spoils.". They larzza loitde ) r;
'talk bigger,' shout mortbfiiisouslY, ‘putonmeireAvig,'
and denounce more fiercely, than the olilst and most
) Eonsikent mCniberspf`theparty,' who appear to be
thrown ortithe I laA ) grotritll
. Thry amount- to about
filwen 'or twenty in number, and we areinfOrmed that
' al nicidevcioxpan of thenCwill be applicants for , office
II to the - CoVernoicAttorney 9eneral, Cii:ttal I commiit ,
sioners,and County Commissioners! • They state that
they earried - the - boroOgh for Porter, which woohi
fotherwise have given Hither a- majority of 35 or 40,,
and ilreTherefore.entitledlo.aliberatshare-olthopub
.lic plunder. The old members of the party reply,
-that they injured the catise by their inteniperitte zeal
and 'disgusting arrogance,land thal the tlemooralic.ini
jority was much larger lastyear -without them; than it
.N 4 this vearlibidi them. / Thus •maticrls stand at prc ,
): -
"sentiTbut - we‘svillsoonheari--Ihnnilent---Peiliticar, : un- •
'principled trininze . rs, who area contimirilly 'shifting a
bout from one patty to the other in search of office
cannot stirely succeed in a contest like this, 'because '
it is not naturat i that tiey.slioiild-e n joy the confidence
or Idiipport of-Aim-party;
(`lVe sliVd - like to beinfortned how the flank,
theSavingPundAndthe-College, have•usedtheir
flueragainstihe election of Porter, as is asserted
!'by t .VolUnteer. The assertion is eithertrualoor
and the editor is bound to substantiate iA,'or re
tractit at once. Did the batik,.infis official &malty,
give either loans or largesses to any lndividuals to'itt
fluence the electioo Or did its officers and directors
merely vote for the candidates of their choice as other
individuals did, and as every freetrian has a rig
'-do? l As to the Savings Fund, its principal officer was
absent, and Consequently did not vote; but, even if he ,
had been here ; what influence could that institution
exercise tpon The :election? • NOne whatever. With ,
. ,
regard tothe College, we understand there arejut
six or seven foters Attached to it, professors and stu
dents,who were pretty equally diiided. But hay,
not those-wit hin-its-Walls i -who arederally entitltd-to
vote, the same privikge,to . enjoy the right,ofeuffragi
thatany other class ofindividuals have? And is it no ,
eh with reined, to those•connected with the Bank 'mu
the Savings rued? Everyinne and tensible man Will
answer nfrirMstivei. but the editor of the ,VO;
lunteer think's differently, and there May, be some of
his readers as silly as himself!
The teiislitlnre,
. .
We bad intended giining, Ade week, a list of the
members elected to the. Legislatnre, but as we hart.
not been able to procure such list; we merely givklu
number elected by each party, •
-Ritner. P'orter.'
21: 12
52 48 . ,
Sennte, , •
House . 'of 11 epreslentntites,
. - Ti-.10',.;: -,5!,:4*.4'*':1.:,1,',:f:...m-*,._.,F,':c.i'vc.
127-723-151e140 184 97.69 44:65 303 66 257-::_2316
•9 831 130' 196 214 232 69 47 70: 529 73 263 2743
129./41 153 182 186 93 69"44 67 392,66 288 2309
87'793131:173 214 235 69 47 67 527 73 254 2670
123 734 148 189 197 98 80 43.05 381'65 267 2334
122 723 147 144 183 .94 69 43 .61 378 63 268 2295
95 824 139. 191' 223 235. 69 46 14534 77'263 2710
88 812.138 7194 - 209 .23K 69 . 48 70':566 - 79: 249, 2731
• •• •
Jostwit lk ! rct7oli'l -, . t , .ttgilf 4 -01 42 101 SG • 728
•David R. rater;
, 1287-197 '2lO 68 37 N. .831
Conifwas - •
,FREDtruoieW 224 183 105 41 101.38 741 .
IVilliaMS. - Ramicy,.' 280 147 194 66 37 69 '793
Idssembig; • - •.-
,GentmE RUPLIIY,:. 282 190'.91 42 103 36 . 734
11FNJ.A 7 niv llnvvoi.wl '278.177 93.40 100 - 3(1 723
William R. Cciegas,i 284'154, 208 68- 98 72„ 824
',lames 'Woodburn,. 9.73 156 209.67 35 72 812
Commissioner, -
John Ciwnrnali,
. . _ .
rVirector of the Poor; . ' - =,
.I.rotr.s,.Witticer.r,-:. - 27 4 -.178 90 42 101.37 .722
John_Ditelstii, , 283 k. 56 210 68 - 37 71 - )126
:auditor, —• • _ , . • -- . '
!ADAM RiIOEL, - - '275 in 92 40 101.37 --711
'John ClEndenini Sr; 278 153 208 - 70 36 7076 M
Anzeitdmente, - . -s : -
For the Anienthoents,.2Bl 134 188 .6 8_: - ..4,1 66 - :780"
Ag'st-the Arnendrnents.262 188 ill 38 95 42 - 736
(>'o-- nor.
. . ,
JOSEPHRIT": II 9 • ,• $6 110 35 100.42 393
DaViil - 1171' . 0M.. - _,....: -- - -. 63 10V - 149 . 132 57 — 529
Congress,.. __., ' ..`"*‘. , • ,
PnEntattex WATifi, , 55 110 9}'lol 42 392
William S. Ramsey, ' '64 106 149 '152 56 527
.iesenzbly. .
GEORGE RV PEET, .' 53 108 83 -96 41 381
BENJAMIN REYNOLDS,' 49 107 82 99,41 ' 378
William It. Ciorkaa, 64 109 150 153 58 534
Jartma• Woodburn, ' 67 113 152' . 156 58 546
JAcmi SENEO, . 55 111 84 100 42 ' 392
Mat Cornmam • - 65 . 108 151 152 57 533
i nteector of the Pobr.
I, - , 51 107 85 ,98 41 . 382
John Dmilaii, 68 108 150 159 58 • 437
auflit . or. •
AnAm•lt ElfrEL,---- :- : 55 Jos :.85 -.0 - 41•=-- .--386-
John Cleinlenin, Sr. ' 65 108 150 154.5 S ' 535
Forlhe.Amendments, '65 111 151/158 s'B 523
"An' the Amendments,' 53 106 100 91 41 391
• .. .
' • Sliipfitisbitrg- District,.
• . - -•-•• . '-g -. f
E ' - - ,_ i •
• . .- ....,
\ - 13 ,
, - - .-
- / t-.
.'. it -
... • ... • - ~t . ' - g., • '
. .
aociferitai.. -
Jcisevii It.s.rxr.ii, • . 1 141 ,a. 116. -.,
David it. Poker, . '139 12i . ' ' 269
Congress.. .
FREDERICK WATTS, , 148 .120 ' -- - 268
William S. Ramsey, 133. 121 • , 254
.lasemb/y. •
C - - • 146 121 : .267
BEN.IAIIIN'REYNOLA„I44 /21 j . :'268
WilliaM R. Gorps, l4O 123 ~ - 263
.lames Woodberli, • 191 118 - 249
Commissioni) , „„ •.',
... . .
(John Comm n, . • 137.. 121 958
1 Pirectoi• of the lioor,.
'3AIYIEB - WEAKI.F.ty - -th-711117 •-• Ot
John - Thinini)•, • 139 125 - '964
auditor..... ,
Amor ItErpEt..,
__ 142_ 117_ . ' 259
John Clcnclenin, •. 139. 124 - 263
Amendments. • _—
For the . 161, 126 " 237
Against the - AtriOndments,. 123 '417 . 240
, .
CouN , Crioi.. IN Onto.—A gentleman who
Ilias recently made.a tour through .Warten,
Green,Xlarke,'-and Champaign-counties-in
Ohio, informs the Cincinnati Post that the
corn crop in those counties_. is. excellent;
the' crop
.a full average; S and in quality very
counties .of eLogarkand'Clinton were also
Understood to - be a - it'ko'od' as usual' to 'say
the least, The sore gentleman stated that
"the number oniheat, rye, oats, and hay
stacks, all 'Over the country, r exceed any
Thing of the kind he ever before saW, al
though he is . in the r habitnf making 'exten
iive tours - through - Country °nee, or
tiviceevery year. . • -• •
...Similar accounts to the above, are,';aecord-
Mg to the fost,..dadyliouring in from all
Parts ,of the Union: Attd 'that paper gives
the oPinion, oil mature deliberation i -An 4 l,
foinuled On.-• the • mass Or .infOrniation • de
rivedAma its exchangi. papers,. that. "!:the
sarly harvests., .say . wheat and rye,"ivere an
`average. crop, throughout thea/Mon, of
lea: t twenty-five per dont over that or any
preCeding • year,' "Croakers, (say - d'llie
Post) cease yetircitialtingS. 7 , -they fare - 010
betilficem ; Providthice, '
Y fa
• eartisle Dzstrzet.
The fallowing is the result the .
ni isre --- niiticlield on Tiregility - the - Oth - inStnnt
. . .
-: • n
• • • • „ _
' • - , •0 a6 l
• •p„, „m
a 0.. 0 9
• • 5 r) , -
• r •
• . •
- • • •
.to 303 100 ,99 4e 102.59 775:
246 '14 , 1 199, 6T, 36 70 762
Neavville District
• • 0
.P • 0 •
1 . 43 * • 11W
pennoytivonia - Election.
Below we give as full a •return of the
'election for Governor as we have been able
to colleefup to .this time, (Thursday even
ing) It will not vary much from the 0f1 7 ,-
_ _ :
Bucks, =
Butler, -
Centre, •
grie, •
bbano - n;
Lycoming, • 2146
McKean; • - • . • -
terCer, • • 2934
Mifflin, • •
-Monroe,, - . 366
Northampton,— -- ' 7 1566
NOrthumborland; , . 11,64 :
erryy m • .
Phila.' county, _ • 7705
Pike, ' .117
?otter, . •
Susquehanna, - - _ .
Somerset, . .22 , 14
"Uniott . ._ : *2270 1 .
Nefintigo, •*. • 2 •
•11 7 .arien, _'
iVastlington, • 3528 • .
ttrayne,'- • • 538. .
York,. - - •: 3257.-
• -- THE ICE'r. •
NotwithstanOieg the; boastinga of the
Loco-Poeos-that they had carried the coun
ty tie4et, the enlii•e Ulfig iieket has sue : .
ceedel We . - have eleCted . two Senators
and eight RepieSentatives,._ltis,_rumotiiect
iff - at — ftie - li — e:Riihi whb run on lite .Van
"to -eoitte6t tl~e election,
It won't tIo "-sweetTeilows;! you had bet.
ter "give it up.''—Phil'a. Her. 4 Sent,
BALTDIORE,Oatober 13, 1838.
- FLO't 'to / I'W° O'clock, P.
yesterddy; when / the intelligence - by-the
ROyal William ,was received, the wagon
price of Flour/hail been' $7,62.1-,
and for 'Occ6ional loads, $7,75 had been
paid, anOales froin.stores were making in
limited/lots at $7,871 a• 8. • To -la the
- market is - in aff imiiiAtied state, with a ten.:
sleney- in priees."Th 'advance, .and dealers
generally_, are willing to allow :7,75 as the
wagon-price. From stores, holders to-day
are asking 88,25,
.and a small sale or two
-has been-reported:et that-price, but - for. the
present, purchasers although willing to.lm . i,r
at:sB; are not • ,pay more, and in
the absence of transactions of moment, a
positiire store. pried cannot be quoted,
receipts have iniprotred-..
GRAIN.--!✓y7eeaKL:-We left the market
'on Tnesd4 in .•rather'art unsettled state,
dispcisition an• tho part of millers
to buy. •Since then, and up to 3 o'clock
(Ay -Englisli-ad
vices, were received)' sales. of piinic reds
were - gel-16.111'1y made at $i,65. Within
of reds have been taken by millers, at a
•Pricd to bodetermined hereafter." The
parcel, d 1 red wheat Whieh was offered this
morning; `'after the 'publication of the En-
Tlish was .taken at 1,73: Prime
reds,'ve.reason to believe, have since
been sold. at $1,75. The Wheat friatket, at
the time of making up this report, partakes.
somewhat: of. the Unsettled_ character •of
that or flour; and like The latter appears to
be awaiting,. the further devehipentent_ of
tIW - eitealirthe news of the Inarket_ol
New 'York. -
. • .
• Corn.—Sales ofwhite. early: in.the _week
at 93 a 94 etsi Sales of yellow to-clay at
9/ etA, . •
Rye.—Sales aff• quantitj , Oti_a Ijs
tents. '
00/3.--§ales, early in the • week at 40
ets. They are now 'scarce, and.., are Worth
41.'a 43 ets. -
the early pert the
week, limited sales of lihds.. were made at
15 -cents, bixt since - then A shade of decline
has been - realized, and sales have been . made
at 4:0 cents. Some, holders continue to
ask 45.m5.: ' quote' bbls. at about 47
centi, - fret& stores,_ •- The wagon price of
:bblei'remains:at 40 cents, exclusive ,etthe
barrel. -- The inspeetieths of the week born
prise 49'hhds. find 823 bbls. of. which 33
}aids, and 400' bbls. Were - received fine)
Philaddiphia,.Und 2 hltds,, and 18 bbls. •by
the SUsquehan t ha Rail Road, • •
FLOUR AND ME AL.—Earfy the
- ek - sales - of Flour were ;made for-ship
m,ent at $8 per bbl,'' On. the :Wird of
-front Europe. by the Royal Williarn„ prides
again advanced, and stiles. 'were in;ida at
aiulfor ciitS , use 'at. 8,60
per 4bl. To-day;-holders'are,ti rot at $8,50
for good brands, with fair tiernand. • Rye
wales at ssisa per bbl, Corn
1%01 is doll or'' sale. at $4 iu bbls..'
••1533 ."
. 1271
2957 • - 1932
2386 2478-
* 3215 7101'
• , 2219 2420
••_, 4553
1700 1653
• . • 1046
4971 . 4527
1088 2616
) 474 . 792
/1957 2304
2316 2743
2843. 1944
1731 1263,
- 2718 .1532
1981 27,82
.2560 281 5-
1027 1788
3687 - - 2761
. -
_ 3.15-0-
• , 523
' 160
--zw , 1390
- 1448
' •
• 972
. 1 4'03
. _3461
IIt.a s OTICE icbereby.given, that the account '4.'B.
L l lll. Midrib Adair, Assignee. of HEAP'
11 INC WA Ll', has }leen presented 'to the Court of
ehniiron Thetis of Cumberland county, for confirma
tion mul,allownitce, , and Mill court have appohited the
fiett day of November Court, (being the 12th day of
said Month) for: its consideration, and ]lute on aIL
concerned to spew cause; why it shall - nof ba - Confifm-T
041 and allowed..' . CEO. FLEMING. •
• • - ••. :probonotary: I
Pr'othoncory's OtTie.-i, Carlisle, '
October '5, 1 5 • .; . .
. . .
'..,. , ARAM IRON FOR ;MIX.' -• Ls
i N assortment of the host . ipailitylfitnitnered Bat'.
1 V
Trott trip saio at biekinsoa Forge prices. nt.lf:
Rhode's Rail Road Warehouse. --. ... ' -...'•"„:..
Carlisle, October 17 ? 'l.B3Bi_.- . .- • '. - .
Milrap : :p.l,:cto i t,:•<.
GRAIN.— , •The operations In w,heat have
been more - extensive since the. receipt of
the late foreign advides, an advance of 5
to Scents per . bushel., prices , have varied
from $1.;'75 to 1',85 hilots_for fair to . priin •
quality. A lot - of inferior - southern sold at
$1;67. The- week's= sales exceed 6000
bushels. - Rye, sales of good kendaylvania
and Southern at $l, and
- inferior at 94 cents.
Oorn has sold - at 95 cents for round, and
90 to 95 for inferior to prime'llat yellow:
to-day; 92 to 95 cents is the range.. Oats,
sales of -Southern at 40 to 42 cents, froin
.bbls.: has sold at 43;
and in. hhds - at.4l to , 42& cents, earlyi, in the
week. 4 1 2 - 174-2 - 1 - Ig — the—pri - c .. •
Thursday, M ARRIED,
-inst., 7 by-the-Rer-11,11
- ThOrnton, Mr.:Atesonder Woods; to Miss'4latilda
trptlegiaft all of this borough.
On Thursday the dth ' inst.. Mr. .~lintllieiu L.
Carothers; nori of the late Andrew Carothers, Esq:
to Hies I lizaktl~ Trilion,". daughter of the late 11 , 11 r.,
John Wilson, all of thisiliorough.^
On Wednesday the 17th inst., Col : - WILLIAM
STOUGII, ofStonglistown, aged ninznit years.
The deceased was hi full licalth but a feirs days since,
And - las been - suddenly called from tune to eternity;
he was esteemed and respected by all who knew him.
The Cumberlftml vountv , boWn
terlv meetine:hr the lisochti on at NeiiiiilteTtiriSattit-T
day till , . 27th
At e, P., M., the • follevrinermiestinn will- he dis
citssed:—"ln whet branAes should instrnetinn lle
elven 'in nor Common Schoils:" - After- which re . -
ports will he received from the various sectional Ly
ceums; and minerals. specimens of art.,Rze:. exhibited.
—A t-7-o'clocle:-P:-Ifivan - teldresh'wifl-birrirdiynred
by Professor Emory on "The imprevementi of the
„The ILveento intim diffe'etif.seigions of fhe ennntv
ore earnestlyrrnnr et to er i de -
infri nnd tit fririntbi of rdnentinn and yit.ifilic igen
errally arc incited tof attend:
• -1- Itoll'T. AATRRON
.S'ecrilary of .citnib'd.- Co. Lycertiti.
Octolier 1(, 1838.
- NOTICII. - :. • ' •
ga 111
Trnsteen of J. 1 1.711ES rrnons.. tins been filed fiir
11:1.1 , 411.c . nt the. next Conrt. to he held on the second
,lfondny_of -Nnieinbeevevt.
- ". = cro.. r,r,r,mol . G; Prot honorarg:
Cietolle;'.l6 7 18311.-3 t. • - •
Tiite r , flint Tlifiye nnnlied tri'llieJoilp,es' of the
(71 , 11 rt of . Coinny,n 1 1 .1 ens Cntnhertnntl county, fot
the benefit of the
.Incnlyeitt Is-ws of this *Corpnvi. , .
Tiiartli - . - 5; 7 41 . flint - tlieTliate eriti - r!inteillleralay t.lie
- Any of 'November_ Iwo , for the_lien,rine.of toe Owl my,
nt the Cnitzt :treitisc". in' Carlisle, ‘iliere 'yea
ma); nttendifyolithipm- -1
Ca lisp; 0et.16,.1533._ - _ .
To "inv. -07e.dit'Orm.
, •
Tnkeivitire thnt T hnve aptdied thi , Judzes 0 - 11 in
Court of Common 'Piens. of 'MAIM county, for the
benefit of the Insolvent Inns of this Commonwealth.
and said Court has nymnintA tr'e first Monday of
Novemher_next._for henring._rne:nntl-mr-erellitors nt
the Court house, in the borough of Lewistown, i n
pSul ennnty„ when and where you may attend if yon
'think proper.l
Lewisthwn, Oetaber 16, 18:35.-3t. • -
TITP, Subscriber, thankful for past filvoirs, respect
fully informs his friends and the public generally,
that he has removed his — 4,a o-- ..
ct* - •
. .
To the rear of the Hotel. of Cot George 'Ferree,
where he will at all times :have Horses. Gigs, - Car-,
riages, &e., &e., ready for Hire. He asks,a con
tinuance of public patronare.
Carlisle, Oct. 17, 1838.-3 w. . - -
FIORGE V. HALL, Agent, has just received
from-Philadelnhia, mid .is no•.v opening at the
store room of Mrs, Knox; in West High street, a ivell
selected assorts sentof -
Genllein'en's Fihe
Coarse do. . .
Do. Half . coo. ' . .
• Do. 11.1ronroas and Shoes,
Do. ffalking 4 Dress Plaßas,
Ladies' Leather and Morocco Shoes,
Do. Aid and Lasting Slippers;
Children - and. Misses' °Boots 4- -Shon4, -
Togetheewitba very fine assortment of, , ',,,
-large supply:6f stock suitable for tho manufacture of
-Shoes, such as Morocco, Kid,' Lining, llinding;and
Buckskin, in every variety, all of which will he sold
Low far cash. Ile.lias also for sale a great variety of
Kidderminster Carpeting of the newest patterns, and
at the manuflictueer's prices. • .
rAliberal-discount-Maile-to ommtry-merchatttsoid-'
others who purchase by the quantity. • .
catlisle,'Clidober 17, 1838..
.. I VOR, SALE. 3 • •
A firt , t rate Limestone Parm,_sittiate about 6 miles
west of - Caiiiiie e!ffittiining: - 27117Aeresabout---Anth
Acres elcSr and in a high state or cultivation; the
balaneels Well timbered, and there is alarN.e quantity
- of - Ircilst•owthe - place. —
. Tile improvements aeon new Two Story •
.. 1
.: • . ` B ARN ,
, ~ •1
with- a Tenant House, Stibling„• nn a l it tr • '
, eOr-;
chards. There . is,a weltor*er ' seep
'tare springs nenr Ate IlouSe.- The 1 ,lidad
fram-tram tnlChanibeOntrg passes ugh the
farruomd the Rail Road passes nearly insight.
This property is well calculated for two farms: •
The above property is worthivtltenttentinn of capi
talists, ask will he sold low.. -The title is. indisputa
qle..—Roquire.of .
. "V' 11014.9R1211 N.
. , nommiT plvtNE . ..,
, . .., . . ..
Carlisle, October 16, 1833.---4 w : . • •
....-. ..
. ~: ( — Y flic Lebanou COltrier; Lancaster Hernbi And
Examtnet', and Lancaster VOlksfreund will publish
the. above 4 weeks, mark, price, send papers; add
Charge this Oilice..' -
• .
alagititleent Loftery.
4 :.1.00 9 000.
- _
The most Britliarat Sehente ever drawai in
theglnited Stales.
CLASS A; for 1898. -1
To be positively drawn at Alexandria, D. C. Sntur-; l
day the 17th November, 1838. I
75 Number Lottenii-12 Brawn -Ballots.l
_1 GRAND PRIZE OF $100.900
Prize yf. — 7 39.00°-
1 -=l.-
J. - - , . do .• ' 3.740
_ •
5 ~• Prizes of . ' 2.509
10 • do 2.000
50 ' -- .1.000
60 .. " • do '••-- ‘ . SOO
--- - -.- - •
85 , , do - -.• - .• . - 500
Besides prises 0f5230-200-130.-100---80-60 —3O
4.o , —mid lowest . priie - $2O • • • •--- -
~ Tickets only s2o—Halves sl.o—Quitrters s 3.—.
1:7 ..- Eighth S '.?, 50. •
Certls,of _packages of 25__Wh ale Tickets $266 •
.. •Do --, ,do • 25 Half do - , 130
.• Do • „ ' - 25 Qbnrtcr do 63.
- Do .- do ;• 25 Eighth do •• . . 92 50
tar Orders - drar Tiikets anti • Sharer or Certificates.
of Packages in the above Unrivalled S . eitemes, will
rettive - ttie - rirst - fircitiiiinittcition, find an of 'dal
t -
connot each drasviqgc sent. irrimediatelv after it is
orqlersiertulv - linttiolilf•FfiC7 - 1: -
11); S. - GRiLGORY-8t Co:-31anagers;- •
Wiaphingtcin City; D. C.
dctbber -
. Trir..subseribers will sell, by public.,ootcry on the
nreMisetiiion Saturday the-17th ;lac of Noyember next,
_stkle_cirtninenciog eLi clokdocltrk.--ALI-the,fiiritilate
the estate of .hicob Grim,, sem - .lltMeased, sibtate in•
Dickinson township; Ciimberland coonty, nine
southwest of Carlisle, containing;
_ACRES, .•-
Alma 100 acres - are cleated,.atal AO n--good- stator or
cultivation. Mille is-a good two stoiy
• 9,:•"• - •"'"
RA: l ;:tik
11,og.Burn,antl-several -out lintige'9 on -tbe.prrmir,es,
The above land lies on 'both sides of the Yellow
areeelies Creek; about half n mile treat of Spring trade kiniwn. on the day of -
. . '
- •
• • .
rayri:utoiv of Jacob Ciim,
Dicki,nsori•-• _
• October 17, 1S:18. c" s ' •
Tlie•Latteaster nerild, Harrisburg Intel' igi - Mccr,
Ydrk ftepuhlicanstral
the lime. till sale, mark price and charge this ollice.
.6:141,1 Ctll l -o.VA,lttr...
ALLpersons itidebted to the late firm of Ogi/by
Hitner, are hereby notified 'that their ncentuds
insie _been_pliteelL in _the_ hands iif. In bell-Sig I 44 .
PRO for collection, upon whom they are requested to
call and discharge them without delay and saYe costs.
ta•lottor, w. HITNI 11.
October 1)h.1839.-3w. tyt,
---' N O T I C E :*-
ETTEI2S ofAdmiitistratiomon the estate of .To-
septa Spangler, : late of North - Middleton town-
Ship, deiensed,Tmeht,, ,, issued to the sn4seriber resi
ding in North 'Middleton. tinoiship, nll • persons
debted to said estate will make payment immediate
and those having elahns will present them for set
tlement 10. . . . .
October f •
TO - the Creditors of .Tarob Sleiltrer late of the .71 or
• - ongli of akchanicoburg,
is hereby given that the Slthseribvr.
11 — wItn - is the, -- h} - nTmointed - hy - the - 0111TtOt
COMOIIPICA of Cuyitheriantrentotv, n'iTtke A. final
settlement of the trust account of Jacob Rupp and
Michael Hoover, assignees of Jacob Switzer, nforii
said. and to make distribution of. the elThets in their
hands nccording, to Inw,, and the terms of the fiord a
foresaid, to and among the creditors of thelsaid Jacob'
.Sieitzer, will lneetifor thai- tin rtiose.on. Saturdav_the
10th day of November pest, nt jhrslilusg'ofJohn i lon_
vet., innkeeper, in the boronili of Mechaniesbnrg, at
10 o'clock in. the morning, when ;nut where all par
ties interested are notified to attend. •
LEVI attriNr. '
Orr Mer 17;1818.-
. •••
. October 17, 1939.•
- 146,±0 . 11CE is hereby given t-) the Stneltholtlers‘
• ••t thii Institution, t.hs.t.nn elertion;will - heltelthnt--
•the Banking - Tlnnse.,nn I\ the - 11th Any ri'`Nn=•.•
venther next, for thkteeti ttieeetors to serve the ensu
ing zjittr... * . • •
S. COI3EAN, Cashier.
• .
01'0 r IC 7
TITTERS administratinn,on the estate of Jo
lid kern Sit noM, sen. date of the boraihrh of Carlisle,
deceased; have been granted to the undersigned, re
idingnforesaithidisw_mong having elahns ()Diem:lnds
agninst.the estate of said deceased, are requested, to
Present the same dub , - authenticated. and these in
debted to the estate are requested to 'make maynienf.
without d e lay to the sidiceriber: . .•
Oetober 11; 18:311;-6w; ._-._
114.11PERS' FURS . •
1.000_9J%, L. - anion - and Canada Muagitashi
It, brown and' white • •
100 lbs. ,English:Sillo.Nstattiii• ------N) .4co • •.•
50 dQ IleaverAkTri: • •• • • -
50'do otter do- Back and Srpe •
--son 41.3 English-and Scotch Coney
1000..d0 Corrected RussiaHares' ;'
11. Donner's PactOry
100 do Terkey - Bacits ' very--vOtite:
100 - do' N r ictutto Wool , .
10 ,0 0 0- - Catintin-guskrat.SKlNS,."- .",'•-
• 5000 Southern do "..•-••••
20,1100 Hobbit • do
500 115.9 i H 11:ira do
ogo vivouift Ito
f 0 Dales Dullido ROBES •
40 Cr RegfAvnt Shollao Orlinge GarnetaMl Liver
•AsiFa l if ..140 7tT •1 1 1 . I , t,iesct
l subseriner wilt issue on the' last- of Sell- ii, l ""
temberi the first - number Of a mat - Ably Magimine, en- • )
,f, • •
;Tag AM F . :lilt:A , : Niesrpm / t1:11 ATU It Elt NO uyh ...‘' "" * Y•'
tY I' Part very
,TIE Arms," which will emulti:m_the--.solitlity-Ot- ;1 • s• LUSH , ass o rted ,
viemwitli- the lic‘hter miscolbloy ern Ata!Mzitte•• I:0- I
side iiupnrtinl tjvb ice's. of (111 1 and sliest "' tc InV1" A
iintices-- O f mi n o r i y 1 ,p„ i l l int im,„ i t s, u quo iti und:
will Cmbrace essays, talcs, Itistorieft •-. t 4 , •..4•4• s ` )o° '''' , Sr"u'r dn- (10
~!1 ° •
1., • • • sora - -very fine
ry and se,:eittilie -, intelligeilic";i.lid Tratos'iitioes.o.Ml. , . • .•
ilfi a large assortment of edieiCOODS . ,aptier:
standard. periotliCal otherilltog&e's,'
t and bY the 'ablest wiitel‘S•ol the thn , . I t'.ti"ing'lO trade,. winch mc .olfered fOr .41 0 - ,0 1 1 ,
• • • tihet•fti tertin toPetilers•and Alstnufitelorcia„
The Alngortne will also enetme n re' " • • '3oSriPti
works of such writerS ea have, by talo.ds •
shed lustre? Mum American Litt•Estom , .. -'llo.w 1.. -
• Sept.
view s will he stooniesnle,illor.prOrnits of.thvantlywN„- _ .
engrated on steer, by .the liCit hats. Th, I, • Sltipplug4 - FDAS - ,at , 011:tintes - purchatteth •
be beantifullyprinted, 'with new dypc, upon:fine-pa,
per, and i
will nalt.e two Voltentefi each year,. 'of . tun,..-; C•WilipO?fillielberty, Trees.
oians6uo Besides' my owitilevigion to; • . !• - • -
4% Au ciriorw.
it, thp,i'llagardne wilbhave the advabtage of the sorii- • • , .
-ce% of .11or:- Snotlgritss of Virginia; a gentleintin. of Bou'r NiNn - THOUSAND genuine•Aforus
handitome acqtarrements,;who, after the: issue of the j • .
st• eitioree Ml:Merry Tree., •
first 'Umber, will be ithsoclated with moms ellitca• HIM soul ut,publie auction, at the Borough of Yor k ;P.,
'Propriet9r. • • o' ;
,on,:VI4If)NESDAY, the 17th -
• . . . . _
,Aglues will be establislievlin the prinvipOl citirs;„ f •----"lttese to'n pat'ts of two, rholeclobt,, eomo o .
u d arrangements tnade to deliver the' frerft'recit of thvin iwo'nl4 TherWilUtta. - seld-on' -
postagei. - . Persona_tlesironspf acting ns Agents, will the ground where they life gpowing,'m lots'er:so.l4-
please apply; roar PAID. Terms $5 lien itinttp4;pay.A-00 treei, and "tai' be Yitot%ed at any time. ~ .p.relfkliol: • 6
able on delivery of the first - number; 5 Copies SC4O.: to , the salt;, application to the subseejlier."; Cataa •
•N. C: I hignes next wedc - , -• -'• '
Editor.and Proprietor, ; E. ;11..DDNALDM,
Voilt :id Octuber• '1834 - • • • • ' •
, • .
___S - 111_,C;ENTS R ai; WARD
Runaway from the subscriber, residing io.DiCkin
ti)W•uslitp,on TlMCSdaithe 4th inst.; an indenied
apiirentieeto the BitsioesS; 'named DANII)
GOODLINK.• Said boy is about 19 years of ago, of
small size, notorious:,f9r telling . ,lies, and very Hiatt of
fie took .
; with hirrk a light, snit of mourner
clothes. The above roWiwil, will- be tTiven, but •Oci
Charges paid to any peViOn Wh3 will deliskr-aaid- ly
to thekittlkseriberr and - all - persowi hereby caution
ed.a•.ntingt harboring hinkat their
, . - • JOHN
Dickinson tp.; Oct. 9, 1838.' • '
1_ I,LUSTRATElcrtiniversiat Alictureagite
burn. Edited , by J. Meyer; in weekly numkprs.•
Each nuntkr illustrated by two. superb steel engra.
Align fro Tn. Me burins or celgbynteil artists. _
The present work will be one of the most grand . • ,
and interestingi.pictorial monuments which have, sp.+.
The views, 101 in number, and comprising every
interestingSpoton - the eartliOyill all be perfect jew.
visof do the highest credit to,„the artists .
einployed in their production.
Equid'excellence.will cliaracteri•ze . the descriptive
department.;. It has been' entrusted to a 'writer,whose _
farne is now too securely established, not only in one
country, but thrnugh .the -world, to he increased by
byd-Ensnre. -
First volume, (eottiprising the number' 1 to 54.
Price-twelve and tt half cents per number, for suti
scribers only. ..
Published by therriortll Americian,Bibliograplde
InFti whim]. •
pbin 1888, ' • •
' • Suhicrillers_reacittedAt-tbzB4l4.
J6( . .'itNAL
• Slate .of Permsylvanici;
'F - YA EVOTED tejneclumiesi and physical .scienne,
civil e . ngine.ering, the nrts and virmufactures,
the recording of American and other patented invon-
Edited JONtS,:Bt. Da, KO is Publish
ed on the first occac,'.l.m oath, nt $5 per annum, pays.
tile nil the - completion:al the" Nth numlidr.
Conitniinientions mity'be directed “Dr.
Tones, Wnshington city," or to "the Actuary' 0( the
'Franklin Institute, PhilatlcitihinV_--tbe pobtkigefttust
be rai I; except when t.e:n itti rig the etdigerip ti Oh 1111011e7a,
Octobtri 6;48'88.
• . A.W; THAYER, . •
• :No: 33, - North Sfre q ;
Four doors Snntkof the Chi , Hotel; offers for Rik.;
'Goods;.slocks,"Clocks, 4 , c.•
Consisting in part of. the following le6erirlions. Tix •
No. I.—Moleskin Silk—rt beautiful ti cI o —they
Cqlllll of which ran-be found in no other Store in Phil
nod ettnitot . • . •
No 9=A find and liAnds.omely finishedlhat, scarce
inferior in appearance. and Mtrability tO rrmity.of
the highestpriced.Sillc Hats in the city.
No 4-:-A durable Well-fmished- and handsome
-Water Prool-llat,,f/eri'derlly the cheapest and most -• „
economical Hat ever offerer tbr sale in- Philadelphia, • •
'being 'retaile.d at the astonishing low price .of TWO
1)01.1: - Al2.8 - 11 'NO - Person - 10in has - zbottglit," one-of .
these: Hats will hesitate - fora moment to neknoWl,
edge the correctneshisstatement, or to recom- -
mend them to.hls,frien7R- -
, - - LNlsoTgood-Silk-Vatet'-presof-Hatictit - frortaidloon-7
to }lip:Wen adders a Dozen. - • • *.
Arso, Boys' Silk Hats of excellent quality and lianti: -
30111 e style. 4 •-- • • - .
• - I? ,ff 1.67 TS
sw,,,rlße Nutela Hats, on Castor. h9dies , -a .
did a r ticle. Nutria} llatA; on Saxon 'hod' p.
Tllack R6Sin,
brantiftil artiele....3l - uskFat liata - of ilarCrent
Otter, hir Sent, ',Nutria; Muskrat, .I.lair Seal ; and
other c_:apa. ,
India Rubber 'Goods,
Cloth afvarious qualities and prices—exoellentifor
coVering'Carriages, and for- a 12,1 , :tat variety of other
pitrnoses--being'a ',erica protection frOm water._
-Alga. Carments-ofulinost-evory description ; Caps,
Boots, Shoes. Les;gitnrs. Life preservers, Travelling.
Bogs, lICITV Pillows, Aprons, Table Covers, blimp
Mats, B,:e. _ _
- . •
A nrrnt; calletv of Satin, Iloutbazinn and Vgivelt
St , )e.lts; plain.l6(l .tvitnniell ;_tnnutiGietttred=orthe
richest nntl inn'st 'hirable materials, anil iii the tdlorl
elegant and fisliianrible style. , •
.. . .
CIL() r iii.§ l . l
. .
Thirty hour Wend Clocks. Avner:late(' for one yew':
lathe Very low rrtnil mkt- n 1.5.110!.
trlGentlemen wishing. to intrelinse - nnyill ' the tore=
roing derriotions of Clornts,.pither lit - wholesale ink
retail, nreltiiite'd o f
enll nod enmeine them before
'merit:using elsewhere ; ns it Is believed that, to say the
Irnst, they can be no where else better suited, in rea
Ferene , • either to . nrici., style:or gustily. — - - --
Philadelphia, October 1(1;183111.—ff-4G. " •• , .
_I 3 RIEVATE RALE . .. •
I —. Wilt ho sold at . primtei:sale a trait •ef first raid•
I] I . .t.47715T • T7' 7.4,114.11'n
sit,„,te pnetle-intiOmtl !tartly' in Smith Nth - idles
nn I.)ik''T.rindle Spring road; 2 Hits
from Carlisle, cooininintr •
IP? llevrs - or witiol l is first rate N Vondlantl.;Mll - oining
in ods.of vl-onnem , m Joseph ctilk:e . r;
Ttrit and others. 17Iot imnrovements gest rate
I twn IT-ttetr . , Tlvich Tiank:Tidrn, and othe'r
net htiildin s , tae pumps of gond litiiestone water
e hmisc and barn. • •There has been an alum-
I dart simply this sr arm. Also, an Orchard (If chttioe.
trees. • • •
J o i:tinint..;._the. above_ 'enntainina, 122 neres,.one-half of'
,vitilt . is 'Woodland, The. improvements nee a Log:
iii - ii - . A.1:413..11.40G--BARW• . -----
ri never CIIIITIT well ,nr wetee, E c e... v i m ., 0 1 . 3 4, e fi u it
tree.. one nod a hslf miles from, Carlisle. Both of
the alroe.farmtt,.nre in II Znlll state of eultivntion. ..,
. Persons wishing to purchase either of the above
rn - yrft' - .:Nyni--pnit-4qw-tbe.....iuttletsircwA,_wb6 resident_,,,
*no the stlioiniter farm. Intl who is anthoilizeil by tliWr ---- .
mvner, Etlwartl J. Stiles, Esq. to 'make ttalts oE - the- • ..
MICHAEL risuntrini;-
Orto'wt. 17. 1338 ,
TIIC• - finrriFdinrg_Tatelligencer,_Lebnnan_Cancler.„
i.n.-rastor Exnrriner and ITeraM nublish the,
ninve 4 weeks, (mark price) and ctinrgf., tliis oftibr:
•- _ -