/1113 El MISCELLANEOUS. PANNON'S MARE. • . . • Thd exploits 'Pannen, the famous tory partip”n of Randolph, would make.a body of.faCts . • more interesdn'w• than any tale ,of He was a - reckless fellow,-bloody • ntinded,as the hounds of Myth.. Ile sonic , .slew - . the helpless and innocent in • . cold bloodthe coward! Bet he had that _ instinctive tone " and 'bearing of authority that keeps 'people within tlie-metes.and bounds!, of his own despotic will. lie and ----MairNmparlry were one dayrrestitig,,them-. %selves try a spring, lounging here .andAli - dr - e -- • on the green grass Pin the shade of the trees. One of his suboidinatei a big strong man, _== had got marl with him:___llll,s_regebad been • boiling in him for several days; and some' 'fresh affront at the spring caused his' anger to 6ecome . ungovernable--he. drew his sword and Niias • resting- with Ali: elbow on • the ground and his-hand under his head. His devoted follbwers were. around him, ' and he heard the click of their . locks,. as • they dooked their rides. " Le(ltiin alone!" Crietl Fannoh,in his quick sharp. tone. He :• - laid still, calm and.self-possessed; With his keen dark eyes fixed on the raging lientenL ant,- as lte inade_e: t r emendous plunge at his . "breast: -But 'when the.stroke . its -- object swerved away like a snake, and' the baffled man .phinged . his: sword 'into the groUnd. Quick as lightening "Fannon's sha i rp -blade pasSed - through his ,gigantic frathe— ••‘ Tizus and thtis.l punish those who clisre ' gird my authority!"—and hiseyes glowed .and : sparkled like it - Serpe,nt's. _The 'man. stink' to the earth forever. . -- .But Fannon's mare. is"written at the top • of this sheet.; . aild she- is heroine of. • the present Writing. A4illeslad Xan . thus and Balius, and Podargad ;. Alexander _-,t.badAii..-Buceplutlus,_;_Mellanakl 'had his „ s . S.Clim. Fannon was .a-man of blood, like - .them, -and like them he had his favorite , and • trusty .charge;. - and Fan non's Mere was - worthy of .her: owner ,or " even a better I man.' : lle.called 'her the Red Dee, frond ,her resemblance in *Col*. to.a deer: 'She was a-,rarp.anttnal-4leet, powerful, ' docile, - as - h her owner valued her, I dare say, above king . or court - try, or the life of Ills . fello . w: man: - :She.l hore-bm-pro_tll ; y 3 -and-frAessin -did bloody skirmishes or. the • quick . retreat: Wheh he stood in the noisy - cotiqeil of his . partisans, or in the silent ambush,. the faith . fulbrete 'was by his side,: ever ready. to .. bear- hi - in whithersoefei --- be, flut Fanhoit lost his mare. ' . Dowri. on:the east a lilac River, the par ' lisan-arid,some four _ci,r.rfve .of his followers one day captured a man by the. name of HPntera, ji 7 om: ale •eountry ationt Salisbury,' !nig Was 'Sufficient" Canse of death, and Fannon told the malt he slSould hang him., Hunter was evidently;-a moan of the times; hilt what could he do alone and defenceless with a dozen bitter ene- rniesi It was a case of complete° despera. tion. The rope was ready, and a strong --old , oak threw =out its c..ouvenient-branches. . Faifnen told hint he might pray for his time was come! The poor man kneeled (kWh and seemed' absorbed in his last petition to the thrOtte - oOnereyl - Fannon. and men •stood . byr'M s id the trusty, marestootramong them with the reins on, her neck.' They ---began,..to.le..._impatiMlLltir_tbeir. Victim, to . eldie his devotional exercises. But there was more of earth than Heaven in Hunter's • thoughts ; for ho suddenly sprang on Fan non's mare, bowed ,his head down on her powerful neck, pressed his heels on her flanks and darted away like the wind! The tory rifles :were leYelled in a mo- ment—"Shoot . high! shoot- high!" Cried —iiliinnan--"save—my—rnare'!" The—slugs all whistled over Hunter's back, save one 'that told with unerring;` aim,, which tore and • battered MS sholder dreadfully. He reel ed on the saddle and felt sick atheart; .. but. hope was before him - ,.. - death Wohind—and he rierved• himself for the race. On.hc sped.. Through 'woods, and ravines, and brambles did that powerful mare carry him, safely and'sWiftly. His enemies were in hot pur suit:. They followed him by the trail 'of blood from . his wounded shoulder.. He came to Little River;, there was no. - ford; —the bank NM high, and a deep place in the streann_before_hini—But_theibe_came,,..le_ . " -- tlrdw-the rein and clapped his heels' to her. • Sides, and that gallant : Mare:plunged reek lessly into the strewn. She snorted in . the spray as she rose, pawed - the yielding_wave, . and skimmed along like a wild swan. Hun 7 ter turnedher down the stream in_ the hope. ot_evidinv :pursuers . 4 .and-alto-reared and dashed through the_dashing waters of the shoal, like lightning. in the - storm cloud. But Fannon was on the trail, and rush . ing down the bank\v,ith all the mad energy that the losi of his favorite could inspire. Hunter- turned the . mare .to vits opposite bank -it was steep = seieral feet of 'per- . • pendicular rock—but she planted herself on :the shore at a - bound, and—theniaway-she _fiew..over_theinterminable__foreo of-- pines, straight :and-. swift as -an- arrowthat -ad- • • mirable mare! . - 04. on:did - the generous brute bear foeman, till the purthters wero I'of : hopeless behind. Late in the evening • - linnOr fade into' Salisbury, had the shig extracted from his shoulder, and after lin- gering some.' time - with the 'effects of 'as'. wound.and excitement, .finally got well.— ' And that gallant mare; that had done him sueli- good 'service,herkept and cherished ''" 'led of ofd age, l + , 70, SUNDAY SCHODT,'S;',4: • A .rAcw , FORARENTS......"ThOTI,.StAne difficulty in Cincinnati in deckliiigihe - ;',ii.Ms,-;. 1 tion whether or, not the • eerririion; ; SehoCt Houses,; should • be allPwed- to be 'used for ..Sunday one 'side *if is~ held that the city Ord inanpesj- ferbik . the -, :use. of the Se bUildings fortrai4rloer purposcs than coritnimi - sChael;" While- - „th'c:'othot!, maintains 'that. " . Siindity! . schobis as common as ...Monday Saturday "Schooli.' . In the course of :this..discussion it Was .natural that the 'opinions of the, common school's' .teachers slfould...be elicited on. the subject, It apPeirs Oat. a large portion Of :the Sun-, dayiehoel:•'childreit "attend the common scheoli,Mni,:it is given as the opinion of : the . latter, that the Children who attend the Sum. day schools. are the most orderly, and Make the r'fito . ef "rapid improvement. •• Fonz the. - Ittchzond 'tkite nap Read Bridge.across :11 pi vacs: River'.. „ The, great,bridge across the JameS Riyer at Itichniond, for thesaccomniodation of th'e Richmond. Gild Petersburg railroad,: may - , justly:be considered as One - .of the greatest .'works of its. kind in this country, or per haps in the world. There are longer bridges of less latitude, and higher bridges of shorter span; but when the altitude -and length of span pl' this bridge are, taken.col. lectiVely; there is perhaps not its equal in versal interest that tit this time .prevails the country ofilhe subject ofinterral - imPriF;e•- T Monts, I , desig . n to give the piddle a short . rld.itinperfeet'actddlnt of thisifitantic•, in every point ;of interesting and. splendid structure, 1. • • The location of the bridge' - across the falls of the James river; .a few bunked yards above tide' water, where lip velocity oldie current is 'exceedingly great. It is Constructed of Substantial-lattices upon lofty granite piers, with a floor upon the summit of the lattice frame. Thd stoutness of the flooring corresponds . with the.. general strength of the :design, and_ it is rendered water and tire,proof ..a. strimpiceatof pitch and sand. The entire length of the span of the. bridge is - 2,900 feet, and .the span between the. piers 100 - feet.” The en=! tire witith_of the floor is 224. feet wide' enough for a double track,) being Ay' gr than, and projecting. over, the lattice• frame 21* feet on each sid l e; the . - fraine work . therefore; 171 feet wide on 'the. top of -the piers. 'l'lw piers , are 18 number, found ed in the-rapids upon the,-solid-bed of gra-. niCe rock that lids beneath: The elevation Of the piers ahoVe coMmon water is, forty ..atu,l„_thei.i'±iliinensio is 4 b r 18 feet -aC inerthtsing Ono foot in Width and I foot iii thianess. for every 12 feet in 'the dc= seending scale. - The masonry 'consists of rownlar courses of heavy stone, heWn ,to a. „joint On their lluing surfaces+-but on . the showiti'g3faces., of each pier flit: stone-is. rot/Of - as it - caure: -- fronv - tt quarrY. rlltu . average - deptharf the• Water in.whichj they stand is 5 , feet.---which ..vireninstance, &on .riected with the great rapidity of the cur rentoetulered:it-a-matter-of much skill and diflicnityfO rennive the : large masses of leose:stulic -that occupieddthe poSition Qr so v6il4•of the..pier:l, - in inder to clear-out the foundation . and. get down the coffer.dmns. The entire elevation'of lhe - wooderi stipey-' 1 , . structure above - the, piers is 20 feet; so that the floor, wide!" iST•on top, is 60 feet above flie . .surfate of .the.L3later. Bet Ween the side, of the d'otul Work, which rests-mt the piers,:nrc,wrought in courtesotheavy:Ma-:, ! sonrv, Compitsed ofstone six ,feet long and two feet ttquare, resting upon the -tops of the piers. These - :stones, beina nicely joined and notched int& each alter, are strongly united bylron clamps, and closely, fitted to the lifiiherS of the. supprstructUre, so that the latter, being IZept in its plaeeh - f . a -solidlind—infinoviihle-inass of - masonry, may as 'fearlessly brave the' storm 'front' above, as frOm. its altitude it bids dekance ' Ito theeurrentbelow. Tlie floor upon which' the traverse. rails lie, rises five inches front each side to the centre, in order that the rain- wates may freely pass -off.. 'Guard par:4llel to the traverse rails on each track, to .preVent• the possibility of i either engine or cars running off. . In ad dition to the precaution of covering the floor with a coat of pitch and sand, a gallery of walk is -constructed Ahrouglout the whble length of the bridge underneath the main floor,- haying a 'hand-railing, upOn which Ltiumerous buckets of water arc to be ,k4t, -hanging—iready—for—extinguishing;AireT-in case such an accident should call for their use. It is presumed, however, that no fire could well occur, 'either by . accident or de sigh, . without iUstabtaneousestiscoyery,..ss. vigilant watchmen are regularly 'crossing backwards and forwards, and always im mediately after 'the crossing of a train; and, in addition to Watchmen, gates are planted at each end of the bridge, and kept;con- Mandy locked, do exclude all Who do not pass them by special permission. The frame Work is preserve - d - v-i. painted Wei, ther-coating. -- The whole structure was de -sign ecl-whh- a- vie Ur to - as time i h economy- ns was.thoughtconTsistentAVith a:just regard to strength unit durability: Its execution was -commenced_in peeember,_ 1836,--and—tha work:was finally completed on the sth of September, 1838, at a costof 150,000 dot tars. doubt whether any bridge of the same,:gigentic -dimensinnii7and-substantial character, composed of. such choice mate rials and rare workmanship, has ever been constructed at a smaller expense. The whole plan was projected by Mtinefire Ro binson, .F,sq., chief engineer, and executed under the direction of himself unit his - prin-' cipar assistant, .14r dharles O. Sandford., It would be superogatory to say any thing. -of-thtt profesSional-ability_thatzoneeis ingenitity- ; that- , executed-the, plan - : -- The Work - itself stands, - like attigh- , ~ty colossus, bestriding the ancient Powha tan, destined to hand tre.positerity both it iielf and its - authors; and those piers of im perishable granite will remain as proud, ,monuments to rewrote. generations of the, present State of Virginia and her 'sons as connected: with the sciences and the me ahanic_arts.,l_, • . Onio.--4t, is stated that in the year 1785, there was•not a single white person within the preseturihnits Of -- th - e - State - of - Oltiol-at this day, that $l, after the lapse_of fifty tli&!e yeays, its population amounts to up wards of a millitin—and it is in this respect llie,;third state in the Union ; and that poi-M -.lA* is thrice 'blessed in this; that, nine teen' twentieths' - of them are. confined. to agricultural - pursuits: There are- six or eight incorporated colleges in Obi?, and.in .nn country is greater attention bestowed upon the e4cation of the young, or to the' _. 'kchfftukm I )f the .elements Of learning among the mass of the people.. The. public-im:. 'provements, her. roads and canals, would be worthy ofthe • resources of the .oldest states • in . the Vnien, or any one of the European. Monarchies. , The cane). con necting Cincinnati. with . lake . Erie is, in ferior in extent and utility only to the,:gTO4i Avorlc effected in New-York by . th genius 1 of..6liaton.•. : • - , .' , • .. . - . 674---liir , c4c . :.4v,iti:4:tc..,wiii - 4 - .t.ti..,(A*t(-**- - 0..0:2014'.40.*: PENLVSYLV.IINL4 COLLEGE .12T GE 7 7 7'158 UR G. • We are gratiAed"to.learn that this.ltisti tution iS' in a very flourishing;condition.— ;It - deserVes'specess., Ifs coarse of studies is--of- - the, mos t-varieVand-liberaldi ind i:and what we consider .of-paramoursr value to citizens of our state, there is attached to'it a German Professorship. That: highly important department f literature, Ger 7 man, has-been,' and still is, too mutfi"ne ,glected in order to the . acquisition of lan guages 'certainly of. novery' . ohvious • . 7 The selection of its legality- was judi cious. The.breezes. - which come. from the Blue Ridge s Mountains, 'hear with them body to those who . are: . ajonrning -abont :the fountains_of knowledge.. . - • It is -distant one hundred - and- fourteen miles.from P o hiladelphia and one .hundred and - eighty . froni Pittsburgh, on a great , tnoroughfare between those two. cities. The distance from II hrriOurg is thirty=ft - Ve, from Frederick thirty-two, -from- Hagerstown . thirty-two, and from Baltim.ore- fifty miles. The line of communieatibubetween these places is such that the College- is accessible itiy..alportions of the state._ Tlie We're( the building is mie liundred-"and t feet i. . l 'consisting of a centre and two wings of a GrecianDorico:order of architecture, and being painted white,yreseirts a Very : chaste, appearance.. . . From the ,catalogue of its. officers mid sin den ts• for-the present year,,we gather The Allowing facts.: . „ . • .The number of . students during die cur -rent year is one hundred •and-thirty-eight. -Engineering is taught by a, graduate of West Point and now a practical State . 4* g,iiieeir—AnattimiCaLpTeparationsAllustrate. he---lectures on anatomy, delivered only before the• - • , genior_AAilss•. - Lectures • are de- . livered.on all subjectsOflmteral-intcrest.. ;The-students . have. access to the best ionr;;", aids and magazines of. the day. .The p.ense.s' of the year need net . exceed . one -hundred dollars. - - We will give hereafter, -die -gond-en - len-of-the -Faculty ande spective•departments.--.1 - Vd/a. Herald and Sentinel: '.." The New York . Gazette_says—kyan burgh ; the:liger tainerqind lion-queller, has had a flare up among his Sciur footed beas tials. One of his tikers . having , anifested -. :cdispositiontoJake high English ground after- arriving tilion the soil, whose' vpry . nitwit is so inetatitancous:m.imparting:fide-,, dorff to man; beast. and bird, ,Van `A nihnrgl~: had - to. fight for his - own sovereignty; It •has - always - been. our ekpeciation — that:tliis - fello -- w'Sl - rianoeuvrings - would bring - him :to an Untimely end some time or pther,"and it is still our belief than he will be eaten one of tilde s , days. ne appears, however, in .this ease to ,h4ve.Kettled the matter_ with :that partieular_brute, without a great deal of trouble to himself. - ... The `.‘John Bull" .has the-friliowiv nee . ounf of-the affair. - FURIOUS ATTACK ON MR. VAN ADIBURCK, 'OF_ASTLEY ' S AMPHITHEATRE, BY ONCili:1119 TIGERS. Shied Wednesday last, 'the prin cipal topic'; of conversation-in theWeatrical world has been the • furious attack . made ,upon.M. Van Amburgh- whose exhibition at AstleY's Royal Amphitheatre of lions, ligeirsT"lenTiarilr and - other-aniniale of--:thii"- forest, in the grand zoological spectacle ed titled the "Lion conquerer'of Pompeii,' has excited within these few days past so much public attention. . Mr. Van Amburgh lies beeir styled by the philolog6.sr 'of the above equestrian establishment as the brute tamer,_ and certainly the appellation is well applied, :as7-theJollowing-daring-fe.at-- will-prove,-Tor never was the courage or the presence of i mindtof than put - to a. severer test. From 1 the information, obtained by our reporter, .yekerday, from an authentic source It ap 7 * pears that On Wednesday last a rehearsal was going on in circus of the theatre, when Mr,,: Van Ainburgh, wishing one of his tigers to perform a certain feat which the animal-was uterly unable _or unwilling to accomplish, had recourse to severe, doporeal punishment, whipli'clieStisementlie itiflict . ~.. eil - With a large horsewhip. iriarting under the pain of the lash -the .animal became ini' -censed, ll ---and-suddenly-sprang-Aion—Mr,- Van Amburgh,• who instantly .was hurled with-violence to 'the ' ground, `from -- the _strength_ and weight of his incensed assail ant. Mr. Van Amburgh, whO is of ller culean cast, and•possessing extraordinary . muscular power, instantly perceived the in-. -tendon. of -the -animal i - -which-was-that-- of tearing hiM to pieces, and with the courage and presence of mind, which few rnen . p,m, sess, seized his foe by the lip of the lower jaw, andthus pinioned hith as a bull dog would an ox at a bait.. ' A long and fearful struggle now ensued, in the- corirse of 1 . which both the' man and the- tiger rolled oyer.several times,. At length - 11E Van ..Amiburghlibt.i.lie..better of his foe by _throw -friFlum--on--liji-baek,---'at-- the-same." time' kneeling on his stomach, and,--with his other' er hand, which was till _ now unengaged, commenced striking the prostrate animal with his, clenched fist, the the folloWing in qttch,succession, over the beail, face and particularly the nose, until tire blood flowed from t i l , clued aninal,who here quivered under asp: of ,his .conqueror. `AI length: . an Amburgh, -perceiving that he had cotlipletely overcome him, released his, hold, and the. animal, 1 finding himself-at liberty, retired a short distance from his' -master,._and, crouclfed flown, , as _if _severely - suffering fro* the punishment he had re ceived. It may here be proper to mention ifie.performers (so we understood,) did not pay any attention to the struggle, consider ' ing that it was merely a rehearsal of the part to be played in the evening,'untilthey saw him 'administering the severe chastisement as .before described to the enraged animal, and kts efforts to compel Mr. Van Amburgh to release' his hold. This encounter did not at all iniode die entvtainmente of the -evening,,;,./. ohn . Bull.•' - , It is stated that-the joint'ages of the.pre sent Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, siitY-three in number, amount to 3;642 years. The eldest of these 'eeple eiaitiee is Cardinal Bussi, who ie'B3 years of ,agei and, the .youngest Cardinal -della Genza Bermattei, who - only 37. 14;oni-liz s e New-,York Tirneir. • • . Our Foreign- negations,.. •• TO - What depth of degadation doesi l . d truckling administration„ mean to drag . us._. Our north-eastern bdundary eari.he run by any common surVeYbr. - . He who can tell= where the waters dividerwhiCh fall into the, , S..aint Lawrence and the Atlantic, can tintl the• line which separates the United- States from'Nova•"Scotia. Yet the bontemplated survey is abandoned by the general govern . .., ment: Complaisance dgrogatory, to nation al honor, had interposed and. Overruled the - iffities wide]) the ailmiiiiitialion owes,..but omits td perform to the. country, - :Nor-is less respect shown .by.. the_Presi- I dent _and bNcabinc.t to_our r _domain_on_fite. Pacific, ,Himroatillinents • are making,:nf the Most alarthing •character,.to our, inter— ests, as well as to our clear and obvious rights! Rights flied and scttled.by degrees lof latitude and longitude. Yet- are these :geographical and unerring lioundaries bro :ken down; and a . complaisant _aciMitlistra tion . subinits to it, because it wishes to se cure tojtself the smiles andEfaver of Great Britain. ' • .. . • Again, every republican who voted for ' I Mr. :Van Buren, to.clevatelim-Itythe office:, of - President of the 'Miffed - States, ilid-so; under a•conviction that he wO.idd lave itct-- ed -a part suited to the station to which be was -called—that he would - Faye - shown mielf--Whe • a Statestnan-worth-rile-em" pi re - statei:and7retle - etitig upOrr-Oat star- in- our confederacy which ga - e. him birth. :LI-IoW "have % we. een 41i6ppointed. New Yorkis humiliated. in--the eyeS of.her sister states: Whatlai her, favorite son done . to Command forler rCspeet, or elevate her - rank?, -- LeSs- - than - bothing: He- has dragged her -from her , proud = her lofty— tier fig - P6 - sit 'oll7' ,"- NO - jig - by the ignoiii - y which our repult- - lie 'has" been Made to.'en . dure, by a submis% sive an 'nisi alumnus a ministration, tn., relatiimto•ournorth-easte - yu libundary, and our territorial - rights on the Pacific; eve tire ; liri4_(ly at present, a subject ofimmcnse ' i mpor tanee, and (di no go vein men tam s sessing.the least capacity,• would have ne glected. ' Fre mean the.elaini of aforeign power talmpress an :ameriean eßizen. We 166 W that, Great Dritain r vious to our last - war,_,and ever,.since the War of the- revolution, and exercise thelight - of inwessmint•l that under this claith she did frequently•impress into her service American, citizendraggino - them frothl- - Our ships; and dompelling: them to` light in battles not our`bwm,and with na tions with wham We_ - were at peace. :Every Americanzstatesman-knew-that this-Would never-he endured by the Anteritan , people, and that, as a necessary consequence, when ever. England should be at war with any Epropean power, we must be brought_ into a conflict with her, :unless some arrange ment liras :made by the two nations which would prevent this great evil.. .We looked to_ the_ favorite_son,of New— York to bring about the remedy. To pre yent, by honorable. means, a. collision be tween Gre'at. ; Britain and the United States. is olprioni - ly Their mutual interest,' to maintainthe most friendly,. - relations. - "This, however; can only. he .secured by a mutual respect of—each other's rights. - England' mit to any.vigltion_pf_kerkights. or' her honor; mid iris 'equally certain , that the United States will not submit to the slightest violations-of her rights or her ho-_, ner. Under this viow of. the condition of the two countries, it was to have been expected that.tbe Pfesident would have communicat ed to the..l3ritish gavemment lhe necessity of an 'arrangement on the, subject. It was to have been hoped, that befure this, some satisfactory treaty •would have been sub mitted tO. the Senate for its approval. We liiiow'of no in ensures avi lig - been -ail Opted to bring about ,so .desirable an .4n unworthy trucklin, ,, we know has. taken. )lace. We shall shortly resume this sub ject in extenso. , . . _Cutting and cutting out: T .-The Att burp Daily News tells a laughable story•of a courtship and marriage whieli recently : - toolvplaee - rinT-that An Irish girl .was courted by a countryman, wh6propo sed to take ber•lor better for worse.' Mit as some of Pal's habits were of the - Worst order, the girl would not say " yes" ex actly, but "kinder sidled / OZ' As. he was engaged•on ,the !public/works some miles front the Village`, -- insitlier - Tchietif th 6 - girl cut in upon Pat at A. great rate, ind pressed this suit With so rduch . vehemence, that ih a short time . he ,gained the consent of the girl to marry him. Now it so happened • that on,..,§,aturday, h week ago, Pat got discharg ed in due season from .the public .works,- and thought that, like, - ganipson, 'he would. visit his cruel •faix one;-:.whether with' h. -Itid.'of whiskey . the • Daily - Nerifaith not. :;13utoff. he - started. On his - Way he-learned ' that - his dulainea was that - afternohn - tolbe united to his rival-- "By Sahli 'Pqtrich, this is too bad," . says. ho, and Off comes. hat, coat and b'rogheshi a hurry. these 'over his shoulder, he starts at. full speed for .the:.place where the miptials'lwore to be eonsummated.----Panting--likeTa-race •liorse, covered with *sweat and dust, he ar rived at the .door just as the betrothed pair drove up.. .Pat determined-at all to cut out his rival, and handed the doubly beloVed from the buggy._ A: violent alter - caticti - thhltplace between- the two claim ants of the lass.' • Pat carried the: election, gained the consent of the fickle one, and lcd her to another house, where he was united , to herlortbwith, to the great hiortificbtion of his rival. A :S7rEA.M.BOAT.LOSi" The , Steamboat Rolla,. on her passage *one New Orleans to St, ?Louis, struck a *snag about 3,10 mires below the month.of the Ohio, on Simday,.the 23i1 ult., at 21):: M,., ands-sunk'' 'immediately,. in' about ; Bl feet water. - ' - 'lle • passengers g.nd -crew sayed- -- themselves by swinting ashore, and clinging to We hurricane deck, Part of Which was above.'the water. Otie"-deck. 'hand was last.. 'She was insured for. liP;l2,- IoQo7—three-fourtils :of her. valtte 7 -41 . three Aiffeient 'offices, • • . 'THE . . • '• - ST. Au(3usTINE,-Sept.,lp: On Ttifisday nightlast, about 12 o'clock, Lieut.. May, in passing to his, command at Fort Peyton, heard .the-driving of, horses. He_ pushed- on; ;and just .crossed the .last bridge •When; .he -- hea' , the noise of a horse close felloWing, arid, reining up; it paased,a liftie ahead.. To the" hail; "who are you-- , speak, or I'll fire!" receiving no answer;- at the distance of three paces)ie deliberately • discharged a pistol at a person tvlib was 'leaning forward in the act' of slipping4from--the--horae. This- occured within thirty yards of the fort; so near, that the woids'were heard within. 'The send-, nel immediately hailed.and was ordeted by We - Lieutenant - to stand to his post: The following, horse entered with an - Indian's sash in his mouth fora bridle, and a•blanket his back, • The pistol had been loaded with three buckshot and a ball; the - ball was •feund le . . have struck the horse high in the , 9lrdulder, just-behind the neck; the shOt are supposed to have taken effect upon the rider, from. his position at the moment of beiug fired upon. , l3;yr judges orlhe different Indian characters, Wild -gat is 'believed' to be^this bold - fellow,:,wliose object - Seems:to have been to approach without noise, strike the passenger with a bludgeon, and .take his without alarming the: - gtirrison;• and. lentit not been for the noise necessarily made on-paying-the-bridge,the-project-is likely-lo have succeded. The - palerfa6e is allowed to haveacted with a boldUess add address equal to•the ituptalent cOUrage_of ,skni, _ . - . . . . . . 41. . . In the morning,.- Capthin-Mickler, with the volunteers, aud:Libutenant - May, .With Some regulars, fellowed them to the South. Captain — Miekler - ; -- in — tAing --- a --- edurSt -- to surround or, eta them oil', fell, lute the. regu lar trail ahead, and; with a few of the -Most •,d-NLantio& r of--his-compaity,---discovered-the- Indians in a spur of CypreSs. - sWainp - ;: near thirty miles from the post. They had.dis •posed, of, themselves with a large 'pond- in ,front with a dense and extensive swamp be hind-.. -The parties - saw-each-other - at near ly. the same moment; thelndians who were Iseen'Were hi-number seven or tight; they brand ished_their'xides giving their- 'war-whoop, -- and disappeared •into the pal mettoes. The captain . restrained • liiS-men from folfowing and firing, as the . indians. were two•hundted yards oil, and Were ap- , parently:making ready . to give baffle; ::But no more wasscOn - cirthem;anil pur-. suit,-in the country in - which theyywere i would itave - been useless. :::TheY left :be-. hind a few articlesow6 skins of honey, arid' -their horses. The horses, kappears, -they had deliberately driven up, peimed, and-ta ken-front the King's -landing, - only about a mile from .this city, and were-driving-them south, by the fort; when the_ affair occurred with Lieut. Slay. This is but the'llistory of allay in East Florida, and may give an idea of the dar ing-and-prude-nee of the Seminole, as well as the calmness 'With width he is sometimes met, and-the difficulties of pursuit. • 'There is no danger,;of-course, to-Ile-ap prehended . the city,_but_we__Whisper_ a caution to the. parties of pleasure, and such-who find it necessary sometimes tO'be out upon disputed territory. ---..ll... l S.:Yesterday.Lafternbon-41M—IndianS"- again made their appearance at Fort Fey,tOri. Wel ancholy Shipwrecks aid" ,Aps s: •of Lives.—The Key West.Floridiait of the 15th SePtember furnishes the particulars of several shipwreck in that community, • In the gale on the 71.1(u1t. •the French . brig - Courier - de Vera ;Ortiz, from,llaVana for Bordeaux, was driven i nshore about 12 miles north of, s'4e \florida . Light, . and only seven out of souls saved ; brig and-cargo-lost, The' survivors—rescued from the &vowing ocean Were soon Tisited by a large party of-Tanned Indians, who . , spared theirlives because they were French men?'saying that they only killed Ameri cans. - The captain . and_the six othensur viyors were taken from the beach after the. .gale - was over, by a smack bound to Key West. . - The American brie Alderly, Thomas, master, from St. Jago,--welt-- ashore 'about the_ same time . - and near_ - _the,same_place.= Every Man on board, except one, a Dutch- . man,. massacred by.the Indians. . . The, brig Export, and - ship - 'l`hracian, went ashore at.the s4e-time-nearly' off Caesar's Creek. T.ll4:! i #ew of. the brig. saved—that of the ship are probably lost. The sloops Alabama, Dread - and Caution of Ny-Stic, 'drove ashore and - lost in the same gale'.. The only survivor yet ascer tained is Joseph Noble. . . The sehooner -Caroline; of Key-West, ing at . anchor off Clem Creek, 'during the - gale droVe from' her mooringi out on the reef, struck and tititik,____Master_and . --- . -- Tke - sellooner - CaledoniaTfront - IravaliS: for . Ncw Orleans, also lost - on the - Colora does: Fate Of-the crew unkooWn. :‘ , - , Tlie‘ . Revenue Cutter Campbell arid-U. S. schooner Wave !laic proceeded for the Cape to sffol•il:aitl if possible. o • - In one respect the farmer has the advan age of almost all other classes of-the labor-, Ing comingnity,. hi§ evenings he has to him self. While the 'mechanic has to labor rom - morning till 'nine -- O'ehTeliiirthe even ing, the farmee§ day coinmencea with the rising and 'setting of the 'Sun. Althraigh he very economically appropriates sonic of his evenings to little jobs yet the,most part of the long,whiter evenings he can appro. - priate to amusenient and , instruction: In, no place, do we see more cheerfur-counte nances than around the blazing fire - upop the farmer's hearth.. • There, at the merrY 'ap• ple paring,.or at the. neighborhood colla tiora , or'evenAn the family circle alonc,, do we' find.. social happiness ""in its purest plieity. • What an op . poynnlityrthiti . for the acquisition of knowledge ? • What farmer who improves theseopportunities can but be intelligent.? ,—And. what instruction •so interesting as that'whieh givge,him a knowl edge of his own. employment? Here We would suggestthe' importance of every far mer having a Slippy . Of . agricultural '. books . . 4. anu,•papers. • It. sperns to us that no one; can be inset - 101e of their ptility.2. .If this should be' a suggestion of selNuterpst,-Whieh. we_do not.deriy,still we believe ibepincides with the interest of the farmer. We will not •enlarge •on this . subjeet,ras •we appre hend itr,,will - nsit conlietlfa - knowledge Which we - recommend. We will-kbarely say,.that we -expect bur "subscribers to in crease. as the evenings lengthen.—.lThzeri can Grower. • .• "."" tip : • • EXTENSIVE FIIAI3 - . Theinformatioeireceivedrespecting„tbe result of the general . eleetron in this State, is such as to, leave ,no doubt' of: the hocb Foco4'lran:Burey-fiar,tyliavirig'extensively ' nevei;bep6 'known in any country; and that yeii to it, they areindebted for their apparent success. ' In some places•their plans were discov ered before the day of election arrived;_ but generally - We believe they were so dafeful ly .conceajed as -to escape- detection in-time :prevent them. On Friday last; in the county of Phila delphia; ittnan was arrested and put into prison, on -the ground of being. concerned ni a. conspiracy' lo cheat -and defraud the voters of - the 3d. district. who lafterWards confessed thatlie•was-to have been appoin ted one of the. Judges of the Kensington poll;•and was .to reture about 1400 majori ty-fdr Polley; andlliarthe7 - retUrriS,Telithi' certificates and all were TlJEN — already MADE OUT. ThiPman was te'be paid certain suns as cdmpensation; and he im plicated _the Post Master, Ctistom House 10flieers, and. Marshall of the Eastern Dis triet (well !mout) in It arrishtirg) all, GO_ OFFIC. HOLDB.I6;, - in -the-GO NS P " . • .. .. Intaigenec from other .parti;.leavepo ' doubt of the saw 'plot.having"been-cariied•l out in_ollwrpki.e.s-and-thatll-10-U-SWIN-DS . --. and we- mit.tht*y TENS OF THOUS- . ANDS OF ILLEC4,ALTOTES 'have been pollpd - by them....- , .. .• .. . • . . - We are' informed from--a sonreeentitled to -the fullest credit, ihat'in Berks and some: of the other counties, -not only the votes of persons Who jratt no right to vote, were ta 7 ken,:but thathundreds,of.,personS t froni the adjoining counties Went into4erks •on the previous . - day, - - other times, .VO'T'ED TIFORE- EARLY AND RETURNED TO THEIR, RESPEO- TivE• CO UN-TIES AND • VOTED AOAIN •ON THE SAME • PAY. Alit fact we-believe• can. be establislied•by • the ,• - most ample testimony, • In Berks county - -where" there . are under 0000 taiableihhabitants, including female's,. &e., the - re - Were abo - ut . 10,400„Vtites'igfed -oh Ttiesday lasi! abmit:2,ooo More than. were polled in l8:35, when Muldenberg, 'Wolf and were run, and the greatest efforts were made by.:all parties. This fact can not leave ajdoubt, in the mind 'of any Man that there were more than ONE THOUSAND LtLEGAL . VOTES GIV EN TO DX`VID R.' PORTER:- IN BERKS cOVNTy—and that all the bets made by- / the friends. Of _Gov, - Ritner would haye . been "fairly . and honorably won,:bad the / eleetion been conducted accorzlinai- to t' • • We are also apprized that :a very large .pxopordonLuLthc Judges-of the election in Berks county, ,were interested in the result, by bets that they had at gtake, •whicktotal ly disqualified them to act in that capacity; —that travellers, crews of boats, beggars, and persons of every description were al lowed to voteand that votes were actual ly/taken from such persons and put into l_boxeS.oll-MONDAY,---TOE-DAY-13EFORETIlri i ELECTION. As these facts; 'e believe; can all be pro •Ved, and there can he no doubt of the ma-1 lotity in that eduntY having been'obtained try the GROSSEST FRAUD, KNAVERY, and VIOLATION OF LAW, we. would warn_those Nv,ho ha . ve bets pending upon it riot to giVe-them up untila thorough inves tigation has been made—and . Vie would commend the ,. sainet — cluitiOn totiw im mense haire bet upon the general-result: amount of money that.has! b,cen.bet - was one .of thegreat indueements-- , and the friends of fait dealing should guard- against -PAYING MEN FORBEING K-NAVES. r - js.We -have also learnt from :York . county that several hundred men, brought from New' York to work upon the"Susque lanha canal, not three days - previous to :the election-, were taken to the polls'and allowed to vote.. ME We . tru,st that there- will - he• a nioR OTJOH INVESTIGATION of the election in this'State, •and - - hope that ,none holding, bets •will be allowed to 'give' them up until it takes place, and.'jt is, established as hav ing been' „honorably' 'lt to this effect should be given to the stake- Prom-thejblipd4tatea, Gazette. AWFUL FRAUD lIPON'THE TEO- • Yesterday was the return day for the - late 4 elwtion. The Place 'of - making these re' turns is the Hall of Independence.. After . the returns of the city election were -made. out, it was perceived, that there was on the part of the Loco Fdeos a determination to perform some actin violation of the rule of right; and on receiving the returns fr' The_ :various -districts,- e En- . sOLLAtiman .who was the Loco F - 5 . c0 can didate for Congress, appeared i the room, armed with. books, papers and- 'notbs, to protest against the returns of , the, district of the 'Northern. Liberties.... As far as we could - learn:„ the objections were founded on the following 'circumstances:—The in spectors (or officer's) of the sixthr,,and sev en,thlvardsVa - d LOST their. tally books, and some objection was made to some trivial act during the eleetion Mend for_ these. laclies'or misdeeds, of the Loco Focb-Offth ors. -in Their own wards, Mr. Ingersoll lad - the. impudertcoo demand, the - rejection of :the whole seven wards - of the Northern Liber ties, because of: the . ktutorts or frauds ;`dud, 'monstrous as was the proposition, there. Were.foUnd amOng.the return j i udgesrt ina jority, to agree to it= r -absolutel t y 'to - tlirdtii out the -whole vote of . the N ibeir ties, heea"upelat errors or audit in on r PLE. rico: wards,.the very.wards that were under the direction of the Loco Fowl, themselves; .., as if . they would: trot, destroy a box or do other -acts equally wrong, to destroy. the whole vote-of the district, containing - a Fade majority against their :own party. Pur suing this course, the • diree Loco' Foco • return judges - sigii a certificate that:Charles - J. Ingersoll is• elected to• Congress• in the third districWand :three.-Whig judges; de••• •• tiding against- the: fraudulent proceedings - • - that deprived, the whole Northern , Liber ties of : their votes, gave to CHARLES NAT.' • `Lon certificateof his election. The!. monstrous deciiion which cutoff. the:Northern Liberties, of course cut off all— ihoPes of returning- the Whig: candidates for ilte_SMiate antLthoJlQuse of -11cpresenta....• 'Lives at Harrrisburg ; and aceoitlingly, ten . Of the return judges gave tolhe Loco Foco candidates a cortifiCate of a eetion,.andseven . • -signed-a---protest-:against the = proceedings n -L-• that -are a disgrace to human nature. •: That the whole proceedings, from be ginning to end,' are -part of a-conspiracy to defraud the pleople of their rights,,to cheat a. district containing 5000. voters out df •ita 'votes, • there can scarcely be. a doubt; ,• and .that there can be as little doubt that had ' two. of .the Loco Foco judges evinced a disposition to do right, • there would have beenviolence and bloodshed., is•fo us dent front all the proceedings. For ex-'_ ample, in yetc - i'day morninesiyetinsybia nian, there appeared "the ng followi notice i • • • ,"'DEMOCRAT'S ATTEND. • " The Democrats of-the city and county f_thiladelPhia,are—requested-to=meetin—, -front of-Ahe,State• 'House; •-Chestniit street, moraing . , at nineio'clack, to hear the . report_Of the-TetUrn judges,'arid - tozsee Oar they are not defrauded out , of their votes; • after they, have. been placed -in the ballot • . AncLan editorial notice referretto the -call-ivitlrparticular — point -- '!'hem call—was responded to, and the State,flonso,was.be j sieged, With ibeLbOdy. guard' Of the .f.o'co rose. ndinfoo_the-call-and-sustai Ingersoll . anahislin•judgei. F .' After Mr. Ingersoll had Made his 'appear anee, and commenced his,. impertinence in , lire hall, Alr...NA'ylor was sent for—and the o'vel sight was .-,presented- of two candi- - ( es "pleadingbefore the return judges. t is not our. intention rtme-to,coinment upon .the 'proceedings' above noted; - nor to designate - with- becoming- epithets the con. duct-of the majority of •judges,. - .- - The pea -, pie are indignant—but whether they will quietly the_slotraction and probable iiijusticc of. :Legslaturc and Congress,. we pretend %-not toTithow: - We hdpe and trust that they will show theinselves respect-. Crs of the_ law—hitt ,never have tlrey been so grosslyoittraged• — . . .thifs.loEß HILL TO tinDnsTriorEn! - Tlid .. -Bosron Journal :says:—`‘The grading or. Blinder Hill, or . more properly„ . Breed's Hill; has commenced. We visited it yes terday and found the pickaxe and spade briskly employed. mWe learn that it is the intention-oftlie-propriators-ofthe r .thelots'to re:duce the about eight feet; and - of course the' old redoubt will be destroyed, and all ,the surface remoVed'excePtiug a few. hundred .square feet around • the Monument.' We Icara_that much. felling-exists-in-relation-.to this preceeding; and we hope. it ,is not even' yet too laic to stop the desecrating work' ncl• save the battle ground. There is not a place on Earth, net. Thermyphe, nor .the Capitoline Hill of Rome; so worthy-of im. , l mortal honor, or wtionee, have sprung re sults of such momentuous importance to the human race. • "The Carlisle Female)Seinik In the County of Cunaberiand; h'enn'a. Through the libef‘ality of the Legislature of the State, the Trustees of .this Institution have been' end-. bled to establish it upon a substantial and liberal foum. datio. . The seminary is arranged 'under three distinct departments. • The first i • embracing instruction in ancient and . modern languages, and the fine arts, •• , . Twb other departments = embracing a liberal cotirso ' 'of .English education. ' . - • . .. J.- Seim , -Presidebt of the -. Board ofTiMstees, is es 070). principal of_ the seminary. ,_ . .' - • The two departments, last referred tootre now or. •ganized.nfid in complete •operatiom--one mader_the mumagement-of-Miss-Pum=a PAINS--the other, of Miss Snit'Att CimatiF,tt • • The other department will lm put into operation as • . Sr/MAO suitable Teachers can. he protured. ' --, ---- •At present, arrangements are - made; and the plan is in operation -- ; for teaching Beading, Writing, Arithme tic, Geography'; Grammar Rhetoric,-History, Chro- „- twisty, Chemistry, Naturtil, Mental And Moral Phi., losuph, Astronomy, Drawing., Painting; and-the • Latin, 'reach, Italian and Spanish Languages. • Applications are -solicited for instructors, 'maim.. ' .laxly. 11l thpyrench• Language and Music.: _ • - For the receptien of , pupils..into..the_different. dpi_______ partntcnts, arrangements may be made with the heads of the departments respectiibly, withbut the interpo sition of .the Principal or Board of Trustees. • Suitable arrangements are made for Boarding and . Lodging - young ladies from abroad 'with the Teachers,- in' he two departments now organized, .., By order of the Board, Cl,f.(*er - 18, 1598 DIVIDEND. SAVINGS FUND OFFICE, OADEISEE, n t • October , r 181 - 1838., • irtllia.goard of Directors of this Instituti o n, harts It this day declared a divieend of, 3 pE E . C NI , . for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders and weekly depositors, on or after. the 10th October instant. By order of the:969rd. 'JOHN.T. .3IYERS, Triairurfer,.. October 5, 18.58. • - • NOTICE timberland testamentary On Alm last will of J. DAM BRANDT, late of Monroe township, timberland eounty;.deeensed; havirq issued to the subscriber, residing in Allen township, all . persons indebted to said estate will .make payment (deb- to the.subseriber, and th6se having claims will present them for •sktlement. • • • GEORGE AIEELMAN. • ' 'Executor. October 5, 1855,-..ir ASSI °TICE' is hereby. given, .that. the account of ' , Glii EE `ACCOUNT.: ~ lYiemas CraArkad, Esq. Assignee of JOHN * * .. 1 1 . .0 ca4NDLISII, has been , presennd cm. ted' to .f the Cote -r Cumberla - - r JOHN REED, 111.-GALDWELL, . 'Committee.